To be fair, no one gives a damn.
If a foreign player is great enough and wins enough, it's entertaining enough, I think he can be the face, but no one is thinking about the nationality of Naismith, who at his most popular is the answer to a trivia question.
MJ won an NCAA title without PJ
MJ won Olympic Gold without PJ
MJ led his Olympic team to an 8-0 record against ALL NBA pros before he got to the league (has anyone else ever done that?)
MJ would have figured it out. Alpha competitors always figure it out. Winners will find a way to win.
Chu Chang created a thread with an old Reddit posts from highwhey's Reddit. It's the thread that I linked to, but somebody snitched to the mod (my guess Axe or highwhey himself) and so the thread was removed.
I still have an open tab with the thread, as well as the Reddit link. The post was posted 7 years ago, health related, and highwhey...
Agree with everything you posted here. Just want to say this about your take. The 2015/2016 Warriors dropping from like a top 10 team of all time to a heavy title threat is a pretty damn big drop.
FultzNationRISE would get this.
starface has made a commitment to not get himself involved in political talk with the usual suspects, and often corrects himself by deleting politics related posts.
Okay, but my entire point was that bad men will meet in secret and do bad things with or without whatever frat or country club they are a part of. Greedy powerful men are going to try and do greedy things no matter what. Banning freemasonry wouldn't prevent secrets from happening. It is not rocket-science. You're pointing your finger at the wrong...
Axe is now posting the picture of an autistic girl in his animals thread. Humoring himself. At 6am, continuing the on the dot posting, because I called him out on it, and because I ignored his previous 5am post.
MJ had what? 4 legitimate seasons early in his career? You act like he had 10 seasons of failure before Phil Jackson got there. In the last year before PJ became the head coach, MJ led his team to two upsets before losing to the champs, giving them the only two losses of the playoffs. Dude was a competitor. He would have won with or without...
Statistically, it's the biggest carry job scoring wise between a first and second option in Finals history. Shaq averaged more rebounds than Kobe did points in that series, and his ppg average was higher than Kobe's FG%
I don't feel like going another 12 rounds today... The bottom line is Masonry is based on secrecy,... which is not ideal for politics if your hope is to have a transparent government.
It's not rocket-science.
The same cannot be said for almost every other religion.... you don't have to become a Christian, Jew, or Muslim to understand what...
Americans will always embrace an American star 1st, even if he's of lesser quality. We know that Joker is special, as is Luka. But do either really feel like the face of the league at this point to you? They don't in us. We'll have to wait and see if playing for the Lakers can push Luka into that level of visibility here.
It is global but it's base is still America. I don't think its so much that a foreign player can't be the face but they have to be incredible visually for it to register here. Perhaps if they ever expand to having franchises in other countries then it could be more viable from a marketability standpoint because we're more likely to support out...
Chris, who deleted his post, basically summarized what "free speech" means to some of you. Just the ability to insult people and be openly ignorant and racist. He just wants to be able to call people fragile dickheads without being banned. None of you are actually scared that this will lead to something greater than that. If you are scared of...
It's very weird if americans can't embrace Luka, Jokic, Giannis as the faces of the league. They are all entertaining and with good personalities. Should europeans not have embraced Messi, Maradona, Neymar etc?
At some point you've gotta ask yourself, all due respect to Mj: why couldn't anyone else win coaching Mj then? No one else won coaching Kobe. Only Pat effing Riley was able to win with Shaq outside of Phil. Mj was great, the goat depending on the criteria, but let's stop shitting on his great help. There's far too much info and analysis to still...