View Full Version : Gerald Wallace hospitalized for possible collapsed lung

01-28-2009, 03:19 AM

Wow, I hope he's all right.

01-28-2009, 03:21 AM

Wow, I hope he's all right.

Just another reason for me to hate Bynum. Besides the fans that overrate him.

01-28-2009, 03:21 AM
yeah that sucks majorly. g-force is a leader of that team. good job bynum. hope u get suspended for that cheap shot

01-28-2009, 03:22 AM
phew, at least its not fractured.

01-28-2009, 03:22 AM
that really sucks i hope he can recover

01-28-2009, 03:22 AM
yeah that sucks majorly. g-force is a leader of that team. good job bynum. hope u get suspended for that cheap shot

Cheap shot? That was great defense. He put out a hard foul. It wasn't flagrant worthy either. Ball doesn't lie.

01-28-2009, 03:23 AM
That was very unfortunate, hopefully he'll be fine.

01-28-2009, 03:23 AM
Cheap shot? That was great defense. He put out a hard foul. It wasn't flagrant worthy either. Ball doesn't lie.
seriously... gtfo bynum dick
it was a hard foul.

01-28-2009, 03:24 AM
anyone got a link? I heard it was really dirty.

01-28-2009, 03:24 AM
phew, at least its not fractured.

You should actually open the link in the future:

Charlotte Bobcats forward Gerald Wallace has been taken to a Los Angeles hospital where he will likely spend the night while being tested for a possible collapsed lung and fractured rib.

01-28-2009, 03:24 AM
Cheap shot? That was great defense. He put out a hard foul. It wasn't flagrant worthy either. Ball doesn't lie.

stop being an homer he obviously made no attempt at the ball even the LA crew called him out on that.

Abraham Lincoln
01-28-2009, 03:24 AM
Lets hope he makes a full recovery soon.

01-28-2009, 03:25 AM
No offence but is this guy brittle or what.. I mean it sucks that this guy is going thru health issues, but the hit was hardly a violent one..

Is it really wise to continue playing a contact sport when you get injured so prevelantly?

I mean anyone would be in fear after multiple concussions, and now a collapsed lung...

Hope he has a fast recovery..

01-28-2009, 03:25 AM
Cheap shot? That was great defense. He put out a hard foul. It wasn't flagrant worthy either. Ball doesn't lie.

Theres hard fouls and then there's being an idiot which is what bynum was being when he gave that.

01-28-2009, 03:25 AM
What happened...I hate to sound disrespectful but is there any footage of what happened?:(

01-28-2009, 03:25 AM
stop being an homer he obviously made no attempt at the ball even the LA crew called him out on that.

Bynum wanted his team to win and he sent a message that the paint is his on both sides of the court. Not his fault G-Wall tried some stupidity.

01-28-2009, 03:26 AM
Do you thibk he will be suspended?

01-28-2009, 03:26 AM
collapsed lung? it would mean rib damage too right? that would be very unfortunate. i hope for a speedy recovery.

01-28-2009, 03:26 AM
Cheap shot? That was great defense. He put out a hard foul. It wasn't flagrant worthy either. Ball doesn't lie.Kill yourself.

01-28-2009, 03:27 AM
this guy has awful injurys didnt he also get like 5 concusions?he has bad luck but hopefully he gets healthy soon

01-28-2009, 03:28 AM
Why is it always Gerald Wallace:(
Last time i remember him taking a shot to the jaw or sth and also being hospitalized:banghead:

01-28-2009, 03:28 AM
You know, my friends and I have been expecting that Wallace would have some pretty bad injury at some point because he dives in at people like no other. Heck, he even wore hex pads that covered his shoulders in the past. I'm actually surprised it took this long for him to be hospitalized for something pretty serious (though the collapsed lung thing was unexpected).

As for the play itself, it was definitely a flagrant, but no worse than any other flagrant we see. It looked like Bynum went to give an intensional foul in the form of a push and just happened to get Wallace with an elbow in the ribs. Very unfortunate.

01-28-2009, 03:29 AM
Bynum wanted his team to win and he sent a message that the paint is his on both sides of the court. Not his fault G-Wall tried some stupidity.


01-28-2009, 03:30 AM
Bynum wanted his team to win and he sent a message that the paint is his on both sides of the court. Not his fault G-Wall tried some stupidity.
just GTFOH man,you heartless piece of $hit

01-28-2009, 03:30 AM
Bynum wanted his team to win and he sent a message that the paint is his on both sides of the court. Not his fault G-Wall tried some stupidity.

maybe the loss is getting to you, your not usually this delusional so i'll 'llow you to vent for now.

01-28-2009, 03:31 AM
G-Force is so fun to watch. Hope he'll get well soon.

01-28-2009, 03:32 AM
Do you thibk he will be suspended?

He shouldn't be. If he is, its because of the results and not because of how bad the flagrant looked. I thought it deserved a Flagrant 1, and that is all he has been assessed with so far.

01-28-2009, 03:32 AM
Cheap shot? That was great defense. He put out a hard foul. It wasn't flagrant worthy either. Ball doesn't lie.

Seriously, you do use a Popsicle when you fantasy about Bynum and Kobe?

01-28-2009, 03:33 AM
G-Force is so fun to watch. Hope he'll get well soon.

your avatar is ****ing awesome. :oldlol:

01-28-2009, 03:34 AM
If Oak did the exact same thing to Kobe, would you LA fans think the same way?

01-28-2009, 03:34 AM
http://media.charlotteobserver.com/smedia/2009/01/28/02/203-B8265394Z.1_20090128021141_000+GL6A4T6J.3.embedded .prod_affiliate.138.jpg

01-28-2009, 03:35 AM
Cheap shot? That was great defense. He put out a hard foul. It wasn't flagrant worthy either. Ball doesn't lie.

What a freaking homer you are. It certainy was a flagrant. Bynum had no intention of going for the ball and made no play on the ball. He came across the lane and laid into Wallace's ribs with two arms/elbows. Dirty play.

01-28-2009, 03:37 AM
Bynum wanted his team to win and he sent a message that the paint is his on both sides of the court. Not his fault G-Wall tried some stupidity.

LMAO @ this clown. :oldlol:

01-28-2009, 03:39 AM
How many games can Bynum be suspended for? Is there a set rule?

01-28-2009, 03:42 AM
should be no suspension at all. It was a flagrant but more of bynum trying to stop him and the shot rather then a straight elbow, if bynum had 1 second more it would have been a hug, its just wallace dove in so quick while bynum was turning around that he didn't have time to move his arm all the way up and over wallace and got him with his whole arm/elbow. He even went to try and help him up right after he fell but wallace was too hurt and stayed on the floor.

Scott Pippen
01-28-2009, 03:43 AM
If Oak did the exact same thing to Kobe, would you LA fans think the same way?
Probably he would receive death threats like Raja Bell did in 2006.

01-28-2009, 03:44 AM
How many games can Bynum be suspended for? Is there a set rule?

The league could suspend him for whatever they want, but more realistically if they were going to change anything, they'd hit Bynum with a Flagrant 2 rather than a Flagrant 1 and suspend him for 1 game. As I said before though, I don't believe he should be suspended at all. It was a flagrant foul, but didn't look like he was actually trying to hurt him.

01-28-2009, 03:45 AM
Hypocrites. If this was Bowen, nobody would care.

01-28-2009, 03:46 AM
Hypocrites. If this was Bowen, nobody would care.

So if this happened to Kobe you wouldn't care?

01-28-2009, 03:48 AM
Hypocrites. If this was Bowen, nobody would care.

wtf? everyone hates bowen because of sh!t similar to this. :oldlol:

01-28-2009, 03:48 AM
Clearly Chris Webber jinxed him with his comments during the pre-game show on NBATV. They were interviewed Wallace and Webber said he gets worried watching players like Wallace, Iverson, D-Wade who hit the ground almost nightly from driving to the hole. Few hours later this happened.

01-28-2009, 03:49 AM
wtf? everyone hates bowen because of sh!t similar to this. :oldlol:

If it happened to hm, what what you say? You would be happy. Hypocrites.

01-28-2009, 03:50 AM
When is the last time Shaq sent someone to the hospital and caused their lung to collapse? I don't care what you do if 350 pound shaq sends a message in the paint without hurting anyone and you cause someones lung to collapse you are definitely doing something wrong. Bynum didn't do it intentionally but this better be his warning and he better use this as a reminder for the rest of his career that don't let emotions get in the way of your game.

01-28-2009, 03:50 AM
God why is it so hard to find a video of this? They have highlights of the game, but I haven't seen one yet that shows the injury. You'd think an injury that serious might be worth showing in the highlights. ****ing espn.

01-28-2009, 03:53 AM
When this happened (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7V8ZukXsWmk), were LA fans thinking it was a good foul to fire up the team?

01-28-2009, 03:53 AM
...being tested for a possible collapsed lung and fractured rib.

An X-ray at Staples Center indicated no fracture.

Everything is gonna be alright...maybe.

01-28-2009, 03:53 AM
Most of you guys didn't watch the game. It only looked bad because GWall was screaming. Other than that, it looks like a normal foul. In fact the refs initially called a two shot foul.

01-28-2009, 03:55 AM
Most of you guys didn't watch the game. It only looked bad because GWall was screaming. Other than that, it looks like a normal foul. In fact the refs initially called a two shot foul.
you said it all. thats why we have replays to catch players who accidentally do stuff like this. and then player like bowen who just do it.

01-28-2009, 03:57 AM
yeah that sucks majorly. g-force is a leader of that team. good job bynum. hope u get suspended for that cheap shot

go fcuk urself.....it was a hard foul...but thats about it........

01-28-2009, 04:00 AM
If it happened to hm, what what you say? You would be happy. Hypocrites.

i was assuming that bowen was the one causing the injury in your hypothetical situation. and no i wouldn't be happy if this had happened to bruce bowen, even though i don't like him as a basketball player i don't wish injury upon any player.

01-28-2009, 04:00 AM
When i was watching the game it looked like Wallace was going up to posterize Bynum. Bynum wanted no part of that so he shoved Wallace on his way up.

01-28-2009, 04:05 AM
I guess it's only fair now for Bynum to tear an ACL in practice now.

I Kid

01-28-2009, 04:08 AM
The Bobcats need to do the same on Kobe Bryant.

