View Full Version : I hate LeBron James

03-01-2009, 11:50 PM
How are you suppose to defend someone who decides to bulldoze into the lane? Thanks refs.

03-01-2009, 11:51 PM
How are you suppose to defend someone who decides to bulldoze into the lane? Thanks refs.

Ray Allen>Paul "the chub factor" Pierce

03-01-2009, 11:52 PM
How are you suppose to defend someone who decides to bulldoze into the lane? Thanks refs.

Get there first. Get the wind knocked out of you. Repeat.

03-01-2009, 11:53 PM
How are you suppose to defend someone who decides to bulldoze into the lane? Thanks refs.

it calls for the cliche, "don't hate the player, hate the game"

03-01-2009, 11:54 PM
How are you suppose to defend someone who decides to bulldoze into the lane? Thanks refs.

Maybe the refs made a deal to call a fair game and then backed out of the deal....I mean what kind of coward backs out of deals?...

03-01-2009, 11:56 PM
Prepare to hate him even more when he knocks your Celtics out of the ECF :D

03-01-2009, 11:56 PM
Maybe the refs made a deal to call a fair game and then backed out of the deal....I mean what kind of coward backs out of deals?...

Well played.

03-01-2009, 11:57 PM
How are you suppose to defend someone who decides to bulldoze into the lane? Thanks refs.

bad call, but now a days everyone is jumping into the defender and getting the calls....its not gonna stop till the refs get better.

Harry Potty
03-01-2009, 11:57 PM
Watching the Cavs play in ESPN nowadays is unbearable. That one broad, Doris Burke, does nothing but talk with LeBron's junk in her mouth for the entire 2 1/2 hour broadcast. Meanwhile on ABC, that worthless fat ass, Mike Wilbon, has a secret crush on LeBron and can't stop talking about him even when the game doesn't include the Cavs.

No wonder why the NBA is barely a notch above a dying league like the NHL.

03-01-2009, 11:57 PM
You must hate Shaq in his prime back in 00-04 then.

03-01-2009, 11:58 PM
How are you suppose to defend someone who decides to bulldoze into the lane? Thanks refs.This iz how (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mshyev5q_wI) :pimp:

03-01-2009, 11:59 PM
Im sure if he met you, he'd hate you too.

03-02-2009, 12:00 AM
bad call, but now a days everyone is jumping into the defender and getting the calls....its not gonna stop till the refs get better.

yea that is why he shouldn't single out LeBron his boy Pierce does it as much as him. It is really irritating from a defenders view as he has the table stacked against him as a fan it is what disappoints me the most about this era.

03-02-2009, 12:01 AM
Hate to say it but Lebron IS the NBA. Whether you want him to be or not.

I can't stand him either.

03-02-2009, 12:01 AM
Hmm, someone's mad they lost the No.1 seed I guess :rolleyes:

This iz how (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mshyev5q_wI) :pimp:

:roll: :pimp:

Al Thornton
03-02-2009, 12:02 AM
Spudjay where ****ing retarted happens.

03-02-2009, 12:03 AM
Spudjay where ****ing retarted happens.

03-02-2009, 12:06 AM
Spudjay where ****ing retarted happens.

Your English teacher is crying right now, good job.

03-02-2009, 12:11 AM
How are you suppose to defend someone who decides to bulldoze into the lane? Thanks refs.

Stop crying. You won't even man-up to an avatar bet because you're that much of a b!tch.

03-02-2009, 12:21 AM

03-02-2009, 01:36 AM
He's a phenomenal player.

I hate the constant whining for the foul call and how he's always trying to be a media darling. just go out there and play.

03-02-2009, 01:39 AM
Edit: Delete

03-02-2009, 01:48 AM
Watching the Cavs play in ESPN nowadays is unbearable. That one broad, Doris Burke, does nothing but talk with LeBron's junk in her mouth for the entire 2 1/2 hour broadcast. Meanwhile on ABC, that worthless fat ass, Mike Wilbon, has a secret crush on LeBron and can't stop talking about him even when the game doesn't include the Cavs.

No wonder why the NBA is barely a notch above a dying league like the NHL.

I totally agree. Watching ESPN and ABC asskissing talk about LeBron this and that, makes me like sick and not watch the game at all. Turning me as a NBA fan into a LeBron hater. I don't need some stupid analyst to remind me what LeBron can do.

