View Full Version : The Book the NBA doesnt want you to read (Donaghy book)

10-28-2009, 07:19 PM
I've been eagerly awaiting for this book to come out since it might shed some light on the shady refereeing in the NBA was made light when the Lakers won their 3peat in the early 2000s.


Now i find its not gonna be made (http://sports.espn.go.com/nba/news/story?id=4603209) Due to some potential liability to be had.

More info: http://deadspin.com/5392030/the-book-the-nba-doesnt-want-you-to-read

and excerpts from the book. now take these words with a grain of salt. they may or may not be true but if were true. it does explain a lot of refereeing conspiracies in those series i rememer, particularly the 2002 Kings/Lakers series. http://deadspin.com/5392067/excerpts-from-the-book-the-nba-doesnt-want-you-to-read

such a shameful era of professional basketball. :rolleyes:

Javie and Bavetta always had the worst called games imho.

10-28-2009, 07:22 PM
I remember reading an interview with a FBI agent who said many of his claims regarding other events were credible. It's a shame that I have seen the sport turn into an entertainment showcase.

""If we give the benefit of the calls to the team that's down in the series, nobody's going to complain. The series will be even at three apiece, and then the better team can win Game 7," Bavetta stated."

If the Kings won game 6, they WOULD HAVE BEEN THE BETTER TEAM. That's why you PLAY the games, dumbass. I swear, if I see Deleany or Bavetta in real life, I might be compelled to kick their asses.

In our pregame meeting, he talked about how important the game was to San Antonio and how meaningless it was to Denver, and that San Antonio was going to get the benefit of the calls that night. Armed with this inside information, I called Jack Concannon before the game and told him to bet the Spurs.

To no surprise, we won big. San Antonio blew Denver out of the building that evening, winning by 26 points. When Jack called me the following morning, he expressed amazement at the way an NBA game could be manipulated. Sobering, yes; amazing, no. That's how the game is played in the National Basketball Association.

****ing crooks. I hate Stern, who is more concerned about the dollar than the sport.

10-28-2009, 07:26 PM
and i remember the 2007 Suns Spurs series where the Spurs were heavily favored by the referees.

this excerpt explains it all

My favorite Tommy Nunez story is from the 2007 playoffs when the San Antonio Spurs were able to get past the Phoenix Suns in the second round. Of course, what many fans didn't know was that Phoenix had someone working against them behind the scenes. Nunez was the group supervisor for that playoff series, and he definitely had a rooting interest.

Nunez loved the Hispanic community in San Antonio and had a lot of friends there. He had been a referee for 30 years and loved being on the road; in fact, he said that the whole reason he had become a group supervisor was to keep getting out of the house. So Nunez wanted to come back to San Antonio for the conference finals. Plus, he, like many other referees, disliked Suns owner Robert Sarver for the way he treated officials. Both of these things came into play when he prepared the referees for the games in the staff meetings. I remember laughing with him and saying, "You would love to keep coming back here." He was pointing out everything that Phoenix was able to get away with and never once told us to look for anything in regard to San Antonio. Nunez should have a championship ring on his finger.

YAH trick YAH
10-28-2009, 07:32 PM
I don't have a hard time at all believing any of it. I wish this book would come out so bad.

10-28-2009, 07:51 PM
Allen Iverson provides a good example of a player who generated strong reaction, both positive and negative, within the corps of NBA referees. For instance, veteran referee Steve Javie hated Allen Iverson and was loathe [sic] to give him a favorable call. If Javie was on the court when Iverson was playing, I would always bet on the other team to win or at least cover the spread. No matter how many times Iverson hit the floor, he rarely saw the foul line. By contrast, referee Joe Crawford had a grandson who idolized Iverson. I once saw Crawford bring the boy out of the stands and onto the floor during warm-ups to meet the superstar. Iverson and Crawford's grandson were standing there, shaking hands, smiling, talking about all kinds of things. If Joe Crawford was on the court, I was pretty sure Iverson's team would win or at least cover the spread.

I'm interested in that excerpt. I would like to see Iverson record when Javie refs as opposed to when crawford refs. I would also love to see the free throws shot with each ref. I never wanted to believe what Tim Donaghy had to say but little tidbits like this could help us put the evidence together.

Manute for Ever!
10-28-2009, 07:56 PM
Part of me wants this book to come out and part doesn't, reason being that it probably would make me incredibly angry and I might begin to despise the game I love so much.

elementally morale
10-28-2009, 07:57 PM
I'm interested in that excerpt. I would like to see Iverson record when Javie refs as opposed to when crawford refs. I would also love to see the free throws shot with each ref. I never wanted to believe what Tim Donaghy had to say but little tidbits like this could help us put the evidence together.

If I were to write a book of this kind, I'd check the numbers first, build my argument second... So your search is not likely to prove anything IMHO.

10-28-2009, 07:57 PM
I buy it. I mean both the players and the owners routinely say "The NBA is a business" one of the only things they agree on. I believe that this guy does have an agenda, the NBA blackballed him. But don't discount the idea that the NBA is not looking out for it's own best interest (game 7's, superstar calls). Many of us disagree with some of the calls, some are blatant.

I actually believe the NBA draft lottery is rigged too. Just my opinion though, based on some of the things that have gone down over the past few years. (The Clippers rep with a Blake Griffin jersey sown into the inside of his jacket??? c'mon!!!!!) The Clips had a shot to win it, but really? Griffin jersey in your jacket?

Doesnt matter to me though, like many of you, I love the NBA too much that even if it comes out that Stern did dictate a lot of things, I would still watch.

10-28-2009, 08:04 PM
If I were to write a book of this kind, I'd check the numbers first, build my argument second... So your search is not likely to prove anything IMHO.

It's pretty dam specific though. I understand the guy might not have a life, but it almost seems like way too much trouble to look for patterns like this. If stuff like this really went on behind the scenes I wouldn't really care I would still love the game. I just find it fascinating how he mentioned these specific refs. I think the search would at least lead to something. What if I researched and found out it was a bunch of a bull****, on the other hand what if he is overwhelmingly right?

I wouldn't go through the trouble since I honestly don't care that much.

EDIT: I guess we could accumulate data on every referee find averages and such, but boy would that be a sh!t load of work.

elementally morale
10-28-2009, 09:06 PM
What if I researched and found out it was a bunch of a bull****, on the other hand what if he is overwhelmingly right?

I'm sure if you do enough research you will find lots of anomalies. However, that would still not necessarily be a conspiracy. Refs are human. One may or may not like a certain player and blow the whistle accordingly. On the other hand, there may be differences in their approach, too. Say one ref tends to not recognize flopping. Years later you may say that ref hated Shaq or Dwight. You'd have the data to prove your point.

In case there are real conspiracies however, I still don't give a damn. I watch basketball to be entertained and not to find out some 'universal truth' about players and teams. Following the NBA closely is like watching a soap opera unfold in real-time and slo-mo.

The truth is out there.

10-28-2009, 09:33 PM
What is that new Jose Canesco book called? VINDICATED. :roll:

I don

10-29-2009, 03:01 AM
I buy it. I mean both the players and the owners routinely say "The NBA is a business" one of the only things they agree on. I believe that this guy does have an agenda, the NBA blackballed him. But don't discount the idea that the NBA is not looking out for it's own best interest (game 7's, superstar calls). Many of us disagree with some of the calls, some are blatant.

I actually believe the NBA draft lottery is rigged too. Just my opinion though, based on some of the things that have gone down over the past few years. (The Clippers rep with a Blake Griffin jersey sown into the inside of his jacket??? c'mon!!!!!) The Clips had a shot to win it, but really? Griffin jersey in your jacket?