01-28-2009, 04:19 AM
http://media.charlotteobserver.com/smedia/2009/01/28/02/203-B8265394Z.1_20090128021141_000+GL6A4T6J.3.embedded .prod_affiliate.138.jpg

lol, yeah, "hard foul"


01-28-2009, 04:20 AM
That's tough defense bynum :applause:

But we are in a weak era. And when i say weak, i mean physically.

01-28-2009, 04:22 AM
When is the last time Shaq sent someone to the hospital and caused their lung to collapse? I don't care what you do if 350 pound shaq sends a message in the paint without hurting anyone and you cause someones lung to collapse you are definitely doing something wrong. Bynum didn't do it intentionally but this better be his warning and he better use this as a reminder for the rest of his career that don't let emotions get in the way of your game.

Bynum looked like he led his the point of his elbow, that made this extremely dangerous. Shaq is all about the show anyways, he doesn't ever want to hurt or maim a player unless it's Brad Miller.

01-28-2009, 04:25 AM
It was a flagrant foul, but it wasn't malicious.

Manute for Ever!
01-28-2009, 06:09 AM
http://media.charlotteobserver.com/smedia/2009/01/28/02/203-B8265394Z.1_20090128021141_000+GL6A4T6J.3.embedded .prod_affiliate.138.jpg

lol, yeah, "hard foul"


I admit that I didn't see the game, but that doesn't look like Bynum is going for the ball to me .

01-28-2009, 06:21 AM
I admit that I didn't see the game, but that doesn't look like Bynum is going for the ball to me .

he wasnt. it was a flagrant. however it wasnt a dirty play that was intended to injure.

bynum tried to get over to cut off the wallace who was coming quick but by the time he got there it was too late, then instead of allowing an uncontested layup/dunk he threw his arm to stop him/foul him and wound up elbowing wallace in the upper rib.

really unfortunate situation and hopefully wallace is alright.

heres a vid

01-28-2009, 06:27 AM
Just another reason for me to hate Bynum. Besides the fans that overrate him.


01-28-2009, 07:07 AM
Found Footage of it.


Definitely went for the man but to say he intended to injure him is ludacris.

rox fa sho
01-28-2009, 07:08 AM
daam that sucks. that was a messed up elbow he got from bynum. hope hes ok. didnt look that good. on the ground for awhile, usually gets up after he crashes.

01-28-2009, 07:46 AM
wow. I believe it. He went down hard. And was gasping and groaning. Rolling over and over. The entire team went cross court to check him out.

01-28-2009, 07:53 AM
anyone got a link? I heard it was really dirty.
Wasn't really dirty.

01-28-2009, 07:56 AM
Just another reason for me to hate Bynum. Besides the fans that overrate him.
Shouldn't be a reason to hate on Bynum. It was unintentional.

01-28-2009, 08:26 AM
It was reckless and stupid, certainly warranting a flagrant 2...but it didn't look like there was a deliberate attempt to injure. He should still sit a game for a reckless act that caused serious harm, but it's not exceptionally hate worthy.

More like the Al Horford shot on TJ Ford, than a Bowen move.

01-28-2009, 08:33 AM
http://media.charlotteobserver.com/smedia/2009/01/28/02/203-B8265394Z.1_20090128021141_000+GL6A4T6J.3.embedded .prod_affiliate.138.jpg
Great defense?. that overrated bum bynum will get his. karma is a *****.best wishes to to "G force" wallace. pray for a speedy recovery.

Real Men Wear Green
01-28-2009, 08:39 AM
If it happened to hm, what what you say? You would be happy. Hypocrites.
No. If it happened to YOU, I would be happy. That was not "great defense." It was a young player that wants to be a tough guy and be the enforcer for his team delivering a hard foul and having it turn out very badly. I don't think that Bynum is necessarily a bad guy, he just ****ed up, and ****ed up Gerald Wallace in the process of ****ing up. When a player takes it upon himself to be the extra-physical enforcer he had better be very aware of his actions, as 7-fooot, 260+ pound men can hurt people, especially people that are flying through the air thinking that they're playing basketball. Knocking that guy out of the sky is not "great defense." It's football.

Real Men Wear Green
01-28-2009, 08:40 AM
No offence but is this guy brittle or what.. I mean it sucks that this guy is going thru health issues, but the hit was hardly a violent one..

Is it really wise to continue playing a contact sport when you get injured so prevelantly?

I mean anyone would be in fear after multiple concussions, and now a collapsed lung...

Hope he has a fast recovery..
I do hope that the rest of the Laker fan base posts with more intelligence and humanity than Zen and Troll24.

01-28-2009, 08:43 AM
Stern will raise this accident to a flagrant 2 and suspend Bynum 1 game.

01-28-2009, 08:44 AM
Looked like a normal hard foul that hit him just right. Freak accident.

01-28-2009, 08:46 AM
I hope G-Force will be OK. : (

01-28-2009, 08:52 AM
That's why Bynum will never be any good...that's why he and Gasol combined got out rebounded by D-Beast....get good Bynum and mess with somebody your own size...oh wait didn't Bynum get sized up by that chump Perkins as well?

what a tool

01-28-2009, 08:54 AM
Wow this news really sucks. I wanted to watch Portland play charlotte with Wallace. If the Blazers win it won't feel the same unless Gerald Wallace plays.

01-28-2009, 09:26 AM
I understand that he injured the guy but it's a first offense and he in no way attempted to injure the guy so why is everyone hating on him so much?

Shaq didn't get this much hate when he clotheslined Stuckey and he acted as though he did nothing wrong at the time.

Put yourself in the Big mens shoes..Your job is to guard the paint, someone comes running in expecting an easy bucket, you wanna defend and make sure no one thinks about driving again so you go hard at the guy who happens to be alot lighter and they end up on the floor.

All i'm saying is to look at this from both sides.

and don't hate on him because of how much some people hype him:violin:

Real Men Wear Green
01-28-2009, 09:46 AM
He's getting flack because it was not a basketball play. It was flat-out, "I don't care what it takes, you will not get this lay-up." Over here in Boston, Perk also does that, although no one has had a collapsed lung I do recall a hit he put on Desmond Mason that was just as bad, just not as tragic in the result. When a player takes it upon himself to be an enforcer type he (and his fans) must learn to live with the hate you will get for hitting people in what many will justifiably view as a dirty fashion. If that's how Bynum's going to play he and you Laker fans had better get used to this. KG gets extensive hate just for running his mouth and some dirty picks, and he's never given anyone an injury anything near to this. You guys will just have to deal with it.

That's why Bynum will never be any good...that's why he and Gasol combined got out rebounded by D-Beast....get good Bynum and mess with somebody your own size...oh wait didn't Bynum get sized up by that chump Perkins as well?

what a tool
This is all nonsense. Bynum got out-boarded by "D-Beast" (whoever that is) because he fould hard? Have you ever heard of Dennis Rodman, Rick Mahorn, and Bill Laimbeer, the "Bad Boys?"

01-28-2009, 10:08 AM
Bynum was afraid of being in a poster like this.


01-28-2009, 11:17 AM
F*cking Bynum, takes out our best player just when we're starting to turn things around. We have no answer when it comes to replacing Crash. Adam Morrison? Give me a f*cking break.

01-28-2009, 11:24 AM
Kobe24 you delusional doucheb@g. Why won't you answer the post about something like this happening to Kobe? What would you say then?

Lakers_Kobe_Fan of course you think it was only a hard foul.

What a douche move by Bynum. His arrogance smirks at the refs and now this cheap shot make me not respect him much as a person. Hope someone hard fouls him without the intention to injure.

01-28-2009, 11:48 AM
That's tough defense bynum :applause:

But we are in a weak era. And when i say weak, i mean physically.
yea pau gasols are runnin up and down the floor... i can agree

01-28-2009, 11:53 AM
my perspective may be slightly different...

firstly, it is a shame that wallace is hurt. i really do hope he gets better soon. the cats played an awesome game and deserved to win.

that being said, it was clear that bynum intended to foul him. however, i clearly do not believe that he meant to injure or harm him. i think it was a combination of inexperience on bynum's part and also body control. he clearly had no intention to harm wallace... it was a borderline flagrant 1 and i don't think he will be suspended.

if you turned the clock back to the 80's, this foul was equivalent to a kiss on the cheek....


01-28-2009, 11:59 AM
wow ouch. hope he has a speedy recovery.

01-28-2009, 12:03 PM
Found Footage of it.


Definitely went for the man but to say he intended to injure him is ludacris.
:roll: lay off the rap music and open a dictionary

01-28-2009, 12:03 PM
I looked at the foul on youtube seen here...


...to me it was a flagrant foul and Bynum didn't mean to hurt him, but it was a stupid foul the way he did it. You don't stick your elbow out in front of someone like that. To me it was unintentional, but he just fouled him the wrong way.

01-28-2009, 12:06 PM
Man f*uck Bynum. What kind of sh!t was that? I was indifferent on my opinion about him, but now I don't like him at all.

Yeah everyone, let's start trying to stop players with our elbows and not our hands when they are driving in. :rolleyes: That's what happens when you do that.

And Kobe24 is one of the most stupid posters on ISH, this confirms it.

01-28-2009, 12:28 PM
I understand that he injured the guy but it's a first offense and he in no way attempted to injure the guy so why is everyone hating on him so much?

Shaq didn't get this much hate when he clotheslined Stuckey and he acted as though he did nothing wrong at the time.

Put yourself in the Big mens shoes..Your job is to guard the paint, someone comes running in expecting an easy bucket, you wanna defend and make sure no one thinks about driving again so you go hard at the guy who happens to be alot lighter and they end up on the floor.

All i'm saying is to look at this from both sides.

and don't hate on him because of how much some people hype him:violin:

Difference is, Shaq went for the ball. Bynum just slid over and checked wallace mid flight with NO intention for the ball. I'm not saying he did it intentionally, but come on... don't be stupid, go for the ball and not the body (especially when the player is in the air).

01-28-2009, 12:33 PM
Meh, it looks clumsy more than anything.

01-28-2009, 12:33 PM
wow bynum you ****in retard

next time they play with wallace healthy a poster be comin'

01-28-2009, 12:45 PM
Imagine if someone like Diop had done the same thing to Kobe. He would've been ejected immediately and Stern would be looking to make an example out of him today.

01-28-2009, 12:55 PM
the play certainly warranted a flagrant foul, but i don't think bynum was intending to hurt him like that. he didn't make a play on the ball so a flagrant 1 is the right call, but it didn't look like a flagrant 2 to me.

any update on how gerald is doing?

pete's montreux
01-28-2009, 12:58 PM
What a bunch of classless Laker fans in this thread. Really, guys, are you serious with some of these comments?

