View Full Version : 911 audio from the crazy chimp attack...(a little disturbing)

02-19-2009, 03:43 AM
it is just audio, but still...kinda disturbing to listen to...


for those who are not familiar with this story:


news on the victim:


chimp ripped her face off...:(

02-19-2009, 03:45 AM
Saw it on the news. You know what this thread is gonna turn into right Primetime?

02-19-2009, 03:49 AM
Saw it on the news. You know what this thread is gonna turn into right Primetime?
well I only ran into this because of that cartoon thread...

thought it was thread worthy...

I mean...the chimp ripped her face off


02-19-2009, 03:54 AM
well I only ran into this because of that cartoon thread...

thought it was thread worthy...

I mean...the chimp ripped her face off


Its disturbing as hell. In the same Token its not so shocking because wild animals are exactly that. I'm never one to side with PETA but many animals should be roaming free in their natural habitat.

02-19-2009, 04:19 AM
Stupid woman. Sucks she got her face ripped off, but this was a sh&t show waiting to happen.

Chimps are some of the strongest animals on the face of this earth. A lot of people don't realize this, but chimps have absurd bone density and muscle structure. Many many times stronger than any human can possibly have. Check out the arms of this average sized chimp. It's like a f&cking tree trunk.

02-19-2009, 04:23 AM
Stupid woman. Sucks she got her face ripped off, but this was a sh&t show waiting to happen.

Chimps are some of the strongest animals on the face of this earth. A lot of people don't realize this, but chimps have absurd bone density and muscle structure. Many many times stronger than any human can possibly have. Check out the arms of this average sized chimp. It's like a f&cking tree trunk.
this chimp has been in captivity its entire life and has never shown any signs of violence...

it has also stared in television commercials...

all I know is that if someone ever brings a chimp around me...I'm out

not gonna risk my face being ripped off...

02-19-2009, 04:23 AM
Supposing that dispatcher was waiting until she told him what the problem was before officers were sent he should be fired. If someone is in obvious distress you SEND A DAMN OFFICER whether you believe the call to be false or real. From what I can tell he waited a good 40 seconds... valuable time if you face is being eaten by a chimpanzee.

02-19-2009, 04:26 AM
Supposing that dispatcher was waiting until she told him what the problem was before officers were sent he should be fired. If someone is in obvious distress you SEND A DAMN OFFICER whether you believe the call to be false or real. From what I can tell he waited a good 40 seconds... valuable time if you face is being eaten by a chimpanzee.
I'm not sure if you are aware of how dispatching works, but once you describe who you need (police/fire/ems), one is sent out immediately to your location. All of the conversation that follows is relayed from the dispatcher to the responder enroute.

02-19-2009, 04:31 AM

In tests at the Bronx Zoo in 1924, a dynamometer — a scale that measures the mechanical force of a pull on a spring — was erected in the monkey house. A 165-pound male chimpanzee named "Boma" registered a pull of 847 pounds, using only his right hand (although he did have his feet braced against the wall, being somewhat hip, in his simian way, to the principles of leverage). A 165-pound man, by comparison, could manage a one-handed pull of about 210 pounds.

02-19-2009, 04:35 AM
Chimps are very dangerous animals. People are thrown off by the fact that they have such human features. I guess people think, "hey... we aren't that far a part on the evolutionary tree... we'll be friends."

It doesn't work that way. The average person would not feel safe around a tiger or lion, regardless of how long they had been in captivity. Chimps should be treated no differently. Use extreme caution.

I remember a few years ago, a California man was attacked by a group of chimps and had his feet, hands, and genitals chewed off. He had owned a chimp and had it in a sanctuary.

Link to the story:

02-19-2009, 04:35 AM
I'm not sure if you are aware of how dispatching works, but once you describe who you need (police/fire/ems), one is sent out immediately to your location. All of the conversation that follows is relayed from the dispatcher to the responder enroute.

When you call 911 and hang up they send all three...

Name one event at which a fire team or the ems peeps would be needed and an officer would not be needed on scene please.
Obvious distress like this I would have sent an officer immediately. Even if it turned out to be some redneck who cant get his beer bottle open and called 911 then at least the officer is already on his way to get the guy for improperly using the system.

I suppose you just dont like my over reaction... I guess your right, he shouldnt be fired. However, I would hope I wasnt getting my face chewed off and 40 seconds was the diff between life and somthing like it.