03-02-2009, 02:00 AM
I actually watched Lebron pregame vs Spurs... is it normal these days to go on with all the crap he does? all the fake picture taking and weird dancing etc

03-02-2009, 02:16 AM
Watching the Cavs play in ESPN nowadays is unbearable. That one broad, Doris Burke, does nothing but talk with LeBron's junk in her mouth for the entire 2 1/2 hour broadcast. Meanwhile on ABC, that worthless fat ass, Mike Wilbon, has a secret crush on LeBron and can't stop talking about him even when the game doesn't include the Cavs.

No wonder why the NBA is barely a notch above a dying league like the NHL.

co-sign that chick is terrible, im tired of every game i watch lebron and kobe
s names are mentioned at least 20 times, i guess they are joined at the hip now they cant say one without the other. and if the dude calling the game would have said spike lee's name one more time i might had kicked the damn tv. when da hell did lebron and spike become best buddies, im tired of all these ny cats swingin from lebron's nuts.

Lodi Dodi
03-02-2009, 02:30 AM
They act like he's doing it all by himself when in reality the Cavs are a pretty good team.

03-02-2009, 02:33 AM
co-sign that chick is terrible, im tired of every game i watch lebron and kobe
s names are mentioned at least 20 times, i guess they are joined at the hip now they cant say one without the other. and if the dude calling the game would have said spike lee's name one more time i might had kicked the damn tv. when da hell did lebron and spike become best buddies, im tired of all these ny cats swingin from lebron's nuts.
Pretty much agree with everything you said. In fact, the moment that I saw that Doris Burke was going to be calling the game, I immediately changed the channel to FSNOhio. Yeah... Austin Carr can be annoying as all hell, but at least I don't have to hear the latest 'gossip' non-stop, while the color commentator spends more time focusing on who is in attendance than the actual game.

Yes... I chose Austin Carr over ESPN's broadcast. That should say pretty much everything in a nutshell.

For the record, it isn't just LeBron that gets that treatment. This league has become so individually oriented, no matter who was playing today, they would have found one guy to focus on for the majority of the 48 minutes.

03-02-2009, 03:03 AM
Lebron>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Your Idol

artest 93
03-02-2009, 03:05 AM
Your English teacher is crying right now, good job.

Hehehehe, . , .

Harry Potty
03-02-2009, 03:08 AM
For the record, it isn't just LeBron that gets that treatment. This league has become so individually oriented, no matter who was playing today, they would have found one guy to focus on for the majority of the 48 minutes.

Actually, it is JUST LeBron. Kobe and Wade don't receive anywhere near the same type of praise as LeBron.

It's getting so out of hand, that they even tried to credit LeBron a block shot on the final shot by Joe Johnson. :oldlol:

What's sad is that the league is force-feeding LeBron EVERY chance they get, yet the basketball viewing public doesn't really give that much of a damn. His sneakers are hitting the outlets, his commercial appeal is on he decline, his personality is generic and his game is somewhat boring and aided by the officials and the league itself.

The NBA is trying so hard to mold him into the next MJ, yet he can't deliver off and on (see playoffs) the court.

All Net
03-02-2009, 03:11 AM
How are you suppose to defend someone who decides to bulldoze into the lane? Thanks refs.

:oldlol: coming from a Paul Pierce fan? truely laughable...

03-02-2009, 03:49 AM
Actually, it is JUST LeBron. Kobe and Wade don't receive anywhere near the same type of praise as LeBron.

It's getting so out of hand, that they even tried to credit LeBron a block shot on the final shot by Joe Johnson. :oldlol:

What's sad is that the league is force-feeding LeBron EVERY chance they get, yet the basketball viewing public doesn't really give that much of a damn. His sneakers are hitting the outlets, his commercial appeal is on he decline, his personality is generic and his game is somewhat boring and aided by the officials and the league itself.

The NBA is trying so hard to mold him into the next MJ, yet he can't deliver off and on (see playoffs) the court.
Riker? Poseidon? BruinLove (not retarded enough)?

I'm sorry, but I watch Wade and Kobe on the national stage, as well, and the media is just as obsessed with them and they carry on in much the same manner. Have you ever heard MarK Jackson go on and on about Kobe? A couple of years ago, he said that Kobe is the best player ever.