01-28-2009, 12:59 PM
he didnt try to hurt him but he must be retarded because usually elbowing someone in the chest can cause problems....

01-28-2009, 01:07 PM
I saw the play in which this happened. It really was not Bynum's fault. It really was not anybody's fault. That is just basketball. Wallace drove hard and banged into Bynum pretty hard and he got hurt. It was nobody's fault. It was just basketball.

I hope he will be alright though. A collapsed lung is pretty serious.

01-28-2009, 01:12 PM
hope he is better, it was a cheap shot, but cmon suspension? it was a tie game and he wanted to make sure, it was bad because gwall was going for a dunk and had nothing to protect his ribs

01-28-2009, 02:21 PM
I saw the play in which this happened. It really was not Bynum's fault. It really was not anybody's fault. That is just basketball. Wallace drove hard and banged into Bynum pretty hard and he got hurt. It was nobody's fault. It was just basketball.

I hope he will be alright though. A collapsed lung is pretty serious.
if gerald drove into bynum and bynum did nothing his elbow would of gave and no serious injury would of happened. instead bynum drove his elbow into the side of gerald. Bynum is now in my eyes a classless scrub

01-28-2009, 02:28 PM
any update on how gerald is doing?

Latest I could find:

Bobcats' Wallace has collapsed lung, broken rib

By Rick Bonnell
Posted: Wednesday, Jan. 28, 2009

LOS ANGELES - Charlotte Bobcats forward Gerald Wallace suffered a collapsed left lung and a broken rib in a collision with Los Angeles Lakers center Andrew Bynum in the Bobcats' 117-110 double-overtime victory Wednesday night.

According to the team, Wallace lost 30-40 percent of the capacity in his left lung. He also suffered a non-displaced fracture of the fifth rib on his left side.

Doctors at Centinela Hospital inserted a tube in Wallace's lung to help restore functional capacity. Wallace will spend at least Wednesday night in the hospital. Doctors do not anticipate releasing him before late Thursday. At that time, the Bobcats will be better prepared to decide whether Wallace would join the team on its current West Coast trip or return directly to Charlotte.

Bynum was called for a Flagrant 1 foul on the play in which Wallace was driving the lane in the fourth quarter. Bynum threw a hip-check and struck Wallace's rib cage with his right elbow.

The Bobcats will play the Trailblazers tonight in Portland. It was unclear who coach Larry Brown would start in Wallace's place.

01-28-2009, 02:29 PM
It was a good call by the refs.
One of the very few good calls all night.

While I was pleased to finally see Bynum (or any Laker for that matter) lay a HARD foul, no one wants to see a kid injured.

Hopefully he will be OK.

01-28-2009, 02:31 PM
This is ridiculous...

First Bynum clothlines LeBron and nor he throws his elbow into Gerald's rib cage...

What is Stern thinking?

01-28-2009, 02:47 PM
due you bunch of wussies even know what a lung collapse is?

already crying....for no reason......

01-28-2009, 02:50 PM
It was a stupid foul, like I said right after Bynum was called for it. A flagrant foul was the right call, anyone who thinks that deserves a suspension is beyond stupid. The amount of people overreacting in this thread is hysterical considering non of them are Bobcats fans and didn't even watch the game :oldlol:

Anyway the important thing is that Wallace will be fine.

01-28-2009, 02:58 PM
Does anybody have a link to the video of Bynum fouling Wallace? I've heard it was a dirty foul but i'd like to see it before judging...

01-28-2009, 03:22 PM
Does anybody have a link to the video of Bynum fouling Wallace? I've heard it was a dirty foul but i'd like to see it before judging...


This was dirty. he drove his elbow right into the chest...

01-28-2009, 03:27 PM

This was dirty. he drove his elbow right into the chest...

You guys are seriously stupid as hell. Initially, Bynum wanted to block the shot or strip the ball. Wallace ELEVATED which Bynum didn't know that he was going to do that and it struck Wallace in the rib area. Bynum wasn't even looking at G-wall's rib area. Bynum just stuck his arm out. Suspension worthy? Not at all.

01-28-2009, 03:30 PM
You guys are seriously stupid as hell. Initially, Bynum wanted to block the shot or strip the ball. Wallace ELEVATED which Bynum didn't know that he was going to do that and it struck Wallace in the rib area. Bynum wasn't even looking at G-wall's rib area. Bynum just stuck his arm out. Suspension worthy? Not at all.

I didn't realize you block/rip the ball with your elbow. :rolleyes:

Announcers got it right. "Andrew was not playing the ball at all."

01-28-2009, 03:32 PM
It was a stupid foul, like I said right after Bynum was called for it. A flagrant foul was the right call, anyone who thinks that deserves a suspension is beyond stupid. The amount of people overreacting in this thread is hysterical considering non of them are Bobcats fans and didn't even watch the game :oldlol:

Anyway the important thing is that Wallace will be fine.

I'm a Bobcats fan and I watched the game. Gerald's gonna be in the hospital for at least 48 hrs.

ShowTime LA
01-28-2009, 03:32 PM
What a douche move by Bynum. His arrogance smirks at the refs and now this cheap shot make me not respect him much as a person. Hope someone hard fouls him without the intention to injure.

GTFO, it wasn't even intentional. you're just mad that Bynum >>>>>> Oden

01-28-2009, 03:32 PM
I didn't realize you block/rip the ball with your elbow. :rolleyes:

Announcers got it right. "Andrew was not playing the ball at all."

yes, which is why it was an offensive foul.

andrewbynum 31
01-28-2009, 03:34 PM

This was dirty. he drove his elbow right into the chest...

I agree. I watched this play and it definitely looked dirty. However, Bynum has never been considered a dirty player and I don't think he meant to hurt Gerald. This is his first incident so i'm giving him the benefit of the doubt. Hopefully Gerald will be fine and recover quickly.

NY Comeback
01-28-2009, 03:37 PM
You guys are seriously stupid as hell. Initially, Bynum wanted to block the shot or strip the ball. Wallace ELEVATED which Bynum didn't know that he was going to do that and it struck Wallace in the rib area. Bynum wasn't even looking at G-wall's rib area. Bynum just stuck his arm out. Suspension worthy? Not at all.
Shut the **** up. Seriously.

01-28-2009, 03:38 PM
yes, which is why it was an offensive foul.

Offensive foul?

That was a flagrant 1 on Bynum bro...

01-28-2009, 03:41 PM
The league needs to consider a suspension on this one. It was obviously not intended to hurt him this bad, but it also wasn't intended to get to the ball so I think a two - five game suspension is in order.

01-28-2009, 03:42 PM
Cheap shot? That was great defense. He put out a hard foul. It wasn't flagrant worthy either. Ball doesn't lie.

Reason why Laker fans have no friends.

01-28-2009, 03:42 PM
yes, which is why it was an offensive foul.

So you can draw offensive fouls by throwing your elbow into somebody? Never heard that rule.

01-28-2009, 03:43 PM
You know whose fault this actually?

Kobe Bryants.

His lame ass got ****ing blown by, had he been able to stick by Wallace; this wouldnt have happened.

But this is nothing new.


01-28-2009, 03:43 PM
I'm a Bobcats fan and I watched the game. Gerald's gonna be in the hospital for at least 48 hrs.
Okay you're allowed to vent and curse Bynum out. Everyone else should just shut the hell up.

And I do hope its nothing serious with Gerald, that was a very unfortunate situation and stupid foul by Bynum.

01-28-2009, 03:44 PM
i dont believe bynum intended for g-force to get hurt. it was a freak play. suspensions should be warranted on intention but should also be warranted on stupid plays. plays like these couldve been avoided and bynum just did a careless foul without thinking of the consequences. that should be a suspension as well.

its the same when you get drink and drive, you dont intend to hurt anyone but when you do hurt sometone because of a crash, you should be punished to the full extent of the law.

andrewbynum 31
01-28-2009, 03:45 PM
Laker fans who are saying that Bynum did nothing wrong are obviously delusional.

To me it looks as though Bynum meant to foul Wallace, but out of inexperience/clumsiness fouled much harder than he needed to. Nothing more than a hard foul that went wrong.

And stop hating on Bynum, seriously. If this kid injures player ___ intentionally tomorrow then I can understand. But a lot of people on ISH are determined to hate him and this is not a valid reason. He's never been called a dirty player before, and he shouldn't after ONE stupid foul.

Hopefully Gerald is okay. <---- This is what people should be talking about..

01-28-2009, 03:45 PM
You guys are seriously stupid as hell. Initially, Bynum wanted to block the shot or strip the ball. Wallace ELEVATED which Bynum didn't know that he was going to do that and it struck Wallace in the rib area. Bynum wasn't even looking at G-wall's rib area. Bynum just stuck his arm out. Suspension worthy? Not at all.

So whose male sexual reproductive organ is bigger?
Kobes or Bynums?

01-28-2009, 03:49 PM
Reason why Laker fans have no friends.

Internet friends? How pathetic and sad are you?

01-28-2009, 03:50 PM
He basically did the same thing to LeBron, except he caught LeBron in the face.

andrewbynum 31
01-28-2009, 03:50 PM
You guys are seriously stupid as hell. Initially, Bynum wanted to block the shot or strip the ball. Wallace ELEVATED which Bynum didn't know that he was going to do that and it struck Wallace in the rib area. Bynum wasn't even looking at G-wall's rib area. Bynum just stuck his arm out. Suspension worthy? Not at all.

The only thing I agree with is that Bynum does not deserve to be suspended. The only reason I think the league should let this one go is because Bynum did not go anywhere near Gerald's head, which is what players are taught to do. Foul below the head. This was just a hard foul that turned into a very bad situation.

01-28-2009, 04:03 PM
Leading with elbow on top of not playing the ball one bit should be on grounds for a suspension to be, at the least, considered. Should be upgraded to a flagrant two as well, if he isn't suspended.

01-28-2009, 04:25 PM
Internet friends? How pathetic and sad are you?

Coming from someone that has almost 9,000 posts.
Hurts me a little bit.

Lets hope next time Raja Bell clotheslines Bryant again.

01-28-2009, 04:27 PM
Damn, that sucks.

Hope he is OK.

andrewbynum 31
01-28-2009, 04:42 PM
Coming from someone that has almost 9,000 posts.
Hurts me a little bit.

