View Full Version : Anyone ever seen a bootleg satelite?

09-25-2009, 03:44 AM
What do you think of them? worth it? not worth it?

Quality? Consistency?

09-25-2009, 03:50 AM
What do you think of them? worth it? not worth it?

Quality? Consistency?

How to get free Satellite TV through Dish Network and Bell Express Vu

This tutorial will cover the basics in obtaining and utilizing the necessary tools to gain access to free Satellite TV. Just like its bootleg cable counterparts, bootleg satellite provides you with full access to all channels (including PPV and Porn) as well as High Definition channels. But the best part is that unlike bootleg cable, it is impossible to be caught by the satellite providers. In simple terms, satellite TV is a one way encrypted signal which means that you can never be traced by using it. Please note that SWIM provided this information and though I verify it works I take no responsibility for what you do with this information. Use at your own risk.

How it works:
DirectTV, Dish Network, and Bell Express Vu use satellites in geosynchronous orbit to transmit encrypted digital media streams to your house. Unlike DirecTV which hasn't been successfully hacked in years, Dish Network and Bell Express Vu utilize a compromised encryption known as Nagravision 2 to transmit their MPEG-2 streams. This means anyone with a Free to Air (FTA) satellite box that supports Nagravision 2 can watch free TV.

There are 2 main items you will need: a satellite dish and a FTA box. You will also need mounting tools (screwdriver, wrenches, and a compass to name a few).

Satellite Dish: Any satellite dish with a circular LNB will work, but I recommend getting a Dish Network Dish-500 satellite dish as this will allow you to receive both the main satellites of either Dish Network or Bell Express Vu. You can pick up a satellite dish from eBay for around $50 dollars but it is sometimes easier to pick them up for cheap at a yard sale or off of someone else's yard.

Satellite Box: I recommend either a Pansat, Viewsat, or Coolsat box. Once again these can be found at eBay but I would recommend buying from a certified dealer as cloned boxes from China tend to break easily and don't always handle the firmware flashes correctly. Some legitimate dealers are h**p://www.ftapalace.com/ and h**p://www.pansatdirect.net/usa/ though there are countless others.

Once you have the proper equipment search for a good place to install your satellite. Use this tool (h**p://www.megaupload.com/?d=ZYQ1E1WS) to find the exact angle (as well as the proper azimuth and elevation) to point your dish and make sure that it has a clear line of sight (no trees or other obstacles can be in the way). The easiest way of lining up the dish with the satellite is to use a Satellite finder (usually included with the Satellite box). This item makes a shrill noise when you get a signal so you place the dish in the general direction of the satellite and slowly move it until you hear something. Once installed, connect the satellite dish via coaxial cables to the DiSEqC Switch (h**p://www.roxsat.biz/images/PANSAT4X1_300.jpg) provided with your box. This switch will generally take in 4 LNBs (the circle things on the satellite) and provide 1 receiver output that goes to your satellite box. Once you have hooked up the switch to the satellite, plug it into the satellite box. Now you are almost ready to go, but you will need a special firmware flash to enable the decryption of Nagravision 2. The FTA box makers can't include it for fear of lawsuits so its released thru "gray" channels for them. To get the updated firmware, download it from either h**p://www.al7bar.tk or h**p://www.future-fta.info. These forums get all the new firmware flashes within hours of their release but they do tend to slow down from heavy user interaction. Once you have the updated firmware, follow the directions located on the aforementioned websites to load the satellites and enjoy your free untraceable Satellite TV!

Some Notes: Like bootleg cable, bootleg Satellite can have the occasional downtime to changes in the encryption keys. This generally lasts between a few hours to a few days before a fix is released. Note that this tends to happen during major events (like the Super Bowl) so it might be worth your time to have some basic cable, or even legitimate satellite as a backup.


09-25-2009, 03:52 AM
Read that already before posting.

Wanted opinions.

09-25-2009, 04:02 AM
Like anything you do.. Its gonna be quality bound if you do it correctly.. Also, It aint cheating if you dont get caught...

Ive know of shitty feeds as well as brilliant copy streaming.. but its all in the effort..

09-25-2009, 04:10 AM
Well I've watched it before, but my issue is about firmware updates, etc... I've seen the "card" version before where you had to keep updating the cards every couple months.

That was a long time ago though, so alot has obviously changed. Just wondering how long in between firmware updates, whether you still have similar features as a standard satelite carrier, etc..

09-25-2009, 11:44 AM
Is it possible to use that method outside USA? Any ideas?