Doesnt matter to me though, like many of you, I love the NBA too much that even if it comes out that Stern did dictate a lot of things, I would still watch.

I'd still watch but theres always something more bothering when one of those referees named out by Donaghy is officiating a game i'm watching. i cant help but notice their shady mannerisms and it does ruin the game for me a little bit. its a crappy situation and stern has done little to improve it. we need this book to come out. it will force some changes that are needed at the personnel level of officiating.

10-29-2009, 03:06 AM
I hate Joey Crawford, im glad Donaghy snitched him out

10-29-2009, 03:46 AM
"If a player of Kobe's stature collides with the likes of Raja Bell, the call will almost always go for Kobe and against Bell."

"Danny told me that Jordan himself said that everyone in the league knew that Bavetta cheated in games "

"In our pregame meeting, he talked about how important the game was to San Antonio and how meaningless it was to Denver, and that San Antonio was going to get the benefit of the calls that night."

Wow, this book need to go out.

10-29-2009, 03:53 AM
no surprise. this shouldn't be news to anyone

anyone really thinks that Tim was the ONLY ONE crooked ref in the league?????
He's one being caught, but there're more

10-29-2009, 04:27 AM
A shame the book was canceled, though I'd be surprised if the majority of it wasn't eventually leaked through the internet. It's terrible, really. That stuff just makes me sick to my stomach, having such crooks run the game that we all love. Maybe the replacement refs wouldn't have been such a bad idea afterall.. :ohwell:

Lakas Fan Yo
10-29-2009, 04:35 AM
The book will be published. This is just a minor setback.

10-29-2009, 04:40 AM
This is very disturbing. I believe him too. Yeah it feeds the suspicions, which is easy to do. It's just that he got cheating, and he can't be the only one.

The NBA has turned into the WWE. It's not even about basketball.

Lakas Fan Yo
10-29-2009, 04:41 AM
I'd still watch but theres always something more bothering when one of those referees named out by Donaghy is officiating a game i'm watching. i cant help but notice their shady mannerisms and it does ruin the game for me a little bit. its a crappy situation and stern has done little to improve it. we need this book to come out. it will force some changes that are needed at the personnel level of officiating.

Stern is the one behind all of this. The NBA was a completely different league before Stern became commissioner. Stern is dirty and always has been. The NBA always favored big teams like the Lakers and Celtics and always favored certain players and gave stars special reffing even before Stern.

However the NBA didn't openly rig playoff games before Stern. Since he came into the commissioner post that started.

elementally morale
10-29-2009, 05:38 AM
Somehow it just goes against my taste that in an imaginary situation I am caught cheating and then go on write a book about how much everyone else cheats as well. Even if the public suspected *some* cheating all along.

Kind of like Kobe in Colorado when telling the police: "Shaq does the same thing."

I despise such people. You just don't do that, Donaghy. You are not 25 any more you should know better. BTW, I think he does know better, and this book was written to cover some of his expenses and lost revenues in a way.

I don't like it.

10-29-2009, 08:52 AM
This book has to be released. Hopefully it will take David Stern to jail eventually.

10-29-2009, 08:56 AM
You've got to remember that Donaghy isnt in trouble for being caught rigging games, he is in trouble because he got caught using his inside knowledge of who was going to be favored by teh refs to make money gambling

If he wasnt gambling on it, we would never know and he'd still be working

Knoe Itawl
10-29-2009, 08:59 AM
Hey Phil, gonna put an asterisk next to one of your titles too?

LA Lakers, two time title winners during the Shaq era.

10-29-2009, 09:19 AM
Die, Stern.

10-29-2009, 01:10 PM
Hey Phil, gonna put an asterisk next to one of your titles too?

LA Lakers, two time title winners during the Shaq era.

OOOOOOOHHH, nice zing!

Are you a Spurs fan?

But LA is still 3x champs in a row! Can't take it away now.

10-29-2009, 02:10 PM
The NBA has turned into the WWE. It's not even about basketball.

I know, right? Remember in the Finals when Gasol hit Howard in the back with a steel chair and EVERY referee missed it? The fans were going crazy and pointing, but referees blew the call.

I knew something was up.

10-29-2009, 02:15 PM
You've got to remember that Donaghy isnt in trouble for being caught rigging games, he is in trouble because he got caught using his inside knowledge of who was going to be favored by teh refs to make money gambling

If he wasnt gambling on it, we would never know and he'd still be working
Very true and I know there is some truth to what he says. That being said if the NBA rigged it so the Spurs with the smallest TV market and also the ABA tx tax made it to the finals then that means they are the worst biz in the world. Worse than the banks last year. Doesn't make financial sence. I do remember when they got caught putting a memo out on calling more fouls on Yao in Houstons playoffs. That was shamefull. If the book gets published I am buying a copy. I know the Kings fans and the Suns fans will for sure.


10-29-2009, 02:31 PM
Very true and I know there is some truth to what he says. That being said if the NBA rigged it so the Spurs with the smallest TV market and also the ABA tx tax made it to the finals then that means they are the worst biz in the world. Worse than the banks last year. Doesn't make financial sence. I do remember when they got caught putting a memo out on calling more fouls on Yao in Houstons playoffs. That was shamefull. If the book gets published I am buying a copy. I know the Kings fans and the Suns fans will for sure.


Which NBA player would David Stern most likely want to have a sexual relationship with and introduce to his parents at the perfect son-in-law?


Who was the best and most exciting South American player in the NBA?


Who was the best European player, whose team was not held back by the hatred of Stern for a certain Cuban owner?


10-29-2009, 02:39 PM
The stuff about Dick Bavetta is pretty shocking (to me anyway). He gives more detail on the Lakers-Kings 2002 series.

10-29-2009, 02:39 PM
it makes no difference to me, I SAW GAME 6 2002 WESTERN CONFERENCE FINALS, therefore i know 100% that game was stolen from the kings and given to the lakers to make the series 7 games. i know alot of people say the kings should have still won game 7 with the positions they were in during that game- this is true but there should have never been a game 7 in the first place. the kings were easily the best team in the nba and that laker team should have to give there rings to the kings, webber has his ring imo.

i know there are alot of people on here that feel the heat/mavs was rigged or spurs/suns etc etc etc...infact i would say that over the last 3 to 4 years someone has said that 90% of all nba games are rigged, its a ****ing joke. refs make bad calls all the time, it can be the difference between winning and loosing. its gotten so bad on here that there are literally no playoff games that dont have atleast 10 people from this board claiming the out come was rigged, ive been watching since 95-96 and ive seen alot of games decided on bad calls- at no time have i felt a series or game had a predetermined outcome not to 100% certainty anyway...the exception was the kings/lakers series in 2002. that has forever tainted the sport imo, i dont need donaghy to come out and state it, or the fbi to confirm it or ralph nadar to protest that the kings were cheated...i saw the ****ing game/series, therefore I KNOW IT WAS FIXED... there is no possible way officials can make that many bias(blatent cheating calls) to help the lakers out without it being a fix. 27 fourth quater ft's for the lakers and what was it 4 for the kings- doesnt even come close to telling the full story.

this game was fixed, everyone except laker fans will accept this. it is the only time that i have felt utterly disgusted with the nba.

