View Full Version : Should this guy have been alive?

02-16-2009, 04:31 AM
A former student who killed five people at Northern Illinois University last Valentine's Day had been drummed out of the Army for hiding his psychiatric history and expressed admiration for famous murderers, CNN has learned.

The still-unreleased police file on the shootings, which also left 18 students wounded, shows that 27-year-old Kazmierczak had been hospitalized several times as a teenager for psychiatric issues and had a history of suicide attempts.

In junior high school, Kazmierczak made a bomb out of Drano, according to the documents. He also had a history of attempted suicides and was hospitalized nine times for psychiatric issues before 2001.

He spent three years at Thresholds, a psychiatric center in Chicago, according to psychiatric records in the files. He was kicked out of the program for "non-compliance and deception," the records state, adding that Kazmierczak "has had multiple hospitalizations and ... impulsive behavior and suicidal gestures."

this is one of the 5 people he killed on the NIU campus:


nine psychiatric hospitalizations and 'several' suicide attempts?

at what point do we NOT save this ****'s life when he's attempting suicide? at what point do we never let this clown see the light of day after he makes bombs with drano and tattoos "jigsaw" on his arm riding a bycicle in a pool of blood????

ohhhh no. not in this day and age. we dont want to intrude on any sick ****'s right-to-be-a-freak-until-he-kills-someone's personal liberties. we dont want real men wear green outside picketing because someone finally decided this worthless danger to society was better off in the ground than in our schools.

it makes me sick that liberal extremists are so unwilling to draw a line anywhere, ever. and because of that, countless people die when these loons go bonkers. same thing when terrorists do it. and liberals still dont want us to even do anything about it. we get randomly attacked and liberals go "yeah, well, we shouldnt have supported israel!"

what a disguisting tragedy.

keith olbermann:

real men wear green:

get these loser geek ****s OUT OF HERE.

02-16-2009, 04:33 AM
nice avy.

repped. :cheers:

02-16-2009, 04:35 AM
Is there a reference link?

02-16-2009, 04:36 AM
You can't just put down people who you think might kill somebody some day. Come on now. I'm right with you on a lot of issues, but really? He should've been killed because he's insane?

Stuck in a padded room for the rest of his life, absolutely, but you're setting a ridiculous precedent here.

02-16-2009, 04:38 AM
Is there a reference link?
Long time no see.

02-16-2009, 04:39 AM
He should've been killed because he's insane?


FIVE people were killed because he wasn't.

you tell me.

02-16-2009, 04:41 AM
Is there a reference link?


02-16-2009, 04:44 AM
You're being irrational right now.

You can't kill everybody that you think might or even probably will be a danger to society. I understand why you're saying this, but it just sounds like emotion and not clear thought.

You're smarter than this, and I shouldn't have to explain why.

02-16-2009, 04:44 AM
define crazy

02-16-2009, 04:46 AM
You can't just put down people who you think might kill somebody some day. Come on now. I'm right with you on a lot of issues, but really? He should've been killed because he's insane?

Stuck in a padded room for the rest of his life, absolutely, but you're setting a ridiculous precedent here.

its not even worth the resources to lock him up and feed him forever.

this guy attempted suicide SEVERAL times. he openly idolized serial killers. he was kicked out of mental facilities.

im not saying we should hunt down anyone who has a dissenting opinion KGB style. im not saying the line we draw has be real close up. it can be far, far down the line. but it has to be somewhere, and wherever it would be, this guy would be past it. this guy served NO purpose in society. im sorry but i feel like when you have a history that he does, we need to consider the GREATER GOOD and off this mofo, pronto.

seriously, if you are hospitalized for more than 1 suicide attempt, it should be society's obligation to finish the job for you. good riddance. i hate these sick ****s that kill innocent people. and the saddest part is you can often times see it a mile away and nothing is ever done until tragedy strikes.

i just think there should be LIMITS on how someone can conduct and express themselves in society, and once they go past a certain point, we say thanks for playing but its time for you to be ENDED.

02-16-2009, 04:47 AM
You can't just put down people who you think might kill somebody some day. Come on now. I'm right with you on a lot of issues, but really? He should've been killed because he's insane?

Stuck in a padded room for the rest of his life, absolutely, but you're setting a ridiculous precedent here.
One could argue that his life is just as precious as anybody else's. That man needs psychiatric help and preventive detainment.