02-19-2009, 04:36 AM
so they are about 4x stronger in general i guess...

i wonder how much a 200 lb chimp could bench...

02-19-2009, 04:41 AM
Chimps are very dangerous animals. People are thrown off by the fact that they have such human features. I guess people think, "hey... we aren't that far a part on the evolutionary tree... we'll be friends."

It doesn't work that way. The average person would not feel safe around a tiger or lion, regardless of how long they had been in captivity. Chimps should be treated no differently. Use extreme caution.

I remember a few years ago, a California man was attacked by a group of chimps and had his feet, hands, and genitals chewed off. He had owned a chimp and had it in a sanctuary.

Link to the story:

I guess the hands and feet go first due to the fact that you are trying to use your hands and feet to defend yourself...so the chimp just rips them up...

apparently the woman in that was attacked here had her hands ripped apart as well....

I wonder what the safest defense is...to just roll up in a ball and try to endure the pain and pray to god it stops...:confusedshrug:

02-19-2009, 04:41 AM
When you call 911 and hang up they send all three...

Name one event at which a fire team or the ems peeps would be needed and an officer would not be needed on scene please.
Obvious distress like this I would have sent an officer immediately. Even if it turned out to be some redneck who cant get his beer bottle open and called 911 then at least the officer is already on his way to get the guy for improperly using the system.

I suppose you just dont like my over reaction... I guess your right, he shouldnt be fired. However, I would hope I wasnt getting my face chewed off and 40 seconds was the diff between life and somthing like it.

dude did you listen to the call? The dispatcher had sent people out almost immediately. I don't understand what kind of problem you have with the dispatcher? You want him to send everybody the instant he gets the call? No...he sent help quickly and appropriately once he learned what the situation was.

02-19-2009, 04:42 AM
so they are about 4x stronger in general i guess...

i wonder how much a 200 lb chimp could bench...

Screw that and think about an olympic lift like power cleans... Pushing upwards of 1000+ I would think.

02-19-2009, 04:50 AM
dude did you listen to the call? The dispatcher had sent people out almost immediately. I don't understand what kind of problem you have with the dispatcher? You want him to send everybody the instant he gets the call? No...he sent help quickly and appropriately once he learned what the situation was.

ha... do I have a problem with the dispatcher? course not, why would I? I simply find myself in the position that I believe him to have acted slower then could have/should have been. Also, just to nullify your argument (my argument as well, but never the less...) that he acted immediately you will understand she didnt give the local and it takes 20+ seconds for numbers to run through the database and come up with a corresponding address. Thus, the pause he takes while she speaks around 40 seconds is when he relays info to officers.

there... now we both agree that its a terrible thing that a chimp ate a woman
Hate it when people use modifyers such as "almost" because it allows for my part of the argument as well while still implying im a dumbass. Please cease and suck ****.

02-19-2009, 05:00 AM
ha... do I have a problem with the dispatcher? course not, why would I?

Ok, you thought he should be fired....that's a stupid overreaction against a dispatcher who did his job correctly.

I simply find myself in the position that I believe him to have acted slower then could have/should have been.

Do you understand emergency services aren't unlimited resources? They don't send out so many responders due to a few seconds of incoherent babble that you hear at the start of the vid. The dispatcher acted properly in getting her location and what she needed before sending police/ems. In fact, the police were likely sent once he had her address as first responders (within 30 seconds), and more ems units were sent after he learned of the actual incident.

Also, just to nullify your argument (my argument as well, but never the less...) that he acted immediately you will understand she didnt give the local and it takes 20+ seconds for numbers to run through the database and come up with a corresponding address.

Acting immediately is to assess what resources are needed for a call, and send them out. Dispatcher did exactly that. He got her location, and sent police. Got more details and sent EMS. Police and EMS were able to respond quickly, and kill the f&cking chimp. And plus, they got to her fast enough that she is now in critical condition (not dead on the scene) despite having her f&cking face ripped off.

02-19-2009, 05:09 AM
Ok, you thought he should be fired....that's a stupid overreaction against a dispatcher who did his job correctly.
Okay, you thought I should be posterized for thinking he should be fired... same diff

Do you understand emergency services aren't unlimited resources? They don't send out so many responders due to a few seconds of incoherent babble that you hear at the start of the vid.
please try it out and see
the cruiser is standard and the other equipment is on a 5-10 minute delay depending on the distance between the local and the area units or station.