10-29-2009, 02:49 PM
suns fans will never except there style of play will never win a championship with amare and dantoni. those 2 people are incapable of winning any nba championship. had nothing to do with refs

Knoe Itawl
10-29-2009, 02:50 PM
What uk said. Kings got jobbed, and the only people that won't admit it are Laker fans. And that's disgusting that some people would rather take the empty victory of a tainted title over the TRUTH.

"Who cares how we won, as long as we won and I can fellate Kobe! Yay!"

10-29-2009, 02:57 PM
i also feel that the kings title in 2002 qould have vastly changed the nba landscape- to a degree.
you see how everyone always says that the suns/kings couldnt win the title beacuse of the style they play- an offensive powerhouse but doesnt play great d, well that all goes out the window with the kings 2002 title. g.ms tend to share this opinion as well and it is always used as a validation for when a team gets older/slower/trades athletic uptempo guards for plodding bigs etc etc etc. we may have seen alot more title contenders built like the suns/warriors/kings(although the kings ball movement was all worldley) that makes for far more entertaining basketball and a better experience for all of us as fans.

the league took more than the rightful winner of the title from us in 2002.

10-29-2009, 03:00 PM
What uk said. Kings got jobbed, and the only people that won't admit it are Laker fans. And that's disgusting that some people would rather take the empty victory of a tainted title over the TRUTH.

"Who cares how we won, as long as we won and I can fellate Kobe! Yay!"You do realize that the Lakers were screwed in a game earlier in the series, right?

10-29-2009, 03:18 PM
this gives no comfort to jilted Mavs fans

Knoe Itawl
10-29-2009, 03:26 PM
You do realize that the Lakers were screwed in a game earlier in the series, right?

No one but Lakers fans talk about how "screwed" THE Lakers were earlier in the series. But back then there was OUTRAGE at Game 6 from all around (except, of course, by Lakers fans). Nader even wanted a full investigation. There was no talk about the Laker getting screwed in the series, it was all about how Sacramento go messed over.

Fast forward 7 years later and lo and behold, a ref ADMITS the Kings got screwed. Now you want to throw in some nonsense about the Lakers getting it just as bad.

Go peddle that to Lakers fans cause they're the only ones who will entertain it.

10-29-2009, 03:42 PM
:oldlol: at the people actually stupid enough to believe the words of a pathological liar. Notice how most of them are Laker haters.

10-29-2009, 03:43 PM
No one but Lakers fans talk about how "screwed" THE Lakers were earlier in the series. But back then there was OUTRAGE at Game 6 from all around (except, of course, by Lakers fans). Nader even wanted a full investigation. There was no talk about the Laker getting screwed in the series, it was all about how Sacramento go messed over.

Fast forward 7 years later and lo and behold, a ref ADMITS the Kings got screwed. Now you want to throw in some nonsense about the Lakers getting it just as bad.

Go peddle that to Lakers fans cause they're the only ones who will entertain it.I don't have the stats, but I know the Kings shot way more free throws in in their wins than the Lakers did in theirs, and it was not even close. Game 6 was not even the most lopsided free throw game iirc.

Abraham Lincoln
10-29-2009, 03:48 PM
God knows how many times this has happened to Iverson. :ohwell:

And then there was the ongoing feud between Javie and 76ers superstar Allen Iverson. The rift was so bad that Philadelphia general manager Billy King often called the league office to complain about Javie's treatment of Iverson during a game.

Iverson was eventually traded to Denver, and in his first game against his former team, he was tossed after two technicals. Afterward, Iverson implied Javie had a grudge against him, saying, "I thought I got fouled on that play, and I said I thought that he was calling the game personal, and he threw me out. His fuse is real short anyway, and I should have known that I couldn't say anything anyway. It's been something personal with me and him since I got in the league. This was just the perfect game for him to try and make me look bad." The league fined Iverson $25,000 for his comments, but most of the league referees thought the punishment was too lenient and were upset he wasn't suspended. As a result, we collectively decided to dispense a little justice of our own, sticking it to Iverson whenever we could.

Shortly after the Javie-Iverson incident, I worked a Jazz-Nuggets contest in Denver on January 6, 2007. During the pregame meeting, my fellow referees Bernie Fryerand Gary Zielinski agreed that we were going to strictly enforce the palming rule against Iverson. Palming the ball was something Iverson loved to do, but if he so much as came close to a palm, we were going to blow the whistle. Obviously, our actions were in direct retaliation for Iverson's rant against Javie. True to form, I immediately excused myself and made an important phone call.

Sticking to our pregame pledge, each of us whistled Iverson for palming in the first quarter-we all wanted in on the fun. The violations seemed to affect Iverson's rhythm and he played terribly that night, shooting 5-for-19 with five turnovers. After getting repeatedly whistled all night long, Iverson approached me in an act of submission.

"How long am I going to be punished for Javie?" he quietly inquired.

"Don't know what you're talking about, Allen," I responded.

10-29-2009, 03:48 PM
:oldlol: at the people actually stupid enough to believe the words of a pathological liar. Notice how most of them are Laker haters.

Why would you lie? It's over. He's caught. Why WOULDN'T you believe him. There are plenty of details that seem accurate and this simply confirms what we knew about certain games/refs/teams, etc.

If people still don't believe that Game 6, 2002 Kings/Lakers game was fixed, I don't know what to tell you....it was so ridiculous, the Kings players were laughing because they knew the game was out of their control.

10-29-2009, 03:50 PM
:oldlol: at the people actually stupid enough to believe the words of a pathological liar. Notice how most of them are Laker haters.

its a b1tch

Abraham Lincoln
10-29-2009, 03:53 PM
Same **** with Salvatore as well.


10-29-2009, 03:58 PM
God knows how many times this has happened to Iverson. :ohwell:

And then there was the ongoing feud between Javie and 76ers superstar Allen Iverson. The rift was so bad that Philadelphia general manager Billy King often called the league office to complain about Javie's treatment of Iverson during a game.

Iverson was eventually traded to Denver, and in his first game against his former team, he was tossed after two technicals. Afterward, Iverson implied Javie had a grudge against him, saying, "I thought I got fouled on that play, and I said I thought that he was calling the game personal, and he threw me out. His fuse is real short anyway, and I should have known that I couldn't say anything anyway. It's been something personal with me and him since I got in the league. This was just the perfect game for him to try and make me look bad." The league fined Iverson $25,000 for his comments, but most of the league referees thought the punishment was too lenient and were upset he wasn't suspended. As a result, we collectively decided to dispense a little justice of our own, sticking it to Iverson whenever we could.

Shortly after the Javie-Iverson incident, I worked a Jazz-Nuggets contest in Denver on January 6, 2007. During the pregame meeting, my fellow referees Bernie Fryerand Gary Zielinski agreed that we were going to strictly enforce the palming rule against Iverson. Palming the ball was something Iverson loved to do, but if he so much as came close to a palm, we were going to blow the whistle. Obviously, our actions were in direct retaliation for Iverson's rant against Javie. True to form, I immediately excused myself and made an important phone call.

Sticking to our pregame pledge, each of us whistled Iverson for palming in the first quarter-we all wanted in on the fun. The violations seemed to affect Iverson's rhythm and he played terribly that night, shooting 5-for-19 with five turnovers. After getting repeatedly whistled all night long, Iverson approached me in an act of submission.

"How long am I going to be punished for Javie?" he quietly inquired.

"Don't know what you're talking about, Allen," I responded.

^That's terrible. :eek:

Knoe Itawl
10-29-2009, 03:59 PM
I don't have the stats, but I know the Kings shot way more free throws in in their wins than the Lakers did in theirs, and it was not even close. Game 6 was not even the most lopsided free throw game iirc.

