View Full Version : Joey Crawford is the worst referee alive.

05-07-2009, 01:22 AM
He shouldn't ref any playoff games at all. He is the most biased, worst ref I've ever seen. He kills momuntem all the time and he's the worst ref ever.

That is all.

05-07-2009, 01:23 AM
He's just following orders, can't blame him.

UCLA - Lakers
05-07-2009, 01:23 AM
I would rather see both teams get physical than see foul after foul called.

05-07-2009, 01:24 AM
My problem with him has always been that he seems to like to make himself part of the game. He seems to enjoy giving out Ts and throwing guys out. It just seems to me that he wants to be part of the show, and that's not a ref's job. He's a drama queen basically. :oldlol:

05-07-2009, 01:25 AM
he seems to just always have a very big call that is a. wrong and b. effects the game in the wrong way.

05-07-2009, 01:25 AM
He's a no-nonsense ref. I don't lick all the ticky-tacky calls, but I think hes usually right when he throws technicals out.

05-07-2009, 01:26 AM
My problem with him has always been that he seems to like to make himself part of the game. He seems to enjoy giving out Ts and throwing guys out. It just seems to me that he wants to be part of the show, and that's not a ref's job. He's a drama queen basically. :oldlol:

yup exactly what i was thinking.. he was the same ref who had beef with duncan right?

05-07-2009, 01:28 AM
yup exactly what i was thinking.. he was the same ref who had beef with duncan right?
Yeah, that's the same ref that ejected Duncan for smiling in a regular season game. I believe he was suspended for the playoffs. Too bad, it was 2 years ago. :banghead:

05-07-2009, 01:29 AM
violet palmer is about 10 miles worse than this guy.

05-07-2009, 01:31 AM

"I got you Kobe"

05-07-2009, 01:44 AM

05-07-2009, 01:51 AM
How does anyone think that Kobe elbow is intentional? He was swinging around trying to box out.

People need to get a life instead of viewing Kobe's under a microscope.

05-07-2009, 01:56 AM
How does anyone think that Kobe elbow is intentional? He was swinging around trying to box out.

People need to get a life instead of viewing Kobe's under a microscope.

Looks like he winds up a bit before he throws it. At least to me. I'm sure others will see differently.

05-07-2009, 01:56 AM
even by looking at that gif it's not hard to see that Artest fouled first

05-07-2009, 01:57 AM
ItruWarrior you are an idiot, and your Rockets did get spanked, but I agree, Crawford is a horrible ref. He should have been fired after the Duncan incident. NO referee is above the game and the NBA sent the wrong message by letting him keep his job.

He thinks, like a few other refs do, that the game is about them. It's not, and he should have to find this out by being sent down to college ball.

05-07-2009, 02:01 AM
How does anyone think that Kobe elbow is intentional? He was swinging around trying to box out.

People need to get a life instead of viewing Kobe's under a microscope.
i guess his knee and elbow to battier head last gm was noting. He was trying to get up and slipped on battier head with his elbow then knees

05-07-2009, 02:01 AM

This iz why I disrespect you.

You lack the balls to physically gamble, or emotionally gamble as I had in the past.

In the dark, desolate streetz of Boston, I was abandoned and it iz time that the losers/outcasts of ISH hear my story, and receive their due inspiration.

I started out surviving by eating leavez off winter trees, pieces of concrete in Quincy Market, az a child, and I've upgraded to somebody who devours RedBullz, destroys the evils of racism, prejudice, and ignorance, balls, models, studies, thugz etc. I've got a story to tell, and a path to wander off to. The American Mo'phucking Dream. Rags2Riches.

Can't say the same for you. You're a pathetic soul who makes a hundred threads a day, and you've yet to make me laugh. One time. You've never made me go to myzelf, "Oh yeah, I've never looked at it that way before."

No Insight, no humor. There comez a time in every ISHers life when he says, what's the point anymore? Why am I here? Why am I alive? What did I do to deserve this?

05-07-2009, 02:04 AM
Kobe must send pretty sweet fruit baskets to Joey before the game. I'm just playing, I was joking around with my boys about that during the game though.

05-07-2009, 02:06 AM
i guess his knee and elbow to battier head last gm was noting. He was trying to get up and slipped on battier head with his elbow then knees

You're a nobody on here. Just another one that follows the Kobe hate threads.

Look at what's infront of you and you will realize it's one of the greatest players ever.

05-07-2009, 02:08 AM
wonder if the vegas line of lakers giving up 10 had anything to do with it. crawford has already been in trouble with the league for cheating the nba out of money by trading in his first class tix for coach and pocketing the money...

naaaa...jk, but i do agree crawford thinks he is more important then the game, he was staring down someone on the rockets bench during the second q. he likes to show the players that hes the man. kinda reminded me of how he kicked duncan out of the game for laughing while on the bench.

Scott Pippen
05-07-2009, 02:22 AM
At least call a double foul in my opinion. The way the ref handled it was horrible.

05-07-2009, 02:23 AM
I just burnt ITW alive. Where's my replies? Where's my love?

What gives???

05-07-2009, 02:47 AM
dude that ron and kobe situation was the right call... ron went up to kobe looking to get back at him and he shouldnt of even gotten that close... the refs should have jumped in. And dont come and say oh he wasnt going to touch him, we all know we can't trust hot heads like artest, he can't play with composure. Once he gets heated, south goes houston.

This is also unfair for crawford, he is a great/good ref. The fact is, refs are going to make mistakes... this guy is always the ref for the big games which is why it's unfair.

05-07-2009, 02:53 AM
At least call a double foul in my opinion. The way the ref handled it was horrible.
they missed the elbow which should of been a foul on kobe, other than that, i think they handled it just fine.

a T for sprinting to get into kobes face was justified. and a T for what the ref presumed was a slit your throat gesture got him a 2nd T and thus ejected.

if they would have just kept playing after the no call, it would have just gone down as one of the dozens of calls that refs miss during the games.

