View Full Version : Why is there some white dude drawing up plays,while Mike Brown just kicks back?

East River Livn'
05-26-2009, 11:52 PM
Why is the assistant coach drawing up plays towards the end of the game while Mike Brown is just in the background, not even listening, trying to gather his nerves. Dude might as well have been just another fan. He wasn't even paying attention to the plays being called. :oldlol: The assistant coach didn't even really have attention of the Cav's players. Hell if Brown didn't seem to care I guess why should they? What an amateur job by Mike Brown......geeeez. :rolleyes:

The last 2 timeouts with Game 4 on the line. Thanks bigkingsfan for adding this video.


05-27-2009, 12:09 AM
I noticed the same thing... he wasn't even chiming in, making sure players were paying attention or clearing things up...he was just standing there :wtf:

05-27-2009, 12:11 AM
Worst part is Cleveland can't get rid of him after winning COY

05-27-2009, 12:11 AM
Uh, I thought it was common knowledge he turned over the offense to his assitants. That's why they won so many games. This is also why I thought he didn't deserve COY. They got better when he stopped running the offense. That's not a COY coach.

05-27-2009, 12:15 AM
LOL....Mike Brown has no clue what he's doing and they give him coach of the year.

Mike Brown "delegates" to his assistant coaches. And he gets praised for that. Are you kidding?

And people still get on Stan Van Gundy's case? SVG is a REAL coach. He knows his x's and o's. Mike Brown got hired probably because he's confident and talks a good game. That's about it.

East River Livn'
05-27-2009, 12:18 AM
I noticed the same thing... he wasn't even chiming in, making sure players were paying attention or clearing things up...he was just standing there :wtf:

He wasn't even standing there the whole time. When the play was being drawn up he was pacing nervously in the background with his hands over his face like he was completely overwhelmed by the situtation, and that was both times in the last 2 crucial timeouts. If I was the owner cutting this guy's paycheck I would be pissed.

05-27-2009, 12:22 AM

05-27-2009, 12:26 AM
this is no different than an NFL team having offensive and defensive coordinators. Brown does the D, honky does the O.

More coaches should show the humility to delegate their weaknesses to assistants. Hell, I know for certain had Avery ceded the offense (or just listened to the assistants period) he would still be coach of the Mavs.

05-27-2009, 12:27 AM
Why does it matter that the guy is white? Reeks of racism.

East River Livn'
05-27-2009, 12:28 AM


That's what I'm talking about!

This guy should be fired, COY or not. For that and not having somebody ready foul D12 when he made 3 FGs under the basket in a row.

As mush as I hate King's fans, that shyt is impressive to push that footage out so quickly. :cheers:

East River Livn'
05-27-2009, 12:33 AM
Why does it matter that the guy is white? Reeks of racism.

I don't care if I used the term "white dude" in a derogatory manner, it's self-inflicted if it is anyway.

noob cake
05-27-2009, 12:33 AM
The problem is not about letting an assistant coach take over the offenses, but rather Brown stole COY from Adelman.

05-27-2009, 12:35 AM
The problem is not about letting an assistant coach take over the offenses, but rather Brown stole COY from Adelman.
Yeah, it's the award that sucks.

What also sucks is that it's not like he was involved in that sequence. He wasn't in the huddle. He wasn't giving his input. He was acting like a towel boy.

05-27-2009, 12:36 AM
this is no different than an NFL team having offensive and defensive coordinators. Brown does the D, honky does the O.

More coaches should show the humility to delegate their weaknesses to assistants. Hell, I know for certain had Avery ceded the offense (or just listened to the assistants period) he would still be coach of the Mavs.

Football is VERY different than basketball. 45 guys, hundreds of plays, 3 distinct groups of players (O, D, ST), constant substitutions. Tons of coaches. Delegation is the only way to control that situation.

Basketball is much easier. Same guys play O and D. You don't need to map out every play. It's a simple game. Delegation in crunch time is embarassing.

pete's montreux
05-27-2009, 12:41 AM
That clip is both shocking and hilarious at the same time.

05-27-2009, 12:41 AM
Delegation in crunch time is embarassing.

that was embarassing...looked like a nervous fan that should be in the stands

05-27-2009, 12:46 AM
LOL i was thinking the same thing. Looks like Mike Brown is just providing some security in the background. :roll:

This muthafugga got a COY award before mehttp://www.ksl.com/emedia/slc/1084/108424/10842423.jpg

05-27-2009, 12:47 AM
Tread of the year that is all.


05-27-2009, 12:49 AM
I don't care if I used the term "white dude" in a derogatory manner, it's self-inflicted if it is anyway.

Self-inflicted for being white? What? I don't quite get you, lol.

It doesn't matter that you don't mean(or care) to be deragatory...the bottom line is you highlighted someone's ethnicity in regards to their ability(Why is there some WHITE dude drawing up plays) as if they can't perform their duties due to the color of their skin. Because, apparently, only black people know anything about basketball, lol.

If you focus on someone's race, and then make judgments about them because of it, you are being racist.

05-27-2009, 12:51 AM
don't turn this **** into a race debate...and he's saying it's self inflicted because he's white.

East River Livn'
05-27-2009, 12:58 AM
Self-inflicted for being white? What? I don't quite get you, lol.

It doesn't matter that you don't mean(or care) to be deragatory...the bottom line is you highlighted someone's ethnicity in regards to their ability(Why is there some WHITE dude drawing up plays) as if they can't perform their duties due to the color of their skin. Because, apparently, only black people know anything about basketball, lol.

If you focus on someone's race, and then make judgments about them because of it, you are being racist.

"Derogatory" was an incorrect term. What I meant was I "marginalized" the white coach with identifying him by just some "dude" of color and not even bothering to call him by name or station. You can call me a self racist, I don't really care, the assistant coach probably wouldn't either.

05-27-2009, 12:58 AM
don't turn this **** into a race debate...and he's saying it's self inflicted because he's white.

Don't blame me, blame the OP. He/she's the one who insinuated a WHITE guy shouldn't be drawing up plays.

When you base things on race, it's racism. Simple as that.

05-27-2009, 01:04 AM
YOu are mentally challenged if you believe that was the intent. Please show yourself out.:applause:

That's what he said in the thread title. I don't know intent. This is the internet. I have clicked on threads titled "potatoes" only to find guy-on-guy pr0n, lol.

YOu get it?

East River Livn'
05-27-2009, 01:05 AM
Don't blame me, blame the OP. He/she's the one who insinuated a WHITE guy shouldn't be drawing up plays.

When you base things on race, it's racism. Simple as that.

You know what, I am sorry for whatever I did. Can we get on with the Mike Brown bashing. Race quip aside, you have to admit that the footage by bigkingsfan was pretty damning. :oldlol:

LOL i was thinking the same thing. Looks like Mike Brown is just providing some security in the background. :roll:


05-27-2009, 01:06 AM
Speaking of Mike Brown, where was Joe Smith?

05-27-2009, 01:07 AM
You know what, I am sorry for whatever I did. Can we get on with the Mike Brown bashing. Race quip aside, you have to admit that the footage by bigkingsfan was pretty damning. :oldlol:

Yes we can agree on that. The only reason Mike Brown won the COY award is because of the record. That's it. That's one thing I hate about the NBA.

05-27-2009, 01:12 AM
I thought assistant coaches were the X and O guy and the head coaches are more the motivators these days.

05-27-2009, 01:15 AM
im not sure why he hasn't been fired before, he doesn't call timeouts when he should, just tons of things i feel he has done wrong in the playoffs over the past 3 years, im not a cavs fan and i don't pretend to be a mike brown expert, but when i yell at the tv then the announcer is like "he should've called a timeout" im pretty sure..he sucks.

05-27-2009, 01:18 AM

U should have 65 green bars that is classic...but sad in the same note :ohwell:

05-27-2009, 01:21 AM
If you honestly cannot ascertain intent from the context, you are learning disabled in some way. Dunno why g@y porn is in your mind when defending yourself, but please bash Mike Brown ASAP or GTFO. K thx bye.

LMAO. A guy's race is in the title of this thread, negatively.

That's racist. There are no two-ways about it.

"Why is some BLACK guy marketing their stocks?"

^^^I would get annihilated with such a post.

It's not just knowing "intent"(and I'm sure the OP is a good person), it's about knowing perception.

05-27-2009, 01:25 AM
I caught a "honky" in this thread too. I wonder if anybody would care if somebody used an equally racist term for a black person?

East River Livn'
05-27-2009, 01:26 AM
I thought assistant coaches were the X and O guy and the head coaches are more the motivators these days.

Have you ever seen a head coach just randomly walking around in the background while the last play of a crucial postseason game is being drawn up? He could hve at least had his arms around the players gathering them in. He doesn't get a pass on this one, I'm sorry.

If LeBron wants him to stay, obviously he is going to stay because LeBron is the most powerful man in basketball, on and off the court. But other than that, I don't see why Cav's management would keep this guy on. He also should have had someone other than AV on D12 with fouls to give, so Dwight couldn't continue to go hog wild in the paint. The man clearly cannot handle the pressure of the postseason.

05-27-2009, 01:29 AM
i never thought mike brown was a great coach. i don't think he's terrible, but winning coach of the year was pretty bad.

however, that video of him pacing nervously while the assistant draws up the play and tells the players what to do. man. that was DEVASTATING to mike brown's rep.

when i saw that during the game i was shocked.

East River Livn'
05-27-2009, 01:31 AM
U should have 65 green bars that is classic...but sad in the same note :ohwell:

Dumb question. How do you add to his rep?

05-27-2009, 01:32 AM
Watching Mike Brown at the post-game conference.... man.... weak show.

Brown just got COTY, and he doesn't deserve it by any stretch of the imagination. He doesn't seem to have a freaking clue about what is going on. People are complaining about how Phil Jackson doesn't seem able to shake up his roster, but we hand some coaching award to Brown? His game plan is simple; nine Lebron James Delivery Systems, and Lebron James.

If James doesn't get hardware this year (which I don't think he will, even if he pulls it out against the Magic [Nuggs V Cavs, Nuggs in 6]), he is not signing an extension, and that will panic the **** out of the Cavs. They will either a) replace Brown mid year b) try to move Z c) move Lebron for market value to NYC or LA - I'd love to see Baron and Bron on the same team.....

I think Lebron is outta Akron ASAP.

05-27-2009, 01:39 AM
LMAO. A guy's race is in the title of this thread, negatively.

That's racist. There are no two-ways about it.

"Why is some BLACK guy marketing their stocks?"

^^^I would get annihilated with such a post.

It's not just knowing "intent"(and I'm sure the OP is a good person), it's about knowing perception.

It's alot easier to say "some white guy" rather then saying "why is Mike Brown's assistant coach". I think you've just taken it the wrong way. Either way who cares :confusedshrug:

05-27-2009, 01:40 AM
The NBA should just quit giving COTYs to OK coaches with wicked players and just start handing them to Sloan. Hell, give him the last few fraudulent ones while they're at it.

05-27-2009, 01:42 AM
Uh, I thought it was common knowledge he turned over the offense to his assitants. That's why they won so many games. This is also why I thought he didn't deserve COY. They got better when he stopped running the offense. That's not a COY coach.

Or is it a COY coach? Lesser coaches would be arrogant and force themselves on the team. Coaches that win know their limitations and work within them. If you're not a good coach at developing skills, you bring in a guy who is and form the strongest coaching team you can. Doc did the same thing in Boston last year and Thibideau's defense owned the league. How many coaches have the security in their egos to do this and how many teams are hurt from it? I think its Brown's kudos.