Lets hope next time Raja Bell clotheslines Bryant again.

Look you idiot, there's a difference those two fouls.

If player A is frustrated and takes his anger out on player B that's a dirty foul.

If player A gives a hard foul and player B lands awkwardly that's a flagrant foul but not a dirty foul.

01-28-2009, 04:47 PM
dangggg. wallace is one of my all time favorite players. how long will it take him to recover from this, anyone know? =/

edit: to someone who said he was brittle: i don't think it's that, i think it's cuz gforce is so daring when it comes to driving in the paint for some nasty dunks or doing anything he can to block a man's shot.

01-28-2009, 04:49 PM
Hahaha, the Bobcats beat the Lakers AGAIN? Yeah, Championship contenders my ass.

Anyways, Bynum didn't intend to injure, but he did use his elbow to stop a drive. The stupidity of doing that to a guy in mid-air means that he should and will be suspended, just like Al Horford was suspended for hitting TJ Ford in midair. The NBA needs to do it, to protect star players more than anything.

If your stupidity causes players to be injured, you need to be suspended so that next time you'll remember "Oh yeah, I can't use my elbow to stop a drive to the basket."

And Gerald needs to start being a little more careful. A collapsed lung isn't as bad as it sounds, but his career could be in jeopardy if he isn't a little more careful. People said it was a football play, but G-Wallace plays the game like it's football, and that's a big part of why he gets injured.

Lakers fans, you really come across as losers. Bynum needs to be suspended and you know it.

01-28-2009, 04:57 PM
Cheap shot? That was great defense. He put out a hard foul. It wasn't flagrant worthy either. Ball doesn't lie.

Wow, I hope the next time you play in a pick up game someone does that cheap shot to you. Doing a cheap shot like that when a guy is in the air can be career threatening. I hope someone breaks Bynum's neck the next game.

01-28-2009, 04:58 PM
Hahaha, the Bobcats beat the Lakers AGAIN? Yeah, Championship contenders my ass.

Anyways, Bynum didn't intend to injure, but he did use his elbow to stop a drive. The stupidity of doing that to a guy in mid-air means that he should and will be suspended, just like Al Horford was suspended for hitting TJ Ford in midair. The NBA needs to do it, to protect star players more than anything.

If your stupidity causes players to be injured, you need to be suspended so that next time you'll remember "Oh yeah, I can't use my elbow to stop a drive to the basket."

And Gerald needs to start being a little more careful. A collapsed lung isn't as bad as it sounds, but his career could be in jeopardy if he isn't a little more careful. People said it was a football play, but G-Wallace plays the game like it's football, and that's a big part of why he gets injured.

Lakers fans, you really come across as losers. Bynum needs to be suspended and you know it.

also, don't forget the part where he steps on Wallace's foot

01-28-2009, 04:59 PM
Leading with elbow on top of not playing the ball one bit should be on grounds for a suspension to be, at the least, considered. Should be upgraded to a flagrant two as well, if he isn't suspended.

if this happened to someone on Dallas, the dude would be suspended like 20 games.

andrewbynum 31
01-28-2009, 05:03 PM
if this happened to someone on Dallas, the dude would be suspended like 20 games.

If Kobe or LeBron had been the player injured this would be an automatic suspension regardless if the player was worthy of getting suspended. Sad really, lol.

01-28-2009, 05:07 PM
Look you idiot, there's a difference those two fouls.

If player A is frustrated and takes his anger out on player B that's a dirty foul.

If player A gives a hard foul and player B lands awkwardly that's a flagrant foul but not a dirty foul.

Youre the ****ing moron.
I wasn't even comparing the two fouls.

I just WANT Bell to own Kobe again. And have no one back him up.
Watching you Laker fans cry wolf last time was priceless.

Wallace has a collapse lung and a broken ribs, yet you ****heads show no sympathy. Some even blamed Wallace for being in the position he was in.

01-28-2009, 05:07 PM
also, don't forget the part where he steps on Wallace's foot
I watched again and holy ****, he did step on Wallace's foot. AND drove his elbow into Wallace as he did it. That could really change things, he did that to stop G-Wallace going up, that HAS to be a suspension if the league catches it. Now I'm starting to think it wasn't just stupidity or a freak accident, that was dirty. And Bynum was watching him the whole play, it's not like he was surprised, he knew what he was doing.

Freeze it at 0.28. He drove his elbow right in there.

Well now I hope Bynum gets injured again.

Al Thornton
01-28-2009, 05:07 PM
Just another reason for me to hate Bynum. Besides the fans that overrate him.

i used to like him last year when he played with effort on both ends of the court now hes just a little *****

01-28-2009, 05:08 PM
If Kobe or LeBron had been the player injured this would be an automatic suspension regardless if the player was worthy of getting suspended. Sad really, lol.

Just a dirty play.
One, he steps on the guys foot while he's about to elevate and could have broken Wallace's ankle right there
Two, he elbows the guy in the ribs
Three, he basically throws him on the ground midair.

Perhaps if he wrapped Wallace up it would've been acceptable, but the entire act was dirty and pretty disgusting and an insult to the game.

I wonder if all the guys here supporting Bynum (and saying this was normal in the 80s, even though back then barely anyone could jump like Wallace) have ever played competitive basketball and know the incredible risk to the injured player of a dirty act like this.

01-28-2009, 05:10 PM
I watched again and holy ****, he did step on Wallace's foot. AND drove his elbow into Wallace as he did it. That could really change things, he did that to stop G-Wallace going up, that HAS to be a suspension if the league catches it. Now I'm starting to think it wasn't just stupidity or a freak accident, that was dirty. And Bynum was watching him the whole play, it's not like he was surprised, he knew what he was doing.

Well now I hope Bynum gets injured again.

yeah he's taking a page from the Isaiah Thomas book of 'how to get even when you aren't good enough to play like a real man' basketball.
Hopefully some one pulls a karl malone to isaiah elbow to the head on Bynum

01-28-2009, 05:14 PM
lol !!!!
kids today don't know the difference between a "hard foul" and being "dirty".

01-28-2009, 05:23 PM
yeah he's taking a page from the Isaiah Thomas book of 'how to get even when you aren't good enough to play like a real man' basketball.
Hopefully some one pulls a karl malone to isaiah elbow to the head on Bynum

hopefully someone pulls bynum's d!ck out of ur mouth.

01-28-2009, 05:25 PM
lol !!!!
kids today don't know the difference between a "hard foul" and being "dirty".
Man come on, don't be a loser. A hard foul is when you hack a guy on the wrist, or just go for the ball strong enough that the other guy can't score. You still have to go for the ball.

What Bynum did was clearly a flagrant foul because there was no attempt on the ball. It's that simple. The fact that it was a hard body check where he put his elbow into the guys ribs makes it a flagrant 2.

Was it dirty? What was going through Bynum's dull mind? Did he have the intention to step on Wallace's foot, making this 10X worse than it would have been? I doubt it. Was he thinking "I'm going to injure this guy right here"? Most likely not. So I'll give him that, he shouldn't be suspended more than 1 or 2 games.

If someone body checks Kobe next time he drives to the basket, you better not say it was dirty. That's all I'm saying.

01-28-2009, 05:28 PM
if Dirk got suspended for trying to push Harpring off his back after several hacks and accidentally hitting his face then AB should lose at least one game too.

of course my fantasy team cries out NOOOOOOOOOOOO!

01-28-2009, 05:30 PM
The line starts hear for the whining when Bynym gets suspended. The first two spots in line are reserved for Kobe24 and Lakers_Kobe_Fan.

01-28-2009, 05:32 PM
Man come on, don't be a loser. A hard foul is when you hack a guy on the wrist, or just go for the ball strong enough that the other guy can't score. You still have to go for the ball.

What Bynum did was clearly a flagrant foul because there was no attempt on the ball. It's that simple. The fact that it was a hard body check where he put his elbow into the guys ribs makes it a flagrant 2.

Was it dirty? What was going through Bynum's dull mind? Did he have the intention to step on Wallace's foot, making this 10X worse than it would have been? I doubt it. Was he thinking "I'm going to injure this guy right here"? Most likely not. So I'll give him that, he shouldn't be suspended more than 1 or 2 games.

If someone body checks Kobe next time he drives to the basket, you better not say it was dirty. That's all I'm saying.

Don't be a puss. A foul is when you hack a guy, as you say, or go for the ball strong enuf that he can't score (as you say). That's just a foul, imo.
A HARD foul sends a guy to the floor and probably warrants a flagrant.

A dirty foul is something like sliding your foot underneath the jump shooter (Bowen), a deliberate clothesline (Bell), etc etc

Bynum laid him out and got what he deserved...a flagrant.

01-28-2009, 05:32 PM
Sorry to disappoint everyone but the league is not going to suspend Bynum for that flagrant foul, they can't be that soft :oldlol:

01-28-2009, 05:37 PM
Sorry to disappoint everyone but the league is not going to suspend Bynum for that flagrant foul, they can't be that soft :oldlol:

Man I really hope someone does this to you in your next pick up game and then you can come back and tell us if it's a nice, clean, hard foul.

01-28-2009, 05:39 PM
Throwing you elbow into someones chest area with force is not a hard foul. It is straight up malicious...

andrewbynum 31
01-28-2009, 05:47 PM
Youre the ****ing moron.
I wasn't even comparing the two fouls.

I just WANT Bell to own Kobe again. And have no one back him up.
Watching you Laker fans cry wolf last time was priceless.

Wallace has a collapse lung and a broken ribs, yet you ****heads show no sympathy. Some even blamed Wallace for being in the position he was in.

Stop putting every Laker fan in the same ****ing category. You people never learn.

I showed sympathy for Gerald. I feel just as bad as the next guy. But people act like Bynum intentionally hurt him and that's not true. Bynum has no history of playing dirty, so you should give him the benefit of the doubt.

Grow up.

Big Al All day
01-28-2009, 05:47 PM
Lol at all these laker's fans defending Andy " I've had a nice week let the dick riding begin" Bynum. How was that not a bad foul? Dude wasn't even going for the ball, Wasn't even LOOKING towards the ball. But it's not like Bynum was trying to hurt the guy...

Has there been one poster who WASN'T a Lakers fan that didn't think that was a flagrant?

01-28-2009, 05:49 PM
Stop putting every Laker fan in the same ****ing category. You people never learn.

