View Full Version : Why does Middle America hate the NBA

Lebron Bryant
03-05-2011, 05:19 PM
And yet like a league with more thugs then the NBA?

03-05-2011, 05:20 PM
And yet like a league with more thugs then the NBA?

what are you talking about? Examples?

03-05-2011, 05:42 PM
Middle America and rural areas dislike the NBA because there are too many Black players.

The NFL has lots of black players too (who by the way are far more thuggish than anything in the NBA), but the NFL gets around this because the face of each team is usually the QB. And Quarterbacks are disproportionately white.

Therefore rural areas love the NFL, while fostering ridiculous stereotypes and hatred towards the NBA, based on ideas that are overwhelming untrue.

03-05-2011, 05:43 PM
Middle America and rural areas dislike the NBA because there are too many Black players.

The NFL has lots of black players too (who by the way are far more thuggish than anything in the NBA), but the NFL gets around this because the face of each team is usually the QB. And Quarterbacks are disproportionately white.

Therefore rural areas love the NFL, while fostering ridiculous stereotypes and hatred towards the NBA, based on ideas that are overwhelming untrue.

yea, thats now two threads you dont know what the hell you are talking about in.

03-05-2011, 05:44 PM
Middle America and rural areas dislike the NBA because there are too many Black players.

The NFL has lots of black players too (who by the way are far more thuggish than anything in the NBA), but the NFL gets around this because the face of each team is usually the QB. And Quarterbacks are disproportionately white.

Therefore rural areas love the NFL, while fostering ridiculous stereotypes and hatred towards the NBA, based on ideas that are overwhelming untrue.
I live in the midwest, and this just isn't true. It's just a cultural thing. Kid's are brought up into different sports. If what you say was true, then Utah would be among the most anti-NBA areas in America, and it definitely isn't.

03-05-2011, 05:54 PM
The NFL has lots of black players too (who by the way are far more thuggish than anything in the NBA), but the NFL gets around this because the face of each team is usually the QB. And Quarterbacks are disproportionately white.

I think the bigger reason is that in nfl, everyone has a helmet on and are covered for the most part. You can't see any of the player's faces and the focus is on the QB as you said. The other guys are easy to overlook when you can't even see their faces while crouching down in front of the QB, and their tattoos are also all covered up with their protective gear.

In the NBA, people can see the faces of the players and their tattoos as clear as anything. In this country, tattoos usually equate thuggish behavior. Every part of a football player's body is covered except for the two arms. The short-sleeves takes care of covering up to the elbow, and a lot of them even cover up more of their arms with the team gear so you can't even see half of their arms in most cases. You can't easily tell if a player is thuggish or not in nfl.

03-05-2011, 05:56 PM
Middle America and rural areas dislike the NBA because there are too many Black players.

The NFL has lots of black players too (who by the way are far more thuggish than anything in the NBA), but the NFL gets around this because the face of each team is usually the QB. And Quarterbacks are disproportionately white.

Therefore rural areas love the NFL, while fostering ridiculous stereotypes and hatred towards the NBA, based on ideas that are overwhelming untrue.

That point is dumb. Middle america is not racist. Teams exist based on the potential fans available in the markets. Places that don't have pro teams support college athletics in both football and basketball. Middle america while not very successful, has a pretty good tradition of basketball I think.

Do these maps look similar?



So yeah, this thread kinda sucks.

03-05-2011, 06:06 PM
Middle America and rural areas dislike the NBA because there are too many Black players.

The NFL has lots of black players too (who by the way are far more thuggish than anything in the NBA), but the NFL gets around this because the face of each team is usually the QB. And Quarterbacks are disproportionately white.

Therefore rural areas love the NFL, while fostering ridiculous stereotypes and hatred towards the NBA, based on ideas that are overwhelming untrue.

Yep. Seems some people don't have the intellectual sophistication to understand this.

03-05-2011, 06:18 PM
Stupid thread.

I love basketball, I like football, but readily admit both are thought to be more important than they really are in the grand scheme of things.

