View Full Version : This site links up random chats with strangers lol, see how long you can last.

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03-30-2009, 09:40 PM

lmao :roll:
copy and paste ur convo too

03-30-2009, 09:45 PM
I got out of there quick

03-30-2009, 09:49 PM
Stranger: hello
You: hey sexy
Stranger: where ya from?
You: im trying to hook up
You: where you at
Stranger: I'm a guy btw
You: even better
Stranger: 22/m/Mississippi
Stranger: you a woman?
Stranger: asl?
You: im 36/m/mississippi
Stranger: fail
You: i like young but
You: t
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

03-30-2009, 09:57 PM
:ohwell: god this is boring

03-30-2009, 09:59 PM
Stranger: hi
You: Hello.
Stranger: how are you
You: I'm great. How are you this fine evening?
Stranger: im good. what u up to
You: Just jackin it to some beastiality. And you?
Stranger: what?
Stranger: wat is that
You: Animal porn
Stranger: see ya
You: ***** get real i had to squezze one out am dyin over here at the shelter!!
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Punk ass....

03-30-2009, 09:59 PM
Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: DUM
You: sup fashionissues in this beeyotch
Stranger: you have fashion issues
Stranger: kek
You: insidehoops # 1
Stranger: .................................................. ................................,-~~'''''''~~--,,_
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.................................................. .................................|,: : : : : :-~~--: : ::/ --NEVER GONNA LET YOU DOWN!
.................................................. ............................,-''':: :'~,,_: : : : : _,-'
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Your conversational partner has disconnected.

03-30-2009, 10:01 PM

You: please tell me youre a girl
You: i havent had contact with females in months
Stranger: why
Stranger: were you in gaol
You: i was in my room playing world of warcraft
Stranger: how did you eat
You: my mom is the only source of pheromones that i have been exposed to
Stranger: hey.................. are you george bush?
You: she brings the food up
You: unfortunately she wont let me date a girl yet
You: not like i have a chance anyway
You: whod like a 25 year old live at home guy?
Stranger: do you like crab
You: sometimes
You: but im poor
Stranger: stay away from girls
Stranger: listen to your mom
You: i have to steal to pay for my WoW subscription
Stranger: girls have crabs that can polevault
Stranger: scary crabs
You: once, my dad tried to take my computer away and i beat him to death
You: i was only 13 so the chargest werent serious
Stranger: what did you do with the body
You: i called the cops afterward
You: i was sent to a juvenile prison for 6 years
You: thats why i havent had the chance to talk to females
Stranger: well you have morals
You: now im 25 and im feeling that life is passing me by
Stranger: stay away from them
You: are you a female?
You: if so youve made my day
Stranger: yeah
You: and possibly my week
You: great
Stranger: i hope so
You: can you talk dirty to me?
Stranger: i can
You: my mom does it
You: but shes bad at i
You: it
Stranger: i took a 56 inch **** today
You: incredible
Stranger: i know
You: usually my toys are 4 inches across
You: and 10 in long
You: so ive never had agonizing ****s
Stranger: the dogs didnt stop barking for 4 hours
Stranger: twas pure pleasure this one
You: did you tape it? ive always liked watching girls taking ****s on guys' chests
Stranger: and the smell.... jesus.... if there was a horse nearby.... down it would have went
Stranger: tape?
Stranger: you mean cordon it off
You: as in take a video and post it on youporn?
You: i like animal sex too, but its illegal
Stranger: video?
You: i like to stay out of trouble
You: so i like to use my dog instead
You: for realism
Stranger: well looks like you are doing a good job
You: yea
You: i have to go now
Stranger: hopefully tomorrow im going to punch a chicken
You: i have to post on insidehoops.com because i love homosexual acts
You have disconnected.

03-30-2009, 10:05 PM
Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: I'm not your stranger, friend
You: I'm not your friend, stranger
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

guy left quick.

Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: sex
Stranger: choose your next words carefully
You: more sex?
Stranger: if youre reading this, its already too late.....
You: too late for what
Stranger: .........you'll find out
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

I'm scared now.

03-30-2009, 10:07 PM
guy left quick.

He took your words to heart.

03-30-2009, 10:08 PM

03-30-2009, 10:10 PM

03-30-2009, 10:10 PM
You: HI
Stranger: yo
Stranger: what time is it?
You: live in georgia?
Stranger: no
Stranger: scotland
Stranger: do you mean Georgia the state, or the country?
Stranger: not that it matters cos i live in neither
You: The State, **** that country. Bunch of ******s if you ask me
Stranger: no offense, but my sister says Georgia really really smells, is it true?
Stranger: i can't remember why
You: I mean, seriously, who swagger jacks a name?
You: I does stink, too many black people. And mexicans
You: It does stink*
Stranger: but she lives in massachusetts, and we were on holiday in florida, she drove down and said that georgia was awful cos she had to keep the windows up but it was roasting hot
You: Northern Georgia isn't too bad, the south is hot, humid, and filled with minorities!
Stranger: sounds like the UK
Stranger: except the south is just **** and filled with the english
You: Suburbs of Atlanta are rich and white, just like God intended
Stranger: same here in glasgow
Stranger: though the richest suburbs are filled with asians that own loads of cornershops
Stranger: and they all think they're black and act like they're "from the ghetto"
You: Ewww, can't they just go back where they came from?
Stranger: nah, apparently they're just as british as we are
Stranger: or so they say
Stranger: aye ****ing right
You: Why does everyone have to be "equal"? Obviously their are better races(White) and not so good races(the rest).
You: Whole world has lost its mind.
Stranger: those blacks can run damn fast though
Stranger: years of practice running from the law tbf
You: You speak the truth.
You: And years of breeding the most physically fit on the plantations in America.
Stranger: white people don't have to run though cos we can afford cars
You: Exactly.
You: Drives me nuts when I see a black person who is allowed to have a car.
Stranger: they probably stole it though
You: And if it has "rims" or is raised I just lose it.
Stranger: that's a mexican car that's been stolen isn't it?
You: I wouldn't put it past them to steal
You: More than likely, they all look the same to me
Stranger: what do you call four white people pushing a car?
You: I see the world in black and white. If it's not white than it's not right.
Stranger: jump start
Stranger: what do you call four black people pushing a car?
Stranger: grand theft auto
You: LOL
Stranger: what do you do if you see 6 people beating up a black person?
Stranger: nothing, 6 is enough
You: LOL, I was gonna say join.

Racism troll failed :rant

03-30-2009, 10:12 PM
You: sup girl
Stranger: Have you ever met a little sambo ******?
You: as a matter of fact i have
You: not
Stranger: Whats up ******
You: my *****
Stranger: I aint no ***** you dumb house ******
You: you're a ***** and a dumb house ******?
Stranger: …………………………………………""-^*''''*^~^*'''*^-""
…………………………../::::::::/::-~~-""::-"::'\:""-*' . . . . *-"::::"""-~^::
…………………………::::::::~~-""____"""-~^* . . . . . . . . *-":::::::-"

03-30-2009, 10:12 PM
lol Im still talking to mine...dude hasnt posted any weird **** yet

03-30-2009, 10:17 PM
Stranger: hey
You: hi stranger danger
Stranger: ha
Stranger: f u
You: only if your a guy
You: so are you?
You: i haven't had a chance to talk to any guys, stuck at an all-girl school :(
Stranger: yes
Stranger: im a guy
Stranger: asl
Stranger: 18 m tx
You: you have just made my day :)
You: well besides earlier when i spent my prostitution money on poker
You: and lost :(
Stranger: oh
Stranger: your a man
You: girls are much more rougher than guys are, plus, not having the real thing for a while sucks
Stranger: you creepy bastard
You: no i am not.
Stranger: dont touch me
You: just because i have a bigger ***** then you, does not mean i am a man!
Stranger: ha
Stranger: u creepy ****
Stranger: i would still tap it
You: i would so let you
You: but only if u have a 3 inch *****
Stranger: 3? why not 9
You: because i have a fetish for micro-*****
Stranger: i see so wahts ur fav gun?
You: one that vibrates <3
Stranger: ha ur a ****in man u lil ***** act like it
You: dont be mad cuz i have a bigger ***** then u
Stranger: i am
Stranger: im so mad
You: that is hawt
Stranger: please dont find me and rape me
You: u should go post on ISH!
Stranger: so sexay
Stranger: wats ish?
You: insidehoops.com!
Stranger: huh
Stranger: basketball?
Stranger: **** NORTH CAROLINA
Stranger: bye **********

03-30-2009, 10:17 PM

Nah, just a joke to get the other guy to meet up. I failed.

You: girl?

Stranger: no

You: **** off then

03-30-2009, 10:18 PM
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hi
Stranger: looking for epic
You: so how much would you charge if you were lilmarcgasol's mom trying selling her ******?
Stranger: give me copypasta
You: .................................................. ................................,-~~'''''''~~--,,_
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.................................................. ............................(_''~-': : : ::: : : : : :
.................................................. .............................'''~-,|: : : : : : ~---': : : :,'--NEVER GONNA GIVE YOU UP
.................................................. .................................|,: : : : : :-~~--: : ::/ --NEVER GONNA LET YOU DOWN!
.................................................. ............................,-''':: :'~,,_: : : : : _,-'
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Stranger: Thanks, im satisfied
You: lol
Stranger: =)
You: answer my question
Stranger: its just us on now
Stranger: id pay to give it off
You: nice
Stranger: need more copypasta
Stranger: have *******?
You: but if she HAD to charge? how much is that nasty cooter worth?
Stranger: had to charge?
Stranger: **** thats unthinkable
You: how much would you charge if you were lilmarcgasol's mom trying selling her v@gina?
You: i know
You: but it has to be done
Stranger: but... what... what currency do you use?
You: dollars, pesos.... shes no racist
Stranger: over 9000 lires
You: wow, sounds like a good deal. whats that in US or Mehicano currency?
Stranger: somewhere close to zero
Stranger: im sure
Stranger: but it sounds like the **** if youre a hairy guy with a open shirt
You: thats hawt
Stranger: whats your thoughts on the subject
You: idk, im just DTF
You: u?
You: well.... are you????
Stranger: wtf does that even mean
You: Down To Fizzuck
Stranger: haha new to me
You: im super DTF
Stranger: **** im geting old
You: mmm, i luv ****
Stranger: yeah DTF whatever ****, not right now tho
You: my mom was the costar with lilmarcgasol's mom in 2 girls 1 cup
Stranger: would you hit it tho
You: i have hit it
You: not my proudest moment :(
Stranger: haha i bet
You: you like epic?
Stranger: used to
You: insidehoops.com/forum
You: most epic **** ever
You: trust me
Stranger: haha just in there
Stranger: http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showthread.php?t=122196
You: stfu
You: whats your username?
Stranger: not a member
You: how were you there?
Stranger: google
You: thats pretty awesome, thats how i heard of this place
You: im an active member there with a bajillion posts
Stranger: yeah?
Stranger: im not into basketball actually
You: lol i love bball
You: just a small world that you were actually just on that site
Stranger: hehe.
Stranger: i googled it to keep up with the conversation
You: bahh
You: bastard
You: lol
Stranger: ilmarcgasol's mom in google
Stranger: find basketforum
You: hahahahahahahahahaha
You: you rule, i rule, ISH rules, lilmarcgasol's mom is a ho
Stranger: alot of ppl going in and out of that punani
You: yup
You: well ho
You: im out
You: gonna post this convo there, youre gonna be a star
Stranger: have a good one
You: same to you, Stranger
You: by the way, im FBI
You: you passed
Stranger: lolz
You: good work you little rapscallion
Stranger: thank you sir. Farewell.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.


03-30-2009, 10:20 PM
You: tell me you are a sexy woman
Stranger: I do have a girls name
You: well maybe we can work something out then
Stranger: and a bone
Stranger: oops
You: that's not a deal breaker for me sweet cheeks
Stranger: wft
Stranger: dad?
You: why don't you have a seat over there?
Stranger: clever...
You: so what you're saying is that you are a chick, but you also have an abnormally small *****
Stranger: no
You: could you just like tuck it back when we start getting nasty?
Stranger: i'm a dude
Stranger: w/ a chick name
Stranger: ok
You: cool, what do you think about 9somes?
Stranger: i cant fit that many.
Stranger: my sis probably could
You: does she look like you, or is she feminine?
You: does she have a guy's name? did your parents at least have a ****ing sense of humor?
Stranger: who said i'm masculine?


03-30-2009, 10:29 PM
Stranger: do you want to talk about jesus?
You: lol um
You: do you?
Stranger: >_>
Stranger: no not really
You: lmao
Stranger: the church is holding me hostage
Stranger: and i have to ask people that
You: you=cool
Stranger: oh **** HERE COMES THE PASTOR


03-30-2009, 11:02 PM
Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi
You: Give me your definition of love.
Stranger: sharing a soul
You: ******.
You have disconnected.

03-30-2009, 11:08 PM
Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: HERRO
You: Helllllo
You: how are you this evening?
Stranger: I GOOD
Stranger: HOW YOU?
You: bored as hell
You: i got laid off recently
Stranger: ORLY
You: so im working on a novel
You: it's called Will THere Ever Be a Sunshine?
Stranger: O WUT NOVALZ
You: it's about an old rich man
You: who dies
You: but comes back to life
You: as a superhuman basketball freak of nature
You: why do I call it rainbow?
You: so some mothers and children wont get offended
You: Kobe >>> Jordan
You: Jordan played in a weak era
Stranger: Yo ***** you can't be serious
Stranger: he played in an era with LEGEND
Stranger: S
Stranger: kobe is playing in a weak era
Stranger: RAY ALLEN *****
You: Jordan played at the end of Magic and Bird
You: and Isiah
You: yeah he is
You: makes so many 3 pointers
Stranger: yah man
You: but Celtics aren't doing **** this year
You: Cavaliers versus Lakers finals
Stranger: i know ****
You: big money for the NBA
You: for that Jew david stern
Stranger: i dont want to see lakers in the finals though
Stranger: i rather see like cavs versus hornets or something
You: who you want in the west? spurs? Dim Tuncan Big Boring?
Stranger: david stern is dumb
Stranger: yo it's rigged
You: i know it is
You: look at the draft lottery
Stranger: i actually want to see portland make it to the finals
You: ****in sonics and blazers get the #1 and #2?
You: portlands young and good but need a few more years
You: i post on Insidehoops
You: you?
Stranger: yeah, but they're one of the funnest teams to watch
Stranger: nah
Stranger: i post on hypebeast mainly
You: i dunno whats that. but im not much of a forum poster
You: more of a reader of threads
Stranger: you should post man, it's fun
You: i did. but it's all arguments after a while
You: but sometimes they got these photoshop threads
You: hilaritous
Stranger: hahaha ya man
You: damn im done. good talking ball with you
Stranger: yeah man take care

03-30-2009, 11:10 PM
Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi
You: Give me your definition of love.
Stranger: sharing a soul
You: ******

:roll: :oldlol:

03-30-2009, 11:20 PM
Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: How wise were you at age 8?
You: very
You: i was teaching college classes
Stranger: i was like a young Buddha
You: wow we have something in common here
Stranger: you know that saying "look both ways before you cross the street"?
Stranger: I ****en invented that
You: ofcourse
You: good ****
Stranger: right?
You: i just said that a few min ago
Stranger: I say it all the time
Stranger: it's kind of like a nervous tic
Stranger: people don't like it
You: another one of my favorites is NO means YES
Stranger: I know
You: and age is only a number
Stranger: that's good
Stranger: right
Stranger: i think those were confucius originals
You: yup
Stranger: i came up with "don't swim after eating "
Stranger: brilliant
You: how do u do this
Stranger: it just came to me
Stranger: very wisely
You: wowzers
You: hey wanna know something?
Stranger: not really
You: im eating cookies n cream ice cream
Stranger: delicious
You: i just had to get that off my shoulders
Stranger: when i was 9, i didn't think of ****
You: i feel like a fatty
Stranger: but at 10
Stranger: i had this flash of brilliance
Stranger: and devised the lighting kite think
You: did u create jessica alba
Stranger: that ben franklin came up with
You: that bastard
Stranger: that's offensive
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

03-30-2009, 11:35 PM
Lol, these conversations have 4chan written all over them.

03-30-2009, 11:39 PM
……..,'::::::::::,~: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : '-|
……..|::::::::,-': : : : : : : : - -~''

03-30-2009, 11:42 PM
Stranger: u mad

You: misc.?

Stranger: YEAH!!!!!


Stranger: ****in A brother

Stranger: reps

misc. is the bodybuilding forum's epic section

03-30-2009, 11:51 PM
Well, I successfully convinced some dude that i was charles Hamilton.

Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hey, how u doin?
Stranger: oh hai!
You: name's Charles
You: u like hip hop?
Stranger: ****in great. lil tipsy bout to go knock over some mailboxes.....u?
You: doin good, just workin on some tracks
Stranger: sounds like something a rabbit listens to
You: check out my myspace
Stranger: mirite?
You: http://www.myspace.com/hamiltonsmusic
Stranger: wuts myspace
Stranger: sounds pretty queer
You: damn that was a quick listen
Stranger: are u queer charles?
You: nah, i **** females
You: but if ure gay thats cool
You: as long as u dont try no **** on me
Stranger: i bet you are.....u like it up the ass a whole bunch....dont ya. Eh, Chuck?
Stranger: im all aboot the *****
You: u sure man?
You: i mean it sounds like ure compensating
Stranger: ill **** this ***** ill **** that ***** ill **** anything that moves
You: but guys move too...
Stranger: i dont know this word compensating
You: dont worry about it
Stranger: we are all pink on the inside
You: its true
You: we are
You: and God is a woman
Stranger: so hows ur boifriend?
Stranger: my mom she is a witch
You: told u homie, im straight
You: thats not nice
Stranger: do u like modest mouse, chuck?
You: yea man
You: i like all types of music
You: but my favorite band is incubus
You: people think its weird that i rap
You: yet i listen to incubus
Stranger: ?
You: u never heard of incubus?
Stranger: i just downloaded Science the other day...pretty good
Stranger: calgon is tha shiz
Stranger: me personally i love me some tres once!!!
You: great album
You: Make Yourself is my fave tho
You: but yo, listen to some of my tracks
You: tell me what u think
Stranger: its alright...lightgrenades is muh jam!!!!
Stranger: i lost teh linkage, bro
You: http://www.myspace.com/hamiltonsmusic
Stranger: can u get sick from drinking your own piss?
You: i dont think so
You: like i think it has some nutrients or some ****
You: thats a good question tho
You: i think im gonna make a song about that, real talk
You: thats my whole style, i rap about anything
You: like, u kno who Lacey Duvalle is?
Stranger: the pink lava lampo eh?
Stranger: fark yeah!
You: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8tLHoCvqocE
Stranger: wait...so ur a coon?
You: my favorite porn star and i made a song about her
You: haha, dog no need to pretend you're a racist
Stranger: thats cool...i guess
You: real racists are out killing black people, not pretending to be racists online
Stranger: muh bad, charles
You: its all good stranger
Stranger: u can see right through me
Stranger: i like u charles
You: thanks man
You: im tryin to get more fans
You: its hard tho
You: cuz im not a typical rapper
You: like i just rap about my experience
You: i dont do any of that drugs and guns type ****
Stranger: how so?
Stranger: like eminem?
Stranger: wait nv mnd
You: haha
You: eminem is dope tho
You: one of my inspirations
Stranger: drugs are pretty farkin awesome...why, just not too long ago i enhaled some comp duster... FAB U LUS!!!!
You: man, i'm a recovering addict
Stranger: u seem to really enjoi incubus
You: told u bro, my favorite band
Stranger: traffic, traffic, lookin for my chapstic, gettin kinda car sick, theres a ford maverick
Stranger: 311 is the SHIZ!!!!
Stranger: prolly gettin a 311 tattoo when muh tax return gets here
You: Creatures and Amber are my fave 311 songs
Stranger: WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Stranger: wait uve got to be kidding
You: nah man
You: i always get that reaction from diehard 311 fans
You: cuz those were there "sellout" songs
You: but i dont care about none of that
You: good music is good music
Stranger: those are the bathroom break songs son.....go get u some grassroots and transistor then tell me what ur fave songs are
Stranger: sell out songs...i dont think so
Stranger: just lost some of the magic songs
You: good point
You: so u into any hip hop?
Stranger: if they didnt over play the **** outta amber itd be alright
Stranger: Em...Luda...CRIME MOB!!!!
You: haha Crime Mob
You: knuck if you buck
You: thats my **** right there
Stranger: stiletto pumps in the club
Stranger: that **** was raw ass ****!!!\
You: we rockin stilettos ho, we rockin stilettos
Stranger: ****in 311 is tourin with Ziggy this summer....u gotta go to a show, yo
Stranger: lawl
You: maybe, but im hoping to reach a point where i can actually tour with those dudes
Stranger: so how did u here about this site?
Stranger: fark yeah
You: friend put me on
You: figured it would be a good way to network
You: im tryin to build up a fanbase
You: but i got a lot of haters man
You: especially regular hip hop fans
You: cant get past the fact that i dont fit the typical image
Stranger: i apologize for the fake racist comment charles...that wasnt cool of me...now that ive gotten to know a lil bit about ur swagger u seem like a real chil guy
You: its all good bro
You: its the internet, people joke around
Stranger: specially when theyre talkin to strangers, eh?
You: yea especially
You: nothin phazes me man
You: people talk **** about me on the internet all the time
You: i just brush that **** off
Stranger: yo, imme pickin up wut ur puttin down on ur rhymes!
You: def. man and tell ure friends about me
You: well im about bro, good talk
Stranger: ur brooklyn song intrigues me
You: haha, yeaaaa there really aint nothin like a brooklyn girl
Stranger: word.... keep it real man
You: peace

03-30-2009, 11:55 PM
You: hi
Stranger: Hey there
You: how did you find out about this site?
Stranger: GFAQS
Stranger: =)
You: o
You: what is this exactly?
Stranger: not sure, seems pretty pointless
You: lol
Stranger: i dont know u, vice versa
You: i found out from here
You: http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showthread.php?t=126445
You: where you from dude
Stranger: ahhh
Stranger: canada
You: same
You: where in canada
Stranger: where its stereotypically cold and we all live in igloos
Stranger: ontario
You: lol
You: im from toronto
Stranger: tDOT
You: scarborough
Stranger: oh shat
Stranger: oh shat
You: ?
Stranger: thats not THAT far away
Stranger: mississauga
You: thats pretty far lol
You: west end - east end
You: you in college?

Stranger: naw
Stranger: soon enough
You: aiggh
Stranger: i guess you are?
You: this is kinda pointless
You: no
You: soon too
You: september
You: george brown
Stranger: shat
You: where you going
Stranger: i still have grd 12 to go through :P
Stranger: humber
You: oo
Stranger: pro chef
Stranger: *****
You: yea
You: accounting
You: *****
You: =)
You: so this is kinda gay huh..
You: lol
Stranger: haha
Stranger: lol yes
Stranger: yes it is
Stranger: very gay
You: so your from sauga
Stranger: if gay as in, full of joy and fun filled
Stranger: then its very gay
Stranger: yes
You: what is life like there
Stranger: i guess the same as anything else in canada
Stranger: gets cold
Stranger: gets warm
You: oh
Stranger: cold again
You: we have wild bears here in scarborough
You: i had one going through my backyard the otha day
Stranger: we've got annoying fruit flies
Stranger: =D
You: fruit flies?
Stranger: yeah
Stranger: throw something in the garbage (food) they start flying on over
Stranger: freakin bastards
You: oo
Stranger: trying to play a game for example and they're all over the tv screen
You: yea those *****es
Stranger: but yeah, wild bears are cool
You: yea
You: did you know that here in scarborough
You: the drinking limit is 13?
Stranger: dam
Stranger: eh, drink anyways
You: we have a foot of snow right now
You: what about you
Stranger: none
Stranger: happy its gone
Stranger: i can wear a sweater outside
You: lol
You: ok
You: im gone
You: i thought this was gonna be interesting
You: =(
Stranger: lol nevr will be
You: peace
You: HOE
You: =P
Stranger: peace
Stranger: skank >.<


03-31-2009, 12:00 AM
LOL this **** is hilarious

03-31-2009, 12:07 AM
Connecting to server...

Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: yo
Stranger: Hey.
You: watsup
Stranger: Not much.
Stranger: Yourself?
You: im in pain and trying to get my mind off of it, what made you want to talk to a stranger
You: its kinda pathetic
Stranger: Same to you.
Stranger: My friend sent me the website.
You: which friend
Stranger: Turns out it's kind of stupid.
You: i doubt this friend exists
You: do you have cookies? i want cookies!
Stranger: Don't worry he does.
Stranger: I hate cookies
You: sware?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

03-31-2009, 12:11 AM
Stranger: hey
You: hi
You: hello
Stranger: whats up?
You: i can't see you why's the video screwed up?
You: do i need a flash player thingy?
Your conversational partner has disconnected

03-31-2009, 12:17 AM
Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi
You: hello
You: what is your name
Stranger: what the hell you doing
Stranger: my name is big pap
Stranger: papa
You: trying to find a little boy to talk to
You: and you
Stranger: a little boy
Stranger: are you some kinda sickoo!
You: yes are u under 15?
Stranger: lmaoo
Stranger: im just testin this site out
Stranger: i heard its fun
Stranger: lmao
You: i have candy
Stranger: lmaoo
You: u want to come over
Stranger: ok serious now
You: i have a xbox and a ps3
Stranger: youa dude?
You: yes
You: are you a boy
You: ?
Stranger: yep
You: how old are you
Stranger: how di i start a new chat ?
You: you cant
Stranger: you cant talk to people like that
You: we were matched up for a reason
Stranger: i will report you
You: u want to come to the park
Stranger: and they will find you
Stranger: and burn you
You: i have a nice bicycle we can ride
You: give me your address i want to send u some candy
Stranger: 1890 westchester new mexico
You: lol
You: are you serious?
You: im in Albuquerque
You: is your mommy home?
Stranger: yep
Stranger: yep
You: can u come out?
Stranger: nope
Stranger: burn !
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

03-31-2009, 12:18 AM
tranger: yo dawg
Stranger: what do you like?
You: i like everything
You: especially puppies

03-31-2009, 12:34 AM

So far I've convinced three guys I'm a Heat dancer.

One was a Kobe fan and I even got him to admit Wade is better then Kobe. Hahahaha.

03-31-2009, 12:37 AM
Stranger: wat
You: huh?
Stranger: ?
Stranger: basilmarket?
You: a little further down south
Stranger: inside my pants?
You: nah, that's area is too small and infected
You: i am a big city girl
Stranger: *****
Stranger: **** off
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

by far the most random shizzle i've done today...

03-31-2009, 12:39 AM
Stranger: Hello
You: ello
Stranger: How are you?
You: remember, ish = 1
Stranger: ?
You: insidehoops.com
You: visit it daily
Stranger: What is that?
You: don't worry about it. just visit it
You: daily
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
I was hoping for another isher. No luck...

03-31-2009, 12:44 AM
Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hi!
Stranger: hello
You: This is Jeff Stone from Duke University.
You: Could you please describe your last bowel movement?
You: For research purposes.
Stranger: haha]
You: Texture, length, width, odor, color
Stranger: theres some creeps on here today
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

No such luck for my research

i seen hippos
03-31-2009, 12:50 AM
I remember doing this on ICQ.....when I was still being ravaged by puberty.......a decade ago.

Some people never get their fill of 40 year old men named April.

hito da god
03-31-2009, 12:51 AM
here are two that i had

You: hey gurl!
You: <3
You: :)
Stranger: hi
You: a/s/l/pixs2r
Stranger: how'd you know i was a girl?
You: i just know these things

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: the last few people sucked
You: well ur in luck
You: cuz i blow
Stranger: im quickly becoming disenchanted with this service
You: ur right
You: we should write a ****ing letter to the people in charge
You: we need to take action
You: and demand a higher quality stranger to chat with
You: instead of these peons
Stranger: indeed
You: they should make a qualifications test
You: and place those who score alike accordingly
You: this is a travesty
Stranger: im clearly superior to people ive never met. they should put more effort into impressing me
You: that u are
You: u radiate brilliance
You: i love ur tone of font
You: <3
Stranger: finally the respect ive always demanded, but never earned
You: i can respect u better than anybody else
You: baby
Stranger: a little creepy, but ive never minded a little sexual undertone with my flattery
You: neither do all great men
Stranger: now if i could only get my students to talk to me like that
You: with a lil bj on the side
You: nothing better than a bj from a young student
You: wouldn't u agree
Stranger: no, i would not sir
Stranger: what do you take me for?
You: so ur students give bad bjs?
Stranger: terrible
You: so why don't u ask for a transfer
You: i had a class of students who gave bad bjs once
You: i asked for a transfer ASAP
Stranger: i can't transfer sadly
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

03-31-2009, 12:51 AM
I remember doing this on ICQ.....when I was still being ravaged by puberty.......a decade ago.

Some people never get their fill of 40 year old men named April.

It's a tad to easy to make them believe anything.

I mean 3 guys believing I'm a Heat dancer...

i seen hippos
03-31-2009, 12:52 AM
It's a tad to easy to make them believe anything.

I mean 3 guys believing I'm a Heat dancer...

Hello, April.

03-31-2009, 12:56 AM
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hey
You: sex?
Stranger: m
You: ASL?!?!1/!?
Stranger: 21/m/mi
Stranger: u?
You: 16/f/cali
You: (no chris hansen)
Stranger: lol
Stranger: are you sure?
You: no
Stranger: o well
Stranger: that guy is a puss anyway
You: **** you man, I'm not a puss
Stranger: lol
Stranger: haha
You: I'll ****ing take you to jail brah
Stranger: nice

03-31-2009, 12:59 AM
Hello, April.

I'm gettin all hot and bothered...

03-31-2009, 01:02 AM
stranger hates me :banghead:

03-31-2009, 01:04 AM
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hey
You: sex?
Stranger: m
You: ASL?!?!1/!?
Stranger: 21/m/mi
Stranger: u?
You: 16/f/cali
You: (no chris hansen)
Stranger: lol
Stranger: are you sure?
You: no
Stranger: o well
Stranger: that guy is a puss anyway
You: **** you man, I'm not a puss
Stranger: lol
Stranger: haha
You: I'll ****ing take you to jail brah
Stranger: nice
:oldlol: nice

03-31-2009, 01:04 AM
part 1

Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: Word
You: wattup
Stranger: Not to much
You: how'd u find out about this?
Stranger: Kicking back, stuffing this ****ty 512 mb, Mp3 player with songs
You: nice
Stranger: yea, how about you?
You: just chillin, killing time on the internet
Stranger: Do you know what is great about twenty eight yr olds?
You: wat?
Stranger: Theres twenty of them
Stranger: xD
You: haha, clever
Stranger: How do you make a tissue dance?
You: how?
Stranger: Put a lil boogie in it
You: lol, alrite i got one
You: wat do u call a black guy who flies a plane?
Stranger: what
You: a pilot you racist
Stranger: lol
Stranger: Nice
You: i have my moments
Stranger: O< o
Stranger: I like your moments
Stranger: They come at the right time
You: lol, u a guy or a girl?
Stranger: O-o wouldnt that break the code of this Website
Stranger: Wait is there a code
You: nah, im not here to meet women
You: lol just curious
Stranger: o-o dont tell anyone
Stranger: but Im... Im a man O_O
Stranger: *gasp*
You: *faints*
You: seriously tho
Stranger: No but rly, yea im a dude
Stranger: totally
You: any dude who would go on here to meet girls
You: is a loser who cant get any in real life
Stranger: Of all sites....
Stranger: yea I agree
Stranger: But then again
Stranger: I wish....
Stranger: lol
You: hahaha
Stranger: Nah man Im in this mess
Stranger: Sort of a Love Pentagon
Stranger: Of some sort
You: forreal?
You: explain

03-31-2009, 01:05 AM
tranger: yo dawg
Stranger: what do you like?
You: i like everything
You: especially puppies


03-31-2009, 01:05 AM
part 2
Stranger: yea...
Stranger: Ok
Stranger: I (a) Like this girl I met in school, (b) she turned out to be a lesbian but we're best friends now, Well she met my other friend (c) through my friend (d)
Stranger: Well the lesbian(b) turned my friend(c) Bi
Stranger: The Bi(C) secretly wants to **** me, and my friend (d) has a girl friend but wants to **** my bi friend (c)
Stranger: And now I want to **** my lesbian friend (b) and my bi friend (c) and her sister (e)
Stranger: x. x
You: lol
You: that story is so absurd
Stranger: If you caught that
Stranger: You're a God
You: that it just might be true
Stranger: It is true
Stranger: I swear
You: hold on, i need to reread it again
Stranger: I had platonic cuddling with the hot bi's sister
Stranger: I can send you a myspace link on a total non creep stuff
You: lol nah its cool, i believe u
Stranger: Platonic, cuddling, wow Im a loser
Stranger: O-o
Stranger: and now, the Bi one wants to have a platonic shower with me...
Stranger: what do I do?
Stranger: Do I bail!?
You: nahhhh
You: i mean think of it this way
Stranger: The thing is, these are the first real friends I've made in a long time
Stranger: Like all of them are my only friends
Stranger: Im thinking Blue pill all three girls in one night and have my way
You: u have 5 chances
Stranger: or is it red pill?
Stranger: 5 chances....
You: to get with at least one of them
Stranger: Damn
You: wait its 5 girls right?
You: or did i read it wrong...
Stranger: No
Stranger: One guy in the mix
Stranger: Wants to **** the Bi girl
Stranger: but he has a girlfriend
Stranger: So he has no chances with her
Stranger: The last twist was that
Stranger: The lesbians friend who is a lesbian, well really a Pansexual with a love for women
Stranger: Wants to do me
Stranger: o,o
You: oh, then go for it
Stranger: The craziest thing is, only 4 months ago I became a Celibate
You: i mean is she a butch lesbo?
Stranger: and now ***** is everywhere
Stranger: Noo Tiny Asian Lesbian
You: awww, terrible timing
You: daaaamn
You: thats a **** my life moment
Stranger: The other Puerto Rican Lesbian with a small frame and wide hipes
Stranger: Total Vegetarian with a love for sweets

i seen hippos
03-31-2009, 01:05 AM
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hey
You: sex?
Stranger: m
You: ASL?!?!1/!?
Stranger: 21/m/mi
Stranger: u?
You: 16/f/cali
You: (no chris hansen)
Stranger: lol
Stranger: are you sure?
You: no
Stranger: o well
Stranger: that guy is a puss anyway
You: **** you man, I'm not a puss
Stranger: lol
Stranger: haha
You: I'll ****ing take you to jail brah
Stranger: nice

You told a gay guy you'll take him to jail......good luck with THAT midnight butt exploritory.

