View Full Version : Why do Bulls fans make Derrick Rose out to be this great person?

01-31-2011, 08:52 PM
last time I checked Rose cheated on the SAT which is just pathetic

T-bomb 25
01-31-2011, 08:54 PM
Hating is a desease cut it out and go get help.......:lol

01-31-2011, 08:54 PM
Rose doesn't party, drink, do drugs, works his ass off and is a class act. That's why.

01-31-2011, 08:55 PM
probably because he can't talk.

01-31-2011, 08:55 PM
last time I checked Rose cheated on the SAT which is just pathetic

what did he score?

01-31-2011, 08:56 PM
Rose doesn't party, drink, do drugs, works his ass off and is a class act. That's why.

I have a hard time believing someone who is willing to cheat on the SAT, attended Thug U in college basketball, and is fully tatted up is a model citizen.


01-31-2011, 08:56 PM
what did he score?

idk he had someone else take it for him because he couldn't pass it. thats why memphis had to vacate that final four

01-31-2011, 08:59 PM
I have a hard time believing someone who is willing to cheat on the SAT, attended Thug U in college basketball, and is fully tatted up is a model citizen.

these hoodlums. :facepalm

01-31-2011, 09:05 PM
last time I checked Rose cheated on the SAT which is just pathetic

Last time I checked, you don't need to score high on the SAT's in order to play ball. If it wasn't for the 19yr age limit, he would have jumped right into the NBA. Why is this a big issue? I highly doubt the top recruits had B averages who graduated with 3.0 GPA's in HS. I highly doubt top recruits took their ACT's or SAT's.

But Rose is legit, like it or not. The man might not score 160 on his IQ test, but he can dunk it in your favorite players grill with authority.

01-31-2011, 09:05 PM
Why do morons create pointless threads about topics so insignificant and that have no relevance to their daily lives??

01-31-2011, 09:09 PM
I have a hard time believing someone who is willing to cheat on the SAT, attended Thug U in college basketball, and is fully tatted up is a model citizen.


daym he looks high as a kite. "what do I do with my hands???"

01-31-2011, 09:09 PM
yaa im pretty convinced hes a former gangbanger lol but doesnt matter now, he's a goood kid now

01-31-2011, 09:39 PM
OP, do you're homework. Rose has never been arrested, nor can you even prove he has broke a law. Your jealousy makes you resemble a female. Locate your nuts to make sure you have any at all.

It's a known fact Derrick Rose is far from intelligent. But when it comes to being humble there are no other players like him at this young of an age besides you're boy Durant.

Derrick cheating on his SAT doesn't make him a bad person. Like it has been said he would have been straight to the league if not for the age requirement. College education/ graduation was never in the plans.

Way to totally discredit a young kid who made it out of one of the toughest hoods in the country.

Then again I suppose you made this thread due to the fact that you are a young kid yourself. Don't worry, your balls will drop eventually and puberty will follow sometime after.

Riddle me this..... What score did DRose have to get on his SAT to win the MVP award before Durant wins his first though KD's been in the league one year longer????

I don't know, I guess you'll have to ask the person who took Rose's SAT for him!!!! Bada bing! I'll be here all night!!

YoucallYoulose = pre pubescent 12 yr old girl.

Rose = MVP

01-31-2011, 09:40 PM
He's a basketball player. Rose is not a Rocket Scientist.

Rose > Durant in the playoffs and in the 2010-11 NBA Season.

01-31-2011, 09:41 PM
Someone is mad that rose will beat durant for mvp

01-31-2011, 09:41 PM
Why did you even make this thread? Are you upset 99% of ISH think ur a tool because u caress Durant's ballsak everyday?

Sure, he probably smoked weed and partied when he was at Memphis, but who didn't do that stuff when they were young? Should we criticize Obama because he smoked weed back when he was in high school? Should we defame Jordan because of his gambling issues? Point is, everyone makes mistakes, and Rose has certainly gotten over that hill of maturity. The kid even made a new years resolution to try and not swear to make his mom happy and you're calling out on this kid as someone who doesn't fall under the "model citizen" category :facepalm

And I like how you perceive tattoos as morally wrong in our society. No, he's not trying to act like a thug, those tattoos are permanent for a reason and has strong meanings for him. It's ppl like you who grow up to be those adults who cringe at the sight of young ppl with tattoos, like they created a sin something :facepalm . Let the kid express his inspirations and whatnot, and please stop posting these useless threads everytime you're 8th wonder of the world, KD, get's criticized for scrub plays.

01-31-2011, 09:44 PM
Rose doesn't party, drink, do drugs, works his ass off and is a class act. That's why.

Wait so people who party and drink can't be good people. Work hard play hard son.

01-31-2011, 09:46 PM
Dude, if you're STILL hating on Rose, than your special. And that needs to be fixed.