Why someone would want to compare the two sports fans and try to tease out racism ("middle america") is just a huge waste of time. But whatever floats your boat. :confusedshrug:

Horde of Temujin
03-05-2011, 08:18 PM
yea, thats now two threads you dont know what the hell you are talking about in.

You care to enlighten us then? at least he offered an idea, more than what can be said for you.

i think its the same reason Middle America supports a political party that doesn't benefit them, only the rich. They're sheep

03-05-2011, 08:20 PM
Middle America and rural areas dislike the NBA because there are too many Black players.

The NFL has lots of black players too (who by the way are far more thuggish than anything in the NBA), but the NFL gets around this because the face of each team is usually the QB. And Quarterbacks are disproportionately white.

Therefore rural areas love the NFL, while fostering ridiculous stereotypes and hatred towards the NBA, based on ideas that are overwhelming untrue.
Wut? Nobody outside of the US likes NFL. In US football is what the WORLD calls American football. Deal with it...also OP what you said is untrue, they just like soccer better...

03-05-2011, 08:47 PM
I live in rural middle America, and here is what people say about the NBA.

-it's not the same since Jordan left (I hear this the most)
-it's all flash. No fundamentals
-they don't play any defense
-the same teams win all the time. Too predictable
-they play for the money, and they are greedy

Also, outside the NFL, I don't get a sense that people get into a pro sport when there isn't a local team.

03-05-2011, 08:50 PM
I think it has more to do with the NBA as a league catering/advertising/marketing to an inner city audience. The focus on the hip hop culture surrounding the game almost exclusively.

The NFL caters to a much more middle-of-the-road crowd.

03-05-2011, 08:59 PM
Its amazing how many posters we have within this thread that are so scared of the truth.

03-05-2011, 09:05 PM
-it's not the same since Jordan left (I hear this the most)
-it's all flash. No fundamentals
-they don't play any defense
-the same teams win all the time. Too predictable
-they play for the money, and they are greedy

Oh so that's why the US haven't dominated the world in basketball LOL.

03-05-2011, 09:08 PM
Its amazing how many posters we have within this thread that are so scared of the truth.What truth? You are talking out of your ass. How can they be racist where hispanic people are as mixed as the Americans? There are black, native and white...

03-05-2011, 09:18 PM
What truth? You are talking out of your ass. How can they be racist where hispanic people are as mixed as the Americans? There are black, native and white...


03-05-2011, 11:46 PM
Middle America and rural areas dislike the NBA because there are too many Black players.

The NFL has lots of black players too (who by the way are far more thuggish than anything in the NBA), but the NFL gets around this because the face of each team is usually the QB. And Quarterbacks are disproportionately white.

Therefore rural areas love the NFL, while fostering ridiculous stereotypes and hatred towards the NBA, based on ideas that are overwhelming untrue.

Doesn't have anything to do with it. If that was the case, it would only be an NBA vs NFL comparison, but Basketball doesn't have the same following in the mid-west on any level of competition.

I grew up in a small town about 30 miles north of Kansas City. Half the town would show up for the Friday night highschool football game. Nobody showed up for basketball games except for parents. Didn't have a damn thing to do with racism.

Football players were always the rockstars in High-school too... most people didn't even know who was on the basketball team. I could go into any store in the town I lived in, and immediately be identified(by people i hardly knew) as the starting Quarterback. Hell, sometimes I'd even get free food from the restaurants... But nobody knew that I was the captain of the basketball team.

The mid-west is just a football area. That's really all there is too it. From my experience growing up, it was way easier to find an open field or backyard to play Football in w/ an almost unlimited number of players, than it was to organize and go to the basketball court and have to sit people out when it got overcrowded. It's also alot easier to include "non athletic" players in a game of football. Basketball has a lot higher level of entry to not being absolutely terrible.

It definitely has very little to do with racism.

03-05-2011, 11:51 PM
Do a lot of black people watch hockey?

03-05-2011, 11:53 PM
I live in rural middle America, and here is what people say about the NBA.