I showed sympathy for Gerald. I feel just as bad as the next guy. But people act like Bynum intentionally hurt him and that's not true. Bynum has no history of playing dirty, so you should give him the benefit of the doubt.

Grow up.

Pulled Greg Odens ankle.

Clothslined LeBron.

Decked Gerald.

andrewbynum 31
01-28-2009, 05:51 PM
If Bynum wasn't a Laker fan people wouldn't be *****ing about how dirty of a player he is. He fouled Gerald Wallace hard, and unforunately Gerald was injured. It's not like he pushed him in mid-air and then laughed as Gerald lay on the floor injured. As a Laker fan I agree that it was a flagrant foul, but saying he intentionally fouled him, hoping to injure him, and then stepping on him is total BS.

andrewbynum 31
01-28-2009, 05:53 PM
Pulled Greg Odens ankle.

Clothslined LeBron.

Decked Gerald.

Actually if you blame anyone on the Lakers for Greg Oden's injury it would be Derek Fisher. But you're right, I'm sure Bynum intentionally pulled Greg's ankle hoping to injure him.:oldlol:

He didn't clothesline LeBron. If you want to ***** about LeBron getting fouled, why don't you watch last year's playoffs and you can see Haywood throw him on his ass.

He did foul Gerald, hard. Bad foul, flagrant foul, we all move on. It's amazing how people come up with this kind of stuff because they're determined to hate either a certain player or a team. Would you be commenting if Bynum was a Houston Rocket or Cavalier?

01-28-2009, 05:57 PM
As I posted earlier, Bynum did not play the ball, not the slightest bit, lead with his elbow, and from the replays, seems like he also did step on Wallace's shoe. If it doesn't result in a suspension, I will be somewhat surprised as I believe it does warrant one. Now, was it intentional? We will never know, regardless, it was an extremely careless and stupid play on the part of Bynum.

01-28-2009, 05:58 PM
Bynum wanted his team to win and he sent a message that the paint is his on both sides of the court. Not his fault G-Wall tried some stupidity.

Go jack off to a picture of Kobe you POS

andrewbynum 31
01-28-2009, 05:59 PM
Go jack off to a picture of Kobe you POS

This really has nothing to do with anything, but did you support the Hornets before they moved from Charlotte or did you start watching the Bobcats when they became a franchise?

01-28-2009, 05:59 PM
Actually if you blame anyone on the Lakers for Greg Oden's injury it would be Derek Fisher. But you're right, I'm sure Bynum intentionally pulled Greg's ankle hoping to injure him.:oldlol:

He didn't clothesline LeBron. If you want to ***** about LeBron getting fouled, why don't you watch last year's playoffs and you can see Haywood throw him on his ass.

He did foul Gerald, hard. Bad foul, flagrant foul, we all move on. It's amazing how people come up with this kind of stuff because they're determined to hate either a certain player or a team. Would you be commenting if Bynum was a Houston Rocket or Cavalier?

I am not talking about that play I am talking about the play he pulled at Oden's leg sending him to the ground.

Guess what happened to Haywood after he did that? And besides just because another player does it doesn't mean it is clean.

You obviously have not moved on if you are trolling this thread trying to defend him.

Andrew Bynum threw his elbow into a player with the ball no where near the area he launched at. The player was knocked hard onto the ground and could possibly have a collapsed lung. Grow up and stop demeaning Gerald Wallace by pulling up these Bull **** stories.

/end argument.

01-28-2009, 05:59 PM
Don't be a puss. A foul is when you hack a guy, as you say, or go for the ball strong enuf that he can't score (as you say). That's just a foul, imo.
A HARD foul sends a guy to the floor and probably warrants a flagrant.

A dirty foul is something like sliding your foot underneath the jump shooter (Bowen), a deliberate clothesline (Bell), etc etc

Bynum laid him out and got what he deserved...a flagrant.
There are personal fouls (like standard blocking fouls, reach ins, charges).

Then there are hard personal fouls, such as hard hacks across the wrist, wrapping a guy up, or yes knocking a guy to the ground.

But you have to be going for the ball when you knock him down, you can't just body check him or crack him in the head. It's not hockey or football, they don't have padding or helmets so if that **** happens to players on a nightly basis, there is going to be a lot more injuries and shorter careers. That's not good for business.

Which brings us to flagrant fouls, which is usually a hard foul where there is no attempt on the ball, such as knocking a guy on his ass without going for the ball, or where the attempt on the ball was clearly just a pretense to go for the head, etc, etc. It becomes a flagrant two (and an automatic suspension) when it was clearly just an assault (punching, kicking, kneeing, or elbowing deliberately) such as Bowen kicking Chris Paul while he was down last season. Or when there are two flagrant ones, obviously.

And then dirty stuff is where you intend to injure a guy. For example, undercutting maliciously (Bowen), drop kicking a guy in the face as you close out on him (Bowen again), pushing a guy hard while he's in the air, grabbing a guys leg while he's in the air, anything where it's obvious that you're just trying to put the guy out of the game.

With Bynum, I strongly doubt he deliberately stepped on GW's foot (which is what turned that from a bruised ribcage to a collapsed lung), so it wasn't dirty. But it was clearly a flagrant 2 because he elbowed him deliberately with no attempt on the ball.

So, in summary, dirty = no, flagrant 2 = yes. Tell me seriously that if Okafor had done the same thing to Kobe, (foot stepped on, body check with elbow to the ribs, collapsed lung for Kobe) that wouldn't have been ruled a flagrant 2, and you wouldn't be saying it was dirty. Don't be a hypocrite.

01-28-2009, 06:02 PM
This really has nothing to do with anything, but did you support the Hornets before they moved from Charlotte or did you start watching the Bobcats when they became a franchise?

Welcome to the forum.....if you intelligent conversations go to the lakers forum....

here all these mo fo'ers will keep arguing no matter what you say.....

andrewbynum 31
01-28-2009, 06:02 PM
I am not talking about that play I am talking about the play he pulled at Oden's leg sending him to the ground.

Guess what happened to Haywood after he did that? And besides just because another player does it doesn't mean it is clean.

You obviously have not moved on if you are trolling this thread trying to defend him.

Andrew Bynum threw his elbow into a player with the ball no where near the area he launched at. The player was knocked hard onto the ground and could possibly have a collapsed lung. Grow up and stop demeaning Gerald Wallace by pulling up these Bull **** stories.

/end argument.

I figured you might be a decent poster but I guess I was wrong. I could care less if Bynum gets suspended, because if he actually stepped on Gerald's foot afterwards that was a really stupid thing to do. What I have a problem with is people acting like Bynum was out to get Gerald and that his goal was to intentionally hurt him. Whatever, there's no point talking to a brickwall.

Abraham Lincoln
01-28-2009, 06:03 PM
Even though it was a freak accident, I don't like the way he used his elbow. Just an unnessecary play. Either raise your hands or wrap him up. There's no need for this in basketball.




andrewbynum 31
01-28-2009, 06:03 PM
There are personal fouls (like standard blocking fouls, reach ins, charges).

Then there are hard personal fouls, such as hard hacks across the wrist, wrapping a guy up, or yes knocking a guy to the ground.

But you have to be going for the ball when you knock him down, you can't just body check him or crack him in the head. It's not hockey or football, they don't have padding or helmets so if that **** happens to players on a nightly basis, there is going to be a lot more injuries and shorter careers. That's not good for business.

Which brings us to flagrant fouls, which is usually a hard foul where there is no attempt on the ball, such as knocking a guy on his ass without going for the ball, or where the attempt on the ball was clearly just a pretense to go for the head, etc, etc. It becomes a flagrant two (and an automatic suspension) when it was clearly just an assault (punching, kicking, kneeing, or elbowing deliberately) such as Bowen kicking Chris Paul while he was down last season. Or when there are two flagrant ones, obviously.

And then dirty stuff is where you intend to injure a guy. For example, undercutting maliciously (Bowen), drop kicking a guy in the face as you close out on him (Bowen again), pushing a guy hard while he's in the air, grabbing a guys leg while he's in the air, anything where it's obvious that you're just trying to put the guy out of the game.

With Bynum, I strongly doubt he deliberately stepped on GW's foot (which is what turned that from a bruised ribcage to a collapsed lung), so it wasn't dirty. But it was clearly a flagrant 2 because he elbowed him deliberately with no attempt on the ball.

So, in summary, dirty = no, flagrant 2 = yes. Tell me seriously that if Okafor had done the same thing to Kobe, (foot stepped on, body check with elbow to the ribs, collapsed lung for Kobe) that wouldn't have been ruled a flagrant 2, and you wouldn't be saying it was dirty. Don't be a hypocrite.

Good assessment. :cheers:

01-28-2009, 06:04 PM
Man I really hope someone does this to you in your next pick up game and then you can come back and tell us if it's a nice, clean, hard foul.
I've already said over and over again that Bynum was stupid for fouling Gerald. I wonder how many of you would so vehemently encourage the league to suspend Bynum if he didn't play for the Lakers. Like I said, the NBA will not do it...they know better.

andrewbynum 31
01-28-2009, 06:04 PM
Welcome to the forum.....if you intelligent conversations go to the lakers forum....

here all these mo fo'ers will keep arguing no matter what you say.....

Some of the Laker fans are just as bad, but i'll give it a try. Lol.

01-28-2009, 06:06 PM
I've already said over and over again that Bynum was stupid for fouling Gerald. I wonder how many of you would so vehemently encourage the league to suspend Bynum if he didn't play for the Lakers. Like I said, the NBA will not do it...they know better.

You are right they know better than to suspend a Lakers player.

01-28-2009, 06:10 PM
You are right they know better than to suspend a Lakers player.
They know better as in they know Bynum doesn't deserve to be suspended...a flagrant foul was called by the officials, that was the right call, y'all need to get over it.

01-28-2009, 06:12 PM
They know better as in they know Bynum doesn't deserve to be suspended...a flagrant foul was called by the officials, that was the right call, y'all need to get over it.
It probably will be changed to a flagrant 2.

01-28-2009, 06:15 PM
It probably will be changed to a flagrant 2.
I doubt it. We play Minnesota on Friday so I'm not too concerned anyway.

01-28-2009, 06:17 PM
I doubt it. We play Minnesota on Friday so I'm not too concerned anyway.
that's the best team of 2009 :)

01-28-2009, 06:18 PM
Bynum's play on Oden wasn't dirty, but it was DEFINITELY excessive force/physicality in the opening few minutes of a regular season game. Several people noted this in the game thread.