05-27-2009, 01:44 AM
It's alot easier to say "some white guy" rather then saying "why is Mike Brown's assistant coach". I think you've just taken it the wrong way. Either way who cares :confusedshrug:

That utter BS. If it was a black guy would you have said "some black guy" or if it was Pat Reilly would you have said "some black guy." Its a lot easier to say 'some guy' then 'some white guy' as well... OP said it the racist way, not that I really care cuz whats some black guy a head coach for anyway, right???

05-27-2009, 01:49 AM
This is dumb. I'll agree that Brown shouldn't be pacing around the huddle, but there's nothing wrong with an assistant being the man in that situation. Mike Brown's forte is defense, not offense and everyone knows it. The play the assistant drew up at the end of the game was a good one, got LeBron a decent shot with only 3.2 from the backcourt. I bet Nugget fans would kill to have that guy draw up inbounds plays rather than George Karl.

If we're going to criticize him for something, let's criticize his rotations. Wally should not have been playing at all, yet he got 20 minutes when there's a better defender riding pine in Pavlovic, and really a better shooter at this point since Wally's been bricking everything.

05-27-2009, 01:50 AM
It's alot easier to say "some white guy" rather then saying "why is Mike Brown's assistant coach". I think you've just taken it the wrong way. Either way who cares :confusedshrug:

I care. There was an effort made to point out the guy is white.

He could have also said "why is some random guy drawing up plays"...but he didn't. He focused on ethnicity.

05-27-2009, 01:57 AM
i definitely come down on the side of it being easier to say "some white guy" than "why is the cavalier's assistant coach..."

the sports media barely talks about the cavaliers assistants, or any assistants for that matter, so we were all shocked to see this random guy that looks like lawrence frank drawing up the play.

i don't think any insult was intended.

05-27-2009, 02:00 AM
I don't know what "FYP" means. Sorry, don't live my entire life on the internet.

I made a thread about black players and it was deleted by moderators. Tell you anything?

05-27-2009, 02:05 AM
i noticed that too during a timeout and i wasn't sure why that happened. so unprofessional.

East River Livn'
05-27-2009, 02:15 AM
This is dumb. I'll agree that Brown shouldn't be pacing around the huddle, but there's nothing wrong with an assistant being the man in that situation. Mike Brown's forte is defense, not offense and everyone knows it. The play the assistant drew up at the end of the game was a good one, got LeBron a decent shot with only 3.2 from the backcourt.

But this is HIS team with seconds left in a game that could go either way. Even if he has delegated the offensive duties to the assistant coach, he should be gathering the players in or even act like he gives a crap what's going to happen in the final play of the game. He looks completely overwhelmed.

And if his forte is defense then how come he let Dwight score 3 straight FGs right underneath the basket with a minute left in the game? He knew AV had 5 fouls and obviously was afraid to foul out(which he did anyway). You could tell by D12's body language that he was going to put this game on his shoulders and take it to the rim. If he was smart he would have had Z or Joe Smith ready to hack him if he got the ball at point blank range.

05-27-2009, 02:23 AM
But this is HIS team with seconds left in a game that could go either way. Even if he has delegated the offensive duties to the assistant coach, he should be gathering the players in or even act like he gives a crap what's going to happen in the final play of the game. He looks completely overwhelmed.

I agree that his demeanor was bad. A coach always needs to show confidence in his team whether he has it or not. Pacing around is a definite no for me.

And if his forte is defense then how come he let Dwight score 3 straight FGs right underneath the basket with a minute left in the game? He knew AV had 5 fouls and obviously was afraid to foul out(which he did anyway). You could tell by D12's body language that he was going to put this game on his shoulders and take it to the rim. If he was smart he would have had Z or Joe Smith ready to hack him if he got the ball at point blank range.

Personally I think he's much better suited as a defensive assistant as he isn't very good at things a head coach should be good at, such as situational coaching and rotations. There's plenty of things Brown could be bashed for tonight, I just don't think what this thread addresses is one of them.