01-31-2011, 09:47 PM
That picture's been around since his rookie year. Trust KDickrider to use it to try and unsuccessfully degrade Rose.

In any case, people like me love Rose because he is the new breed of the atypical NBA players who actually respect others while getting their own, who are confident without being arrogant, and know how to treat people. Its refreshing to see is all.

Funnily enough, this guy picks on Rose in an attempt to make KD look better, when Durant has a very similar personality, for which reason he is also one of my favorites in the NBA as he's a genuinely nice guy. He's the only NBA player whose twitter I follow, seriously. I loved the way he leads the league in scoring one day and casually signs an extension with OKC a fortnight later without making a big deal about it. This is also why I was disappointed at him calling out Bosh like that, shut them up with your game bro.

Anyway, I moved away from my point, which was that we need more humble players like Rose and Durant who have their heads screwed on straight.

01-31-2011, 09:50 PM
whoo some rose fans sure are mad

01-31-2011, 09:51 PM
Honestly joyner, you make it extremely hard for anyone to be a fan of Durant. I used to be a big fan of his. Now? not so much, all because of your useless drivel.

01-31-2011, 09:52 PM
youcallilose=f@ggot bitch

01-31-2011, 09:53 PM
Haha, he just tried negging me. What a ***. Your rep is worth nothing, i'd imagine you'd know by now?

Magic Vinsanity
01-31-2011, 09:55 PM
Who f*cking gives a sh*t if he cheated on a test at school WHEN HE WAS A CHILD!!!! Number 1, it has nothing to do with basketball and number 2, all kids do goofy sh*t that doesnt matter. Big deal, he cheated on a test, lets throw him in jail right? What a bad guy he is.


Retard OP pr*ck!

01-31-2011, 09:55 PM
whoo some rose fans sure are mad

lol, you're good at imitating Durant too, talking smack and walking away when it gets heated. pathetic :oldlol:

01-31-2011, 09:56 PM
Haha, he just tried negging me. What a ***. Your rep is worth nothing, i'd imagine you'd know by now?

why would i try to neg you when i have 6 bars of red? and as for durant, lol @ you letting an anonymous poster on the internet cloud your judgement of a player

01-31-2011, 09:58 PM
why would i try to neg you when i have 6 bars of red? and as for durant, lol @ you letting an anonymous poster on the internet cloud your judgement of a player
Um... After everything you keep posting, I'm pretty sure almost everyone on this board wants to see him fail just so they can rub it in your face.

01-31-2011, 10:01 PM
Why isn't this retard banned yet?

01-31-2011, 10:02 PM
lol, you're good at imitating Durant too, talking smack and walking away when it gets heated. pathetic :oldlol:

:lol :lol :lol

01-31-2011, 10:02 PM
What a bitchmade and also predictable post. Kill yourself. You know KD has 3 tats too, right?

01-31-2011, 10:03 PM
Why isn't this retard banned yet?

He has a GPA of 4.00 at Hollinger University. He is the ubermensch of basketball mind, he's not allowed to be banned :roll: :roll:

01-31-2011, 10:04 PM
What a bitchmade and also predictable post. Kill yourself. You know KD has 3 tats too, right?

KD has tattoos? Never knew they had tattoo parlours in Softville :oldlol:

01-31-2011, 10:11 PM
KD has tattoos? Never knew they had tattoo parlours in Softville :oldlol:
Softville? I don't get it. Oklahoma has a huge tattoo industry if that's what you mean. It used to not be regulated, but then they changed that about a decade ago and they started springing up everywhere and people took full advantage of not having to drive down to Texas to get them. And let's not talk soft, I mean who is scared of contact despite having the body and athleticism that should be able to handle it moreso than Rose?

And yes, KD has 3 tattoos on his chest.

He and James Harden also continue to promote the most garbagest rapper I have ever heard. These stories always end the same anyways. He is going to make it big off KD and Harden's names, then he's going to shoot somebody or get in a fight at a nightclub or other generally not acceptable behavior and end up bringing KD down by association.

01-31-2011, 10:20 PM
Softville? I don't get it. Oklahoma has a huge tattoo industry if that's what you mean. It used to not be regulated, but then they changed that about a decade ago and they started springing up everywhere and people took full advantage of not having to drive down to Texas to get them. And let's not talk soft, I mean who is scared of contact despite having the body and athleticism that should be able to handle it moreso than Rose?

And yes, KD has 3 tattoos on his chest.

He and James Harden also continue to promote the most garbagest rapper I have ever heard. These stories always end the same anyways. He is going to make it big off KD and Harden's names, then he's going to shoot somebody or get in a fight at a nightclub or other generally not acceptable behavior and end up bringing KD down by association.

Just out of pure curiosity, what is the name of the rapper that Durant is promoting?

01-31-2011, 10:22 PM
Softville? I don't get it. Oklahoma has a huge tattoo industry if that's what you mean. It used to not be regulated, but then they changed that about a decade ago and they started springing up everywhere and people took full advantage of not having to drive down to Texas to get them. And let's not talk soft, I mean who is scared of contact despite having the body and athleticism that should be able to handle it moreso than Rose?

And yes, KD has 3 tattoos on his chest.

He and James Harden also continue to promote the most garbagest rapper I have ever heard. These stories always end the same anyways. He is going to make it big off KD and Harden's names, then he's going to shoot somebody or get in a fight at a nightclub or other generally not acceptable behavior and end up bringing KD down by association.

oh boy. :facepalm

it had nothing to do with OKC or Texas if that's what you assumed it to be so my apologies. I thought everyone knew this thread was a joke at this point, so they'd just play along with it :cheers:

And I'm just gonna forget the part where it had said something about Rose being afraid of getting contact because I know you didn't mean it :D

01-31-2011, 10:23 PM
Just out of pure curiosity, what is the name of the rapper that Durant is promoting?
http://twitter.com/Privaledge If you follow either on Twitter, they mention him every other tweet. Plus they got a new video with them 2, Eric Maynor, Decquan Cook, in the studio rapping with Wocka Flocka.

He also redid the Thunder anthem that plays as part of intros, it's a basketball anthem song so it's a rap song about the team, makes sense right, no problem there. But like most rappers "from the hood," dude couldn't even for just one track resist the urge to make illicit references to sex, drugs, and violence and they still blast that shit in OKC arena like it's family friendly or something pregame, again because of the KD/Harden influence.

01-31-2011, 10:24 PM
But Rose is legit, like it or not. The man might not score 160 on his IQ test, but he can dunk it in your favorite players grill with authority.


01-31-2011, 10:27 PM
This is coming from the guy who tried to hate on the Bulls by saying that they won the games they were supposed to win :lol :facepalm

01-31-2011, 10:33 PM
http://twitter.com/Privaledge If you follow either on Twitter, they mention him every other tweet. Plus they got a new video with them 2, Eric Maynor, Decquan Cook, in the studio rapping with Wocka Flocka.

He also redid the Thunder anthem that plays as part of intros, it's a basketball anthem song so it's a rap song about the team, makes sense right, no problem there. But like most rappers "from the hood," dude couldn't even for just one track resist the urge to make illicit references to sex, drugs, and violence and they still blast that shit in OKC arena like it's family friendly or something pregame, again because of the KD/Harden influence.

Wow. Thanks for all the info, I knew nothing about any of that stuff.

01-31-2011, 11:01 PM
OP, do you're homework. Rose has never been arrested, nor can you even prove he has broke a law. Your jealousy makes you resemble a female. Locate your nuts to make sure you have any at all.

It's a known fact Derrick Rose is far from intelligent. But when it comes to being humble there are no other players like him at this young of an age besides you're boy Durant.

Derrick cheating on his SAT doesn't make him a bad person. Like it has been said he would have been straight to the league if not for the age requirement. College education/ graduation was never in the plans.

Way to totally discredit a young kid who made it out of one of the toughest hoods in the country.

Then again I suppose you made this thread due to the fact that you are a young kid yourself. Don't worry, your balls will drop eventually and puberty will follow sometime after.

Riddle me this..... What score did DRose have to get on his SAT to win the MVP award before Durant wins his first though KD's been in the league one year longer????

I don't know, I guess you'll have to ask the person who took Rose's SAT for him!!!! Bada bing! I'll be here all night!!

YoucallYoulose = pre pubescent 12 yr old girl.

Rose = MVP

Which has nothing to do with the fact that he still cheated on the SATs

01-31-2011, 11:04 PM
wat a disgrace to black ppl :facepalm its ok to be gangster but if ur dumb, dont hide it. im not a drose fan anymore

01-31-2011, 11:07 PM
wat a disgrace to black ppl :facepalm its ok to be gangster but if ur dumb, dont hide it. im not a drose fan anymore
Are you 12? :oldlol:
"Im not a Drose fan anymore" like it's supposed to mean something...

01-31-2011, 11:08 PM
wat a disgrace to black ppl :facepalm its ok to be gangster but if ur dumb, dont hide it. im not a drose fan anymore

lol your a *** too along with the op..

01-31-2011, 11:14 PM
Are you 12? :oldlol:
"Im not a Drose fan anymore" like it's supposed to mean something...
just saying nig. im proud of my race and am sad by all the hate us niggahs have recieved over the past centuries

01-31-2011, 11:23 PM
just saying nig. im proud of my race and am sad by all the hate us niggahs have recieved over the past centuries

What the **** does that have anything to do with this thread?

