View Full Version : The Mike D'antoni Thread

11-14-2010, 11:30 PM
This guy does not know how to coach without a Steve Nash type of PG running the show for him. His substitutions suck too.

I started this thread as I am fed up with him. Don't be mad at me mods!
I wasn't sure if it should go in the Mike D'Antoni thread.

Just wondered what everyone elses thoughts were on this after a 5 game losing streak.

Yea or Nay

11-15-2010, 03:36 AM
I think it's time to let him go. The team is not playing hard for him. When that happens, it becomes a lost cause.

11-15-2010, 06:26 AM
I think it's time to let him go. The team is not playing hard for him. When that happens, it becomes a lost cause.
Question guys.....

Do you think Stat and D'antoni really buried the hatchet?

Or is he playing out of character on purpose to get him fired?

11-15-2010, 09:03 AM
Question guys.....

Do you think Stat and D'antoni really buried the hatchet?

Or is he playing out of character on purpose to get him fired?

Good question. No clue. Would not be surprised if that were the case. It seems like he is trying, but you never know. I don't place the blame for the Knicks loses on Amar'e. He basically has no help out there.

11-15-2010, 09:15 AM
I think they are tuning D'Antoni out. It's crossed my mind. But STAT is going to injure himself with the way he's playing. Not good.

11-15-2010, 08:27 PM
Good question. No clue. Would not be surprised if that were the case. It seems like he is trying, but you never know. I don't place the blame for the Knicks loses on Amar'e. He basically has no help out there.
No what I mean is, every game he has played, he stands near the three point line, the iso's his way in the paint on purpose which results into a strip, turnover or offensive foul.

11-15-2010, 09:45 PM
No what I mean is, every game he has played, he stands near the three point line, the iso's his way in the paint on purpose which results into a strip, turnover or offensive foul.

Yea but is that him trying to sabotage the coach or the coach just having no idea on how to set up the offense.

11-15-2010, 09:51 PM
Yea but is that him trying to sabotage the coach or the coach just having no idea on how to set up the offense.

D'antoni isn't even coaching to me.

So I think Amar'e is doing it somewhat on purpose.

New York Knicks
11-15-2010, 11:54 PM
Amare doesn't strike me as a guy that'll play with an agenda and put team succeess at risk. I think he's playing the way he's playing cause Felton can't properly run the pick-and-roll. There were several instances where they tried to run it and Amare was open rolling to the basket and Felton just couldn't get him the ball. So how else are they supposed to score if the PG can't get the ball to the right people? There was a play highlighted at half time I thin that illustrated what I'm talking about. I've said this since the summer time. We need a specific type of PG to make this system work. So either we try and find that PG or we dump D'Antoni for a more traditional coach.

11-16-2010, 07:29 PM
Amare doesn't strike me as a guy that'll play with an agenda and put team succeess at risk. I think he's playing the way he's playing cause Felton can't properly run the pick-and-roll. There were several instances where they tried to run it and Amare was open rolling to the basket and Felton just couldn't get him the ball. So how else are they supposed to score if the PG can't get the ball to the right people? There was a play highlighted at half time I thin that illustrated what I'm talking about. I've said this since the summer time. We need a specific type of PG to make this system work. So either we try and find that PG or we dump D'Antoni for a more traditional coach.

I'm am truly all for giving Mike his pinkslip and I would give Mark Jackson a shot. It can't be any worse can it?

Patrick Chewing
11-17-2010, 02:27 AM
If they don't make the playoffs, I think it's safe to say he's gone. I mean granted this team doesn't know its identity yet considering all the new faces, but you have to make adjustments from one game to the next, and it doesn't look they are doing that. They played fantastic against Chicago, and it all went downhill after that.

Personally, I don't want to wait for the end of the regular season. I would rather see Mike out of there now while there's still hope.

11-17-2010, 02:43 AM
Jeff Van Gundy!

There was a disconcerting interview with one of the Knicks assistants at halftime. He was basically asked, "At what point, with the team not shooting well, do you step in and tell them to stop shooting threes?".

His response was essentially, "We don't. Those are the shots we design for them to take, they just have to shoot them with confidence." WTF? Where's Plan B? They look so much better when they attack the rim. If they had played the first half of the Nuggets game the way they played the second half, they may well have won. If they can remember that and carry it over to the next game, they may be on to something. They even pulled off a couple of Pick and Rolls tonight, which left me quite flabbergasted and bemused.

D'Antoni's system can be very effective; if only they could get the Pick and Roll going. Get into the paint and work from the inside out. Threes are headshots; they need to work the body. Inside -> out. Felton has to get it going in a big way, or he has to be replaced.

11-17-2010, 06:38 AM
Yeah that was Phil Weber, a D'antoni cronie.

He specifically said, "the three was open, we have to shoot the open shot, we have to shoot it with confidence."

Of course that was the response to if the three wasn't falling can't you just go inside.

Breen questioned the coaches idea in the commentary by saying that doesn't make any sense.

11-17-2010, 08:07 AM
And D'Anphoney won't change his gameplan. That's why we are getting beat. This guy, to me, is basically saying, "I'm not going to change, FU".

11-17-2010, 08:20 AM
Mike D'antoni says:

"Should we just get the ball on offense and throw it out of bounds and just run back down the court? You can't tell guys to just stop shooting three pointers and take it to the basket. The game doesn't work that way. You've got to keep shooting!"

11-17-2010, 10:24 AM
Our team is like the Redskins out here where I am.They got a D coordinator who coaches a 3-4 but they have 4-3 personnel so their D sucks.

We basically have an O- coordinator posing as a coach who's offense is geared around 3 point shooting but we only have 2 real 3 point shooters on our team.One is in a slump and shooting 32% and the other will probably never see the floor all season unless he's mopping it.

New York Knicks
11-17-2010, 06:17 PM
The offense isn't even good. The reason D'Antoni won so many games in Phoenix is because they ran the most efficient offense (by far) in the NBA. We're towards the bottom in efficiency. But a real PG that can see the game the way D'Antoni does can have a huge impact. Jordan Hill over Brandon Jennings.....*sigh*

11-17-2010, 07:17 PM
Our team is like the Redskins out here where I am.They got a D coordinator who coaches a 3-4 but they have 4-3 personnel so their D sucks.

We basically have an O- coordinator posing as a coach who's offense is geared around 3 point shooting but we only have 2 real 3 point shooters on our team.One is in a slump and shooting 32% and the other will probably never see the floor all season unless he's mopping it.

Yeah and both teams overpay players who don't fit in the system.

See Eddy Curry and Albert Haynesworth.

But this team shouldn't focus this much on the threeball, so you are right. They don't have the right personnel and should at least attack the basket. The guys who attack the rim or do something else other than shooting don't get the playing time they deserve.

11-17-2010, 07:17 PM
The offense isn't even good. The reason D'Antoni won so many games in Phoenix is because they ran the most efficient offense (by far) in the NBA. We're towards the bottom in efficiency. But a real PG that can see the game the way D'Antoni does can have a huge impact. Jordan Hill over Brandon Jennings.....*sigh*

Yep that would have changed a lot.

11-18-2010, 09:49 AM
I always say hindsight is 20/20 with the Jordan Hill fiasco.He was projected to go top 4 and Brandon Jennings was considered a huge risk.He had basically done nothing overseas so blaming the Knicks in retrospect is kinda unfair.But damnit if he wouldnt have been perfect for our team right now.

If we had Jennings,I'd fully endorse taking a chance on Mark Jackson as a coach.@ the very least,we'd fast break teams to death because Mark ran the break about as good as anyone in the history of basketball.

New York Knicks
11-18-2010, 04:19 PM
I always say hindsight is 20/20 with the Jordan Hill fiasco.He was projected to go top 4 and Brandon Jennings was considered a huge risk.He had basically done nothing overseas so blaming the Knicks in retrospect is kinda unfair.But damnit if he wouldnt have been perfect for our team right now.

If we had Jennings,I'd fully endorse taking a chance on Mark Jackson as a coach.@ the very least,we'd fast break teams to death because Mark ran the break about as good as anyone in the history of basketball.
I don't know about letting him coach, but I'd give him a spot on the bench as an assistant or something. He's gotta earn his stripes coaching-wise. We're not in a position to take leaps of faith like that on just any former player. And I'd probably recommend Mark Jackson be sent home when we're facing the Lakers until Kobe retires :D His mancrush on him is unhealthy.

11-19-2010, 12:52 PM
Yea I feel you on the Kobe part.I can see him talkin bout "Momma there goes that man" and someone on the bench like Mark...he IS the opponent you know!

03-16-2011, 07:19 AM
OK, I brought this back. If coach is too proud to ask for help in teaching defense to our guys or figure out how to fire the guys up, there's the door.

Da KO King
03-16-2011, 07:33 AM
I wonder if a "Dump D'Antoni" chant would catch fire at a home game? If he's not gone by then I'm going to do what I can to attend the draft and see if I can get one going there.

03-16-2011, 08:29 AM
I wonder if a "Dump D'Antoni" chant would catch fire at a home game? If he's not gone by then I'm going to do what I can to attend the draft and see if I can get one going there.
If we are getting smoked by the Grizz by the half, think it will come tomorrow.

They got some boos against Indy Sunday by a college crowd.

Wait til he normal attendees show up.

03-16-2011, 08:38 AM
Very fitting to wake this from the dead.

It stays a stick, until D'antoni is fired, quite, or brings in a defensive coach.

Here is my way of welcoming it back............

"Forgive me I have tried, I have tried to put up with Mike D'antoni.

Even blindly gave this fool some praise, for having Melo run the point forward.

But this is the straw that broke the camel's back.

There is no way on god's green earth that a team should lose to inferior competition by taking the other team as a joke.

This team is not prepared, has no concept on defense, there is absolutely no accountability.

I'm not even sure if there is a captain on the team.

All of this is on the shoulder of the coach.

I can't even rant no more I'm so mad at this puss.

Man up and coach the damn team.

Even if you didn't want Melo here D'antoni, do your damn job.

To a degree I don't think D'antoni even wanted Amar'e here.

He wanted impressionable youngsters who he can mold into pass, pass, pass, three point shooters.

He can't coach a veteran team, too damn scared to make them play the correct way.

Or Maybe D'antoni doesn't know the correct way himself.

Every chance I get, I'm on a fire D'antoni rampage.

D'antoni: "Defense will always be our achilles heel"

He makes me sick.

I hate D'antoni more than I hate a child molester.

Go the **** off my team!!!!!"

****ing *****.

"Fire Pringles!!!!" clap-clap-clap

"Fire Pringles!!!!" clap-clap-clap

03-16-2011, 09:17 AM
I like this thread very much.

Picture speaks for itself:


03-16-2011, 04:42 PM
Very fitting to wake this from the dead.

It stays a stick, until D'antoni is fired, quite, or brings in a defensive coach.

Here is my way of welcoming it back............

"Forgive me I have tried, I have tried to put up with Mike D'antoni.

Even blindly gave this fool some praise, for having Melo run the point forward.

But this is the straw that broke the camel's back.

There is no way on god's green earth that a team should lose to inferior competition by taking the other team as a joke.

This team is not prepared, has no concept on defense, there is absolutely no accountability.

I'm not even sure if there is a captain on the team.

All of this is on the shoulder of the coach.

I can't even rant no more I'm so mad at this puss.

Man up and coach the damn team.

Even if you didn't want Melo here D'antoni, do your damn job.

To a degree I don't think D'antoni even wanted Amar'e here.

He wanted impressionable youngsters who he can mold into pass, pass, pass, three point shooters.

He can't coach a veteran team, too damn scared to make them play the correct way.

Or Maybe D'antoni doesn't know the correct way himself.

Every chance I get, I'm on a fire D'antoni rampage.

D'antoni: "Defense will always be our achilles heel"

He makes me sick.

I hate D'antoni more than I hate a child molester.

Go the **** off my team!!!!!"

****ing *****.

"Fire Pringles!!!!" clap-clap-clap

"Fire Pringles!!!!" clap-clap-clap

knickcity......................................... ...............:bowdown: !!!

03-16-2011, 10:51 PM
He has no more excuses. They fired his ass in Phoenix because he did not want to hire a defensive coach and the same thing should happen here. You have to be able to stop somebody and the fact that he has no defensive principles is a joke. If I hear one more damn time in a post game interview after a loss, "We didn't make shots." then I think that somebody should hit his ass with a shoe. His rotations are a joke and his defensive principles are a joke. Walsh really need to talk to this cat soon and if he does not hire a defensive coach in the summer, fire him!!!!

03-16-2011, 11:48 PM
Nah, this damn fool every press conference go....

"we didn't make shots".

"we didn't get into em".

What really pissed me off was when last nite the reporter asked this clown "how does it feels to have Tyler scoring at will", and this clown of a coach just laughed.

What's so damn funny????

03-18-2011, 01:42 PM
I get the bashing of D'antoni. Knicks fans miss the days where we had the best defensive teams in the league. I miss them! But defense has been better some games with less talented defensive players. Amare's pick-and-pop defense once again the true Achilles Heel. Mid-range jumpers are always left open for PFs. I am not saying he keeps his job but we would need to replace him with someone better. If we make second round I say keep him and give him another shot next season. Either way I am sure he's staying.

03-20-2011, 05:42 AM
I dream about the day when will be announced that D'Antoni is fired.

That day should become a holiday in New York because Knicks will be strong again.

Right now we are playing hot and cold and I don't expect that anything will change until D'Antoni is gone.

Timofey Mozgov
03-20-2011, 06:12 PM
I deletes your posts because once again, they are worthless.

Nothing worse than a troll hiding behind his original screen name because he hurt because the Knicks traded away his future baby daddy.

Keep it in the main board, it could get ugly in here.

Come back when u can add something useful.

03-20-2011, 06:23 PM
Lol at this thread. If somebody made a "Take a hike Melo" thread, it'd be closed immediately and the poster would be banned for "trolling". But if it's the D'Antoni its OK. Go figure. That's knickscity for you.

This post will probably be deleted like all of the other posts he deleted because he couldn't argue against them.
Are you a LastChanceToWin's relative ?

03-20-2011, 09:16 PM
Part of me hopes we keep losing because it'll force the Knicks to look @ firing Mike but part of me feels like they'll just find a way to blame our losses on Melo and Amare.

03-20-2011, 10:12 PM
Part of me hopes we keep losing because it'll force the Knicks to look @ firing Mike but part of me feels like they'll just find a way to blame our losses on Melo and Amare.
Yeah, you should never blame superstars for poor play. That's what scrubs and coaches are for. Melo and Amar'e in particularly are above reproach. Obviously.

Timofey Mozgov
03-20-2011, 11:06 PM
Add something to the board and maybe it can stay.

Go troll on the main board.

03-22-2011, 01:53 AM
What do you guys think if we got a coach who ran the triangle offense? I think Carmelo and Amar'e would flourish with that offense, particularly Carmelo.

03-22-2011, 02:16 AM
The Triangle relegates the point guard to little more than a spot shooter. Perfect for Chauncey, because he can't do anything else.

03-22-2011, 08:09 AM
I heard Phil is not coaching in LA next year.

03-22-2011, 11:45 AM
The Triangle relegates the point guard to little more than a spot shooter. Perfect for Chauncey, because he can't do anything else.

On top of that, Carmelo in the high post and Amar'e in the low post would be really hard to stop.

03-22-2011, 11:52 AM
Yeah, you should never blame superstars for poor play. That's what scrubs and coaches are for. Melo and Amar'e in particularly are above reproach. Obviously.

Clearly you missed my point.I wasn't saying they are exempt from blame.I'm saying I'm not going to be the fool to blame them solely when they are also the main reasons why we win when we do.

03-22-2011, 11:54 AM
Triangle isn't a bad idea at all.It's complicated but it's effective once mastered. You just have to be patient with it.I wouldn't mind us doing a little 1-4 high either.

03-22-2011, 09:40 PM

Here's a snippet of the whole article that interests me...

Privately, the Knicks question whether they should just run up and down the floor jacking up shots. They've wondered somewhat aloud whether the game should be slowed to let Stoudemire and Anthony operate in a more structured offense. Defensively, they're offended by the notion of that word and their team being mentioned in the same breath. They don't like being laughed at. And tension is elevating because of it.
Down the hall, away from players, reporters are whispering about hearing assistant coaches worry that Anthony is going to get them fired. Anthony's mood and demeanor say he wouldn't mind that at all. Nobody's taking Stoudemire's compliments seriously because D'Antoni is connected to that $100 million check he's cashing.
"It's bad over there," one Celtic, who's tight with several of the Knicks, told me after the game. "Right or wrong, they're not feeling [D'Antoni]. They just ain't."

