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  1. Tucker Carlson/Sean Hannity
  2. Jimmy the Greek predicts Donald Trump's Presidential victory in the 80s
  3. No Trump did not send troops to Portland to arrest manage chaos
  4. Better Stimulus Package: Cleverness or House Democrats?
  5. Better Stimulus Package: House Democrats or Cleverness?
  6. Little Donny isn't even good with coloring books
  7. Is Trump quite possibly the best athlete we've had as President??
  8. The Golden State Killer is former Policer Officer Joseph James Deangelo
  9. The Republic Strikes Back
  10. Communist Heroes of the Present: The 14th Dalai Lama
  11. Players in masks look stupid
  12. Communist Heroes of the Past: Jesus Christ
  13. So this happened on the freeway by my house a few days back.
  14. RIP FultzNationRISE 198?-2020. Dead from advanced COVID.
  15. Meet the first woman president of the United States of America
  16. Holy ****, are the dems actively trying to lose to Trump?
  17. Trump vs McMahon 2007 for the WWE Title feat: STONE COLD
  18. Bernie Sanders co-chair: Voting for Joe Biden like eating ‘half a bowl of s–t’
  19. Two women charged with beating Wisconsin lawmaker during protest
  20. Pentagon admits to having “off world vehicles“ not from earth
  21. Joe Biden finally has his Hillary moment caught on camera
  22. China is racist
  23. Kaepernick and Fauci will be honored as Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights award
  24. Is Trump the only President to not show physical aging from a term?
  25. 60 years ago Kennedy and Nixon were the US Presidential Candidates
  26. Herman Cain passes away at 74 from complications with COVID-19
  27. McDonald's may call the cops on you if you refuse to wear a mask
  28. Trump calls for delays in Presidential Election
  29. Why hasnt Trump caught the COVID?
  30. USA is the least racist place in the world but have the most problem around racism
  31. Goggles boy aka Dr. Fauci refuses to admit that protests can lead to Covid spread
  32. Goodbye, Uncle Sam....
  33. Yes all lives matter, but it seems like it's the racists that say that
  34. Seattle City Council move to abolish police department with new bill
  35. No thread about Bill Clinton being exposed for having visited Epstein’s island?
  36. BLM - The Marxist Revolution
  37. Owner of the Jeep that was set on fire in Macomb County says he doesn’t know motive
  38. Jesse Ventura for prez. Who says no?
  39. Jesse Ventura destroys Piers Morgan over 9/11
  40. a surprisingly honest ad by the White House
  41. United States deaths and mortality info from the year 2017
  42. National Brainwashing Association
  43. Elon Musks says Democrats are the reason China is overtaking USA
  44. Communist Heroes of the Past: Tupac Shakur
  45. New York City shootings rose 177% in July
  46. A large explosion just took place in Beirut
  47. Socialist Venezuela is becoming New Iran
  48. Commie Libtard Diaries
  49. Biden to black journalist,"You taking cocaine or not? Are you a junkie?"
  50. Trump's Axios interview
  51. Trump's Portnoy interview - "It's the re-tweets that get you in trouble"
  52. I'll tell you what the big picture outlook for America is then imma retire for a few
  53. Trump Hotel
  54. Let's bring socialism to the USA
  55. Joe Biden just doesn't like Black people
  56. Anniversary of the nuke
  57. Allen lichtman predicts a biden 2020
  58. scary psychology learned from 9/11 attacks
  59. Are American pickups getting too big? The left thinks so
  61. The Epstein umbrella is huge
  62. Antifa
  63. Try and name a single US President who was a good person
  64. Why not have a 3rd Popular Party?
  65. Looting, protests and gunshots in Chicago over rumor a child was shot by cops
  66. Full Bodycam Footage of George Floyd Arrest Released
  67. Christianity isn't the problem, Christianity in the United States is the problem...
  68. Seattle Police Chief Carmen Best quits as a result of budget cuts
  69. Liberals, tell me why Trump is “so much worse than Biden”
  70. Is it possible Kamala Harris slept with Joe Biden to get the VP nod?
  71. First domino just fell: FBI Lawyer Kevin Clinesmith Pleads Guilty
  72. We told you white liberals the protests would eventually reach your neighborhoods
  73. Here is what is going to happen in the election
  74. California just deemed its 10 round magazine capacity limit unconstitutional..buy up.
  75. Question about Biden saying he'd ask Dr. Fauci to stay on if elected
  76. The USPS News Discussion Thread
  77. Portland Security