I've never heard LeBron praised in such a manner by any play-by-play guy, color guy, or analyst.

The fact of the matter is, a lot of people believe LeBron is the best player on the planet right now. Whether you agree or not, with this position as arguably the best player comes a tremendous amount of love from the media.

Even still, it isn't as if LeBron never gets criticized. A couple of years ago in the playoffs against Washington, he was heavily scrutinized for passing the ball on the final play of the game to a wide open Donyell Marshall (who subsequently missed a wide open game-winner).

He wasn't hit too hard for his performance against the Spurs in the Finals, because no one really expected the Cavs to put up much of a fight in that series.

Last year, the media topic of the second round was LeBron's struggles from the field against the Celtics. They discussed it, ad nauseam, on programs like PTI, Around the Horn, as well as by the commentators and analysts before, during, and after games.

Does LeBron get a ton of positive press? Hell yeah. Does he get criticized when he comes up short in big situations? Hell yeah.

That is the life of a superstar in this league.

03-02-2009, 04:06 AM
this guy is right^^^^

Some of you guys sound ridiculous....LeBrons game is boring? The guy is 260, 6'8, fast and explosive as hell and has a complete game. THATS the reason he gets a lotta press. He's what...5 years in and has met or exceeded most peoples expectations. Now, I agree with the statement that there are analysts who seem to talk about him a WHOLE lot but ****, what do you expect? The same is being done with Wade, Kobe, etc.... but the difference is that Lebron is a bigger star than either of those guys so he gets more of a spotlight. Your telling me that you hate Lebron James because he gets a lot of coverage? Hate the league analysts for all the talk, not the player because he backs it up with his play. That just sounds like being a hater...

03-02-2009, 04:14 AM
yes, these guys don't notice that 95% of what they say is just pure hate towards the man.

03-02-2009, 05:22 AM
You must hate Shaq in his prime back in 00-04 then.

This. And Bron isn't half as bad as shaq was.

03-02-2009, 07:24 AM
yes, these guys don't notice that 95% of what they say is just pure hate towards the man.
the hate is moreso generated from when kobe is getting the attention, i have never once seen a thread on ISH saying i hate kobe bryant, because of the media attention. anytime anything goes wrong with lakers its gasol being too soft or odom being odumb, its pathetic, the blame can never be on kobe. ever.

in all seriousness basketball players need to stop being so idolized, because so much hate generates from those who like one more player better.

03-02-2009, 07:56 AM
It's actually amazing how these James morons on this forum (unfortunately I can't name them cos I don't care that much, but I'm sure they can name me out, oh well, I can't compete with nerds) are so deep into their James love it stopped being entertaining. Seriously.

Who in the name of anyone are YOU too convince ME or anyone else - that his game of basketball is a merit.

Who are you? A name on my screen on a forum full of geek humor that isn't really funny and full of biased one sided endless...endless....endless arguments.

BUT you take it so seriously you separate yourself from the "trolls" because you type here with homeristic biased blinded "love", and they just make fun of something that's obviously relic to you.

Get a life.

And while you in the process, try to realize this;

Different people - different opinions. If I say I don't like how LeCrab is playing - that's NOT because media told me to say it.

That's because I watched enough games I can say he's dull to watch. Dull as hell.

TO ME! I dont' CARE about your preferences - so why the **** do you care about mines?

I don't care how "athletic" he is, I don't care that he's 260 and fast, more like 270 but I guess his weight is something we'll never know cos he refuses to say it LOL....

I don't like the guy, he looks like a dweeb, he plays like a dweeb, he walks like a duck with his feet at 10 and 2 o'clock, he has a nasty shot, a nasty drive, and a bunch of other things I don't like watching in basketball.

So leave me or anyone who disagrees with your James love alone.

Damn. When lovers on ISH go mad. It's like you dating that guy. SMH

~LA's fine$t~
03-02-2009, 08:14 AM
I hate LeBron too, but not as much as I hate Paul Pierce.
Both of their games is hideous though. :sleeping

03-02-2009, 08:23 AM

with greatness comes big responsibilities to ignore such haters! hahaha!

Just put it this way, when alot of people hate you, then you must be really good to catch their attention...


