View Full Version : Lebron and the All-Time Scoring Record

02-14-2011, 04:39 PM
I haven't been following Lebron like a bunch of other people have, but I'd like to know where you think he's going to end up on the all-time scoring list. I've heard that he's reached some scoring milestones earlier than other players, but I don't know if someone was just jerkin' my chain.

02-14-2011, 04:40 PM
I haven't been following Lebron like a bunch of other people have, but I'd like to know where you think he's going to end up on the all-time scoring list. I've heard that he's reached some scoring milestones earlier than other players, but I don't know if someone was just jerkin' my chain.

atleast top 5

02-14-2011, 04:40 PM
30,000 + @ Best
25,000 @ Worst

02-14-2011, 04:42 PM
He has just because he started earlier than most players, and despite starting at an early age, he started out strong. Tha's why he was the first to break a bunch of scoring records. Most likely though, he'll start to fall behind in terms of pace because his scoring isn't exceptionally high (and most likely won't be for the remainder of his career) hovering around 26/27 ppg, whereas most of the previous record holders would have multiple seasons of over 30ppg at the age he is now. The exception is Malone, but I doubt LeBron will last that long in the league.

02-14-2011, 04:44 PM
He'll be #4 when he retires at minimum unless he gets severely injured.

If he didn't go to Heat, he would've had a strong shot at being #1-2 if he stuck around for awhile like Malone and Jabaar did.

I could see him getting up to #3 and closing in on being #2 if he plays 'til he's like 34-35. He could be #1 if he plays into his late 30's.

The Choken One
02-14-2011, 04:47 PM
Top 5 guaranteed...

I think he's got a very good chance of passing Jordan and Wilt to get to the #3 spot. Attempting to surpass KAJ and The Mailman will depend how he evolves his game once his freak athleticism doesn't dominate anymore.

02-14-2011, 04:49 PM
doesnt he already have like 16000 + points already. 30,000 for sure

02-14-2011, 04:51 PM
doesnt he already have like 16000 + points already. 30,000 for sure

he's the youngest player to reach 15,000

02-14-2011, 04:52 PM
he's the youngest player to reach 15,000

Youngest to reach 5,000, 10,000, and 15,000. He'll likely be youngest to reach 20,000 too.

Though, youngest doesn't = "fewest games". Starting at 18 rather than 21-22 like most greats did, makes getting "youngest to get" records a breeze if you're a good player.

02-14-2011, 04:52 PM
He's at 16.6k right now. I say he has about 8 seasons left in the league and will average somewhere around 23 ppg over the course of those 8 seasons. Playing 76~ games per season, he should end up around 30k points disregarding injuries. That will probably be right there with Dirk and Kobe. He has no chance at getting to #1, the only player with a shot is Durant and he would have to play a LONG time

The Choken One
02-14-2011, 04:57 PM
He's at 16.6k right now. I say he has about 8 seasons left in the league and will average somewhere around 23 ppg over the course of those 8 seasons. Playing 76~ games per season, he should end up around 30k points disregarding injuries. That will probably be right there with Dirk and Kobe. He has no chance at getting to #1, the only player with a shot is Durant and he would have to play a LONG time

I'd say your post in geniunly accurate. Guess I haven't thought truly how many points 36k and 38k is... anyone know how many points KAJ averaged?

Must of been insane unless he played for a long time.

Yes, to lazy to look anything up.

02-14-2011, 04:58 PM
the only player with a shot is Durant and he would have to play a LONG time


02-14-2011, 04:58 PM
I'd say your post in geniunly accurate. Guess I haven't thought truly how many points 36k and 38k is... anyone know how many points KAJ averaged?

Must of been insane unless he played for a long time.

Yes, to lazy to look anything up.

Kareem averaged 24.6 ppg and played 20 seasons

02-14-2011, 04:59 PM

youngest scoring champion in history and it's likely he will average 30 a game for the next decade. you're an idiot

02-14-2011, 05:01 PM
youngest scoring champion in history and it's likely he will average 30 a game for the next decade. you're an idiot

LOL x2

02-14-2011, 05:02 PM
He's at 16.6k right now. I say he has about 8 seasons left in the league and will average somewhere around 23 ppg over the course of those 8 seasons. Playing 76~ games per season, he should end up around 30k points disregarding injuries. That will probably be right there with Dirk and Kobe. He has no chance at getting to #1, the only player with a shot is Durant and he would have to play a LONG time

23 PPG? lmao, gtfo. That means he'd have to have multiple seasons of significantly less than that, like barely 19-20 PPG seasons to balance out the obvious fact that he's average 27 PPG now, with a young Wade who will be moving out of his prime in a few years.

He will get at least 25 PPG. More than likely 26 PPG. Wade is a few years older and will slow down sooner, which is when LeBron's PPG will go up, not down, as LeBron will still be in his prime.

76 games a season sounds about right though, but again, I don't see him retiring at 34 if he's close to any other records or still has a good team. He will keep playing guaranteed.

He will be #3 unless significantly injured.

02-14-2011, 05:03 PM
jordan averaged OVER 30 for 8 years some of the seasons were over 35!! Even if durant gets 30 for the next few seasons... i just don't see anyone breaking malone or kareems record.

02-14-2011, 05:03 PM
Durant seems to pop up in every single thread here. I had no idea he was so popular.

Back on topic...Lebron.

02-14-2011, 05:05 PM
Durant seems to pop up in every single thread here. I had no idea he was so popular.

Back on topic...Lebron.

it was pretty much one guy doing this ------> :rant

02-14-2011, 05:07 PM
If lebron continues scoring 26ppg this season, he will finish the year with around 17300 points by the end of the season.
He is 26 now.
If he continues scoring 26 ppg for the next 8 seasons (assuming he plays 80 games a year) he will be on 33940 points. that would put him third, behind Kareem and Malone.

At 34, lets assume he carries on playing till he is 37, with his scoring dipping to just 20ppg for that period. Again assuming he plays 80 games a year that would put him on 38740 points at the age of 37! For FIRST all time.

So its clearly very very difficult to pass Kareem for anyone,

you need to play near 40 and average monster numbers all the way through, and ensure you stay injury free.

the problem for lebron is he needs to develop a better J and a better post game if he wants to score 26ppg in his thirties when his athleticism leaves him.

02-14-2011, 05:10 PM
Kareem also did yoga, for what it's worth. Maybe that helped?

02-14-2011, 05:12 PM
23 PPG? lmao, gtfo. That means he'd have to have multiple seasons of significantly less than that, like barely 19-20 PPG seasons to balance out the obvious fact that he's average 27 PPG now, with a young Wade who will be moving out of his prime in a few years.

He will get at least 25 PPG. More than likely 26 PPG. Wade is a few years older and will slow down sooner, which is when LeBron's PPG will go up, not down, as LeBron will still be in his prime.

76 games a season sounds about right though, but again, I don't see him retiring at 34 if he's close to any other records or still has a good team. He will keep playing guaranteed.

He will be #3 unless significantly injured.
He's saying he'll average 23 ppg over the next 8 or so years. That doesn't seem unlikely, just because he'll probably average 25-28ppg over the next 3 or 4, then dip down to 23, 20, 19, and maybe as low as 17 in the following years. Remember, LeBron seems to care about his assists and rebounds more than his scoring. He'd probably sacrifice his scoring to maintain 7-8 apg just because it's what he cares about.

