View Full Version : If people are born gay, cant people be born intolerant?

11-02-2008, 07:28 PM
Anytime someone speaks out against gay marriage or homosexuality, they get labeled a bigot or a homophobe or a neanderthal etc.

Everyone always says "Gays cant help the way they are, they're born that way. You are wrong to judge them or to disapprove of what they want to do."

So the question is, if you can be born gay, who says some people arent born intolerant? Hey, people have agoraphobia or arachnophobia, nobody ever tries to slam those people. Who's to say there are people who simply are predisposed to having homophobia? And if so, why are people so quick to label them in an offensive manner?

11-02-2008, 07:38 PM
If people are born gay

If. is wrong. They arn't born gay. It's already been proven.

11-02-2008, 07:40 PM
If. is wrong. They arn't born gay. It's already been proven.

Regardless, that's the argument that's typically used to defend things like gay marriage.

So why do people insist we tolerate gays because they're born gay and cant help it, but at the same time demonize the people who dont feel that way. Perhaps those people are born intolerant or homophobic. Shouldnt we accept that the same way we are told to accept homosexuality?

YOu should hear the commercials for the "Prop 8" Gay Marriage amendment out here in Queer-ifornia. THey basically paint anyone who doesnt support gay marriage as the most disgraceful, dim-witted sack of **** alive. THey preach tolerance but don't practice it themselves toward people who disagree with them.

11-02-2008, 07:43 PM
Nope not been proven but most elite scientistz say that it is neither born nor a completely conscious, voluntary choice.

Haz a lot to do with the early childhood yearz. Subconsciously. In a dream yo0u see the phallus. Like there have been studiez about a guy with more older brotherz having a larger chance to become a homo, but then again its just a theory and we've only scratched the surface of the explanation.

And I agree with starface and v-unit. I waz just gonna make a thread similar to this, but my complaint iz a bit different.

Why do the same peopel who support/protect ghey rightz use homosexuality as a primary insult towardz dudez like cartmanclone and whatnot? WTF?

11-02-2008, 07:47 PM
actually that's an excellent point, starface, and kind of adds a new dimension to the argument.

i doubt there is a measurable quality of "intolerance," but there may be a number of factors that overlap and contribute to that kind of POV, such as narcissism, lack of empathy and generalised paranoia.

and one question that occurs- should the intolerant be shown tolerance?

11-02-2008, 07:51 PM
Homosexuality is not natural, nor normal. Just simply observe the male and female bodies and their reproductive systems. They are obviously designed to mate and procreate.

11-02-2008, 07:54 PM
Homosexuality is not natural, nor normal. Just simply observe the male and female bodies and their reproductive systems. They are obviously designed to mate and procreate.

Yeah but technology and just about every human creation there ever waz was neither natural nor normal?

I do agree, otherwize. We should tell all flamboyant homoz to
a) Pleaze the manly men in jail
b) Given to the Aztecz in exchange for gold so they can sacrifice them to the sungod
c) Throw them down the well
d) Uze them as labratz instead of animals so that the PETA will have a breath of relief

Just joking :oldlol:

11-02-2008, 07:56 PM

Believing that you are born a certain way imo is terrible logic. If you believe that you were born a certain way and there is nothing you can do to change it removes all responsibility from the individual person on the actions that they do.

As for Prop 8, I've never seen so many people this divisive over an issue. I really don't understand how people can be so adamant about protecting marriage from the gays. I could understand if it was sacred or something but most marriages are shams anyway.

11-02-2008, 07:57 PM
Believing that you are born a certain way imo is terrible logic. If you believe that you were born a certain way and there is nothing you can do to change it removes all responsibility from the individual person on the actions that they do.

That makes no sense. You could be born with muscular distrophe. That's a fact and there'd be nothing you could do to change it.

Your paragraph makes no sense whatsoever.

As for Prop 8, I've never seen so many people this divisive over an issue. I really don't understand how people can be so adamant about protecting marriage from the gays. I could understand if it was sacred or something but most marriages are shams anyway.

Can you please make an argument for the purpose it would serve to allow two people of the same gender to marry each other?

11-02-2008, 08:00 PM
That makes no sense. You could be born with muscular distrophe. That's a fact and there'd be nothing you could do to change it.

Your paragraph makes no sense whatsoever.

Can you please make an argument for the purpose it would serve to allow two people of the same gender to marry each other?

L.O.V.E. :roll: :roll:

11-02-2008, 08:05 PM
and one question that occurs- should the intolerant be shown tolerance?

But isn't it intolerant not be accept someone doesn't like gays? True tolerance would be accepting some people are gay, and some people don't like gays.

11-02-2008, 08:05 PM
If they would like to marry each other, why is it my or your decision to say they can't?

Being gay and intolerant imo are character traits, muscular dystrophy is genetic and physical. There is a difference.

11-02-2008, 08:06 PM
Anytime someone speaks out against gay marriage or homosexuality, they get labeled a bigot or a homophobe or a neanderthal etc.

Everyone always says "Gays cant help the way they are, they're born that way. You are wrong to judge them or to disapprove of what they want to do."

So the question is, if you can be born gay, who says some people arent born intolerant? Hey, people have agoraphobia or arachnophobia, nobody ever tries to slam those people. Who's to say there are people who simply are predisposed to having homophobia? And if so, why are people so quick to label them in an offensive manner?

Because it affects people in a negative way. How are you going to compare being intolerant to arachnophobia? It is an interesting subject to bring up if people are not born intolerant. But people label intolerance in an offensive manner because it directly affects people. Being gay does not directly harm people the same way intolerance would do so to people. Being agoraphobic does not hurt others. Maybe people are born with those phobias but it does not negatively affect individuals.

11-02-2008, 08:14 PM
If they would like to marry each other, why is it my or your decision to say they can't?

Marriage isnt just a personal agreement. It's a recognized institution that requires government approval because issues like tax deductions and child custody are involved. Thus it IS an issue that concerns everyone, as the government is by the people and for the people.

THe original purpose of marriage is to aid two people in creating a favorable environment for starting a family. Gay people don't have kids. There's no POINT in marrying them. Your gonna end up with college kids just "marrying" their roommates just for the financial benefits.

Plus kids are gonna grow up with man/woman marriage carrying the same normalcy as man/man marriage. Do you seriously want that? America is gonna be Fagland in 25 years. That's embarrassing. There is no REASON to marry gay people. Two people of the same gender marrying each other is a joke. It's just embarrassing.

11-02-2008, 08:16 PM
Well, luckily Starface, you weren't born gay, you were just born stupid. And ugly. So at least you have that to be thankful for.

11-02-2008, 08:16 PM
Because it affects people in a negative way. How are you going to compare being intolerant to arachnophobia? It is an interesting subject to bring up if people are not born intolerant. But people label intolerance in an offensive manner because it directly affects people. Being gay does not directly harm people the same way intolerance would do so to people. Being agoraphobic does not hurt others. Maybe people are born with those phobias but it does not negatively affect individuals.