01-31-2011, 11:23 PM
What the **** does that have anything to do with this thread?
i just said i was dissapointed cuz he let the negros down

01-31-2011, 11:23 PM
just saying nig. im proud of my race and am sad by all the hate us niggahs have recieved over the past centuries

01-31-2011, 11:25 PM
i just said i was dissapointed cuz he let the negros down

How? By cheating on his SATs? It was wrong but I didn't know he was a black leader or role model.

01-31-2011, 11:27 PM
How? By cheating on his SATs? It was wrong but I didn't know he was a black leader or role model.
yea if ur dumb, admit it. be proud to be a struggling black. cuz then ppl know ur willing to fight struggle

01-31-2011, 11:30 PM
yea if ur dumb, admit it. be proud to be a struggling black. cuz then ppl know ur willing to fight struggle
Thing is though... He's not a struggling black

01-31-2011, 11:33 PM
yea if ur dumb, admit it. be proud to be a struggling black. cuz then ppl know ur willing to fight struggle
This is not about Rose being embarrassed or not proud if he doesn't get to college he doesn't go to the NBA. He had to do what he had to do

01-31-2011, 11:34 PM
yea if ur dumb, admit it. be proud to be a struggling black. cuz then ppl know ur willing to fight struggle

I don't get it, he did fight and struggle and his family did too in making sure he was brought up right in a bad neighborhood. Maybe he cheated in a moment of weakness because he wanted to move forward and do the best for his family. Either way, he was a kid FFS.

Not every black person thinks how other black people will see him if he does this or that. Every person's priority should be his family, not his race.

01-31-2011, 11:34 PM
Thing is though... He's not a struggling black
strugge to get good grades. i mean struggles in general

This is not about Rose being embarrassed or not proud if he doesn't get to college he doesn't go to the NBA. He had to do what he had to do

i dont appreciate that man. hurts my races pride :(

01-31-2011, 11:36 PM
I don't get it, he did fight and struggle and his family did too in making sure he was brought up right in a bad neighborhood. Maybe he cheated in a moment of weakness because he wanted to move forward and do the best for his family. Either way, he was a kid FFS.

Not every black person thinks how other black people will see him if he does this or that. Every person's priority should be his family, not his race.

this was a good post :applause:

u changed my mind bro

01-31-2011, 11:51 PM
I love how idiots defense Rose. What Rose did is foolish and he deserves to be bashed for it.

02-01-2011, 12:12 AM
Which has nothing to do with the fact that he still cheated on the SATs

which still has nothing to do with being a bad person. And if u think cheating on the SAT's ultimately makes u a bad person than you don't know shit anyway.

Strong post Sms. U a ***** too anyway.

02-01-2011, 12:15 AM
drose is a gangsta! believe it lol only real OG gangstas dont talk and have no emotions, im willing to bet anything hes done something reckless for the hoood

02-01-2011, 12:17 AM
He's a basketball player. Rose is not a Rocket Scientist.

Rose > Durant in the playoffs and in the 2010-11 NBA Season.

02-01-2011, 12:18 AM

Al Thornton
02-01-2011, 12:20 AM

02-01-2011, 12:21 AM
I love how idiots defense Rose. What Rose did is foolish and he deserves to be bashed for it.
This happened YEARS ago, you moron.

02-01-2011, 12:21 AM
Just saw he said 2010-2011 season.

El Kabong
02-01-2011, 12:34 AM
I bet none of you, not a single one have ever done something stupid as a teenager.

What's with all the bashing of guys lately? First it was Durant, now Rose.

02-01-2011, 12:49 AM
I bet none of you, not a single one have ever done something stupid as a teenager.

What's with all the bashing of guys lately? First it was Durant, now Rose.

The OP is just a retard who always bashes the Chicago Bulls franchise and especially DRose. I'm starting not to like KD because of the OP's infatuation with him. It's quite sad actually :violin:

02-01-2011, 01:06 AM
which still has nothing to do with being a bad person. And if u think cheating on the SAT's ultimately makes u a bad person than you don't know shit anyway.

Strong post Sms. U a ***** too anyway.

When did i say it had anything to do with being a bad person? Those are your words coming out your mouth sir :hammerhead:

Chicago Brawls
02-01-2011, 06:01 AM
Derrick Rose is not a nice person.

He is sick, wicked and nasty.


02-01-2011, 09:16 PM
Please. I am sure all of us here have cheated in something before. Whether it is a school test, your girlfriend, or any of that. We have all cheated. The worst DRose has probably done was that gang sign thing, it really showed clear evidence that he lights up a blunt.

He is a good person for the most part. It is not like he is Kevin Garnett and is an uber douche to every player and every fan.