02-14-2011, 05:16 PM
LeBron has averaged 78 games per season through his 1st 7 years when he was in the best athletic condition he will ever be and he has had no major injuries. Him playing 80 games per season for an entire decade is laughable.

Also you people don't take into account decline. Him averaging 23 ppg for the next 8 seasons could be several seasons at 24-26 ppg and a few season at 20-22 ppg. he's not god people and he will decline, just like kobe. i would be shocked if he was still averaging 25+ ppg in 7-8 years, there is a MUCH better chance he's below 20

02-14-2011, 05:18 PM
He's saying he'll average 23 ppg over the next 8 or so years. That doesn't seem unlikely, just because he'll probably average 25-28ppg over the next 3 or 4, then dip down to 23, 20, 19, and maybe as low as 17 in the following years. Remember, LeBron seems to care about his assists and rebounds more than his scoring. He'd probably sacrifice his scoring to maintain 7-8 apg just because it's what he cares about.

So you seriously think he's going to drop off to basically super roleplayer status as soon as he hits 29-30 years old? :roll:

LeBron just turned 26. He is not already almost 30. Wishful thinking there buddy. Poke the voodoo doll all day if you want, he's not slowing down that fast.

02-14-2011, 05:44 PM
So you seriously think he's going to drop off to basically super roleplayer status as soon as he hits 29-30 years old? :roll:

LeBron just turned 26. He is not already almost 30. Wishful thinking there buddy. Poke the voodoo doll all day if you want, he's not slowing down that fast.
I think about it more in terms of minutes than in terms of age. LeBron has played a total of 24k minutes. Garnett, Duncan, and most of the players slowing down today started slowing down (at least in stats) at about 40k minutes. Considering LeBron's body goes through the same wear and tear as other big men, as he's hacked more than anyone in the league, it's safe to assume by that point, he'll drop to the low 20s in ppg production. He's played 24k so far, so 16k will take him to about 5 more seasons, or until he's 31. At that point he'll start to regress more noticeably. I don't think he'll age like most guards do, because his body is just too big for that kind of durability. And what do you mean wishful thinking? LeBron has been my favourite player for the last 7 years, I just don't want to get unrealistically optimistic.

02-14-2011, 05:47 PM
Only way anyone can break the record is if they average about 25 PPG and do it for at least 20 seasons. LeBron plays an aggressive style, as does Wade. Neither would last 20 seasons.

02-14-2011, 05:48 PM
youngest to get to 15000 at 25 kobe did it at 27 so probably quite high

02-14-2011, 10:34 PM
I think about it more in terms of minutes than in terms of age.

I read a study conducted by someone some years ago (I'm unsure if I could re-find it since it was a long time ago) that showed that it's the minutes that matter, not the age. It's deceiving to think players will play longer because they start earlier--it just means they'll accumulate minutes at an earlier age because of their earlier start, not that they'll be in the league much longer than past players will.

LeBron has played a total of 24k minutes. Garnett, Duncan, and most of the players slowing down today started slowing down (at least in stats) at about 40k minutes. Considering LeBron's body goes through the same wear and tear as other big men, as he's hacked more than anyone in the league, it's safe to assume by that point, he'll drop to the low 20s in ppg production. He's played 24k so far, so 16k will take him to about 5 more seasons, or until he's 31. At that point he'll start to regress more noticeably. I don't think he'll age like most guards do, because his body is just too big for that kind of durability. And what do you mean wishful thinking? LeBron has been my favourite player for the last 7 years, I just don't want to get unrealistically optimistic.

02-14-2011, 10:37 PM
Threads like this really make me appreciate KAJ and the Mailman. Their scoring records are practically untouchable.

02-14-2011, 10:47 PM
I think about it more in terms of minutes than in terms of age. LeBron has played a total of 24k minutes. Garnett, Duncan, and most of the players slowing down today started slowing down (at least in stats) at about 40k minutes. Considering LeBron's body goes through the same wear and tear as other big men, as he's hacked more than anyone in the league, it's safe to assume by that point, he'll drop to the low 20s in ppg production. He's played 24k so far, so 16k will take him to about 5 more seasons, or until he's 31. At that point he'll start to regress more noticeably. I don't think he'll age like most guards do, because his body is just too big for that kind of durability. And what do you mean wishful thinking? LeBron has been my favourite player for the last 7 years, I just don't want to get unrealistically optimistic.

Kobe's still scoring 25 PPG at 32, and he's playing less minutes. Jordan still scored 20+ at 38-40.

I don't see how LeBron is magically going to drop to 20 and LESS PPG when he hits 29-30 when the other great perimeter scorers didn't. Kobe now, is playing less minutes but taking the 3rd most shots of his career, while playing some of the least defense of his career. Older players do that. Less D', more O'.

LeBron's not magically going to drop off by 20-25% once he hits 30. Nor is he going to "steadily decline" after this year. He's 26.

Wishful thinking dude.

02-14-2011, 10:48 PM
He would join the 30,000 points club.

02-14-2011, 10:53 PM
Kobe's still scoring 25 PPG at 32, and he's playing less minutes. Jordan still scored 20+ at 38-40.

I don't see how LeBron is magically going to drop to 20 and LESS PPG when he hits 29-30 when the other great perimeter scorers didn't. Kobe now, is playing less minutes but taking the 3rd most shots of his career, while playing some of the least defense of his career. Older players do that. Less D', more O'.

LeBron's not magically going to drop off by 20-25% once he hits 30. Nor is he going to "steadily decline" after this year. He's 26.

Wishful thinking dude.

25 k minutes-35.4 ppg
28 k minutes-31.6 ppg
31 k minutes-28.3 ppg
34 k minutes 26.8 ppg
37 k minutes-27.0 ppg
this season 25.4 ppg

25 k minutes-32.6 ppg
30 k minutes-30.4 ppg
33 k minutes-29.6 ppg
37 k minutes-28.7 ppg

32-35k is where the decline begins and it goes quickly

Eat Like A Bosh
02-14-2011, 10:58 PM
Possible. LeBron came into the league at 18, and was a full time starter since his rookie year. He definitely has a shot, and is on pace to break Kobe's youngest to records. But LeBron's game is all based on athleticism, and I doubt he will be this productive in his 30s. Even if there is a slight drop off, not a biggie. It's all up to his longevity.

02-14-2011, 11:07 PM
25 k minutes-35.4 ppg
28 k minutes-31.6 ppg
31 k minutes-28.3 ppg
34 k minutes 26.8 ppg
37 k minutes-27.0 ppg
this season 25.4 ppg

25 k minutes-32.6 ppg
30 k minutes-30.4 ppg
33 k minutes-29.6 ppg
37 k minutes-28.7 ppg

32-35k is where the decline begins and it goes quickly

Except the difference is: Kobe has had multiple minor injuries throughout his career which have piled up while LeBron's been pretty healthy, and Jordan took 2 years off during his prime and also started his career 3 years older than LeBron.

LeBron started early, and has been 95% healthy pretty much for his whole career thus far.

Also, those dropoffs you're showing are not 20-25% dropoffs as you guys are predicting LeBron's will be at the magic age of 29-30.

02-14-2011, 11:13 PM
Kobe's still scoring 25 PPG at 32, and he's playing less minutes. Jordan still scored 20+ at 38-40.

I don't see how LeBron is magically going to drop to 20 and LESS PPG when he hits 29-30 when the other great perimeter scorers didn't. Kobe now, is playing less minutes but taking the 3rd most shots of his career, while playing some of the least defense of his career. Older players do that. Less D', more O'.

