View Full Version : Greg Oden done for the year...again

Avon Barksdale
11-17-2010, 11:31 PM
Just announced on ESPN :facepalm

11-17-2010, 11:32 PM
did this happened in practice?

11-17-2010, 11:32 PM
bigger failure than Sam Bowie, glad to see my basketball knowledge PROVEN TRUE AGAIN, and the fanbase I have been arguing against about this bust ever since he was drafted will finally shut the phuck up and agree with me

11-17-2010, 11:32 PM

11-17-2010, 11:33 PM
I think it's now safe to call him a bust of epic proportions.

11-17-2010, 11:34 PM
Greggy Oden sat on a wall, Greggy Oden had a great fall

All the of the Blazers and all of their men

Couldn't put poor Greggy back together again

11-17-2010, 11:35 PM
Could this week get any worse for this injury plagued franchise..

First the dreaded news that Roy is pretty well defected & will undoubtedly play through injuries for the duration his entire career and now this. I was really pulling for big Greg to finally get a chance at displaying some consistency this year. A damn shame to say the least...

11-17-2010, 11:35 PM
god. i feel so bad for portland and oden :(

11-17-2010, 11:36 PM
i think he got injured while sitting on a chair or sleeping on his bed. take it easy on the guy.

Avon Barksdale
11-17-2010, 11:36 PM

My bad, I couldn't figure out how to post a link to a live TV program chief.

It was just announced on ESPN during the Chicago/San Antonio game about 3 minutes ago. I already googled and there are no links yet.

He's having microfracture surgery again.

11-17-2010, 11:36 PM
bigger failure than Sam Bowie, glad to see my basketball knowledge PROVEN TRUE AGAIN, and the fanbase I have been arguing against about this bust ever since he was drafted will finally shut the phuck up and agree with me

No it's not because Jordan is better than Durant. The Blazers had no way of knowing he would be injured this much.

OG LeeTSkeeT
11-17-2010, 11:37 PM

11-17-2010, 11:39 PM
No it's not because Jordan is better than Durant. The Blazers had no way of knowing he would be injured this much.

Bowie was better than Oden and it's not even close

11-17-2010, 11:39 PM
Damn...one of the things I was looking forward to this season, to watch him play. Amazing how quickly things have fallen apart for the Blazers in the last couple of years. They should have been contending right now.

Avon Barksdale
11-17-2010, 11:40 PM
god. i feel so bad for portland and oden :(

No chit, that franchise really is cursed. :wtf:

It sucks because he grew up about 20 minutes away from me. I have a lot of friends who grew up with him and were good friends with him.

What a monumental waste of talent.

11-17-2010, 11:41 PM
God hates the Blazers.

11-17-2010, 11:44 PM
Bowie was better than Oden and it's not even close

It doesn't matter. What makes each of the picks worse is the person chosen directly afterwards.

Kwame Brown was a bad pick too, but not as bad as Oden because Tyson Chandler is not an all time great like Durant.

11-17-2010, 11:44 PM
Mama Oden is thanking GOD for guaranteed contracts

11-17-2010, 11:44 PM

Avon Barksdale
11-17-2010, 11:48 PM
Damn...one of the things I was looking forward to this season, to watch him play. Amazing how quickly things have fallen apart for the Blazers in the last couple of years. They should have been contending right now.

Yeah, when they drafted Oden I was drunk one night and I bet a friend of mine $100 that they would win at least 2 championships over the next 15 years. :facepalm

I should start giving him a dollar every time I see him. :facepalm

11-17-2010, 11:50 PM
Portland should fire all of their trainers. There's no way that they have this much bad luck.

11-17-2010, 11:51 PM
Greggy Oden sat on a wall, Greggy Oden had a great fall

All the of the Blazers and all of their men

Couldn't put poor Greggy back together again

winner :applause:

11-17-2010, 11:53 PM
This kind of news almost makes you sick to your stomach. Very sad. They should try to even up his legs while they're in there...

11-17-2010, 11:54 PM
I wonder if he's going to bother to try and rehab again.

11-18-2010, 12:06 AM
man, that has to be demoralizing. i feel bad for him. what the hell is wrong with his bones/joints/ligaments/tissue/body? he even went on a new diet. the basketball gods just don't want him on the court.

11-18-2010, 12:07 AM
Man, what bad luck this kid has had. His career maybe over. I just don't ever think he'll be healthy.

11-18-2010, 12:10 AM

That is why Kevin Pritchard was fired.

