View Full Version : Chamillionare dissing the sh*t out of michael jordan

10-17-2009, 05:06 AM


seems as though michael jordan styled on him, and chams just mad haha

10-17-2009, 05:41 AM
Kobe would have dissed Cham harder imo.

10-17-2009, 05:51 AM


seems as though michael jordan styled on him, and chams just mad haha

Same Video better quality. http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/2348438/highlight/22308

10-17-2009, 05:53 AM
i think its because of this http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/2348438/highlight/22308

did you watch the tube clip?

10-17-2009, 06:31 AM
That's fu.cked up man. I know every celebrity acts way differently in their interviews, but I would have never expected that from MJ.

10-17-2009, 06:46 AM
Everybody knows MJ has always been a huge asshol3 in person. A lot of people hated him for his personality, but admire him because of his game.

10-17-2009, 07:34 AM
Who gives two ****s about Chamillionaire's opinion of MJ? Really?

10-17-2009, 08:19 AM
because he is the goat rapper

10-17-2009, 10:34 AM
Ray Allen is an awesome person.

Chamillionare should've punched him on the neck.

10-17-2009, 10:57 AM
He sounds like he was about to cry telling the story lmao

10-17-2009, 11:12 AM
A guy I know got blocked/banned(however it works) by Chamillionaire months ago on Twitter for a huge argument he had with him about Kobe vs Jordan. Guy was right to be on the Jordan side was Cham I right in his point that he probably didnt even watch Jpordan. Kid is like 19-20. Goes to Clemson. He really cant remember MJ that well.

10-17-2009, 11:23 AM
Kobe would have dissed Cham harder imo.

nice try

10-17-2009, 12:03 PM
Chawho? I forgot about his washed up talentless ass.

10-17-2009, 12:14 PM
damn mike...wazzup with that!:ohwell:

10-17-2009, 12:49 PM
wow ... messed up story if its true ... not like i give a crap about chamillionaire but the response from Jordan (again, if it's true) was really messed up ...

10-17-2009, 01:33 PM
Wow. Not cool MJ. Does the guy realize that his sh*t stinks too? Hey MJ you can't take your rings or MVP trophies to the grave you prick. I genuinely felt bad for Cham, even though I'm not a fan of his.

oh the horror
10-17-2009, 02:39 PM
The unfortunate truth is that a lot of people say this about Mike. His game is spectacular, and we love him for that much, but yeah, the guy is a total jackass.

10-17-2009, 02:52 PM
That's lame and Cham is 100% right. Flipping out on somebody like that because you are MJ is not cool. I love MJ and everything, but you gotta chill on **** like that. What's worse is that nobody said anything to the man until AFTER the situation. Oh well, I probably wouldn't have said anything either....

10-17-2009, 03:00 PM
Respect to Ray Allen and PP for having pictures with Cham after MJ showed he was a total douche (not like I didn't know that already).

10-17-2009, 03:22 PM
Not surprised at all, everyone knows Michael Jordan is an arrogant ***hole.

10-17-2009, 03:24 PM
WOW...just wow MJ. Sounds like many other people in chicago knows this about MJ...Chamillionare good job keeping your cool..

10-17-2009, 03:47 PM
Well, yeah. Why are you all acting surprised? We all knew that MJ wasn't the nicest teammate when he was still around, what makes you think he got nicer?

10-17-2009, 03:58 PM
Respect to Ray Allen and PP for having pictures with Cham after MJ showed he was a total douche (not like I didn't know that already).

haha funny you should say that, I use to work lowe's home improvement in connecticut and ray ray would stop in every once in a while and one of the guys I worked with asked him for a picture with him and he said "no, I don't do pictures"....

10-17-2009, 04:08 PM
Should've challenged him to a game of 21.

10-17-2009, 04:13 PM
haha funny you should say that, I use to work lowe's home improvement in connecticut and ray ray would stop in every once in a while and one of the guys I worked with asked him for a picture with him and he said "no, I don't do pictures"....
True true, but he probably wasn't like "F*ck no, If you buy my jersey for 15,000 I'll take a picture with you". I'm cool with any NBA players not taking pictures because if one person does it then the other fans kind of expect the same thing and it snowballs. Just don't be a little b!tch.

10-17-2009, 04:17 PM
i don't see how anyone is surprised.

Jordan is a prick. everyone knows that

10-17-2009, 04:47 PM
I'm pretty I'd be a arrogant jackass too if I was the best basketball player to ever play the game.

10-17-2009, 04:50 PM
i don't see how anyone is surprised.

Jordan is a prick. everyone knows that
We've all heard how much of a prick Michael was from his teammates. Now hearing it from fan in Chamillionaire who is a big fan of Michael who idolized him. Gets treated disrespectfully. Its disappointing to hear these things about your idol and actually witness it.

10-17-2009, 05:14 PM
True true, but he probably wasn't like "F*ck no, If you buy my jersey for 15,000 I'll take a picture with you". I'm cool with any NBA players not taking pictures because if one person does it then the other fans kind of expect the same thing and it snowballs. Just don't be a little b!tch.

He'd be there for two hours taking pictures with little kids begging to get his autograph or picture, it must suck being a famous person out in public because if you aren't friendly to your fans, they become Stan.


10-17-2009, 05:15 PM
I'm pretty I'd be a arrogant jackass too if I was the best basketball player to ever play the game.
Hes the best basketball player to play in the NBA, dont get too ahead of yourself.

10-17-2009, 05:17 PM
We've all heard how much of a prick Michael was from his teammates. Now hearing it from fan in Chamillionaire who is a big fan of Michael who idolized him. Gets treated disrespectfully. Its disappointing to hear these things about your idol and actually witness it.
Michael is a major prick, why do you think his kids never want to be seen in public with him or talk highly of him as a father/teacher.

10-17-2009, 05:26 PM
Respect to Ray Allen and PP for having pictures with Cham after MJ showed he was a total douche (not like I didn't know that already).
RayRay and Pierce is a class act,it's fine to say no just don't be a *******!!!!

10-17-2009, 05:36 PM

10-17-2009, 05:43 PM
Damn man, that was messed up.

Props for Ray and PP for trying to cheer the dude up a little.

Any other links about MJ being a jerk?

10-17-2009, 05:46 PM
More like "Michael Jordan dissing the sh*t out of Chamillionaire" lol

10-17-2009, 05:51 PM
The thing that bothers me the most about this story is the part about MJ using the N-word. As a white person I just wish that word would die once and for all. I can't understand why it it's so popular with so many black folks but I try to just remember that this is something black people must work out among themselves. I just think the word lacks class and it contradicts the image I have of MJ.

