View Full Version : LeBltch Lames (how he'll never be the player Kobe Bryant is or MJ was)

07-09-2010, 01:36 AM
I know I am late to this but I am overseas and I just woke up.

I was hard on LeBron's tip during all the Kobe/LeBron discussion, but I have come to realize something. Kobe Bryant is the last of a dying breed of player, and today's 'semi-stars' (what they have made themselves by their stupid fraternal decisions) will never stack up to him or achieve the levels that he did and people like MJ, Bird and Magic before him. Guys who had the balls to tell eveyone else to eff off, and that they will get it done themselves. Any of us who played knows this feeling. Even in pick up, you see the other team is stacked, you say 'no worries, we'll find a way'. But I guess LeBron doesn't have this gene, he isn't wired like that, he needs back up.

What a p*ssy!

He has robbed NBA fans of epic ECFs for the next decade.
He has robbed his supporters of his chance to be the best ever.
He has robbed his home state of a true local kid done right.
He has robbed all hoop fans of this generation of a chance at one of theirs being in the GOAT discussion.

He will always be one ring behind Wade and he will always leave us wondering: "could he have done it himself?" And the answer to this is: "NO!"
Why, because the evidence is there:

Look how he quit on Cleveland, look how he acted when the chips were down against the Celtics (even though he had the best regular season team in the L).
Fair or foul that is how it will look, and people like Dan Gilbert will be there to hammer the point home.

My greatest wish other than the Heat flaming out early is for them to get to the finals, absorb insane amounts of hype and then get b*tch slapped 4-1 by Kobe, Pau and co. in the finals.

We;ll see how buddy buddy they are then.

Good luck when Wade gets hurt and you are stuck with an over-rated Bosh and a bunch of D-Leaguers, NYK or the Cavs won't look so bad then will they?

You f*ckin f@ggot, as an NBA fan I feel betrayed.

07-09-2010, 01:37 AM
Another adult male having his period. SMH.

07-09-2010, 01:39 AM
Another adult male having his period. SMH.

make yourself useful and grab me a tampon.

07-09-2010, 01:40 AM
Don't usually do this, but it's appropriate...


07-09-2010, 01:41 AM
Don't usually do this, but it's appropriate...



Go Getter
07-09-2010, 01:41 AM
I kinda agree....don't see why you would be as mad or madder than a lot of Cav's fans, but you make some very good points.

...I mean if teams/players are going to stack themselves we need to get rid of four franchises [2 east, 2 west] and give other teams the chance to do so also.

07-09-2010, 01:42 AM
Only reason Lebron is in Miami is, his mom wanted to get close to Wade.

07-09-2010, 01:45 AM
Wade is getting old, Lebron can still win more rings than him after he retires.

07-09-2010, 01:50 AM
Wade is getting old, Lebron can still win more rings than him after he retires.

we say that, but he ain't that much older, and LeBron's size likely means that the wheels are gonna come off him earlier than people think.

even Kobe (relatively small by comparison to LBJ) had to drop 20lbs a couple of years ago to keep playing at his level.

do you think LBJ can give up size to extend his peak and still be effective? Doubt it, he isn't skilled that way.

07-09-2010, 01:51 AM
Wade is getting old, Lebron can still win more rings than him after he retires.

He's 2 years older than James.

07-09-2010, 01:54 AM
He's 2 years older than James.

Did you watch him play last season?

07-09-2010, 01:54 AM
He's 2 years older than James.

its almost three years (LBJ December, Wade January) but yeah, your point is correct, the age difference is negligible. And when you factor in the extra weight Bron is carrying it probably evens out.

07-09-2010, 02:19 AM
Jeez, so many ppl overrate kobe on these forums..
it's redonkulous!


07-09-2010, 02:20 AM
Jeez, so many ppl overrate kobe on these forums..
it's redonkulous!


Jordan > Kobe > LeBron

even a child knows this...not sure what your beef is?

Solid Snake
07-09-2010, 02:21 AM

Epic response.

Like seriously, these dumb ****s asking "u mad," well how about we start answering them. What do they say next? Nothing.

07-09-2010, 02:23 AM
it seems lebron has lost a large fan base, there goes his brand and his billion dollar dream

07-09-2010, 04:28 AM
Epic response.

Like seriously, these dumb ****s asking "u mad," well how about we start answering them. What do they say next? Nothing.

I know, the thing is, I am really mad, and I haven't been this mad since Stern suspended Amare and Diaw in the Spurs series a while back.

I really wanted to watch Bron and Wade do battle in big games, and they finally had the chance to have proper teams to go to war with, but they got selfish and pu$$y.
Remember when they first came int he league and they had a couple of epic battles, and people were like: "these two are gonna go at it for years, what a great rivalry this will become."

ANYONE who before said they dislike the NBA because the players are all chummy now (not like before when they were enemies) should be out of their f*cking head today.

LeBron has basically gone from my favorite player besides Nash to some soft c*nt i can't even respect.

I know a grown man shouldn't care about a game, but I like the NBA and there is very little drama and excitement int he L as is, now we have that much less.

GO KOBE!!!!! (if you told me three months ago that I'd support KB24 over bron I'd laugh in your face, today, there is no doubt).

life is funny.

07-09-2010, 04:31 AM
5 star thread.

Lebron has lost NBA fans respect and large part of his fanbase

I would like to see how much his Jersey sales

07-09-2010, 04:32 AM
GO KOBE!!!!! (if you told me three months ago that I'd support KB24 over bron I'd laugh in your face, today, there is no doubt).

life is funny.

If the Lakers and Heat were in the Finals right now, I honestly do not know what team I would have to cheer for. I used to really, really, really like LeBron. I even overlooked a lot of the stat stuffing and childish behavior. I overlooked the fanboys that clearly had no passion for the Cleveland Cavaliers and most likely have already jumped ship to the Heat.

But doing this? In the fashion he did? **** him. Spoiled **** rag.

07-09-2010, 04:34 AM
lebron moving to miami doesnt change the FACT the he is the best player in the NBA. ur all just hating on him because he wants to win. celtics did the exact same thing as did the lakers.

miami will win 5 consecutive championships. end thread

07-09-2010, 04:45 AM
lebron moving to miami doesnt change the FACT the he is the best player in the NBA. ur all just hating on him because he wants to win. celtics did the exact same thing as did the lakers.

miami will win 5 consecutive championships. end thread

ur wrong mate, its bigger than that, LeBron isn't fulfilling his potential,he is being cowardly. this bodes poorly for his future.

His performance this playoffs lead to questions about his drive, and this move further clouds it.

T-bomb 25
07-09-2010, 04:53 AM
lebron moving to miami doesnt change the FACT the he is the best player in the NBA. ur all just hating on him because he wants to win. celtics did the exact same thing as did the lakers.

miami will win 5 consecutive championships. end threadQuiting in the playoffs,and teaming with the other guy besides Kobe thats on your level,and going to his team with the county with the same name as him does not and never will make you the best,never!:no:

07-09-2010, 05:13 AM
Lebron James just made Tiger Woods seem like a good guy again.

07-09-2010, 05:25 AM
I'm in the same boat as you homie.
To add what's loyalty mean anymore? What's marketing?
Why should I buy an Evan Turner jersey today when in 7 years him, DeMarcus Cousins, and Derrick Favors go to Washington to join John Wall?

The first 7 years IS NBDL until you're fully matured to go play on that NBA contender.

07-09-2010, 05:35 AM
lebron moving to miami doesnt change the FACT the he is the best player in the NBA. ur all just hating on him because he wants to win. celtics did the exact same thing as did the lakers.

miami will win 5 consecutive championships. end thread

Thanks for your 3 posts

07-09-2010, 06:40 AM
Thats the worst thing that could have happend to the NBA(EC).

Amare/LeBron vs. Wade/Bosh would habe been a great rivalry over years! exciting to watch. wartime like.

now its going to be pure boredom if they stay healthy.

gonna be funny to see if wade and/or james get injured. how will the heat react to that? with a bunch of d-leaguers? good luck.....

glad to be a warriors fan :cheers:

07-09-2010, 06:49 AM
Thats the worst thing that could have happend to the NBA(EC).

Amare/LeBron vs. Wade/Bosh would habe been a great rivalry over years! exciting to watch. wartime like.

now its going to be pure boredom if they stay healthy.

gonna be funny to see if wade and/or james get injured. how will the heat react to that? with a bunch of d-leaguers? good luck.....

glad to be a warriors fan :cheers:

That would've been fun.

Until Amare re-injures that knee or gets knocked in the eye (guy is one bad bump away from retirement) and/or LeBron realizes D'Antoni actually can't coach playoff basketball.

I would've liked to have seen him in New York too, but they really didn't build a great case for him strictly based on the basketball side of things.

07-09-2010, 06:54 AM
That would've been fun.

Until Amare re-injures that knee or gets knocked in the eye (guy is one bad bump away from retirement) and/or LeBron realizes D'Antoni actually can't coach playoff basketball.

I would've liked to have seen him in New York too, but they really didn't build a great case for him strictly based on the basketball side of things.

Miami with Erik Spolestra is better? The only basketball moves the Heat made was to get rid of virtually everyone so they can sign 3 max guys. Aside from those 3, they have nothing else.

07-09-2010, 07:01 AM
Miami with Erik Spolestra is better? The only basketball moves the Heat made was to get rid of virtually everyone so they can sign 3 max guys. Aside from those 3, they have nothing else.

Are you seriously going to try and argue from a basketball P.O.V. that New York could offer more than what Miami did?

C'mon man, let it be.

Let me ask you this, would you be pissed off at the guy if by dumb luck he had been drafted to a team that actually drafted well (like one that I dunno ... maybe picked Joe Johnson over DeSagana Diop or Amare Stoudemire over say ... uh Dajuan Wagner?) or had great talent already in place like Magic Johnson or Kobe Bryant were lucky enough to get from day 1?

Does the skill/heart/determination of the player have anything to do with the above? No. Some guys are simply luckier than others. The way I see it, LeBron just took luck out of the equation.

Kobe didn't do anything to "earn" the privilege of playing with prime Shaq, other than crying like a insolent baby that wanted to be traded as an 18-year-old.

Michael was a great player. But he nothing to do with the Bulls drafting Scottie Pippen (or acquiring him) in 1987. That was good fortune combined with good scouting.

07-09-2010, 07:09 AM
Oh please with the Kobe love.

Did he say I'm going to do this on my own when he got drafted by the Hornets ? No, he forced them to trade him to the Lakers.

Did he say I'm going to do this on my own after Shaq left ? No, he begged them to trade him to Chicago when he couldn't get it done.

07-09-2010, 07:12 AM
Lots of backlash from LeBron's decision.

LeBron got some balls to do this, because I think he could've seen this coming. As far as LBJ not being on Kobe's level, it depends what you mean about it. I think LBJ is better than Kobe as a player in terms of impact on the floor. I don't think anything will change that unless he gets injured or something. I actually think the better route and the more easier route for him would've been to sign with the Bulls.

The Heat still have a lot of work to do. I doubt they will have it easy. They'll get to the playoffs and probably get past the second round (depends who they face) after that then it's anybody's ball game.

I think that LeBron/Wade/Bosh cannot work. Wade and Bron play too similar and have similar weaknesses. Bosh is a good player, he may be the key. But seriously, I think teams are going to play zone all day. They can't spread the floor. They are going have to learn how to shoot the ball from range consistently for them to be successful.

The reason why the Celtics big three works well is because they had three different play styles. KG was a mid-range guy, but with great post up moves and awesome D. PP was jack of all trades and Ray Ray was one of the greatest shooters. I think that's perfect.

We have to see how Wade/LeBron/Bosh work out.

07-09-2010, 07:20 AM
Excellent post Izzo

07-09-2010, 08:05 AM
If the Lakers and Heat were in the Finals right now, I honestly do not know what team I would have to cheer for. I used to really, really, really like LeBron. I even overlooked a lot of the stat stuffing and childish behavior. I overlooked the fanboys that clearly had no passion for the Cleveland Cavaliers and most likely have already jumped ship to the Heat.

But doing this? In the fashion he did? **** him. Spoiled **** rag.

It would be best for the arena to collapse when that happens.

Pro Basketball will return to glory then.

07-09-2010, 08:15 AM
I don't usually do this because I love Kobe. One of my favorite players to watch play, honestly. But Kobe pulled the same crap every few years over the last decade when he would demand to be traded until the Lakers got him some more help. Kobe has never won it alone either. But guess what? No player has. Beyond, perhaps, the Wilt/Russell era, every championship team has had, at the very least, a duo. Most have had a trio. Go through the last 20-30 years of champions and see: no superstar has EVER won it alone. It's a team game, Lebron chose to make a team that will be hard, if not impossible, to beat.

If Lebron wants to win so badly that he's willing to leave his hometown, I say more power to him.

(On a sidenote, could we please get him to remove the stupid Chosen One tattoo? Or, at the very least, get Varejao to make his Chosen Two tattoo real?)

bada bing
07-09-2010, 08:19 AM
totally agree with you. couldt have said it better myself. I WAS a big time Lebron James fan and supporter. In the kobe/lebron debate i always took lebrons side. I really saw him as being in the same category as jordan and other HOF players. After this move, its really tough to put him in this category. Being a legend and be in the category of the best player to ever play the game requires you to be the man on your team and carry that team. Lebron took the short cut and will never ever be in the same category as kobe anymore.

Yung D-Will
07-09-2010, 08:21 AM

07-09-2010, 08:23 AM
actually kobe cried about not having help a lot, pretty much threatening to leave for a long time, until he got hurt and the lakers played really well without him, where they proved they were a good team. I mean this was a organization that had already gotten him multiplles of rings, and a couple years of mediocrity kobe starts crying. he is NO MJ....

whats laughable to me is a lot of fans act like their favorite star players should go somewhere else all of the time here and elsewhere, because they supposedly have no help. but then when someone like lebron does that to win a championship, he gets hated on by the same people that push that dumb sympathy FA card.

dirk fans try to say that shit all of the time. its just dumb to me how people always play everything both ways.

Al Thornton
07-09-2010, 08:27 AM
i don't see how you can group every player coming up with lebron and wade. look at durant, hes not planning on doing anything like this.

07-09-2010, 08:30 AM
We have to be fair. THe first three titles Kobe won, everyone said "could he win without Shaq? He was the second best player" On and on.

When Lebron wins, people are going to say, Can he win without Wade? It's not super fair but it's 100% what is going to occur.

07-09-2010, 08:43 AM
No, he begged them to trade him to Chicago when he couldn't get it done.
There's a difference between beg and demand. And he didn't want to do it alone, but Kobe did make it known that he wanted to be the clear cut #1 option, even before he was ready for it.

07-09-2010, 08:45 AM
We have to be fair. THe first three titles Kobe won, everyone said "could he win without Shaq? He was the second best player" On and on.

When Lebron wins, people are going to say, Can he win without Wade? It's not super fair but it's 100% what is going to occur.

The difference there was Kobe was no where near as good as Shaq during those first few titles. Shaq was the best player on the planet, Kobe was maybe bottom five of the top 10.

The other thing is Kobe and Shaq MADE that an issue by acting immature and selfish. So people got caught up in it.

Wade/LeBron are fairly close in talent. Bosh is probably a notch below.

Do you hear people arguing over who's team the Celtics is? No. Hell, even Rondo nowadays gets a ton of praise/attention, proving there's no lack of lime light.

That's because the Celtics never made that an issue.

07-09-2010, 09:01 AM
Oh please with the Kobe love.

Did he say I'm going to do this on my own when he got drafted by the Hornets ? No, he forced them to trade him to the Lakers.

Did he say I'm going to do this on my own after Shaq left ? No, he begged them to trade him to Chicago when he couldn't get it done.

Kobe didn't 'force' anyone to trade him to the Lakers. Jerry West actually traded his starting center at the time, a risky move, for Kobe. But you're right, it was probably Kobe's idea at age 17...

07-09-2010, 09:03 AM
this thread is pathetic....

go ahead children, get it all out :oldlol:

http://janeheller.mlblogs.com/crying.baby.jpg -Leb*tch James has screwed us for the last time!


-I bought his jersey!!

-He'll never be on Kobe 's level *sniff* *sniff*

:roll: get it all out kids... Its OK.. lol

07-09-2010, 09:05 AM
The difference there was Kobe was no where near as good as Shaq during those first few titles. Shaq was the best player on the planet, Kobe was maybe bottom five of the top 10.

This is true, but who handled the ball in the 4th quarter? Who was the man when Shaq fouled out? They couldn't do it without each other.... which makes me feel for LeBron just a little bit.

07-09-2010, 09:05 AM
The difference there was Kobe was no where near as good as Shaq during those first few titles. Shaq was the best player on the planet, Kobe was maybe bottom five of the top 10.

Yeah right. In 01 and 02, Only Shaq and Duncan were better than Kobe. He put 28 6 5 playing with Shaq in 01. Just imagine If he had his own team like iverson did.

07-09-2010, 09:21 AM
Why do idiots continue to compare Lebron to Michael Jordan when his game is nothing like Jordan's game in the slightest? He is more of a Magic Johnson type player, always has been.

07-09-2010, 09:36 AM
Kobe didn't 'force' anyone to trade him to the Lakers. Jerry West actually traded his starting center at the time, a risky move, for Kobe. But you're right, it was probably Kobe's idea at age 17...

well from what people were saying here a while back, supposedly every team that could've picked him passed on kobe because they knew he wouldn't sign unless it was the lakers. i personally don't remember, but i remember the arguments people were making about kobe a year ago here in how he was drafted :confusedshrug:

07-09-2010, 09:55 AM
Oh please with the Kobe love.

Did he say I'm going to do this on my own when he got drafted by the Hornets ? No, he forced them to trade him to the Lakers.

Did he say I'm going to do this on my own after Shaq left ? No, he begged them to trade him to Chicago when he couldn't get it done.

I agree, its ok for Kobe to play with the most dominant force in basketball early on, then lose, cry, then land the best perimeter defender, best offensive big man, one of the best six men, one of the best pure centers(potential to be great) and now its he made sacrifices...lol, no he wanted to be traded and was fortunate that his GM made great moves instead of the ones he wanted like Kidd.

I was hoping Lebron would go to my Bulls, but he didn't, guess Miami will enjoy a nice set of chips baring any injuries

07-09-2010, 10:00 AM
well from what people were saying here a while back, supposedly every team that could've picked him passed on kobe because they knew he wouldn't sign unless it was the lakers. i personally don't remember, but i remember the arguments people were making about kobe a year ago here in how he was drafted :confusedshrug:

Your right he forced a trade after being drafted by Hornets, he didn't want to play for them

"According to Arn Tellem, Bryant's agent at the time, Bryant playing for the Charlotte Hornets was "an impossibility"

From Article "though Bryant insistence that he not play for Charlotte was going to override any decision the Hornets made"

07-09-2010, 10:04 AM
Lebron fanboys can't handle all these people turning on him so they're trying to bash Kobe out of the blue. Haha. You're all SAD :oldlol:

07-09-2010, 10:08 AM
Lebron fanboys can't handle all these people turning on him so they're trying to bash Kobe out of the blue. Haha. You're all SAD :oldlol:

LMAO...actually Kobe imo is better than Lebron at this point, but you Kobehomers jump on this thread and act like Kobe is some damn hero and has no help...he has two all stars(Artest/Pau) on his team, now Lebron does and he's a *****?? Anything that threatens your hero and you guys revert to bs and hypotheticals

07-09-2010, 10:11 AM

07-09-2010, 10:16 AM
Kobe didn't 'force' anyone to trade him to the Lakers. Jerry West actually traded his starting center at the time, a risky move, for Kobe. But you're right, it was probably Kobe's idea at age 17...

Kobe did indeed force a trade... He wasnt going to play for charlotte and he made that very clear... He wasnt going to play for anyone but the Lakers

07-09-2010, 10:24 AM
LMAO...actually Kobe imo is better than Lebron at this point, but you Kobehomers jump on this thread and act like Kobe is some damn hero and has no help...he has two all stars(Artest/Pau) on his team, now Lebron does and he's a *****?? Anything that threatens your hero and you guys revert to bs and hypotheticals
Nothing you said made sense but you seem a little slow so I'll respond. First of all, the guy who made this thread is definitely not a Kobe fan and I've seen him bash Kobe in the past. Second, I didn't call Lebron a b*tch or insult him at all. It's just hilarious to see you fanboys attacking Kobe out of the blue because you are so f*cking insecure. Nobody acts like Kobe has no help...he has the best supporting cast in the league. Pau is the best big man in the league. So again, I don't know what you're talking about. You're all SAD. You can try bashing Kobe all you want but know that it will not make the hate for Lebron go away :oldlol:

07-09-2010, 10:48 AM
Nothing you said made sense but you seem a little slow so I'll respond. First of all, the guy who made this thread is definitely not a Kobe fan and I've seen him bash Kobe in the past. Second, I didn't call Lebron a b*tch or insult him at all. It's just hilarious to see you fanboys attacking Kobe out of the blue because you are so f*cking insecure. Nobody acts like Kobe has no help...he has the best supporting cast in the league. Pau is the best big man in the league. So again, I don't know what you're talking about. You're all SAD. You can try bashing Kobe all you want but know that it will not make the hate for Lebron go away :oldlol:


Kobe fans are like 11 year old girls.... stfu already !!!

07-09-2010, 10:52 AM
The media and his peers are the people who decide a players legacy, not people arguing on a message board. The people saying WAH, CRY, COMPLAIN, you get it out. He left his legacy and his manhood at the door because he can't win without Wade. Yeah, he'll get props for winning, OF COURSE. But he can't be in the GOAT discussion anymore, and the Kobe/Lebron discussion, unless things change - is done. BECAUSE HE CHOSE IT TO BE THIS WAY.

Do you think every commentator talking about this is mentioning Lebron's legacy dissapearing because they are all kobe fanboys?

:confusedshrug: You can't have everything, Lebron made his choice, winning vs. legacy and respect.

07-09-2010, 10:53 AM
Nothing you said made sense but you seem a little slow so I'll respond. First of all, the guy who made this thread is definitely not a Kobe fan and I've seen him bash Kobe in the past. Second, I didn't call Lebron a b*tch or insult him at all. It's just hilarious to see you fanboys attacking Kobe out of the blue because you are so f*cking insecure. Nobody acts like Kobe has no help...he has the best supporting cast in the league. Pau is the best big man in the league. So again, I don't know what you're talking about. You're all SAD. You can try bashing Kobe all you want but know that it will not make the hate for Lebron go away :oldlol:

Maybe you should read the thread, you KobeHomers are the ones crying about Lebron taking the easy way out, yet act like Kobe sacrificed and earned everything....no he was fortunate to have played with Shaq and now Pau/Bynum/Artest/Odom...last time I checked highest payroll...so please stfu. I'm pissed that Wade/LBJ passed on my Bulls, but I'm not going to hate because 3 all stars decided to play together, last time I checked Kobe is in that situation

07-09-2010, 10:58 AM

Kobe fans are like 11 year old girls.... stfu already !!!
You sound like a mentally challenged kid so I won't say anything mean to make your life more miserable.

Too much trolling going on in this forum now. I feel like I'm repeating myself to the same idiots.

07-09-2010, 10:58 AM
The media and his peers are the people who decide a players legacy, not people arguing on a message board. The people saying WAH, CRY, COMPLAIN, you get it out. He left his legacy and his manhood at the door because he can't win without Wade. Yeah, he'll get props for winning, OF COURSE. But he can't be in the GOAT discussion anymore, and the Kobe/Lebron discussion, unless things change - is done. BECAUSE HE CHOSE IT TO BE THIS WAY.

Do you think every commentator talking about this is mentioning Lebron's legacy dissapearing because they are all kobe fanboys?

:confusedshrug: You can't have everything, Lebron made his choice, winning vs. legacy and respect.

You can't be serious.....Kobe can play with 2 other all stars and on a team with the highest pay roll, yet Lebron can't go play with two all stars and win chips??? If he gets the Finals MVP every Chip, does that make him second to Wade still?? I don't understand the double standard here. For the first time in this guys career, he will be playing with another top tier star. Kobe had Prime Shaq and now Pau/Artest. Why is it so different?

07-09-2010, 11:01 AM
You can't be serious.....Kobe can play with 2 other all stars and on a team with the highest pay roll, yet Lebron can't go play with two all stars and win chips??? If he gets the Finals MVP every Chip, does that make him second to Wade still?? I don't understand the double standard here. For the first time in this guys career, he will be playing with another top tier star. Kobe had Prime Shaq and now Pau/Artest. Why is it so different?

You can't be top tier in the discussion for GOAT if you have such little competitive spirt. People keep bringing up Kobe, Kobe is sick evil competitive and he wants it all for him, for HIS legacy. Lebron wants people not to talk about him being a loser so he joined a rivals team. I fail to see any similiarity in them at all.

All title winning teams have great players. Not many people in NBA history we give maxium respect to gave up and went to their rivals team so their rival could push them over the top.

The Gr8 Debate
07-09-2010, 11:06 AM
Only reason Lebron is in Miami is, his mom wanted to get close to Wade.


The Gr8 Debate
07-09-2010, 11:14 AM
Oh please with the Kobe love.

Did he say I'm going to do this on my own when he got drafted by the Hornets ? No, he forced them to trade him to the Lakers.

Did he say I'm going to do this on my own after Shaq left ? No, he begged them to trade him to Chicago when he couldn't get it done.
lol uh no actually kobe was destroying everyone in workouts and jerry west was gonna stop at nothing to get him so he traded his starting center at the time to get kobe with hopes of pairing him with shaq and the rest as you know is history

top 5 one two punch ever

The Gr8 Debate
07-09-2010, 11:25 AM
I agree, its ok for Kobe to play with the most dominant force in basketball early on, then lose, cry, then land the best perimeter defender, best offensive big man, one of the best six men, one of the best pure centers(potential to be great) and now its he made sacrifices...lol, no he wanted to be traded and was fortunate that his GM made great moves instead of the ones he wanted like Kidd.

I was hoping Lebron would go to my Bulls, but he didn't, guess Miami will enjoy a nice set of chips baring any injuries
ok i just wanna put a end to the bull, lebron had mo williams, kobe had smush parker,lebron had big z and shaq ,kobe had kwame and a young bynum lebron had antawn jamison delonte anthony parker, kobe had luke walton maurice evans brian cook point being lebron walked away from a good team that still is pretty good to go with a super team kobe just wanted a little f*cking help lol come on man

07-09-2010, 11:25 AM
You can't be top tier in the discussion for GOAT if you have such little competitive spirt. People keep bringing up Kobe, Kobe is sick evil competitive and he wants it all for him, for HIS legacy. Lebron wants people not to talk about him being a loser so he joined a rivals team. I fail to see any similiarity in them at all.

All title winning teams have great players. Not many people in NBA history we give maxium respect to gave up and went to their rivals team so their rival could push them over the top.

Well this isn't about "is Kobe better than Lebron"...I'll take Prime Kobe anyday, what I don't understand is how if Lebron wins Chips and is the clear finals MVP in those Chips...how this somehow hurts his legacy, or hurts it when stacked up to Kobe's...Kobe has had the benefit of playing with a all time great and currently two all stars. If Kobe would have played in Charlotte instead of demanding a trade before ever setting foot on the court with them, I'm sure he would have left too, if his best complementary player was Williams or AJ...Kobe wanted out of LA when he was in that situation for two seasons, tell him to try 7 of them....hell no one wanted to go to "CLEVELAND" to play with the guy, he had no choice but to go to a more appealing city

The Gr8 Debate
07-09-2010, 11:27 AM
LMAO...actually Kobe imo is better than Lebron at this point, but you Kobehomers jump on this thread and act like Kobe is some damn hero and has no help...he has two all stars(Artest/Pau) on his team, now Lebron does and he's a *****?? Anything that threatens your hero and you guys revert to bs and hypotheticals
uh yeah kobe has one allstar and a allstar caliber player lebron has two franchise superstar players big diffrence my friend

07-09-2010, 11:31 AM
ok i just wanna put a end to the bull, lebron had mo williams, kobe had smush parker,lebron had big z and shaq ,kobe had kwame and a young bynum lebron had antawn jamison delonte anthony parker, kobe had luke walton maurice evans brian cook point being lebron walked away from a good team that still is pretty good to go with a super team kobe just wanted a little f*cking help lol come on man

Real quick....none of those dudes you mentioned do shit in the playoffs period. Williams is far overrated, LBJ was responsible for 48% of their points scored/or assisted on, that is a crazy stat(one man team). Also he tried to get Bosh to go to Cleveland....not many guys want to live in Cleveland. Its not hard to sell LA...huge difference. Kobe was in that situation for 2 seasons and wanted out...LBJ has been there for 7 seasons. LBJ has never played with anyone near the guys Kobe has payed with. Prime Shaq/Pau/Artest

07-09-2010, 01:46 PM
I agree, its ok for Kobe to play with the most dominant force in basketball early on, then lose, cry, then land the best perimeter defender, best offensive big man, one of the best six men, one of the best pure centers(potential to be great) and now its he made sacrifices...lol, no he wanted to be traded and was fortunate that his GM made great moves instead of the ones he wanted like Kidd.

I was hoping Lebron would go to my Bulls, but he didn't, guess Miami will enjoy a nice set of chips baring any injuries

you miss the key point, and I am a Kobe basher for the record.

Kobe never went out looking or asked for another Kobe, he asked for complimentary parts.

Bron has gone out and got another Alpha dog.

HUGE difference.

07-09-2010, 01:47 PM
you miss the key point, and I am a Kobe basher for the record.

Kobe never went out looking or asked for another Kobe, he ask for complimentary parts.

Bron has gone out and got another Alpha dog.

HUGE difference.

I really dont understand how people dont see the difference..

07-09-2010, 02:25 PM
I know, the thing is, I am really mad, and I haven't been this mad since Stern suspended Amare and Diaw in the Spurs series a while back.

I really wanted to watch Bron and Wade do battle in big games, and they finally had the chance to have proper teams to go to war with, but they got selfish and pu$$y.
Remember when they first came int he league and they had a couple of epic battles, and people were like: "these two are gonna go at it for years, what a great rivalry this will become."

ANYONE who before said they dislike the NBA because the players are all chummy now (not like before when they were enemies) should be out of their f*cking head today.

LeBron has basically gone from my favorite player besides Nash to some soft c*nt i can't even respect.

I know a grown man shouldn't care about a game, but I like the NBA and there is very little drama and excitement int he L as is, now we have that much less.

GO KOBE!!!!! (if you told me three months ago that I'd support KB24 over bron I'd laugh in your face, today, there is no doubt).

life is funny.

Lebron is losing all his good fans. Expect bandwagoners to patch that up, but us true fans will never forget how he quit on his team during the Celtics series and dramatically left Cleveland to join forces with two other prime superstars to win a title because he couldn't do it with just 1 other superstar. No great player in NBA history needed 2 other prime superstars, this speaks volumes about Lebron's non-existent competitiveness. I feel for you bro.

07-09-2010, 03:37 PM
I too wanted Lebron to join Chicago or NY to pair up with either Boozer or Amare to face Wade/Bosh. Unfortunately we won't get to see that epic rivalry in this era. We'll have to resort to watching Wade/Lebron/Bosh pummel chumps like Josh Smith and Drew Gooden on a nightly basis. So much for good competitive basketball.

07-09-2010, 03:49 PM
Dying breed?

Yet another person with a short term memory who forgot Kobe was bitching to be traded after he ran Shaq out of town and his team sucked for the next 2 seasons.

Kobe isn't especially loyal to anyone but himself.

07-09-2010, 03:51 PM
Dying breed?

Yet another person with a short term memory who forgot Kobe was bitching to be traded after he ran Shaq out of town and his team sucked for the next 2 seasons.

Kobe isn't especially loyal to anyone but himself.

There's a difference in asking for a trade to another team and actually signing to a team that already has 2 other superstar players in their primes. No way in hell Kobe would ever take a backseat. Lebron is pretty willing though since he knows he can't win as the man.

07-09-2010, 03:52 PM
I know I am late to this but I am overseas and I just woke up.

I was hard on LeBron's tip during all the Kobe/LeBron discussion, but I have come to realize something. Kobe Bryant is the last of a dying breed of player, and today's 'semi-stars' (what they have made themselves by their stupid fraternal decisions) will never stack up to him or achieve the levels that he did and people like MJ, Bird and Magic before him. Guys who had the balls to tell eveyone else to eff off, and that they will get it done themselves. Any of us who played knows this feeling. Even in pick up, you see the other team is stacked, you say 'no worries, we'll find a way'. But I guess LeBron doesn't have this gene, he isn't wired like that, he needs back up.

What a p*ssy!

He has robbed NBA fans of epic ECFs for the next decade.
He has robbed his supporters of his chance to be the best ever.
He has robbed his home state of a true local kid done right.
He has robbed all hoop fans of this generation of a chance at one of theirs being in the GOAT discussion.

He will always be one ring behind Wade and he will always leave us wondering: "could he have done it himself?" And the answer to this is: "NO!"
Why, because the evidence is there:

Look how he quit on Cleveland, look how he acted when the chips were down against the Celtics (even though he had the best regular season team in the L).
Fair or foul that is how it will look, and people like Dan Gilbert will be there to hammer the point home.

My greatest wish other than the Heat flaming out early is for them to get to the finals, absorb insane amounts of hype and then get b*tch slapped 4-1 by Kobe, Pau and co. in the finals.

We;ll see how buddy buddy they are then.

Good luck when Wade gets hurt and you are stuck with an over-rated Bosh and a bunch of D-Leaguers, NYK or the Cavs won't look so bad then will they?

You f*ckin f@ggot, as an NBA fan I feel betrayed.

so being the best player on one team is different from being the best player on a defferent one?

Lebron is Lebron. stop acting like playing along side Wade will make him garbage.

07-09-2010, 03:56 PM
you miss the key point, and I am a Kobe basher for the record.

Kobe never went out looking or asked for another Kobe, he asked for complimentary parts.

Bron has gone out and got another Alpha dog.

HUGE difference.

So Gasol, Artest, Bynum, and Odom are there to tell him how great he looks and inquire about who he goes to for spa treatments?

07-09-2010, 04:22 PM
There's a difference in asking for a trade to another team and actually signing to a team that already has 2 other superstar players in their primes. No way in hell Kobe would ever take a backseat. Lebron is pretty willing though since he knows he can't win as the man.

Lebron isn't taking a backseat. Assuming the coach isn't a retard, the team would almost certainly win most efficiently if Lebron is the primary load carrier (though it might still be "Wade's team").

Kobe wouldn't have thought twice about going to a loaded team so long as he still got to be top dog production wise -if he still got to dominate the ball and get 25+ shot attempts per game.

07-09-2010, 04:24 PM
Lebron isn't taking a backseat. Assuming the coach isn't a retard, the team would almost certainly win most efficiently if Lebron is the primary load carrier (though it might still be "Wade's team").

Kobe wouldn't have thought twice about going to a loaded team so long as he still got to be top dog production wise -if he still got to dominate the ball and get 25+ shot attempts per game.

How do you know what Kobe would've done? He didn't do anything but request a trade. Lebron is the one that has to sign with 2 other superstars in their primes, because he concedes that he can't win one without them.

07-09-2010, 04:26 PM
so being the best player on one team is different from being the best player on a defferent one?

Lebron is Lebron. stop acting like playing along side Wade will make him garbage.

no one said that, it simply shows a weakness on his part.

you can't deny the fact that he went out to team up with another alpha dog.

Instead of shooting for this:


he settled for this:


07-09-2010, 04:26 PM
How do you know what Kobe would've done? He didn't do anything but request a trade. Lebron is the one that has to sign with 2 other superstars in their primes, because he concedes that he can't win one without them.

He could have won in Chicago. Everyone knows it. But why go there when he could be happier in Miami?

07-09-2010, 04:31 PM
How do you know what Kobe would've done? He didn't do anything but request a trade. Lebron is the one that has to sign with 2 other superstars in their primes, because he concedes that he can't win one without them.

Are you ****ing serious? Elite players in their primes want to go to contending teams if they desire to be traded. If you think all he wanted was "a trade", I've got a few bridges I'd like to sell you.

07-09-2010, 04:33 PM
Are you ****ing serious? Elite players in their primes want to go to contending teams if they desire to be traded. If you think all he wanted was "a trade", I've got a few bridges I'd like to sell you.

Enough of the hypothetical ponderings. Let's talk about the reality. Kobe stayed with the Lakers. Lebron is joining up with 2 other superstar players in his prime to try to do something he couldn't do.

07-09-2010, 04:37 PM
Lebron isn't taking a backseat. Assuming the coach isn't a retard, the team would almost certainly win most efficiently if Lebron is the primary load carrier (though it might still be "Wade's team").

Kobe wouldn't have thought twice about going to a loaded team so long as he still got to be top dog production wise -if he still got to dominate the ball and get 25+ shot attempts per game.

Scoring wise, yes, I think Lebron is taking a backseat. You can make the same argument for Wade not wanting to take a backseat. What makes Lebron better? Wade is the one with the title.

Wade will be Miami's scoring leader, Lebron is a point-forward. His assists per game is going to increase by two or three. Lebron will be bringing his playmaking ability to Miami more than anything. That doesn't mean he won't have his moments though.

07-09-2010, 04:41 PM

The goal of any professional athlete is to ****ing win. Being able to do that with one team while building roots, legacy, fan worship, immortality, etc etc is only a bonus - not a primary objective.

If your ideas of being "sick competitive" is to win a title with inferior talent, then ****ing tell Jerry Buss to trade away everyone except Kobe and fill the roster with DLeaguers.

The butthurt Knicks and Bulls fans who missed out on the LBJ sweepstakes really need to get a life. The Kobestans scared shitless that their rapist-in-chief will never win another title also need to as well.

07-09-2010, 04:42 PM

The goal of any professional athlete is to ****ing win. Being able to do that with one team while building roots, legacy, fan worship, immortality, etc etc is only a bonus - not a primary objective.

If your ideas of being "sick competitive" is to win a title with inferior talent, then ****ing tell Jerry Buss to trade away everyone except Kobe and fill the roster with DLeaguers.

The butthurt Knicks and Bulls fans who missed out on the LBJ sweepstakes really need to get a life. The Kobestans scared shitless that their rapist-in-chief will never win another title also need to as well.

dam bro you mad as hell :lol

07-09-2010, 04:43 PM
Cleveland is just full of losers living in a shity place who are bitter. Like they thought lebron was part of a family? please he s a ****ing multimillionaire sport athlete.
They should have known better and they shouldnt have been sucking on his **** so much.

Their over the top deception is proportionnal to their over the top love for the guy.
All this story smelled insanity, and affective dependency. And you wonder why he left. He got sick of carrying the weight of a city full of losers with nothing in life but his achievements. He got sick of people living viacarously thru him. The relationship was unhealthy from the beginning and he got out of it cause they put to much pressure on him. Now he's free and on his own, doing his thing and he owes them nothing.

What kind of loser get so depressed because of a ****ing SPORTIVE event. Ridiculous.

07-09-2010, 04:43 PM
He could have won in Chicago. Everyone knows it. But why go there when he could be happier in Miami?

because he would have been, unequivocally, the undisputed leader of that team... because no one on that team has even whiffed the Finals.

but, like you said, he believes he will be happier in Miami as, at best, 1b.

07-09-2010, 04:47 PM
Scoring wise, yes, I think Lebron is taking a backseat. You can make the same argument for Wade not wanting to take a backseat. What makes Lebron better? Wade is the one with the title.

Wade will be Miami's scoring leader, Lebron is a point-forward. His assists per game is going to increase by two or three. Lebron will be bringing his playmaking ability to Miami more than anything. That doesn't mean he won't have his moments though.

A title only means that Wade has had better team success. How many league MVPs has Wade won?

If you think Wade is a better scorer than Lebron, then you've been living in a hole for the past 2 years. That doesn't mean that what you said can't happen, but that certainly wouldn't be the most efficient way for the Heat to win.

07-09-2010, 04:51 PM
dam bro you mad as hell :lol

I don't have a dog in this race. Why would I be mad? :confusedshrug:

I like watching Lebron play, but I'm no fan of his; especially now that he's on the Heat.

If I appear mad, then it's only to retards.

07-09-2010, 04:56 PM
A title only means that Wade has had better team success. How many league MVPs has Wade won?

If you think Wade is a better scorer than Lebron, then you've been living in a hole for the past 2 years. That doesn't mean that what you said can't happen, but that certainly wouldn't be the most efficient way for the Heat to win.

are you really putting league MVPs over a championship... esp Finals MVP?
the pundits have already weighed in...

07-09-2010, 05:02 PM
Oh please with the Kobe love.

Did he say I'm going to do this on my own when he got drafted by the Hornets ? No, he forced them to trade him to the Lakers.

Did he say I'm going to do this on my own after Shaq left ? No, he begged them to trade him to Chicago when he couldn't get it done.

Lol Kobe's situation was a lot different they had traded Butler for Kwame, did not wanna trade a young ass Bynum for some real talent, were drafting nothing but scrubs in Sasha,Turiaf,Farmar, were signing ridiculous players in Smush,Radman and Atkins. It looked like they were going to build around Bynum and use Kobe to sell tickets in the meantime. Until he pressured them to make some changes

While Lebrons team did everthing possible in their hands to built a 60+ win team, a favorite to win it all, fired their coach, fired their gm so LeBron can win. And were another trade a way from winning it all, so he can bail out on them?!?!

Don't kid urself

Kobe was content and condfident he was gonna win with a skinny ass european player who no team was even interested in.

Lebron would had still ran like a ***** to his new daddy Wade.

07-09-2010, 05:04 PM
uh yeah kobe has one allstar and a allstar caliber player lebron has two franchise superstar players big diffrence my friend

you fail big time. Pau is way better than Bosh so its 2 great players versus three. still the edge is for Miami, no doubt but these claims are getting hysterical

07-09-2010, 05:14 PM
you fail big time. Pau is way better than Bosh so its 2 great players versus three. still the edge is for Miami, no doubt but these claims are getting hysterical
oh now he's a great player, you already forgot about that skinny soft eoropean. who was not good enough to beat the C's cause he was too soft

07-09-2010, 05:15 PM
Lebron must have a Cuban fetish because going to Wade's team is just strange.

07-09-2010, 05:18 PM
Why is Kobe Bryant in the Thread title?

He's like the most important reason Lebron gone to Miami

Whe are talking about a guy that co-tailed his way to rings by playing with shaq, couldn't do nothing without gasol and is constantly choking when it matters and being bailout by teammates, referees etc... etc... but it's considered top10 because he has rings.

How can someone blame Lebron for wanting rings?

Said that **** Lebron.

I am that I am
07-09-2010, 05:37 PM
Epic response.

Like seriously, these dumb ****s asking "u mad," well how about we start answering them. What do they say next? Nothing.
easy you just say this


07-09-2010, 05:40 PM
are you really putting league MVPs over a championship... esp Finals MVP?
the pundits have already weighed in...

Yes, I am. If I were to go based on that ****ing retarded criteria, then I'd have to say Tony Parker is better than Lebron.

07-09-2010, 05:44 PM
Yes, I am. If I were to go based on that ****ing retarded criteria, then I'd have to say Tony Parker is better than Lebron.in the finals he is.... lol

seriously two different awards for two different things

07-09-2010, 05:45 PM
Yes, I am. If I were to go based on that ****ing retarded criteria, then I'd have to say Tony Parker is better than Lebron.


07-09-2010, 05:47 PM
he doesnt have to be the player kobe is or mj was. hes going to put 5 rings on his 5 fingers in the next 5 years. thats wassup.

07-09-2010, 06:30 PM
I know I am late to this but I am overseas and I just woke up.

I was hard on LeBron's tip during all the Kobe/LeBron discussion, but I have come to realize something. Kobe Bryant is the last of a dying breed of player, and today's 'semi-stars' (what they have made themselves by their stupid fraternal decisions) will never stack up to him or achieve the levels that he did and people like MJ, Bird and Magic before him. Guys who had the balls to tell eveyone else to eff off, and that they will get it done themselves. Any of us who played knows this feeling. Even in pick up, you see the other team is stacked, you say 'no worries, we'll find a way'. But I guess LeBron doesn't have this gene, he isn't wired like that, he needs back up.

What a p*ssy!

He has robbed NBA fans of epic ECFs for the next decade.

Ironically, LeBron said this in 2006:

"Part of being considered the best is having rivalries. I don’t have any at this point. Rivalries start in the playoffs. I tell you what, I’ll be happy for it to start."

Evidently he doesn't want any after all.

07-09-2010, 06:59 PM
Wade is getting old, Lebron can still win more rings than him after he retires.

who will he piggyback then? durant? oj mayo? or John wall?

07-09-2010, 07:01 PM
he doesnt have to be the player kobe is or mj was. hes going to put 5 rings on his 5 fingers in the next 5 years. thats wassup.

kobe and lakers say Hi....

07-10-2010, 01:29 AM
Why is Kobe Bryant in the Thread title?

He's like the most important reason Lebron gone to Miami

Whe are talking about a guy that co-tailed his way to rings by playing with shaq, couldn't do nothing without gasol and is constantly choking when it matters and being bailout by teammates, referees etc... etc... but it's considered top10 because he has rings.

How can someone blame Lebron for wanting rings?

Said that **** Lebron.

Kobe is in the title because this thread is about LeBron's legacy and Kobe is the only active top 10 player of all time that plays a similar game (TD and LeBron is not an apt comparison).

Kobe and MJ are LeBron's measuring sticks for his GOAT status. This LeBron is Magic BS is a load of crap, sure LeBron compiles assists, but did the Lakers run plays for Magic the way the Cavs ran plays for Bron, hardly.

LeBron's competitiveness has been questioned before (too nice, no killer instinct, not willing to be a dlck to win etc...).

This moves proves the doubters.

I really hope this AAU team in Miami fails. No hate, just honesty, I was on LeBron's tip before this move.

07-12-2010, 02:55 PM
Yep, Lebron couldn't handle a little competition so he had to join the competition. Speaks volumes about his non-existent competitive streak. Great player, just never could win as the man so he had to team up with 2 other superstars in their primes in hopes that the rings will somehow convince us that he was one of the all time great leaders.

Durant may not put up those huge numbers, but him signing that extension to compete with the OKC team says a lot about his competitive edge even with Kobe and the Lakers in the western conference. I respect Durant a hell of a lot more after that. Can't say the same about Lebron, who has reduced his career to becoming a cowardly follower, because he knows he can't win without 2 other superstars in their prime on his team.

07-12-2010, 03:13 PM
you miss the key point, and I am a Kobe basher for the record.

Kobe never went out looking or asked for another Kobe, he asked for complimentary parts.

Bron has gone out and got another Alpha dog.

HUGE difference.

I don't think that's the case, more like no alpha dog available...at the time he was asking for Jason Kidd, who was one of the better point guards in the league...hell didn't the lakers attempt to get Bosh for Bynum. Also Kobe did request to play with a alpha dog....Shaq and the Lakers, when he was drafted by the Hornets. Also Pau is the best offensive big in the game...that's alpha enough...how much better is Bosh than Pau????

07-12-2010, 03:23 PM
I don't think that's the case, more like no alpha dog available...at the time he was asking for Jason Kidd, who was one of the better point guards in the league...hell didn't the lakers attempt to get Bosh for Bynum. Also Kobe did request to play with a alpha dog....Shaq and the Lakers, when he was drafted by the Hornets. Also Pau is the best offensive big in the game...that's alpha enough...how much better is Bosh than Pau????

It's easier to win with two superstars (Wade, Bosh) than it is with 1 superstar (Gasol).

07-12-2010, 03:28 PM
lebron moving to miami doesnt change the FACT the he is the best player in the NBA. ur all just hating on him because he wants to win. celtics did the exact same thing as did the lakers.

Celtics traded for 2 just past their prime franchise players. The acquired these guys fairly through equal trades.

Lakers traded for one all-star in Pau Gasol, through a lop-sided trade, that now looks pretty even.

What the Miami heat have done, is unheard of. We have never seen two free agent signings like this before at less than the max.

07-12-2010, 03:51 PM
When will people get this through there heads?
A player is only as good as his team examples:Kobe 04-07:He didnt win without Fisher and Shaq or Gasol and Bynum w/ Artest. In that strech he scored 81 points in a game and pretty much led his team to a 3-1 lead over the Suns yet he failed misurably. He even wanted to get traded, yet people didnt harp on that!Lebron's move is the same B!tch move Kobe was trying to do!
Jordain 84-when he got pippen:He was just a star in a dark sky until he got Pippen

07-12-2010, 04:03 PM
When will people get this through there heads?
A player is only as good as his team examples:Kobe 04-07:He didnt win without Fisher and Shaq or Gasol and Bynum w/ Artest. In that strech he scored 81 points in a game and pretty much led his team to a 3-1 lead over the Suns yet he failed misurably. He even wanted to get traded, yet people didnt harp on that!Lebron's move is the same B!tch move Kobe was trying to do!
Jordain 84-when he got pippen:He was just a star in a dark sky until he got Pippen

lol at same move that never happened. BTW Kobe never needed to play with 2 other superstars in their primes to win a title. Can't say the same about Lebron though. Dude needs 2 other superstars in his prime to do what Jordan/Kobe did with just one.

07-12-2010, 04:25 PM
Yeah right. In 01 and 02, Only Shaq and Duncan were better than Kobe. He put 28 6 5 playing with Shaq in 01. Just imagine If he had his own team like iverson did.

AI, who won the MVP that year, was better then. T-Mac, Chris Webber, Jason Kidd, Paul Pierce, Gary Payton, and Kevin Garnett were also better that year while being first options.

If he had his own team like Iverson, he would of gotten his, but at the expense of winning. No way do they get to the Finals in 01. AI was more than stats and %. His hustle and thirst for winning were second to none. He wanted to win so badly, he could taste it. And it showed. He was always banged up, and still played. Didn't care what they thought of him. He just played. He was right too, he didn't need no practice. He could to the game straight from bed and still put up 40. The definition of a basketball player right there.

07-12-2010, 04:43 PM
LeBron is going to be a garbage player at 30 years old.

He is dumb. He doesn't understand the game. He's way behind mentally. He only relies on his physical ability. That won't last forever.

09-24-2010, 12:51 AM
I know I am late to this but I am overseas and I just woke up.

I was hard on LeBron's tip during all the Kobe/LeBron discussion, but I have come to realize something. Kobe Bryant is the last of a dying breed of player, and today's 'semi-stars' (what they have made themselves by their stupid fraternal decisions) will never stack up to him or achieve the levels that he did and people like MJ, Bird and Magic before him. Guys who had the balls to tell eveyone else to eff off, and that they will get it done themselves. Any of us who played knows this feeling. Even in pick up, you see the other team is stacked, you say 'no worries, we'll find a way'. But I guess LeBron doesn't have this gene, he isn't wired like that, he needs back up.

What a p*ssy!

He has robbed NBA fans of epic ECFs for the next decade.
He has robbed his supporters of his chance to be the best ever.
He has robbed his home state of a true local kid done right.
He has robbed all hoop fans of this generation of a chance at one of theirs being in the GOAT discussion.

He will always be one ring behind Wade and he will always leave us wondering: "could he have done it himself?" And the answer to this is: "NO!"
Why, because the evidence is there:

Look how he quit on Cleveland, look how he acted when the chips were down against the Celtics (even though he had the best regular season team in the L).
Fair or foul that is how it will look, and people like Dan Gilbert will be there to hammer the point home.

My greatest wish other than the Heat flaming out early is for them to get to the finals, absorb insane amounts of hype and then get b*tch slapped 4-1 by Kobe, Pau and co. in the finals.

We;ll see how buddy buddy they are then.

Good luck when Wade gets hurt and you are stuck with an over-rated Bosh and a bunch of D-Leaguers, NYK or the Cavs won't look so bad then will they?

You f*ckin f@ggot, as an NBA fan I feel betrayed.

Never have I seen a basketball player lose more fans in one offseason than anything. You and TheLogo were both Lebron fans before that Celtic series. Funny how things change when players become the exact opposite of what you thought they were.

09-24-2010, 05:07 AM
It's easier to win with two superstars (Wade, Bosh) than it is with 1 superstar (Gasol).
Bosh is a superstar? :oldlol:

09-24-2010, 05:52 AM
Are you allowed to say "Bltch" in these forums or something?

09-24-2010, 06:02 AM
I just took this picture with my Iphone earlier tonight. I was done playing the 2k11 demo and this kind of stuck out to me.


09-24-2010, 06:07 AM
Another adult male having his period. SMH.

rofl I guess the poo poo skin crybaby ***/***** on insidehoops has to defend his lover Lebron at every turn?

haha no wonder everybody calls you on the insidehoops joke.

haha sad how powerglove/serious Lebron-d1ckriders are crying that people are mad when they are the ones are mad at what Lebron did to his legacy/reputation


Anyways good post by the OP

09-24-2010, 06:12 AM
I just took this picture with my Iphone earlier tonight. I was done playing the 2k11 demo and this kind of stuck out to me.


I dont understand?

09-24-2010, 06:18 AM
Lebron being on a menu in which the only option is to quit. You don't understand. hmmm

09-24-2010, 06:19 AM
I just took this picture with my Iphone earlier tonight. I was done playing the 2k11 demo and this kind of stuck out to me.


haha nice pic :). Is this from the actual game menu? Why is there only 1 option for quit?

09-24-2010, 06:20 AM
haha nice pic :). Is this from the actual game menu? Why is there only 1 option for quit?

Yeah lol. Since it's the demo, they don't give you the option for a rematch. You have to quit out then start a new game from the main screen.

09-24-2010, 06:27 AM
Yeah lol. Since it's the demo, they don't give you the option for a rematch. You have to quit out then start a new game from the main screen.

haha that is epic if it's from the actual game :). That is a little too obvious to be a coincidence.. I'm willing to bet that someone from inside the game development is a prankster :P.

09-24-2010, 06:35 AM
Lebron being on a menu in which the only option is to quit. You don't understand. hmmm

I did see that.. thank you... its obvious... but i dont understand the catch... did Lebron quit on something or...?

09-24-2010, 07:07 AM
Bosh is a superstar? :oldlol:

Well if you consider Gasol a Superstar (I don't), you'd have to count Bosh as one as well. IMO there's only really 4 "Superstars" in the League right now. Kobe (probably not too much longer), Wade, LeBron and Durant.

btw, yall better watch out, LeBron MADE A MENTAL NOT OF EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU! :lol

Yung D-Will
09-24-2010, 07:08 AM
Well if you consider Gasol a Superstar (I don't), you'd have to count Bosh as one as well. IMO there's only really 4 "Superstars" in the League right now. Kobe (probably not too much longer), Wade, LeBron and Durant.

btw, yall better watch out, LeBron MADE A MENTAL NOT OF EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU! :lol

Lol Since when did Durant become a superstar?

09-24-2010, 07:10 AM
Lol Since when did Durant become a superstar?

He may not be one in the media yet, but he plays like one IMO. And that's what it is, my opinion.

06-18-2011, 04:24 PM
almost came true.

06-18-2011, 04:27 PM
I did see that.. thank you... its obvious... but i dont understand the catch... did Lebron quit on something or...?

8 points... you think? :oldlol:

06-18-2011, 04:28 PM
I just took this picture with my Iphone earlier tonight. I was done playing the 2k11 demo and this kind of stuck out to me.


:roll: :roll: so true. He never fails to "quit" each year.

06-18-2011, 05:03 PM
lebron moving to miami doesnt change the FACT the he is the best player in the NBA. ur all just hating on him because he wants to win. celtics did the exact same thing as did the lakers.

miami will win 5 consecutive championships. end thread

:facepalm :facepalm :facepalm

06-18-2011, 11:38 PM
this thread is pathetic....

go ahead children, get it all out

-Leb*tch James has screwed us for the last time!


-I bought his jersey!!

-He'll never be on Kobe 's level *sniff* *sniff*

:roll: get it all out kids... Its OK.. lol








06-19-2011, 11:41 AM
I'm in the same boat as you homie.
To add what's loyalty mean anymore? What's marketing?
Why should I buy an Evan Turner jersey today when in 7 years him, DeMarcus Cousins, and Derrick Favors go to Washington to join John Wall?

The first 7 years IS NBDL until you're fully matured to go play on that NBA contender.

you mean like teams trading players who are loyal so the team can become a contender?

06-19-2011, 12:18 PM
you mean like teams trading players who are loyal so the team can become a contender?

Or fans wishing the team could dump them as soon as they blow out their knees? Or fans calling for a trade when a player doesn't perform up to their HIGH standards?

Eddie Jones was a great guy and a Lakers fan favorite who played hard and did everything right before the Lakers ship his a** out. It happens all the time in sports.

But when a man loyally plays out his contract without ONE SINGLE complaint decides to do what makes him happiest he is villainized:facepalm

06-19-2011, 02:29 PM
Or fans wishing the team could dump them as soon as they blow out their knees? Or fans calling for a trade when a player doesn't perform up to their HIGH standards?

Eddie Jones was a great guy and a Lakers fan favorite who played hard and did everything right before the Lakers ship his a** out. It happens all the time in sports.

But when a man loyally plays out his contract without ONE SINGLE complaint decides to do what makes him happiest he is villainized:facepalm


if by this point you dont get why that whole thing made him hated you are absolutely clueless.

06-19-2011, 02:42 PM

if by this point you dont get why that whole thing made him hated you are absolutely clueless.

Who cares about how he did it? Organizations don't always rid themselves of players politely neither.

The man freely/legally(per his contract) made his choice and still has the #1 jersey sales worldwide, made around $45 million off the court alone and lives in a wonderful region of his choice.

Seems like he made the right choicve to me and he has admitted he should have done it differently.

The guy has been a model of exemplary behavior and professionalism at such a young age.

I'm with Lebron in that guys like you should have far more pressing issues in your lives than worrying about where a man worth hundreds of millions plays or wins titles or not.:confusedshrug:

It's Lebron critics who are driving this garbage and seem to have the inability to let it go.

Eat Like A Bosh
06-19-2011, 03:05 PM
Why do people keep thinking that Wade is getting old now?
It's different, Wade has a lot less milage compared to Kobe at this age.
Kobe came straight in from high school as a raw 18 year old.
Wade played 3 years at Marquette, before coming in the NBA. Playing at college is a less burden than in the Pros.
I don't think Wade is washed up.

06-19-2011, 03:10 PM
LMAO...actually Kobe imo is better than Lebron at this point, but you Kobehomers jump on this thread and act like Kobe is some damn hero and has no help...he has two all stars(Artest/Pau) on his team, now Lebron does and he's a *****?? Anything that threatens your hero and you guys revert to bs and hypotheticals

Artest is washed up man. As I recall nobody wanted this guy a few years back and even laugh at the Lakers for picking him up.

Colin Cowherd
06-19-2011, 03:13 PM
LeBron was a class act on the The Decision. Well groomed, had a nice shirt on, and was very professional in the way he conducted himself.

Plus, the show got great ratings, and raised money for kids.

06-19-2011, 03:13 PM
I'm with Lebron in that guys like you should have far more pressing issues in your lives than worrying about where a man worth hundreds of millions plays or wins titles or not.:confusedshrug:
Oh, really? You're 'with' LeBron on that?

James should be thanking god every day that people like us care so much about what he does on the basketball court, because it is quite literally the reason that he is 'worth millions,' as you say. He isn't exactly curing world hunger or providing any tangible service to the world.

He runs around in a tank-top and puts a ball in a cylinder. Our society happens to value that skill and we are incredibly interested in it, which is why he is paid so well.

But, he wants us to stop caring? If we didn't value that form of entertainment, he and Maverick would probably be part-time help at the local Citgo.

Eat Like A Bosh
06-19-2011, 03:20 PM

06-19-2011, 04:22 PM
:oldlol: :roll: :roll:

06-19-2011, 04:50 PM
Wade aging? nawh.

06-19-2011, 04:58 PM


06-19-2011, 05:39 PM
LeBron was a class act on the The Decision. Well groomed, had a nice shirt on, and was very professional in the way he conducted himself.

Plus, the show got great ratings, and raised money for kids.

06-19-2011, 06:45 PM
Lebron is different type of player. He is more like Grant Hill,Pippen type of player with a Malone & Kemp body. He can't play like Kobe or Jordan even if he tries.

Kobe has been poor man's Jordan.(compliment since jordan is G.O.A.T.)

Jordan set the bar so high as skills,winner attitude,global icon and achivements.His place is safe.

I can see Lebron can have higher rank than Kobe at all time lists in future.He is just 26 and has great teammates.

06-19-2011, 06:48 PM
Kobe and Lebron>>>>> that poor mans Tony Allen

06-19-2011, 07:15 PM

Excellent execution :roll:

06-19-2011, 07:29 PM
Kobe Bryant is the last of a dying breed of player, and today's 'semi-stars' (what they have made themselves by their stupid fraternal decisions) will never stack up to him or achieve the levels that he did and people like MJ, Bird and Magic before him. Guys who had the balls to tell eveyone else to eff off, and that they will get it done themselves.

I don't understand this. When did we start praising players who were more concerned with making sure it's "my" team than winning?

You mention Bird, MJ and Magic having this. First of all I can tell you've never seen Magic play because that's not him. MJ was able to change this attitude by the early 90s. Bird definitely had this attitude and it took injuries to humble him out of it. But none of these guys' ego hindered them as much as Kobe...this is what's frustrated me about him.

He had this attitude for most of his career, but he's gotten much better as a team oriented player. But I don't think even now he could stand being a 2nd option even if it meant their gonna win it all. Kobe has an enormous inferiority complex. However, this also fuels him to be better individually.

Lebron's problem is that he plays the game passively and he over thinks on the court. Which isn't as bad as it sounds until your team needs you, and you alone, to deliver. It's not crumbling under pressure. It's not choking. It's not as much a mental problem as much as he simply isn't the isolation scorer everyone thinks he is. Just clog the lane and back off. If he isn't hitting his jumper what's he going to do? Drive at his current weight? Charge. Post-up? lol. Face-up game? He dribbles twice to his left and takes a step back jumper. He's a great scorer but that doesn't get it done on the biggest stage.

06-23-2016, 02:26 AM

08-13-2016, 07:56 AM

04-28-2021, 02:36 AM
I know I am late to this but I am overseas and I just woke up.

I was hard on LeBron's tip during all the Kobe/LeBron discussion, but I have come to realize something. Kobe Bryant is the last of a dying breed of player, and today's 'semi-stars' (what they have made themselves by their stupid fraternal decisions) will never stack up to him or achieve the levels that he did and people like MJ, Bird and Magic before him. Guys who had the balls to tell eveyone else to eff off, and that they will get it done themselves. Any of us who played knows this feeling. Even in pick up, you see the other team is stacked, you say 'no worries, we'll find a way'. But I guess LeBron doesn't have this gene, he isn't wired like that, he needs back up.

He will always be one ring behind Wade and he will always leave us wondering: "could he have done it himself?" And the answer to this is: "NO!"
Why, because the evidence is there:

Look how he quit on Cleveland, look how he acted when the chips were down against the Celtics (even though he had the best regular season team in the L).
Fair or foul that is how it will look, and people like Dan Gilbert will be there to hammer the point home.

You f*ckin f@ggot, as an NBA fan I feel betrayed.


****ing ******. **** you.