05-07-2009, 02:56 AM
You're a nobody on here. Just another one that follows the Kobe hate threads.

Look at what's infront of you and you will realize it's one of the greatest players ever.

I agree with you there.

But to act like he did nothing wrong on that play is absurd..can clearly see he winds up:confusedshrug:

05-07-2009, 02:58 AM
It's funny how others thinking the other side of the fence is greener in say Joey Crawford is on Lakers side...when in actually he isn't. He usually gives Kobe a bunch of Ts at other games for complaining. He's certainly not on Lakers side and not favoring Lakers either but just a guy who's quick at giving Ts.

Scott Pippen
05-07-2009, 03:02 AM
they missed the elbow which should of been a foul on kobe, other than that, i think they handled it just fine.

a T for sprinting to get into kobes face was justified. and a T for what the ref presumed was a slit your throat gesture got him a 2nd T and thus ejected.

if they would have just kept playing after the no call, it would have just gone down as one of the dozens of calls that refs miss during the games.Yes but it should have never even got to that point. People on this site arguing about whether or not the Kobe elbow is intentional (in his favor or against him), what does it really matter? A foul is a foul and it should have been called. At least a double foul. I don't see how he misses the "retaliation" when refs usually only catch the 2nd hit in any incident. That is assuming the people here say Artest provoked him. I just don't understand this.

05-07-2009, 03:16 AM
It's funny how others thinking the other side of the fence is greener in say Joey Crawford is on Lakers side...when in actually he isn't. He usually gives Kobe a bunch of Ts at other games for complaining. He's certainly not on Lakers side and not favoring Lakers either but just a guy who's quick at giving Ts.
no im just saying that crawford is a terrible referee period. he thinks people pay to watch him ref or something. he thinks hes the most important person on the court.

05-07-2009, 03:22 AM

"I got you Kobe"

Nice elbow there Kobe, **** I hate him now even more than Vuja*****

05-07-2009, 03:30 AM
Nice elbow there Kobe, **** I hate him now even more than Vuja*****
Artest had an elbow into Kobe's temple the entire play. Yes he retaliated, but don't act like his elbow came out of nowhere.

05-07-2009, 03:40 AM
Artest had an elbow into Kobe's temple the entire play. Yes he retaliated, but don't act like his elbow came out of nowhere.

Are you serious dude? In that gif Kobe leaned into Artest to box him out do you think Artest was elbowing him there? Kobe has a real snotty personality and a mentality of a spoiled brat who thinks he's too high class to be defended physically so he throws a dirty elbow, man my hate is really growing for him throughout these playoffs from the knee/elbow on Battier to the dirty elbow on Artest, he's a great basketball player but wow, sometimes he can be pretty classless

05-07-2009, 03:42 AM
lol at people saying kobe did it on accident.. gtfo.. he waited until the guy shot the ball and swung his elbow at his throat. He planned that **** the second he saw it was artest boxing him out and he had the disadvantage. Knowing Crawford was in the game it was a win, win situation for him.

05-07-2009, 04:03 AM
Looks like he winds up a bit before he throws it. At least to me. I'm sure others will see differently.

Looks like Artest fouled him first. Seriously, we got a bunch of cry babies here. :cry:

05-07-2009, 04:12 AM
He's just following orders, can't blame him.

He is just a pawn of stern. I was not surprised that Crawford was picked to officiate this game, there was no way stern would let the lakers go down 2-0

05-07-2009, 04:35 AM
He shouldn't ref any playoff games at all. He is the most biased, worst ref I've ever seen. He kills momuntem all the time and he's the worst ref ever.

That is all.

Is this the part where I get to laugh at you for complaining about the refs, since you were so "above it" in the Portland series?

:roll: :roll: :roll:

:roll: :roll: :roll:

:roll: :roll: :roll:

05-07-2009, 05:25 AM
How does anyone think that Kobe elbow is intentional? He was swinging around trying to box out.

People need to get a life instead of viewing Kobe's under a microscope.

Get your eyes checked you kobe nut hugger. If there was a different angle you would see him wind up it's damn obvious in that gif as well.

Play physical just don't play dirty.

05-07-2009, 05:43 AM
Artest fouled first, then Kobe threw an intentional elbow.
it was not ejection worthy, but Kobe should have got a warning from the referee.

Artest did get a little overboard after that, but he didn't do anything ejection worthy either, he got in Kobe's face, but thats just a technical foul, nothing more.

The Kobe hate is unwarranted though. they were wrestling for a rebound, Artest was pushing him down, Kobe lost his cool, and threw an elbow.
This happens in basketball every day.

If someone is holding me down for a rebound like that, I'll throw an elbow, and everybody else i've ever played with would do the same thing. No biggie.

The foul call on Artest was a good call.
Not warning Kobe for the elbow was a mistake by Joey. (No T was warranted, but a warning for sure)
Ejecting Artest instead of just T-ing him up was a typical Joey Crawford drama.

05-07-2009, 05:43 AM
Look at what's infront of you and you will realize it's one of the greatest players ever.

Wrong, the all time greats never resorted to cheap shots and dirty play to win. Sure they talked a lot of trash, but they backed it up with their on court play. They didn't throw hissy fits when someone made them look bad. They would just come down and bust your @$$ with a basketball play.