11-18-2010, 12:11 AM
bigger failure than Sam Bowie, glad to see my basketball knowledge PROVEN TRUE AGAIN, and the fanbase I have been arguing against about this bust ever since he was drafted will finally shut the phuck up and agree with me

Your basketball knowledge has been proven wrong. And you quickly disappear without a peep. Dont poke your chest out because you predicted without any solid basis that Oden wouldnt live up to expectations. All you did was notice an American basketball player being hyped up. Your knowledge of him was limited you only went by what sites like nbadraft.net said. So you're the typical ok weveryone is HYPING him up? Well for f*ck sake I'll go opposite of what some are saying. That is all you did. Fact.

Now pick a finger and go f*ck yourself blondie.

11-18-2010, 12:12 AM
I am now a whole hearted atheist.

11-18-2010, 12:15 AM
So I'm doing homework on the computer and I decide to check what's up with the blazers. I try to go to blazersedge.com, but the connection isn't working. "Hmm, that's weird. So then I decide to come to ISH and the same thing happens. The funny thing is that all the other links worked.

So I google "blazersedge" and there are about 100 results on google(very recent) that say "GREG ODEN OUT FOR YEAR". For a second I thought it was a joke and I than realize that this is for real and my heart sunk and low as a heart can sink. UGH, such a sad moment in blazer history.

My heart sank? I'm just a FAN of Greg Oden. Imagine if I'm feeling sad, how bad does he feel?

I still can't come to grips that this has happened.

Again, my Prayer are going out to Greg. Stay strong, bro.

11-18-2010, 12:16 AM
Your basketball knowledge has been proven wrong. And you quickly disappear without a peep. Dont poke your chest out because you predicted without any solid basis that Oden wouldnt live up to expectations. All you did was notice an American basketball player being hyped up. Your knowledge of him was limited you only went by what sites like nbadraft.net said. So you're the typical ok weveryone is HYPING him up? Well for f*ck sake I'll go opposite of what some are saying. That is all you did. Fact.

Now pick a finger and go f*ck yourself blondie.


11-18-2010, 12:17 AM
also, portland needs to scrap their strength and conditioning program and get a new medical staff. burn it down, start over.

11-18-2010, 12:18 AM
I don't feel bad for Portland, considering Oden was an injury risk before they even picked him. People were calling him injury prone, because he was just one of those players who found ways to get hurt. They made a mistake, and people were even calling that out on day 1.

11-18-2010, 12:19 AM
Your basketball knowledge has been proven wrong. And you quickly disappear without a peep. Dont poke your chest out because you predicted without any solid basis that Oden wouldnt live up to expectations. All you did was notice an American basketball player being hyped up. Your knowledge of him was limited you only went by what sites like nbadraft.net said. So you're the typical ok weveryone is HYPING him up? Well for f*ck sake I'll go opposite of what some are saying. That is all you did. Fact.

Now pick a finger and go f*ck yourself blondie.

Total, complete, and utter destruction. Repped

11-18-2010, 12:20 AM
What a damn shame. This is horrible for the NBA. I believe he could have become a great defensive presence in NBA. Obviously it was really hard to tell bc we have such a small sample size to base this on. But when he was in last year, he looked good. He was rebounding well and was getting better at footwork. It's sad we will never see what could have been. Sucks for him and the franchise

11-18-2010, 12:20 AM
I don't feel bad for Portland, considering Oden was an injury risk before they even picked him. People were calling him injury prone, because he was just one of those players who found ways to get hurt. They made a mistake, and people were even calling that out on day 1.
Funny, the season following the draft a poll showed every single GM said they would have taken Oden #1.

Anyway, this isn't about Portland. This is about the individual.

11-18-2010, 12:26 AM
man that's a terrible thing, why the f**k are people saying things like "i told you so" would YOU like to be injured all the time??

imagine how oden feels, must be tough to go through so many surgerys at such a young age

all the people that says things like "i told you so" should go get some microfracture surgery done on themselves and see how that feels

11-18-2010, 12:26 AM
I don't feel bad for Portland, considering Oden was an injury risk before they even picked him. People were calling him injury prone, because he was just one of those players who found ways to get hurt. They made a mistake, and people were even calling that out on day 1.
I don't think it was a mistake. Almost every gm would have taken him. They knew he was injured in college, but no one could have predicted him to be this injure prone. And quite frankly, no one knew Durant would be this good. It's always easy to look back and say what if, but based on Portland's team makeup, you can't fault them for going with Oden.