03-22-2011, 10:40 PM
We was talking about that article on the force today.

What's crazy about it is that it's highly believable.

The Players in reference most likely are KG and Chauncey, they are very good friends.

Even though I hold Chauncey in high regard, I don't think he is really buying in to this push the ball, run, run, run stuff.

Chauncey is a true pro, he clearly isn't regarding D'antoni at all.

One thing I can say about Melo, is that he wants to win.

But he isn't buying in to D'antoni's offensive schemes, and even though Amar'e made an attempt to call out players to buy in, Amar'e was talking primarily to Chauncey, but at the same time letting the coach know he doesn't like the offense going through Melo.

I do think Melo and Amar'e both need to grow up, but D'antoni, is not the guy for him.

I think he would improve if he brought in a defensive coach beside him, but these guys overall don't want him there.

Most notably Chauncey.

03-23-2011, 10:29 PM
Ok so I'm convinced he's either tryna sabbotage the team or he's just the worst coach in the league.You're in a tight game heading into the 4th and you bring out Mason Jr and put Melo on the bench?Then you have Shawne Williams guarding Dwight Howard.A SF guarding the best Center in the league? :wtf: Then you have Douglas and Billups starting.Whats the point? All it does is cause matchup problems

03-23-2011, 10:38 PM
His substitution patterns still puzzle me. Amar'e sucked b*lls tonight, and Melo sitting on the bench for a while when we needed him in the 4th.
D'Antoni is................forget it, I'm so pissed off right now. This IS NOT a feel good loss.

03-23-2011, 11:00 PM
This part right here is hilarious

Even the reporters aren't buying D'antoni's bullshit.

Reporter: Amare' didn't have a good night.

D'antoni: He's tired.

Reporter: What do you mean, tired?

D'antoni: Well we've rode him all season.

Reporter: Why is he tired?

D'antoni: 14 games in 30 days.

Reporter: Why is he tired?

This is hilarious, they really need to show that reporter.

03-24-2011, 08:30 AM
Excuses by the coach, instead of letting into Amar'e.

03-24-2011, 08:54 AM
I don't get mad at a player for having a poor shooting night.EVERYONE has them.Amare actually played decent defense last night even though he didnt guard Howard until it was too late.What I am pissed about is,as a coach you have the luxury of two superstars...one is cold...the other is not only scoring but dropping dimes....so you bench the guy who's been productive and play the guy who's stunk it up all game in the most crucial part of the game?I don't get that one bit.

O yea...Wanna know why we didnt get Barron.Because D'Antoni told Walsh he wouldn't get any playing time.

03-24-2011, 09:48 AM
I don't get mad at a player for having a poor shooting night.EVERYONE has them.Amare actually played decent defense last night even though he didnt guard Howard until it was too late.What I am pissed about is,as a coach you have the luxury of two superstars...one is cold...the other is not only scoring but dropping dimes....so you bench the guy who's been productive and play the guy who's stunk it up all game in the most crucial part of the game?I don't get that one bit.

O yea...Wanna know why we didnt get Barron.Because D'Antoni told Walsh he wouldn't get any playing time.

I think D'Antoni is tanking the season. No other explanation that I can think of. He is upset that we traded away Gallo, and does not want to be here anymore.

Either that, or he is literally the worst coach of all time.

03-24-2011, 02:51 PM
I'm at work n I started thinking that too outta the blue.I think he may be that upset with Gallo's departure that he could care less about the future of this team.

03-24-2011, 04:00 PM
Or maybe he's just working with a gutted roster that hasn't had much practice time yet. I thought it wasn't about this year anyway? :hammerhead:

03-24-2011, 04:04 PM


How many games we need to lose before he gets fired ? 100 consecutive or more :facepalm

03-24-2011, 07:14 PM
Or maybe he's just working with a gutted roster that hasn't had much practice time yet. I thought it wasn't about this year anyway? :hammerhead:

I don't think it takes Red Auerbach or Phil Jackson to know that putting Shawne Williams on Dwight Howard is a bad idea.

03-24-2011, 08:54 PM
I don't think it takes Red Auerbach or Phil Jackson to know that putting Shawne Williams on Dwight Howard is a bad idea.
Jared Jeffries is a better idea? LOL. Shawne Williams is one of the Knicks better defenders, and he's basically the same size as all of our other front court players. It's not like Turiaf was doing shit. It's like you guys still don't realize that this team doesn't have an actual center on the roster. :confusedshrug:

If only there was some athletic 7 footer out there... :facepalm

03-24-2011, 11:05 PM
I think D'Antoni is tanking the season. No other explanation that I can think of. He is upset that we traded away Gallo, and does not want to be here anymore.

Either that, or he is literally the worst coach of all time.


03-24-2011, 11:55 PM
Jared Jeffries is a better idea? LOL. Shawne Williams is one of the Knicks better defenders, and he's basically the same size as all of our other front court players. It's not like Turiaf was doing shit. It's like you guys still don't realize that this team doesn't have an actual center on the roster. :confusedshrug:

If only there was some athletic 7 footer out there... :facepalm

wut like the guy who just put up 31 and 11 on nowitzki

03-25-2011, 12:14 AM
wut like the guy who just put up 31 and 11 on nowitzki
It's gotta be the uniforms or something.

03-25-2011, 01:49 AM
wut like the guy who just put up 31 and 11 on nowitzki
...and lost. Dirk had 30 and 11 himself, while getting the win. Nice game from Randolph though. I didn't watch the whole thing, but he showed some nice confidence out there. Very fluid, little hesitation, hitting jumpers. He's got some nice handles when he isn't wearing a Knicks uniform.

I would like to have held on to him. He was getting some more minutes before the deadline, and looked pretty solid. I imagine he'd be playing even more now. Probably wouldn't do much to check Dwight, but you never know. I was thinking more about Mozgov though. We looked much better with him in the lineup, on both ends of the court. But he isn't a big enough star to get away with jacking up the ticket prices by half, so Dolan begged Denver to take him.

03-25-2011, 01:58 AM
Jared Jeffries is a better idea? LOL. Shawne Williams is one of the Knicks better defenders, and he's basically the same size as all of our other front court players. It's not like Turiaf was doing shit. It's like you guys still don't realize that this team doesn't have an actual center on the roster. :confusedshrug:

If only there was some athletic 7 footer out there... :facepalm

Yea but getting Jeffries was HIS idea.I think you're like the only one who seems to regularly defend D'Antoni.I agree he's working with a makeshift roster but the dumb $h!t he does was being done when Chandler and Gallo were here too.Shawne Williams is a SF.Period.That's like saying because Pippen was a good defender,you can put him on Patrick Ewing.We son't have a center because D'Antoni doesn't want one.Stop making excuses for the guy. He wants to play small ball and it's backfiring.As a result,we are losing and he's going to receive criticism.Point blank period.As a coach,it's your job to come up with a stategy to put your players in the best position to win. When "your way" doesn't work,yo leave yourself open for scrutiny and negative press.His strategy is to try and outscore players and neglect defense by putting a SF on a center.It isn't working so he needs to go.

03-25-2011, 02:10 AM
Jared Jeffries is a better idea? LOL. Shawne Williams is one of the Knicks better defenders, and he's basically the same size as all of our other front court players. It's not like Turiaf was doing shit. It's like you guys still don't realize that this team doesn't have an actual center on the roster. :confusedshrug:

If only there was some athletic 7 footer out there... :facepalm
He is skinnier and much weaker than Turiaf and Shelden Williams.

D'Antoni treated Dwight like a ***** with 150 lbs.
He put Shawne who is a SF and Jeffries who is weaker than Boykins.

And he finished the game with Turiaf on the bench and Shelden didn't even play.

We couldn't stop Dwight,he should at least tried Shelden and see how it's going.
Not like Shawne did anything well.

And Turiaf was our best defender on Dwight last 2 games.

D'Antoni is just stubborn coach who won't make adjustments and doesn't know shit about defending.
Go teach some high school kids,get the **** out of New York.

03-25-2011, 02:22 AM
You know what's even worse about Anthony Randolph's huge game tonight?

Had we played him this year, and gotten production from him, we could have used him as a major trading piece in the Melo trade, instead of just a throw in so that we can get a 1st pick to sweeten the deal. Imagine that. We might have had a chance to hold onto everyone's loverboy, Danilo Gallinari.

03-25-2011, 02:45 AM
Yea but getting Jeffries was HIS idea.I think you're like the only one who seems to regularly defend D'Antoni.I agree he's working with a makeshift roster but the dumb $h!t he does was being done when Chandler and Gallo were here too.Shawne Williams is a SF.Period.That's like saying because Pippen was a good defender,you can put him on Patrick Ewing.We son't have a center because D'Antoni doesn't want one.Stop making excuses for the guy. He wants to play small ball and it's backfiring.As a result,we are losing and he's going to receive criticism.Point blank period.As a coach,it's your job to come up with a stategy to put your players in the best position to win. When "your way" doesn't work,yo leave yourself open for scrutiny and negative press.His strategy is to try and outscore players and neglect defense by putting a SF on a center.It isn't working so he needs to go.
Who else was available? I'm genuinely interested. What centers could they have signed? Was the incomparable, dominant force of nature Earl Barron even available, or had he already been signed by Milwaukee?

Basically, all D'Antoni's done all season long is play players who were good enough to play. End of story. Anthony Randolph sucked when he was here, and he certainly had his chances. Roger Mason was dried turd in every appearance he made until a couple of weeks ago, when he magically started hitting some shots. Now he plays more. Mozgov was crap too, until he wasn't, and started getting more minutes. But then they traded him, and now his best low post defender is Shawne Williams. Turiaf in bursts. D'Antoni does some stupid shit, but no one in here actually knows what they're talking about well enough to offer any actual solutions, other than "fire Pringles!". The Knicks are on their way to the playoffs for the first time in six years, and he's the coach. But I don't know, maybe we should let Chauncey coach the team. He's got a great mind for the game. 35 foot three pointers for everybody! :roll:

Seriously. Who should have guarded Dwight last game? Jeffries sucks, Amar'e sucks, and Turiaf was getting dominated just as much as anyone else. I could see making the argument for 6'8" Shelden Williams getting a shot, but lets be real here - he's Shelden Williams. Maybe Landry should have done it. :confusedshrug:

03-25-2011, 03:24 AM
Seriously. Who should have guarded Dwight last game? Jeffries sucks, Amar'e sucks, and Turiaf was getting dominated just as much as anyone else. I could see making the argument for 6'8" Shelden Williams getting a shot, but lets be real here - he's Shelden Williams. Maybe Landry should have done it. :confusedshrug:

Let's be real.
Shelden should have played and there is no excuse for D'Antoni not letting him play at least 5 minutes.

No one could defend Dwight,Turiaf was defending him best but even that wasn't anything special.
He should at least give Shelden 5 minutes to see will his strength and weight help against Dwight.

Both Jeffries and Shawne are too skinny and weak to guard a physical phenomenon like Dwight.
Turiaf and Shelden are at least strong and they won't get pushed around like little babies.

Shawne Williams is a SF and Jeffries has a strength of a point guard.
Those 2 guys can't guard Dwight.

There is very few people in the league who can guard him well,Turiaf and Shelden aren't those guys but they are surely better than Shawne and Jared.

There is no excuse for not trying out Shelden on Dwight when he was abusing us.
Even if experiment fails it doesn't matter,we were destined to fail anyways.

03-25-2011, 03:32 AM
I wouldn't have minded seeing Shelden get some minutes, but you have to remember, the last time they gave Shelden Williams five minutes, they had their worst quarter of the entire season. So the trepidation is understandable, if not warranted outright.

But no one on this team can guard Dwight, so ultimately it doesn't really mater. Williams is as good a choice as any.

03-25-2011, 03:43 AM
I wouldn't have minded seeing Shelden get some minutes, but you have to remember, the last time they gave Shelden Williams five minutes, they had their worst quarter of the entire season. So the trepidation is understandable, if not warranted outright.

But no one on this team can guard Dwight, so ultimately it doesn't really mater. Williams is as good a choice as any.
So it's Sheldon's fault no one could hit a ****ing shot ?

It has very little/nothing to do with Sheldon.But that will serve as excuse for D'Antoni or for his homers when they try to defend why Sheldon doesn't get any minutes.

Bogut had 2 points and 1 rebounds in 6 minutes Sheldon was guarding him.

So Bogut didn't beast on him and he can't be responsible for all the misses our shooters had.
But he will never get opportunity again.

03-25-2011, 03:54 AM
Sheldon Williams can't shoot 3s. If he ever wants to get back on the court he had better work on his jumper.

03-25-2011, 03:59 AM
So it's Sheldon's fault no one could hit a ****ing shot ?

It has very little/nothing to do with Sheldon.But that will serve as excuse for D'Antoni or for his homers when they try to defend why Sheldon doesn't get any minutes.

Bogut had 2 points and 1 rebounds in 6 minutes Sheldon was guarding him.

So Bogut didn't beast on him and he can't be responsible for all the misses our shooters had.
But he will never get opportunity again.
Who the **** cares?

03-25-2011, 04:02 AM
Who the **** cares?
So your defending of Mike D'Antoni failed so this is the way to change the subject ?

Well I care if Shawne Williams will defend Dwight and other big men.

D'Antoni is a bad coach.

03-25-2011, 04:21 AM
So your defending of Mike D'Antoni failed so this is the way to change the subject ?

Well I care if Shawne Williams will defend Dwight and other big men.

D'Antoni is a bad coach.
I already said Mike should have played the Sheldanatee more. Or some. But, honestly, would they be any better at all if he was on the court? The evidence, limited though it may be, points to a resounding no. If Shelden Williams never plays another minute in a Knicks uniform, it it such a huge loss? Is it a loss at all?

It's like getting mad at him for not playing Andy Rautins. And I like Andy Rautins too.

D'Antoni's the best coach the Knicks have had in years. They're finally on their way to the playoffs again (assuming Dolan and Isiah hasn't screwed that up)!

03-25-2011, 05:50 AM
I already said Mike should have played the Sheldanatee more. Or some. But, honestly, would they be any better at all if he was on the court? The evidence, limited though it may be, points to a resounding no. If Shelden Williams never plays another minute in a Knicks uniform, it it such a huge loss? Is it a loss at all?

It's like getting mad at him for not playing Andy Rautins. And I like Andy Rautins too.

D'Antoni's the best coach the Knicks have had in years. They're finally on their way to the playoffs again (assuming Dolan and Isiah hasn't screwed that up)!
It all pointed out that Mozgov wouldn't make any difference but he did.
Since he came back he played really well and his presence was really felt.

Shelden probably wouldn't be anything special but he should try.
Every single improvement in defense and rebounding is huge for this team.
That's our biggest weakness and if we were slightly better maybe we would win a lot of games we lost.

That's just what Mozgov proved.
He isn't anything special but his size helped us a lot in rebounding and defense (altering shots).
Shelden isn't as nearly tall as Mozgov but he is strong and he probably wouldn't be bullied by opponent's center.
We can't know it until we try.

So we should respect D'Antoni because he will lead team with Stoudemire and bunch of solid starters (Felton,Chandler,Gallinari were all very solid,nothing special but let's not act like they are bad players) to the playoffs (and late in the season team with Stoudemire and Melo) ?
We should worship him because we will be better than Indiana,Milwaukee or Charlotte ?

Let's not act like we had a weak team and he is the main reason why we are heading to playoffs.
We had a solid team who just can't miss playoffs in the East no matter who the coach is.

03-25-2011, 10:40 AM
Who else was available? I'm genuinely interested. What centers could they have signed? Was the incomparable, dominant force of nature Earl Barron even available, or had he already been signed by Milwaukee?

Barron was available since last season.Then he was picked up by PHX then cut. We had ample time to get him.I'm not saying he's a dominant force but he's WAY better than Jared Jeffries.

Basically, all D'Antoni's done all season long is play players who were good enough to play.
Yea but what you're failing to realize is the reason we DON'T have capable big men is because he doesn't want them here.It isn't like he just got here and he was left with a team with no center.He doesn't WANT a center.If you can't shoot jump shots,you don't play...no matter how good you are.Chandler outplayed Gallo when he was here but if Chandler had an off shooting night, rest assured he'd be benched the next game.Ya boy thinks this is Europe which is the only place he has and will ever win a championship.

The Knicks are on their way to the playoffs for the first time in six years, and he's the coach.

