View Full Version : What's your impression on Ricky Rubio now?

08-25-2008, 02:54 PM
The Gold medal game was the first time I've seen a complete game of him against real competition. The kid is amazing as a 17 year old. The understanding of the game, the poise, the ability to handle against pressure, the defense, all at such a young age. This isn't like Darko where we only read about him coming off the bench against Euro players, we're actually seeing this prospect hold his own against some NBA players. Anyone else convinced?

08-25-2008, 02:57 PM
Very impressive in the gold medal game. Just the fact that a 17 year old kid can look competetive playing next to CP3, Deron, Kobe, Lebron... it boggles my mind.

08-25-2008, 03:06 PM
rubio, the one who does teh same exact behind the back crossover ever single time that leaves deron and cp3 on the other side of the court?

big tuna
08-25-2008, 03:07 PM
gotta agree with both posts so far. watched 3 games that he played, 2 vs team usa and the kid's got great court vision. pretty good judgement for a 17 year old but it can definitely be improved.

if he develops a consistent nba range three then he has the potential to be the the best 20 year old pg to hit the league. scary to think what he'll be like at 25 going at this rate

08-25-2008, 03:10 PM
Not NBA ready and leaving for the NBA too soon will destroy his potential.

08-25-2008, 03:22 PM
No better than telfair was as a 17 year old

08-25-2008, 03:24 PM
It's hard to believe he is just 17 years old. I feel he is a very talented kid with a bright future.

08-25-2008, 03:33 PM
Not NBA ready and leaving for the NBA too soon will destroy his potential.

WTF is that supposed to mean? He just held his own against the ****in best guards in the whole league/world, forced Kidd to the bench, but he is not ready for Steve Blake, Jamal Tinsley and Rafer Alston. :hammerhead: :hammerhead:

I wouldn

08-25-2008, 03:35 PM
he's only 17? bright future ahead of him..i am impressed..

08-25-2008, 03:43 PM
I posted this a week ago and stand by it. I really like him, and the reaction to his good game for the gold is only slightly less overblown than his mediocre game in pool play.
His issues remain the same, and I have a fear that they compound in the NBA. But I do love the way he plays.

Originally Posted by Thorpesaurous

First, I really like Rubio. I had seen prior to these olympics, as much as I could find on him, and was glad to see he was being given a bigger role than previously expected on the spanish team. He plays what I consider a beautifull game. I've never been enamored with dunks, or even finishes in general, as much as plays to lead to shots so easy that nothing complicated is possible. In fact, if you can squeeze a ball into a spot so tight that nothing but the most basic simple shot possible can be gotten off, that to me is the highlight of highlights.
Everytime I saw Rubio, the same thing jumped to mind. He had to work on his jumper, and he had to get stronger physically. He's never going to be a plus athlete at the NBA level. But at 6-4, he's got long wings, and he's quicker than he looks, with good defensive instincts, so I figured he'd get by.
However, the more I watch him, the less I believe he's going to be great. I don't actually think he's going to get enough stronger for it to ever not be an issue. I know he's young, and it's not like he's small, he is 6-4, but he just doesn't have a great frame. He's narrow through the shoulders, and in the hips, and usually guys who are thin when there young, if they have broad shoulders and hips, have the room to fill out. As for the jumpshot, he doesn't even have the foundation that I can project real improvement. Derrick Rose wasn't a great shooter this past year, but it was easy to see why people were able to overlook it because he had such a strong base to build from. Rubio still shows a need to get his shot up over his head from range, which is something I work on with kids at the middle school level.
Then I start thinking about the comps thrown around about the guy, and the ones I think of. The league built around iso play, which actually minimizes all the things that make Rubio special. It also hurts what he brings to the table defensively. He needs guys to be constantly moving around him, so he can use his gifts to find the seams that only a handfull of people can find. There are only a few players in the league still like that. Jason Kidd is this type of player, but Kidd, while never an elite athlete, is exceptionally strong for a PG, something I'm not sure Rubio will ever be above average in. Kidd could use his strength to force the issue.
Brent Barry at one time brought a similar wiry build to the game, and probably not the same level of instincts, but he was very natural. He however was a plus shooter and athlete for a while.
Jason Williams had a game like that, but it only worked when he was still good enough to demand the ball. That sort of thing is what make Rubio something of a boom or bust prospect in my eyes, because if he turns out good enough, his skill set will shine, but he'll have a harder time functioning as a perephery player.
The guys with bad jumpers who've made it on the wing are a short list too. And most of them are elite level athletes. Guys in that size range that come to mind are Leandro Barbosa, and while Rubio can push tempo, probably not like that, and finishing may be an issue as well.
The guy who's got a creative type of game like that, minust the jumper, and the plus athleticism ... Jamal Tinsley. That's not exactly the type of guy I'd be dying to put in as a cornerstone. Tinsley is 6-3 by the way, so it's not like the size is that off. Obviously the hope is that Rubio won't completely waste his talents with one of the worst attitudes in the league, and I don't think he's got quite the proclivity to dominate the ball that Tinsley does, but then again he's never played in an iso offense. It's not a total knock, Tinsley at his best was a very good player, and a guy who was great to watch. But under no circumstances did he ever seem like a guy who you take in the top five of a draft. Shaun Livingston also brought some similar stuff to the floor as well, both strengths and weaknesses, but did so at 6-7. Unfortunately he brings little track record to go by, although his slight frame did seem to be a problem, and he was already running into issues with guys playing off him because of his jumper.

So is he overrated. I don't think he's overrated as a basketball player, but I'm beginning to think he's overrated as an NBA prospect. His strengths are simply the exact opposite of what the league focuses on. And his weaknesses are rife for exploitation as well. The two big Ifs about his physical stature and jumper could push him into a different player, but I wouldn't be comfortable enough at this point with either to make me want to take him at three. The league just doesn't go after these types of players like this usually, which makes me wonder if they'll know what to do with him once they get him, and if he'll be thrown under the bus when he can't change the face of a franchised in two years. Every guy drafted in the top five in the past decade was either a big, a decidedly better athlete, or a markedly better shooter, with the exception of Livingston. That seems odd.
I hope he does well, I really think the style he brings to the game is something that's sorely missing in the league. But I'm afraid of what his failure could mean. Sadly, if he were taken at 14, he'd have a 16 assist night, be considered a steal, his shortcomings would brushed aside, and his jersey would be all over playgrounds everywhere the next summer. At three that won't happen.

08-25-2008, 03:52 PM
I think he's very good for his age. I just dont agree with the misconception that there are no other 17 year olds his age that could do what he's doing. I also dont agree that with what he's done so far that he's a no. 1 pick in the NBA or even top 5. I unlike some others also think the Euroleague is weak in perimeter players in terms of quickness, athleticism and defensive awareness. with that said he's an intelligent player that lacks some of the physical intangibles that some American 17 year olds have.

