View Full Version : Worst Movie of the Last Decade? (2000-2009)

Take Your Lumps
01-12-2010, 12:33 AM
First thing that comes to mind is The Wicker Man.

What's strange though is it's such a horrid movie with some wildly hilarious lines and situations (albeit unintentionally so....i think?). Although it has some great comedic value to it....the fact that it seems they were really trying to create a serious film has to make it #1 on my list. How do you film, cut, and edit this film -- send it off to production and then look at yourself in the mirror?

It just might be the most unintentionally hilarious movie of all-time.

You can't make this stuff up:

01-12-2010, 12:34 AM
the room, but it's so bad it's good.

watch the trailer


this movie cost 6 million to make and actually was in theaters. as a serious drama

pete's montreux
01-12-2010, 12:35 AM
Eagle Eye

01-12-2010, 12:38 AM

one of the worst scenes ever put on film

01-12-2010, 12:39 AM
the room was more unintentionally hilarious than the wicker man, although both are among my favourite movies of all time. i don't think they warrant placement on lists like this, because of their comedic value. i'd either go with a lackluster generic action movie or one of the disaster/date/lets-make-fun-of-disney-kids movies.

01-12-2010, 12:40 AM

one of the worst scenes ever put on film
have you seen it live? fantastic viewing experience with the audience participation.

Take Your Lumps
01-12-2010, 12:45 AM

one of the worst scenes ever put on film

What in the heavenly pig **** was that?

*adds it to list*

It plays like a bad sitcom without a laugh track. 6 mil? Wow.

01-12-2010, 12:45 AM
Babylon A.D. was very weak sauce as well.

01-12-2010, 12:47 AM
have you seen it live? fantastic viewing experience with the audience participation.
i saw it live at the arc light. Tommy Wissea and the actor who plays mark came in the theater before it started to answer questions.

I asked "what is the sequel to the room gonna be called" and tommy wisseau just dismissed the question and said "there is no sequel what is this" and loads of people yelled at me things like "ITS PERFECT ALREADY" and "THERE CAN'T BE A SEQUEL, **** YOU" and everytime it showed spoons everyone threw spoons in the air it was so hilarious. Loads of people were dressed up as the guy who beat up Denny and also a girl dressed up as lisa with a fake unibrow. The most hilarious night of my life

01-12-2010, 12:49 AM

01-12-2010, 12:49 AM
What in the heavenly pig **** was that?

*adds it to list*

It plays like a bad sitcom without a laugh track. 6 mil? Wow.
check out these classic scenes

"o Hi mark"

"I already ordered a pizza"

01-12-2010, 12:51 AM
I will nominate a Best Picture Award winner... Crash was horrific.

pete's montreux
01-12-2010, 12:53 AM
I will nominate a Best Picture Award winner... Crash was horrific.

Oscars have been a joke since about 2004.

01-12-2010, 01:02 AM
i saw it live at the arc light. Tommy Wissea and the actor who plays mark came in the theater before it started to answer questions.

I asked "what is the sequel to the room gonna be called" and tommy wisseau just dismissed the question and said "there is no sequel what is this" and loads of people yelled at me things like "ITS PERFECT ALREADY" and "THERE CAN'T BE A SEQUEL, **** YOU" and everytime it showed spoons everyone threw spoons in the air it was so hilarious. Loads of people were dressed up as the guy who beat up Denny and also a girl dressed up as lisa with a fake unibrow. The most hilarious night of my life
you were in the same ROOM as wiseau and mark? f*cking incredible.

right out the gate they said no footballs were allowed to be thrown at the screen. but yeah, spoons aplenty for sure. the "meanwhile, back in sanfrancisco" gag every time they played that long shot of the golden gate bridge was hilarious too. it turned into rocky horror, where just about everybody in the crowd was yelling jokes at the screen. awesome stuff. its been playing monthly at the local theater here since november, although i've only been once.

description of the movie at the nearby theatre: "johnny is madly in love with lisa, but his happily ever after plans turn nightmare after he finds out the truth about her. does he find out the truth while in a room? perhaps."


I will nominate a Best Picture Award winner... Crash was horrific.
it wasn't that bad you bum. i've argued with friends about it being much much worse than an oscar worthy picture, but calling it even close to the worst of the decade is just racist hate. whatchu got against cheadle, luda, howard, and the black man?

01-12-2010, 01:05 AM
if we are talking about big budget, hyped up movies i would say transformers 2. there are too many terrible sci-fi channel, b-type movies that are terrible to name.

Knuck the Ficks
01-12-2010, 01:10 AM
Like RBA I'll nominate a highly praised movie as well:


There were far too many characters in this film, most of them completely uninteresting. The writing is terrible and the scene with Billy Bob Thornton and Hugh Grant felt like it could have been written by some film school douche with a thin understanding of politics.

I challenge you guys to watch this film. Watch it and then wonder how the **** it has such a high rating on IMDB and was almost universally praised by critics.

There are films with dumber plots. There are films with worse actors. There are films with dumb chase sequences and crappy CGI. But "Love Actually" is the worst movie of the decade because like "Crash" the makers of this film clearly thought they were genius. Michael Bay, Rolland Emerich and Brett Ratner make crappy films but at least they don't pretend to have any redeeming intellectual quality.

**** Richard Curtis. And **** anyone who liked this film.

P.S.: I broke up with a girl because she liked this movie (that was one of the reasons anyway). Anyone who thinks this movie is "deep" is a complete moron.

01-12-2010, 01:10 AM
it wasn't that bad you bum. i've argued with friends about it being much much worse than an oscar worthy picture, but calling it even close to the worst of the decade is just racist hate. whatchu got against cheadle, luda, howard, and the black man?
...because it had no redeemable qualities.