11-18-2010, 12:30 AM
it's a microfracture injury of the knee
RARELY will a player ever FULLY RECOVER from an injury like that
Stoudemire is the only player i know who was able to come back pretty strong after microfracture knee surgery

the moment his knee got busted, you know he was on borrowed time
idk why Portland didn't hire Stoudemire's trainer
in fact, they should be re-evaluating all their trainers seeing as how their team is injury prone
proper muscle strengthening and right balance of rest and workout are key to avoiding straining your players too much

11-18-2010, 12:35 AM

11-18-2010, 12:36 AM
it's a microfracture injury of the knee
RARELY will a player ever FULLY RECOVER from an injury like that
Stoudemire is the only player i know who was able to come back pretty strong after microfracture knee surgery

the moment his knee got busted, you know he was on borrowed time
idk why Portland didn't hire Stoudemire's trainer
in fact, they should be re-evaluating all their trainers seeing as how their team is injury prone
proper muscle strengthening and right balance of rest and workout are key to avoiding straining your players too much

they should hire/poach/abduct/kidnap/steal phoenix's trainers, they are freaking miracle workers with how they breathed life into nash, shaq, amare

11-18-2010, 12:36 AM
I don't think it was a mistake. Almost every gm would have taken him. They knew he was injured in college, but no one could have predicted him to be this injure prone. And quite frankly, no one knew Durant would be this good. It's always easy to look back and say what if, but based on Portland's team makeup, you can't fault them for going with Oden.
I can fault them, because this isn't a hindsight issue. This was said by some members, including myself, from the start. I don't care if all GM's would have made the same mistake. It doesn't change the fact that they picked a player with injury problems, and he ended up still having injury problems. No surprise. Nobody should feel sorry for the blazers. They took a very high risk, and lost.

11-18-2010, 12:40 AM
Oden's injuries during his Ohio State days should have been great hints for Blazers GM not to pick him first. But yeah, you never know the future.

Now the only thing he will be remembered is his dick. :oldlol:

11-18-2010, 12:42 AM
it's kind of hard to fault portland. oden had no knee issues coming out of college. he had a wrist injury and still made the AP all-american team. he and durant were the only freshmen since 1990 to do so. plus, portland needed a big at the time.

11-18-2010, 12:50 AM
Oden's injuries during his Ohio State days should have been great hints for Blazers GM not to pick him first. But yeah, you never know the future.

Now the only thing he will be remembered is his dick. :oldlol:


Avon Barksdale
11-18-2010, 12:51 AM
I can fault them, because this isn't a hindsight issue. This was said by some members, including myself, from the start. I don't care if all GM's would have made the same mistake. It doesn't change the fact that they picked a player with injury problems, and he ended up still having injury problems. No surprise. Nobody should feel sorry for the blazers. They took a very high risk, and lost.

The only injury he had before the NBA was a freaking wrist injury in high school that he played through.

The guy never had any problems with his knees before the NBA. The Nostradamuses of ISH are coming out of the woodwork tonight. :facepalm

11-18-2010, 12:51 AM
Oden's injuries during his Ohio State days should have been great hints for Blazers GM not to pick him first. But yeah, you never know the future.

Now the only thing he will be remembered is his dick. :oldlol:

11-18-2010, 12:52 AM
I can fault them, because this isn't a hindsight issue. This was said by some members, including myself, from the start. I don't care if all GM's would have made the same mistake. It doesn't change the fact that they picked a player with injury problems, and he ended up still having injury problems. No surprise. Nobody should feel sorry for the blazers. They took a very high risk, and lost.
You are right, no one should feel sorry for them. It was their pick to make and theirs alone. I still believe it was the right pick though. The blazers had a great nucleus and he was the final piece to the puzzle. They needed a big man

11-18-2010, 12:52 AM
I'm done.

11-18-2010, 12:53 AM
Sam Bowie had a better career. Seriously...

11-18-2010, 12:55 AM

11-18-2010, 12:55 AM
I can fault them, because this isn't a hindsight issue. This was said by some members, including myself, from the start. I don't care if all GM's would have made the same mistake. It doesn't change the fact that they picked a player with injury problems, and he ended up still having injury problems. No surprise. Nobody should feel sorry for the blazers. They took a very high risk, and lost.

come on, this is BS. Most had him number one. If not he was number 2.
He was top 2 for everyone. So you would fault OKC/Seattle if they took him 2? No I didnt think so.

What injury did he have prior to the draft? A broken wrist.
Posters just starting playing the Devils advocate after first injury, Sam Bowie blah blah.

Just a a BS post, every person alive takes him top 3. Any team woudl have lost out. Foreseeing these multiple injuries prior to draft is just guesswork.

You know doctors examine the players right? You now better than the doc's examining the players? No so shut your pie hole.

Everyone should feel bad for the blazers and for Oden.

11-18-2010, 12:55 AM
As long as he's mentally equip to handle the rigors of the NBA.

He should be physically capable to compete once again.

I mean, is there anything else that he can break? I imagine a year from now, he'll be a fully rebuilt man, he should be good to go.

Avon Barksdale
11-18-2010, 12:56 AM
it's a microfracture injury of the knee
RARELY will a player ever FULLY RECOVER from an injury like that
Stoudemire is the only player i know who was able to come back pretty strong after microfracture knee surgery

Jason Kidd and Kenyon Martin came back pretty well.

11-18-2010, 12:58 AM
This is just honestly depressing. I know it's easy to make jokes and poke fun, especially after so many Blazers fans (not unlike the Baby Bulls) talked up their forthcoming dynasty, but Oden's a quality human being that's had his career completely derailed. Just sad stuff.

11-18-2010, 12:58 AM
The sad part is, this time the injury is also unrelated to the previous one as per the article. That's like what three different serious injuries now? His career is basically over.

11-18-2010, 01:13 AM
microfacture on BOTH knee at age 22

11-18-2010, 01:16 AM
Jason Kidd and Kenyon Martin came back pretty well.

Kidd clearly slowed down after his surgery. His skills and IQ have kept him a factor in this league. And really, Kenyon Martin? The guy who has missed 157 games since having the microfracture surgery? The guy who hasnt played at all this season?

Better guy to use would be Amare, but % says that you will not come back the same

11-18-2010, 01:17 AM
The sad part is, this time the injury is also unrelated to the previous one as per the article. That's like what three different serious injuries now? His career is basically over.

That makes it even worse. Its not a recurring injury. It really shows he is truly injury prone. The guy is like glass

Avon Barksdale
11-18-2010, 01:22 AM
Kidd clearly slowed down after his surgery. His skills and IQ have kept him a factor in this league. And really, Kenyon Martin? The guy who has missed 157 games since having the microfracture surgery? The guy who hasnt played at all this season?

Better guy to use would be Amare, but % says that you will not come back the same

I just mean that Kenyon regained most of his athleticism after the surgery. Recovering, and recovering and staying healthy aren't the same thing.

11-18-2010, 01:35 AM
That's why Portland didn't pay his ass...SmH

11-18-2010, 01:36 AM
I just mean that Kenyon regained most of his athleticism after the surgery. Recovering, and recovering and staying healthy aren't the same thing.

I am going to have to disagree. Kenyon was a very athletic player prior to his injury. He lost a lot of his leap and some of his quickness. He retained his lateral movement on defense, but he clearly was not Net Kenyon after that surgery.

Da KO King
11-18-2010, 01:41 AM
Over-rated player/prospect when to a team that had a totally tactless "We're guaranteed to be great because we can pick Oden or Durant; you wish you were us" campaign.

I hardly feel bad for anyone involved.

11-18-2010, 01:44 AM
Over-rated player/prospect when to a team that had a totally tactless "We're guaranteed to be great because we can pick Oden or Durant; you wish you were us" campaign.

I hardly feel bad for anyone involved.

You've always been a f*cking idiot condescending troll of this board. You talk like you know it all, and you don't know sh*t. You said Derrick Rose would be a bust. Seriously? Derrick Rose is a superstar point guard. You're one hell of a scout.

11-18-2010, 01:44 AM
I was never on the Oden hype train anyways...Blake Griffin is probably headed down a path similar to K-Mart soon too...

11-18-2010, 01:45 AM
Over-rated player/prospect when to a team that had a totally tactless "We're guaranteed to be great because we can pick Oden or Durant; you wish you were us" campaign.

I hardly feel bad for anyone involved.This is just supremely callous.

11-18-2010, 01:47 AM
Going back to the draft, if I got a guarantee Oden would be healthy for his career, I'd still have taken him over Durant. Blazers had no way of knowing. Only major injury he had was a freak wrist injury I think, nothing in his legs.

11-18-2010, 01:50 AM
I still remember threads where people said they wouldn't trade Oden for D12...

11-18-2010, 01:53 AM
Going back to the draft, if I got a guarantee Oden would be healthy for his career, I'd still have taken him over Durant. Blazers had no way of knowing. Only major injury he had was a freak wrist injury I think, nothing in his legs.

Yeah people need to shut the **** up with this "Oh, Portland should have picked Durant!" talk. They are both great players but Oden was hyped and picked #1 for a reason. No one could have seen this coming.

Anyway, I feel for you Blazer fans. First Roy, now this. I can only hope that Odens body will respond well and he can have a decent career. Off topic but this is a situation where I think steroids could be used in a highly supervised setting and it would benefit everyone; The player, team, organization, fans, etc....

11-18-2010, 01:53 AM
If Oden is still playing two years from now, I'd be shocked. I really want to see him healthy because he is definitely effective when healthy. I just don't see him staying healthy enough to play. His career very well may be over.

11-18-2010, 01:57 AM
Can we permanently sticky this? It's really only news if the guy is healthy.

11-18-2010, 02:01 AM
going to be interesting what happens come contract time. he wont be getting much from anyone. i think the heat will try and nab him.

11-18-2010, 02:02 AM
going to be interesting what happens come contract time. he wont be getting much from anyone. i think the heat will try and nab him.

lol who would sign this guy? Not even Portland wants to commit...

but seriously...wtf is up with this dude...

Da KO King
11-18-2010, 02:04 AM
You've always been a f*cking idiot condescending troll of this board. You talk like you know it all, and you don't know sh*t. You said Derrick Rose would be a bust. Seriously? Derrick Rose is a superstar point guard. You're one hell of a scout.
Find me the "Derrick Rose will be a bust" quote. Find them, post them, and include the post permalink.

Sorry but I'm not going to pretend this was unexpected or unfair and happened to an emerging basketball phenom. Greg Oden was an over-rated prospect, was clearly injury prone, and the Blazers ran a predraft campaign gloating over having the first overall pick.

I can't say I feel "bad" for either party when I consider they have made millions off each other. If that makes me an evil jerk so be it.

Still, I am glad that Oden is getting his surgeries done by top of the line experts so that he'll be able to walk correctly and enjoy his off the court life.

11-18-2010, 02:06 AM
Well I hope Oden invested his 4 year contract money wisely because it might end up supporting him for the rest of his life :(

I feel bad for this guy, assuming he really wants to play then i'm sure he's going through extremely mentally tough times along side with the physical pain. I think he needs to recover and train hardcore before returning, even after appearing healthy, when he returns he should play like 5 min a game lol

11-18-2010, 02:07 AM
It is true that remaining healthy has been a problem for Oden. He's been a walking sheet of glass since high school. We all know what he's capable of when he's healthy. But that's how often, 10-20 games a year?

11-18-2010, 02:07 AM
Find me the "Derrick Rose will be a bust" quote. Find them, post them, and include the post permalink.

Sorry but I'm not going to pretend this was unexpected or unfair and happened to an emerging basketball phenom. Greg Oden was an over-rated prospect, was clearly injury prone, and the Blazers ran a predraft campaign gloating over having the first overall pick.

I can't say I feel "bad" for either party when I consider they have made millions off each other. If that makes me an evil jerk so be it.

Still, I am glad that Oden is getting his surgeries done by top of the line experts so that he'll be able to walk correctly and enjoy his off the court life.How was he injury prone? Please provide proof. A wrist injury ain't sh1t.

11-18-2010, 02:08 AM
Any Blazer fans wishing they took Durant at #1 yet? Or do you still feel the Blazers made the correct pick.

11-18-2010, 02:11 AM
Any Blazer fans wishing they took Durant at #1 yet? Or do you still feel the Blazers made the correct pick.

11-18-2010, 02:14 AM
How was he injury prone? Please provide proof. A wrist injury ain't sh1t.

* In sixth grade, Oden underwent surgery to repair his hip . Following the surgery, one leg was then longer than the other, resulting in his unusual gait which is often misstaken for a limp.

* His senior year of high school, Oden underwent surgery to repair a torn ligament in his wrist , an injury that kept him out until December for his freshman year of college, after which he helped push his team to the NCAA Championship Game, only to fall short.

* During his stint with Ohio State Oden's wrist injury lingered with him throughout the season.

* On September 13th, 2007, during preseason before his rookie season, he underwent microfracture surgery to repair his right knee. He would miss the entire 2007-2008 season.

* Oden managed to return from his first microfracture surgery only to have Andrew Bynum land on his foot on October 28th, 2008, injuring it . He would miss only two weeks, though.

* Then on February 13th, 2009, he bumped knees with Corey Maggette and chipped his left patella . It was the first injury sustained to his left knee and he missed three weeks due to it.

* He recovered from that and 2009-2010 was set to be his year. He was looking very much like finally the player he was supposed to be. Then on December 5th, 2009, he landed without contact on his left leg, and badly fractured his left patella . His recovery was projected to take him right up until training camp of 2010.

* After missing training camp, preseason, and the start of the regular season , and after saying he wouldn't return until he was 100% healthy but that he could still be an impact player and that he was not a bust, it was announced on November 17th, 2010 that Oden would undergo microfracture surgery on his left knee and would miss the entire 2010-2011 season.

11-18-2010, 02:17 AM
I don't know, maybe it's just me. When the draft came up, I felt the Blazers should have drafted Durant before any injury talk ever came up. I just felt he was going to turn into a bigger player and make a bigger difference than Oden ever would. Oden's attributes is obviously what the Blazers needed, but Durant's ceiling was so much far higher I felt it was a bad decision for them to draft Oden.

That's proved to be right, even though it's bad luck, or bad body type, or whatever the hell is with Oden's Sam Bowie-ness.

11-18-2010, 02:23 AM
This is definitely the end of his career. Just last week reports came out saying oden was lazy and unmotivated when it came to conditioning and commitment to the game. blazers trainers said "when we give him 5 things to do, he'll do 3 of them." He came in to my work recently scoping out skanky ******* and appeared to be drunk. I don't feel very bad for the guy, but I think everyone has to feel for the bad luck the blazers have had in recent years.

Da KO King
11-18-2010, 02:26 AM
Going back to the draft, if I got a guarantee Oden would be healthy for his career, I'd still have taken him over Durant. Blazers had no way of knowing. Only major injury he had was a freak wrist injury I think, nothing in his legs.
Not true. It was there to see if you were impartial enough not to only see Oden as some "American big-man" savior.

In HS, Oden had leg muscle issues, back troubles, and the wrist injury on his way to Ohio State. Despite the bumps and bruises, combining HS and AAU action, Oden played over 100 games a year from his his first year in HS up to his freshman year at Ohio State.

At OSU it was learned that one of his legs is longer than the other, which was conformed during predraft evaluations. Ask ANY orthopedic doctor and they will tell you that people with leg imbalances ALWAYS have pain and injuries to their joints. Look at ANY former NBA 7-footer and they ALL have knee issues from the stress they put on their knees at that size.

Lots of wear and tear on the body... predisposed to joint issues... predisposed to knee trouble, yet now it is unexpected that he'll have LOTS of injury issues?!?

Oh but some people in the league apparently knew the deal...

According to a team executive who has seen medical evaluations of a physical undergone by Oden three weeks ago at the NBA predraft camp in Orlando, the 7-foot center has a couple of worrisome issues. His right wrist has not regained full flexion after being broken last year, and he has a bulging disk in his back.

The team executive noted that "big guys always seem to have bad backs.'' But he did express concern about Oden's wrist. "The people I talked to said it was pretty serious,'' the executive said. "Sometimes the wrist never comes back.''

I've also heard an unrelated rumor -- which did not show up in the Orlando physical -- that another team is expressing concern about the long-term health of Oden's knees. (http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2007/writers/ian_thomsen/06/18/draft.injuries/)

The signs that Oden would be oft-injured were there. People simply ignored them.

11-18-2010, 02:39 AM
reaLLy?? oh my god!! :facepalm :facepalm :eek: :eek: :cry: :cry:

Timmy D for MVP
11-18-2010, 02:44 AM
This is so sad. I think his talent is just out of this world, and on that team... but man...

11-18-2010, 02:51 AM
Oden reminds me of the movie Unbreakable
where Samuel Jackson played the role of a man with osteogenesis imperfecta
he was called Mr. Glass

11-18-2010, 02:58 AM
This is definitely the end of his career. Just last week reports came out saying oden was lazy and unmotivated when it came to conditioning and commitment to the game. blazers trainers said "when we give him 5 things to do, he'll do 3 of them." He came in to my work recently scoping out skanky ******* and appeared to be drunk. I don't feel very bad for the guy, but I think everyone has to feel for the bad luck the blazers have had in recent years.

I agree...dude doesn't look like he works hard at all. Just living off of his fake potential.

11-18-2010, 03:04 AM
What's interesting is that there appear to be no repeat injuries with Oden. It's a new thing every time. Maybe he just has to break everything on his body once before he's ready to go.

11-18-2010, 04:13 AM

11-18-2010, 05:45 AM

11-18-2010, 06:02 AM

11-18-2010, 06:35 AM
He's the biggest bust in US sports history.

11-18-2010, 06:37 AM
No it's not because Jordan is better than Durant. The Blazers had no way of knowing he would be injured this much.

