View Full Version : Which team has the biggest bias announcers?

10-10-2010, 08:58 PM
Bias commentators are both funny and annoying. There are two teams, which I was surprise on how bias their commentators are.

The Hawks vs Heat in the playoffs in 2009. The commentators were unreal:

The best line there, "The Heat has resorted to thuggery!" Like damn! :oldlol:

The Celtics announcers are funny too! I think they complain about the refs the most.




I think heard Memphis said something about LeBron too, but I can't find the video. They were complaining about a call and said, "OOH STOP whining LeBron! You are a great player and all, but stop whining over every call!"

What team have one of the most bias announcers? And if you find a bias comment, feel free to share!

10-10-2010, 09:12 PM
Denver's are really bad. maybe not as bad as celtic's but pretty close.

Knoe Itawl
10-10-2010, 09:14 PM
Celts ftw. They crack me up though so not as annoying as others.

10-10-2010, 09:14 PM
Spurs and it's not even close

10-10-2010, 09:15 PM
It has to be the Celtics BY FAR...:lol

Those dudes b!tch about everything that doesn't go their way....I was watching a game last that had them playing against the Heat ....Man, I never heard so much b!tchassness in my life.

10-10-2010, 09:16 PM
I think Knicks might have the most UNbiased announcers. Usually Mike Breen and Clyde Frazier. Sometimes they are harder on the Knicks than the other team.

10-10-2010, 09:16 PM
Celtics, Rockets and Kings are all pretty bad. There are others.

10-10-2010, 09:17 PM
Celtics and Blazers. Easily.

noob cake
10-10-2010, 09:17 PM
1. Celtics
2. Arguable

10-10-2010, 09:22 PM
Bulls ..

stacey king and neil funk are the biggest homers ever. I think they are the only announcers that openly talk crap about the opponent on air.

10-10-2010, 09:23 PM
The Heat announcers and Stacey King from the bulls:lol :lol :lol

10-10-2010, 09:24 PM
Bulls ..

stacey king and neil funk are the biggest homers ever. I think they are the only announcers that openly talk crap about the opponent on air.


10-10-2010, 09:25 PM
Celtics :facepalm

10-10-2010, 09:27 PM
That Blazers color commentator is by far the worst.. At least with Tommy he's a HOFer with 8 rings, understands the history of the game, and at times really funny.. but the Blazers color guy just makes me punch through a wall. Can't stand that dirtbag's cockiness and his whiny voice.

10-10-2010, 09:31 PM
Celtics. Heinsohn is the biggest homer announcer out there. Literally complains on the most obvious of calls.
Blazers are pretty bad
Heat were also bad last year expecting it to be worse this year obviously

A Roc 23
10-10-2010, 09:31 PM
I have trouble watching games announced by the Celtics announcers. They are so biased and so whiny and they get so many things wrong. In the Nets vs. Celtics preseason game they were talking about how Terrance Williams was an exceptional outside shooter. I'm pretty sure that's the biggest knock on his game and that Tommy guy just guesses about half the things he states as facts.

10-10-2010, 09:33 PM
Celtics. Tommy is literally drunk during the majority of the broadcasts and I have NEVER heard him say side with the opposing team. It doesn't matter what it is he is going to side with the Celtics and blame the officials. It's really a joke.

10-10-2010, 09:34 PM
Bulls ..

stacey king and neil funk are the biggest homers ever. I think they are the only announcers that openly talk crap about the opponent on air.
Neil is just a dumb ass. Stacey is funny despite his shit talking.

10-10-2010, 09:54 PM
1. Lakers
2. Bulls

Al Thornton
10-10-2010, 10:06 PM
haven't heard that much of every team. but from what i know its between the blazers, bulls, and the spurs. i remember watching an nbatv interview with sean elliot, and throughout the whole thing he referred to the spurs as "we".

10-10-2010, 10:09 PM
Now wait a minute!
That's a terrible call!

10-10-2010, 10:16 PM
Definitely the Celtics. Everytime I watch their games Heinsohn would complain "he waaalked!". EVERY SINGLE GAME.

10-10-2010, 10:20 PM
Celtics by far, and its not even that they complain about calls thats fine, its what they say about other teams/players is unreal :facepalm

10-10-2010, 10:32 PM

10-10-2010, 10:33 PM
Tommy Points.

che guevara
10-10-2010, 10:36 PM
Blazers announcers are extremely biased, even Blazers fans hate them.

10-10-2010, 10:36 PM
Spurs and specifically Sean Elliot are pretty bad. "WE are down 20 but WE are still outplaying the other team. If WE get some breaks here WE will be back in this game in no time." Celtic announcers are specifically bad about the refs, they get a heart attack on so many calls. Net announcers i always thought were really good but the preseason games this year they got the rose colored glasses on. I wonder if the new owner told them to lighten up.