Plot? Ludicrous (figuratively and literally)
Acting? Horrible (including Cheadle, which was a surprise)
Dialogue? Laughably bad
Supposed emotional climax? Completely predictable and totally unrealistic

Wickerman and The Room had redeemable qualities, even if they weren't anticipated by the makers (unintentional comedy). Crash didn't even offer that. It is void of anything remotely interesting.

Timmy D for MVP
01-12-2010, 01:11 AM
Street Fighter: The Story of Chun Li.

01-12-2010, 01:16 AM
The Secret Window
The Box

I will never forget the garbage that was these 3 films

01-12-2010, 01:21 AM
...because it had no redeemable qualities.

Plot? Ludicrous (figuratively and literally)
Acting? Horrible (including Cheadle, which was a surprise)
Dialogue? Laughably bad
Supposed emotional climax? Completely predictable and totally unrealistic

Wickerman and The Room had redeemable qualities, even if they weren't anticipated by the makers (unintentional comedy). Crash didn't even offer that. It is void of anything remotely interesting.
i'd much rather watch wickerman and the room over crash. but i'd also much rather watch crash over, i dunno, one of those piles of trash friedberg and seltzer pump through box offices. the acting wasn't horrible at all in the movie. both the dialogue and the plot were overdramatized, because thats the type of movie it was; i get the impression 'precious', another critically praised movie, will be more of the same. over the top doesn't necessarily mean bad. although it also doesn't mean great.

plus luda drove over a chinaman. a f*cking chinaman!

01-12-2010, 01:21 AM
Alpha Dog

01-12-2010, 01:23 AM
you were in the same ROOM as wiseau and mark? f*cking incredible.

right out the gate they said no footballs were allowed to be thrown at the screen. but yeah, spoons aplenty for sure. the "meanwhile, back in sanfrancisco" gag every time they played that long shot of the golden gate bridge was hilarious too. it turned into rocky horror, where just about everybody in the crowd was yelling jokes at the screen. awesome stuff. its been playing monthly at the local theater here since november, although i've only been once.

description of the movie at the nearby theatre: "johnny is madly in love with lisa, but his happily ever after plans turn nightmare after he finds out the truth about her. does he find out the truth while in a room? perhaps."


it wasn't that bad you bum. i've argued with friends about it being much much worse than an oscar worthy picture, but calling it even close to the worst of the decade is just racist hate. whatchu got against cheadle, luda, howard, and the black man?
whenever that happened where i was everyone sang the full house theme song "EVERYWHERE YOU LOOK" cus johnny's house looks just like the fullhouse house.

And everytime it showed the boat in the harbor everyone chanted "boat boat boat boat boat"

And during the football scene a bunch of guys got up and threw footballs across the theater, maybe you can bring them in to your theater if they don't throw them at the screen.

One guy also made a scotchka live and announced the ingredients when lisa made the nasty scotchka for Johnny, "2 parts scotch, 3 parts vodka, scotchka!"

01-12-2010, 01:26 AM
ahahaha, i forgot about the scotchka! i'm giving that a try very very soon. perhaps this weekend.

01-12-2010, 01:27 AM
Like RBA I'll nominate a highly praised movie as well:


There were far too many characters in this film, most of them completely uninteresting. The writing is terrible and the scene with Billy Bob Thornton and Hugh Grant felt like it could have been written by some film school douche with a thin understanding of politics.

I challenge you guys to watch this film. Watch it and then wonder how the **** it has such a high rating on IMDB and was almost universally praised by critics.

There are films with dumber plots. There are films with worse actors. There are films with dumb chase sequences and crappy CGI. But "Love Actually" is the worst movie of the decade because like "Crash" the makers of this film clearly thought they were genius. Michael Bay, Rolland Emerich and Brett Ratner make crappy films but at least they don't pretend to have any redeeming intellectual quality.

**** Richard Curtis. And **** anyone who liked this film.

P.S.: I broke up with a girl because she liked this movie (that was one of the reasons anyway). Anyone who thinks this movie is "deep" is a complete moron.

all girls love this movie. the movie exists to get girls wet. I personally watch this with girls because it makes them really horny for some reason afterwords.

I dont think anyone thinks it's deep, it's just a sappy feel good movie.

01-12-2010, 01:30 AM
Probably Meet the Spartans or those cheap parody movies.

Knuck the Ficks
01-12-2010, 01:38 AM
all girls love this movie. the movie exists to get girls wet. I personally watch this with girls because it makes them really horny for some reason afterwords.

I have honestly vowed that before I get engaged (which hopefully isn't for a while) I will show my girlfriend this movie and if she likes it, I will break the whole thing off.

There are so many stupid, stupid things about the film:

- The retarded Keira Knightley story - a guy lusts after his friend's fiancee, tells her this behind his back, kisses her and then gets over her straight away. It's implausible to say the least - the guy is also an asshole for doing what he did.

- The Colin Firth story - what kind of dumbass proposes to a woman he's barely met?

- The Liam Neeson story - If I ever have a 5 year old kid and he tells me he's in love I would give him some Lego and tell him never to bring it up again. I wouldn't allow him to run through a ****ing airport.

- The ridiculous stunt casting of Shannon Elizabeth, Elisha Cushbert, Denise Richards and especially Claudia Schiffer

This thread has reminded me of how much I detest this movie and those who praise it.

01-12-2010, 04:33 AM
gigli, the village, lady in the water. shymalan is trash.

01-12-2010, 04:38 AM

I want to punch her in the face...twice..