In Europe he would be a sure star but in the NBA I think he would have some issues. I also disagree with stuff like this:

"rubio, the one who does teh same exact behind the back crossover ever single time that leaves deron and cp3 on the other side of the court?"

Rubio got by Jason Kidd at least once but CP3 and Deron for the most part stayed in front of him unless they gambled. he has a decent first step but doesnt change direction with his dribble as quickly as a Tyreke Evans or Brandon Jennings.

NBA prediction: at the peak of his career maybe 10 to 12 PPG and maybe 6 to 8 assists depending on what system he plays in.

08-25-2008, 03:58 PM
You have to remember that as a 17 year old he's still growing and maturing. By the time he's done growing, he could be 2 inches taller and 20 pounds heavier. Not every 17 year old is a freak like LeBron.

08-25-2008, 04:00 PM
Aside from his lack of shooting ability, I was amazed at how good Spain looked when he was on the floor. His statistics may not be that impressive, but when he was playing, Spain seemed to be VERY smooth in their offensive sets.

08-25-2008, 04:00 PM
overrated and will only continue to get overrated. how he is the best prospect for the 2009 draft, i'll never know. he is certainly not that good.

08-25-2008, 04:07 PM
Kid's going to be special. I see him becoming a Kirk Hinrich caliber guard. He needs to get some lift on that jumper though.

1) Work on jumper.

2) Strength training and protein diet.

08-25-2008, 04:13 PM
Turns the ball over too much and can't shoot from the perimeter.

The Spanish White Chocolate, in my opinion.

He'll play NBA ball, but he won't be a superstar.

08-25-2008, 04:54 PM
Saw him play in the Lithuania game (Semi Final). Obviously his lack of strength is an issue right now, but obviously thats something that can come with age and with time in the gym. To me his understanding of the game was average at best. I noticed during so many pick and rolls on defense, rather than try to fight through the screen, or at worst switch to the rolling big man, he would just literally give up, forcing guys like Pau and Reyes to have to guard 2 guys at once, leaving the perimeter completely open. I can't remember the guy's name, but some long haired Lithuanian just completely torched them from the outside. The problem was though, these were uncontested shots. And when the big guy's did get out to the perimeter, obviously it left the interior pretty open, and that Lithuanian guy (Javtovkas?) got so many easy layups. All these open looks seemed to come from Rubio just not running the basic pick and roll defensive role properly, and just flopping or just being brushed away like a crumb off a table.

Not a good outside shooter from the games I saw either.

What does impress me is his arm span, and he could get a lot of steals if he gambles defensively, which he may need to do a lot of to make up for his lack of strength. Obviously he is fast, but I never really saw him take it to the hole except for easy uncontested layups. The one time he did get inside, Dwight Howard just ate him up, so not sure about that aspect to his game, if he has that aspect in his game.

Right now, it's too much hype. He'll be an NBA player for many years, but there are many other PGs I would prefer to have over him. The good thing is, time is on his side at least.

I don't mind if you disagree with me or not, I am only basing this off of 2 games I say him play in fully. It's kind of unfair of me to assess him this much on just 2 games, but thats honestly all I can really do right now...

08-25-2008, 04:59 PM
Question: With all the money being thrown around in Europe these days who's to say he'll even come over to the States to make a few mill and be a back-up. He'll probably be offered a whole heck-uv-a lot more by some foriegn team to start.

Uh, I guess that's not really a question...

08-25-2008, 05:00 PM
its cuz of dat der cell tech they got in Spain brah

08-25-2008, 05:00 PM
My impression on Ricky Rubio?

I guess he's not much impressed by me, I must admit:confusedshrug:

08-25-2008, 05:02 PM
I felt like in the first game against the US, he was understandably nervous and hesitant. In the gold medal game, being a little more familiar with the speed of the US, he was able to play his game a lot more. He showed marked improvement and that in itself shows his mental fortitude.

08-25-2008, 05:03 PM
Didn't he get a technical and the end of the gold medal game?

08-25-2008, 05:05 PM
Dude got potential, Needs to improve his Ball Handling Skills To avoid turn overs, work on a jumper and work on gaining more strength. So far he reminds me of steve nash without the 3 point shot.

One of Shemps Kids
08-25-2008, 05:07 PM
Don't fool yourselves, he isn't being drafted for athleticism, or hops. It pure PG skills. He has great court vision, handles the ball well and efficiently. He just needs a better J (he seems like a good FT shooter, though).

08-25-2008, 05:20 PM
Don't fool yourselves, he isn't being drafted for athleticism, or hops. It pure PG skills. He has great court vision, handles the ball well and efficiently. He just needs a better J (he seems like a good FT shooter, though).

Can you post his career Turn over and assists Numbers ??? The little glimpse i had of him in the olympics , is not efficient. But he has time to improve .

08-25-2008, 05:21 PM
Are people actually predicting this kid's game in the future? How? You guys must be wizards or something. He is only 17 years old, and the male body stops growing at the age of 25 (some stop earlier).

If he was in the States, he'd most definitely be a top prospect for colleges. I can only see improvement. I mean, what else is there? He can't regress. He's already a good youngster. He probably won't be able to sniff the NBA until the age of 19, but he will be very capable from what I've seen.

08-25-2008, 05:44 PM
overrated and will only continue to get overrated. how he is the best prospect for the 2009 draft, i'll never know. he is certainly not that good.


How many 17 year olds can hold their own against Team USA?

The kid looked very very good at times. Yeah, he has some things to work at, but HE IS ONLY SEVENTEEN.

Bright future ahead of him, imo.

08-25-2008, 05:51 PM
Can you post his career Turn over and assists Numbers ??? The little glimpse i had of him in the olympics , is not efficient. But he has time to improve .

He had 4Ass/2TO in the last regular season. However, you can't directly translate this to NBA ratios because the plays where you get an assist in FIBA are more limited than in NBA.

08-25-2008, 05:59 PM
He is a better pg than telfair was, easily, not quite the scoring presence, but does look very good athletically. With his athleticism and handles, he could easily be mistaken for growing up in Bushwick or the south Bronx, but his judgement, court vision, and understanding of man and zone defensive nuance(especially when on the ball), are that of a top-level international PG, and make it known he was raised and coached in Europe.

I see big things for him if he develops his spot up 3 to 40%, and watches lots of NBA tape of playoff pick-n-roll defensive tendencies.
It may also be helpful for him to scrap an all range jumpshot, opting instead to allocate more time towards a standstill spot-up 3, creative finishes around the goal, and developing, for use in pick-n-rolls, a runner off his left foot from 14-16ft like Navarro, who I'm sure could explain the feel and nuance of the shot to Rubio

Does anyone agree/diagree with this assessment for a 17yr old who is still growing?

No.......Telfair was an excellent 17 year old pg....not just offensively, but also a great leader and nifty distributor. There's no way I believe Telfair couldn't have averaged the 4.7 pts Rubio averaged, shoot 28% from the field, including 17% from 3 like Rubio did in the Olympics.....and his assist to turnover ratio was decent, not great at 1.5to 1

08-25-2008, 06:15 PM
It's hard to judge Ricky, because he's the first 17-year old draft prospect that is playing against elite competition, and is not dominating high school teams that have 1 other NBA prospect at best.
Last time he went up against players his age was in the U 16 world championship finals, when he put up 51/24/12/7 steals :bowdown:

08-25-2008, 06:24 PM
I think the kid has a great future ahead of him. If he's doing this at 17, odds are he'll improve next year and perhaps add a little offense to his game. He's got fantastic vision and he's very fast, as well. Again, though, he's only 17...he's still got a lot to develop before he's NBA ready but he has quite a bit of time to do it.

BTW I don't like the Telfair comparison. The euroleagues, while not exactly the NBA, are much better than high school competition. And Telfair was just too damn full of himself from what I saw and read.

08-25-2008, 06:25 PM
it's hard to compare the situations, but IMO telfair at 17 as well as brandon jennings at 17 (and now) would equal or exceed the production of rubio...

The Chosen One
08-25-2008, 06:25 PM
I laugh at some of you saying he's going to be a Hinrich type, or another one who said he's at best a 12/6 :roll:

He's ALREADY better than Calderon, a 16/10 guy when starting. I'm not saying if you put him in the Raptors right now he would do better, cause he has still to make contact with the league, but Calderon would dream of being Ricky at the moment.

I think his ceiling is something around 18/14/6/3 with the best defense of the league at the PG.

08-25-2008, 06:29 PM
I laugh at some of you saying he's going to be a Hinrich type, or another one who said he's at best a 12/6 :roll:

He's ALREADY better than Calderon, a 16/10 guy when starting. I'm not saying if you put him in the Raptors right now he would do better, cause he has still to make contact with the league, but Calderon would dream of being Ricky at the moment.

I think his ceiling is something around 18/14/6/3 with the best defense of the league at the PG.

I can get behind this. Good thing you qualified it by saying "ceiling." If he was 23 or 24, he wouldn't be getting as much attention but he's really just a kid.

Sonic R
08-25-2008, 06:42 PM
Kid has potential for sure.
Right now he has raw talent at playing the position. If he is able to develop his shooting and build upon his court play, then he has a chance to be a solid contributer in the NBA. Other variables will also include the staff in which is around him, the program, and the personnel in which he is surrounded with.

If he is in a program of the likes of a Larry Brown, he as a very high probability to flourish so long as he has the desire to.

The Chosen One
08-25-2008, 06:46 PM
I can get behind this. Good thing you qualified it by saying "ceiling." If he was 23 or 24, he wouldn't be getting as much attention but he's really just a kid.

LeBron what? I can't understand why some people don't want to believe this guy is the next big thing. It happened to LeBron back in 2003, it's happening right now to Ricky. Yeah, I know there's only one LeBron, but there's only one Ricky too, and the world will see it in a few years.

Oh, and by the time he's 23 or 24 he will be the best PG in the NBA.

08-25-2008, 06:48 PM
Very overrated by many people. Has potential, but the way half of the Basketball world speaks of him, you'd think he was averaging 43.6 PPG 9.4 AST and 5.8 STLs, and had just completed a 6-Peat.

08-25-2008, 06:54 PM
LeBron what? I can't understand why some people don't want to believe this guy is the next big thing. It happened to LeBron back in 2003, it's happening right now to Ricky. Yeah, I know there's only one LeBron, but there's only one Ricky too, and the world will see it in a few years.

Oh, and by the time he's 23 or 24 he will be the best PG in the NBA.

I wouldn't count my chickens before they hatched. He still needs to adapt to the NBA style, morph his physique and develop good shooting form. Though, Rubio held his own against the best of the best point guards in the NBA and seemed to have equaled them in terms of team contribution. He displays incredible poise and maturity for such a youthful player and will only become more robust, intelligent and increasingly refined as time passes.

The Chosen One
08-25-2008, 06:59 PM
I wouldn't count my chickens before they hatched. He still needs to adapt to the NBA style, morph his physique and develop good shooting form. Though, Rubio held his own against the best of the best point guards in the NBA and seemed to have equaled them in terms of team contribution. He displays incredible poise and maturity for such a youthful player and will only become more robust, intelligent and increasingly refined as time passes.


08-25-2008, 07:01 PM
we had a thread about rubio two days ago.... why not just ask it there? better yet if you had looked it up, you wouldnt have to ask the question.

08-25-2008, 07:08 PM
people need to stop hyping on bullsh!t without true substance.

08-25-2008, 07:30 PM
It's hard to judge Ricky, because he's the first 17-year old draft prospect that is playing against elite competition, and is not dominating high school teams that have 1 other NBA prospect at best.
Last time he went up against players his age was in the U 16 world championship finals, when he put up 51/24/12/7 steals :bowdown:

Roundup: Markoishvili on Fire
November 27, 2007
When Ricky Rubio scored 51 points in the finals of the U-16 European Championship, collecting tournament top-scoring honors in the process,[B] you couldn

08-25-2008, 07:32 PM
[QUOTE=allball]Roundup: Markoishvili on Fire
November 27, 2007
When Ricky Rubio scored 51 points in the finals of the U-16 European Championship, collecting tournament top-scoring honors in the process,[B] you couldn

08-25-2008, 07:41 PM
rubio, the one who does teh same exact behind the back crossover ever single time that leaves deron and cp3 on the other side of the court?

yes :party:

08-25-2008, 07:50 PM
was the kid unstoppable from all angles and distances? no. was the kid even sinking open jumpers? no. i'd wager a 17yo telfair would beat him in a jumpshot contest, and telfair was and still is a brick machine.

08-25-2008, 08:23 PM
Did Victor Claver play on the olympic team. He is an intriguing young spanish player, 6'11" athletic SF.

08-25-2008, 08:54 PM
was the kid unstoppable from all angles and distances? no. was the kid even sinking open jumpers? no. i'd wager a 17yo telfair would beat him in a jumpshot contest, and telfair was and still is a brick machine.

Did Telfair play vs the best athletes of the world and the best PGs of the world, NO, Did Telfair have the court vision and true point guard game Rubio has, NO. Did Telfair play defense as Rubio NO. And 17 y/o Rubio can do much much better right now in the NBA than current Telfair.

08-25-2008, 09:11 PM
Did Telfair play vs the best athletes of the world and the best PGs of the world, NO, Did Telfair have the court vision and true point guard game Rubio has, NO. Did Telfair play defense as Rubio NO. And 17 y/o Rubio can do much much better right now in the NBA than current Telfair.