I'll tell you what, if you can get an equal number of Laker fans and non Laker fans to agree that both teams got screwed over equally or that (snicker) LA got it WORSE, then I'll entertain you. If not, I'll continue to consider this the biased Laker fan commentary that it is. Sports isn't worth your soul you know. You got two untainted titles in the Shaq/Kobe era. Why not enjoy those?

10-29-2009, 03:59 PM
I'm going to need a hell of a lot more "proof" -- which I find a laughable term to use in this situation -- than some tell-all book from an ex-con who is in desperate need of money after destroying his lucrative career by consorting with criminals and spending several years in the pokey.

And people wonder why some of us are quick to write him off, or laugh at the notion that he has no motive. Gee, I wonder. This guy wouldn't be allowed to call a junior high game, let alone the level he was once at. He's got alimony, child support. So what in the hell else is he going to do to feed himself and take care of his responsibilities?

So yeah, until I get a few more voices backing up what he says, all this does is give Kings fans who can't accept that their team blew a home Game 7, or Phoenix fans who can't accept that their teams weren't mentally tough or good enough, an avenue to deflect responsibility.

I mean, seriously? The Kings were "mentally and physically exhausted" after Game 6, even though they'd played a full 82-game schedule to give themselves the advantage of a Game 7 at home? Does the dude who posted that realize how cream puff that sounds? Your team was that soft that they'd just roll over like that?:oldlol:

10-29-2009, 04:07 PM
Looks like I always stay a few steps ahead of the game :pimp:


Even foresaw the legal issues the book would run into, hopefully they can get through the red tape and the book helps to clean the game up.

10-29-2009, 04:25 PM
To say that they did that in particular games would be wrong.

If they cheated one team, they probably cheated all teams for one reason or another.

Not sure if I believe, but I hate the thought.

Why does the grand jury of the United States get involved in steroid issues and not get involved in this? This (if true) is far worse and Stern should be punished, maybe even do some time.

10-29-2009, 04:49 PM
and i remember the 2007 Suns Spurs series where the Spurs were heavily favored by the referees.

this excerpt explains it all
LOL name 3 bad calls in that series.

10-29-2009, 04:51 PM
Hey Phil, gonna put an asterisk next to one of your titles too?

LA Lakers, two time title winners during the Shaq era.
Blazers and Kings were robbed. Lakers 2001 NBA champs.

10-29-2009, 04:53 PM
this gives no comfort to jilted Mavs fans
Mavs were handed the Spurs series in 06. Phantom fouls were given by the loads in favor of Dirk and the Mavs.

10-29-2009, 04:56 PM
I'll tell you what, if you can get an equal number of Laker fans and non Laker fans to agree that both teams got screwed over equally or that (snicker) LA got it WORSE, then I'll entertain you. If not, I'll continue to consider this the biased Laker fan commentary that it is. Sports isn't worth your soul you know. You got two untainted titles in the Shaq/Kobe era. Why not enjoy those?So, what you are saying is that game 6 was fixed, but not the others?
While the series was going on, there was a lot of complaining about the refs screwing the Lakers, especially in games 2 and 5. Obviously, there has been more noise about game 6, but is it worse to screw the Kings in 1 game really bad, or screw the Lakers in 2 just bad enough to make them lose?
If you don't fix games 2 and 5 for the Kings, game 6 does not even get played. I just checked, and going into game 6, the Kings had averaged 14 more free throws in their wins than their losses, while the Lakers averaged 3 more in theirs. The Kings lose the series 4-1 if the refs don't keep them in it.

10-29-2009, 05:02 PM
So, what you are saying is that game 6 was fixed, but not the others?
While the series was going on, there was a lot of complaining about the refs screwing the Lakers, especially in games 2 and 5. Obviously, there has been more noise about game 6, but is it worse to screw the Kings in 1 game really bad, or screw the Lakers in 2 just bad enough to make them lose?
If you don't fix games 2 and 5 for the Kings, game 6 does not even get played. I just checked, and going into game 6, the Kings had averaged 14 more free throws in their wins than their losses, while the Lakers averaged 3 more in theirs. The Kings lose the series 4-1 if the refs don't keep them in it.

10-29-2009, 05:03 PM
Looks like I always stay a few steps ahead of the game :pimp:


Even foresaw the legal issues the book would run into, hopefully they can get through the red tape and the book helps to clean the game up.

Did you foresee this?

..........farting on DonDadda's head............

10-29-2009, 05:10 PM
Joke?Did you watch the series?

10-29-2009, 05:15 PM

In court papers from the 2008 case against Donaghy, prosecutors said that he gave gambling associates sensitive information, including which crews would officiate games and how the various officials and players interacted.

well that basicly says he was not prosecuted for fixing games but rather for sharing the information of how the league planned on fixing games with gamblers. That part isn't from his book that is from the court documents against him. Don't know fellas that sounds pretty f'n bad to me.

10-29-2009, 05:17 PM
Same **** with Salvatore as well.


Lol at this.


10-29-2009, 05:22 PM
If anything in this book is true the NBA needs to clean house of every ref there is.

Logically, however, it seems incredible that the NBA would jepordize it's entire multi-billion dollar business for the sake of milking the big markets and stars.

10-29-2009, 05:25 PM
If anything in this book is true the NBA needs to clean house of every ref there is.

Logically, however, it seems incredible that the NBA would jepordize it's entire multi-billion dollar business for the sake of milking the big markets and stars.

Well, it's the NBA "telling" them how to call the games.

10-29-2009, 05:28 PM
you would have to be one hell of a bias homosexual to have watched game 6 and not have been sickened and outraged at how hard the refs bailed the lakers out.

ft differential happens, there is no grounds for saying some **** like- that team was favored in that agme cause of the ft differential, that is some total homo bull****. what does matter is when and under what circumstance surronding the game and each call was made. the lakers shot 27 ft's in the 4th quater- many of them total phantom calls in a come from behind game that would have given the kings the series, all 3 kings centres were fouled out in like 20 minutes of play, for the love of god mike bibby face fouled kobes swinging elbow, it got to a point late in the game when the kings were deliberatly avoiding any situation where there was deffensive contact and they were still getting the whistle against them- standing straight up, not contesting shots. it was a ****ing joke, the kings players were just laughing to themselves out of shere disebelief like "what do we have to do to not get called for a foul". everyone in that arena and watching couldnt believe how blatent the cheating was. it was truely shocking. bill walton was repeatedly saying "thats not a foul" and "wheres the foul" etc etc etc
and at the same time the kings were getting no calls on BLATANT HACKS across the arms and entire bodys on shot attempts

i was a big blazer fan and i am bitter about portland throwing it away in 00, i am also disgusted that the kings couldnt get it done in over time in game 7. but at no time do i consider those fixes- despite what anyone else may say. however this does not change the fact, it is a straight up fact that the refs through game 6 for the kings. youd have to be deaf,dumb,blind and a massive laker homo to even defend that putrid, disgusting cheating.

10-29-2009, 05:28 PM
If anything in this book is true the NBA needs to clean house of every ref there is.

Logically, however, it seems incredible that the NBA would jepordize it's entire multi-billion dollar business for the sake of milking the big markets and stars.

The NBA doesn't "tell" referees to do anything, but they are steered in the right direction. There's simply alot of grey area. You could never build a case against the NBA, but certain people "know" what to do, like Bavetta. The league would just claim ignorance and if anything, refs would take the fall if anything actually sticks.

Just like the gov't. System will never be questioned...but there'll always be fall guys to take blame if something goes wrong.

