View Full Version : Michael Jordan's Dad was a ******?

02-08-2009, 05:23 AM


According to Deloris E. Jordan: "Please understand that sexually molestation brutally violates a child's mind; destroying all traces of innocence. And more often than not, it takes with it their security and self-worth while imprisoning them in a painful world of silence and guilt."

"When I finally found the courage to let my father's deeds tumble from my lips, I did not know what to expect, but I never in a million years would have guessed that my mother would turn on me. Her words of betrayals did far more damage to me than my father's deeds. They spoke volumes to the fact that she really did not care about me, which my father obviously knew. It is because she was so expressive with her dislike for me that probably made my father know he could get away with violating me."

"It turned out to be true, when he told me that if I ever told, it would be he that my mother believed and me that the family hated."

"My father confessed his actions on the same day that I disclosed them to my mother. And on that frightful day of admission, I watched my mother, looking for a sign, any sign that she cared about me."

"I watched her as she stood in my bedroom citing their decision to send me away. Once again, I became the little girl who was always looking for her mother's signal of affection and approval, but once again there was none!"

"The memory of my father whispering in my ear during the wee hours of the night about the beauty of my body has played over and over in my head for many years. And as if that has not been incapacitating enough by itself, having to comprehend the fact that more often than not, he had just gotten out of the bed he shared with my mother to find his way to my bedroom has just added to the realization of the painful situation."

"It came to injure my mother's womanhood to such a point that she came to think of me as her adversary, with her striking out at me (the other woman) every chance she could, no matter where we were and what the occasion."

Source: "In My Family's Shadow," by: Deloris E. Jordan

02-08-2009, 05:29 AM

doubt its true, from all acounts jordans parents wer very moral and strict, plus the goat couldnt have a pedo father

Tainted Sword
02-08-2009, 05:31 AM
I wonder if he stuck his tongue out while molesting her? :wtf:

Don't know whether this is true or not, but it certainly would be ****ed up if it was.

02-08-2009, 05:31 AM
Damn... I'm speechless.

02-08-2009, 05:32 AM
I wonder if he stuck his tongue out while molesting her? :wtf:
damn you for making me feel like an ass for laughing at this post...:oldlol:



02-08-2009, 05:32 AM
I wonder if he stuck his tongue out while molesting her? :wtf:



02-08-2009, 05:32 AM

doubt its true, from all acounts jordans parents wer very moral and strict,

That's actually the case.

Tainted Sword
02-08-2009, 05:34 AM
Uh sorry for the joke. I feel guilty....

I really do hope this isn

02-08-2009, 05:35 AM
I wonder if he stuck his tongue out while molesting her?


02-08-2009, 05:35 AM
That's actually the case.

Just like all the Catholic Priests who like boys behind closed doors.

02-08-2009, 05:36 AM
I wonder if he stuck his tongue out while molesting her? :wtf:

then after he was done he'd jog back to his bedroom and do the :confusedshrug:

02-08-2009, 05:36 AM
Thats beyond disgusting, the world is filled with sick perverts.

02-08-2009, 05:36 AM
can we get a link or something???

02-08-2009, 05:37 AM
can we get a link or something???

Its legit, just google it, seems the story is breaking everywhere.

Scott Pippen
02-08-2009, 05:38 AM
Unbelievable. I don't know what to say.

02-08-2009, 05:38 AM
then after he was done he'd jog back to his bedroom and do the :confusedshrug:
oh my god...

that made me crack up...

and I feel horrible for it...

I hate all of you...

02-08-2009, 05:38 AM
yeah Tainted, I was just thinking that. I feel terrible for Deloris. I wonder if Michael knew about this?

02-08-2009, 05:38 AM
The title for this thread should have been how both of the parents are bad.

02-08-2009, 05:39 AM
Wow... two horrible yet too funny comments that make me feel like a dickhead. Thanks a lot.

02-08-2009, 05:40 AM
This book came out in 03.

02-08-2009, 05:44 AM
This book came out in 03.
so this is old news...:confusedshrug:

damn you starface...I'll never be able to use that emoticon again without thinking about your post...

02-08-2009, 05:55 AM
so this is old news...:confusedshrug:

damn you starface...I'll never be able to use that emoticon again without thinking about your post...

As a Blazer fan, that gesture was already violating to me.