Did you ever watch Telfair play in high school???? 3 straight NYC high school championships, NY's ALL TIME leading scorer in hs( think about ALL the players that have come out of NY state!!). faster and stringer with just as good court vision than Rubio at 17. I back up what I said earlier, i'm sure at 17 he could've averaged 4 pts a game on 28% shooting in the olympics!!!

08-25-2008, 09:14 PM
Did you ever watch Telfair play in high school???? 3 straight NYC high school championships, NY's ALL TIME leading scorer in hs( think about ALL the players that have come out of NY state!!). faster and stringer with just as good court vision than Rubio at 17. I back up what I said earlier, i'm sure at 17 he could've averaged 4 pts a game on 28% shooting in the olympics!!!

:roll: :roll:

Telfair was playing high school comp...I was putting up 20/10 a game against the same comp in AAU...Its a big difference playing with 7 footers and legit NBA prospects every night.

08-25-2008, 09:15 PM
why are you using Telfair's high school competition and comparing it to Rubio's NBA level Olympic competition?

08-25-2008, 09:26 PM
Telfair was playing high school comp...I was putting up 20/10 a game against the same comp in AAU...Its a big difference playing with 7 footers and legit NBA prospects every night.[/QUOTE]

Well i do know that there aren't any nba pgs without blur-like speed, that don't have jump shots that are overly successful..........:roll:

Telfair was consensus ranked top 3 in the country as a player in a class featuring AL Jefferson, Shaun Livingston( taller Rubio) Dwight Howard, Josh Smith and J.R. Smith. So at 17, Rubio was probably better than Lebron too since high school guys were the comp LBJ was playing against...right?????? Lmao!!!!!!!!!!!

08-25-2008, 09:30 PM
Telfair was playing high school comp...I was putting up 20/10 a game against the same comp in AAU...Its a big difference playing with 7 footers and legit NBA prospects every night.

Well i do know that there aren't any nba pgs without blur-like speed, that don't have jump shots that are overly successful..........:roll: ![/QUOTE]

Mark Jackson's 10,000 + assits would beg to differ:hammerhead: same with andre miller

08-25-2008, 09:34 PM
Telfair was consensus ranked top 3 in the country as a player in a class featuring AL Jefferson, Shaun Livingston( taller Rubio) Dwight Howard, Josh Smith and J.R. Smith. So at 17, Rubio was probably better than Lebron too since high school guys were the comp LBJ was playing against...right?????? Lmao!!!!!!!!!!!

Rubio plays against world class ballers, kid. Your arguments are weak sauce.

08-25-2008, 10:12 PM
Almost there. He just needs that world beating jumper to be able to keep defenses honest. If he can turn into a shooter of Stockton or Mark Price calber, then your looking at a top 4 pointguard for the future. If he doesn't, then he'll be a decent pointguard, but not a top tier one.

08-25-2008, 10:29 PM
Did you ever watch Telfair play in high school???? 3 straight NYC high school championships, NY's ALL TIME leading scorer in hs( think about ALL the players that have come out of NY state!!). faster and stringer with just as good court vision than Rubio at 17. I back up what I said earlier, i'm sure at 17 he could've averaged 4 pts a game on 28% shooting in the olympics!!!


BTW you put current Telfair in this Spain team and he will disrupt all their offensive game. When Rubio get in for Spain the team play 10 time better. coincidence? No.

Rubio vs High School type competition put 51 points 24 Rebounds 12 Assists.

Rubio make his team go. Telfair play streetball type of game with no team oriented game.

08-25-2008, 10:33 PM
I like him, he can be a top tier point guard. But it all depends on how he handles the hype. Yes I realize he's been the biggest thing in Spain since he was like 14, but the NBA is a whole new ball game, you don't perform and they won't hesitate to let you know. It's hard to judge a 17 year old kid, but I like most of the facets of his game, other than shooting (but he's 17!). But he NEEDS to add a consistent J to his game, PGs who can't shoot don't last long.

Another question is how he handles the sheer increase of size and athleticism the NBA brings over 82 games.

08-25-2008, 10:51 PM
A guy who can play Basketball...

08-25-2008, 11:05 PM
it's pretty dumb to compare his stats in olympic to someone's stats in high school. Are they trying to say that high school team defense> the redeem team defense?

08-25-2008, 11:18 PM
He is one of the main reasons why the gold game was close. He took care of the ball and didn't turn the ball over. Team USA relies on TO pts to destroy their opponent. in half court, they are not that good. atleast not yet.

Jkidd also tried to intimidate Rubio at the start but was not succesful w/c showed Rubio's maturity

08-25-2008, 11:22 PM
I never thought I'd see the day when ISH posters defend Sebastial Telfair. It is a dark day, indeed.

08-25-2008, 11:51 PM
I never thought I'd see the day when ISH posters defend Sebastial Telfair. It is a dark day, indeed.


08-26-2008, 12:28 AM
He's a little boy plying a man's game. Glaring weakness -- inability to finish at the rim.

08-26-2008, 12:37 AM
He is one of the main reasons why the gold game was close. He took care of the ball and didn't turn the ball over. Team USA relies on TO pts to destroy their opponent. in half court, they are not that good. atleast not yet.

Jkidd also tried to intimidate Rubio at the start but was not succesful w/c showed Rubio's maturity

It seems as if not too many people are keen on this fact. He gets them into their offense taking care of each posession. They couldn't press him, so they had to stay honest on D.

I just hope this kid really works on his physique and jumpshot. It's an absolute joy to watch him play. He doesn't care about anything but doing what it takes to win. At this point in time his offense isn't there to help him win but with time he'll get the strength needed.

08-26-2008, 06:16 AM
Last time he went up against players his age was in the U 16 world championship finals, when he put up 51/24/12/7 steals :bowdown:

I just wanted to remind you of that. All you haters seem to forget that besides his Olympic debut he is playing REGULARLY against top European teams. That is something American highschool stars will never get to see unless they get to NBA or head overseas. And I'm pretty sure they won't be thinking "Hey, I could have done it while I was 17, that's nothing.".

Just think about it for a second.

08-26-2008, 06:29 AM
[QUOTE=allball]Roundup: Markoishvili on Fire
November 27, 2007
When Ricky Rubio scored 51 points in the finals of the U-16 European Championship, collecting tournament top-scoring honors in the process,[B] you couldn

08-26-2008, 08:29 AM
I just wanted to remind you of that. All you haters seem to forget that besides his Olympic debut he is playing REGULARLY against top European teams. That is something American highschool stars will never get to see unless they get to NBA or head overseas. And I'm pretty sure they won't be thinking "Hey, I could have done it while I was 17, that's nothing.".

Just think about it for a second.

Who cares? i don't care if Lebron, Telfair Amare, etc were playing against 6 year olds at the age of 17....they are better than Rubio..... An 18 year old Mike Conley would've gave Rubio the business!!!!