10-29-2009, 05:31 PM
Did you watch the series?

10-29-2009, 05:34 PM
Yes.Who were you pulling for? Who was your favorite team at the time?

10-29-2009, 05:39 PM



Yes, I am still bitter.

10-29-2009, 05:46 PM
the greatest tragedy in sports history part 6


just a sample of what went on that game.

10-29-2009, 05:55 PM
So, what you are saying is that game 6 was fixed, but not the others?
While the series was going on, there was a lot of complaining about the refs screwing the Lakers, especially in games 2 and 5. Obviously, there has been more noise about game 6, but is it worse to screw the Kings in 1 game really bad, or screw the Lakers in 2 just bad enough to make them lose?
If you don't fix games 2 and 5 for the Kings, game 6 does not even get played. I just checked, and going into game 6, the Kings had averaged 14 more free throws in their wins than their losses, while the Lakers averaged 3 more in theirs. The Kings lose the series 4-1 if the refs don't keep them in it.
and the Lakers loose the series in six if the refs did not do the very worst job of ref'n or completely fixed the game either way. I do not know of any reasonable basketball fan who watched that game who says any different. Game six of that series is the posterchild for refs fixing games. I am a Spurs fan and yes I saw the series and NO I did not feel like the Lakers were ever given the Biz by the refs in that series. The game was so badly called or fixed that people in the Cali government threatend to get envolved. If your trying to say anything other than "YES YOUR RIGHT GAME SIX OF THAT SERIES WAS THE WORST CALLED GAME OF ALL TIME" then you are
#1 a Lakers homer
#2 still fooling yourself because I have known some serious Lakers homers who said that was the worst ref'd game of all time...or the fix is in. There is no third option for this game.

10-29-2009, 05:58 PM
and the Lakers loose the series in six if the refs did not do the very worst job of ref'n or completely fixed the game either way. I do not know of any reasonable basketball fan who watched that game who says any different. Game six of that series is the posterchild for refs fixing games. I am a Spurs fan and yes I saw the series and NO I did not feel like the Lakers were ever given the Biz by the refs in that series. The game was so badly called or fixed that people in the Cali government threatend to get envolved. If your trying to say anything other than "YES YOUR RIGHT GAME SIX OF THAT SERIES WAS THE WORST CALLED GAME OF ALL TIME" then you are
#1 a Lakers homer
#2 still fooling yourself because I have known some serious Lakers homers who said that was the worst ref'd game of all time...or the fix is in. There is no third option for this game.

this. i know plenty of reasonable laker fans that dont deny the kings were cheated that game.

10-29-2009, 06:04 PM
this. i know plenty of reasonable laker fans that dont deny the kings were cheated that game.I agree that game 6 was horribly called, which cost the Kings the game. Games 2 & 5 were also called horribly, which cost the Lakers those games.

10-29-2009, 06:14 PM
I agree that game 6 was horribly called, which cost the Kings the game. Games 2 & 5 were also called horribly, which cost the Lakers those games.

Pretty much. The foul discrepancy in freethrows for each team that won never really gets mentioned. It's always "game 6", but never the other two (games 2, 5). Phil Jackson thought something was fishy after game 5 if anyone remembers.

10-29-2009, 06:21 PM
Pretty much. The foul discrepancy in freethrows for each team that won never really gets mentioned. It's always "game 6", but never the other two (games 2, 5). Phil Jackson thought something was fishy after game 5 if anyone remembers.
Jesus Christ, now the Lakers are victims? Game 2 wasn't that bad. Game 5 wasn't as bad as 6 either, even though the calls did go in Sac's favor. Game 6 was far beyond both of those combined, because they decided the game, no matter what the players did. And it was either game 3 or 4 where Walker's halfcourt 3, which shouldn't of counted, ended up the 3 points which decided the game.

10-29-2009, 06:25 PM
David Stern already stopped this book from hitting shelves. You cant f*ck wit Stern!

:oldlol: at the people actually stupid enough to believe the words of a pathological liar. Notice how most of them are Laker haters.

What did he say that was a lie? You really dont know. What I do know is the AI/Javie story is true. So you're saying dont believe everything he says when he said something that was...true? :wtf:

10-29-2009, 06:30 PM
Didn't a Lakers scrub hit a half court shot after 6 minutes of the buzzer in the Kings series?

10-29-2009, 06:33 PM
Jesus Christ, now the Lakers are victims? Game 2 wasn't that bad. Game 5 wasn't as bad as 6 either, even though the calls did go in Sac's favor. Game 6 was far beyond both of those combined, because they decided the game, no matter what the players did. And it was either game 3 or 4 where Walker's halfcourt 3, which shouldn't of counted, ended up the 3 points which decided the game.

Didn't say that. Look at the foul discrepancy in games 2 & 5 before getting your panties in a bunch. I've already posted my opinion on game 6...It was garbage, and if it wasn't 'fixed' the refs def had blind folds on.

Abraham Lincoln
10-29-2009, 06:35 PM
David Stern already stopped this book from hitting shelves. You cant f*ck wit Stern!

What did he say that was a lie? You really dont know. What I do know is the AI/Javie story is true. So you're saying dont believe everything he says when he said something that was...true? :wtf:
Indeed, for the sole fact that referee crew assignments were/are useful information at all is more than enough proof that Donaghy is not alone on this.

10-29-2009, 06:53 PM
Its only a matter of time before the truth gets out. the black sheep will not be alone forever.

10-29-2009, 06:58 PM
you know what Lakers won last year so I dont give a crap about the past

and if all your franchise has to hold on is a championship that you "should have won" , then thats pretty sad

stop crying

10-29-2009, 07:19 PM
Even though all of us are outraged by the stuff said and while we may even believe it, in reality none of us are going to to stop watching the NBA and watch it in the same manner we did prior to reading this.

10-29-2009, 07:19 PM
Same **** with Salvatore as well.


If this event does not concern you as a fan, nothing ever will. Salvatore should have ben fired right after this game. And Iverson deserves credit for playing through the incredible injustice prepatrated against him by the league. I have a lot more respect for AI after watching this.

10-29-2009, 07:53 PM
suns fans will never except there style of play will never win a championship with amare and dantoni. those 2 people are incapable of winning any nba championship. had nothing to do with refs

LOL name 3 bad calls in that series.

Are you two serious? This is just one game. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fvkKdXLwt0U

The Suns got ****ed in that series and that isn't even including the bad luck with the suspensions and Nash's bloody nose keeping him out of the final minute of Game 1.

I don't get how some fans are so blind. If my favourite team wins a game from BS I admit it. I watch MMA and if my favourite fighter wins a BS decision I admit it. Have some integrity.

i also feel that the kings title in 2002 qould have vastly changed the nba landscape- to a degree.
you see how everyone always says that the suns/kings couldnt win the title beacuse of the style they play- an offensive powerhouse but doesnt play great d, well that all goes out the window with the kings 2002 title. g.ms tend to share this opinion as well and it is always used as a validation for when a team gets older/slower/trades athletic uptempo guards for plodding bigs etc etc etc. we may have seen alot more title contenders built like the suns/warriors/kings(although the kings ball movement was all worldley) that makes for far more entertaining basketball and a better experience for all of us as fans.

the league took more than the rightful winner of the title from us in 2002.

I've been saying that for a while now especially with that 07 Suns team. There is a great chance they would have gotten to the Finals if not won the championship and peoples tune about the run n' gun offense would be totally different and like you said basketball could have been more exciting because of it. It really is a shame.