05-27-2009, 02:33 AM
It should tell YOU something. You are beating a dead horse. Or rather beating a dead shrew. Stop.

I'll stop when people stop posting racist threads.

05-27-2009, 02:55 AM
Here is your diagnosis, Shannon:
"schizophrenically racially over-sensitive"

I posted almost an IDENTICAL thread, though, it said "black" instead of "white" and it was deleted by staff. What does that tell you?

05-27-2009, 03:28 AM
"Derogatory" was an incorrect term. What I meant was I "marginalized" the white coach with identifying him by just some "dude" of color and not even bothering to call him by name or station. You can call me a self racist, I don't really care, the assistant coach probably wouldn't either.

I actually think it would be more racist from the perspective of implying that a black coach needs a white assistant to do the Xs and Os.

See that?

But it's still pretty pointless to bring this up -- ive seen a LOT worse things posted at ish with no response. People seem to forget that racism is about more than black\white.. for example all the Stern\Jew "jokes" are incredibly disgusting to me as a Jew who happens to be a pretty decent player, athletic, AND thrifty... damn it I can't stop.


05-27-2009, 03:31 AM
This muthafugga got a COY award before mehttp://www.ksl.com/emedia/slc/1084/108424/10842423.jpg

Ironically, there IS a Coach of the Year in this picture. :D

05-27-2009, 03:52 AM
I thought I remembered the Cavs being on defense when the assistant coach was drawing up plays. That's what confused me, unless he was drawing up the play to be used after the Cavs got possession.

05-27-2009, 05:50 AM

05-27-2009, 08:21 AM
What is the problem. If you wanted to post about the situation, take the time to learn the coach's name istead of saying THE WHITE BOY... His name is John Kuester has been a coach in the NBA for over 20 years. He is a UNC grad and was a great player and shooter in the 70's for the TarHeels. :wtf: :wtf: :wtf:

05-27-2009, 08:39 AM
What is the problem. If you wanted to post about the situation, take the time to learn the coach's name istead of saying THE WHITE BOY... His name is John Kuester has been a coach in the NBA for over 20 years. He is a UNC grad and was a great player and shooter in the 70's for the TarHeels. :wtf: :wtf: :wtf:

:applause: I don't see anything wrong with an assistent coach drawing up a play. :confusedshrug: BUT .. Mike Brown should've joined the 'huddle' and look interested, now he just looks lost (which he probably was)

05-27-2009, 08:40 AM
wow... someone mention hack-a-dwight huh

how much disrespect for Mike Brown and Cavs if they win 3 straight with hacking?

05-27-2009, 08:45 AM
wow... someone mention hack-a-dwight huh

how much disrespect for Mike Brown and Cavs if they win 3 straight with hacking?

if they'd climb out of a 3-1 hole and make it to the finals?
none... it's kinda cowardly, but the rules allow it and if it would get them to the finals, it would be good coaching on his behalf. It would sck though and the games would be less fun to watch..

05-27-2009, 08:46 AM
Can anyone honestly remember seeing an assistant coach take control at such an important moment, unless head coach was ejected? I can't....

If Brown can't draw up plays, what CAN he do? How many things are there to know in basketball? My god.......

Personally, whatever works for your team....but it looks embarassing to me.

05-27-2009, 08:50 AM
Uh, I thought it was common knowledge he turned over the offense to his assitants. That's why they won so many games. This is also why I thought he didn't deserve COY. They got better when he stopped running the offense. That's not a COY coach.
Brown is a defensive coach. That's common knowledge. He deserves much of the credit for the team's commitment to defense in the last two years or so.

Do I care that he entrusts an assistant coach who focuses specifically on offense? Not really. He isn't the first NBA coach to do so, and won't be the last. Just like LeBron has to trust his teammates, Brown is relying on someone who presumably knows more about offensive execution than he does.

People are making too much about this.

05-27-2009, 09:01 AM
Do you know what the worst part is?