~LA's fine$t~
03-02-2009, 08:29 AM

with greatness comes big responsibilities to ignore such haters! hahaha!

Just put it this way, when alot of people hate you, then you must be really good to catch their attention...


See, I respect his talent I just think his game is very ugly.
There's a big difference.

03-02-2009, 08:34 AM
See, I respect his talent I just think his game is very ugly.
There's a big difference.

meh! what makes his game ugly? the physicality?
the speed on the open court?
the pass first mentality?
the great court vision?
the quick first step?
the now improving jump shot and outside shot?


the awsome stat line?

03-02-2009, 08:55 AM
Actually, it is JUST LeBron. Kobe and Wade don't receive anywhere near the same type of praise as LeBron.

It's getting so out of hand, that they even tried to credit LeBron a block shot on the final shot by Joe Johnson. :oldlol:

What's sad is that the league is force-feeding LeBron EVERY chance they get, yet the basketball viewing public doesn't really give that much of a damn. His sneakers are hitting the outlets, his commercial appeal is on he decline, his personality is generic and his game is somewhat boring and aided by the officials and the league itself.

The NBA is trying so hard to mold him into the next MJ, yet he can't deliver off and on (see playoffs) the court.

I'm not going to get into the media aspect of this in this post because I wrote something about that just this weekend. But, the part of what you said that I bolded is quite intriguing to me, and it's something I've thought about before. Only I would expand it from not only the "basketball viewing public" to the "public at large".

There has, as you said, been a tangible effort to make James into the American icon that was Michael Jordan. Yet so far it hasn't happened. The American public has not responded.

oh the horror
03-02-2009, 08:57 AM
There has, as you said, been a tangible effort to make James into the American icon that was Michael Jordan. Yet so far it hasn't happened. The American public has not responded.

I thought I was the only person that noticed that as well.

03-02-2009, 09:02 AM
meh! what makes his game ugly? the physicality?
the speed on the open court?
the pass first mentality?
the great court vision?
the quick first step?
the now improving jump shot and outside shot?


the awsome stat line?

The lack of art and aesthetic. There's no grace or finesse to the way he plays. It's like watching Karl Malone try to play like Michael Jordan. He's your basic raging bull in a china shop.

He's an incredible player, but please don't presume that everyone sees his game the way you do. Oh, and with regards to the jumpshot and outside shot, change "improving" to "further regressing", and then you'll have it right.

03-02-2009, 09:04 AM
See, I respect his talent I just think his game is very ugly.
There's a big difference.

No, don't even bother.

Cause no matter how much times you say THAT - they will always come back with "yous a Hat3R11!1" ish


I understand they feel traumatized when someones bashing their idol...but they'll understand once they start actually living a life.

Does he have a "signature" move? Crab dribble? Is that it? What? Slash to the hoop? Ohhh...sorry - I bet these kids take their mommas washing powder and throw it around the park.

Oh - quick reminder. It's not only James' game i can't watch. James' game is hideous enough, with his weird shot, weird jumper, ridiculous traveling, etc. All you keep talkin how dominant he is and blah blah blah.
Well, when you're a 6'8 270+ NBA golden boy pet, and when clocks running down, and you go to the hoop - riddle me, how many times will you get the foul call? 11 times out of 10? Correct.

Sidebar - I also think Pierce plays ugly, he moves like a truck, and some other players I won't bother naming...

But hey - concentrate on how this is hate and write down how you witness and we don't.

I watch NBA for ENTERTAINMENT - he does NOT entertain me. Plain and simple.

03-02-2009, 09:23 AM

and tell Spudf@g to


03-02-2009, 09:33 AM
just too many haters! hahaha!

03-02-2009, 09:42 AM
Yup nobody likes a monster :ohwell:

03-02-2009, 09:43 AM
Yup nobody likes a monster :ohwell:

monster in what sense?

03-02-2009, 09:46 AM
did anyone actually think that Lebron wasnt going to get that call?? He's a superstar, in the top 2 biggest names in the league if not the biggest. You put the ball in his hands let him drive, worst comes to worst you get a foul called. Thats what happened. Dont act like its never happened before and wont happen again

03-02-2009, 09:47 AM
did anyone actually think that Lebron wasnt going to get that call?? He's a superstar, in the top 2 biggest names in the league if not the biggest. You put the ball in his hands let him drive, worst comes to worst you get a foul called. Thats what happened. Dont act like its never happened before and wont happen again

hahaha! good one! its not like its the end of the world if he didnt get that call...