Stuck in a padded room for the rest of his life is sort of extreme, atleast till he sees the light, if ever.

you can't just kill anyone you think will kill someone else.. that just makes it like teroreesm

02-16-2009, 04:50 AM
its not even worth the resources to lock him up and feed him forever.

this guy attempted suicide SEVERAL times. he openly idolized serial killers. he was kicked out of mental facilities.

im not saying we should hunt down anyone who has a dissenting opinion KGB style. im not saying the line we draw has be real close up. it can be far, far down the line. but it has to be somewhere, and wherever it would be, this guy would be past it. this guy served NO purpose in society. im sorry but i feel like when you have a history that he does, we need to consider the GREATER GOOD and off this mofo, pronto.

seriously, if you are hospitalized for more than 1 suicide attempt, it should be society's obligation to finish the job for you. good riddance. i hate these sick ****s that kill innocent people. and the saddest part is you can often times see it a mile away and nothing is ever done until tragedy strikes.

i just think there should be LIMITS on how someone can conduct and express themselves in society, and once they go past a certain point, we say thanks for playing but its time for you to be ENDED.
I see what you're saying, but it's still incredibly dangerous and the margin for error is nonexistent. For instance, you have no idea how many mentally ill people that are just as messed up as this guy was and never kill anyone, do you? I mean, your frame of reference right now is way too narrow.

02-16-2009, 04:51 AM
you can't just kill anyone you think will kill someone else.. that just makes it like teroreesm

as long as you set clearly defined rules, it's really not that outrageous.

more than 1 suicide attempt, we off you.

if you are convicted of a crime and sentenced to mental treatment and you refuse that treatment, we lock you up for good.

i mean come on. nutcases dont do anybody any good. they are walking time bombs. evolutions isnt perfect. people are born with defects. and if someone has a mental defect that is dangerous to society, we should have the guts to just say this guy aint worth it, peace. in the grand scheme of things its a lot better for society as a whole.

02-16-2009, 04:54 AM
as long as you set clearly defined rules, it's really not that outrageous.

more than 1 suicide attempt, we off you.

if you are convicted of a crime and sentenced to mental treatment and you refuse that treatment, we lock you up for good.

i mean come on. nutcases dont do anybody any good. they are walking time bombs. evolutions isnt perfect. people are born with defects. and if someone has a mental defect that is dangerous to society, we should have the guts to just say this guy aint worth it, peace. in the grand scheme of things its a lot better for society as a whole.
i wouldn't really call it that.. its rather a question of morals and ethics
this is probably how hitler started out.

02-16-2009, 05:04 AM
as long as you set clearly defined rules, it's really not that outrageous.

more than 1 suicide attempt, we off you.

if you are convicted of a crime and sentenced to mental treatment and you refuse that treatment, we lock you up for good.

i mean come on. nutcases dont do anybody any good. they are walking time bombs. evolutions isnt perfect. people are born with defects. and if someone has a mental defect that is dangerous to society, we should have the guts to just say this guy aint worth it, peace. in the grand scheme of things its a lot better for society as a whole.

maybe better ways of committing suicide should be taught in schools, that way there won't be any failed attempts.

02-16-2009, 05:04 AM
I see what you're saying, but it's still incredibly dangerous and the margin for error is nonexistent. For instance, you have no idea how many mentally ill people that are just as messed up as this guy was and never kill anyone, do you? I mean, your frame of reference right now is way too narrow.

yeah i know, realistically im just spitballing for the purpose of venting. im just sick of so many things in this country right now. bad parents, wackjob serial killers, femi-men who dont have the guts to put a foot down or call out persons or people when necessary. they're all related. nobody's oozing the machismo it takes to get something done about this stuff. we are a mess right now.

i just wanna make a ton of quick money and move to iceland. very high quality of living and ranks very highly in terms of happiness amongst civilians. set up shop there and forget all the fools here in the homeland who are gonna ultimately screw this place up beyond recognition.

now im really getting off on a tangent :violin:

02-16-2009, 05:10 AM
:roll: RMWG...

You're right on some points, but killing anyone that has 1 failed suicide? That's going a bit too far. There could be many reasons they wanted to kill themselves, like losing their family to a tragedy, losing their job and their family leaves them, etc. I'm sure many people would consider suicide if everything they had worked for suddenly was destroyed. In this guy's case, he was just crazy. You can't really fix that, no matter how many times you take him to a psychiatrist. There's no way around a ****ed up brain. This is not a body injury that can heal. The brain is different, and once you have certain thoughts, you probably won't just change your mind.

I won't just wake up one day and hate basketball. Won't happen. Same thing here. You will never wake up one day and not want to kill yourself/someone if you've already had those thoughts. In that sense, they deserve to be killed. How can we weed out those people though? We can't read brains.