How do you figure? If I'm born homophobic, then seeing two guys kissing out on the sidewalk on Ventura Boulevard makes me uncomfortable. It makes me sick to my stomache. It makes me feel like I wanna throw up. That would seem to be considered an "effect" would it not?

But if that's the way I'm born, who are you to condemn me for it?

11-02-2008, 08:17 PM
you act like people are just going to turn gay because they can marry. The straight people will remain straight. The gays will remain gay. Its not like there will be an epidemic of gay people taking over the US

11-02-2008, 08:20 PM
THey preach tolerance but don't practice it themselves toward people who disagree with them.

So just say to thier face, in thier blogs, topics, youtube video comment box the usual starface?

"haha you are all friggin training bra wearing, maxi pad in backpocket with stupid GAP wallet clutching, tree hugging hip hoppers and wannabe druggie experts who dont know shyt if you pooped yourself and sat down in it!"

11-02-2008, 08:22 PM
you act like people are just going to turn gay because they can marry. The straight people will remain straight. The gays will remain gay. Its not like there will be an epidemic of gay people taking over the US

In the short term, but in the long term everything will eventually become muddled. The gender blurring in this country is already picking up ridiculous steam.

In all honesty, I can see an evolutionary scenario where in about 500 years, humans are a single gender and reproduce using lab technology and petri dishes.

It sounds like science fiction, but most things that evolution yields would have sounded impossible before they happened. I truly think that's the direction we're heading.

11-02-2008, 08:24 PM
How do you figure? If I'm born homophobic, then seeing two guys kissing out on the sidewalk in Ventura makes me uncomfortable. It makes me sick to my stomache. It makes me feel like I wanna throw up. That would seem to be considered an "effect" would it not?

But if that's the way I'm born, who are you to condemn me for it?

You feeling sick to your stomach is a lot different than gay bashing and condemning a life a person lives that does not directly affect you. Persecuting a person for a life they choose that is not harming your own is far worse than being disgusted seeing them walking down the street kissing. People get disgusted by many things, thats life, they are not hurting you so why does it matter to you?

Its just like people saying serial killers, pedophiles, etc are born with that way. Should we stand by and say its ok because they are born that way? No. WHy? Because it affect people directly. I see gay marriage as a victimless crime. Its not their intention to make you sick or make others feel awkward. Its just a life they have

11-02-2008, 08:53 PM
You feeling sick to your stomach is a lot different than gay bashing and condemning a life a person lives that does not directly affect you. Persecuting a person for a life they choose that is not harming your own is far worse than being disgusted seeing them walking down the street kissing. People get disgusted by many things, thats life, they are not hurting you so why does it matter to you?

Are you proposing that all opponents of homosexuality are violent or oppressive?

If I'm born homophobic and seeing openly gay people makes me uncomfortable, and therefore I don't approve of homosexuality and happen to vote against gay marriage, you think its fair for people to call me names and condemn me? But its not ok for me to do that to gay people? You can put me down and thats cool, but if I put gay people down I'm a bigot and intolerant and prejudice?

In other words, you promote selective tolerance based on which groups you personally happen to tolerate or not. Wow, how progressive and open-minded.

11-02-2008, 09:06 PM
Are you proposing that all opponents of homosexuality are violent or oppressive?

If I'm born homophobic and seeing openly gay people makes me uncomfortable

you aren't born homophobic. there is no homophobic gene, homophobia like any other phobia is learnt either through societies influence on you or your own personal experiences.

people who oppose homophobia aren't saying your not allowed to have your own point of view, they are saying that what you feel is taught behaviour and it is oppressive whether it is overt or covert.

children who were in the hitler youth were not born racist or with some type of anti-jewish genetic predisposion, they were taught to believe in those ideas. jewish or homosexual are not things a child knows about until they learn about them from the people around them, its just a matter of HOW they are taught about them.

11-02-2008, 09:07 PM
you aren't born homophobic. there is no homophobic gene,

but you believe people are born gay and that there is a homosexual gene?

11-02-2008, 09:17 PM
but you believe people are born gay and that there is a homosexual gene?

i'm not sure i just know it would either be genetic or developmental. they did just find a gene recently that is liked to being transexual.


Posts Penyeach
11-03-2008, 12:08 AM
So the question is, if you can be born gay, who says some people arent born intolerant? Hey, people have agoraphobia or arachnophobia, nobody ever tries to slam those people. Who's to say there are people who simply are predisposed to having homophobia? And if so, why are people so quick to label them in an offensive manner?
You're not the first person to propose this. This is a dangerous road to go down. The implications are staggering, and you want no part of them believe me. If it's not the #1 philosophical dilemma of our age, it's going to be soon, as science continues to tackle the human brain.

I would say, at this point, this: the analog isn't completely there. Homosexuality is a sexual drive, which is among the most basic drives of our nature, right up there with hunger and thirst. It's the purest of pure instinct. It's much harder to manipulate sexual drive (in fact, it's downright impossible, you can only manipulate how it manifests itself) than, say, to manipulate how you treat people who are unlike you, which is what tolerance pertains to. A concept like intolerance which mostly only manifests itself in civilized society is, I would think, further removed from instinct than homosexuality.

But still I don't think your point is completely without merit, and you nearly hit upon a very very big contemporary question many people are currently wrestling with. I could go for hours bringing up problems, resolving them, creating new ones but I don't feel like it right now. It's something you could truly start writing about and never finish.

11-03-2008, 03:02 PM
All those people that owned slaves weren't ignorant *******s.. they were born racist! George W. Bush was born a warmongering greedy *******! starface was born an insufferable douche bag!

11-03-2008, 03:18 PM
Starface is using backward logic

thats exactly what it is...

backwards, convoluted reasoning......

11-03-2008, 03:19 PM
learned vs innate behavior imo...

hard to believe someone could be born with a fully developed system of core values

the gay worms tbh

11-03-2008, 03:21 PM
Again, Starface is clearly not being serious. He likes to do this for some odd reason.

11-03-2008, 03:21 PM
Starface is using backward logic to get people here to chase their tails, but really its quite simple. Being born a homophobe is not okay, for the same reason that being born a nazi, or being born racist, or being born an islamic fundamentalist is not okay. Either way you look at it, you belong to a group of people who hate, and try to harm other groups of people. Who do the homosexuals hate? What groups of people are they trying to harm?

....or being born gay

I usually dont agree with anything Starface has to say, but im with him on this one.

No one is born gay, being gay is a sin, gay marriage is a joke and i find it jaw-dropping that so many americans are being tricked into supporting gay rights.

11-03-2008, 03:25 PM
....or being born gay

I usually dont agree with anything Starface has to say, but im with him on this one.

