View Full Version : vince carter to ref: "Don't call me boy"

01-01-2009, 10:42 AM
this just in:

reporters sitting courtside said they clearly heard Carter yelling at Stafford, who like Carter is African-American, "Don't call me boy"
...One reporter sitting courtside heard Carter rage to Devin Harris,
"He called me boy."


anyone see the game?

usually VC is uber-levelheaded so there must be something to this incident

01-01-2009, 11:05 AM
this just in:

reporters sitting courtside said they clearly heard Carter yelling at Stafford, who like Carter is African-American, "Don't call me boy"
...One reporter sitting courtside heard Carter rage to Devin Harris,
"He called me boy."


anyone see the game?

usually VC is uber-levelheaded so there must be something to this incident

I don't know, but as a white person I still can't fathom why a black man is still going to take offense to being called "boy" in this day and age. I know what the insult is supposed to infer, but just because someone refers to you as "boy" doesn't mean it's racial. My father to this day still calls me boy at times, and yes, I'm white, but this is 2009 for crying out loud. None of you have ever been slaves.

To me, the type of black person that gets offended by the word "boy" is the black equivalent of a redneck.

In that same token a white person trying to use it as a racial insult is clearly an ignorant redneck and/or white trash.

Again, I want to go back to the fact that making everything about being black and white is just making the issue worse, and part of me is irritated that I'm the one who brought this up, but I know where this discussion is headed (not infering anything towards you, RBP, but I know the guys on this board well enough to know where they're going to take this. Just wait for Rasheed1 to jump in and add his 2 cents).

The fact is, standing up for it as a racial term towards black people is just another form of segregation in itself.

We need to stop looking at these things as black or white issues, and just start pointing out the reality of the situation. There's too much hate and racism in the world.

If you want to hate on something, hate on someone doing something stupid. They deserve it. Don't hate on someone for their class, religion, or color.


The Joker
01-01-2009, 11:11 AM
I don't know, but as a white person I still can't fathom why a black man is still going to take offense to being called "boy" in this day and age. I know what the insult is supposed to infer, but just because someone refers to you as "boy" doesn't mean it's racial. My father to this day still calls me boy at times, and yes, I'm white, but this is 2009 for crying out loud. None of you have ever been slaves.

To me, the type of black person that gets offended by the word "boy" is the black equivalent of a redneck.

In that same token a white person trying to use it as a racial insult is clearly an ignorant redneck and/or white trash.

Again, I want to go back to the fact that making everything about being black and white is just making the issue worse, and part of me is irritated that I'm the one who brought this up, but I know where this discussion is headed (not infering anything towards you, RBP, but I know the guys on this board well enough to know where they're going to take this. Just wait for Rasheed1 to jump in and add his 2 cents).

The fact is, standing up for it as a racial term towards black people is just another form of segregation in itself.

We need to stop looking at these things as black or white issues, and just start pointing out the reality of the situation. There's too much hate and racism in the world.

If you want to hate on something, hate on someone doing something stupid. They deserve it. Don't hate on someone for their class, religion, or color.

:applause: I shared a tear.

Real Men Wear Green
01-01-2009, 11:29 AM
It's not necessarily racial.

01-01-2009, 11:44 AM
It's not necessarily racial.
Well, the ref in question is black, so I have to guess that he knew the racial connotation of the word. Also, I don't see Vince getting this offended if it was just used as a term of an inferior.

So if the ref did just simply mean to put Vince down, inferring that VC was inferior, i.e. a child, I still don't see how it was reasonable for VC to react that way considering some of the things we've seen lately that players say to referees.


01-01-2009, 11:46 AM
maybe he sounded gay.

Real Men Wear Green
01-01-2009, 12:01 PM
Well, the ref in question is black, so I have to guess that he knew the racial connotation of the word. Also, I don't see Vince getting this offended if it was just used as a term of an inferior.

So if the ref did just simply mean to put Vince down, inferring that VC was inferior, i.e. a child, I still don't see how it was reasonable for VC to react that way considering some of the things we've seen lately that players say to referees.

The fact that the ref is black lessens the chances that this was a racial comment. He could just be referring to Carter as "boy" due to the difference in perceived age/maturity.

01-01-2009, 12:06 PM
The fact that the ref is black lessens the chances that this was a racial comment. He could just be referring to Carter as "boy" due to the difference in perceived age/maturity.

Like I said, if that is the case, then why does VC overreact? Players taunt refs all the time. There's plenty of videos of this to be found on youtube.

I disagree that him being black lessens the chances. Because the way I see it, the ref knows the racial connotation, so if he's going to use a phrase like that, it wouldn't be unless he meant it that way, because if he uses it, he obviously has a good chance of dealing with THIS situation.

In other words, if he didn't mean it, he would have saved himself the trouble. I could be wrong.

I think if it were a white dude, there's at least a chance that he's not thinking it's a racial term. I think the way some black people react to it, there's no doubt a black person would know it could be taken that way.


01-01-2009, 12:16 PM
we dont know the tone of the comments. it could still be racial even if it is from another black man. it is not a surprise that people of the same color can be prejudiced against their own race

of course it could have been just a pejorative tone.

race and feelings of being disrespected are emotional issues; we cannot intellectually tell ourselves what is offensive and not when it hits the heart

and we dont know what vince might have said to incite the term. but it was certainly out of character for him to go off like he did so there probably was something to it

one way or the other: given the history of the usage of the word and the racial context within which we live, it was, at best, imprudent for the ref to use the term, and at worse, bigoted. my guess is the former.

a side note but not unrelated: i hate it when refs think themselves bigger than the game and affect the game by throwing out guys out of THEIR OWN emotions. the nets might have won this game if carter played more than 15 minutes...

Real Men Wear Green
01-01-2009, 12:16 PM
Or maybe, being a black man like Carter, Stafford doesn't have anything against black people, and is just using it in a non-racial context? I don't see how all of what you put there can be read into it. It's possible, but definitely not the only possibility.

Sonic R
01-01-2009, 12:27 PM
It was rather a strange happening… Carter was arguing with the official and he got t'ed up, then Carter continued to go off verbally as the official quickly t'ed him up again and pointed to the locker room (signifying the ejection from the contest).

Carter got aggressively physical, his teammates had to hold him back at that point… At first he had an altercation with on the the Pistons players (Prince?) but it appeared more geared to the official. I personally don't think Vince should have been ejected… I couldn't really tell what was being said - I'm very unskilled at the art of reading lips… Other than Prince inquiring about the situation, Carter frustration didn't seem to target the Pistons beyond what he felt may have been questionable officiating and with out knowing the scope of the words exchanved, I don't see the warranting of an ejection at that point, two techs for inquiring about the officiating? Sheed should be ejected from every game in the first quarter if thats whats going to happen (funny Sheed left this game in the first half)

upon doing research on Rasheed, There is a rumor that Carter had contact (headbutt) with the official, but the official is saying that there was no contact. So rumors appear to be false about any allege contact…

01-01-2009, 12:33 PM
one way or the other: given the history of the usage of the word and the racial context within which we live, it was, at best, imprudent for the ref to use the term, and at worse, bigoted. my guess is the former.

Which was the point I was trying to make, but I think you put it better. The ref is black. I can't believe he wouldn't be aware of that particular usage of the word. In that regard, I think he wouldn't have used it, unless he was prepared for it to be accepted that way.

That's also why I think it's MORE likely that this is the case, given that the ref is black. I don't believe for a second he didn't think VC could take it that way. Especially given that the ref is older than VC, which is usually a sign of growing up in less tolerable times.

Add that to VC's apparent reaction, and I think that is probably what happened. But again, I could be wrong.

And I'm not saying the ref is racist either. But you don't have to be racist to want to use a racist term just to hurt someone.

a side note but not unrelated: i hate it when refs think themselves bigger than the game and affect the game by throwing out guys out of THEIR OWN emotions. the nets might have won this game if carter played more than 15 minutes...

I agree. That's why I am so adamantly against the NBA's policy that you can't talk about the refereeing in interviews.

There are no checks and balances for the referees. There is whatever the league office holds them to, but they have shown over the years that they are completely bias and are going to do whatever they have to to protect their refs.

That's like asking an NBA fan to give an objective opinion about their teams #1 star player.

Not gonna happen 99% of the time.


01-01-2009, 12:53 PM
As one of you mentioned, I don't think the ref intended the word's racial meaning. It doesn't make sense. Why does chewbacca live with munchkins on that planet? It just doesn't make sense.

In the heat of the moment in a game like this, athletes don't have time to stop and think about exactly what stuff means. I think the ref had no racial intentions with the word, he just happened to use it. Could've said 'son, mate, buddy', whatever, but out of chance he used the word 'boy'.

And maybe because of something that's happened to Vince personally in the past, that word happened to strike a nerve with Vince - leading to an overt instinctive reaction. If a black guy said that to Vince at the mall or something, you might not get the same reaction because his blood isn't rushing from playing a physical game and his head is clear.

But in the heat of the moment in an NBA game, players don't necessarily stop and think. Even one word can have unintended consequences, and that appears to be the case here.

Of course, I'm not Vince or the ref. The story could swing both ways.

01-01-2009, 01:03 PM
'Boy' from anyone but your parents or relatives is insulting whether its racial or not.

01-01-2009, 01:09 PM
'Boy' from anyone but your parents or relatives is insulting whether its racial or not.

Insulting enough to warrant getting yourself thrown out of a game and ranting to other players who apparently according to Sonic R didn't really understand what was going on either?


01-01-2009, 01:19 PM
No. But insulting enough to be pissed.

There shouldn't be any refs calling players boy. Its condescending and insulting. It doesn't matter whether it comes from a white guy or black guy.

01-01-2009, 01:27 PM
this just in:

reporters sitting courtside said they clearly heard Carter yelling at Stafford, who like Carter is African-American, "Don't call me boy"
...One reporter sitting courtside heard Carter rage to Devin Harris,
"He called me boy."


anyone see the game?

usually VC is uber-levelheaded so there must be something to this incident

Why do I have a sudden urge to watch the Jeffersons?-lol

01-01-2009, 01:55 PM
I don't know, but as a white person I still can't fathom why a black man is still going to take offense to being called "boy" in this day and age. I know what the insult is supposed to infer, but just because someone refers to you as "boy" doesn't mean it's racial. My father to this day still calls me boy at times, and yes, I'm white, but this is 2009 for crying out loud. None of you have ever been slaves.