As for MJ acting like a d!ck...eh. I remember when I was young my grandmother told me that I should think carefully before introducing myself to any of my idols. It seemed strange at first to think that someone that I looked up to so much would be mean or rude to me, but it was an important lesson.

Over the years I have had the chance to meet some of my favorite boxers, musicians, etc and I would say it has been 50/50 good and bad. My all-time two favorite boxers are Hagler and P Whitaker and I met them both, both were huge flops. Whitaker was probably the rudest dude ever and Hagler was just a jerk.

One of my guitar hero's (Al Di Meola) was the worst "celeb" I have ever met. I can't really even do justice to telling just how rude he was to everyone at his show before, during, and after. Why would you advertise to come to the venue early for Autographs and pictures and then tell each person to **** off one by one? What kind of person does this? Another nice touch was when the club that he performed at went out of their way to give him everything he wanted and he put down the staff in the middle of the show. The finishing touch was tell everyone that his bathroom was bigger than the stage he was performing on. What?

Out of all the famous people I have met I would say that boxer/trainer Buddy McGirt and Scott Ian of Anthrax have been the coolest. Oh well, MJ. :confusedshrug:

10-17-2009, 05:56 PM
The thing that bothers me the most about this story is the part about MJ using the N-word. As a white person I just wish that word would die once and for all. I can't understand why it it's so popular with so many black folks but I try to just remember that this is something black people must work out among themselves. I just think the word lacks class and it contradicts the image I have of MJ.

As for MJ acting like a d!ck...eh. I remember when I was young my grandmother told me that I should think carefully before introducing myself to any of my idols. It seemed strange at first to think that someone that I looked up to so much would be mean or rude to me, but it was an important lesson.

Over the years I have had the chance to meet some of my favorite boxers, musicians, etc and I would say it has been 50/50 good and bad. My all-time two favorite boxers are Hagler and P Whitaker and I met them both, both were huge flops. Whitaker was probably the rudest dude ever and Hagler was just a jerk.

One of my guitar hero's (Al Di Meola) was the worst "celeb" I have ever met. I can't really even do justice to telling just how rude he was to everyone at his show before, during, and after. Why would you advertise to come to the venue early for Autographs and pictures and then tell each person to **** off one by one? What kind of person does this? Another nice touch was when the club that he performed at went out of their way to give him everything he wanted and he put down the staff in the middle of the show. The finishing touch was tell everyone that his bathroom was bigger than the stage he was performing on. What?

Out of all the famous people I have met I would say that boxer/trainer Buddy McGirt and Scott Ian of Anthrax have been the coolest. Oh well, MJ. :confusedshrug:

:oldlol: :oldlol:

"*****" is a common word among black people in the south, Michael grew up in North Carolina. Its not used in a demeaning or derogatory way but its almost like how white people get upset and say "Dude" in a low voice.

10-17-2009, 06:05 PM
:oldlol: :oldlol:

"*****" is a common word among black people in the south, Michael grew up in North Carolina. Its not used in a demeaning or derogatory way but its almost like how white people get upset and say "Dude" in a low voice.

I know that but I still find it shocking that MJ would use that word. I don't know how to explain it...I just thought he would never do that. I just admire him so much...I can't believe that such a giant of a man would use the most pathetic word in our language towards another person. I know it is not race/hate-based but I still can't believe that he would use that as a social-identifyer.

I know what you are saying...I just...I don't want to know that about MJ.

10-17-2009, 06:54 PM
Honestly Chammillionaire didn't sound nearly as retarded as I would have expected someone named Chammillionaire to sound. MJ is a jerk and it's been know for a long time, just sounds like he was too much of a fan to beleive it and got a rather rude reality check. What MJ did wasn't really all that bad in the scheme of things.

10-17-2009, 07:00 PM
I've bought his shoes, jerseys, etc. That sucks to hear he's an a**hole but not surprising.

One of my other "heroes" was Hulk Hogan and I've had the chance to meet him and he's still one of the nicest celebrities you'll meet. He must get approached by fans almost just as much as Michael Jordan when he goes out in public and yet he handles it with class.

10-17-2009, 07:05 PM
The one thing that makes me scratch my head is....... with all this money(including mine), Cham cant get a better camera? The video quality was garbage.

10-17-2009, 07:13 PM
What gets me is that Chammillionaire thought it was a good idea to make a deal with a rival bidder to keep the price down at a charity event!!! I hope it wasn't a charity for orphans or something like that.

10-17-2009, 07:45 PM
Hes the best basketball player to play in the NBA, dont get too ahead of yourself.

This might be true that there are better players outside of the NBA. Do you know any, by any chance?

10-17-2009, 07:50 PM
Well if they didn't make it to the NBA I highly doubt they were better than Michael Jordan.

Take Your Lumps
10-17-2009, 07:55 PM


Michael Jordan is crazy.

10-17-2009, 08:18 PM
was not surprised by this story at all. Good friend of mine from college lives and works in vegas, and has a bunch of MJ stories. The biggest being dude acts likes he's allergic to tipping. Not that makes him a criminal but when he's blowing 5-10 million in a weekend. Getting basically everything under the sun comp'd. The fact that he walks around with his nose up and his hands in his pockets is pretty ****ed.

10-17-2009, 08:58 PM
If this is in fact true about MJ, that's pretty messed up. :pimp:

10-17-2009, 09:01 PM
True true, but he probably wasn't like "F*ck no, If you buy my jersey for 15,000 I'll take a picture with you". I'm cool with any NBA players not taking pictures because if one person does it then the other fans kind of expect the same thing and it snowballs. Just don't be a little b!tch.
He's another version of Spudjjay. Dont't mind about him.

10-17-2009, 09:09 PM
What gets me is that Chammillionaire thought it was a good idea to make a deal with a rival bidder to keep the price down at a charity event!!! I hope it wasn't a charity for orphans or something like that.
Ef Joradn.

10-17-2009, 09:12 PM
he should feel proud to get dissed by jordan. people don't know how to appreciate his greatness.

he needs to quit crying, he just got blessed with a "f*ck you" from michael jordan.

10-17-2009, 09:31 PM
Hey The truth is that Jordan is a regular dude and having all this fame and money messes with a person. He doesn't know how to handle it any better than anyone else, and after being admired so much for most of his life his reality is just so different and twisted from everyone else.

How would you act after 25 years of every single person trying to suck your d!ck?

10-17-2009, 09:40 PM
Hey The truth is that Jordan is a regular dude and having all this fame and money messes with a person. He doesn't know how to handle it any better than anyone else, and after being admired so much for most of his life his reality is just so different and twisted from everyone else.