02-08-2009, 06:12 AM

doubt its true, from all acounts jordans parents wer very moral and strict, plus the goat couldnt have a pedo father
Get with the real world, how do you think Jordan became such an abusive ass, his dad treated him crap so he became the same. Very moral and strict parents, alot of messed up stuff happens behind closed doors, why do you think the mom just stopped talking to her daughter? They messed up, but I'm glad MJ rose above that upbringing and became the GOAT

02-08-2009, 06:17 AM
pics or it didnt happen.

02-08-2009, 06:19 AM
This shouldn't be for anyone to judge. It is a personal matter and it is a touchy subject for several young ladies who unfortunately come across things like this at any point in their life.

The only thing we can do is pray that these victims find peace in their lives.

02-08-2009, 06:39 AM
This shouldn't be for anyone to judge. It is a personal matter and it is a touchy subject for several young ladies who unfortunately come across things like this at any point in their life.

The only thing we can do is pray that these victims find peace in their lives.

If its personal then you dont write it in a book and publish it to be sold all over the world.

02-08-2009, 07:09 AM
pics or it didnt happen.
:lol Damn you guys needa lay off the jokes

02-08-2009, 07:19 AM
This is a very disturbing, sad story. People making jokes about this kind of story are docuhebags.

02-08-2009, 09:48 AM

02-08-2009, 09:55 AM
He obviously taught the kids how to take it strong to the hole in different ways.

02-08-2009, 09:58 AM
If it's true I hope that she get's counseling. Molestation can really mess you up in the head.

Either way he's deceased now, so I'm sure he has already answered/paid for it in a BIG way.

02-08-2009, 11:03 AM
ew wtf

mj is the best on the court but in real life, he is at the bottom.

02-08-2009, 11:18 AM
ew wtf

mj is the best on the court but in real life, he is at the bottom.

??? This is about his father not about him. I don't believe MJ was like his father.

I mean I read somewhere MJ was too preoccupied with balls even after he was retired. I think it was one of the reasons why Juanita divorced him. He didn't pay much attention to her because he was so much into balls.

When I said balls I meant games that involves balls.. (football, basketball, golf etc.)

02-08-2009, 11:37 AM
Can anyone tell me what a ****** iz? :confusedshrug:

02-08-2009, 11:41 AM
pretty shocking to say the least.

02-08-2009, 02:16 PM
so sad

02-08-2009, 02:26 PM
call me naive but i am inclined to believe that this is a true story. i mean, who would accuse their parents of such things without there being any truth to it?

02-08-2009, 02:27 PM
if it's true i'm glad he's dead btw.

02-08-2009, 02:28 PM
Has the mother responded to this in the years it has been out? Seems like a horrible thing to do...what kind of mother does that?

02-08-2009, 02:41 PM
As I got older, I realized this was a pretty common thing in my grandparents generation. I met some women that went through it. Back in the day, women were still pretty much bossed around by their husbands, and they basically covered all that sh*t up due to fear. It wouldn't be uncommon for a man to beat the piss out of his wife to make sure she didn't talk about it, and the f*cked up thing is, that other women would look down on her if she did talk about it because the whole concept of family back then was that things that happen within the family were private family matters.


John Dough
02-08-2009, 02:47 PM
He obviously taught the kids how to take it strong to the hole in different ways.
:oldlol: now that's just wrong ..

02-08-2009, 03:09 PM
I wonder if he stuck his tongue out while molesting her? :wtf:

This thread ends right here for me. :oldlol:

I don't need to read any of the following pages.

02-08-2009, 03:16 PM

02-08-2009, 03:22 PM
As I got older, I realized this was a pretty common thing in my grandparents generation. I met some women that went through it. Back in the day, women were still pretty much bossed around by their husbands, and they basically covered all that sh*t up due to fear. It wouldn't be uncommon for a man to beat the piss out of his wife to make sure she didn't talk about it, and the f*cked up thing is, that other women would look down on her if she did talk about it because the whole concept of family back then was that things that happen within the family were private family matters.


this is a great post. that's good old family values for ya. repped.

02-08-2009, 03:24 PM
I wonder if he stuck his tongue out while molesting her? :wtf:

Don't know whether this is true or not, but it certainly would be ****ed up if it was.

lmaooooo:oldlol: :applause:

02-08-2009, 03:25 PM
I wonder if he stuck his tongue out while molesting her?