-it's not the same since Jordan left (I hear this the most)
-it's all flash. No fundamentals
-they don't play any defense
-the same teams win all the time. Too predictable
-they play for the money, and they are greedy

Also, outside the NFL, I don't get a sense that people get into a pro sport when there isn't a local team.

Yeah, I hear similar things. People also for whatever reason seem to like college basketball much more. I'm always the first to ask why, because to me the difference in quality of play is enormous. I always get similar answers

-They don't play defense
-Too much superstar treatment
-They don't try every night

I just don't get it, they don't really have a definitive reason why.

03-05-2011, 11:54 PM
Do a lot of black people watch hockey?

Do a lot of black people play hockey at any level?

Almost all the basketball teams I've played on were predominately white, it's completely different.

03-05-2011, 11:55 PM
Yeah, I hear similar things. People also for whatever reason seem to like college basketball much more. I'm always the first to ask why, because to me the difference in quality of play is enormous. I always get similar answers

-They don't play defense
-Too much superstar treatment
-They don't try every night

I just don't get it, they don't really have a definitive reason why.
I've heard it's the WWE with a ball. And I tend to agree but it's still fun to watch.

03-05-2011, 11:55 PM
Yeah, I hear similar things. People also for whatever reason seem to like college basketball much more. I'm always the first to ask why, because to me the difference in quality of play is enormous. I always get similar answers

-They don't play defense
-Too much superstar treatment
-They don't try every night

I just don't get it, they don't really have a definitive reason why.

Two words. March Madness.

get these NETS
03-05-2011, 11:58 PM
Middle America and rural areas dislike the NBA because there are too many Black players.

The NFL has lots of black players too (who by the way are far more thuggish than anything in the NBA), but the NFL gets around this because the face of each team is usually the QB. And Quarterbacks are disproportionately white.

Therefore rural areas love the NFL, while fostering ridiculous stereotypes and hatred towards the NBA, based on ideas that are overwhelming untrue.

Not only do I agree with this, but Larry Bird echoed some of what you're saying a few years ago..talking to Jim Gray.

ESPN host Jim Gray asked Bird whether the NBA lacks enough white superstars.

"Well, I think so," said Bird, the Indiana Pacers' president of basketball operations. "You know, when I played, you had me and Kevin [McHale] and some others throughout the league. I think it's good for a fan base because, as we all know, the majority of the fans are white America. And if you just had a couple of white guys in there, you might get them a little excited. But it is a black man's game, and it will be forever. I mean, the greatest athletes in the world are African-American."


But, I mean...who is Bird to speak?..he's only a MID WESTERNER from a small town, one of the top 5-10 NBA players EVER, and a veteran NBA front office guy. What does HE know, really?


03-06-2011, 12:00 AM
Lifes rough in the Blue collared midwest. Hate to say it but white kids actually stand a chance to play college or pro football. They literally have zero chance of ever making it playing basketball. Thats the reason is more popular in the midwest.

03-06-2011, 12:02 AM
The original poster is spot on.. The NBA is hated in rural America because the players are too black, and make too much money. People watch sports at their highest level. But you only hear white folks say that they love the college game better than the NBA. If you are white and love the NBA, this probably does not apply to you and you should let it roll off your back. But it is plainly obvious to anyone with a bit of sense that this is true.

I just do not understand how someone can love basketball and like the college game and not like the pros. My wife said the NFL combine looked like a bunch of trainers with pitbulls. Most of those guys are not paid on an NBA level and their salaries are not guaranteed. Consequently, people feel that if these guys don't play to a certain level, they can be thrown on the street. But there is a positively racial element involved.

Go Getter
03-06-2011, 12:07 AM
They don't hate the NBA, college and HS sports are bigger than pro sports in OH, IN, IA, and maybe Mich and WS.

03-06-2011, 12:32 AM
Middle America and rural areas dislike the NBA because there are too many Black players.

The NFL has lots of black players too (who by the way are far more thuggish than anything in the NBA), but the NFL gets around this because the face of each team is usually the QB. And Quarterbacks are disproportionately white.

Therefore rural areas love the NFL, while fostering ridiculous stereotypes and hatred towards the NBA, based on ideas that are overwhelming untrue.

Someone listens to too much Colin Cowherd.

Anywho, I think people just like football more than basketball... People like NBA more than Hockey... So I guess middle america dislikes those NBA thugs but just not as much as those toothless white guys.

03-06-2011, 12:39 AM
The original poster is spot on.. The NBA is hated in rural America because the players are too black, and make too much money. People watch sports at their highest level. But you only hear white folks say that they love the college game better than the NBA. If you are white and love the NBA, this probably does not apply to you and you should let it roll off your back. But it is plainly obvious to anyone with a bit of sense that this is true.

I just do not understand how someone can love basketball and like the college game and not like the pros. My wife said the NFL combine looked like a bunch of trainers with pitbulls. Most of those guys are not paid on an NBA level and their salaries are not guaranteed. Consequently, people feel that if these guys don't play to a certain level, they can be thrown on the street. But there is a positively racial element involved.

Dumb "argument". I live in Ohio and OSU football is way more popular than NFL. So, yeah, people can like a sport and prefer college version. You do realize that the NBA and college hoops is pretty different? March Madness is and Cinderella teams. Also, a lot of people think that college kids play harder and they do it for the love of the game, they're not paid. Colin Cowherd is retarded and the people who follow his "logic" are fools.

Juice Willis
03-06-2011, 01:29 AM
The original poster is spot on.. The NBA is hated in rural America because the players are too black, and make too much money. People watch sports at their highest level. But you only hear white folks say that they love the college game better than the NBA. If you are white and love the NBA, this probably does not apply to you and you should let it roll off your back. But it is plainly obvious to anyone with a bit of sense that this is true.

I just do not understand how someone can love basketball and like the college game and not like the pros. My wife said the NFL combine looked like a bunch of trainers with pitbulls. Most of those guys are not paid on an NBA level and their salaries are not guaranteed. Consequently, people feel that if these guys don't play to a certain level, they can be thrown on the street. But there is a positively racial element involved.
Most white people live with their head in thes ands when it comes to things like racism. Nothing short of a corss burning on a front lawn would be considered raicst by them and even there would be skepticism. So it doesn't surprise me some of the answers that dont even try to adress the problem just deflect it. Screaming "it's not racism!" doesn't make it any less so. I 100% agree with the OP. Middle America while i think not abundantly racist, i believe they are more comforatble cheering for unpaid black college basketball players than overpaid black professionall basketball players.

03-06-2011, 01:56 AM
Most white people live with their head in thes ands when it comes to things like racism. Nothing short of a corss burning on a front lawn would be considered raicst by them and even there would be skepticism. So it doesn't surprise me some of the answers that dont even try to adress the problem just deflect it. Screaming "it's not racism!" doesn't make it any less so. I 100% agree with the OP. Middle America while i think not abundantly racist, i believe they are more comforatble cheering for unpaid black college basketball players than overpaid black professionall basketball players.

Reverse racism at its finest.

If race was the most relevant issue, Middle America would favor Hockey(a predominantly white sport) over the NBA, but it doesn't. Amazingly enough though, Canada does. They must be racist!

Or maybe they just like hockey...

03-06-2011, 02:07 AM
Middle America and rural areas dislike the NBA because there are too many Black players.

The NFL has lots of black players too (who by the way are far more thuggish than anything in the NBA), but the NFL gets around this because the face of each team is usually the QB. And Quarterbacks are disproportionately white.

Therefore rural areas love the NFL, while fostering ridiculous stereotypes and hatred towards the NBA, based on ideas that are overwhelming untrue.

lolwut? Everyone where I'm from likes basketball. Everyone where I moved to when I was young likes basketball.

Some of you guys here are extremely insecure about race. Far less people are racist now than 30 years ago. Barely anyone I've met cares anymore. Sure there's plenty that still are, but imo, that's not the majority anymore.

Juice Willis
03-06-2011, 02:09 AM
Reverse racism at its finest.