02-16-2009, 05:16 AM
How can we weed out those people though? We can't read brains.

extreme cases like this guy's should be brought before a panel of expert psychiatrists. if they are in agreement that he should be subjected to The Vote of Death, then we run an hour-long special on network television basically making the case as for why this gothic **** has legitimate school-shooter potential, and then at the end of the show we put it to a vote, America's Funniest Home Videos style. America texts in their choice and then after a commercial break, there's a quick drum roll as the guy comes up to the stage and Howie Mandell opens up the envelope and announces America's decision.


02-16-2009, 07:37 AM
Oh come on starface stop being racist. your being judgmental, put him on some entitlement programs and he'll be fine. Hes no different than anyone else cause every human being is exactly the same. He'll probably end up becoming a rocket scientist and a big contributor to society. Whatever he did wrong is the fault of George W. Bush and his evil regime.


Real Men Wear Green
02-16-2009, 07:55 AM
You're smarter than this
I disagree. He has consistently been someone that goes off on irrational rants, spouting stupidity and random BS. For example, what do I have to do with the original subject matter? I've never stated an opinion on killing people for attempting suicide...it's true that I think that doesn't make much sense (starface almost never does), but it's certainly not an issue I've spent time on. But apparently me and Olbermann are teaming up to make sure that suicidal sociopaths get to kill promising young college girls, because we are not supporting support of Israel. Or something like that, I didn't bother to completely read the idiot's idioting.

02-16-2009, 08:58 AM
maybe better ways of committing suicide should be taught in schools, that way there won't be any failed attempts.

:oldlol: Now there's a man who thinks out of the box. I'm just wondering how long until Mathius goes on the rampage.

02-16-2009, 09:06 AM
FIVE people were killed because he wasn't.

you tell me.

If you want to kill somebody because you think he might kill someone else some day, you`re planning a murder, simple as that.

Are you a potential murderer?

02-16-2009, 10:36 AM
Read his post. 9 times? gtfo, throw him in a garbage compactor. If he's not in the psych ward he's not safe to be around based off of his history.

02-16-2009, 11:02 AM
Oh come on starface stop being racist. your being judgmental, put him on some entitlement programs and he'll be fine. Hes no different than anyone else cause every human being is exactly the same. He'll probably end up becoming a rocket scientist and a big contributor to society. Whatever he did wrong is the fault of George W. Bush and his evil regime.
Stop. Just stop.

02-16-2009, 11:04 AM
Stop. Just stop.

Hey were you paulpierce34 on the old board?

02-16-2009, 11:06 AM
Hey were you paulpierce34 on the old board?

02-16-2009, 11:28 AM

No I just remember having an old EZBoard account and remembering someone posting remarkably similar to your writing style. Just a little connection I had not seen before.

02-16-2009, 11:32 AM
No I just remember having an old EZBoard account and remembering someone posting remarkably similar to your writing style. Just a little connection I had not seen before.

J$, how much longer do you have to sport that avatar?

emsteez forreal
02-16-2009, 11:53 AM
this is one of the 5 people he killed on the NIU campus:


where'd you get that picture from? looks like she mighta gone to my high school, and alotta people from my HS go to NIU .

Legend of Josh
01-14-2011, 01:33 AM
The irony in all this... starface is battling more mental demons now than the guy who did all this ish at the pinnacle of their spree.

Legend of Josh
01-14-2011, 02:30 AM
sorry, Legend of Josh, you cant wish your problems onto people no matter how hard you try. your pyschosis is not contagious. it cannot be sneezed onto normal people.

but also, by the way, for the record, i'm not starface's CrazySexyCool ass, i just imitate him.

Nope. You just fail. The gimmick trade is mediocre these days. Half ass half witted twarps like you and others have tarnished the once laughable skill into something that is nothing more than baby doo doo squirts.

Like I've said before... our next generation(s) is fu*ked.

01-14-2011, 02:55 AM

FIVE people were killed because he wasn't.

you tell me.

Can I go post a picture of Bush now? I don't know the number of people that have been killed because he stole an election.

1,000,000 + Iraqi citizens dead because we invaded a country. Don't try and blame this on liberals.

01-14-2011, 03:09 AM
seriously, if you are hospitalized for more than 1 suicide attempt, it should be society's obligation to finish the job for you. good riddance. i hate these sick ****s that kill innocent people.

I'd neg you if I could. I'm a therapist and have worked with many people who have had more than 1 suicide attempt. Most of them are relatively normal contributors to society and none of them have murdered or really harmed anybody.