How would you act after 25 years of every single person trying to suck your d!ck?

Thats not an excuse. There are plenty of athletes that have had crazy success and are as down to earth as regular people. I bartended at Logan Airport for like 4yrs and met a bunch of athletes/entertainers. Manny Ramirez might be a steroid cheat but he was one of the coolest dudes I've ever met. James Earl Jones for that matter is also really cool. Eva Mendez not so much.

But the point is, regardless of how rich/famous you are and how long people have been adoring you, there's no defense for being a jerk. None. I don't care. There is no entertainer/athlete that can say they didn't know what was in store for them if/when they make it. So suck it up and be respectful of the fans that make you able to be famous and important, while contributing very little to society and world at large.

10-17-2009, 10:21 PM
Hey The truth is that Jordan is a regular dude and having all this fame and money messes with a person. He doesn't know how to handle it any better than anyone else, and after being admired so much for most of his life his reality is just so different and twisted from everyone else.

How would you act after 25 years of every single person trying to suck your d!ck?
What, they're are plenty of folks who are not full of themselves, the other two MJ's just to name a few.

10-18-2009, 12:46 AM
Over 7 minutes of whining because he didn't get a picture with his "idol" :cry: How old is he? 12???

What's next? A tell-all book? :oldlol:

"You ****as jeans too tight, your colors too bright, your voice is too light" -- Jay-Z

10-18-2009, 02:09 AM
Over 7 minutes of whining because he didn't get a picture with his "idol" :cry: How old is he? 12???

What's next? A tell-all book? :oldlol:

"You ****as jeans too tight, your colors too bright, your voice is too light" -- Jay-Z

he told a lot of us something that we didn't know...

shut the **** up, this is a classic example of thread crapping.

10-18-2009, 02:15 AM
he told a lot of us something that we didn't know...

shut the **** up, this is a classic example of thread crapping.

Untangle your panties and get your boy some tissue. It'll be alright.

10-18-2009, 11:35 AM
I'm a Knicks fans, i really never liked Jordan a bit, i wished sometimes for him to get injured, so there's no bias.

First, this gotta to be one of the most pathetic videos i ever seen, Chris Crocker type of pathetic, second the guy admitted to fixing a charity auction, third this ********* tried to buy a photo saying he bought a jersey for 7$ million, the 15$ million Jordan response was more then adequated.

"that's chamillionaire" , "ni**a, I don't give a f***!"

lol, i would've done the same, period.

10-18-2009, 12:40 PM
I'm a Knicks fans, i really never liked Jordan a bit, i wished sometimes for him to get injured, so there's no bias.

First, this gotta to be one of the most pathetic videos i ever seen, Chris Crocker type of pathetic, second the guy admitted to fixing a charity auction, third this ********* tried to buy a photo saying he bought a jersey for 7$ million, the 15$ million Jordan response was more then adequated.

"that's chamillionaire" , "ni**a, I don't give a f***!"

lol, i would've done the same, period.

So he fixed the auction so he could pay more for a jersey? And he only paid $700 not 7 millions. Damn Chamillionaire is such a douche for saying that he's a fan and bought MJ's jersey. MJ can only take pics with girls at a club but not with his fans. :rolleyes:

Are you on crack or something?

OG LeeTSkeeT
10-18-2009, 01:07 PM
mj = kanye

10-18-2009, 01:13 PM
Untangle your panties and get your boy some tissue. It'll be alright.
Okay, cham wasnt crying. I was more shocked that Young Joc is still out in public.

10-18-2009, 01:17 PM
Lol people are surprised? He's a jackass. Everyone knows that.

10-18-2009, 01:24 PM
Nobody's surprised that MJ is a jackass, but it is fun to see people call him out.

10-18-2009, 01:31 PM
Nobody's surprised that MJ is a jackass, but it is fun to see people call him out.
I heard Kobe is pretty nice. I would hate to have people constantly asking for pictures though. Now, Cham speaks really well. He sounds really different when he's rapping.

Da KO King
10-18-2009, 06:16 PM
Sadly another person learns the hard way that Michael Jordan greatly benefited from playing before the media began breaking down icons just as fast as they built them up. Still no doubt in my mind that Michael Jordan in this day and age would be viewed as the Terrell Owens of the NBA.

10-18-2009, 06:40 PM
Sadly another person learns the hard way that Michael Jordan greatly benefited from playing before the media began breaking down icons just as fast as they built them up. Still no doubt in my mind that Michael Jordan in this day and age would be viewed as the Terrell Owens of the NBA.
Except for TO is not a hard ass like MJ is. At least, I havent heard anything to support that.

10-18-2009, 06:56 PM
Wow Jordan is a real piece of sh*t. I lost respect for him after hearing this. I won't be buying his shoes anymore.

I like Adidas more anyway. I just ordered a couple shoes from Y-3 anyway.

10-18-2009, 06:56 PM
paul pierce is humble because some crazy ass fool already made a pin cushion out of him once

10-18-2009, 07:18 PM
lol, i would've done the same, period.

Luckily nobody will ever be asking to take a picture with you.

And Cham wasn't *****ing per se, he was addressing rumors/telling the story behind the rumors. He was being honest that Jordan was one of his biggest idols and was caught off guard by being treated in such a way. Nobody feels good about being rejected, whether it be in this scenario or with women or whatever the case may be. So a story like this won't be told with the same excitement or emotion as a story about winning the lottery. :confusedshrug:

10-18-2009, 10:33 PM
Sadly another person learns the hard way that Michael Jordan greatly benefited from playing before the media began breaking down icons just as fast as they built them up. Still no doubt in my mind that Michael Jordan in this day and age would be viewed as the Terrell Owens of the NBA.

Except that MJ is one of the best to play the game. Ever. Nobody is going to accuse MJ of 'just being drama' as they have accused TO. When MJ plays, he comes to play, and in the end, he wins games PERIOD. Not saying TO is bad or anything, but he certainly isn't on the level in his respective sport as MJ is to MJ's respsective sport.

10-18-2009, 10:35 PM
its' no secret MJ was a d!ck.

And the end of the day, he still has some gangsta ass sneakers, and is the best basketball player ever. So he's worshiped, and will continue to be so.

10-18-2009, 10:40 PM
lol at anyone who still buys his sneakers. they've been crap for over a decade now.

Samurai Jack
10-18-2009, 10:45 PM
lol at anyone who still buys his sneakers. they've been crap for over a decade now.
True ballers dont wear Jordans. They are more for casual use now. I always preferred T-Mac's and Iverson's shoes to Jordan's.

10-18-2009, 11:08 PM
bruceblitz would probably call cham a kobe apostle if he saw this :lol

10-18-2009, 11:33 PM
I can believe that MJ said no, and even said no rudely, but does anyone else have a hard time believing that a black man from MJ's generation is going to say "I'm not gonna take no picture with no ni99er"? Black folks from his day didn't talk like that; a certain segment of the black population today talks like that, but they didn't back then. Crazy if true.

10-19-2009, 12:13 AM
Black folks from his day didn't talk like that

You must not know the black people I know(I'm black for reference). My parents(and their brothers and sisters) are around MJ's age and they use the N-word every once in a while. Mostly it's in joking type of situation but I definitely wouldn't put MJ past that.

10-19-2009, 12:14 AM

You must not know the black people I know(I'm black for reference). My parents(and their brothers and sisters) are around MJ's age and they use the N-word every once in a while. Mostly it's in joking type of situation but I definitely wouldn't put MJ past that.

N!gga, GTFO with that. I am not taking a pic with you fool.

10-19-2009, 12:30 AM
A guy I know got blocked/banned(however it works) by Chamillionaire months ago on Twitter for a huge argument he had with him about Kobe vs Jordan. Guy was right to be on the Jordan side was Cham I right in his point that he probably didnt even watch Jpordan. Kid is like 19-20. Goes to Clemson. He really cant remember MJ that well.

Bro I'm not picking sides, but Kobe is a dick too in person when the lights aren't on and the camera's aren't rolling.

10-19-2009, 12:30 AM
Yall got to understand one thing though.............Jordan get cats coming up to him all the time. Not trying to justify what he did to Cham cause thats f*cked up...but Jordan get all types of people asking things from him all the time. Of course dude probably snaps. That's why when I see a celebrity or whatever...I ran in to Kobe at Disneyland...Karl Malone back in the day...Method Man and Redman at the Cheesecake factory at SF...Joe Montana at the airport...Pete Rose in Vegas....etc. etc.

I always just say whats introduce myself shake their hands and that's it.
Kind of treat them like a normal person etc. and everytime I did that they have all been cool and seem to appreciate it like they glad to meet me as well.
I'm just saying Jordan is just like you me and everyone else...if we had to deal with the type of fame he has....we wouldn't be happy all the time as well with everyone you know asking for something from you. Like your a prop or some sh*t.

10-19-2009, 12:46 AM
Here is some stories from back in 94 when MJ tried to play bball in my hometown of sarasota when the whitesox played minors here and the media circus was in town.

1st. Saw MJ at a sports bar called geckos, and obviously there was a crowd around the place somewhat. MJ was at a place with several girls and some guy finally got the 'nerve' to ask for an autograph with his kid. MJ responds, 'man get the **** out of face.'

2nd. I was with my buddy in his brand new vette. We pull up to a light and another brand new vette pulls next to us with tinted windows and the window rolls down, woulnd't you know, it MJ, all he says is 'nice car!' and then drives away agressively.

3rd. I was in highschool and some friends who lived in the gated community went to his house and knocked on his door and asked for an autograph, he ANSWERS the door and his response.. tell ya what, go rake up those leaves in my yard and I'll think about it, do you know how much my autograph is worth?

4th. At a bar in Tampa and all the sudden at 1AM MJ is there, I think after a superbowl party when tampa hosted it back in the day? MJ is all the sudden behind the bar mixing drinks for people, obviously drunk, but funny story and you had to be there to understand.

5th. In Sarasota during his Bball years, my buddy goes to the gold's gym and see's a group of his posse with MJ following him out of the gym as he finishes his workout and all he said was, (keep in mind this was a short asian dude), was that he was the tallest blackest Mofo EVER! and walked past him out into the parking lot.

6th He was also spotted with multiple girls around in limo's around town at a time when he was obviously married and was into... whatever.. at certain bars around town. Anywho, just wanted to put in my two cents.

Solid Snake
10-19-2009, 01:02 AM
It's official. I can no longer stand this human being. This is coming from the guy that watched every single game of the historic 95-96 Bulls season.

I want Lebron or Kobe to win 7+ rings to officially pass him as the game's best ever. That's right, I want Jordan to no longer be the greatest.

10-19-2009, 01:03 AM
Here is some stories from back in 94 when MJ tried to play bball in my hometown of sarasota when the whitesox played minors here and the media circus was in town.

1st. Saw MJ at a sports bar called geckos, and obviously there was a crowd around the place somewhat. MJ was at a place with several girls and some guy finally got the 'nerve' to ask for an autograph with his kid. MJ responds, 'man get the **** out of face.'

2nd. I was with my buddy in his brand new vette. We pull up to a light and another brand new vette pulls next to us with tinted windows and the window rolls down, woulnd't you know, it MJ, all he says is 'nice car!' and then drives away agressively.

3rd. I was in highschool and some friends who lived in the gated community went to his house and knocked on his door and asked for an autograph, he ANSWERS the door and his response.. tell ya what, go rake up those leaves in my yard and I'll think about it, do you know how much my autograph is worth?

4th. At a bar in Tampa and all the sudden at 1AM MJ is there, I think after a superbowl party when tampa hosted it back in the day? MJ is all the sudden behind the bar mixing drinks for people, obviously drunk, but funny story and you had to be there to understand.

5th. In Sarasota during his Bball years, my buddy goes to the gold's gym and see's a group of his posse with MJ following him out of the gym as he finishes his workout and all he said was, (keep in mind this was a short asian dude), was that he was the tallest blackest Mofo EVER! and walked past him out into the parking lot.

6th He was also spotted with multiple girls around in limo's around town at a time when he was obviously married and was into... whatever.. at certain bars around town. Anywho, just wanted to put in my two cents.

lmao of course

10-19-2009, 02:03 AM
I can believe that MJ said no, and even said no rudely, but does anyone else have a hard time believing that a black man from MJ's generation is going to say "I'm not gonna take no picture with no ni99er"? Black folks from his day didn't talk like that; a certain segment of the black population today talks like that, but they didn't back then. Crazy if true.
LOL, watch some old blaxploitation films.

10-19-2009, 02:30 AM
Well, ya know, I wasn't trying to get a reaction as the stories were tru. Just interesting stories that were not public and I wasn't trying to get anythign by it, but they were all tru. This was a looooong time ago back in 94 or so, but I'll talk to my other buds in the area at that time and see whatelse we can dig up. I'm not making it up or any other BS as I have nothing to gain. cool?

10-19-2009, 02:43 AM


Michael Jordan is crazy.

that sh*t cracked me up too.

plus the weed stuff, though I heard about this before fro reliable sources.

Solid Snake
10-19-2009, 02:43 AM
Well, ya know, I wasn't trying to get a reaction as the stories were tru. Just interesting stories that were not public and I wasn't trying to get anythign by it, but they were all tru. This was a looooong time ago back in 94 or so, but I'll talk to my other buds in the area at that time and see whatelse we can dig up. I'm not making it up or any other BS as I have nothing to gain. cool?

I like these personal off the record stories. There's literally no place else to get them, please share more if you have them.

10-19-2009, 03:05 AM
Here is some stories from back in 94 when MJ tried to play bball in my hometown of sarasota when the whitesox played minors here and the media circus was in town.

1st. Saw MJ at a sports bar called geckos, and obviously there was a crowd around the place somewhat. MJ was at a place with several girls and some guy finally got the 'nerve' to ask for an autograph with his kid. MJ responds, 'man get the **** out of face.'

2nd. I was with my buddy in his brand new vette. We pull up to a light and another brand new vette pulls next to us with tinted windows and the window rolls down, woulnd't you know, it MJ, all he says is 'nice car!' and then drives away agressively.

3rd. I was in highschool and some friends who lived in the gated community went to his house and knocked on his door and asked for an autograph, he ANSWERS the door and his response.. tell ya what, go rake up those leaves in my yard and I'll think about it, do you know how much my autograph is worth?

4th. At a bar in Tampa and all the sudden at 1AM MJ is there, I think after a superbowl party when tampa hosted it back in the day? MJ is all the sudden behind the bar mixing drinks for people, obviously drunk, but funny story and you had to be there to understand.

5th. In Sarasota during his Bball years, my buddy goes to the gold's gym and see's a group of his posse with MJ following him out of the gym as he finishes his workout and all he said was, (keep in mind this was a short asian dude), was that he was the tallest blackest Mofo EVER! and walked past him out into the parking lot.

6th He was also spotted with multiple girls around in limo's around town at a time when he was obviously married and was into... whatever.. at certain bars around town. Anywho, just wanted to put in my two cents.

This one cracked me up, I would have probably said alot worse if i was him and someone came to my door asking for an autograph.

10-19-2009, 03:08 AM
I like these personal off the record stories. There's literally no place else to get them, please share more if you have them.

Yeah snake, I mean seriously, they are the best places to get stories like these. I used to work at 5 star hotel with plenty of stories of these dudes how they react off the camera, and its much different. I had a 10 min convo with vince back it the day about his 26" rims would rub when he would turn too hard causing the reaction and he was simply phenominal. What a great human being, ya know? We are all judged by certain situations and how they might react but thats the way life is. I worked at this 5 star hotel for years and can tell you so many stories it would amaze you.

did I ever mention when chancey billups took us all out to a local strip club and bought anything and everything in the group when he was training at IMG? What a great and solid person. Very classy. All he drank was bottled watter cause he was in training but this was before he blew up.. Harriington was there.

Solid Snake
10-19-2009, 03:28 AM
That doesn't surprise me about Chauncy. He's seems like a solid guy, and there's nothing fake about his demeanor. He's a just a grimy, hard working dude, just balling.

10-19-2009, 06:13 AM
I been hearing Cham diss Jordan for a while now on alot of his mixtapes.. now I know why..

Loki you really doubting Jordan? Havent you read the Jordan Rules and all the other stories about Jordan? He has a squeeky clean image, but face to face he's a regular black guy who cusses and slams white girls. :confusedshrug: I wish he didnt have to be such an a-hole tho..

I gained alot of respect for Pierce and Rayray.

10-19-2009, 09:40 AM
Untangle your panties and get your boy some tissue. It'll be alright.

You sound like a dude that wouldn't mind Jordan's d ick in your panties. Probably the type to act like a groupie if you ever got 10 feet close to MJ. Its okay, you're a nut hugger so you get a pass.

10-19-2009, 10:38 AM
You sound like a dude that wouldn't mind Jordan's d ick in your panties. Probably the type to act like a groupie if you ever got 10 feet close to MJ. Its okay, you're a nut hugger so you get a pass.

Is everyone on this board 15? LOL at this dude. All this b!tching and whining because your hero won't pose for a picture? So what? I think his ego is bruised because MJ didn't know who he was. LOL at this dude getting his feelings hurt. I think he's almost 30 years old. All this whining does nothing to MJ. He just looks like an ass. Chamillionaire looks like he's obsessed with a 6'6" athlete and got his feelings hurt because his "idol" isn't perfect. At 15, that can be forgiven. At 30...? He sure felt better when Paul Pierce and Ray Allen comforted him, didn't he? Maybe he just wanted his ego stroked. :confusedshrug:

oh the horror
10-19-2009, 10:46 AM
Or maybe Michael Jordan was just a huge massive jackass and he wanted to comment on it?

10-19-2009, 10:57 AM
Or maybe Michael Jordan was just a huge massive jackass and he wanted to comment on it?

Maybe, but it's still too far to make videos and rap songs about the dude when you're 30. These same dudes would be upset if some girl wrote a tell-all book about the things they've done when out in private or public. Chamillionaire is not perfect. I'm sure there's a 15 year old somewhere that got a story to tell about him, too. When you're in the public eye like that...constantly being bothered for photos, interviews, etc...sometimes that other side is gonna come out. It's not an excuse, but what if MJ was drinking? Had a bad day? Or what if this is an exaggerated story that MJ saw in a totally different way? Seems overblown to me.

If I was a celebrity, I'd be leery about taking photos that could be on facebook in 15 seconds myself. In fact, after reading all of this, I'd just move out of the country because some of you internet boys got stories of MJ tipping/not tipping at restaurants, hanging out at the club, being rude to car washers...damn. I wouldn't want to come out of my house!

10-19-2009, 11:02 AM
I been hearing Cham diss Jordan for a while now on alot of his mixtapes.. now I know why..

Loki you really doubting Jordan? Havent you read the Jordan Rules and all the other stories about Jordan? He has a squeeky clean image, but face to face he's a regular black guy who cusses and slams white girls. :confusedshrug: I wish he didnt have to be such an a-hole tho..

I gained alot of respect for Pierce and Rayray.

thats a little hint of racism there:confusedshrug:

"regular guy" would of been the right choice of words. him saying that word is not the issue. its his behavior. not really a big deal. always heard stories of him being an *******. dont care either way.

why would he want to be bothered at a party anyways, unless you got a-hole . usually i wouldnt say anything like that but all those other bball players mentioned in this thread never ever went through what jordan did. being constantly mobbed. different people handle it differently at certain times. not excusing his behavior, but not really a big deal either. just that it happeded to a well known rapper. i would be pissed too if i were cham.

10-19-2009, 11:52 AM
Do any of you clowns here realize that "The Jordan Rules" is a sensationalized piece of s h i t sports pseudo journalism? I'm not saying that none of it's true but please realize that it's filled with exaggerations and b u l l s h i t to sell books. If someone wrote a book like that about Tupac or AI you guys would all be calling bs on it.

10-19-2009, 11:55 AM
If someone wrote a book like that about Tupac or AI you guys would all be calling bs on it.
No not really.

10-19-2009, 12:10 PM
Is everyone on this board 15? LOL at this dude. All this b!tching and whining because your hero won't pose for a picture? So what? I think his ego is bruised because MJ didn't know who he was. LOL at this dude getting his feelings hurt. I think he's almost 30 years old. All this whining does nothing to MJ. He just looks like an ass. Chamillionaire looks like he's obsessed with a 6'6" athlete and got his feelings hurt because his "idol" isn't perfect. At 15, that can be forgiven. At 30...? He sure felt better when Paul Pierce and Ray Allen comforted him, didn't he? Maybe he just wanted his ego stroked. :confusedshrug:

He's telling a story about meeting MJ and what happened. What do you want him to say? How else do you go about explaining how MJ dissed you? I don't see it as crying or whining at all. Is Cham suppose to suck it up and ride MJs balls like most people?

10-19-2009, 12:49 PM
MJ doesn't do stuff unless money is involved. Some people say money doesn't rule the world, but in all actuality, the small piece of paper they call money rules everything. Wu Tang said it best...CREAM!

Abraham Lincoln
10-19-2009, 02:28 PM
Another Jordan story from another forum.

It's just before 10 p.m. Tuesday Jan. 8, 2002, and my cell phone rings-it's Christine, an out-of-town heartthrob, calling from the Four Seasons Hotel. She's just arrived in D.C. for a brief business trip and wants to meet for a late-night bite.

I'm busy writing a story for a news service, but it's hard to resist. She's famished, so we agree she'll go ahead to Cafe Milano and I'll meet her there in a half-hour.

About the same time we're on the phone, Michael Jordan is facing a larger-than-usual swarm of reporters at the MCI Center after playing in a 96-88 win over the Los Angeles Clippers. The morning papers have just revealed that his wife of 13 years, Juanita Jordan, has filed for divorce in Waukegan, Ill. A Chicago Sun-Times reporter asks if his divorce is inevitable. "None of your business," Jordan snarls, according to a subsequent account in the Washington Post.

As I'm striding toward the wood-framed glass doors of Milano, sucking on a breath mint, it occurs to me that Christine probably won't be sitting alone. She's a svelte, attractive woman; the vultures of Milano will surely have latched on to her. I walk faster.

Standing at the entrance, scanning tables, I quickly spot Christine-eating at a round table ringed with six big men. That's really all I notice-that these guys are big. She's talking, laughing, oblivious to my arrival.

"Great," I mutter, wanting to spin around and split. Still, I'm anxious to catch up. So I suck in a deep breath and beeline for her, hoping she'll jump up, throw her arms around me, and, after a quick adieu to the big boys, sashay off to another table with me.

"Hey, Christine," I murmur.

Christine's caught off guard. Her wide-eyed expression seems to say, Oh #!%*! I forgot about you! She doesn't stand.

"This is my friend Greg," she announces timidly, flipping her hand at me. Silence.

"Hey there," I mutter, smiling meekly and nodding toward the men. No response.

One guy-a burly bald man who reminds me of Russian-mafia thugs I encountered during a reporting stint in the former Soviet Union-shoots me a sustained "get the **** out of here" stare.

Another man, curly-haired, scurries away to summon the manager. Christine is flustered. "Grab a seat," she says, even though there are no chairs available.

Suddenly, I realize that one of the men sneering at me, the one seated to the left of Christine, is Michael Jordan.

My boyish instinct is to burst into a big smile, stick out my right hand and exclaim: "Oh my God! Michael Jordan! How the hell are you?"

But the macho man inside me wants to growl: "Dude, are you hitting on my date?"

The restaurant's manager sidles up and whispers: "Sir, if you could, please move away. The gentlemen want to conduct some business."

I look to Christine for a clue. Her eyes dart towards Jordan's, then back at mine. She grins sheepishly.

Just then, two people stand up to leave, causing a timely distraction. "Look," I tell Christine, as soon as I can speak without anyone hearing. "I'm going to leave, OK? It's Michael Jordan, for crying out loud. Go for it. Have a good time."

But just as I'm turning away, Christine surprises me-and everyone else-by grabbing my forearm. "No!" she blurts out. "Don't go! Hold on."

She abruptly stands up and bids the group farewell, hoisting her half-finished bowl of shrimp ravioli and glass of champagne as she leaves.

The waiter scrambles to react, and Christine and I head for a table of our own. The move happens so fast I don't think to ask for a table far, far away. Big mistake.

We settle into the table right next to Jordan's-Christine snares the seat facing him as I sit to the side-and it seems all eyes are upon us. Including his.

I figure MJ and his pals will soon grow tired of ogling Christine, who's wearing a strapless minidress and knee-high black boots. After a half-hour, however, it becomes clear they're not going to stop.

"Jeez, I'm not that good-looking," Christine says.

Despite the distractions, we're mostly engrossed in conversation. At one point, she's voluntarily saying she's attracted to me. "It's the champagne," I laugh nervously. She knows I'm gaga for her.

Still, it's impossible to ignore the table of men next to us, especially that guy with the poster-boy smirk. Christine isn't blameless, either. I notice her occasionally smiling Jordan's way. The second or third time, I call her on it.

"Is there a problem?" I ask.

"I'm sorry. It's just that he keeps staring at me," she says.

I swing my head toward Jordan; he tips his head back and puffs on a cigar, pretending not to notice.

I can't believe this is happening-I'm getting dissed by one of the most popular icons in Washington...the country...no, the entire world! Isn't he supposed to be a role model?

While Christine is off in the ladies' room, I catch Jordan's eye for a millisecond. His upper lip curls, as though I were some rookie trying to challenge him on the court.

When Christine gets back, she's clearly basking in the attention from the other table. I figured she made her choice when she left Jordan's table. My instincts now, though, tell me she may be reconsidering. I suggest we leave, but she says she wants to stay.