Well when Marbury was here he single handedly took a team to the playoffs who before that trade had no shot...but he's a villian in NY now.N yea he took a team to the playoffs for the 1st time in 6 years but he's been the coach for 3 of those years.

but no one in here actually knows what they're talking about well enough to offer any actual solutions, other than "fire Pringles!".

What solutions can be made.It's not like you can make a trade.The deadline has passed.It's not like we can sign a big man.He won't play 'em.I suggested Adelman.Many have suggested a few of the Spurs assistants like Mike Budenholzer.Not much can be done.D'Antoni has been stuck in his ways his entire career and refuses to adapt.I'm not a hypocrite liek some ppl are that JUST started complaining about his coaching.Ask anyone who posts for years here regularly and reads my comments,I didnt even want him hired.I've been calling for his head since he was brought in.We had an opportunity to let him go and take a pick from a few solid coaches last summer.Thibz,Avery,Monty, Scott etc.D'antoni didn't get us to the playoffs.We're in the playoff hunt because the bottom half of the East is garbage.

Common sense tells you not to put a SF on a Center.Especially not the best one in the league.I woulda rather seen Melo on Dwight.@ least he's a little tougher down low.I wasn't lookin for us to stop Dwight but damn...@ least give urself a chance.

D'Antoni's the best coach the Knicks have had in years.
That's like working @ Walmart after working at McDonalds and saying this is the best job I've ever had.Our coaches have sucked for years.That's not an accomplishment dude lol.He didn't have much competition.

To sum this all up,I could sit down and pick apart everything you said but it all comes down to this.Mike D'Antoni is a terrible coachHe doesn't realize that in the NBA,you have to play solid defense to win games.Furthermore,he's probably the only coach in the NBA who thinks you can get away with playing wing players on dominant big men.Also,to make matters worse,he's so stuck in his ways that he refuses to play players who don't fit his mold of an ideal Euro style player and he's hindered us from acquiring talent on multiple occassions.If it were up to him,Gallo would be our franchise player,Nash would be our pg and everyone else would be 3 point shooters.We'd Have Williams at PF and a guys like Mehmet Okur.People forget,D'Antoni didn't even want Amare here and they had to have a sit down and bury a lot of baggage before he signed.

Mike D'antoni sucks and he's holding us back.As long as we have him as coach,we could get Paul and Dwight and still not get a ring.He needs to go.End of story!

03-25-2011, 12:29 PM
You guys going ham on here today.

I think I will just observe in the cut.

And no personal attacks either.

Im so proud.:applause:

03-25-2011, 01:41 PM
It all pointed out that Mozgov wouldn't make any difference but he did.
Since he came back he played really well and his presence was really felt.
I agree, they shouldn't have traded him.

Shelden probably wouldn't be anything special but he should try.
Every single improvement in defense and rebounding is huge for this team.
That's our biggest weakness and if we were slightly better maybe we would win a lot of games we lost.
We traded athletic young hustle guys for a diva scorer and a bus load of geriatrics. That we got worse defensively isn't a surprise.

That's just what Mozgov proved.
He isn't anything special but his size helped us a lot in rebounding and defense (altering shots).
Mozgov is 7'1" and as athletic as anyone else that size. Young big guys who can run the floor, jump, and have nice touch out to about 12 feet are definitely special.

Shelden isn't as nearly tall as Mozgov but he is strong and he probably wouldn't be bullied by opponent's center.
We can't know it until we try.
We did try, and we got blown the **** out. :confusedshrug: Clearly, that lineup isn't ready for prime time yet.

So we should respect D'Antoni because he will lead team with Stoudemire and bunch of solid starters (Felton,Chandler,Gallinari were all very solid,nothing special but let's not act like they are bad players) to the playoffs (and late in the season team with Stoudemire and Melo) ?
We should worship him because we will be better than Indiana,Milwaukee or Charlotte ?
Who is talking about worship? He has his flaws like anyone else. But to say he's a terrible coach - especially in the regular season - simply doesn't jive. Over the last decade or so, he's had as much success as anyone not named Jackson or Popovich or Rivers. And we aren't getting any of those guys.

Let's not act like we had a weak team and he is the main reason why we are heading to playoffs.
We had a solid team who just can't miss playoffs in the East no matter who the coach is.
Conjecture. Although I would maintain that the team we had pre-trade was better than the one we have now, and under different circumstances would have continued to improve. But that's just for this season, which, when we're all in Knick Fan Denial Mode, doesn't really count...right?

But the situation right now isn't all too different from what happened with the Miami Heat, except they had an entire offseason of practices and training camps to learn to play together. So, you never know, we could go on another 13-15 streak into the playoffs.

03-25-2011, 02:22 PM
Barron was available since last season.Then he was picked up by PHX then cut. We had ample time to get him.I'm not saying he's a dominant force but he's WAY better than Jared Jeffries.

Yea but what you're failing to realize is the reason we DON'T have capable big men is because he doesn't want them here.It isn't like he just got here and he was left with a team with no center.He doesn't WANT a center.
Except, simple observation says otherwise. Look at the beginning of the season. Loads of new faces, basically a blank slate for the season. What does D'Antoni do? He starts as "traditional" a lineup as you could ask for.

Felton, Fields, Gallo, Amar'e, Mozgov. Big front court, legit (rookie!) center. Athletic, hustle wing and center off the bench. Bam. Right there. Probably the same lineup someone like your buddy Rick Adelman or the great Jerry Sloan would have started.

But guess what? It didn't really work. Comrade Mozgov wasn't quite ready. So he made some changes, and - this is the important part - started winning games. Later on in the season, when Mozgov was ready for another chance (I think some of you guys don't realize that there are practices and behind the scenes stuff that we fans don't really get to see) he made the most of it and started getting more minutes. Then he got traded. Now we don't have a center. Whoops. :hammerhead:

If you can't shoot jump shots,you don't play...no matter how good you are.Chandler outplayed Gallo when he was here but if Chandler had an off shooting night, rest assured he'd be benched the next game.Ya boy thinks this is Europe which is the only place he has and will ever win a championship.
Danilo Gallinari is a better basketball player than Wilson Chandler. But they both got plenty of minutes. Wilson Chandler played his best ball when he was the sixth man early in the season. He was having, like, 20/15 games if I remember. So they bumped him up to the starting lineup, and he stopped rebounding for some reason. Not that he wasn't good - I liked him - but he seemed to care less and less as the deadline approached.

I don't really think we got a fair representation of either of those guys. They had that trade crap hanging over their heads from day one. It's easy to say, "Oh, they're professionals, they should just do their jobs", but it's not at all realistic. Or even desirable. I, for one, don't really want guys that don't care about what they're doing.

Well when Marbury was here he single handedly took a team to the playoffs who before that trade had no shot...but he's a villian in NY now
Marbury's basically been a career-long headache though. I thought he had gotten better in that respect a couple of years ago, but it's not like he played all that great with the Celtics. I mean, let's neither of us go around saying we actually miss him or something.

N yea he took a team to the playoffs for the 1st time in 6 years but he's been the coach for 3 of those years.
But this is basically the first year he's had a legit roster. And that got dramatically shook up mid season.

We had an opportunity to let him go and take a pick from a few solid coaches last summer.Thibz,Avery,Monty, Scott etc.D'antoni didn't get us to the playoffs.We're in the playoff hunt because the bottom half of the East is garbage.
Well, we've beaten Thibodeau twice, so that's good. He's done a great job with the Bulls, but let's see how he does come post season. See if he can make a deep run like D'Antoni has done multiple times in a tougher conference. Monty Williams was completely unproven, and, despite a hot start start and a solid team, the Hornets have tapered off dramatically. They might fall out of the playoffs (especially now that David West's knee has imploded :eek: ). And, again, D'Antoni's beaten him twice(?) this season. Avery Johnson's and Dennis Scott's teams are both worse than ours (except for the Cavs owning us this year), and they "preach" defense and have legit centers. Those guys coach in the same shitty conference as Mike D'antoni, and aren't anywhere near the playoffs.

Common sense tells you not to put a SF on a Center.Especially not the best one in the league.I woulda rather seen Melo on Dwight.@ least he's a little tougher down low.I wasn't lookin for us to stop Dwight but damn...@ least give urself a chance.
What chance? Jeffries? Turiaf? Amar'e? We tried all those guys, and none of them worked. Shelden might have worked, but that's employing a very generous application of "might" and a very loose definition of "worked".

That's like working @ Walmart after working at McDonalds and saying this is the best job I've ever had.Our coaches have sucked for years.That's not an accomplishment dude lol.He didn't have much competition.
Larry Brown's usually a great coach. And I thought you liked Isiah...?

To sum this all up,I could sit down and pick apart everything you said but it all comes down to this.Mike D'Antoni is a terrible coachHe doesn't realize that in the NBA,you have to play solid defense to win games.Furthermore,he's probably the only coach in the NBA who thinks you can get away with playing wing players on dominant big men.Also,to make matters worse,he's so stuck in his ways that he refuses to play players who don't fit his mold of an ideal Euro style player and he's hindered us from acquiring talent on multiple occassions.If it were up to him,Gallo would be our franchise player,Nash would be our pg and everyone else would be 3 point shooters.We'd Have Williams at PF and a guys like Mehmet Okur.People forget,D'Antoni didn't even want Amare here and they had to have a sit down and bury a lot of baggage before he signed.

Mike D'antoni sucks and he's holding us back.As long as we have him as coach,we could get Paul and Dwight and still not get a ring.He needs to go.End of story!
Most of what you're saying is either highly speculative, rumor, or just wrong. Some of it's right. I could parcel it up line by line, but for now I will agree to disagree!


03-25-2011, 02:25 PM
BTW, someone explain "ham" to me.

03-25-2011, 03:48 PM

Except, simple observation says otherwise. Look at the beginning of the season. Loads of new faces, basically a blank slate for the season. What does D'Antoni do? He starts as "traditional" a lineup as you could ask for.

Felton, Fields, Gallo, Amar'e, Mozgov. Big front court, legit (rookie!) center. Athletic, hustle wing and center off the bench. Bam. Right there. Probably the same lineup someone like your buddy Rick Adelman or the great Jerry Sloan would have started.

But guess what? It didn't really work. Comrade Mozgov wasn't quite ready. So he made some changes, and - this is the important part - started winning games. Later on in the season, when Mozgov was ready for another chance (I think some of you guys don't realize that there are practices and behind the scenes stuff that we fans don't really get to see) he made the most of it and started getting more minutes. Then he got traded. Now we don't have a center. Whoops. :hammerhead:
First of all,why did we get Mozgov in the first place?Because he's a foreign player who isn't a traditional back to the basket type of big man.2nd of all, because Mozgov doesn't work out,a unproven rookie who's never played American basketball before,you rebuke the entire notion of a center altogether?Thats worst than ole boy not being a Knicks fan anymore because Anthony Randolph had a good game.No matter what you say to me,theres no way to justify D'Antoni's sheer disregard for defense and common sense.He's cocky,stubborn and foolish.My fiance' doesn't watch basketball at all but if I told her to pick out one person to guard Dwight Howard,she knows not to pick Shawne Williams.It's common sense.If you can't see that then you'll literally fall for anything Pringles says or does.

If you also can't see that D'Antoni is biased toward players that play his Euro style of basketball,you are blind.Say what you will but while they were Knicks Chandler outdid Gallo in nearly every statistical when he was here AND the ones Gallo was ahead of him in,Chandler was close behind.Gallo was as much hype as he was talent.I agree he has potential to be really good.A 6'10" guy who is fluid and can shoot.However,ppl's affection for Gallo,including Mike's, has them overrating him and not giving credit where credit was due.Chandler simply outplayed him on both ends of the court AND he was playing out of position.

[QUOTE]Not that he wasn't good - I liked him - but he seemed to care less and less as the deadline approached.

I don't really think we got a fair representation of either of those guys. They had that trade crap hanging over their heads from day one. It's easy to say, "Oh, they're professionals, they should just do their jobs", but it's not at all realistic. Or even desirable.

Aren't you contradicting yourself here?

Marbury's basically been a career-long headache though. I thought he had gotten better in that respect a couple of years ago, but it's not like he played all that great with the Celtics. I mean, let's neither of us go around saying we actually miss him or something.

A career heache who avg 20 and 8.When he went to the Celtics he was a shell of himself.He'd sat al year.That's liek saying Arenas was a bum all his career cuz he isn't good now.

Well, we've beaten Thibodeau twice, so that's good. He's done a great job with the Bulls, but let's see how he does come post season. See if he can make a deep run like D'Antoni has done multiple times in a tougher conference. Monty Williams was completely unproven, and, despite a hot start start and a solid team, the Hornets have tapered off dramatically. They might fall out of the playoffs (especially now that David West's knee has imploded ). And, again, D'Antoni's beaten him twice(?) this season. Avery Johnson's and Dennis Scott's teams are both worse than ours (except for the Cavs owning us this year), and they "preach" defense and have legit centers. Those guys coach in the same shitty conference as Mike D'antoni, and aren't anywhere near the playoffs.

Yea we beat Chicago twice but not because we out-coached them.We just got hot from 3.N last time I checked,his team has the best record in the East. You act like Mike has a ring....or has even been to the Finals.Monty Williams is unproven because he's a 1st year coach.D'antoni is unproven because he sucks as a coach lmao Avery is WAY better than him and it's Byron Scott...not Dennis! Once again you contradicted yourself BTW because you gave D'Antoni a pass because "this is the 1st year he had a full roster and he had a mid-season trade" but you knocked Avery and Byron for the same thing.The Knicks have way more talent than the Nets.Avery inherited the team who nearly set a record for losses last year.

And I thought you liked Isiah...?

I NEVER said I liked Isaiah.I said to certain ppl give credit where it's due and don't be hypocritical.Isaiah sucked as a coach and was terrible with money but he did bring in some talent and he was as influential or more in the acquisition of our two best players.Thats ALL I said.

Most of what you're saying is either highly speculative, rumor, or just wrong.


Anyway,the one thing I agree with you about is that we will just have to agree to disagree.If you can't see that D'Antoni is a terrible coach then I don't know what to tell you.He's essentially an offensive coordinator.Only problem is....this aint football! Maybe he can switch places with Schottenheimer.lol

03-25-2011, 04:26 PM
BTW, someone explain "ham" to me.

hard as a mother****er.

03-25-2011, 04:27 PM
Why do you always mangle the quotes?

First of all,why did we get Mozgov in the first place?Because he's a foreign player who isn't a traditional back to the basket type of big man.2nd of all, because Mozgov doesn't work out,a unproven rookie who's never played American basketball before,you rebuke the entire notion of a center altogether?
We got Mozgov because he was an intriguing young prospect with great size and athleticism. They should have tried to get Tyson Chandler too. This whole, "rebuke the entire notion of a center" thing is nonsensical though. When Mozgov wasn't working out, he went with the only other center on the roster, Ronny Turiaf. Turiaf played well, but when he couldn't stay healthy for more than five minutes at a time, they went with Amar'e and won a lot of games. Did you want him to play Gallinari at center? :confusedshrug:

My fiance' doesn't watch basketball at all but if I told her to pick out one person to guard Dwight Howard,she knows not to pick Shawne Williams.It's common sense.If you can't see that then you'll literally fall for anything Pringles says or does.
I'm thinking you should reconsider this whole fiancee thing. I'm sure she's lovely, but are you sure you want to spend the rest of your life with someone who doesn't know shit about the Knicks?

If you've been watching the team all season, you'd know that the Knicks three best defenders are Toney Douglas, Ronny Turiaf, and Shawne Williams. Toney Douglas is 6 feet tall, so he isn't going to to be much help. Ronny got hurt again and went to the locker room in the fourth quarter. So that leaves you with Shawne Williams, your best bet at that point. The problem here is not having a center on the roster.

If you also can't see that D'Antoni is biased toward players that play his Euro style of basketball,you are blind.Say what you will but while they were Knicks Chandler outdid Gallo in nearly every statistical when he was here AND the ones Gallo was ahead of him in,Chandler was close behind.Gallo was as much hype as he was talent.I agree he has potential to be really good.A 6'10" guy who is fluid and can shoot.However,ppl's affection for Gallo,including Mike's, has them overrating him and not giving credit where credit was due.Chandler simply outplayed him on both ends of the court AND he was playing out of position.
I know you loved Wilson Chandler. I miss him too man. It'll be okay. We're gonna get through this.

Aren't you contradicting yourself here?

