View Full Version : Wilt vs. Mountain Lion

08-18-2010, 04:50 PM

In Chamberlain's autobiography, he describes a feat of endurance - driving his car from coast to coast, stopping only for gasoline and rest rooms. Ramsey told Cartwright that Chamberlain often toured across the country on a whim.

"He had this big Buick that could fly," Ramsey said. "One time Wilt turned right over in it but he got out without a scratch and just kept driving."

"Another time, Wilt was driving across Arizona or New Mexico and stopped by the side of the road for a minute when he was attacked by a mountain lion. Wilt says the mountain lion jumped on his shoulder, and he grabbed it by the tail and threw it into the bushes."

Cartwright looked as if he didn't quite believe it.

"Well, I wasn't there," Ramsey said. "But Wilt says it happened and I'm not about to say it didn't. Besides, he showed me these huge scratch marks on one shoulder. I don't know any other way he could have gotten them."

What a beast! :bowdown:

08-18-2010, 04:51 PM
A black man and his exaggerations. Over, over exaggerations.

08-18-2010, 04:58 PM
A black man and his exaggerations. Over, over exaggerations.
What Wilt claims is usually true and often presented as a source. I don't see how this is any different. You really think an Arizona cougar stands a chance against Wilt? Wilt is much stronger and weighs more than a cougar, so I don't see how a 175-200 lb mountain lion could take him down. At least that's what I've been told on this board in the past.

08-18-2010, 05:05 PM
Lets be real here, it was a WEAK era for mountain lions.

08-18-2010, 05:09 PM
Lets be real here, it was a WEAK era for mountain lions.
The mountain lion was a HOF-er though.

08-18-2010, 05:17 PM
Lets be real here, it was a WEAK era for mountain lions.

i swear I saw those exact post in a prior thread about Wilt and the mountain lion about 1 or 2 years ago. I think you two came up with the joke independently though.

08-18-2010, 05:37 PM
i swear I saw those exact post in a prior thread about Wilt and the mountain lion about 1 or 2 years ago. I think you two came up with the joke independently though.

08-18-2010, 05:39 PM
Lets be real here, it was a WEAK era for mountain lions.

The mountain lion was a HOF-er though.

:roll: I'm dying.

08-18-2010, 05:51 PM
Lets be real here, it was a WEAK era for mountain lions.

I definitely heard this before but still funny :lol

08-18-2010, 06:06 PM
I remember this story/thread as well, definitely one of the funniest thread ever.:lol

Scott Baker
08-18-2010, 06:23 PM
I doubt it happened, but it's not out of the realm of possibilities.

Adult male Mountain Lions from the area are between 115-160lbs, females are smaller. They're only about 2'-2'6" tall.

They hunt by pouncing from behind and going for the neck, as was said in this story. They attack deer/cattle/etc.

If Wilt was standing up, that weight coming from behind and hitting him in the upper back would likely make his upper body bend forward, from the Mountain Lion's force on his 7'1" body. That would be perfect position to throw something attacking from behind (taught in all self defense classes). Wilt was definitely strong enough to throw a 140 pound animal.

Did all that happen that way? Again, I doubt it, but it is plausible.

08-18-2010, 06:34 PM
Chamberlain > Abdul-Jabbar, O'Neal, Jordan.

[I]"Wilt was big on stats. One time he called me up and said, 'You know, Harvey, Michael Jordan can't hit a shot beyond 15 feet?'

I said, 'How do you know that?'

He said to me, 'Don't you watch the games?'

I said, 'I don't watch stuff like that. How do you know?'

He said, 'I watch it.'

So, during the height of Michael's career, I got the play-by-play of the first 20 Bulls games and I checked the distance of every shot Jordan took during the season and sure enough, he was shooting 38 percent from 15 feet back. So, I did 20 more and came up with the same result. So then I said, if I did 40, I might as well do 82. Wilt

08-18-2010, 06:40 PM
poor Wilt with his insecurities and stupid boasts. died alone never married but said he banged 20,000 women so he must be telling the truth.

Simple Jack
08-18-2010, 07:02 PM
'"How many layups do you think there were in the last Laker game? Forty-eight. People will tell you guys shoot better now. No doubt they shoot a little better, but not like you'd think from looking at the percentages. Mike Cooper is shooting 59 percent. You want to bet some money he'd outshoot Jerry West? I'll bet my house against him (Cooper) on Dolph Schayes. I'll take Larry Costello and give you any Laker with the exception of Wilkes.

Players just get to the basket (layups) more. It ups their percentage. There's no defense inside. When I played, if the other team ran a fast break two or three times, the coach would assign a forward to break back on defense as soon as the ball went up. I never see a coach doing that now. There were no uncontested layups.

My last two or three years I shot 69 to 73 percent. You think I was a better shooter? No, the defenses got worse and I was able to dunk every damn ball I wanted to. It was easier to get there. When I played against guys like Johnny Kerr . . . He was 6-10 and couldn't jump, but I'll tell you, you didn't get to the basket on him."'





08-18-2010, 07:08 PM
Chamberlain > Abdul-Jabbar, O'Neal, Jordan.

:roll: The insecure Wilt fan again posts a copy and paste essay that's completely irrelevant to the topic which was making fun of an outrageous claim.

:oldlol: at Wilt suggesting Gheorge Muresan was a better scorer than Shaq.

Imagine if Shaq was in an era where he could get 40 shots a game and stat pad in blowouts.

Look at the 2000 finals. In game 1, Shaq turned a 6 point lead entering the 4th into a 17 point lead with 3 minutes to go when he left. How'd he do it? With 12 points and 2 assists. In fact, he scored or assisted on every Laker basket except 2 Rick Fox jumpers in those 9 minutes. And Fox got those jumpers due to Shaq's presence, iirc.

He had 43 points, 19 rebounds, 4 assists and 3 blocks on 68% shooting and had he stayed in the final 3 minutes to stat-pad in a blowout(like a center who couldn't win as the leading scorer who shall remain nameless) he could have easily had a 50/20 game, and not an inflated 50/20 game in an era with a million possessions either.

08-18-2010, 07:15 PM
but said he banged 20,000 women so he must be telling the truth.

Even then, Kareem still won.


08-18-2010, 07:18 PM
Wilt > Chuck Norris

08-18-2010, 07:22 PM
i swear I saw those exact post in a prior thread about Wilt and the mountain lion about 1 or 2 years ago. I think you two came up with the joke independently though.

Yes I was about to say the same thing. I swear I'd seen these type of responses before.


08-18-2010, 07:25 PM

Shaq vs. Godzilla

08-18-2010, 07:38 PM
:roll: The insecure Wilt fan again posts a copy and paste essay that's completely irrelevant to the topic which was making fun of an outrageous claim.

Just trolling a bunch of trolls is all.

08-18-2010, 08:29 PM
I doubt it happened, but it's not out of the realm of possibilities.

Yes it is! :roll:

They can't even pinpoint what state the guy was in lol

08-18-2010, 08:50 PM
What I do KNOW is that Wilt was widely acknowledged as not only the strongest player in the NBA when he played (and many claim it for all-time), but that there were those that considered him among the strongest athletes in the world at the time.

The vast majority of these "tales" of Wilt's strength have been told by OTHERs, and NOT Chamberlain.

Whether he killed the mountain lion, or not, I could, and have, posted a TON of links documenting Chamberlain's incredible strength. I am not wasting any more time on it today, though.

Once again,...just GOOGLE Wilt's vertical or bench-press. You will find dozens of links on the topic.

And, obviously Fatal9, with his BLATANT anti-Wilt bias, spends many of his waking hours attempting to dispute everything Wilt ever accomplished. He even reopened a Bill Russell vertical leap topic several months later in an attempt to dispute Chamberlain's high-jumping ability.

The bottom line...take a look at the NBA RECORD BOOK...you will find Chamberlain's name plastered all over it.

08-18-2010, 11:02 PM
What Wilt claims is usually true and often presented as a source. I don't see how this is any different. You really think an Arizona cougar stands a chance against Wilt? Wilt is much stronger and weighs more than a cougar, so I don't see how a 175-200 lb mountain lion could take him down. At least that's what I've been told on this board in the past.

Average mountain lion (cougar) is apx. 120 lbs... when you get up into the 150 range you are talking an older cat .. and a real trophy of 175-200 is pretty rare , unless you live in B.C.
I have been researching this for about a year or so , I plan on a hunt in 2011.

08-18-2010, 11:13 PM
Chamberlain > Abdul-Jabbar, O'Neal, Jordan.

"Wilt was big on stats. One time he called me up and said, 'You know, Harvey, Michael Jordan can't hit a shot beyond 15 feet?'

I said, 'How do you know that?'

He said to me, 'Don't you watch the games?'

I said, 'I don't watch stuff like that. How do you know?'

He said, 'I watch it.'

So, during the height of Michael's career, I got the play-by-play of the first 20 Bulls games and I checked the distance of every shot Jordan took during the season and sure enough, he was shooting 38 percent from 15 feet back. So, I did 20 more and came up with the same result. So then I said, if I did 40, I might as well do 82. Wilt’s appraisal was perfect. From 13 feet back (Jordan) was 37.8 percent.

Then Wilt said, 'Jordan doesn't take any shots from seven feet in, all of those shots are drives to the basket. He doesn't take five or six footers. He goes right to the hoop.'

I tried 20 more games and ended up looking at the entire season and got the same results. Wilt's analysis held up.