03-02-2009, 10:47 AM

and tell Spudf@g to


For the record, while there are plenty of trolls around, not everyone who criticizes a player or team is a troll. People should be able to make rational criticisms without being classified as trolls.

This is why I can't stand the word "hater". Anytime somebody doesn't agree with you or they don't like who or what you like, you can just call them a "hater". It's a blanket label you can use to dismiss someone who disagrees with you without ever actually addressing the substance of what they are saying.

Harry Potty
03-02-2009, 11:26 AM
Maybe I'm in the minority here, but NOTHING about LeBron's game impresses me. For all his manufactured and media-driven "greatness", he's a below average and inconsistent perimeter shooter (see NBA.com shooting chart). His game is too stiff and his offensive repertoire consists of putting his head down and bull-dozing his way down the lane waiting for the BS call from the officials. Also let's not forget that his numbers across the board dip during the playoffs.

What's funny is this guy walks around like he's God's gift to basketball, looking to pad his stats every opportunity he gets, inks himself with insecure monikers like "King James" and "Chosen One"......yet the majority of people swear by his unselfishness and humbleness. :oldlol:

03-02-2009, 11:42 AM
monster in what sense?

HE IS A BEAST? :confusedshrug:

03-02-2009, 11:51 AM
Maybe the refs made a deal to call a fair game and then backed out of the deal....I mean what kind of coward backs out of deals?...


03-02-2009, 12:31 PM
Maybe I'm in the minority here, but NOTHING about LeBron's game impresses me. For all his manufactured and media-driven "greatness", he's a below average and inconsistent perimeter shooter (see NBA.com shooting chart). His game is too stiff and his offensive repertoire consists of putting his head down and bull-dozing his way down the lane waiting for the BS call from the officials. Also let's not forget that his numbers across the board dip during the playoffs.

What's funny is this guy walks around like he's God's gift to basketball, looking to pad his stats every opportunity he gets, inks himself with insecure monikers like "King James" and "Chosen One"......yet the majority of people swear by his unselfishness and humbleness. :oldlol:
It's not Chosen One it's Chosen1 dude

Get your facts right.


But seriously, all these chumps in this thread offended - OFFENDED BY PEOPLE WHO DON'T SUCK BALLS TO NBA'S BIGGEST HYPE


I can already picture tham

Sitting naked in front of the computer, with 3-4 chat rooms opens, and ISH opened, all UPSET when reading comments like

"his game does not impress me" or "he's not interesting to watch"

Like....all mad...HOW! HOW COULD THEY SAY THAT!!!!

LeBr0N iZ tEH BesT!!!!11!


His game is too stiff and his offensive repertoire consists of putting his head down and bull-dozing his way down the lane waiting for the BS call from the officials.

Nooooo you're missing the big picture.

He's making his teammates BETTER :roll: :roll: :roll:




Mo Williams, Delonte and Z bail HIM out and that's the saddest part of the story.

Yesterday if there wasn't for that 3 pointer from Mo, Cavs would lose again to team that plays decent basketball.

He damn near missed both free throws, clutch time baby!

03-02-2009, 12:41 PM
It's not Chosen One it's Chosen1 dude

Get your facts right.


But seriously, all these chumps in this thread offended - OFFENDED BY PEOPLE WHO DON'T SUCK BALLS TO NBA'S BIGGEST HYPE


I can already picture tham

Sitting naked in front of the computer, with 3-4 chat rooms opens, and ISH opened, all UPSET when reading comments like

"his game does not impress me" or "he's not interesting to watch"

Like....all mad...HOW! HOW COULD THEY SAY THAT!!!!

LeBr0N iZ tEH BesT!!!!11!


Nooooo you're missing the big picture.

He's making his teammates BETTER :roll: :roll: :roll:




Mo Williams, Delonte and Z bail HIM out and that's the saddest part of the story.

Yesterday if there wasn't for that 3 pointer from Mo, Cavs would lose again to team that plays decent basketball.

He damn near missed both free throws, clutch time baby!

I know you are the biggest dumbass on ISH. LeBron James lead the Cavaliers in Win Shares. ( Offensively and Defensively)

By the way give LeBron a Scottie Pippen, and they are easily the favorite team to win the NBA Championship.

03-02-2009, 12:47 PM
I don't know what the ****in win shares are - but if you're for that "give LeBron Pippen" talk...


Take Mo Williams from LeBron.

Bye bye high hopes.

03-02-2009, 12:54 PM
I love a good crab boil.

But all that I'm going to say is that bail out call was horrendous.

03-02-2009, 12:56 PM
I don't know what the ****in win shares are - but if you're for that "give LeBron Pippen" talk...


Take Mo Williams from LeBron.

Bye bye high hopes.

Scottie Pippen is a much better player than Mo Williams, and he already led the Bulls to 55 wins without Michael Jordan.

03-02-2009, 12:57 PM

I'm talking about present Cavs. Without James, in full roster, they would win a lot of games.

03-02-2009, 01:04 PM
How are you suppose to defend someone who decides to bulldoze into the lane? Thanks refs.

LeBron is not the problem. All teams/players try to maximize their potential by playing to their strength. It is the NBA that is ruining the game by creating "untouchables" because it thinks that it needs superstars to maximize its profits.

03-02-2009, 02:11 PM

I'm talking about present Cavs. Without James, in full roster, they would win a lot of games.

Do you have a problem with that Mr. Riker?


03-02-2009, 02:49 PM

Terp in LA
03-02-2009, 03:18 PM
I'm a diehard Kobe guy, but after these past couple months, I've come to realize that LeBron is just a freak. I still love Kobe more, but I have to acknowledge how remarkable James really is.

And that's his game. He's an enormous dude who imposes his size, will, and power on anyone in the lane.

03-02-2009, 04:15 PM
I'm a diehard Kobe guy, but after these past couple months, I've come to realize that LeBron is just a freak. I still love Kobe more, but I have to acknowledge how remarkable James really is.

And that's his game. He's an enormous dude who imposes his size, will, and power on anyone in the lane.

Reminds me of a smaller, faster Shaq that plays on the perimeter.

03-02-2009, 04:25 PM
It's actually amazing how these James morons on this forum (unfortunately I can't name them cos I don't care that much, but I'm sure they can name me out, oh well, I can't compete with nerds) are so deep into their James love it stopped being entertaining. Seriously.

Who in the name of anyone are YOU too convince ME or anyone else - that his game of basketball is a merit.

Who are you? A name on my screen on a forum full of geek humor that isn't really funny and full of biased one sided endless...endless....endless arguments.

BUT you take it so seriously you separate yourself from the "trolls" because you type here with homeristic biased blinded "love", and they just make fun of something that's obviously relic to you.

Get a life.

And while you in the process, try to realize this;

Different people - different opinions. If I say I don't like how LeCrab is playing - that's NOT because media told me to say it.

That's because I watched enough games I can say he's dull to watch. Dull as hell.

TO ME! I dont' CARE about your preferences - so why the **** do you care about mines?

I don't care how "athletic" he is, I don't care that he's 260 and fast, more like 270 but I guess his weight is something we'll never know cos he refuses to say it LOL....

I don't like the guy, he looks like a dweeb, he plays like a dweeb, he walks like a duck with his feet at 10 and 2 o'clock, he has a nasty shot, a nasty drive, and a bunch of other things I don't like watching in basketball.

So leave me or anyone who disagrees with your James love alone.

Damn. When lovers on ISH go mad. It's like you dating that guy. SMH

Have you ever actually played basketball? Or are you still 13 and think basketball is all about being flashy and stylish?

03-02-2009, 04:30 PM
Have you ever actually played basketball? Or are you still 13 and think basketball is all about being flashy and stylish?

You're the one that obviously gets left on the sideline when teams are picked...




Shut up.

03-02-2009, 05:37 PM
Prepare to hate him even more when he knocks your Celtics out of the ECF :D

SHUT DOWN!! 100% right. and the only way to guard him is to injur him before he starts driving.

03-02-2009, 05:39 PM
Maybe I'm in the minority here, but NOTHING about LeBron's game impresses me.

