View Full Version : How strong was Luke Jackson?

04-30-2010, 05:06 AM
Luke Jackson played all his career in PHI, listed as 240lbs, but seems there's some other websites lists him as 260lbs or 275lbs, etc.. what's his real weight exactly during the middle of this career in PHI?

A lot of players claimed that Luke Jackson was one of the strongest player in the league, how strong he was? Anyone who has some great materials to share please?

04-30-2010, 05:17 AM
Dude was insanely strong. Probably the reason why he didnt last too long in the NBA. Dwight, Shaq, Luke all had/have the same problem. There strength disabled them from shooting from the free throw line and beyond. The difference was that Luke Jackson wasnt 7 feet tall like them so he couldnt just stand in the paint and get easy buckets. Last I heard he finished 3rd at the Mr. Universe contest.

04-30-2010, 05:21 AM
When Luke Jackson did push ups, he actually pushed Earth away.

Go Getter
04-30-2010, 05:24 AM
Dude was insanely strong. Probably the reason why he didnt last too long in the NBA. Dwight, Shaq, Luke all had/have the same problem. There strength disabled them from shooting from the free throw line and beyond. The difference was that Luke Jackson wasnt 7 feet tall like them so he couldnt just stand in the paint and get easy buckets. Last I heard he finished 3rd at the Mr. Universe contest.

Are we speaking about THIS Luke Jackson?


04-30-2010, 05:24 AM
Just looked up some of his one game stats, wow he scored 30 points, 9 assists and 4 rebounds? I've never even heard of him except in NBA live.

04-30-2010, 05:38 AM
No. Lucious Jackson. The OG Luke.

Abraham Lincoln
04-30-2010, 05:51 AM
Dude was insanely strong. Probably the reason why he didnt last too long in the NBA. Dwight, Shaq, Luke all had/have the same problem. There strength disabled them from shooting from the free throw line and beyond. The difference was that Luke Jackson wasnt 7 feet tall like them so he couldnt just stand in the paint and get easy buckets. Last I heard he finished 3rd at the Mr. Universe contest.
He was indeed a fine shooter from distance. Not too bad for a 6'10, 272 lb beast.



http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KpiRo8-aKJc (1:33 mark)

Billy C as well as Chamberlain have acknowledged him as the key to the '67 championship team for his individual sacrifice, playing what was then considered 'out of position' only to set a standard for many others in future decades. The players voted him the best rookie from 1964-65, the sports writers apparently gave it to Willis. He led the US to a Gold Medal in '64 and was the key member of not only the best team but also the very best AND most physically imposing front court in the history of professional basketball. As noted by Goodrich, he would have been a definite HOFer had he remained healthy and been able to return from his Achilles rupture (which he likely would have with the modern treatments available to players today).

Reading Eagle - Dec 14, 1980 (http://news.google.com/newspapers?id=Ht4hAAAAIBAJ&sjid=G6EFAAAAIBAJ&pg=4174,2679646&dq)

"When he went for a rebound, he instilled the fear of God in people."

"Luke Jackson was the ultimate power forward. That's because he created the position. He had power and could rebound, but he also had grace and could shoot. He could have been a great center, but he adapted his game to become a forward. He was a hustling intelligent player. I think we complimented each other's abilities very well."

Abraham Lincoln
04-30-2010, 05:52 AM
No. Lucious Jackson. The OG Luke.Indeed.

November 19, 2008 (http://www.lasvegassun.com/blogs/now-and-then/2008/nov/19/rembering-lucious-jackson-pride-pan-american/)

Yeah, I know the Luke Jackson from Oregon, the one who plays for the Trail Blazers, can handle the ball and shoot it a little bit. But he didn't have a bald head, sweat like a coal miner and pound the backboards as if they were tough cuts of meat that needed tenderizing.

With all due respect to former Pistons center Otto Moore, Luke Jackson was the best basketball player ever produced by Texas-Pan American. When he played, it was just Pan American, though. I remember that's what it said on my basketball card.

When I was a kid, I would soak a sweatband with water before we played basketball, thinking that when I stood at the free throw line, it would help me sweat droplets that would fall onto the court, like Wilt Chamberlain.

Some kids dreamed about scoring 100 points like Wilt. My goal was to have a guy with a towel run onto the court to wipe up my perspiration when play switched to the other end.


04-30-2010, 05:53 AM
"When Luke Jackson went for a rebound, he instilled the fear of Luke Jackson in God."


Abraham Lincoln
04-30-2010, 07:42 AM
"When Luke Jackson went for a rebound, he instilled the fear of Luke Jackson in God."


Not too many could hold a Hall Of Fame forward with a 29 point per game average to half that following a return from various injuries including a ruptured Achilles tendon, torn hamstring, broken foot, calf arterial spasm, & collapsed lung.

The Modesto Bee - Jan 18, 1971 (http://news.google.com/newspapers?id=FNcwAAAAIBAJ&sjid=a-EFAAAAIBAJ&pg=3219,610013&dq=)

'Luke Jackson grabbed a San Diego pass with five seconds left to preserve Philadelphia's victory. Jackson held the Rockets' high-scoring Elvin Hayes to 14 points.'

Not to neglect his auto accident following the championship season.

Herald Tribune - July 13, 1967 (http://news.google.com/newspapers?id=KZscAAAAIBAJ&sjid=7WUEAAAAIBAJ&pg=1440,2963691&dq)

'Luke Jackson, one of the star forwards of the Philadelphia 76ers, injured his knee and back Wednesday in an automobile accident. Jackson, who scored 970 points and grabbed 724 rebounds for the 76ers last season, was en route to Kamp Sholom in Collegeville, Pa., for a basketball clinic, when the car in which he was riding collided with another car.'

His physical prowess was something indeed a marvel as another one of the "backboard breakers", shattering the glass on a dunk only a month prior to his Achilles injury.

The Milwaukee Sentinel - Nov 12, 1968 (http://news.google.com/newspapers?id=x0UxAAAAIBAJ&sjid=sBAEAAAAIBAJ&pg=3910,2312025&dq)

'The game was delayed for nearly half an hour when Philadelphia's burly Luke Jackson shattered the glass backboard when he came down on the basket, ripping it from it's moorings, on a driving stuff shot.'

04-30-2010, 07:44 AM
Good info. Thanks for the links.

Where you from btw? 'Auto accident'? Sounds European?

Abraham Lincoln
04-30-2010, 07:46 AM

04-30-2010, 07:48 AM
Ok, could have fooled me. What kind of databases/search engines do you use for quoted articles? Just google?

Abraham Lincoln
04-30-2010, 07:50 AM


04-30-2010, 07:54 AM
He was indeed a fine shooter from distance. Not too bad for a 6'10, 272 lb beast.


Thanks, well, for some reasons, i dont see him to be 6'10" and 272 lb in the vid

Abraham Lincoln
04-30-2010, 08:09 AM
[quote=alexandreben]Thanks, well, for some reasons, i dont see him to be 6'10" and 272 lb in the vid

04-30-2010, 08:11 AM

Thanks, really appreciate the links.

04-30-2010, 08:14 AM
Karl Malone was atleast 270 most of his career, IMO. After all, Lebron is a little shorter and atleast 260.

Abraham Lincoln
04-30-2010, 08:26 AM
I believe so, however there was a small excerpt from a paid link preview listing him at 258 in 1999.

"Malone, who will report at 258 pounds with 4.2% body fat"

04-30-2010, 08:49 AM
Barkley was usually listed at 256, my guess is he was closer to 280 in his late Phoenix and Houston days. Probably over 300 at Auburn.

04-30-2010, 09:36 AM

What? :lol

Abraham Lincoln
04-30-2010, 07:17 PM
Barkley was usually listed at 256, my guess is he was closer to 280 in his late Phoenix and Houston days. Probably over 300 at Auburn.

Indeed he gained 65 pounds between his freshman and sophomore seasons, going from 230 to 295.



04-30-2010, 07:37 PM
am i thinking of the wrong luke jackson? this lanky white guy keeps showing up in my head. he was basically coveted by teams 5-15 and he ended up with the cavs and totally sucked ass and is now out of the league.

04-30-2010, 07:38 PM
Indeed he gained 65 pounds between his freshman and sophomore seasons, going from 230 to 295.


i don't understand how people gain weight freshman year of college. i've lost like 10 pounds because the majority of my diet is shitty dining hall food, alcohol, and the occasional drunken trip to D'Leons.

Abraham Lincoln
04-30-2010, 11:09 PM
i don't understand how people gain weight freshman year of college.

"It was the late night pizzas. I had a good appetite for them. I had to go on the Cambridge Diet, which is supposed to be the best liquid diet in the world, and that helped me lose some. I don't think the extra weight hampered my ability on the court. I just wasn't able to go quite as long as I was used to."

04-30-2010, 11:37 PM
I believe so, however there was a small excerpt from a paid link preview listing him at 258 in 1999.

"Malone, who will report at 258 pounds with 4.2% body fat"

It's possible, particularly such a specific figure, but it's surprising that Lebron weighs more than the Mailman.

04-30-2010, 11:53 PM
Dude was insanely strong. Probably the reason why he didnt last too long in the NBA. Dwight, Shaq, Luke all had/have the same problem. There strength disabled them from shooting from the free throw line and beyond. The difference was that Luke Jackson wasnt 7 feet tall like them so he couldnt just stand in the paint and get easy buckets. Last I heard he finished 3rd at the Mr. Universe contest.I thought they have a hard time shooting cause their hands are so big

01-23-2011, 01:51 AM
I thought they have a hard time shooting cause their hands are so big

That too. With Chamberlain it may have been a mental block.


03-28-2014, 09:43 AM
66-67 76ers would destroy today's miami heat.