Mike Brown can't run decent offense, so he brought in this assistant guy to do it.

Nothing wrong with that I say, though I do think you shouldnt be a head coach if you cant run even an average offense.

The worst part is even with this offensive specialist the Cavs brought in, they still only run 4 plays all game long.

How much is that assistant getting paid probably two hundred thousand dollars to come up with four plays and run them in to the ground

05-27-2009, 09:05 AM
:applause: I don't see anything wrong with an assistent coach drawing up a play. :confusedshrug: BUT .. Mike Brown should've joined the 'huddle' and look interested, now he just looks lost (which he probably was)

4 SURE I AGREE Just was upset about the WHITE BOY statement:no: :no: :no:

05-27-2009, 09:27 AM
4 SURE I AGREE Just was upset about the WHITE BOY statement:no: :no: :no:

lol yeah that was kinda unnecessary of threadstarter :confusedshrug:

05-27-2009, 09:30 AM
Why does it matter that the guy is white? Reeks of racism.

I thought the same thing... maybe the OP and others calling him "honky" should look back at pretty much all of the best coaches in the league right now, and all of the greatest coaches of all time.

05-27-2009, 09:49 AM
[quote=DULLAH]Let's take it all down to this level.....
the little Fagmiral, Avery Johnson.



05-27-2009, 09:59 AM
Why is the assistant coach drawing up plays towards the end of the game while Mike Brown is just in the background, not even listening, trying to gather his nerves. Dude might as well have been just another fan. He wasn't even paying attention to the plays being called. :oldlol: The assistant coach didn't even really have attention of the Cav's players. Hell if Brown didn't seem to care I guess why should they? What an amateur job by Mike Brown......geeeez. :rolleyes:

The last 2 timeouts with Game 4 on the line. Thanks bigkingsfan for adding this video.


Coz black guys can't coach.

05-27-2009, 10:02 AM
Coz black guys can't coach.

oh no you didnt. :banghead:

05-27-2009, 10:23 AM
I was going like :wtf: when I saw that last night. And that reminded me about the other day when they were saying what a great coach he was for trusting so much on his coaching staff.But IMO thats also a sign of lack of leadership on behalf of the "COTY".In someway Mike Brown reminds me of jackie Moon(Will Farrel's Character in Semi Pro) He was the coach of the team, but he was just a motivator not an X's and O's kind of guy. Maybe thats the case with Mike Brown :confusedshrug:

05-27-2009, 10:32 AM
Uh, I thought it was common knowledge he turned over the offense to his assitants. That's why they won so many games. This is also why I thought he didn't deserve COY. They got better when he stopped running the offense. That's not a COY coach.


If you guys don't know about this, you guys are just casual basketball fans. Anyone who has a clue about NBA knows Mike Brown doesn't deserve the COY award. He gets too much credit than he deserved. Some coaches are more dictator (Greg Pop, JVG, SVG, Larry Brown, Jerry Sloan ...) than others.

05-27-2009, 10:49 AM
I am not mad because Mike Brown is using his Assistant Coaches to run the Offense. But a real "Coach of the Year" would not have to do that. I mean he looks clueless out there. That man does not look like a Coach of the Year.

05-27-2009, 11:00 AM
Probably because he is just too good of a coach. So good in fact that he doesn't need to worry himself with coaching.

He really deserved Coach of The Year!

(That's not true. He sucks)

05-27-2009, 11:44 AM
YOu are mentally challenged if you believe that was the intent. Please show yourself out.:applause:
So i guess a:

"Why is there some black dude drawing up plays,while Stan Van Gundy just kicks back?"

can't be considered racist.

Glad to see you're following your epic retarded contribution in the "lottery rigged for NY" thread with more retarded posts. :applause:

Reverend Hoops
05-27-2009, 11:44 AM
Coz black guys can't coach.


05-27-2009, 11:48 AM
He wasn't even standing there the whole time. When the play was being drawn up he was pacing nervously in the background with his hands over his face like he was completely overwhelmed by the situtation, and that was both times in the last 2 crucial timeouts. If I was the owner cutting this guy's paycheck I would be pissed.

I'd be pissed if I was the assistant doing 1/2 of Brown's job and probably getting paid a fraction of what he gets.

05-27-2009, 12:30 PM
I am not mad because Mike Brown is using his Assistant Coaches to run the Offense. But a real "Coach of the Year" would not have to do that. I mean he looks clueless out there. That man does not look like a Coach of the Year.

It's been done like this the whole year. He handed over the offense to his assistance coaches before the season even began.

It's just funny people are now realizing this is being done like this 90+ games later. :oldlol: Welcome to almost 7 months ago guys.

05-27-2009, 12:37 PM
It's been done like this the whole year. He handed over the offense to his assistance coaches before the season even began.

It's just funny people are now realizing this is being done like this 90+ games later. :oldlol: Welcome to almost 7 months ago guys.

Tell that to the people who voted Mike Brown for coach of the year. If they don't give a $hit about watching Cleveland, what hope do you have for ISH outside of the 5 cavs fans and Lebron groupies.

East River Livn'
05-27-2009, 12:41 PM
It's been done like this the whole year. He handed over the offense to his assistance coaches before the season even began.

Even so, shouldn't he show at least some interest in what could be the last play of the game? You know just in case he has to add some contribution or have his team make defensive adjustments if the Orlando rebounds a missed shot. At the very least shouldn't the head coach make sure his team is paying attention to what play is being called? The guy looks just lost out there.

05-27-2009, 12:43 PM
It's been done like this the whole year. He handed over the offense to his assistance coaches before the season even began.

It's just funny people are now realizing this is being done like this 90+ games later. :oldlol: Welcome to almost 7 months ago guys.
if they hired an offensive specialist, which there's nothing wrong with, how come that offensive specialist coach is only having the Cavs run 4 plays?

Also it was embarrassing he was just saying nothing in that huddle, is that how hes coached all year too? A Laizes faire policy?

05-27-2009, 12:57 PM
if they hired an offensive specialist, which there's nothing wrong with, how come that offensive specialist coach is only having the Cavs run 4 plays?

Also it was embarrassing he was just saying nothing in that huddle, is that how hes coached all year too? A Laizes faire policy?
How many times are you going to post that "4 plays" bit? In case you missed it, the Cavs had a great regular season and the offense was good enough win 66 games, with only 2 home losses.

Yes, the offense hasn't looked good in this series, but don't act like it's been a massive fail for a long period of time.

Also, the expression you were trying to reach for is "laissez faire".

05-27-2009, 01:06 PM
How many times are you going to post that "4 plays" bit? In case you missed it, the Cavs had a great regular season and the offense was good enough win 66 games, with only 2 home losses.

Yes, the offense hasn't looked good in this series, but don't act like it's been a massive fail for a long period of time.

Also, the expression you were trying to reach for is "laissez faire".

why bring up regular season? What good did the Mavs 70 wins do them?

Jack shit it doesn't matter if you're 82-0 if you cant execute in the playoffs

05-27-2009, 01:09 PM
How many times are you going to post that "4 plays" bit? In case you missed it, the Cavs had a great regular season and the offense was good enough win 66 games, with only 2 home losses.

Yes, the offense hasn't looked good in this series, but don't act like it's been a massive fail for a long period of time.

Also, the expression you were trying to reach for is "laissez faire".
Yeah, beating up on the bad teams. Just having LeBron and a bunch of shooters is enough to beat up on the worst teams in the league every game. There's a reason their record is horrible against elite teams.

05-27-2009, 01:14 PM
Yep in regular season when cavs were getting repeatedly owned by the elite teams, cavs fans always brought up "it doesnt matter at all, just regular season, the playoffs are a different monster" now the cavs are getting owned by an elite team in the playoffs and all of a sudden cavs fans go back to their regular season wins:lol

05-27-2009, 01:16 PM
why bring up regular season? What good did the Mavs 70 wins do them?

Jack shit it doesn't matter if you're 82-0 if you cant execute in the playoffs
The Mavs never had a 70-win season. Check your stats and build some credibility.

Sometimes a team that does well in the regular season just doesn't match up well with a supposed "lesser" squad. It happens in every sport.

We'll see what kind of adjustments will be made. It looks bad, but the series isn't over.

05-27-2009, 01:24 PM
:05 seconds left in game. Cavs down by 1. Mike Brown calls a timeout.

"OK, guys, its crunch time. So I want you to listen closely....white guy?"

White guy "Thanks, Mike........"

05-27-2009, 04:44 PM
LMAO, I got a hateful message because of this thread. "don't ruin thread with your racism *******ry". Epic fail though because he/she said so while giving a positive rep, lol.

East River Livn'
05-27-2009, 05:10 PM
LMAO, I got a hateful message because of this thread. "don't ruin thread with your racism *******ry". Epic fail though because he/she said so while giving a positive rep, lol.

Just for the record, it wasn't me, the topic starter.

05-27-2009, 05:32 PM
Just for the record, it wasn't me, the topic starter.

Never thought it was you, you actually seem intelligent.

05-27-2009, 05:34 PM
the Coach is LeBron James, Mike Brown is his Jeff Van Gundy only more in the pocket.

05-27-2009, 06:40 PM
lol this has been the case for all of the year. it's not something new.

The Magic Man
05-27-2009, 06:42 PM
:05 seconds left in game. Cavs down by 1. Mike Brown calls a timeout.

"OK, guys, its crunch time. So I want you to listen closely....white guy?"

White guy "Thanks, Mike........"

Funniest thing I've read all day.

05-27-2009, 06:45 PM
lol this has been the case for all of the year. it's not something new.

Yeah, this is nothing new to Cleveland fans. Mike Brown has even talked about why this happens, but non fans never see those interviews.

05-27-2009, 07:20 PM

Probably had some bad news that he didn't save a bunch of money on his car insurance. Damn the game. I'd be pacing over that too.

05-27-2009, 07:26 PM
http://i39.tinypic.com/20tgj9i.jpg (http://i39.tinypic.com/20tgj9i.jpg)
this had me rolling
courtesy of bigkingsfan and ballphunk

05-27-2009, 07:29 PM
http://i39.tinypic.com/20tgj9i.jpg (http://i39.tinypic.com/20tgj9i.jpg)
this had me rolling
courtesy of bigkingsfan and ballphunk

:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

05-27-2009, 07:36 PM
http://i39.tinypic.com/20tgj9i.jpg (http://i39.tinypic.com/20tgj9i.jpg)
this had me rolling
courtesy of bigkingsfan and ballphunk
That is the funniest thing I've seen in a LONG time :roll: :roll: :applause:

05-28-2009, 12:06 AM
http://i39.tinypic.com/20tgj9i.jpg (http://i39.tinypic.com/20tgj9i.jpg)
this had me rolling
courtesy of bigkingsfan and ballphunk


05-28-2009, 12:28 AM
:05 seconds left in game. Cavs down by 1. Mike Brown calls a timeout.

"OK, guys, its crunch time. So I want you to listen closely....white guy?"

White guy "Thanks, Mike........"


05-28-2009, 12:37 AM
this is no different than an NFL team having offensive and defensive coordinators. Brown does the D, honky does the O.

More coaches should show the humility to delegate their weaknesses to assistants. Hell, I know for certain had Avery ceded the offense (or just listened to the assistants period) he would still be coach of the Mavs.

Mike brown: "Im the COY, this is the ECF, 5 ticks left, down 4 in OT... time to delegate!" :confusedshrug:

I havent seen much cavs games and its just one clip, so im not gonna judge him as being a bad coach. But damn, you have to know when to coach and when to let the a.coaches coach. If this was the regular season id give him a pass.