No one is born gay, being gay is a sin, gay marriage is a joke and i find it jaw-dropping that so many americans are being tricked into supporting gay rights.

separation of church and state tbh

11-03-2008, 03:25 PM
....or being born gay

I usually dont agree with anything Starface has to say, but im with him on this one.

No one is born gay, being gay is a sin, gay marriage is a joke and i find it jaw-dropping that so many americans are being tricked into supporting gay rights.

Hopefully your jaw dropped enough that I could slide a little something-something up in there ;)

11-03-2008, 03:32 PM
Being gay a sin? Some one tell the priests that. Maybe they would stop going after alter boys.

11-03-2008, 03:34 PM
Nor do I remember "Thou shlat not be gay". must of been on the third tablet that mel dropped

11-03-2008, 03:36 PM
Being gay a sin? Some one tell the priests that. Maybe they would stop going after alter boys.

Say Werd :oldlol:

11-03-2008, 03:41 PM
I dont know what churches you guys go to, but i dont got no gay priests or chimos where i praise god.

And news flash everybody: There wont be any gays in heaven. Wonder why?:no:

11-03-2008, 03:43 PM
And news flash everybody: There wont be any gays in heaven. Wonder why?:no:

Because there is no heaven.

11-03-2008, 03:44 PM
There wont be any gays in heaven. Wonder why?:no:

:hammerhead: Heaven doesnt exist....... Neither does santa and the easter Bunny

11-03-2008, 03:46 PM
I dont know what churches you guys go to, but i dont got no gay priests or chimos where i praise god.

And news flash everybody: There wont be any gays in heaven. Wonder why?:no:

Google catholic church lawsuits sometime.

11-03-2008, 03:46 PM
:hammerhead: Heaven doesnt exist....... Neither does santa and the easter Bunny
Dont tell Randy about santa, he'll be crushed!

11-03-2008, 03:47 PM
And news flash everybody: There wont be any gays in heaven. Wonder why?

Because it's a fairy tale.

But if there was a heaven, gay parades just wouldn't be restricted to earth...

- God created mankind in his own image.
- Some people are gay.
- Therefore, God is either gay or bi himself or doesn't give a damn what sexuality people are.

*dusts hands off and takes a bow*

11-03-2008, 03:48 PM
....or being born gay

I usually dont agree with anything Starface has to say, but im with him on this one.

No one is born gay, being gay is a sin, gay marriage is a joke and i find it jaw-dropping that so many americans are being tricked into supporting gay rights.

there are indicators that gays are born that way, their brains appear to differ from those of heterosexuals: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/7456588.stm

if you base your statement "being gay is a sin" on the bible, you should check out a few other things that the bible considers sinful: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rHaVUjjH3EI (you can start watching at the 1:40 mark).

if you are against gay marriage, you are against equal rights. it is that simple. if that doesn't make you feel ashamed, i don't know what to tell you.

11-03-2008, 03:49 PM
i've never understood why people care sooo much about gay people.

it's a sin to kill people but you could care less about the multiple genocide's occurring as we speak...

i mean as long as you arent getting butt raped by a throng of evil gay dudes.. i just dont see how its your problem? :confusedshrug:

oh that's right religion: raising normal nice human beings to hate other normal nice human beings for no discernible reason since day one!!

11-03-2008, 03:59 PM
In another thread, Starface had a good point. Gays do have equal rights as straights. Technically, they do. They CAN marry someone of the opposite sex just like everyone else can.

He did have a good point on that but I do believe gay marriage should be legal.

Legend of Josh
11-03-2008, 04:03 PM
:hammerhead: Heaven doesnt exist....... Neither does santa and the easter Bunny


Quite an enigmatic post coming from you Rasheed. I mean this in no disrespect (you're one of the few I actually do respect here), but at one time you were a follower of Christ, right?

Secondly... you're trying to group "heaven" with the likes of Mr. Hankey the Christmas Poo and the Tooth Fairy... what's up with that?

It's still somewhat logical even if you're agnostic to believe there is a heaven ... exactly what is heaven remains a mystery.

Just throwing my $0.02 out there. More to come.

Legend of Josh
11-03-2008, 04:20 PM
I believe in equal / union rights. I do not believe in same-sex marriage. Marriage is a sanction between husband and wife. This is traditional commonplace no matter what religion or nation you hail from. This is and should be universal law.

I'm not going to get deep into this debate. I'll say my piece and that'll be it. Pen!s + pen!s or pen!s + butthole does not equal life. Pen!s + gina does equate to life. Man + Man = nothing. Man + Woman = new life. Renew, plant the seed, continue and carry on tradition. Gay Marriage is not logical. Perhaps in the social world, but not the scientific world.

Scientific World > Social World

Without Science, there'd be no Social ... in fact, we'd be non existent.

I do not believe you're born gay. I do believe enigmatic and perplexing situations, occurrences, actions, happenings, events, etc... in one's life is the overwhelming factor in how one arrives at their sexual orientation. I can see that it is partly a genetic flaw (yes... if you are in fact born gay, then you're genetically flawed). Either way, you're not going to be happy (literally). If you're gay, that's fine with me. I don't care really. Just don't expect or demand me to respect who you are or what you're about. I will tolerate you, just like I tolerate a smoker... but if you demand I give you respect, then you're mistaken.

In the end, just me speaking (typing or whatever) I see it as 85% of being gay is the product of one's environment and their surrounding growing up as an adolescent. The other 15% being genetic... some scientific blown fuse when the being was produced and / or brought into this world. No one has the right answer, and no one ever will. Debating this is worthless, and it will never get us anywhere. If you're gay, just be gay. Cool beans with me. Just don't demand respect and go overboard with your "hey I'm glad gawddamit and you will listen to me and who I be!" ... and all you gay bashers out there (I used to be one of them) need to quit what you're doing too. People are people. End of story.

Legend of Josh
11-03-2008, 04:21 PM
Hopefully your jaw dropped enough that I could slide a little something-something up in there ;)


How gay.

Because it's a fairy tale.

But if there was a heaven, gay parades just wouldn't be restricted to earth...

- God created mankind in his own image.
- Some people are gay.
- Therefore, God is either gay or bi himself or doesn't give a damn what sexuality people are.

*dusts hands off and takes a bow*

Randy... I'm really starting to believe you're 65% heterosexual and 35% homosexual... and as the months / years pass the number increases.

11-03-2008, 04:28 PM
In another thread, Starface had a good point. Gays do have equal rights as straights. Technically, they do. They CAN marry someone of the opposite sex just like everyone else can.

He did have a good point on that but I do believe gay marriage should be legal.

i do not see how that is a good point. gays still don't have the right to marry the person they love.

11-03-2008, 04:39 PM
I believe in equal / union rights. I do not believe in same-sex marriage. Marriage is a sanction between husband and wife. This is traditional commonplace no matter what religion or nation you hail from. This is and should be universal law.

I'm not going to get deep into this debate. I'll say my piece and that'll be it. Pen!s + pen!s or pen!s + butthole does not equal life. Pen!s + gina does equate to life. Man + Man = nothing. Man + Woman = new life. Renew, plant the seed, continue and carry on tradition. Gay Marriage is not logical. Perhaps in the social world, but not the scientific world.

Scientific World > Social World

Without Science, there'd be no Social ... in fact, we'd be non existent.

I do not believe you're born gay. I do believe enigmatic and perplexing situations, occurrences, actions, happenings, events, etc... in one's life is the overwhelming factor in how one arrives at their sexual orientation. I can see that it is partly a genetic flaw (yes... if you are in fact born gay, then you're genetically flawed). Either way, you're not going to be happy (literally). If you're gay, that's fine with me. I don't care really. Just don't expect or demand me to respect who you are or what you're about. I will tolerate you, just like I tolerate a smoker... but if you demand I give you respect, then you're mistaken.

In the end, just me speaking (typing or whatever) I see it as 85% of being gay is the product of one's environment and their surrounding growing up as an adolescent. The other 15% being genetic... some scientific blown fuse when the being was produced and / or brought into this world. No one has the right answer, and no one ever will. Debating this is worthless, and it will never get us anywhere. If you're gay, just be gay. Cool beans with me. Just don't demand respect and go overboard with your "hey I'm glad gawddamit and you will listen to me and who I be!" ... and all you gay bashers out there (I used to be one of them) need to quit what you're doing too. People are people. End of story.

i LOL'd. you don't consider yourself a gay basher, but i still think you are to some degree. especially the stuff about how you won't respect a gay person.

instead of rambling on about what makes a homosexual, how about you take a look at the science on which you heap such praise: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/7456588.stm

"Without Science, there'd be no Social ... in fact, we'd be non existent. " What the hell does this mean? that there would be no people if not for science?? where do you get that from? logically, there had to be actual people before there was any science.

and that part about how gay sex doesn't create life? that is ridiculous. that's essentially saying any sex that doesn't produce babies is illogical and therefore shouldn't be. yes, that is essentially what you just said.

11-03-2008, 04:46 PM

Quite an enigmatic post coming from you Rasheed. I mean this in no disrespect (you're one of the few I actually do respect here), but at one time you were a follower of Christ, right?

Secondly... you're trying to group "heaven" with the likes of Mr. Hankey the Christmas Poo and the Tooth Fairy... what's up with that?

It's still somewhat logical even if you're agnostic to believe there is a heaven ... exactly what is heaven remains a mystery.

Just throwing my $0.02 out there. More to come.

I always believed in a God. Still do (actually I believe in the concept of the elohim as told in the ancient Sumerian stories about the coming of Gods and how we came to be)

What I dont believe in is Religion.....

Religion is slavery. Religions does not allow Man to grow and figure out what his true potential is....

in religion, God is responsible for your growth, God is responsible for all that is positive in your life... NOT YOU

and there is the problem..... you cant grow because you cant achieve anything unless God allows you to achieve..

things religious people say:

"its all in God's hands"
"God will find a way"
"it was all God's doing"

Human beings arent made to GROW UP and realize their true potential in this world and beyond because they hold on to this idea that God does everything for them and they are helpless otherwise......

Religion uses God similar way to Santa and the Easter Bunny... When a child acts up, what do you do? tell him Santa is watching and he'll get no gifts come christmas time... Kid usually straightens right up because he believes in Santa.... It becomes a form of control until the child eventually realizes Santa isnt real...

Same with religion..... Priests and Pastors cant control my emotions anymore with their threats from "GOD" because Im free now.

I have accepted that those stories told to us as children were lies... The funny thing is, the bible and the concept of Jesus means more to me now than it did before, because i now can reach MY OWN DIVINITY...Humans can start using more than just 10% of our brains and we can start learning what we are really capable of as beings...

The Bible has even more important message for me now.... the story of light vs. Dark..... whether it be the light of knowledge vs. the darkness of ignorance or the idea of life & death and the cycles of time and space, it is more engaging read to me....

11-03-2008, 04:47 PM
To care about someone is the most natural thing there is. Why should it matter to someone else as to whether it is a member of the same sex or not. Religion should have no say at all in the matter of Gay rights. The country was founded on the basis of seperation of church and state. Everyone should be able to be who they are, as long as it does not infringe upon the rights of some one else. And just because one might be offended, does not mean their rights have been comprimised.

11-03-2008, 04:50 PM
I always believed in a God. Still do (actually I believe in the concept of the elohim as told in the ancient Sumerian stories about the coming of Gods and how we came to be)

What I dont believe in is Religion.....

Religion is slavery. Religions does not allow Man to grow and figure out what his true potential is....

in religion, God is responsible for your growth, God is responsible for all that is positive in your life... NOT YOU

and there is the problem..... you cant grow because you cant achieve anything unless God allows you to achieve..

things religious people say:

"its all in God's hands"
"God will find a way"
"it was all God's doing"

Human beings arent made to GROW UP and realize their true potential in this world and beyond because they hold on to this idea that God does everything for them and they are helpless otherwise......

Religion uses God similar way to Santa and the Easter Bunny... When a child acts up, what do you do? tell him Santa is watching and he'll get no gifts come christmas time... Kid usually straightens right up because he believes in Santa.... It becomes a form of control until the child eventually realizes Santa isnt real...

Same with religion..... Priests and Pastors cant control my emotions anymore with their threats from "GOD" because Im free now.

I have accepted that those stories told to us as children were lies... The funny thing is, the bible and the concept of Jesus means more to me now than it did before, because i now can reach MY OWN DIVINITY...Humans can start using more than just 10% of our brains and we can start learning what we are really capable of as beings...

The Bible has even more important message for me now.... the story of light vs. Dark..... whether it be the light of knowledge vs. the darkness of ignorance or the idea of life & death and the cycles of time and space, it is more engaging read to me....

:applause: :applause: :applause:

Rasheed1, Do you believe in an afterlife? Also, could you elaborate on what you meant about reaching your own divinity and using more than 10%of our brains?

Legend of Josh
11-03-2008, 05:30 PM
and that part about how gay sex doesn't create life? that is ridiculous. that's essentially saying any sex that doesn't produce babies is illogical and therefore shouldn't be. yes, that is essentially what you just said.


What do you not understand?

Man + Man = nothing ... it's scientifically illogical ... if everyone were gay, life would cease to exist... minus a few flowers, mushrooms and trees. So yes, I'm sorry but gay is illogical. Tolerable, yes, logical? No.

11-03-2008, 05:34 PM
but how does the logic lead to all being gay. Just because some one is different in the way they act or feel, why should their rights be limited.

11-03-2008, 05:34 PM
wanting gay marriage banned at the federal level is asking for too much big government intervention in our lives.

it needs to remain at the state level.

less govt, more freedoms, less religious right

11-03-2008, 05:34 PM

What do you not understand?