10-10-2010, 11:20 PM
Judging by the responses, Tommy is way out in the lead. :oldlol:

10-10-2010, 11:22 PM
Celtics and it aint even close.

10-10-2010, 11:28 PM
Celtics and it aint even close.

10-10-2010, 11:40 PM
Boston are the worst I've heard.

10-10-2010, 11:42 PM
Bulls ..

stacey king and neil funk are the biggest homers ever. I think they are the only announcers that openly talk crap about the opponent on air.

10-10-2010, 11:44 PM
Celtics for mine. To the point that its funny.

10-11-2010, 12:02 AM
1. Lakers
2. Bulls

You're kidding with Lakers right?
Joel Myers is as annoying as it gets but he isn't a homer. and Stu always looks at things subjectively, calls out LA when their crap, and gives the opposing team credit when it is due

10-11-2010, 12:34 AM
1. Lakers
2. Bulls

Wtf? Joel and Stu have a case for being the most unbiased announcers

10-11-2010, 12:38 AM
Boston are the worst I've heard.

1. Boston
2. Blazers
3. Nuggets
4. Spurs
5. Kings

But I hate the nuggeets and blazers worst, they suck really really bad.

10-11-2010, 12:45 AM
Blazers easily. Those guys are ridiculous.

10-11-2010, 01:15 AM
Boston are the worst I've heard.
Good old Johnny Most. :lol




10-11-2010, 02:01 AM
1. Lakers
2. Bulls

I knew someone was going to say LA even though they have one of the most unbiased announcers.

Solid Snake
10-11-2010, 02:10 AM
If we can speak all-time, I don't believe there's a bigger biased commentator than the Bulls late Johnny Red Kerr. 100% bias, and he didn't give a damn or try to hide it. Really annoying.

10-11-2010, 02:40 AM
Memphis is pretty bad. Sean Tuohy is pretty annoying.

elementally morale
10-11-2010, 02:47 AM
1) Boston
2) Portland
3) Chicago

10-11-2010, 02:57 AM
almost all of them.........................

10-11-2010, 02:59 AM
Memphis is pretty bad. Sean Tuohy is pretty annoying.

agree, them memphis accents are annoying as hell as well as the accents of the suns sports announcers. almost had to hear alot of grizzlies and suns games on mute, and i thought clyde drexler and cynthia cooper were bad sports commentators.:facepalm

Z Saber
10-11-2010, 03:00 AM
God, are Boston's announcers that bad? I gotta give them a listen. :lol

10-11-2010, 03:10 AM
God, are Boston's announcers that bad? I gotta give theme a listen. :lol

tom heinson is more hilarious than bad just because of his over-exagerrated biasedness. i remember heinson used to not be as biased when he used to broadcast on CBS back in the day whenever the 80s celtics played ( even then, his voice noticably, slightly got higher when bird's celtics got messed over by a bad call then too, but no where bear as bad as today).

10-11-2010, 03:14 AM

Hate those guys!

Bernie Nips
10-11-2010, 03:21 AM
Celtics are biased as all hell - but Tommy does it in such a cartoonish way that it's entertaining rather than annoying.

10-11-2010, 03:27 AM
Celtics are biased as all hell - but Tommy does it in such a cartoonish way that it's entertaining rather than annoying.

You're wrong, he's actually really annoying. Maybe for celts fans he's not but for everyone else, he's horrible.

10-11-2010, 03:31 AM
I'm a Spurs fan and even I know Sean Elliot is biased as hell. He can be really annoying. There were tons of times last season when I'm just watching the game, and I'm just like "Jesus Christ, shut the **** up Sean."

Tommy Heinson is pretty ****ing biased too, but its more like in a funny way and I like the Celtics. Its more entertaining to me than annoying.

10-11-2010, 06:00 PM
That Blazers color commentator is by far the worst.. At least with Tommy he's a HOFer with 8 rings, understands the history of the game, and at times really funny.. but the Blazers color guy just makes me punch through a wall. Can't stand that dirtbag's cockiness and his whiny voice.

Mike Rice is entering his 21st year with the team. He knows more about the game than you could ever hope to know. He is a successful college coach and former NBA player.

10-11-2010, 06:01 PM
Mike Rice is entering his 21st year with the team. He knows more about the game than you could ever hope to know. He is a successful college coach and former NBA player.
I don't give a rats ass.. dude is a *****./end of story

10-11-2010, 06:03 PM
Blazers, Jazz and Cavs all have idiot homer announcers, Cavs especially with all of their horrible nicknames for Lebron and always referring to Varejao as "wild thang" (gayest nickname in the NBA). It intrigues me to see if they will pull out their lebron nicknames and catchphrases when he comes to cleveland :D

10-11-2010, 06:08 PM
I'm a Spurs fan and even I know Sean Elliot is biased as hell. He can be really annoying. There were tons of times last season when I'm just watching the game, and I'm just like "Jesus Christ, shut the **** up Sean."