08-26-2008, 08:31 AM
I'm not saying Rudio can't become a great player in the NBA, he is just so young right now. I mean he just played in the gold medal game at 17 against the United States best athletes. I was registering for my senior year about this time of year when I was 17. All things considered he did great, and he'll definitely get his shot in the NBA.

08-26-2008, 08:52 AM
Who cares? i don't care if Lebron, Telfair Amare, etc were playing against 6 year olds at the age of 17....they are better than Rubio..... An 18 year old Mike Conley would've gave Rubio the business!!!!

Take a deep breath.

Consider who Rubio played against in the gold medal game.


08-26-2008, 08:56 AM
Take a deep breath.

Consider who Rubio played against in the gold medal game.


i smell the Truth :applause:

08-26-2008, 08:58 AM
Who cares? i don't care if Lebron, Telfair Amare, etc were playing against 6 year olds at the age of 17....they are better than Rubio..... An 18 year old Mike Conley would've gave Rubio the business!!!!

What is this based on? What did you see in Rubio that we didn't?

08-26-2008, 09:05 AM
I think Sergio Rodriguez is pretty underrated in this thread, and people forget that he was the best player in the 2004 FIBA 18 and under Championship after averaging averaging 19 points, 4.6 rebounds, 8.5 assists and 2.1 steals, and he was also MVP of the Nike Hoop Summit.

Trade him to the Cleveland Cavaliers, and he's going to be our backup PG.

I liked Sergio more than Ricky because he's a pure PG, and he's a better passer than Rubio.

Ricky Rubio is the better defender, and have a higher ceiling than Spanish Chocolate.

08-26-2008, 09:16 AM
With Rubio's basketball maturity, is there any doubt that he will improve? I believe this is what most people are looking at when they see Rubio - a 17 year old guy who has basketball smarts and skills beyond his age.

Of course, he has his failings. He isn't very athletic as compared to other NBA caliber pointguards. There is always the question of how well his game will translate in the NBA. And there is also his jumper- which isn't anything spectacular, but I believe can be improved on.

He definitely has potential though, and even if he is still the same player at 21 as he is at 17, he will still be a serviceable player in the league. If he develops the jumper and manages to adjust to NBA speed and physicality well, then we could be looking at something special.

08-26-2008, 10:42 AM
No better than telfair was as a 17 year old

I hope this was a joke...Telfair was very quick and aggressive going to the hoop, thus he scored alot in high school. Rubio, while he still has to get better at several things, most importantly shooting, is much better than Telfair was at 17. Some would argue he is even better than Telfair now.

08-26-2008, 11:12 AM
I hope this was a joke...Telfair was very quick and aggressive going to the hoop, thus he scored alot in high school. Rubio, while he still has to get better at several things, most importantly shooting, is much better than Telfair was at 17. Some would argue he is even better than Telfair now.

How?? Besides being taller.....Telfair dropped more points than Kenny Anderson who was a complete PHENOM at 17.......

08-26-2008, 11:14 AM
I think Sergio Rodriguez is pretty underrated in this thread, and people forget that he was the best player in the 2004 FIBA 18 and under Championship after averaging averaging 19 points, 4.6 rebounds, 8.5 assists and 2.1 steals, and he was also MVP of the Nike Hoop Summit.

Trade him to the Cleveland Cavaliers, and he's going to be our backup PG.

I liked Sergio more than Ricky because he's a pure PG, and he's a better passer than Rubio.

Ricky Rubio is the better defender, and have a higher ceiling than Spanish Chocolate.

And Sergio is a 3rd string NBA pg....Rubio will be a serviceable pg

08-26-2008, 11:43 AM
How?? Besides being taller.....Telfair dropped more points than Kenny Anderson who was a complete PHENOM at 17.......

One more time. HS basketball is a sham. Complete, utter, pointless sham. You play only people your age and you play only against local teams. Put any current young phenom(say Dwight) on a HS team in North Dakota instead of Georgia where he actually went, and he might have put up 50 ppg.

08-26-2008, 11:53 AM
Rubio outplayed Jason Kidd head to head..

Mike Conley's at 20 years old NBA stats...26mpg..9.4 ppg 4.2 assts 2.6 rbs 0.8 steals ....and that is against the average NBA .....

Ricky Rubio at 17..versus Jason Kidd, Chris Paul, Deron Williams, and a help Defense of NBA superstars...

23 mpg 7 ppg 3 assts 4.5 rbs 3 stls

08-26-2008, 11:55 AM
He good, but no where near what people were hyping him to be.

08-26-2008, 12:26 PM
Look I think Ricky Rubio has a lot of flaws, namely his inept shooting and his athleticism. But any person has to admit that Spain looked at their best when he was on the floor. This kid is 17 years old, and the Spanish National Team played the absolute BEST when he was running the team. He may never be the superstar people envision, but he's going to be a damn good point guard who can lead his team to a championship.

08-26-2008, 12:50 PM
Look I think Ricky Rubio has a lot of flaws, namely his inept shooting and his athleticism. But any person has to admit that Spain looked at their best when he was on the floor. This kid is 17 years old, and the Spanish National Team played the absolute BEST when he was running the team. He may never be the superstar people envision, but he's going to be a damn good point guard who can lead his team to a championship.

Spain looked thir best when Navarro slid over to the point and kept taking the ball to the basket:)

08-26-2008, 12:58 PM
Spain looked thir best when Navarro slid over to the point and kept taking the ball to the basket:)
Says a Rubio hater

08-26-2008, 01:24 PM
Rubio outplayed Jason Kidd head to head..

so did D. Cook last year. and Alston. and Nelson.

08-26-2008, 01:26 PM
so did D. Cook last year. and Alston. and Nelson.

The last couple are starters on playoff teams and have multiple years of NBA experience. If anything, this is a compliment to Rubio.

Oh, and when he does come over, he better not wear Rubio on the back. Ricky all the way. :D

08-26-2008, 01:29 PM
The last couple are starters on playoff teams and have multiple years of NBA experience. If anything, this is a compliment to Rubio.

Oh, and when he does come over, he better not wear Rubio on the back. Ricky all the way. :D
Of course they are. And Cook isn't. I'm just saying it's not the first time quicker guards outplay Kidd.

hito da god
08-26-2008, 01:31 PM
my impression is this... he's seven-f*cking-teen.

i doubt there are any 17 year old guards in the states anywhere near his league... maybe lance stephenson, but that's it

he's quick, has good height at 6'4 [he's only 17 so he could very likely hit 6'6], a good ball handler, and has an extremely high bball IQ. the only aspects of his game i'd say need work are strength [he needs a considerable amount of work there], and his jump shot. then again, i reiterate, he's only 17. he won't start filling out into his body until he's rounding out 20. i trust that his jumper will come with age, but i can't promise that. he at least has a grasp of correct mechanics so we'll see what happens. one thing i will say is that i wouldn't be opposed to the knicks tanking this season to pick him up, i feel that confident in his abilities.