03-31-2009, 01:06 AM
part 3
You: why'd u become celibate?
Stranger: hips*
Stranger: Emotional damage during teenage yrs...but Uhmmm
Stranger: yea Im healed
Stranger: O-o
Stranger: lol
You: haha
You: i'd say go for it
Stranger: I just wanted to stop thinking about it so much but now that Im celibate
Stranger: They treat me like one of the females, but they wanna **** me
Stranger: They take their pants off in front of me
Stranger: I hate myself right now....
Stranger: Damn Moral Fibers!
You: lolol
Stranger: Platonic shower is this or next friday.
You: i mean, u can just have sex with no strings attached
You: since their lesbians
Stranger: I wish i could but I have morals......damn my morals.....
Stranger: I'd hate myself...My dick would love me but I'd hate myself.
You: haha well then
Stranger: I know, I had to vent. it's been killing me
You: looks like your hand is ure best friend for awhile
Stranger: How about you
You: well
Stranger: Nah not even....
Stranger: Im with them all the time
Stranger: I never get anytime to it anymore....
Stranger: @. @
Stranger: How about u
Stranger: anything crazy?
Stranger: or am I the only one messed up
You: kind of
Stranger: explain
Stranger: Im here for you
You: well im in london
You: abroad
Stranger: Nice
You: and this new girl just moved into the hall that im in
You: and she looks good
You: so we started talkin a little
Stranger: hmmm
You: found out shes in a semi-relationship
Stranger: go on
Stranger: **** those
You: but shes not that serious about it
You: yea
You: so im thinking that i should make some type of move
You: but im hesitant
You: so one night
Stranger: Ask her our
Stranger: DO IT
Stranger: Dont Be Me in seven yrs
You: nah shes not looking for a relationship, which is weird since shes in a semi one
You: but anyway
Stranger: hmm
Stranger: I always love women like that
You: one night im workin on a paper due the next day
You: she asks me if i wanna go to this club with her
You: i say that i cant like a good little student
Stranger: hmmm
You: so around 4 in the morning im workin on the paper
You: and i hear some sounds
You: i go outside my room to see what it is
Stranger: oh noooo
Stranger: OxO
You: and i think u kno whats next
You: yea, some dude was ****in the **** out of her
Stranger: Two pitbulls just happened to be ****ing in the hallway
Stranger: In the hallway?
You: hahahahaha
You: nah in her room
You: but she was so loud
Stranger: In her dorm
You: that the whole hall could hear it
Stranger: Daaaaaaamniiitttttt!
You: lol
Stranger: I honestly think your situation....
Stranger: Just took a poop on mine
Stranger: @. @
You: sooo the next day it was all awkward
Stranger: Except that...
Stranger: ooo
Stranger: theres more
You: she was just like "yea sorry for the noise" all embarassed and ****
You: and now its like, it feels weird trying to make a move
Stranger: Wow, worse line a woman can say
You: lol yea
Stranger: I see you have morals also
Stranger: God bless your soul
You: eh, to a certain extent
You: i mean
Stranger: Hmmm
Stranger: Well then
Stranger: The next time she says
Stranger: Sry for being loud
Stranger: Say you werent that loud
Stranger: I can make you scream louder

03-31-2009, 01:07 AM
part 4
You: hahaha
You: im walking a thin line at the moment
You: toward the friend zone
Stranger: I have nothing to lose in life anymore
Stranger: I hate thin lines
Stranger: Why dont they just dissapear
You: and once i go there, theres no escaping
Stranger: Look, nakedness always changes the whole friend thing
Stranger: Thats why,
You: true
Stranger: Im sadly going to have to make my platonic shower
Stranger: a full blown sex shower
Stranger: O,o
You: lmao
Stranger: Dont laugh at me
Stranger: but....
Stranger: Im a V and the bi girl wants my V card
Stranger: o-o
Stranger: I said dont laug, compose yourself man
You: im guessing your a V by choice?
Stranger: laugh*
You: lol nah its cool man, i dont judge
Stranger: Uhmm ..... I dont know actually
Stranger: I had the chances before,
Stranger: naked girl, bent forward in front of me
Stranger: I was dating her for a year
Stranger: But I didnt love her
Stranger: so I said no....
Stranger: Do I regret it, ....
Stranger: no..
Stranger: oddly..
You: people will clown u
You: but that takes a lot of strength
Stranger: Yea, I know........
You: me personally
Stranger: I clown myself alot but....
Stranger: Im happier this way
You: my parents are diehard christians
You: always told me to wait
You: but i just couldnt do it man
Stranger: My Mother is a diehard my father wasnt, he was a drunk,
Stranger: He was killed back when I was 13...
Stranger: I think to myself sometimes...
You: damn, thats rough bro
Stranger: Why dont i just get it out of the way...
Stranger: yea, it's America though, Philadlephia aint a nice place
Stranger: People die here alot.
You: u from Philly?
Stranger: Yep
Stranger: Home of Will Smith
Stranger: lol
You: i go to Penn
Stranger: Nice
You: yea, west philly
You: kinda rough
Stranger: I want to kiss my bi friend
Stranger: and see how it feels
Stranger: just out of nowhere
Stranger: and see if she gets pissed or if she likes it
You: thing is
Stranger: I want to start taking risks
Stranger: and lose it all or gain it big
You: if ure serious about the celibacy thing
Stranger: I am
Stranger: I hate myself
You: hangining around these fine females
Stranger: ;. ;
You: aint gonna help
Stranger: It aint
Stranger: but they're not interested in me
Stranger: They just joking wanna **** me
Stranger: which bothers me
Stranger: and yet
Stranger: Keeps me coming back for those jokes
Stranger: and she drinks
Stranger: and she gets flirty when she drinks
Stranger: Not just flirty, grabby
You: lol, damn
Stranger: O-o just gotta get the lesbian out of the way
Stranger: lol
Stranger: Whose my best friend
Stranger: Haha, Look, I've laughed and cried about this
You: thats rough man
Stranger: I am so good at giving advice, I do it al the time
Stranger: and I never steer people wrong
Stranger: and for this situation my advice is to back away from it all....
Stranger: only problem is, that Im lonely
You: so what exactly are u waiting for?
You: love?
Stranger: I dont have any other friends
You: marriage?
Stranger: Exceopt the lesbian, who wants to do me also.... x. x
You: before u have sex i mean
Stranger: Marriage....
Stranger: *sigh*
Stranger: Marriage
Stranger: Or
Stranger: yea marriage
Stranger: x. x
Stranger: Im too classical....
You: i mean
Stranger: I hate it...
You: u can always take one of the lesbos to vegas
Stranger: I dont want to make love to a woman and lose her somehow
You: sorry, bad joke
Stranger: lol
Stranger: Actually the Bi girl wanted to go to Vegas OxO
Stranger: Like on some serious
You: uh ohhhh
You: u need to tell all of them
Stranger: She has a blind daughter that, Damnit, I love
You: ure situation
Stranger: o-o
You: and to stop putting u in compromising positions
Stranger: Nah I have strong will power
You: everyone says that
Stranger: I said no to spread Eagel italian
Stranger: with a fat ass
You: but theres only so much a man can take
Stranger: Eagle*
You: our ***** have a mind of their own lol
Stranger: I know, they do, minds been cursing me off like crazy
Stranger: Like COME ON MAN!
Stranger: But my heart and head are to strong
Stranger: My dad wasnt a faithful man to my mom
Stranger: and that in turn made me, a helpless romantic
Stranger: I cant help but be monogamous
Stranger: Unless Im stuck on a island
You: yea
Stranger: and there are no other guys around
You: alright, what if u find a girl
Stranger: and 4 women
You: that u genuinely love
Stranger: We have to survive
Stranger: Go on
Stranger: Dont stop there
Stranger: O_o
Stranger: This is sounding good
You: would u still wait for the marriage?
You: before the sex?
Stranger: does oral count?
You: errr, nahhhh
You: lol
Stranger: Cause yea, I'l wait....
Stranger: Yes! ur awesome
Stranger: Im getting a BJ!
Stranger: lol
Stranger: Nah I cant do it
You: hahahaha
Stranger: I cant have sex outside of marriage, just because I want her to be mine
Stranger: and I hers
Stranger: I stay healthy so my future wife can appreciate me
You: u got conviction bro, def. respect that
Stranger: I want a best friend....
Stranger: I became good friends with the lesbian before I caught feelings
Stranger: when i caught feelings I was messed up for ab out a month
You: thats always how it starts
Stranger: now Im a lil better after alot of prayer..its the only thing I could do
Stranger: but.....
Stranger: I really need a best friend
Stranger: that I can ****
Stranger: O_O
You: hahahaha
Stranger: and i saw the stupid movie I Love YoU, Man
Stranger: and it made me want a best friend more
Stranger: Im so pissed about it
Stranger: @. @
You: me honestly, i put it in 3 categories
You: theres sex
You: theres ****in
You: and then theres making love
Stranger: I want the love one
You: ideally thats what every man wants
Stranger: Thats why I aint **** the Italian girl
You: most just dont want to admit it
Stranger: In her house...... ugh!
Stranger: x. x
You: well good luck to u bro
Stranger: She had a face of, Utter Awe
You: thats a real predicament
Stranger: When I said no
Stranger: lol
Stranger: So now...
Stranger: is this is
Stranger: Do we say good bye
Stranger: ;. ;
You: unfortunately
Stranger: You are an awesome person
You: you're awesome too
You: i think i have a man crush
Stranger: Thank you for listening
You: no problem at all
Stranger: totally
Stranger: peace! *sniff* i'll miss u
You: miss u man
You: *gives u an e-pound*
Stranger: Thank u
You: i dont do hugs, sorry bro
Stranger: *e-pounds back*
Stranger: its all good
You: peace man
Stranger: leave before i cry
Stranger: LoL
You: lol

lillil wayne
03-31-2009, 01:21 AM
Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hello
You: sup
Stranger: for schizzle my nizzle
You: if you ain't a girl, can you play the role?
You: lick-lick-lick-lick-lick my lollipop...shorty wanna thug?
Stranger: i don't have pubic hair yet.
Stranger: i think i need to reach puberty first
You: smooth...no bumps = perfect
You: is this perverted justice?
Stranger: ___________________░▒▓▓▓▓▒░_______________________ _________________________________
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▒▓▓▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▒▒▒▒▒▒▓▓▓▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ ▒▒▒▒▒ ▒▒▒▒▒▓▒__▓▓▓▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▓▓░_
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__________________________________________░▓▓▓▒▒▒▒ ▒▓▓▓▓▒▒▓▒▒_______________
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You: pb approved yes!
Stranger: and ip recorded. yes!
Your conversational partner has disconnected.


hito da god
03-31-2009, 01:40 AM
tranger: yo dawg
Stranger: what do you like?
You: i like everything
You: especially puppies

03-31-2009, 01:56 AM
im noity smart enough to make them funny enough to post

03-31-2009, 01:56 AM
Stranger: HI
You: hey
You: im not into any weird stuff
You: srsly
You: :)
You: you?
Stranger: i have two fingers in my ass right now
You: ah... i was afraid of that
You: male or female
You: ?
You: eeeewww... dont get the keyboard greasy
You: :P just playin
You: so... i like to have sex...
You: do you like to have sex?
Stranger: i'm a little bit of both
Stranger: and the keyboard is beyond ****ed up
You: lol, i bet
Stranger: i like sticking objects in my ass
You: like what?
Stranger: what do you got?
You: cucumber
You: highlighter
You: motherboard from a broken computer
Stranger: lol
Stranger: try shoving that up your ass
Stranger: see how you like it
Stranger: you sick ****
end convo

wait... im the sick one?

03-31-2009, 02:00 AM
whats with that bear ****? is that the logo for pedos? :rolleyes:

Kobe Jnr
03-31-2009, 02:11 AM
Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi
You: Give me your definition of love.
Stranger: sharing a soul
You: ******.
You have disconnected.

:roll: :roll:

bet u that person didnt see that coming.

03-31-2009, 02:11 AM
"Stranger: sup son
You: daddy!
Stranger: i knew this was where i'd find you
You: Mommy says my ***** is bigger than yours!
Stranger: mommy is a lying whore
Stranger: but this time she's right son
You: No she isn't, she doesn't get paid, whore's do
Stranger: well you turned out to be ****ing jerk just like your mother"

Kobe Jnr
03-31-2009, 02:15 AM
haha i was gonna start a chat, then i get a message sayin that ppl have complained abt me, and that if i get 1 one more complaint they will ban my ip address.

:roll: :roll:

03-31-2009, 02:16 AM
haha i was gonna start a chat, then i get a message sayin that ppl have complained abt me, and that if i get 1 one more complaint they will ban my ip address.

:roll: :roll:

how the hell do u complain about sum1

03-31-2009, 02:16 AM
well ive been going around looking for ISH'ers typing ISH=#1? i did it now and got


03-31-2009, 02:16 AM
Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: ish #1
You: hahaha
You: what's an ish?
Stranger: its a website
You: for what?
Stranger: basketball
You: i see i play soccer in norway
Stranger: are you good
You: real good, like a catz post
Stranger: YESSSSSS
Stranger: i found an isher
You: lol who's this
Stranger: maybe it's best we keep it a secret
Stranger: post this on the ISH thread and i'll respond
You: good deal
You: pervert
Stranger: i can't help myself

03-31-2009, 02:17 AM
well ive been going around looking for ISH'ers typing ISH=#1? i did it now and got



03-31-2009, 02:18 AM
Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: ish #1
You: hahaha
You: what's an ish?
Stranger: its a website
You: for what?
Stranger: basketball
You: i see i play soccer in norway
Stranger: are you good
You: real good, like a catz post
Stranger: YESSSSSS
Stranger: i found an isher
You: lol who's this
Stranger: maybe it's best we keep it a secret
Stranger: post this on the ISH thread and i'll respond
You: good deal
You: pervert
Stranger: i can't help myself
ive been trying to find one for a long time now.. lucky you

03-31-2009, 02:19 AM
ive been trying to find one for a long time now.. lucky youi nearly spit out my coffee laughing when i read "ish#1"

03-31-2009, 02:22 AM
i nearly spit out my coffee laughing when i read "ish#1"

03-31-2009, 02:24 AM
Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: ish #1
You: hahaha
You: what's an ish?
Stranger: its a website
You: for what?
Stranger: basketball
You: i see i play soccer in norway
Stranger: are you good
You: real good, like a catz post
Stranger: YESSSSSS
Stranger: i found an isher
You: lol who's this
Stranger: maybe it's best we keep it a secret
Stranger: post this on the ISH thread and i'll respond
You: good deal
You: pervert
Stranger: i can't help myself

Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: ish #1
Stranger: hahaha
Stranger: what's an ish?
You: its a website
Stranger: for what?
You: basketball
Stranger: i see i play soccer in norway
You: are you good
Stranger: real good, like a catz post
You: i found an isher
Stranger: lol who's this
You: maybe it's best we keep it a secret
You: post this on the ISH thread and i'll respond
Stranger: good deal
Stranger: pervert
You: i can't help myself

03-31-2009, 02:25 AM
If you guys mention insidehoops to other people, say insidehoops or insidehoops.com, not ish

So they know what the hell you're talking about!

03-31-2009, 02:26 AM
Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: girl?
Stranger: Yawp
You: nice
Stranger: Uh huh .
You: so how big is your *****
Stranger: hows life ?
Stranger: O_O
You: good
Stranger: ur very smart
Stranger: o.o
Your conversational partner has disconnected.haha

03-31-2009, 02:27 AM
Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: ish #1
Stranger: hahaha
Stranger: what's an ish?
You: its a website
Stranger: for what?
You: basketball
Stranger: i see i play soccer in norway
You: are you good
Stranger: real good, like a catz post
You: i found an isher
Stranger: lol who's this
You: maybe it's best we keep it a secret
You: post this on the ISH thread and i'll respond
Stranger: good deal
Stranger: pervert
You: i can't help myself

aha it was you...lol

03-31-2009, 02:27 AM
If you guys mention insidehoops to other people, say insidehoops or insidehoops.com, not ish

So they know what the hell you're talking about!
will we get paid for promotion?