Now it's my turn to go to the bathroom. When I re-emerge, the curly-haired man is sitting next to her in one of our unused chairs. I sit down and engage in some polite banter. He's Tim Grover, Jordan's personal trainer. Grover seems unimpressed by the news that my cousin Leslie is married to Wizards backup guard Hubert Davis.

So I stand up, extend my right hand, and announce, "Well, it was nice to meet you, Tim. Have a good night." He glides back to Jordan's table.

I sit there stewing. I've admired Jordan from afar for many years. Now that I've encountered him face to face he's...uh, he's hitting on my date?

Before I can call for the check, the men at Jordan's table rise to leave, hovering over us and fluffing their expensive outerwear.

A tall bald man in a full-length white cashmere coat remains behind, mumbling, "See you soon" to Jordan and the others as they shuffle out. He takes a seat at the bar, orders a drink, and swivels around in his stool so he faces my side.

Minutes later, Christine and I get up to go. As I take a few steps ahead of her to grab the door, the man in the cashmere coat slips behind me. When I turn around, he's whispering in her ear, handing her a note of some sort. Christine quickly grabs it and stuffs it in her pocket. The man scurries away.

"Hey, what was that he handed you?" I ask Christine, acting amused.

"Oh, you mean this?" she says, playfully handing me a card adorned with the Wizards logo. It's the card of Fred Whitfield, identified as a "legal counsel" for the team.

"What did he say to you?" I ask, bravely handing the card back.

"Ummm...he said, 'When that guy drops you off, call this phone number and we'll send the limo to pick you up,'" Christine responds.

"Really? Wow. Are you going to call?"

"I don't know yet," she replies.

Christine and I walk outside into the freezing night, where a black, chrome-trimmed limo is idling out front, warm and cozy. We climb into my nearby car, a dented Ford Taurus with frost bits dotting the windshield.

"Brrrr!" Christine chirps, rubbing her upper arms and exhaling thin clouds of steam.

I drive her to her hotel. There, Christine surprisingly lays one on me, a long, slow kiss that, after it ends a minute or three later, stirs me to inquire whether I should see her upstairs.

"No, it's late, and I have to get up early," she says. My car clock reads 1:24 a.m.

She jumps out and I watch her walk down the long corridor of the Four Seasons before driving away, fighting off the urge to park nearby and see if the limo cruises up.

The next afternoon, unable to contain my curiosity, I call Christine and ask point blank: "What happened after I dropped you off?"

"Now, Greg, what kind of a woman do you think I am?" she says, laughing.

There's a brief, awkward pause before she pipes up again.

"What, do you think I'd actually go hook up with him?"

I want to believe Christine, but it's difficult, especially after she tells me that she's suddenly decided to extend her stay in D.C. a few days for reasons other than work-and will be busy until Friday.

Now I'm scrambling to check my Wizards schedule. Yep, the team is in town-until Friday, when it departs for Milwaukee.

Later, Christine informs me she spent part of her "mini-vacation" gallivanting about Washington with the Jordan gang. She swears it was just tea, dinner, and the like.

"He's a very nice man," Christine alleges.

"Do you think he was nice to me?" I snap back.

"I guess not," she concedes.

I haven't gone out with Christine again, although we still keep in minimal touch.

In my jilted eyes, Jordan's a role model all right-a role model for spoiled athletes who think they and their hangers-on can run roughshod over anyone. He has to dominate, even in casual social situations. And he's remarkably thorough about it. At Cafe Milano, when I received the bill, I couldn't help noticing that the ravioli and champagne Christine had picked up at Jordan's table had been transferred to my tab.

10-19-2009, 02:41 PM
Are some people actually in denial about this? Lol. Most athletes are like this. The more beloved they are the worse they are.

10-19-2009, 03:39 PM
Lol. Screw swinging on dude with hands. I'd kick that tall mofo's knees out. @#&* an MJ!

10-19-2009, 04:31 PM
Charles Barkley is right.

Athletes are not role models.


10-19-2009, 04:39 PM
Jordan can't be compared to other celebrities. He's way bigger, way more popular. He gets approached everywhere he goes. It's lame that a Chamillionare wouldn't understand that, maybe he's not popular enough to get approached himself. He should still know better than to pester the GOAT. What a nerd, Jordan was pissed cause Cha was **** blocking!

10-19-2009, 05:16 PM
This story is hilarious. Chamillionare's whining just shows how whack he is.

Solid Snake
10-19-2009, 05:26 PM
You people who are defending this ugly human being named Jordan, clearly do not understand the difference between being told no, and being utterly disrespected as a MAN. Being turned down is one thing, but just because you get approached often for autographs doesn't give you the right to insult a person, just tell him no.

10-19-2009, 05:50 PM
You people who are defending this ugly human being named Jordan, clearly do not understand the difference between being told no, and being utterly disrespected as a MAN. Being turned down is one thing, but just because you get approached often for autographs doesn't give you the right to insult a person, just tell him no.
Lol the Kobe fans are having a field day with is. Like Kobe's some sort of saint. The difference between Kobe and Jordan is Jordan was so much smarter with the media. Well, smarter in general.

10-19-2009, 05:53 PM
Cham just realized his star wasn't as big as he thought it was.

Him talking about Iverson croosing Mike and Starks Dunking on Horace Grant, but the thing is, 6 rings is better than zero.

10-20-2009, 12:13 AM
Man, you people defending MJ are weak sauce.

There is no excuse to act like an ******* to people. None.

you all seem to be missing the point of the story. Chamillionare is not simply crying about a picture. He is expressing how disappointed he was that a person he idolized as a kid is really a dick. He said right int here watching Jordan was what he did with his dad when he grew up.

Are you guys too young to remember what a carefully planned squeaky clean image MJ had when he was a player? He was mister nice guy according to Nike and whatever else he shilled for and he danced his dance well which is why it was shocking and disheartening to learn MJ is really just a douche. So what if he gets people coming up to him constantly? He should be happy they still give a rats ass about him.

Another ten years and he will start turning into nothing but a memory for old people and a bargain bin shoe that was replaced by the top of the line LeBrons.

10-20-2009, 12:19 AM
Yeah Jordan's weak sauce. The very definition of the word fake.

10-20-2009, 12:33 AM
Chamillionaire discusses about how talking about Kobe Bryant on Twitter can promote music.


10-20-2009, 05:15 AM
For the slow kids here.. this was a CHARITY EVENT. This wasnt Chamillionaire approaching Jordan at the club or at a grocery store or some weak shlt.. this was a CHARITY EVENT.