05-07-2009, 05:55 AM
Are you serious dude? In that gif Kobe leaned into Artest to box him out do you think Artest was elbowing him there? Kobe has a real snotty personality and a mentality of a spoiled brat who thinks he's too high class to be defended physically so he throws a dirty elbow, man my hate is really growing for him throughout these playoffs from the knee/elbow on Battier to the dirty elbow on Artest, he's a great basketball player but wow, sometimes he can be pretty classless

Thank you, best post in this thread by far. :applause: :applause:
The league needs to come down and come down hard on him. When he used to pull that b*tch move all the time where he would smack the defender in the face after wildly throwing his arms around after a shot in a pathetic attempt to get a foul, the league cracked down on him and he's stopped. Now his go to move is a cheap shot elbow and he'll continue to do it until the league steps in like they did before. If they don't, then a suspension is going to be the least of his worries next time he steps on the court. The league may be very watered down compared to what it used to be, but there are still a few guys who don't mind putting others in their place. I'd love to see someone do to Kobe what K-Mart did to Dirk or what Rondo did to Kirk Hinrich. Hell, even a redo of what Raja Bell did to him a few years ago. Now that I think about it, Raja Bell clotheslined him because Kobe throw an elbow to his throat/head a couple possessions before.

05-07-2009, 07:45 AM
ItruWarrior you are an idiot, and your Rockets did get spanked, but I agree, Crawford is a horrible ref. He should have been fired after the Duncan incident. NO referee is above the game and the NBA sent the wrong message by letting him keep his job.

So you think a player should be allowed to laugh at a ref? The Duncan-incident was absolutely T-worthy. Can't disrespect a ref like that as a player.

oh the horror
05-07-2009, 07:54 AM
How does anyone think that Kobe elbow is intentional? He was swinging around trying to box out.

People need to get a life instead of viewing Kobe's under a microscope.


05-07-2009, 09:52 AM
I can understand if Rockets fans are pissed at the refs, but don't blame them for costing you the game...other than the 2nd quarter, the Lakers outplayed Houston.

U got Served
05-07-2009, 10:00 AM
It's hard not to "view Kobe under a microscope" when TNT, NBA TV, and ESPN are all pointing out the elbow to Artest.

05-07-2009, 10:16 AM
How does anyone think that Kobe elbow is intentional? He was swinging around trying to box out.

People need to get a life instead of viewing Kobe's under a microscope.
im sorry but theres a difference between boxing out and swinging elbows. i play forward, so my main role is to box out.

when u box out u push ur arms back and try and hold the offensive player behind u, no real swinging going on.

when u do wat kobe did, and throw an elbow, thats a cheap dirty move, if this was at a rec center or anywhere else artest would've destroyed kobe there and then. thats a cheap shot, and it looked like he swung at full force.

05-07-2009, 10:36 AM
At least call a double foul in my opinion. The way the ref handled it was horrible.

I agree. That should have been the call.

05-07-2009, 10:59 AM
im sorry but theres a difference between boxing out and swinging elbows. i play forward, so my main role is to box out.

when u box out u push ur arms back and try and hold the offensive player behind u, no real swinging going on.

when u do wat kobe did, and throw an elbow, thats a cheap dirty move, if this was at a rec center or anywhere else artest would've destroyed kobe there and then. thats a cheap shot, and it looked like he swung at full force.

That's soft.

Artest is in Kobe's back, in his position or zone, thus I would have done exactly what Kobe did.

A guys pushing you illegally in the back, what are you going to do? Toughen up and push back, get him out of your zone. That was a great play by Kobe in my opinion. Showing his teammates to toughen up and take it to the Rockets. If they push, push back.

Full force? Please.

I played college and play rec ball now. People get on my back like that, they get an elbow. It's hardly dirty. Smart play. Gets the defender off you, and he won't be doing it again.

05-07-2009, 11:26 AM
What do you expect from Joey Crawford, David Stern and Kobe Bryant. They are the Big 3. They can't be beat. Trust me, I am a Spurs Fan. I know all about Joey Crawford and Kobe Bryant.

05-07-2009, 11:34 AM
Yeah, I can't stand Joey. He is a ****-**** for a ref and a douche.

05-07-2009, 11:39 AM
Yeah, you would him ****ing with Spurs Games would be enough to get him fired, but I guess not. They still let him ref Spurs Games. Hell, they still let him Ref Spurs Playoff Games! In fact, he was the Ref in one of the Spurs Playoff Games in the last round. What the hell?


05-07-2009, 11:39 AM
im sorry but theres a difference between boxing out and swinging elbows. i play forward, so my main role is to box out.

when u box out u push ur arms back and try and hold the offensive player behind u, no real swinging going on.

when u do wat kobe did, and throw an elbow, thats a cheap dirty move, if this was at a rec center or anywhere else artest would've destroyed kobe there and then. thats a cheap shot, and it looked like he swung at full force.

He wasn't "swinging" elbows, please, way to be over dramatic.

It wasn't a cheap and dirty move, he was getting fouled the entire time on the box out and because he was bent down to box out when he pushed his arms back to box out, it caught Artest in a bad spot. Also, don't assume Artest would destroy Kobe. Yeah, Artest is thug, but Kobe has done Aikido, which is pretty much ideal against somebody like Artest, not to mention other martial arts.

As far as the play, I really don't think either should be suspended or have anything done. I think both were blown out of proportion.

05-07-2009, 11:45 AM
I still can't tell whether Kobe viciously threw an elbow like you make it out or not. All I know is if the Celtics responded this way (which they do just about every game) they would be labeled as a tough veteran team fighting for their playoff lives. We wanted the Lakers to get tougher did we not? Do you really think physical playing is to the Lakers benefit or to the Rockets? Which team do you think initiated a physical series? Us or them? The Lakers just woke up and started fighting back. Fisher should have been more deceptive with his... but had Artest not went on a rant about elbows no one would even be talking about a possible Kobe Bryant elbow to the throat that no one can even see on the replay. Its about as clear as Rajon's supposed elbow throw at Hinrich during their altercation. All this talk about Kobe's vicious elbow to into Artest's throat is a product of Artest saying the elbow caught him in the throat after the game. Even with slow motion video we can barely see the hint of an elbow rotating back towards Artest. Where it catches him? We can't tell. How hard it was thrown? We can't tell. Had Artest not thrown a fit about it we wouldnt even be talking about the play.

05-07-2009, 11:49 AM
He wasn't "swinging" elbows, please, way to be over dramatic.