08-26-2008, 01:56 PM
Not NBA ready and leaving for the NBA too soon will destroy his potential.

agree he needs to wait 2-3 more years b4 entering the draft

08-26-2008, 01:58 PM
I think he's very good for his age. I just dont agree with the misconception that there are no other 17 year olds his age that could do what he's doing. I also dont agree that with what he's done so far that he's a no. 1 pick in the NBA or even top 5. I unlike some others also think the Euroleague is weak in perimeter players in terms of quickness, athleticism and defensive awareness. with that said he's an intelligent player that lacks some of the physical intangibles that some American 17 year olds have.

In Europe he would be a sure star but in the NBA I think he would have some issues. I also disagree with stuff like this:

"rubio, the one who does teh same exact behind the back crossover ever single time that leaves deron and cp3 on the other side of the court?"

Rubio got by Jason Kidd at least once but CP3 and Deron for the most part stayed in front of him unless they gambled. he has a decent first step but doesnt change direction with his dribble as quickly as a Tyreke Evans or Brandon Jennings.

NBA prediction: at the peak of his career maybe 10 to 12 PPG and maybe 6 to 8 assists depending on what system he plays in.

yeah i know it is ludacris for any prep player 17-18 yrs to think that there is no American Born Player that could do that to CP3 JKidd Dwill and were the best country at basketball and its not even close. i seriously think that John Wall, Brandon Jennings could average 4pts 2 assist and 28%FG in the olympics and again let me repeat we are the best country in the world at basketball

08-26-2008, 02:00 PM
overrated and will only continue to get overrated. how he is the best prospect for the 2009 draft, i'll never know. he is certainly not that good.

its an easy one He not lol BJ Mulliuns 7'0 the next big big guy is raw and he is white Brandon Jennings 6-1 guard the next big thin g Demar Derozan 6'6 a Vince Carter with heart

and these are just on top of my hand

08-26-2008, 02:02 PM
John Wall is a F*cking beast, and i don't see any poster create a thread about him despite being touted as the first overall pick in the 2010 NBA Draft.

08-26-2008, 02:06 PM
Turns the ball over too much and can't shoot from the perimeter.

The Spanish White Chocolate, in my opinion.

He'll play NBA ball, but he won't be a superstar.

i dont think you guys know how hard it is to become a good shooter few ppl i mean few ppl have turned there shooting ability around ppl like MJ Magic did

but look at ppl like LBJ he been trying to shoot since he was in HS and his jumper is shaky even if he was shootin 50% from 3pt line in the olympics, same goes with Wade still his jumper is shaky and he doesnt even need to shoot

rubio is a good ft shooter but even look at nba players FTs percentage few ppl can change it by that much in there career the only person that rings is brendon haywood started career shooting like 52%ft now he is in the Mid 70%

you guys act like ppl can just start shooting, to me its either you can shoot or you cant

as much as LBJ works on his jumper he will never have a shot like OJ Mayo or Kobe Bryant it just isnt in his blood and thats the same thing thats going to happen to rubio as much as he works on it it will never be a steve nash shooting the ball

08-26-2008, 02:07 PM
My impression on Ricky Rubio?

I guess he's not much impressed by me, I must admit:confusedshrug:

lol same goes here the only thing that really impressed me is that he had a nice ft shot thats it

08-26-2008, 02:08 PM
Didn't he get a technical and the end of the gold medal game?

yeah he lost his cool at the end commited a dirty foul then started bytching

08-26-2008, 02:11 PM
I laugh at some of you saying he's going to be a Hinrich type, or another one who said he's at best a 12/6 :roll:

He's ALREADY better than Calderon, a 16/10 guy when starting. I'm not saying if you put him in the Raptors right now he would do better, cause he has still to make contact with the league, but Calderon would dream of being Ricky at the moment.

I think his ceiling is something around 18/14/6/3 with the best defense of the league at the PG.

its this guy smoking some serious many jane???:confusedshrug:

08-26-2008, 02:13 PM
lol same goes here the only thing that really impressed me is that he had a nice ft shot thats it

Did you actually read the post you're quoting?

I mean, did you get it?

08-26-2008, 02:18 PM
He is not better than Calderon at the moment, other than defensively. I think many of you are confusing Rubio the prospect with Rubio the player

08-26-2008, 02:19 PM
Telfair was playing high school comp...I was putting up 20/10 a game against the same comp in AAU...Its a big difference playing with 7 footers and legit NBA prospects every night.

Well i do know that there aren't any nba pgs without blur-like speed, that don't have jump shots that are overly successful..........:roll:

Telfair was consensus ranked top 3 in the country as a player in a class featuring AL Jefferson, Shaun Livingston( taller Rubio) Dwight Howard, Josh Smith and J.R. Smith. So at 17, Rubio was probably better than Lebron too since high school guys were the comp LBJ was playing against...right?????? Lmao!!!!!!!!!!![/QUOTE]

i know thats what im saying again we are the best country in the world at basketball Lebron James didnt play in no Euro Leagues he was playing against top american competition like Oak Hill Academy with Carmelo Anthony Tayshaun Prince etc.

you guys overblow how rubio is playing pro at 15 just look in ur own neighborhood michelle wie turned pro at 15 yrs tried to play against men but that didnt mean she was better than any college player and shes not why because she didnt produce just like rubio didnt produce in the olympics

you guys are praising a guy who average 4pts on 28%fg shooting

08-26-2008, 02:29 PM

BTW you put current Telfair in this Spain team and he will disrupt all their offensive game. When Rubio get in for Spain the team play 10 time better. coincidence? No.

Rubio vs High School type competition put 51 points 24 Rebounds 12 Assists.

Rubio make his team go. Telfair play streetball type of game with no team oriented game.

c im question how good that russian U-16 team was because rubio cant score for him to put up 51pts shows how bad the competititon was

consider this Lebron James most points he scored in HS was 54pts and he nowhere the caliber scorer LBJ is

08-26-2008, 02:32 PM

:roll: :roll: :roll:

08-26-2008, 02:37 PM
He's a little boy plying a man's game. Glaring weakness -- inability to finish at the rim.

he missed so many point blank range because he can barely dunk and cant dunk in traffic thats also the same problem older AI has missed so many gimmes that he used to just dunk it home

08-26-2008, 02:49 PM
i dont think you guys know how hard it is to become a good shooter few ppl i mean few ppl have turned there shooting ability around ppl like MJ Magic did

but look at ppl like LBJ he been trying to shoot since he was in HS and his jumper is shaky even if he was shootin 50% from 3pt line in the olympics, same goes with Wade still his jumper is shaky and he doesnt even need to shoot

rubio is a good ft shooter but even look at nba players FTs percentage few ppl can change it by that much in there career the only person that rings is brendon haywood started career shooting like 52%ft now he is in the Mid 70%

you guys act like ppl can just start shooting, to me its either you can shoot or you cant

as much as LBJ works on his jumper he will never have a shot like OJ Mayo or Kobe Bryant it just isnt in his blood and thats the same thing thats going to happen to rubio as much as he works on it it will never be a steve nash shooting the ball

Are you kidding me? Are you saying that to be a good shooter it takes pure talent and no work? If he works on his shooting and takes good shots he can become as great as a shooter as he wants to. Sure Lebron might not shoot much better than he did in high school but has he really worked on it? To shoot the basketball good it is about good form and constantly repeating that. It takes practice and I mean hours of it a day. Rubio as well as others in the league can become great shooters if they choose. I had a friend in college who lead the division in 3 point percentage and he wasn't great when he came in, he was average. However, his senior year after four years of hard work he shot the ball better than most people you see today. It is about practice and hard work, not talent and luck.

08-26-2008, 03:17 PM
yeah he lost his cool at the end commited a dirty foul then started bytching


He lost his cool at the end when the referees overlooked the 200th traveling violation by an US player.

08-26-2008, 03:52 PM
Did you actually read the post you're quoting?

I mean, did you get it?
No- he did not get the original post, and I am not sure he got your post either.

08-26-2008, 04:10 PM
Defense- quick feet/lateral movement- if he works on keeping his man in front of him he should do fine in the NBA.

PG ability- good floor vision- on a running team he should be fun to watch. In the half-court game he has more limitations, but his first concern still seems to be running an offense. Gets a bit too fancy at times when a more simple approach would be just as effective.

Offense- seemingly non-existent in the Olympics. He was able to drive by opponents with his behind the back move, which was used like a crossover dribble, but he hardly ever looked to score himself. He has decent form/motion on his jumper/foul shot, but the shot itself is a bit flat at this time. It is something that can be worked on, though.

He has to show some kind of consistent jump shot if he wants to be effective in the NBA, and look to penetrate to the basket more and finish a drive.

Another 2 years of seasoning of high level European ball would be good for him. I love a lot of the stuff he does, and he seems to love and understand the game, but unless he is hiding some things from us, you have to see more on the offensive end before you pick him in the top 10.

08-26-2008, 04:15 PM

No matter how great you think he'll be in the NBA, you have to admit that he's fun to watch.

And let's keep in mind that he doesn't even have his drivers license yet. He still needs to get his mom to drive him over to his girlfriends house.

Now I don't know if he actually has a girlfriend...but I bet that kid gets SOOO much ****ing hot spanish teen tail. I'm jealous as ****.

08-26-2008, 09:15 PM
he missed so many point blank range because he can barely dunk and cant dunk in traffic thats also the same problem older AI has missed so many gimmes that he used to just dunk it home

The guy is at least 6'4" and has trouble dunking? :lol

08-27-2008, 12:52 AM
The guy is at least 6'4" and has trouble dunking? :lol

That's not true. He can dunk easily

08-27-2008, 12:57 AM
He is not better than Calderon at the moment, other than defensively. I think many of you are confusing Rubio the prospect with Rubio the player

Very very true, and this happens with a lot of young players, not just Ricky Rubio.

I think Rubio would have a tough time in the NBA if he played next season.

08-28-2008, 12:11 AM
That's not true. He can dunk easily

Ummmmmm... I kinda missed his dunks in the 2 games against the USA

09-01-2008, 10:45 PM
it amazes me

This guy might seriously be the most hype played since LBJ and im getting ready to say that he is more hyped than LBJ worldwide because he is know in Europe and USA

and he isnt even the best player his age thats the said part LBJ was better than everybody when he was 17yrs 18yrs but i can name 2 ppl Rubio age that are better than him Jennings and John Wall and they just pg

if you take in Demar Derozan etc he isnt even top 10 material

09-04-2008, 04:02 PM
I would say that Rubio played better in the 2008 olympics at the age of 17 than LBJ did at the age of 19 in 2004 olympics or Wade at the age of 22.

09-04-2008, 04:20 PM
it amazes me

This guy might seriously be the most hype played since LBJ and im getting ready to say that he is more hyped than LBJ worldwide because he is know in Europe and USA

and he isnt even the best player his age thats the said part LBJ was better than everybody when he was 17yrs 18yrs but i can name 2 ppl Rubio age that are better than him Jennings and John Wall and they just pg

if you take in Demar Derozan etc he isnt even top 10 material

Considering your grammar, diction, and spelling, shouldn't you be talking about these guys as Mr. Rubio and Mr. James?

09-04-2008, 04:43 PM
This kid is going to be the best PG in the NBA in the near future.


09-04-2008, 05:18 PM
No.......Telfair was an excellent 17 year old pg....not just offensively, but also a great leader and nifty distributor. There's no way I believe Telfair couldn't have averaged the 4.7 pts Rubio averaged, shoot 28% from the field, including 17% from 3 like Rubio did in the Olympics.....and his assist to turnover ratio was decent, not great at 1.5to 1

This kid is 17 playing against men. When Telfair was 17 he played against high school kids. Albeit some of the best high school kids in the country, at camps and all-star games at least. But during the regular high school season, Telfair was not playing against any teams that could go 12 deep with players as good as the grown a.ss men (who also happen to be studs in the NBA) that were on Team USA.
Telfair was not better at 17 than Rubio is at the same age.

09-04-2008, 06:29 PM
This kid is 17 playing against men. When Telfair was 17 he played against high school kids. Albeit some of the best high school kids in the country, at camps and all-star games at least. But during the regular high school season, Telfair was not playing against any teams that could go 12 deep with players as good as the grown a.ss men (who also happen to be studs in the NBA) that were on Team USA.
Telfair was not better at 17 than Rubio is at the same age.

He averaged 4 pts on 28% shooting and an assist to turnover ratio of 1.5 to 1......Johnny Flynn( Syracuse) could do that now as well....My point again is Lebron, Amare, Garnett, Kobe, etc all played against high school comp as 17 year olds...in NO WAy does Rubio playing against men make him better....I think he'll be decent in the NBA, but sort of a disappointment like Toni Kukoc who was supposed to be a left handed Magic and Bird combined in one

09-05-2008, 12:04 AM
Rubio's under the right circumstances and grooming will be a great player. from what I've read his work ethic is just spectacular and he's had to prove and work for his status. He just dominates kids his age and that's why he's playing with men and doing a really good job as well.

Think about it. The Spanish international team isn't a bunch of nameless jobbers who had no chance of taking gold in the Olympics. there's no shortage of talented 25-30 year old spanish players yet they took Rubio not only on the team but in the rotation as well.

That would be like Brandon Jennings or even a Derrick Rose or OJ Mayo making the US roster. If this was Telfair a few years ago most of the haters here would be singing his praises.