Wilt was a student of the game. People don't know that. He knew everything that was going on.

Another season, Wilt said that the refs never called any traveling violations on Jordan. Wilt was after Jordan for some reason. I checked the play by plays and Wilt was right. Jordan was called only for four traveling violations.

Whenever Wilt came out with a book, he always credited me with the stats. I'm referenced throughout his books."

Pat Riley said the NBA doesn’t keep field goal percentage right. They should separate the (two-point shots) from the (three-point shots). They separate the three’s, but overall they don’t separate the two’s. So one of the categories I keep is field goal percentage for two’s. Charles Barkley was the leader in the two-point category for years."

-Harvey Pollack

"For years now, I've said nothing but good things about Kareem, not one negative thing, and he's never said anything nice about me. I just don't think he's this great defensive center he's supposed to be. It's just unreal, look at all the guys dunking over him. I look back over my career and recall only a few times anyone dunked over me. I still remember the time Elgin Baylor did. I still lose sleep over it to this day. I particularly resent what Kareem said the other day in a newspaper article. He said the centers of today in the NBA are much better athletes than when I played. Well I disagree with him 100%. I don't think he knows what the hell he's talking about. I played against him for four years. Does he not consider himself a good athlete? I'm not here to discredit Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, I believe he's a great talent that has had too many subpar years defensively. I just want to set the record straight. There were some damn good centers when I played. What about Bill Russell? Does Kareem consider him a good athlete? What about Nate Thurmond? Or Willis Reed? Or Walt Bellamy?"


'"How many layups do you think there were in the last Laker game? Forty-eight. People will tell you guys shoot better now. No doubt they shoot a little better, but not like you'd think from looking at the percentages. Mike Cooper is shooting 59 percent. You want to bet some money he'd outshoot Jerry West? I'll bet my house against him (Cooper) on Dolph Schayes. I'll take Larry Costello and give you any Laker with the exception of Wilkes.

Players just get to the basket (layups) more. It ups their percentage. There's no defense inside. When I played, if the other team ran a fast break two or three times, the coach would assign a forward to break back on defense as soon as the ball went up. I never see a coach doing that now. There were no uncontested layups.

My last two or three years I shot 69 to 73 percent. You think I was a better shooter? No, the defenses got worse and I was able to dunk every damn ball I wanted to. It was easier to get there. When I played against guys like Johnny Kerr . . . He was 6-10 and couldn't jump, but I'll tell you, you didn't get to the basket on him."'


"It's a run up and down the court and dunk the ball game now. These are speed merchants and jumping fools. That's why their shooting percentages are going way up. I led the league 11 times in field goal percentage and my lifetime average was 54%. There are now five billion guys shooting over 54%. Can you imagine playing when your hands are so cold and the ball is as hard as a brick? I can remember going to Detroit and playing the old Detroit Arena and there's about 3000 people in this big old huge thing. Every time they opened the door, the wind blows through. I can vividly remember Paul Arizin blowing into his hands and the smoke was blowing out of his nose. Guys were shooting 37%, and these were great shooters. People look at that any say, 'Is that a basketball player or was he on a blind team?' They don't know how to put that into perspective."


"It's just not a really professional thing to do, accepting all those gifts. Rolls-Royce? Motorcycle? That's blasphemy. It is stupid to give Kareem a Rolls-Royce, which is what the Lakers did. Why not give a scholarship at UCLA in Kareem's name?"


"All that faking Hakeem does, if you're Bill Russell or Wilt Chamberlain or Nate Thurmond, that **** don't mean nothin'. You just don't leave your deer. You would see Robinson fall for every god-damn fake, and Hakeem would dip around or under him for an easy basket."


"The best team I ever saw was the 1967 Sixers. Everything today is geared for the offensive player. Open the middle so he can drive. You can't put your hand on a guy's back. Can you imagine me in the paint with only one guy on me and he can't put his hands on me and nobody's beside me? Michael Jordan is a bit older and he walks all the time, but the referees allow it. He's not going to come through dunking the basketball on Luke Jackson. He's going to get slammed to the floor. I'd like to see Wali Jones playing defense on him, driving him into me. I'd be more than happy to see that."


"He's 6'6, 196 lbs. Coming into our domain, the pivot, would not have been very wise of Michael. I don't think, I know he would have been crushed back then. During my time, if you did a 360 dunk you would either be on knocked on your ass or benched. It was called hot-dogging back then."


"I'm not a big fan of Michael Jordan's because he never led the league in field goal percentage. If you take the dunk out of his game, his percentage will be even lower."


"If Shaq has been chosen as the team leader then he need to do it more by example. He needs to get down the court and play defense instead of cherry picking by the basket for all those dunks. Too often the other team is on offense and Shaq is not even at half court. Everybody talks about his points when we should be looking closer at his rebounds and blocked shots and defense."


There were the great Celtic and Laker teams and Da Bulls. But Alex Hannum, one of seven inductees into the Basketball Hall of Fame here last night and the only man to coach championships in both the NBA and ABA, said one of his clubs, the 1966-67 Sixers, was as good as any - even the fabled Olympic Dream Team. And supporting the claim was the focal point of that 68-win squad, Wilt Chamberlain.

"We compare with any team that's ever been put together", said Hannum, whose gang that season included Chet Walker, Hal Greer, Luke Jackson, Wali Jones and, of course, Chamberlain.

"When I say "we,' I mean the '66-67 team, and I mean that even to include the Dream Team."

Chamberlain, Hannum's sponsor at the induction, emphasized the team aspect of the group.

"I concur with Alex", Chamberlain said. "In order to really maximize any five players, they have to be a team. Because you have the five best players of a particular era out there on the floor, that didn't make them a team. So as a team, we would challenge any of the Dream Teams."

As for the Bulls, Wilt was skeptical noting, "It's hard to talk about how great Chicago is because they are just so far superior to anything they have faced. I would have loved to have had them in our era to see how they would have truly measured up."


The Spokesman-Review - May 12, 1997 (http://news.google.com/newspapers?id=qrQpAAAAIBAJ&sjid=jPEDAAAAIBAJ&pg=6610,2712911&dq)

'Figuratively speaking, Shaquille O'Neal said he used to look up to Wilt Chamberlain. Not any more. O'Neal was apprised of comments Chamberlain made about him last week on ESPN's "Up Close," and responded with some harsh words of his own.

"Wilt Chamberlain was a great player," O'Neal said, "Give him his respect. But Wilt Chamberlain can kiss my ass."

The former Lakers center, appearing on the show to promote his new book, said Bullets center Gheorge Muresan may have more to offer as a player than O'Neal.

"As they call fouls today," Chamberlain said, "Shaq gets away with what I consider murder. I mean, I would think when you dip your shoulder and run over the top of the guy, and the foul is called on the guy who's laying on the floor, you're getting away with something. So Shaq is allowed to score some points that maybe he wouldn't (otherwise) get."

"But if you made it a straight-up situation, and gave the same rules and regulations to Shaq that you give to Gheorge Muresan.... Muresan has a better touch around the basket, he can score more points."

O'Neal said he didn't see the show, but when asked if he had, he replied: "Was Wilt doggin' me again?"

"I'd average 85 on Wilt, then and now," O'Neal said. "I thought certain people were mentors. I'm glad I know who my real friends are."

*Yeah. The referees.'

08-19-2010, 12:07 AM
Lets be real here, it was a WEAK era for mountain lions.
:roll: :applause:

08-19-2010, 12:10 AM
Awesome commercial..

08-19-2010, 12:10 AM
Even then, Kareem still won.

:roll: thats so random.

07-09-2011, 02:05 PM

Samurai Swoosh
07-09-2011, 02:06 PM
Is that G-Hill? What's this from?


07-09-2011, 02:14 PM
Average mountain lion (cougar) is apx. 120 lbs... when you get up into the 150 range you are talking an older cat .. and a real trophy of 175-200 is pretty rare , unless you live in B.C.
I have been researching this for about a year or so , I plan on a hunt in 2011.

yeah and your average raccoon is 20 ILbs, but that doesn't mean I'm going to look to get in a fight with one

07-09-2011, 02:19 PM
Ryan Hollins anyone? Anyone?

07-09-2011, 02:22 PM
Wilt > Chuck Norris

no way, chuck norris took on a bear man A ****ING BEAR


Samurai Swoosh
07-09-2011, 02:23 PM
Wilt is a bitter, bitter man.

07-09-2011, 02:24 PM
A mountain lion would not attack a man Wilt's size

07-09-2011, 02:34 PM
Wilt is a bitter, bitter man.

Wilt WAS a very bitter, bitter man..
He's know dead but still JLauber is on his rotten dick..

07-09-2011, 02:35 PM
Wilt WAS a very bitter, bitter man..
He's know dead but still JLauber is on his rotten dick..

Oh, come on. Have some f'ing respect.

07-09-2011, 02:37 PM
still can't believe this thread even exists :oldlol:

This is when i officially realized that Wilt had gone from NBA legend to full-on Paul Bunyan bullshit status

The Macho Man
07-09-2011, 02:40 PM
Even then, Kareem still won.


What the f*ck kind of denim getup is Kareem wearing, ain't gonna get no P*ssy dressin like that Cap

07-09-2011, 03:00 PM


holy shit, what a phenomenon 5 nonathletic white guys on the floor at one time, i have never witnessed that. thanks for sharing.

03-22-2012, 05:56 PM
Even then, Kareem still won.