10-20-2009, 06:14 AM
i hate jordan now , **** jordan. kobe all the way

DJ Leon Smith
10-20-2009, 06:32 AM
Are you guys too young to remember what a carefully planned squeaky clean image MJ had when he was a player? He was mister nice guy according to Nike and whatever else he shilled for and he danced his dance well which is why it was shocking and disheartening to learn MJ is really just a douche. So what if he gets people coming up to him constantly? He should be happy they still give a rats ass about him.

Another ten years and he will start turning into nothing but a memory for old people and a bargain bin shoe that was replaced by the top of the line LeBrons.

You must be the young one. Before Jordan won his first title his status was barely above the level of an Iverson (mainly in terms of public perception, somewhat in terms of on-court performance). He was considered too hip-hop and someone who shot waaaay too much for a team to be successful with him on it.

Even after he won a championship he was still getting ripped in the media for how he treated his teammates and then there were the gambling issues after that as well. I don't know anyone (who has actually followed the NBA for a significant amount of time) who thought MJ was "Mr Nice Guy".

10-20-2009, 07:42 AM
i couldve guessed that Kobe's name was gonna show up in this thread eventually :oldlol:

10-20-2009, 10:17 AM
You must be the young one. Before Jordan won his first title his status was barely above the level of an Iverson (mainly in terms of public perception, somewhat in terms of on-court performance).

You're kidding, right? Lots of people (commentators etc.) were calling him the best player ever before he even won his first title. "Barely above Iverson"? :oldlol:

10-20-2009, 10:27 AM
After the refusal of Michael Jordan to oppose Robert Byrd, I still don't understand how can some people still support him ?
You're such an icon and you refuse to oppose ROBERT BYRD, and decades later you cheer for Obama ???

Anyway what do you expect from a 45 years old dude with such a big earring :oldlol:

10-20-2009, 12:28 PM
this thread exemplifies how gay this generation is

Real Men Wear Green
10-20-2009, 12:47 PM
Sadly another person learns the hard way that Michael Jordan greatly benefited from playing before the media began breaking down icons just as fast as they built them up. Still no doubt in my mind that Michael Jordan in this day and age would be viewed as the Terrell Owens of the NBA.
If TO had 5 MVP awards, 6 SB MVP Awards and 6 SB trophies he'd be the Michael Jordan of the NFL.

10-20-2009, 01:14 PM
For the slow kids here.. this was a CHARITY EVENT. This wasnt Chamillionaire approaching Jordan at the club or at a grocery store or some weak shlt.. this was a CHARITY EVENT.
Like Cham said, it'd be fine if Jordan just said no. He didn't have to be try and embarrass the guy.

DJ Leon Smith
10-20-2009, 02:11 PM
You're kidding, right? Lots of people (commentators etc.) were calling him the best player ever before he even won his first title. "Barely above Iverson"? :oldlol:

He was winning MVPs and was individually brilliant and recognized as such, but there were countless articles asking if the Bulls (or any team) could win with Jordan. It was very similar to Iverson's situation with the 76ers, but the Sixers didn't win one title, let alone six.

10-20-2009, 02:15 PM
:lol: Chams getting salty.

10-20-2009, 03:50 PM
The youtube comments are hilarious. Peeps are totally overreacting.

There are two sides to every story. I'm sure it didn't go down exactly like Cham said it did. I have a hard time believing MJ said "n*gga". Not saying he wasn't a jerk towards Cham, but I think there is some embellishment to the story here.

Anyway, It's no secret that MJ is a mean arrogant bastard, but he's still the GOAT.

10-20-2009, 03:56 PM
He was winning MVPs and was individually brilliant and recognized as such, but there were countless articles asking if the Bulls (or any team) could win with Jordan. It was very similar to Iverson's situation with the 76ers, but the Sixers didn't win one title, let alone six.

The point is that nobody was calling Iverson the best ever like they were for Jordan as early as 1989 and 1990.

10-20-2009, 04:48 PM
I love it when he is talking about how pissed off he is getting and visualising John Starks going baseline on Da Bulls. Priceless. :roll:

Solid Snake
10-20-2009, 09:49 PM
I love it when he is talking about how pissed off he is getting and visualising John Starks going baseline on Da Bulls. Priceless. :roll:

That part was dumb, and unrealistic. Everything else he says I agree with, this means a lot coming from me, since I absolutely despise and loathe his these young hip hop cats.

DJ Leon Smith
10-20-2009, 11:08 PM
The point is that nobody was calling Iverson the best ever like they were for Jordan as early as 1989 and 1990.

No one was calling Jordan the best ever until he starting winning championships. Especially as he was coming in on tail end of Magic and Bird (and even Isiah) winning multiple rings.

10-20-2009, 11:09 PM
No one was calling Jordan the best ever until he starting winning championships. Especially as he was coming in on tail end of Magic and Bird (and even Isiah) winning multiple rings.

10-20-2009, 11:16 PM
No one was calling Jordan the best ever until he starting winning championships. Especially as he was coming in on tail end of Magic and Bird (and even Isiah) winning multiple rings.

Yeah, you're wrong. I have games on tape where commentators and even some former players are saying it as early as the 1989 and 1990 postseasons. People knew what they were watching, even if he didn't have the hardware yet - and they knew they weren't watching Allen Iverson.

DJ Leon Smith
10-21-2009, 12:13 AM
Yeah, you're wrong. I have games on tape where commentators and even some former players are saying it as early as the 1989 and 1990 postseasons. People knew what they were watching, even if he didn't have the hardware yet - and they knew they weren't watching Allen Iverson.

That's great. I've got games on tape where commentators are saying Jordan needs to win a championship (even taking it down a notch from that, he had to just beat the Pistons first) to be considered truly great. Like I said, everyone agreed he was a insane individual player but if you don't think there were plenty of questions as to whether a *team* could win with Jordan (pre-1991), you're kidding yourself.

06-04-2020, 02:10 AM
Jordan was a huge @$$hole back then.

04-30-2024, 02:33 PM
He never changed his story. I believe in Chamillionaire's story.

04-30-2024, 03:03 PM
He never changed his story. I believe in Chamillionaire's story.
I hope you choke on your bf's dick

04-30-2024, 03:19 PM
He never changed his story. I believe in Chamillionaire's story.

Of course it's real. There's so many stories of Jordan being a straight up asshole to people, whether it's celebrities or kids asking for pictures. He's the GOAT scumbag too.

04-30-2024, 11:03 PM
Of course it's real. There's so many stories of Jordan being a straight up asshole to people, whether it's celebrities or kids asking for pictures. He's the GOAT scumbag too.

Jordan is a great basketball player but a despicable human being.