View Full Version : D-Wade fires back at Charles Barkley, implies he is ringless for a reason

07-14-2010, 04:21 PM
Wade says two superstars are needed to win a championship, three are needed for a dynasty. I disagree because MJ and Kobe only needed 1 other "superstar" and each achieved two separate dynasties.

“They got three terrific players,” Barkley said. “I was disappointed. I wanted LeBron to stay in Cleveland, to be honest with you. I don’t blame the guy. But I think it would be a lot more important and significant to win a championship in Cleveland than it would be in Miami, if he wins it. … LeBron is never going to be the guy.”

Countered Wade: “When he got older, he tried to team up with (Scottie) Pippen and (Hakeem) Olajuwon. He failed. Why wait until you’re old when you have nothing left in the tank? … There’s just a lot of misconceptions out there about how much talent it takes to win a championship. It’s takes at least two, it takes three to really be a dynasty. That’s what we want to be.”


07-14-2010, 04:23 PM
looking forward to their next commercial together.

07-14-2010, 04:23 PM
Wade says two superstars are needed to win a championship, three are needed for a dynasty. I disagree because MJ and Kobe only needed 1 other "superstar" and each achieved two separate dynasties.


2's a party. 3's a crowd. These guys are just scared of competition, cowards.

07-14-2010, 04:27 PM
Ummmmm sounds like Wade is selling him self short as well? I think just him and Bosh would be a good duo to win a ring or two. They could of got a whole lot of good players to create a TEAM with that Lebron money.

07-14-2010, 04:27 PM
Yeah but atleast i can respect barkley without rings then lebron with rings. To win rings isnt enough if your an upper echelon player. You want to win rings as a meaningful member of a team and preferably the best player on the team. When robert horry was asked if he would trade his career for charles barkley horry said in a heartbeat. And thats the mentaility you should have if you have ever played the game of bball. Never once have i stepped on the court and wanted to take a backseat to my teammates. I always wanted to win and be the reason why we won. Sports is a ego driven field and those with the biggest egos thrive and those with the smallest are thrown by the wayside.

Barkleys ego cemented his greatness. Lebron on the other hand let go of any ego he had left. Id much rather not win a ship on a 60 win team and win mvp's then win a ring on a stacked team where they dont need me to play to my full abilities.

Ideally its best to go the hakeem or mj route. being the best player and main cog on a championship team.

07-14-2010, 04:29 PM
Wade is officially out of Barkley's fav 5

07-14-2010, 04:31 PM
I guess the truth hurts...


07-14-2010, 04:32 PM
Wade is officially out of Barkley's fav 5

you beat me to that EXACT joke by 3 minutes. Darn you!!!!.....waving fist......:rant

Also, Wade is a p-ssy.....gotta go........

07-14-2010, 04:33 PM
Wow, Wade being the most vocal so far. You can clearly tell who's the leader.

07-14-2010, 04:35 PM
Charles Barkley atleast tried! these kids were too insecure to even give it a shot. I hope Melo CP3 and Howard find a way to team up.

07-14-2010, 04:35 PM
Wade's right. Barkley had a pretty stacked Rockets squad. but what Wade/Lebron/Bosh have done isn't much different than what the Lakers did with Malone/Payton, then later Gasol/Artest, including the Celtics with KG, Pirce, Allen.

the difference between GM's working their collusion, and players working their collusion isn't enough of a difference to cry about. so what if the players decided to play together rather than a GM working moves to stack their squad?

07-14-2010, 04:37 PM
Charles Barkley tried! these kids were to insicure to even give it a shot. I hope Melo CP3 and Howard find a way to team up.

Winning a championship isn't the destination, its the journey. It doesn't mean anything if you don't earn it.

What does it mean for Lebron, Bosh, and Wade to win a championship? Not that much.

CB got to the Finals with Kevin Johnson as 2nd best player. That's impressive.

07-14-2010, 04:39 PM
Wade's right. Barkley had a pretty stacked Rockets squad. but what Wade/Lebron/Bosh have done isn't much different than what the Lakers did with Malone/Payton, then later Gasol/Artest, including the Celtics with KG, Pirce, Allen.

the difference between GM's working their collusion, and players working their collusion isn't enough of a difference to cry about. so what if the players decided to play together rather than a GM working moves to stack their squad?

Lebron/Bosh are in their mid-20's, they still had the chance to win a ring as the team's leader and clear best player. Those other guys were in the 30's, after they've at least given it a shot to win on their own.

07-14-2010, 04:39 PM
Winning a championship isn't the destination, its the journey. It doesn't mean anything if you don't earn it.

What does it mean for Lebron, Bosh, and Wade to win a championship? Not that much.

CB got to the Finals with Kevin Johnson as 2nd best player. That's impressive.

so i'm assuming that applies to the Celtics too?

07-14-2010, 04:41 PM
Lebron/Bosh are in their mid-20's, they still had the chance to win a ring as the team's leader and clear best player. Those other guys were in the 30's, after they've at least given it a shot to win on their own.

lebron/bosh didn't try? Bosh really never had the support, and lebron's is HIGHLY overrated. just because they overacheived in a weak conference during the regular season doesn't make them a championship caliber team and it showed the last playoffs.

i just don't see much of a difference in terms of team stacking that some other teams have done or been doing, vs what lebron/wade/bosh just did. in fact what they did was more respect worthy since they took pay cuts to do it.

07-14-2010, 04:43 PM
theres a difference between ring chasing when youre in your prime 20's versus in your 30's when you are old,
but youre a stupid poodle so I had to explain it to you =====|) :roll:

07-14-2010, 04:43 PM
Wow, Wade being the most vocal so far. You can clearly tell who's the leader.and the most defensive... seems he's the first one to always answer back even for james.. he knows what's at stake here, he knows that they have taken hits in the court of public opinion and their status as elite players in the nba will never be looked at the same

07-14-2010, 04:47 PM
theres a difference between ring chasing when youre in your prime 20's versus in your 30's when you are old,
but youre a stupid poodle so I had to explain it to you =====|) :roll:

no there isn't, only for bitter lebron haters and lil girls mad poodle banged their mom :lol

Tito Beasley
07-14-2010, 04:54 PM
Wade says two superstars are needed to win a championship, three are needed for a dynasty. I disagree because MJ and Kobe only needed 1 other "superstar" and each achieved two separate dynasties.

Kobe and MJ didn't achieve dynasties. The Lakers and Bulls did.

Stop trying to give Kobe way more credit than he deserves.

07-14-2010, 04:56 PM
so i'm assuming that applies to the Celtics too?

No. Pierce, Allen, and KG are not on the level of Team Diva AND they are not in their primes. All in their 30's already.

What does it mean if Lebron, Wade, and Bosh win a title teaming up at ages 25? Seriously. "Good for you guys. You are as good as we thought you were. Happy? What a challenge!!! Pat yourself on the back boys. ":rolleyes:

Tito Beasley
07-14-2010, 04:56 PM
Ummmmm sounds like Wade is selling him self short as well? I think just him and Bosh would be a good duo to win a ring or two. They could of got a whole lot of good players to create a TEAM with that Lebron money.

Umm, they already got Haslem, Mike Miller, and Z, in addition to Mario Chalmers.

Passing on Lebron would have meant getting those same players but giving them more money. And maybe an Al Harrington and a Raymond Felton added on. Definitely worth passing on Lebron. :hammerhead:

You ****ing retard.

Tito Beasley
07-14-2010, 04:57 PM
No. Pierce, Allen, and KG are not on the level of Team Diva AND they are not in their primes. All in their 30's already.

What does it mean if Lebron, Wade, and Bosh win a title teaming up at ages 25? Seriously. "Good for you guys. You are as good as we thought you were. Happy? What a challenge!!! Pat yourself on the back boys. ":rolleyes:

Maybe they don't care what it means to bitter, spurned idiots like you lol.

07-14-2010, 04:58 PM
Maybe they don't care what it means to bitter, spurned idiots like you lol.


07-14-2010, 05:00 PM
Wade can't hold Barkley's dirty socks, let alone his jock strap.

07-14-2010, 05:02 PM
All this shows is how the competitive drive has declined in the NBA. If Wade had said this in the 1980's, no one would want to be near this guy.

07-14-2010, 05:03 PM
Maybe they don't care what it means to bitter, spurned idiots like you lol.

y u mad?

07-14-2010, 05:03 PM
so i'm assuming that applies to the Celtics too?

I'm not really a Lebron basher(I did think it was a bit weak to go to Miami) & don't begrudge a 25 year taking $110 million to play ball in Miami.

But to compare his situation to Allen & KG is silly. Both these guys were the faces of their franchises & had been for nearly a decade or so & neither really wanted to leave.

Ray Allen DID NOT want to be traded & even after he was with the Celtic's opines how he thinks Seattle blew it. That they only needed one more piece with he & Rashard Lewis to contend (Durant ironically was drafted that summer.

KG was so stubborn about staying in Minny that NBA fans/media seemed to plead for him to ask out & he tepidly did then.

Both wanted to stay & win in their cities(where they were face of franchise) on their own terms. It didn't work out.

KG nor Allen will give their rings back ,but I am certain they will tell you that they would have rather done it in SEA or Min.

07-14-2010, 05:04 PM
Maybe they don't care what it means to bitter, spurned idiots like you lol.

Yup. Bagelred...aren't you a Knicks fan? That sums it all up right there. Wade,Bosh, and LeBron DO NOT care about what other think of their legacy. They DO NOT care about Charles Barkley saying that they can't be the man or that their legacy will be tainted. Winning cures all and that's the bottom line. People can get mad and criticize all they want, but these guys want rings...not someone else's opinion on how they should shape their legacy.

07-14-2010, 05:04 PM
Wade says two superstars are needed to win a championship, three are needed for a dynasty. I disagree because MJ and Kobe only needed 1 other "superstar" and each achieved two separate dynasties.


Very hypocritical of Barkley to complain about Wade-LBJ-Bosh teaming up when he did the same exact thing.

07-14-2010, 05:07 PM
Wade is officially out of Barkley's fav 5

AHAHA nice. lol, 2's a party 3's a crowed i agree.

07-14-2010, 05:08 PM
KG nor Allen will give their rings back ,but I am certain they will tell you that they would have rather done it in SEA or Min.

KG has said that he wished he would have left earlier. He was in the exact same position as LeBron but left Minn later in his career. Even though Ray is loved in Seattle, I bet he's now wishing he would have been traded earlier(especially seeing how organization was after he was traded).

07-14-2010, 05:10 PM
Yeah but atleast i can respect barkley without rings then lebron with rings. To win rings isnt enough if your an upper echelon player. You want to win rings as a meaningful member of a team and preferably the best player on the team. When robert horry was asked if he would trade his career for charles barkley horry said in a heartbeat. And thats the mentaility you should have if you have ever played the game of bball. Never once have i stepped on the court and wanted to take a backseat to my teammates. I always wanted to win and be the reason why we won. Sports is a ego driven field and those with the biggest egos thrive and those with the smallest are thrown by the wayside.

Barkleys ego cemented his greatness. Lebron on the other hand let go of any ego he had left. Id much rather not win a ship on a 60 win team and win mvp's then win a ring on a stacked team where they dont need me to play to my full abilities.

Ideally its best to go the hakeem or mj route. being the best player and main cog on a championship team.
You know, it sounds a little sacrilege to say anything that might doubt the notion "Winning is the only thing" but I have to agree with you on a lot of stuff.

Basketball for me is definitely not all about winning. I TRY to win at all times but it's certainly not the only thing that matters. If winning was it, I'm pretty sure there's a ton of other things I could be spending my time on instead of basketball that would assure me a higher clip of victory. I don't go down to the park and play just because "Man, I really just have to win at something tonight".

I understand that many of you feel the NBA is a business and winning is the players' lone perogative. I'm not so sure that's true. I love the fact I got to see my Pistons win a ring but almost just as exciting has been having the opportunity to watch guys like Vince Carter and LeBron James execute world-class plays on the court. It's an entertainment industry.

Further, I admit there are times when I'm at the court and the teams just happen to fall into a circumstantial, completely lopsided charade and actually it can be fun steamrolling an opponent for a little bit; a breath of relief from going hard all day. But it's hollow.

As long as this Heat squad truly doesn't turn out to be an completely unstoppable 12th-graders-vs.-4th-graders-domination-fest, then it shouldn't be an issue from that standpoint. I still wish LeBron stayed in Cleveland though, it just doesn't seem right.

07-14-2010, 05:15 PM
KG has said that he wished he would have left earlier. He was in the exact same position as LeBron but left Minn later in his career. Even though Ray is loved in Seattle, I bet he's now wishing he would have been traded earlier(especially seeing how organization was after he was traded).



I only said if they could have gotten that ring they would have preferred getting the rings as the face of their franchises in SEA & MIN & not in Boston

What's so hard to understand?

07-14-2010, 05:19 PM


I only said if they could have gotten that ring they would have preferred getting the rings as the face of their franchises in SEA & MIN & not in Boston

What's so hard to understand?

Gotcha. I mis-understood that one. Either way, I hope you weren't implying that LeBron didn't prefer to win one in Cleveland. He simply saw a better opportunity both short term and long term and couldn't pass it up:confusedshrug:

And by "leave", I meant "traded". Sometimes it's a blessing in disguise ya know..

07-14-2010, 05:23 PM
Countered Wade: “When he got older, he tried to team up with (Scottie) Pippen and (Hakeem) Olajuwon. He failed. Why wait until you’re old when you have nothing left in the tank? … There’s just a lot of misconceptions out there about how much talent it takes to win a championship. It’s takes at least two, it takes three to really be a dynasty. That’s what we want to be.”

I take it they're not on each other's fave fives anymore... :ohwell:

07-14-2010, 05:31 PM
Wow, Wade being the most vocal so far. You can clearly tell who's the leader.

You know, I was just thinking that.

Neither Bosh or James have actually come out to defend themselves, let alone each other. Wade is the only one standing up for his teammates.

07-14-2010, 05:32 PM
good for wade. tell these older players that are ringless or played on loaded teams to the STFU.

And chris bosh is not a superstar to begin with. why is he elevated to superstar status? one 2nd team all nba in 7 years. LOL. no defense. no high basketball iq. give me a break.

the heat have 2 superstars and another really good player. just like every other dynasty has had.

and again. the current lakers have as much or more talent than the heat do. and the greatest coach ever.

current lakers > current heat.

so barkely needs to STFU or say the same thing about kobe/gasol or the big three in boston. such a ****ing double standard.

07-14-2010, 05:36 PM
lol remember when charles and kenny were clowning wade cause everybody was saying he was dating star jones?

07-14-2010, 05:39 PM
Wade is a freaking retard and the more he speaks the more dumb he sounds. Bulls had MJ/Pippen as really good players/superstars and then ppl who may have been good at one thing. Not to mention they did it without an allstar Big man. No dynasty can compare to the bulls in terms of least amount of allstars/HOF to achieve Dynasty status.....

07-14-2010, 05:40 PM
Wade is a freaking retard and the more he speaks the more dumb he sounds. Bulls had MJ/Pippen as really good players/superstars and then ppl who may have been good at one thing. Not to mention they did it without an allstar Big man. No dynasty can compare to the bulls in terms of least amount of allstars/HOF to achieve Dynasty status.....

tim duncan's 4 titles say hi. duncan won with much less overall help than jordan did.

07-14-2010, 06:03 PM
LOL at y'all saying Lebron should have chosen the hard road to the title. He's not 20 years old anymore, he can't sit around and for the Cavs to get him another star. It's also not like the 90s anymore where 2 stars or even 1 gets the job done. The Lakers and Celtics changed that

From Lebrons point of view...
Cleveland - No chance of winning, over the cap with Lebron and no stars around him. He fought fir 7 seasons and couldn't get it done in the system by himself, so why would he win now?

Then it's basically down to Miami, New York and Chicago. Chicago have Rose, NY have Amare, Heat have Wade and Bosh

Obviously your gonna pick Miami. Did you really expect him to get up there and say,"Ive decided to stay a Cleveland Cav" then when asked why "I feel that IF we ever win a title I'll get a little bit more respect for doing it by myself, compared to my first title if I join a dynasty team"

You all would have said "What an ego" and when he retired titleless you would have said "he should have joined a better team, but his head was too big to share the prize with anyone else"

Barkley needs to respect Lebron and Wade as well, he isn't in a position to talk down to them

So he lead the Suns to second place, Lebron lead the Cavs with MO WILLIAMS as his 2nd best player

07-14-2010, 06:05 PM
good for wade. tell these older players that are ringless or played on loaded teams to the STFU.

And chris bosh is not a superstar to begin with. why is he elevated to superstar status? one 2nd team all nba in 7 years. LOL. no defense. no high basketball iq. give me a break.

the heat have 2 superstars and another really good player. just like every other dynasty has had.

and again. the current lakers have as much or more talent than the heat do. and the greatest coach ever.

current lakers > current heat.

so barkely needs to STFU or say the same thing about kobe/gasol or the big three in boston. such a ****ing double standard.

Name one former team with this much prime starpower.

07-14-2010, 06:09 PM
Winning a championship isn't the destination, its the journey. It doesn't mean anything if you don't earn it.

What does it mean for Lebron, Bosh, and Wade to win a championship? Not that much.

CB got to the Finals with Kevin Johnson as 2nd best player. That's impressive.

And Lebron with Ilgauskas as 2nd best player
That's impressive...

07-14-2010, 06:11 PM
LOL at y'all saying Lebron should have chosen the hard road to the title. He's not 20 years old anymore, he can't sit around and for the Cavs to get him another star. It's also not like the 90s anymore where 2 stars or even 1 gets the job done. The Lakers and Celtics changed that

From Lebrons point of view...
Cleveland - No chance of winning, over the cap with Lebron and no stars around him. He fought fir 7 seasons and couldn't get it done in the system by himself, so why would he win now?

Then it's basically down to Miami, New York and Chicago. Chicago have Rose, NY have Amare, Heat have Wade and Bosh

Obviously your gonna pick Miami. Did you really expect him to get up there and say,"Ive decided to stay a Cleveland Cav" then when asked why "I feel that IF we ever win a title I'll get a little bit more respect for doing it by myself, compared to my first title if I join a dynasty team"

You all would have said "What an ego" and when he retired titleless you would have said "he should have joined a better team, but his head was too big to share the prize with anyone else"

Barkley needs to respect Lebron and Wade as well, he isn't in a position to talk down to them

So he lead the Suns to second place, Lebron lead the Cavs with MO WILLIAMS as his 2nd best player

That is why NY, Chicago, or NJ would have been better. He could keep his manhood in one of those cities.

07-14-2010, 06:16 PM
And Lebron with Ilgauskas as 2nd best player
That's impressive...

There was really no clear 2nd best on the Cavs. The talent was distributed equally after Lebron, which was why that team was so strong.

07-14-2010, 06:20 PM
That is why NY, Chicago, or NJ would have been better. He could keep his manhood in one of those cities.

manhood ??? :roll: :roll: :roll: I've heard it all now

07-14-2010, 06:24 PM
Are these guys trying to be hated by everyone? First of all, he's wrong. Shaq and Kobe formed a dynasty, MJ and Pippen formed a dynasty...they only needed 2 superstars. I guess they were just greater players...

Courtside View
07-14-2010, 06:25 PM
The biggest problem with the whining about Bron's signing is that yes he went to a team with two great players, no question, but he didn't even go to the team that would be the MOST set, as far as roster which would have been Chicago. People are pretending that he went to a team that was like Wade, Bosh, Rose, Noah and like Phoenix's bench or something.

Regardless of how good the POTENTIAL of Miami is, there was still a LOT of roster filling out to be done, and a risk that the trio would lessen the amount of talent the Heat could realistically pursue.

07-14-2010, 06:25 PM
tim duncan's 4 titles say hi. duncan won with much less overall help than jordan did.
Yeah, and his competition was considerably WEAKER than Jordan's.

07-14-2010, 06:33 PM
manhood ??? :roll: :roll: :roll: I've heard it all now

Apparently not. He lost his manhood when he allowed them to call the trio the Three Kings. That's losing your manhood when they bastardize your name.

07-14-2010, 06:39 PM
All this shows is how the competitive drive has declined in the NBA. If Wade had said this in the 1980's, no one would want to be near this guy.

This. I fear for the NBA if more players take the path that Lebron and Wade has taken. These superstars have forgotten a key point about the world of basketball that I hope that they rediscover:

"Rings do not make a player great, it is the journey that a player takes to get the ring, which makes both the player and the ring meaningful." by Justin43.

Courtside View
07-14-2010, 06:42 PM
This. I fear for the NBA if more players take the path that Lebron and Wade has taken. These superstars are forgotten a key point about the world of basketball that I hope that they rediscover:

"Rings do not make a player great, it is the journey that a player to get the ring, which makes both the player and the ring meaningful." by Justin43.

:oldlol: @ this sanctimonious drivel. This was pretty much a situation unprecedented in the NBA. I can't remember the last time three free agents of their calibre had the chance to all go to the same team (only Duncan, Hill and TMac come to mind, but the Spurs had much more potential for winning than Cleveland does).

If anyone thinks it is CERTAIN that Magic, Bird, Barkley, Malone, and on and on wouldn't have done it, then they're full of it. It's easy to comment now, when you never had the opportunity and say what you wouldnt' have done.


07-14-2010, 06:44 PM
Is Tmobile gunna have them patch things out?

07-14-2010, 06:45 PM
Umm, they already got Haslem, Mike Miller, and Z, in addition to Mario Chalmers.

Passing on Lebron would have meant getting those same players but giving them more money. And maybe an Al Harrington and a Raymond Felton added on. Definitely worth passing on Lebron. :hammerhead:

You ****ing retard.

Name calling! Nice job troll!

07-14-2010, 06:48 PM
:oldlol: @ this sanctimonious drivel. This was pretty much a situation unprecedented in the NBA. I can't remember the last time three free agents of their calibre had the chance to all go to the same team (only Duncan, Hill and TMac come to mind, but the Spurs had much more potential for winning than Cleveland does).

If anyone thinks it is CERTAIN that Magic, Bird, Barkley, Malone, and on and on wouldn't have done it, then they're full of it. It's easy to comment now, when you never had the opportunity and say what you wouldnt' have done.


But they didn't did they? For all the attacks against my post, you know, even if you don't want to admit it, that what I say is true. Barkley achieved greatness even when he didn't win a ring by struggling to get to the Finals and win. I ask you this, would you rather take the quicker, less honorable path to success or you rather struggle with your own hands to become successful even with the chance that you don't succeed? Which path will produce the more compelling story? I will tell you this. Every player that we know that they are great each has a story of struggle, determination, and courage that defines their legend.

Yung D-Will
07-14-2010, 06:50 PM
Lol I have the upmost respect for everything D-Wade stands for.

I disagree with him but I still respect him.

This Miami team is gonna be hated by everyone though

Courtside View
07-14-2010, 06:56 PM
But they didn't did they? For all the attacks against my post, you know, even if you don't want to admit it, that what I say is true.

Great rebuttal. I'll do the same. You know, even if you don't want to admit it, that what I say is true. See how easy that is?

Duncan had a better chance to win in SA than Bro did in Cleveland. And both TMac and Hill came to the team thinking there was a good chance they'd all be playing together. I don't remember this kind of crazy bytching about that potential then.

And like I SAID, if Bron went to Chicago they had the better "ready to go" roster than Miami did at the time. Just playing with two other all stars doesn't automatically = title. It's who's alongside them that will determine that.

07-14-2010, 06:57 PM
Great rebuttal. I'll do the same. You know, even if you don't want to admit it, that what I say is true. See how easy that is?

Duncan had a better chance to win in SA than Bro did in Cleveland. And both TMac and Hill came to the team thinking there was a good chance they'd all be playing together. I don't remember this kind of crazy bytching about that potential then.

And like I SAID, if Bron went to Chicago they had the better "ready to go" roster than Miami did at the time. Just playing with two other all stars doesn't automatically = title. It's who's alongside them that will determine that.

LeBron wanted Miami probably so they can build the team from scratch (just ignore Wade and Haslem tenure there).

Courtside View
07-14-2010, 06:59 PM
But they didn't did they? For all the attacks against my post, you know, even if you don't want to admit it, that what I say is true. Barkley achieved greatness even when he didn't win a ring by struggling to get to the Finals and win. I ask you this, would you rather take the quicker, less honorable path to success or you rather struggle with your own hands to become successful even with the chance that you don't succeed? Which path will produce the more compelling story? I will tell you this. Every player that we know that they are great each has a story of struggle, determination, and courage that defines their legend.

I disagree that this is the quicker, less honorable path. That's nonsense to me. He gave Cleveland 7 years and they were no closer to pushing through to a title. The only thing Bron did wrong, IMO, was to leave Cleveland how he did NOT the that he did it. He had every right to go to a team that he felt gave him a great chance of winning right away. He didn't demand a trade after he got drafted, for example. THAT is not honorable to me.

And Miami still has to WORK to win. And 10 years from now, if he wins multiple titles and does so in a legendary manner it will be "compelling" enough for most of the basketball world, except for a few detractors here and there.

07-14-2010, 07:03 PM
Barkley was a jerk at times, and he never worked on his defense like he should, but he has 100 times the balls Lebron does so Wade should honestly shut the hell up. These guys want to stack the deck in their favor, but no one to mention it. That's not going to happen...

07-14-2010, 07:05 PM
Has D-Wade assumed the role of Lebron's new spokesperson or something?

07-14-2010, 07:07 PM
Great rebuttal. I'll do the same. You know, even if you don't want to admit it, that what I say is true. See how easy that is?

Duncan had a better chance to win in SA than Bro did in Cleveland. And both TMac and Hill came to the team thinking there was a good chance they'd all be playing together. I don't remember this kind of crazy bytching about that potential then.

And like I SAID, if Bron went to Chicago they had the better "ready to go" roster than Miami did at the time. Just playing with two other all stars doesn't automatically = title. It's who's alongside them that will determine that.

Sorry, I edited my post, but I will respond regardless. We are know that two great players plus solid role players are what is usually required to get a ring. It is true that 3 superstars on the same team don't automatically mean title, but it still remains that it is the easiest of paths to get a ring. That much is true no matter if the Heat win 6 in a row with this group or win none at all.

As for Lebron, all I will say that Lebron had the potenial to move that team to a championship, but he left before he could realize it.

07-14-2010, 07:08 PM
Ummmmm sounds like Wade is selling him self short as well? I think just him and Bosh would be a good duo to win a ring or two. They could of got a whole lot of good players to create a TEAM with that Lebron money.
that's the whole point, they're not trying to win a ring or 2

Wade knows Bosh makes the Heat a contender.

They're trying to put the league in a headlock

[Patrick James Riley] Boston was the ONLY dynasty[/Patrick James Riley]

1 or 2 rings is a failure for this crew

Courtside View
07-14-2010, 07:14 PM
Sorry, I edited my post, but I will respond regardless. We are know that two great players plus solid role players are what is usually required to get a ring. It is true that 3 superstars on the same team don't automatically mean title, but it still remains that it is the easiest of paths to get a ring. That much is true no matter if the Heat win 6 in a row with this group or win none at all.

As for Lebron, all I will say that Lebron had the potenial to move that team to a championship, but he left before he could realize it.

So do you remember people condemning TMac and Hill for going to Orlando hoping/expecting Duncan to sign? Somehow I don't.

And winning 6 rings is a hard feat if you have a team full of HOFers or don't so how much "easier" it is given this lineup is really meaningless to me. It will be hard to win multiple titles, regardless of who is on their roster.

And no, Cleveland did not have the options to get closer to a title. The past two years' teams were regular season teams that didn't have the personnel to win titles. What was 38 year old Shaq, 34 year old Jamison and Mo Williams going to do?

07-14-2010, 07:16 PM
at the end of the day, they did it to make their team better, whats wrong with that?

07-14-2010, 07:18 PM
i don't get all of this rationalizing. Wade, Lebron and Bosh stacked the deck in their favor. The downside, the hating and the crap everyone took on Lebron's legacy. The upside - well they stacked the deck in their favor.

I get the feeling for some reason we are not supposed to mention that they are stacking the deck. You don't get to be hugely loved favorites except in your own city. They are like women, WHY DON'T YOU LOVE US? WHY DO YOU CRITICIZE?

Embrace your heel side and stop being such *******.

07-14-2010, 07:20 PM
Has D-Wade assumed the role of Lebron's new spokesperson or something?

He's assumed this role for the past couple weeks.

07-14-2010, 07:20 PM
I disagree that this is the quicker, less honorable path. That's nonsense to me. He gave Cleveland 7 years and they were no closer to pushing through to a title. The only thing Bron did wrong, IMO, was to leave Cleveland how he did NOT the that he did it. He had every right to go to a team that he felt gave him a great chance of winning right away. He didn't demand a trade after he got drafted, for example. THAT is not honorable to me.

And Miami still has to WORK to win. And 10 years from now, if he wins multiple titles and does so in a legendary manner it will be "compelling" enough for most of the basketball world, except for a few detractors here and there.

Of course, Lebron had the right to choose to go to another team minus "The Decision" antics, but his decision, rings or not, will not have people down the line say that he struggle as much as other players that came before or even after Lebron. Even Wade's career won't be viewed as the same as other competitors are.

Charles knew what would happen towards the end of his prime when he decided to stay with his team instead of go for a ring in a superstar stacked team, but he kept on. That is greatness. Greatness isn't always about winning or succeeding. It is about the will to keep going despite what could happen if he or she don't take the easy way out.

I don't know if Lebron or Wade will realize this, but I seriously hope they do before it is too late.

Courtside View
07-14-2010, 07:21 PM
i don't get all of this rationalizing. Wade, Lebron and Bosh stacked the deck in their favor. The downside, the hating and the crap everyone took on Lebron's legacy. The upside - well they stacked the deck in their favor.

I get the feeling for some reason we are not supposed to mention that they are stacking the deck. You don't get to be hugely loved favorites except in your own city. They are like women, WHY DON'T YOU LOVE US? WHY DO YOU CRITICIZE?

Embrace your heel side and stop being such *******.

Who said that people aren't supposed to mention it? Wade said people have the right to believe what they want, doesn't mean he, or anyone else, has to agree. I'm not begrudging people the right to believe what they want, I'm challenging what I disagree with about their arguments. As is Wade. Nothing "bytch" about that. Unless you just want people to automatically agree with you.

Courtside View
07-14-2010, 07:26 PM
Of course, Lebron had the right to choose to go to another team minus "The Decision" antics, but his decision, rings or not, will not have people down the line say that he struggle as much as other players that came before or even after Lebron. Even Wade's career won't be viewed as the same as other competitors are.

Charles knew what would happen towards the end of his prime when he decided to stay with his team instead of go for a ring in a superstar stacked team, but he kept on. That is greatness. Greatness isn't always about winning or succeeding. It is about the will to keep going despite what could happen if he or she don't take the easy way out.

I don't know if Lebron or Wade will realize this, but I seriously hope they do before it is too late.

Yes, Magic and Bird and Russell and anyone else on stacked teams didn't "struggle" as much as other players either. So what? All that matters is how well they play, and how much winning they do together. Your assessment that their careers will somehow be trivialized on a widespread basis is just not accurate. There will always be people that are dessenters, it's the case for EVERY champion. But their careers will be defined by how much they win, and how well they play doing it, not by playing together.

07-14-2010, 07:35 PM
So do you remember people condemning TMac and Hill for going to Orlando hoping/expecting Duncan to sign? Somehow I don't.

And winning 6 rings is a hard feat if you have a team full of HOFers or don't so how much "easier" it is given this lineup is really meaningless to me. It will be hard to win multiple titles, regardless of who is on their roster.

And no, Cleveland did not have the options to get closer to a title. The past two years' teams were regular season teams that didn't have the personnel to win titles. What was 38 year old Shaq, 34 year old Jamison and Mo Williams going to do?

1. I never said I did or even comment directly on that event.:confusedshrug:

2. What I said in my previous post refers to the fact that it doesn't matter how many rings they win, it is still the easier path. Does the quick and easy way work all the time? No. Otherwise, we would have many more successful people in the world. I don't get how you comprehend that I was implying that this Heat team can win 6 titles in a row.

3.But yet they won 60+ games in the regular season and beat the defending champions in that very season where Mo Williams went off on one of those meetings. The teammates excuse is getting old. If you can find a way in the regular season, you can find a way in the postseason. Let not this conversation devolve into Lebron's teammates when the bigger issues is with players who seemly lost their competitive drive. This is my last response on this teammate matter, so let just agree to disagree.:pimp:

07-14-2010, 07:41 PM
All of this "I lost respect for Lebron" stuff is down right hilarious.

"I,I, watched you on Tv all these years BRON!! All of these years, I even went to games, got your jersey and what do you do? Go on national tv to say where you are going and answer questions? Do you have a heart? Are you that cold?We are SO over bron. So over."


07-14-2010, 07:49 PM
Yes, Magic and Bird and Russell and anyone else on stacked teams didn't "struggle" as much as other players either. So what? All that matters is how well they play, and how much winning they do together. Your assessment that their careers will somehow be trivialized on a widespread basis is just not accurate. There will always be people that are dessenters, it's the case for EVERY champion. But their careers will be defined by how much they win, and how well they play doing it, not by playing together.

This issue is not that they are playing together, but their lack of competitive drive to do it on their own. I won't get into Russell because it will take me too long, but I will say that Magic and Bird when they won as the man were clearly the only people on their team who could shoulder the burden of being the man. What Wade and LeBron are doing is lowering the burden artifically(Wade's case) and running away from it(LeBron's case).

As for their legacy, how could they be look the same as Duncan, Jordan, Shaq, Kobe, Magic, Bird, Wilt, and other legends who took the full burden of being the man? As another poster put it, Wade, LeBron, and Bosh stacked the deck in their favor and expected to be loved the same as legends who took the full burden. Their story will just not be as compelling as the legends who came before them.

I have to go, but it was good to have this discussion with you even if you agree or not. Thanks for inspiring me to post this much.:cheers:

07-14-2010, 07:56 PM
Ummmmm sounds like Wade is selling him self short as well? I think just him and Bosh would be a good duo to win a ring or two. They could of got a whole lot of good players to create a TEAM with that Lebron money.
OR he could make it easy and get LBJ. Damn Cris I know this team scares the hell out of Laker fans but this is the same formula that you guys used in 04 after we dethroaned you in 03. You did not hear any Spurs fans making these kind of posts then. I am confused why any Laker fans would make these kind of posts now. There is nothing wrong what so ever with these kids wanted to win a ring by teaming up. It worked for the Celtics just fine. It should have worked for the Lakers in 04, it has worked great for the Lakers the last two years (Gasol received from Wests old team for air, Artest coming over). Its like an arms race. This IS a response to the Lakers & Celtics stacking the deck FIRST. There should be absolutely no negative response from fans of those two teams at all. They created the environment that created this Heat team.

07-14-2010, 08:05 PM
tim duncan's 4 titles say hi. duncan won with much less overall help than jordan did.

Really now I do believe his first title was with D robinson who may have been considered a better player that year. The last title they won Tony Parker got finals MVP. I think Duncan had more overall help.

oh the horror
07-14-2010, 08:08 PM
Wade must feel threatened....because why even respond at all?

Barkley is just someone with an opinion like ANYONE ELSE. At the end of the day, does it really matter?

Wade has been getting pretty vocal lately....and one has to wonder can this team handle the jabs that will be taken at them all season long....Sh*t like this simply shouldnt phase you, nor should you be bothered to respond to it.

Go out there, and let your game speak for you. End of story.

07-14-2010, 08:14 PM
Wade must feel threatened....because why even respond at all?

Barkley is just someone with an opinion like ANYONE ELSE. At the end of the day, does it really matter?

Wade has been getting pretty vocal lately....and one has to wonder can this team handle the jabs that will be taken at them all season long....Sh*t like this simply shouldnt phase you, nor should you be bothered to respond to it.

Go out there, and let your game speak for you. End of story.

Does this mean everyone complaining about this teamup is threatened by the prospect of Miami keeping everyone's head underwater for the next few years?

07-14-2010, 08:16 PM
Does this mean everyone complaining about this teamup is threatened by the prospect of Miami keeping everyone's head underwater for the next few years?
Apparently. You can't complain about anything without it meaning "you're threatened" according to that logic.

oh the horror
07-14-2010, 08:20 PM
Does this mean everyone complaining about this teamup is threatened by the prospect of Miami keeping everyone's head underwater for the next few years?

That depends...did the lineup throw its concerns about "everyone" first? No? The lineup didnt say anything you say? Okay.

Sports will always have people tossing their opinions around, THAT is the essense of sports, and their doings...people will throw around opinions, and complaints.

Why does that seem to bother Wade? Why do any of them feel the need to "fire back" to remark about things being said about them?

Real Men Wear Green
07-14-2010, 08:25 PM
Wade can't hold Barkley's dirty socks, let alone his jock strap.
Why on earth would he want to? Do you want to? Who is it that actively aspires to grasping jock straps? I never got that.

07-14-2010, 08:48 PM
Lebron/Bosh are in their mid-20's, they still had the chance to win a ring as the team's leader and clear best player. Those other guys were in the 30's, after they've at least given it a shot to win on their own.

yep, ring chasing in the twilight of your career is far more acceptable than in your mid 20's.

oh btw barkley had already been with the rockets for two years when pippen came over.

07-14-2010, 08:57 PM
LOL at y'all saying Lebron should have chosen the hard road to the title. He's not 20 years old anymore, he can't sit around and for the Cavs to get him another star. It's also not like the 90s anymore where 2 stars or even 1 gets the job done. The Lakers and Celtics changed that

From Lebrons point of view...
Cleveland - No chance of winning, over the cap with Lebron and no stars around him. He fought fir 7 seasons and couldn't get it done in the system by himself, so why would he win now?

Then it's basically down to Miami, New York and Chicago. Chicago have Rose, NY have Amare, Heat have Wade and Bosh

Obviously your gonna pick Miami. Did you really expect him to get up there and say,"Ive decided to stay a Cleveland Cav" then when asked why "I feel that IF we ever win a title I'll get a little bit more respect for doing it by myself, compared to my first title if I join a dynasty team"

You all would have said "What an ego" and when he retired titleless you would have said "he should have joined a better team, but his head was too big to share the prize with anyone else"

Barkley needs to respect Lebron and Wade as well, he isn't in a position to talk down to them

So he lead the Suns to second place, Lebron lead the Cavs with MO WILLIAMS as his 2nd best player


07-14-2010, 09:27 PM
I'm pretty sure the Heat would've been a better team if they only signed Bosh & Wade, kept Beasley and used the remaining $13.6 million on other role players.

07-14-2010, 09:28 PM
I'm pretty sure the Heat would've been a better team if they only signed Bosh & Wade, kept Beasley and used the remaining $13.6 million on other role players.


07-14-2010, 09:40 PM
anybody trying to argue Bron or Bosh could have won a ring here or there has already lost the plot

They're not trying to win a ring.

2000/01-2009/10 won't be rememebered for the Heat, Pistons or Boston.

They're trying to go down as the squad that controlled a decade. That is far more historically relevant than a single ship that was a blip in history.

07-14-2010, 09:43 PM
Wade must feel threatened....because why even respond at all?

Barkley is just someone with an opinion like ANYONE ELSE. At the end of the day, does it really matter?

Wade has been getting pretty vocal lately....and one has to wonder can this team handle the jabs that will be taken at them all season long....Sh*t like this simply shouldnt phase you, nor should you be bothered to respond to it.

Go out there, and let your game speak for you. End of story.

I'm betting they seriously underestimated the blowback from this.

Miami just took team-stacking to another level, by their own admission. Yet when confronted with the reality of that (they now enjoy an unfair advantage and thus unremarkable wins), they don't want to be held accountable.

07-14-2010, 10:07 PM
I'm betting they seriously underestimated the blowback from this.

Miami just took team-stacking to another level, by their own admission. Yet when confronted with the reality of that (they now enjoy an unfair advantage and thus unremarkable wins), they don't want to be held accountable.

other than the fact that the current lakers are as talented or more talented and have the best coach of all time.

lets just ignore that they aren't even the most stacked team in the current league. LOL

all media agenda and bias. just like every post on here. you can have a problem with how they did it. but they are not any more stacked or loaded than the lakers are right now.....let alone compared to the shaq/kobe lakers, the 96-98 bulls, the showtime lakers, or the bird/mchale/parrish/johnson celtics.

get over it fans. learn the game and its history. stop posting if you can't grasp the simple concept that stacked teams have always been common in the nba.

07-14-2010, 10:14 PM
other than the fact that the current lakers are as talented or more talented and have the best coach of all time.

lets just ignore that they aren't even the most stacked team in the current league. LOL

all media agenda and bias. just like every post on here. you can have a problem with how they did it. but they are not any more stacked or loaded than the lakers are right now.....let alone compared to the shaq/kobe lakers, the 96-98 bulls, the showtime lakers, or the bird/mchale/parrish/johnson celtics.

get over it fans. learn the game and its history. stop posting if you can't grasp the simple concept that stacked teams have always been common in the nba.

There have been stacked teams, but there has never been a team with 2 of the top 3 plus one more that is top 15. And of that 2 of the top 3, one is the absolute best and has GOAT talent.

Wade + Lebron alone would be one of the greatest combos in the history of the game. Adding Bosh is overkill.

07-14-2010, 10:16 PM
other than the fact that the current lakers are as talented or more talented and have the best coach of all time.

lets just ignore that they aren't even the most stacked team in the current league. LOL

all media agenda and bias. just like every post on here. you can have a problem with how they did it. but they are not any more stacked or loaded than the lakers are right now.....let alone compared to the shaq/kobe lakers, the 96-98 bulls, the showtime lakers, or the bird/mchale/parrish/johnson celtics.

get over it fans. learn the game and its history. stop posting if you can't grasp the simple concept that stacked teams have always been common in the nba.

The Heat are wayyy more stacked than the Lakers. You can say Kobe/Gasol are comparable to Wade/Bosh, but on top of that the Heat also have Lebron. Lakers will beat them anyway because of team game, even though the Heat clearly have more talent.

07-14-2010, 10:20 PM
There have been stacked teams, but there has never been a team with 2 of the top 3 plus one more that is top 15. And of that 2 of the top 3, one is the absolute best and has GOAT talent.

Wade + Lebron alone would be one of the greatest combos in the history of the game. Adding Bosh is overkill.

i guess i actually look at the top 8 or 9 of a roster and factor in how important coaching is. in terms of top 3 players? then yes....the heat are currently the most stacked team in the league.

in terms of coaching plus the entire team? no....they are not the most stacked team.

what does it matter if the top 3 are the best? its the entire team (including coaching) that wins a title.....not the top 3 players.

everyone on this board needs to learn that......and fast.

King Lebron LBJ
07-14-2010, 10:21 PM
i guess i actually look at the top 8 or 9 of a roster and factor in how important coaching is. in terms of top 3 players? then yes....the heat are currently the most stacked team in the league.

in terms of coaching plus the entire team? no....they are not the most stacked team.

what does it matter if the top 3 are the best? its the entire team (including coaching) that wins a title.....not the top 3 players.

everyone on this board needs to learn that......and fast.

Depends how the rest of the roster is filled out. Mike Miller, Haslem, Z, Howard is a good start so far.

07-14-2010, 10:22 PM
Is this the end of the T-Mobile commercials? Or is he just gonna take Charles out of his fave 5.

07-14-2010, 10:25 PM
Depends how the rest of the roster is filled out. Mike Miller, Haslem, Z, Howard is a good start so far.

of course. but either way. the teams are on a level playing field. if they met in a 7 game series it would be a toss up. neither team would be big favorites if a favorite at all. and i'm not talking about vegas odds. i'm talking about which team do all basketball fans think would win. we would honestly not know which team would win or which team should win.

that is the very definition of a level playing field.

07-14-2010, 10:30 PM
That was blunt but true on Wade's part.

All recent dynasties generally have generally three very good players who start off together still in their prime or relatively close to it.

07-14-2010, 10:30 PM
LOL Wade is a *****.

07-14-2010, 10:33 PM
of course. but either way. the teams are on a level playing field. if they met in a 7 game series it would be a toss up. neither team would be big favorites if a favorite at all. and i'm not talking about vegas odds. i'm talking about which team do all basketball fans think would win. we would honestly not know which team would win or which team should win.

that is the very definition of a level playing field.

it's not cheating. people throwing out the word CHEAT are morons. it's just stacking the deck on their behalf. it makes their victory (if it comes) seem less impressive. its just how it is. you stack the deck, you win, you still get to ask for your props, it just doesn't feel as impressive. being in NY, watching the yankees, i see it all the time.

07-14-2010, 10:37 PM
it's not cheating. people throwing out the word CHEAT are morons. it's just stacking the deck on their behalf. it makes their victory (if it comes) seem less impressive. its just how it is. you stack the deck, you win, you still get to ask for your props, it just doesn't feel as impressive. being in NY, watching the yankees, i see it all the time.

with the current public perception and media bias i totally agree. however, if the heat win 3 or 4 titles. 10 years from now they will be put in the proper context and people will go back and look at all the nba dynasties and understand that these titles are not worth any less than most.

if magic/kareem can both go down in the top 5 all time and none of their titles are diminished....then the same thing can happen for lebron/wade.

its simple. they have to play well and win at least 3 titles. and then about a decade has to go by. easier said then done. lets see them win before we worry about how we judge them.

07-14-2010, 11:07 PM
other than the fact that the current lakers are as talented or more talented and have the best coach of all time.

lets just ignore that they aren't even the most stacked team in the current league. LOL

all media agenda and bias. just like every post on here. you can have a problem with how they did it. but they are not any more stacked or loaded than the lakers are right now.....let alone compared to the shaq/kobe lakers, the 96-98 bulls, the showtime lakers, or the bird/mchale/parrish/johnson celtics.

get over it fans. learn the game and its history. stop posting if you can't grasp the simple concept that stacked teams have always been common in the nba.

Excellent post. If the Lakers or Boston aren't the ones stacking the deck there's a problem all of sudden. Lakers pay the highest luxury tax in the league for a reason.

07-14-2010, 11:11 PM
Excellent post. If the Lakers or Boston aren't the ones stacking the deck there's a problem all of sudden. Lakers pay the highest luxury tax in the league for a reason.

Hmmm yet another new account?

07-14-2010, 11:45 PM
pretty sad how ignorant people are to NBA history and how championships have been won ..
implying that they should try do it by themselves .. when it has never been done.

Name an NBA Great .. and ill name a top 50 player they played with.

07-14-2010, 11:48 PM
pretty sad how ignorant people are to NBA history and how championships have been won ..
implying that they should try do it by themselves .. when it has never been done.

Name an NBA Great .. and ill name a top 50 player they played with.

Hakeem? Billups?

07-14-2010, 11:48 PM
Wade is officially out of Barkley's fav 5

hahaha. lmao. I think those twos commercial days are over.

07-15-2010, 12:04 AM
Barkley is a straight up hypocrite. This is the same dude that demanded a trade out of Philly when they didn't make the playoffs. Clowned some of his teammates and ownership, cuz he wasn't winning and got traded to the suns. The dude was full of frustration at the time and he even spit on a little girl.

He also teammed up with hakeem and pippen when he became a free agent. Barkley talking about Lebron should stay in cleveland when he couldn't even stick it out in Philly. LOL

He couldn't do it by himself and neither can lebron or any other player for that matter. At least lebron waited to become a free agent to leave and didn't raise hell.

And some of you are buying into Chuck's BS. It's really sad. Chuck really needs to STFU on this one and stop being a hypocrite. Wade is right.

07-15-2010, 12:10 AM
Hakeem? Billups?

Billups? .. Pistons was the definition of a team win .. Rip,Prince, Sheed, Ben almost all chipped in equally to Billups.

The Iron Fist
07-15-2010, 12:17 AM
Ideally its best to go the hakeem or mj route. being the best player and main cog on a championship team.

Exactly why people roasted Kobe all these years.

Now, suddenly,

since its obvious Prince Robin can't and won't ever be that leader, best player and main cog on his team,

its not so important.

I love how peoples stances switch depending on whos doing what.

Pretty much like the MVP vote.

07-15-2010, 12:18 AM
Excellent post. If the Lakers or Boston aren't the ones stacking the deck there's a problem all of sudden. Lakers pay the highest luxury tax in the league for a reason.

Magic and Bird did not leave their teams to sign with other star players

07-15-2010, 12:19 AM
Wade is talking out because Lebron can't because he and Barkley are on a similar level, they are both great players without titles

Wade is puting Barkley back in his place because Barkley is Wades b**ch legacy wise and Barkley knows it. Wade has a title (with finals MVP and one of the great finals performances) he will soon have multiple titles. Wade is inviting Lebron and Bosh to the champions club to hang out with MJ, Magic, Shaq, Isiah and Kobe while Charles is waiting outside in the line complaining because security won't ever let him in.

07-15-2010, 12:24 AM
Magic and Bird did not leave their teams to sign with other star players

Both players were already winning titles within there 1st 2 years in the league. Magic is my favorite player of all time, but the lakers were stacked. Kareem is probably the greatest center ever. In magic's rookie season kareem averaged 32 ppg and 12rpg in the playoffs.

07-15-2010, 12:27 AM
Both players were already winning titles within there 1st 2 years in the league. Magic is my favorite player of all time, but the lakers were stacked. Kareem is probably the greatest center ever. In magic's rookie season kareem averaged 32 ppg and 12rpg in the playoffs.

Still that fact remains... and stacked teams does not guarantee you a championship

Courtside View
07-15-2010, 12:29 AM
Still that fact remains... and stacked teams does not guarantee you a championship

:oldlol: Oh, the irony. Do you realize what you did there?

07-15-2010, 12:32 AM

07-15-2010, 12:33 AM
What's up with all these people calling Wade, LeBron, and Bosh ring-chasers? You realize that these aren't just going to call it quits and retire if they get one ring? It's more accurate to call them dynasty chasers.

Wade is basically telling Charles Barkley, "Why don't you try dynasty chasing when you're 32-36 and see how that works out"? Sure, if you're just trying to end your career with a ring, you ring chase at the twilight of your career. But if you're trying to build a dynasty you HAVE to be in your prime.

Now I don't really have a problem with how they did it. The players got together and decided to join forces by their own choice. Now lets say Wade resigned with the Heat and Bosh joined while LeBron stayed with Cleveland. If the Cavs end up sucking in the regular season and *somehow* Pat Riley is able to trade a bunch of junk players for LeBron, is this still considered cowardly on LeBron's part? So it's only okay for team management to build a dynasty, but not players?

07-15-2010, 12:36 AM
with the current public perception and media bias i totally agree. however, if the heat win 3 or 4 titles. 10 years from now they will be put in the proper context and people will go back and look at all the nba dynasties and understand that these titles are not worth any less than most.

if magic/kareem can both go down in the top 5 all time and none of their titles are diminished....then the same thing can happen for lebron/wade.

its simple. they have to play well and win at least 3 titles. and then about a decade has to go by. easier said then done. lets see them win before we worry about how we judge them.

Prime Kareem and magic didn't play with another top 10 player in the league in his prime. They also played in an extremely tough era, pre-expansion.

Name me another team with this much prime star power. You can't. There has never been another team in NBA history with this much star power in their prime.

07-15-2010, 12:39 AM
It's a legitimate statement that the Lakers are arguably just as talented, if not more talented (as a team, on paper) than the Heat at this point.

But I think you're continually missing the specific criticism here (not speaking for everyone of course)...because you're making a distinction between the FORMATION of this heat team with the formation of the other stacked teams. In this instance, we had 2 top 3 players in their prime join eachother, and bring another top 15-20 guy in his prime along. The last part is no biggie, but never have two top 3 players joined while in their prime. It's never ever happened. You can praise Pau all you want, and rightfully so, but NO ONE will ever claim rationally that Pau joining Kobe was anything remotely close to this. People made a big deal about the lopsided trade, but people didn't go, Oh sh*t, pau joined the lakers! it's over. Eventually, it worked out, and people say NOW that Pau is a top 10-15 guy in the league. If Bosh had joined Kobe instead of Pau.

phil is arguably the best coach of all time...but to not even consider poppovich for that title is a little disrespectful to him, especially for someone who praises the spurs dynasty as much as you do.

the lakers are stacked now, sure. But the Heat? they might not have a roster now, but you think that'll be a problem in a year or two? once they get a roster in place, and Kobe ages, who's going to stop them? I'm sure they thought about this. Maybe they wont win a ring next year, but in the next 7-8 years? I don't see how they cannot be considered the overwhelming favorites to build a dynasty.

other than the fact that the current lakers are as talented or more talented and have the best coach of all time.

lets just ignore that they aren't even the most stacked team in the current league. LOL

all media agenda and bias. just like every post on here. you can have a problem with how they did it. but they are not any more stacked or loaded than the lakers are right now.....let alone compared to the shaq/kobe lakers, the 96-98 bulls, the showtime lakers, or the bird/mchale/parrish/johnson celtics.

get over it fans. learn the game and its history. stop posting if you can't grasp the simple concept that stacked teams have always been common in the nba.

07-15-2010, 12:40 AM
Prime Kareem and magic didn't play with another top 10 player in the league in his prime. They also played in an extremely tough era, pre-expansion.

Name me another team with this much prime star power. You can't. There has never been another team in NBA history with this much star power in their prime.

Bosh is a top 10 player in the league now? .. cmon ..

ill give him top 5 PF .. but now way top 10 overrall..

07-15-2010, 12:43 AM
Btw, did anyone catch Kevin McHale's phone interview on NBA tv the night of The Decision? They asked him if he thought Larry Bird would've considered doing the same thing in his prime.

McHale responded, obviously as diplomatically as possible, by first saying, well Larry ultimately just wanted to win, possibly implying that he would've done the same thing, but then he followed that up by saying that Larry liked to go against other guys...he liked to have a situation where it'd be, Ok, I have my squad, you have yours, lets do battle.

Take that however you want to

07-15-2010, 12:51 AM
And Barkley was the last person to talk about this, should have stuck it out in Philly and wait for Iverson lol.


Like someone said above, they're not ring chasing, they're dynasty chasing.

07-15-2010, 02:09 AM
Bosh is a top 10 player in the league now? .. cmon ..

ill give him top 5 PF .. but now way top 10 overrall..

He's coming off a 24/11/52% season. Kobe, Wade, Bron, CP3, Deron, Melo, Durant, Dwight and then Bosh, Pau, Dirk, Amare, Roy, etc... how is that not top 10 or top 10ish??

07-15-2010, 02:22 AM
It's a legitimate statement that the Lakers are arguably just as talented, if not more talented (as a team, on paper) than the Heat at this point.

But I think you're continually missing the specific criticism here (not speaking for everyone of course)...because you're making a distinction between the FORMATION of this heat team with the formation of the other stacked teams. In this instance, we had 2 top 3 players in their prime join eachother, and bring another top 15-20 guy in his prime along. The last part is no biggie, but never have two top 3 players joined while in their prime. It's never ever happened. You can praise Pau all you want, and rightfully so, but NO ONE will ever claim rationally that Pau joining Kobe was anything remotely close to this. People made a big deal about the lopsided trade, but people didn't go, Oh sh*t, pau joined the lakers! it's over. Eventually, it worked out, and people say NOW that Pau is a top 10-15 guy in the league. If Bosh had joined Kobe instead of Pau.

phil is arguably the best coach of all time...but to not even consider poppovich for that title is a little disrespectful to him, especially for someone who praises the spurs dynasty as much as you do.

the lakers are stacked now, sure. But the Heat? they might not have a roster now, but you think that'll be a problem in a year or two? once they get a roster in place, and Kobe ages, who's going to stop them? I'm sure they thought about this. Maybe they wont win a ring next year, but in the next 7-8 years? I don't see how they cannot be considered the overwhelming favorites to build a dynasty.

i agree with everything you say. like i said. you can have a problem with how this team was formed. you can also say that the lebron/wade is potentially the greatest duo talent wise. although both kareem (even out of his prime) and magic are greater players. so that will always be the best duo in my opinion.

i understand all that. but in terms of a "stacked team"....this heat team is not anymore stacked than the current lakers or the 08 celtics or the kobe/shaq three peat. sorry.....its just not. people are ignoring how important players like shaw, fox, horry, rice, fisher.....etc are for winning in the playoffs. people are also under estimating the importance of coaching.

i don't have an agenda here. i'm not going to make any excuse for for the heat if they fail to win 3 titles in the next 6 years. but for me its all about level of play. if they win and lebron or wade plays bad......then that player deserves less credit.

people call me a kobe hater. its not true at all. i just want him to play better. the only reason i bring up his stacked team is because his team won despite him playing a poor overall series and a very poor game 7. nobody would be talking about kobe's help for his career if he played better....especially in the nba finals.

its that simple. if you focus on just the top 3 players....then yes....the heat are more stacked than any team in the league. but if you focus on the entire team and coach. the lakers are currently the most stacked team in the NBA.

so people need to tap the breaks on the whole "they took the easy way out"....so they should leave winning to chance????? LOL. damned if you do damned if you don't. such a joke.

07-15-2010, 02:34 AM
He's coming off a 24/11/52% season. Kobe, Wade, Bron, CP3, Deron, Melo, Durant, Dwight and then Bosh, Pau, Dirk, Amare, Roy, etc... how is that not top 10 or top 10ish??

Without going into detail about how stats aren't everything, you literallly posted multiple players who are better than Bosh, after your supposed #10 rank of Bosh. Gasol, Dirk especially, and Roy are all better than Bosh. Derrick Rose is better than Bosh too. Boozer is better than Bosh if you factor in playoff ability. Several other players are arguably better than Bosh when you take defense and intangibles into account, rather than PURELY looking what how many points + rebounds they're getting.

Your seem to just be ranking who has the highest totals of points + rebounds + assists. . .it's not fantasy basketball dude.

07-15-2010, 02:49 AM
Without going into detail about how stats aren't everything, you literallly posted multiple players who are better than Bosh, after your supposed #10 rank of Bosh. Gasol, Dirk especially, and Roy are all better than Bosh. Derrick Rose is better than Bosh too. Boozer is better than Bosh if you factor in playoff ability. Several other players are arguably better than Bosh when you take defense and intangibles into account, rather than PURELY looking what how many points + rebounds they're getting.

Your seem to just be ranking who has the highest totals of points + rebounds + assists. . .it's not fantasy basketball dude.

good post.

simple reason. DEFENSE!

bosh at this point is simply a regular season star. we don't know enough about him to rank him in the top 15 players. he could be either jamison or gasol......we need to see him play in multiple playoff series to form a correct opinion.

07-15-2010, 11:12 PM
good post.

simple reason. DEFENSE!

bosh at this point is simply a regular season star. we don't know enough about him to rank him in the top 15 players. he could be either jamison or gasol......we need to see him play in multiple playoff series to form a correct opinion.

Also, how the players perform when it really matters. Will Bosh double his production in clutch situations? Will Bosh do well in the playoffs against guys like KG/Gasol/Howard?

07-15-2010, 11:31 PM
looking forward to their next commercial together.

No more man.