It wasn't a cheap and dirty move, he was getting fouled the entire time on the box out and because he was bent down to box out when he pushed his arms back to box out, it caught Artest in a bad spot. Also, don't assume Artest would destroy Kobe. Yeah, Artest is thug, but Kobe has done Aikido, which is pretty much ideal against somebody like Artest, not to mention other martial arts.

As far as the play, I really don't think either should be suspended or have anything done. I think both were blown out of proportion.

AHahahahahahahah Grow up. Aikido is fine for getting wrist control on some drunk that you are trying to throw out of a party, but it is far from a effective martial art when dealing with a physically capable opponent.

If Kobe were some Thai Boxing vet I might buy his ability to overcome an enraged dude with 40lbs of muscle on him...but Kobe's off season dabbling in rec center Aikido and boxercise is not going to save him.

And yes, I've done martial arts for most of my life, so this is based on very direct experience.

05-07-2009, 11:51 AM
Kobe probably would get wrecked but he's Kobe. Artest would be out of the league the next day. Both of them aren't stupid.

05-07-2009, 11:51 AM
I loved how he shoved Scola back away from Walton with no repercussions.

05-07-2009, 12:06 PM
He shouldn't ref any playoff games at all. He is the most biased, worst ref I've ever seen. He kills momuntem all the time and he's the worst ref ever.

That is all.
as others have said, he clearly is the league's order follower. he is a terrible ref.

05-07-2009, 12:07 PM
I played college and play rec ball now. People get on my back like that, they get an elbow. It's hardly dirty. Smart play. Gets the defender off you, and he won't be doing it again.
sure, in rec league. in the nba, an elbow connecting above the shoulders is an automatic suspension. just ask stu jackson. oh wait. not when its kobe.

05-07-2009, 12:21 PM
It was incidental contact to the neck/head. If anything Kobe was pushing back trying to get position and just happened to get near the neck area.

I have no reason to protect Kobe. I'm not a Laker fan or a Kobe homer. People just need to stop viewing every miniscule thing Kobe does and try to make it worse then it is. He is still the most hated, loved and watched player in the league. Maybe still even the best, yet people can't appreciate himfor some reason.

05-07-2009, 12:24 PM
It was incidental contact to the neck/head. If anything Kobe was pushing back trying to get position and just happened to get near the neck area.

I have no reason to protect Kobe. I'm not a Laker fan or a Kobe homer. People just need to stop viewing every miniscule thing Kobe does and try to make it worse then it is. He is still the most hated, loved and watched player in the league. Maybe still even the best, yet people can't appreciate himfor some reason.

It's all about intent...Artest obviously thought it wasn't just incidental contact.

05-07-2009, 12:35 PM
It was incidental contact to the neck/head. If anything Kobe was pushing back trying to get position and just happened to get near the neck area.

I have no reason to protect Kobe. I'm not a Laker fan or a Kobe homer. People just need to stop viewing every miniscule thing Kobe does and try to make it worse then it is. He is still the most hated, loved and watched player in the league. Maybe still even the best, yet people can't appreciate himfor some reason.


05-07-2009, 12:43 PM
I agree that Crawford is a horrible official and that the NBA is biased toward's big market teams, but in THIS CASE, Crawford did nothing wrong. He wasn't the one who missed the Kobe elbow in the first place. He didn't call a foul on Artest for catching an elbow to the throat.

Crawford then stepped between Artest as he confronted Kobe. He T'd him up. Totally standard. Artest then made a cut-throat sign, a big no-no in today's game. Second T. Again, standard issue.

05-07-2009, 12:46 PM
Crawford then stepped between Artest as he confronted Kobe. He T'd him up. Totally standard. Artest then made a cut-throat sign, a big no-no in today's game. Second T. Again, standard issue.
The throat slashing gesture has been debunked, check out the Artest sticky...

05-07-2009, 12:55 PM
The throat slashing gesture has been debunked, check out the Artest sticky...

I just looked at the GIF in slow motion, and Artest didn't intend that to be a "cut-throat" sign, but in real time that's exactly what it looked like. He lifts his chin, he starts it at his left shoulder, he comes across his neck with hand. This is what a cut throat is. So I completely do not blame Crawford for thinking that's what it was, and there is nobody harder on officials than me, I really hate their corrupted asses. Just a bad decision by Artest to use that gesture to represent an elbow IMO.

05-07-2009, 12:57 PM
I just burnt ITW alive. Where's my replies? Where's my love?

What gives???

Hey J-Mizzle, I've never seen you do this before. That was really out of character. You're not like myself who posts a brilliant sexual joke and later posts something to remind someone of that. You always switch up your style, and leave a response unabashed.

05-07-2009, 12:59 PM
I just looked at the GIF in slow motion, and Artest didn't intend that to be a "cut-throat" sign, but in real time that's exactly what it looked like. He lifts his chin, he starts it at his left shoulder, he comes across his neck with hand. This is what a cut throat is. So I completely do not blame Crawford for thinking that's what it was, and there is nobody harder on officials than me, I really hate their corrupted asses. Just a bad decision by Artest to use that gesture to represent an elbow IMO.
Are you serious?
This is a throat slash

05-07-2009, 01:08 PM
Are you serious?
This is a throat slash

Are you serious? Look at Artest, he goes shoulder to shoulder, across his neck, while lifting his chin. :roll: It doesn't matter if it wasn't intentional, he made a cut throat motion. What's the argument? That he didn't mean to? You just charged Kobe, as you get pulled away you make this gesture, and wonder why the official tossed you?

05-07-2009, 01:11 PM
Are you serious? Look at Artest, he goes shoulder to shoulder, across his neck, while lifting his chin. :roll: It doesn't matter if it wasn't intentional, he made a cut throat motion. What's the argument? That he didn't mean to? You just charged Kobe, as you get pulled away you make this gesture, and wonder why the official tossed you?
It's at his mouth area, try again.