03-22-2012, 05:58 PM

03-22-2012, 06:35 PM
those 2 pics are amazing:roll: :roll:

03-22-2012, 06:54 PM

Wilt in today's league :lol

03-22-2012, 07:21 PM
Whether he killed the mountain lion, or not, I could, and have, posted a TON of links documenting Chamberlain's incredible strength. I am not wasting any more time on it today, though.

Haha, Jlauber even believe the mountain lion story! HAHA! :coleman:

03-22-2012, 07:24 PM
The mountain lion would score the first 2-3 points based on speed, but Wilt would take over based on his length and skill after that.

03-22-2012, 07:24 PM

Haha, what the hell was that chick thinking, amazing looking but that camel toe just kills it.. Haha. :rant

03-22-2012, 07:26 PM
fatal y did u leave the forum bro?

fatal9 and shaqattack respect for unbiased posters

straight ethering all these phukkface wilt stanleys


03-22-2012, 07:29 PM
fatal y did u leave the forum bro?

fatal9 and shaqattack respect for unbiased posters

straight ethering all these phukkface wilt stanleys


Both are my favourite posters as well, Fatal leaving was a huge loss for the forum.. He always abused Jlauber and made Jlauber so butthurt.

03-22-2012, 07:51 PM
What the f*ck kind of denim getup is Kareem wearing, ain't gonna get no P*ssy dressin like that Cap

Was too busy staring at the enormous rack to notice... That being said, it is now clear that the Cap don't give a f*ck about clothes :lol

03-22-2012, 08:38 PM

The actual photograph. Pretty much shuts up even the dumbest of the non-believers.

03-22-2012, 08:41 PM

03-22-2012, 08:43 PM
still can't believe this thread even exists :oldlol:

This is when i officially realized that Wilt had gone from NBA legend to full-on Paul Bunyan bullshit status

you can thank gaylauber for this.... :oldlol:

03-22-2012, 08:45 PM

This guy was a bit stronger. Shit was surreal.

03-22-2012, 08:50 PM


Actually I find it hard to believe that Wilt killed a mountain lion. Does anyone honestly believe that a mountain lion would have been foolish enough attack THIS man????

Even a T-Rex would have high-tailed it to the hills.

03-22-2012, 09:01 PM
Even then, Kareem still won.


No way those are real...

03-22-2012, 09:02 PM
No way those are real...

but, they are spectacular...

03-22-2012, 09:19 PM
Even then, Kareem still won.

Not only is the shirt goofy with incredibly big buttons but goggles??? Did he wear them to bed too? Its not like he needed them to see her joints.

03-22-2012, 09:24 PM
Do you know what round??? The Cougar looks like it was exhaaaausted.

03-22-2012, 09:27 PM
Do you know what round??? The Cougar looks like it was exhaaaausted.

It couldn't have lasted more than a few seconds. Chamberlain had just gotten up from his stool when the bell rang, and the cougar rushed him. And, the rest was history.

03-22-2012, 09:30 PM
Haha, what the hell was that chick thinking, amazing looking but that camel toe just kills it.. Haha. :rant
I'm sure that's the Playboy club, it still looked like that in the 90's. The women walk around like that.

03-22-2012, 09:32 PM
Tall tale or not, the mountain lion or the cougar is actually a fairly frail animal that specializes in ambush hunting. Like most cats, cougars are built for the initial burst, and lack endurance. If the mountain lion failed to take Wilt down from an ambush, it would surely succumb to Wilt's greater size, strength, and endurance.

Deuce Bigalow
03-22-2012, 09:33 PM
Chamberlain > Abdul-Jabbar, O'Neal, Jordan.

"Wilt was big on stats. One time he called me up and said, 'You know, Harvey, Michael Jordan can't hit a shot beyond 15 feet?'

I said, 'How do you know that?'

He said to me, 'Don't you watch the games?'

I said, 'I don't watch stuff like that. How do you know?'

He said, 'I watch it.'

So, during the height of Michael's career, I got the play-by-play of the first 20 Bulls games and I checked the distance of every shot Jordan took during the season and sure enough, he was shooting 38 percent from 15 feet back. So, I did 20 more and came up with the same result. So then I said, if I did 40, I might as well do 82. Wilt’s appraisal was perfect. From 13 feet back (Jordan) was 37.8 percent.

Then Wilt said, 'Jordan doesn't take any shots from seven feet in, all of those shots are drives to the basket. He doesn't take five or six footers. He goes right to the hoop.'

I tried 20 more games and ended up looking at the entire season and got the same results. Wilt's analysis held up.

Wilt was a student of the game. People don't know that. He knew everything that was going on.

Another season, Wilt said that the refs never called any traveling violations on Jordan. Wilt was after Jordan for some reason. I checked the play by plays and Wilt was right. Jordan was called only for four traveling violations.

Whenever Wilt came out with a book, he always credited me with the stats. I'm referenced throughout his books."

Pat Riley said the NBA doesn’t keep field goal percentage right. They should separate the (two-point shots) from the (three-point shots). They separate the three’s, but overall they don’t separate the two’s. So one of the categories I keep is field goal percentage for two’s. Charles Barkley was the leader in the two-point category for years."

-Harvey Pollack

"For years now, I've said nothing but good things about Kareem, not one negative thing, and he's never said anything nice about me. I just don't think he's this great defensive center he's supposed to be. It's just unreal, look at all the guys dunking over him. I look back over my career and recall only a few times anyone dunked over me. I still remember the time Elgin Baylor did. I still lose sleep over it to this day. I particularly resent what Kareem said the other day in a newspaper article. He said the centers of today in the NBA are much better athletes than when I played. Well I disagree with him 100%. I don't think he knows what the hell he's talking about. I played against him for four years. Does he not consider himself a good athlete? I'm not here to discredit Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, I believe he's a great talent that has had too many subpar years defensively. I just want to set the record straight. There were some damn good centers when I played. What about Bill Russell? Does Kareem consider him a good athlete? What about Nate Thurmond? Or Willis Reed? Or Walt Bellamy?"


'"How many layups do you think there were in the last Laker game? Forty-eight. People will tell you guys shoot better now. No doubt they shoot a little better, but not like you'd think from looking at the percentages. Mike Cooper is shooting 59 percent. You want to bet some money he'd outshoot Jerry West? I'll bet my house against him (Cooper) on Dolph Schayes. I'll take Larry Costello and give you any Laker with the exception of Wilkes.

Players just get to the basket (layups) more. It ups their percentage. There's no defense inside. When I played, if the other team ran a fast break two or three times, the coach would assign a forward to break back on defense as soon as the ball went up. I never see a coach doing that now. There were no uncontested layups.

My last two or three years I shot 69 to 73 percent. You think I was a better shooter? No, the defenses got worse and I was able to dunk every damn ball I wanted to. It was easier to get there. When I played against guys like Johnny Kerr . . . He was 6-10 and couldn't jump, but I'll tell you, you didn't get to the basket on him."'


"It's a run up and down the court and dunk the ball game now. These are speed merchants and jumping fools. That's why their shooting percentages are going way up. I led the league 11 times in field goal percentage and my lifetime average was 54%. There are now five billion guys shooting over 54%. Can you imagine playing when your hands are so cold and the ball is as hard as a brick? I can remember going to Detroit and playing the old Detroit Arena and there's about 3000 people in this big old huge thing. Every time they opened the door, the wind blows through. I can vividly remember Paul Arizin blowing into his hands and the smoke was blowing out of his nose. Guys were shooting 37%, and these were great shooters. People look at that any say, 'Is that a basketball player or was he on a blind team?' They don't know how to put that into perspective."


"It's just not a really professional thing to do, accepting all those gifts. Rolls-Royce? Motorcycle? That's blasphemy. It is stupid to give Kareem a Rolls-Royce, which is what the Lakers did. Why not give a scholarship at UCLA in Kareem's name?"


"All that faking Hakeem does, if you're Bill Russell or Wilt Chamberlain or Nate Thurmond, that **** don't mean nothin'. You just don't leave your deer. You would see Robinson fall for every god-damn fake, and Hakeem would dip around or under him for an easy basket."


"The best team I ever saw was the 1967 Sixers. Everything today is geared for the offensive player. Open the middle so he can drive. You can't put your hand on a guy's back. Can you imagine me in the paint with only one guy on me and he can't put his hands on me and nobody's beside me? Michael Jordan is a bit older and he walks all the time, but the referees allow it. He's not going to come through dunking the basketball on Luke Jackson. He's going to get slammed to the floor. I'd like to see Wali Jones playing defense on him, driving him into me. I'd be more than happy to see that."


"He's 6'6, 196 lbs. Coming into our domain, the pivot, would not have been very wise of Michael. I don't think, I know he would have been crushed back then. During my time, if you did a 360 dunk you would either be on knocked on your ass or benched. It was called hot-dogging back then."


"I'm not a big fan of Michael Jordan's because he never led the league in field goal percentage. If you take the dunk out of his game, his percentage will be even lower."


"If Shaq has been chosen as the team leader then he need to do it more by example. He needs to get down the court and play defense instead of cherry picking by the basket for all those dunks. Too often the other team is on offense and Shaq is not even at half court. Everybody talks about his points when we should be looking closer at his rebounds and blocked shots and defense."


There were the great Celtic and Laker teams and Da Bulls. But Alex Hannum, one of seven inductees into the Basketball Hall of Fame here last night and the only man to coach championships in both the NBA and ABA, said one of his clubs, the 1966-67 Sixers, was as good as any - even the fabled Olympic Dream Team. And supporting the claim was the focal point of that 68-win squad, Wilt Chamberlain.

"We compare with any team that's ever been put together", said Hannum, whose gang that season included Chet Walker, Hal Greer, Luke Jackson, Wali Jones and, of course, Chamberlain.

"When I say "we,' I mean the '66-67 team, and I mean that even to include the Dream Team."

Chamberlain, Hannum's sponsor at the induction, emphasized the team aspect of the group.

"I concur with Alex", Chamberlain said. "In order to really maximize any five players, they have to be a team. Because you have the five best players of a particular era out there on the floor, that didn't make them a team. So as a team, we would challenge any of the Dream Teams."

As for the Bulls, Wilt was skeptical noting, "It's hard to talk about how great Chicago is because they are just so far superior to anything they have faced. I would have loved to have had them in our era to see how they would have truly measured up."


The Spokesman-Review - May 12, 1997 (http://news.google.com/newspapers?id=qrQpAAAAIBAJ&sjid=jPEDAAAAIBAJ&pg=6610,2712911&dq)

'Figuratively speaking, Shaquille O'Neal said he used to look up to Wilt Chamberlain. Not any more. O'Neal was apprised of comments Chamberlain made about him last week on ESPN's "Up Close," and responded with some harsh words of his own.

"Wilt Chamberlain was a great player," O'Neal said, "Give him his respect. But Wilt Chamberlain can kiss my ass."

The former Lakers center, appearing on the show to promote his new book, said Bullets center Gheorge Muresan may have more to offer as a player than O'Neal.

"As they call fouls today," Chamberlain said, "Shaq gets away with what I consider murder. I mean, I would think when you dip your shoulder and run over the top of the guy, and the foul is called on the guy who's laying on the floor, you're getting away with something. So Shaq is allowed to score some points that maybe he wouldn't (otherwise) get."

"But if you made it a straight-up situation, and gave the same rules and regulations to Shaq that you give to Gheorge Muresan.... Muresan has a better touch around the basket, he can score more points."

O'Neal said he didn't see the show, but when asked if he had, he replied: "Was Wilt doggin' me again?"

"I'd average 85 on Wilt, then and now," O'Neal said. "I thought certain people were mentors. I'm glad I know who my real friends are."

*Yeah. The referees.'
what a bitter insecure *******

03-22-2012, 09:33 PM
It couldn't have lasted more than a few seconds. Chamberlain had just gotten up from his stool when the bell rang, and the cougar rushed him. And, the rest was history.
Yeah, I was going to say the same thing. Wilt wasn't sweating and you can see that he didn't have a chance to get his head band on. Wilt looks amused that the cat tried to sneak attack him.

03-22-2012, 09:38 PM

Wilt pissed he forgot his count.

03-22-2012, 09:40 PM

Nate Thurmond would tell you that there was a good chance that this one was one of the "20,000"...


And in Wilt's first book, there is a picture of him and this gal together...


And I believe that there were rumors with these two...



03-22-2012, 09:50 PM
Do you know what round??? The Cougar looks like it was exhaaaausted.

First round, cougar lunged at his throat but Wilt, knocked it dead with one punch.

Dude was pissed cause he thought fighting a "cougar" meant a hot horny broad in a tub of KY jelly.

03-22-2012, 10:10 PM
[QUOTE=PHILA]Chamberlain > Abdul-Jabbar, O'Neal, Jordan.

[I]"Wilt was big on stats. One time he called me up and said, 'You know, Harvey, Michael Jordan can't hit a shot beyond 15 feet?'

I said, 'How do you know that?'

He said to me, 'Don't you watch the games?'

I said, 'I don't watch stuff like that. How do you know?'

He said, 'I watch it.'

So, during the height of Michael's career, I got the play-by-play of the first 20 Bulls games and I checked the distance of every shot Jordan took during the season and sure enough, he was shooting 38 percent from 15 feet back. So, I did 20 more and came up with the same result. So then I said, if I did 40, I might as well do 82. Wilt

03-22-2012, 10:15 PM
I can still not get how such a great player won only 2 rings. Has to be the biggest choker in sports history

03-22-2012, 10:19 PM
First round, cougar lunged at his throat but Wilt, knocked it dead with one punch.

Dude was pissed cause he thought fighting a "cougar" meant a hot horny broad in a tub of KY jelly.
Wilt as a cool cat so it makes sense he would want a hot cougar.

On the scouting report, Wilt has a high center of gravity and the cougar was left vulnerable reaching. Wilt took it to the post and slammed it down. Cat should have known you don't piss Wilt off. I mean really, who didn't know that?

03-22-2012, 10:23 PM

03-22-2012, 10:23 PM
I can still not get how such a great player won only 2 rings. Has to be the biggest choker in sports history
I thought he choked the cat too but CaverliersFTW says it was a punch. So that makes him the biggest puncher in sports history - not choker.

03-22-2012, 10:28 PM
holy shit, what a phenomenon 5 nonathletic white guys on the floor at one time, i have never witnessed that. thanks for sharing.

If I didn't know better,...

Chamberlain against Love, Bogut, Lee, Nash, and Milicic...

Deuce Bigalow
03-22-2012, 10:31 PM
I can still not get how such a great player won only 2 rings. Has to be the biggest choker in sports history
All-Time choking list

1. Lebron
2. Wilt

03-22-2012, 10:31 PM

And, the kind of guy Wilt was, he looked apologetic afterwards...

And he thought it would be a fairer fight with the GLOVES ON too...

03-22-2012, 10:33 PM
if you honestly believe this :facepalm

if i mountain lion jumps on your shoulder then his claws are gonna dig all the way to the bone pretty much rendering that arm useless. by guess what, wild someone escapes the razor shart teeth, nails or a mountain and grabs it's tail with his arms (one of with should be shreaded) and throw it in some bushes.

03-22-2012, 10:35 PM
I can still not get how such a great player won only 2 rings. Has to be the biggest choker in sports history

Of course, like the other Wilt-bashers on this forum (who are dwindling by the day)...absolutely NO RESEARCH behind this moronic comment. And yet these clowns claim that Hakeem, who couldn't get out of the FIRST ROUND in over HALF of his playoffs, in EIGHTEEN seasons, is some kind of god.:facepalm :facepalm :facepalm

03-22-2012, 10:37 PM
if you honestly believe this :facepalm

if i mountain lion jumps on your shoulder then his claws are gonna dig all the way to the bone pretty much rendering that arm useless. by guess what, wild someone escapes the razor shart teeth, nails or a mountain and grabs it's tail with his arms (one of with should be shreaded) and throw it in some bushes.

Can you try typing in English...

03-22-2012, 10:38 PM
Can you try speaking English...

Did Wilt kill the mountain lion before or after he banged your mom?


03-22-2012, 10:47 PM
All-Time choking list

1. Lebron
2. Wilt

All-Time worst posting list...

1. Dunce Bungalow
1. Dickwad

Dead-even tie.

03-22-2012, 10:49 PM
Of course, like the other Wilt-bashers on this forum (who are dwindling by the day)...absolutely NO RESEARCH behind this moronic comment. And yet these clowns claim that Hakeem, who couldn't get out of the FIRST ROUND in over HALF of his playoffs, in EIGHTEEN seasons, is some kind of god.:facepalm :facepalm :facepalm
30/20 with 2 rings :roll:

mabye if he was a team player, he'd win rings. russell was an overrated player but he came up big no matter what

Deuce Bigalow
03-22-2012, 10:50 PM
All-Time worst posting list...

1. Dunce Bungalow
1. Dickwad

Dead-even tie.
who are they?

03-22-2012, 10:51 PM
30/20 with 2 rings :roll:

mabye if he was a team player, he'd win rings. russell was an overrated player but he came up big no matter what

And, against Russell, and his SIX to EIGHT HOF teammates EVERY year,...

it was a 30-30, and in their 142 H2H games...

03-22-2012, 10:52 PM
who are they?

I am convinced that they are one in the same...

Deuce Bigalow
03-22-2012, 10:54 PM
I am convinced that they are one in the same...
I am convinced that you blow your load to Wilt every night

03-22-2012, 10:57 PM
I am convinced that you blow your load to Wilt every night

Of course, only you would even think to make a post about something like that. Kind of creepy if you ask me. Must be on your mind constantly.

03-22-2012, 11:03 PM
Did Wilt kill the mountain lion before or after he banged your mom?


I suspect some toothless hillbilly from the backwoods of the North Georgian wildnerness got ahold of yours...

03-22-2012, 11:34 PM
30/20 with 2 rings :roll:

mabye if he was a team player, he'd win rings. russell was an overrated player but he came up big no matter what

Soooooo selfish... such a poor teammate :rolleyes:

03-22-2012, 11:42 PM
I can still not get how such a great player won only 2 rings. Has to be the biggest choker in sports history


So... let me get this straight, great players with two rings = chokers?

What about Hakeem?

The Logo..."Mr. Clutch"... has one ring... Mr. Clutch. Good logic.

03-22-2012, 11:46 PM

So... let me get this straight, great players with two rings = chokers?

What about Hakeem?

The Logo..."Mr. Clutch"... has one ring... Mr. Clutch. Good logic.

Sensational post.

:bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown:

03-22-2012, 11:46 PM
if you honestly believe this :facepalm

if i mountain lion jumps on your shoulder then his claws are gonna dig all the way to the bone pretty much rendering that arm useless. by guess what, wild someone escapes the razor shart teeth, nails or a mountain and grabs it's tail with his arms (one of with should be shreaded) and throw it in some bushes.

Wilt's skin is made of iron you stupid f*ck. :mad:

03-24-2012, 11:21 PM

So... let me get this straight, great players with two rings = chokers?

What about Hakeem?

The Logo..."Mr. Clutch"... has one ring... Mr. Clutch. Good logic.

BTW, I found this comment from someone by the name of Dantheman who had some great video footage of Chamberlain...


What a steaming pile of hot garbage. Wilt blocked Kareem's skyhook 23 times in one playoff series, and 7 of those were in ONE game. He's blocks a left and right handed release twice in 10 seconds and you think Kareem let him!?!? Chamberlain was special, we barely have any footage of him yet somehow a clip of him doing this twice in a row surfaces? It's because he did it OFTEN. He was the ONLY player to ever make the skyhook look as weak as a normal hook shot, he was an anti-skyhook
dantheman9758 in reply to imamfollower (Show the comment) 4 months ago

03-25-2012, 03:33 AM
Wilt blocked Kareem's skyhook 23 times in one playoff series, and 7 of those were in ONE game.

That's something like Wilt would say :oldlol:

03-25-2012, 03:46 AM
That's something like Wilt would say :oldlol:

I actually watched EVERY game of that series (they were ALL NATIONALLY televised), and Wilt had some 20+ blocks just against Kareem, and some 15 were skyhooks. Once again, Wilt overplayed Kareem to his (Kareem's right), and was getting to it frequently. And even in the one's he didn't get a piece of, he forced Kareem to shoot them wildly.

Kareem shot .574 during the course of that season, but against Wilt in the '72 WCF's, he only shot .457. And, in the last four games of that series, he held Kareem to .414 shooting/

Even in his last season, in 72-73, and in six H2H games, Wilt held Kareem to .450 shooting (with games of 10-27, 11-30, and 12-31), while shooting .737 against him (including one game in which he outscored Kareem, 24-21, while outshooting him, 10-14 to 10-27.)

07-22-2012, 11:18 AM
Evidence found!!


07-22-2012, 01:04 PM

I love Wilt mythology.

07-22-2012, 01:16 PM
That Lion is way too small. Wilt sent a 700lbs Lion. Not a 150 lbs.

07-22-2012, 01:20 PM
Word is that Wilt crushed a 1900 pound Kodiak bear's skull in with one gentle tap with his hand.

07-22-2012, 01:34 PM
Evidence found!!


DAMN! nice work bro :rockon:

ohh and by the way :lol

07-22-2012, 02:49 PM

I love Wilt mythology.
In 100 years instead of our children's children reading the Odyssey in school they will be reading about Wilts Tall Tales.

07-22-2012, 02:52 PM
The ACTUAL photo was already presented much earlier in the topic...


07-22-2012, 02:57 PM
Cougars can be very small. female can be as big as my 100lb german shep. i've seen a 110lb cougar in a zoo before. i was like 'that's it?'

wilt being a giant human being could've scared the cougar off.

97 bulls
07-22-2012, 03:33 PM
Cougars can be very small. female can be as big as my 100lb german shep. i've seen a 110lb cougar in a zoo before. i was like 'that's it?'

wilt being a giant human being could've scared the cougar off.
Even a hundred lb cougar would be extremely strong. Theyre more than capable of taking down animals much bigger than them like rams and deer. Wilt is full of shit

07-22-2012, 04:39 PM
Even a hundred lb cougar would be extremely strong. Theyre more than capable of taking down animals much bigger than them like rams and deer. Wilt is full of shit

Who said it was a fully grown individual? It might be an experimenting juvenile.
In any case, the quotes about Wilt having huge scratch marks on his shoulder belonged to Ramsey, not Wilt, so, unless people also think that, for some reason, Ramsey was lying, Wilt, in all likelihood, was attacked by some animal, and it didn't seem like a small kitty.

07-22-2012, 04:50 PM
Lets be real here, it was a WEAK era for mountain lions.

07-22-2012, 04:52 PM
If you see Wilt fighting a bear, don't help Wilt fool, help the bear.

07-22-2012, 05:03 PM
It just fascinates me that so many attempt to disparage Chamberlain in any way possible. The "mountain lion" story was never directly attributed to Wilt. Nor was the breaking of Johnny Kerr's toe, which, was in fact, claimed by Kerr himself.

When I first joined this forum a few years ago, virtually any incredible physical feat that Wilt supposedly accomplished was just laughed off as pure folly. There was no way Wilt was benching anywhere near 500 lbs. They was no way Wilt had a 40" inch vertical (I even read a poster claiming that it was 24".) No way Wilt was dunking his FT's. No way Wilt was dunking on a 12 ft. rim. No way Wilt was touching the top of the backboard.

However, in the past year, or so, (and some before that), more-and-more evidence, including VIDEO footage, has surfaced that substantiates many of those so-called "myths."

An eye-witness account of a 59 year old Chamberlain benching 465 lbs. An SI article in 1964 claiming that Wilt was easily benching 400 lbs. A first hand account in Robert Cherry's book, by a 6-5 250 lbs weight-lifter who was known to have benched 500 lbs, claiming that Wilt was the strongest men he ever met. In fact, the internet is plastered with accounts of Wilt benching 500 lbs.

An article by Philly sportswriter George Kiseda, who claims to have witnessed Wilt touching the ceiling in a hospital, and measuring the leap at 42". Or VIDEO footage of a young Wilt, with no time to react, and going straight up (without benefit of a running start), and blocking a shot, with his fingertips only a couple of inches from the top of the backboard. Or Philly sports icon Sonny Hill claiming to have witnessed Wilt touching the top of the backboard. Or longtime Sixer trainer, Al Domenico, claiming to have witnessed the same thing.

Or a VIDEO interview with none other than TEX WINTER, claiming that he witnessed a high school Wilt, taking three steps, and dunking the ball with a leap from behind the FT line. In fact, he was so stunned by that, that he formed a committee to ban such "freakish" activity.

Or Wilt's college coach rolling out a 12 ft. rim while Wilt was there, and some articles from the KU newspaper claiming that Wilt was dunking on it.

Or none other than Hank Stram, clocking a 27 year old Chamberlain, at 290 lbs, running a 4.6 40. (Wilt himself claimed to have run a 4.4 in college...which doesn't seem so unbelievable now, does it?)

But aside from all of those "myths", what about the STATISTICAL "myths?"

The 100 pt game. The 55 rebound game. The 18-18 from the floor game. The 35 straight made FGs. The 50 ppg season. The 27 rpg season. The 40 ppg scoring average in his first seven seasons, combined. The .683 and .727 FG%'s. The SIX games of 70+ points. The 32 games of 60+ points. The 122 games of 50+. The 271 games of 40+. Or scoring 351 points over the course of five straight games. Or having TWO separate streaks of 14 consecutive games of 40+ points (and averaging 53 and 54 ppg in each streak.) The 65 straight games of 30+. The 126 straight games of 25+ (and another separate streak of 92.) The 132 30-30 games. The 73 games of 40-30. The 32 50-30 games. The 8 60-30 games. The eight 40-40 games. The five 50-40 games. the only TWO known double-triple-double games ( 22-25-21 and 34-30-20.) The KNOWN 23 blocked shots in one game. The only center to ever lead the NBA in assists. The oldest player to score 60+ points in a game (and at age 32, he did it TWICE...with games of 60 and 66 points.) The highest FG% in a 60+ point game (.829 on 29-35 shooting.)

I could go on...but it has become increasingly clear that the Wilt's legacy was built on more than just unbelievable "myths."

07-22-2012, 05:15 PM
if a man could kick a mountain lion's ass, he's a modern day gladiator. it's far fetched but possible i suppose.

07-22-2012, 09:05 PM
A black man and his exaggerations. Over, over exaggerations.

And it was about that time I realized it was no god damn Mountain Lion, but really it was the Loch Ness Monster! I said, "No, I ain't got no 3 fiddy", and then I threw the Loch Ness Monster back into the forest....


07-22-2012, 09:18 PM
With the mountain lion story, Wilt never publically said that, someone else did. And the story is that it jumped him and he knocked it off him, and he jumped in his car and escaped. He didnt beat it up.

Or a VIDEO interview with none other than TEX WINTER, claiming that he witnessed a high school Wilt, taking three steps, and dunking the ball with a leap from behind the FT line. In fact, he was so stunned by that, that he formed a committee to ban such "freakish" activity.

This is the interview that convinced me. Tex was serious and would not lie about it. Its obvious he was just a freak of nature. Like a 6'5 man running 100m in 9.58 seconds. Or a 6'8 250 pound man dribbling as fast as a 6 foot guard and tomahawking from the foul line in a game. Things we have witnessed.
Freaks just come along every so often.

07-22-2012, 11:01 PM
one story that almost nobody seems to know about is how wilt got brutally clocked by one of the league's enforcers in his mid or late career, giving him a permanent blood poisoning condition. i don't remember the exact details, but i first read about the incident in an extensive SI piece a year or two ago. it's probably still right there in the archives.

what happened was this- basically, in the middle of a game, wilt's team was having its way, and the other team's goon responded by slamming wilt in the jaw when nobody was looking, driving a couple of his teeth deep in to his jaw. this created a weird, very unwelcome channel for bacteria straight in to wilt's blood stream which went on to plague him for the rest of his life. in those earlier days of poor video and lack of review, the enforcer dude never paid for what he did, but wilt developed serious blood infections afterwards and ultimately died early.

just lazy to look it up ATM, but it shouldn't be hard to find...

07-22-2012, 11:16 PM
Even a hundred lb cougar would be extremely strong. Theyre more than capable of taking down animals much bigger than them like rams and deer. Wilt is full of shit

not always. a cougar with no human encounter may not think human is a prey. Wilt being so tall and big would've seen as a predator. and if wilt was being aggressive with his stance he really could've scared off the cat. there are many reports of man avoiding bear or leopard in various part of the country.

if this was a cage match between wilt vs. cougar then cat would've eaten wilt alive for sure. there is nothing human can do if the cougar is in a full attack mode.

but this could just be a big cat not looking for confrontation because they instinctively know fighting non-prey isn't worth the trouble. and let's not forget Wilt is twice bigger than normal male.

i don't buy the story, but again it could happen. :confusedshrug:

07-22-2012, 11:32 PM
one story that almost nobody seems to know about is how wilt got brutally clocked by one of the league's enforcers in his mid or late career, giving him a permanent blood poisoning condition. i don't remember the exact details, but i first read about the incident in an extensive SI piece a year or two ago. it's probably still right there in the archives.

what happened was this- basically, in the middle of a game, wilt's team was having its way, and the other team's goon responded by slamming wilt in the jaw when nobody was looking, driving a couple of his teeth deep in to his jaw. this created a weird, very unwelcome channel for bacteria straight in to wilt's blood stream which went on to plague him for the rest of his life. in those earlier days of poor video and lack of review, the enforcer dude never paid for what he did, but wilt developed serious blood infections afterwards and ultimately died early.

just lazy to look it up ATM, but it shouldn't be hard to find...

Actually the incident took place early in Chamberlain's career. Most of the rest of your post is correct, except that the "enforcer never paid for what he did." The enforcer was 6-9 240 lb Clyde Lovellette, who was probably the dirtiest player in the league. The two would meet again in the '64 Finals. Once again, Lovellette came in throwing elbows. Wilt repeatedly asked him to stop, but Clyde continued. Finally Wilt turned with and told him that he had enough. Lovellette raised his fists, and Wilt decked him with one punch. Clyde "went down like a sack of potatoes." His teammates told him to stay down. Meanwhile, Red Auerbach jumped up to complain to the officials, and Chamberlain reportedly yelled at him, "Shut up or I will lay you out next to him [Lovellette.]"

Lovellette did not return the rest of the series, and retired shortly afterwards.

But, yes, the infection that Wilt suffered may very well have contributed to his relatively early death.

07-22-2012, 11:46 PM
excellent. thank you. do you remember that particular long SI piece on wilt? because i would love to read it again some time.

but TBH, i still don't think lovellette really paid for what he did. yes, wilt decked him fair and square, but the dude did something far worse to him when nobody was looking. of course i'd like to say that in today's NBA justice would be served, but after seeing how stern gave a maniac like artest a tap on the wrist for what he did to harden, i have no confidence in that...

07-22-2012, 11:51 PM
excellent. thank you. do you remember that particular long SI piece on wilt? because i would love to read it again some time.

but TBH, i still don't think lovellette really paid for what he did. yes, wilt decked him fair and square, but the dude did something far worse to him when nobody was looking. of course i'd like to say that in today's NBA justice would be served, but after seeing how stern gave a maniac like artest a tap on the wrist for what he did to harden, i have no confidence in that...

I don't have adobe suite, but here is a link to a similar story...


Alan Ogg
07-23-2012, 12:00 AM
They was no way Wilt had a 40" inch vertical (I even read a poster claiming that it was 24".) No way Wilt was dunking his FT's. No way Wilt was dunking on a 12 ft. rim. No way Wilt was touching the top of the backboard.

Bill Russell says he used to touch the top of the backboard. Never seen anyone disputing that.

07-23-2012, 12:30 AM
I don't have adobe suite, but here is a link to a similar story...

thanks... nice generous preview there!

later on i'll have to take a serious look for the article in question. might have been mccallum; not sure. from the basketbawful blog here's a snippet that describes how much it sucked being a talented big man in that era. as a comparison, shaq was mostly a sport about that kind of thing, but if shaq had taken the level of abuse that chamberlain did, somebody would likely have received the rudy-t treatment.

Lovellette once elbowed Chamberlain so hard in the chin that Wilt lost four teeth, developed blood poisoning from the ensuing infection, ended up in the hospital, and eventually required surgery. Wilt got so tired of the constant beatings, he threatened to retire three different times, and the same analysts who once complained about the overwhelming offenses were now complaining about the now dangerous defenses, and therefore began to refer to the area under the basket -- where most of the damage was being done -- as the butcher shop.

07-23-2012, 12:48 AM
thanks... nice generous preview there!

later on i'll have to take a serious look for the article in question. might have been mccallum; not sure. from the basketbawful blog here's a snippet that describes how much it sucked being a talented big man in that era. as a comparison, shaq was mostly a sport about that kind of thing, but if shaq had taken the level of abuse that chamberlain did, somebody would likely have received the rudy-t treatment.

Wilt was probably the most heavily defended and most physically abused center in the history of the NBA. Only Shaq can compare in terms of defensive pressure faced.

07-23-2012, 12:53 AM
You gotta love Jlauber's sources, earlier in this thread he mentioned a youtube-comment as a source a la "DanTheMan" and that alias belongs to CavaliersFTW on this forum and the same guy wrote the wrong info in his youtube-comment and of course Jlauber fell for it big time considering how he used it as a source.. :facepalm

Jlauber, tell us some more about them eye-witnesses and of course we believe you when you write that you remember Wilt blocking 15 skyhooks in a 40 year old series. After all, you're the same person who totally forgot how good Wilt was until a few years ago and you're the same person who changed your mind about his era over some youtube-footage.

Haha, you're the biggest hoax on this board.

07-23-2012, 12:57 AM
You gotta love Jlauber's sources, earlier in this thread he mentioned a youtube-comment as a source a la "DanTheMan" and that alias belongs to CavaliersFTW on this forum and the same guy wrote the wrong info in his youtube-comment and of course Jlauber fell for it big time considering how he used it as a source.. :facepalm

Jlauber, tell us some more about them eye-witnesses and of course we believe you when you write that you remember Wilt blocking 15 skyhooks in a 40 year old series. After all, you're the same person who totally forgot how good Wilt was until a few years ago and you're the same person who changed your mind about his era over some youtube-footage.

Haha, you're the biggest hoax on this board.

Have you watched the Tex Winter interview?

07-23-2012, 01:05 AM
You gotta love Jlauber's sources, earlier in this thread he mentioned a youtube-comment as a source a la "DanTheMan" and that alias belongs to CavaliersFTW on this forum and the same guy wrote the wrong info in his youtube-comment and of course Jlauber fell for it big time considering how he used it as a source.. :facepalm

Jlauber, tell us some more about them eye-witnesses and of course we believe you when you write that you remember Wilt blocking 15 skyhooks in a 40 year old series. After all, you're the same person who totally forgot how good Wilt was until a few years ago and you're the same person who changed your mind about his era over some youtube-footage.

Haha, you're the biggest hoax on this board.

Well, we KNOW that Chamberlain blocked 29 of Kareem's shots in six known games of their 28 H2H's, as well as another game with "numerous blocks."

We also have VIDEO footage of Chamberlain swatting two of them in a span of a few seconds.

But maybe you have a source that can tell is how many. Hopefully it will be someone other than yourself, though, who claimed that Hakeem did not guard a 38-39 Kareem, when Kareem had ten straight games of 32 ppg on .630 shooting against him...and when we have an ENTIRE VIDEO game in which Kareem shredded a helpless Hakeem for 40 points, and another game RECAP in which Kareem hung 46 points on Hakeem, in only 37 minutes, and on 21-30 shooting.

Deuce Bigalow
07-23-2012, 01:15 AM
It just fascinates me that so many attempt to disparage Chamberlain in any way possible. The "mountain lion" story was never directly attributed to Wilt. Nor was the breaking of Johnny Kerr's toe, which, was in fact, claimed by Kerr himself.

When I first joined this forum a few years ago, virtually any incredible physical feat that Wilt supposedly accomplished was just laughed off as pure folly. There was no way Wilt was benching anywhere near 500 lbs. They was no way Wilt had a 40" inch vertical (I even read a poster claiming that it was 24".) No way Wilt was dunking his FT's. No way Wilt was dunking on a 12 ft. rim. No way Wilt was touching the top of the backboard.

However, in the past year, or so, (and some before that), more-and-more evidence, including VIDEO footage, has surfaced that substantiates many of those so-called "myths."

An eye-witness account of a 59 year old Chamberlain benching 465 lbs. An SI article in 1964 claiming that Wilt was easily benching 400 lbs. A first hand account in Robert Cherry's book, by a 6-5 250 lbs weight-lifter who was known to have benched 500 lbs, claiming that Wilt was the strongest men he ever met. In fact, the internet is plastered with accounts of Wilt benching 500 lbs.

