View Full Version : Simpsons vs. Futurama: Which did you prefer?

Manute for Ever!
05-13-2009, 09:18 AM
This thread isn't about longevity or legacy, just what appealed to you. So which did you prefer? Me? I take Futurama any day of the week. The concept and the humour just appealed to me more. Damn that show was funny, same the movies suck so bad.

All hail the hypnotoad!


Manute for Ever!
05-13-2009, 09:21 AM
Sorry the pic was so big, I gotta learn to resize 'em.

05-13-2009, 10:56 AM
The Simpsons. It took me a while to come around on Futurama. Homer >>>>> Bender.

05-13-2009, 11:25 AM
I really need to give futurama a chance. Seems a lot of people like it and I've never tried watching it.

This summer I'll definitely be paying attention. I'll try to get the seasons or something. We'll see how I do it.

05-13-2009, 11:31 AM
Futurama is really freaking overrated. Yes the first 2 seasons are classic-but is an epic drop down hill from those two seasons. Does anyone remember the very last episode with fry trading his hands with robot satans hands so he can play that instrument really well to win Lila's heart??

It was overly sappy, sentimental, and not a laugh in sight, that defines all of futurama after season two.

The episode with Fry's dog contends with any simpsons episode however and I think Futurama had just as many great characters as Simpsons. Simpsons is just sustained greatness however, Futurama started of bright then burned out quick

05-13-2009, 11:34 AM
^ Yea, coming from a huge Simpsons fan, I gave up on futurama a few seasons in. The humor was no where the same.

AND RESIZE THAT PHOTO or use an alternate. Totally kills the page view.

El Kabong
05-13-2009, 11:43 AM
The episode with Fry's dog contends with any simpsons episode
Jurassic Bark. My favourite Futurama episode ever.

Simpsons gets the vote for me.

05-13-2009, 11:47 AM
Conan era Simpsons > Futurama

Futurama > non Conan era Simpsons

05-13-2009, 01:48 PM
Simpsons sucks unless you're 10.

Futurama by far.

The Magic Man
05-13-2009, 01:54 PM
Homer >>>>> Bender.

Yea, but The B*tch with 1 eye >>>>> Marge. I'd hit either one, but still.

05-13-2009, 02:01 PM
The Simpsons in it's current iteration is better than Futurama was in it's prime. Futurama was an abysmal show.

Manny Ramirez
05-13-2009, 04:16 PM
They both suck

05-13-2009, 04:32 PM
Futurama wasn't on long enough to compare with the Simpsons.

Prime Simpsons = GOAT TV Show

On the other hand, Futurama got better every season. Who knows how good it could have been if it had aired longer? The Simpsons best years were around season 6 until about season 10.

05-13-2009, 04:33 PM
Jurassic Bark. My favourite Futurama episode ever.

Simpsons gets the vote for me.
haha i almost cried at the end of that episode.

definitely futurama, people really need to give this show a chance, it's fantastic.

05-13-2009, 07:09 PM
I always thought Futurama had more episodes with meaning in it. My favourite episode was that one with Fry and his brother. It revolves around him findout out his past and how he thinks his brother cheated his legacy but really he wanted to help him. Man it's really hard to explain but when I watched that episode, my eyes just opened up and I started looking at TV shows/movies much differently.

Anyways, the fact that Santa is the most feared character in the show is just hilarious. Killer robot that tries to kill everyone haha.


05-14-2009, 03:45 AM
Yea, but The B*tch with 1 eye >>>>> Marge. I'd hit either one, but still.

Marge is a rather bland character so that's not saying much.

05-14-2009, 03:52 AM
Marge is a rather bland character so that's not saying much.
On the contrary, the show wouldn't work without Marge. When everyone's a wacky lunatic, you get Family Guy: sure, it's really funny, but it doesn't resonate or really mean anything. (And I like Family Guy. I just like it in the same way I like sports highlights, just not nearly as much as watching an actual game.)

Anyway, the guy who said that the Simpsons was better when Conan was there and worse (than Futurama) when he wasn't has a point, though I don't know that I'd nail the timeframe down that exactly or fully credit Conan for the difference.

The Simpsons simply stayed on longer than any show is capable of being great, and even still they churn out some quality stuff every now and then these days.

Futurama is a very smart, very funny show that's extremely well-written- arguably as well-written as Simpsons at its peak in some ways- but you just can't beat Simpsons at its peak, and it was a peak that lasted from season four until perhaps season nine or ten.

05-14-2009, 04:45 AM
Simpsons, by a measure of distance that has yet to be imagined.

Granted I've only seen four or five episodes of Futurama, but none of them particularly struck a chord that made me want to continue watching.

I dont think you could find 5 episodes of the Simpsons that wouldnt make someone wanna immediately watch another half hour installment. Show is seriously incredible. The fact alone that people here are actually poo-pooing it makes me lament the state of man.

05-14-2009, 04:53 AM
Simpsons, by a measure of distance that has yet to be imagined.

Granted I've only seen four or five episodes of Futurama, but none of them particularly struck a chord that made me want to continue watching.

I dont think you could find 5 episodes of the Simpsons that wouldnt make someone wanna immediately watch another half hour installment. Show is seriously incredible. The fact alone that people here are actually poo-pooing it makes me lament the state of man.
Having seen every episode of both show, most of them multiple times, you're drastically overstating the difference in quality and are misjudging Futurama based on five episodes. I know this is all opinion and whatnot, but your opinion is wrong.

I could absolutely find a sample of five Simpsons episodes that would make you not want to watch the show again. Hell, even if I limited it to the peak years, I could find you five bad episodes. Not even the best show in TV history went without a few clunkers during the good years, not to mention several dreadful years it had earlier this decade (it's made a semi-comeback to watchability in the last couple years, though American Dad kinda rules the Sunday night Fox lineup at this point, and has for some time).

The peak seasons of Simpsons are definitely better than Futurama, and I would hope that goes without argument, but it isn't unfair to make the comparison.

Granted, we're talking about very different sample sizes, but on average Futurama isn't that far behind. It is definitely better than the Simpsons from about 2002-2007 and there inlies the difference: Futurama didn't stay around long enough to experience a real dip in quality. As witnessed by the two movies they've done since the show ended, they probably had a ways to go before they did drop off.

05-14-2009, 05:01 AM
The Simpsons. It took me a while to come around on Futurama. Homer >>>>> Bender.

Roberto >>>>>>>>>> Both Homer & Bender


05-14-2009, 05:04 AM
On the contrary, the show wouldn't work without Marge.

Heh. I always thought my mom may as well have been the inspiration for Marge Simpson. She's like a carbon copy. Almost everything about Marge, even most of the small details and references my mom seems to have in common with her. Altho their hair is nothing alike.

05-14-2009, 05:16 AM
Roberto >>>>>>>>>> Both Homer & Bender

I always prefered Hedonismbot, or Malfunctioning Eddy.

05-14-2009, 08:54 AM
Simpsons.....and I think 100% of the people on ISH would agree!

end thread.

05-14-2009, 08:27 PM
they're both good. Homer and Bender are 2 of my favorite personalities, next to Cartman.

05-14-2009, 11:08 PM
im sorry bender is the only character that can **** bricks. hence futurama > simpsons.

futurama just appeals more to me, it seems like the same show, and because its in the future they can always do so much with the plot.

05-15-2009, 12:26 AM
Futurama. based on concept and writing. and the professor.

05-15-2009, 01:24 AM
simpsons and its not even close