To me, the type of black person that gets offended by the word "boy" is the black equivalent of a redneck.

In that same token a white person trying to use it as a racial insult is clearly an ignorant redneck and/or white trash.

Again, I want to go back to the fact that making everything about being black and white is just making the issue worse, and part of me is irritated that I'm the one who brought this up, but I know where this discussion is headed (not infering anything towards you, RBP, but I know the guys on this board well enough to know where they're going to take this. Just wait for Rasheed1 to jump in and add his 2 cents).

The fact is, standing up for it as a racial term towards black people is just another form of segregation in itself.

We need to stop looking at these things as black or white issues, and just start pointing out the reality of the situation. There's too much hate and racism in the world.

If you want to hate on something, hate on someone doing something stupid. They deserve it. Don't hate on someone for their class, religion, or color.


1. It's called ignorance when you speak of what others should do when you've never been/can't be in the same situation yourself. You should keep quiet to prevent yourself from looking stupid. Picture me giving my opinion on what raped women should do in regards to abortion/adoption/keeping it. Its just dumb. It's not unrealistic to suspect somebody might get offended by calling them "boy".

2. Second, "Boy" goes beyond racial bounds. If anyone calls you "boy", in my eyes, it infers the act of "sonning" somebody. As a grown man, I will not be sonned by someone I don't deem above me in regards to knowledge or age. I don't know what Carter's reasoning was, but considering the context, I find it realistic that someone can be offended by the word.

01-01-2009, 01:57 PM
No. But insulting enough to be pissed.

There shouldn't be any refs calling players boy. Its condescending and insulting. It doesn't matter whether it comes from a white guy or black guy.

So what? There shouldn't be any players insulting refs, but it happens. all the time. I'm not saying its right, but you're trying to justify VC's reaction, when the fact is, they're both wrong.


01-01-2009, 02:07 PM
So what? There shouldn't be any players insulting refs, but it happens. all the time. I'm not saying its right, but you're trying to justify VC's reaction, when the fact is, they're both wrong.


And when it happens to refs, they can T the player up or throw him out. And they do. Players can't do that.

All I said is Carter has a reason to be pissed because the word is insulting. I didn't say he should have gone after him to the point of getting thrown out. He overreacted. But is it understandable? Yes, whether you think the word is that offensive or not.

01-01-2009, 02:51 PM
And when it happens to refs, they can T the player up or throw him out. And they do. Players can't do that.

All I said is Carter has a reason to be pissed because the word is insulting. I didn't say he should have gone after him to the point of getting thrown out. He overreacted. But is it understandable? Yes, whether you think the word is that offensive or not.

Players can't talk about refs in interviews either. These are the rules. You don't have to like them, you have to accept them. VC overreacted, period. His reasons for this are not clear given the story we have.

I never once condoned the refs actions, but Carter was wrong as well for reacting the way he did.


01-01-2009, 02:54 PM
1. It's called ignorance when you speak of what others should do when you've never been/can't be in the same situation yourself. You should keep quiet to prevent yourself from looking stupid. Picture me giving my opinion on what raped women should do in regards to abortion/adoption/keeping it. Its just dumb. It's not unrealistic to suspect somebody might get offended by calling them "boy".

Enlighten me on just what I'm so ignorant about.

2. Second, "Boy" goes beyond racial bounds. If anyone calls you "boy", in my eyes, it infers the act of "sonning" somebody. As a grown man, I will not be sonned by someone I don't deem above me in regards to knowledge or age. I don't know what Carter's reasoning was, but considering the context, I find it realistic that someone can be offended by the word.

You ever hear the expression "too much pride" ? Words can't hurt you. As human beings we have things like self control that allow us to look at things logically and separate ourselves from our emotions. Otherwise we're just animals.

If you allow yourself to get upset to the point where you're thrown out of a game over something someone said, hurting your teammates, disappointing your fans, etc. you're a pretty immature and possibly unstable human being.

It's morons like you that give powers to words by reacting to them the way you did in this post.


01-01-2009, 03:10 PM
How all of this came from this

'Boy' from anyone but your parents or relatives is insulting whether its racial or not.

I don't know. I think we can agree calling someone boy is insulting. Thats all I was estabishing. I never said he should have reacted so angrily and gotten himself thrown out, just that he was insulted and had a right to be upset. There's no reason to be so argumentative.

01-01-2009, 03:30 PM
Refs have too much power over the outcome of games. I wonder if they give psych evaluations before becoming a professional ref.

01-01-2009, 03:57 PM
'Boy' from anyone but your parents or relatives is insulting whether its racial or not.

:applause: , he's a grown man just like the ref he's not a boy

01-01-2009, 04:32 PM
The ref should and will be fined and suspended.

the game is about the players, not the refs.
This ref tought he was the one in the main role. He will have to pay for that.

Nets lost the game, but overall Carter did the right thing, because Stern will now come out and tell the refs to stay in their role.

01-01-2009, 05:01 PM
Racist or not, it's a demeaning term. If you are not my father, or my good friend, don't call me "boy".

01-01-2009, 05:05 PM
It was all a misunderstanding.

The ref was jewish. Carter was complaining and the ref said, "Oy!!!!"

Solid Snake
01-01-2009, 05:07 PM
I don't know, but as a white person I still can't fathom why a black man is still going to take offense to being called "boy" in this day and age

Ok well STFU and stay the f uck out of it. If really want to know, go sit down and have a straight talk with a black person, and stay the f uck out of here with your pompous attitude, boy.

01-01-2009, 05:10 PM
Ok well STFU and stay the f uck out of it. If really want to know, go sit down and have a straight talk with a black person, and stay the f uck out of here with your pompous attitude, boy.
ignorance at its best

01-01-2009, 05:21 PM
Ok well STFU and stay the f uck out of it. If really want to know, go sit down and have a straight talk with a black person, and stay the f uck out of here with your pompous attitude, boy.

This is the part where you tell me I wouldn't understand because I'm white.

:rolleyes: Hey Pot.

All those years as a slave made you bitter I guess. Oh... wait...


01-01-2009, 05:29 PM
Whats the racist meaning of 'boy'? :confusedshrug:

01-01-2009, 05:29 PM
I don't know, but as a white person I still can't fathom why a black man is still going to take offense to being called "boy" in this day and age.

There are situations where calling anyone boy repeatedly is gonna cause someone to take offense. Thats because there are times when it is meant to do that. If Im a cop pull your family over and refer to you as boy would that cause you as a white man to take offense. And before you answer be honest, I didnt say cause you to act, but to take offense.

01-01-2009, 05:33 PM
guess who!

01-01-2009, 05:46 PM
Whats the racist meaning of 'boy'? :confusedshrug:

Just a guess, but I believe white people used the word "boy" as a demeaning term for black people during Slavery and after.

Calling someone "boy" is seen as referring to them as your subordinate.

01-01-2009, 05:51 PM
There are situations where calling anyone boy repeatedly is gonna cause someone to take offense. Thats because there are times when it is meant to do that. If Im a cop pull your family over and refer to you as boy would that cause you as a white man to take offense. And before you answer be honest, I didnt say cause you to act, but to take offense.

I take offense to a lot of things, but I'm a mature adult, and I know that by getting upset over these things, they're just giving satisfaction to the person doing/saying/using them.

I can choose to respond or not.

If the stakes are low, like mud slinging on a message board, then who gives a f*ck?

If the stakes are like say, getting ejected, possibly fined by the league, and physically restrained by teammates, then there's a pretty good chance you're better off just shutting your mouth and going on about your business.

You can't tell me the NBA league offices don't have some kind of proper channel to go through for something like this to have the ref called into account. Instead we have to act like a 3 year old and get ejected for a tantrum?

And lets say I'm wrong. Lets says the NBA has no intention of controlling their refs behavior in any way, and complaining to the league offices wouldn't do VC a lick of good. Then it's a lose lose situation, so there's still no reason to blow up over it.


01-01-2009, 07:00 PM
Whoa...I didn't know 'boy' was a racist term.

01-01-2009, 07:12 PM
I take offense to a lot of things, but I'm a mature adult, and I know that by getting upset over these things, they're just giving satisfaction to the person doing/saying/using them.

I can choose to respond or not.

If the stakes are low, like mud slinging on a message board, then who gives a f*ck?

If the stakes are like say, getting ejected, possibly fined by the league, and physically restrained by teammates, then there's a pretty good chance you're better off just shutting your mouth and going on about your business.

You can't tell me the NBA league offices don't have some kind of proper channel to go through for something like this to have the ref called into account. Instead we have to act like a 3 year old and get ejected for a tantrum?

And lets say I'm wrong. Lets says the NBA has no intention of controlling their refs behavior in any way, and complaining to the league offices wouldn't do VC a lick of good. Then it's a lose lose situation, so there's still no reason to blow up over it.


Vince pretty much lost his leverage because it seems that whatever he said warranted ejection, regardless of the provocation. He clearly was going off on the official from about 1 foot behind him with no intention of stopping. Also, all of these quotes are what Carter said teh official said, not what people heard the official say.

If the official was white i could understand this more because the racial subtext is important. (A racist remark is worse than just an disrespectful remark). But this seems to me that Vince overreacterd, and in doing so took away any chance for the situation being righted (assuming the official did say the remark) and his team winning the game.

I'm with you on this..

01-01-2009, 07:27 PM
Enlighten me on just what I'm so ignorant about.

Your ignorant is bliss to the fact that you are not black, never was black, and can't ever be a black person. So you can never open your mouth in regards to how a black person should react to a word that's known to have a derogatory history behind it. You sound really really dumb, no joke.

You ever hear the expression "too much pride" ? Words can't hurt you. As human beings we have things like self control that allow us to look at things logically and separate ourselves from our emotions. Otherwise we're just animals.

If you allow yourself to get upset to the point where you're thrown out of a game over something someone said, hurting your teammates, disappointing your fans, etc. you're a pretty immature and possibly unstable human being.

Anyone is free to have any emotion they choose. I reitterate... its not unreasonable for anyone to get upset over being called a word with history behind it's meaning & context. Nobody is going to create some new emotional ettiquette overnight because someone doesn't react the same as the other.