He was definitely gesturing the high elbow, it's pretty obvious.
Take it from someone that is unbiased.

05-07-2009, 01:21 PM
It's at his mouth area, try again.

False, it may have started at mouth level, but Artest lifts his head during the motion(exactly like a cut-throat sign), so as his hand comes across, it's just under his chin.

Take it from someone that is unbiased.

:roll: This is hilarious. I hate the Lakers, I hate Kobe, and even more, I hate NBA officials. But in this case, it's totally understandable that Crawford thought this was a cut-throat sign. It took me watching the clip 3-4 times in slow motion to realize it wasn't. So please, just stop.

05-07-2009, 01:26 PM
:roll: This is hilarious. I hate the Lakers, I hate Kobe, and even more, I hate NBA officials. But in this case, it's totally understandable that Crawford thought this was a cut-throat sign. It took me watching the clip 3-4 times in slow motion to realize it wasn't. So please, just stop.
He paints Crawford the picture beforehand. It's not like he was doing it from scatch. Seriously:

Artest : "he threw a high elbow"
Artest : Proceedes to do high elbow gesture
Crawford : "Throat slash, you're out of here!" :oldlol:

05-07-2009, 01:42 PM
only in the NBA against Kobe Bryant can you get elbowed in the top of your chest/neck area...get called for the foul, explain that you got elbowed and where you got elbowed, then get ejected

Artest confronting Kobe without harming him was worth maybe a tech at most.

all the while Kobe receives nothing

05-07-2009, 01:45 PM
My problem with him has always been that he seems to like to make himself part of the game. He seems to enjoy giving out Ts and throwing guys out. It just seems to me that he wants to be part of the show, and that's not a ref's job. He's a drama queen basically. :oldlol:


05-07-2009, 01:46 PM
Why are there worse referee's that are dead?

05-07-2009, 01:54 PM
He shouldn't ref any playoff games at all. He is the most biased, worst ref I've ever seen. He kills momuntem all the time and he's the worst ref ever.

That is all.


You mad? :oldlol:

05-07-2009, 01:59 PM

You mad? :oldlol:

And does anybody wonder why people hate the Lakers and their fans? They're too stupid to realize the NBA hands them W's on a silver platter. '88 Finals game 6(phantom foul on Bill Laimbeer), '02 WCF Game 6(no need to even explain), Kobe throwing an elbow and having the foul called on Artest :roll: I would at least feel a little guilty, but no, not these f*cksticks.

05-07-2009, 02:03 PM
And does anybody wonder why people hate the Lakers and their fans? They're too stupid to realize the NBA hands them W's on a silver platter. '88 Finals game 6(phantom foul on Bill Laimbeer), '02 WCF Game 6(no need to even explain), Kobe throwing an elbow and having the foul called on Artest :roll: I would at least feel a little guilty, but no, not these f*cksticks.

Riiiight. Did you also know that Joey Crawford was the gunmen who acted with Oswald and hes also been involved with numerous UFO landing coverups too?

05-07-2009, 02:07 PM
Riiiight. Did you also know that Joey Crawford was the gunmen who acted with Oswald and hes also been involved with numerous UFO landing coverups too?

How do you spell doochebag? Oh, never mind, I'll just spell it mbell75 from now on. Thanks for that.

05-07-2009, 02:09 PM
Riiiight. Did you also know that Joey Crawford was the gunmen who acted with Oswald and hes also been involved with numerous UFO landing coverups too?

Even honest people who were from LA like Bill Maher for example admitted that the 2002 WCF was RIGGED. Everyone who's not an LA fan knows that half of LA's Championships have an * next to them because they won RIGGED series.

05-07-2009, 02:09 PM
Crawford makes the worst calls. How come we can see things like this and NBA executives cant?

05-07-2009, 02:10 PM
Crawford makes the worst calls. How come we can see things like this and NBA executives cant?

Oh, they do. Which is why he has a job. The NBA needs "company" men in their pockets to do their dirty work.

05-07-2009, 02:36 PM

So...we're going to pretend like we didn't see Ron's elbow on the throat of Kobe during that 'box out'(well before, I might add, Bryant ever swung his elbow)?

05-07-2009, 02:49 PM
So...we're going to pretend like we didn't see Ron's elbow on the throat of Kobe during that 'box out'(well before, I might add, Bryant ever swung his elbow)?

You sound like one of these idiots who defended Rondo for throwing Heinrich into the scorer's table for initiating contact by "boxing" out. I agree Artest was being physical, but he was just pushing Kobe. That's a far cry from a sharp elbow toward the head(it doesn't matter where it landed, Kobe was looking at the rim and could've just as easily hit Artest in the face)

05-07-2009, 02:55 PM
You sound like one of these idiots who defended Rondo for throwing Heinrich into the scorer's table for initiating contact by "boxing" out. I agree Artest was being physical, but he was just pushing Kobe. That's a far cry from a sharp elbow toward the head(it doesn't matter where it landed, Kobe was looking at the rim and could've just as easily hit Artest in the face)

And you quite frankly sound like a ******, pissed at the fact that two grown men were playing physical underneath the rim, boxing out for a rebound nonetheless. They were both throwing elbows at each other, but for some reason Artest's elbow has been the exception, and regardless of the fact is was in Kobe's neck, he was just being 'physical' and 'pushing' Bryant. Yet Kobe comes back with one, and it could be borderline attempted murder.

Half of you should make the switch to the WNBA.

05-07-2009, 03:06 PM
And you quite frankly sound like a ******, pissed at the fact that two grown men were playing physical underneath the rim, boxing out for a rebound nonetheless. They were both throwing elbows at each other, but for some reason Artest's elbow has been the exception, and regardless of the fact is was in Kobe's neck, he was just being 'physical' and 'pushing' Bryant. Yet Kobe comes back with one, and it could be borderline attempted murder.

Half of you should make the switch to the WNBA.