01-28-2009, 06:18 PM
I doubt it. We play Minnesota on Friday so I'm not too concerned anyway.hey man the wolves are playing great basketball! 8-2 in their last 10 i they've won like 3 in a row i think.

but to get back on topic: we need wallace :(

01-28-2009, 06:37 PM
Sorry to disappoint everyone but the league is not going to suspend Bynum for that flagrant foul, they can't be that soft :oldlol:
Hey he only suffered a f*cking collapsed lung after the elbow went THROUGH his rib cage, I'd say that's "soft" :rolleyes:

01-28-2009, 06:49 PM
Hey he only suffered a f*cking collapsed lung after the elbow went THROUGH his rib cage, I'd say that's "soft" :rolleyes:

A veteran like yourself should know its a waste of time trying to talk sense into Laker fanatics.

01-28-2009, 06:58 PM
it certainly was a flagrant but I don't think it was something that was dirty or intended to injure the guy. None of the players got in a confrontation about it and Bynum looked over to help Wallace up for a second but realized he was hurting bad. I feel bad for that dude though, he plays hard and you could tell he was in a lot of pain. I hope he will be ok because the bobcats are starting to come around since the trade.

01-28-2009, 07:19 PM
Here's the deal. If Crash just spun around and kinda fell over, all that would of been called is a shooting foul. There would of been no review or even talk about this foul. It was just a foul, where a player got hurt. It's called a freak accident. It happens.

If you show anyone a replay of that foul, and didn't show Crash moaning on the floor, people would just say it was a foul. Don't look at the outcome, look at the intent of the foul. Which was to reach across Bynum's body and get his arms in front of Crash.

If there were no injury there would be no talk on this.

01-28-2009, 07:23 PM
If there were no injury there would be no talk on this.

Yup. I was surprised at the time that he was taken out, I've seen players suffer much worse looking hits and pop up just fine. Weird stuff happens though.

01-28-2009, 07:36 PM
Here's the deal. If Crash just spun around and kinda fell over, all that would of been called is a shooting foul. There would of been no review or even talk about this foul. It was just a foul, where a player got hurt. It's called a freak accident. It happens.

If you show anyone a replay of that foul, and didn't show Crash moaning on the floor, people would just say it was a foul. Don't look at the outcome, look at the intent of the foul. Which was to reach across Bynum's body and get his arms in front of Crash.

If there were no injury there would be no talk on this.

Let's see, like I've already posted, Bynum did NOT play the ball, and he went in with his elbow, not to mention, it seems as if he stepped on Crash' shoe as well, all these put together should warrant a suspension, but of course, it won't happen.

Hypothetically, if this was, let's say, Udonis Haslem didn't play the ball one bit and led with his elbow against an airborne Kobe or even Ariza, all of you would be calling for Haslem's head, and saying he should be suspended for more then just a game. :rolleyes:

01-28-2009, 07:41 PM
Didn't KG earlier in the year get suspended a game for punching Bogut in the face? Well that didn't hurt Bogut and KG got suspended. I am trying to connect the dots here, but am having trouble. Maybe a Laker fan could help me. Bynum hurt Wallace badly, KG didn't hurt Bogut. KG got suspended, but Bynum won't? I think that bynum gets two games minimum for that viscious elbow. If KG got suspended for one, Bynum deserves at least two.

01-28-2009, 07:43 PM
Didn't KG earlier in the year get suspended a game for punching Bogut in the face? Well that didn't hurt Bogut and KG got suspended. I am trying to connect the dots here, but am having trouble. Maybe a Laker fan could help me. Bynum hurt Wallace badly, KG didn't hurt Bogut. KG got suspended, but Bynum won't? I think that bynum gets two games minimum for that viscious elbow. If KG got suspended for one, Bynum deserves at least two.

I don't recall that incident with KG and Bogut, but if it was a punch to the face, then that is a guaranteed one game suspension. Any punch thrown, whether or not it connects, is a minimum suspension.

Bynum shouldn't get injured because Crash got hurt, he should get suspended because he didn't play the ball and led with his elbow onto Crash, who was airborne and had no way of protecting himself.

01-28-2009, 07:45 PM
Bynum didn't intentionally try to hurt Wallace, it was a hard foul and it warranted a flagrant 1. With that said, I wish Gerald a speedy recovery though and it was unfortunate that he got badly hurt.

Bynum is not a dirty player one bit, he is just trying to toughen up as our starting center in the post. Phil has been bickering at him all season long about toughening up inside.

01-28-2009, 07:47 PM
I don't recall that incident with KG and Bogut, but if it was a punch to the face, then that is a guaranteed one game suspension. Any punch thrown, whether or not it connects, is a minimum suspension.

Bynum shouldn't get injured because Crash got hurt, he should get suspended because he didn't play the ball and led with his elbow onto Crash, who was airborne and had no way of protecting himself.
The KG incident happened towards the beginning of the year. Any way two games is what he should get if not more. But because he is a Laker he will get one or none.

01-28-2009, 07:51 PM
The KG incident happened towards the beginning of the year. Any way two games is what he should get if not more. But because he is a Laker he will get one or none.

He isn't getting any or shouldn't. Look at the replay and quit being such a Cleveland homer. I know you're praying that a big part of our team misses games so you guys can possibly benefit from us losing a game or two.

But as Wallace was driving to the basket, Bynum put both of his hands up to try and stop Wallace and his right elbow hit Wallace in the rib. He didn't "elbow" him, his elbow clearly contacted his body without any intention to hurt the guy.

Seriously why I am even explaining this?
Go check out a youtube video of the incident, take off your homer glasses and actually evaluate the foul with no bias.

The refs even had to discuss if it was a flagrant foul or not, Bynum was also concerned about Wallace and extended his arm to him, before realizing he was seriously hurt.

01-28-2009, 07:52 PM
The league needs to consider a suspension on this one. It was obviously not intended to hurt him this bad, but it also wasn't intended to get to the ball so I think a two - five game suspension is in order.

what the ****. quit being morons. the result was very unfortunate but the act itself wasnt malicious in the slightest.

Didn't KG earlier in the year get suspended a game for punching Bogut in the face? Well that didn't hurt Bogut and KG got suspended. I am trying to connect the dots here, but am having trouble. Maybe a Laker fan could help me. Bynum hurt Wallace badly, KG didn't hurt Bogut. KG got suspended, but Bynum won't? I think that bynum gets two games minimum for that viscious elbow. If KG got suspended for one, Bynum deserves at least two.

wasnt it obvious that kg intentionally threw the punch to the face.

bynums play was not done with malicious intent.

01-28-2009, 07:53 PM
The KG incident happened towards the beginning of the year. Any way two games is what he should get if not more. But because he is a Laker he will get one or none.

Regardless, if it was a shot to the face, then that is a minimum one game suspension. Bynum should get a suspension, but nothing more then two, that is going too far.

01-28-2009, 07:59 PM
Let's see, like I've already posted, Bynum did NOT play the ball, and he went in with his elbow, not to mention, it seems as if he stepped on Crash' shoe as well, all these put together should warrant a suspension, but of course, it won't happen.

Hypothetically, if this was, let's say, Udonis Haslem didn't play the ball one bit and led with his elbow against an airborne Kobe or even Ariza, all of you would be calling for Haslem's head, and saying he should be suspended for more then just a game. :rolleyes:Was Bynum's foul worse than Morrison's on Gasol? No.

01-28-2009, 08:00 PM
It doesn't matter if it was malicious. He comitted a flagrant foul, and as a result, a player was injured. He will get at least a game out.

01-28-2009, 08:02 PM
Was Bynum's foul worse than Morrison's on Gasol? No.
:roll: :roll: :roll:

A 6'9'' scrawny scrub knocking down a 7 foot 1 flopper...(Gasol got up perfectly fine)

as opposed to a 7 foot 1 285 pound center throwing his elbow into a mans chest when said person was holding the ball above his head. (Gerald is not ok)

Not to mention Adams hit was in the vicinity of the ball, Bynum's wasn't even close (hence the flagrant).

01-28-2009, 08:02 PM
what the ****. quit being morons. the result was very unfortunate but the act itself wasnt malicious in the slightest.

wasnt it obvious that kg intentionally threw the punch to the face.

bynums play was not done with malicious intent.
And Bynum intentionally elbowed him. Now he may not have intentionally hurt him, but he did end of story. He didn't make a play for the ball, and a lot of force has to be thrown in to fracture a rib.

01-28-2009, 08:03 PM
I really hope he's alright, hate to see anyone get injured, even a Celtic.

Dirty foul by Bynum...but it was out of frustration/immaturity...anyone who thinks that foul was out of malice is a complete idiot.

01-28-2009, 08:06 PM
Hey he only suffered a f*cking collapsed lung after the elbow went THROUGH his rib cage, I'd say that's "soft" :rolleyes:
For the hundredth time, I understand the severity of Gerald's injury. The point is that Bynum's intent was not to injure him so he doesn't deserve to get suspended, as simple as that. It was a hard foul and he will obviously get fined. People call the Lakers soft yet when we play physical, we're called dirty. I'm glad Andrew isn't letting guys like James/Wallace dunk on him, he fouls hard to let everyone know we're not a "soft" team. Except in this case, it was just a very unfortunate situation. Hopefully Wallace will be fine so we can all move on....

01-28-2009, 08:08 PM
Haters just want Bynum to get suspended because he's beasting. Pathetic.

01-28-2009, 08:10 PM
For the hundredth time, I understand the severity of Gerald's injury. The point is that Bynum's intent was not to injure him, so he doesn't deserve to get suspended, as simple as that. It was a hard foul and he will obviously get fined. People call the Lakers soft yet when we play physical, we're dirty. I'm glad Andrew isn't letting guys like James/Wallace dunk on him, he fouls hard to let everyone know we're not a "soft" team. Except in this case, it was just a very unfortunate situation. Hopefully Wallace will be fine so we can all move on....

You have to understand that doesn't matter. The fact that he laid the hit he did will get him suspended. When defensive backs in the NFL look the light a Wide Receiver up they do so in order to get the receiver out of his game striking fear in the entire offensive attack. They never however look to intentionally hurt a player, and in cases where players are hurt everyone is remorseful. Does the NFL let them go because they're sorry? No they get slapped with a massive fine and is some cases are suspended.

This concept is a much much smaller version of involuntary manslaughter. You don't get the time as a malicious killing, but you still get time.