Man + Man = nothing ... it's scientifically illogical ... if everyone were gay, life would cease to exist... minus a few flowers, mushrooms and trees. So yes, I'm sorry but gay is illogical. Tolerable, yes, logical? No.

How is someone who bases their moral beliefs on the bible going to come in here and argue about logic? Is believing that a man who could turn water in to wine walked the earth 2000 years ago logical? Is believing any of the other rubbish also known as christianity logical?

How are you going to condemn homosexuality as illogical, when the entire belief system you are using to come to this conclusion is illogical in nature as well.

Legend of Josh
11-03-2008, 05:39 PM
wanting gay marriage banned at the federal level is asking for too much big government intervention in our lives.

it needs to remain at the state level.

less govt, more freedoms, less religious right

I agree 100%.

Legend of Josh
11-03-2008, 05:52 PM
How is someone who bases their moral beliefs on the bible going to come in here and argue about logic? Is believing that a man who could turn water in to wine walked the earth 2000 years ago logical? Is believing any of the other rubbish also known as christianity logical?

How are you going to condemn homosexuality as illogical, when the entire belief system you are using to come to this conclusion is illogical in nature as well.

You're way off, for starters. I'm highly skeptical of the Bible. Always have been, and always will be. Does that mean I entirely throw out the idea or possibility that the Christian God isn't the one true God? No. My religious beliefs have no play in this debate. I'm talking about reproduction and the advancement of life from a scientific perspective.

In that regard, gay is illogical. In the "social" world, is gay illogical? No. If you want to be gay, be gay! I simply feel you have no business holding the title of marriage. Equal rights? Sure, please do. We're all people, we deserve the same benefits without discrimination. I'm sorry, I still feel marriage is a sanction between man and women (husband and wife). It doesn't get anymore logical than that.

... and going a bit further ... I hate to say this too ... I'm not a bigot folks ... but I strongly oppose a gay couple adopting and starting a family. This does not sit well with me, at all. I'm sorry, and I understand there's perfectly "fine" ... "OK" ... "responsible" ... "trustworthy" ... "etc" gay couples out there who can take care of a family, easily and will raise the child in a respectable, lovable, etc. home.

I still feel it's not natural... and for the ones (be it a few or not so few) that it will have unfortunate psychological effects during or after their upbringing into adulthood. It's unfair to the ones who will be a victim in this. So to make the gay people happy by allowing them to adopt is not in our future's best interest and especially for the few who end up suffering mentally or find themselves very confused once they reach adulthood after being raised by gay parents.

... I can't even talk about this anymore LOL ... blah * shrugs it off *

I said I wont debate in this... I need to just stop...

11-03-2008, 05:58 PM
But what is the logic, outside of religious beliefs, behind excluding gays from marriage? Who does it violate the rights of? Yes it may offend people. but does it restrict the offended from leading life the way they desire. The answer is no. Therefore there is no logical reason to limit the rights of homosexuals.

11-03-2008, 06:06 PM

What do you not understand?

Man + Man = nothing ... it's scientifically illogical ... if everyone were gay, life would cease to exist... minus a few flowers, mushrooms and trees. So yes, I'm sorry but gay is illogical. Tolerable, yes, logical? No.

man + man (or woman + woman, why is it always man + man in your example? i'm guessing it's because that's the homosexuality that bothers you) does not create life, correct. but how does this make a case against them getting married? should infertile couples not get married either?

my point is; this should not have anything to do with their right to get married. whether or not a child can be conceived in a marriage shouldn't have anything to do with the right to get married.

11-03-2008, 06:13 PM
... and going a bit further ... I hate to say this too ... I'm not a bigot folks ... but I strongly oppose a gay couple adopting and starting a family. This does not sit well with me, at all. I'm sorry, and I understand there's perfectly "fine" ... "OK" ... "responsible" ... "trustworthy" ... "etc" gay couples out there who can take care of a family, easily and will raise the child in a respectable, lovable, etc. home.

I still feel it's not natural... and for the ones (be it a few or not so few) that it will have unfortunate psychological effects during or after their upbringing into adulthood. It's unfair to the ones who will be a victim in this. So to make the gay people happy by allowing them to adopt is not in our future's best interest and especially for the few who end up suffering mentally or find themselves very confused once they reach adulthood after being raised by gay parents.

... I can't even talk about this anymore LOL ... blah * shrugs it off *

I said I wont debate in this... I need to just stop...

Well, would you rather see a child orphaned? A homeless child? A child with abusive parents? If you really consider what is best for a child, people who adopt go through a thorough vetting process before they get the chance to bring a kid home. There is no such test for biological parents.

And could we please get off that "natural" argument. Us humans have gone so far away from what is "natural" for us that it is a ridiculous thing to invoke. If you've ever flown in an aeroplane, you should not be allowed to play the "natural" card - since that is not natural for us humans either!

Legend of Josh
11-03-2008, 06:29 PM
Well, would you rather see a child orphaned? A homeless child? A child with abusive parents? If you really consider what is best for a child, people who adopt go through a thorough vetting process before they get the chance to bring a kid home. There is no such test for biological parents.

And could we please get off that "natural" argument. Us humans have gone so far away from what is "natural" for us that it is a ridiculous thing to invoke. If you've ever flown in an aeroplane, you should not be allowed to play the "natural" card - since that is not natural for us humans either!

In an ideal world... all children would have loving, caring and supportive parents giving each and every child the opportunity to succeed in life. Unfortunately, we do not live in such a world. IMO, this still shouldn't open a door for homosexuals to lend a helping hand.

Sure, it would help many kids... and many parentless children would actually benefit from having two loving, caring parents... be them gay or not... however... do you hear me? HOWEVER - there will be a handful... a noticeable... heavy hitting number... percentage... or whatever you want to call it - there will be VICTIMS if you allow this to happen... innocent children who did not ask for gay parents... but were given them nonetheless, and as a result now their life if phucked all to hell... oh... but that's OK thought... because gay people's "rights" come first.

Fu*k outta here with that mess.

Legend of Josh
11-03-2008, 06:39 PM
Very well written post, and dispite the many parts which I disagree with, you did a good job presenting your arguments and backing them up. I am sorry if you feel like I mis-represented you in the post which you quoted, that was not my intention.

So you want to talk about reproduction and the advancement of live from a scientific perspective? Lets think about that for a minute. You say that because two men cannot reproduce, being gay is "illogical". You say that this is proven to us by science. I do not disagree with you about this. From a scientific standpoint, men having sex with other men does not make sense. We humans do millions of things that are illogical, and whether or not gay sex is "logical" is not really the issue at hand. The subject is Marriage.