How can you argue logic like this? What f*ckin tape are you watchin'. Artest was pushing, Kobe threw an elbow. Get your homer head out of your homer anus. It's blinding you from the truth.

05-07-2009, 03:12 PM
My problem with him has always been that he seems to like to make himself part of the game. He seems to enjoy giving out Ts and throwing guys out. It just seems to me that he wants to be part of the show, and that's not a ref's job. He's a drama queen basically. :oldlol:

He never should have reffed an NBA game again after throwing out Duncan for laughing on the bench after challenging him to a fight. That should have been it.

05-07-2009, 03:22 PM
How can you argue logic like this? What f*ckin tape are you watchin'. Artest was pushing, Kobe threw an elbow. Get your homer head out of your homer anus. It's blinding you from the truth.

You want to talk about logical arguments? :lol

You, comparing Rondo slinging Hinrich into Marc Jacksons lap into the scorers table, at half court, is logical to comparing two guys fighting underneath the rim for a rebound?

Artest was 'pushing' with his damn elbow in the neck of Kobe. What type of 'pushing' is that? Yet, many ass clowns such as yourself pretend as if it never happened when the clip is staring you right in the face. Why in the hell was Artest's elbow on his neck? Why? And this transpired long before Kobe decided to launch his own elbow. You PUSH with your arm in a guy's throat/neck?

Bryant retaliated with his own elbow, and now the jury is prepared to sentence him to deathrow. It was physical play the both of them, but it seems like you want me to act like Ron never placed half of his arm into Bryant's neck before the elbow by Kobe was thrown.

If you don't see Artest shoving his elbow into the back of Kobe's neck as they are boxing out, then the only head up an ass is your own, and it smells like bullshit.

05-07-2009, 03:36 PM
They were both throwing elbows at each other

I guess I'll just post your retarded comment again and hope you eventually explain yourself. Kobe is down low, squirming like a dying fish, so Ron's "push" eventually came to the back of Kobe's neck. This isn't "throwing elbows" as you claim. It's physical, yes. Dirty, no. Kobe then THROWS an elbow up high on Artest, and get's nothing called on him :lol The league has called it a Flagrant 1, which is correct IMO. But doing this after the game doesn't help the Rockets. If it was called correctly in the first place Ron would never have been ejected. You sir, fail beyond comprehension.

05-07-2009, 03:41 PM

Wtf? I've never seen that play. How does Joe still have a job?

05-07-2009, 03:56 PM
I guess I'll just post your retarded comment again and hope you eventually explain yourself. Kobe is down low, squirming like a dying fish, so Ron's "push" eventually came to the back of Kobe's neck. This isn't "throwing elbows" as you claim. It's physical, yes. Dirty, no. Kobe then THROWS an elbow up high on Artest, and get's nothing called on him :lol The league has called it a Flagrant 1, which is correct IMO. But doing this after the game doesn't help the Rockets. If it was called correctly in the first place Ron would never have been ejected. You sir, fail beyond comprehension.

So instead of Kobe boxing out, now he was just squirming like a fish? :lol The forearm/elbow in the back of his neck has nothing to do with this matter.

If a guys elbow is in the back or your neck/throat, he isn't hitting you with an elbow? Artest was pushing with his lower body, kid, the elbow in the throat by Artest is what a lot of idiots such as yourself seem to be ignoring and passing off as if the retaliation by Kobe was for seemingly no other reason than he's "dirty".

If Artest was legally 'boxing out', the elbow would at worst been in Kobe's chest, not around his neck. No matter how much you say Bryant was squirming, he's 6'6, Artest is 6'7-8. No amount of \flopping would be enough to help Artest put his elbow in Bryants neck with Artest extending to do so. Kobe isn't 6'3.

You do not 'box out' with your armpit on a guys throat.

The problem with you is that you already have your already extremley small mind made up that Kobe threw the elbow because he was having a fit, and you're completly turning your eyes on the fact that Artest had his elbow in the back of Bryant neck, attempting to hold him out of position. He was using his elbow in a guys neck for an advantage, but that's OK?

So I'll say it again this time, s-l-o-w-e-r, so that maybe you comprehend me this time.






















You've unfourtantley resorted to the ever so tatical and cool approach of using the ever so epic "Failed" in your agrument. Either debate the matter like you have half a brain, or don't bother at all, the nerdy, cliched, LULZ and PWNZED are void.

05-07-2009, 03:58 PM
Wtf? I've never seen that play. How does Joe still have a job?

That was '06. The year of D-whistle. Every official was told to give him calls like this. Joe Crawford, like Bennet Salvitore, are good "company" men which is why they still have jobs and why Wade and the Heat have a championship.

05-07-2009, 04:00 PM
killer, even in your posts you use an active verb "swung" to descrive kobe's action, but not rons. Do you not see the difference?

05-07-2009, 04:01 PM
I won't quote Killer's painfully irritating post, but again, how is pushing someone equal to throwing elbow's, which you claimed Artest was doing. I already said that Artest was playing physical, which against Kobe is a foul, but this is not dirty. What Kobe did was dirty. You don't blindly throw an elbow up high on somebody just because they're "pushing" you, which is all Artest was doing. Please explain yourself, I've given you plenty of opportunities and you have failed over and over.

05-07-2009, 04:02 PM
That was '06. The year of D-whistle. Every official was told to give him calls like this. Joe Crawford, like Bennet Salvitore, are good "company" men which is why they still have jobs and why Wade and the Heat have a championship.

Would make sense of it was Wade that got that bogus call, but it's Damon Jones....

05-07-2009, 04:08 PM
Would make sense of it was Wade that got that bogus call, but it's Damon Jones....

You're right. My unhealthy hatred for Wade and the Heat blinded from that fact. My bad.