03-31-2009, 02:27 AM
You: Hi gts, hayden695, qrich, blasian or other ISHer.
Stranger: ish=#1
Stranger: WHOAH

:roll: :oldlol: :lol :roll: :oldlol: :lol :roll: :oldlol: :lol :oldlol:

03-31-2009, 02:28 AM
aha it was you...lol

I burst out laughing pretty good too when I read the catz comment haha

03-31-2009, 02:30 AM
Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi
You: hiya
Stranger: give me your name and address right now
You: 1220 west addison. chicago, ill.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

03-31-2009, 02:31 AM
Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi
You: hiya
Stranger: give me your name and address right now
You: 1220 west addison. chicago, ill.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

03-31-2009, 02:32 AM
I burst out laughing pretty good too when I read the catz comment hahai thought that would get whoever it was...lol

:roll:i think that's the address for wrigley field if i remember correctly...lol

03-31-2009, 02:32 AM
Man, only one isher so far. :rant

03-31-2009, 02:32 AM
i thought that would get whoever it was...lol

gts, how are you going to feel when you look on Newspaper, and random dude/dudette from Windy City gets brutally mauled?

03-31-2009, 02:33 AM
Man, only one isher so far. :rant
The odds are pretty low, but I found you in only like 10 tries.

Kobe Jnr
03-31-2009, 02:33 AM
Man, only one isher so far. :rant

well im tryin.

gettin some random stuff

03-31-2009, 02:34 AM
The odds are pretty low, but I found you in only like 10 tries.

I keep getting asked if I'm from b9....:wtf:

I tried to argue with one about ISH being better, but he left :mad:

03-31-2009, 02:34 AM
That shyt is weird.

I actually talked to this random person about the State of Iowa for about ten minutes. :confusedshrug:

03-31-2009, 02:36 AM
That shyt is weird.

I actually talked to this random person about the State of Iowa for about ten minutes. :confusedshrug:

I talked to a Lakers fan for 10 minutes. He was pretty cool.

03-31-2009, 02:36 AM
I keep bitchin' out. :confusedshrug:

03-31-2009, 02:36 AM
Stranger: i am not human
You: you are still my friend
You: you = t1000?
Stranger: me = macbook
You: if thats true, what am i *********ing to right now in my other window
Your conversational partner has disconnected.


03-31-2009, 02:36 AM
I found gts on my second try.

03-31-2009, 02:37 AM
Found another one.

03-31-2009, 02:39 AM
The creator of this thing is only 18 years old. Wow.

03-31-2009, 02:39 AM
i cant find anybody!!!


U got Served
03-31-2009, 02:41 AM
InsideHoops 4 Life!

03-31-2009, 02:42 AM
Lol, I love it when people try internet sex:

You: Hi! ISH no.1, gts, PB, GOBB, J$, LP, catz
Stranger: im hot sticky sweet
You: nice
Stranger: from my head down to my feet
Stranger: pour some suga on me
You: and I'm underage!
Stranger: in the name of love

found Randy!

03-31-2009, 02:43 AM
gts, how are you going to feel when you look on Newspaper, and random dude/dudette from Windy City gets brutally mauled?two different conversations.. lol

i have no idea who the clown was who asked for an addy... if they want to go tromping around wrigley field more power to em...

the other conversation with the "catz" ref was Chamberlain

03-31-2009, 02:43 AM
Whoever finds me gets a rep.

U got Served
03-31-2009, 02:44 AM
Found another one.

ha ha I found you!

03-31-2009, 02:45 AM
You: http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showthread.php?t=126445
Stranger: u like ball
You: yes
Stranger: yea i got linked here froma forumtoo
You: which
Stranger: niketalk
You: ah
You: ish is superior.
Stranger: we are doiing the smae thing
You: u should join ISH.
Stranger: niketalk is better though
Stranger: it has a lot of variety
You: we have a handsome man.
Stranger: sports forum, music forum, genreral forum
You: a conspiracy theorist
You: a couple of nutcases.
You: and the infamous catz.
Stranger: ill peep
You: aight


03-31-2009, 02:47 AM
You: catz is cool but if he was a girl he'd the one that gets drunk and shows her cooter to everyone then pees on the bushes and falls over
Stranger: but for some reason I can see primetime doing the same

03-31-2009, 02:50 AM
Who else is running up on fools from NikeTalk?

03-31-2009, 02:51 AM
Who else is running up on fools from NikeTalk?

All I get is NikeTalk and B9 :ohwell:

03-31-2009, 02:52 AM
Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: nike
You: ish
Stranger: talks
You: insidehoops
Stranger: niketalk
Stranger: niketalk
You: insidehoops
You: insidehoops
Stranger: insidehoops is weak
Stranger: ISS
You: your moms weak

classic 13 year old humor

03-31-2009, 02:57 AM
You: I like baking oatmeal raisin cookies.
Stranger: oh yum
Stranger: i like eating them
Stranger: hook a brotha up?
You: sure
Stranger: excellent
Stranger: so, where do you live?
Stranger: i mean should i come pick them up now
Stranger: or are you gonna mail them?
Stranger: or what?
You: i can fedex them joints
Stranger: excellent
You: ima call you monty burns cuz u say excellent a lot
Stranger: excellent
Stranger: i can't believe my cover was blown so easily though >_<
You: can i be your waylon smithers?
Stranger: depends, do you like ****?
You: only ****
Stranger: recieving, not giving that is
You: call me jerry rice
Stranger: well, oral too... sometimes i need a bit of refreshment in the elevator
You: of course
Stranger: and can you keep track of all of the peons that work for me?
Stranger: i know there's one fellow who can be a bit of trouble
You: like a revenge list?
Stranger: sampson, or griffen
Stranger: something like that
Stranger: well of course, one of those too
Stranger: this is more of a venge list i am talking about though
Stranger: we'll get to the revenge later
You: gotcha
Stranger: anyhow, show up at the office on monday in assless chaps, and you have the job
Stranger: i'm in springfield

03-31-2009, 03:00 AM
You: InsideHoops #1
Stranger: PEDOPHILE!

03-31-2009, 03:00 AM
Found a guy from Realgm. Damn he's silly, he thinks that Realgm > ISH.

03-31-2009, 03:00 AM

Haha, I'm infamous!

03-31-2009, 03:02 AM
Haha, I'm infamous!

:oldlol: I'ma laugh if that dude actually checked the forum out and looked for you

03-31-2009, 03:04 AM
Stranger: hey there
You: hey
Stranger: you like radiohead?
Stranger: hm
You: no i like minnie riperton
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

03-31-2009, 03:04 AM
:oldlol: I'ma laugh if that dude actually checked the forum out and looked for you
I hope he does.

Rac pt 2

03-31-2009, 03:05 AM
Stranger: ish=#1
You: i concur
You: nothing tops the "thread that was supposed to be cribs"
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Who disconnected on me? :cry:

03-31-2009, 03:05 AM


03-31-2009, 03:12 AM
You: ish=#1
Stranger: ish does not equal #1
You: yes, ish=#1
Stranger: You sure, because my figures say it doesn't
You: ish=#1
Stranger: oh hold on now...
Stranger: carry the 2...
You: yes, ish=#1
Stranger: ****, I'm sorry. ish=#1
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

03-31-2009, 03:24 AM
FALLGUY :roll:

U got Served
03-31-2009, 03:24 AM
Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: InsideHoops
Stranger: ok
Stranger: sounds lovely
You: what's your username
Stranger: random stranger
Stranger: ?
You: hey I have an idea....why dont you go to this website www.........
Stranger: go on
You: www.gogetlaid.com
Stranger: hmm sounds awesome
Stranger: ill check it out
Stranger: now wat
You: click the "Get Laid" big red button
Stranger: i sense a trap
You: I sense sex
Stranger: same thing
You: so did you click it?
Stranger: yeah i did
You: so....are you?
Stranger: fffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu uuu
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
or send us feedback.

It gets boring after a while.......

I just noticed the website really exists...LOL

03-31-2009, 03:25 AM


03-31-2009, 03:27 AM
I kept getting the same people over and over again. Even opened up 2 windows and got myself once. :roll:

Thank god I found Fallguy20 or I would have spent all night trying to find a ISHer.

03-31-2009, 03:30 AM
:applause: :applause: :applause:

now i can sleep well

btw, i found you, not the other way around.

03-31-2009, 03:33 AM
Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: tell me something about you that no one else knows.
You: Hi!
You: Okay! Let me hear it!
Stranger: no i was asking you to tell me
You: Oh sorry
You: Ummm....
You: Let me think, this is a hard question
Stranger: its ok, youre anonymous, your secret is safe wth me
You: One time, when I was having sex with my girlfriend, I suddenly could not stop thinking about her sister :O
Stranger: is her sister more attractive?
You: She was when she was alive.
You: Then, I called my girlfriend by her sisters name, and she starter to cry.
You: But, I didn't stop. In fact, her crying got me even more turned on and I came inside of her and I didn't use a condom.
Stranger: did she ever mention it after?
You: She broke up with me :(
You: I told everyone she cheated on me and I dumped her because I was embarassed
Stranger: thats all kind of awful
You: Yea, it was a sad week
You: Now you tell me something about you that no one else knows :)
Stranger: do you feel bad about it all though?
You: Yes
You: I've cried over it many times
Stranger: i guess that makes sense, it sounded horrible
You: Yes, it was. I'm anxious to here your story...
Stranger: ok
Stranger: well im a female and ever since i was 8 or 10, ive been convinced that almost all of the men i meet intend to hurt me physically and mentally
Stranger: why did you say that
You: Say what?
Stranger: i dont appreciate that
You: ?
Stranger: dont play stupid
Stranger: **** you, you sound like a horrible person.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

I thought we hit it off, then she got all bitchy :confusedshrug:

03-31-2009, 03:37 AM
[QUOTE]You: sup
Stranger: el

03-31-2009, 03:38 AM
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: be bwanna baby to the banana patch?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

03-31-2009, 03:39 AM
Who disconnected on me? :cry:
lol i think that was me again

03-31-2009, 03:52 AM
lol... vapid?

03-31-2009, 03:56 AM

U got Served
03-31-2009, 03:58 AM

I didnt know you spoke Spanish. Cool.

03-31-2009, 04:00 AM


03-31-2009, 04:01 AM

niketalk has us outnumbered.. :(

03-31-2009, 04:01 AM
I didnt know you spoke Spanish. Cool.

Native Speaker bro. Spanish was my first language followed by English.

03-31-2009, 04:02 AM
This is too funny, dude. :roll: Check this one out

Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Hey stranger
You: What's going on in life?!
Stranger: hey you
Stranger: not much, ive got a cravin but cant point it out
Stranger: how your life?!
You: White Castles! It's always White Castles
You: Wonderful. Bored out of my mind, thus here I am
Stranger: i know man! but its too far!!
You: Ever heard of chicks with *****?
You: Crazy shit
You: I'd hit it though
Stranger: its actually quite a good site, omegle is
Stranger: yea, did you ever play a game in newground called piko?
Stranger: thats the first time i heard of it
Stranger: really, a ladyboy?
You: Piko? Hell yeah, I piko my dog and throw that bitch when it barks so loud
You: A/S/L
Stranger: lol!!!
Stranger: 23/m/mex
Stranger: you?
You: 69/male/BigJohnsonsville
Stranger: and they say theres girls on the internet
Stranger: BULL****!
You: Girls? Dude
You: Check out some hardcore midget porn
You: always fun!
You: Their faces, I'm telling you. It just remind me of funnel cake
Stranger: hahaha thanks for the tip, i might just do that....but where does one find such a treat?
You: Carnivals? **** if I know
Stranger: so, whats worse than a worm in your apple?
You: Prison rape?
Stranger: exactly!
You: I knew it.
You: It's always prison rape.
Stranger: your an intelligent man mr. bigjohnsonville
Stranger: gotta run
You: Don't run
You: Walk
Stranger: its been wonderful talking to you
You: YAY!
Stranger: dont worry i dont have scissors in my hand
You: I'm so ****ing special now
Stranger: i knew that since the moment you said my name
You: Now we're getting somewhere
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

U got Served
03-31-2009, 04:05 AM
Native Speaker bro. Spanish was my first language followed by English.

Spanish is my native language too. I was :roll: at what you were saying to that guy in your conversation.

03-31-2009, 04:22 AM
You: log onto insidehoops.com and seek advice

:pimp: :pimp:

03-31-2009, 04:23 AM
:pimp: :pimp:

03-31-2009, 04:27 AM
Just got connected with U got Served. Hahahaha.

U got Served
03-31-2009, 04:30 AM
Just got connected with U got Served. Hahahaha.

:pimp: :pimp: We takin' over

Kobe Jnr
03-31-2009, 04:34 AM


03-31-2009, 05:05 AM
Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hi
Stranger: Hello
You: name's Bruce
Stranger: well hello bruce
Stranger: guess what
You: what?
_______\___.__C____)_.you just_(_(____>__|__/
You: damn
You: that was pretty ****ed up
You: but ive seen worse
You: i've had a ****ed up life
Stranger: yeah im sorry man
You: when i was a kid
Stranger: ever killed 2 stones with 1 jew?
You: my parents were murdered in front of me
Stranger: fraps it?
You: no
You: anyway
You: after they were killed
Stranger: k go on
You: i was raised by my Butler
Stranger: "fap fap fap"
You: but i still felt alone
You: my loneliness turned to anger
You: and i vowed that i'd have my revenge
You: so i trained
You: my body and mind
You: and studied the criminal underworld
Stranger: inb4 i get trolled.
You: and i learned to turn my fear
You: against those who preyed on the fearful
You: what im trying to tell you is that...
You: I'm Batman
You: but dont tell anyone
You: You must be the riddler
You: I'm taking you down
Stranger: oh shi-\
You: Be afraid
Stranger: i gotta get outa here!
You: I'm right behind you...
You: You cant escape me
You: I'm the goddamned batman
Stranger: well **** you batman! youll never find me im behind over 9000 proxies!
You: i forgot to mention that I'm rich
You: and I have the technology
You: to do anything
Stranger: cept turn your head.
You: not true
You: i upgraded my mask
You: i know your plan
Stranger: and if you had the technology WHY DID YOU RESCUE THE WROUNG PERSON!
Stranger: i bet you do.
Stranger: its simple
You: you plan on conquering omegle with pictures of male genitalia
Stranger: i just have to KIll the batman.
You: but your homosexual schemes will not phase me
Stranger: you know how i got these scares?
You: from suckin my dick?
You: hah, you just got pwned noob
You: I'm the goddamned batman
Stranger: your like ****ing rick james...
You: what did the five articulate fingers say to the face?
You: oh btw Riddler
You: your ***** is with me
You: I told her to show me her ******s
You: she did
Stranger: so you let her GTFO?
You: and i gave those ******s 4 thumbs down
Stranger: ( . Y . )
You: because I'm the goddamned Batman
You: and thats how I roll
You: You mad?
You: Step your game up Riddler
You: The Batmobile gets all the *****es
You: You mad?
You: Yeah, you mad
Stranger: **** yeah im mad i just got batmaned by the goddamn batman
You: it happens to everyone
You: the fact is
Stranger: i just want you to know
Stranger: this chat made my night
Stranger: thanks braw
Stranger: :D
You: indeed
You: Gotta go
Stranger: same
Stranger: 2am
You: Penguin is tearing **** up
You: remember Riddler
You: I'm watching you...
You have disconnected.

03-31-2009, 05:07 AM
:pimp: :pimp: We takin' over

true, we are

Fallguy20 Found: Statman, vapid, Darj, Served

remember that ISH=#1 BABY!!!

We just done some serious pimpin for you and your forum...
Like you wouldnt believe.


U got Served
03-31-2009, 05:10 AM
true, we are

Fallguy20 Found: Statman, vapid, Darj, Served

remember that ISH=#1 BABY!!!

We just done some serious pimpin for you and your forum...
Like you wouldnt believe.


Found Undisputed, Fallguy20, and Vapid.

ISH # 1 :rockon:

03-31-2009, 05:14 AM
i found one isher, called him a f@ggot

03-31-2009, 05:17 AM
i found one isher, called him a f@ggot
lol.. and i found answer323 apparently

03-31-2009, 05:23 AM
statman32 found me

and i just ended like a 30 minute convo with someone lmao. im never going to that site again such a time waster

03-31-2009, 05:27 AM
I hate whoever brought this site up

03-31-2009, 07:13 AM
haha i actually found out about that site from another forum. ended up having a conversation with some chick from dallas for like an hour. just about everything we talked about was sex related. she claims she is a 23 yr old virgin. she gave me her pic too. maybe some of you dallas boys know her. maybe that was actually one of yall. god i hope not. i wouldn't be surprised one bit if it was.


03-31-2009, 07:29 AM
a weird conversation i had with some dude obsessed with will smith..
i had him call pizza pizza and my school.. and he actually did.. what a craze..