It's morons like you that give powers to words by reacting to them the way you did in this post.


LMAO :oldlol: . I've dealt with cowards with your mindset before. You live in a really sheltered fantasy world, and have perspectives based off books & hearsay instead of real talk with real people.

01-01-2009, 07:40 PM
If the official was white i could understand this more because the racial subtext is important. (A racist remark is worse than just an disrespectful remark). But this seems to me that Vince overreacterd, and in doing so took away any chance for the situation being righted (assuming the official did say the remark) and his team winning the game.

I'm with you on this..

He may or may not have overreacted... but that's not for me to say, because I'm not him, and I don't know exactly how it happened, or what was running through his head when it happened. But what I do know is when I was in high school & younger years, depending on the context, my current mindset, and prior aggrevation, you might get a face-full of fist if you ever chose to address me as 'my n***a', 'dog', 'son', 'boy', and even going as far as 'ay'. Yes, I once punched a kid for keep saying 'ay' when I know he knew my name or could have addressed me with more respect. And these are all situations dealling with other black people or minorities. So that really has less bearing than you think.

So I won't put anything past anyone. Being a real person from the real world, I can only control myself and my own actions, but I did know people who were willing to shoot for simple stuff like I mentioned above.

01-01-2009, 07:57 PM
Your ignorant is bliss to the fact that you are not black, never was black, and can't ever be a black person. So you can never open your mouth in regards to how a black person should react to a word that's known to have a derogatory history behind it. You sound really really dumb, no joke.

Way to be predictable and pull the old 'you're not black, you wouldn't understand' card.

Get a god damn life you self-righteous piece of sh*t. You were never a slave, you never had to deal with legal segregation. I'm sure there are people you've met who have given you a hard time because of your color, the same as there are people who give white people a hard time because they're goofy looking, or they have big ears, or this or that.

Those people are just as ignorant as you are, and the only reason they get results is because YOUR dumb ass rises to the bait.

Anyone is free to have any emotion they choose. I reitterate... its not unreasonable for anyone to get upset over being called a word with history behind it's meaning & context. Nobody is going to create some new emotional ettiquette overnight because someone doesn't react the same as the other.

LMAO :oldlol: . I've dealt with cowards with your mindset before. You live in a really sheltered fantasy world, and have perspectives based off books & hearsay instead of real talk with real people.

You're the f'ing coward. You're afraid of people calling you names. Boo hoo mommy he called me a name.

Go shoot yourself. Not because you're black. Because your an f'ing moron.


Human Error
01-01-2009, 08:02 PM
And when it happens to refs, they can T the player up or throw him out. And they do. Players can't do that.

All I said is Carter has a reason to be pissed because the word is insulting. I didn't say he should have gone after him to the point of getting thrown out. He overreacted. But is it understandable? Yes, whether you think the word is that offensive or not.
I agree. You can't call a grown man "boy" and expect to just get away.

01-01-2009, 08:11 PM
Way to be predictable and pull the old 'you're not black, you wouldn't understand' card.

Get a god damn life you self-righteous piece of sh*t. You were never a slave, you never had to deal with legal segregation. I'm sure there are people you've met who have given you a hard time because of your color, the same as there are people who give white people a hard time because they're goofy looking, or they have big ears, or this or that.

Those people are just as ignorant as you are, and the only reason they get results is because YOUR dumb ass rises to the bait.

You're the f'ing coward. You're afraid of people calling you names. Boo hoo mommy he called me a name.

Go shoot yourself. Not because you're black. Because your an f'ing moron.


That's the truth, your not black so you don't understand. Simple. Just like me not understanding women and the abortion issue. The difference is I'm not ignorant, I'm aware when I have no knowledge or experience in an area.

You don't know me, you didn't live my life... so save your foolish rants about slavery/segregation, etc... Last I checked segregation was only legally abolished in 1964. I know a ton of people born before 1964, and have experienced harboring resentment/dislike, etc. Pretty much the only thing I agree with you on is that everyone can so choose to not let words affect them. I've grown and matured, and now have a different perspective on life and how to handle certain situations, but I still know I'm "entitled" to be angry over derrogatory names, if I so choosed.

Your an ignorant fool, and like I said you live in a fantasy world. I've seen your type 1000x before, and you're all really just cowards down deep. When it gets to the nitty gritty, your a "shutting the F up, yes sir!" type of character when the real life situation presents itself.

01-01-2009, 08:18 PM
This is not about race but all about one grown man disrespecting another grown man by calling him a "boy"....basically the ref was looking down on Vince by saying that taking a shot at his manhood.

01-01-2009, 08:21 PM
This is not about race but all about one grown man disrespecting another grown man by calling him a "boy"....basically the ref was looking down on Vince by saying that taking a shot at his manhood.

That's the point I was making earlier... that it didn't have to necessarily be race related. Being called boy could be getting sonned by another man.

01-01-2009, 08:25 PM
I don't see what the problem is. The Ref that ejected him was black, so it wouldn't really be a racist term. VC must have said something to the ref that was A LOT more offensive than the word "boy" to get himself ejected.

01-01-2009, 08:25 PM
That's the truth, your not black so you don't understand. Simple. Just like me not understanding women and the abortion issue. The difference is I'm not ignorant, I'm aware when I have no knowledge or experience in an area.

You don't know me, you didn't live my life... so save your foolish rants about slavery/segregation, etc... Last I checked segregation was only legally abolished in 1964. I know a ton of people born before 1964, and have experienced harboring resentment/dislike, etc. Pretty much the only thing I agree with you on is that everyone can so choose to not let words affect them. I've grown and matured, and now have a different perspective on life and how to handle certain situations, but I still know I'm "entitled" to be angry over derrogatory names, if I so choosed.

Your an ignorant fool, and like I said you live in a fantasy world. I've seen your type 1000x before, and you're all really just cowards down deep. When it gets to the nitty gritty, your a "shutting the F up, yes sir!" type of character when the real life situation presents itself.

You're such an ass. In one breath you're talking about how you wouldn't comment on a situation you didn't know anything about because you're "aware I have no knowledge or experience in an area" and in the next breath you say you know me, you know all about me.

You don't know jack sh*t. You're just another coward hiding behind your stupid mantra, "You wouldn't understand, you're not black."

I understand completely. I understand that you think.. no you act, like you have some kind of special rights because something bad happened in this country to your ancestors. Well guess what, jackass. That had nothing to do with me, nor my father, nor my grandfather. If you think you still have some kind of special case after all this time, you can kiss my ass.

I'm tired of listening to it. You've got two god damn choices. You can make the best of your situation, or you continue to spout of the useless drivel you have in this thread about how misunderstood your race is.

You're just another f'ing hypocrite complaining about the racial injustices in the country at the same time, making it worse. Black people this, black people that. Keep segregating *******. If you want to talk about race issues, then maybe we can have an intelligent conversation, but if you want to talk about your "black issues" as far as I'm concerned, that makes YOU a racist.


01-01-2009, 08:47 PM
He may or may not have overreacted... but that's not for me to say, because I'm not him, and I don't know exactly how it happened, or what was running through his head when it happened. But what I do know is when I was in high school & younger years, depending on the context, my current mindset, and prior aggrevation, you might get a face-full of fist if you ever chose to address me as 'my n***a', 'dog', 'son', 'boy', and even going as far as 'ay'. Yes, I once punched a kid for keep saying 'ay' when I know he knew my name or could have addressed me with more respect. And these are all situations dealling with other black people or minorities. So that really has less bearing than you think.

So I won't put anything past anyone. Being a real person from the real world, I can only control myself and my own actions, but I did know people who were willing to shoot for simple stuff like I mentioned above.

He clearly overreacted, no may or may not about it. Even if the ref called him boy the moral victory of yelling and screaming cost his team a game. it wasnt necessary and if he was tryng to make a point, it was lost in the acting nuts and yelling he was doing.i

01-01-2009, 09:44 PM
He clearly overreacted, no may or may not about it. Even if the ref called him boy the moral victory of yelling and screaming cost his team a game. it wasnt necessary and if he was tryng to make a point, it was lost in the acting nuts and yelling he was doing.i

Overreaction is all relative when it comes to someone being disrespected. Mankind has shown throughout history and across races and cultures that disrespect or being slighted in some way can often bring across negative emotional responses, many times leading to violence, sometimes even leading to death. You call it an overreaction, i'd say it seems par for the course to me.

01-01-2009, 09:48 PM
Somebody has probably already said it, but maybe Carter just doesn't like people belittling him by calling him a boy?

01-01-2009, 10:56 PM
Somebody has probably already said it, but maybe Carter just doesn't like people belittling him by calling him a boy?

maybe he said something offensive to the refs first?

01-01-2009, 11:05 PM
What Vince doesn't understand is that the REF was actually calling him buy, which is a compliment.

He was calling him this because he got him in the fourth round of his fantasy bball cash league and he's winning because of his production.

01-01-2009, 11:20 PM
i'm black, and i think we need to stop being so sensitive to this ****. i mean, c'mon man. He called you boy? that's so racist? i mean, ****, we got to stop using racism as an excuse for everything. i know a lotta y'all ain't with me on this but the excuse for everything can't be "(some unfortanate event)... cause i'm black".

01-02-2009, 12:04 AM
Vince was wrong for reacting like a dumass...the ref was immature was saying that. But people talking about race relations in general are prescribing simple solutions to complex problems and it is no help. I deal with racist bs every once and a while and it bothers me but I have never blown up. But I dont have anything to be ashamed of...But I usually piss of people more by laughing in their face.

No matter what on average be white is better then being black in this country. Its just the truth blacks have to deal with horrible sterotypes that follow them throughout their careers.

01-02-2009, 12:21 AM
Vince was wrong for reacting like a dumass...the ref was immature was saying that. But people talking about race relations in general are prescribing simple solutions to complex problems and it is no help. I deal with racist bs every once and a while and it bothers me but I have never blown up. But I dont have anything to be ashamed of...But I usually piss of people more by laughing in their face.

No matter what on average be white is better then being black in this country. Its just the truth blacks have to deal with horrible sterotypes that follow them throughout their careers.

Yeah, but some people are just too dumb to realize that isn't going to change as long as they keep making a big deal out of it.

People are looking for a reaction.


01-02-2009, 12:23 AM
I don't know, but as a white person I still can't fathom why a black man is still going to take offense to being called "boy" in this day and age. I know what the insult is supposed to infer, but just because someone refers to you as "boy" doesn't mean it's racial. My father to this day still calls me boy at times, and yes, I'm white, but this is 2009 for crying out loud. None of you have ever been slaves.

beautifully said.

01-02-2009, 12:25 AM
People cry too much over almost nothing.

01-02-2009, 12:45 AM
maybe he said something offensive to the refs first?
Normally i"m not gonna be a person to defend VC, but I'm thinking that whatever he said originally wasn't anything out of the ordinary for an NBA ref to hear. "What the ****? I threw it off Iverson clear as day, are you blind?" just as an example. Which is rude of course, but the type of thing refs hear every game.

pete's montreux
01-02-2009, 12:49 AM
I remember when I was in 7th grade, my teacher, who was a white male, flipped out on me one day because I called him boy. I can't remember what I said, but I just happened to be sitting next to my best friend at the time, who was black. The teacher is yelling at me, going on and on about how that is a racist term that goes back to the slavery days and blah blah blah. He finally stopped talking when my black friend told him to shut up.

He got fired the next year for emptying a trash can on top of a girl's head.

01-02-2009, 12:56 AM
My father to this day still calls me boy at times
But that's just it, unless you're a child your father probably should be the only person referring to you as boy. Coming from anyone else who's not some sort of elder, father-like figure, it's insulting.

01-02-2009, 12:58 AM
But that's just it, unless you're a child your father probably should be the only person referring to you as boy. Coming from anyone else who's not some sort of elder, father-like figure, it's insulting.
Exactly. If it's your father or a respected elder you'd probably accept being called "boy." But yeah, anyone else who says it is insulting.

01-02-2009, 01:21 AM
This is my last comment on this topic.

We can debate this all day up and down about the word and its meaning, and how you think Vince Carter's reaction to it should have been. You can continue with lame brain ethnocentric perceptions on how you think everyone should react to terms only because you don't deem them offensive, but none of that will matter at the end of the day.

At the end of the day, in this 'real world', not a fantasy world... people get offended by words such as 'boy'. I can realistically see someone get as mad or even angrier over the incident, because I've seen worse before. I've seen with my own 2 eyes a guy pick up a folding chair WWF style and smash a guy over the head giving him a serious concusion and causing him to need like 20 staples in his scalp to fix the gash over some guys calling him a 'homo'. Anything can & will happen when people use certain words. Feel free to continue ranting about never-never land though.

I seriously don't care.

01-02-2009, 03:07 AM
You're such an ass. In one breath you're talking about how you wouldn't comment on a situation you didn't know anything about because you're "aware I have no knowledge or experience in an area" and in the next breath you say you know me, you know all about me.

You don't know jack sh*t. You're just another coward hiding behind your stupid mantra, "You wouldn't understand, you're not black."

I understand completely. I understand that you think.. no you act, like you have some kind of special rights because something bad happened in this country to your ancestors. Well guess what, jackass. That had nothing to do with me, nor my father, nor my grandfather. If you think you still have some kind of special case after all this time, you can kiss my ass.

I'm tired of listening to it. You've got two god damn choices. You can make the best of your situation, or you continue to spout of the useless drivel you have in this thread about how misunderstood your race is.

You're just another f'ing hypocrite complaining about the racial injustices in the country at the same time, making it worse. Black people this, black people that. Keep segregating *******. If you want to talk about race issues, then maybe we can have an intelligent conversation, but if you want to talk about your "black issues" as far as I'm concerned, that makes YOU a racist.



Mr. Burgess is that you? Just a little more tactfully this time? :oldlol:

01-02-2009, 03:38 AM
I remember when I was in 7th grade, my teacher, who was a white male, flipped out on me one day because I called him boy. I can't remember what I said, but I just happened to be sitting next to my best friend at the time, who was black. The teacher is yelling at me, going on and on about how that is a racist term that goes back to the slavery days and blah blah blah. He finally stopped talking when my black friend told him to shut up.

He got fired the next year for emptying a trash can on top of a girl's head.



on topic if vince took it as a racial insult he is infact a complete idiot

01-02-2009, 03:53 AM
I and my friends will always refer to each other as 'boy'. Some people seem to be referring that no matter when it's used it's somehow insulting. The day I see someone I know in the mall and approach him with "What's good, boy?" and he gets offended will be one of the most comical moments of my life.

01-02-2009, 06:12 AM
referee = older than vince
vince = boy

01-02-2009, 06:26 AM
Vince took it the wrong way. He was pissed, and that's what happens when you get pissed, you blow up. You know what I'm sick and tired of? Sick and tired of reading Mathius's stupid ass rants. That's why I blocked his posts, but people still quote him. This is not a racial issue. VC was just pissed off. STFU, you're one of the worst posters on here.

01-02-2009, 07:55 AM
whatever the on-court drama was, the atlanta hawks could be the team that pays the price:


01-02-2009, 09:12 AM
You people do know that in the real world even if someone calls you a name you are responsible for going off like a psycho, justified or not right? I like how some of you talk about hitting someone, etc. WHat are you 12? If you hit someone when you are an adult, there's a real possibility of getting halled off by the cops. YOu can't just punch people who piss you off. You also can't go off like a pyscho like Vince did, all that happened was that he got kicked out of the game and the nets lost.

it seems that you think if he was insulted, the reaction is justified. He went a bit off regardless of what the ref said. Dude gets a crapload of money to play every game, im doubting he refunds the nets for missing this one to make a point.

01-02-2009, 09:17 AM
You also can't go off like a pyscho like Vince did,

He did not go psycho. He lost his cool and his temper, but did not do anything that abnormal to being upset which he's allowed to do because he's human. As long as he doesn't make it a habit.

In any event, refs are just given too much power these days. They ask the players to watch their mouths, but they're allowed to do whatever they want and say whatever they want.

01-02-2009, 09:40 AM
He did not go psycho. He lost his cool and his temper, but did not do anything that abnormal to being upset which he's allowed to do because he's human. As long as he doesn't make it a habit.

In any event, refs are just given too much power these days. They ask the players to watch their mouths, but they're allowed to do whatever they want and say whatever they want.

thats his job and he was in a work situation and he got ejected and they lost the game. i feel to see the positives. if i did that id be fired. people say stupid things, you can argue but you cant yell like that, he was walking behind the ref like a foot clearly screaming things you cant scream, then he had to be restrained several times from going back.

01-02-2009, 09:44 AM
thats his job and he was in a work situation and he got ejected and they lost the game. i feel to see the positives. if i did that id be fired. people say stupid things, you can argue but you cant yell like that, he was walking behind the ref like a foot clearly screaming things you cant scream, then he had to be restrained several times from going back.

You pick and choose your battles. He's human first before a basketball player. If he felt disrespected or insulted, he should be allowed to voice his opinions. If you got fired because you voiced your opinion over a deragatory statement made against you, I'd probably seek legal recourse.

01-02-2009, 03:31 PM
He did not go psycho. He lost his cool and his temper, but did not do anything that abnormal to being upset which he's allowed to do because he's human. As long as he doesn't make it a habit.

In any event, refs are just given too much power these days. They ask the players to watch their mouths, but they're allowed to do whatever they want and say whatever they want.

I'm tired of people justifying this bullsh*t. Are we becoming better human beings or are we not? It's about time we stopped justifying crap because it happened in the heat of the moment.

It's called take a deep breath and move on.

Hell, according to what was written in this thread, VC had to be RESTRAINED by a team mate.

Over a god damn word!


01-02-2009, 03:32 PM

Mr. Burgess is that you? Just a little more tactfully this time? :oldlol:

I can't be bothered to listen to a 9 minute prank call about Nascar to see what type of point you're trying to make, so if you want a response, quit beating around the bush and just say it.


01-02-2009, 03:52 PM
I'm tired of people justifying this bullsh*t. Are we becoming better human beings or are we not? It's about time we stopped justifying crap because it happened in the heat of the moment.

It's called take a deep breath and move on.

Hell, according to what was written in this thread, VC had to be RESTRAINED by a team mate.

Over a god damn word!


your surprise over this has me believing that you think this is the first time someone has been ejected over something someone else has said, and it also seems like your acting as if he is the first player that has had to be restrained.


01-02-2009, 04:10 PM
your surprise over this has me believing that you think this is the first time someone has been ejected over something someone else has said, and it also seems like your acting as if he is the first player that has had to be restrained.

Yeah, I'm so surprised! :rolleyes:


We've had player go into the stands and attack fans before, does that mean it's ok? Should we just accept it and move on?

You're a moron.


01-02-2009, 04:26 PM
You people do know that in the real world even if someone calls you a name you are responsible for going off like a psycho, justified or not right? I like how some of you talk about hitting someone, etc. WHat are you 12? If you hit someone when you are an adult, there's a real possibility of getting halled off by the cops. YOu can't just punch people who piss you off. You also can't go off like a pyscho like Vince did, all that happened was that he got kicked out of the game and the nets lost.

it seems that you think if he was insulted, the reaction is justified. He went a bit off regardless of what the ref said. Dude gets a crapload of money to play every game, im doubting he refunds the nets for missing this one to make a point.
You don't have to be 12 to have human emotions. Most of us have emotions and most of us (maybe you're not included) have triggers that can make us snap. It's like using the "sticks and stones" saying. If someone tells you they ****ed your mom last night and your mom is dead, then you're probably gonna go off on them, at least verbally. So is that person wrong for being angry? No, I don't believe so, because everyone has triggers like I said and we aren't emotionless zombies.

01-02-2009, 04:29 PM
I really dislike Vince Carter but I can understand why he's upset. Yes, "boy" as a racist term goes way back. However that doesnt mean that it is no longer hurtful. Whether the ref had racial intent in saying that or not he shouldnt have said it.

Also I wouldnt expect a white guy(no disrespect) to understand what it means. You think everyone is a whiner until you have to spend a day in their shoes. Yes it may be 2009 and yes we do have a president who was fathered by a black man and is mixed but that doesnt mean racism just died all of the sudden. It still exist. Dont play like the world is right as rain now. Racism is well and alive.

01-02-2009, 04:32 PM
I and my friends will always refer to each other as 'boy'. Some people seem to be referring that no matter when it's used it's somehow insulting. The day I see someone I know in the mall and approach him with "What's good, boy?" and he gets offended will be one of the most comical moments of my life.

Yeah, i'm sure the ref was just saying whats up to Vince. Totally like you would greet a friend in the mall. He probably even tried to dap him.

01-02-2009, 04:33 PM
Why are people still arguing whether Vince should have been upset at racist implications? 'Boy' is not just offensive in terms of purely race, its condescending and insulting on a personal level.

01-02-2009, 04:47 PM
You don't have to be 12 to have human emotions. Most of us have emotions and most of us (maybe you're not included) have triggers that can make us snap. It's like using the "sticks and stones" saying. If someone tells you they ****ed your mom last night and your mom is dead, then you're probably gonna go off on them, at least verbally. So is that person wrong for being angry? No, I don't believe so, because everyone has triggers like I said and we aren't emotionless zombies.

There's a difference between having emotions and having emotions that are out of control.

It's called self-control. That's the difference. When you have to be physically restrained, you are not exhibiting self-control.

If you don't know the difference you're an emotional idiot and possibly immature.


01-02-2009, 04:47 PM
I'm tired of people justifying this bullsh*t. Are we becoming better human beings or are we not? It's about time we stopped justifying crap because it happened in the heat of the moment.

It's called take a deep breath and move on.

Hell, according to what was written in this thread, VC had to be RESTRAINED by a team mate.

Over a god damn word!


Who are you to decide how people react to being insulted? Really, who are you? I've been disrespected a lot of times in my life over my age, my race, my beliefs, and I damn for sure won't take into consideration your opinion when I react to it. If he had charged to the ref and sought physical justification, then yes I'm on your side. But to be angry and voice his opinion because the ref obviously said something unprofessional and disrespectful? That's fine. If anything, I think the ref threw him out of the game to cover up his mistake. The ref should've apologized to Vince, in my opinion. What's so hard about that? You spend all this time defending the ref's point when he could have easily ended it by saying he was sorry and he'll address him as an equal going forward. But no, he just throws him out of the game, for what I assume to be a very selfish and prideful reason. You think Vince should've took a breath and walked away. I think the ref should've checked his holier than thou attitude at the door and apologized.

And I'm not defending Vince because I'm a Nets fan. In fact, I want him off my team, but I find nothing wrong with what he did because he had every right to. Last time I checked, we were allowed freedom of speech.

01-02-2009, 04:48 PM
Why are people still arguing whether Vince should have been upset at racist implications? 'Boy' is not just offensive in terms of purely race, its condescending and insulting on a personal level.

That's totally irrelevant one way or another as far as I'm concerned.

I don't want to lose sight of the fact that the ref was wrong, but VC blew it way overboard.


01-02-2009, 04:49 PM
Who are you to decide how people react to being insulted?



01-02-2009, 04:51 PM
Also I wouldnt expect a white guy(no disrespect) to understand what it means.
Statements like that are just another reason why racism is still alive and well.


01-02-2009, 04:51 PM

:oldlol: The thing that's so funny about your argument is that you get out of control angry pretty much on a daily basis.

01-02-2009, 04:52 PM


He didn't attack the ref. Maybe you should actually watch the scene before throwing vulgarities at someone.

01-02-2009, 04:54 PM
Anyone else finding humor that Mathius is saying Vince overreacted, but the same time typing in all caps and cussing everyone else out for their opinions? Oh, the hypocrisy.

01-02-2009, 05:07 PM
Anyone else finding humor that Mathius is saying Vince overreacted, but the same time typing in all caps and cussing everyone else out for their opinions? Oh, the hypocrisy.

I was wondering if I was the only person that noticed this, quite hilarious indeed

01-02-2009, 05:09 PM
Vince CLEARLY overreacted. YOu can't yell and scream because something offends you. That's overreacting. Getting ejected in the 2nd qtr of a game for a team that pretty badly needs dto stop the bleeding is overreacting. you can be mad, but he still overreacted.

you can be justified in retaliating (as vince did if you believe what the ref said) and still be wrong in reacting. he got ejected, and they lost. thats the definition of a overreaction, no?

01-02-2009, 05:09 PM
That's totally irrelevant one way or another as far as I'm concerned.

I don't want to lose sight of the fact that the ref was wrong, but VC blew it way overboard.


:rolleyes: And this is totally irrelevant as far as i'm concerned, because I wasn't speaking to Vince's reaction but only to address anyone who still thought this was a racial issue. Is that you? No? Then I wasn't talking to you.

01-02-2009, 05:22 PM
Vince CLEARLY overreacted. YOu can't yell and scream because something offends you. That's overreacting. Getting ejected in the 2nd qtr of a game for a team that pretty badly needs dto stop the bleeding is overreacting. you can be mad, but he still overreacted.

you can be justified in retaliating (as vince did if you believe what the ref said) and still be wrong in reacting. he got ejected, and they lost. thats the definition of a overreaction, no?

I never said he didn't overreact, just that it was ok for him to do so because he clearly was disrespected and he's allowed to react to it. If a ref is supposed to regulate "professionalism" and embodied it, he clearly failed...leading Vince to react the way he did. I said he lost his temper, but I'm not angry for him about it. He's allowed to.

01-02-2009, 05:26 PM
I never said he didn't overreact, just that it was ok for him to do so because he clearly was disrespected and he's allowed to react to it. If a ref is supposed to regulate "professionalism" and embodied it, he clearly failed...leading Vince to react the way he did. I said he lost his temper, but I'm not angry for him about it. He's allowed to.
it clearly wasn't ok, i guess that's where we disagree. Justified doesn't equal ok. I used to teach, and it;s something it was always hard to teach the kids (punching the ******* who is baiting you may be justified but it's not ok, specifically if it comes back and hurt you.) THat's how i feel about this.

Ultimately, i think his reaction hurts his case.

01-02-2009, 05:28 PM
I understand your point. But to my point, unless physically reprimanded him or threatened to do so, voicing his displeasure is still valid to me no matter how heated or charged.

01-02-2009, 05:33 PM
I understand your point. But to my point, unless physically reprimanded him or threatened to do so, voicing his displeasure is still valid to me no matter how heated or charged.
He did clearly yell "i'll **** you up" to the ref.:oldlol: so while I am on the side that understands how it could be taken in disrespectful way, there's no doubt it was an overreaction.

01-02-2009, 05:35 PM
:oldlol: The thing that's so funny about your argument is that you get out of control angry pretty much on a daily basis.

No, you morons are the funny ones. You equate anger with words. They're words, retard. I call people names to point out how stupid they are. That doesn't mean I'm angry. And even if I am. I've never found a reason to hit someone because they made me angry. Again, it's called self-control.

The fact that you retards still can't figure out they're just words and point out that I used all caps (which I did to emphasize my point) is what's REALLY laughable.


01-02-2009, 05:38 PM
He didn't attack the ref. Maybe you should actually watch the scene before throwing vulgarities at someone.

Only because a teammate restrained him.

I'm going by what I'm reading in this thread. If you have a video, please post it so we can all be as enlightened.


01-02-2009, 05:38 PM
No, you morons are the funny ones. You equate anger with words. They're words, retard. I call people names to point out how stupid they are. That doesn't mean I'm angry. And even if I am. I've never found a reason to hit someone because they made me angry. Again, it's called self-control.

The fact that you retards still can't figure out they're just words and point out that I used all caps (which I did to emphasize my point) is what's REALLY laughable.

Vince didn't hit ANYONE. If he wanted to hit that ref, he could've, it's pretty simple. He had an opportunity to as he was right in his face before anyone stepped in. Those were "just words" as well.. and can also be said to "emphasize the point" not to ever call him "boy." Double standard Mathius?

01-02-2009, 05:40 PM
:rolleyes: And this is totally irrelevant as far as i'm concerned, because I wasn't speaking to Vince's reaction but only to address anyone who still thought this was a racial issue. Is that you? No? Then I wasn't talking to you.

It's an open forum retard, if you're gonna address only certain people, maybe you should put it in a PM or something.


SHEED_ gangsta
01-02-2009, 05:41 PM
sooooooooooooo is Vince getting suspened or not ????

01-02-2009, 05:55 PM
Statements like that are just another reason why racism is still alive and well.


Its racist to believe that you can't truly understand some people's problems becuase you're not one of them? Or better yet if you havent walked in their shoes?

Reading some(not all) of your comments gave me more reason to say that. Most racist terminology is not new, does that make it any less hurtful to say it? People have been using curse words for hundreds of years, does that mean if someone was using them towards you in a derogatory manner you wouldnt get upset.

What ticks me off is that some people think that slavery was the only injustice that was perpetrated towards blacks. You say that its 2009 but I can show you incidents of clear bigotry and racism in 2008. It wasnt just slavery and its still well and alive.

01-02-2009, 05:56 PM
sooooooooooooo is Vince getting suspened or not ????

Carter will be fined by the league, according to the Daily News, but the investigation may also lead to disciplinary action against Stafford:
By rule, the NBA will fine Carter for the technical fouls and the ejection. Stafford could also be disciplined if it is determined he said anything inappropriate.

NBA offices were closed for the holiday Thursday but Nets general manager Kiki Vandeweghe, who was at the game, said he expects the league to make a "fair" ruling. Vandeweghe doesn't think Carter is in jeopardy of being suspended
doubtful, I think.

01-02-2009, 05:59 PM
It's an open forum retard, if you're gonna address only certain people, maybe you should put it in a PM or something.


Jezus chrizt.

Other people: Racism!
Me: Other people, this isn't a racial issue.
You: Irrelevant, Vince overreacted and was wrong!

It wasn't addressed to you because it was addressing an argument you weren't making anymore. We agreed this wasn't a racial issue before, didn't we? So it wasn't irrelevant because some people still thought it was, when it was not. Were YOU one of those people? No.

If you can't understand why making a rebuttal to a post you don't even disagree with is stupid, maybe you should consider some kind of shock therapy. My post had as much to do with your's as if I said the sky was blue. Which you would still find some reason to argue with.

01-02-2009, 06:02 PM
Jezus chrizt.

Other people: Racism!
Me: Other people, this isn't a racial issue.
You: Irrelevant, Vince overreacted and was wrong!

It wasn't addressed to you because it was addressing an argument you weren't making anymore. We agreed this wasn't a racial issue before, didn't we?

If you can't understand why making a rebuttal to a post you don't even disagree with is stupid, maybe you should consider some kind of shock therapy. My post had as much to do with your's as if I said the sky was blue. Which you would still find some reason to argue with.

Well since I have addressed both racism AND VC's overreaction I still don't see how you'd consider your response "irrelevant" to me. So again... this is an open forum, so if you have something specific you don't want me to read, maybe you should just PM that person.


01-02-2009, 06:04 PM
Vince didn't hit ANYONE. If he wanted to hit that ref, he could've, it's pretty simple. He had an opportunity to as he was right in his face before anyone stepped in. Those were "just words" as well.. and can also be said to "emphasize the point" not to ever call him "boy." Double standard Mathius?

There's no double standard. Words are words. I've never let anyone say anything to me that has brought me to the point of wanting to commit physical harm.

And yeah, VC didn't hit anyone, but you're ignoring the fact that he was physically restrained by his teammates according to the people on this board who saw it. What was the point of restraining him if he wasn't ready to go after the ref? Because he needed to be right up in the refs face to yell at him? Everyone on the court heard him where he was.


01-02-2009, 06:09 PM
Its racist to believe that you can't truly understand some people's problems becuase you're not one of them? Or better yet if you havent walked in their shoes?

Reading some(not all) of your comments gave me more reason to say that. Most racist terminology is not new, does that make it any less hurtful to say it? People have been using curse words for hundreds of years, does that mean if someone was using them towards you in a derogatory manner you wouldnt get upset.

What ticks me off is that some people think that slavery was the only injustice that was perpetrated towards blacks. You say that its 2009 but I can show you incidents of clear bigotry and racism in 2008. It wasnt just slavery and its still well and alive.

I'm so tired of repeating myself in these thread because you as*hole's don't have the courtesy to read the whole thread, but then you still run your mouth about things.

What IS racism? It's segregation based on race. The insult doesn't matter. An insult is an insult. Racist is an adverb. What makes the insult racial is because it was towards someone of a certain race. So something doesn't have to be an insult in order to be racist.

Your comment was racist. You are segregating based on race. You are saying that I cannot understand something because I am not black. That is racist.

It creates the impression that the black community is somehow special in that they can be hurt more so than the standard human being.

I'm so tired of the perception that the word N*GGER hurts a black person more than the word WH0RE hurts a white woman.

I'm so tired of supposed "black issues". If you truly mean what you say that all people should be equal and you feel hurt by the treatment towards you as a black person, the intelligent reaction to that should be being pissed off about racism. Not pissed off about "black issues". Because that's just more racism.


01-02-2009, 06:20 PM
There's no double standard. Words are words. I've never let anyone say anything to me that has brought me to the point of wanting to commit physical harm.

And yeah, VC didn't hit anyone, but you're ignoring the fact that he was physically restrained by his teammates according to the people on this board who saw it. What was the point of restraining him if he wasn't ready to go after the ref? Because he needed to be right up in the refs face to yell at him? Everyone on the court heard him where he was.

I'm pretty sure that Yi standing in front of him for a brief moment and then Devin Harris putting a hand on him isn't really gonna restrain the guy if really intended to harm the ref. They restrained him so that he wouldn't get in any further trouble for not leaving the court. It's a pretty common occurance in the NBA when someone gets ejected.

Which brings me to my other point (which I believe someone already mentioned).. that the refs have a certain level of integrity to uphold. If you say something inappropriate to the refs they can just toss you from the game, however if they say something inappropiate to you, what are you supposed to do? Wait until after the game is over and file a complaint? Say to him "excuse me sir but I am offended by you calling me boy. Please refrain from speaking to me in a condescending way in the future?" I mean come on man, people get angry in the heat of the moment. It happens.

01-02-2009, 06:22 PM
I understand your point. But to my point, unless physically reprimanded him or threatened to do so, voicing his displeasure is still valid to me no matter how heated or charged.

i think the initial response was. But he wasnt going to stop till he got tossed, which i think is ridiculous. the ultimate goal here is to win games, not to make a point that you (not black people, not young people, not women, not a group, JUST HIM) was disrespected.

vince should have took the intitial T, shut the hell up, and then called the union and the league office. and yes, i understand hes angry. But grown men need to act like grown men occasionally.

Sorry im sermonizing, but i cant think of one act EVER that this board hasnt excused (at least a good percentage of it). Is there ever something thats not ok?

01-02-2009, 06:25 PM
Well since I have addressed both racism AND VC's overreaction I still don't see how you'd consider your response "irrelevant" to me. So again... this is an open forum, so if you have something specific you don't want me to read, maybe you should just PM that person.


A response from you was not unnecessary because I was addressing specific individuals, it was unnecessary because your response had nothing to do with the posts content, which you had already concurred with.

PM your own responses to the posters here. I didn't give a damn if you read that post, just that you didn't be an argumentative prick about it by dismissing it as irrelevant to one of YOUR points when it wasn't addressed to one of YOUR points in the first place.

01-02-2009, 06:29 PM
I'm pretty sure that Yi standing in front of him for a brief moment and then Devin Harris putting a hand on him isn't really gonna restrain the guy if really intended to harm the ref. They restrained him so that he wouldn't get in any further trouble for not leaving the court. It's a pretty common occurance in the NBA when someone gets ejected.

They restrained him from leaving the court? Are you serious? When has that EVER happened?

Someone post a god damn video of this crap so we can clear this up.

Which brings me to my other point (which I believe someone already mentioned).. that the refs have a certain level of integrity to uphold. If you say something inappropriate to the refs they can just toss you from the game, however if they say something inappropiate to you, what are you supposed to do? Wait until after the game is over and file a complaint? Say to him "excuse me sir but I am offended by you calling me boy. Please refrain from speaking to me in a condescending way in the future?" I mean come on man, people get angry in the heat of the moment. It happens.

God damn you're dense.

As a player, you know going into the game that the ref is untouchable. It may not be fair, it's just the way it is. Your job is to swallow your response, get your sh*t together, and help your team win a ball game.

Stop. Just stop.

Stop defending this sh*t.


01-02-2009, 06:42 PM
They restrained him from leaving the court? Are you serious? When has that EVER happened?

Someone post a god damn video of this crap so we can clear this up.

I was watching the game with my own two eyes. I saw the play in it's entirety when it happened, and if you didn't, whats your basis of argument. A 5-10 second clip on NBA.com?

God damn you're dense.

As a player, you know going into the game that the ref is untouchable. It may not be fair, it's just the way it is. Your job is to swallow your response, get your sh*t together, and help your team win a ball game.

Stop. Just stop.

Stop defending this sh*t.

LOL, you didn't even refute he point... All you did was to say that he should accept the ref as some sort of god who can say and do whatever he wants... The only dense peron here is you.

01-02-2009, 06:43 PM
They restrained him from leaving the court? Are you serious? When has that EVER happened?

Someone post a god damn video of this crap so we can clear this up.

God damn you're dense.

As a player, you know going into the game that the ref is untouchable. It may not be fair, it's just the way it is. Your job is to swallow your response, get your sh*t together, and help your team win a ball game.

Stop. Just stop.

Stop defending this sh*t.


that's pretty much the only video I've seen of it and it doesn't really show the altercation in full

01-02-2009, 06:55 PM
I was watching the game with my own two eyes. I saw the play in it's entirety when it happened, and if you didn't, whats your basis of argument. A 5-10 second clip on NBA.com?

You're the same idiot that argued with me in that Lebron James thread 2 weeks ago aren't you? The one that can't f'ing read.

I said I didn't see the video. I said I was basing my thoughts on the eye witnesses that posted the account here in this thread.

LOL, you didn't even refute he point... All you did was to say that he should accept the ref as some sort of god who can say and do whatever he wants... The only dense peron here is you.

HE CAN SAY AND DO WHATEVER HE WANTS, MORON. It's the way its always been. the league has always protected their refs. You can't even talk about them in a press conference.

You can't talk to refs that way in college, nor high school, nor middle school, nor summer league.

Where the F have you been that you don't understand this basic fact?


01-02-2009, 06:58 PM

that's pretty much the only video I've seen of it and it doesn't really show the altercation in full

Yeah, it cuts out just as Yi goes to put a hand on him, and there's no way in hell you can tell what's being said with that b*tch narrating.

You have to find real game footage I think to see what's going on.


01-02-2009, 07:05 PM
You're the same idiot that argued with me in that Lebron James thread 2 weeks ago aren't you? The one that can't f'ing read.

I said I didn't see the video. I said I was basing my thoughts on the eye witnesses that posted the account here in this thread.

Who's the idiot who can't read now?

I was watching the game with my own two eyes. I saw the play in it's entirety when it happened

clearly I just said i'm one of them. But if you didn't understand, i'll translate to Mathius language: YOU ****ING MORON! I WATCHED THE PLAY AND YOU DIDN'T SO I HAVE MORE OF A BASIS TO SAY WHAT DID AND DID NOT HAPPEN! MORON!


HE CAN SAY AND DO WHATEVER HE WANTS, MORON. It's the way its always been. the league has always protected their refs. You can't even talk about them in a press conference.
:oldlol: You would survive really well in a place like India where they just accept the level of hierarchy and nobody ever challenges anyone in a higher position..but guess what? This is the United States of America buddy... People have a right to challenge someone who disrespects them, regardless of their level of power.

01-02-2009, 07:09 PM
Who's the idiot who can't read now?

Moron, you said it once, above. And I responded. You ARE the same idiot who can't read, aren't you?

:oldlol: You would survive really well in a place like India where they just accept the level of hierarchy and nobody ever challenges anyone in a higher position..but guess what? This is the United States of America buddy... People have a right to challenge someone who disrespects them, regardless of their level of power.

No they don't you f'ing moron. People go to jail for that sh*t. God damn you're stupid.

Why are you even on a basketball message board if you don't even understand the basic basketball hierarchy?


01-02-2009, 07:14 PM
Moron, you said it once, above. And I responded. You ARE the same idiot who can't read, aren't you?

No they don't you f'ing moron. People go to jail for that sh*t. God damn you're stupid.

Why are you even on a basketball message board if you don't even understand the basic basketball hierarchy?

People go to jail for yelling at a person who they feel disrespected them? Hmm, show me some pictures of this "yelling" jail.

01-02-2009, 07:19 PM
People go to jail for yelling at a person who they feel disrespected them? Hmm, show me some pictures of this "yelling" jail.

Ever hear the phrase, "contempt of court" ?

Not to mention you start mouthing off to a cop, they'll find some reason to throw your ass in jail.

God you're stupid.


01-02-2009, 07:25 PM
Ever hear the phrase, "contempt of court" ?

Not to mention you start mouthing off to a cop, they'll find some reason to throw your ass in jail.

God you're stupid.

So you're really equating a referee to a cop? They may have a level of authority on the court, but they don't yield THAT kind of power you idiot. If they did, Sheed would have a lifetime sentence.:roll: :roll:

01-02-2009, 07:32 PM
So you're really equating a referee to a cop? They may have a level of authority on the court, but they don't yield THAT kind of power you idiot. If they did, Sheed would have a lifetime sentence.:roll: :roll:

I hate you. I hate your family, because they berthed you. You're a stupid, ignorant, human being with poor logic skills, less than basic reading comprehension skills, and judging by your comments in this discussion, the world would be a better place.

I could get pissed off and threaten to come over your house and kill you. That would be an example of me letting my baser emotions get the better of me, and doing something stupid and illegal (death threats are illegal).

Instead, I'm going to use my skills of self-control, and human reasoning and just put you on my ignore list because you are a retard and you don't make my message board experience any better.

You in fact, bring down the collective IQ of the entire board, and it is in fact, pretty low to start.

Enjoy arguing with yourself retard. Hope you get arrested soon. Bye bye now.


01-02-2009, 07:32 PM
I'm so tired of repeating myself in these thread because you as*hole's don't have the courtesy to read the whole thread, but then you still run your mouth about things.

What IS racism? It's segregation based on race. The insult doesn't matter. An insult is an insult. Racist is an adverb. What makes the insult racial is because it was towards someone of a certain race. So something doesn't have to be an insult in order to be racist.

Your comment was racist. You are segregating based on race. You are saying that I cannot understand something because I am not black. That is racist.

It creates the impression that the black community is somehow special in that they can be hurt more so than the standard human being.

I'm so tired of the perception that the word N*GGER hurts a black person more than the word WH0RE hurts a white woman.

I'm so tired of supposed "black issues". If you truly mean what you say that all people should be equal and you feel hurt by the treatment towards you as a black person, the intelligent reaction to that should be being pissed off about racism. Not pissed off about "black issues". Because that's just more racism.


I'm sorry, but I just had to come back in here and comment. This clown doesn't even know the definition of a racist or racism. More proof you have no understanding of basic concepts.

You may or may not be racist, but you've proven without a doubt in a few words in this topic that your a dictionary definition of someone who's predjudice. You prejudge all black people as playing the victim role, and blah, blah... in truth your just an ignorant clown. Go read a couple books and break out of your sheltered fantasy world.

01-02-2009, 07:35 PM
I'm sorry, but I just had to come back in here and comment. This clown doesn't even know the definition of a racist or racism. More proof you have no understanding of basic concepts.

You may or may not be racist, but you've proven without a doubt in a few words in this topic that your a dictionary definition of someone who's predjudice. You prejudge all black people as playing the victim role, and blah, blah... in truth your just an ignorant clown. Go read a couple books and break out of your sheltered fantasy world.

No, I am predjudice, but only against those who make excuses. A group which you clearly belong to.


01-02-2009, 07:38 PM
I hate you. I hate your family, because they berthed you. You're a stupid, ignorant, human being with poor logic skills, less than basic reading comprehension skills, and judging by your comments in this discussion, the world would be a better place.

I could get pissed off and threaten to come over your house and kill you. That would be an example of me letting my baser emotions get the better of me, and doing something stupid and illegal (death threats are illegal).

Instead, I'm going to use my skills of self-control, and human reasoning and just put you on my ignore list because you are a retard and you don't make my message board experience any better.

You in fact, bring down the collective IQ of the entire board, and it is in fact, pretty low to start.

Enjoy arguing with yourself retard. Hope you get arrested soon. Bye bye now.

Wow, this response was even stupider than the initial one... Now you think Vince's threat was as bad as threatening someone's life? Boy am I ever glad you don't run the league. Then we'd see a bunch of Tim Duncan's (personality wise) and everyone with a backbone would be in jail.

In the words of our friendly neighborhood OSA. "Go suck a dick, choke on it, and die"
have a nice day.

01-02-2009, 07:44 PM
No, I am predjudice, but only against those who make excuses. A group which you clearly belong to.


Yeah...you dont know what your talking about. The white man has been holding me down my whole life. Keep living in your bubble. Black man can't even get a cab or books in school. Governement flooding our cities with drugs and rigging the SAT...Its some bs....system is against us!!!hahaha jus kidding

01-02-2009, 07:47 PM
Yeah...you dont know what your talking about. The white man has been holding me down my whole life. Keep living in your bubble. Black man can't even get a cab or books in school. Governement flooding our cities with drugs and rigging the SAT...Its some bs....system is against us!!!
I hate you! I hate your face! I hate your mother's womb for holding you for 9 months! I hate your fathers dick for inserting into your mother without a condom! I hate cute little kitty cats and I hate rainbows! I hate stupid flowers and I hate the ground for holding you up when you walk on it. I hate you!


01-02-2009, 07:49 PM
Good Lord, Mathius, are you medicated or anything? You might wanna seek help because if this is u using self-control i'd hate to see you out of control

01-02-2009, 07:49 PM
this just in:

reporters sitting courtside said they clearly heard Carter yelling at Stafford, who like Carter is African-American, "Don't call me boy"
...One reporter sitting courtside heard Carter rage to Devin Harris,
"He called me boy."


anyone see the game?

usually VC is uber-levelheaded so there must be something to this incident
Ok no boy...call him 'bald girl'

01-02-2009, 07:51 PM
Good Lord, Mathius, are you medicated or anything? You might wanna seek help because if this is u using self-control i'd hate to see you out of control
:roll: I know, seriously!

01-02-2009, 07:52 PM
I hate you! I hate your face! I hate your mother's womb for holding you for 9 months! I hate your fathers dick for inserting into your mother without a condom! I hate cute little kitty cats and I hate rainbows! I hate stupid flowers and I hate the ground for holding you up when you walk on it. I hate you!


Dont deny the truth...Its so obvious if you open your mind...White man knows what he does to us and we have no power to oppose him. Its a sad reality we forced to live. Kids like myseld forced to the streets cause schoolz aint ish where I be at...If I was white I might be president...haha how lonf until he figures out Im messing with him

01-02-2009, 07:54 PM
Quite the thread , and guys went over bord or just started boarding with their heads :banghead:

VC obviously had a beef about a call , Ref had issue with tone and blue his whistle and brain and called VC a boy - \
last the article stated was that the NBA will look into it ,, and my guess the ref wasn't acting professional and will be fined ...

What was more of interest Yi was escorting VC away from the action =

This means 10,000 more ALL-Star votes for YI for being a good teammate.

01-02-2009, 08:46 PM
Quite the thread , and guys went over bord or just started boarding with their heads :banghead:

VC obviously had a beef about a call , Ref had issue with tone and blue his whistle and brain and called VC a boy - \
last the article stated was that the NBA will look into it ,, and my guess the ref wasn't acting professional and will be fined ...

What was more of interest Yi was escorting VC away from the action =

This means 10,000 more ALL-Star votes for YI for being a good teammate.

Seriously, what did you expect from this place? It's pretty much normal for this place to get responses from it being ok to scream at a ref, to white people can never understand the refs comment.

And its no surprise either that I have yet again found someone to express my hatred to.

Some people say in their infinate wisdom :rolleyes: that it's impossible to hate someone on the internet.

But since I hate stupid people more than anything else in this world, and stupidity is expressed to me as someone who has no intelligent sense of logic... well, it happens all the time.


01-03-2009, 10:16 AM
Only because a teammate restrained him.

I'm going by what I'm reading in this thread. If you have a video, please post it so we can all be as enlightened.


Teammates hold back other teammates every game. You're telling me everytime a guy is restrained it's because he wants to hit the ref? Give me a break. When was the last time an actual player hit the ref or sought physical harm? It's more likely that Vince did not finish making his point but his teammates just wanted him to drop the issue. That's the likely scenario. That's what happens 99.9999% times when a player is heated. Not seek physical retribution. If he wanted that, he had more than ample opportunity to knock Stafford on his ass. But he didn't, he only had words to say. If you did not see the scene and still think Vince wanted to hurt the ref while a several people in this thread who saw the scene unfold said he didn't, you're just being stubborn.

01-05-2009, 08:14 PM
Teammates hold back other teammates every game. You're telling me everytime a guy is restrained it's because he wants to hit the ref? Give me a break. When was the last time an actual player hit the ref or sought physical harm? It's more likely that Vince did not finish making his point but his teammates just wanted him to drop the issue. That's the likely scenario. That's what happens 99.9999% times when a player is heated. Not seek physical retribution. If he wanted that, he had more than ample opportunity to knock Stafford on his ass. But he didn't, he only had words to say. If you did not see the scene and still think Vince wanted to hurt the ref while a several people in this thread who saw the scene unfold said he didn't, you're just being stubborn.

I'm the stubborn one? You're the one defending him.

The facts are as stands. He got ejected, because you can't argue with a ref, no matter what his intentions were, physical or otherwise. You can't argue with the refs, you definitely can't insult the refs. This is true for every level of basketball there is, yet there are still dumbf*cks in the league like VC who do it anyways.

The result? Ejection. Now his team has to try and win without him. Nice.

I'm the stubborn one?


01-05-2009, 09:09 PM
Mathius, this topic has been over for a year and a half. Give it a rest.

01-05-2009, 09:58 PM
I'm the stubborn one? You're the one defending him.The facts are as stands. He got ejected, because you can't argue with a ref, no matter what his intentions were, physical or otherwise. You can't argue with the refs, you definitely can't insult the refs. This is true for every level of basketball there is, yet there are still dumbf*cks in the league like VC who do it anyways.

The result? Ejection. Now his team has to try and win without him. Nice.

I'm the stubborn one?


Evidently, Yes. I wrote that on January 3rd at 9.16 AM. You replied today at 7PM, January 5th. Almost 4 days have passed and it was probably on like the 6th page of this forum, yet you had to bump it cause you're stubborn.

01-05-2009, 10:29 PM
Evidently, Yes. I wrote that on January 3rd at 9.16 AM. You replied today at 7PM, January 5th. Almost 4 days have passed and it was probably on like the 6th page of this forum, yet you had to bump it cause you're stubborn.

Actually, I was out of town for the weekend. It's pretty normal I think to check the threads that show up as new when you come back from being away from the board.

It's a neat little feature. You should try it.


01-05-2009, 11:29 PM
Actually, I was out of town for the weekend. It's pretty normal I think to check the threads that show up as new when you come back from being away from the board.

It's a neat little feature. You should try it.


Anything that's past the first page, I don't care anymore. Don't have the obstinacy, like others, to go back to see if anyone responded to my old posts. After being here for 6 years, you learn that no one really cares what you think even if you're persistent with your points over and over.

In the end, it just seems like more work and effort that I would want to put in for an internet message board that I'm not being rewarded for any fashion.

But who am I to judge? Continue to dig through the past. It must be like a treasure hunt for you.

01-06-2009, 05:11 PM
I've been following this thread and intially Mathius you talked about how VC should show some control and not let little words get him so worked up...yet you sound like you are going to implode because of someone's "words".

01-06-2009, 05:22 PM
I've been following this thread and intially Mathius you talked about how VC should show some control and not let little words get him so worked up...yet you sound like you are going to implode because of someone's "words".
Mathius is always like that. It doesn't take away from his opinions.

01-06-2009, 06:20 PM
I've been following this thread and intially Mathius you talked about how VC should show some control and not let little words get him so worked up...yet you sound like you are going to implode because of someone's "words".

That's because you're a retard who didn't bother to read the whole thread.

Self control also has to do with consequences. There are little consequences for getting upset on a message board, vs. getting thrown out of an NBA game, where you're being paid thousands of dollars.

Also, like I said, these are words. I don't insult people because I'm angry. I do it to degrade them because they're stupid. And you morons rise to the occasion again and again getting upset over stupid words, which just proves my point.

It's not that I'm a troll though. I don't do it to get a rise out of people. I do it because I feel stupid people should be pointed out as stupid. Nothing is more of waste of life to me than someone with poor logic.

I may not agree with your logic, but if you have an intelligent POV, and your posts are respectable I don't treat you like ass.

Guys like Gobb, RBP, RedBlackAttack, Thorp, etc. who can give opinions in a well thought out manner, in a respectable post, can disagree with me all day long and I'll probably never say one negative word to them.

But these other retards? Wastes of life.


01-07-2009, 11:14 AM
That's because you're a retard who didn't bother to read the whole thread.

Self control also has to do with consequences. There are little consequences for getting upset on a message board, vs. getting thrown out of an NBA game, where you're being paid thousands of dollars.

Also, like I said, these are words. I don't insult people because I'm angry. I do it to degrade them because they're stupid. And you morons rise to the occasion again and again getting upset over stupid words, which just proves my point.

It's not that I'm a troll though. I don't do it to get a rise out of people. I do it because I feel stupid people should be pointed out as stupid. Nothing is more of waste of life to me than someone with poor logic.

I may not agree with your logic, but if you have an intelligent POV, and your posts are respectable I don't treat you like ass.

Guys like Gobb, RBP, RedBlackAttack, Thorp, etc. who can give opinions in a well thought out manner, in a respectable post, can disagree with me all day long and I'll probably never say one negative word to them.

But these other retards? Wastes of life.


Okay, so if someone says something to your face, you are the example of self control, but if someone questions something you say on a message board, you lose it and respond by name calling? Wow!!

01-07-2009, 11:49 AM
Okay, so if someone says something to your face, you are the example of self control, but if someone questions something you say on a message board, you lose it and respond by name calling? Wow!!

At what point anywhere did I say that I "lose it" ?

Again, retard, they are just words. Just because I call you a retard does not mean I am angry at you.

I simply called you a retard, because you can't comprehend a simple message typed on the internet.


01-07-2009, 12:03 PM
At what point anywhere did I say that I "lose it" ?

Again, retard, they are just words. Just because I call you a retard does not mean I am angry at you.

I simply called you a retard, because you can't comprehend a simple message typed on the internet.


Your vocabulary says that you are not a decent being. Most would use the disrespectful names when they are angry. You use them haphazardly with no thought of anyone but yourself. Decent humans show respect to others with their words. Hmm...perhaps the point of the post. Now I see why you side with the ref. You, like him, have no problem mouthing off to people and calling them elementary school names when you are protected. We all know you, like that ref would not dare say this without that covering of protection.

01-07-2009, 12:22 PM
Your vocabulary says that you are not a decent being. Most would use the disrespectful names when they are angry. You use them haphazardly with no thought of anyone but yourself. Decent humans show respect to others with their words. Hmm...perhaps the point of the post. Now I see why you side with the ref. You, like him, have no problem mouthing off to people and calling them elementary school names when you are protected. We all know you, like that ref would not dare say this without that covering of protection.

I never said I was a decent human being, I said I was a logical one. I don't give a damn about your feelings.

And what protection is this you speak of? Anonymity? Are you suggesting I should be afraid to call you a retard to your face? Why? Gonna get angry and hit me? Prove my point?



01-07-2009, 12:30 PM
I never said I was a decent human being, I said I was a logical one. I don't give a damn about your feelings.

And what protection is this you speak of? Anonymity? Are you suggesting I should be afraid to call you a retard to your face? Why? Gonna get angry and hit me? Prove my point?



All I am saying is, some people talk differently on the internet than they would on the street. It doesn't even have to do with violence. If you were face to face with me on the street, you wouldn't dare call me juvenile names for little to no reason.

That ref wouldn't have called VC "boy" if he was on the street. He knows there is nothing VC could do and you know there's nothing I could do. Protection.

BTW, my feelings aren't hurt. I just have to look at the source of who's calling names. Juvenile names usually come from someone with a juvenile mindset. Usually kids call others names because they aren't liking their own life and need to make themselves feel better by belittling others. Maybe your dad didn't hug you enough. Maybe you got a few too many wedgies by the schoolyard bully.

01-07-2009, 12:38 PM
All I am saying is, some people talk differently on the internet than they would on the street. It doesn't even have to do with violence. If you were face to face with me on the street, you wouldn't dare call me juvenile names for little to no reason.

Yeah, I'd call you a retard. Because you act like one.

That ref wouldn't have called VC "boy" if he was on the street. He knows there is nothing VC could do and you know there's nothing I could do. Protection.

This is such a sh*t argument on your part.

I'm only going to say this one more time. You can't talk back to a ref on ANY level of play for ANY reason, period. They teach you this sh*t in grade school basketball.

If you talk back to a ref. YOU lose. Period.

It's about helping your team win, not worrying about your stupid pride, or saving face in front of your "boys."

I've pointed out many times in this thread that what the ref allegedly did was wrong, but VC's reaction was 10X worse.

And if you can't be bothered to go back and simply read these things that I've already said before probably 5X, then don't expect me to be all happy and cheerful when you make me repeat myself for the 6th time.


BTW, my feelings aren't hurt. I just have to look at the source of who's calling names. Juvenile names usually come from someone with a juvenile mindset. Usually kids call others names because they aren't liking their own life and need to make themselves feel better by belittling others. Maybe your dad didn't hug you enough. Maybe you got a few too many wedgies by the schoolyard bully.

I told you, I don't give a f*ck about your feelings. As far as I'm concerned, your pissing and moaning about my language just tells me that I'm just plain right and you don't have a better argument, so you're gonna cry and whine about me calling you a name instead.


01-07-2009, 12:45 PM
Yeah, I'd call you a retard. Because you act like one.

This is such a sh*t argument on your part.

I'm only going to say this one more time. You can't talk back to a ref on ANY level of play for ANY reason, period. They teach you this sh*t in grade school basketball.

If you talk back to a ref. YOU lose. Period.

It's about helping your team win, not worrying about your stupid pride, or saving face in front of your "boys."

I've pointed out many times in this thread that what the ref allegedly did was wrong, but VC's reaction was 10X worse.

And if you can't be bothered to go back and simply read these things that I've already said before probably 5X, then don't expect me to be all happy and cheerful when you make me repeat myself for the 6th time.



There's a level of human decency and professionalism that a referee is expected to follow. I won't explain it to you because it will go right over your head. However, you do need to realize there are human emotions involved. The kind of human emotions that make you resort to calling people juvenile names (You wouldn't know anything about that).

I have played basketball on many levels, even been a referee. I can guarantee you that if I ever used a derogatory word towards a player of ref, I would expect backlash. There's a level of professionalism that comes with the position that must be maintained. If you were talking to the President and asked him a simple question, and he replied "No, you retard", this would definitely stir up a bigger reaction than if some forum poster called you that from his mom's basement.

01-07-2009, 12:48 PM
There's a level of human decency and professionalism that a referee is expected to follow. I won't explain it to you because it will go right over your head. However, you do need to realize there are human emotions involved. The kind of human emotions that make you resort to calling people juvenile names (You wouldn't know anything about that).

I have played basketball on many levels, even been a referee. I can guarantee you that if I ever used a derogatory word towards a player of ref, I would expect backlash. There's a level of professionalism that comes with the position that must be maintained. If you were talking to the President and asked him a simple question, and he replied "No, you retard", this would definitely stir up a bigger reaction than if some forum poster called you that from his mom's basement.

Boo f*cking hoo. You mouth off to a ref. You get ejected.

That simple.

If you can't add anything new to this discussion then shut the f*ck up.


01-07-2009, 12:53 PM
Boo f*cking hoo. You mouth off to a ref. You get ejected.

That simple.

If you can't add anything new to this discussion then shut the f*ck up.


hahahaha....simmer down.

I can see from your other posts that just get a kick out of arguing with other posters. You seem to have a different view of the world than everyone else. No wonder you think everyone else is a moron. Or are they? Alright, I'm done responding....you won't get it. I'm guessing you've never reffed, or nobody has ever trusted you in a position of authority, afraid you'll blow up and start spewing off school yard names at every person that doesn't agree with you.

