View Full Version : Andre Miller suspended one game for pushing Blake Griffen

12-06-2010, 09:20 PM
So they are only getting the guy who retaliated in this one. I like the end of the video how it says, "Blake Griffen never pushed Andre Miller again :)".


I guess this is suppose to end Andre Miller's 632 consecutive games played streak. Doesn't really mean anything to me, it's still a streak unless you're injured.

12-06-2010, 09:25 PM
I know it's a Blake Griffin lovefest on this forum, but from what I've seen, he's a great player obviously, but he seems to be arrogant out on the court, he seems to taunt people as well at times, and plays dirty. Just my stupid opinion.

12-06-2010, 09:27 PM
Get out da wayyyy!! :oldlol:

12-06-2010, 09:29 PM
I know it's a Blake Griffin lovefest on this forum, but from what I've seen, he's a great player obviously, but he seems to be arrogant out on the court, he seems to taunt people as well at times, and plays dirty. Just my stupid opinion.
Agreed entirely.

12-06-2010, 09:30 PM
God damn Miller trying out for the NFL or something?

12-06-2010, 09:30 PM
No one should get suspended from a push.


12-06-2010, 09:32 PM
God damn Miller trying out for the NFL or something?
:lol :lol this

m y t i n
12-06-2010, 09:37 PM
I know it's a Blake Griffin lovefest on this forum, but from what I've seen, he's a great player obviously, but he seems to be arrogant out on the court, he seems to taunt people as well at times, and plays dirty. Just my stupid opinion.

It would be funny if he becomes the next KG

Al Thornton
12-06-2010, 09:38 PM
that video was terrible. griffin didn't push miller at all, its called boxing out. the much bigger story is brain cook getting a 2 game suspension for a push on pryzbilla that was just a hard foul maybe a flagrant 1 at most. devin harris gets no suspension for tearing griffin to the ground as he goes for a dunk and cookie gets 2 for that? you know the shit is, ****in redicliss.


12-06-2010, 09:40 PM
welcome to the nba *****

12-06-2010, 09:45 PM
So they are only getting the guy who retaliated in this one.

You seriously gonna be dumb enough to compare Blake's pushes to Andre's tackle? People push like that all the time. Przybilla did much worse during the game than blake.

And Cook getting a 2-game suspension? Wow. I wish he had done more damage with the push..

12-06-2010, 09:51 PM
that video was terrible. griffin didn't push miller at all, its called boxing out.
it looks to me like he was pushing miller in the back toward the basket even after the shots had been made. doesnt look like boxing out to me.

12-06-2010, 09:56 PM
You seriously gonna be dumb enough to compare Blake's pushes to Andre's tackle? People push like that all the time. Przybilla did much worse during the game than blake.

And Cook getting a 2-game suspension? Wow. I wish he had done more damage with the push..

Great, down play what a guy on your team did. Down play what Cook did, and then say what Pryzbilla did was a terrible.

What a homer.

I already said what Cook did wasn't even a flagrant. That the only reason it was called was because he made no play on the ball and Joel was back from two knee surgeries.

Point is, Blake Griffen got cocky, Andre Miller owned him. Miller said:


12-06-2010, 09:59 PM
thats not boxing out, and its actually a foul.... what andre did is cool with me. dont forget blake griffin is a rookie, andre miller is a veteran, your supposed to show some respect, and not act like a knucklehead just because your blowing up for a shitty ass team.

12-06-2010, 10:14 PM
Great, down play what a guy on your team did. Down play what Cook did, and then say what Pryzbilla did was a terrible.

What a homer.

I already said what Cook did wasn't even a flagrant. That the only reason it was called was because he made no play on the ball and Joel was back from two knee surgeries.

Point is, Blake Griffen got cocky, Andre Miller owned him. Miller said:


What a homer? You're the definition of one, you nit-wit..

Pryzybilla's AND Fernandez's fouls were both aimed at the neck/face. And those aren't a flagrant?

I'm sorry, but a referee isn't going to review a person's injury history when determining if it's a flagrant. No one cares if Pryzybilla's back to his job being a dirtyass bench center.

Brian Cook pushed him to prevent a dunk, it wasn't even a grotesque push, and it was at his waist/chest... How does that compare to the crap your team did?

Blake Griffin was boxing out. Knowing Andre Miller and his stupid crap (like that stupid hook he had on Deandre? Where he held Deandre's arm down and got an offensive foul for Jordan? Where's that in your argument while talking up Andre Miller like he's some kind of saint?), he probably flopped on the Griffin pushes.

But to run down the court ALL THE WAY, with a running start, and TACKLE a guy (especially when he's not looking.. What a p**sy move), and then act like nothing happened... That's idiotic. Listen to his post game interview.. What a douche!!

"I actually wanted to get him harder,'' Miller said afterward. "But he knew it was coming, because he got me good - actually a couple of times.''

Amazingly, the play went unnoticed by the officiating crew, which even caught Miller by surprise.

"I just remember getting hit pretty hard under the basket, so an opportunity was there. If I got a flagrant foul, cool. But I'm surprised they didn't even see it. But if there's an opportunity there, you have to send a message.''

You have to send a message? REALLY? :facepalm Dude, this is the NBA. Something kids watch. You're seriously going to do something like that in a league where people get technicals for CLAPPING AT THE REF? Okay, Andre Miller, cool. Just know that next time you try that (against a guy who will retaliate, unlike Blake Griffin), or if you try that in real life, you'll get DECKED you pansy. You're lucky Blake Griffin doesn't have any intentions to fight (unlike your dirtyass team including the guy who got CHEERED ON by your retarded fans because he tried doing a chokeslam on Blake Griffin).

And I'll end the post with this:

http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs1190.snc4/154263_10150355156755451_758960450_16390932_437713 4_n.jpg

Al Thornton
12-06-2010, 10:15 PM
Great, down play what a guy on your team did. Down play what Cook did, and then say what Pryzbilla did was a terrible.

What a homer.

I already said what Cook did wasn't even a flagrant. That the only reason it was called was because he made no play on the ball and Joel was back from two knee surgeries.

Point is, Blake Griffen got cocky, Andre Miller owned him. Miller said:


blake didn't do anything. theres nothing to downplay. andre miller made a violent attack because hes upset hes playing on such a shitty team going the wrong direction giving up 22 point leads to the clippers. griffin was shitting on him, he got upset so he attacked like a psychotic ****. tell me how griffIn got cocky? your mad because your team is ****ed i get it, no need to take it out on blake griffIn.

12-06-2010, 10:19 PM
thats not boxing out, and its actually a foul.... what andre did is cool with me. dont forget blake griffin is a rookie, andre miller is a veteran, your supposed to show some respect, and not act like a knucklehead just because your blowing up for a shitty ass team.

I don't care how much "disrespect" someone shows.. Veterans have no right to running tackle a player intentionally. No right AT ALL.

And Griffin, especially after tonight, should not show an OUNCE of respect for that idiot. I don't care how much of a "vet" he is.

There's a difference between physicality while trying to box out (Andre Miller is a fly on Griffin's windshield), and blindsiding someone with a full court tackle when the guy has his back turned. If he did it without a full court runway and while Griffin was expecting it, then you have at least SOME kind of crap to talk about how Miller knocked him down in a fight. Even that is a classless and idiotic argument.

I swear.. Typical idiot fans. Andre Miller "owned" Blake Griffin? Really? Giving him a blindsided tackle is owning him? I hope he does that more often because I guarantee you, he will get ejected, suspended, and fined EVERY TIME for it.

Bottom line is Griffin got nothing, Miller got a suspension.. For something NOT EVEN CALLED IN THE GAME. Who got owned now RoseCity?

12-06-2010, 10:33 PM
Griffin is an arrogant mo fo but Miller lost his brain for a second there.
Good vet play if he didnt push him so hard, should have just nudged him over a bit, not flat out decked him.

12-06-2010, 10:35 PM
lol that was fukin sick, that is what i like to see, passion, blake griffin is a big boy he can handle, STFU all u soft kunts saying it was a classless act i would of wanted revenge too if i kept getting pushed out of rebounds illegaly

12-06-2010, 10:36 PM
last night's clips/blazers game was very entertaining. it reminded me of a 90s playoff game. rare to see anything like that in the NBA on a daily basis

12-06-2010, 10:39 PM
blake didn't do anything. theres nothing to downplay. andre miller made a violent attack because hes upset hes playing on such a shitty team going the wrong direction giving up 22 point leads to the clippers. griffin was shitting on him, he got upset so he attacked like a psychotic ****. tell me how griffIn got cocky? your mad because your team is ****ed i get it, no need to take it out on blake griffIn.

No matter what you have to say about Portland, we're still better than the Clippers on their best day and our worst day. There are more Blazer fans at the games when we play against the Clippers. Which is really sad.

Stop trying to act like Griffin is innocent in the thing too, when the video shows him give Miller shots in the back.

You guys have a cheap owner that will never pay the money for that team to be
successful. So in reality, u mad. I'd be too. Clippers..lol.

Al Thornton
12-06-2010, 10:46 PM
No matter what you have to say about Portland, we're still better than the Clippers on their best day and our worst day. There are more Blazer fans at the games when we play against the Clippers. Which is really sad.

Stop trying to act like Griffin is innocent in the thing too, when the video shows him give Miller shots in the back.

You guys have a cheap owner that will never pay the money for that team to be
successful. So in reality, u mad. I'd be too. Clippers..lol.

im just being a dick dont stress it. but griffin really did nothing compared to that shove by griffin the video tried way too hard.

oh the horror
12-06-2010, 10:56 PM
From what I saw, Blake was fine. You wanna come bang downlow with the bigs in the paint, prepared to get boxed out, and moved around.

Andre Miller flat out targeted Blake, and pushed him down from a running start. Blake didnt complain either. Didnt say a word.

Andre being emotional as ever.

12-06-2010, 11:07 PM
@Blake :applause:

Sign of a very good rebounder. Look how he did it on both ends of the floor :applause: Dude will get that ball no matter what :applause:

Abd El-Krim
12-06-2010, 11:12 PM
Griffin was just :wtf: at Miller trying to box him out. Any sort of contact was going to send him flying, I think the pushes were Blake's way of sending that message.

Andre Miller isn't the guy to try that shit on though. He may talk like a girl but the dude is nails, pgs are always talking about how much they hate matching up with him because of it.

Most dudes would have made beef after getting leveled like that. Blake just got up and called for the ball. :rockon:

BEAST Griffin
12-06-2010, 11:23 PM
Blake Griffin is a class act. Has been all throughout his career.


Your Bustblazers are not.

BEAST Griffin
12-06-2010, 11:25 PM
Andre Miller flat out targeted Blake, and pushed him down from a running start. Blake didnt complain either. Didnt say a word.

Exactly. Blake = class act.

12-06-2010, 11:55 PM
Clippers fans in here are really pulling the bust card? :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: This is the NBA, no matter how hard Stern tries to turn it into the WNBA, that's the way the game should be played.

Not our fault your team will never amount to shit. Take it out on sterling or the players who can't execute worth a damn.

Who got owned now RoseCity?

The Clippers, because the Blazers got the W. ;)

12-06-2010, 11:58 PM
judging the push that blake gave, i didnt think it was deliberate nor causes Miller to full speed shove Blake like that. Miller couldve easily injured Blake when Blake has no idea he was gonna get shove like that. If Miller was mad, he couldve just went straight to Blake's face rather than cheap shot him from behind.

12-07-2010, 12:00 AM
If Miller was mad, he couldve just went straight to Blake's face rather than cheap shot him from behind.

Now how does that send a message to respect your elders?

12-07-2010, 12:16 AM
LOL at posters suggesting Griffin was boxing out.
They were little heap pushes he got away with, and are often called fouls.

12-07-2010, 01:48 AM
LOL at posters suggesting Griffin was boxing out.
They were little heap pushes he got away with, and are often called fouls.

I'm pretty sure this dude haven't played any single basketball game on his entire life or he's one of the softy bench player that only play during the garbage time that's why he doesn't have any experienced of being boxed out down low.

12-07-2010, 02:03 AM
Why are these hard fouls talked up so much? Every time I read a thread about a hard foul I'm always expecting to see much worse than what actually happened.

It definitely deserved a call, and it's ridiculous that they missed it. But, that was not near as bad as some of you make it out to be.

12-07-2010, 02:09 AM
What is with people thinking that a push in the back is boxing out? Where the hell did you guys learn basketball?

Anyway, I'm not mad a Griffin at all for his pushes on Andre. They were fouls, but nothing that seemed malicious. The only frustrating part there is that the refs missed these fouls, but I can't hate on Griffin for that. Then, Andre lost his f*cking head with a calculated body check. It's cool that Andre wants to stick up for himself, but he crossed a line and deserves his suspension. The crazy thing is that the refs didn't even see his attack on Griffin. In a minutes time, the refs missed 3 really obvious fouls on both teams, and that to me is the real ridiculousness of this situation.

12-07-2010, 02:37 AM
Both pushes by Blake were dirty plays and fouls..

Miller was right to push him down

If Miller didnt get a running start blake would barely budge

Al Thornton
12-07-2010, 02:42 AM
blake made dirty plays? wtf? he was fighting for position inside.

12-07-2010, 02:51 AM
What is with people thinking that a push in the back is boxing out? Where the hell did you guys learn basketball?

Anyway, I'm not mad a Griffin at all for his pushes on Andre. They were fouls, but nothing that seemed malicious. The only frustrating part there is that the refs missed these fouls, but I can't hate on Griffin for that. Then, Andre lost his f*cking head with a calculated body check. It's cool that Andre wants to stick up for himself, but he crossed a line and deserves his suspension. The crazy thing is that the refs didn't even see his attack on Griffin. In a minutes time, the refs missed 3 really obvious fouls on both teams, and that to me is the real ridiculousness of this situation.

That game had the worst officiating ever.

12-07-2010, 03:00 AM
I'm bringing to hate this league more and more, it's still tolerable to watch, but god. Good play by Miller establishing nto to get pushed around. We can't play in a tough league anymore. Tap a finger tip, get a foul. Hit all ball, get a foul.

12-07-2010, 03:05 AM
Just looked like physical play to me. Griffin can handle himself against Miller, he's a big boy.

Suspension? :confusedshrug:

Al Thornton
12-07-2010, 03:12 AM
Just looked like physical play to me. Griffin can handle himself against Miller, he's a big boy.

Suspension? :confusedshrug:

its not about whether or not blake can take it. im pretty sure pryzbilla can take a little shove from brian cook. it was a violent shove because miller was upset, the ball wasn't involved.

12-07-2010, 03:25 AM
Now how does that send a message to respect your elders?

A cheap shot from behind, as stated by the previous poster, is NOT a way to earn respect. If anything, it shows fear..

If you want to fight, do it to someone's face. Not behind their back

12-07-2010, 03:27 AM
its not about whether or not blake can take it. im pretty sure pryzbilla can take a little shove from brian cook. it was a violent shove because miller was upset, the ball wasn't involved.

It was a cheap shot. And a foul. Maybe even a flagrant 1 because it was a non-basketball play... but a game suspension? Nah.

12-07-2010, 03:37 AM
Funny how often they catch the retaliation and not the original instigating.

Millers foul reminds me of Fishers VS Luis Scola... sort of cheap and over the top, but also understandable and maybe the right thing to do.

12-07-2010, 03:43 AM
It was a cheap shot. And a foul. Maybe even a flagrant 1 because it was a non-basketball play... but a game suspension? Nah.

Well, it was harmful intent.. He even said so in the post game interviews. He said he wanted to hit him even harder.

12-07-2010, 03:49 AM
Okay, Andre Miller, cool. Just know that next time you try that (against a guy who will retaliate, unlike Blake Griffin), or if you try that in real life, you'll get DECKED you pansy.

Pansy, huh?

Andre Miller may be quiet but he grew up in the 'hood, unlike Blake Griffin, who was always protected by his middle class parents.

Everybody should read this story on Miller:


We hit the dip on 108th that Ice Cube warned about and keep mashin'. Double-back on 109th -- one of the five or six places in Watts and South Central he's called home -- and a Crip recklessly zooms by us on a bombed-out scooter. Miller pulls over in front of the Ernest Killum 109th Street Recreation Center. There's a small jungle gym next to a halfcourt concrete slab.

"This is where I learned to play ball," says Miller. It's where he discovered how to use his shoulder to knock defenders off balance in the lane. Where he found he could control a game without shooting. And where he learned to be tough. The locals play a special brand of 21: The player with the fewest points at the end of the game gets kicked in the tail.

12-07-2010, 03:51 AM
The NBA needs more pushing and shoving and dirty tactics such as this. They let guys like KG get away with it, why not let everyone else?

To me, this is the sign of decay in the NBA.

12-07-2010, 03:56 AM
most clippers fans in this thread have no idea what boxing out is. those blake griffin pushes were fouls. that said, andre overreacted to the extreme.

12-07-2010, 04:01 AM
So a blatant foul was missed during live action, but got reviewed and someone got suspended because of it? How often has this happened? :oldlol: I can't believe they missed that

12-07-2010, 04:01 AM
most clippers fans in this thread have no idea what boxing out is. those blake griffin pushes were fouls. that said, andre overreacted to the extreme.

It wasn't an overreaction. Griffin just needed a reminder that he's not at the level yet where he can use dirty tricks against respected vets without consequences.

Griffin seems like a reasonably bright guy, he'll get the message.

12-07-2010, 04:16 AM
It wasn't an overreaction.

I'm guessing Miller's audition for the Winterhawks went well, then.

12-07-2010, 05:16 AM
most clippers fans in this thread have no idea what boxing out is. those blake griffin pushes were fouls. that said, andre overreacted to the extreme.


12-07-2010, 05:26 AM
Pansy, huh?

Andre Miller may be quiet but he grew up in the 'hood, unlike Blake Griffin, who was always protected by his middle class parents.

Everybody should read this story on Miller:


I know Andre Miller. Believe me, he was a failure for my team the years I had so much hope.

He was still a pansy with what he did. If he took Griffin straight up in front of his face that would be a different story. But to cheap shot him is worse than not saying anything to him at all.

And lol, I agree what Griffin did was a foul.. Andre did overreact but Griffin was still more than physical enough to pick up a foul, I understand that.. But dude, if stuff like that pisses off Andre Miller enough to want to injure people (and lose his cool like that), then I'm sorry but he has no place in this league.

He's fighting a big man (Blake freaking Griffin, no less..) for a rebound. Of course he's going to get manhandled going in the paint with 6'10 guys.. Griffin could have accidentally stepped on the guy. Obviously if it gets physical, GET OUT OF THE PAINT. Miller's been a great post up PG in his years.. He's very powerfully built and uses his body well in the paint, but no amount of strength he can muster will get him to win a battle with Griffin down there, let alone most NBA starting small forwards.

Any malicious intent should be/will be reviewed and punished. You can't intend to hurt another player ON PURPOSE. That's not fair to the team's fans nor is it fair to the player. Griffin doesn't deserve an injury. He was playing basketball. He plays too physical like that? He'll get fouls. Let the refs handle the job, not your "mojo". Talk to Griffin AFTER the game, hell, talk to him DURING it. Don't run behind him and tackle him while he's not looking just to gain self-satisfaction.

12-07-2010, 06:29 AM
I pretty much dont care about the push. This play just show how much the refs suck in the nba. They call a gazillion bogus charging foul, players flopping left and right and a ton of whistles. then you'll see miller running like a freight train running over blake and not even a foul was called

12-07-2010, 08:43 AM
Griffin got away with 2 fouls. Whatever, it happens in every game. Should it be like that? Probably not, but Miller obviously overreacted.

This crap about Miller "sending a message" is bullshit. He's a pu$$y ***** that got frustrated so he acted like a coward and tackled Griffin when he wasn't even looking.

12-07-2010, 09:12 AM
I know it's a Blake Griffin lovefest on this forum, but from what I've seen, he's a great player obviously, but he seems to be arrogant out on the court, he seems to taunt people as well at times, and plays dirty. Just my stupid opinion.
Kobe, CP3, KG, Ray Allen, Paul Pierce, Deron Williams, Dirk, Manu, AKA all the best players right now are arrogant dirty players, it is part of the game and I dont know why casual fans haven't accepted it yet

12-07-2010, 09:46 AM
yea, that suspension was deserved.

Blake's pushes were normal rebound position shoves. Sometimes those get called, sometimes they don't. Doesn't matter though b/c though kinds of pushes happen all the time. There are probably at least 20 or so just like what Blake did in every single game that go without a whistle. Maybe more.

Dre's was a straight up attack. He wasn't battling for position. He wasn't going for the ball. He wasn't cutting the basket. He just straight up rammed Blake when he wasn't looking. That's a weak sauce punk move.

Sorry Blazers fans, your boy lost his head and f-ed up.

12-07-2010, 10:01 AM
those kinds of pushes happen all the time. There are probably at least 20 or so just like what Blake did in every single game that go without a whistle. Maybe more.

Is that true though? I never notice that.

Also, if it's so common, why would Miller be so upset? Guy's a veteran. It don't make sense.

12-07-2010, 10:41 AM
Is that true though? I never notice that.

Also, if it's so common, why would Miller be so upset? Guy's a veteran. It don't make sense.

Cause it was a rookie doing it to him...

And probably frustration from losing the lead and all the emotion building up from the stuff going on in the game. He's an idiot.

12-07-2010, 10:50 AM
blake made dirty plays? wtf? he was fighting for position inside.
fighting for postion? what?

do you even watch basketball? shoves to the back is not how u fight for position

12-07-2010, 11:02 AM
Cause it was a rookie doing it to him...

And probably frustration from losing the lead and all the emotion building up from the stuff going on in the game. He's an idiot.
Nah, if that kind of thing happens all the time every single game, it won't make sense that he's so upset by it. And Portland still winning by 12 when it happened.

12-07-2010, 11:31 AM
welcome to the nba *****


12-07-2010, 11:34 AM
Funny how often they catch the retaliation and not the original instigating.

Millers foul reminds me of Fishers VS Luis Scola... sort of cheap and over the top, but also understandable and maybe the right thing to do.

Did Fisher get a suspension for it?

12-07-2010, 12:28 PM
I know it's a Blake Griffin lovefest on this forum, but from what I've seen, he's a great player obviously, but he seems to be arrogant out on the court, he seems to taunt people as well at times, and plays dirty. Just my stupid opinion.


/enough said

12-07-2010, 12:35 PM
There's a lot of random grabbing and shoving going on inside during a rebound opportunity. Depending on how an opponent responds to these maneuvers often dictates what is called and what is not. Ben Wallace was a guy who always did a great job of jumping at the time of contact between his body and a defender, thus visually displacing him in the air and making a foul readily apparent.

A lot of bigs inside will simply absorb the shots - the pushing, the shoving. When players like Wallace or in this case Andre Miller take a push and are clearly displaced, a foul is often in order. Sometimes the same push can be received differently from player to player.

Point: I feel Blake was attempting to make a basketball play on both occasions, clearly misjudged who he was making contact with inside and likely should have been called for a foul on both occasions. Further, perhaps he knew exactly what he was doing and he was simply trying to goad the little fellow in the paint by pushing him in the back (which I don't consider dirty in these two instances, though I do find them to be fouls).

Even with all that, I don't see how either of Griffin's plays warranted a response like Miller's. I think the suspension is the NBA's means of making up for the fact that a foul was not called. I believe the NBA thought a punishment of some sort was in order and I suppose they could have just handed out a fine, but I can see how the hit could be deemed malicious with possible intent to harm.

12-07-2010, 12:52 PM
People are saying those kind of shoving are very common in the NBA. I don't think that's true.

12-07-2010, 01:09 PM
People are saying those kind of shoving are very common in the NBA. I don't think that's true.
It is. Have you ever played basketball before? It's common on all levels of basketball.

12-07-2010, 01:22 PM
It is. Have you ever played basketball before? It's common on all levels of basketball.

I disagree. Not the way Blake pushed Andre. On back to back place he made a calculated attempt to push on a smaller player he thought he could bully. It pissed him off (rightfully so). When Andre saw the refs weren't going to stop Blake from trying to bully him, he decided he'd stop it himself.

12-07-2010, 01:27 PM
I disagree. Not the way Blake pushed Andre. On back to back place he made a calculated attempt to push on a smaller player he thought he could bully. It pissed him off (rightfully so). When Andre saw the refs weren't going to stop Blake from trying to bully him, he decided he'd stop it himself.
Lots of guys under the basket bodying each other around, you'll get pushed sometimes. Sometimes you'll even see guys unkowingly push their own teammates. It happens. I'm not saying I would have been mad if they called a foul on Blake either time, but difference is that's a basketball play that resulted in a foul. It's not nearly the same as just taking off full court and running somebody down who isn't looking. That's just dirty, his cup of bitchassness runneth over for that one

12-07-2010, 01:32 PM

12-07-2010, 09:02 PM
I disagree. Not the way Blake pushed Andre. On back to back place he made a calculated attempt to push on a smaller player he thought he could bully. It pissed him off (rightfully so). When Andre saw the refs weren't going to stop Blake from trying to bully him, he decided he'd stop it himself.
Yep, I've seen people battling for positions. The way Blake push Andre was not common at all in any level. That's why Andre was upset. Guy is a veteran, he wouldn't be that upset with something that's very common.

Samurai Swoosh
12-07-2010, 09:31 PM
From what I saw, Blake was fine. You wanna come bang downlow with the bigs in the paint, prepared to get boxed out, and moved around.

Andre Miller flat out targeted Blake, and pushed him down from a running start. Blake didnt complain either. Didnt say a word.

Andre being emotional as ever.
This ... :pimp:

12-07-2010, 09:55 PM
I disagree. Not the way Blake pushed Andre. On back to back place he made a calculated attempt to push on a smaller player he thought he could bully. It pissed him off (rightfully so). When Andre saw the refs weren't going to stop Blake from trying to bully him, he decided he'd stop it himself.

Calculated attempt to push on a smaller player he thought he could bully? Dude, Blake Griffin could probably outrebound Andre Miller without jumping.. He doesn't need to take advantage of something like that.

And if that pisses him off, then he should not be in the NBA. Get physical or go home.. Retard Andre Miller did the ONLY thing he could get away with on Blake.. A running tackle from BEHIND, full court while Blake Griffin was standing under the basket just waiting for a rebound, not expecting anything.

Way to send a message, maybe the next message he'll send could be going over to Griffin's house overnight and slapping him when he's asleep.. And then jumping out the window and running away.. That would give him just as many man points as what he did on the court.

So you really think Andre would "send a message" to Blake if they met up after the game? I'm sorry but if you think Andre Miller could handle a 6'10 monster you're just idiotic. Andre did something behind Griffin's back, during a game where players can easily be restrained and thrown out of the game..

Blake was playing basketball on his two pushes. He was being physical. Looking up at the basket. Waiting for a rebound. Had nothing against Andre Miller. It's a simple loose ball foul.

I agree with all you crybabies. GRIFFIN SHOULD HAVE GOT A FOUL ON BOTH PUSHES. But it's just a foul. No reason to get butthurt and put on your superman cape and try to be a hero by knocking down a guy to "send a message". Get that hard shit out of here man, this is the NBA. A sport where cussing isn't even allowed. You think revenge retaliation, with nothing on his mind but to hurt the other person is allowed?

I'm sorry but you guys need to learn how to think straight. A HORRIBLE foul by accident is a lot better than a small foul with intentions to hurt.

12-07-2010, 10:30 PM
Calculated attempt to push on a smaller player he thought he could bully? Dude, Blake Griffin could probably outrebound Andre Miller without jumping.. He doesn't need to take advantage of something like that.

And if that pisses him off, then he should not be in the NBA. Get physical or go home.. Retard Andre Miller did the ONLY thing he could get away with on Blake.. A running tackle from BEHIND, full court while Blake Griffin was standing under the basket just waiting for a rebound, not expecting anything.

Way to send a message, maybe the next message he'll send could be going over to Griffin's house overnight and slapping him when he's asleep.. And then jumping out the window and running away.. That would give him just as many man points as what he did on the court.

So you really think Andre would "send a message" to Blake if they met up after the game? I'm sorry but if you think Andre Miller could handle a 6'10 monster you're just idiotic. Andre did something behind Griffin's back, during a game where players can easily be restrained and thrown out of the game..

Blake was playing basketball on his two pushes. He was being physical. Looking up at the basket. Waiting for a rebound. Had nothing against Andre Miller. It's a simple loose ball foul.

I agree with all you crybabies. GRIFFIN SHOULD HAVE GOT A FOUL ON BOTH PUSHES. But it's just a foul. No reason to get butthurt and put on your superman cape and try to be a hero by knocking down a guy to "send a message". Get that hard shit out of here man, this is the NBA. A sport where cussing isn't even allowed. You think revenge retaliation, with nothing on his mind but to hurt the other person is allowed?

I'm sorry but you guys need to learn how to think straight. A HORRIBLE foul by accident is a lot better than a small foul with intentions to hurt.
Horrible post with illogical analogies and attempts to troll.

12-08-2010, 06:03 PM
A day after missing a game for the first time since the '02-03 season, Blazers point guard Andre Miller chatted about his suspension, his guided-missile attack on Blake Griffin, and how the NBA has changed. And just like that blow to Griffin, he didn't hold back.

On the significance of his streak: "It means a lot. Obviously it doesn't mean anything to the league. I take pride in it. I did what I did. I didn't it think it was something that ruled a suspension. I'll get the opportunity to it again definitely."

His reaction to the suspension: "I was surprised. I actually wasn't even notified. I found out toward the evening when I was sleeping that there would be a suspension. It just shows you how soft the league has gotten, protecting young players. It's not like it was when I came in this league."

On whether he thinks the collision will trigger referees to watch Blake Griffin more closely: "No, not really, because he's going to get away with it. I don't have nothing against him being an aggressive big man. I don't think I would have been suspended if there was a flagrant foul called on the court. Camby whacked someone in the face and he didn't get suspended. The rules don't apply to everyone."

On whether he would have done it again knowing it would warrant suspension: "I took two shots. The referees didn't call it on that end. I took two shots, then I gave a shot. I told the ref 'we can call that even now.' He didn't make the call, and he was looking right at it."

On whether the suspension was justified: "It wasn't justified at all. If I was a dirty player that was looking to go out and hurt someone then I can understand 'OK, this guy has a reputation.' Back in the day, like John Stockton, tough minded player, some people thought he was dirty, he never got suspended for anything. The league has changed, they favor the young guys now and that's just how it is."


Samurai Swoosh
12-08-2010, 06:39 PM
A day after missing a game for the first time since the '02-03 season, Blazers point guard Andre Miller chatted about his suspension, his guided-missile attack on Blake Griffin, and how the NBA has changed. And just like that blow to Griffin, he didn't hold back.

On the significance of his streak: "It means a lot. Obviously it doesn't mean anything to the league. I take pride in it. I did what I did. I didn't it think it was something that ruled a suspension. I'll get the opportunity to it again definitely."

His reaction to the suspension: "I was surprised. I actually wasn't even notified. I found out toward the evening when I was sleeping that there would be a suspension. It just shows you how soft the league has gotten, protecting young players. It's not like it was when I came in this league."

On whether he thinks the collision will trigger referees to watch Blake Griffin more closely: "No, not really, because he's going to get away with it. I don't have nothing against him being an aggressive big man. I don't think I would have been suspended if there was a flagrant foul called on the court. Camby whacked someone in the face and he didn't get suspended. The rules don't apply to everyone."

On whether he would have done it again knowing it would warrant suspension: "I took two shots. The referees didn't call it on that end. I took two shots, then I gave a shot. I told the ref 'we can call that even now.' He didn't make the call, and he was looking right at it."

On whether the suspension was justified: "It wasn't justified at all. If I was a dirty player that was looking to go out and hurt someone then I can understand 'OK, this guy has a reputation.' Back in the day, like John Stockton, tough minded player, some people thought he was dirty, he never got suspended for anything. The league has changed, they favor the young guys now and that's just how it is."
All I heard there was ...


12-08-2010, 06:50 PM

Pause at 0:09 and 0:10 seconds, you can see the ref on the far side of the court. How he didn't see Griffin go flying is beyond me.

But still, I sort of liked that play. Definitely over the top, but at the same time you can understand why he did it.

12-08-2010, 09:03 PM
All I heard there was ...


What are you reading? I'm reading a veteran who thinks the league has evolved into a convergence of WNBA/NBA into one league. Anyone who denies that is blind and should just stop watching sports.

12-08-2010, 09:23 PM
SERIOUSLY? Totally undeserved. **** David Stern all day. =)

12-08-2010, 11:50 PM
blake made dirty plays? wtf? he was fighting for position inside.

You've been a huge homer and idiot in this entire thread.

Blake Griffin obviously got away with two pushes in the back. If youwatch the video, Miller boxes him out the first time and Griffin extends his forearm. This one probably would've been called if Andre Miller was a ***** gaurd like 90% of the league and flopped.

I also want to point out that Dante Cunnginham got away with a loose ball foul on the first possession by holding down one of DeAndre Jordan's arms...

Second possession Griffin was boxing out Camby and Miller was just waiting for a rebound. The ball bounces on the OPPOSITE side of the rim that Griffin is on but still PUSHES Miller in the back, not as hard as the first possession and then Miller hockey checks Griffin to the floor

Can't believe the refs missed four calls in three possessions. Tells a lot about NBA officiating.

Also, the only boxing out done in this video was Miller on Griffin on the first possession and Griffin on Camby before coming off the box out to push Miller for no reason.

Learn some basketball idiots.