05-07-2009, 04:16 PM
I won't quote Killer's painfully irritating post, but again, how is pushing someone equal to throwing elbow's, which you claimed Artest was doing. I already said that Artest was playing physical, which against Kobe is a foul, but this is not dirty. What Kobe did was dirty. You don't blindly throw an elbow up high on somebody just because they're "pushing" you, which is all Artest was doing. Please explain yourself, I've given you plenty of opportunities and you have failed over and over.

So you acknoledge the fact that Artest had his elbow in Kobe's neck first? Kobe then retaliated with an elbow, such as to respond to Artests unnecssary elbow/forearm to his neck. What I am saying is that Artest was just 'pushing' with his lower body, but he illegally had that elbow in Kobes neck first, and all Bryant did was respond with one of his own, which the refs did not call/see.
Thus, the fact that most act as if the response by Bryant, while not 100% called for, was unneccassary, is laughable. Artest was establishing position with his lower body, but the forearm in the throat which has went ignored by the vast majority calling for Bryants head is comical. What Kobe did wasn't "dirty". It was unneccssary, and tech worthy. He threw the elbow in frustration that Artest was for the moment getting away with using his own elbow against Kobe and wasn't called on it(for the time being).

When I said they were "throwing" elbows I meant that in the moment that they were both fighting for position, they both used their elbows. Artest to illegally help him gain an advantage, and Bryant to respond.

-boozehound- "killer, even in your posts you use an active verb "swung" to descrive kobe's action, but not rons. Do you not see the difference?"

Ron was more so extending his elbow into the throat of Kobe's, whereas Kobe admittdley launched his elbow at Artests chest. They were both illegal, and all I'm stressing is that Kobe's elbow, while in the heat of the moment looked like he was PMSing, was actually in retaliation to the elbow Artest was forcing down his throat.

05-07-2009, 04:22 PM
When I said they were "throwing" elbows I meant that in the moment that they were both fighting for position, they both used their elbows. Artest to illegally help him gain an advantage, and Bryant to respond. Ron was more so extending his elbow into the throat of Kobe's, whereas Kobe admittdley launched his elbow at Artests chest.

Finally. It's ok to admit you were wrong. And again, I never claimed Artest used his elbow. I said he was pushing(with his forearm), and as Kobe flopped around fighting for position the forearm made contact with Kobe's neck, which is why the ref called a foul. This again, was not dirty, it was physical. You claim the Kobe's elbow was a retaliation and unnecessary, but then claim it wasn't dirty? That doesn't make any sense.

05-07-2009, 04:23 PM
He shouldn't ref any playoff games at all. He is the most biased, worst ref I've ever seen. He kills momuntem all the time and he's the worst ref ever.

That is all.

Yeah. Remember when he referred game 4 of Lakers and Spurs last year?

05-07-2009, 04:36 PM
Finally. It's ok to admit you were wrong. And again, I never claimed Artest used his elbow. I said he was pushing(with his forearm), and as Kobe flopped around fighting for position the forearm made contact with Kobe's neck, which is why the ref called a foul. This again, was not dirty, it was physical. You claim the Kobe's elbow was a retaliation and unnecessary, but then claim it wasn't dirty? That doesn't make any sense.

:roll: What is so hard for you to understand? Artest was pushing with his lower body, the elbow was used to hold Kobe(illegally) out of position. He was damn near choking Bryant, and you are passing that as pushing, and saying the way Artests elbow wound up in 6'6 Bryants throat was because Kobe was flopping. You are proving to be extremley ignorant, and even with the video clip there in front of you, you are seeing what you want. Artest did not legally push Kobe out. As they were boxing out, he extended the arm and placed the elbow into the neck of Bryant. Bryant then kneeled over, and as the shot went up and came down, he got pissed somewhere along the way naturally and responded.

No, Kobe's elbow wasn't dirty. He didn't just decide "I'm going to hit Ron because I feel like it." If you're running around a pick, and everytime you run around the screener slaps your balls, sooner or later you're going to run his ass over(if you have a pair) Kobe responded to show Artest that there's no way in hell you can use your elbow on me, and think I'm going to take it. He didn't clip Artest. He didn't dropkick Artest while Artest was in mid shot. He didn't puch Artest in the nuts.

The retaliation was unneccesary because he put his team at risk, but he showed what any other player should after they've stepped onto the court and laced them up; if you can hit me with an elbow, you can get hit back. It's the NBA Playoffs, not the Special Olympics. What many who label Kobe's play "dirty" fail to comprehend.

There's a line between being dirty and sending a message when you've already been pushed.

05-07-2009, 04:43 PM

Again, Artest PUSHES Kobe in the back. There was no elbow used, it was a forearm, that only made contact with Kobe's neck when he turned. You claimed Artest was "throwing" elbows, he clearly wasn't. I though you were admitting you were wrong, but apparently you are gonna go to the death with this.

Ron's actions= physical
Kobe's actions= dirty

05-07-2009, 04:44 PM
You guys are arguing for no reason. It's clear that both of you are too stubborn to change your minds (not saying it in a bad way, just stating facts), so just agree to disagree and drop this.

05-07-2009, 04:49 PM
You guys are arguing for no reason. It's clear that both of you are too stubborn to change your minds (not saying it in a bad way, just stating facts), so just agree to disagree and drop this.

The guy's called me ignorant several times and he's completely wrong. He said that Artest was "throwing elbows", and that clearly wasn't true. I am stubborn, that I will admit to. :D

05-07-2009, 04:59 PM
Again, Artest PUSHES Kobe in the back. There was no elbow used, it was a forearm, that only made contact with Kobe's neck when he turned. You claimed Artest was "throwing" elbows, he clearly wasn't. I though you were admitting you were wrong, but apparently you are gonna go to the death with this.