Acting immediately is to assess what resources are needed for a call, and send them out. Dispatcher did exactly that. He got her location, and sent police. Got more details and sent EMS. Police and EMS were able to respond quickly, and kill the f&cking chimp. And plus, they got to her fast enough that she is now in critical condition (not dead on the scene) despite having her f&cking face ripped off
obviously we have different ideas of what quickly means. I see room for improvement, you see this as the best possible job done because she is alive and not dead? glass half empty you tired old man... you might want to get that checked out.
dont try to pull the retard card and try to slap me with the "you dont know whatda **** ya talking about" hand... chances are you will be the one left hanging with the card in your hot little hand.

02-19-2009, 05:17 AM
Okay, you thought I should be posterized for thinking he should be fired... same diff

please try it out and see
the cruiser is standard and the other equipment is on a 5-10 minute delay depending on the distance between the local and the area units or station.
dont try to pull the retard card and try to slap me with the "you dont know whatda **** ya talking about" hand... chances are you will be the one left hanging with the card in your hot little hand.

I think you already admitted that you shut down your own argument, but I'll spell it out for you again.

only police are sent out on non-emergency investigations when there is a 911 call, and then a hangup. In the case of this lady who's panicking, the dispatcher had her on the line and gathered appropriate information before sending out police/ems. Police were dispatched within half a minute or so after her location was found, and ems a bit later. Perfect work by the dispatcher. Almost no delay between the time needed to get her location/information, and when the cops were sent out.

you already admitted that it was impossible for the police to be sent instantly

I see room for improvement

You already admitted the time needed to get her location, so the police can't be dispatched as immediately as you would like. Between that and the time the police were first dispatched, there is almost nothing to possibly improve on. What improvement would you like to see? Please tell me how you would implement that.

02-19-2009, 05:21 AM
and yet I still feel he should be fired... funny how logic doesnt apply at 2 am


you can take this set, the nice man can keep his job. ill even applaud him for a flawless execution. now kindly get off the night owl shift and stop riding my jock.

What improvement would you like to see? Please tell me how you would implement that
sendthemallandignorethecostand/oroverheadinanattempttosavelivesandprotecttheveryp ublicthatpaysfortheservicesitsmeanttohavebenefitth em

02-19-2009, 05:24 AM
Chimps are very dangerous animals. People are thrown off by the fact that they have such human features. I guess people think, "hey... we aren't that far a part on the evolutionary tree... we'll be friends."

It doesn't work that way. The average person would not feel safe around a tiger or lion, regardless of how long they had been in captivity. Chimps should be treated no differently. Use extreme caution.

I remember a few years ago, a California man was attacked by a group of chimps and had his feet, hands, and genitals chewed off. He had owned a chimp and had it in a sanctuary.

Link to the story:

Chimp throws around grown man like a rag doll, almost rips off his ears and fingers

02-19-2009, 05:52 AM
Stupid woman. Sucks she got her face ripped off, but this was a sh&t show waiting to happen.

Chimps are some of the strongest animals on the face of this earth. A lot of people don't realize this, but chimps have absurd bone density and muscle structure. Many many times stronger than any human can possibly have. Check out the arms of this average sized chimp. It's like a f&cking tree trunk.

That average chimp looks about the size of an average 6'2 muscle head that I've seen at my gym. Crazy.

02-19-2009, 06:19 AM
That stupid lady gave the chimp Xanax laced tea. Maybe Xanax reacts a bit different in chimps than in humans. That could explain the uncharacteristic behavior.

02-19-2009, 02:52 PM
and yet I still feel he should be fired... funny how logic doesnt apply at 2 am


you can take this set, the nice man can keep his job. ill even applaud him for a flawless execution. now kindly get off the night owl shift and stop riding my jock.

Yea, you're an idiot for assigning blame to somebody who doesn't deserve it, I think we've already determined that.

02-19-2009, 02:53 PM
That stupid lady gave the chimp Xanax laced tea. Maybe Xanax reacts a bit different in chimps than in humans. That could explain the uncharacteristic behavior.

she's definitely one to blame. Some of Xanax's side effects are irritability, anxiety, and aggression:hammerhead:

02-19-2009, 03:05 PM
how da **** r u gonna keep a chimp as a pet? stupid ass woman

02-19-2009, 03:07 PM
how da **** r u gonna keep a chimp as a pet? stupid ass woman

some people don't understand the concept of a "wild animal"

Oh well. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes