View Full Version : 20,000th post: The NBA According To StroShow (Video Included)

05-28-2009, 04:29 PM
Well I haven't made one of these threads for a long time, but I had some people tell me I should do something special for #20,000. These folks seemed to have high expectations, so hopefully this is good enough. Before I begin, I will say that I have been posting on ISH for about three years now, and I have had a great time. I hope everyone has enjoyed discussing basketball and various other stuff with me over these three years.

This post will be all about The NBA according to myself, StroShow. The contents of this post kind of describe what the NBA is all about to me. As most of you know, the things that I enjoy about the NBA are quite different from normal, so this thread should help you to see what I look at when watching NBA games. This is the stuff that excites me about the NBA, the stuff that makes me turn on the games every day, the stuff that causes me to watch two scrub teams over some big matchup game. Maybe after reading this you will better understand why Knicks vs. Celtics games are always a StroShow must see matchup, and why the hell StroShow is always watching Clippers games.


First of all, I have completed the first video in a series which will be called "The NBA According To StroShow." This video is basically all the words which you will find below in video form. These videos will be mixes of highlights I like from players I like, with some funny stuff and favorite NBA moments of mine mixed in. I got the idea from KBlaze's "I Love This Game" videos. I have been trying to come up with my own version for years, but I couldn't think of a good title, and I couldn't steal his. Then I was listening to this CD by RZA (http://www.golyr.de/foto/big-B00008XFBJ.jpg) and I looked at the cover. That's when I came up with this concept. I'm very excited to have finally completed one, this has been a long process trying to figure out exactly how to go about making one of these and having it come out as I had envisioned. Please give me feedback if you watch it. I'll rep everyone who provides some comments or constructive criticism. Here's a link to the video: http://video.yahoo.com/watch/5174549/13683681

This first video consists of mostly very recent plays, but I will include older ones in future videos. I didn't even realize how much new stuff I used until I was done, I was planning to mix it up. Oh well. My favorite part begins with Stromile hammering it over Tyrus. The next play is a favorite of mine. Primoz Brezec slams over Ronny Turiaf, but it's really weak so the ball rolls around the rim a couple of times before it goes in. Primoz gets knocked over and watches the process from the floor, and when the ball drops through he does this hilarious fist pump thingy directly into the camera. You can tell he doesn't get alot of dunks over people, he was so amped. Hilarious. After that there's a few more sick facials from CV, Nene, TMac, and The Matrix.

If you want to take a longer look at that little photo collage thingy at the beginning, here it is:



Aside from the video, I also have here a list of a bunch of players who I have enjoyed watching during my time as an NBA fan, along with some words about each one of them. I'm sure I forgot some players, but there's a pretty good amount here. Check it out, maybe your favorite player is in there somewhere (doubtful.) You are probably more likely to find a bunch of players that always pissed you off.

Kenyon Martin


One of the few "enforcers" left in the league. I don't think he's a dirty player, but he doesn't let anyone **** with him or his teammates. I remember one game this year where Chris Paul was doing his tough guy thing and tried to get up in Kenyon's face, Paul was holding the basketball, so Kmart smacked the ball out of his hands into the 1st row and said a few words, Paul walked away and didn't say sh!t for the rest of the night. :oldlol:


Aside from his "enforcer" role, I also appreciate the passion he plays the game with. He will D up on all 5 positions when asked to (I thought he did a pretty nice job guarding Kobe in the playoffs, and even if he didn't I appreciate his effort, he's a power forward busting his ass to try to stick the league's best shooting guard). He's also hit some clutch shots in his Nuggets days, including some 3 pointers and dunks. Speaking of dunks, there's nothing like a 2 handed power slam from KMart. I'm not sure how he doesn't get T'd up every single time he dunks, but I'm glad they allow him to do his thing.

Jamal Crawford


Yeah he doesn't play much defense, yeah he is inconsistent, yeah he forces some tough shots... but you can't say that the guy isn't fun to watch when he's on a roll. I remember watching his score 52 vs. the Heat (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DxKEou4vPHk), I was in awe of his moves, his shots.. he has so many moves that no one else has, and the ability to make some crazy finishes in the paint. He has the best crossover (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=whKAx7hZ1Fw) in the league imo, and that sick move (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vz5DXIezqr4) where he does the around the back thing which always leaves the defender looking like a statue wondering what the **** just happened. He brings some streetball (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oCe8IDa00Yk) to the NBA, which is always fun. Tmac always gets all the credit for that move, I'm not sure why. Crawford does it in real games on a pretty regular basis, he's done it 3 or 4 times, and he throws it off the glass after he jumps, then quickly jumps again to dunk it. That's amazing. :pimp:

He's also got the ice water flowing through him, he hits so many clutch shots. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1WCwJwcqVW8) Not only doe she hit game winners, he can carry the load for an entire 4th quarter sometimes, as he did vs. the Nuggets a few years ago before hitting a crazy game winning three ball. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QdND3sMHMGQ)


05-28-2009, 04:29 PM
Baron Davis

I didn't much like his effort (or lack thereof) in LA this season, but I will always be a fan due to his key role with my favorite team of all time, the 06/07 Warriors. He was playing on an elite level to end the season and it carried into the playoffs. No one could stop the guy, he was making insane shots (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OjDU6mSADYI) that really had no business going in. I remember when he stuck the half court shot (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s64Zn01uW2I), I knew it was going in. I will never forget that dunk over AK47 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8w_1ZEk4mds) either.

Allen Iverson


Iverson was my favorite player at one point when I was younger. This was before I got league pass and started watching games daily. I feel that there is really no explanation needed, back when he was with the Sixers he was just plain exciting. Watching a guy so small score all of those points was just fun. His crossover (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N5Rv4AtufwE) is epic, and he has so many nifty moves. As a short player, watching Iverson is kind of inspiring. All of that stuff and the hiphop style which he helped bring to the NBA make him stick out in my mind. Oh, and ofcourse the "practice?! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FUYjD7A75HQ)" thing. Hopefully he can get his act together sometime soon and find a role with a half decent team.

Carmelo Anthony

I've liked Melo since the first time I saw him play. His foot work is exquisite and his midrange game is top notch. I just like watching all the different ways (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xq93EcwLmjM) in which he is able to score. His moves are perfection. The guy is versatile as a mofo. He can post and toast, he can face up and shoot or drive, he can hit the three ball now, etc. The fact that he has stepped up his defense lately is nice as well, I think he's finally figuring out how to be a winner. Guy is also clutch (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Id6lkaXMtA). I've enjoyed seeing him step his game up to a new level this year in the playoffs. I wish him success.

Charlie Villanueva

My CV obsession began when I acquired him on a fantasy basketball team, which coincidentally coincided directly to his explosion. I never really payed any attention to him before, he was just "that dude on the Bucks without any eyebrows". I saw him racking up all these stats for my team so I decided to watch a Bucks game. I think he dropped 30 something points. He was posting, driving, boppin' three balls, dunking on people (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8qZDHnyqLqg), controlling the boards, blocking shots.. he did it all, and so smoothly. I never really thought of him as a super athletic guy, but he makes surprisingly athletic plays. CVCVCVCV (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3TRSYYM8Xkw)! "No brows, no problem!" -Skywalker.

Darius Miles


I used to watch every game of his back in 05/06. He was averaging around 18 PPG for like 2 months, but then he got hurt and disappeared for two years, which brings us to 08/09. Now he's more known for his car (http://images.smarter.com/blogs/miles1.jpg), pot smoking, and contract issue with the Blazers than his game. It's too bad, because he was actually pretty exciting to watch, in my opinion. I made this video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W3Hh5NWDb6w) covering his career from his rookie year to his time with Portland, there's some good highlights in there. Check out the dunk he does over some poor sucker from the Bulls, and the one handed drives and finger rolls. Good sh!t.

JR Smith

When JR gets the ball it's kind of like an adventure, you never know what's about to go down. He might cross somebody and shoot a J, he might pop a 30 footer, dunk (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t0nlW6v4PS0) on somebody, shoot an airball, you just never know. He's been better with the turnovers and shot selection lately, which is good, but it's still a bit nerve racking yet exciting when he has the ball in his hands. I see him maturing on the court through his better decision making and improved defense, and I'm curious to see just how good he can become. He has alot of potential, clearly.

Tim Thomas


This is mostly due to his time with the Suns. I liked that team alot. I'll never forget the clutch three pointer (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pylV_2mT7BE) in game six vs. the Lakers, and then the sick three (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aZ3bH5o9vrg) in OT which I have posted here many times.. it's my favorite .gif ever.

I will also remember the series vs. Dallas where he had a six three game, some nasty facials, and blew a kiss to Nowitzki. I wanted that team to win so badly, mostly because of TT. I was on his bandwagon big time. Sucks that he left the Suns, we haven't really heard from him since.

One final thing I will remember about TT is his feud with Kenyon, calling him a "fugazy" or whatever. I enjoy tuning in to watch them guard each other whenever their teams match up. This past season they had a late game dual, which included a clutch J by Tim in Martin's grill, but then a clutch stop by Martin to force OT, and a clutch three pointer by Martin (complete with a Cassellesque testicles celebration) to ice the game. Martin actually came out on top that time.

Matt Barnes

Loved his hustle back with the GSW. He scored his career high in one of my favorite NBA games ever vs. Memphis, Stro had like 20/10 or something. The Grizzlies won like 145-135 in regulation, it was just nuts. Anyways, Matt Barnes has heart. He gives it his all, and I like that. Without him, I don't see the Warriors upsetting the Mavs in '07. His intangibles were key, and his shot was connecting. His dunks on Flopper Harris (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3LPWg9-IVR0) and Dirk Nobrickski (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EZRUgK0Ffl0) are two of my favorites. Another interesting note, his "Believe" tattoo on his neck is what inspired the greatest T-Shirts of all time. :pimp:

Tyrus Thomas

Alot of people compare him to Stro, but I see more KMart in him. Either way, he is compared by many to my two favorite players. How could I not like him? I remember watching this game vs. the Hawks in his rookie year, he was making athletic plays left (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qKhgolyXFgk) and right (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xE7JD78MSEU). Crazy stuff, making Josh Smith his b!tch and sh!t. I never thought he'd amount to much of anything as an NBA player, but he's showing sings of improvement. He was clutch with the jumper in the first round of the playoffs. Maybe he'll prove me wrong.

Al Harrington


Another one of those 06/07 Warrior guys. I still like to watch him in NY though. He does some dumb sh!t (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0F32IdR62aI) sometimes, but he plays hard. No doubt he can score the basketball in a variety of ways. Inconsistent, but also explosive and exciting. He dropped some monster games against my fantasy team this year. Guy had 5 steals against me when I needed that category. ****ing bastard.

Primoz Brezec

I think I'm alone on this one, so I won't bother to elaborate much. Primoz = King of unintentional humor, on and off the court. That is all.

LeBron James

He's my favorite of the superstars. There's atleast one thing that pisses me off about CP, Wade, Kobe, KG, Duncan, etc. I never really considered myself a LeBron fan until recently when I realized unlike the others there is nothing about him that pisses me off. I was thinking about it, and I came up with nothing. There's atleast one thing about almost every star that bothers me, but not LeBron. I hope to see him win many rings with the Cavs. I hope he goes down as one of the all time greats.

My favorite LeBron moment would have to be his scoring outburst (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tyd4NPvzKQg) against the Bucks. Man, I saw that on my LP and I swear my jaw was on the floor by the end of it. CV was lighting it up, and he decided he'd had enough. That was that. Or maybe it ended because CV got ejected for choking Big Z. :oldlol:

Mike Taylor

A little guy who took the hard way to make it to the league. I like that. He's said to be a hard worker, he D's up, and he's confident. I watched him light up the Knicks (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gMV9u_T4Dp8) and the Spurs, I was sold on him from there. The guy is also one athletic mofo. The quickness on his crossover is very nice (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CVUzW6XKgik), and his ups are insane (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kfJSHblV-y8). I saw this dunk (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eEzN1MwePwU) live on LP and almost crapped myself. I remember making a thread about it actually. I hope to see him become a solid rotation player in the future, if he can improve his shot I think he has what it takes.

Joe Johnson

He's smooth like silk. His drives to the basket alomost appear to be happening in slow motion, but he always gets to where he wants to go and is usually able to finish using his array of shots around the basket. He's a different sort of shooting guard, tall and strong but not all that athletic. His handles (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CTN0xJigLFI) are sick. I just enjoy watching how he weaves his way into the paint and scores. His range (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sD-o7h9xgs8) is also pretty incredible.

I must say one more thing though... I swear I have never seen a player get rejected (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qBWafX4WPzQ) when trying to dunk as much as JJ. Stick to the floaters, Joe.

Chris Wilcox

I love those one handed dunks (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a_T-F4zufa4) he does, you know, the one where he cocks it way back and just SMASHES (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1OqXZAci0GQ) it down. So powerful. I once saw him back rim one so hard it flew into the stands. I guess that's about it for him. I just like that dunk. And his crazy cornrolls, er, rows, look pretty sick when he's flying through the air.

Trevor Ariza


I love his hustle, and the way that he goes about doing it without playing dirty or flopping. Alot of hustle players nowadays are floppers, but Ariza does it the right way. And then there's the dunks. The man can throw down. I will always remember the one over Grant Hill (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1v6OIFNme6w), I was watching the game when it happened.

Andris Biedrins

One of the 06/07 Warriors. A beast of a rebounder. He pursues boards on both ends. He wants to get every single rebound. He's also a great help defender. He's very good at contesting shots without fouling. His offense has improved alot recently, he has some nice moves off the dribble to his left. He handles the ball and passes well for a center. He always plays hard, and rarely complains. He's hard not to like.

Continued in next post..

05-28-2009, 04:30 PM
Jason Williams


As a white kid who puts alot of work into his ball handling, I have been compared to Jason Williams before. I have watched his highlights and tried to copy some of his moves. I've got that fake behind the back pass down pretty good. I damn sure can't pass like him though. This = GOAT pass (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m-Vq-DO86RE). Stupid LaFrentz needs to learn how to finish.

Quentin Richardson

Now a one dimensional three point gunner, QRich was once an exciting scorer. I liked him alot back when he was dunking on people and using his size in the paint. Him and DMiles were quite an exciting duo. *Does a headbump* (http://www.bballvideos.com/uploaded_images/bambam-752409.jpg)

Rasheed Wallace


He was one of my first favorite NBA players. I was young at the time, but I believe I was intrigued by his combination of hieght, athleticism (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F1R_J5KwuLE), and skill (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=suqdPykwS_0). I think it also had something to do with his insanity. He's a character, no doubt. Also, his air force ones are classic.


Ok, so the players have been covered, now we move on to other stuff. "Other stuff" will consist of everything that doesn't have to do with players. I am a player fan, so I kind of see it as "players" and "other stuff". I have spoken about some of these things already in my "40 more days" thread where I talked about all types of sh!t that I like about the NBA. For a few of the repeats I just quoted myself using stuff I wrote in old threads rather than writing a new explaination. I could have left the duplicates out, but some of them are important enough to me that I wanted to include them anyways.

Ralf Lawler & Mike Smith

For those who may not know, these are the Clippers TV announcers. These guys are a perfect announcing crew. They're objective, yet they still cheer for their guys. They stay positive and focus on the fun aspects of the game. They have great chemistry, Ralph is always poking fun at Mike Smith. I honestly watch games that I don't even have a whole lot of interest in just to listen to them. Ralph makes a close game ridiculously exciting, and makes a blowout watchable. He's brilliant really. I'll be depressed when he calls it quits.

06/07 Warriors


I don't think any group of players will ever be as special to me as that group. I loved that team. Baron was the leader, seemingly unstoppable in the big games. JRich was the soul of the team, having been there for all the down years and finally having some team success. Stephen Jackson and Matt Barnes had all the scrappiness, heart, and killer instinct. Monta Ellis was the exciting, relatively unknown young stud with skills. Azabuike and Pietrus were nice off the bench. Andris Biedrins was making a name for himself as a solid starting C. It all came together midseason and they made the miraculous run, winning game after game to steal the 8th spot from the Clippers on the final day. The drama was incredible.

Then came the playoffs. I was hyped as a Dallas hater. I knew they had the talent if they could keep their composure and knock down their threes. Sure enough, they stole game 1 with a 33 point, 14 rebound effort from Baron Davis. They headed to Oracle arena in Oakland tied 1-1 and the scene was unbelievable.

Those yellow "We Believe" shirts were epic. I dropped like 30$ for one on ebay. And it really did describe the mood. The team has heart, and they blew Dallas away in game 3 109-91. JRich exploded for 30. All was good, Warriors up 2-1.

Game 4 was more dramatic. Warriors weren't looking so good at the half, until Baron Davis banked a ridiculous half court shot at the second quarter buzzer. At that point i was feeling the W. I knew it was over. You could feel the momentum change.

Game 5 the Warriors got down big, but they came roaring back in the second half and managed to take a lead on a dramatic Mat Barnes poster dunk over Devin the Flopping **** Harris (one of my favorite plays ever), but ended up losing the game. It was draining, I thought they had it. But, I knew they still had 2 more chances, one at Oracle.

Game 6 was close throughout the first half. Each team was trading buckets. Second half? Different Story. All Warriors. Blowout. Epic. Upset. Stephen Jackson raining 3s!

Round 2 they made a valliant effort against the Jazz, but the only real highlight was Baron's Dunk over AK. Skipped my senior HS prom to watch that game. GOAT decision.

The series would end in Utah with Derek Fisher playing hero. It was disappointing, but the epic 1st round upset still lives. I still enjoy watching the clips. The scrappiness, the heart, the passion was so amazing. For a team known only for offense, they really battled on both ends for those wins in round 1.

Kevin Callabro

He's probably my favorite play by play guy right behind Ralph Lawler. I used to love when my favorite teams played the Sonics so I could listen to this dude. His voice is just cool. One of my favorite calls of all time: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gJYTvom6nw4 (:45)

Hubie Brown

Hubie is one of my favorite color commentators. He actually knows what he's talking about, and does a good job of breaking down what's going on in the game. He's also the coach who actually gave Stro some minutes, and gives him props whenever he plays on ESPN, so he gets bonus points for that.



My favorite play in basketball would have to be the poster dunk. Watching the best athletes in the world throw down in each other's faces never gets old. Same goes for that sound the rim makes after the dude gets done hanging. Never gets old. There are so many things that make the poster dunk exciting. Power, Ownage, Dominance, etc.

The Posterization is the GOAT type of dunk imo. Nothing, absolutely nothing beats a great in-your-face power dunk. Sometimes a nasty posterization will just put chills right through me, seriously. :oldlol:

Maine Red Claws


My home state finally got a Basketball team. I've never really known what it's like to have anything similar to a "home town team", maybe this will help me understand. I hope to attend their first game. Maybe Stro will get sent down to play for them. :oldlol:

Clyde Frazier's Vocabulary

I swear sometimes I watch Knicks games just to listen to this dude. His word choices are probably the most unique of any sports announcer that I've ever heard. And then you have his little sayings, like "dishing and swishing", or "posting and toasting." I love that one. Keep doing your thing, Clyde.

Theme Music

Ofcourse there is the well known NBA on NBC theme (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3AQ3IAriL0k), which really needs to make a comeback. When it comes to music, ABC can't do anything right. I personally love the NBA on FSN song (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zrKPUvWLlkM), though. I can't wait to here that sound at the beginning of each season. It means the NBA is back, woop woop! I'm equally sad to hear it at the end of the final game of the season, though.

Regular Season vs Playoffs

The playoffs are what excites everyone, but I like the regular season because I get to see all my dudes play on the LP, and the local announcers, and all that fun stuff. Alot of my favorite players get eliminated from the post season, so I get disappointed when the season ends. Also, I simply love the large amount of games during the regular season, and fantasy basketball, and the poster thread.. Those 13 game nights just cannot be topped, especially when you don't have to get up the next day and can stay up until 3 AM catching up with all the highlights and happenings. I am always disappointed when the playoffs come, but it never ends up being as bad as I feel it will be. I always get interested in some team or series. I usually come to like a new player or two due to their performance in the post season. I like both in different ways, but the regular season in the winner.


Well, I guess that's about it. If any of the many links I posted don't work, let me know and I'll fix them. If you're wondering where Stromile Swift is on the list of players, I left him out because everyone already knows he's my favorite. I didn't feel that it was necessary to repeat. OK, let's discuss some NBA basketball! :pimp:


05-28-2009, 04:31 PM
StroShow = GOAT!

05-28-2009, 04:56 PM
Haha good read bro. Definitely one of my fave posters.

05-28-2009, 04:59 PM
Haha good read bro. Definitely one of my fave posters.

Thanks. Did you (or Richie) watch the video (http://video.yahoo.com/watch/5174549/13683681) by any chance? I will rep for constructive criticism or feedback. :lol

05-28-2009, 05:04 PM
Solid poster with some of the funkiest favorites Ive ever heard of .. glad to see you hit 20k :cheers:

05-28-2009, 05:05 PM
Watching that first vid makes me think of how I really miss Iverson and the excitement he brought and Millsap owned some fool with that block. Who was that guy?

05-28-2009, 05:06 PM
Watching that first vid makes me think of how I really miss Iverson and the excitement he brought and Millsap owned some fool with that block. Who was that guy?

That would be Linas Kleiza. He got brutally pwnt on that play. Atleast Denver won the game.

And repped.

05-28-2009, 05:09 PM
I wonder how long until DeAndre Jordan is up there. I'd say another 15k posts :D.

05-28-2009, 05:11 PM
That would be Linas Kleiza. He got brutally pwnt on that play. Atleast Denver won the game.

And repped.
I've never seen some of those highlights. Marion raped Danny Granger with that jam and lol at Kenyon Martin going off at the end. "I don't give a fck what Kobe got".

When did Martin say that?

05-28-2009, 05:12 PM
Skipped my senior HS prom to watch that game. GOAT decision.

:wtf: :wtf: :wtf:

05-28-2009, 05:15 PM
I've never seen some of those highlights. Marion raped Danny Granger with that jam and lol at Kenyon Martin going off at the end. "I don't give a fck what Kobe got".

When did Martin say that?

It was last year in the playoffs when he was gaurding Kobe. Apparently some reporter told Kenyon that Kobe got "pissed off", and that was his response. It's one of my favorite NBA quotes. :lol

05-28-2009, 05:20 PM
great video...good song choice and liked that you had power dunks on people instead of just "pretty dunks"...not suprised to see so many Nuggets highlights...hilarious way to end it with Kenyon's comments on Kobe

Edit: when is volume 2 coming?

05-28-2009, 05:24 PM
Edit: when is volume 2 coming?

It's actually finished already, I just haven't youtubed it yet. I was going to post it sometime within the next week or something. I wanted to get some feedback on V1 first so that I could make changes to V2 if I felt the need after hearing some comments.

And thanks for the watching. Repped.

05-28-2009, 05:24 PM
:applause: :applause:

Great thread. I remember that Bill Walker dunk at the end of the video, best moment of the Preseason.

05-28-2009, 05:34 PM
It's actually finished already, I just haven't youtubed it yet. I was going to post it sometime within the next week or something. I wanted to get some feedback on V1 first so that I could make changes to V2 if I felt the need after hearing some comments.

Cool looking forward to it... what made this Busta song so good with it is how the dunks seemed to be perfectly timed according to his voice or beat...whether it was or just that the song itself has a lot of ups and downs...definitely enhanced the video

05-28-2009, 05:38 PM
Cool looking forward to it... what made this Busta song so good with it is how the dunks seemed to be perfectly timed according to his voice or beat...whether it was or just that the song itself has a lot of ups and downs...definitely enhanced the video

Timing is the difference between a good video and a crappy video. I'm glad I got it right. :banana:

05-28-2009, 05:46 PM
Congrats Stro! Great job celebrating it too, you make a great contribution to this place :D

05-28-2009, 06:11 PM
New poster, but I've lurked a fair while & I've always enjoyed your contribution to the debate. Nice vid, too.

05-28-2009, 06:44 PM
Clyde Frazier's Vocabulary

I swear sometimes I watch Knicks games just to listen to this dude. His word choices are probably the most unique of any sports announcer that I've ever heard. And then you have his little sayings, like "dishing and swishing", or "posting and toasting." I love that one. Keep doing your thing, Clyde.

The entire post was really interesting, but this is what got me the most. Clyde's amazing, and the sole reason to watch Knicks games sometimes.

Congrats on sticking around for so long, and most importantly, making so many good and insightful posts. :cheers:

big baller
05-28-2009, 06:46 PM
Wait, Where is Stro in your list of fav players? Did I miss him?

Al Thornton
05-28-2009, 06:47 PM
MIKE TAYLOR!!!!!!!!!! yeah nice post congratulations.

05-28-2009, 06:52 PM
Wait, Where is Stro in your list of fav players? Did I miss him?
I don't think the ISH servers could handle the number of superlatives he'd use to describe Stro's game in one post.

pete's montreux
05-28-2009, 06:59 PM
Great video Stro. Love the mix of audio at the beginning.

05-28-2009, 07:03 PM
keep up the good posting stro!

you are one of my favorite post-ers here at ish :cheers:

05-28-2009, 07:04 PM
Great read stro.

+rep for you my friend

Raj Da Dodge
05-28-2009, 07:07 PM
Damn StroShow, I just read all of that and I gotta say, I think you have passed me for being the biggest NBA fan ever :lol I mean after reading all of that, damn I gotta say you're a HUGE fan! :cheers: :rockon: That's awesome man, it was amazing reading all that!!! Also I just got done watching your video and that was also amazing! My fav. part was obviously the beginning at -4:11 showing when Stro was w/us and he had that ridiculous jam over idk who that spur player was :lol but that **** was nasty as hell!!! I remember that too! But yea, and obviously my other fav. part was at the -1:14 part, yea, the T-Mac dunk over Tyrus! I was speech less that night, going crazy, well idk what the hell I was doing when that happened cuz I was going too crazy haha. But yea, amazing video though! Good job man! Really awesome, can't wait for Volume 2! Amazing though! :cheers: :rockon: :applause: :bowdown:

05-28-2009, 07:07 PM
I liked this thread.

You're a tool as a person, but you are one of the better contributors on this site.

05-28-2009, 07:20 PM
Good Stuff Stroshow.
Congrats to one of the better posters on this site.

05-28-2009, 07:37 PM
i love stro, and darius and kmart and jamal lol and walt frazier anouncing :rockon: i have a darius mix named "we gutta" on youtube, check it out i also have a jamal 1 on there

p.s. did you have ne love for eddie robinson?

05-28-2009, 07:46 PM
I think you pretty much like everything I hate in basketball.

But respect on the vid and 20k posts.

05-28-2009, 07:48 PM
you will like pops from the raps soon enough!

05-28-2009, 07:49 PM
Where is Kobe? Retarded list.

05-28-2009, 07:53 PM
Great thread and great video. The music suits it nicely and the quality of the clips is way better than the average youtube highlight mix. I hate it when you can hardly tell who's in the video because the pixels look bigger than the dude's head. The plays you included were good, some of them insane. Who's that Blazer with the mooonster jam at -3:36? I was expecting some of the older stuff, guess I'll have to wait for the next ones. Anyways, keep up the good work.

05-28-2009, 08:04 PM
Wow, what a thread. Stro, you ought to get involved working with the league somehow. You have the passion, the talent, and the personality to do something. Seriously. This is top notch stuff here.

Hope you keep this passion at you get older, as all kinds of bullsh!t inevitably will get in the way.

Congrats to one of my top 5 posters on this site.

05-28-2009, 09:00 PM
Wait, Where is Stro in your list of fav players? Did I miss him?

I mentioned later on in the post that I felt like he didn't need to be mentioned, I've said everything I have to say about him 9,000,000 times already.

Great video Stro. Love the mix of audio at the beginning.

I was wondering if anyone would comment on that. That's probably my favorite thing about the video. I included three of my favorite commentators.. Harlan, Calabro, and Lawler.

keep up the good posting stro!

I will certainly keep up the posting. Whether it will be any good or not, well, no guaransheeds on that. :lol

I liked this thread.

You're a tool as a person, but you are one of the better contributors on this site.

I'll take that as a compliment.

i love stro, and darius and kmart and jamal lol and walt frazier anouncing :rockon: i have a darius mix named "we gutta" on youtube, check it out i also have a jamal 1 on there

p.s. did you have ne love for eddie robinson?

This play is guaransheed to appear in one of my future mixes: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aouv_oghH6Y


you will like pops from the raps soon enough!

He could have easily been on the list. I used to watch summer league gameson NBAtv just to watch him and Rawle Marshall play when they were both on the Dallas squad. Marshall Reminded me a bit of Jamal Crawford, and Pop reminded me a bit of Stro.. a dream duo of mine.

Great thread and great video. The music suits it nicely and the quality of the clips is way better than the average youtube highlight mix. I hate it when you can hardly tell who's in the video because the pixels look bigger than the dude's head. The plays you included were good, some of them insane. Who's that Blazer with the mooonster jam at -3:36? I was expecting some of the older stuff, guess I'll have to wait for the next ones. Anyways, keep up the good work.

There's a couple of Blazers with nasty ass slams. The first one (second play in the vid) is Antonio Daniels. The second one which appears is LaMarcus Aldridge throwing it in Dampier's grill.

There is aloooot more older stuff in Volume 2. Nothing too old though, my video collection simply does not go back far enough.

BTW, I love your avy. :oldlol:

Wow, what a thread. Stro, you ought to get involved working with the league somehow. You have the passion, the talent, and the personality to do something. Seriously. This is top notch stuff here.

Hope you keep this passion at you get older, as all kinds of bullsh!t inevitably will get in the way.

Congrats to one of my top 5 posters on this site.

Right back at you.

I don't think I'll ever stop loving NBA basketball, but I'm not sure it will ever be my job either. I'm glad you think I'm that talented/crazy/passionate/whatever you want to call it, though. :lol

Also, I'm about to rep everyone who commented on the video. Thanks.

05-28-2009, 09:04 PM
:applause: ...Awsome Vid bro:applause: ....Much respect for that 20k....:bowdown:

05-28-2009, 09:07 PM
Great video. Do you have an "ankle breakers" one? I left a comment on it by the way.

05-28-2009, 09:13 PM
Great video. Do you have an "ankle breakers" one? I left a comment on it by the way.

Closest thing I've ever made to an "ankle breakers" video would probably be my Jamal Crawford mix. :lol


05-28-2009, 09:16 PM
For the record, Ray Allen did not get crossed in that earlier Crawford vid. The floor was wet. :oldlol:

05-28-2009, 09:19 PM
Are you going to hit me up with that rep stro?

05-28-2009, 09:55 PM
Wow, what a thread. Stro, you ought to get involved working with the league somehow. You have the passion, the talent, and the personality to do something. Seriously. This is top notch stuff here.

how about david stern's personal assistant--- ss could affect ish-type change at the top level!!

Big Al All day
05-28-2009, 09:55 PM
GREAT thread Stro. Your threads are always the best. I loved reading your 40 things I love about the NBA thread back when i mostly lurked. I checked in almost everyday for the next update.

I also loved your video on the young clippers you posted a while back.

I'm gonna say it, Stro = Best thread starter in the NBA forum.

Big Al All day
05-28-2009, 10:02 PM
you will like pops from the raps soon enough!

OH man i love Pops! The first time I saw him he was getting some garbage time when he was on the spurs ( not sure what game but it was on national TV ) and he was just going all out! He had like 3 or 4 nasty jams, and must have finished with 12 or 14 points...

I also love his name, I'm always kind of drawn to weird/crazy names.

05-28-2009, 10:03 PM
Best poster alive



05-28-2009, 10:06 PM
OH man i love Pops! The first time I saw him he was getting some garbage time when he was on the spurs ( not sure what game but it was on national TV ) and he was just going all out! He had like 3 or 4 nasty jams, and must have finished with 12 or 14 points...

I also love his name, I'm always kind of drawn to weird/crazy names.

I think it was against Cleveland.


05-28-2009, 10:10 PM
Kevin Callabro

He's probably my favorite play by play guy right behind Ralph Lawler. I used to love when my favorite teams played the Sonics so I could listen to this dude. His voice is just cool. One of my favorite calls of all time: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gJYTvom6nw4 (:45)

The only reason I tune into Sounders games on the radio is to hear Collabro, makes me reminisce of the Sonics days.
Congrats on your posts.

05-28-2009, 10:12 PM
Lol, how long did it take you to type all of this up?

05-28-2009, 10:13 PM
Thanks for the rep dude. I almos have by 2nd bar already. only like 17 more needed

05-28-2009, 10:18 PM
Lol, how long did it take you to type all of this up?

Do you really want to know? :oldlol:

I've been working on this since I hit like 19,500 posts. I made a huge list of stuff I wanted to include, then just worked on typing out the entries whenever I was bored. It took weeks to complete. I didn't insert all of the links until today. The video also took quite a while to make. It was alot of work.

05-28-2009, 10:22 PM
Do you really want to know? :oldlol:

I've been working on this since I hit like 19,500 posts. I made a huge list of stuff I wanted to include, then just worked on typing out the entries whenever I was bored. It took weeks to complete. I didn't insert all of the links until today. The video also took quite a while to make. It was alot of work.
Wow. Well, at least it came out for a good cause. :D

05-28-2009, 10:31 PM
Just took the time to read your post, great job man. The video looks sick aswell.

05-28-2009, 10:47 PM
I forgot to mention I loved K-Mart's little speech at the end. ...excuse my french...classic stuff

05-28-2009, 10:48 PM
Nice read. Some obscure favorite players, but hey everyone is different.

Who are your favorite players from the 70's, 80's and 90's? Just one player from each.

05-28-2009, 10:55 PM
Nice read. Some obscure favorite players, but hey everyone is different.

Who are your favorite players from the 70's, 80's and 90's? Just one player from each.

I wasn't alive in the 70's and 80's, but three players who interest me from those times would be Dawkins, Erving, and Bird. When they have oldschool shows on NBAtv featuring those guys I will watch.

I was pretty damn young during most of the 90s (I was born in '88), but my favorite players back then were Allen Iverson and Rasheed Wallace. Had I been older and thought the way I think now, I'm sure my favorite players would have been Shawn Kemp, LJ, and Dennis Rodman. :oldlol:

I've also been watching alot of Rod Strickland and Mark Jackson clips lately. I like those flashy mofos.

05-28-2009, 10:59 PM
Yeah I can see the Kemp and Rodman thing. lol

I'm sure you have an opinion on todays dunk contests compared to previous ones. Which ones do you enjoy more, since I'm sure you've watched nearly all of them being the fan of dunking you are?

05-28-2009, 11:04 PM
Yeah I can see the Kemp and Rodman thing. lol

I'm sure you have an opinion on todays dunk contests compared to previous ones. Which ones do you enjoy more, since I'm sure you've watched nearly all of them being the fan of dunking you are?

Yeah, I've seen pretty much every dunk contest, they show a bunch of them every year around all star weekend. My favorite dunk contest performance would have to be 2000 by VC. That was just sick. The showmanship was epic, and he did it without gimmicks. The gimmicks bug me. I prefer a sick dunk with no costume, no props, etc. The modern dunk contests are too gimmicky for me, I most certainly prefer the older ones.

That being said, I still believe the cupcake dunk by Gerald Green is madly underrated. Sickest ****ing gimmick dunk right there. :oldlol:

05-28-2009, 11:06 PM
Yeah, I've seen pretty much every dunk contest, they show a bunch of them every year around all star weekend. My favorite dunk contest performance would have to be 2000 by VC. That was just sick. The showmanship was epic, and he did it without gimmicks. The gimmicks bug me. I prefer a sick dunk with no costume, no props, etc. The modern dunk contests are too gimmicky for me, I most certainly prefer the older ones.

That being said, I still believe the cupcake dunk by Gerald Green is madly underrated. Sickest ****ing gimmick dunk right there. :oldlol:
The 360 windmill was awesome. Greatest dunk contest of all time. no doubt.

05-28-2009, 11:06 PM
Yeah, I've seen pretty much every dunk contest, they show a bunch of them every year around all star weekend. My favorite dunk contest performance would have to be 2000 by VC. That was just sick. The showmanship was epic, and he did it without gimmicks. The gimmicks bug me. I prefer a sick dunk with no costume, no props, etc. The modern dunk contests are too gimmicky for me, I most certainly prefer the older ones.

That being said, I still believe the cupcake dunk by Gerald Green is madly underrated. Sickest ****ing gimmick dunk right there. :oldlol:

Agreed. It seems that most of the dunk fanatics all agree on the previous dunk contests being the better ones.

Anyway, I'm going back to the game, it's getting close. Hope to you see you for another 20,000 posts. :cheers:

Raj Da Dodge
05-28-2009, 11:12 PM
Yeah, I've seen pretty much every dunk contest, they show a bunch of them every year around all star weekend. My favorite dunk contest performance would have to be 2000 by VC. That was just sick. The showmanship was epic, and he did it without gimmicks. The gimmicks bug me. I prefer a sick dunk with no costume, no props, etc. The modern dunk contests are too gimmicky for me, I most certainly prefer the older ones.

That being said, I still believe the cupcake dunk by Gerald Green is madly underrated. Sickest ****ing gimmick dunk right there. :oldlol:
yup, I agree with u bro!!! :cheers: Thats my all time fav. dunk contest too and Carter is my all time fav. dunker! I really honestly think he's the best dunker of all time, better than Jordan, Nique, anyone u can think of, Carter can beat!

05-29-2009, 07:38 PM
Sorry I'm alittle late. but congrats on the 20k post :D
And your video was pretty tight also. nice choice in music, hm.. you should do a playoff verison of those videos? would be cool. off to see your 2nd video!