10-29-2009, 07:57 PM
you are wanting us to admit that the suns were a better team then the spurs that year. I will never admit that because it is not true. maybe you are blind

Are you two serious? This is just one game. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fvkKdXLwt0U

The Suns got ****ed in that series and that isn't even including the bad luck with the suspensions and Nash's bloody nose keeping him out of the final minute of Game 1.

I don't get how some fans are so blind. If my favourite team wins a game from BS I admit it. I watch MMA and if my favourite fighter wins a BS decision I admit it. Have some integrity.

I've been saying that for a while now especially with that 07 Suns team. There is a great chance they would have gotten to the Finals if not won the championship and peoples tune about the run n' gun offense would be totally different and like you said basketball could have been more exciting because of it. It really is a shame.

10-29-2009, 08:02 PM
Wtf? Why did Salvatore give Iverson a T for that? So he ran a play and Salvatore said it wasnt his play and he brought the crowd down?

10-29-2009, 08:08 PM
you are wanting us to admit that the suns were a better team then the spurs that year. I will never admit that because it is not true. maybe you are blind

You can believe whatever you want in terms of which team is better I just want Spurs fans to at least somewhat acknowledge they got the benefit of the whistles coupled with lucky breaks that series. It's not like the series was a win for the Suns if they won that game or had Amare for game 5 but it definitely would have helped a huge amount.

10-29-2009, 08:20 PM
How many NFL, NHL or MLB refs do you know by name?

Now think how many NBA refs you know by name.

There is your answer.

10-29-2009, 09:52 PM
suns fans will never except there style of play will never win a championship with amare and dantoni. those 2 people are incapable of winning any nba championship. had nothing to do with refs
what an idiot. that year the suns were considered contenders because of how good they played and their success. the spurs-suns series was very competitive, and without regarding who the better team was that year, any one without his duncan jersey up his ass can say that series was horribly officiated.

Abraham Lincoln
10-30-2009, 12:48 AM
Same **** with Salvatore as well.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sDM2eGpf5Hc If this event does not concern you as a fan, nothing ever will. Salvatore should have ben fired right after this game. And Iverson deserves credit for playing through the incredible injustice prepatrated against him by the league. I have a lot more respect for AI after watching this.

10-30-2009, 01:02 AM
Wow, I remember watching that exact game, and they didn't show the part where Iverson argues, and I was pretty confused by what Brown was saying, now it makes alot more sense.
Anyway, if there are four series I'm positive had to be rigged, it was the 07 suns-spurs, 02 Lakers-Kings, Lakers TWolves 03 (I can't find the bad calls but I remember the worst of the bunch was an open court Szcerbiak and Kobe call) and 98 Jazz-Bulls

Heres one from the 03 series, its not as bad as others, and I definitely could see how someone would think it'd be a foul from the wrong angle.

Abraham Lincoln
10-30-2009, 01:44 AM
Wow, I remember watching that exact game, and they didn't show the part where Iverson argues, and I was pretty confused by what Brown was saying, now it makes alot more sense.
Anyway, if there are four series I'm positive had to be rigged, it was the 07 suns-spurs, 02 Lakers-Kings, Lakers TWolves 03 (I can't find the bad calls but I remember the worst of the bunch was an open court Szcerbiak and Kobe call) and 98 Jazz-Bulls

Heres one from the 03 series, its not as bad as others, and I definitely could see how someone would think it'd be a foul from the wrong angle.

Not the entire series, however Game 6 indeed was after the presumption that Pippen was done for the night.

rivers to gates
10-30-2009, 02:49 AM
You know a league is pathetic when even it's own fans hate it. I don't think anybody truly loves the NBA. Bad fundamentals and thugs along with the bad refs has killed professional basketball.

10-30-2009, 03:04 AM
Same **** with Salvatore as well.


Thats some real BS right there. I've always been an AI fan, but my respect for him just went way up after watching that clip, and reading the piece about him and Javie/other refs by Donaghy.

10-30-2009, 03:34 AM
Wow at the Iverson thing.

I don't believe the Suns-Spurs series was rigged. The officiating wasn't that bad from a neutral viewers perspective.

10-30-2009, 03:56 AM
Is there really any question at all the Mavs/Heat Finals was rigged???

I am 99.999999% sure that it was at least rigged up to a game 7...no question

10-30-2009, 04:00 AM
this gives no comfort to jilted Mavs fans
did you listen to the Hard Line talk about this book and all the crazy events that happened in that series today???

there is just NO DOUBT at all in my mind, that the Mavs/Heat series was completely rigged...

also, i think Cuban KNOWS it...he has hinted at it a few times and literally spent millions investigating it...

he has said that what he found out would ruin the NBA...

I think Cuban knows that the series was rigged, but he also knows that if he released that info it would damage his investment...the Dallas Mavericks...

10-30-2009, 04:03 AM
'06 Mavs vs. Heat
'07 Suns vs. Spurs
'02 Lakers vs. Kings

^ all fixed

10-30-2009, 04:05 AM
did you listen to the Hard Line talk about this book and all the crazy events that happened in that series today???

there is just NO DOUBT at all in my mind, that the Mavs/Heat series was completely rigged...

also, i think Cuban KNOWS it...he has hinted at it a few times and literally spent millions investigating it...

he has said that what he found out would ruin the NBA...

I think Cuban knows that the series was rigged, but he also knows that if he released that info it would damage his investment...the Dallas Mavericks...

Still mad at Wade destroying you guys?

10-30-2009, 04:26 AM
did you listen to the Hard Line talk about this book and all the crazy events that happened in that series today???

there is just NO DOUBT at all in my mind, that the Mavs/Heat series was completely rigged...

also, i think Cuban KNOWS it...he has hinted at it a few times and literally spent millions investigating it...

he has said that what he found out would ruin the NBA...

I think Cuban knows that the series was rigged, but he also knows that if he released that info it would damage his investment...the Dallas Mavericks...

Donaghy downright states that the NBA wants series to go 7 games, why would they let the Heat win it in 6 if the series was rigged? :violin:

10-30-2009, 04:28 AM
Still mad at Wade destroying you guys?
because of this book they went over all the statistics today from that series on Dallas radio...

what Wade did free throw wise broke records...and ironically enough the majority of it came in the 4th quarters...

that series was very much rigged...I am sure of it...

Cuban also knows this as well...but it is in his best intrest not to damage the NBA...

10-30-2009, 04:30 AM
Donaghy downright states that the NBA wants series to go 7 games, why would they let the Heat win it in 6 if the series was rigged? :violin:
at that time the NBA ratings were at all time low...

the NBA DID NOT want a German being the face of the NBA...they wanted Wade..."the next Jordan" at the time...

after this book, and all that is coming from it....it is time for Heat fans to get the:


if you don't at least question it now you are just being foolish...

10-30-2009, 04:34 AM
because of this book they went over all the statistics today from that series on Dallas radio...

what Wade did free throw wise broke records...and ironically enough the majority of it came in the 4th quarters...

that series was very much rigged...I am sure of it...

Cuban also knows this as well...but it is in his best intrest not to damage the NBA...

Over a 6 game series in the finals. That's kind of arbitrary...

10-30-2009, 04:37 AM
at that time the NBA ratings were at all time low...

the NBA DID NOT want a German being the face of the NBA...they wanted Wade..."the next Jordan" at the time...

after this book, and all that is coming from it....it is time for Heat fans to get the:


if you don't at least question it now you are just being foolish...

I don't at all. As well as most of the other series'.