Ron's actions= physical
Kobe's actions= dirty

Because when Kobe's back is to Artest, his arm never reaches over into into the neck/throat of Bryant. He was doing a clean box-out. You're delisuional, and I already described to you 2/3 posts ago what I meant by "throwing elbows", you're just too damn ignorant to comprehend that. (I even further reiterated it to boozehound, but you seem to be a selective reader)

I don't really care if you think what Kobe did was 'dirty'. It was a retaliation play and I already addressed that as anyone with eyeballs can see. You just continue to ignore that. It wasn't a elbow from left field. It was a elbow in response to another, an elbow to show that he actually has a pair.

They both used elbows. Artest to get an illegal advantage, and Kobe to respond. It doesn't get any more simple than that, really. In my eyes, you are wrong and concerning this topic, you always will be. Add to the fact you consider responding to being "hooked, elbowed" further convinces me you possess femine traits, and would be better sutied watching a Ping Pong match. But it's all good. You hold onto yours and I'll hold onto mine.

End of the day LAL won, Artest acted like a clown and was ejected, the sky is blue, and the series is tied 1-1.

oh the horror
05-07-2009, 05:04 PM
So you acknoledge the fact that Artest had his elbow in Kobe's neck first? Kobe then retaliated with an elbow, such as to respond to Artests unnecssary elbow/forearm to his neck. What I am saying is that Artest was just 'pushing' with his lower body, but he illegally had that elbow in Kobes neck first, and all Bryant did was respond with one of his own, which the refs did not call/see.
Thus, the fact that most act as if the response by Bryant, while not 100% called for, was unneccassary, is laughable. Artest was establishing position with his lower body, but the forearm in the throat which has went ignored by the vast majority calling for Bryants head is comical. What Kobe did wasn't "dirty". It was unneccssary, and tech worthy. He threw the elbow in frustration that Artest was for the moment getting away with using his own elbow against Kobe and wasn't called on it(for the time being).

When I said they were "throwing" elbows I meant that in the moment that they were both fighting for position, they both used their elbows. Artest to illegally help him gain an advantage, and Bryant to respond.

-boozehound- "killer, even in your posts you use an active verb "swung" to descrive kobe's action, but not rons. Do you not see the difference?"

Ron was more so extending his elbow into the throat of Kobe's, whereas Kobe admittdley launched his elbow at Artests chest. They were both illegal, and all I'm stressing is that Kobe's elbow, while in the heat of the moment looked like he was PMSing, was actually in retaliation to the elbow Artest was forcing down his throat.

But Artest ALWAYSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS plays this way. He'll have an elbow in your neck, a hand in your mouth, leaning on you, pulling at at jersey, pushing, poking, whatever, yet people seem to suddenly forget this.

Suddenly Ron is the pinnacle poster boy for nice guy, and Kobe is the one here that is the dirtiest player? I SAW how Ron was riding him in the paint...both were getting into eachother for position. SIMPLE AS THAT. Refs missed the call on it, and thats where it should have ended.

I dont buy it. Like I said, you can make great points, but these people will complain because its Bryant.

People act like Kobe fans are thee absolute worst, but from where im standing, there are two extremes from the spectrum, and Kobe LOVERS are on one end, and Kobe HATERS are on the other. Both have capacity to be ridiculous.

Lamar Doom
05-07-2009, 05:06 PM
I think the officiating for the playoffs thusfar in general have been sh*t. waaaay too many whistles is my primary complaint, but definitely a lot of blown/missed and outright bad calls.

05-07-2009, 05:08 PM
I think the officiating for the playoffs thusfar in general have been sh*t. waaaay too many whistles is my primary complaint, but definitely a lot of blown/missed and outright bad calls.

I agree. I always thought football (soccer) had the worst officiating by far, but boy was I wrong. Basketball officiating is just as bad.

05-07-2009, 05:18 PM
I don't see how this is more than physical play under the basket. This matter is way over-blown

05-07-2009, 06:08 PM

I love you Joey... see you in the 'club'!

05-07-2009, 07:43 PM
Again, Artest PUSHES Kobe in the back. There was no elbow used, it was a forearm, that only made contact with Kobe's neck when he turned. You claimed Artest was "throwing" elbows, he clearly wasn't. I though you were admitting you were wrong, but apparently you are gonna go to the death with this.

Ron's actions= physical
Kobe's actions= dirty

An elbow in Kobe's throat right before he elbows Artest.

05-07-2009, 07:46 PM
An elbow in Kobe's throat right before he elbows Artest.

Fail. The GIF is on the previous page. You really can't just make up stuff in this case. Good try though.

05-07-2009, 08:21 PM



On the last picture not only is Artest elbow on the side of Kobes neck, but his knee is up his a$$!!

05-07-2009, 08:32 PM



On the last picture not only is Artest elbow on the side of Kobes neck, but his knee is up his a$$!! does kobe have to pay extra for that?

05-07-2009, 10:14 PM
Would make sense of it was Wade that got that bogus call, but it's Damon Jones....

It wasn't 2006. It was 2005 and it was phucking game 7 of the eastern conference finals.


05-07-2009, 10:24 PM
Rockets got owned, some people r just sore losers.. I'm beginning to believe the Rockets have worst fans alive, even worst than the Jazz.

05-07-2009, 10:47 PM



On the last picture not only is Artest elbow on the side of Kobes neck, but his knee is up his a$$!!

You're retarded. The first one shows a forearm? Then you pause it while there fighting for position. He didn't hit Kobe with an elbow. That was Ron getting pushed from the second picture with the Kobe elbow. Good try though.

05-17-2009, 04:06 PM
The Lakers will win because Crawford is reffing today..

05-17-2009, 04:13 PM



On the last picture not only is Artest elbow on the side of Kobes neck, but his knee is up his a$$!!
Do you understand the game of basketball and getting in position for rebounding?

Me thinks no.

oh the horror
05-17-2009, 04:34 PM
Ah, nice to see the a-holes out in true form today. The "I cant accept certain things, so i'll claim they're rigged" group.

05-17-2009, 05:50 PM
He was actually pretty decent today. Maybe one or two bad calls but that happens in every game.