If race was the most relevant issue, Middle America would favor Hockey(a predominantly white sport) over the NBA, but it doesn't. Amazingly enough though, Canada does. They must be racist!

Or maybe they just like hockey...
Reverse racism? LOL. You're exactly the type of person i'm talking about. Thanks for helping to prove my point.

03-06-2011, 02:09 AM
Because Jesus loves Football.

Juice Willis
03-06-2011, 02:14 AM
lolwut? Everyone where I'm from likes basketball. Everyone where I moved to when I was young likes basketball.

Some of you guys here are extremely insecure about race. Far less people are racist now than 30 years ago. Barely anyone I've met cares anymore. Sure there's plenty that still are, but imo, that's not the majority anymore.
Dude, just ebcause people YOU know don't care about race doesn't mean racism doesn't exist anymore. Hell, just look up any comment under a NBA on Yahoo Sports article and you'll see how some people feel about NBA Players calling them monkeys and apes and all sorts of shit. It's disgusting. But not the rocket scientist above wants to call me a racist because i'm trying to engage in an intelligent debate about race and sporta yet won't probably wouldn't call out those same people.

03-06-2011, 02:26 AM
Same reason no one likes the NBA for the most part. A bunch of black guys running around acting like apes with no respect for the league, no respect for common decency, and the great white players are marginalized for some reason. Whenever there's a great white player people always insult his game and hurl racist epithets at them. Meanwhile the black players are immune from all criticism because the people that pay are all self loathing whites

03-06-2011, 02:32 AM
Dude, just ebcause people YOU know don't care about race doesn't mean racism doesn't exist anymore. Hell, just look up any comment under a NBA on Yahoo Sports article and you'll see how some people feel about NBA Players calling them monkeys and apes and all sorts of shit. It's disgusting. But not the rocket scientist above wants to call me a racist because i'm trying to engage in an intelligent debate about race and sporta yet won't probably wouldn't call out those same people.

Try reading the post. Nobody where I'm from, or currently live does. It isn't magically just me. I haven't seen a racist person irl in years. I don't live in south, so maybe those are still KKK hotspots or some shit? I wouldn't know. I'm sure you can elighten us though about how it's still running rampant.

I also said of course racism still exists, but the fact of the matter is, it's far less of a big deal as overly sensitive people such as your self make it out to be.

Your problem is that you're looking at random annonymous blogs online, and using that as your basis of the public's attitude. People say hurtful things online just because it pisses people off. Some will say shit like that even if they aren't racist, just because it pisses people off.

The internet is the worst place to go to try and get a grasp on how people act in real life. In reality, I think you just need to grow thicker skin. You will get called gay, or a monkey, or a cracker, and various other things online. Get used to it dude. It's like middle school insults on the net 24/7.

03-06-2011, 02:36 AM
Basketball has and always will be number 1 to me. Baseball is just boring, hockey is only fun if you are there and football sucks. I hate football so much and I fall asleep if I try to watch it. I'll never get why people think football is America's sport. Its boring, literally has stops in the action every 30 seconds and its the only sport in the world a fat out of shape man can play. Yep, I said it.

Juice Willis
03-06-2011, 02:46 AM
Try reading the post. Nobody where I'm from, or currently live does. It isn't magically just me. I haven't seen a racist person irl in years. I don't live in south, so maybe those are still KKK hotspots or some shit? I wouldn't know. I'm sure you can elighten us though about how it's still running rampant.

I also said of course racism still exists, but the fact of the matter is, it's far less of a big deal as overly sensitive people such as your self make it out to be.

Your problem is that you're looking at random annonymous blogs online, and using that as your basis of the public's attitude. People say hurtful things online just because it pisses people off. Some will say shit like that even if they aren't racist, just because it pisses people off.

The internet is the worst place to go to try and get a grasp on how people act in real life. In reality, I think you just need to grow thicker skin. You will get called gay, or a monkey, or a cracker, and various other things online. Get used to it dude. It's like middle school insults on the net 24/7.
If i'm thin skinned. Then you are painfully naive. So you know for a complete fact that nobody in you neighborhood is racist? Wow, must be really nice living in that bubble of yours.

As for qouting commentators online, i used it as an example to point out the attitudes of random people's views on the NBA. Anonymity gives pople the stones to say online what they would never say in real life. And much like en vino es veritas (in wine there is truth) i will take what those people say online more than what they do is real life because that is the true person. Hell, maybe some of your neighbors posted thsoe comments too. :)

03-06-2011, 02:52 AM
Reverse racism? LOL. You're exactly the type of person i'm talking about. Thanks for helping to prove my point.

Your point? I offered a argument refuting yours, you go "LOL I"M RETARDED UR WRONG ZOMG" instead of countering that point.

Why isn't hockey more popular than the NBA? It's a white man's sport isn't it? Don't have an answer? Didn't think so.

Here's a thought. Maybe the mid-west just prefers football? And maybe Canada prefers Hockey? And maybe Brazil prefers futbol? And maybe Australia prefers Rugbee? And maybe it doesn't have jack shit to do with what color peoples skins are.

What was your point? That you just another guy that blames everything on racism? I thought Jesse Jackson & Al Sharpton had that shit on lockdown.

Juice Willis
03-06-2011, 03:05 AM
Your point? I offered a argument refuting yours, you go "LOL I"M RETARDED UR WRONG ZOMG" instead of countering that point.

Why isn't hockey more popular than the NBA? It's a white man's sport isn't it? Don't have an answer? Didn't think so.

Here's a thought. Maybe the mid-west just prefers football? And maybe Canada prefers Hockey? And maybe Brazil prefers futbol? And maybe Australia prefers Rugbee? And maybe it doesn't have jack shit to do with what color peoples skins are.

What was your point? That you just another guy that blames everything on racism? I thought Jesse Jackson & Al Sharpton had that shit on lockdown.
Thank you very much, Glenn Beck. Next time i wanna play 20 comparisons i'll call you up. How the **** am i supposed to know why americans don't give a shit about Hockey? The OP asked about basketball so i'm talking about basketball. All you keep saying is it can't be racism it can never be racism and i said you we're wrong. Don't like it? Smoke one and lay down next to it.

03-06-2011, 03:19 AM
Thank you very much, Glenn Beck. Next time i wanna play 20 comparisons i'll call you up. How the **** am i supposed to know why americans don't give a shit about Hockey? The OP asked about basketball so i'm talking about basketball. All you keep saying is it can't be racism it can never be racism and i said you we're wrong. Don't like it? Smoke one and lay down next to it.

Exactly, you don't know shit.

Juice Willis
03-06-2011, 03:25 AM
Exactly, you don't know shit.
I take it back, you don't live with your head in the sand. You live with it up your ass. Go argue with someone who gives a shit now. I gotta sleep.

get these NETS
03-06-2011, 03:28 AM

wasn't there expansion of nhl teams in nascar territory and places that don't even see snow within the past 25 years?

hockey fell off in terms of American consumers, but it was a growing sport just like 10 years ago.

franchises in places that aren't cold weather states or that even field college teams

03-06-2011, 03:54 AM
Most white people live with their head in thes ands when it comes to things like racism. Nothing short of a corss burning on a front lawn would be considered raicst by them and even there would be skepticism. So it doesn't surprise me some of the answers that dont even try to adress the problem just deflect it. Screaming "it's not racism!" doesn't make it any less so. I 100% agree with the OP. Middle America while i think not abundantly racist, i believe they are more comforatble cheering for unpaid black college basketball players than overpaid black professionall basketball players.

This forum sounds like only white people are racist.... They're no more racist then the others they've just had more oppurtunity to make an impact with their racism.

03-06-2011, 04:03 AM
How has nobody pointed out the Seattle Supersonics' being on that map this far into the thread?

03-06-2011, 04:13 AM
To blame this entirely on racism is ignorant.. Racism may play a role in some peoples mind but to believe that its the deciding factor is insulting. Like other posters have stated, they just like the game of football better. You're looking to far into this. Crying racism over something like this is a stretch. Not like it's croquet we're talkin about here, the majority of the NFL is black. I believe it moreso has to do that the NBA is viewed as being more diva-ish because you can see the players cry, complain, and act ridiculous because we can actually see their faces and make out what they're saying. The NFL doesn't have guaranteed contracts, is more physical, players play hurt more, and all in all is viewed as more hard nosed and blue collar than basketball.

get these NETS
03-06-2011, 04:21 AM
To blame this entirely on racism is ignorant.. Racism may play a role in some peoples mind but to believe that its the deciding factor is insulting. Like other posters have stated, they just like the game of football better. You're looking to far into this. Crying racism over something like this is a stretch. Not like it's croquet we're talkin about here, the majority of the NFL is black. I believe it moreso has to do that the NBA is viewed as being more diva-ish because you can see the players cry, complain, and act ridiculous because we can actually see their faces and make out what they're saying. The NFL doesn't have guaranteed contracts, is more physical, players play hurt more, and all in all is viewed as more hard nosed and blue collar than basketball.
what do you think of the larry bird quote, implying (then) that having more white superstar level players would help sell the product?

and the person whose post I quoted didn't use the word racism, once, in that post.

get these NETS
03-06-2011, 04:27 AM
What were the ratings numbers for the Tour De France (in USA) the year BEFORE Lance Armstrong won it the first time?

Without looking it up, would it be safe to say that American viewership of that race (and cycling in general) increased each year that Lance Armstrong won?

How many people own Eminem albums who don't own ANY other hip hop cd?


03-06-2011, 04:41 AM
What were the ratings numbers for the Tour De France (in USA) the year BEFORE Lance Armstrong won it the first time?

Without looking it up, would it be safe to say that American viewership of that race (and cycling in general) increased each year that Lance Armstrong won?

How many people own Eminem albums who don't own ANY other hip hop cd?


How many people voted in Obama who otherwise would have never voted and who had no idea what his platform was about?

03-06-2011, 04:43 AM
Its cause they dont wanna cheer for a black guy since their alternative is German they just dont care.

03-06-2011, 04:48 AM
It's because the most important position in the NFL is the QB. This is where white people dominate the sport at. Aaron Rodgers, Brett Favre, Peyton Manning, Tom Brady and on and on and on. I'm just stating a fact that a black QB has never won a Super Bowl.

03-06-2011, 04:50 AM
It's because the most important position in the NFL is the QB. This is where white people dominate the sport at. Aaron Rodgers, Brett Favre, Peyton Manning, Tom Brady and on and on and on. I'm just stating a fact that a black QB has never won a Super Bowl.

You can't have a you know what at the trigger. You just can't.

Juice Willis
03-06-2011, 05:06 AM
You can't have a you know what at the trigger. You just can't.
Careful, certain people in here may accuse you of "reverse racism", ooooooooo.

03-06-2011, 05:29 AM
It's because the most important position in the NFL is the QB. This is where white people dominate the sport at. Aaron Rodgers, Brett Favre, Peyton Manning, Tom Brady and on and on and on. I'm just stating a fact that a black QB has never won a Super Bowl.

Doug Williams won it in 1988 you idiot.

03-06-2011, 05:29 AM
Careful, certain people in here may accuse you of "reverse racism", ooooooooo.

It's cool, I have stated many time that black Americans are by and large completely worthless. They are the only group of people in the world who insist that all of their problems are caused by the rest of the world and refuse to contribute anything to the world. The more and more Aborigines I meet the more worthless I realize that black Americans and americans in general are. **** them all. Bunch of damned apes.

get these NETS
03-06-2011, 01:48 PM
How many people voted in Obama who otherwise would have never voted and who had no idea what his platform was about?

Probably about the same amount of folks who voted twice for the previous president despite... well, you know despite what. I bet that seeing how things started going down during term 2, that many of those people regret doing that now.


03-06-2011, 03:27 PM
Is Oklahoma middle America? Because the Thunder have season ticket holders from every county here.

03-06-2011, 03:36 PM

Ser:confusedshrug: :confusedshrug: ious question?