I've heard all the excuses:

They needed the next Jordan.
They wanted the next Shaq-Kobe.
They wouldn't let a foreigner win.
Stern is a Jew and hates Germans.
The NBA hates Cuban.

Just let go...

10-30-2009, 05:02 AM
Just another thing to add. It's beyond ridiculous with fans in the playoffs now. After the Lakers-Kings series, every time a team loses a close series, its the refs that are instantly blamed. People talk about the integrity of the game, well how about the fans have some integrity and stop blaming your teams failure on anything other than their performance.

10-30-2009, 05:06 AM
Just another thing to add. It's beyond ridiculous with fans in the playoffs now. After the Lakers-Kings series, every time a team loses a close series, its the refs that are instantly blamed. People talk about the integrity of the game, well how about the fans have some integrity and stop blaming your teams failure on anything other than their performance.

My favorite is "they shouldn't have called that, it's the finals those fouls shouldn't be called". Jesus people the rules are arbitrary, you can't just ignore them from time to time because they don't suit the situation.

10-30-2009, 08:26 AM
[QUOTE=R.I.P.]Not to take anything away from the Spurs, but the argument, why Stern would love the Spurs as a poster franchise are overwhelming and it

10-30-2009, 08:53 AM
Oh god, you could make up any excuse for any team winning a title.

If they're too small market: anything can happen.
If they're a bigger market: for money
If they have the biggest star: publicity, sales, new poster boy.
If they don't have stars: team play, fundamentals, promote "real" basketball

Please... Even worse are the posters who come in and say "can't believe I didn't think of that"... Getting almost as bad as conspiracy theorists.

10-30-2009, 09:11 AM
The problem is, if Stern really rigged games, how did he think he's getting away with it? People who are involved are going to talk about it sooner or later. Perhaps some other referees or even the players in the knowing will write about about it. Perhaps Mark Cuban himself will reveal his findings.

This book is a good start though. We can't call this one yet but as soon as others follow suit, then we'll know.

10-30-2009, 09:14 AM
Like baseball and the steroid accusations, this will come back to bite them in the @ss

10-30-2009, 10:30 AM
Indeed, for the sole fact that referee crew assignments were/are useful information at all is more than enough proof that Donaghy is not alone on this.
agreed. The court documents say Donaghy was prosecuted because he provided that kind of info to his gambling friends.

10-30-2009, 11:19 AM
Donaghy could self-publish and offer it on the Web, if he wanted to.

He'd need make some money off it before he would do that. I dont know how and if that affects the truth in his claims though. I dont see him releasing the book without getting the money he wants.

10-30-2009, 11:29 AM
because of this book they went over all the statistics today from that series on Dallas radio...

what Wade did free throw wise broke records...and ironically enough the majority of it came in the 4th quarters...

that series was very much rigged...I am sure of it...

Cuban also knows this as well...but it is in his best intrest not to damage the NBA...

You know I just watched game 5 of the series again with 2 friends, which is the game you Dallas fans b!tch and moan about most, seeing as Wade shot 25 free throws; the same amount as your team. Funnily enough, my two friends (Detroit and Laker supporter) both agreed that only 2 or 4 of those free throws were undeserved, though also said Josh Howard recieved some very cheap ones as well.

Another interesting fact for that game is, Miami's second highest scorer Antoine Walker was in foul trouble in the first quarter, along with Miami's best defender of Nowitzki, Udonis Haslem. Haslem eventually fouled out, while Antoine didn't nearly get to play his usual minutes during regulation time.

Another interesting fact. Wade in the 4th quarter tied the game with a jumper, not free throws, and funnily enough received no free throws in OT apart from for that blatant hack by Harris, and Dirk clearly pushing him in the back (there is a picture of it as well btw).

As for the timeout fiasco, you can see Josh Howard ask for a timeout, and Avery Johnson clearly getting pissed at him afterwards.

Fact is, go look at the game logs, for most of games 3-6, at the end of fourth quarters it was the Mavs getting the free throws, not the Heat.

Even in game 3, Wade's run was nearly all of FG's, while only 1 or 2 points of his 13 point run were from free throws.

And finally, as far as I can see, nothing from these extracts of the book has even mentioned the Miami/Dallas series...

10-30-2009, 11:35 AM
This is just more bogus stuff for NBA conspiracy nuts to get all hyped up about. NBA is not rigged and never has been. Tim Donaghy betted on games and he got caught. Simple as that. Looks like he trying to make even more money by "exposing" some other refs. Point is.. he only wants money and doesn't care about anything else. If he wanted to "spread the light" so to speak, he would just publish this bs on the web for people to look at. I'm glad it's not getting published, because why waste time and money on a bogus book to only learn the info is bogus...

10-30-2009, 11:49 AM
The Lakers vs Kings playoff game was probably the worse officiated game I've seen in my life. It was unreal. That game alone gives some credibility to what Donaghy is saying.

10-30-2009, 11:56 AM
I do not doubt that at least some of its the truth. I remember some one once saying "a lie that is 1/2 the truth is ever the blackest of lies" . We all know the NBA has prefered stars and there are always make up calls. We all know from person work experience that despite forbiden, favortism in work place is common as dirt. As a Spurs fan I know that Crawford hates Tim Duncan for some unknown reason. So Donaghy mixes those truths with some of the worst called games of all time and feeds the conspiracy nuts, sells a million books and retires richer than he would have ever been ref'n games.


10-30-2009, 12:39 PM
The Lakers vs Kings playoff game was probably the worse officiated game I've seen in my life. It was unreal. That game alone gives some credibility to what Donaghy is saying.

Simple, undeniable and to the point, well done Kujo.

10-30-2009, 12:53 PM
The Lakers vs Kings playoff game was probably the worse officiated game I've seen in my life. It was unreal. That game alone gives some credibility to what Donaghy is saying.

That game was so bad even the NBC announcers couldn't help but speak about it time and time again during the game :oldlol: There came a point in the 4th qtr (the Horry flop on Webber in the post) where I knew the refs weren't going to let the Lakers lose. That was the game that truly gave birth to the conspiracy theories because the bad calls were so blatant.

10-30-2009, 01:04 PM
That game was so bad even the NBC announcers couldn't help but speak about it time and time again during the game :oldlol: There came a point in the 4th qtr (the Horry flop on Webber in the post) where I knew the refs weren't going to let the Lakers lose. That was the game that truly gave birth to the conspiracy theories because the bad calls were so blatant.

Yet, Laker fans still refuse to believe what we are saying. Its so sad. If I win a rigged game, I am not going to be happy about it at all. If was on the kings during that game, I would have snapped and beaten ever ref and Laker out there. Yes, I would take on Shaq as well.

10-30-2009, 02:23 PM
Yet, Laker fans still refuse to believe what we are saying. Its so sad. If I win a rigged game, I am not going to be happy about it at all. If was on the kings during that game, I would have snapped and beaten ever ref and Laker out there. Yes, I would take on Shaq as well.

Yea as I was watching that game I was waiting for Adelman to send in a goon just to hurt a Laker lol. I would have had Funderburke clipping knees and low bridging


10-30-2009, 02:40 PM
It just blows my mind that only knowing who's reffing the game before it happens would allow someone to make reliable bets. That's really bad.

10-30-2009, 02:49 PM
He'd need make some money off it before he would do that. I dont know how and if that affects the truth in his claims though. I dont see him releasing the book without getting the money he wants.
Agreed that he would want a big payday before the book comes out, but if he keeps getting stoned by publishing companies, or isn't seeing the money that he wants to make, self-publishing is a viable option.