At age 19 he looked like a 70 year old man. Anyone with any common sense knew there was something seriously wrong with Oden physically just by looking at him.

11-18-2010, 06:39 AM
Funny, the season following the draft a poll showed every single GM said they would have taken Oden #1.

Anyway, this isn't about Portland. This is about the individual.

There is not a single NBA GM with even an average IQ. Have you ever listened to any of them talk? They all repeat the same catch phrases over and over. Not one of them can even form their own thoughts.

11-18-2010, 06:48 AM
There is not a single NBA GM with even an average IQ. Have you ever listened to any of them talk? They all repeat the same catch phrases over and over. Not one of them can even form their own thoughts.
Most of them were basketball players, what would you expect.

11-18-2010, 06:53 AM
Dunno bout you guys, but it breaks my heart to read about things like this. Not only has Greg's career been derailed, but we also potentially lost a chance to see a great center. These are the things I'd never wish on anyone.

11-18-2010, 07:20 AM
Will the blazers just let him walk?

11-18-2010, 07:29 AM
He's not a bust like many of you are saying. He can't control his injuries. When he was on the court, he was great.

A guy like Darko who had no health problem can be called a bust because with so many games, he didn't live the expectation. BUT...

... It's not the player who decides to be a #1 or #2 draft pick, it' the scouts and the GM. So for me, it's more the team's organisation who should be called a bust

11-18-2010, 07:47 AM
did this happened in practice?
probably happened again as he tried to get off of his couch.

this kid just can't catch a break. well...i guess he actually does too much.

now that i think of it, i've heard that oden might still have screws in his knee from surgery as a kid. an orthopedic doc told me he put them in greg's knee but he never heard of him getting them out.

11-18-2010, 07:59 AM
No it's not because Jordan is better than Durant. The Blazers had no way of knowing he would be injured this much.
Yeh they did, they could have checked out his injury history in highschool and college, and they could have noticed that his legs are two different lengths, and if they were smart they would have realized that's the same problem Sam Bowie had and that when you play basketball and repeatedly go up and down with one knee repeatedly taking more stress than the other it will lead to injury.

They also failed to look at Brandon Roy's extensive injury history when they drafted him

11-18-2010, 08:00 AM
Yeh they did, they could have checked out his injury history in highschool and college, and they could have noticed that his legs are two different lengths, and if they were smart they would have realized that's the same problem Sam Bowie had and that when you play basketball and repeatedly go up and down with one knee repeatedly taking more stress than the other it will lead to injury.

They also failed to look at Brandon Roy's extensive injury history when they drafted him
portland's scouts and/or medical personnel should be hanged.

11-18-2010, 08:36 AM
man this guy makes me feel tough, i have played rugby for 12 years, do not even weight 150 pounds and have never ever had an injury that has prevented me from playing the week after

never had a broken bone in my life either, maybe this guy has like premature osteoporosis or some sh1t

11-18-2010, 08:41 AM
man this guy makes me feel tough, i have played rugby for 12 years, do not even weight 150 pounds and have never ever had an injury that has prevented me from playing the week after

never had a broken bone in my life either, maybe this guy has like premature osteoporosis or some sh1tDo you have any idea how much pressure just moving around puts on the joints of a guy that size? If your bones were hit with the amount of force that his are, every time he plays, they would break as well.

11-18-2010, 08:48 AM
Do you have any idea how much pressure just moving around puts on the joints of a guy that size? If your bones were hit with the amount of force that his are, every time he plays, they would break as well.

Yeah but that doesn't change the fact he is still getting his bones broken FROM OTHER PLAYERS, that has nothing to do with his size at all because every player takes bumps from players of all different sizes. If his injuries were just a result of his size then you would have a point, but its not, he is getting torn up in contact as well. If steve nash could survive in the NBA i am sure i could as well, not saying i am anywhere near as skilled but i am one tough SOB.

11-18-2010, 08:53 AM
Yeh they did, they could have checked out his injury history in highschool and college, and they could have noticed that his legs are two different lengths, and if they were smart they would have realized that's the same problem Sam Bowie had and that when you play basketball and repeatedly go up and down with one knee repeatedly taking more stress than the other it will lead to injury.

They also failed to look at Brandon Roy's extensive injury history when they drafted him
If anything his miss aligned hip caused a muscle imbalance. Nothing to do with more/less stress on his knee, especially when you consider that he needed surgery on both of them.

People can talk all they want about his injury history now, the fact is nobody really brought it up when he was getting drafted. There was some concern about his wrist but I don't think anyone could have expected this outcome.

I feel bad for the guy, the time spent on crutches and in the hospital has to take a toll on his confidence. It's not really anything he could do but from the blazers standpoint he's a bust. A few people mentioned that he was great when he got to play but that's not really true, he looked lost and somewhat clumsy. It's a shame because I had high hopes for him after the season he had at Ohio state.

I hope the blazers let him walk and he signs for cheap with a contender that will let him take all the time he needs to recover and ease into the rotation. The blazers did everything right but I think the pressure to live up to that # 1 pick might be too much for him. He's a great kid and I bet hes really hard on himself right now. Celtics would be perfect, they could give him a 2-3 year contract and play him 10-15 mins a game when he's fully recovered till he's ready for more

Ron Artest
11-18-2010, 09:55 AM
He was my fantasy team's secret weapon. Oh well.

I really feel sorry for the guy, I'm hoping that the Celtics can somehow land him for peanuts. I really think he still has a bright career ahead of him. He's still young, and his game isn't that reliant on athleticism.

If there's one guy I want to really succeed, It's Oden. He has had terrible luck, and I just hope he's not becoming too depressed.

11-18-2010, 10:03 AM
worst lluck this guy has

11-18-2010, 10:13 AM
We always talk about how different the world would be if Portland had drafted Durant, but never mention how that'd leave Thunder with Oden. Where would they be with this guy right now?

11-18-2010, 10:17 AM
We always talk about how different the world would be if Portland had drafted Durant, but never mention how that'd leave Thunder with Oden. Where would they be with this guy right now?

Oden would be the best center in the league right now if the Thunder drafted him. It's the Blazer injury curse that has ruined his career.

Avon Barksdale
11-18-2010, 01:50 PM
Lots of revisionist history going on here... :lol

11-18-2010, 02:29 PM
This is definitely the end of his career. Just last week reports came out saying oden was lazy and unmotivated when it came to conditioning and commitment to the game. blazers trainers said "when we give him 5 things to do, he'll do 3 of them." He came in to my work recently scoping out skanky ******* and appeared to be drunk. I don't feel very bad for the guy, but I think everyone has to feel for the bad luck the blazers have had in recent years.

So since the Trailblazers(in hindsight) have made a huge mistake in drafting him they now try to slander this guy by questiong his work ethic. Pathetic.

Maybe the guys knee was bothering him & he found it difficult to rehab recently.:confusedshrug:

11-18-2010, 03:45 PM
He is 22 there are like 10 years of hope

11-18-2010, 03:51 PM
You've always been a f*cking idiot condescending troll of this board. You talk like you know it all, and you don't know sh*t. You said Derrick Rose would be a bust. Seriously? Derrick Rose is a superstar point guard. You're one hell of a scout.

To quote yourself on ISH "U mad?" because it surely seems like it.

11-18-2010, 03:54 PM
* In sixth grade, Oden underwent surgery to repair his hip . Following the surgery, one leg was then longer than the other, resulting in his unusual gait which is often misstaken for a limp.

* His senior year of high school, Oden underwent surgery to repair a torn ligament in his wrist , an injury that kept him out until December for his freshman year of college, after which he helped push his team to the NCAA Championship Game, only to fall short.

* During his stint with Ohio State Oden's wrist injury lingered with him throughout the season..

That proves he was injury prone???

Avon Barksdale
11-18-2010, 04:13 PM
That proves he was injury prone???

Right...it's simply revisionist history by people trying to be know-it-alls.

Even more perplexing is that he lists a bunch of incidents which occurred after he was drafted which are supposed to show that the Trailblazers should have known he would be injury pronebefore they drafted him. :wtf:

Da KO King
11-18-2010, 08:29 PM
That proves he was injury prone???
THAT doesn't prove he's injury prone but the predraft medicals did show he'd be susceptible to injury.

Simply put, there were numerous "buyer beware" signs on Greg Oden and the Blazers made the purchase anyway.

11-18-2010, 09:12 PM
Oden would be the best center in the league right now if the Thunder drafted him. It's the Blazer injury curse that has ruined his career.

Oh my God, he's right. This is actually probably true.

</Dr. Zoidberg>

T-bomb 25
11-18-2010, 09:25 PM
Jason Kidd and Kenyon Martin came back pretty well.Penny didnt and it stopped him from being a top 10 ATG,Donny Boyce and LeBradford Smiths careers's never got off the ground,google both of these guys,especially Boyce he was a more athletic version of Brandon Roy with lockdown "D".

11-19-2010, 04:19 PM
As a person who has battled depression for years, I'm really concerned for this young man and hope he's being surrounded w positive people!!!