Tommy Heinson is pretty ****ing biased too, but its more like in a funny way and I like the Celtics. Its more entertaining to me than annoying.


There's no way I will look at a Mavs vs. Spurs game with Sean Elliot calling the game.

10-11-2010, 06:10 PM
LeBron's team. ESPN is just...whoa.

Yung D-Will
10-11-2010, 06:20 PM
Blazers, Jazz and Cavs all have idiot homer announcers, Cavs especially with all of their horrible nicknames for Lebron and always referring to Varejao as "wild thang" (gayest nickname in the NBA). It intrigues me to see if they will pull out their lebron nicknames and catchphrases when he comes to cleveland :D

Lol wut?

10-11-2010, 06:29 PM
Tommy is by far the most bias. I think it's hilarious though. Especially considering how mad everyone gets over it.

10-11-2010, 06:32 PM
Tommy is by far the most bias. I think it's hilarious though. Especially considering how mad everyone gets over it.

Not really madd....Just annoyed at how a grown ass man whines and b!tch about every call that doesn't go his way....Reminds me of a kid who doesn't get a lollipop or the trolls who invade Laker game threads blaming refs and calling "fixed" everytime Lakers are busting ass...:facepalm

10-11-2010, 06:34 PM
Not really madd....Just annoyed at how a grown ass man whines and b!tch about every call that doesn't go his way....Reminds me of a kid who doesn't get a lollipop or the trolls who invade Laker game threads blaming refs and calling "fixed" everytime Lakers are busting ass...:facepalmAnnoyed, mad, whatever. I just think the reaction he gets out of people is hilarious.

I used to find him annoying but I've learned to cope with it. It's not like he's ever going to change.

10-11-2010, 07:27 PM
Tommy isn't just biased, some of his comments are just way out there. Last preseason game he said the C's starting 5 was "5 Hall-of-Famers". He already has Rondo in the Hall of Fame. :lol Mike Gorman just rolls with Tommy's comments even though you can tell that Gorman thinks he's nuts.

10-11-2010, 08:20 PM
Denver and Boston

10-12-2010, 08:21 AM
I think hes been on this thread


after the 5:00 he calls himself "fair and balanced" :lol

10-12-2010, 09:20 AM
Celtics, Blazers and Bucks are the biggest homer announcers i've ever heard.

10-12-2010, 09:43 AM
last year, they played one of the playoff games between miami and boston on NBATV. usually when they do that, they leave it up to the local announcing team to call the game. well this game was in boston so it was tommy and crew calling it. and man was the bias ridiculous. during little breaks for other game updates, even rick kamlas would kinda ask tommy to tone down on being such a homer.

but the funniest part was during halftime when brent barry said, "if a tree falls in the woods, and nobody is around to hear it, is it a foul on miami". LOL!! obviously poking fun at the ridiculous homerism from tommy.

10-12-2010, 10:14 AM
Easily the Celtics and Blazers announcers.

I find the Blazers' announcers far more annoying though.

10-12-2010, 12:45 PM
There's bias and there is annoying.

Bias but HOF:


But I can barely take Tommy:


10-12-2010, 01:05 PM
But I admire Tommy's passion.:rockon:

Nets fan 93
10-12-2010, 02:56 PM
Denver's are really bad. maybe not as bad as celtic's but pretty close.
The people on the altitude network are soooo biased!

10-12-2010, 03:47 PM
Dumb question.

Clearly the Celtics had the biggest bias. His name was Len.

10-12-2010, 05:03 PM
Bulls ..

stacey king and neil funk are the biggest homers ever. I think they are the only announcers that openly talk crap about the opponent on air.
:lol but thats why i love them.

10-12-2010, 07:05 PM
Bulls, I watch them on WGN on Saturday games and those guys are terrible homers.

But the Clippers guys are really homerish when it comes to individual players. They act like DeAndre Jordan is the second coming of Wilt or something. They know the team sucks so they have to talk about how good the players are. They used to blow Dunleavy hard. They praise the crap out of those guys.

And I hate listening to them as they go on wild as$ tangents that make very little sense. They will start talking about things and then can't remember why they started talking about it in the first place?? They make stupid jokes all game long and inside jokes that they have to explain that aren't funny. They got suspended for clowning Hamed Hadidi(?, the Iranian center on Memphis) how does that happen?

I Mean these guys are pretty unprofessional. Mike Smith talks about how he went to a gay bar with Dennis Rodman, and I don't know why that even came up, something about teamwork, idk?

I guess the whole clippers franchise sucks at everything.