Given the interest in the book that's already been generated by the cancellation controversy, he could sell a good amount of copies right away. Once there's a good sales track record, then it would be much easier to get it picked up by a traditional publisher. Many best-selling books went that route.

However it gets done, the book needs to be released. No question about that.

10-30-2009, 03:02 PM
Bad Donaghee!

10-30-2009, 03:04 PM
I thought Refs normally gave calls based on popularity in the NBA. Whether its a famous player like AI getting the call over Raja Bell or the defending champ Spurs over the Suns. I believe him but i thought that was the norm of reffing in the NBA as things were :confusedshrug:

The betting part is bad!

Refs can only change the game so much.

11-02-2009, 12:52 AM
At first I was like "nah no way this is true, Donaghue is just lying", then I was like "Damn the NBA really is rigged, damn you you evil Jew, stern.", but then I was like "I dunno."

11-02-2009, 01:14 AM
This is just more bogus stuff for NBA conspiracy nuts to get all hyped up about. NBA is not rigged and never has been. Tim Donaghy betted on games and he got caught. Simple as that. Looks like he trying to make even more money by "exposing" some other refs. Point is.. he only wants money and doesn't care about anything else. If he wanted to "spread the light" so to speak, he would just publish this bs on the web for people to look at. I'm glad it's not getting published, because why waste time and money on a bogus book to only learn the info is bogus...

Yo David, don't you have a league to run? Stop posting here.

Diesel J
11-02-2009, 01:20 AM
it makes no difference to me, I SAW GAME 6 2002 WESTERN CONFERENCE FINALS, therefore i know 100% that game was stolen from the kings and given to the lakers to make the series 7 games. i know alot of people say the kings should have still won game 7 with the positions they were in during that game- this is true but there should have never been a game 7 in the first place. the kings were easily the best team in the nba and that laker team should have to give there rings to the kings, webber has his ring imo.

i know there are alot of people on here that feel the heat/mavs was rigged or spurs/suns etc etc etc...infact i would say that over the last 3 to 4 years someone has said that 90% of all nba games are rigged, its a ****ing joke. refs make bad calls all the time, it can be the difference between winning and loosing. its gotten so bad on here that there are literally no playoff games that dont have atleast 10 people from this board claiming the out come was rigged, ive been watching since 95-96 and ive seen alot of games decided on bad calls- at no time have i felt a series or game had a predetermined outcome not to 100% certainty anyway...the exception was the kings/lakers series in 2002.


11-03-2009, 01:57 AM
The Lakers vs Kings playoff game was probably the worse officiated game I've seen in my life. It was unreal. That game alone gives some credibility to what Donaghy is saying.

11-03-2009, 02:00 AM
No mention of the Heat/Mavs series in there. Funny... probably because it wasn't rigged unlike butthurt Mavs fans seem to think.

11-04-2009, 12:19 AM
Clearly the guy was telling the truth....if you don't atleast partially believe him, you've got blinders on.

11-04-2009, 12:23 AM
Look at the amount of views.....doesnt get a sticky?...haha....Integrity

11-04-2009, 12:29 AM
No mention of the Heat/Mavs series in there. Funny... probably because it wasn't rigged unlike butthurt Mavs fans seem to think.

Well you should realize that what has been released is only some small excerpts from the book. Not the whole thing. You would have to be a fool to believe that series was called fairly.

11-04-2009, 01:04 AM
obviously insidehoops doesnt want you to read it either

11-04-2009, 02:12 AM
I'm surprised he's Donaghy is still alive. I figured Stern would have had the Jewish mafia whack him by now.

11-04-2009, 02:19 AM
I'm surprised he's Donaghy is still alive. I figured Stern would have had the Jewish mafia whack him by now.
I agree....... but any pub is good pub ...people(me included) like to rubber neck at a train wreck

11-04-2009, 05:35 AM
I supported the Suns during all thopse heartbreaking SA series.

This book reinforces my worst thoughts.

Blazers, Suns, Kings, and Iverson fans have real reason for the anger they've felt.

I also think the Indiana/NY series of around ten years ago was rigged as were so many others.

this small market/big market thing gets dismissed because NY has done so poorly, but in reality, big markets and marquee names are given WAY more opportunities for success.

The NBA toes this BS line of salary caps and level playing fields, only to have the refs f*ck with it.

They should just toss the cap, this would create an environment where big market and stars have more success. It is certainly better than referee manipulation.

11-04-2009, 05:48 AM
Wouldn't it be funny if it mentioned something about scandal such as "Commissioner Stern having sex with a cheerleader"

11-04-2009, 06:11 AM
Well you should realize that what has been released is only some small excerpts from the book. Not the whole thing. You would have to be a fool to believe that series was called fairly.

I re watched the whole series. It was called perfectly fair. Which games did you believe were called in favor of the Heat?

Mavs fans complain about the game Wade got 25 free throws. 21 of them were legit, while the other 4 were probably reffing mistakes. Mavs got a few cheap ones as well.

Honestly go re watch game 5 and 6. Tell me each foul that was unfair, and where Wade was given free throws even though it wasn't a foul. In game 6 out of the 21 he shot, I'd say all the calls were correct bar one.

I'll even provide the links for you to watch again.

11-04-2009, 06:47 AM
I'll even provide the links for you to watch again.

Good idea :cheers:

11-04-2009, 06:54 AM
Here are games 5 and 6, as I'm presuming those are the only games Dallas fans complain about. Or was it rigged in game 3 and 4 as well supposedly?
Just re watch the games, and tell me where a foul shouldn't have been called for Wade in these two games.

Game 5:
(this is part 1, you can find the rest of the parts in the window on the side)

Game 6:

(Just watch them on megavideo instead of downloading)

11-04-2009, 07:09 PM
Here are games 5 and 6, as I'm presuming those are the only games Dallas fans complain about. Or was it rigged in game 3 and 4 as well supposedly?
Just re watch the games, and tell me where a foul shouldn't have been called for Wade in these two games.

Game 5:
(this is part 1, you can find the rest of the parts in the window on the side)

Game 6:

(Just watch them on megavideo instead of downloading)

lol....plowking exposed as a shill.

11-04-2009, 09:14 PM
lol....plowking exposed as a shill.

Yet it's well known I'm a Heat fan... nice going...

11-04-2009, 09:39 PM
Yet it's well known I'm a Heat fan... nice going...

rest my case

11-04-2009, 11:19 PM
rest my case

Now it's clear you don't even know what a shill is... stop using words that aren't in your vocab...

11-05-2009, 09:14 AM
Yea as I was watching that game I was waiting for Adelman to send in a goon just to hurt a Laker lol. I would have had Funderburke clipping knees and low bridging


If this crap continues, you probably will see that.

As for the Laker fans, they are like the Patriot fans. You bring up Spygate, and they point fingers at other organizations instead of admitting it.

11-19-2009, 06:28 PM
Now it's clear you don't even know what a shill is... stop using words that aren't in your vocab...

You're the definition.....but I digress.

People that actually care about the game KNOW that what Donaghy said is truth. Hell, Sheed was saying NBA=WWF before the scandal even hit.

This thread should have a sticky for the sole reason the sht is going on till this day...just a couple weeks ago check out Suns v Celts.

11-20-2009, 04:25 AM
If this crap continues, you probably will see that.

As for the Laker fans, they are like the Patriot fans. You bring up Spygate, and they point fingers at other organizations instead of admitting it.

Whats to admit?

They're multiple champions?

No problem.