[QUOTE]Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: my name is carlton banks
Stranger: Holy ****
Stranger: Is that you Carlton?
You: yes will
Stranger: Man
You: let's dance!
Stranger: How's have been going
Stranger: Dance we shall!
You: its okay..
Stranger: <dancing>
Stranger: You know what Carl
You: i saw geofreey the other day
Stranger: When we were acting together
Stranger: I made 1,2 million per episode, while you made 0,5 million
Stranger: Can you believe that!?
You: he was at the holiday inn with sister ASHLEY!!
Stranger: To be honest
You: this is weird huh
Stranger: I had some fun with Ashley on the set
Stranger: Right before christmas special
Stranger: Holla!
You: word
You: so
You: why you pretending to be will smith?
You: =)
Stranger: Ok let's be honest here
You: ok
Stranger: You know that I'm will smith
You: lol
You: no i dont
You: whats your sons name
Stranger: N

Stranger: Yo, Will Jr come to say hi to Carlton Banks daymm!
You: lol
You: your weird man
You: whats with the will smith obsession
You: creepo
You: im telling mommy!
Stranger: Oh, you're telling your mommy that you're speaking with the Will ****ing Smith?
Stranger: I think she would love to speak with me balling

03-31-2009, 08:33 AM
Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hey sexy
You: ish#1
Stranger: The Federal Bureau of Investigation has logged a record of this chat along with the IP addresses of the participants due to potential violations of U.S. law. Reference no. 2334453436. Your IP address has been entered into our suspect database and may be sent to Child Protective Services. Please wait while memory ref. code 90637895 is entered into the database. You have now been registered as a PEDO BEAR
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
or send us feedback.


03-31-2009, 09:35 AM
here are two that i had


03-31-2009, 10:42 AM
You: eeyy
Stranger: Hello, how hangs the hammer?
You: 6 footers dont hang they drag
Stranger: watch out for gravel
Stranger: must be a *****

Kebab Stall
03-31-2009, 10:53 AM
Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: ISH#1
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Obviously not a fan.

03-31-2009, 11:43 AM
Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hey sexy
You: ish#1
Stranger: what?
You: What ain't no country I've ever heard of. They speak English in What?
Stranger: I do not understand what you're saying
You: English, mother****er, do you speak it?
Stranger: Excuse me, get a ****ing life
Stranger: idiot
You: Then you know what I'm sayin'!
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
or send us feedback.

03-31-2009, 12:00 PM
You: I am half caribou.

Stranger: I am the devil

You: That's awesome.

Stranger: for me yes, for u...no

Stranger: i hope youve been a bad person

You: Since I am half Caribou, I get to go to heaven.

You: It is in Leviticus somewhere.

Stranger: there is no heaven

Stranger: hell is everywhere

Stranger: i am everywhere

You: Even in my closet?

Stranger: everywhere

Stranger: and nowhere

You: Since you are nowhere, I will sleep easier.

Stranger: I hope you don't forget your father's face

You: Well I punctured his face with my antlers.

Stranger: well then u have forgot your fathers face

Stranger: the casket hunters will find u soon

Stranger: and they let u ride blaine the mono

You: Deer hunting season was in the winter here. I have a good bit of time.

Stranger: do u like brainteasers

You: Yes.

Stranger: blaine the mono loves them

Stranger: and he knows every brainteaser of the world

You: That's great for Blaine the Mono.

Stranger: do u know cutberth allgood

You: I boned his cousin. She gave me crabs.

Stranger: then your life will be over soon

You: We all gotta go sometime.

Stranger: everyone who bones cutberth's cousin was killed

Stranger: u know shesa witch

You: I know now. For some reason it did not come up on our date.

Stranger: and she is 107 years old

Stranger: she can changer her body u know

Stranger: and she has aids

You: I like to sleep with a veteran every now and then.

You: I strapped up.

Stranger: that won't help u

Stranger: the scarlet kings wants u to die

You: Condoms are very effective in combating the spread of STDs.

Stranger: the scarlet king can give aids to everyone

Stranger: even if they use condoms

You: On the box for Trojan Magnums it says that is protects the user from STDs even if the scarlet kings are trying to give it to you.

You: The FDA would not let them say that if it was not true.

Stranger: well then my life doesn't make sense anymore

Stranger: good bye son

Kebab Stall
03-31-2009, 12:27 PM
I found someone from NT, it's about damn time I found someone.

03-31-2009, 12:28 PM
lol dasher

03-31-2009, 01:22 PM
Stranger: hi
You: hello
Stranger: asl?
You: who is your daddy and what does he do?
Stranger: asl?
You: did you mistype ass?
Stranger: do you want to cyber?
You: would i be able to e-strangle you?
Stranger: oh of course
You: then go for it
Stranger: i have a 6 inch ****
You: **strangles stranger**
You: you die
You: cyber is over
Stranger: mmm..
You: mmm what
You: is that you gasping for air?
You: i will have none of that
You: **strangles harder**
Stranger: ohhh babbyyyy
You: wtf?
You: you can't talk
You: you're being strangled
Stranger: i'm stroking my hard ****
You: ok this is gay

03-31-2009, 01:45 PM
Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: I can't find any weed, what should I do?

Stranger: Have you checked under the cushions?

You: first place I looked

Stranger: Under your pillow?

You: i stopped leaving it there when i found out there was no weed fairy and it was just my dad stealing my stash and leaving a few bucks

Stranger: wait....son? is that you?


You have disconnected.


03-31-2009, 02:21 PM
Stranger: I like boxes. Do you like boxes?
You: there overrated
Stranger: big ones, small ones, I like how they work
You: ya. and UPS guys are HOT
Stranger: there is really supposed to be they're, by the way
You: nerd
Stranger: You know, you may as well pick up some grammar skills along the way
Stranger: I'm a UPS guy!
You: no way!
You: you must be hot
Stranger: That's why I like boxes!!
You: oh it all makes sense
You: so how is it making 7.50 an hour
Stranger: Plus I teach English to the other guys at night
Stranger: ??I make $17/hour, plus benes.
You: ok
You: bull****
Stranger: What do you do?
You: i sit on my computer all day and make of fun people with jobs
Stranger: That's crool.
You: sure is.
You: and its cruel
Stranger: I have a job
You: i kno.
Stranger: they're you go!
You: you should be an english teacher
You: NOT
You: pwned
Stranger: ah, another miscer
Stranger: you're ruining it for everyone!
You: sorry.
You: no, actually im not.
Stranger: do you enjoy the cell tech?
You: yes
You: very much so
Stranger: u don't even know what that is.
You: sure I do.
Stranger: waiting
You: on the world to change?
Stranger: on you to get funny
You: so much for the grammar
Stranger: don't make fun of my grandma
You: why? shes 85 and cant walk
Stranger: was anyone hurt?
You: in the massacre of 1912?
Stranger: I like boxes!
You: you mentioned that
Stranger: oh. Do you have some boxes to send me?
You: no. get a real job.
Stranger: This IS my job
Stranger: I recruit for UPS
You: oh. is UPS like the army?
Stranger: ? I don't thing you're serious
You: i am. is being in the UPS dangerous?
You: can we carry guns?
You: i heard the uniforms are cool
this websites addicting.

03-31-2009, 05:40 PM
Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: wattup
Stranger: i have nits.
You: oh yea?
Stranger: yeah
You: my name's Will
Stranger: hi will
Stranger: i'm sarah
You: how u doin
You: where u from sarah?
Stranger: london, and i'm doing good
Stranger: yourself?
You: West Philly originally
You: but I moved recently
You: long story
Stranger: where you live now then?
You: California
You: with my Uncle
Stranger: nice. and how is life in sunny california?
You: its crazy here
You: i feel like a prince
Stranger: you're rich i gather then?
You: my Uncle's rich
You: so i got lucky
You: back in Philly tho I was pretty poor
Stranger: i see.
You: yea, my moms still struggling
You: i wanted to stay
You: but i got in a pretty bad fight
Stranger: what happeed/
You: so she made me move out to la
You: i was playing basketball with some of my boys
You: some other dudes came by
You: i shot the ball, bounced off the rim
You: and it accidently hit one of the other guys
You: he got pissed
You: came up to me
You: whooped my ass
You: started spinning me around in a circe
You: wasnt pretty
You: so my mom got scared
Stranger: fair enough
Stranger: you prefer la?
You: yea def.
You: tho i miss some of my old friends
Stranger: understandable.
You: everyone here is kind of stuck up
Stranger: i see.
You: like my one cousin
You: all she does is shop
You: and ask my uncle for money
You: and my other cousin is pretty lame
Stranger: her dad?
You: yea
You: my other cousin is a huge tom jones fan lol
Stranger: ha]
Stranger: how oldis he?
Stranger: /shr
Stranger: she*
You: he's 20
You: dude dresses in a sweater vest and polos all the time lol
Stranger: ooh
Stranger: i know the type
You: yea
You: my younger cousin ashley is cool tho
You: she's only 16
You: but shes like the only one that i can relate to
Stranger: do you have any brothers or sisters?
You: nope
You: just me and my moom
You: *mom*
You: pops left when i was a kid
Stranger: sorry to hear that.
You: nah its cool
You: never knew him so i dont miss him
Stranger: suppose thats a good thing
You: yea
You: its funny
You: but my uncle's butler
You: is basically like my father lol
You: he's actually from london
Stranger: woo
You: but he talks to me all the time, gives me advice
You: yea, before he was a butler actually he was a semi-face track star
Stranger: whats that?
You: Geoffrey Barba
Stranger: no idea..
You: like i said, semi-famous lol
Stranger: i dont even know what a track star is
You: he also used to write poetry
You: but under a different pen name
Stranger: oh right
Stranger: thats cool
You: track star meaning "runner" like in track & field
Stranger: ohhh
Stranger: haha
You: lol
Stranger: now i feel stupid
You: haha nah its cool
You: but enough about me
Stranger: not much to tell about me realy.
Stranger: am in my final year of college
Stranger: live with my parent
Stranger: parents*
Stranger: going to university in october
Stranger: scared that i won't get my grades..
Stranger: thats me really :)
You: haha, a condensed version
Stranger: absolutely
You: u ever go on youtube?
Stranger: occasionally. why?
You: i put up a few videos on there
You: one of my hobbies is filmmaking
Stranger: thats pretty cool
You: yea, idk if u wanna see it
Stranger: how can i find them? i'll check them out.
You: but i made a short autobiographical film
You: yea hold on, i'll send u the link
Stranger: safe
You: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=upvweQDrd5c
You: cool, anyway i gotta go
You: nice talkin to u
Stranger: you too

03-31-2009, 09:02 PM
You: I like girls
Stranger: HIIIIIII
You: they like me
Stranger: ME TOO
You: they look so good
You: in they satin jeans
You: name the song
You: and you get a cookie
You: :)

You: NO GOOGLE!!!!
Stranger: would you send the cookie via ups or fedex
You: I was just going to airmale it over to you
Stranger: airmale?
Stranger: MALE?
You: yknow, chip n dale dancers
You: at your door
You: delievering packages
Stranger: oh sick
Stranger: awesome yea
You: sweet...
You: but the song
You: you gotta guess its nam
You: e
Stranger: well the song is that collab with zz top and snoop dogg
Stranger: but i cant remember the name
You: :[
You: not close really
Stranger: ****
Stranger: SON OF A ****ING *********ER
You: Think Gym Class Heros
Stranger: whats that
You: *heroes
You: its a band
You: but since u dont know...
You: then we gotta get a new song
You: gimme one
Stranger: wait wait
Stranger: ok new song
You: throw me out some lines and ill guess
You: ... metallica?
Stranger: hahah no
Stranger: youre fired
You: gah
You: always getting fired
Stranger: now you have to show me your boobs
You: *raises shirt*
You: hahah
You: man ******s
You: hope you liked it
Stranger: youre a dude?!
You: lol
You: Bye mother****er
jeez... whats his problem

East River Livn'
03-31-2009, 09:48 PM

03-31-2009, 11:07 PM
Stranger: WHERE?

03-31-2009, 11:20 PM
You: listen well...
You: im short on time
You: theres a disk in my private locker at JFK airport
You: in nyc
Stranger: which number?
You: it contains possible documents that can overturn the american government
You: i need you to get there and quickly asasdasd ,
You: hello?
You: where are you from son? has this person told you anything about a possible locker?
Stranger: oh jesus
Stranger: no
Stranger: ohio
You: are you sure? we can track you down
You: if you're lying
You: this can become a serious problem
Stranger: i wouldn't lie
You: for yourself and your family
Stranger: jesus who are you people?
You: dont worry about us
You: just know that if you even utter a single digit or a double digit number to anyone followed by the word locker
You: youre dead

hito da god
03-31-2009, 11:20 PM
Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hi
Stranger: Hi.
You: im a ******
Stranger: I'm a cracker.
You: i have ****** feet
You: and ****** lips
Stranger: I'm sorry.
You: but at least the bottom of my feet are white
Stranger: Mine are purple.
Stranger: So, uh.
Stranger: The Game.
You: game, set, match
You: the ****** wins
Stranger: Fffffff.
You: u can get ur consolation prize at the door
You: take care now, bye bye then
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

hito da god
03-31-2009, 11:21 PM
how can you send pictures like that? i never understood how to copy and paste them.

pete's montreux
03-31-2009, 11:25 PM
You: I am half caribou.

Stranger: I am the devil

You: That's awesome.

Stranger: for me yes, for u...no

Stranger: i hope youve been a bad person

You: Since I am half Caribou, I get to go to heaven.

You: It is in Leviticus somewhere.

Stranger: there is no heaven

Stranger: hell is everywhere

Stranger: i am everywhere

You: Even in my closet?

Stranger: everywhere

Stranger: and nowhere

You: Since you are nowhere, I will sleep easier.

Stranger: I hope you don't forget your father's face

You: Well I punctured his face with my antlers.

Stranger: well then u have forgot your fathers face

Stranger: the casket hunters will find u soon

Stranger: and they let u ride blaine the mono

You: Deer hunting season was in the winter here. I have a good bit of time.

Stranger: do u like brainteasers

You: Yes.

Stranger: blaine the mono loves them

Stranger: and he knows every brainteaser of the world

You: That's great for Blaine the Mono.

Stranger: do u know cutberth allgood

You: I boned his cousin. She gave me crabs.

Stranger: then your life will be over soon

You: We all gotta go sometime.

Stranger: everyone who bones cutberth's cousin was killed

Stranger: u know shesa witch

You: I know now. For some reason it did not come up on our date.

Stranger: and she is 107 years old

Stranger: she can changer her body u know

Stranger: and she has aids

You: I like to sleep with a veteran every now and then.

You: I strapped up.

Stranger: that won't help u

Stranger: the scarlet kings wants u to die

You: Condoms are very effective in combating the spread of STDs.

Stranger: the scarlet king can give aids to everyone

Stranger: even if they use condoms

You: On the box for Trojan Magnums it says that is protects the user from STDs even if the scarlet kings are trying to give it to you.

You: The FDA would not let them say that if it was not true.

Stranger: well then my life doesn't make sense anymore

Stranger: good bye son

Dark Tower references up in this mother****er. "You have forgotten the face of your father" is a line from the series, and Cuthbert Allgood is a character.

03-31-2009, 11:44 PM
Dark Tower references up in this mother****er. "You have forgotten the face of your father" is a line from the series, and Cuthbert Allgood is a character. blaine is also

04-01-2009, 03:24 AM
Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: booya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You: Hola, como estas?
You: De donde estas?
Stranger: is that a real language?
You: Hablas espanol?
Stranger: this is america!
Stranger: no its not.
You: No, es Mexico.
Stranger: ah Mexico. lots of gangs
Stranger: drugs. murder
Stranger: violence
Stranger: poverty
Stranger: tequilla
Stranger: what else?
You: Tequila! Me gusto!
You: Latinas!
Stranger: haha
Stranger: youre cool
You: Me gusta Latina chicas
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

04-01-2009, 03:35 AM
Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: stranger :o
You: My name a Borat
Stranger: borat?
Stranger: O_o
You: My mother, she never love me.
Stranger: wew
You: She say she wish she was raped by someone else.
Stranger: LOL
You: Last night I...I had a sex.
You: Her vagine hang like a sleeve of wizard.
Stranger: let me guess
Stranger: it wasn't protected
Stranger: LOL
Stranger: ew
You: What country are you from
Stranger: israel, not a jew before you shoot me.
You: I come from country of a Kazakhstan.
You: In Kazakhstan, three main issues: economic, social, and Jew
Stranger: so you speak russian?
Stranger: LOOOL
Stranger: this is hilarious
Stranger: along your english
You: I like you, do you like me? In Kazakstahn we think America technologely very good, and now I see is a very primitive.
Stranger: o.o;
You: Throw the Jew down the well, so my country can be free. You must grab him by his horns, and then we have a big party.
Stranger: i like you less now :(
You: In Kazakhstan we have many hobbies: disco dancing, archery, rape, and table tennis.
Stranger: rape is ok,.
Stranger: wtf with the disco?
You: I like America
You: There are many job opportunities in the US and of A. For men, construction worker, taxi driver or accountant. For woman, prostitute.
Stranger: i like your randomness.
You: In my country we say to let a woman drive a car is like to let a monkey fly a plane, very dangerous yes?
Stranger: we're not that bad
Stranger: we still get licence
Stranger: the*
You: I hope President Bush drinks the blood of every man, woman, and child in Iraq!
Stranger: i don't. not all of them are bad.
You: May I ask you a question
Stranger: and bush? O_o
Stranger: yea
You: May I ask you are a man who does with another man?
Stranger: O_O
Stranger: rofl
Stranger: no, i'm not.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

Take Your Lumps
04-01-2009, 03:38 AM
Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: Hi
You: Hitler was misunderstood.
Stranger: The last guy i talked to got eaten by Shaq
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

04-01-2009, 03:38 AM
lol wow that borat one is the best one yet

04-01-2009, 05:49 AM
i just met my wife on there. stoked

04-01-2009, 06:51 AM
Who am I?

You: rep me
You: i'll rep you back
Stranger: rep?
Stranger: ill rape you
Stranger: you rape me back?
You: i only need 20 points until my next green bar
You: please
You: rep me
Stranger: i dont even know what that is
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

04-01-2009, 07:06 AM
Who am I?

You: rep me
You: i'll rep you back
Stranger: rep?
Stranger: ill rape you
Stranger: you rape me back?
You: i only need 20 points until my next green bar
You: please
You: rep me
Stranger: i dont even know what that is
Your conversational partner has disconnected.


:lol :oldlol: :rolleyes: :oldlol: :lol

04-01-2009, 08:19 AM
Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: whats your sign?
You: cherries
Stranger: score
You: urs?
Stranger: mud flap chick
You: god damn
You: that sounds hideous
Stranger: yah, but like
Stranger: fat
Stranger: her but fat
Stranger: with 9 kids
You: thats tonnes gross
You: why would u like being fat
You: and having 9 kids
You: u should be ashamed of urself
You: i bet ur vag
Stranger: i am what i am
You: is all loose and **** now
You: oh gross
Stranger: oh totes
You: wtf is totes
Stranger: totally
You: indeed retart
You: so tell me
Stranger: yah it just hangs down there
You: do any of ur incest children have down syndrome
Stranger: 11 of them
You: coz im assuming u live in a trailorpark
You: how u have the internet im not even sure.
Stranger: the what?
You: u know what a computer is?
Stranger: like,
Stranger: thats a kind of boat right?
You: the big thing that u type letters into.
You: thats not ur ******.
Stranger: type what into?
You: oh God u sound like a retarted version of spudjjay
Stranger: what what into?
You: and thats just horrible
Stranger: i dont know him
Stranger: but yes
Stranger: i'm horrible
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

04-01-2009, 12:01 PM
Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hey
Stranger: hey
You: you like stuff?
Stranger: what stuff
You: like, stuffy stuff
Stranger: no
Stranger: do you
You: .................................................. ................................,-~~'''''''~~--,,_
.................................................. ..................................,-~''-,:::::::::::::::::::''-,
.................................................. .............................,~''::::::::',::::::: :::::::::::::|',
.................................................. .............................|::::::,-~'''___''''~~--~''':}
.................................................. .............................'|:::::|: : : : : : : : : : : : : :
.................................................. .............................|:::::|: : :-~~---: : : -----: |
.................................................. ............................(_''~-': : : ::: : : : : :
.................................................. .............................'''~-,|: : : : : : ~---': : : :,'--NEVER GONNA GIVE YOU UP
.................................................. .................................|,: : : : : :-~~--: : ::/ --NEVER GONNA LET YOU DOWN!
.................................................. ............................,-''':: :'~,,_: : : : : _,-'
.................................................. ......................__,-';;;;;:''-,: : : :'~---~''/|
.................................................. .............__,-~'';;;;;;/;;;;;;;: :: : :____/: :',__
.................................................. .,-~~~''''_;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;',. .''-,:|:::::::|. . |;;;;''-,__
.................................................. /;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;. . .''|::::::::|. .,';;;;;;;;;;''-,
................................................,' ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;|;;;;;;;;;;;. . .:::::,'. ./|;;;;;;;;;;;;;|
.............................................,-'';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;',: : |__|. . .|;;;;;;;;;,';;|
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You: you like that kinda stuff
Stranger: guess so
Stranger: where are you from
You: NY
Stranger: k
You: you?
Stranger: holland
You: holland the state?
You: thats near washington, right?
Stranger: the netherlands
Stranger: haha no
You: eh, are you peter pan? netherlands doesn't exist, *******
Stranger: you know amsterdam right
You: yeah, its in france
Stranger: omg
You: it is
Stranger: no in russia
You: dont be stupid
You: its france
Stranger: o i really thought i was dutch
Stranger: but if you say so XD
Stranger: lol
You: dude, holland is in america
Stranger: wow
You: quit being an *******
Stranger: haha jij bent pas een klootzak
You: dude, is this peter panish?
Stranger: ja
You: he's not real
You: im not stupid
You: *******
Stranger: dushbag
Stranger: how old are you
You: 19
You: your telling me peter pan is a real person?
Stranger: no
You: he cant fly or **** though, can he?
Stranger: do you
You: then, where the **** is the nethernetherlands?
You: don't be stupid, no i dont
Stranger: HOLLAND
Stranger: are you that dumb
Stranger: the netherlands
Stranger: that small country
Stranger: with weed
Stranger: xd
Stranger: amsterdam
You: dude, that's in ****ing france
Stranger: jesus christ
Stranger: im ****in dutch
Stranger: i dont even speak french
Stranger: haha you are the dumbest person i ever talked to
Stranger: or is this an april fool?
You: you better learn quickly, like how the **** do you talk to people?
You: dude, its not even april fools
You: in USA
You: yet
Stranger: o well here in holland it is
Stranger: google the netherlands
Stranger: dude
You: yeah, the Kingdom of Netherlands
You: in the Republic of France
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

The Ownage
04-01-2009, 02:36 PM
Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hey
Stranger: asl
You: 16 yes if ur female uk
You: u
Stranger: daaaamn
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

This is fun.

04-01-2009, 10:27 PM
You: http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=viewImage&friendID=10266309&albumID=48950&imageID=56175351
Stranger: hell no
Stranger: not enough alcohal in the wold :confusedshrug:

04-01-2009, 10:41 PM
You: ish #1
Stranger: how did you lose your virginity?
You: how do you know ive lost it
You: i know exactly where it is
Stranger: where is it
You: that's none of your business
Stranger: aww
Stranger: can i have it
You: only if you post nudes on insidehoops.com
Stranger: ok man
Stranger: i will
You: ok
You: what is your username gona be?
Stranger: pooface09
You: sweet
You: post the pics in the off the court lounge
You: http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=7
Your conversational partner has disconnected.


04-01-2009, 11:23 PM
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Your conversational partner has disconnected.


04-01-2009, 11:28 PM
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Your conversational partner has disconnected.


I remember meeting sombody who said that exact same thing...

04-01-2009, 11:35 PM
Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: brah?
Stranger: brah?
You: jeep...?
Stranger: harbl...?
You: lol wut
Stranger: asl
You: 16/f/cali
Stranger: 16/f/ca-
Stranger: wait
Stranger: wat
You: (no chris hansen)
Stranger: (oh dear)
You: (I actually am chris hansen)
You: (lol)
Stranger: (can I have your autograph)
Stranger: (before I go to prison)
Stranger: (:C)
You: lol wanna m33t up and mess around?1??
Stranger: lolyes
You: (sure brah, address?)
Stranger: wat u wearing babeee
You: ohh, practikally nuthin!1! lol
You: (got this pedo hooked man)
Stranger: oh that maeks me so hard 4 u
Stranger: (totally)
You: sooooo.... u wanna meet up r sumthing?!/?
Stranger: yeah u got pixx
You: (now I just lure the sick bastard in, then take them to jail)
Stranger: (go for it)
You: lol yeah... but 2 get the good stuf u gotta meet m3 lol
Stranger: okay
You: ( * ) ( * )
Stranger: where at
You: my place, i can mak smoothiez for u
You: lol
Stranger: ok when babee
You: (got the ****er)
Stranger: (let's do this)
You: tonight.... see u soon!1! just *** *lol* around bak
You: (success, **** yeah)
Stranger: all right babeeee can't wait luv u bye

04-01-2009, 11:47 PM
I remember meeting sombody who said that exact same thing...

might've been me hahahahahaa:cheers:

04-01-2009, 11:55 PM
Stranger: Catzhernandez is a whore... so is i seen hippos
You: lol... ISH=#1
You have been disconnected


04-02-2009, 12:46 AM
lol I like bullsh*ttin people.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: 26/m/colorado, you?
You: 27/f/colorado
You: wtf
You: haha
Stranger: nice
You: ya
Stranger: what part?
Stranger: I am in Fort Collins
You: me too
Stranger: really?
You: nice place
You: ya
Stranger: interesting
You: very you grew up round here?
Stranger: yep, grew up in Fort Collins
Stranger: went to school at CSU
Stranger: you?
You: dude u freakin me out
Stranger: hah
You: am i talking to myself
You: haha
Stranger: well, it's bound to happen right?
You: lol true
Stranger: i was talking to people in brazil
Stranger: thinking they were too far away
Stranger: so here's the opposite
You: lol ya were probably like neighbors
Stranger: well, maybe
Stranger: that would be really scary
You: um address?
You: lol jp
Stranger: I live by the windsor exit off the highway
You: wow
You: i kno where that is
You: i liv about 2 miles north of there
Stranger: harmony?
You: yea
Stranger: by my grandparents ;)
You: haha is that you grandson
You: lol
Stranger: hah
Stranger: I hope not
You: that would be akward

08-16-2012, 02:17 PM
wow just found this site when i was bored. its funny as shit :roll:

08-16-2012, 03:14 PM
My brilliant, deep convo with a stranger:

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Omegle couldn't find anyone who shares interests with you, so this stranger is completely random. Try adding more interests!
Stranger: hello
You: Hi
You: I think we have something in common.
Stranger: I agree
Stranger: Do you likke cake
Stranger: like*
You: Depends on the type of cake.
You: For the most part, yes.
Stranger: Yay
Stranger: there we are
You: Good. It's nice to know there are people like us in the world.
You: How did you find this site?
Stranger: Ok
Stranger: It's better than cleverbot
You: Never heard of that.
Stranger: You talk to a computer
Stranger: but It doesn't work sometomes
Stranger: time*
You: Oh, I see.
You: I found out about this site today from a message board. A basketball forum to be exact.
Stranger: ok
Stranger: I got to go
You: Bye
You have disconnected.

08-16-2012, 03:15 PM
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You and the stranger both like weed.
Stranger: hi
You: Hello, fellow pothead
You: A/S/L?
Stranger: 22 m US
You: Same here
You: I'm not gay.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

08-16-2012, 03:16 PM
Don't ever go on omegle video chats.....

08-16-2012, 03:19 PM
Alright I'm on pedophile hunt.

You: hi
Stranger: hey
You: What up?
Stranger: working
You: Nice asl?
Stranger: 25 m
You: Okay:) I'm 13/F/LA
Stranger: 13
You: Yeah 14 next month:D
Stranger: cant do that


08-16-2012, 03:19 PM
Don't ever go on omegle video chats.....

Don't you like seeing guys mastuurbating on webcams:lol ?

08-16-2012, 03:21 PM
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: hi

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

08-16-2012, 03:25 PM
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: hi

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

I don't know why but this made me laugh.

08-16-2012, 03:27 PM
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You and the stranger both like Sex.

You: Hello

Stranger: m

You: n

Stranger: r u male

You: no im animal

Stranger: eeeeeeeee

You: woof woof

Stranger: hat hat

You: suck me off

You: let's get it on like donkey kong

Stranger: ?

You have disconnected.


You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You and the stranger both like sex.

Stranger: female?

You: ****

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Nick Young
08-16-2012, 03:42 PM
i tried to make funny shit happen but then it just got weird. so many weirdo indians in this world.

Stranger: hey
Stranger: asl?
You: Hi!
You: im 18 year old girl
Stranger: nyc
You: I from the singapore
You: You a big white man?
Stranger: nd i m from india
Stranger: yeh ,, i m ?
You: I like doctors
You: what is your name mister?
Stranger: so , wat r u looking for ?
You: mine is Jan Lang
Stranger: anoop
You: my friends call me sprinklepops
Stranger: nyc name
You: I am looking for what you have to offer
Stranger: okay
Stranger: baby
You: ooo
Stranger: i m always urs
Stranger: so,,
Stranger: have any bf ?
Stranger: ????
Stranger: wat happn ?
You: Do you like to **** cows?
You: they do that in india right?
You: im really into watching videos of cows getting ****ed
Stranger: yeh baby
Stranger: i
Stranger: m
Stranger: bdw
Stranger: i also ****ing the ryt way wth teenagrs
You: sometimes i see cows get ****ed and my peepee gets wet
Stranger: can u give me a chance ?
You: do you like when cows have sex?
Stranger: ohhho
Stranger: u really like to watching both whn they hve dng sex ?
You: ok ill give you a chance.
You: now what
Stranger: okay baby
Stranger: i m ready

08-16-2012, 03:46 PM
^ :roll: :roll: :roll:

08-16-2012, 03:58 PM
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hi

You: what do u mean by that?

You: drugs are bad....

Stranger: I mean hi as in a greeting

You: oooooooooooh

You: ok......

Stranger: asl?

You: what did you call me?

You: you just called me an a$$hole?

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

08-16-2012, 04:12 PM
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hi

You: what do u mean by that?

You: drugs are bad....

Stranger: I mean hi as in a greeting

You: oooooooooooh

You: ok......

Stranger: asl?

You: what did you call me?

You: you just called me an a$$hole?

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

:roll: :roll:

Oh please this is too good

08-16-2012, 04:20 PM
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Question to discuss:
Watch an atheist ****** try to prove God doesn't exist.
You: LOL
Stranger: i am athiest
You: DO
You: you
You: know
You: the...
You: muffin man?
Stranger: why
You: .................................................. ................................,-~~'''''''~~--,,_
.................................................. ..................................,-~''-,:::::::::::::::::::''-,
.................................................. .............................,~''::::::::',::::::: :::::::::::::|',
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.................................................. .............................'|:::::|: : : : : : : : : : : : : :
.................................................. .............................|:::::|: : :-~~---: : : -----: |
.................................................. ............................(_''~-': : : ::: : : : : :
.................................................. .............................'''~-,|: : : : : : ~---': : : :,'--NEVER GONNA GIVE YOU UP
.................................................. .................................|,: : : : : :-~~--: : ::/ --NEVER GONNA LET YOU DOWN!
.................................................. ............................,-''':: :'~,,_: : : : : _,-'
.................................................. ......................__,-';;;;;:''-,: : : :'~---~''/|
.................................................. .............__,-~'';;;;;;/;;;;;;;: :: : :____/: :',__
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You: lololololololol
Stranger: no it is trolololo
You: i dont give a **** i thought it was funny not trolling
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Pic got screwed up pasting it here, idk why.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Question to discuss:
what do think about the show 'Dexter'? (not Dexter's Laboratory)
Stranger: OMG
Stranger: OMG
You: ****
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

08-16-2012, 04:47 PM
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: Hey
Stranger: Asl
You: 19 f ca
You: you?
Stranger: 18 m tx
You: cool what part?
Stranger: East Texas
You: i just moved here from the uk
Stranger: Cool why?
You: i got into a fight at my school and my mom got scared so she sent me to live with my aunt and uncle in a town called bel-air
Stranger: Oh ok
Stranger: Why did she get scared
You: idk. she's a bitch
Stranger: Do you have a kik
You: a what?
Stranger: A kik
You: what's that?
Stranger: A photosharing thing
You: no. i've never heard of that before. is that american?
Stranger: I guess
You: you have one?
Stranger: Yea
You: oh, wow. i used to have a myspace but my mom made me delete it
Stranger: You have a email
You: not really. i'm using my uncle's computer
Stranger: Oh ok
You: do you do drugs?
Stranger: Well I'm horny haha
Stranger: Somtimes
You: what kind?
Stranger: I smoke weed
You: oh, i used to
Stranger: Oh what drugs do you do
You: i used to do weed. there's this drug in england called acid. idk if you americans have ever done it, but that thing was very good
You: jolly good fun
Stranger: Oh yea I've heard of it
You: oh have you? do you know anyone who does it?
Stranger: Nope
You: that's not good.
You: you gotta give me more info than that.
Stranger: Like what
You: idk. i'm trying to become a cop and i wanna do my first drug bust in the usa and become a huge hero for it.
Stranger: Oh ok?
You: i'm seeing if someone can gimme info about drug king pins online
Stranger: That weird
You: not really. when you think about it, it's heroic.
Stranger: Not really go to the border there's a lot of drug people there
You: just think about that movie theatre shooting in orlando, NJ. imagine if i was there? i would have saved so many lives, especially of heath ledger's.
You: the border? like canada?
You: i bet.
You: those canadians never stop taking drugs
Stranger: Mexico
You: mexico? why would i bother them? they're good people
Stranger: **** Mexicans
You: that's racist.
You: i used to **** mexicans, too, but then my mom caught me
Stranger: I know haha
Stranger: Wow let's talk dirty
Stranger: :)
You: she got mad. in the uk, we get a lot of mexican gardners
You: i used to sleep with one named ricky ricardo
Stranger: Cool
You: how about you?
You: have you ever been with a mexican gardener?
Stranger: Nope
You: that's pretty sad. they really know how to mow down south
Stranger: Haha
Stranger: You shave your *****
You: not really. my uncle doesn't let me use his razors
Stranger: Oh haha
Stranger: You have a phone?
You: i'm pretty hairy now. i haven't shaved since like i was 10
You: lol i meant 18
Stranger: Like anything
Stranger: How about your legs?
Stranger: ??
You: i wax them
Stranger: Oh I'd wax your *****
You: why?
Stranger: Americans don't really like pub
Stranger: Pubic hair
You: americans don't like pubs? i love pubs. i get drunk there
You: oh
Stranger: Yea
Stranger: You got a phone?
Stranger: Huh
You: just a house phone
Stranger: Damn
You: sorry, i'm chatting with my other friend, too
You: that's why i'm taking so long
Stranger: Oh ok
Stranger: You like to suck dick?
You: yeah, i know. lol he's creepy! look at this dumb ****. he doesn't even know i'm a dude
You: whoops! wrong window
Stranger: Really your a dude?
You: yeah, homo
You: i said i'm 19 *** ca
You: not 19 female ca
Stranger: Bitch your gay talking about ****ing a Mexican dude
Stranger: Gay
You: i said mexican gardener
You: she was a girl
Stranger: Liar
Stranger: You said dude
You: idc. nothing wrong with being gay
Stranger: Yeah there is bitch **** you
Stranger: Im out
You: bye homo
Stranger: *** bitch
You: i like that
You: yummy
Stranger: Gaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy
You: you don't wanna leave because you like talking to me, you queer
You: how gay
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

08-16-2012, 04:50 PM
Video chat >>>

More fun to troll

08-16-2012, 04:57 PM
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: 18 m ca not gay but will still chat with you
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: 15 f ca
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

08-16-2012, 04:57 PM
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: Hey
Stranger: Asl
You: 19 f ca
You: you?
Stranger: 18 m tx
You: cool what part?
Stranger: East Texas
You: i just moved here from the uk
Stranger: Cool why?
You: i got into a fight at my school and my mom got scared so she sent me to live with my aunt and uncle in a town called bel-air
Stranger: Oh ok
Stranger: Why did she get scared
You: idk. she's a bitch
Stranger: Do you have a kik
You: a what?
Stranger: A kik
You: what's that?
Stranger: A photosharing thing
You: no. i've never heard of that before. is that american?
Stranger: I guess
You: you have one?
Stranger: Yea
You: oh, wow. i used to have a myspace but my mom made me delete it
Stranger: You have a email
You: not really. i'm using my uncle's computer
Stranger: Oh ok
You: do you do drugs?
Stranger: Well I'm horny haha
Stranger: Somtimes
You: what kind?
Stranger: I smoke weed
You: oh, i used to
Stranger: Oh what drugs do you do
You: i used to do weed. there's this drug in england called acid. idk if you americans have ever done it, but that thing was very good
You: jolly good fun
Stranger: Oh yea I've heard of it
You: oh have you? do you know anyone who does it?
Stranger: Nope
You: that's not good.
You: you gotta give me more info than that.
Stranger: Like what
You: idk. i'm trying to become a cop and i wanna do my first drug bust in the usa and become a huge hero for it.
Stranger: Oh ok?
You: i'm seeing if someone can gimme info about drug king pins online
Stranger: That weird
You: not really. when you think about it, it's heroic.
Stranger: Not really go to the border there's a lot of drug people there
You: just think about that movie theatre shooting in orlando, NJ. imagine if i was there? i would have saved so many lives, especially of heath ledger's.
You: the border? like canada?
You: i bet.
You: those canadians never stop taking drugs
Stranger: Mexico
You: mexico? why would i bother them? they're good people
Stranger: **** Mexicans
You: that's racist.
You: i used to **** mexicans, too, but then my mom caught me
Stranger: I know haha
Stranger: Wow let's talk dirty
Stranger: :)
You: she got mad. in the uk, we get a lot of mexican gardners
You: i used to sleep with one named ricky ricardo
Stranger: Cool
You: how about you?
You: have you ever been with a mexican gardener?
Stranger: Nope
You: that's pretty sad. they really know how to mow down south
Stranger: Haha
Stranger: You shave your *****
You: not really. my uncle doesn't let me use his razors
Stranger: Oh haha
Stranger: You have a phone?
You: i'm pretty hairy now. i haven't shaved since like i was 10
You: lol i meant 18
Stranger: Like anything
Stranger: How about your legs?
Stranger: ??
You: i wax them
Stranger: Oh I'd wax your *****
You: why?
Stranger: Americans don't really like pub
Stranger: Pubic hair
You: americans don't like pubs? i love pubs. i get drunk there
You: oh
Stranger: Yea
Stranger: You got a phone?
Stranger: Huh
You: just a house phone
Stranger: Damn
You: sorry, i'm chatting with my other friend, too
You: that's why i'm taking so long
Stranger: Oh ok
Stranger: You like to suck dick?
You: yeah, i know. lol he's creepy! look at this dumb ****. he doesn't even know i'm a dude
You: whoops! wrong window
Stranger: Really your a dude?
You: yeah, homo
You: i said i'm 19 *** ca
You: not 19 female ca
Stranger: Bitch your gay talking about ****ing a Mexican dude
Stranger: Gay
You: i said mexican gardener
You: she was a girl
Stranger: Liar
Stranger: You said dude
You: idc. nothing wrong with being gay
Stranger: Yeah there is bitch **** you
Stranger: Im out
You: bye homo
Stranger: *** bitch
You: i like that
You: yummy
Stranger: Gaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy
You: you don't wanna leave because you like talking to me, you queer
You: how gay
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

I'm still laughing a minute after I finished this text.

08-16-2012, 06:58 PM
Talk to strangers!
Select Language​▼
30,260 strangers online

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You and the stranger both like sports.

Stranger: hey

You: hi there

Stranger: m or f?

You: f? u?

Stranger: m

Stranger: age?

You: cool...how r u

You: 24

Stranger: cool, im 26

Stranger: r u hot?\

You: nice..im looking at your IP and thinking of jizzing on your face at your home with my male dick

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

08-16-2012, 07:09 PM
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: i like big ***** and I cannot lie!
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

08-16-2012, 07:14 PM
Connecting to server...

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: hey hey

Stranger: hi, im gay and horny. wanna cam?

You: bring it on!!

Stranger: nice

Stranger: msn?

You: I'm mildly retarded tho

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

08-16-2012, 07:57 PM
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: heeyy :), what's up?

You: hi. asl

Stranger: 24/f/miami

You: 21/m/california

Stranger: ok so i'm like super horny n want to get myself wet... can u help me PLEASE ?

You: sure

Stranger: ya I know it's kind of random, but my asshole ex cheated on me so im on a MANhunt hehe, I'm gabby, u are? ;-)

You: my name is Armando

You: what can i do to help u get super horny?

Stranger: Gabby

You: hey. u want me to stick my big fat **** in your wet juicy *****?

Stranger: mhmm stick it in and *** in me !!

You: u like that big fat **** dont you? You like getting ****ed like the whore you really are.

Stranger: I'll be your whore ;)

You: im gonna stick it in your ass too just to teach you a lesson

Stranger: i c.. where do you live? i am bored in my apartment...and this usually leads to bad things =D especially since im single and sexually deprived :-(

08-16-2012, 08:30 PM
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: F?

You: yup ;)

Stranger: Age

You: 18

Stranger: Kik?

You: yup ;)

Stranger: Username

You: manfvcker301

You: u find it hun

Stranger: No

You: thats cuz it dont exist

You: bitch

You have disconnected.

:oldlol: idiot

08-16-2012, 08:40 PM
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: heeyy :), what's up?

You: hi. asl

Stranger: 24/f/miami

You: 21/m/california

Stranger: ok so i'm like super horny n want to get myself wet... can u help me PLEASE ?

You: sure

Stranger: ya I know it's kind of random, but my asshole ex cheated on me so im on a MANhunt hehe, I'm gabby, u are? ;-)

You: my name is Armando

You: what can i do to help u get super horny?

Stranger: Gabby

You: hey. u want me to stick my big fat **** in your wet juicy *****?

Stranger: mhmm stick it in and *** in me !!

You: u like that big fat **** dont you? You like getting ****ed like the whore you really are.

Stranger: I'll be your whore ;)

You: im gonna stick it in your ass too just to teach you a lesson

Stranger: i c.. where do you live? i am bored in my apartment...and this usually leads to bad things =D especially since im single and sexually deprived :-(
thirstyyy hoe

08-16-2012, 09:01 PM

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Omegle couldn't find anyone who shares interests with you, so this stranger is completely random. Try adding more interests!
Stranger: hi
You: Hello, my name is Wayne, what is your name?
Stranger: robin
You: What brings you to Omegle besides boredom?
Stranger: my friend too me too try it out
You: Why would they tell you a thing like that?
Stranger: idk '
Stranger: can i ahve your dick
Stranger: have
You: Are you from InsideHoops?
You: How old are you?
Stranger: 16
You: Why do you come on here asking things such as that/
Stranger: chill dude im kidding

08-16-2012, 09:16 PM

08-16-2012, 09:18 PM
:roll: :applause:

Good shit, Mr. Dectective.

08-16-2012, 09:19 PM
chat with me!


08-16-2012, 09:19 PM
If you play it cool with people, sometimes you get good conversations...

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Omegle couldn't find anyone who shares interests with you, so this stranger is completely random. Try adding more interests!
Stranger: hey bitches
You: Hello, my name is Wayne Jorgensen, how are you?
Stranger: u sound like a loser with no life
You: Thanks.
Stranger: where u from?
Stranger: no probs Wayne
You: Born in Cincinnati, living in Wisconsin.
Stranger: arent they famous for like cheese and fried shit?
Stranger: wisconsin i mean
You: No, actually wisconsin is famous for serial killers.
Stranger: oh shit really? damn i guess it aint famous enogh
You: But I guess cheese could be another thing as well.
Stranger: i like u
Stranger: u seem cool
Stranger: im talking about cheese from cows btw
Stranger: not the drug
You: Beer and cheese, that's the only thing people consume up here.
Stranger: oh i consume chocolate along with a fat blunt
Stranger: do u like weed?
You: No, never tried it. When I lived in Cincinnati I lived in the ghetto where drugs were prevalent on the corners and the dealers would yell, "BOYS" when the cops would patrol. Got asked hundreds of times if I wanted "killa" or "bud", but never went for it.
You: My father smoked it all the time around me. Weed that is.
Stranger: well i guess thats good. well for your brain cells and teeth anyways. ahahha i love it
Stranger: did u like the smell?
Stranger: i love the smell. well if i didnt i wouldn't smoke it. hahaha
You: I liked the smell more than cigerrete smoke. I wouldn't say I liked it by itself.
Stranger: alcohol is disgusting though. dont try that shit
Stranger: well im guessing youve never had lean
You: I'm 27, I think I've had like 7 alcoholic beverages since my 21st birthday. I'm pretty abnormal when it comes to that.
Stranger: shit theres no such thing as normal
Stranger: you ever had lean?
You: Well where I live normal is drinking with friends every weekend.
You: I've never even heard of lean. LOL
Stranger: dirty sprite?
You: Nope.
Stranger: oh for reals? its pretty much just sprite, cough syrup, and some people put jolly ranchers ( like myself)
You: Damn, you like that high feeling huh?
Stranger: yeah i like hiding shit from myself when im high so if i want it that bad i try to find that shit. that way i feel like i havent lost many brain cells. hahahahaha then i smoke or some shit
Stranger: weed brownies make me sick though
Stranger: its to rich
You: I must go. I leave you with, "Treat yourself as if you already are what you wish to become." Take care stranger.
You have disconnected.

08-16-2012, 09:20 PM
^ holy shit :roll: :roll: :roll:

faptastrophe is a GOD :bowdown:

08-16-2012, 09:24 PM
Stranger: hi
Stranger: m
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

08-16-2012, 09:27 PM

08-16-2012, 09:38 PM
:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: @ Faptastrophe

08-16-2012, 09:54 PM
This one is long as ****, but I couldn't stop laughing after it ended. Read it and you might enjoy it

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You and the stranger both like porn.
Stranger: m
You: f
Stranger: age
Stranger: from
You: 38
You: georgia
Stranger: nice
You: u?
Stranger: 21 egypt
Stranger: i dont mind the age u ?
You: no it's not like we'll actually meet
You: i just wanted to chat for a few minutes. prob *********e, too
Stranger: why not maybe ill come to u
Stranger: and ill **** u and make ur ***** bleed
Stranger: like ur never been ****ed before
You: baby, i'm 38. i've got 2 kids and a husband i'm filing for divorce. i don't think your 21 year old self can **** me like i've never been ****ed before
Stranger: try what do u have to lose
Stranger: =)
You: i have AIDS
Stranger: really
You: no lol
Stranger: hahaha
You: i'm just ****ing around. no literally. i'm ****ing around
You: ever since my husband and i separated, i've been sleeping with lots of people
You: guys and girls
Stranger: if i come to u ill just spend a week with u and go away =)
Stranger: well just have sex
You: a week? idk if i'm looking for a long term relationship like that
You: do you do bisexual things?
Stranger: lol not really but if ur sexy and u want that ill do it for u
You: i like watching 2 guys kiss
Stranger: mmmmmmm i like wach 2 girls kiss
You: nice
You: i better be honest with you: i was born a man
You: i had a sex change when i was 25. my kids are adopted
Stranger: r u sexy?
You: i think so
Stranger: can i see u?
You: lemme find some pics
You: http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2009/02/04/article-1135724-034C853A000005DC-250_468x681.jpg
Stranger: a sec
Stranger: it cant be u
You: y?
Stranger: thats too sexy
Stranger: do u have a cam?
You: no, i don't :(
Stranger: and younger than 30
You: i got major surgeries. i've had a facelift
Stranger: and born as a female
Stranger: u have a *****
You: yeah
Stranger: if thats u
You: but ******l sex isn't that good to me. i prefer giving head
Stranger: i wanna have u now
You: lol well, you have to wait in a long line then. this is my 1st time being single since i was like 30
Stranger: ur a prostetute?
You: i wanna be with as many people as possible
You: no lol
You: i'm not a prostitute. i just **** a lot
Stranger: nice can u come egypt
Stranger: ill have u gang bang
You: it's a muslim country, right?
Stranger: yes
You: they'll probably stone me or something idk if i should go there
Stranger: lol dont worry its not like that
Stranger: am muslim and i do what i want
You: but you're a boy. i hear they're not very nice with girls
Stranger: no no i know many biches
You: your country has the pyramids, right?
Stranger: yes
You: oh, i wanna suck a dick on a pyramid. is that illegal?
Stranger: no i can take u at night its a desert and stones no one guarding
Stranger: =)
Stranger: i do it alot
You: oh yeah? that's cool
You: i bet you get all the girls, huh?
Stranger: =)
Stranger: u wanna see me
You: sure
Stranger: u have an e mail or skype ill send u pics
Stranger: or open my cam
You: no, i don't right now. i have an email but i can't use it for personal things
You: it's for business
Stranger: how can i send pics like u did?
You: just put the link
You: go to a website where they let you share images
You: you can go to places like imageftw.com
You: idk if it'll work the same for you because you're in egypt and that site is american
Stranger: its a web sure it will work ill try
Stranger: do u have facebook??
You: no :(
Stranger: vk?
You: what's vk?
Stranger: its like fb nevermind
Stranger: just a sec
Stranger: so tell me
You: ?
Stranger: why rnt u having sex now and ur chating for sex?
You: like i said, i'm just bored
You: i'm at work right now
You: and there isn't anything going on and i just wanted to ... oh, **** it
You: the truth is i found out you were using this site and i wanted to talk to you so i followed you here
You: and then when you went into a chatroom i followed you in and then i became a woman for you
You: and i talked about sucking dick on a pyramid
You: but you caught me in a lie
You: this is all for ISH
You: ISH is my life, you know? i can't live without that shit
You: if i don't do this, someone else will. and trust me, they won't be so nice
Stranger: i dont understand
You: because you're not american?
You: english isn't your first language, i understand that
Stranger: i understand
You: all i'm saying is i want to ride camels like dick
Stranger: am just confused
You: or i mean dick like camels
Stranger: so u told me the truth
Stranger: thats great
You: i told you the truth that i'm a man and i wanna be a woman
You: i'm sexy... sure
You: but i am not full woman yet
Stranger: can we be just friends
You: just friends?
Stranger: cuz u didnt cheat on me
You: you don't wanna be **** buddies
Stranger: honestly i want real sex not on the internet
You: i still have a dick, but don't worry, i'll **** you in the ass and when i am done, then you can do the same to me but you have to be gentle
Stranger: anyway we cant meet
You: why are u online if u wanted real sex?
You: u won't find it here, it's not like ***** and pussys are just flying around
Stranger: cuz right now i didnt find the biches
Stranger: lol
You: oh yeah
You: so you'd still want me, even if i have a dick?
Stranger: no am telling u just friends cuz ur not evil
Stranger: u have good in u
You: i don't.
You: i have all bad in me
Stranger: am telling u
You: i had my dad in me one time
You: he didn't finish, but if he did, oh boy!
Stranger: u didnt cheat on me and u said the truth cuz u felt guilty
You: ok, buddy. i have to go. my ride is here. it's a dick. good night
You have disconnected.

08-16-2012, 09:58 PM
This one is long as ****, but I couldn't stop laughing after it ended. Read it and you might enjoy it
Best part:

Stranger: if i come to u ill just spend a week with u and go away =)
Stranger: well just have sex
You: a week? idk if i'm looking for a long term relationship like that

08-16-2012, 11:37 PM

I NEED TO KNOW! Did you contact either of them!?!?

08-16-2012, 11:40 PM

08-16-2012, 11:43 PM
I use to use a fake girl pic on Video and always get guys to blow kissess at me. Then I would change to that black guys laughing gif.

08-16-2012, 11:48 PM
Dude looks like a complete loser.

08-16-2012, 11:50 PM
dudes probably pissing in his pants right now :roll:

08-17-2012, 12:45 AM
dudes probably pissing in his pants right now :roll:
Funny, you could ruin this dude's life right now. If he kills himself, I wonder if his family could/would press charges.

08-17-2012, 01:05 AM
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You and the stranger both like Wisconsin.
You: Wisconsin?
Stranger: Yeah
You: Hello.
Stranger: Hello
You: Are you guy or gal?
Stranger: Guy
You: Damnit.
You have disconnected.

08-17-2012, 01:12 AM
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Omegle couldn't find anyone who shares interests with you, so this stranger is completely random. Try adding more interests!
Stranger: asl
You: Wisconsin?
Stranger: asl
You: 27 m wisconsin
Stranger: send ur gf and mom i will give pleasure
You: Wisconsin?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

08-17-2012, 06:50 AM

LOL, I was trying to do the same thing, and didn't see your post! Excellent work. We should create a catch an Omegle user thread - these could be fun.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Hja!
Stranger: hi asl
You: You like Swedish ja?
You: 15/f/sweden
Stranger: i dun noe it
Stranger: 17 m
You: You English very nice
Stranger: usa
Stranger: thanks
You: Can you teach me?
Stranger: ok u on any messenger
You: yes im on omgele messenger
Stranger: kik
You: have you been with any girls before?
Stranger: no
You: just one girl for me, but no guys yet - dont want pregnant
Stranger: i dun wanna hav sex ryt nw only after 23 with my wife
You: you married????
You: why talk with me???
You: i think this is date!!!
Stranger: no i m only 17!
You: oh, this is date
You: hehehe
Stranger: lol
You: well you want to see pic?
You: NICE pic
Stranger: ok
Stranger: kik
You: http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/142/138/pedobear-busted-by-chris-hansen.jpg
Stranger: its nt ur pic
You: And you're a pedo. You wanted a pic from a 15 year old girl naked. Nasty ass boy. Lucky I don't call the feds. I have your IP address.
Stranger: not naked
You: FEDS being called right now
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

08-17-2012, 06:52 AM

You: asl
Stranger: 20 female
Stranger: U?
You: 8 male
Stranger: WTF?

08-17-2012, 07:02 AM
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: Hey
You: hi
Stranger: Asl
You: 14 f NY
Stranger: 18 m Oklahoma
You: do you like the thunder???
Stranger: Yes
You: me too - durant is rully good!
Stranger: Ya he is lol
You: so what are ya doin on here???
You: i stayed up all night!
Stranger: Nothin really lol wbu
Stranger: You horny
You: just lookin for guys - been lookin to hook up on skype
You: parents still sleepin, lazy lol
Stranger: Do you have kik
You: nope sorry - you have facebook, we can chat there
You: ???
Stranger: Lol ya I. Do you should send me a dirty piv
Stranger: Pic
You: i wanna see who im talkin to first - make sure your not sum creepy old man!!!!! it happened to me before
Stranger: Ok lol what's your email I'll send it to there
You: sorry - i wont give out my email again, i'll add u as a friend on facebook... my parents check my email
Stranger: Well how will you send a dirty pic then and you can always delete it
You: i want to see your pics on fb then we can skype, we can do anything on skype
You: ;)
Stranger: Ok what's your face bool
You: just send me your link and i can add you, i just gotta be safe. your link should be facebook.com/kevin_durant or somethin

Entrapment is harder than it looks. Who else is up for the challenge? We can post a public pedo register!!!!!!!!!

08-17-2012, 07:23 AM

You: asl
Stranger: 20 female
Stranger: U?
You: 8 male
Stranger: WTF?


08-17-2012, 10:58 AM
couldn't get anyone to talk to me for long =( can't believe this is how people communicate nowdays

08-17-2012, 01:03 PM
couldn't get anyone to talk to me for long =( can't believe this is how people communicate nowdays

Pretend to be an underage girl and they stick around, then throw a Chris Hansen pic at them.

08-17-2012, 01:10 PM
LOL, I was trying to do the same thing, and didn't see your post! Excellent work. We should create a catch an Omegle user thread - these could be fun.

Yep. Great work by Faptastrophe BTW. Get someone to give the email and then send this pic to the guy. Don't post his name here.They are losers, but we don't trouble for the site and they could commit suicide. Let's hope Just the pic will make them scared of doing that again.


That Jerry dude is creeppy as hell.

08-17-2012, 01:11 PM
Pretend to be an underage girl and they stick around, then throw a Chris Hansen pic at them.

:applause: Did not see your post. Indeed that would be great.

08-17-2012, 01:56 PM
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: ****
You: A doodle dooooo
Your conversational partner has disconnected.


08-17-2012, 02:26 PM
Stranger: m here, looking for a fun time on kik or email, asl?
You: Heey!
You: 14/F/LA U?
Stranger: 16 m usa, got a kik?
You: nah
Stranger: email?
You: Are you only sixteen?
You: I like older guys
Stranger: how much older?
You: At least 19-20
You: young guys are imature
Stranger: you are gonna get raped, good luck with that__

Eat Like A Bosh
08-17-2012, 09:03 PM
Lol Fap, you gotta give us the dets. How the hell did you get your hands on his facebook?

Stranger: Talk dirty to me
Stranger: Go
You: I can't find my weed.
You: What should I do?
Stranger: Um, did u check under ur bed
You: Yes! Not there
You: I checked under the couch cushions too, not there!
Stranger: Call yo dealer then
Stranger: Or go to a friends house and smoke their shit
You: They can't know
Stranger: Oh I see, well u can talk dirty to me
You: I can't even hide the damn meth under my pillow anymore.
Stranger: No shit
Stranger: Peeps be thieving
You: I stopped leaving it there when i found out there was no weed fairy and it was just my dad stealing my stash and leaving a few bucks.
Stranger: Lol
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

08-17-2012, 09:28 PM
Stranger: hey

You: ho

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

08-17-2012, 09:29 PM
Stranger: Asl

You: 78

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

08-17-2012, 09:50 PM
done with that sht, chick just told me i'm the oldest person she's ever spoken to online.

08-17-2012, 11:51 PM
done with that sht, chick just told me i'm the oldest person she's ever spoken to online.

get pwned. I'm trying it... actually talking to this dude. haha...


08-17-2012, 11:58 PM
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi
Stranger: 21m
You: sup
You: why must you know my age and gender? Can we just speak nicely?
Stranger: i didnt ask
Stranger: i just told
You: Oh, cool. Hey.
Stranger: hi
You: What are you doing tonight that leads you to OMEGLE?
You: Or is this a hobby of yours
Stranger: its sort of a bad habit
Stranger: that i sometimes get stuck on
Stranger: and now is one of those times
You: Have you ever felt like your life has been changed due to a random conversation?
Stranger: yeah, every once in a while
Stranger: rarely...
You: how long does the average conversation last? Someone actually told me to go here and I was like Ok why not.
Stranger: average 2 lines
Stranger: but the actual conversations are much longer
You: Ah, ok. Do you think people are looking for textual romance or intellectual stimulation?
Stranger: little of both
You: At the same time? That's amazing.
You: But you just do it because you're bored?
Stranger: ive been on all ends of the omegle spectrum
Stranger: and im not proud of that...
You: haha, sounds like a commercial. Okay enough with the interview. What do you hope to accomplish in life?
You: HAHA, oops.
You: Enough with THAT part of the interview.
You: Or you can ask me a question.
Stranger: i want to be a software engineer
You: No more broad goals like... attain inner peace? Do you simply want to get a software job and have a nice house, live life... ?
Stranger: i want to make enough money that my wife doesnt have to work
Stranger: also i want a wife
You: Nice.
You: That's not as hard to do as you would think, though. Wives are out there and there are plenty of jobs. What sort of software? Games?
Stranger: im a web programmer
You: Ah. There is good money in that, eh? Did you get a degree or are you getting one?
Stranger: getting it
Stranger: and there is
You: Cool.
You: This is an interesting site, for sure.
You: I think I am going to go now. Not because you are boring or anything but because I am an ANGEL and I am going back to heaven. I hope your life was sufficiently changed.
You: Any parting words?
Stranger: im in love with you
You: okay. I will remember that forever.
Stranger: good


08-18-2012, 12:09 AM
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hi
Stranger: hey
Stranger: asl?
You: 55/?/Mars
You: u?
Stranger: 12/f/ horny in my bathroom
You: creepy.
Stranger: awhh how come?
Stranger: ur from mars
Stranger: im talking to an alien
Stranger: thats creepy
You: ikr
Stranger: AND
Stranger: ur like...super old
You: in martian years, i'm 16 in human years
Stranger: oic...real talk...in reality 12/f/horny translates to 67 m arkansas...jerkin it
You: euroleague?
Stranger: exactly
You: jerkin it to vspan are we?

Stranger: hey
You: hey
Stranger: how are you?
You: a little disturbed by the wars in the middle east, but other than that...
Stranger: yeah i hear ya
You: NBA fan?
Stranger: NHL and NFL and collage football
You: Music?
You: Guns N' Roses?
You: Randy Rhoads?
Stranger: three days grace
You: Guns N' ****in' Roses
You: I am Slash
You: I am drunk
Stranger: i bet
You: ****
You: Yep
You: You're Axl I can tell
You: **** you Axl

08-18-2012, 12:19 AM
Stranger: hi(just wanna a friendly talk XD)
You: sure
You: how r u
You: you like nba?
Stranger: kkk
You: bitch get the **** out of here
You: i aint no racist
You: mutha****a
Stranger: i dont know much about it
You: **** you and your white hoods
Stranger: 草泥马
You: hate crime ass bitches
You: dafuq
You: i dont speak that shit
You: bro
Stranger: 麻痹的要草回你家草
You: english muthafukka do you speak it
Stranger: **** ur mother olz
Stranger: plz
Stranger: 麻痹的!!!!!!!!
You: i aint oedipus
Stranger: 滚你妈的白皮猪1!!!!

08-18-2012, 12:25 AM
I don't know if I should upload the video I recorded earlier..


Ima post an SS ... SNEAK PEAK ^^



Jordan ... I see you ^^

08-18-2012, 12:28 AM
Stranger: hey
You: hey
You: LeBron shits all over Kobrick
Stranger: haha... im guessing your a guyy
You: Yep ISH=#1
You: you should post there :P
You: insidehoops if youre wondering lol
Stranger: lol im not intrested i dont likr basketball... imma girl btw
You: ah i see.
You: girls are weird like that
Stranger: i play softball though
Stranger: im really good
Stranger: i played varsity my freshman year
You: awesome
You: albert pujols=GOAT
You: in mlb
You: :D
Stranger: hahha... i hate kevin yukolis
You: why
You: he's jewish! Jew power! lol
You: im jewish too
Stranger: well first off hes from boston.. i hate boston lol imma yankee fan
You: aw yankees eh
You: hes on the white sox now IIRC
You: cardinals>yankees :D
Stranger: i would think with the last name yukolis he was jewish... and yeah hes on the white sox now.. i have nothing against the cardinals so your okay
Stranger: haha
You: yay!
You: this is such a weird site lol
You: howd u find it
Stranger: ehhh i knew about it from people in my school... i just come on here when im bored and try to find normal people... not the assholes that wanna jerk off to girls all the time
You: -_____-
Stranger: your not one of them i could tell
You: no im a respectable young man :)
Stranger: i can tell(:
You: this probably isnt the best place to find normal people tho lol
You: facebook prolly better
You: or real life lol
Stranger: i know... i pray i find one though
Stranger: and i think i just did lol
You: aww <3
You: thx
Stranger: are you from the u.s
You: yeah
You: are u
Stranger: well duh stupid question
Stranger: what state?
You: Missouri
You: u from NY?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

A disconnection ruins RRR3 and Stranger's blossoming romance :cry:


08-18-2012, 12:39 AM
HOly shit I found that guy on FB too :eek: FAP DA GAWD! :bowdown:

08-18-2012, 12:41 AM
HOly shit I found that guy on FB too :eek: FAP DA GAWD! :bowdown:

08-18-2012, 12:47 AM
That's what he gets for not appreciating his girlfriend and going around online looking for underage girls! :no:

08-18-2012, 12:51 AM
who? :oldlol:

and im tryna recruit ppl to ISH right now to no success :lol

08-18-2012, 12:52 AM
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: Hey
Stranger: Asl
You: 19 f ca
You: you?
Stranger: 18 m tx
You: cool what part?
Stranger: East Texas
You: i just moved here from the uk
Stranger: Cool why?
You: i got into a fight at my school and my mom got scared so she sent me to live with my aunt and uncle in a town called bel-air
Stranger: Oh ok
Stranger: Why did she get scared
You: idk. she's a bitch
Stranger: Do you have a kik
You: a what?
Stranger: A kik
You: what's that?
Stranger: A photosharing thing
You: no. i've never heard of that before. is that american?
Stranger: I guess
You: you have one?
Stranger: Yea
You: oh, wow. i used to have a myspace but my mom made me delete it
Stranger: You have a email
You: not really. i'm using my uncle's computer
Stranger: Oh ok
You: do you do drugs?
Stranger: Well I'm horny haha
Stranger: Somtimes
You: what kind?
Stranger: I smoke weed
You: oh, i used to
Stranger: Oh what drugs do you do
You: i used to do weed. there's this drug in england called acid. idk if you americans have ever done it, but that thing was very good
You: jolly good fun
Stranger: Oh yea I've heard of it
You: oh have you? do you know anyone who does it?
Stranger: Nope
You: that's not good.
You: you gotta give me more info than that.
Stranger: Like what
You: idk. i'm trying to become a cop and i wanna do my first drug bust in the usa and become a huge hero for it.
Stranger: Oh ok?
You: i'm seeing if someone can gimme info about drug king pins online
Stranger: That weird
You: not really. when you think about it, it's heroic.
Stranger: Not really go to the border there's a lot of drug people there
You: just think about that movie theatre shooting in orlando, NJ. imagine if i was there? i would have saved so many lives, especially of heath ledger's.
You: the border? like canada?
You: i bet.
You: those canadians never stop taking drugs
Stranger: Mexico
You: mexico? why would i bother them? they're good people
Stranger: **** Mexicans
You: that's racist.
You: i used to **** mexicans, too, but then my mom caught me
Stranger: I know haha
Stranger: Wow let's talk dirty
Stranger: :)
You: she got mad. in the uk, we get a lot of mexican gardners
You: i used to sleep with one named ricky ricardo
Stranger: Cool
You: how about you?
You: have you ever been with a mexican gardener?
Stranger: Nope
You: that's pretty sad. they really know how to mow down south
Stranger: Haha
Stranger: You shave your *****
You: not really. my uncle doesn't let me use his razors
Stranger: Oh haha
Stranger: You have a phone?
You: i'm pretty hairy now. i haven't shaved since like i was 10
You: lol i meant 18
Stranger: Like anything
Stranger: How about your legs?
Stranger: ??
You: i wax them
Stranger: Oh I'd wax your *****
You: why?
Stranger: Americans don't really like pub
Stranger: Pubic hair
You: americans don't like pubs? i love pubs. i get drunk there
You: oh
Stranger: Yea
Stranger: You got a phone?
Stranger: Huh
You: just a house phone
Stranger: Damn
You: sorry, i'm chatting with my other friend, too
You: that's why i'm taking so long
Stranger: Oh ok
Stranger: You like to suck dick?
You: yeah, i know. lol he's creepy! look at this dumb ****. he doesn't even know i'm a dude
You: whoops! wrong window
Stranger: Really your a dude?
You: yeah, homo
You: i said i'm 19 *** ca
You: not 19 female ca
Stranger: Bitch your gay talking about ****ing a Mexican dude
Stranger: Gay
You: i said mexican gardener
You: she was a girl
Stranger: Liar
Stranger: You said dude
You: idc. nothing wrong with being gay
Stranger: Yeah there is bitch **** you
Stranger: Im out
You: bye homo
Stranger: *** bitch
You: i like that
You: yummy
Stranger: Gaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy
You: you don't wanna leave because you like talking to me, you queer
You: how gay
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

08-18-2012, 01:06 AM

08-18-2012, 01:09 AM
who? :oldlol:

and im tryna recruit ppl to ISH right now to no success :lol
bring chicks to ish

08-18-2012, 01:13 AM
Scholar's is the best. I'm laughing to death here

08-18-2012, 01:17 AM
Stranger: Really your a dude?
You: yeah, homo
You: i said i'm 19 *** ca
You: not 19 female ca

:roll: :roll: :roll: