View Full Version : NBA 2K11 - MJ: Creating a Legend mode

08-11-2010, 09:54 PM
What if the Portland Trail Blazers drafted Michael Jordan instead of Sam Bowie? It's the question that has kept Blazer fans up at night for decades, but "NBA 2K11" is finally going to let you see what life is like with His Airness in the City of Roses. In fact, any NBA fan who ever dreamed of "Being like Mike," or at least having Air Jordan leading their franchise to a title is sure to be intrigued by the game's new mode, called MJ: Creating a Legend.

"This is a brand new experience that we're delivering to our users this year, and it's a mode that's not immediately available when you purchase the game," explains "NBA 2K11" producer Erick Boenisch.

Gamers will first need to complete all 10 of the classic match-ups in "2K11's" Jordan Challenge by recreating moments like the night MJ dropped 69 points on the Cleveland Cavaliers or reliving his rivalry against the Bad Boys of Detroit.

Once The Jordan Challenge is beat in its entirety, the single-player, offline-only Creating a Legend mode unlocks.

"The idea behind MJ: Creating a Legend is that you're going to step into today's NBA with a rookie Michael Jordan," Boenisch says. "He is rated a 79 overall, which gives you plenty of room to improve, but he has all of the physical tools of Michael as a rookie -- the fast speed, the high jumping, the quickness -- but he lacks a lot of the shooting skills and the offensive and defensive awareness. So you're playing with a raw prospect who can do just about anything, but can't deliver in the clutch just yet.

"And the cool thing about this mode is that you're player-locked to Michael Jordan, so you're kind of recreating the career and the legend of Michael Jordan."

When gamers start the mode, they can choose to add Jordan to any team in the league. So whether you want to send him to Cleveland to replace LeBron James? Or take him to Portland to right the wrong of the 1984 draft? Or perhaps, make the most insane video game team of all time by putting Jordan on the Miami Heat, the choice is yours.

"I tend to play [him] with the Heat right now," admits Boenisch, claiming to already have won one championship. "But the mode is along the lines of My Player in terms of trying to earn skill points with the ultimate goal of making Michael Jordan the best player he can be. You want to get him that 99 rating and win as many titles as you can. But this isn't one of those modes where you struggle right away. There's instant gratification here because you're really good from the start. Like I said, your shooting skills might be a little rough to start out, but you have the physical ability to dominate any game if you want.

"You're playing as Michael Jordan, and that's something that hasn't been offered this entire generation of consoles. It's something we're really excited about."

Also exciting is the news that Jordan's physical appearance will transform as he ages in the game. Adds Boenisch: "When you start out as a rookie, you're going to start out with the short fade, the short little hair. Then as he gets older you're going to see him go with the bald look, then the mustache in the middle years, and his body will bulk up a little bit as he slowly becomes the older Jordan. For fans of Jordan, it's really cool to see the progression and play as Michael and see what it is like to relive that skill that he had to takeover any game."

According to Boenisch, gamers will be able to play as Jordan from his rookie year all the way up to about age 40 as the rest of the NBA changes around you, complete with player trades and signings. Only thing missing is giving virtual MJ the ability to take time off for baseball. "You cannot play for the Birmingham Barons, sorry," Boenisch says with a laugh. "But it's a lot of fun, and it gives people something to look forward to as they play through the Jordan Challenge. We have achievements tied to this mode as well to give people more incentive to play, but this mode is all about kicking back on the couch, grabbing a controller and having a lot of fun. It's a great mode to just pick up and play.

"We went big with Jordan this year. It's all about Michael."


http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs269.snc4/39783_10150257027655305_221292025304_13939583_8175 20_n.jpg

New York Knicks
08-11-2010, 09:56 PM
One fanbase won't like this and I think we know which.

08-11-2010, 09:56 PM
Sounds ****ing ridiculous and awesome. But damn hire a proper graphics editor because MJ looks like Dwayne Johnson in that pick.

And why is red still pink? Damn it 2k.

08-11-2010, 09:58 PM
No thanks.

08-11-2010, 09:58 PM
Wait, so, you recreate his actual career or put him in a random time period?

08-11-2010, 09:59 PM
Sounds interesting, I like my player mode.

08-11-2010, 10:01 PM
Nice. Will it also have My Player again?

08-11-2010, 10:02 PM
Wait, so, you recreate his actual career or put him in a random time period?

Once you complete the "Jordan Challenge" mode, you unlock this "MJ: Creating a Legend" mode. Basically you choose a team and draft rookie MJ. You play as MJ and go up against today's league.

...so just think of it as My Player mode except you play as MJ.

08-11-2010, 10:02 PM

08-11-2010, 10:02 PM
Nice. Will it also have My Player again?

Yes, I believe so.

08-11-2010, 10:03 PM
I'm slightly confused, so somehow you are transporting him across time so that you can insert Jordan in any time period from 1984 to 2003 (since it mentions replacing LeBron)? In addition to any team you want? Heck, Hakeem-Jordan combo FTW!

08-11-2010, 10:03 PM

This pretty much says it in my opinion.

08-11-2010, 10:03 PM
Nice. Will it also have My Player again?

08-11-2010, 10:04 PM
I'm slightly confused, so somehow you are transporting him across time so that you can insert Jordan in any time period from 1984 to 2003 (since it mentions replacing LeBron)? In addition to any team you want? Heck, Hakeem-Jordan combo FTW!

No it's just adding him to any current team. You play the classic teams in the Jordan Challenge mode.


I didn't know if this was gonna replace it or something.

08-11-2010, 10:05 PM
Maybe, but it will give you a little more to do.

08-11-2010, 10:07 PM
I'm slightly confused, so somehow you are transporting him across time so that you can insert Jordan in any time period from 1984 to 2003 (since it mentions replacing LeBron)? In addition to any team you want? Heck, Hakeem-Jordan combo FTW!

No, that's not the idea. When they say replacing LeBron, they mean selecting the Cavs as your team and drafting Jordan and making him the next franchise player after LeBron (who will be on Miami).

I love the idea of this game mode. Just think about it...putting Michael against today's teams.

Michael vs. LeBron/Wade
Michael vs. Kobe
Michael vs. Big 3 + 1

08-11-2010, 10:14 PM
Very nice. I used to create 30+ hall-of-famers from scratch and draft them to today's teams, making the game much more competitive. I.e., '67 Wilt Chamberlain on the #1 worst team, say, Timberwolves. Then prime Abdul-Jabbar on Nets, and so on. :D

08-11-2010, 10:32 PM
Damn, oh well, I was sort of hoping that one could somehow insert yourself My Player into 1984 and play against legends back then, and the CPU will do the trades as they happened in real life. Still, NBA 2k10 seems to be touting the Jordan thing as the major hype over Live.

08-11-2010, 10:33 PM
i got a better idea. Dont just put MJs teams on the game. In fact only put the 72-10 bulls on there. But also put on there the other all time great teams.

08-11-2010, 10:34 PM
i got a better idea. Dont just put MJs teams on the game. In fact only put the 72-10 bulls on there. But also put on there the other all time great teams.
There's several great teams of all time installed on the game if that's what you mean.

08-11-2010, 10:36 PM
i got a better idea. Dont just put MJs teams on the game. In fact only put the 72-10 bulls on there. But also put on there the other all time great teams.
NBA 2K11 will have 8 classic Bulls teams ('86, '90, '91, '92, '95, '96, '97, and '98).

Seperate from the "Create a Legend" Mode is the "Jordan Challenge" where users will try to recreate 10 of Jordan's best moments (for example, his 63 points against the 1986 Boston Celtics or his 35 first half points with 6 threes against the 1992 Portland Trail Blazers).

08-11-2010, 10:38 PM
There's several great teams of all time installed on the game if that's what you mean.

they have it to where you can not only play with the bulls teams, but even the classic celtics, lakers, 76ers teams?

08-11-2010, 10:41 PM
they have it to where you can not only play with the bulls teams, but even the classic celtics, lakers, 76ers teams?
As far as we know at this point (information is still being released regarding 2K11) the other classic teams available with the opponents of Jordan's Bulls teams in each of the 10 Jordan Challenges.

So that's be:
'86 Celtics
'90 Cavs
'90 Hawks
'90 Pistons
'91 Lakers
'92 Blazers
'95 Knicks
'96 Supersonics
'97 Jazz
'98 Jazz

To include even these 18 classic teams (8 Bulls, 10 opponents), 2K had to sign each retired player individually to earn the right to use their likeness. It's tedious and likely costly. To add many more classic teams would be difficult.

08-11-2010, 10:42 PM
Don't expect 2k11 to go through the work of developing rosters, faces, graphics, tendencies, shooting forms for each and every player from 1984 to 2003. Honestly? 2k11 just deals with the NBA players from the year 2011. The feat of creating the rosters for that year is a feat in itself. Nobody would put in the work for that.

08-11-2010, 10:44 PM
As far as we know at this point (information is still being released regarding 2K11) the other classic teams available with the opponents of Jordan's Bulls teams in each of the 10 Jordan Challenges.

So that's be:
'86 Celtics
'90 Cavs
'90 Hawks
'90 Pistons
'91 Lakers
'92 Blazers
'95 Knicks
'96 Supersonics
'97 Jazz
'98 Jazz

well i guess ill have to settle for that. but i mean i was hoping I would get the oppurtunity to play with the 72-10 bulls against idk what year were the lakers the best in your opinion? or even play the best celtics team in the 80s against the super lakers team in the 60s with west, baylor, and chamberlin

08-11-2010, 10:46 PM
Don't expect 2k11 to go through the work of developing rosters, faces, graphics, tendencies, shooting forms for each and every player from 1984 to 2003. Honestly? 2k11 just deals with the NBA players from the year 2011. The feat of creating the rosters for that year is a feat in itself. Nobody would put in the work for that.
Interestingly enough, while I acknowledge and agree 2K is not messing with any classic rosters past the 18 they've said will be included, I will say there have been some users on the PC who have created entire years of the NBA. Here is a link to a 1992 2K10 contest between the Kings and Warriors (on the correct court no less).

1992 NBA 2K10 Kings vs. Warriors

And here's a 26 second montage of NBA 2K10 - 1992. Really makes me jealous I don't have this game for PC.

08-11-2010, 10:46 PM
This should be cool. Especially for fans of Jordan. They are also keeping "My player" mode and the draft combine will be on the disc also. The more options the better. The different versions of Jordan and some of the classic teams should be fun too. I'm excited to play 2k11.

08-11-2010, 10:48 PM
just for laughs put the 9-73 76ers on there lol

08-11-2010, 10:50 PM
Looks like they're really going all out with all the Jordan. Ah, well, it should be a fun mode.

Though, the Chicago fan in me wants to cry foul at the thought of Jordan in anything but a Bulls jersey. Which is why I still wish that the Wizards years had never happened.

And, I think a 79 overall rating for a rookie Jordan might be selling him a bit short. So much athleticism and so explosive, and in today's less physical NBA, no less. I'd give him at least an 85-ish.

08-11-2010, 10:52 PM
well i guess ill have to settle for that. but i mean i was hoping I would get the oppurtunity to play with the 72-10 bulls against idk what year were the lakers the best in your opinion? or even play the best celtics team in the 80s against the super lakers team in the 60s with west, baylor, and chamberlin
Agreed. That'd be cool, but tough for 2K to pull off at this point. I will say we should keep an eye on user created teams on 2K Share. With the inclusion of short shorts and perhaps more retro jersey options, it may be more viable to see some solid classic teams pop up on the internet to interact with the authentic clubs included.

08-13-2010, 02:17 PM
When gamers start the mode, they can choose to add Jordan to any team in the league. So whether you want to send him to Cleveland to replace LeBron James?

Yea, they could use someone like MJ :lol

Jr Llaban
08-13-2010, 04:45 PM
New video:


Yuki Nagato
08-13-2010, 06:59 PM
*but* *but* Jordan would struggle on today's league! :rolleyes:

Samurai Swoosh
08-13-2010, 07:08 PM
Anyone want to guesstimate how many copies of this game Loki / OldSchoolBball is going to procure?


08-13-2010, 07:18 PM
Anyone want to guesstimate how many copies of this game Loki / OldSchoolBball is going to procure?

Or how many times he plays the Flu Game segment?:roll:

08-13-2010, 08:04 PM
This game should be awesome. NBA today, my player, jordan challenge, association, classic teams. This game should keep cats occupied for a long time. I wish I was a kid again. I'll be playing this for a whole year, probably longer for sure.

08-13-2010, 08:12 PM
Or how many times he plays the Flu Game segment?:roll:

how many total tear drops will roll down his face?

08-13-2010, 08:28 PM
PG: Rondo
SG: Jordan
SF: Pierce
PF: Garnett
C: Shaq
Sixth Man: Ray Allen

Yes Please! I might trade one of the big three just so it's not completely unfair, looking forward to the Rondo/Jordan duo :eek:

08-13-2010, 08:33 PM

Gonna be fun.

08-13-2010, 08:35 PM
Ah, looks pretty sick! can't wait to play the 10 jordan challenges, and then draft jordan to the trail blazers where he rightfully belongs :cry:

08-13-2010, 08:37 PM
Good feature, so that my character can destroy Jordan.

08-13-2010, 08:42 PM
People are really gonna call it overkill when the dude hasn't been in an NBA video game since NBA live 2000?

08-13-2010, 08:52 PM
People are really gonna call it overkill when the dude hasn't been in an NBA video game since NBA live 2000?

He's in Live 03...

08-13-2010, 09:00 PM
Amar'e and Jordan, will definitely win the championship with that duo.