You my friend, are definitely not in the minority. I agree with you 100 percent. James has a long way to go with his offensive repertoire before he finally impresses me. I hate Kobe's guts, but Kobe always impresses me with his skill set. James does not.

03-02-2009, 05:39 PM
SHUT DOWN!! 100% right. and the only way to guard him is to injur him before he starts driving.


Even on NBA's documentary - they probably CAN NOT find his highlight footage where he DOESN'T commit a violation of basketball's most basic rule.

03-02-2009, 05:44 PM
SHUT DOWN!! 100% right. and the only way to guard him is to injur him before he starts driving.

actually, Kobe did it (not once, but twice this season) without injury to Lebron.

unless I had a great defender (Kobe, Battier, Bowen, etc), then I would just back off Lebron and force him to shoot the jumper all night. If he is ON, I will likely lose. But it's better than letting him drive and, often, get to the line.

03-02-2009, 06:06 PM
actually, Kobe did it (not once, but twice this season) without injury to Lebron.

unless I had a great defender (Kobe, Battier, Bowen, etc), then I would just back off Lebron and force him to shoot the jumper all night. If he is ON, I will likely lose. But it's better than letting him drive and, often, get to the line.
Do you honestly believe that Kobe can stop LeBron one-on-one? LeBron was getting to the hoop in both games. The Laker big men did an excellent job on their defensive rotations, though. LeBron missed a lot of contested layups in both games. In fact, I'd say most of his misses were around the rim, with Bynum/Gasol/Odom closing (Bynum played in the first matchup).

03-02-2009, 06:07 PM
For the record, while there are plenty of trolls around, not everyone who criticizes a player or team is a troll. People should be able to make rational criticisms without being classified as trolls.

This is why I can't stand the word "hater". Anytime somebody doesn't agree with you or they don't like who or what you like, you can just call them a "hater". It's a blanket label you can use to dismiss someone who disagrees with you without ever actually addressing the substance of what they are saying.True. But Spudf@g is a certified trolls who cant man up

03-02-2009, 06:21 PM
Do you honestly believe that Kobe can stop LeBron one-on-one?

03-02-2009, 06:25 PM
Maybe I'm in the minority here, but NOTHING about LeBron's game impresses me. For all his manufactured and media-driven "greatness", he's a below average and inconsistent perimeter shooter (see NBA.com shooting chart). His game is too stiff and his offensive repertoire consists of putting his head down and bull-dozing his way down the lane waiting for the BS call from the officials. Also let's not forget that his numbers across the board dip during the playoffs.

What's funny is this guy walks around like he's God's gift to basketball, looking to pad his stats every opportunity he gets, inks himself with insecure monikers like "King James" and "Chosen One"......yet the majority of people swear by his unselfishness and humbleness. :oldlol:

I think every non Cavs fan feels the same way.

03-02-2009, 06:32 PM
Do you honestly believe that Kobe can stop LeBron one-on-one? LeBron was getting to the hoop in both games. The Laker big men did an excellent job on their defensive rotations, though. LeBron missed a lot of contested layups in both games. In fact, I'd say most of his misses were around the rim, with Bynum/Gasol/Odom closing (Bynum played in the first matchup).

Every team plays team defense. Lakers and Cavs are no different.
However, head-to-head, Kobe got the better of him both times this year.
While defending Lebron straight-up, Kobe held Lebron to 27% in the 1st game.
I'm not saying that Kobe can do that every single time (in fact, I would say he cannot).

03-02-2009, 06:36 PM
Every team plays team defense. Lakers and Cavs are no different.
However, head-to-head, Kobe got the better of him both times this year.
While defending Lebron straight-up, Kobe held Lebron to 27% in the 1st game.
I'm not saying that Kobe can do that every single time (in fact, I would say he cannot).
The thing is, there was no defending LeBron straight up. If that were the case, LeBron would have overpowered his way to the basket every play. Last year, LeBron had the better games against the Lakers, while Kobe struggled.

I would never say, though, that LeBron shut down Kobe, because he can't do it 'straight up.' Great offense is always going to beat great defense one-on-one.

Bynum, Odom, and Gasol were as important or moreso to LeBron's struggles against the Lakers as Kobe was. Their length around the basket made things difficult once LeBron got past the first line of defense.

03-02-2009, 07:22 PM
Every team plays team defense.

I would say every team plays defense - but Cleveland, Lakers and a few others play team defence that is capable of slowing down elite offensive players occasionally.

03-03-2009, 12:31 AM
It would be interesting to see a Lebron/Kobe one on one matchup....if James were to drive everytime he would prob win but Kobe has a better shot imo and could make it interesting.....

And damn Riker, you seem to be getting real emotional about this whole discussion. Its not even that big of a deal. I get it, you don't like the way Lebron or Lecrab plays and your not entertained by him. The fact of the matter is, he entertains a whole lot of people and really is a "freak". His ugly shot having, traveling, fake dancing ass has got himself a whole lot of attention from cats around the league...Also, he seems to be getting a whole lot of attention from cats on the net who seem to know a whole lot about them.......

I know I know, I'm a troll, a Lebron lover, whatever else you got.....don't get mad because he frequently dominates and you can't stand to hear his name. FWIW, I used to be like you with Kobe. I couldn't stand that he was always compared to Jordan and that he was a Laker (not a laker fan at all lol). But you know what happened? I grew up and realized that even though I may not like him, I gotta appreciate the guys raw skills and finesse...you'll come around soon enough haha

Simple Jack
03-03-2009, 02:13 AM
It would be interesting to see a Lebron/Kobe one on one matchup....if James were to drive everytime he would prob win but Kobe has a better shot imo and could make it interesting.....

And damn Riker, you seem to be getting real emotional about this whole discussion. Its not even that big of a deal. I get it, you don't like the way Lebron or Lecrab plays and your not entertained by him. The fact of the matter is, he entertains a whole lot of people and really is a "freak". His ugly shot having, traveling, fake dancing ass has got himself a whole lot of attention from cats around the league...Also, he seems to be getting a whole lot of attention from cats on the net who seem to know a whole lot about them.......

I know I know, I'm a troll, a Lebron lover, whatever else you got.....don't get mad because he frequently dominates and you can't stand to hear his name. FWIW, I used to be like you with Kobe. I couldn't stand that he was always compared to Jordan and that he was a Laker (not a laker fan at all lol). But you know what happened? I grew up and realized that even though I may not like him, I gotta appreciate the guys raw skills and finesse...you'll come around soon enough haha

LeBron James > Kobe this year.

Simple Jack
03-03-2009, 02:14 AM
The thing is, there was no defending LeBron straight up. If that were the case, LeBron would have overpowered his way to the basket every play. Last year, LeBron had the better games against the Lakers, while Kobe struggled.

I would never say, though, that LeBron shut down Kobe, because he can't do it 'straight up.' Great offense is always going to beat great defense one-on-one.

Bynum, Odom, and Gasol were as important or moreso to LeBron's struggles against the Lakers as Kobe was. Their length around the basket made things difficult once LeBron got past the first line of defense.

You don't consider LeBron holding Kobe to 0-4 shooting the final two minutes shutting him down? How about the fact that he did that two games basically while scoring the go ahead bucket in Kobe's face? He outscored Kobe 6 to 0 I believe it was in the final minutes of those games last year.

03-03-2009, 02:15 AM
I just wish the refs would stop bailing him out with all these touch fouls. The play at the end of the Atlanta game was ridiculous.

05-23-2015, 11:05 AM
Maybe I'm in the minority here, but NOTHING about LeBron's game impresses me. For all his manufactured and media-driven "greatness", he's a below average and inconsistent perimeter shooter (see NBA.com shooting chart). His game is too stiff and his offensive repertoire consists of putting his head down and bull-dozing his way down the lane waiting for the BS call from the officials. Also let's not forget that his numbers across the board dip during the playoffs.

What's funny is this guy walks around like he's God's gift to basketball, looking to pad his stats every opportunity he gets, inks himself with insecure monikers like "King James" and "Chosen One"......yet the majority of people swear by his unselfishness and humbleness. :oldlol:

6 years later and this stament couldnt be any more true. Lemanufactured will never be goat, him being the " best player in the world" is an embarrassment to the game of basketball. The worlds greatest basketball player can't consistently make a jump shot :lol

05-23-2015, 11:14 AM
LeBron James > Kobe this year.


never go full re...*reads username*

nevermind, Jack.