View Full Version : Just Got Back From Charlie Z vs. Oleg (I took photos)

Wreck Shop
03-04-2010, 12:57 AM

okay, long story somewhat shorter, Charlie and this other russian guy "Oleg" have apparently hated each other for some time. Oleg has gotten bigger and been taking MMA and gotten a little too big for his britches according to Charlie. Charlie sees Oleg and some of his friends last Saturday and Oleg is talking shit so Charlie swings on him. The situation is defused and Charlie goes home, as he gets home he's blind sided by Oleg who hits him in the jaw and knocks him out. Charlie and Oleg have talked e-shit and phone shit back and forth and finally decided this would be best settled in the ring at Tiger's gym tonight.


I got a youtube message from Charlie saying he was fighting at Tiger's (where he trains) tonight at 6:30 and that I should show up and take pictures like I did when he met up with "Nino" at the same spot. One funny side note on this whole thing is that Tiger's gym is not really a fight oriented gym, it's like "boxercise" or something, so when I rolled up on the scene it was a bunch of people just getting their workout on to Michael Jackson music.


Charlie showed first, got a couple pictures of the champ on his turf, the anticipation on his face was clear, the tension was palpable. I didn't know what to expect from this Oleg character but I could see Z-train was focused. (that's Charlie's dad behind him, a tough old russian ex-boxer ex-military guy who would probably spank a lot of ISH's tough guys)


oh f*ck, look what I saw on my way to the gym. god, the velvetine rabbit is a tear jerker.


I gave Charlie some dap and snapped a couple photos and waited. Charlie's dad and one other middle aged guy were with him, the middle aged guy alerted Charlie that Oleg was coming and to take it easy and keep it in the ring. These words fell on deaf ears as Charlie was hell bent on revenge for being cold clocked on Saturday. Oleg was rolling about 6 deep with some jacked dudes and approached the gym confidently in a red hoody with his ipod in. It was weird to see the walk-to-the-ring coming down melrose. As soon as Oleg crossed the threshold of the gym where Charlie could see him, FWWWACK, Charlie decked him hard in the face with a haymaker right hook. "What the F*CK?" Oleg yelled as he stumbled back. I didn't get any shots for the next 60 seconds because it was pandemonium and I was one of several "cooler heads" there who was trying to get the situation under control as Oleg's entourage was trying to get at Charlie who had subsequently gotten in the ring and was barking about how they were "even" now.


Tiger, the gym owner/manager was furious that this had been brought to his working gym and was threatening to call 911 and also trying to reason with Oleg and his irrate crew.


There's Tiger (far left, in red) trying to keep the peace as Charlie's dad pulled Charlie away from the angry pack.


There was tons of yelling in russian and shoving and one of Oleg's boys kept taking his shirt off and trying to engage people (dude seriously took his shirt off 5 or 6 different times). Oleg promised the youtube video (available later tonight) would have subtitles)
Oleg got his crew under control and said "put your f*cking gloves on i'll knock you out right now" and jumped in the ring. (note the woman to the right in the first shot and the woman behind Oleg in the second two, they just came to get some exercise and suddenly there's 15 screaming russians and a screaming african)

Wreck Shop
03-04-2010, 12:58 AM

Charlie's dad was heated and was lecturing (presumably) the f*ck out of Oleg in russian about cheap shotting his son. He had to be restrained several times. He's a tough old dog for sure. Charlie pulled him off of Oleg at one point saying "it's over, it's over" repeatedly. Shit was crazy.


Basically, to abbreviate the anti-climax, Tiger wouldn't let them fight in his gym tonight and said he'd call 911 if they fought in the street.


Tons of posturing and jawing back and forth from hot heads on both sides and it ended up with Charlie and Oleg shaking hands and speaking in a rather civil manner about the possibility of fighting in the ring sometime. I think Oleg even said Charlie could come to his house sometime.


this guy just about lost his mind when Charlie stuck Oleg on site. He had to be restrained several times and kept taking his shirt off when something upset him. He came at me at one point "why the f*ck are you taking my picture?!?" to which I replied "you told me I could". He looked a little confused and went back to threatening to kick Charlie or his dad in the face.
After Charlie split they approached me and Oleg asked me if I wanted to get knocked the f*ck out. I confess I was a little scared, I'm a big boy but I wasn't gonna do anything with all these amped up cats. "F****ck no" I said with a big smile, "I'm just here to take photos". That seemed to disarm them and they asked to see my photos and started joking with me.


Oleg felt like this had been a victory so he took time to do a little interview for the guy from his crew who had been video taping the shenanigans. It seemed that it would serve as the lead in to the video he said he would post later tonight. I will link to that when I see it.

Not the most exciting result but still a funny experience.

03-04-2010, 01:04 AM
haha cool stuff man

03-04-2010, 01:13 AM
god thats awesome man.

03-04-2010, 01:15 AM
Excellent story.

I'll give it up to these guys... They know more about hyping a fight than 80 percent of prize fighters out there. You seem to also have a knack for the promotional side of things. Ever think about pursuing it as a serious business? You have me genuinely interested in how this thing turns out.

03-04-2010, 01:16 AM
charlie z has heart for miles. cant take that away from him.

oleg's shirtless boy is a loose cannon.

03-04-2010, 01:17 AM
Charlie looks anorexic.

03-04-2010, 01:26 AM
:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

Awesome shit my dude..the
(note the woman to the right in the first shot and the woman behind Oleg in the second two, they just came to get some exercise and suddenly there's 15 screaming russians and a screaming african) made me laugh out loud..

03-04-2010, 01:30 AM

03-04-2010, 01:31 AM
hahahah best thread in a while i've read on ish.. charlie z never ceases to amaze me. i used to think it was all an act, turns out he's the real deal after all.

link to said oleg video..

ps. what happened to your lamar doom account?

03-04-2010, 01:35 AM
nice break down doom, always exciting/fun to hear about fights where you don't always have a full visual aid.

03-04-2010, 01:38 AM

this is great

The Big Skinny
03-04-2010, 01:45 AM
is Wreck Shop Lamar Doom?

they seem oh so similar

03-04-2010, 01:50 AM

Oleg looks like Charlie from It's Always Sunny, at least in this picture. :oldlol:

I'd imagine if my ex-girlfriends brother lived out there, he'd be involved. He was a Russian thug that thought he was hard as ****. He wasn't. At least not compared to me. But it seems like the Russian thug/wiigger/hardass is a rather populous race. :confusedshrug:

03-04-2010, 01:56 AM

it always cracks me up how charlie is always trying to flex when he is in fact the scrawniest guy in the room

03-04-2010, 02:02 AM
So once again, nobody actually fought.

03-04-2010, 02:16 AM
Rezznor, I don't recognize you without the Cos...
sorry, but EBM > Cosby (at least right now he is)

also, :oldlol: :oldlol: :oldlol: @ Charlie calling his dad to help him out with a fight. How old is Charlie again? I never even did this as a child.

03-04-2010, 02:21 AM
sorry, but EBM > Cosby (at least right now he is)

also, :oldlol: :oldlol: :oldlol: @ Charlie calling his dad to help him out with a fight. How old is Charlie again? I never even did this as a child.
you should kick his ass, lol - arent you in la la land?

i want to see charlie throw down with someone. he's a trip.

03-04-2010, 02:25 AM
you should kick his ass, lol - arent you in la la land?

i want to see charlie throw down with someone. he's a trip.
naaa, i'm in Houston. Somebody over there really needs to do the deed tho. I had high hopes for Sergio to be the one.

03-04-2010, 02:25 AM
You really captured it, man. Nice. :applause:

And what have we learned? Charlie is still a boxing poser and doesn't have the spine to fight in the ring. If I ran that gym I'd never let him come back. That's bullshit that he's taking advantage of a good thing. The owner is nice enough to let him bring random people to box and he pulls this...again. Leave your problems on the street, don't bring it to the gym.

03-04-2010, 02:29 AM
naaa, i'm in Houston. Somebody over there really needs to do the deed tho. I had high hopes for Sergio to be the one.
that'd probably look like two girls fighting. it'd end in a draw because they both gassed or something, lol.

charlie cold cocked oleg and oleg looked unphased in the photos.

Kobe Jnr
03-04-2010, 02:29 AM
Nice thread.


03-04-2010, 02:40 AM
charlie cold cocked oleg and oleg looked unphased in the photos.


that's not what charlie says, take it back!!

03-04-2010, 02:42 AM
charlies got skillzzz


03-04-2010, 02:43 AM
charlies got skillzzz


straight from z county

Take Your Lumps
03-04-2010, 02:46 AM
Unbelievable OP. Good shit.

03-04-2010, 02:47 AM
Charlie Z is going to phuck Oleg up hard with his cobra like quickness

03-04-2010, 02:54 AM
So Charlie gets suckered and gets knocked out, and then he throws a 700 lb sucker at oleg and he stumbles and says "what the ****" lol.

Lamar why didn't you phuck up that shirtless dick.

03-04-2010, 02:58 AM
1. awesome...:lol

2. the line between sarcasm and reality in your freindship with Charlie is starting to blur for me now Lamar...:lol

what is he like to hang out with?

03-04-2010, 03:03 AM
Does this seem like a massive publicity stunt to anyone else?

03-04-2010, 03:05 AM
i dont know who these two clowns are but im intrigued by their beef.

03-04-2010, 03:37 AM
1. awesome...:lol

2. the line between sarcasm and reality in your freindship with Charlie is starting to blur for me now Lamar...:lol

what is he like to hang out with?
I've gotten the feeling that those lines that you speak of began to blur for Lamar a really long time ago. He seems like a genuine fan and -- dare I say -- friend, at this point... A pretty astonishing turn of events.

I would compare it to a Stockholm syndrome of sorts. The closer that Lamar got to Charlie Z, the more acquainted they began to get and the more he started to genuinely care about the guy.

I could be wrong, but that is how it appears.

03-04-2010, 04:09 AM
I've gotten the feeling that those lines that you speak of began to blur for Lamar a really long time ago. He seems like a genuine fan and -- dare I say -- friend, at this point... A pretty astonishing turn of events.

I would compare it to a Stockholm syndrome of sorts. The closer that Lamar got to Charlie Z, the more acquainted they began to get and the more he started to genuinely care about the guy.

I could be wrong, but that is how it appears.
I wouldn't doubt it...in fact, I would respect it

oh the horror
03-04-2010, 04:39 AM
For all of his online antics...Charlie might be an ALRIGHT guy in person. We do not know if any of his BS online is real, or just an act.

Im confused by all of it.

03-04-2010, 05:09 AM

Wreck Shop
03-04-2010, 05:14 AM
A. I like Charlie. I am a true supporter of his. Charlie got a sh*t deal in a lot of ways and takes a lot of sh*t from people who just want to tear him down. I'm obviously blowing some sunshine in the name of funny with a lot of these photo-thread-post-project-thingies but that doesn't mean I don't root for the guy. I disagree with a lot of the sh*t he says and the way he handles things and I'm constantly sending him messages telling him to chill/be a professional and not blow gaskets, burn bridges with promoters, or melt down but I'm not one of these people who's out to betray and hurt this kid who's just following his dream.


Lamar why didn't you phuck up that shirtless dick.

he probably would have f*cked me up. i chatted with them for a few minutes afterwards, they seemed like okay guys, just young and rah rah and i'm old cool breeze you know? I respect those guys for showing up to face Charlie, takes balls to step to a pro boxer. I'm not trying to disrespect them or stir the shit, just tried to make the story entertaining.

EDIT- I can't find the video but I imagine he had some editing to do so maybe it's just not up yet. I asked him what the video would be called and he said "Charlie Z is a F*cking B*tch" but I'm guessing that's a working title. I'll keep my eye out and you clever e-searchers should too. Was a hectic scene, video could be cool. Nobody caught the punch I'm guessing, which is a shame because it was the only real action.

03-04-2010, 05:38 AM
A. I like Charlie. I am a true supporter of his. Charlie got a sh*t deal in a lot of ways and takes a lot of sh*t from people who just want to tear him down. I'm obviously blowing some sunshine in the name of funny with a lot of these photo-thread-post-project-thingies but that doesn't mean I don't root for the guy. I disagree with a lot of the sh*t he says and the way he handles things and I'm constantly sending him messages telling him to chill/be a professional and not blow gaskets, burn bridges with promoters, or melt down but I'm not one of these people who's out to betray and hurt this kid who's just following his dream.


he probably would have f*cked me up. i chatted with them for a few minutes afterwards, they seemed like okay guys, just young and rah rah and i'm old cool breeze you know? I respect those guys for showing up to face Charlie, takes balls to step to pro boxer. I'm not trying to disrespect them or stir the shit, just tried to make the story entertaining.

:applause: very nice of you to share your tricky situation with us ISHiots Lamar Doom. Charlie Z seems like the real deal. Can't wait until they schedule to fight in the ring. Guys don't let Charlie Z's scrawny body appearance fool you, he is a pound for pound fighter that throws a furious punch.

03-04-2010, 05:53 AM
:applause: very nice of you to share your tricky situation with us ISHiots Lamar Doom. Charlie Z seems like the real deal. Can't wait until they schedule to fight in the ring. Guys don't let Charlie Z's scrawny body appearance fool you, he is a pound for pound fighter that throws a furious punch.
Would you suck his cawk? Cuz is sounds like you would.

03-04-2010, 05:54 AM
A. I like Charlie. I am a true supporter of his. Charlie got a sh*t deal in a lot of ways and takes a lot of sh*t from people who just want to tear him down. I'm obviously blowing some sunshine in the name of funny with a lot of these photo-thread-post-project-thingies but that doesn't mean I don't root for the guy. I disagree with a lot of the sh*t he says and the way he handles things and I'm constantly sending him messages telling him to chill/be a professional and not blow gaskets, burn bridges with promoters, or melt down but I'm not one of these people who's out to betray and hurt this kid who's just following his dream.


he probably would have f*cked me up. i chatted with them for a few minutes afterwards, they seemed like okay guys, just young and rah rah and i'm old cool breeze you know? I respect those guys for showing up to face Charlie, takes balls to step to a pro boxer. I'm not trying to disrespect them or stir the shit, just tried to make the story entertaining.

EDIT- I can't find the video but I imagine he had some editing to do so maybe it's just not up yet. I asked him what the video would be called and he said "Charlie Z is a F*cking B*tch" but I'm guessing that's a working title. I'll keep my eye out and you clever e-searchers should too. Was a hectic scene, video could be cool. Nobody caught the punch I'm guessing, which is a shame because it was the only real action.
There was a rumor going around last year that Charlie was really an actor who had developed this whole character and spread it across the internet as a bit of a joke. It was actually somewhat believable to me, because he is so over-the-top and it seems like there is ultimately such a small amount of actual boxing, at the end of the day.

I guess you can dispel that myth officially. We all have friends that have problems and are prone to shooting themselves in the foot with either their actions or their mouths (or both). It is cool that you are trying to help him out. Good karma your way.

03-04-2010, 06:07 AM
So is Charlie Z a joke or what? Cause didn't he lose to that guy who was 0-12 or some shit? I watched the fight and it was pretty pathetic tbh

03-04-2010, 06:16 AM

:oldlol: :roll: :oldlol:

03-04-2010, 11:57 AM
Charlie = *****

03-04-2010, 12:22 PM
Lamar Doom = the next Don King

03-04-2010, 03:46 PM
zelenoff acts all hard when there are people there but when one on one he is a betch....ie Hartley fight

03-04-2010, 03:53 PM
he is a betch....ie Hartley fight

?? Google translate isn't working on that post.

03-04-2010, 05:37 PM
So Z Money took care of business at Tiger's! Too bad he wasn't allowed to smash this cheap shot artist with his 750!!!

03-04-2010, 06:29 PM
So Z Money took care of business at Tiger's! Too bad he wasn't allowed to smash this cheap shot artist with his 750!!!
What is 'his 750,' out of curiosity?

03-04-2010, 06:31 PM
What is 'his 750,' out of curiosity?
On one of his youtube vids he says "My friend saw me punch and says I have about a 750 pound hook" Or something like that.

03-04-2010, 06:38 PM
What is 'his 750,' out of curiosity?

It means, whatever he hits, he destroys (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V6K3IvJzJRg)

03-04-2010, 06:40 PM

Ok... Makes sense now. Thanks guys.

03-04-2010, 06:54 PM
It means, whatever he hits, he destroys (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V6K3IvJzJRg)
unfortunately, he usually misses


03-06-2010, 07:14 PM

03-06-2010, 07:25 PM
:oldlol: Charlie exposed for the fraud we all knew he was.

03-06-2010, 07:36 PM

Wow lol, and this is the guy who tries to come off as being a BAMF. What a joke lol.

03-06-2010, 08:01 PM
The video makes Lamar's story that much funnier. Dude with no shirt is definitely lurking around, doing his best to instigate a fight. This whole scene is just too ridiculous for words.

I love it.


oh the horror
03-06-2010, 08:43 PM
Charlie's body language in that video tells me that he is clearly shook. Doesnt want ANY part of fighting anyone.

And kids like that one dude with his shirt off would get knocked out first. Im sorry but when you're standing there, posturing like that....I know a lot of people that would just knock him out, without all of the talking. This aint Bloodsport, and he isnt Van Damme. No need for that BS.

03-06-2010, 09:03 PM
Charlie's body language in that video tells me that he is clearly shook. Doesnt want ANY part of fighting anyone.

And kids like that one dude with his shirt off would get knocked out first. Im sorry but when you're standing there, posturing like that....I know a lot of people that would just knock him out, without all of the talking. This aint Bloodsport, and he isnt Van Damme. No need for that BS.
I'm not prone to sticking up for Charlie, but it looked to me like Oleg had a rather large crew of out-of-control Russians while Charlie didn't have any backup at all outside of his pops (who would have probably beaten the sh!t out of shirtless dude, fwiw).

I would expect just about anyone to be 'shook' in the face of an unruly mob like that one.

...not impressed by either party.

03-06-2010, 09:26 PM
I can't believe this charlie z character actually exists.

Wreck Shop
03-06-2010, 09:59 PM

haha, you can see me a couple times in there. blue t-shirt with red "baseball" sleeves underneath and grey sweats, big smile on my face.


My favorite line was when Oleg is trying to get him to shake his hand and Charlie keeps squaring up in total distrust and Oleg says "I swear on everything I love". I love that.

The editing is a little heavy handed. You can hear Tiger talking about "i'm working here" and charlie's dad offering to pay for them to settle it in the ring (Tiger said another night). I don't know where the "chicken out" comes from, but there's probably 5-10 minutes of speaking in russian (that I understood none of) that's edited out here too. I think Charlie was apologizing for cold clocking him.

I know this has been bothering many people that have been exposed to the racist, ignorant, stupid, and very very funny Charlie Zelenoff videos. After seeing such a human acting so cruel and foul i decided i need to put an end to this parasite. So i called him to a sparring match. Now this story is nothing without a video, but i still feel like the truth should be told. In the end when the argument was at its peak in broad daylight in front of Johnny Rockets on melrose, across the street from TIGERS BOXING. Charlie Zelenoff took a swing at me, and i clipped him with a right hook before he KUD connect. Immediately after wards, he fell to the floor knocked out for 10 min. After trying ad tryig to bring this poor kid back to reality with ice water and a few slaps, nothing. I then asked my brother to lift him and bring him to the car. We drove the respectable LIMP Charlie to his home. So i thought this was over. Until he started making a bunch of story's up online, and not being a man about being knocked out. So I called him, and he challenged me to a sparing match. Being the man that i am, i agreed without anger, and asked the time. I got there a 6:30 pm just as he had asked. The rest is in the video. I feel that this video gives me credit for both events. This is the real Charlie Zelenoff people, so please, make no mistake. This kid is SICK in the head, and is unstable. I hope all of you fully enjoy this video, Love all of you Anti - Zelenoff's. Stay TRUE, i know you KUD. :)

03-07-2010, 12:00 AM
Charlie Z had his Spetznez dad but still acted like a ***** how he kept jumping away like a little ***** everytime Oleg offered him to shake his hand, Z-TRAIN really is mentally unstable, too bad he wasn't there at tigers when I showed up it would have been fun.

pete's montreux
03-07-2010, 12:04 AM

So funny.

The MesserShot
03-07-2010, 12:44 AM
Charlie is joining Russian Special Forces Training.

And he is wearing a 750 hat signifying how many pounds of punching power he is supposed to have.

He refuses to lose!


03-07-2010, 01:43 AM
awesome. thanks for risking life and limb to get us the snaps man :applause:

Wreck Shop
03-07-2010, 03:41 AM
oleg's youtube account also had this video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9suIouO7_V4) which I'm 99% sure is "shirtless guy" from the story/video. The music is extra shitty but this guy is certified bad ass, the tree running is f*cking amazing.

Shirtless Guy Is A Legend (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9suIouO7_V4)

03-07-2010, 03:58 AM
oleg's youtube account also had this video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9suIouO7_V4) which I'm 99% sure is "shirtless guy" from the story/video. The music is extra shitty but this guy is certified bad ass, the tree running is f*cking amazing.

Shirtless Guy Is A Legend (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9suIouO7_V4)

legend? even the little kids in this video are better... lulz


03-07-2010, 04:22 AM
oleg's youtube account also had this video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9suIouO7_V4) which I'm 99% sure is "shirtless guy" from the story/video. The music is extra shitty but this guy is certified bad ass, the tree running is f*cking amazing.

Shirtless Guy Is A Legend (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9suIouO7_V4)thats just a weak version of this



03-07-2010, 08:05 AM
tell us more about the enigma that is charlie z. any bouts coming up?

it's clear to see he looks tense atm, a portentous sign for his competitors and naysayers. a storm's a brewing over camp zelenoff and it is only a matter of time before he precipitates all over someone. it will be acid rain mixed with bile, best believe that.

O.J A 6'4Mamba
03-07-2010, 09:30 AM
are charlie z and that oleg guy even in the same weight class? charlie does look like he has longer arms/reach then him though.

The MesserShot
03-07-2010, 12:14 PM
Charlie is trying to line up an underground street brawl for August 7th in Las Vegas. He has WIBF President Ryan Wissow supposedly lining up his opponent.

As far as these Russian guys, Charlie has threatened to murder them all 1 on 1 and has taken back his apology. Those guys are pissed.

Then Charlie called his former trainer Tiger a Dirty N word and threatened to murder him at his gym.

Now he has Mexican, African and Russian gangs after him. His only way out is to get on the train to Arkansas where he could live in the Slug Out Boxing gym.

Here is is murder threat radio show from last night.

03-07-2010, 12:20 PM
I'm convinced this is all some lonelygirl15-like social experiment.

03-07-2010, 02:43 PM
damn that was funnier than I thought it would be...:lol

03-07-2010, 03:39 PM
The only way this guy can get his manhood back is to fight all the members of Oleg's crew plus all members of the Tiger gym....

After watching Z fight Hartley he should look into playing table tennis.

03-07-2010, 04:07 PM
The only way this guy can get his manhood back is to fight all the members of Oleg's crew plus all members of the Tiger gym....

After watching Z fight Hartley he should look into playing table tennis.

We don't want him destroying that beautiful sport... It requires precision and timing, and something called brains. Totally opposite of his skillset.

03-07-2010, 06:21 PM
Charlie Z had his Spetznez dad but still acted like a ***** how he kept jumping away like a little ***** everytime Oleg offered him to shake his hand, Z-TRAIN really is mentally unstable, too bad he wasn't there at tigers when I showed up it would have been fun.
Was there any substantial proof that this guy showed?

Kebab Stall
03-07-2010, 06:52 PM
legend? even the little kids in this video are better... lulz

Damn, the guy called Jack in the opening minute of that video went to same high school as me. We were pretty good friends at one point.

The Myth
03-07-2010, 07:15 PM
Charlie Z is getting into stret fighting, nice.


03-07-2010, 07:21 PM
Lets join his forum lol.

03-07-2010, 07:46 PM
Lets join his forum lol.

Oh god, just go there and browse the threads...:roll: some titles:

-**** the haters aight
by charlie zelenoff

-jenna j is a ****
by charlie zelenoff

-oleg is a ***
by charlie zelenoff

-Breaking News!!!! I could be fighting in couple weeks
by charlie zelenoff

-oleg is a *****
by charlie zelenoff

and it goes on and on :roll:

03-07-2010, 07:52 PM
Lets join his forum lol.
where's his forum at? ahh nvm, he'll just ban me after the first post

btw, check out the oleg video @2:08 his own dad says zelenoff chickend out. his own dad think hes a poossyy :oldlol:

03-07-2010, 08:10 PM
:lol zelenoff thinks he is going to be some street fighting star and make money off of that..I wonder if he is a comedian ala andy kauffman...he is just too absurd for reality

03-07-2010, 08:21 PM
I joined the forum

03-07-2010, 08:32 PM
Oh my god, this moron said he could beat Floyd Mayweather in a fight.

The Next Jordan
10-12-2010, 05:16 PM
Oh my god, this moron said he could beat Floyd Mayweather in a fight.
Now that's a beatdown I would pay good money to see.:oldlol:

10-12-2010, 06:23 PM
Was there any substantial proof that this guy showed?
he said meet at 2 and I got there at like 2:05 because of traffic, yes I drove 2 hours in traffic to go to this gym and fight this phuck on a saturday afternoon what a waste

as soon as 2 passed charlie ran home to post his latest vid on youtube

10-12-2010, 06:49 PM
lol as if a spam account picks this thread to bump.

07-04-2014, 11:18 AM
Great story.