01-14-2011, 11:16 AM
waaaahhhh, scam profession taking advantage of wack jobs waaaahhhhhh

you'd neg me? boy, that one really smarts. let me tell you all about the feelings it creates inside me. it reminds me of the time i was just a boy on the schoolbus, and the driver came around and touched our no-no parts, and said if we told anyone he'd drive the bus off a cliff. my family blamed ME and i never spoke to them again. then my dog died.

waaaahhhhhhhhh :cry: :cry: :cry:



wtf this guy?? hahaha

01-14-2011, 11:24 AM
Can I go post a picture of Bush now? I don't know the number of people that have been killed because he stole an election.

1,000,000 + Iraqi citizens dead because we invaded a country. Don't try and blame this on liberals.

lolz how many did Saddam kill before they got him.... WAY MORE DEN DAT

08-22-2011, 02:34 PM
what a tragic story.

look at that girl. freshly graduated, standing with her proud parents.... shot dead one day by a pyschopath who should have been PUT DOWN LIKE A DOG years earlier.

08-22-2011, 02:37 PM
Can I go post a picture of Bush now? I don't know the number of people that have been killed because he stole an election.

1,000,000 + Iraqi citizens dead because we invaded a country. Don't try and blame this on liberals.

As collective citizens, we could have voted out every politician who voted for war as soon as they were up for re-election, and put in people who would pull us out immediately.

But it never happened. I guess we're all as guilty as Bush, huh?

Oh, wait. Nope. Bush is a big figure we can all throw rocks at, so only he is at fault. We as orindary citizens are always exempt of blame. It's only those larger insitutions and figures (that we all comprise or control in one way or another, but that's uncomfortable to really think about and pinpoint) who are to blame. That way we never have to blame ourselves. Only the president, the corporations, the education system, all these easy targets. It's never on the people.

A message from the democratic party.

08-22-2011, 03:02 PM
extreme cases like this guy's should be brought before a panel of expert psychiatrists. if they are in agreement that he should be subjected to The Vote of Death, then we run an hour-long special on network television basically making the case as for why this gothic **** has legitimate school-shooter potential, and then at the end of the show we put it to a vote, America's Funniest Home Videos style. America texts in their choice and then after a commercial break, there's a quick drum roll as the guy comes up to the stage and Howie Mandell opens up the envelope and announces America's decision.


I'm tellin you, I still think this has big-hit potential.

08-22-2011, 03:33 PM

08-22-2011, 03:47 PM
i just wanna make a ton of quick money and move to iceland. very high quality of living and ranks very highly in terms of happiness amongst civilians. set up shop there and forget all the fools here in the homeland who are gonna ultimately screw this place up beyond recognition.

This is the so-manything time I've heard somebody (who is surprisingly intolerant towards "worthless" people), wanting to move to a liberal country (compared to the USA) like Iceland or Sweden.

Honestly, I highly doubt they'll fit in. Perhaps Texas would be better?

08-16-2013, 03:19 PM
WALTHAM, Mass. -- The son of longtime Boston Red Sox broadcaster Jerry Remy pleaded not guilty Friday to fatally stabbing his girlfriend a day after he was released from custody for allegedly assaulting her.

Jared Remy was arraigned in Waltham District Court on charges of murder and domestic assault and battery in the Thursday night killing of Jennifer Martel, 27.

Police officers responding to several 911 calls went to a Waltham apartment complex at about 10 p.m. Thursday and found Martel on an outside patio with multiple stab wounds, Middlesex District Attorney Marian Ryan said.

In court, prosecutors described a brutal and determined attack, saying Remy assaulted Martel in the kitchen, living room, on a stairway and then pinned her to the ground in the patio where he stabbed her several times. Neighbors who tried to help Martel were driven back when Remy slashed at them, Middlesex Assistant District Attorney Lisa McGovern told a judge.

Remy, 34, was arrested at the scene, his clothes soaked in the victim's blood.

On Wednesday, Remy had been released on personal recognizance in an open assault and battery case in which Martel was the alleged victim, Ryan said. The there was no active restraining order against him, she said.

Remy has a violent criminal history, including a total of 15 criminal charges since 1998, according to Waltham court records. He has been accused of assaulting five people -- including four women -- and was involved in at least three restraining orders, including one in which he was the plaintiff.

Remy was ordered held without bail. His attorney did not immediately return a call for comment.

Martel's 4-year-old child in the apartment was unhurt and is now in the custody of state child welfare officials. It was unclear if Remy was the father, Ryan said.

Jerry Remy is a former Red Sox second baseman who has been a color analyst on team broadcasts on the New England Sports Network since 1988. He has struggled with health problems in recent years.

Jared Remy is a former Red Sox security staffer who was fired by the team in 2008 during a steroid investigation.