A career heache who avg 20 and 8.When he went to the Celtics he was a shell of himself.He'd sat al year.That's liek saying Arenas was a bum all his career cuz he isn't good now.
Either way, I'm not too upset about it.

Yea we beat Chicago twice but not because we out-coached them.We just got hot from 3.
So we beat them twice, in the same way? Nice adjustment, Thibz! :lol j/k

N last time I checked,his team has the best record in the East. You act like Mike has a ring....or has even been to the Finals.
No, I said he's made deep playoff runs. In a tougher conference. Which is true. I'd just like to see how Thibodeau does in the playoffs before we start anointing him with the blood of our first borns.

Once again you contradicted yourself BTW because you gave D'Antoni a pass because "this is the 1st year he had a full roster and he had a mid-season trade" but you knocked Avery and Byron for the same thing.The Knicks have way more talent than the Nets.Avery inherited the team who nearly set a record for losses last year.
Byron, excuse me. I watch a lot of NBA tv, and 3D is always on there. BTW, I'm not sure you know what "contradict" means...

I NEVER said I liked Isaiah.I said to certain ppl give credit where it's due and don't be hypocritical.Isaiah sucked as a coach and was terrible with money but he did bring in some talent and he was as influential or more in the acquisition of our two best players.Thats ALL I said.
Good, because I usually say, "**** Isiah". :rockon:

Anyway,the one thing I agree with you about is that we will just have to agree to disagree.If you can't see that D'Antoni is a terrible coach then I don't know what to tell you.He's essentially an offensive coordinator.Only problem is....this aint football! Maybe he can switch places with Schottenheimer.lol
I've said before I think the Knicks should hire a defensive coordinator. I've floated the name Mike Brown, but how perfect would it be if we got Dwight Howard and brought Patrick Ewing back into the fold?! :bowdown:

03-25-2011, 04:28 PM
hard as a mother****er.
Oh. Thank you.

03-25-2011, 10:55 PM
Fire D'Antoni chants at MSG tonight. :applause: :lol :roll:

03-25-2011, 10:57 PM
Byron, excuse me. I watch a lot of NBA tv, and 3D is always on there. BTW, I'm not sure you know what "contradict" means...

A contradiction is when you say something that is the direct opposite of something else you said.For instance,when you give D'Antoni a pass for a terrible coaching job because "he just got a full roster" but you criticize Avery and Byron when in fact they inherited worse rosters than Mike did.It's a hypocritical contradiction.Why is it ok for one coach but not ok for the others?Because you have a man crush? lol

I'm thinking you should reconsider this whole fiancee thing. I'm sure she's lovely, but are you sure you want to spend the rest of your life with someone who doesn't know shit about the Knicks?

Are you an ex-girlfriend or a marraige counselor?As much as I like the Knicks, Im afraid her not knowing sports wasn't exactly a determining factor lol.Her being the love of my life,knowing me since HS and being a great mother to our child slightly outweighs that.I'll keep that in mind though lol

We got Mozgov because he was an intriguing young prospect with great size and athleticism. They should have tried to get Tyson Chandler too. This whole, "rebuke the entire notion of a center" thing is nonsensical though. When Mozgov wasn't working out, he went with the only other center on the roster, Ronny Turiaf. Turiaf played well, but when he couldn't stay healthy for more than five minutes at a time, they went with Amar'e and won a lot of games. Did you want him to play Gallinari at center?

What you fail to realize is that we don't have a real center because D'Antoni doesnt want one.Making the excuse that D'Antoni is only working with what he has is BS because he is the reason he has what he has.As for Tyson Chandler,I can't blame Walsh for not getting him.Chandler makes alot of money and Walsh has clearly shown his plan was to be thrifty until he can shoot for the stars in free agency.Chandler is an impact player we could certainly use on both ends but he isnt a star.I think Walsh is essentially saying he's more confident in getting Paul or DWill and a decent center than get a guy like Chandler and hope you get lucky with a pg in the draft.Besides that,Chandler pays for Dallas.Mark Cuban has no problems overpaying for guys.Whats the luxury tax to one of the richest owners in sports?lol

03-25-2011, 10:57 PM
I hope he takes the team with him. Leave us Fields and Williams, get the rest of these assholes out of here.

Take Dolan too.

03-25-2011, 11:06 PM
Who's "he"?

03-25-2011, 11:06 PM
A contradiction is when you say something that is the direct opposite of something else you said.For instance,when you give D'Antoni a pass for a terrible coaching job because "he just got a full roster" but you criticize Avery and Byron when in fact they inherited worse rosters than Mike did.It's a hypocritical contradiction.Why is it ok for one coach but not ok for the others?Because you have a man crush? lol
All three coaches basically started the season with new expectations and new rosters. Only the Knicks are headed for the playoffs.

Are you an ex-girlfriend or a marraige counselor?As much as I like the Knicks, Im afraid her not knowing sports wasn't exactly a determining factor lol.Her being the love of my life,knowing me since HS and being a great mother to our child slightly outweighs that.I'll keep that in mind though lol
You might be right. I once dated a girl who knew just as much about basketball as I did. We fought a lot.

What you fail to realize is that we don't have a real center because D'Antoni doesnt want one.
It's bullshit though. We had a real center.

Making the excuse that D'Antoni is only working with what he has is BS because he is the reason he has what he has.
No, James Dolan is the reason they're fielding a gutted team. Dolan and his butt-buddy Isiah Thomas.

As for Tyson Chandler,I can't blame Walsh for not getting him.Chandler makes alot of money and Walsh has clearly shown his plan was to be thrifty until he can shoot for the stars in free agency.Chandler is an impact player we could certainly use on both ends but he isnt a star.I think Walsh is essentially saying he's more confident in getting Paul or DWill and a decent center than get a guy like Chandler and hope you get lucky with a pg in the draft.Besides that,Chandler pays for Dallas.Mark Cuban has no problems overpaying for guys.Whats the luxury tax to one of the richest owners in sports?lol
I wish Cuban owned the Knicks. :cry:

03-25-2011, 11:27 PM
All three coaches basically started the season with new expectations and new rosters. Only the Knicks are headed for the playoffs.

What were the expectations for the Nets and Cavs? lmao

No, James Dolan is the reason they're fielding a gutted team. Dolan and his butt-buddy Isiah Thomas.

Yea because Dolan was proactive enough to override Walsh and Mike n not pass up on one of the most prolific scorers in the last decade just so you can not give up a guy who was avg 15 ppg,a sf who is a FA this yr and didnt get utilized properly,a slightly overrated pg who's contract is up after next year and a center who's unproven,a high risk high reward and kinda overpaid. Taking control of that situation is one of the few things I give Dolan credit for.At the end of the day,this is HIS business.We are the most valuable team in the NBA.At the worst,even if we don't win a ring with Melo,we'll sell tickets and jerseys.The fans were going to eventually realize those guys we traded were role players.

I wish Cuban owned the Knicks.
If you don't like Walsh meddling with the team,you sure you can tolerate Cuban? lol Besides,sometimes they spend foolish money...like Jason Kidd's contract lol

03-25-2011, 11:54 PM
What were the expectations for the Nets and Cavs? lmao
I don't know. The expectations for the Knicks were what, though? Make the playoffs, get better for next year? Something like that.

Yea because Dolan was proactive enough to override Walsh and Mike n not pass up on one of the most prolific scorers in the last decade just so you can not give up a guy who was avg 15 ppg,a sf who is a FA this yr and didnt get utilized properly,a slightly overrated pg who's contract is up after next year and a center who's unproven,a high risk high reward and kinda overpaid. Taking control of that situation is one of the few things I give Dolan credit for.At the end of the day,this is HIS business.We are the most valuable team in the NBA.At the worst,even if we don't win a ring with Melo,we'll sell tickets and jerseys.The fans were going to eventually realize those guys we traded were role players.
Oh, tickets and jerseys. Thank God for that. I'll make sure to buy some MSG stock. Good to know that he doesn't have to care about winning to still make some money.

If you don't like Walsh meddling with the team,you sure you can tolerate Cuban? lol Besides,sometimes they spend foolish money...like Jason Kidd's contract lol
I like Walsh. The one I don't like is Dolan, because he's a ****ing idiot.

03-26-2011, 02:41 AM
The Knicks expectations were to be a playoff team this year. They were expected to be around the 6th seed. Going into the year the top 5 teams were Boston, Miami, Chicago, Orlando, and Atlanta. There were 5 more teams who were supposed to fight for positions 6-8, which were the Knicks, Sixers, Pacers, Bobcats, and Bucks. The Pistons, Nets, Raptors, Wizards, and Cavaliers were not expected to compete at all. Most people thought that with Amar'e Stoudemire, and the emergence of Danilo Gallinari, as well as the addition of Raymond Felton, the Knicks should pretty easily get the 6 or at worst 7th seed in the playoffs.

03-26-2011, 03:28 AM
The Knicks expectations were to be a playoff team this year. They were expected to be around the 6th seed. Going into the year the top 5 teams were Boston, Miami, Chicago, Orlando, and Atlanta. There were 5 more teams who were supposed to fight for positions 6-8, which were the Knicks, Sixers, Pacers, Bobcats, and Bucks. The Pistons, Nets, Raptors, Wizards, and Cavaliers were not expected to compete at all. Most people thought that with Amar'e Stoudemire, and the emergence of Danilo Gallinari, as well as the addition of Raymond Felton, the Knicks should pretty easily get the 6 or at worst 7th seed in the playoffs.
So I guess they're right on track, assuming the trade hasn't mucked things up to badly. Certainly trending in the wrong direction at the moment, but I could see them picking it up a bit before the playoffs.

03-26-2011, 07:56 AM
So I guess they're right on track, assuming the trade hasn't mucked things up to badly. Certainly trending in the wrong direction at the moment, but I could see them picking it up a bit before the playoffs.
Picking up what ?
More losses :lol

03-26-2011, 10:32 PM
Mike just has to go now. It's not working, the players are complaining about how they go about things. Why did Phoenix not want MD there anymore? If you know, post it so I will know why they wouldn't re-sign him.

This 7SOL system is crap unless Steve Nash is going to walk out of the tunnel next time we play. MD doesn't know anything else but his STUPID system.

03-26-2011, 11:54 PM
Mike just has to go now. It's not working, the players are complaining about how they go about things. Why did Phoenix not want MD there anymore? If you know, post it so I will know why they wouldn't re-sign him.

This 7SOL system is crap unless Steve Nash is going to walk out of the tunnel next time we play. MD doesn't know anything else but his STUPID system.
Kerr asked him to employ a defensive assistant.

Then D'antoni left.

Simple as that.

03-27-2011, 02:03 AM
Plus all that delicious money.

03-27-2011, 04:35 AM
Plus all that delicious money.

I gotta give you credit. I never seen someone defend such an obviously shitty coach as much as you do. Whatever he did to endear himself to you really worked.

03-27-2011, 05:19 AM
Mustaches impress me. In fact, I'd say it's my number one criterion for respecting another man.

And occasionally women.

03-27-2011, 05:19 AM
I gotta give you credit. I never seen someone defend such an obviously shitty coach as much as you do. Whatever he did to endear himself to you really worked.

03-27-2011, 05:25 AM

03-27-2011, 05:41 AM
You understood me very well.

You defend D'Antoni even it's obvious that he needs to go.You defended him when he didn't play Shelden.Well guess what,Shelden played last night and he was our best player besides Melo.
He also showed that he can't be pushed by Kwame who was backing down Stoudemire like little *****.

I'm tired of your "D'Antoni isn't the problem".
You can think what you want but at least don't write some shitty reasons why he is good when that reasons are complete bullshit.


03-27-2011, 06:05 AM
You defend D'Antoni even it's obvious that he needs to go.You defended him when he didn't play Shelden.Well guess what,Shelden played last night and he was our best player besides Melo.
He also showed that he can't be pushed by Kwame who was backing down Stoudemire like little *****.
I know English isn't your first language, so I can see where you might have misinterpreted what I said. I actually said D'antoni should have played Shelden. I think I said it more than once. But I also understood why he didn't. We still got creamed though, so obviously he isn't the magic bullet.

I agree about Amar'e though. I think we can package him and Chauncey and maybe someone else for some quality players. Maybe CP3 and Okafor or West.

I'm tired of your "D'Antoni isn't the problem".
You can think what you want but at least don't write some shitty reasons why he is good when that reasons are complete bullshit.
Ooh, you're tired of it. :roll:

The Knicks have lots of problems. Like it or not, they're probably as far away from a ring as at any point in the last ten years. I simply don't see a coaching change making this roster much more effective.

What do you mean by this?

03-27-2011, 06:16 AM
The Knicks have lots of problems. Like it or not, they're probably as far away from a ring as at any point in the last ten years. I simply don't see a coaching change making this roster much more effective.

Well,with a new coach this roster could actually play defense.
I know we don't have amazing defenders on our team but everyone can learn.
And be sure that they can't be better defensively with D'Antoni as a coach.
That's automatic reason why we won't be a strong team with D'Antoni as a coach.
This team isn't a run and gun team anymore.
Billups and Melo aren't players for run and gun.
So D'Antoni can't do one thing that he is good at,run and gun.
Also Billups and Douglas aren't Steve Nash so he can forget about those amazing pick and rolls.
And he still sucks on defense.

So a coaching change can make this roster much better,especially if we sign a center this summer.

What do you mean by this?

You know how D'Antoni always screams "Let's go,let's go" during games ?
And I scream "Let's go Mike,go far away from New York and its basketball club".

03-27-2011, 06:32 AM
Well,with a new coach this roster could actually play defense.
I know we don't have amazing defenders on our team but everyone can learn.
And be sure that they can't be better defensively with D'Antoni as a coach.
That's automatic reason why we won't be a strong team with D'Antoni as a coach.
This team isn't a run and gun team anymore.
Billups and Melo aren't players for run and gun.
So D'Antoni can't do one thing that he is good at,run and gun.
Also Billups and Douglas aren't Steve Nash so he can forget about those amazing pick and rolls.
And he still sucks on defense.

So a coaching change can make this roster much better,especially if we sign a center this summer.
Yeah, this team is ****ed. Chauncey's too stupid to run a pick and roll, he needs to go. And obviously if that play isn't employed then Amar'e will never be used to his potential. So we're basically down to Melo and a 6'10" guy who can hit spot-up mid-rangers. Amar'e should be packaged next year for Dwight. Make that happen at all costs, and you're on to something. I like Amar'e, but he's a run and gun player who needs competent PGs. And his D is awful.

Toney Douglas
Landry Fields (although he might be traded)

Maybe make some kind of Hail Mary play for CP3, assuming his knees have held up.

Long, tough road ahead the Knicks.

03-27-2011, 06:51 AM
This team needs a center but it also needs a new coach.

I hope we will get both this off-season.
It would also be good to fill our bench with solid players.

This team isn't hard to fix.
I am sure Amare can learn to play some kind of defense,Melo is a good defender when he is motivated and Billups simply sucks and I don't want to re-sign him.

Sign a center,sign a point guard and sign players who will bring defense and size off the bench.

We don't need Dwight Howard,Deron Williams or something like that.

We need what I have just wrote.
Center who will defend and rebound (someone like Dalembert),point guard who can hit shots and isn't a poor defender(it would also be nice if he knows how to play pick and roll) and bench players who will be good defenders.We also need one more backup center to bring some size.

I would also implement Melo/Amare pick and roll.
Melo can pass and it worked a few times this season when we actually played it.

I would build this team around Melo.
Pick and roll with Amare and playmaking out of iso.

It's not hard to build a good team now.
Just sign a new coach and add a few missing pieces who are solid,we don't need another superstar.

03-27-2011, 08:57 AM
Kerr asked him to employ a defensive assistant.
Then D'antoni left.
Simple as that.

That explains everything. Thanks.

03-27-2011, 06:13 PM
Mustaches impress me. In fact, I'd say it's my number one criterion for respecting another man.

Well then it's settled....Hire Burt Reynolds and Eddie Murphy!!!!

03-27-2011, 06:36 PM



...would be ****ing AWESOME!

03-27-2011, 09:53 PM
Honestly, I want to see us have a good coach for a change. I can't stand this shit. I want to see some defense, we don't contest rebounds or anything, this is horrible. Any team with better defense then us can beat us, all they need is their shots to fall.

03-27-2011, 10:57 PM
Honestly, I want to see us have a good coach for a change. I can't stand this shit. I want to see some defense, we don't contest rebounds or anything, this is horrible. Any team with better defense then us can beat us, all they need is their shots to fall.