And @ Kobe24 maybe people are mad because he just put a well respected player in a hospital bed?

01-28-2009, 08:31 PM
:roll: :roll: :roll:

A 6'9'' scrawny scrub knocking down a 7 foot 1 flopper...(Gasol got up perfectly fine)

as opposed to a 7 foot 1 285 pound center throwing his elbow into a mans chest when said person was holding the ball above his head. (Gerald is not ok)

Not to mention Adams hit was in the vicinity of the ball, Bynum's wasn't even close (hence the flagrant).Morrison was no where near the ball. He hit Gasol in the head, with no intention to go after the ball. His intent was clearly no better than Bynum's. Gasol not getting hurt makes no difference with regard to Morrison's intent, which seems to be at least as bad or worse than Bynum's.

01-28-2009, 08:32 PM
The more noteworthy aspect of this development is that a Laker was trying to protect the paint. Hopefully Phil benches him.

01-28-2009, 08:33 PM
Haters just want Bynum to get suspended because he's beasting. Pathetic.
This is why Fakerfans are hated.

01-28-2009, 08:34 PM
Morrison was no where near the ball. He hit Gasol in the head, with no intention to go after the ball. His intent was clearly no better than Bynum's. Gasol not getting hurt makes no difference with regard to Morrison's intent, which seems to be at least as bad or worse than Bynum's.

Bring up a video of it to prove it...From what I remember Gasol had the ball raised and Morrison missed and Gasol like he always does made a big deal about it flopping to the ground.

Bynum on the other threw his elbow (do you block or strip the basketball with your elbow?), into Gerald's chest when the ball was well elevated over Wallace's head.

01-28-2009, 08:37 PM
Wow, you can tell what posters have been fans of the game since 2000. Suspension? GTFO here with that bs, it wasnt even that bad, Wallace is just brittle. Back in the old days Bynum would have got a pat on the back and a "good job".

01-28-2009, 08:38 PM
Wow, you can tell what posters have been fans of the game since 2000. Suspension? GTFO here with that bs, it wasnt even that bad, Wallace is just brittle. Back in the old days Bynum would have got a pat on the back and a "good job".
It doesn't matter, a precedent by the league has already been set with similar plays. Others have gotten suspended, and Bynum is no exception regardless of being a Laker. You and I may like the more physical era of ball, but that doesn't change what Stern has made the league today. It is what it is, and Bynum deserves at least a game in today's NBA.

01-28-2009, 08:38 PM
The more noteworthy aspect of this development is that a Laker was trying to protect the paint. Hopefully Phil benches him.
Phil benches him for a dirty foul? :rolleyes:

01-28-2009, 08:41 PM
It doesn't matter, a precedent by the league has already been set with similar plays. Others have gotten suspended, and Bynum is no exception regardless of being a Laker. You and I may like the more physical era of ball, but that doesn't change what Stern has made the league today. It is what it is, and Bynum deserves at least a game in today's NBA.

But was it malicious?

01-28-2009, 08:42 PM
Phil benches him for a dirty foul? :rolleyes:

Shes being sarcastic...I hope :oldlol:

01-28-2009, 08:43 PM
Shes being sarcastic...I hope :oldlol:

Yah I thought so, but you can never tell for sure.

01-28-2009, 08:44 PM
Bring up a video of it to prove it...From what I remember Gasol had the ball raised and Morrison missed and Gasol like he always does made a big deal about it flopping to the ground.

Bynum on the other threw his elbow (do you block or strip the basketball with your elbow?), into Gerald's chest when the ball was well elevated over Wallace's head.
You are such an idiot. Maybe if you had watched the game you would have picked up some knowledge. Oh well I guess you just take somebody elses opinion, turn it a little and call it your own. boy I wish I was as stupid as you are.

andrewbynum 31
01-28-2009, 08:46 PM
I don't really have a problem with Bynum getting a 1 game suspension. He fouled Wallace hard and unfortunately Wallace got injured. In the current NBA, this is a flagrant foul and in some cases a suspension. That's something he'll have to deal with if it presents itself.

What I do have a problem with is that half of these idiots could care less that Gerald Wallace was injured and only post in this thread because they have an obsession with posting negative things about the Lakers and their players. Comments about Bynum intentionally hurting Gerald Wallace and being a dirty player just show how biased you are. Get a new hobby!

01-28-2009, 08:48 PM
I don't really have a problem with Bynum getting a 1 game suspension. He fouled Wallace hard and unfortunately Wallace got injured. In the current NBA, this is a flagrant foul and in some cases a suspension. That's something he'll have to deal with if it presents itself.

What I do have a problem with is that half of these idiots could care less that Gerald Wallace was injured and only post in this thread because they have an obsession with posting negative things about the Lakers and their players. Comments about Bynum intentionally hurting Gerald Wallace and being a dirty player just show how biased you are. Get a new hobby!

Bynum never intentionally meant to hurt anyone and it isn't the reason he might get suspended. Obviously what happened to Gerald was tragic and pissed off several people (me included) because it could have been easily avoided...

andrewbynum 31
01-28-2009, 08:52 PM
Anybody have a link to Morrison's foul on Gasol?

01-28-2009, 08:54 PM
Was Bynum's foul worse than Morrison's on Gasol? No.

I don't recall Morrisons foul on Pau, but I'm confident it wasn't worse then how Bynum fouled Wallace. Did Morrison seem to step on Gasol's shoe, make zero play on the ball, and use his elbow to "try to protect the basket" against Pau's chest, despite it being wide open due to both hands being on the ball above his head :rolleyes:

Bottom line equals, this should be considered to be a one game suspension, two max. And like I already said, if Haslem were to foul Kobe the same way, would you say it's nothing but a hard foul? Highly doubt it.

01-28-2009, 08:57 PM
Bring up a video of it to prove it...From what I remember Gasol had the ball raised and Morrison missed and Gasol like he always does made a big deal about it flopping to the ground.

Bynum on the other threw his elbow (do you block or strip the basketball with your elbow?), into Gerald's chest when the ball was well elevated over Wallace's head.Here is a link, http://www.yougotdunkedon.com/2009/01/pau-gasol-dunks-on-adam-morrison.html

Morrison made NO attempt on the ball in any way. First he grabbed his shoulder, then he hit him in the head.

01-28-2009, 08:59 PM
It was unintentional.

If Gerald's balls fall off, you people blame Bynum for it too?

01-28-2009, 09:00 PM
Here is a link, http://www.yougotdunkedon.com/2009/01/pau-gasol-dunks-on-adam-morrison.html

Morrison made NO attempt on the ball in any way. First he grabbed his shoulder, then he hit him in the head.

:lol :oldlol: @ saying that is a harder foul then Bynum elbowing an airborne player in the chest, which was clearly exposed.

01-28-2009, 09:01 PM
Here is a link, http://www.yougotdunkedon.com/2009/01/pau-gasol-dunks-on-adam-morrison.html

Morrison made NO attempt on the ball in any way. First he grabbed his shoulder, then he hit him in the head.

Are you seeing the same thing I am?

Grabbed the shoulder?

He tried blocking a player a good 4 inches taller than him and a massive wing span and on the way down his hand incidently touched Gasols head as Gasol made the dunk and flopped to the ground...

How on earth was that anything like what happened to Gerald???

andrewbynum 31
01-28-2009, 09:02 PM
:lol :oldlol: @ saying that is a harder foul then Bynum elbowing an airborne player in the chest, which was clearly exposed.

I agree with you. Morrison's foul wasn't that bad because he slapped at Gasol like a 10 year old girl. Maybe it looks worse at a different camera angle but from what I see Gasol gets slapped in the head. If Morrison was stronger, he could have hurt Gasol. Luckily for Gasol, Morrison can probably bench the bar on a good day.

On the other hand, you obviously dislike the Lakers and Andrew Bynum so everything you say is biased.

01-28-2009, 09:04 PM
I agree with you. Morrison's foul wasn't that bad because he slapped at Gasol like a 10 year old girl.

On the other hand, you obviously dislike the Lakers and Andrew Bynum so everything you say is biased.

So Bynum didn't elbow the exposed chest of an airborne player along with not even being close to playing the ball? Right :rolleyes: I wonder who this alternate account this belongs too :ohwell:

Are you seeing the same thing I am?

Grabbed the shoulder?

He tried blocking a player a good 4 inches taller than him and a massive wing span and on the way down his hand incidently touched Gasols head as Gasol made the dunk and flopped to the ground...

How on earth was that anything like what happened to Gerald???

B-b-b-because Morrison didn't play the ball, and Gasol fell to the floor! Yes, thats it!

01-28-2009, 09:06 PM
Are you seeing the same thing I am?

Grabbed the shoulder?

He tried blocking a player a good 4 inches taller than him and a massive wing span and on the way down his hand incidently touched Gasols head as Gasol made the dunk and flopped to the ground...

How on earth was that anything like what happened to Gerald???What I am saying is that Morrison made no play on the ball at all, and his intent was to pull Gasol down. He did not try to make a block and miss, he jumped late, and knowing he had no shot at the ball, pulled Gasol down while Gasol was in the air. The end result was not an injury to Gasol, but the intent was certainly equal to Bynum's intent on Wallace.

01-28-2009, 09:06 PM
I like this take on it...


it looks like Bynum missed his rotation and tried to make up ground fast to save face with Coach Jackson. He reached out with his arm to wrap up him, Wallace hit the key much faster than anticipated, chest meets elbow, ouch. Was it lazy defense by Bynum? Yes, no doubt. But malicious? Please ...

andrewbynum 31
01-28-2009, 09:08 PM
So Bynum didn't elbow the exposed chest of an airborne player along with not even being close to playing the ball? Right :rolleyes: I wonder who this alternate account this belongs too :ohwell:

B-b-b-because Morrison didn't play the ball, and Gasol fell to the floor! Yes, thats it!

Look at my other posts and I agree with everyone that Bynum's foul was stupid and unnecessary.

With you, I see a bunch of different posts that act like Bynum is the big playground bully who wanted to hurt Wallace. If Bynum wasn't a Laker you would probably be sitting on your ass looking for a different thread to troll.

andrewbynum 31
01-28-2009, 09:10 PM
I like this take on it...


Yeah that's definitely a good explanation. It's amazing that came from Yahoo sports.:wtf:

01-28-2009, 09:10 PM
Look at my other posts and I agree with everyone that Bynum's foul was stupid and unnecessary.