Watch more of him in action. If you totally just forget he's from Europe and picture him as one more overhyped NYC PG prospect (admit it it happens a lot. see Telfair, Anderson, and Alston to name a few) you might see what we're talking about....

09-05-2008, 12:34 AM
The guy is at least 6'4" and has trouble dunking? :lol


09-05-2008, 01:25 AM
Rubio's under the right circumstances and grooming will be a great player. from what I've read his work ethic is just spectacular and he's had to prove and work for his status. He just dominates kids his age and that's why he's playing with men and doing a really good job as well.

Think about it. The Spanish international team isn't a bunch of nameless jobbers who had no chance of taking gold in the Olympics. there's no shortage of talented 25-30 year old spanish players yet they took Rubio not only on the team but in the rotation as well.

That would be like Brandon Jennings or even a Derrick Rose or OJ Mayo making the US roster. If this was Telfair a few years ago most of the haters here would be singing his praises.

Watch more of him in action. If you totally just forget he's from Europe and picture him as one more overhyped NYC PG prospect (admit it it happens a lot. see Telfair, Anderson, and Alston to name a few) you might see what we're talking about....

I picture him as an overhyped European pg prospect....and Kenny Anderson was phenomenal as a 17 year old, could actually shoot it and was a freakin speed racer....if he ended up as an average NBA player, there's a good chance Rubio may as well

09-05-2008, 06:53 PM
He averaged 4 pts on 28% shooting and an assist to turnover ratio of 1.5 to 1......Johnny Flynn( Syracuse) could do that now as well....My point again is Lebron, Amare, Garnett, Kobe, etc all played against high school comp as 17 year olds...in NO WAy does Rubio playing against men make him better....I think he'll be decent in the NBA, but sort of a disappointment like Toni Kukoc who was supposed to be a left handed Magic and Bird combined in one

You are not making any sense. Unless you don't get my point, that Rubio is playing against men when he is 17 so he looks worse than all those guys did when they were playing against high school kids at 17. I'm certain Rubio would do almost as well, if not as well, if he was in the American high school system as a 17 year old.
He sort of reminds me of Nick Calathes at Florida, except more athletic and better and Nick did very well in high school, leading me to believe that Rubio would also do very very well in high school in America. And is almost actually as good as most people think.
Johnny Flynn is 19 years old...two years more mature and at an age when the developing you were doing throughout your teens is almost done. Where on the other hand, pay close attention, Rubio is 17.

09-05-2008, 06:55 PM
Best Case Scenario = A Mix of Jason Kidd and Steve Nash, but Chris Paul and D-Will will be ahead of him for years.

09-05-2008, 07:05 PM
you people should look up games of ricky rubio playing against people his own age. the kid is 17, and he's still growing, he could end up 6'6 or 6'7 (doubtful). his body hasn't matured yet and he's already showing signs of being a great player. now in my personal opinion i dont think he'll ever be a superstar, the likes of chris paul, but i do think he'll be a winner and a championship material poing guard.

Da KO King
09-05-2008, 11:32 PM
Again can we please stop with the "only 17 stuff"? The kat is going yo be 18 in a matter of weeks and would be a NCAA freshman if he was from the States.

09-05-2008, 11:51 PM
Again can we please stop with the "only 17 stuff"? The kat is going yo be 18 in a matter of weeks and would be a NCAA freshman if he was from the States.

no he wouldnt be a freshman he would be a Senior in HS wtf you talking bout im in his grade and they are alot of seniors at my school already 18 some turn 18 b4 the school year even starts most about 85-90% of us start the school year 17 yrs and then turn 18 sometime during the school year like me im turning 18 in like 3 months rubio only like 2 months older than me

and i believe rubio turns 18 in like 5 weeks so yeah the point is quit with this 17 yr old stuff the guy would be a HS senior normally and if he started Kindagarten early like when he was 4 going on 5 he would be a college freshman already. Enough with this age stuff already

09-06-2008, 12:07 AM
Again can we please stop with the "only 17 stuff"? The kat is going yo be 18 in a matter of weeks and would be a NCAA freshman if he was from the States.

No he wouldn't, most people turn 18 in their senior year, he'd still be a senior in high school and far and away the best one in the country.

Rubio right now >>>>>>>> John Wall

09-06-2008, 12:15 AM
No he wouldn't, most people turn 18 in their senior year, he'd still be a senior in high school and far and away the best one in the country.

Rubio right now >>>>>>>> John Wall

Most high school seniors in the United States are 17.

09-06-2008, 12:34 AM
Most high school seniors in the United States are 17.

Not true, I went to high school in the US and probably 80% of the kids in my graduating class were 18 by the time they graduated and there were several that were 18 before the school year even started.

09-06-2008, 12:37 AM
Most high school seniors in the United States are 17.

im a HS senior right now most HS seniors in the US school start the year out 17yrs but during sometime the school they year they turn 18 like my friend who's in my grade turns 18 tomorrow and he going to a strip joint, im turning 18 in about 3 months like 5 or 6 ppl in my english class out of 23 seniors are 18 already and its only the 2nd week of school

09-06-2008, 12:59 AM
He's turning 18 in a few weeks. Does it really matter if he's a high school senior or freshman? Does it automatically change him as a player?

Some players drastically improve after a year, some players don't. I don't understand what significance being a high school senior or college freshman is. Bynum was a 17-year old NBA player, Mayo was an old college freshman, but it didn't change the player that they were.

09-06-2008, 01:14 AM
Rubio actually would be a freshman in university right now. I'm a big supporter of him, as you have seen of my posts, but he would be a freshman in college. His birthday is 1990, and I'm 1989 and in my second year of university. He may have a late birthday, but it's not really late enough for his parents to have held him back a grade (if he theoretically did live in the States).

09-06-2008, 10:40 AM
I'd love to see him play a year of big time college basketball in the U.S.!!!

11-22-2009, 07:22 AM
it amazes me

This guy might seriously be the most hype played since LBJ and im getting ready to say that he is more hyped than LBJ worldwide because he is know in Europe and USA

and he isnt even the best player his age thats the said part LBJ was better than everybody when he was 17yrs 18yrs but i can name 2 ppl Rubio age that are better than him Jennings and John Wall and they just pg

if you take in Demar Derozan etc he isnt even top 10 material

:bowdown: :bowdown:

oh the horror
11-22-2009, 07:34 AM
:bowdown: :bowdown:

We get it bro, you're the same guy, under a different screen name. Stop acting fu*king creepy already. Freak.

11-22-2009, 07:58 AM
We get it bro, you're the same guy, under a different screen name. Stop acting fu*king creepy already. Freak.

I dont think that i liloj. liloj is pretty hardcore about OJ Mayo, he is up there with PB and PAH. this guy has clearly said Wall better than Mayo. I don't think you will ever hear PB say Kobe better than Bron or Jordan better than Kobe with Pah.