10-12-2010, 07:58 PM
Blazers, Jazz and Cavs all have idiot homer announcers, Cavs especially with all of their horrible nicknames for Lebron and always referring to Varejao as "wild thang" (gayest nickname in the NBA). It intrigues me to see if they will pull out their lebron nicknames and catchphrases when he comes to cleveland :D
Jazz announcers are not bad at all. You're clearly just a jazz hater.

10-12-2010, 08:51 PM
Blazers, Jazz and Cavs all have idiot homer announcers, Cavs especially with all of their horrible nicknames for Lebron and always referring to Varejao as "wild thang" (gayest nickname in the NBA). It intrigues me to see if they will pull out their lebron nicknames and catchphrases when he comes to cleveland :D

lol that IS andy's nickname though, that's why they say it. It came from his wild defense and wild hair. but ya they kissed lbj's ass of course. honestly, Austin Carr is pretty fair to the opposing teams and gets on the Cavs players when they make mistakes.

10-12-2010, 09:12 PM
Bulls, I watch them on WGN on Saturday games and those guys are terrible homers.

But the Clippers guys are really homerish when it comes to individual players. They act like DeAndre Jordan is the second coming of Wilt or something. They know the team sucks so they have to talk about how good the players are. They used to blow Dunleavy hard. They praise the crap out of those guys.

And I hate listening to them as they go on wild as$ tangents that make very little sense. They will start talking about things and then can't remember why they started talking about it in the first place?? They make stupid jokes all game long and inside jokes that they have to explain that aren't funny. They got suspended for clowning Hamed Hadidi(?, the Iranian center on Memphis) how does that happen?

I Mean these guys are pretty unprofessional. Mike Smith talks about how he went to a gay bar with Dennis Rodman, and I don't know why that even came up, something about teamwork, idk?

I guess the whole clippers franchise sucks at everything.

Ralph lawler saying bingo everytime someone makes a 3 pointer is funny

10-12-2010, 09:29 PM
1. Celtics
2. Arguable


10-12-2010, 09:29 PM
The Heat announcers and Stacey King from the bulls:lol :lol :lol

Does jack ramsey still announce for the heat?

10-12-2010, 09:36 PM
I knew someone was going to say LA even though they have one of the most unbiased announcers.

Yeah just seems kinda natural, doesn't it? :D

10-14-2010, 03:01 PM
Easily the Celtics or Cavaliers.

10-14-2010, 03:10 PM
Does jack ramsey still announce for the heat?
Nope, he stopped doing them like 8 or 9 years ago.

10-14-2010, 03:12 PM
I hate watching Laker games on KCAL because the announcers are idiots. They aren't at the top of the list, but they are super annoying.

10-14-2010, 03:20 PM
celtics are the worst, huge homers, super biased, pretty stupid, loud and obnoxious, when i watch NBATV i mute those f@ggots

the blazers are pretty bad too, Mike Rice is drunk and senile, bad combination. They are huge homers too, it gets pretty annoying.

Lakers and Jazz announcers are pretty annoying too, both cocky, and whiny, again a bad combination.

Papaya Petee
10-14-2010, 03:25 PM
Celtics, not even close, and I watch about 50 Boston games on comcast sports.

Tommy Heinson litterally never shuts up about calls.

10-14-2010, 04:42 PM
I hate watching Laker games on KCAL because the announcers are idiots. They aren't at the top of the list, but they are super annoying.

Joel Myers gets on my nerves, shoulda kept that other guy before him, but Stu is the man! Smart dude for sure!

10-14-2010, 05:03 PM
Joel Myers gets on my nerves, shoulda kept that other guy before him, but Stu is the man! Smart dude for sure!

That "other guy before him" was Chick Hearn, and he passed away. They named a street after him in LA, and retired a jersey for him.


Stu has some really annoying sayings that I can't stand. "Kobe's dancin'!"

10-14-2010, 07:12 PM
when lebron was there i thought the cavs announcers were pretty bad.

10-14-2010, 08:50 PM
celtics and nuggets....

10-15-2010, 12:11 AM

There's no way I will look at a Mavs vs. Spurs game with Sean Elliot calling the game.Yeah, I totally get it man. And Sean always has to put down the other team. He's constantly bickering about their weaknesses, even if we are getting our asses kicked. And if there is something the other team is good at, Sean would say some stupid shit like, "Its a common misconception that *insert opposing team here* is good at *insert something opposing team is good at*. But they really are overrated."

Like for example, I remember when we were playing Dallas last Season, and its clear Sean hates Dallas. I think we were playing pretty bad in a quarter and started the quarter on something like 2-12, and were down by well over double degits. Then Ginobili would hit a tough and somewhat lucky shot over a player who plays good Defense like Marion or Butler, and Sean would get over-excited and be like "YEAH! See that shot by Ginobili! Right over Marion! You know everyone thinks Marion plays good D but he really is overrated. Dallas can't handle this!"