With you, I see a bunch of different posts that act like Bynum is the big playground bully who wanted to hurt Wallace. If Bynum wasn't a Laker you would probably be sitting on your ass looking for a different thread to troll.

Pull up one of my posts that show he wanted to hurt Wallace....hurry up. Him being a Laker has nothing to do with it, besides the fact that will probably be the reason there is no suspension, or serious consideration of one, and there wouldn't be the amount of ignorant ****s(ZeN and Kobe24, looking at your homer asses) who act like Bynum did nothing wrong.

But like I said, pull up one of my posts that state Bynum did it with intent to hurt Crash.

Edit: actually, I'll pull up my posts.

Leading with elbow on top of not playing the ball one bit should be on grounds for a suspension to be, at the least, considered. Should be upgraded to a flagrant two as well, if he isn't suspended.

As I posted earlier, Bynum did not play the ball, not the slightest bit, lead with his elbow, and from the replays, seems like he also did step on Wallace's shoe. If it doesn't result in a suspension, I will be somewhat surprised as I believe it does warrant one. Now, was it intentional? We will never know, regardless, it was an extremely careless and stupid play on the part of Bynum.

Let's see, like I've already posted, Bynum did NOT play the ball, and he went in with his elbow, not to mention, it seems as if he stepped on Crash' shoe as well, all these put together should warrant a suspension, but of course, it won't happen.

Hypothetically, if this was, let's say, Udonis Haslem didn't play the ball one bit and led with his elbow against an airborne Kobe or even Ariza, all of you would be calling for Haslem's head, and saying he should be suspended for more then just a game. :rolleyes:

I don't recall that incident with KG and Bogut, but if it was a punch to the face, then that is a guaranteed one game suspension. Any punch thrown, whether or not it connects, is a minimum suspension.

Bynum shouldn't get suspended because Crash got hurt, he should get suspended because he didn't play the ball and led with his elbow onto Crash, who was airborne and had no way of protecting himself.

Regardless, if it was a shot to the face, then that is a minimum one game suspension. Bynum should get a suspension, but nothing more then two, that is going too far.

I don't recall Morrisons foul on Pau, but I'm confident it wasn't worse then how Bynum fouled Wallace. Did Morrison seem to step on Gasol's shoe, make zero play on the ball, and use his elbow to "try to protect the basket" against Pau's chest, despite it being wide open due to both hands being on the ball above his head :rolleyes:

Bottom line equals, this should be considered to be a one game suspension, two max. And like I already said, if Haslem were to foul Kobe the same way, would you say it's nothing but a hard foul? Highly doubt it.

:lol :oldlol: @ saying that is a harder foul then Bynum elbowing an airborne player in the chest, which was clearly exposed.

So Bynum didn't elbow the exposed chest of an airborne player along with not even being close to playing the ball? Right :rolleyes: I wonder who this alternate account this belongs too :ohwell:

B-b-b-because Morrison didn't play the ball, and Gasol fell to the floor! Yes, thats it!

So, where exactly did I say Bynum wanted to hurt Crash? Read posts next time a'ight kid?

01-28-2009, 09:14 PM
What I am saying is that Morrison made no play on the ball at all, and his intent was to pull Gasol down. He did not try to make a block and miss, he jumped late, and knowing he had no shot at the ball, pulled Gasol down while Gasol was in the air. The end result was not an injury to Gasol, but the intent was certainly equal to Bynum's intent on Wallace.

Please even Andrew Bynum 21 admitted the stupidity of you comparing the two fouls. He not only did not pull at Gasol, he instead touched Gasol's head as his hand was coming down after a failed block. Gasol still slammed the ball through the hoop with force in the act showing how weak the "touch" was.

If the intent was to put Gasol hard on the floor at least he would have stopped the dunk right?

01-28-2009, 09:14 PM
Arguing with QRich is like arguing with your retarded little brother that wants to hang out with you. He's just mad that Bynum made his loser franchise look like a d-league squad. He's a Laker hater. I don't blame him for that. Clippers haven't been relevant since....

They ain't never been relevant.

01-28-2009, 09:16 PM
Arguing with QRich is like arguing with your retarded little brother that wants to hang out with you. He's just mad that Bynum made his loser franchise look like a d-league squad. He's a Laker hater. I don't blame him for that. Clippers haven't been relevant since....

They ain't never been relevant.

DeAndre Jordan had a career game (20+ points on 9/10 shooting) against Lakers and Bynum. It is flashes of brilliance like that that Clippers fans are excited about...

01-28-2009, 09:18 PM
DeAndre Jordan had a career game (20+ points on 9/10 shooting) against Lakers and Bynum. It is flashes of brilliance like that that Clippers fans are excited about...

I like how I already shytted on you every thread you brought that up. Bynum wasn't guarded by DeAndre. Just because they are both C's doesn't mean they were guarding each other. Ask any Clipper fan or Laker fan if Bynum guarded DeAndre. Box score watcher..

andrewbynum 31
01-28-2009, 09:18 PM
Arguing about the Lakers or their players is like talking Politics between drunk Republics and Democrats. Nothing will ever get resolved and everyone's too stubborn to admit their wrong.

01-28-2009, 09:20 PM
Arguing about the Lakers or their players is like talking Politics between drunk Republics and Democrats. Nothing will ever get resolved and everyone's too stubborn to admit their wrong.

So, show me where I said Bynum wanted to hurt Wallace again, until you do, you're one of those too stubborn to admit they were wrong :oldlol:.

andrewbynum 31
01-28-2009, 09:22 PM
So, show me where I said Bynum wanted to hurt Wallace again, until you do, you're one of those too stubborn to admit they were wrong :oldlol:.

I'll admit I took you for someone else. You should admit you hate the Lakers, lmao.

01-28-2009, 09:23 PM
Are you seeing the same thing I am?

Grabbed the shoulder?

He tried blocking a player a good 4 inches taller than him and a massive wing span and on the way down his hand incidently touched Gasols head as Gasol made the dunk and flopped to the ground...

How on earth was that anything like what happened to Gerald???
Well if we strictly follow what the NBA rules state, both plays involved unnecessary contact. Bynum was assessed a flagrant, no reason for them to change it now. The replay doesn't show any "unsportsmanlike act" from Andrew, which might've influenced the league to change it to a flagrant 2. Unfortunately, the fact that Gerald was admitted to the hospital with a collapsed lung and a broken rib will affect the league's decision to suspend Bynum.

01-28-2009, 09:24 PM
I'll admit I took you for someone else. You should admit you hate the Lakers, lmao.

Nope, don't hate anyone in the league, no point in wasting time with another NBA team, like you Laker fans sure do with the constant bashing of the Celtics and Cavs :oldlol:. Someone should get you glasses as well so you would be able to read clearly.

01-28-2009, 09:24 PM
Who replaces Wallace?

andrewbynum 31
01-28-2009, 09:27 PM
Nope, don't hate anyone in the league, no point in wasting time with another NBA team, like you Laker fans sure do with the constant bashing of the Celtics and Cavs :oldlol:. Someone should get you glasses as well so you would be able to read clearly.

I figured i'd get an immature response from an idiot. Stop stereotyping and get your own glasses because a lot of Laker fans respect the Cavaliers and Celtics.

01-28-2009, 09:29 PM
I figured i'd get an immature response from an idiot. Stop stereotyping and get your own glasses because a lot of Laker fans respect the Cavaliers and Celtics.

Um...I live in LA and I can tell you firsthand EVERYBODY hates the Celtics. I dont know what you're smoking' bro

01-28-2009, 09:30 PM
I figured i'd get an immature response from an idiot. Stop stereotyping and get your own glasses because a lot of Laker fans respect the Cavaliers and Celtics.

You're one to talk about sterotyping. And yeah, the majority respect the Cavaliers, yet, when you talk to them about it, they say the Cavs have a good record only due to an "easy schedule". :ohwell:

Um...I live in LA and I can tell you firsthand EVERYBODY hates the Celtics. I dont know what you're smoking' bro

N-n-n-no they don't!

andrewbynum 31
01-28-2009, 09:30 PM
Um...I live in LA and I can tell you firsthand EVERYBODY hates the Celtics. I dont know what you're smoking' bro

I hate them too, but I respect their fans.

andrewbynum 31
01-28-2009, 09:31 PM
You're one to talk about sterotyping. And yeah, the majority respect the Cavaliers, yet, when you talk to them about it, they say the Cavs have a good record only due to an "easy schedule". :ohwell:

N-n-n-no they don't!

I've never said that, but okay.:confusedshrug: :rolleyes:

Diesel J
01-28-2009, 09:32 PM
Cheap shot? That was great defense. He put out a hard foul. It wasn't flagrant worthy either. Ball doesn't lie.

Laker fans have no class...

Bynum player of the game. Way to take out the Bobcats best player. ALL the Lakers should learn from Bynum.



01-28-2009, 09:36 PM
Laker fans have no class...



im sure that can be said of every franchise in sports if you focus on what a small portion of their fans say.

01-28-2009, 09:38 PM
F*uck Bynum

F*uck everyone defending him

01-28-2009, 09:46 PM
F*uck Bynum

F*uck everyone defending him

smh, shut up b*tch ; swallow. :lol

LAKERS rule, we lost so what lets move on to the road trip, were second best on the road. :ohwell:

01-28-2009, 10:16 PM
Phil benches him for a dirty foul? :rolleyes:

No, for trying to protect the paint. That sort of thing can be contagious. Other Lakers may get ideas and try to stop penetration. Can't have that.

01-28-2009, 10:32 PM
Laker fans have no class...



That's a place you will find lilojmayo saturday when oj shyts on LA

but wow i saw some moderator name as KobeQueen :roll: :roll: :roll:

01-31-2009, 11:48 PM
Great defense?. that overrated bum bynum will get his. karma is a *****.best wishes to to "G force" wallace. pray for a speedy recovery.

And WHAT GOES AROUND COMES AROUND. karma is a *****.

01-31-2009, 11:53 PM
Wow, this thread has showed countless classless Faker homers...its not even funny at all how stupid they are acting.

02-01-2009, 12:39 AM
And WHAT GOES AROUND COMES AROUND. karma is a *****.

haha, well predicted :applause:

While the Bynum injury is unfortunate, I'm just glad I can smile knowing Kobe24 and the other Laker homers are off crying somewhere after approving what he did to Wallace.

02-01-2009, 12:42 AM

Get better Gerald! The Karma Police are with you...