An article by Philly sportswriter George Kiseda, who claims to have witnessed Wilt touching the ceiling in a hospital, and measuring the leap at 42". Or VIDEO footage of a young Wilt, with no time to react, and going straight up (without benefit of a running start), and blocking a shot, with his fingertips only a couple of inches from the top of the backboard. Or Philly sports icon Sonny Hill claiming to have witnessed Wilt touching the top of the backboard. Or longtime Sixer trainer, Al Domenico, claiming to have witnessed the same thing.

Or a VIDEO interview with none other than TEX WINTER, claiming that he witnessed a high school Wilt, taking three steps, and dunking the ball with a leap from behind the FT line. In fact, he was so stunned by that, that he formed a committee to ban such "freakish" activity.

Or Wilt's college coach rolling out a 12 ft. rim while Wilt was there, and some articles from the KU newspaper claiming that Wilt was dunking on it.

Or none other than Hank Stram, clocking a 27 year old Chamberlain, at 290 lbs, running a 4.6 40. (Wilt himself claimed to have run a 4.4 in college...which doesn't seem so unbelievable now, does it?)

But aside from all of those "myths", what about the STATISTICAL "myths?"

The 100 pt game. The 55 rebound game. The 18-18 from the floor game. The 35 straight made FGs. The 50 ppg season. The 27 rpg season. The 40 ppg scoring average in his first seven seasons, combined. The .683 and .727 FG%'s. The SIX games of 70+ points. The 32 games of 60+ points. The 122 games of 50+. The 271 games of 40+. Or scoring 351 points over the course of five straight games. Or having TWO separate streaks of 14 consecutive games of 40+ points (and averaging 53 and 54 ppg in each streak.) The 65 straight games of 30+. The 126 straight games of 25+ (and another separate streak of 92.) The 132 30-30 games. The 73 games of 40-30. The 32 50-30 games. The 8 60-30 games. The eight 40-40 games. The five 50-40 games. the only TWO known double-triple-double games ( 22-25-21 and 34-30-20.) The KNOWN 23 blocked shots in one game. The only center to ever lead the NBA in assists. The oldest player to score 60+ points in a game (and at age 32, he did it TWICE...with games of 60 and 66 points.) The highest FG% in a 60+ point game (.829 on 29-35 shooting.)

I could go on...but it has become increasingly clear that the Wilt's legacy was built on more than just unbelievable "myths."

07-23-2012, 01:25 AM
Have you watched the Tex Winter interview?

We've had guys who said that Wilt crushed a toe by just dunking a ball on it, the same Wilt who never even broke one of those crappy backboards..

People talk alot.

07-23-2012, 01:26 AM
We've had guys who said that Wilt crushed a toe by just dunking a ball on it, the same Wilt who never even broke one of those crappy backboards..

People talk alot.

WILT never claimed that. Johnny Kerr, who was the player with the broken toe, made that claim. Go complain to Kerr if you don't believe it.

07-23-2012, 01:28 AM
WILT never claimed that. Johnny Kerr, who was the player with the broken toe, made that claim. Go complain to Kerr if you don't believe it.

i thought it was pretty obvious he was exaggerating.

i could throw a ball two handing from 5 feet away from your feet full speed and it wouldn't break shit.

07-23-2012, 01:32 AM
When he wasn't busy dunking his fts, smashing 10 thousand women, killing mountain lions with his bare hands, lifting more weight than Arnold Swarzenegger even though it was his first try, what did Wilt do in his spare time?

Deuce Bigalow
07-23-2012, 01:35 AM
When he wasn't busy dunking his fts, smashing 10 thousand women, killing mountain lions with his bare hands, lifting more weight than Arnold Swarzenegger even though it was his first try, what did Wilt do in his spare time?
He went hunting. He could run a 40 4.6 flat. He would catch the animal with his amazing speed.

07-23-2012, 01:36 AM
When he wasn't busy dunking his fts, smashing 10 thousand women, killing mountain lions with his bare hands, lifting more weight than Arnold Swarzenegger even though it was his first try, what did Wilt do in his spare time?

SI ran an article on Chamberlain at age 50...


And what event would you enter, Wilt? The discus, the 200, the high jump? "Almost anything," he shrugs. These days, for typical daily amusement he competes (against others or himself) in the following activities: basketball, racquetball, volleyball, tennis, polo (yes, the kind with horses), rowing single sculls, swimming, running races, lifting weights, hurling objects, performing the martial arts, aerobics and walking long distances. He still holds his own in scrimmages with current NBA players. The Nets' offer, while obviously of considerable publicity value to a team somewhere out in the suburbs that nobody knows exists, was perfectly legitimate. Wilt finally turned it down only because he was afraid he would disappoint people, afraid that even though he was sure he would acquit himself proudly, playing in the NBA in his 50th year, nothing he could do would be enough to satisfy expectations. He would lose again.

07-23-2012, 01:39 AM
One time Wilt turned right over in it but he got out without a scratch and just kept driving.

07-23-2012, 01:43 AM
It just fascinates me that so many attempt to disparage Chamberlain in any way possible. The "mountain lion" story was never directly attributed to Wilt. Nor was the breaking of Johnny Kerr's toe, which, was in fact, claimed by Kerr himself.

If I remember correctly I read an interview where Wilt himself also claimed he broke Kerr's toe, although I google'd it and I couldn't find it so I can't claim he said it himself as well for sure.

When I first joined this forum a few years ago, virtually any incredible physical feat that Wilt supposedly accomplished was just laughed off as pure folly. There was no way Wilt was benching anywhere near 500 lbs. They was no way Wilt had a 40" inch vertical (I even read a poster claiming that it was 24".) No way Wilt was dunking his FT's. No way Wilt was dunking on a 12 ft. rim. No way Wilt was touching the top of the backboard.

You're the same guy who changed your mind regarding Wilt over youtube-videos, quotes and articles. You're the same guy who wrote that his competition was crap and then you suddenly changed your mind and claimed he played in a crazy talented era.

However, in the past year, or so, (and some before that), more-and-more evidence, including VIDEO footage, has surfaced that substantiates many of those so-called "myths."

Yeah, you mean "proof" as in that video where Wilt "touches" the backboard when in reality the guy who made it, CavaliersFTW, highlighted his arm all wrong and while the footage itself was from a terrible angle if you want to prove anything.

An eye-witness account of a 59 year old Chamberlain benching 465 lbs. An SI article in 1964 claiming that Wilt was easily benching 400 lbs. A first hand account in Robert Cherry's book, by a 6-5 250 lbs weight-lifter who was known to have benched 500 lbs, claiming that Wilt was the strongest men he ever met. In fact, the internet is plastered with accounts of Wilt benching 500 lbs.

Eye-witnesses have for deceades claimed that they've seen aliens, just because someone claims they've seen something, it doesn't mean it's true.
But after all, you ain't good with sources, you used a youtube-comment from CavaliersFTW (DanTheMan) about them 20 blocked skyhooks and claimed it was a valid source. The same poster later told us all that he mistyped.

An article by Philly sportswriter George Kiseda, who claims to have witnessed Wilt touching the ceiling in a hospital, and measuring the leap at 42". Or VIDEO footage of a young Wilt, with no time to react, and going straight up (without benefit of a running start), and blocking a shot, with his fingertips only a couple of inches from the top of the backboard. Or Philly sports icon Sonny Hill claiming to have witnessed Wilt touching the top of the backboard. Or longtime Sixer trainer, Al Domenico, claiming to have witnessed the same thing.

Are you for real? Yeah, George Kiseda met up with eye witnesses and later wrote an article about Wilt touching the ceiling in a hospital, you're so retarded. Eye witnesses have seen the Yeti monster, it must be true then..

Again, the fingertips a couple of inches from the backboard video is nonsense. CavaliersFTW didn't do a good job when he highlighted Wilt's body in that video, it's completely out of proportion, so you want to claim that his arm is almost as long as the white guy in the video and that his arm was just as long as his legs... :facepalm

Al Domenico and Sonny Hill have seen god as well..

Or a VIDEO interview with none other than TEX WINTER, claiming that he witnessed a high school Wilt, taking three steps, and dunking the ball with a leap from behind the FT line. In fact, he was so stunned by that, that he formed a committee to ban such "freakish" activity.

Oh my god, an interview who proves that Wilt dunked from the FT-line, damn, how convincing.

Or Wilt's college coach rolling out a 12 ft. rim while Wilt was there, and some articles from the KU newspaper claiming that Wilt was dunking on it.

Must be true.

But aside from all of those "myths", what about the STATISTICAL "myths?"

There are no myths about his stats.

I could go on...but it has become increasingly clear that the Wilt's legacy was built on more than just unbelievable "myths."

Yeah, so you just proved that those myths weren't just myths by writing a post where you proved us all wrong by posting eye witness accounts.. :facepalm

07-23-2012, 01:48 AM
WILT never claimed that. Johnny Kerr, who was the player with the broken toe, made that claim. Go complain to Kerr if you don't believe it.

But it's nonsense, you idiot, that's the problem.
You believe everything you read as long as it makes Wilt look greater, you even used youtube-comments as sources, like seriously...

The broken toe claim is the most silly thing I've heard, read some physics, Jlauber, you can't break a toe just by throwing a basketball on it. The speed is way too slow and the power is no where close to do any damage on a toe.

Wilt didn't even break those crappy backboards, how the hell could he dunk with such force that he'd break a toe..


07-23-2012, 02:01 AM
But it's nonsense, you idiot, that's the problem.
You believe everything you read as long as it makes Wilt look greater, you even used youtube-comments as sources, like seriously...

The broken toe claim is the most silly thing I've heard, read some physics, Jlauber, you can't break a toe just by throwing a basketball on it. The speed is way too slow and the power is no where close to do any damage on a toe.

Wilt didn't even break those crappy backboards, how the hell could he dunk with such force that he'd break a toe..


I haven't heard the toe story.
But do you honestly believe he couldn't break a backboard?
I know lauber can seem extreme, but you are more extreme in the opposite direction.

07-23-2012, 04:11 AM
Lets be real here, it was a WEAK era for mountain lions.


07-23-2012, 08:01 AM
Actually the incident took place early in Chamberlain's career. Most of the rest of your post is correct, except that the "enforcer never paid for what he did." The enforcer was 6-9 240 lb Clyde Lovellette, who was probably the dirtiest player in the league. The two would meet again in the '64 Finals. Once again, Lovellette came in throwing elbows. Wilt repeatedly asked him to stop, but Clyde continued. Finally Wilt turned with and told him that he had enough. Lovellette raised his fists, and Wilt decked him with one punch. Clyde "went down like a sack of potatoes." His teammates told him to stay down. Meanwhile, Red Auerbach jumped up to complain to the officials, and Chamberlain reportedly yelled at him, "Shut up or I will lay you out next to him [Lovellette.]"

Lovellette did not return the rest of the series, and retired shortly afterwards.

But, yes, the infection that Wilt suffered may very well have contributed to his relatively early death.

Lovellette (who was 6'11") didn't return for the rest of the series as the Celtics closed out the series in this game and they were blowing out Wilt's team. Which begs the question, why is Wilt still in the game during a blowout? Stat padding.

Look at Big Bad Wilt, saying he will knockout 5'9" Red Auerbach. What a tough guy!

This story is in Terry Pluto's book Tall Tales. This where I got the info to correct JLauber. I seek the facts. Like the fact it was a blowout in a deciding game, which JLauber declined to mention as it would make Wilt look bad.

07-23-2012, 08:14 AM
Laughing at Jlaub getting ethered.

07-23-2012, 08:34 AM
Lovellette (who was 6'11") didn't return for the rest of the series as the Celtics closed out the series in this game and they were blowing out Wilt's team. Which begs the question, why is Wilt still in the game during a blowout? Stat padding.

Look at Big Bad Wilt, saying he will knockout 5'9" Red Auerbach. What a tough guy!

This story is in Terry Pluto's book Tall Tales. This where I got the info to correct JLauber. I seek the facts. Like the fact it was a blowout in a deciding game, which JLauber declined to mention as it would make Wilt look bad.

Not that I would expect you to RESEARCH any of your posts, but that incident occurred in GAME TWO of what was a FIVE game series (and yes, Boston, with an 8-2 edge in HOFers won that series, 4-1...albeit the last two games were decided in the waning seconds, and Wilt badly outplayed Russell in both.)

I have other links, as well, but just take a look at all FIVE games of thise series. You won't see Lovellette in the last THREE.


Next time, just refrain from making an a$$ of yourself.

07-23-2012, 08:36 AM
I haven't heard the toe story.
But do you honestly believe he couldn't break a backboard?
I know lauber can seem extreme, but you are more extreme in the opposite direction.

No, I never wrote that I didn't believe he could break a backboard. But we have no stories about him doing so and considering how Jlauber and others like to spam about Wilt's amazing strength, it's really odd that he never even teared down the rim.

Hell, the guy supposedly dunked a ball so hard that he broke a guy toe but the same guy never teared down the crappy baskets of the 60's..

07-23-2012, 08:49 AM
No, I never wrote that I didn't believe he could break a backboard. But we have no stories about him doing so and considering how Jlauber and others like to spam about Wilt's amazing strength, it's really odd that he never even teared down the rim.

Hell, the guy supposedly dunked a ball so hard that he broke a guy toe but the same guy never teared down the crappy baskets of the 60's..

The legendary Gus Johnson (who may have had a higher vertical than MJ) shattered THREE backboards in the 60's with vicious dunks. YET, he tried to dunk on Chamberlain and dislocated his shoulder in a Wilt block at the rim.

07-23-2012, 09:13 AM
Oh it's this thread again. :rolleyes:

jlauber, what is it exactly that makes you different from all these Kobe and Lebron stans? Apart from the humungous wall of texts that you tirelessly copy paste that is. :confusedshrug:

07-23-2012, 09:39 AM
Oh it's this thread again. :rolleyes:

jlauber, what is it exactly that makes you different from all these Kobe and Lebron stans? Apart from the humungous wall of texts that you tirelessly copy paste that is. :confusedshrug:
He dick rides a dead guy?

07-23-2012, 10:51 AM
No, I never wrote that I didn't believe he could break a backboard. But we have no stories about him doing so and considering how Jlauber and others like to spam about Wilt's amazing strength, it's really odd that he never even teared down the rim.

Hell, the guy supposedly dunked a ball so hard that he broke a guy toe but the same guy never teared down the crappy baskets of the 60's..

I have footage of Wilt dunking hard without needing to grab the rim and wrestle with it like you'd think would be necessary. He has very long reach, like 1/4" short of Yao Ming's reach - and that's excluding his greater athleticism so one of the dunks in his repertoir I've seen is throwing a ball through the hoop hard but clean. Think Dwight Howards superman dunk except Wilt does touch the rim a little (and he doesn't need too leap like Dwight did due to said greater reach). When he throws the ball through the hoop, the ball bounces back up over top of the backboard and ever since seeing that clip I personally have looked at how high basketballs tend too bounce after dunks from other players and I've never seen such a high bounce replicated by other players be it Shaq, Blake, Kemp or whatever other power dunker you can think of. I'll look for the footage tonight and gif it - just because he consciously didn't heft his 300lbs on the rim to tear a backboard down doesn't mean he couldnt jam a ball through that metal ring very hard.

07-23-2012, 11:28 AM
Lovellette (who was 6'11") didn't return for the rest of the series as the Celtics closed out the series in this game and they were blowing out Wilt's team. Which begs the question, why is Wilt still in the game during a blowout? Stat padding.

Look at Big Bad Wilt, saying he will knockout 5'9" Red Auerbach. What a tough guy!

This story is in Terry Pluto's book Tall Tales. This where I got the info to correct JLauber. I seek the facts. Like the fact it was a blowout in a deciding game, which JLauber declined to mention as it would make Wilt look bad.
The information is widely available that
a) Wilt didn't like to come out of games because he would get stiff
b) Star players of that era all played long minutes, the following stars of the era played at least 40 minutes in at least half of their seasons, Wilt Chamberlain, Bill Russell, Jerry West, Elgin Baylor, Oscar Robertson, Nate Thurmond etc

So whether or not Jlauber has a blind spot regarding Wilt, the stat-padding argument just doesn't stand up.

Presumably you think Russell playing at least 42 minutes a game in the 4 games out of 5 for which we have minute totals in the Eastern Conference Finals of 1967 was Russell stat padding. After all the 76ers wins were by an average of 13.5 points.
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Aoy3YD7IdypTdEpOeFRwY29NRTUtWVlFWVJ5TkFDY 3c#gid=0

Post edited to remove typo.

07-23-2012, 11:41 AM
I have footage of Wilt dunking hard without needing to grab the rim and wrestle with it like you'd think would be necessary. He has very long reach, like 1/4" short of Yao Ming's reach - and that's excluding his greater athleticism so one of the dunks in his repertoir I've seen is throwing a ball through the hoop hard but clean. Think Dwight Howards superman dunk except Wilt does touch the rim a little (and he doesn't need too leap like Dwight did due to said greater reach). When he throws the ball through the hoop, the ball bounces back up over top of the backboard and ever since seeing that clip I personally have looked at how high basketballs tend too bounce after dunks from other players and I've never seen such a high bounce replicated by other players be it Shaq, Blake, Kemp or whatever other power dunker you can think of. I'll look for the footage tonight and gif it - just because he consciously didn't heft his 300lbs on the rim to tear a backboard down doesn't mean he couldnt jam a ball through that metal ring very hard.

Yeah, please, show us.

07-23-2012, 11:55 AM
I have footage of Wilt dunking hard without needing to grab the rim and wrestle with it like you'd think would be necessary. He has very long reach, like 1/4" short of Yao Ming's reach - and that's excluding his greater athleticism so one of the dunks in his repertoir I've seen is throwing a ball through the hoop hard but clean. Think Dwight Howards superman dunk except Wilt does touch the rim a little (and he doesn't need too leap like Dwight did due to said greater reach). When he throws the ball through the hoop, the ball bounces back up over top of the backboard and ever since seeing that clip I personally have looked at how high basketballs tend too bounce after dunks from other players and I've never seen such a high bounce replicated by other players be it Shaq, Blake, Kemp or whatever other power dunker you can think of. I'll look for the footage tonight and gif it - just because he consciously didn't heft his 300lbs on the rim to tear a backboard down doesn't mean he couldnt jam a ball through that metal ring very hard.
Well this does not impress me since I've seen Pierce dunking it and ball went as high as the top of the glass. Over the glass is different story, yes, but this feat doesn't seem exclusively Wiltesque. Sorry.

06-23-2021, 07:01 AM
Lets be real here, it was a WEAK era for mountain lions.

I actually LMAO

06-24-2021, 12:57 AM
How is grandpa gheylauber doing? Is he dead or still riding wilt's rotten d1ck? :lol