01-12-2010, 05:18 AM
I have honestly vowed that before I get engaged (which hopefully isn't for a while) I will show my girlfriend this movie and if she likes it, I will break the whole thing off.

There are so many stupid, stupid things about the film:

- The retarded Keira Knightley story - a guy lusts after his friend's fiancee, tells her this behind his back, kisses her and then gets over her straight away. It's implausible to say the least - the guy is also an asshole for doing what he did.

- The Colin Firth story - what kind of dumbass proposes to a woman he's barely met?

- The Liam Neeson story - If I ever have a 5 year old kid and he tells me he's in love I would give him some Lego and tell him never to bring it up again. I wouldn't allow him to run through a ****ing airport.

- The ridiculous stunt casting of Shannon Elizabeth, Elisha Cushbert, Denise Richards and especially Claudia Schiffer

This thread has reminded me of how much I detest this movie and those who praise it.
the girl hugh grant gets with is pretty fit though.

Of course the movies implausible! It's a silly movie for girls! If you want depressing realism about what happens in realistic relationships check out Ingmar Bergman or something.

I was real pissed when the guy betrayed his best friend and kissed his best friend's wife, Kiera Knightley, right infront of his best friend's own home, I saw that as vicious betrayal and the breaking of the bros over hos law and I thought that guy was a sadistic little bitch but my girlfriend and her sisters thought it was the sweetest thing! AHHH I know what you mean but besides that I really have no problem with this film

01-12-2010, 05:26 AM
All parody movies
Basic Instinct 2
Righteous Kill
Transformers (it was nothing like the cartoon)

I'm guessing there is a lot more, but I try to avoid movies that are obviously ****ty.

I only did that once for Snakes on a plane and I did for her:


I am such a slut.

01-12-2010, 05:33 AM
you were in the same ROOM as wiseau and mark? f*cking incredible.

right out the gate they said no footballs were allowed to be thrown at the screen. but yeah, spoons aplenty for sure. the "meanwhile, back in sanfrancisco" gag every time they played that long shot of the golden gate bridge was hilarious too. it turned into rocky horror, where just about everybody in the crowd was yelling jokes at the screen. awesome stuff. its been playing monthly at the local theater here since november, although i've only been once.

description of the movie at the nearby theatre: "johnny is madly in love with lisa, but his happily ever after plans turn nightmare after he finds out the truth about her. does he find out the truth while in a room? perhaps."


it wasn't that bad you bum. i've argued with friends about it being much much worse than an oscar worthy picture, but calling it even close to the worst of the decade is just racist hate. whatchu got against cheadle, luda, howard, and the black man?

Do you know if they still do this at the arc light? I've been meaning to catch a showing.

01-12-2010, 05:37 AM


01-12-2010, 05:38 AM
Max Payne says "man, you ****ed up a game that felt like a movie while you were playing it."

El Kabong
01-12-2010, 05:45 AM

01-12-2010, 05:46 AM
Ha I haven't seen the remake of the Wicker Man. It's difficult to imagine it's THAT BAD considering how quality the original is.

01-12-2010, 05:49 AM
Do you know if they still do this at the arc light? I've been meaning to catch a showing.
They do it last saturday of every month i believe, and yes Tommy Wisseau and Mark are always there.

01-12-2010, 05:52 AM
Wicker Man's quality if only because it illustrates the extremes of Cage's acting ability.

01-12-2010, 05:53 AM
Max Payne says "man, you ****ed up a game that felt like a movie while you were playing it."
So true, that game was awesome.

01-12-2010, 06:00 AM
I have honestly vowed that before I get engaged (which hopefully isn't for a while) I will show my girlfriend this movie and if she likes it, I will break the whole thing off.

There are so many stupid, stupid things about the film:

- The retarded Keira Knightley story - a guy lusts after his friend's fiancee, tells her this behind his back, kisses her and then gets over her straight away. It's implausible to say the least - the guy is also an asshole for doing what he did.

- The Colin Firth story - what kind of dumbass proposes to a woman he's barely met?

- The Liam Neeson story - If I ever have a 5 year old kid and he tells me he's in love I would give him some Lego and tell him never to bring it up again. I wouldn't allow him to run through a ****ing airport.

- The ridiculous stunt casting of Shannon Elizabeth, Elisha Cushbert, Denise Richards and especially Claudia Schiffer

This thread has reminded me of how much I detest this movie and those who praise it.

ive watched this ****ing movie way too many times.. And yes its always with a different girl that suckers me into it. They ALL love it, no idea why.. I like the results that it procures so im gonna remain a big fan of this film :D

01-12-2010, 09:09 AM
The Happening

01-12-2010, 09:19 AM
Like RBA I'll nominate a highly praised movie as well:

I challenge you guys to watch this film. Watch it and then wonder how the **** it has such a high rating on IMDB and was almost universally praised by critics.

Challenge accepted, will do it by the end of the week.

The ridiculous stunt casting of Shannon Elizabeth, Elisha Cushbert, Denise Richards and especially Claudia Schiffer

you have convinced me.

01-12-2010, 10:26 AM
the forgotten, i really wanted 90 minutes of my life back after watching it. i actually think i died a little inside watching it,

Manute for Ever!
01-12-2010, 11:09 AM


"It's turkey time. Gobble gobble..."

01-12-2010, 11:11 AM
The Happening

This plus Wicker Man

01-12-2010, 11:13 AM
Street Fighter: The Story of Chun Li.

Taha; seen the Dead or Alive movie? Horrible!

01-12-2010, 03:01 PM
the village is not one of the worst movies anyone has seen, whatever your opinion on it the cinematography, score and acting where if not awards worthy pretty damn close.

my 5 are this.

1. disaster movie
2. the hottie and the nottie
3. the spirit(truely an abomination)
4. good luck chuck
5. epic movie

i honestly dont believe that the room wasnt made as a parody, i mentioned this before and someone linked me to a recent interview with the director with him looking like he was trying to pretend that the film was intentionally bad when he blatently meant it to be a serious drama. and the subsequent marketing of the film screams that they are now pretending that it was meant to be a comedy to cash in on the fame it has recieved as worst film ever. i know that it can only be one or the other but i havent seen the film and the way the cheap marketing/adverts on trailers/interviews with the director etc portrays the film makes me think that he intended it to be a drama after all. then someone links to a scene from the film and...well...theres just no way! NO ****ING WAY!
if it was intended to be a drama it is unquestionably the worst film ever, i literally dont understand how they managed to make it that bad.

01-12-2010, 03:27 PM
the village is not one of the worst movies anyone has seen, whatever your opinion on it the cinematography, score and acting where if not awards worthy pretty damn close.

my 5 are this.

1. disaster movie
2. the hottie and the nottie
3. the spirit(truely an abomination)
4. good luck chuck
5. epic movie

i honestly dont believe that the room wasnt made as a parody, i mentioned this before and someone linked me to a recent interview with the director with him looking like he was trying to pretend that the film was intentionally bad when he blatently meant it to be a serious drama. and the subsequent marketing of the film screams that they are now pretending that it was meant to be a comedy to cash in on the fame it has recieved as worst film ever. i know that it can only be one or the other but i havent seen the film and the way the cheap marketing/adverts on trailers/interviews with the director etc portrays the film makes me think that he intended it to be a drama after all. then someone links to a scene from the film and...well...theres just no way! NO ****ING WAY!
if it was intended to be a drama it is unquestionably the worst film ever, i literally dont understand how they managed to make it that bad.
there are so many funny examples of the making of the room. For example, when the woman who plays Lisa got off the bus from texas, the first scene tommy wisseau decided to film was the nude sex scene of himself with lisa.

The reason they use the same footage twice for both Lisa/Johnny sex scene, instead of shooting a new scene was because apparently Lisa refused to go near a naked tommy wisseau again.

Also you know that guy with a suit and glasses, and then he just disappeared and in the party some new guy comes up with no explanation who he is? The suit and glasses actor quit so they just replaced his character half way through with no explanation. He quit because he hated Tommy Wisseau so much.

Having met tommy wisseau and listened to him answer a Q&A, he talks just like he does in the movie, and also Im pretty sure he was constantly high on ccrack when filming.

The actor interviewed said he thought the room was just a giant ego trip from Tommy Wisseau getting back on a girl who wronged him.

Also for some reason Tommy Wisseau refuses to answer where he comes from. No one knows for sure. If you ask him where he's from in the Q&As he does, people have told me he gets really pissed and just walks out, but i met a guy who said he knew a sound editor who worked on the room, and he and Tommy spoke Romanian to eachother, so Im pretty sure he's Romanian

And apparently the only actor who will still talk to tommy wisseau is Mark, because everyone else despises him. I'm sure it was meant to be serious

Anyone who has seen the ending knows that Tommy Wisseau intended this to be an emotional tour de force and he failed.

01-12-2010, 03:33 PM
there are so many funny examples of the making of the room. For example, when the woman who plays Lisa got off the bus from texas, the first scene tommy wisseau decided to film was the nude sex scene of himself with lisa.

The reason they use the same footage twice for both Lisa/Johnny sex scene, instead of shooting a new scene was because apparently Lisa refused to go near a naked tommy wisseau again.

Also you know that guy with a suit and glasses, and then he just disappeared and in the party some new guy comes up with no explanation who he is? The suit and glasses actor quit so they just replaced his character half way through with no explanation. He quit because he hated Tommy Wisseau so much.

Having met tommy wisseau and listened to him answer a Q&A, he talks just like he does in the movie, and also Im pretty sure he was constantly high on ccrack when filming.

The actor interviewed said he thought the room was just a giant ego trip from Tommy Wisseau getting back on a girl who wronged him.

Also for some reason Tommy Wisseau refuses to answer where he comes from. No one knows for sure. If you ask him where he's from in the Q&As he does, people have told me he gets really pissed and just walks out, but i met a guy who said he knew a sound editor who worked on the room, and he and Tommy spoke Romanian to eachother, so Im pretty sure he's Romanian

And apparently the only actor who will still talk to tommy wisseau is Mark, because everyone else despises him. I'm sure it was meant to be serious

Anyone who has seen the ending knows that Tommy Wisseau intended this to be an emotional tour de force and he failed.
:oldlol: Where did you find this, I want to read more.

01-12-2010, 03:37 PM
:oldlol: Where did you find this, I want to read more.

Here's an interview from Mark, he seems more supportive of Wisseau though. The interview im thinking of is from the actor who played Steven, so he only was there for half the filming

edit-here it is, interview with Greg Ellery

Fortunately, actor Greg Ellery, who played “Steven” in The Room, was happy to talk to Mike and me and answer some of our questions. When he kicked off the conversation with a riff on his iconic The Room quote “I feel like I’m sitting on an atomic bomb waiting for it to go off!”, (currently #28 on the AFI’s Top 100 Movie Quotes list, just ahead of “You can’t handle the truth!”) we were relieved that he shared our sense of humor about the project. But how could you not?

“There was nothing at all normal about it’s development”, he said. Evidently, director Wiseau showed up on the Birns and Sawyer lot, found out they had a studio available and bought the complete Beginning Director package. That included the purchase, not rental, of a brand new film camera, as well as a new $30,000 digital camera to shoot the “making of.” Skeptical of course, Birns and Sawyer looked at Wiseau’s bank account, saw an appropriate amount of numbers in front of the decimal point and figured, What the hell?

Most of the shooting took place in an on-site studio, and when the action needed to move to the apartment roof, a green screen was set up in the parking lot. Ellery was on the set for three or four weeks. What was Tommy Wiseau like? “I tried to avoid him.” What was his directing style? “He didn’t really have any roundabout directors tricks, where he’d try to bring a performance out of an actor. He just said, do this this way.” Does Greg have any idea about Wiseasu’s notoriously vague past? His favorite theory is that he earned his fortune as a Bosnian Guerilla, but his guess is as good as yours.

A story which Greg wasn’t there for, but which remained legendary on the set throughout the shoot, occurred on the first day. Wiseau had a reputation for being “Sweaty and Smelly” on the set, and the cast watched in horror as he jumped on the actress who plays “Lisa” when they started filming their “love scene.” Lisa, who had pretty much “just gotten off the bus from Texas.” Oh, and she was 18. I believe our wincing was audible over the phone.

The major question we had for Greg was related to his character, “Steven”. Namely, “What the hell was the story with your character, Steven?” Steven first appears at Johnny’s Birthday party, which occurs 76 minutes into the 97 minute movie. He is never addressed by name, yet when he appears onscreen and starts interacting with the characters, it’s treated as if the audience is supposed to recognize him as if he’s been there all along.

Greg was able to shed some light on the issue. It turns out that Steven was a “bastardization of the character of Peter”, who has a somewhat more prominent role in the second act of the movie (he is a psychologist, gets dangled over the roof by Mark and plays football in a tuxedo.)

Oh, did that not occur to you, that Peter and Steven might actually be the same character? Maybe it was because this is Peter:

And there was no attempt made to to have the characters look alike, dress alike or even both wear glasses. Yes, in the kind of thing that previously could only happen in an Ed Wood movie, the actor who played Peter got fed up and quit the movie halfway through, and Wiseau decided to recast the part. After Ellery got the role, (following a normal casting call), Wiseau told him “Peter left. Now you are like Peter, but you are Steven.”

Welcome aboard Greg!

To the productions credit, Greg says “For an independent film, the checks were good and the checks were weekly.” We asked him if any footage he shot got left on the cutting room floor, thinking this might explain things such as the Breast Cancer diagnosis that is never mentioned again, or Denny’s run-in with a violent drug dealer that is never mentioned again. But not according to Greg. In his words, the loose ends were there just because “The scenes were not connected and had nothing to do with each other.” We couldn’t have said it better ourselves.

Ellery attended the first ever screening of the movie, a grand event at a Laemmle Theatre for which Wiseau rented limos and rolled out the red carpet. “From the very beginning,” he says, “it was apparent that it was a comedy.” People were already laughing during the first ten minutes and by the end they were “Rolling around and peeing in their pants.” He first learned that the movie had gained a cult following not too long ago, when a friend alerted him that the movie he had worked on, “You know, the one you described as the worst movie ever?” had evidently amassed a bigger audience than he had ever imagined.

Unfortunately, should The Room 2 ever see the light of day, the part of Steven/Peter will probably have to be reassigned yet again. Ellery has moved into directing, and is currently working on a feature on the East coast.

Pressed for any specific theories on the meaning of the film, or any of Wiseau’s specific choices (e.g., the “don’t worry about it” meme) Greg is at a loss. Though he did speculate that the film as a whole was autobiographical, that Wiseau was hurt by a woman once and the film was his response. “I think it was just one big ego trip.”

The last detail he shared with us was one that truly must sum up the experience of what it would have been like to work on The Room. On his first day on the set, Ellery approached Greg Sestero, who played Mark, assuming that he was the director. Noting the wild looking dude (Wiseau) standing nearby, he remarked “Real funny, you brought a crackhead in to mess with the actors.”

Personally, we would have just stuck with, “Oh hi, Mark”

01-12-2010, 03:50 PM
Nobody can top this, so stop trying.


/end thread

01-12-2010, 03:56 PM
Nobody can top this, so stop trying.


/end thread

give up noob

01-12-2010, 04:00 PM
Movie related, this picture had me rollin:


Take Your Lumps
01-12-2010, 04:06 PM
Movie related, this picture had me rollin:


Fake, but funny

01-12-2010, 04:14 PM
me underwears

01-12-2010, 04:17 PM

give up noob
"You're tearing me up, Lisa!"


Wow, that wins. That wins.

01-12-2010, 04:19 PM
me underwears
omfg :roll:

01-12-2010, 04:19 PM
me underwears

Take Your Lumps
01-12-2010, 04:28 PM
omfg :roll:

i love how people just run up on you all ninja-like in this warped universe of theirs.

o hai mark!

01-12-2010, 04:32 PM
i love how people just run up on you all ninja-like in this warped universe of theirs.

o hai mark!

the football montage

01-12-2010, 04:35 PM
one of the best room scenes ever. shes his favorite customer but she cant recognize him till he takes his stunna shades off?

And then the amazing classic "O hi doggy"


Take Your Lumps
01-12-2010, 04:36 PM
Nobody can top this, so stop trying.


/end thread

Paul Walker: top of his class at the Zach Morris school of acting.

01-12-2010, 04:36 PM
not really the worst of the decade, but The Informant w/ Matt Damon sucked. Probably the worst movie I saw in the movie theater for 2009.

01-12-2010, 04:37 PM
I will nominate a Best Picture Award winner... Crash was horrific.
Agreed. I was like :eek: when it won.

01-12-2010, 04:38 PM
Where The Wild Things Are

Take Your Lumps
01-12-2010, 04:39 PM
one of the best room scenes ever. shes his favorite customer but she cant recognize him till he takes his stunna shades off?

And then the amazing classic "O hi doggy"



01-12-2010, 04:39 PM
Napoleon Dynamite.

01-12-2010, 04:40 PM
Where The Wild Things Are
o wait. this for sure tops my charts. the kid playing max playing him like a psychotic bi polar retard

bret tha ripper
01-12-2010, 04:47 PM
you def put Larry the Cable Guys "Witless Protection" and Jason Stanthams "In the Name of the King"

01-12-2010, 04:48 PM
My worst are probably some other people's favorites:

Napolean Dynamite
Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle
Spiderman (didn't watch the rest, as I assumed they were even worse)
Gangs of New York

I forgot the name of it, but it's an Adam Sandler movie that isn't a slapstick comedy like the rest of em.. oh hell, I know how to use IMDB. BRB

Punch-Drunk Love

and the worst movie that I paid to see was easily Avatar.

01-12-2010, 04:59 PM
Epic Movie.

01-12-2010, 05:05 PM
Anchorman!? wat
Yup. Watched the first 20-30 minutes and despised it. Most people will say that that's not enough time to get into a movie, but I'm sorry.. if I'm not the least bit interested in a movie after 20 mins, I'm done. Especially if it's 120 mins.. that's 16% of the movie that was atrocious. I don't think it got better, though, as I walked in on later parts that were, surprise surprise, unfunny to me.

01-12-2010, 05:08 PM
Battlefield Earth. That movie was not only supposed to be taken seriously, but I think it was intended to be a commercial for Scientology or something. I've never even seen the whole thing.

And Anchorman is awesome. This is not up for debate. Many classic lines.

01-12-2010, 05:12 PM
low budget - the mask 2, ace ventura 3, house of dead

high budget - transformers 2

01-12-2010, 05:16 PM
Easily this


01-12-2010, 05:29 PM
Easily this


why did you even bother? haha.

01-12-2010, 05:36 PM
Easily this

Worth it for the eye candy, IMO.

01-12-2010, 05:40 PM
Worth it for the eye candy, IMO.
You would watch this piece of crap for the eye candy? What eye candy? It's trailer trash Britney and Taryn Manning. By far the most wretched movie of all times.

01-12-2010, 07:38 PM
You would watch this piece of crap for the eye candy? What eye candy? It's trailer trash Britney and Taryn Manning. By far the most wretched movie of all times.
I knew Britney, but I don't even know who the other girl is.. yet you quote her name? Someone's a closet fan

01-12-2010, 07:42 PM
Anything with Jamie Kennedy

01-12-2010, 08:00 PM

01-12-2010, 08:02 PM
I knew Britney, but I don't even know who the other girl is.. yet you quote her name? Someone's a closet fan
Hustle and Flow FTW. She even shows her **** in that movie. Plus that movie is actually a good movie. Only a 12 year old would watch "Crossroads" for a hard on.

01-12-2010, 09:19 PM
me underwears

dear god, how is it possible? HOW?!?!!?!!??

01-12-2010, 11:38 PM
10. When a Stranger Calls
9. Planet of the Apes
8. Lara Croft: Tomb Raider
7. Kangaroo Jack
6. House of 1000 Corpses
5. Gigli
4. Epic Movie
3. Jason X
2. Ballistic: Ecks vs. Sever
1. Charlie's Angels

01-12-2010, 11:47 PM
The Mist better be up there. It had a laugh out loud ending that had me cracking up.

01-13-2010, 12:05 AM
The Mist better be up there. It had a laugh out loud ending that had me cracking up.

good call.

01-13-2010, 12:11 AM
The Absolute Worst:

1. Meet the Spartans

Almost as bad:

2. Hostel Part 2
3. Pootie Tang

Really really really incredibly bad:

4. The Hills Have Eyes 2
5. The Love Guru
6. Stay Alive
7. Epic Movie
8. Disaster Movie
9. One Missed Call
10. The Grudge

Others: Saw 3, Saw 4, House of 9, Resident Evil: Apocalypse, Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning

Wow, there are a TON of awful horror movies being made every year and yet people still pay money to see them causing the producers to make more. Just download them if you really must see them!

pete's montreux
01-13-2010, 12:13 AM
Pootie Tang was the sh*t!

01-13-2010, 12:14 AM
Pootie Tang was the sh*t!


pete's montreux
01-13-2010, 12:15 AM
Pootie Tang will draw you a picture of how he gonna kick your ass, then mail it to you ten days in advance. The picture gets there right? You're goin', "What the hell is this?" and then Pootie Tang knocks on your door, Promptly kicks your ass and you still won't know what happened to you!

01-13-2010, 01:07 AM
"Dude Where's My Car?" I have seen plenty of bad movies, but I try to sit through it hoping it will get better. Dude Where's My Car is the only movie where I had to turn it off half way through. The movie was incredibly stupid, the theme was ridiculous, and the people in it(I'm referring to those outside of Kutcher, Scott, Garner, and Sokoloff) were horrible. I suppose if you're a stoner like Kutcher and Scott in the movie, then you'd find it funny.

01-13-2010, 02:02 AM
My worst are probably some other people's favorites:

Napolean Dynamite
Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle
Spiderman (didn't watch the rest, as I assumed they were even worse)
Gangs of New York

I forgot the name of it, but it's an Adam Sandler movie that isn't a slapstick comedy like the rest of em.. oh hell, I know how to use IMDB. BRB

Punch-Drunk Love

and the worst movie that I paid to see was easily Avatar.

Wow. What didn't you like about it? For me, it was one of my favorites of the decade.

01-13-2010, 02:03 AM
Pootie Tang is awesome.

01-13-2010, 02:29 AM
The only more eye-stabbingly annoying character than Pootie Tang in movie history is John Leguizamo's Pest.

The Pest was the worst movie of the 90's.

01-13-2010, 02:33 AM
The Mist wasn't THAT bad. Man, some of you guys have really low standards for bad movies. Or would it be high standards? I dunno.
I think that we all understand that there are bad movies that are supposed to be bad movies because of a budget that doesn't afford for quality actors or directors or time to do multiple takes and edits. Those kinds of films are expected to be bad and that is why it is such a great thing when an independent film makes it big and out-performs the 200 million dollar blockbusters.

But, the vast majority of independent films made with an extremely low budget and no real acting/directing talent almost always end up being horrible... As expected.

A really horrible movie, to me, is one that exhausts exorbitant amounts of resources, has 'big name' actors and directors and it still stinks. The ones responsible for those are the ones that should really be ashamed, not some poor beginner movie.

That is why I nominated Crash and, that movie in particular really irritated me, because it was totally worthless, yet still received some critical acclaim... Which, to me, represents everything that is wrong with Hollywood. If you get enough 'respected' actors on board, you spend enough money on advertising and promotion and you attempt to tackle heady, controversial topics, they will laud you with praise, even if what you have made is a total piece of sh!t.

Yep... You can find 100s... 1,000s of B-Movies that are, from a technical standpoint, worse than Crash. However, good luck finding a movie with that kind of cast that cost that amount of money and received that much unwarranted praise. That is a tall order.

01-13-2010, 04:13 AM
I think that we all understand that there are bad movies that are supposed to be bad movies because of a budget that doesn't afford for quality actors or directors or time to do multiple takes and edits. Those kinds of films are expected to be bad and that is why it is such a great thing when an independent film makes it big and out-performs the 200 million dollar blockbusters.

But, the vast majority of independent films made with an extremely low budget and no real acting/directing talent almost always end up being horrible... As expected.

A really horrible movie, to me, is one that exhausts exorbitant amounts of resources, has 'big name' actors and directors and it still stinks. The ones responsible for those are the ones that should really be ashamed, not some poor beginner movie.

That is why I nominated Crash and, that movie in particular really irritated me, because it was totally worthless, yet still received some critical acclaim... Which, to me, represents everything that is wrong with Hollywood. If you get enough 'respected' actors on board, you spend enough money on advertising and promotion and you attempt to tackle heady, controversial topics, they will laud you with praise, even if what you have made is a total piece of sh!t.

Yep... You can find 100s... 1,000s of B-Movies that are, from a technical standpoint, worse than Crash. However, good luck finding a movie with that kind of cast that cost that amount of money and received that much unwarranted praise. That is a tall order.
I share these same sentiments. Crash is one of the biggest piles of crap and it's an absolute monstrosity that it was nominated for an academy award. Sickening really.

01-13-2010, 04:36 AM

give up noob

the premise reminds me of this great film i caught on skinemax the other night called "the devil wears nada"

this girl made it a great one though..

01-13-2010, 05:43 AM
Wow. What didn't you like about it? For me, it was one of my favorites of the decade.
As with most of the reviews that I read, I thought that Avatar had a pretty weak story line. It seemed like it was a movie that only cared about "wow"ing the audience with visuals (which it did) but for me, visuals are such a tiny part of a movie (same with video games. I don't need all these great-graphic video games, just give me something fun and interesting, and leave out the graphic fluff) that after the first 15 minutes, I had enough of the amazing visuals and wanted an actual movie. Then it just let me down.

I know I am in the vast minority with this opinion, but I went to see it 3D in a theater and it could not end soon enough.

01-13-2010, 05:50 AM
The only correct answer is Kobe Doin Work.

01-13-2010, 06:08 AM
I forgot the name of it, but it's an Adam Sandler movie that isn't a slapstick comedy like the rest of em.. oh hell, I know how to use IMDB. BRB

Punch-Drunk Love

forgot about that one, what makes this movie suck even more than it actually does is that critics were praising it so much. From Boogie Nights to this? :no:

01-13-2010, 12:09 PM
The only correct answer is Kobe Doin Work.

He was hamming it up for the cameras and some parts just didn

Manute for Ever!
01-13-2010, 12:21 PM

01-13-2010, 02:22 PM

/end thread

01-13-2010, 05:45 PM
Bridge to Terribithia

01-13-2010, 09:44 PM
i very much enjoyed bridge to terribthia it was a good film.

btw, crash won best film at the oscars over syrianna, brokeback mountain and march of the penguins to name just a few.... as bad as that maybe i consider american beauty winning over the insider more of an injustice.

in its deffense crash had some nice moments

pete's montreux
01-13-2010, 09:55 PM
Crash was a decent movie, not terrible by any means, but best picture? No, just no. Without a doubt, the worst best picture winner of all time.

01-13-2010, 10:04 PM
i very much enjoyed bridge to terribthia it was a good film.

btw, crash won best film at the oscars over syrianna, brokeback mountain and march of the penguins to name just a few.... as bad as that maybe i consider american beauty winning over the insider more of an injustice.

in its deffense crash had some nice moments
I thought American Beauty was a no-brainer. It is still one of my favorite movies of the last decade.

I thought that The Motorcycle Diaries was the best film I saw in 2004. It wasn't even nominated. Wasn't that the year that Crash stole best picture? Wasn't Brokeback Mountain the following year?

01-13-2010, 11:35 PM
As with most of the reviews that I read, I thought that Avatar had a pretty weak story line. It seemed like it was a movie that only cared about "wow"ing the audience with visuals (which it did) but for me, visuals are such a tiny part of a movie (same with video games. I don't need all these great-graphic video games, just give me something fun and interesting, and leave out the graphic fluff) that after the first 15 minutes, I had enough of the amazing visuals and wanted an actual movie. Then it just let me down.

I know I am in the vast minority with this opinion, but I went to see it 3D in a theater and it could not end soon enough.

Fair enough. The story line is what made me love the movie, haha. Obviously, the CGI was amazing, especially since the actors did all of the movements and everything, but it wasn't the main reason why I loved it. I saw it in IMAX 3D.

01-14-2010, 01:50 AM
Bridge to Terabithia was a good, touching movie.

01-14-2010, 01:59 AM
Alexander as well

this one was strange, when I walked out of the cinema I thought it was great, a couple of months later I watched it at home and I was like "WTF, this movie sucks pretty badly." I only play it to see two scenes: Rosario Dawson getting it on and that fight with elephants.

Another movie:

Bad Santa. Am I the only one that found that unfunny and boring?

pete's montreux
01-14-2010, 02:05 AM
Bad Santa. Am I the only one that found that unfunny and boring?


01-14-2010, 02:07 AM
Then tell me what was so good about it, please do.:confusedshrug:
I know there have been worst movies, but this one was pretty hyped up and for me it just failed to live up to it.

Knuck the Ficks
01-14-2010, 07:52 AM
How could I forget this piece of shit?:


Let me count the ways in which this movie sucked:

1. It's two and a half hours long. This would be fine if BB2 were a sprawling epic with multiple complex characters. But you don't need half that time to tell a stupid story about two cops chasing a drug dealer.

2. The drug dealer doesn't cause anywhere near the amount of damage as the policemen. It would've been cheaper for the city of Miami to subsidise heroin users for the next century rather than paying for all of the collateral damage and lawsuits caused by the two central characters. At some point, Will Smith should have pointed to Michael Bay and asked him why the film was being so ****ing stupid.

3. Joe Pantoliano delivering one of the worst acting performances of the decade as the police Captain

4. The stupid scene in which our heroes pull a gun on an innocent 15 year old kid and launch into an n-word laced tirade. BB2 was written by a bunch of nearly 50 year old white guys - and it was pretty cowardly for both Smith and Lawrence not to object portraying such a lazy stereotype: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x4pIJtt48g4

5. Michael Bay thought this would be dramatic: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QqMiigy92qU - I just laughed

6. This insanely profitable film put Michael Bay back on the map after the disaster that was Pearl Harbor

7. They're making a third one - and if you pay to see it, then you are contributing to the death of cinema


I change my vote. BB2 was the worst film of the decade.

01-14-2010, 09:09 PM
Then tell me what was so good about it, please do.:confusedshrug:
I know there have been worst movies, but this one was pretty hyped up and for me it just failed to live up to it.

bad santa is one of my favorite comedies of the decade, probably even top 5-10.

it has brilliant, hilarious, wonderful characters, a great screenplay, it is consistantly both funny and touching but in a restarined way. the performances are great and it crams in many, many brilliant pieces of classical music. if you cant appreciate bad santa i feel very bad for you.

01-27-2010, 01:01 PM
Transformers 2 is the worst movie of the last 10 years, and maybe the worst thing I have ever seen. With a budget of probably $250 million, you would think they might invest in at least half assed script. What an insulting, enormous pile of sh*t.

There may be worse films, but there's no way the ratio of suckitude:budget is this large.

01-27-2010, 01:33 PM
bad santa is one of my favorite comedies of the decade, probably even top 5-10.

it has brilliant, hilarious, wonderful characters, a great screenplay, it is consistantly both funny and touching but in a restarined way. the performances are great and it crams in many, many brilliant pieces of classical music. if you cant appreciate bad santa i feel very bad for you.Bad Santa could have been good. IT was not. I feel very bad for you if it you think it was one of the better comedies of the decade. Bad Santa was a good idea, but the execution was terrible.

01-27-2010, 02:28 PM
i really hated 2012

01-27-2010, 05:16 PM
I thought that The Motorcycle Diaries was the best film I saw in 2004. It wasn't even nominated. Wasn't that the year that Crash stole best picture? Wasn't Brokeback Mountain the following year?
I respect differing opinions but man, from what I've read I almost feel ashamed to say I liked Crash.

Maybe expectations play a big role. I know in my case, I knew nothing of Crash except for the fact that Sandra Bullock (or who I thought was Bullock - it wasn't) was on the cover with what I presumed was a tropical paradise in the background (aqua color). I went in expecting a lame island love story and instead got wrapped up in something totally different. I completely bought into it. The twists twisted me and the climax, well it didn't climax me, but it was entirely riveting all the same. I'm not saying it has to be a can't-miss for people, I just know it reeled me in. http://notquiteamerican.files.wordpress.com/2008/05/poster_crash_movie.jpg

Anyhow, I quoted your post to begin with just to agree that Motorcycle Diaries was a great film.

On the flip side, KShutts mentioned it (I was hoping I'd be the first) but while I could list a number of movies I KNOW are bad (Gigli) I can really only comment on the ones I've seen and with that, Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle probably takes the cake.

01-27-2010, 05:21 PM
Worst movie I remember seeing from this decade was Terminator 4. Huge budget and great actors, yet they managed somehow to come up with a complete pile of crap.