Hardest Ive laughed at ISH since Quad Seoson....holy hell so great

02-08-2009, 04:34 PM
damn if that is true he got what he deserved

02-08-2009, 04:39 PM
Pathetic, the immature boys posting making jokes about this kind of things.

02-08-2009, 05:13 PM
If its personal then you dont write it in a book and publish it to be sold all over the world.

I would question the credibility or even the sanity of anyone who would write about these things publically whether it happened with a family member or anyone else.

Why would anyone want people to know that they were molested or raped?

Always question the source...

02-08-2009, 05:17 PM
all girls get raped at some point in there life. thats how the world works

02-08-2009, 05:21 PM
I would question the credibility or even the sanity of anyone who would write about these things publically whether it happened with a family member or anyone else.

Why would anyone want people to know that they were molested or raped?

Always question the source...

Oh, I don't know. Maybe to put someone to justice? :rolleyes:

02-08-2009, 05:21 PM

doubt its true, from all acounts jordans parents wer very moral and strict, plus the goat couldnt have a pedo father

Giving the image of being morally strict means nothing. Look at all the moral driven politicians that get caught up in sex scandals.

02-08-2009, 05:27 PM
Oh, I don't know. Maybe to put someone to justice? :rolleyes:

There's a difference between justice and making accusations towards a dead man that seem very long-winded and contrived.

It could very well be true, but the whole lil passage there seems kinda forced (no pun intended), like she sat for hours trying to come up with a way to write it and draw it out as much as possible. :confusedshrug:

theballerFKA Ace
02-08-2009, 05:36 PM
all girls get raped at some point in there life. thats how the world works

You must have a gaping hole between your legs because only extreme feminists subscribe to that theory.

I believe the sister, it's very rare for women to make up stuff like that about their fathers, especially years later when their is no vindictive reason to do so.

02-08-2009, 06:00 PM
seems pretty obvious to me that she brought this up to sell copies of her book...

she is probably telling the truth...but in the end I am betting it is money she after here...

02-08-2009, 06:39 PM
seems pretty obvious to me that she brought this up to sell copies of her book...

she is probably telling the truth...but in the end I am betting it is money she after here...

that's a bit harsh considering her brother is one of the worlds richest athletes. If it were the true reason she would be an awful person to fabricate something like that.

Either way this is going to be very ugly in the media.

02-08-2009, 07:34 PM
Why don't you guys try reading the book.. then commenting.

02-08-2009, 08:24 PM
all girls get raped at some point in there life. thats how the world works

"It is better to keep your mouth closed and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt."

Everytime you post I am reminded more and more of how apropos this quote is for you. So in the most constructive manner possible I am asking you, no imploring you to please think long and hard before you post. In fact, if I were you I'd write this quote down and stick it to mirror in your room and read it to yourself before each day.

Like I said before I'm not trying to roast you or anything. Just giving you some food for thought.

02-08-2009, 08:33 PM
I wonder if he stuck his tongue out while molesting her? :wtf:

Don't know whether this is true or not, but it certainly would be ****ed up if it was.

I feel like a dick for laughing at all the jokes, but damn, they were funny.

02-08-2009, 08:54 PM
I wonder if he stuck his tongue out while molesting her? :wtf:

Don't know whether this is true or not, but it certainly would be ****ed up if it was.
This right here is why I can never leave ISH.

02-09-2009, 10:26 AM
i'm calling b*** s*** on this. for one... this book came out in 2003. its 2009.


why would this be the first time hearing about it if this book came out 6 years ago?

and i can't find ANYTHING online regarding this except message board crap. i just think this is made up and it may be in the book, but shes full of crap i bet.

02-09-2009, 10:29 AM

doubt its true, from all acounts jordans parents wer very moral and strict, plus the goat couldnt have a pedo father

Why would she say it then?:cry:

02-09-2009, 10:40 AM
i'm calling b*** s*** on this. for one... this book came out in 2003. its 2009.


why would this be the first time hearing about it if this book came out 6 years ago?

and i can't find ANYTHING online regarding this except message board crap. i just think this is made up and it may be in the book, but shes full of crap i bet.

It has a higher chance of being real than being fake.

What kind of sane person would reveal and worst of all actually write a book about being molested. Especially if it was her father. If everything was proven false, she would be a laughing stock and her credibility would go down big time.

Revealing being molested especially by their father would have friends looking different at you. It was a huge risk and it was a lose-lose situation for her. The only thing she can gain from this is money from selling her book. She cannot de-fame MJ because he had nothing to do with it. It would only hurt her father, who is already dead.

I don't know what her reasons are for coming clean. If Jordan was still in the league it might've effected it as the media would've been all over it. It was either for the money (selling book) or she wanted to tell everyone the truth that her family wasn't actually perfect the media portrayed it to be.

02-09-2009, 10:46 AM
Fact 1 - these news are 6 years old

Fact 2 - no info on the book

Fact 3 - it's almost sad if you want to rat out your family's dirty laundry for profit

I won't say I believe it. I don't. But - I won't say MJ's parents were perfect.

Who is perfect?

If one day some of you become famous, and you wake up to see your sister or your uncle or whoever publish a book about your family, just because YOU have success - what does that make?

Every single one of us here can write something on our parents.

You can go all "expert" and exaggerate the times when you got slapped by your father for doing something awful and twist that to "Daddy used to beat me when he came home, I thought I was wrong"...

Notice how lately, since Oprah and similar pathetic shows become super popular, that all these people came out the woodwork on their "hardships in youth", "abusive fathers" and similar stuff?

I dont' believe none of those stories. Those confessions aren't confessions.

It's called "I'mma cash this check and I ain't ever coming back"

It's actually sad. Both that someone has nerves to write ANYTHING about their families and make it public (that whole big brother concept disgusts me) and the fact that they're willing to go to such lenghts for profit.

Private is the new public nowdays and it's sickening.

Look at that damn Facebook thing, it's like a god damn diary you have only difference is - when I was a kid I used to hide my diary in the basement and I never let anyone read it, nowdays it's like you have your diary wide open and you're walking around town with it yelling about yourself, who and what do you like and what are you planning to do. It's sickening.

Snaq O Meal
02-09-2009, 01:50 PM


According to Deloris E. Jordan: "Please understand that sexually molestation brutally violates a child's mind; destroying all traces of innocence. And more often than not, it takes with it their security and self-worth while imprisoning them in a painful world of silence and guilt."

"When I finally found the courage to let my father's deeds tumble from my lips, I did not know what to expect, but I never in a million years would have guessed that my mother would turn on me. Her words of betrayals did far more damage to me than my father's deeds. They spoke volumes to the fact that she really did not care about me, which my father obviously knew. It is because she was so expressive with her dislike for me that probably made my father know he could get away with violating me."

"It turned out to be true, when he told me that if I ever told, it would be he that my mother believed and me that the family hated."

"My father confessed his actions on the same day that I disclosed them to my mother. And on that frightful day of admission, I watched my mother, looking for a sign, any sign that she cared about me."

"I watched her as she stood in my bedroom citing their decision to send me away. Once again, I became the little girl who was always looking for her mother's signal of affection and approval, but once again there was none!"

"The memory of my father whispering in my ear during the wee hours of the night about the beauty of my body has played over and over in my head for many years. And as if that has not been incapacitating enough by itself, having to comprehend the fact that more often than not, he had just gotten out of the bed he shared with my mother to find his way to my bedroom has just added to the realization of the painful situation."

"It came to injure my mother's womanhood to such a point that she came to think of me as her adversary, with her striking out at me (the other woman) every chance she could, no matter where we were and what the occasion."

Source: "In My Family's Shadow," by: Deloris E. Jordan

Didn't you post this in the Coli too?

02-09-2009, 02:11 PM
Fact 1 - these news are 6 years old

Fact 2 - no info on the book

Fact 3 - it's almost sad if you want to rat out your family's dirty laundry for profit

I won't say I believe it. I don't. But - I won't say MJ's parents were perfect.

Who is perfect?

If one day some of you become famous, and you wake up to see your sister or your uncle or whoever publish a book about your family, just because YOU have success - what does that make?

Every single one of us here can write something on our parents.

You can go all "expert" and exaggerate the times when you got slapped by your father for doing something awful and twist that to "Daddy used to beat me when he came home, I thought I was wrong"...

Notice how lately, since Oprah and similar pathetic shows become super popular, that all these people came out the woodwork on their "hardships in youth", "abusive fathers" and similar stuff?

I dont' believe none of those stories. Those confessions aren't confessions.

It's called "I'mma cash this check and I ain't ever coming back"

It's actually sad. Both that someone has nerves to write ANYTHING about their families and make it public (that whole big brother concept disgusts me) and the fact that they're willing to go to such lenghts for profit.

Private is the new public nowdays and it's sickening.

Look at that damn Facebook thing, it's like a god damn diary you have only difference is - when I was a kid I used to hide my diary in the basement and I never let anyone read it, nowdays it's like you have your diary wide open and you're walking around town with it yelling about yourself, who and what do you like and what are you planning to do. It's sickening.

no, You are sickening. you have a completely distorted view of what is a bad act. crying about being molested by your father is not sickening, it's the god damn father molesting the girl that is sickening. why would you not tell the world about a monster like that?? that is doing everybody a favour by letting them know what a sorry excuse of a person he is, and maybe giving strength to others that have similar experiences.

if you don't want to hear about people who were abused by their parents, you should try to stop the abusive parents! not rag on the poor bastards that are the VICTIMS. you truly are an idiot, void of any sort of compassion.

02-09-2009, 02:39 PM
Fact 1 - these news are 6 years old

Fact 2 - no info on the book

Fact 3 - it's almost sad if you want to rat out your family's dirty laundry for profit

I won't say I believe it. I don't. But - I won't say MJ's parents were perfect.

Who is perfect?

If one day some of you become famous, and you wake up to see your sister or your uncle or whoever publish a book about your family, just because YOU have success - what does that make?

Every single one of us here can write something on our parents.

You can go all "expert" and exaggerate the times when you got slapped by your father for doing something awful and twist that to "Daddy used to beat me when he came home, I thought I was wrong"...

Notice how lately, since Oprah and similar pathetic shows become super popular, that all these people came out the woodwork on their "hardships in youth", "abusive fathers" and similar stuff?

I dont' believe none of those stories. Those confessions aren't confessions.

It's called "I'mma cash this check and I ain't ever coming back"

It's actually sad. Both that someone has nerves to write ANYTHING about their families and make it public (that whole big brother concept disgusts me) and the fact that they're willing to go to such lenghts for profit.

Private is the new public nowdays and it's sickening.

Look at that damn Facebook thing, it's like a god damn diary you have only difference is - when I was a kid I used to hide my diary in the basement and I never let anyone read it, nowdays it's like you have your diary wide open and you're walking around town with it yelling about yourself, who and what do you like and what are you planning to do. It's sickening.

You. Make. Me. Sick.
You're a horrible excuse for a human being.

I completely agree with the poster above me.

Darkwing Duck
02-09-2009, 04:39 PM
no, You are sickening. you have a completely distorted view of what is a bad act. crying about being molested by your father is not sickening, it's the god damn father molesting the girl that is sickening. why would you not tell the world about a monster like that?? that is doing everybody a favour by letting them know what a sorry excuse of a person he is, and maybe giving strength to others that have similar experiences.

if you don't want to hear about people who were abused by their parents, you should try to stop the abusive parents! not rag on the poor bastards that are the VICTIMS. you truly are an idiot, void of any sort of compassion.

Oh you actually believe this BS story? lol

Pretty easy to spot a fake here.......

02-09-2009, 06:00 PM

Oh you actually believe this BS story? lol

Pretty easy to spot a fake here.......

can you read? we're not talking about that specific case anymore. we're talking about empathy for victims of child abuse, of which there seems to be a disturbingly small amount on this board. that especially goes for the despicable poster Riker who meant that these victims should be ashamed for speaking up about horrible crimes committed against them when they were children.

02-09-2009, 06:10 PM
it was a lose-lose situation for her. The only thing she can gain from this is money from selling her book.


02-09-2009, 08:47 PM


Quit nitpicking sentences. lrn2read. Especially the last paragraph.

02-09-2009, 09:23 PM
I don't believe her. I'd first like to know MJ and the rest of the families relationship with her. Find out whether she's a crackhead with issues. In debt and hurting for money. Or just kind of looney.

It woudln't be the first time i've seen a family 'disown' someone who tries to get back at them, especially when their siblings cut them off from financial support. Letoya Jackson comes to mind....

Marlo Stanfield
02-23-2009, 05:01 AM
i'm calling b*** s*** on this. for one... this book came out in 2003. its 2009.


why would this be the first time hearing about it if this book came out 6 years ago?

and i can't find ANYTHING online regarding this except message board crap. i just think this is made up and it may be in the book, but shes full of crap i bet.

It's mostly on websites where I heard about this.