Agreed, we need someone who commands respect from his players (Doc Rivers) and is not their to worship them but make them play the right way, and if their not playing the right way, he tells them straight up that they are not cutting it. Instead of making excuses up for his players (Pringles).

03-28-2011, 01:14 AM
Larry Brown's a great coach.

03-28-2011, 03:23 AM
I dont think D'Antoni praises his players at all actually.I think he's on his high horse and the players hate him.He's clearly shown that no matter what,he's going to force his Euro style of basketball down everyones throat like a hooker on Hunt's Point.Everyone talks about Melo and Amare not winning a ring yet but neither has he.I dont get Walsh's stubborness and loyalty to a guy who hasn't proven anything on THIS continent.

As for Larry Brown,he's a gr8 X's and O's guy but he's too old school and he thinks he's still coaching college.He has no respect for players,especially young ones.He routinely has had poor interpersonal relationship with not just his star players but entire teams.That's just what we need.A guy to come clash with Melo and Stat and run them outta town.

03-28-2011, 03:42 AM
Do they still actually have a lot of hookers in that area? Wasn't that, like, a 90's thing?

03-28-2011, 07:33 AM
I dont think D'Antoni praises his players at all actually.I think he's on his high horse and the players hate him.He's clearly shown that no matter what,he's going to force his Euro style of basketball down everyones throat like a hooker on Hunt's Point.Everyone talks about Melo and Amare not winning a ring yet but neither has he.I dont get Walsh's stubborness and loyalty to a guy who hasn't proven anything on THIS continent.
As for Larry Brown,he's a gr8 X's and O's guy but he's too old school and he thinks he's still coaching college.He has no respect for players,especially young ones.He routinely has had poor interpersonal relationship with not just his star players but entire teams.That's just what we need.A guy to come clash with Melo and Stat and run them outta town.

I really think some or most of our players aren't buying into the run,run,run philosophy anymore. It's not like Amar'e is 19 years old anymore, there has to be more of a half-court offense plan of attack, yes, when it's needed, play the 7SOL. MD'A's system slowly kills players throughout the season and since there is NO back-up plan behind the 7SOL system, we are f###ed in the playoffs. And Mike pretty much refuses to do anything else that's reasonable for us to succeed. This guy is a joke of a real coach.

03-28-2011, 08:03 AM
Amar'e is the only player who likes D'antoni's system.

Anything that keeps his stats up, without having to defend is just fine with him.

Half court sets totally exposes the weakest link.

03-28-2011, 09:10 AM
Amar'e is the only player who likes D'antoni's system.

Anything that keeps his stats up, without having to defend is just fine with him.

Half court sets totally exposes the weakest link.
I am sure Amare wants to win and even he probably realizes that they won't do shit with D'Antoni's system.

Everyone would like to put up good stats and not do shit on defense but they know it won't win them anything.

03-28-2011, 09:50 AM
I'm not sure if it's that Amare likes D'Antoni's system or if it's that it's pretty much all he knows.Remember,Mike has been his coach for a majority of his career + Alvin Gentry is essentially the same kinda coach.The only year he had a defensive minded coach was when Terry Porter was there that year in PHX and they canned him immediately.

03-28-2011, 09:56 AM
I am sure Amare wants to win and even he probably realizes that they won't do shit with D'Antoni's system.

Everyone would like to put up good stats and not do shit on defense but they know it won't win them anything.

I'm not buying.

I can still hear Amar'e challenging his team mates to buy into this system a few games ago.

Even called it "successful."

Melo clearly could care less about this system, because it clamps down his best strength, scoring the ball.

Honestly I don't think Amar'e gives a damn on defense.

You don't have to be good on defense to get back on the play.

He is a weak side defender and your leader should not be that guy.

03-28-2011, 10:04 AM
I'm not buying.

I can still hear Amar'e challenging his team mates to buy into this system a few games ago.

Even called it "successful."

Melo clearly could care less about this system, because it clamps down his best strength, scoring the ball.

Honestly I don't think Amar'e gives a damn on defense.

You don't have to be good on defense to get back on the play.

He is a weak side defender and your leader should not be that guy.

It is just a show for the press.
Even Billups talked about buying into the system and I'm sure he is the first one who doesn't like it.

When/If we get a defensive coach Amare will probably improve a lot on defense.

03-29-2011, 12:47 PM
I didn't hear 1 player mention Mike D'A's name after we won last night. If anyone here can prove me wrong, feel free to rip me a new one. :rockon:

03-29-2011, 12:50 PM
Did anyone see the Knick fan and MD'A arguing about a foul should have been given so J Rich couldn't have made that 3? Was that one of you guys? Hmmmm?

03-29-2011, 12:53 PM
I didn't hear 1 player mention Mike D'A's name after we won last night. If anyone here can prove me wrong, feel free to rip me a new one. :rockon:
They didn't give the coach no credit at all.

Melo doesn't even say his name.

They don't want him, it's way too obvious.

03-29-2011, 12:54 PM
Did anyone see the Knick fan and MD'A arguing about a foul should have been given so J Rich couldn't have made that 3? Was that one of you guys? Hmmmm?
Wasn't me, but damn Jeffries let me down.

Didn't even put a hand up.

03-29-2011, 12:58 PM
Did anyone see the Knick fan and MD'A arguing about a foul should have been given so J Rich couldn't have made that 3? Was that one of you guys? Hmmmm?
It was me.

I didn't know I ended up on TV.Now I must watch the re-run.


Just kidding.
I was wondering who that guy was.
First I thought it was some of D'Antoni's friends,but maybe he really was a pissed fan :lol

03-29-2011, 01:12 PM
It was me.

I didn't know I ended up on TV.Now I must watch the re-run.


Just kidding.
I was wondering who that guy was.
First I thought it was some of D'Antoni's friends,but maybe he really was a pissed fan :lol

Oh, he REALLY looked pissed at coach. I tried looking for it on youtube, but only found the highlights for the game.


03-29-2011, 01:14 PM
Oh, he REALLY looked pissed at coach. I tried looking for it on youtube, but only found the highlights for the game.

I can find it,just tell me when to look.

I tried to look after Richardson't game tying three pointer but I didn't see that fan.
And I can swear I saw him during the game last night.

03-29-2011, 01:15 PM
Wasn't me, but damn Jeffries let me down.
Didn't even put a hand up.

I can sort of go with the no fouling, as our coach instructed, but I'm with you on the effort level or lack of withh JJ. At least put your arms up or put a hand in his line of vision to the basket.


03-29-2011, 01:16 PM
I can find it,just tell me when to look.

I tried to look after Richardson't game tying three pointer but I didn't see that fan.
And I can swear I saw him during the game last night.

I saw it on ESPN this morning, maybe that's where it is. I'll take a look too.

03-29-2011, 01:17 PM
I can sort of go with the no fouling, as our coach instructed, but I'm with you on the effort level or lack of withh JJ. At least put your arms up or put a hand in his line of vision to the basket.

That chick is hot :D

I saw it on ESPN this morning, maybe that's where it is. I'll take a look too.

I can look it up on League pass.
I just need to know when that happened.

03-29-2011, 01:22 PM

I found it, just watch the video to the right.

03-29-2011, 01:27 PM

I found it, just watch the video to the right.
Good job. :applause:

03-29-2011, 01:39 PM
[quote=Clutch]That chick is hot :D *quote]

* That's the knickschick.

03-29-2011, 01:50 PM
[quote=Clutch]That chick is hot :D *quote]

* That's the knickschick.
Maybe I would have a chance if she likes me just a little more than Jeffries :lol

I uploaded "D'Antoni vs fan" video just for you


03-29-2011, 03:49 PM
Maybe I would have a chance if she likes me just a little more than Jeffries :lol

I uploaded "D'Antoni vs fan" video just for you


Thank you, that 1 was alot more involved than the 1 I posted. Awesome!


03-29-2011, 05:24 PM
Now that is just freakin' sad.

We could take a fan out the stands that know more about a defensive play than our coach.

That's just a damn shame.

03-29-2011, 11:50 PM
lol He wasn't just yelling,he was chastising him like a kid lmaooooo

p.s. that last foul on Dwight was BS shhhhhhh dont tell anyone

03-30-2011, 07:29 AM
lol He wasn't just yelling,he was chastising him like a kid lmaooooo
p.s. that last foul on Dwight was BS shhhhhhh dont tell anyone

I'm sure SVG pulled out the rest of his hair after watching that play the next day...:lol .

04-05-2011, 02:07 PM
Alright D'antoni, are you ready to run the offense through Melo full-time?

04-05-2011, 02:21 PM
A day after clinching a playoff berth, Knicks coach Mike D'Antoni made it clear that he wants to remain in New York.

"I love what I do. I like my guys so it's all good," D'Antoni said after practice on Monday. "Again, I'm not focused on that per se [but] hypothetically ... I'd love to."
D'Antoni is under contract through next season. His agent, Warren LeGarie, was at practice on Monday and was seen chatting with team president and general manager Donnie Walsh.

D'Antoni told reporters on Monday not to read anything into the fact that his agent was at practice.

He also said that he was not worried about his future.

"You do the best you can do. And it usually works out some way," the coach said. "I'm 60 years old, so it's not like I have to live and die by it. If I was 40 I'd be a little bit more worried. I'm at an age now where, thank God, I can live for today and try to get this team right."

Walsh hired D'Antoni after taking over for Isiah Thomas. Walsh has a team option for next season that has yet to be picked up by MSG chairman James Dolan. The deadline to do so is April 30. Dolan said at Carmelo Anthony's introductory press conference that he and Walsh would discuss the GM's contract situation after the NBA's Feb. 24 trade deadline.

Walsh and D'Antoni's future are believed to be closely tied to one another.

D'Antoni signed a four-year, $24 million contract prior to the 2008-09 season.

D'Antoni says he wants to remain with Knicks


04-05-2011, 02:27 PM
D'Antoni says he wants to remain with Knicks


Yeah, heard that today. Guess what my response was.



04-05-2011, 02:30 PM
Yeah, heard that today. Guess what my response was.


Only good thing is that no one asks him for opinion :lol

If the Knicks will get swept in the playoffs or underachieve next season D'Antoni is a former Knicks coach,no one will ask him would he like to stay :rockon:

04-05-2011, 02:31 PM
Only good thing is that no one asks him for opinion :lol

If the Knicks will get swept in the playoffs or underachieve next season D'Antoni is a former Knicks coach,no one will ask him would he like to stay :rockon:

I want us to go after Doc Rivers or Rick Adelman over the summer. Not keep Mike D-less'Antoni.

04-05-2011, 02:34 PM
I want us to go after Doc Rivers or Rick Adelman over the summer. Not keep Mike D-less'Antoni.
I like this :lol

Doc Rivers would be perfect :bowdown:

04-05-2011, 05:48 PM
Doc Rivers can only win with unselfish superstars whose games compliment each other perfectly. That isn't the Knicks.

04-05-2011, 07:27 PM
Doc Rivers can only win with unselfish superstars whose games compliment each other perfectly. That isn't the Knicks.
I disagree completely.

04-05-2011, 10:41 PM
Coach, why did Stat play so much tonite?

36 minutes, mainly with the bench????

Come on guy, that has fail written all over it.

You have have gave at least 10 of those minutes to Shelden.

Save the legs.....


04-06-2011, 01:34 AM
Coach, why did Stat play so much tonite?

36 minutes, mainly with the bench????

Come on guy, that has fail written all over it.

You have have gave at least 10 of those minutes to Shelden.

Save the legs.....


Just wait until Amare goes for 15 points on 5-20 shooting regularly in the 1st round.
Maybe then will D'Antoni realize that he needed to rest him.

04-06-2011, 02:31 PM
Scooter that couldn't be further from the truth.Paul Pierce was considered one of the most selfish players in the league and he got Paul to buy into his system.That being said,I don't think theres any chance we can land him.It really would make no sense for him to.Adelman on the other hand is very realistic.

04-06-2011, 04:43 PM
He may have been selfish when he was young, but it's obvious that these guys all matured enough to coalesce into a cohesive, Championship unit. That comes with age, in this case I'd say more so than coaching.

04-06-2011, 06:12 PM
He may have been selfish when he was young, but it's obvious that these guys all matured enough to coalesce into a cohesive, Championship unit. That comes with age, in this case I'd say more so than coaching.


In 2008 Pierce was 30 years old. :oldlol:

04-06-2011, 07:37 PM
Yeah, they won the Championship that year.

04-07-2011, 09:11 AM
So when he was 29 he was immature but when he turned 30 he matured?O ok. I didn't know you could turn maturity on like a light switch.

04-07-2011, 10:13 AM
So when he was 29 he was immature but when he turned 30 he matured?O ok. I didn't know you could turn maturity on like a light switch.

Yeah, I don't really get this one either. :confusedshrug:

04-07-2011, 10:47 AM
So when he was 29 he was immature but when he turned 30 he matured?O ok. I didn't know you could turn maturity on like a light switch.

i wudnt say he was immature up until 29 but b4 garnet and co came, it was just pierce on a shitty team so what do u expect him to do

04-07-2011, 12:47 PM
O I completely agree.I was being sarcastic.He didn't all of a sudden become mature.He got some players around him and realized he didnt have to settle for just getting good stats.He saw light at the end of the tunnel and that light wasn't maturity....it was the diamonds on that championship ring.

04-14-2011, 10:37 AM
I figured I should change the thread title for this playoff series.

This series will be the judgment of whether D'antoni should stay or go.

If it's a competitive series and the Knicks lose because of Boston's experience, and home court advantage, then I will personally give him a pass, as long as he allows our GM to make corrections to the roster that reflects our biggest weakness.....rebounding and interior defense.

If we get outclassed and waxed off the court, then he should go, and I do think the players will not hold back from saying what happened out there.

D'antoni's Knicks future is squarely invested in this series.

04-14-2011, 11:36 AM
I figured I should change the thread title for this playoff series.

This series will be the judgment of whether D'antoni should stay or go.

If it's a competitive series and the Knicks lose because of Boston's experience, and home court advantage, then I will personally give him a pass, as long as he allows our GM to make corrections to the roster that reflects our biggest weakness.....rebounding and interior defense.

If we get outclassed and waxed off the court, then he should go, and I do think the players will not hold back from saying what happened out there.

D'antoni's Knicks future is squarely invested in this series.
And that's a good thing.
We should be in win-win situation.
Put up a fight (maybe even pass) or be swept what means that D'Antoni is gone.

04-20-2011, 03:05 AM
We have been thoroughly outcoached in the first 2 games in Boston.

04-20-2011, 03:12 AM
I think D'Antoni will stay here for another season :facepalm

04-20-2011, 03:38 AM
what are our chances at chris paul

04-20-2011, 03:41 AM
what are our chances at chris paul
I don't know but I would rather sign a good center and a few role players than another superstar.

04-20-2011, 11:06 AM
I want Paul because he's a great pg,not because he's a superstar.For instance,I'm not all that amped about the possibility of getting Dwight Howard.I'd take a great pg over a great center any day.Not saying Paul is better than Dwight at all though.

As for Mike's coaching now,I actually like his motion offense.Guys come flying around screens almost like a college team.He and Melo devised a perfect scheme for beating the double team.It was a point where there was nothing they could do to stop us.It's when we start over dribbling is when we get into trouble.

As for the bad stuff.His substitution patterns are terrible.He should have taken out douglas when Rondo was destroying him but then again,he doesn't care about defense anyway.Both Williams didn't play enough IMO.Of course we made no adjustments to stop Pierce or Allen.

04-20-2011, 11:13 AM
I want Paul because he's a great pg,not because he's a superstar.For instance,I'm not all that amped about the possibility of getting Dwight Howard.I'd take a great pg over a great center any day.Not saying Paul is better than Dwight at all though.

As for Mike's coaching now,I actually like his motion offense.Guys come flying around screens almost like a college team.He and Melo devised a perfect scheme for beating the double team.It was a point where there was nothing they could do to stop us.It's when we start over dribbling is when we get into trouble.

As for the bad stuff.His substitution patterns are terrible.He should have taken out douglas when Rondo was destroying him but then again,he doesn't care about defense anyway.Both Williams didn't play enough IMO.Of course we made no adjustments to stop Pierce or Allen.

I disagree with taking a great PG over a great C especially now when there is a lack of great centers in the league.

Take the Magic for example. Dwight Howard is the best center in the league, and with an average PG(Jameer Nelson) they were able to make it to the NBA finals. The team they lost to didn't have a great PG either, I can't remember if Bynum played in that series but if not I definetly remember Gasol being key to their win. I could make a case for Bynums importance too because when he returned from injury this season the Lakers went from being average(on their standards) to dominant.

I'm not saying PG's aren't important. I consider it the second most important postion in basketball right behind C. I'm just saying if I had to build a team in the NBA I would pick Center first.

04-20-2011, 01:45 PM
Bynum,Lopez and Howard are the only true centers in the league.You can get a good PF and a serviceable big man beside him nowadays.The Lakers are the only team without a good PG to win a championship in the last decade.

04-20-2011, 03:00 PM
Bynum,Lopez and Howard are the only true centers in the league.You can get a good PF and a serviceable big man beside him nowadays.The Lakers are the only team without a good PG to win a championship in the last decade.

You have to have a good PG to win. I never said you didn't. I still think having a good center is more important. As you said, there aren't many true centers in the league. That makes them more valuable and if you have one you are at an immediate advantage. Many teams have good PG's in the NBA today. The position has evolved and is only getting stronger. What happens when 2 teams with good PG's verse eachother? If you have the dominant guy to protect the paint, get the boards, and open up the perimeter for the shooters then you can afford to have Jameer Nelson as your PG going up against Rajon Rondo for example.

Many of the past 10 champions did have legit centers though. The Lakers and Heat had Shaq in their front court when they won. The Spurs had Duncan and Robinson.

04-20-2011, 05:43 PM
Bogut's a true center.

04-21-2011, 12:56 PM
O yea I forgot about that dude lmao I forget Milwaukee even exists sometimes.

04-21-2011, 02:09 PM
I don't know if anyone watched this video, but this now gives me full proof that D'Antoni has no idea what he is doing as a coach.


I didn't even realize that he had called a 20 second time out after Boston did, which we desperately needed at the end of the game. He also didn't let it be known that Delonte West needed to be fouled as soon as the ball was inbounded. Just as Coach Nick says at the end, it's time for him to hand in his coaching card.

04-21-2011, 04:03 PM
I don't know if anyone watched this video, but this now gives me full proof that D'Antoni has no idea what he is doing as a coach.


I didn't even realize that he had called a 20 second time out after Boston did, which we desperately needed at the end of the game. He also didn't let it be known that Delonte West needed to be fouled as soon as the ball was inbounded. Just as Coach Nick says at the end, it's time for him to hand in his coaching card.
Who is this guy ? (Coach Nick)

04-21-2011, 06:58 PM
I watched that video expecting to see something I hadn't seen already.

Even the guy who made the video wasted his own time and computer bandwith.

If he was gonna rip D'antoni for calling a timeout, when Doc did as well, guess what......

It gave him more time to prepare.

Teams call timeout like that all the time.

Now what he was saying is a different story.

And why is he ripping Melo or D'antoni for Delonte running clean in the back court for?

Melo was clean out of gas by then.

As much as I think D'antoni is a horrible HEAD COACH, I can't fault him for either of these losses, especially Game 2.

We need all of our players, plain and simple.

You think Stat passes on a wide open shot?

Jeffries shouldn't be in the game, but who else was there

The Knicks shouldn't have been in the game..period.

But our other big can't play more than 20 minutes, otherwise he is gonna get injured.

Enough of the Monday Morning Quarterback, lets kick Boston's ass in Game 3.

04-22-2011, 03:42 AM
Stephen A Smith pretty much shreds MDA to pieces:

The New York Knicks can rave all they want about their effort in Games 1 and 2 of this series against the Boston Celtics. Spike Lee can join them, with his orange-and-blue Eskimo hat in tow, bloviating with a legion of fans over how their boys were robbed, and how different things will be off the streets of 33rd and Eighth Avenue soon enough.

But if someone doesn't talk to Mike D'Antoni to address the transparency of his late-game coaching measures -- especially when compared to the likes of Doc Rivers -- the only thing anyone in this town will be celebrating is a franchise's rise from deplorable to respectable. That at least the Knicks' season ended in the last week of April.

When was the last time that was enough to whet one's appetite?

Don't bother answering.

Normally, this isn't the kind of cynicism that accompanies a tight loss to a team once favored to return to the NBA Finals for the third time in four years. It certainly isn't the type of skepticism that accompanies a team whose star, Carmelo Anthony, dropped 42 points with 17 rebounds, putting forth one of the most prolific offensive performances seen by a Knick in quite some time. But when the last play of the game is, essentially, designed for Jared Jeffries -- and the coach admits as much, saying the play was actually drawn up that way -- you scratch your head, wondering what exactly is wrong with the coach, even as Game 3 at Madison Square Garden is scheduled for Friday night.

Just like it's easy to surmise that D'Antoni deserves an abundance of credit for the Knicks' defensive play and overall effort in Games 1 and 2, it's simple to point the finger of blame in his direction. When asked what happened on the last play of Game 2, when Melo passed the ball to Jeffries after being double-teamed, here's what D'Antoni had to say:

"That was what we talked about," D'Antoni muttered. "We thought they would double-team [Melo]. We double-flawed it. [Jeffries] was going to be underneath the basket. Billy [Walker] at the foul line and two guys spaced out. Then you've just got to make a play."

We can stop right there. Specifically because D'Antoni mentioned "Jeffries" and "making a play" in the same sentence.

Let it be said right here that no one means any disrespect toward Jeffries. He does play defense and is a quality, character, person. But anything he does for you on the offensive side of the ball is purely accidental. And everyone knows it.

"As coaches, we certainly do," one Eastern Conference coach, obviously familiar with D'Antoni's system, took the liberty to explain following Game 2. "Whatever happened to Jeffries is anyone's guess, because he was pretty good in college and didn't mind shooting the ball. But clearly that isn't who he is now, so why he was in that position is anyone's guess.

"You can point to his 10 points [on 5-of-7 shooting], but that situation calls for something different, for a person a bit more familiar or fearless offensively to touch the ball. That clearly isn't Jeffries, but that was D'Antoni digging in his bag of tricks again. You can't try that with one of the best coaches in this league, and Doc Rivers is clearly that."

Upon further breakdown, let us count the ways of D'Antoni's faux pas.

There is Jeffries being in the game at the moment. Then there is Jeffries being allowed to be in the vicinity of the ball. Then there's Jeffries touching the ball. There's Melo getting the ball on the right wing for the umpteenth time, along with the bevy of pick-and-rolls that must have made the Celtics feel like it was a version of "Groundhog Day."

It would've been nice to see D'Antoni call a down-screen, where Melo could roll off the block to have Paul Pierce chase him. It also would've been good to see the Knicks figure out a multitude of other options, since everyone knew Glen "Big Baby" Davis was coming over to help on double-teams in the last two minutes.

"Things don't work out sometimes," D'Antoni deadpanned.

Yeah, we know, Coach! We know.

But as Game 3 creeps closer and closer, with the specter of the injured Amare Stoudemire and Chauncey Billups being either hobbled or out of the lineup altogether, it's going to be incumbent upon the Knicks to do something to mix things up a little.

Spacing the floor would be preferable. So would having additional shooters on the floor with Melo, so he'll have someone to confidently kick the ball to in clutch moments. Ball movement would be apropos, since the Celtics' birth certificates tell us they might not be that interested in playing defense for nearly a full 24 seconds on each possession.

Essentially, anything to counter the Celtics' locking in on what the Knicks will do.

"I've gone against the Celtics for many years," the Eastern Conference coach told me, "and I can tell you this: Their experience, their familiarity from playing with one another, is something you simply can't teach. You have to mix it up with them. You can't run the same plays over and over again and expect to be successful. That's death against these guys. They've played together for too long. They'll figure it out."

Hopefully, D'Antoni hears such bantering before Game 3.

Not after, which will be after a loss if we see more of the same.

04-22-2011, 10:32 AM
D'Antoni has to know the other team can go in the backcourt to inbound the ball.Secondly,Melo shouldn't have been the one chasing Delonte.

Sadly,even though we face the possibility of a sweep, D'Antoni may get a pass because we've been shorthanded this series.

04-22-2011, 01:03 PM
channing frye would fit perfectly in d'an offense

04-22-2011, 02:28 PM
channing frye would fit perfectly in d'an offense
I don't want players who suits in his offense because I don't want him here in the first place.

I want to see a classic lineup ,I don't want to have a center who spends more time on the 3-pt line than under the basket :facepalm

04-22-2011, 06:46 PM
I don't want players who suits in his offense because I don't want him here in the first place.

I want to see a classic lineup ,I don't want to have a center who spends more time on the 3-pt line than under the basket :facepalm

04-22-2011, 07:05 PM
Mozgov never shot threes.

04-22-2011, 09:17 PM
Mozgov never shot threes.

Mozgov never even caught the ball.

04-22-2011, 09:42 PM
A must win game, and D'antoni actually suits up a player for a series that has a bad ankle injury, yet doesn't play two active bodies?

Shelden is injured, yet is in uniform.

Brown can't get light of day, and Balkman inactive??

If you gonna play guys who have no offensive game at all, why these guys can't get any run??

04-22-2011, 09:59 PM
Mozgov never even caught the ball.
He was too busy catching my heart.

04-22-2011, 10:07 PM
This guy is horrible. Is it possible to make a "Www.FireMikeDantoni.com" site the way they had it for this other guy I forgot who? Lol.

04-22-2011, 10:36 PM
A must win game, and D'antoni actually suits up a player for a series that has a bad ankle injury, yet doesn't play two active bodies?

Shelden is injured, yet is in uniform.

Brown can't get light of day, and Balkman inactive??

If you gonna play guys who have no offensive game at all, why these guys can't get any run??

It's either:

A. He is a bad coach
B. He doesn't know how to coach
3. He made a bet and put his money on the Celtics

04-24-2011, 05:16 PM
Is Anthony Carter that bad to where you'd rather play Roger Mason Jr @ point?Is it that serious?

04-24-2011, 06:24 PM
Anthony Carter played awesome tonight. Whatchutalkinbout, franchize?

04-24-2011, 09:12 PM
Carmelo Anthony:

"As far as the coach situation, I'm sure the front office will handle that" ....

"I'm sure me, Amare, Chauncey,Donnie,Dolan, will sit down this summer and see how we can make this team a championship caliber team." (No mention of D'Antoni)

Also D'Antoni referred to the team as "the Knicks" as opposed to "us" or "we"

Maybe he is gone.
I hope there is something in those statements.

04-24-2011, 09:37 PM
Ummm clearly I was advocating Carter getting in the game.I was saying is he THAT bad to where he can't get in?D'Antoni only played him when he was throwin in the towel.He instantly made a positive impact.Mike D'antoni would rather play Roger Mason Jr @ point than let someone who's a good defender but mediocre scorer play.He's not great but he's clearly a better defender than Douglas.Douglas got exposed by an overrated Rondo.Fields also got exposed.He's a starting sg on a .500 team but not on a winning team.I like him but I'm not sure he's the long term solution @ sg.

No matter what we do,our 1st action this summer needs to be giving D'Antoni the boot.

04-24-2011, 10:03 PM
D'antoni you have to go.

Like a Hideki Matsui home run as called by John Sterling

Sayonara Kid!!!

What's crazy is I actually believe D'antoni can coach better than this.

He just didn't want this trade.

Hey just wondering...did anyone notice Chauncey near the scorers table getting his "coaching" on?

And of course for Scoooter.......

In the 1 game Chauncey played he sucked ass with all that chucking, but he did keep us in the game with his savvy in playing with Rondo's ego having him shoot jumpers.

The defense was good, but we needed some offense and he provided none.

So I give Chauncey a D- for the game.

Overall- Incomplete, injury probably saved him from getting an F.

04-24-2011, 10:11 PM
D'antoni you have to go.

Like a Hideki Matsui home run as called by John Sterling

Sayonara Kid!!!

What's crazy is I actually believe D'antoni can coach better than this.

He just didn't want this trade.

Hey just wondering...did anyone notice Chauncey near the scorers table getting his "coaching" on?

And of course for Scoooter.......

In the 1 game Chauncey played he sucked ass with all that chucking, but he did keep us in the game with his savvy in playing with Rondo's ego having him shoot jumpers.

The defense was good, but we needed some offense and he provided none.

So I give Chauncey a D- for the game.

Overall- Incomplete, injury probably saved him from getting an F.
Billups is shit. So overrated. He had a great defense covering his ass in Detroit. No instincts for the point guard position. Can't run a pick and roll, doesn't pass. Jacks up terrible shots again and again and again. He's basically Jameer Nelson. Except less clutch.

04-24-2011, 10:47 PM
Billups is shit. So overrated. He had a great defense covering his ass in Detroit. No instincts for the point guard position. Can't run a pick and roll, doesn't pass. Jacks up terrible shots again and again and again. He's basically Jameer Nelson. Except less clutch.
Then how exactly did he win the finals MVP back then?

Honestly I only want him back for his contract, but to say he doesn't have pg skill is just plain wrong.

And that comment about Jameer?

He is the definition of garbage.

04-24-2011, 11:08 PM
Then how exactly did he win the finals MVP back then?

Honestly I only want him back for his contract, but to say he doesn't have pg skill is just plain wrong.

And that comment about Jameer?

He is the definition of garbage.
Ben Wallace should have been Finals MVP. He was that team's anchor.

I stand by the Jameer comparison. Jameer's more athletic though.

04-24-2011, 11:14 PM
Ben Wallace should have been Finals MVP. He was that team's anchor.

I stand by the Jameer comparison. Jameer's more athletic though.
Should've ...whatever.

jameer is still garbage.

04-24-2011, 11:14 PM
So is Chauncey.

04-24-2011, 11:17 PM
So is Chauncey.
So is Gallo and Chandler.

We can do this for a while.

04-24-2011, 11:17 PM
I'm down. So is Jared Jeffries.

04-24-2011, 11:24 PM
gallo would of helped us in this series

04-25-2011, 12:20 AM
gallo would of helped us in this series

With what? His 10 ppg? His 3 rpg? Or maybe the 40% shooting?

04-25-2011, 12:44 AM
I'm down. So is Jared Jeffries.
I'd rather see Chauncey coach the team.

Even if we had Mozgov, D'antoni would still play Glass Body Turiaf.

04-25-2011, 12:48 AM
gallo would of helped us in this series
Not really.

In the words of Barkley "I may be wrong, but I doubt it".

Now if he was helping Denver, I can see your point.

04-25-2011, 01:19 AM
I'd rather see Chauncey coach the team.

Even if we had Mozgov, D'antoni would still play Glass Body Turiaf.
Yeah what the **** was up with Ronny Turiaf this season? Was he always this fragile? I like the guy, his D, his energy, his beard. But spraining your knee every 20 minutes is not helpful.

04-25-2011, 02:57 PM
GREENBURGH, N.Y. -- Amare Stoudemire gave a strong endorsement Monday for retaining Mike D'Antoni as coach of the New York Knicks, while Carmelo Anthony wasn't quite as declarative but still offered praise for D'Antoni's job performance.
D'Antoni has one year remaining on his four-year contract, and team president Donnie Walsh also is entering the final season of his deal if the Knicks pick up his option.

Neither man spoke publicly Monday, a day after the Knicks were swept by the Boston Celtics in the first round of the playoffs.

But Stoudemire said he wants them back.

"Oh, absolutely. Absolutely," Stoudemire said. "Donnie has done a phenomenal job. He's one of the main reasons why I'm here in New York. He turned the Knicks' franchise around. Coach D'Antoni is the reason why we had the winning record and had a chance to do something special in the playoffs if it wasn't for a few injuries. And so I definitely think both those guys will be back next season."

Anthony is ready to support the two if they make it back.
"I support whatever decision that they make," Anthony said. "If Mike is here, I've got his back 100 percent. If Donnie is here, I've got his back 100 percent. So I support all the decisions."

One of the most pressing decisions the Knicks need to make by Friday is whether to pick up the $14.2 million option on Chauncey Billups' contract or pay him a $3.7 million buyout. Billups said he wants to return to New York next season, in part to atone for the postseason failure that was partly attributable to his knee injury and to Stoudemire's back injury.

"Getting swept in the first round, I don't do this," Billups said. "We're on the move, and it's how fast can we get that elevator up?"

Stoudemire said he would like to see the Knicks add an additional center in the offseason, while Anthony said the team does not necessarily need a third star player and would be best served in the short term by having an entire season together.

The Knicks went 14-14 to close the regular season (including a six-game losing streak and a seven-game winning streak) after acquiring Anthony and Billups from the Denver Nuggets, finishing 42-40 for the franchise's first winning record in 10 years.

And while Anthony didn't go overboard with praise in speaking about D'Antoni, he did offer support.

"I can only speak on since when I got here," he said. "Due to the circumstances, we came a long way since I first got here. With the expectations being so high so quickly, for us to lose some games and take a step backward, and then close out the regular season winning the way we did, you have to take your hat off to Mike for being able to handle a situation like that -- losing damn near his whole team, having to start off fresh with something new. He lost four key components to his team.

"They had something rolling here, and for him to have to take on another challenge of getting everybody on the same page since we got here, I think it took a lot. I respect that from him," Anthony said.

Anthony said he expects to have input along with Stoudemire on the team's offseason personnel moves. He believes the Knicks should be a 50-plus win team for the foreseeable future and should set a goal for next season of finishing with the best record in the Eastern Conference.

He also said players from opposing teams have told him they want to come to New York.

"You just hear it. You'll be playing against guys, and everybody wants to play in New York now, especially with the excitement we brought back to the city," Anthony said. "A lot of players [have said] 'Man, I need to get there, I need to get there.' We'll see what happens with that, though."


I'm afraid D'Antoni will be back :cry:

04-25-2011, 03:03 PM
Really stupid move if they bring back MDA. He is a system coach, and needs certain types of players to fit his system. If the Knicks are not going to commit to bringing in those types of players, then what is the point of keeping him around for another year? He has never shown any ability to make adjustments to his style.

I think he should be coaching the Golden State Warriors. Imagine him with Steph Curry and Monta Ellis as his back court.

04-25-2011, 03:05 PM
Really stupid move if they bring back MDA. He is a system coach, and needs certain types of players to fit his system. If the Knicks are not going to commit to bringing in those types of players, then what is the point of keeping him around for another year? He has never shown any ability to make adjustments to his style.

I think he should be coaching the Golden State Warriors. Imagine him with Steph Curry and Monta Ellis as his back court.
I think he should be coaching Iowa Energy or Dakota Wizards :lol

04-25-2011, 04:31 PM
I can't place blame entirely on Mike D'Antoni.Sure he's a stubborn jackass but my thing is this.We gave him multiple chances to prove himself even though in my opinion and countless others,he's clearly shown he'd rather lose than adjust his coaching style.He's NEVER going to coach defense.That being said, if you know this but you wanna give the guy the chance to coach out his contract or watever,at least put guys around him that best fit what he doesn best.It's like putting buying a car that you know is unreliable and not changing it's oil.You already know your taking a risk,at least give yourself a chance!

04-25-2011, 04:49 PM
Stephen A. Smith: D'Antoni got to go

Now that the broomsticks have been unleashed and it has been emphatically established that the New York Knicks, for all their bluster and bloviating, are nothing more than an average franchise with an exorbitant payroll, it's time to move forward. To put legitimate pieces in place to preserve assets and eliminate liabilities.

And after watching the Knicks' first-round loss to the Boston Celtics -- how they spent most of Easter weekend stinking up Madison Square Garden before a 36-year-old journeyman point guard nearly came to the rescue -- priority No. 1 is too obvious to ignore any longer:

Mike D'Antoni has to go.

It is not easy to call for the exodus of a coach who averaged 58 wins a season in his previous job, who is as kind and decent as they come. Nor does it seem fair to call for the head of a coach who, some would say, helped resurrect this franchise and made the Knicks relevant again. But when players are devoid of respect for a coach's basketball acumen, when the opposition laughs over the transparency of his game plan -- so much so that D'Antoni's players intimated they had instituted their own changes at halftime of a close-out game -- the need for a change simply cannot be denied.
The rare display of heart and guts the Knicks exhibited in the second half of Sunday's Game 4 didn't happen just because they started hitting shots and the Celtics suddenly forgot how to defend them. "We got tired of the way things were going," one player explained in the wee hours of Sunday night, long after everyone had departed from the Garden.

"We walked in at halftime and said 'We can't go out this way.' We were pretty ticked off, especially at us not seeming to have any answers scheme-wise. We knew Boston knew everything we were going to do, how we were going to do it, so we needed to do something differently. We just couldn't keep going the way we were going."

As coach of the Knicks, D'Antoni deserves credit for inserting Anthony Carter into the game, allowing him to defend Rajon Rondo. He also deserves credit for allowing the team to go zone on occasion, for switching on shooters Ray Allen and Paul Pierce, with Carter serving as the catalyst. But if D'Antoni deserves credit for allowing those things to take place, he also harbors culpability for going a full game-and-a-half without a true point guard on the floor, for making little to no adjustments, for leaving the players to essentially decide for themselves at halftime Sunday that swinging back wouldn't entail just jacking up 3s inside of 10 seconds.

Notwithstanding the tremendous effort displayed in Games 1 and 2, the New York Knicks cannot play defense, folks! Primarily because schematically it's never important, nor has it ever been a priority in D'Antoni's mind.
The same coach who's being paid $6 million per season here was out in Phoenix because he would not heed former Suns executive Steve Kerr's advice that he simply couldn't win a championship with his system. Fast-forward to three full seasons later and nothing has changed.

There are high pick-and-rolls. There's Amare Stoudemire coming from the corner, getting the ball near the elbow, with everyone and their grandmother knowing that's exactly what is going to occur. Or there's Stoudemire coming from the low block to set screens -- except everyone knows he's getting the ball and that he's not going to set a screen. And intertwined with it all is the arrival of Carmelo Anthony, assigned to doing pretty much the same thing.

"Coach knows offense," one player explained. "It would be nice to set plays, control pace and not jack up shots just because you're open. But that's what Coach does. You could live with it if we played defense. But obviously, we haven't done that much. Good, bad or otherwise, all I can say is that I've never seen anything like this."

Who has?

What team has a 6-foot-9, 230-pound player like Shawne Williams assigned to stand around and shoot 3s? What team has an athlete like Bill Walker, who's 6-6, 220, programmed to do the same? How can such a haphazard, frenetic brand of basketball -- you constantly hear D'Antoni screaming at players to shoot whenever open, no matter how much time is on the shot clock -- be permitted to continue when your $100 million franchise player just completed his ninth season? When Anthony, your other franchise player, just completed his eighth season? When both are signed for more than $80 million apiece over the next four seasons, yet based on the fatigue and injuries, neither looked as if he was physically conditioned to go another game in this series?

Just as important, what kind of players will you draft if this system remains in place? Knowing D'Antoni won't play guys who don't fit in?
The New York Knicks need a coach -- not a system. Coaches smirk at the luxury of preparing a game plan against it. Even folks like Charles Barkley have characterized D'Antoni's refusal to recognize the futility of his ways as "pure stubbornness."

This city will have plenty of time to debate the future of Donnie Walsh as the president of the franchise, and whether he should stay so he can hire former St. John's star and present ESPN/ABC analyst Mark Jackson -- or whether MSG chairman James Dolan should let Walsh go and offer the coaching job and all of the basketball operations to a man in the last year of his deal, who just finished beating up on the Knicks: Celtics coach Doc Rivers.

What's not open for debate is that it's time for D'Antoni to go.

Lest we want Amare and Melo to expire a helluva lot quicker than their contracts will.


I don't like SAS but I agree with him.
D'Antoni has to go.

04-25-2011, 05:40 PM
He has to go. We need a change, if this NY Franchise team wants to improve, it starts with him going. I'm sorry, D'Antoni needs to get going, he can get hired to another team.

04-25-2011, 06:17 PM
I didn't read the whole article, but this jumped out at me:

What team has a 6-foot-9, 230-pound player like Shawne Williams assigned to stand around and shoot 3s? What team has an athlete like Bill Walker, who's 6-6, 220, programmed to do the same?

That's all they can do. That's the only thing they are capable of doing somewhat competently. Well, actually, Bill Walker can also get into the lane and commit an offensive foul. He's versatile like that.

Let's not pretend that Stephen A. Smith has ever actually known what he's talking about.


04-25-2011, 08:45 PM
Yeah what the **** was up with Ronny Turiaf this season? Was he always this fragile? I like the guy, his D, his energy, his beard. But spraining your knee every 20 minutes is not helpful.
His will is bigger than his heart, literally.

He has always been in the 20 or so minute range because of his heart, he just can't really go beyond that.

He is a good guy, but not piece I'd build a championship with.

Not dependable enough for me.

04-26-2011, 12:25 AM
I'd be fine with him as a backup center. Especially behind Dwight.

04-26-2011, 08:59 AM
So Scooter for the record...You think Mike D'Antoni is a good coach and should stay?Furthermore,do you think he's more capable of being our long term solution to mold this talented foundation into a championship team provided we get solid role players?

04-26-2011, 02:34 PM
So Scooter for the record...You think Mike D'Antoni is a good coach and should stay?Furthermore,do you think he's more capable of being our long term solution to mold this talented foundation into a championship team provided we get solid role players?
He's not a great coach, but he's not terrible. They did get to the playoffs for the first time in however long. I think he averaged 50+ wins when he was in Phoenix. There's was an article that said he's had something like 63 different players on the roster since he's been in NY. Brand new team to start the season, brand new team at the deadline. Some of our starters (regardless of what rotations he's using) wouldn't even make a lot of rosters in the league. They were still competitive with the Celtics for a few games, and he could only get one of his "Big 3" (really a Big 2) to show up at a time.

I think he should get next season to see what's up. I'd like to see a good defensive assistant hired a la Mike Brown or Lawrence Frank or Tom Thibadeaux (although obviously the latter two are unavailable), along with some good defensive players to cover for the Big Two. Chauncey needs to be replaced with a real point guard, which the Knicks don't have (except for Anthony Carter - and it's no coincidence that team has looked it's best post-trade with Carter dishing). Some decent-to-good big men (should have kept Mozgov :mad:). Lot's of big men. Legit 6'10"+, none of this Shelden Williams 6'8" center bullshit.

We'll know more about what to do long term (although I don't see Amar'e's knees or Melo's gut holding up or in for more than three or four seasons, so define "long") after next season. How much success they have, where they improve, what they need, what players they bring in, etc.

04-26-2011, 06:28 PM
You say we shoulda kept Mozgov but Mozgov had about as many DNP-Coach's Decisions as he had points.My biggest problem with your defense of D'Antoni is when you act like he isn't part of the reason why the roster is the way it is.He doesn't want defensive players.He wants bums like Jared Jeffries.

My question to you is,what have you seen to make you believe a Mike D'Antoni coached team can do anything beside win a lot of games in the regular season and ultimately fail in the playoffs because they don't play D? Why prolong the inevitable?You have to play defense to win championships and he doesn't care about defense.Therefore,we won't win a championship under him.It's like a simple equation.Remember probability in JHS p if then q lmao

04-26-2011, 06:28 PM
You say we shoulda kept Mozgov but Mozgov had about as many DNP-Coach's Decisions as he had points.My biggest problem with your defense of D'Antoni is when you act like he isn't part of the reason why the roster is the way it is.He doesn't want defensive players.He wants bums like Jared Jeffries.

My question to you is,what have you seen to make you believe a Mike D'Antoni coached team can do anything beside win a lot of games in the regular season and ultimately fail in the playoffs because they don't play D? Why prolong the inevitable?You have to play defense to win championships and he doesn't care about defense.Therefore,we won't win a championship under him.It's like a simple equation.Remember probability in JHS p if then q lmao

04-26-2011, 07:12 PM
I think he is a good coach, but needs higher quality assistants, who can take control of certain aspects of the entire coaching, most notably... defense.

Of course if someone better was available, he'd get the boot ASAP.

04-26-2011, 07:22 PM
So nice you said it twice.

You say we shoulda kept Mozgov but Mozgov had about as many DNP-Coach's Decisions as he had points.My biggest problem with your defense of D'Antoni is when you act like he isn't part of the reason why the roster is the way it is.He doesn't want defensive players.He wants bums like Jared Jeffries.
Jeffries is a defensive player. Just not a particularly good one. The thing about Mozgov was he couldn't stay on the floor early in the season. He'd foul out in ten minutes and bobble passes like they were biting his fingers. So they worked with him in practice and what not, he got better, and they stuck him back into the lineup, where he performed nicely. The team looked better. Amar'e's job was easier, rebounding was up, defensive stops were initiating the break. D'antoni obviously wanted to play him, he made him a starter coming out of training camp. Just wasn't ready. Until he was. But then he got traded. And now we're desperate for a center again. Keep up the good work, Jimmy.

My question to you is,what have you seen to make you believe a Mike D'Antoni coached team can do anything beside win a lot of games in the regular season and ultimately fail in the playoffs because they don't play D? Why prolong the inevitable?You have to play defense to win championships and he doesn't care about defense.Therefore,we won't win a championship under him.It's like a simple equation.Remember probability in JHS p if then q lmao
I said I wanted a good defensive assistant and good defensive players brought in. I want the team to get better defensively. They've shown, under D'antoni, that they can play pretty good D when they need to. They did in select regular season games and most of the Boston series, and that was with bad defenders at every position. Chauncey, Fields, Melo, Amar'e, Jeffries. All bad defenders. They get some good defenders, maybe some great defenders (Dwight!), and who knows?

The whole, "defense wins championships" thing is kind of played out though. You need a good team, period. Only one team can win it every year, and they tend to be the same three or four teams (and coaches). Does that mean everyone else sucks? I don't know. Jerry Sloan teams play great D, and they always fail in the playoffs. Rick Adelman wins a lot of regular season games, and then fails in the playoffs, and has for over twenty years. George Karl. If the criteria is ring or bust, then D'antoni's been as successful as any of those guys, and they've usually had better teams.

04-27-2011, 09:13 AM
I said I wanted a good defensive assistant and good defensive players brought in. I want the team to get better defensively. QUOTE]
But this isn't football.You don't have defensive coordinators.Basketball doesn't work like.Ultimately,assistants are just that.They assists.Have of them record stats not officially kept.Pat Ewing for example mainly records Dwight's progress.End of the day,assistants don't say much in the huddle; especially in a 30 second timeout.

[QUOTE]They've shown, under D'antoni, that they can play pretty good D when they need to. They did in select regular season games and most of the Boston series, and that was with bad defenders at every position.
What games do you watch?We are one of,if not the worst defensive team in the league.I can't remember the last game I saw where we didn't give up @ least 30 in the 1st quarter.Furthermore,it's not just us.Every one of Mike D'Antoni's teams have been poor defensively.Spare me the nonsense about his limited roster because in PHX he had really good talent and they never played D.That's why they switched over to Terry Porter.I watched our final game of the season and realized when teams come down the court on offense, we just guard the player we're closest to.When they run pick and rolls,we switch EVERY TIME.We don't know how to hedge screens,we don't doouble hard,we don't slip picks,we don't help....NOTHING.All we do is switch. How many wide open layups did Boston get last game?

So they worked with him in practice and what not, he got better, and they stuck him back into the lineup, where he performed nicely.

You're overexaggerating Mozgov's impact.He had about a week where he had a few games over 10 points.One or two were even in the 20's.It wasn't like it was a 2 month stretch.When Mozgov was here you got tiny glimpses of him being a player.I wouldn't exactly say it was promise though.

The whole, "defense wins championships" thing is kind of played out though. You need a good team, period.

Played out? What championship team in the last decade DIDNT play good defense? It's ok...I'll wait.I'm not saying you need to be the Spurs or Boston. I'm not saying you have to be GREAT defensively.All I'm saying is you have to @ least be respectable.We're a joke on D as was every other D'Antoni coached team.

Jerry Sloan teams play great D, and they always fail in the playoffs. Rick Adelman wins a lot of regular season games, and then fails in the playoffs, and has for over twenty years. George Karl. If the criteria is ring or bust, then D'antoni's been as successful as any of those guys, and they've usually had better teams.

Jerry Sloan's problem was his GM's.They always had a two headed monster but never surrounded their dual threats with talent.When they had Stockton and Malone,their next best player was Hornacek :rolleyes: Boozer has always been overrated and they only had a year with Al n Deron.

Rick Adelman had shitty teams and took them to the playoffs.Year after year I wondered how the hell the Rockets made it to the playoffs.At one point their best players were Aaron Brooks and Ron Artest yet they'd compete with teams like the Lakers and give them hell.

George Karl....I think he sucks as a coach so you won't get any argument from me with that guy lmao I'd rather D'Antoni over Karl ANY DAY!

To sum things up,I just feel we're making unnecessary excuses every year for this guy and for the Knicks.We sat around and waited for Gallo to be Mike's prodigal superstar...that never happened.We sat around said give him time to teach the team defense...that never happened.We sat around and watched him shun good talent who wanted to be here for bums like Jeffries.Now where going to wait for him to all of a sudden care about something he's never cared about his entire career?N the excuse is he needs better assistants? He's the HEAD COACH.How many teams can you honestly name their assistants?When Thibs left Boston,did they all of a sudden forget how to play D?C'mon....we're reaching.Let's get a guy in here who doesn't need everything on a platter for him.

04-27-2011, 01:17 PM
But this isn't football.You don't have defensive coordinators.Basketball doesn't work like.Ultimately,assistants are just that.They assists.Have of them record stats not officially kept.Pat Ewing for example mainly records Dwight's progress.End of the day,assistants don't say much in the huddle; especially in a 30 second timeout.
Plenty of teams have assistants who are known almost as defensive coordinators. Tom Thibadeaux was a good recent example. Patrick Ewing would be cool, if he brought Dwight with him.

What games do you watch?We are one of,if not the worst defensive team in the league.I can't remember the last game I saw where we didn't give up @ least 30 in the 1st quarter.Furthermore,it's not just us.Every one of Mike D'Antoni's teams have been poor defensively.
Ok. "Select few games"; I didn't say it was a trend. The next step is making it dependable.

Spare me the nonsense about his limited roster because in PHX he had really good talent and they never played D.That's why they switched over to Terry Porter.
Terry Porter got shitcanned in, what, two months? Being "defensive minded" is great, but you have to be a good coach. You have to win games. The Suns missed the playoffs that year.

I watched our final game of the season and realized when teams come down the court on offense, we just guard the player we're closest to.When they run pick and rolls,we switch EVERY TIME.We don't know how to hedge screens,we don't doouble hard,we don't slip picks,we don't help....NOTHING.All we do is switch. How many wide open layups did Boston get last game?
I agree. We need better defenders and better coaching. Haven't you been listening? :D

You're overexaggerating Mozgov's impact.He had about a week where he had a few games over 10 points.One or two were even in the 20's.It wasn't like it was a 2 month stretch.When Mozgov was here you got tiny glimpses of him being a player.I wouldn't exactly say it was promise though.
The last thing anyone cared about was how many points he scored. That he could shoot jumpers, had some nice footwork, and could finish alley-oops and dunk put-backs were bonuses. Having a legit center in the game completely changed the look of the team. They out-rebounded opponents, they got stops at the rim, Amar'e slid back down to PF, legitimately, and had all sorts of pressure taken off of him, etc., I could go on.

That 23/14 game he had in his first game back was great. You don't see Jeffries or Williams or Turiaf putting up those numbers. Ever. I'm not saying he was an All-Star, but he was big, he was athletic, he could shoot a little bit, and he was constantly improving. In Denver, he's shown similar flashes of being a really solid center. He did a great job on Andrew Bynum in a game against the Lakers, for instance. And, oh yeah, he played a position we actually needed - and still do, more than ever.

Played out? What championship team in the last decade DIDNT play good defense? It's ok...I'll wait.I'm not saying you need to be the Spurs or Boston. I'm not saying you have to be GREAT defensively.All I'm saying is you have to @ least be respectable.We're a joke on D as was every other D'Antoni coached team.
I didn't say it was wrong, I just said it's overstated. Plenty of teams play fantastic defense and don't do shit. The Bucks played great D this season, and they stayed home in April to watch the Knicks in the playoffs. For the most part, once the playoffs started, the Knicks played "respectable" D. Now they can get better.

Jerry Sloan's problem was his GM's.They always had a two headed monster but never surrounded their dual threats with talent.When they had Stockton and Malone,their next best player was Hornacek :rolleyes: Boozer has always been overrated and they only had a year with Al n Deron.

Rick Adelman had shitty teams and took them to the playoffs.Year after year I wondered how the hell the Rockets made it to the playoffs.At one point their best players were Aaron Brooks and Ron Artest yet they'd compete with teams like the Lakers and give them hell.
Excuses excuses. I thought you didn't like making excuses for coaches. I thought you wanted guys who didn't need "everything on a platter for them". These guys have been coaching for over twenty years each, with some great teams. No rings.

George Karl....I think he sucks as a coach so you won't get any argument from me with that guy lmao I'd rather D'Antoni over Karl ANY DAY!
Yeah, I kind of soured on Karl recently. Probably just paying more attention to him this season.

To sum things up,I just feel we're making unnecessary excuses every year for this guy and for the Knicks.We sat around and waited for Gallo to be Mike's prodigal superstar...that never happened.We sat around said give him time to teach the team defense...that never happened.We sat around and watched him shun good talent who wanted to be here for bums like Jeffries.Now where going to wait for him to all of a sudden care about something he's never cared about his entire career?N the excuse is he needs better assistants? He's the HEAD COACH.How many teams can you honestly name their assistants?When Thibs left Boston,did they all of a sudden forget how to play D?C'mon....we're reaching.Let's get a guy in here who doesn't need everything on a platter for him.
We also watched him coach the team (really two different teams) into the playoffs this season, for the first time in six years. Above .500! Big picture, man.

Gallo was a baller too; you hatin'. :D

04-27-2011, 07:01 PM
My take on D'antoni.......

If he is here, he needs a defensive assistant that will open their mouth, not the kinfolk and cronies he has now.

If he is gone, there must be a viable replacement on deck.

There is no point of firing the guy if no one else is available.

For the record I think Sloan is out the game, and Adelman really doesn't impress me, it's just something about him I just don't like.

04-28-2011, 01:26 PM
MIKE D'ANTONI: After catching flack all season for not preaching defense, D'Antoni showed he can turn on the D when it matters most: the playoffs. In Games 1 and 2, the Knicks held the Celtics to 91.5 points, which would've made them the third-best defensive team this past season. Unfortunately, injuries doomed them. Although the sideline boss is on the hot seat for being swept in the first round, Melo and Amare have his back. That's very encouraging. Grade: B

But, of course, Melo couldn't steer away from Knicks questions. He said he was still "recovering" from the team's heartbreaking series loss to the Celtics and made it clear that he stands by Mike D'Antoni, who's been in the hot seat since the sweep.

"I love him,” Anthony said. “I’m a big fan of him. I love him and I support him." Amare Stoudemire has shared the same sentiment about wanting coach and Donnie Walsh back. "Oh, absolutely. Absolutely."

With major support from the franchise's superstars, that's probably all D'Antoni needs to return.
Link. (http://espn.go.com/blog/new-york/knicks)

There's also talk of resigning Wilson Chandler. Gross.

04-28-2011, 05:42 PM
On the Melo piece.....

Obviously an offensive minded player would want an offensive minded coach.

Melo would be viewed as criminal if he said he wanted the coach gone publicly.

Yet, we have heard Melo say numerous times that the team "knows X's and O's out the window, and just play ball".

I think the feeling is mutual.......

Melo doesn't want D'antoni primarily because he knows D'antoni didn't want him.

But they are together right now, make the most out of it.

04-28-2011, 09:27 PM
[QUOTE]NEW YORK -- Thursday marked Day 4 of the New York Knicks' news blackout that coach Mike D'Antoni has helped maintain since the Boston Celtics swept the team out of the playoffs Sunday, leaving some unanswered questions -- like whether or not he and general manager Donnie Walsh will be back next season. But at least D'Antoni hasn't started holding rebellious roadside chats with reporters outside the Knicks' training facility, like Larry Brown did on his way to the great one-and-done, $18-million buyout of 2006.
That was a circus. This is just d

04-29-2011, 06:30 AM
Another article:

As Donnie Walsh seeks to regain full autonomy within the Knicks organization, Mike D'Antoni could be losing some of his power on the Knicks' bench.

According to several sources, the front office will encourage D'Antoni to revamp his coaching staff to hire a defensive coach. In the past, D'Antoni has been reluctant to seek outside help, most famously refusing Steve Kerr's request four years ago to hire Tom Thibodeau in Phoenix. Thibodeau landed in Boston in 2007, and helped the Celtics win the title three seasons ago. He now is head coach of the top-seeded Bulls.

D'Antoni is under contract through next season and is expected to be retained after leading the Knicks to their first postseason appearance in seven years. However, under D'Antoni the Knicks have been among the league's weaker defensive teams, which is something Walsh would like to change.

Memphis assistant Dave Joerger, Orlando's Steve Clifford, Portland's Bill Bayno and Chicago's Ron Adams are all regarded as top defensive coaches. Another possibility for the Knicks is Thibodeau's replacement in Boston, Lawrence Frank, the former Nets' coach. Frank's contract expires this summer.

A move to hire another assistant does not necessarily mean one of D'Antoni's current assistants will be removed. Phil Weber, Dan D'Antoni, Herb Williams and the highly regarded Ken Atkinson are all expected to be retained. D'Antoni, who is expected to acquiesce to management, has made it clear that he wants to remain in New York. However, there will be several job openings this summer that D'Antoni might find attractive, including one with Golden State, whose roster has players better suited to play D'Antoni's up-tempo system than the Knicks currently do.


04-29-2011, 08:57 AM
d antoni needs to take defense 101 summer classes over the summer if he wants to keep him job.

04-29-2011, 10:59 AM
d antoni needs to take defense 101 summer classes over the summer if he wants to keep him job.
He can reunite with David Lee after next season.

04-29-2011, 04:10 PM
David Lee isn't a good defender.He's a good rebounder.

As for the "support for the coach",I dont read much into it.Melo would come off as an asshole if he was the new guy in town and he already turned his back on his coach.In todays sports world,where analysts are looking for you to "say all the right things", ppl's opinions and comments in press conferences mean less and less. I go by facts and fact of the matter is....we need a new coach!

04-29-2011, 04:12 PM
David Lee isn't a good defender.He's a good rebounder.

As for the "support for the coach",I dont read much into it.Melo would come off as an asshole if he was the new guy in town and he already turned his back on his coach.In todays sports world,where analysts are looking for you to "say all the right things", ppl's opinions and comments in press conferences mean less and less. I go by facts and fact of the matter is....we need a new coach!

06-02-2011, 04:32 AM
Source: Donnie Walsh questions if Mike D'Antoni is right for Knicks; coach could bolt for Toronto

MIAMI - Donnie Walsh has never said he is looking to make a coaching move, but perhaps Mike D'Antoni will make one for him.

D'Antoni, entering the final year of his contract as Knicks coach, could emerge as a candidate in Toronto, where the Raptors announced Wednesday that coach Jay Triano will not return.

Toronto president Bryan Colangelo has a good history with D'Antoni from their time with the Phoenix Suns. Colangelo hired D'Antoni and together they transformed the Suns into one of the NBA's most successful and entertaining teams.

"I believe that bringing in a new voice as head coach will accelerate the progress we are looking to make in the coming years," Colangelo said in a release Wednesday.

Coincidentally, the one knock on D'Antoni's teams is that they don't focus enough on defense. During a conference call with reporters Wednesday, Colangelo said he wanted an experienced coach and one with a "defensive-minded" perspective.

Jeff Van Gundy would be an obvious choice but the former Knicks coach and current ABC/ESPN analyst is happy in his current role. According to a source, Van Gundy wants to wait at least another year before he returns to coaching.

As of Wednesday, Colangelo had not asked the Knicks for permission to speak with D'Antoni, who is hoping to remain in the New York area until his son graduates high school in two years.

However, the Knicks have given no indication that they are open to negotiating a new deal with D'Antoni. Sources close to Walsh claim that the team president has privately questioned whether D'Antoni's system is the right fit for the Knicks.

Walsh's most successful clubs with the Indiana Pacers were good halfcourt teams, both offensively and defensively. The News reported in April that Walsh may insist that D'Antoni revamp his staff to hire an assistant coach in charge of defense. In the past, D'Antoni has been reluctant to make such a hire. In Phoenix, he refused Steve Kerr's request to make current Bulls head man Tom Thibodeau his defensive coach.

After losing at least 50 games in his first two seasons, D'Antoni guided the Knicks to a 42-40 record this year. It was their first winning season in 10 years. However, the Knicks were swept by the Boston Celtics in the first round of the playoffs and several veteran players began to question the coach.

The pending lockout suggests that D'Antoni will remain in New York for at least one more year. Also, Walsh may feel obligated to give D'Antoni a full training camp to prove what he can do with Amar'e Stoudemire and late-season pickups Carmelo Anthony and Chauncey Billups.

Should D'Antoni leave for another job or get fired, there are viable candidates available to replace him, including Rick Adelman, Lawrence Frank and Mark Jackson, who is a finalist for the Golden State job. There is also a report that the Knicks may pursue

Kentucky coach John Calipari, who is represented by CAA, the same agency that represents Anthony and Hornets point guard Chris Paul, who can become a free agent in 13 months.

http://www.nydailynews.com/sports/basketball/knicks/2011/06/01/2011-06-01_source_donnie_walsh_questions_if_mike_dantoni_i s_right_for_knicks_coach_could_bo.html#ixzz1O6bbPH 4g

06-02-2011, 06:15 AM
That articles says they may be focusing on a coach with a defemsive mindset.

That eliminates Pringles.:lol

06-02-2011, 09:00 AM
D'Antoni would be in heaven because the Raptors love drafting European plyers.I'd be in heaven because he's gone.PLEAAAAAASEE Mike...Go to Canada!

I want a fresh new head coach.Let's face it,the new guys have something that they can relate to their players with.I dont know what it is but this new wave of rookie head coaches has been really good realy quick.Monty Williams, Tom Thibadeau,etc.Im not sure about hiring Mark because he wasn't even an assistant anywhere but I want a new head coach with something to prove.The veteran coaches seem to want to make it all about them.Todays players have ego problems and pride.Im not saying stroke their ego,butthe days of running teams like a college team or boot camp are over. Unfortunately,the veteran coaches dont seem to understand that.

06-02-2011, 07:05 PM
D'Antoni would be in heaven because the Raptors love drafting European plyers.I'd be in heaven because he's gone.PLEAAAAAASEE Mike...Go to Canada!

I want a fresh new head coach.Let's face it,the new guys have something that they can relate to their players with.I dont know what it is but this new wave of rookie head coaches has been really good realy quick.Monty Williams, Tom Thibadeau,etc.Im not sure about hiring Mark because he wasn't even an assistant anywhere but I want a new head coach with something to prove.The veteran coaches seem to want to make it all about them.Todays players have ego problems and pride.Im not saying stroke their ego,butthe days of running teams like a college team or boot camp are over. Unfortunately,the veteran coaches dont seem to understand that.
Personally, I think Mark Jackson needs to get his feet wet and get under a head coach for a few seasons.

Our team is not ready for contention and I'm not positive that he can lead them with ZERO experience.

06-04-2011, 10:15 AM

This is what I'm waiting for.

06-04-2011, 10:40 AM

This is what we all are waiting for.


06-04-2011, 12:22 PM
Not me. :banana:

06-04-2011, 12:50 PM

This is what I'm waiting for.
:applause: put some trophies on that boat!:rockon:

06-04-2011, 01:03 PM
:applause: put some trophies on that boat!:rockon:
And Melo should be the one pushing D'Antoni,not Amare.

06-04-2011, 01:11 PM
I think Amare is appropriate.PPL forget we had to convince him to agree to work under Mike.He doesn't like D'Antoni.If I could change the picture.there would be a shark in the water with a Raptors jersey.That job is pretty much like being chewed alive.

06-06-2011, 10:25 PM
Mark Jackson got the Warriors job. (http://sports.yahoo.com/nba/news?slug=aw-wojnarowski_mark_jackson_warriors_0607011) He's definitely making a grown-man move career-wise.

06-06-2011, 10:43 PM
I think he will do fine out there.

Not alot of pressure, I wonder who his assistant coaches will be?

06-06-2011, 10:48 PM
Mike Breen and Jeff Van Gundy.

06-07-2011, 03:32 AM
Mike Breen and Jeff Van Gundy.

hes gonna have a table set at the bench with all 3 sitting there talking to each other on headphones and mics, only to themselves.

06-07-2011, 12:01 PM

Congrats Mark.He's a good guy.I wasn't to hyped about the thought of hiring him only cuz he hasn't paid his dues as an assistant but I think eventually he'll be a fine head coach.I thought so since his playing days.I wouldnt have been distraught if we hired him either.We kinda treated him like shit as a player.He shoulda been our pg throughout our playoff runs with Pat.We mighta got over the hump.

06-09-2011, 01:59 PM
Anyone think Mark being hired as the Warriors head coach will urge Jeff Van Gundy to start coaching again?

06-09-2011, 02:16 PM
Maybe Jeff comes out and be Jackson's assistant?:lol

But seriously, i think JVG is done from coaching.

09-13-2020, 06:22 AM