Marriage is a perfect example of something that is not logical. A civil union between a man and a woman makes absolutely zero evolutionary sense. If all life were logical, every man would try to impregnate as many women as possible. What is marriage? In modern America, marriage is simply a religious ceremony that grants a man and a woman certain rights.

So if I understand you correctly, you dont want to allow gay marriage because you dont want to sully the "sanctity of marraige". I dont see how allowing gay people to get married is going to make the idea of marriage unclean or something. What this comes down to, giving gay people equal rights, and no matter how you sugar-coat it, you obviously do not support equal rights.

As for what you said about gay couples adopting: I find your argument here very weak. If regular people would stop alienating and attacking gay people, then the children in question wont suffer any "unfortunate psychological effects"

LOL - so what happened to the whole "my hats goes off to you SIR!!!"


It's OK mang... it's only natural you want to give me *e-dapz* ... just remember ... I'm the greatest... always and forever. This is palpably off the subject... but you are one of a select few candidates I foresee carrying the "elite" ISH torch to pass on to the next generation.

Only time will tell... but regardless... be it past, the present or the future... I am the greatest.

I'm done in this thread. Might let Grand Villain come out and play some tonight if he's a good boy and takes his medicine.

Legend of Josh
11-03-2008, 06:50 PM
As for what you said about gay couples adopting: I find your argument here very weak. If regular people would stop alienating and attacking gay people, then the children in question wont suffer any "unfortunate psychological effects"

... what world are you living in? Look in the mirror, tell yourself exactly what you just told me, and come back here... tell us again you still believe this as truth

You want to talk about gay marriage... OK I can see that as a warranted debate... I can see both sides even though I favor one side much more than the other. I'm 85% con gay marriage... and perhaps something like 15% pro gay marriage (I can see how this isn't TOO bad for society - more of a personal opinion really).

Now you want to argue homosexual parenting is logical and good for society? WTF mang. Seriously. You want to even say there'd be no "bad outcomes" if gay peeps didn't have the tag they do today. You're so off on that it isn't even funny, or debatable really.

You're going to tell me there will not be psychological impacts in one's life after being raised by a gay couple... be it a good or bad home? Like I said before... there will be many children who would actually in fact benefit... they will turn out just fine... and then some! Unfortunately... there's the other end of the equation... and it's not pretty. There will be VICTIMS in this. Children growing up into adults and their lives will phucked up because of the environment they were raised in.

We're not going to agree on this... but unlike you, I'm not going to play dumb and pretend everything will be just fine and peachy in 100% of the cases if you allow gay couples to raise kids. What about bad straight parents you say? That's terrible too... but unfortunately as bad as it is... it's bad people's rights to have children and raise them (speaking from the natural scientific sense and also the political law driven one).

11-03-2008, 09:55 PM
intolerance and bigotry are taught and learned.

White Chocolate
11-03-2008, 09:59 PM
If. is wrong. They arn't born gay. It's already been proven.

That you Cartman?

11-04-2008, 12:19 AM
In 50 years, society will look at the gay rights issue the same as we look at the segregation movement of the 50's and 60's today.

Equal marraige rights for gays is going to happen. It may not be today, or even the next couple of years, but it will. And even further down the line, some people won't be able to even comprehend a USA in that 2 men can't get married.

So suck it up conservatives, don't make some people suffer for what is going to be an eventuality.

Legend of Josh
11-04-2008, 01:56 AM
What about a gay couple who scientifically produce a child? Two gay males combine their dna, and implant it into a woman, who gives birth. Two females can do the same thing. There are amazing things that science can do to get past the sanctity of marriage, and allow the homos to get their children. Will they be messed up in the head also? In 10 years from now, you will be able to design your own child based your own genetic traits, the ones you want to keep, and the ones you would rather leave. Should we allow homos to design their kids or should we descriminate on this subject too? Help me out.

... I'll keep this short and simple. You're right, science is well, amazing. Amazing isn't always a positive term however. I see your vision too... in the future... you say 10 years I say more like 15 years ... people will be "window shopping" their babies... hell why not do it online! "Baby's'R 'US".com or some bullsh*t like that. Hell, you can even select what color you want them to be! How about lime green honey! No, I was thinking black with the hot red flames on the side, yeah!


... but on a more serious note... this is playing God... and this is just me talking... we're entering an era in this world where we see ourselves as gods... we want to be gods... we want all control... it's all about me me me! I'm better than you. You're inferior to me! I'm perfect! You're not! My baby will have perfectly straight teef and will be so smart he or she will win the national spelling bee three years in a row!

SLOW DOWN!!!! people... we're like I said... about to enter a whole new world where Man + Science = God ... this is NOT GOOD. Look at the equation backwards.... God (first), then Science (Big Bang, Milky Way, Solar
System, Home) ... then comes man.

In the beginning... it was God, then Science then Man. Today, it's vise versa... you have Man then you have Science ... and now we want to play / be God.

Man + Science = God

God > Science > Man ... science is the missing link between us and God (our creator).

Unfortunately... you being a scientist and all ... you can't see the same vision as I. Rarely do you see a scientist who believes in God... or a "higher power" a "creator" if you will... most believe it's all science and nothing more. Sheer chance and chance alone is what got us here.

Why can't Science and God co-exist? I'm not talking about Science and Religion. Religion has crippled man, and still to this day misleads the people. However, God is real... He is out there... He is watching... He is the one who created us... and even though Science tells us differently... I say they coexist in this universe together... in this universe that you and I have only a mere say 0.01222252216855151616516515616161651616165161 of knowledge when it comes to knowing "what's out there" ... we don't know... you want to bank on saying until I see God... there is no god. That's the path of you, Mr. Scientist. You can't "see" God. He doesn't brush your teeth for you, or help you tie your shoes. .... but God does make things happen... everyday... you think of it from time to time (all of us do). A split second in someone's life... you know God... or "it" or "something" is watching over you at that very moment... it's universal law my friend... not science.

God is real. Deal with it.

(OK - off topic I know... just wanted to add my $0.02 at 1 AM ... man I should really get some sleep now huh?)

PS - so much for the short and simple huh!!!

11-04-2008, 03:08 AM
You know what's pretty important to raising kids? Love.

11-04-2008, 03:29 PM
:applause: :applause: :applause:

Rasheed1, Do you believe in an afterlife? Also, could you elaborate on what you meant about reaching your own divinity and using more than 10%of our brains?

I dont know if there is an afterlife or even re-incarnation of some sort. The tough thing is letting go the idea of 'going to heaven'. But there are many concepts in this world which may be true, but Im just recently freeing my mind up enough to accept the possibility of these things since I dont have religion telling me this is evil or somehow putting a label on these ideas that are outside the realm of religion....

We dont really know what we can do when we fully apply our brains and start living in our proper role in this universe... If we let go of the petty small minded thinking processes we use, we could give ourselves a chance to develop beyond todays problems....What is your brain really capable of? :confusedshrug: Mental Telepathy? Healing yourself? others?

this thread is a good example of how petty we still are and how little we really know....

For me, things like who a gay person marries, or what kind of rights they should be entitled to is not an issue for me anymore....

Im not connected to religion so I dont feel the need to worry about the morality of others when it comes to their personal lives..... If they are gay? good, if thats what they decide is best for them :cheers:

Religion instills that idea that certain people are evil and others are good...

Religion emphasizes human nature when there really is no human nature... just human behavior....

Religion very often gives people the disposition to hate one another for very superficial reasons.....

Now that I dont have those beliefs, I dont concern myself with other people's business like maybe I used to...

Someone said something earlier about the word love...

the world is really about love vs. all else....

when you are about love, you dont let things like sexual orientation or some ones past, or who they were friends with 5 years ago, or what race they are come before your main concern..... everyone's improvement....

all the other stuff, personal ambition, jealousy, fear, anger .... all of that is a distraction to real improvement of the human race...

We are the only thing we have to fear on this planet..... elephants lions and tigers and the biggest most beastly creatures on this planet cannot eliminate us.... Only we can do that and when we hate each other and destroy each other, we make it happen..... Bombs cannot drop themselves....Guns dont shoot people and declare War......

We do that.... And as soon as we focusing on building instead of destroying, we will truly become a civilized race of beings

I think it was Jimi Hendrix who said "When the power of love overcomes the love of power we will know peace"

We wont care about things like gay marriage then...

Grand Villain
11-04-2008, 03:54 PM
Excellent post there Rasheed. You possess the foundation characteristics of what could very well be a super villain in the making. Sure, you'll elect to refuse my claim, but within your heart of hearts, you know deep down inside your e-mage is nothing more than an e-sguise, a mere subterfuge to this board for so many years.

Join me Rasheed. Together, we could take over the world my friend! Philly is your domain. You dwell in a metropolis where villainy runs rampant in the streets. You're still a tyrant among tyrants in no-man's land! Grant me power over your city, and I'll share my timeshare up in Montana with you during the long winter months! Deal, or no deal?!

11-04-2008, 06:31 PM
people aren't born gay just like people aren't born with the gene to cross dress, it seems to me that homosexuality is more of a social construct as you see all homosexuals fit in with certain various stereotypes


Grand Villain
11-04-2008, 06:34 PM
How do we know you're legit?

If you are the one they call cartmanclone... *cheers* mate!

You're in good company. This is Villainy territory.

11-04-2008, 06:38 PM
How do we know you're legit?

If you are the one they call cartmanclone... *cheers* mate!

You're in good company. This is Villainy territory.
im cartmanclone



Grand Villain
11-04-2008, 06:39 PM
Fair enough... do you know who I be?

11-04-2008, 06:41 PM
Fair enough... do you know who I be?

Grand Villain
11-04-2008, 06:53 PM

I'll give you a hint...

I'm Legendary...

11-04-2008, 06:57 PM
I'll give you a hint...

I'm Legendary...
Legend of Josh wat it B like

Grand Villain
11-04-2008, 07:02 PM
Legend of Josh wat it B like

Why the mods tryin' to keep a fellow villain down?

They can't keep goons in the basement forever. The freaks will come out at night. Universal law. Carry on.

11-04-2008, 07:05 PM
Why the mods tryin' to keep a fellow villain down?

They can't keep goons in the basement forever. The freaks will come out at night. Universal law. Carry on.

Legend of Josh
11-05-2008, 11:34 AM

already... banned?


12-26-2015, 02:56 AM
actually that's an excellent point, starface, and kind of adds a new dimension to the argument.

i doubt there is a measurable quality of "intolerance," but there may be a number of factors that overlap and contribute to that kind of POV, such as narcissism, lack of empathy and generalised paranoia.

and one question that occurs- should the intolerant be shown tolerance?

thx dawg :cheers:

12-26-2015, 09:23 AM
So why do people insist we tolerate gays because they're born gay and cant help it, but at the same time demonize the people who dont feel that way. Perhaps those people are born intolerant or homophobic. Shouldnt we accept that the same way we are told to accept homosexuality?

oh shit not another right wing retard.

Why stop there, murderers where born that way, why do they have to go to prison? Pedophiles will rape your 5 year old daughter, well you will be ok with it, cause they were born that way.

Does gays hurt you by ****ing themselfs in their ass in their home? How about people being intolerant with YOU? How would that make you feel? Would like people around don't give a shit about you being target of intolerance or you would like them to back you up?

How about you come to terms that you are dumb as **** and just stfu?

oh shit off course 2008 thread digg up by the resident ish retard, who else? IQ matches.

12-26-2015, 01:54 PM
oh shit not another right wing retard.

Why stop there, murderers where born that way, why do they have to go to prison? Pedophiles will rape your 5 year old daughter, well you will be ok with it, cause they were born that way.

Does gays hurt you by ****ing themselfs in their ass in their home? How about people being intolerant with YOU? How would that make you feel? Would like people around don't give a shit about you being target of intolerance or you would like them to back you up?

How about you come to terms that you are dumb as **** and just stfu?

oh shit off course 2008 thread digg up by the resident ish retard, who else? IQ matches.

THis guy is so easy :roll:


12-26-2015, 01:57 PM
You can't even dispute his points, you just posted pictures. What a joke. Next time don't bump threads of yours from 7 years ago. We know you've been a troll for 20+ years on the internet, no point proving it to us :oldlol:

12-26-2015, 01:58 PM
You can't even dispute his points, you just posted pictures. What a joke. Next time don't bump threads of yours from 7 years ago. We know you've been a troll for 20+ years on the internet, no point proving it to us :oldlol:

His points?

He can't even type coherent English. It's impossible to tell what specifically he's crying about. All you can tell is that he's crying HARD.

12-26-2015, 02:02 PM
His points?

He can't even type coherent English. It's impossible to tell what specifically he's crying about. All you can tell is that he's crying HARD.
His point was, why stop at being born intolerant? Why not conclude that people can be born killers, or born rapists, or born pedofiles.


12-26-2015, 02:05 PM
His point was, why stop at being born intolerant? Why not conclude that people can be born killers, or born rapists, or born pedofiles.


Uhh, we do that all the time.

People get off on murder charges by pleading insanity. #BornThatWay There are even more people who have innate murderous feelings and desires but thankfully manage to control them.

Pedophilia is just another type of sexuality that deviates from the norm. No different than homosexuality, transexuality, whatever. #BornThatWay

People have phobias of clowns, heights, water, the #13... But we're gonna freak out and burn someone at the stake because they're uncomfortable around men who like to swallow sausage, or dress up in bras and wigs and lipstick? It's a total double standard, and NOT in the spirit of tolerance.


12-26-2015, 02:08 PM
Anyway, I don't have a beef with teh gays. It's simply an exercise in logic. Some people are naturally more xenophobic than others. Just like some peoples pets are comfortable around strangers, others aren't. It's just natural individual variance.

Your ilk tries to make other people feel small, lesser, inadequate, devalued if their natural way of seeing things differs from yours in any way.

You're a hate monger. Deal with it.

12-26-2015, 02:08 PM
His point was, why stop at being born intolerant? Why not conclude that people can be born killers, or born rapists, or born pedofiles.
They probably are.

The point is, there is an obvious difference between thought and action. Having intolerant opinions is an.... opinion, on what you like or don't like. It's not the same as murdering or raping people. This really shouldn't need to be explained.

We really don't need to get into the area of policing thought crimes. For some, it might be racism, sexism. For others it might be blasphemy, lack of patriotism.

12-26-2015, 02:11 PM
I shouldn't have bothered to bump this thread, I was actually looking through the archives for a different one and noticed this question hadn't been accurately answered before. So I thought I'd bump it. Not trying to hate on the homos tho.

12-26-2015, 02:20 PM
They probably are.

The point is, there is an obvious difference between thought and action. Having intolerant opinions is an.... opinion, on what you like or don't like. It's not the same as murdering or raping people. This really shouldn't need to be explained.

We really don't need to get into the area of policing thought crimes. For some, it might be racism, sexism. For others it might be blasphemy, lack of patriotism.
Well yeah, no one is getting thrown into jail for intolerance. They will be fired from their jobs though, if their thought process gets out. I don't think Donald Sterling meant to alert the masses about how he truly felt, but it got out. Is he a criminal for having such thoughts? Absolutely not. Would it be a crime for someone that beat the shit out of him for having those thoughts? Of course.

12-26-2015, 02:23 PM
Anytime someone speaks out against gay marriage or homosexuality, they get labeled a bigot or a homophobe or a neanderthal etc.

Everyone always says "Gays cant help the way they are, they're born that way. You are wrong to judge them or to disapprove of what they want to do."

So the question is, if you can be born gay, who says some people arent born intolerant? Hey, people have agoraphobia or arachnophobia, nobody ever tries to slam those people. Who's to say there are people who simply are predisposed to having homophobia? And if so, why are people so quick to label them in an offensive manner?
If you can be born gay, you can be born a pedophile.

So take your pick.

12-26-2015, 04:23 PM
Uhh, we do that all the time.

People get off on murder charges by pleading insanity. #BornThatWay There are even more people who have innate murderous feelings and desires but thankfully manage to control them.

Pedophilia is just another type of sexuality that deviates from the norm. No different than homosexuality, transexuality, whatever. #BornThatWay

People have phobias of clowns, heights, water, the #13... But we're gonna freak out and burn someone at the stake because they're uncomfortable around men who like to swallow sausage, or dress up in bras and wigs and lipstick? It's a total double standard, and NOT in the spirit of tolerance.

Define get off, you think they just go home? and insanity is not necessarily something you're born with. PTSD exists.

Edit: UK I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure they found a huge majority of predators were molested themselves, and their targets are almost always the age they were molested. They're like sexually/mentally stalled at that age. Besides, what determines if a pedo is gay or not?

Not that I care about whether its nature vs nurture. I just don't understand why people care so much about what others do. Gay marriage should have been a state issue. Literally every social issue should be a state issue.

12-26-2015, 05:26 PM
Define get off, you think they just go home? and insanity is not necessarily something you're born with. PTSD exists.

They are legally found 'not guilty by reason of insanity.'

They are not convicted of murder despite committing a homicide.

That's what getting off means.

And you are right, not every person who is crazy was born as such. However there are people born with mental defects who ultimately commit crimes and it is acknowledged that they are crazy and they're not held equally accountable as someone else. Just like it is acknowledged some people are born homosexual and are not expected to be interested in traditional heterosexual domestic arrangements.

Just like some people are born xenophobic and do not want to include every group under the sun in their neighborhoods, their daughter's marriage arrangements, or whatever the case may be. That doesn't make them any less of a person than someone born homosexual or mentally insane. Right?

12-26-2015, 05:41 PM
Intolerance seems like a strange thing to be born with. Just the idea that some little white boy was born hating black people seems silly at face value. I think intolerance and racism is more of a group identity thing than an inherent trait. If you're identity is strongly linked to any group (racial, political, sexual, etc) then you are more likely to be intolerant of outsiders.

12-26-2015, 05:50 PM
They are legally found 'not guilty by reason of insanity.'

They are not convicted of murder despite committing a homicide.

That's what getting off means.

And you are right, not every person who is crazy was born as such. However there are people born with mental defects who ultimately commit crimes and it is acknowledged that they are crazy and they're not held equally accountable as someone else. Just like it is acknowledged some people are born homosexual and are not expected to be interested in traditional heterosexual domestic arrangements.

Just like some people are born xenophobic and do not want to include every group under the sun in their neighborhoods, their daughter's marriage arrangements, or whatever the case may be. That doesn't make them any less of a person than someone born homosexual or mentally insane. Right?
Yea they serve time in a mental institution and if they are deemed healthy enough, finish their time in prison. Or serve it all in a mental institution. Not exactly getting off.

I'm sure there's inherent bias in our DNA to favor those that are similar to us, but intolerance is (generally) stripped away by exposure. If you're around other races from birth you're less likely to hate other races. The unknown is scary. That's in our DNA. Of course, something bad can happen to you that makes you hate group X regardless of how much you were exposed to group X prior to that.

Edit: Simple answer: In America you're supposed to have the right to be a dick, you shouldn't be forced to like someone, even if hating their race is a pretty weak reason to automatically dislike someone

12-26-2015, 06:00 PM
Intolerance seems like a strange thing to be born with. Just the idea that some little white boy was born hating black people seems silly at face value. I think intolerance and racism is more of a group identity thing than an inherent trait. If you're identity is strongly linked to any group (racial, political, sexual, etc) then you are more likely to be intolerant of outsiders.

Yeah, but different individuals are naturally more insular than others. Some really feel protective of group security, others not as much. Again, just like any other types of animal, you get a mix of people that are very clannish, and others who are more open to crossing boundaries.

Im personally on the more open side. I sometimes talk with black slang, I sometimes dress like a flamboyant homo, I love me some asian and latina women. Im half jewish and half gentile. Only the idiots on this board think Im "racist" because I call groups out on their shit without sugarcoating it, which youre not supposed to do if youre white, oops :facepalm

But at the same time I know people who do tend to feel threatened and vulnerable if you drop them into a situation where theyre surrounded by other cultures or races. Some people are more high strung than others and dont like being around people that are different. It's just who they are.

Aint no different than bein a jocksniffer.

12-26-2015, 10:18 PM
Having different personality traits might very well be something you are born with but I think intolerance is probably something that develops over time as your perspective gets reinforced by your surroundings. But that's just what my intuition says in reality I could be dead wrong.