LeBron's not magically going to drop off by 20-25% once he hits 30. Nor is he going to "steadily decline" after this year. He's 26.

Wishful thinking dude.
Kobe and Jordan showed post skills and excellent jumpers before athletic decline to sustain high scoring outputs. LeBron has shown flashes of both, but never any consistency. Also, Those guys reached the mid 30s of scoring in their prime, whereas LeBron has maxed out at 29-31. Additionally, LeBron is on a team with another 25 ppg scorer, and neither of these guys were for the second half of their careers. All those factors will result in LeBron scoring less than them as his minutes pile up. How can it be wishful thinking if I prefer LeBron being better over time? I'm just being realistic.

02-14-2011, 11:16 PM
Except the difference is: Kobe has had multiple minor injuries throughout his career which have piled up while LeBron's been pretty healthy, and Jordan took 2 years off during his prime and also started his career 3 years older than LeBron.

LeBron started early, and has been 95% healthy pretty much for his whole career thus far.

Find me a straight high school->pro player that was still performing at a high level into their late 30's. Kobe, KG, T-Mac, Darryl Dawkins, Moses Malone, Jermaine O'Neal, Shawn Kemp..they ALL started breaking down at 30

02-14-2011, 11:28 PM
Kobe and Jordan showed post skills and excellent jumpers before athletic decline to sustain high scoring outputs. LeBron has shown flashes of both, but never any consistency. Also, Those guys reached the mid 30s of scoring in their prime, whereas LeBron has maxed out at 29-31. Additionally, LeBron is on a team with another 25 ppg scorer, and neither of these guys were for the second half of their careers. All those factors will result in LeBron scoring less than them as his minutes pile up. How can it be wishful thinking if I prefer LeBron being better over time? I'm just being realistic.

LeBron's shown a decent post game in the last couple weeks. His jumper is also statistically as good as Kobe's has been for the last 3 years. It's always been a myth that LeBron had a bad jumpshot.

LeBron being on a team with another 25 PPG scorer clearly hasn't made a significant impact on his PPG. He's still scoring 27 a game. Wade will decline well before LeBron, as he's been injured often and is older. Which means more shots for LeBron. Due to that, his PPG will likely go up before it goes down.

It's a joke to think LeBron is already in decline mode. He isn't. He won't be for years. And when he does start to decline, he won't magically drop off by 20-25%. It'll be much more gradual.

Find me a straight high school->pro player that was still performing at a high level into their late 30's. Kobe, KG, T-Mac, Darryl Dawkins, Moses Malone, Jermaine O'Neal, Shawn Kemp..they ALL started breaking down at 30

Very poor argument. I do not need to show you proof of someone being good into their LATE 30's, when you're tryin to argue that LeBron will heavily decline in his late 20's. Exactly how a 38 year old's stats correlates to LeBron's projected stats at 29-30 is only know to someone who's trolling.

In any case, LeBron has yet to play sub 70 games. T-Mac, KG, and Kobe have all done that multiple times prior to being 30. The difference is that LeBron came into the league pretty much ready to go, and those others didn't. LeBron's health has been pretty impeccable. If he retains it, his stats aren't taking any sharp dives.

Until LeBron starts to clearly break down, which he hasn't, I'm not going to try and fool myself like you are that his body is magically going to break down before he's even 30 years old when he hasn't shown any signs of wear yet.

02-14-2011, 11:39 PM
LeBron's shown a decent post game in the last couple weeks. His jumper is also statistically as good as Kobe's has been for the last 3 years. It's always been a myth that LeBron had a bad jumpshot.

LeBron being on a team with another 25 PPG scorer clearly hasn't made a significant impact on his PPG. He's still scoring 27 a game. Wade will decline well before LeBron, as he's been injured often and is older. Which means more shots for LeBron. Due to that, his PPG will likely go up before it goes down.

It's a joke to think LeBron is already in decline mode. He isn't. He won't be for years. And when he does start to decline, he won't magically drop off by 20-25%. It'll be much more gradual.

I'm aware that LeBron is shooting 40% from 16-23, which is similar to Kobe since late 2008. What I'm also aware of though is the majority of LeBron's jumpers from there come from sagging defense, whereas Kobe has to work to even get those shots off, because he's less of a threat to go to the rim, and he just prefers taking those shots. Despite equal percentage, LeBron's jumper still isn't as refined as Kobe's or Jordans. And it hasn't always been a myth. Back in 2007 he shot freaking 34% from that range. That's 1% better than rookie Griffin, whom everyone is criticizing for having a mediocre jumper.

And LeBron has been affected by playing with a 25 ppg scorer...his average scoring in Cleveland (excluding his rookie year) is like 29 ppg. This year he's down 3 ppg at 26. That's a big difference if it's over multiple years which it will be because they're both signed long term to the same team. Wade still has a couple of years before he hits a decline due to minutes played and age (about 33 or 34) at which point LeBron's scoring likely won't begin to increase from 26/27 but most likely just stay there for a year or two longer, then he'll begin to decline. The way I see it:
2011 (now) 26 ppg
2012 27 ppg
2013 28 ppg
2014 26 ppg
2015 26 ppg
2016 24 ppg
2017 21 ppg
2018 19/20 ppg
2019 18 ppg

At that point he'll be 34, with well over 40k minutes on his body. If he decides to stay in the league at that point, his scoring average will likely continue to go down. This is how most players age. This is why players like Duncan and Garnett now are averaging around 15 ppg. At that point LeBron won't be good enough to carry a team, so most likely a better player will be paired with him, taking the majority of the scoring load.

02-15-2011, 12:42 AM
Of course, had Kareem been able to jump the NBA right out of high school, like Lebron, this would be a moot discussion. Kareem probably could have scored some 7000-8000+ more points in his career. And Chamberlain probably lost even more by having to wait.

02-15-2011, 12:45 AM
probably the top 5.

02-15-2011, 12:49 AM
Kobe's still scoring 25 PPG at 32, and he's playing less minutes. Jordan still scored 20+ at 38-40.

I don't see how LeBron is magically going to drop to 20 and LESS PPG when he hits 29-30 when the other great perimeter scorers didn't. Kobe now, is playing less minutes but taking the 3rd most shots of his career, while playing some of the least defense of his career. Older players do that. Less D', more O'.

LeBron's not magically going to drop off by 20-25% once he hits 30. Nor is he going to "steadily decline" after this year. He's 26.

Wishful thinking dude.

Key word here is Jordan and Kobe. It's ignorant to think Lebron will be playing at such a high level when only Jordan and Kobe and few others out of all the great players in history were able to do so. All we know that Lebron will end up like Vince, Tmac, Iverson, Dominique - I very much think so.

02-15-2011, 12:53 AM
I'm aware that LeBron is shooting 40% from 16-23, which is similar to Kobe since late 2008. What I'm also aware of though is the majority of LeBron's jumpers from there come from sagging defense, whereas Kobe has to work to even get those shots off, because he's less of a threat to go to the rim, and he just prefers taking those shots. Despite equal percentage, LeBron's jumper still isn't as refined as Kobe's or Jordans. And it hasn't always been a myth. Back in 2007 he shot freaking 34% from that range. That's 1% better than rookie Griffin, whom everyone is criticizing for having a mediocre jumper.

And LeBron has been affected by playing with a 25 ppg scorer...his average scoring in Cleveland (excluding his rookie year) is like 29 ppg. This year he's down 3 ppg at 26. That's a big difference if it's over multiple years which it will be because they're both signed long term to the same team. Wade still has a couple of years before he hits a decline due to minutes played and age (about 33 or 34) at which point LeBron's scoring likely won't begin to increase from 26/27 but most likely just stay there for a year or two longer, then he'll begin to decline. The way I see it:
2011 (now) 26 ppg
2012 27 ppg
2013 28 ppg
2014 26 ppg
2015 26 ppg
2016 24 ppg
2017 21 ppg
2018 19/20 ppg
2019 18 ppg

At that point he'll be 34, with well over 40k minutes on his body. If he decides to stay in the league at that point, his scoring average will likely continue to go down. This is how most players age. This is why players like Duncan and Garnett now are averaging around 15 ppg. At that point LeBron won't be good enough to carry a team, so most likely a better player will be paired with him, taking the majority of the scoring load.

You have him declining at 29, and sharply declining between 31-32. I do not agree with that assessment.

Basically, I think you overestimate how quickly he will decline, and I think you have his decline starting 2 years sooner than it probably will. It will take longer for him to actually begin his offensive decline, and it will not be as sharp as you think it will. Basically. . .

2011 (now) 26 ppg
2012 27 ppg
2013 28 ppg
2014 28 ppg
2015 27.4 ppg
2016 26.5 ppg
2017 24.5 ppg
2018 23.8 ppg
2019 21.8 ppg
2020+ 18-20ish

You also have to factor in Wade's decline in which will be giving LeBron more shots to take and more PPG.

02-15-2011, 12:59 AM
Key word here is Jordan and Kobe. It's ignorant to think Lebron will be playing at such a high level when only Jordan and Kobe and few others out of all the great players in history were able to do so. All we know that Lebron will end up like Vince, Tmac, Iverson, Dominique - I very much think so.

Iverson's offense didn't drop off until he was in his mid 30's. He was still posting 26 PPG all the way up until he was 33. Thanks for the example which helps prove my point.

TMac got injured, therefore you cannot compare LeBron's projected decline with his. Vince Carter was never on the same level as everyone else, and therefore isn't a good example.

Wilkins was scoring 26 PPG until he was 34, so thank you for that example too, which helps prove my point perfectly that noticeable decline does not set in with elite scorers until 32-33. And NOT at 29-30 years old.

Every elite scorer who didn't get injured did not drop off offensively at 29-30 as you guys are foolishly predicting LeBron will.

02-15-2011, 01:05 AM
his only hope is to develop a mean post game

02-15-2011, 01:21 AM
He's saying he'll average 23 ppg over the next 8 or so years. That doesn't seem unlikely, just because he'll probably average 25-28ppg over the next 3 or 4, then dip down to 23, 20, 19, and maybe as low as 17 in the following years. Remember, LeBron seems to care about his assists and rebounds more than his scoring. He'd probably sacrifice his scoring to maintain 7-8 apg just because it's what he cares about.

Where did you get this from? Your ass?

02-15-2011, 01:37 AM
Kareem also did yoga, for what it's worth. Maybe that helped?

So does Kwame....:facepalm

che guevara
02-15-2011, 01:55 AM
Possible. LeBron came into the league at 18, and was a full time starter since his rookie year. He definitely has a shot, and is on pace to break Kobe's youngest to records. But LeBron's game is all based on athleticism, and I doubt he will be this productive in his 30s. Even if there is a slight drop off, not a biggie. It's all up to his longevity.
Have people saying this stuff even watched him this season? His athleticism is noticeably worse than it was from '06-'09, but he's remained as effective as he's ever been. Not like there's been a huge drop off or anything but there's definitely a difference.

02-15-2011, 04:37 AM
Kobe's still scoring 25 PPG at 32, and he's playing less minutes. Jordan still scored 20+ at 38-40.

I don't see how LeBron is magically going to drop to 20 and LESS PPG when he hits 29-30 when the other great perimeter scorers didn't. Kobe now, is playing less minutes but taking the 3rd most shots of his career, while playing some of the least defense of his career. Older players do that. Less D', more O'.

LeBron's not magically going to drop off by 20-25% once he hits 30. Nor is he going to "steadily decline" after this year. He's 26.

Wishful thinking dude.

people underrate his skills .. they have this idea that any slight decline athletically and hes an average scorer.

02-15-2011, 04:56 AM
I'm with SinJackal. You guys saying Lebron will have a sharp decline at 30 years old are seriously smoking crack. Jordan was still dominating at 36 years old. Hell he even dominated at times with 40 point games when he was 38 and 39 years old. The excuse of Lebron being a high flier and not being able to adjust later in his career would apply to Jordan too no? Both players are reported to have around 44-45 inch verts... Jordan was hacked even worse. Jordan was so dominant on both ends I'm lead to believe he probably had more wear on his body than Lebron ever will. Also defenses were allowed to be a lot more physical back then.. again increasing wear. Basically the whole athleticism= sharp decline a player can't recover from is a BS theory.

02-15-2011, 05:17 AM
Top 5 for sure unless the worst karma(career ending injury/dying) hits him before he reaches 15 seasons. I hope ISH will still exist after LeBron goes in the top 5. Imagine all the LeBron fans/haters/whole Cleveland debating about LeBron:lol.

02-15-2011, 05:47 AM
People are forgetting that playoff points don't count towards career total. So LeBrons numerous early exits have prolonged the number of years he can play by reducing the number of minutes played, and making sure a larger chunk of those minutes are played in games that count towards his total.

02-15-2011, 05:52 AM
People are forgetting that playoff points don't count towards career total.

Not directing this to you, but regular season totals are for regular season records, and postseason totals are for postseason records. They're two separate things. I don't know why this is so hard to understand, but I've seen people think for some reason that the playoffs are included in career numbers towards all-time records. :confusedshrug:

02-15-2011, 05:56 AM
Jordan was still dominating at 36 years old. Hell he even dominated at times with 40 point games when he was 38 and 39 years old.

Jordan also did have a couple breaks in between. Let's not forget.

02-15-2011, 07:05 AM
Good topic!

First of all, Lebron is the youngest to every thousand point milestone from 1,000 points through 16,000 points and whatever he has now (16,609). Which means Lebron is on the best pace in NBA history with a big gap to shatter any scoring records when its all said and done. He is the youngest to any such scoring milestone.

At the age of 25, at the end of that season Lebron had 15,251 points, now lets compare to anybody in NBA history where they was at at the age of 25, here are the best paces so far :

Lebron at the age of 25 had 15,251 points
Kobe at the age of 25 had 12,215 points
Jordan at the age of 25 had 11,263 points
Shaquille at the age of 25 had 11,054 points
Kareem at the age of 25 had 10,071 points
Wilt C. at the age of 25 had 9,769 points
Malone at the age of 25 had 7,576 points

Right now Lebron has 16,609 points and the season aint even over yet.

Do you know what this means? It means that Lebron is so far ahead right now that he can afford to drop his PPG all the way down to ~21 ppg starting right now for the remainder of his career and still become the #1 scoring leader if he plays at least 75 games a season and retires somewhere at 38-40. And we all know he wont drop his PPG to ~21 PPG this season or the next or the next or the next or the next or the next...

Thats the kindof pace Lebron has!!

You can safely guarantee Lebron will be #1 when its all said and done, the only way it wont happen is if somebody breaks his legs (and arms for safeties sake) or if he starts averaging max 15 ppg starting from today for the rest of his career (we know that wont happen)!

The secret to this ridicilous pace is coming in at the age of 18 to the NBA with a BANG! (he was perhaps the most NBA ready 18 year old ever) and being so consistant, durable & healthy! Considering his consistancy and durability, health you can also safely say his longevity will be one of the best ever (unless once again somebody breaks his legs, arms, kills him), which even more proves that he will continue to shatter that Kareem #1 record with utmost ease and probably make it unbreakable when he is done.

02-15-2011, 07:23 AM
Good topic!

First of all, Lebron is the youngest to every thousand point milestone from 1,000 points through 16,000 points and whatever he has now (16,609). Which means Lebron is on the best pace in NBA history with a big gap to shatter any scoring records when its all said and done. He is the youngest to any such scoring milestone.

At the age of 25, at the end of that season Lebron had 15,251 points, now lets compare to anybody in NBA history where they was at at the age of 25, here are the best paces so far :

Lebron at the age of 25 had 15,251 points
Kobe at the age of 25 had 12,215 points
Jordan at the age of 25 had 11,263 points
Shaquille at the age of 25 had 11,054 points
Kareem at the age of 25 had 10,071 points
Wilt C. at the age of 25 had 9,769 points
Malone at the age of 25 had 7,576 points

Right now Lebron has 16,609 points and the season aint even over yet.

Do you know what this means? It means that Lebron is so far ahead right now that he can afford to drop his PPG all the way down to ~21 ppg starting right now for the remainder of his career and still become the #1 scoring leader if he plays at least 75 games a season and retires somewhere at 38-40. And we all know he wont drop his PPG to ~21 PPG this season or the next or the next or the next or the next or the next...

Thats the kindof pace Lebron has!!

You can safely guarantee Lebron will be #1 when its all said and done, the only way it wont happen is if somebody breaks his legs (and arms for safeties sake) or if he starts averaging max 15 ppg starting from today for the rest of his career (we know that wont happen)!

The secret to this ridicilous pace is coming in at the age of 18 to the NBA with a BANG! (he was perhaps the most NBA ready 18 year old ever) and being so consistant, durable & healthy! Considering his consistancy and durability, health you can also safely say his longevity will be one of the best ever (unless once again somebody breaks his legs, arms, kills him), which even more proves that he will continue to shatter that Kareem #1 record with utmost ease and probably make it unbreakable when he is done.
Holy optimism! SHATTER Kareem's record dude?

02-15-2011, 08:11 AM
Here is some calculations on how it will look like for Lebron (once again unless somebody simply kills him or injures him for good or he simply retires by the age of 30) not counting this season since its not over yet.
As long as Lebron sustains this excellent longevity, durability thru out his career this is how it will look like, i took examples of even if his career PPG decreases to extremly low level by his standards.

At the age of 25 he had 15,251 points, so lets say Lebron plays until he is 37-38, which is 13 years/seasons from 25.

If Lebron plays 75-82 games, averages 26 ppg for 13 more seasons he will have up to 42,967 points.

If Lebron plays 75-82 games, averages 25 ppg for 13 more seasons he will have up to 41,901 points.

If Lebron plays 75-82 games, averages 24 ppg for 13 more seasons he will have up to 40,835 points.

If Lebron plays 75-82 games, averages 23 ppg for 13 more seasons he will have up to 39,769 points.

If Lebron plays 75-82 games, averages 22 ppg for 13 more seasons he will have up to 38,703 points.

If Lebron plays 75-82 games, averages 21.7 ppg for 13 more seasons he will have up to ~38,400 points.

However you want to twist and turn on it, its inevitable Lebron is on a very easy pace to just "maybe" become #1 scoring leader.

The most amazing part is that he is doing this while averaging at least 7 assists a game, which means Lebron is also on a perfect pace of also becoming the 1st non-PG in NBA history to be on Top 10 all-time assist leader list. Which means he will become only the 2nd player in NBA history to be on both the Top 10 scoring list and the Top 10 assists list, the 1st and only player to be on Top10 Scoring & Assist list is Oscar Robertson.

Infact when Lebron gets in Top 10 scoring list, he will knock Oscars name down to #11, which means Lebron will be the only player in NBA history to be on both the Top 10 Scoring list & Top 10 assist list

02-15-2011, 08:12 AM
He's definitely on pace.

King Lebron LBJ
02-15-2011, 08:31 AM
Certainly possible, top 5 I think is likely with the pace he is going.

02-15-2011, 12:35 PM
This is all moot, Durant will be quicker to 20,000 than LeBron and he went to college for a year

02-15-2011, 12:39 PM
This is all moot, Durant will be quicker to 20,000 than LeBron and he went to college for a year
:no: :no: :no:

02-15-2011, 12:42 PM

Where did you get this from? Your ass?
From watching him for about 8 years. Every time he has a chance for an incredible scoring game (starting out on fire) he stops shooting and starts going for rebounds and assists more than continuing to shoot.

02-15-2011, 12:47 PM
:no: :no: :no:
Come on guy, give him a break. He needed to bring in Durant somehow into this thread...by saying that the entire thread is useless because he'll be there first lol...

02-15-2011, 12:53 PM
:no: :no: :no:

At his current pace, LeBron will hit 20,000 points in 130 games or early January 2013 at 28 years old

At his current pace, Kevin Durant will hit 20,000 points in 425 games or April/May 2016 making him 27 years old

02-15-2011, 12:56 PM
I'm actually with Joyner. Durant shoots a shitload, and that probably won't ever change. Durant gets 9 made free throws? plus all the 3s? which he'll only get better at making. I think Durant stands a MUCH better chance. I think LeBron almost has a lock on top 5 though.

02-15-2011, 12:59 PM
From watching him for about 8 years. Every time he has a chance for an incredible scoring game (starting out on fire) he stops shooting and starts going for rebounds and assists more than continuing to shoot.
We just saw this against Orlando. He could have had 65+ that night. No one was stopping him. Hopefully the next time he's hot he will go into that Kobe mode.

02-15-2011, 01:00 PM
I'm actually with Joyner. Durant shoots a shitload, and that probably won't ever change. Durant gets 9 made free throws? plus all the 3s? which he'll only get better at making. I think Durant stands a MUCH better chance. I think LeBron almost has a lock on top 5 though.

The funny thing is..

LeBron scored 8439 points his first 4 years on 6620 FGA and 2611 FTA

If Durant continues his pace from the past 3 months he will finish his first 4 years with

8309 points scored on 6034 FGA and 2530 FTA

Only 130 less points scored on 500 less FGA and 80 less FTA

02-15-2011, 01:02 PM
The funny thing is..

LeBron scored 8439 points his first 4 years on 6620 FGA and 2611 FTA

If Durant continues his pace from the past 3 months he will finish his first 4 years with

8309 points scored on 6034 FGA and 2530 FTA

Only 130 less points scored on 500 less FGA and 80 less FTA
Exactly. If they both have the same amount of health, Durant will pass him up, due to the fact, he's FAR more efficient.

02-15-2011, 01:02 PM
SinJackal, Lebron ain't Kobe.

Who knows what kind of player he will be when he reaches 30.

02-15-2011, 01:03 PM
Exactly. If they both have the same amount of health, Durant will pass him up, due to the fact, he's FAR more efficient.
Durant is more efficient?

02-15-2011, 01:04 PM
Durant is more efficient?

Durant shoots more, has a higher eFG%, and is a much better free throw shooter

02-15-2011, 01:05 PM
Here's my two cents on the whole breaking down of Wade+LeBron.
Wade will DEFINITELY break down, due to all his injuries, and the fact most shooting guards like him do break down around 31. It's like 30 with running backs.

However, with LeBron I think he breaks down due to the fact his frame is carrying so much weight. But I don't think that happens till around 32-33. You can tell he's slower this year, BUT I think that's more due to the fact that he bulked up again, to add to his "post game", and also that he's saving hisself for future years.

If he had stayed in Cleveland...he would have owned that scoring record so badly it's not funny.

02-15-2011, 01:06 PM
Durant is more efficient?
15-ish% better from the line, and he gets an extra free throw, plus he's ridiculously better at 3s, and takes wayyy more. as a pure scorer he's more efficient.

02-15-2011, 01:07 PM
Durant shoots more, has a higher eFG%, and is a much better free throw shooter
:wtf: :oldlol:

Your stats are garbage and Lebron had a way higher efg% last year and they are tied this year.

02-15-2011, 01:09 PM
:wtf: :oldlol:

Your stats are garbage and Lebron had a way higher efg% last year and they are tied this year.

LeBron is fvcking 26, Durant is 22. And Durant had a higher TS% last season & this season.

Durant shoots 52% from 2, LeBron shoots 51.8%.

Durant makes 1.8 3's a game, LeBron makes 1.3

Durant makes 8.0 FT's a game, LeBron makes 6.8

It's not hard to see who is more efficient. That's why Durant will always have a higher TS% aka score more on the same amount of shots.

02-15-2011, 01:13 PM
LeBron is fvcking 26, Durant is 22. And Durant had a higher TS% last season & this season.

Durant shoots 52% from 2, LeBron shoots 51.8%.

Durant makes 1.8 3's a game, LeBron makes 1.3

Durant makes 8.0 FT's a game, LeBron makes 6.8

It's not hard to see who is more efficient

First of all that's only one part of being efficient... Lebron shoots a better percentage from three, Durant is a better freethrow shooter by far and they shoot the same percentage from two. But Durant is clearly more efficient...:rolleyes: :facepalm

You got stats like assist to turnover ratio written down somewhere?

02-15-2011, 01:15 PM
First of all that's only one part of being efficient... Lebron shoots a better percentage from three, Durant is a better freethrow shooter by far and they shoot the same percentage from two. But Durant is clearly more efficient...:rolleyes: :facepalm

You got stats like assist to turnover ratio written down somewhere?

3 point percentage means jack, it's about 3 pointers made

and it's good to know that assist-to ratio plays a part in scoring

Shaq has a negative ast-to ratio for his career, whoops guess he sucks

02-15-2011, 01:18 PM
We're gonna have a debate around 34.5% and 34.9%?
That's basically the exact same efficiency, and Durant making an extra 3 every other game. That adds up over a season.

02-15-2011, 01:19 PM
3 point percentage means jack, it's about 3 pointers made

and it's good to know that assist-to ratio plays a part in scoring

Shaq has a negative ast-to ratio for his career, whoops guess he sucks

You sound so hurt. Had to bring shaq, who isnt a perimeter player at all into the conversation. It's good to know ts%,efg%,other bullshit advanced stats matter too.

02-15-2011, 01:21 PM

You sound so hurt. Had to bring shaq, who isnt a perimeter player at all into the conversation. It's good to know ts%,efg%,other bullshit advanced stats matter too.

Durant plays off of the ball, Shaq played off of the ball, LeBron plays on the ball

basketball is hard :confusedshrug:

02-15-2011, 01:24 PM
We're gonna have a debate around 34.5% and 34.9%?
That's basically the exact same efficiency, and Durant making an extra 3 every other game. That adds up over a season.

02-15-2011, 01:24 PM
Durant plays off of the ball, Shaq played off of the ball, LeBron plays on the ball

basketball is hard :confusedshrug:
Lebron Usage rate 32.0
Durant's? 31.4

02-15-2011, 01:30 PM
Lebron Usage rate 32.0
Durant's? 31.4

USG rate is not the amount of time you have the basketball

USG% is FGA+FTA+Turnovers*minutes played/team FGA+team FTA+team Turnovers

Shaq had a Usage rate of 32.9 in 1996, I guess he has the ball more than LeBron? :lol

02-15-2011, 01:33 PM
USG rate is not the amount of time you have the basketball

USG% is FGA+FTA+Turnovers*minutes played/team FGA+team FTA+team Turnovers
Dont you have to have the ball to do all of those things? You make it seem like all the of names at the top of the usage rate lists dont have the ball in their hands a lot.:facepalm

02-15-2011, 01:36 PM
Dont you have to have the ball to do all of those things? You make it seem like all the of names at the top of the usage rate lists dont have the ball in their hands a lot.:facepalm

Do you ever watch Durant play? Westbrook has the ball in his hands the entire game except when Durant is in ISO or coming off of screens. Durant very rarely handles the ball except in quarter/game ending situations.

On offense he is like Ray Allen except with a lot higher volume

That is why people consider him one of the greatest scorers of all time. It's not only because of his efficiency, but the fact it comes in the flow of the offense. You can run your normal offense with Durant and he still drops 30 whereas the Kobe's/LeBron's/Wade's have to constantly go into ISO basketball destroying sets.

02-15-2011, 01:47 PM
Dont you have to have the ball to do all of those things? You make it seem like all the of names at the top of the usage rate lists dont have the ball in their hands a lot.:facepalm
Nah.. usage is how many times plays are run for a player. Like steve nash could've had a higher usage rate than steve nash back with pheonix because he had more plays run for him but steve nash was clearly more ball dominant.

Basically, there's a huge difference between usage rate and dribbling the ball around forever.

02-15-2011, 02:02 PM
Usage Percentage (available since the 1977-78 season in the NBA); the formula is 100 * ((FGA + 0.44 * FTA + TOV) * (Tm MP / 5)) / (MP * (Tm FGA + 0.44 * Tm FTA + Tm TOV)).

Usage percentage is an estimate of the percentage of team plays used by a player while he was on the floor.

02-15-2011, 02:03 PM
Nah.. usage is how many times plays are run for a player. Like steve nash could've had a higher usage rate than steve nash back with pheonix because he had more plays run for him but steve nash was clearly more ball dominant.

Basically, there's a huge difference between usage rate and dribbling the ball around forever.

I understand that, but Steve does dribble the ball an awfully long time as well. These things go hand in hand quite well. There are slight differences, but Durant playing off the ball still gets plenty of touches along with ISO's. He is ball dominant and you have to be to score those kind of numbers.

02-15-2011, 03:00 PM
at least 30,000 realistically, barring injury

Mr. I'm So Rad
02-15-2011, 03:25 PM
Kareem also did yoga, for what it's worth. Maybe that helped?

Na that Mary Jane is what helped him

02-15-2011, 03:35 PM
I understand that, but Steve does dribble the ball an awfully long time as well. These things go hand in hand quite well. There are slight differences, but Durant playing off the ball still gets plenty of touches along with ISO's. He is ball dominant and you have to be to score those kind of numbers.

LeBron has the ball in his hands in a quarter more than Durant does for an entire game

02-15-2011, 04:22 PM
The better scorer isn't the one with the more points in the end. Longevity and health will decide that. Right now Lebron could outscore Durant if that was his goal. But Lebron's value is that he is a better all around player and can do more things, so he does that instead. If Lebron put effort into scoring in the first half he's ahead of Durant, this year and last year. However, Durant will be the youngest to 10,000 points probably thru 25,000 then its about health the rest of the way. I think we measure Durant in terms of his scoring potential - his shot at times looks as formidible as Kareem's skyhook! I said before the year started that the Olympic ball will mess up his shot and it has. But I do see Durant improving and eventually being the best scorer ever if he stays healthy.

02-15-2011, 04:48 PM
Durant won't catch up to LeBron in terms of age until 15k~ points

He will get to 10k in fewer games than LeBron, but LeBron will be about 7 months younger.

02-15-2011, 07:35 PM
I expect both Kobe and Lebron will be #3 and #4 behind Malone and ahead of Jordan. I won't say anything about Durant cause its too early to tell as far as durability and longevity goes. But if he keeps it up and stays around for a while, he should be between Malone and Jordan as well.

Eat Like A Bosh
02-15-2011, 08:58 PM
LeBron's athleticism has noticeably declined?
He's still getting to the rim at will.

Let's see. Comparing Durant and LeBron's first 4 seasons. (Durants in his 4th season)
we're only looking at scoring for now. Season 1 to Season 4 in order

Durant LeBron
FG% .430 .417
.476 .472
.476 .480
.474 .476

3P% .288 .290
.422 .351
.365 .335
.345 .319

FT% .873 .754
.863 .750
.900 .738
.879 .738

PPG 20.3 20.9
25.3 27.2
30.1 31.4
29.1 29.1

Durant's clearly on the same pace as LeBron, if not better. In fact Durant has a higher eFG% than LeBron. Their Points per game in their first 4 seasons are nearly identical. Durant holds a slight edge with 27.15 verses LeBron's 26.2.

We don't know yet, but if you have to say "XXX is on pace to", then you could make a case for a lot of things! :D It's always hard to predict the future, as we never know. They could both break their legs on a bike and never play again, it's possible. But for now, we are all saying yes, they can break the record.

We'll just have to wait a couple years to find out.

08-20-2011, 06:37 PM
he is on the best pace in NBA history........ he got all the youngest to records all the way up to his current 17000 points and he will break them all... its very likely he will end up #1 unless he retires to early or has a career ending injury or has to play the rest of his career on a wheelchair........

He is 26 years old and has right now 17362 points right? Take a look at this....... here is some calculations so u understand how easily he got this....

If he average starting from TODAY 22 ppg for around 79 games every season until he is lets say around 38 years old... he will have 21648 points... add his current 17362 points.... and that is 39010............

understand? haha......... and that is only 22 ppg.... just to show you on what kindof ridicilous pace he is in........ he will most likely end up with 40000 points or even more!


Kareem at the age of 26 had a total of 12262 points... compared to Lebrons 17362 points.........

lebron can therefore afford to average around 20 ppg from now on until retirement and still end up probably #1 :D

Theoo's Daddy
08-20-2011, 06:45 PM
he is on the best pace in NBA history........ he got all the youngest to records all the way up to his current 17000 points and he will break them all... its very likely he will end up #1 unless he retires to early or has a career ending injury or has to play the rest of his career on a wheelchair........

He is 26 years old and has right now 17362 points right? Take a look at this....... here is some calculations so u understand how easily he got this....

If he average starting from TODAY 22 ppg for around 79 games every season until he is lets say around 38 years old... he will have 21648 points... add his current 17362 points.... and that is 39010............

understand? haha......... and that is only 22 ppg.... just to show you on what kindof ridicilous pace he is in........ he will most likely end up with 40000 points or even more!


Kareem at the age of 26 had a total of 12262 points... compared to Lebrons 17362 points.........

lebron can therefore afford to average around 20 ppg from now on until retirement and still end up probably #1 :D

:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

08-20-2011, 06:45 PM
he is on the best pace in NBA history........ he got all the youngest to records all the way up to his current 17000 points and he will break them all... its very likely he will end up #1 unless he retires to early or has a career ending injury or has to play the rest of his career on a wheelchair........

He is 26 years old and has right now 17362 points right? Take a look at this....... here is some calculations so u understand how easily he got this....

If he average starting from TODAY 22 ppg for around 79 games every season until he is lets say around 38 years old... he will have 21648 points... add his current 17362 points.... and that is 39010............

understand? haha......... and that is only 22 ppg.... just to show you on what kindof ridicilous pace he is in........ he will most likely end up with 40000 points or even more!


Kareem at the age of 26 had a total of 12262 points... compared to Lebrons 17362 points.........

lebron can therefore afford to average around 20 ppg from now on until retirement and still end up probably #1 :D:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

08-20-2011, 06:47 PM
He'll get 30,000, but after that it's anyone's guess.

08-20-2011, 06:48 PM
He'll get 30,000, but after that it's anyone's guess.
And we know this how?

McGrady was on his way to at least 25,000, and he's barley over 18,000 today.

08-20-2011, 07:08 PM
And we know this how?

McGrady was on his way to at least 25,000, and he's barley over 18,000 today.

And McGrady would've gotten to 25,000 if he hadn't gotten hurt. Of course all of this assumes reasonable health.

I'd say Kobe is a lock for 30,000, but of course there's always the chance that he could blow his knee out completely tomorrow.

If LeBron stays healthy and plays for another 8 or so seasons, he should get the 14,000 points he needs.

08-20-2011, 07:11 PM
:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

haha! you seriously think that is impossible??? :oldlol: wow... its all numbers - facts my friend.... if you dont use a calculator... i can help you out... here we go....

1st of all keep in mind Lebron is 26 and has 17362 points..... im gona keep it as realistic as possible.... he will most likely average more... but i will keep it safe.... take a look =

Lebron at the age of 27 averages lets say 26 ppg in 78 games... gives him a total of 19390 points

Lebron at the age of 28 averages lets say 26 ppg in 77 games... gives him a total of 21392 points

Lebron at the age of 29 averages lets say 25 ppg in 79 games... gives him a total of 23367 points

Lebron at the age of 30 averages lets say 27 ppg in 78 games... gives him a total of 25473 points

Lebron at the age of 31 averages lets say 25 ppg in 80 games... gives him a total of 27473 points

Lebron at the age of 32 averages lets say 25 ppg in 76 games... gives him a total of 29373 points

Lebron at the age of 33 averages lets say 25 ppg in 77 games... gives him a total of 31298 points

Lebron at the age of 34 averages lets say 24 ppg in 78 games... gives him a total of 33170 points

Lebron at the age of 35 averages lets say 24 ppg in 77 games... gives him a total of 35018 points

Lebron at the age of 36 averages lets say 23 ppg in 76 games... gives him a total of 36766 points

Lebron at the age of 37 averages lets say 22 ppg in 76 games... gives him a total of 38438 points

Lebron at the age of 38 averages lets say 21 ppg in 75 games... gives him a total of 40013 points

Lebron at the age of 39 averages lets say 20 ppg in 70 games... gives him a total of 41413 points

Lebron at the age of 40 averages lets say 19 ppg in 65 games... gives him a total of 42648 points



08-20-2011, 07:42 PM
Have you heard of wear and tear? Diminishing athleticism? Lol at Lebron averaging 22ppg at 37

08-20-2011, 07:47 PM
Pauk is the worst poster on this site

08-20-2011, 07:53 PM
haha! you seriously think that is impossible??? :oldlol: wow... its all numbers - facts my friend.... if you dont use a calculator... i can help you out... here we go....

1st of all keep in mind Lebron is 26 and has 17362 points..... im gona keep it as realistic as possible.... he will most likely average more... but i will keep it safe.... take a look =

Lebron at the age of 27 averages lets say 26 ppg in 78 games... gives him a total of 19390 points

Lebron at the age of 28 averages lets say 26 ppg in 77 games... gives him a total of 21392 points

Lebron at the age of 29 averages lets say 25 ppg in 79 games... gives him a total of 23367 points

Lebron at the age of 30 averages lets say 27 ppg in 78 games... gives him a total of 25473 points

Lebron at the age of 31 averages lets say 25 ppg in 80 games... gives him a total of 27473 points

Lebron at the age of 32 averages lets say 25 ppg in 76 games... gives him a total of 29373 points

Lebron at the age of 33 averages lets say 25 ppg in 77 games... gives him a total of 31298 points

Lebron at the age of 34 averages lets say 24 ppg in 78 games... gives him a total of 33170 points

Lebron at the age of 35 averages lets say 24 ppg in 77 games... gives him a total of 35018 points

Lebron at the age of 36 averages lets say 23 ppg in 76 games... gives him a total of 36766 points

Lebron at the age of 37 averages lets say 22 ppg in 76 games... gives him a total of 38438 points

Lebron at the age of 38 averages lets say 21 ppg in 75 games... gives him a total of 40013 points

Lebron at the age of 39 averages lets say 20 ppg in 70 games... gives him a total of 41413 points

Lebron at the age of 40 averages lets say 19 ppg in 65 games... gives him a total of 42648 points


Jesus Christ, man.

One of the most ludicrous prediction posts I have ever seen on this site, which is saying something.

Averaging 24 points per game in 77 freaking games nine years from now? Really?

08-20-2011, 07:56 PM
Pauk is the worst poster on this site
The way he switches into all caps mode all the time makes it that much worse

08-20-2011, 07:59 PM
If LeBron averages 36 mpg until the end of his career, under Pauk's prediction he will end up having played 58000~ regular season minutes :lol

There have been 4 players in history to play more than 47800 minutes in their career.

Elvin Hayes-50,000

But yes, a perimeter player with an unreliable jumpshot that relies upon his athleticism is going to break the all time minutes played record :lol

08-20-2011, 08:00 PM
He will be up there I'm sure but I am going out on a limb and saying KAJ will never be beaten. Look at the people at the top, KAJ, Malone and Jordan all played well until retirement. If Jordan had not wasted what 3-4 seasons? He would had broken it. LeBron starting young has an advantage but you also have to add wear and tear in the actual league. I'm not saying wear and tear in other leagues in the world, I am talking NBA. Look at T-Mac and Arvydas Sabonus as examples both ways. T-Mac was a superstar until his 30's. Sabonus came into the NBA in his 30's and while he was not the superstar he was in Europe, he was a great player in the NBA for many years.

Eat Like A Bosh
08-20-2011, 08:04 PM
Don't know yet, he came in the league at a tender age of 18, that's how he is able to break so many youngest records. But in terms of scoring, he is not a pure scorer, and most of the guys I know were averaging over 30 PPG at his age. He's still hovering around 26-27, and even at 26 years old, his athleticism is already showing signs of fade. I think LeBron will wear out eventually, he'll probably hit 30,000 points, maybe, if he adapts.

Durant is on a better pace to break the record, and is more of a scorer type of player, but it's too early to say for either of them. I don't think any current active players are breaking Kareem's record though.

Doctor Rivers
08-20-2011, 08:08 PM
Pauk is the worst poster on this site

Pauk = gengiskhan

08-20-2011, 09:08 PM
Even if he averages 25 PPG for the next 8 years, he's only at 33-34K. He would be just above MJ, about 3K behind Malone, and about 5K behind Kareem. LeBron isn't a post player that doesn't utilize his athleticism. He's a streaker shooter so unless that changes or he becomes a Karl Malone-esque player, he's not breaking it. If he doesn't get hurt, he'll hit 30K with little to no difficulty. He would have to play a minimum of 10 more years to even have the slightest chance of breaking KAJ's record.

08-20-2011, 09:41 PM
Congratulations Lebron on another hypothetical achievement.

08-20-2011, 09:49 PM
Lebron has an EXCELLENT shot to do it. Him coming right outta HS and averaging 20 points out the gate gives him the upper hand on most guys. Lebron I think can become the first guy to get 20,000 points and 10,000 assists in his career. Magic shoulda been the first guy to do it, but he had to retire premature. 20,000 points and 10,000 dimes is a SICK FEAT in itself. And he's arguably the greatest passer ever in terms on non PG's. But Lebron I feel is gonna smash that of course and get at least 30,000 points along with 10,000 assists. Which is insane production. That would be like getting 700 Home runs and 3,000 hits in baseball.

08-20-2011, 11:09 PM
Lebron has an EXCELLENT shot to do it. Him coming right outta HS and averaging 20 points out the gate gives him the upper hand on most guys. Lebron I think can become the first guy to get 20,000 points and 10,000 assists in his career. Magic shoulda been the first guy to do it, but he had to retire premature. 20,000 points and 10,000 dimes is a SICK FEAT in itself. And he's arguably the greatest passer ever in terms on non PG's. But Lebron I feel is gonna smash that of course and get at least 30,000 points along with 10,000 assists. Which is insane production. That would be like getting 700 Home runs and 3,000 hits in baseball.
Let's not forget that he could get 10k boards as well. Theoretically he could get 25+/10/10. He would be the first player in history to get in the 10's in all three major categories.

08-21-2011, 05:07 AM
Let's not forget that he could get 10k boards as well. Theoretically he could get 25+/10/10. He would be the first player in history to get in the 10's in all three major categories.

Yes indeed! Those numbers are so insane and speak to the all around brilliance of a player. Magic by all rights should have been the guy to get those type of numbers. He retired initially at 32 years old and still in his prime. At the time he retired with over 17,000 points, almost 10,000 assists, and over 6,000 rebounds. But Bron is on a collision course with those big time numbers. If Lebron can pull this off, it will REALLY but him in a one of a kind category statistically. It would be a hell of a feat to get say 30,000 points, 10,000 assists, and 10,000 rebounds.

08-21-2011, 09:44 AM
Yes indeed! Those numbers are so insane and speak to the all around brilliance of a player. Magic by all rights should have been the guy to get those type of numbers. He retired initially at 32 years old and still in his prime. At the time he retired with over 17,000 points, almost 10,000 assists, and over 6,000 rebounds. But Bron is on a collision course with those big time numbers. If Lebron can pull this off, it will REALLY but him in a one of a kind category statistically. It would be a hell of a feat to get say 30,000 points, 10,000 assists, and 10,000 rebounds.

How sad it is then that he doesn't even have one championship and has provided no reason for us to have confidence that he ever will.

08-21-2011, 11:59 AM
LOL x2
Durant is 22 what is so funny bout what he said?

08-21-2011, 12:47 PM
Congratulations Lebron on another hypothetical achievement.
hahaha, this.GOAT on hypothetical achievements.