  78. Black Lives Matter mob beats man unconscious after making him crash truck
  79. Republican Senate Intelligence committee report on Russia involvement in 2016
  80. USPS appreciation thread
  81. So... how long until WW3 actually does break out?
  82. Portland protesters murder driver after crashing truck near Black Lives Matter Rally
  83. Joe Biden is Joe Biden's husband
  84. Steve Bannon Arrested for Fraud
  85. A progressive income tax is the ultimate "**** you" to the rich guys
  86. This was the DNC's show closer hype video
  87. Wuhan Pool Party
  88. Poll: Can Joe Biden tie his shoes?
  89. BLM prevented Nanners and his cats from sleeping last night
  90. A bare minimum of half of people will be unemployable in the coming decade or two
  91. Communist Heroes of the Present: Assata Shakur
  92. Republican National Convention Key Speakers
  93. US House Approves $25 Billion For Postal Service
  94. Bodycam Shows Police Shooting Active Shooter at Walmart Distribution Center
  95. Looters get ready to be happy. Unarmed black man shot by white cop in Wisconsin
  96. Are all these figureheads from Protestant institutions psychopaths and deviants?
  97. Proof Republicans live in a different reality compared to most Americans
  98. President Donald Trump Issues A Full Pardon to Jon Ponder
  99. In a tightening race, the trends are running in Trump's favor
  100. Twice as many white people are killed by cops than black people
  101. 700k people are locked up in the U.S. For marijuana possession
  102. Lets go to portland fellas
  103. Protestor gets arm nearly blasted off
  104. Why couldn’t just tase Jacob blake
  105. Never in human history has authoritarianism selectively hurt groups of people.
  106. Trump calling for drug tests before presidential debate
  107. ROFL. They are looting and rioting in Minnesota because a black man killed himself
  108. The winds may be shifting
  109. Split United States into two nations?
  110. Make sure y’all vote
  111. Fed's Jerome Powell announces new monetary inflation policy
  112. How Trump can win the election, make history, and blow left-wing minds all at once
  113. Rusten Sheskey, the guy that shot Jacob Blake 7 times in the back (now paralyzed)
  114. VOTE: [We Need More Law and Order] vs [We Need Law Enforcement Reform]
  115. Peak trump(2020)
  116. What extreme would it take for a white cop to justifiably open fire on a black man?
  117. This is what can happen when a person resists arrest and reaches inside their vehicle
  118. Nancy Pelosi knows Trump is going to win
  119. Herschel Walker's son calls Jacob Blake a 'crazy violent criminal'
  120. About 200 black people a year are killed by cops. On any given month
  121. big daddy trump slapped silver again.
  122. Farmer Trump wins Emmy Idol
  123. A vote for Biden/Liberals is a vote for this DEMONIC behavior
  124. Ronald Reagan warned us about the Democrats in 1964
  125. It's almost over Melania, hang in there
  126. When someone resists arrest, what should happen next?
  127. Jacob Blake: This is why he had a warrant out for his arrest
  128. Trump's weakness to win is due to Covid-19
  129. Black females are the most judgmental crowd on social media
  130. People running the left are sociopaths
  131. Derek Chauvin has requested the judge dismiss his charges...
  132. So Fake News CNN now let’s you know when Blacks get arrested/detained
  133. Antifa member just killed a Patriot Prayer member in Portland
  134. Apparent Bernie bro explains voter fraud
  135. All of this is 100% News Media Outlet’s fault
  136. Is saying "Liberty and Justice for All" enough?
  137. 39 missing children found
  138. You can’t survive that leaking in 2020.
  139. Masses of Democrats and BLM marching the streets screaming "DEATH TO AMERICA!!!"
  140. If Biden wins, more riots and protests would spread throughout the country
  141. Truth of jacob Blake reveals, should NFL still have Jacobs name on the helmet?
  142. Should we ship all these leftist libs to Mexico?
  143. Guy blindsides someone with a brick to the head while friend films it
  144. Feel bad for the man that died
  145. There will be no 2021. Next year will be year 1 AG.
  146. A day without conservatives
  147. Rioting time in LA. Call me the next kyle rittenhouse
  148. Black Lives MAGA
  149. Joe Biden's Speech in Pittsburgh yesterday
  150. Looks like Minneapolis is turning Red
  151. I finally know why they went after Kyle
  152. 54 ppl in Chicago shot this wkd. 10 died. The good news. The gangs have made a pact
  153. Official BLM & ANTIFA Members Acting Nuts Thread
  154. WGN America’s ‘NewsNation’ airs today. The nail in CNN's coffin?
  155. Another one of California's stupid ideas supported by the NBA
  156. "LBJ's defensive range is incomparable." -Steve Kerr
  157. Joe Kennedy losses to Ed Markey in the Primary.
  158. Rapists should get the death penalty
  159. Black father's open letter to Lebron
  160. Malcolm x doesn’t align with BLM views. Why?
  161. Vaccine could be available November 1st
  162. Is Steven A Smith a race baiter or is he actually racist? Is it both?
  163. California just made it easier to get away with having sex with minors/children
  164. Affirmative action needs to go away
  165. Is using the term "Privilege" now the new excuse for being a loser?
  166. The insanity in academia... just... LOL!! Oh holy ****ing shit. l.o.l.
  167. CNN eats brains
  168. Whoah. Covid deaths to surpass 400,000 in US before January
  169. Democrats introduce legislation to declare racism a public health crisis
  170. 2020: The Movie - Cast Interviews
  171. Cops killed the Antifa murderer
  172. Pastor Manning is a genius
  173. Do you agree with President Trump that US Soldiers are 'suckers' and 'losers'?
  174. Washington Post article calling attention on how “Women are being shot by cops too”
  175. Black man lures white couple with car sale then kills them
  176. Gay former liberal on why he became a Trump supporter, Created the WalkAway movement
  177. Biden's Chinese Secrets. This will destroy his presidency. Watch before its deleted
  178. Shocking 2015 Ann Coulter predction
  179. Rich woke leftists should give poor people 1 million dollars each
  180. Kabar: michael cohens book is coming out tomorrow
  181. Motivational Trump Video
  182. Joe Biden: "The only person calling to defund the police is Donald Trump"
  183. Message I just got from the Black Male Voter Project.
  184. Donald Trump nominated for Nobel Peace Prize for brokering Israel-UAE Peace Deal
  185. We allow....
  186. Black Community helps Police Officer arrest assailant
  187. 2020: Muslim atrocities
  188. The POTUS is on tape admitting he down played the pandemic
  189. White Privilege is a racist term.
  190. I understand why Candace Owens is such a Tom
  191. ESPN airing black national anthem
  192. U. of Michigan Dearborn Hosts Racially Segregated ‘BIPOC’ and ‘Non-POC’ Events
  193. Privatize the police and prison system
  194. The Election Is Being Rigged AGAINST Trump And Its INSANELY Obvious
  195. Democrats kill stimulus bill
  196. Cardi B vs Candace Owens
  197. Muslim country executes wrestler
  198. 19 Families buy land in florida for a black community.
  199. Two LA Sherriff Deputies were ambushed in their car by gunman
  200. The face of white Antifa and BLM protestors
  201. Trump was on fire
  202. Candance Owens obliterates Queen James
  203. 50 shot 11 killed this wkd in Chicago
  204. I'm a Proud American!
  205. joe rogan interested in moderating a presidential debate
  206. Ok, I'll just jump right on top of this cop car... ;)
  207. Man beats and drags an old man down the sidewalk because he asked him to give space
  208. Hey Kamala, your subconscious is showing...
  209. Jim Cramer slips up on Live TV and calls Nancy Pelosi "Crazy Nancy" to her face
  210. Reminder, make sure you get registered to voter
  211. Which timeline are we living in, ISH?
  212. NBA players will wear warm-up shirts with "VOTE" on the front of them
  213. poor little girl
  214. Why does the Left lie so much?
  215. TRump on 20/20 town hall meeting
  216. Support for BLM dropping like a rock among all races except blacks
  217. Kamala Harris administration
  218. Are you for or against the death penalty?
  219. Cop shooting at dog that killed homeless woman is indicted(original thread deleted)
  220. Democrats are cowards
  221. trump exposed
  222. Would you agree to legalize abortion with sterilization?
  223. "Antifa started the fires"
  224. Democrats are Demonic
  225. joe biden arrives to a raucous crowd
  226. RBG has died. Prepare for absolute madness.
  227. So I have already heard the plan is if Biden wins they will try to increase
  228. Equality Can't Wait
  229. Tito Ortiz Mexican MMA Champ drops truth bombs
  230. what makes joe biden a socialist?
  231. Nancy Pelosi Glitches and then Reboots in Mid Interview
  232. r u in favor of additional economic relief?
  233. How many of you guys are QAnon?
  234. Why are the Democrats such crybabies??
  235. Joe Biden cannot answer interviewers questions without reading from his teleprompter
  236. How Bloomberg is going to help Biden win Florida
  237. How many lives has Trump's Coronavirus Team saved?
  238. Watch out weave and liquor stores. BLM is about to riot in Louisville
  239. Jerry Nadler appears to shit his pants while at a press conference
  240. Just got details from the B Taylor case..
  241. Kyle Rittenhouse - The Truth in 11 Minutes
  242. Trump vows to stay in office regardless of 2020 election results
  243. POTUS gets booed, crowd chants "vote him out!" at Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s funeral
  244. Why even have the Constitution
  245. FBI investigates ballots for Trump found in Pennsylvania garbage
  246. Biden campaign retires for the day at 9 a.m. as election looms
  247. where are all hunter biden corruption news???
  248. LA Driver Attacked by BLM Terrorists and then handcuffed by police
  249. There has been less than 100 child and teenager deaths from Covid 19 in the U.S.
  250. Communist Heroes of the Past: Mao Zedong