The Red Sox did not immediately return a call for comment, but NESN released a two-sentence statement lamenting the tragedy.

"All of us at NESN and the Red Sox, along with Jerry Remy, are filled with grief for everyone involved, and we extend our deepest sympathies to the family of Jennifer Martel," the statement read.

It's ok you guys. What we need is just more tolerance. Somehow, in our heart of hearts, we all know this is George Bushs fault.

Let's just be more tolerant you guys. Then that way we can fight back against the man, those stupid successful guys with their shirts and ties who have nice houses. GAWD i hate them.

We just need to be like super tolerance you guys. Seriously. Except for the stupid rich people, gawd they make me angry and jealous. THey're the reason for all my stupid problems!!!!!!

06-06-2014, 08:34 PM
Ybarra called 911 in October 2010 and told authorities that he wanted to "hurt himself and others" because he "had a rage inside him," according to a Mountlake Terrace Police Department incident report. Ybarra, who said he worked at a gun range at the time, was involuntarily committed at a mental health hospital by police.

Two years later, neighbors called police because Ybarra was lying in the middle of the street, "very intoxicated," about 1 a.m. A police report says Ybarra told officers that he wanted to die, specifically that "he wanted [a] SWAT team to get him and make him famous" because "no one cares about him." Again, he was taken temporarily to a mental health facility.

In August, Aaron Ybarra found his brother, Ambrose, lying in bed with slits in his neck and near his ear. An open pocket knife was next to Ambrose, who had spoken to his brother about wanting to kill himself, according to a police report. Aaron Ybarra called Ambrose's daughter, who in turn called police. Ambrose later explained to investigators that his wife had recently left him.


06-07-2014, 12:36 AM
It's amazing how posts that say "this white guy is racist!" or "jesus is stupid!" get tons and tons of attention and 'likes' but the threads that point out serious problems and suggest the debate of difficult solutions get ignored.

These liberals live in a bubble, boy, I tell ya what. Stay in the shallow end where you get all sorts of praise and inclusion for just saying "that's racist!" and "religi0n is stupid!" on a loop over and over and you actually think it makes you opinionated and intelligent, 'edgy' and progressive.

Yall betas can't deal with the real world. You're no different than what you perceive religious folks as. You both have your own comforts and traditions that work for you but aren't grounded in scientific reality. Yall are just soft, scared pretenders. Cling to the familiar topics that delude you into thinking you're special and important and intellectual. But I have a newsflash for you, Walter Kronkite.

You aren't.

06-07-2014, 07:10 PM
Avoid the real, difficult social issues that confront you.

Witch hunt the white racists because thats a socially acceptable group activity youve been conditioned to participate in !!!!!!!!

Fukcing dummies.

07-19-2014, 09:51 PM

07-19-2014, 09:52 PM
Can I go post a picture of Bush now? I don't know the number of people that have been killed because he stole an election.

1,000,000 + Iraqi citizens dead because we invaded a country. Don't try and blame this on liberals.





12-09-2014, 12:40 AM
Look how afraid everyone is of the truth.

Stick to the justin bieber threads, kids. Don't wanna hurt your mind or your feelings with any important kinda shit.

12-09-2014, 12:44 AM
One could argue that his life is just as precious as anybody else's. That man needs psychiatric help and preventive detainment.

Stuck in a padded room for the rest of his life is sort of extreme, atleast till he sees the light, if ever.

you can't just kill anyone you think will kill someone else.. that just makes it like teroreesm

No. One can't.

robert de niro
12-09-2014, 12:49 AM
damn 7 straight posts :applause:

12-09-2014, 12:52 AM
4 separate accounts in one thread.. impressive :applause:

12-09-2014, 01:02 AM
4 separate accounts in one thread.. impressive :applause:


12-22-2015, 05:19 PM
We so soft.

12-22-2015, 05:37 PM
Agree with OP on this one. Why the f*ck should we bend over backwards to help an individual who causes major harm, pain and suffering to society? Shit, put ANYONE who "expresses admiration for famous murderers" on a list. I'm totally fine with the NSA watching me while I take a dump if it means the Hitler-worshipper is under constant surveillance.

12-22-2015, 06:27 PM
You can't just put down people who you think might kill somebody some day. Come on now. I'm right with you on a lot of issues, but really? He should've been killed because he's insane?

Stuck in a padded room for the rest of his life, absolutely, but you're setting a ridiculous precedent here.
Lots of insane people have never killed another human being, look at the OP.

At least I think he hasn't, he's certainly insane but I don't think he's a murderous madman...I could be wrong though.