View Full Version : Insanity vs P90X for Basketball?

03-12-2011, 12:34 AM
I'm 6'2, 168lbs, in overall decent shape but I'd like to lose some belly weight and get a bit slimmer... I play pickup ball, my game is mostly jumpshooting and posting up... I slash only when I know that person is slower than me.

Will P90x or Insanity help me get quicker/more explosive? Also, which is better for lateral quickness? I have p90x but never started it, my friend has Insanity so I have access to both. Which one would be better, anyone here use either and get results?

03-14-2011, 10:59 PM
jeez 6'2 168 and you need to lose weight? damn man hit the weights a lil bit.

I don't know a whole lot about p90x, but if it's something 40+ year olds can do, it's not going to help your explosiveness much... unless there are like multiple programs... which there probably are. How you get more explosive is simple. Train explosively. You could do 4 things to really help your explosiveness and lateral movement. 1. Heavy ass squats, cleans, or deadlifts with low reps 2. Play Ball explosively (going for boards at their highest point, jumping high on shot contests, etc.) 3. Pro agility drill 4. Pro agility drill in defensive stance...

and throw in some 20 yard sprints. do those, you will gain about 6-8 inches in vert after 6 months and be a much better defensive player (most likely overall player).

03-14-2011, 11:34 PM
I second the hit the weights advice. That'll do more for you then losing weight will. Squats, lunges, deadlifts, bench press, rows, chinups and overhead press. Those are your best friends right now. Once your squat is 1.5xbw(although I'd rather have it be 2xbw) then work on more explosive stuff and plyos.

03-14-2011, 11:50 PM
Plyometrics will help with your explosion, and that's pretty much what Insanity does in a big way. P90X does have various difficulty levels and it too will help you in all facets of your athleticism.

03-15-2011, 01:46 PM
I'd say Insanity. It'll get your cardio up and you're doing tons of exercises to increase speed and lateral movement.

03-15-2011, 06:17 PM
jeez 6'2 168 and you need to lose weight? damn man hit the weights a lil bit.

I don't know a whole lot about p90x, but if it's something 40+ year olds can do, it's not going to help your explosiveness much... unless there are like multiple programs... which there probably are. How you get more explosive is simple. Train explosively. You could do 4 things to really help your explosiveness and lateral movement. 1. Heavy ass squats, cleans, or deadlifts with low reps 2. Play Ball explosively (going for boards at their highest point, jumping high on shot contests, etc.) 3. Pro agility drill 4. Pro agility drill in defensive stance...

and throw in some 20 yard sprints. do those, you will gain about 6-8 inches in vert after 6 months and be a much better defensive player (most likely overall player).

Well my arms and legs are skinny but I have a bit of a pouch lol. I need to change my diet.

Thanks guys. My buddy told me that Costco is doing a promotion for 24 hour fitness, it's $300 for 2 years, which is like $12 a month so that's pretty damn good. Access to any club, nationwide. I think I'm gonna do it.

03-16-2011, 03:55 AM
Well my arms and legs are skinny but I have a bit of a pouch lol. I need to change my diet.

Thanks guys. My buddy told me that Costco is doing a promotion for 24 hour fitness, it's $300 for 2 years, which is like $12 a month so that's pretty damn good. Access to any club, nationwide. I think I'm gonna do it.

Yea that's a great deal. I'm paying 30 bucks a month for mine.

03-18-2011, 02:26 AM
Yea that's a great deal. I'm paying 30 bucks a month for mine.
Do you play at the gym on Auburn?

03-18-2011, 02:37 AM
Do you play at the gym on Auburn?
nah I play at the one on North Sunrise in Roseville off of 50.

03-20-2011, 05:52 PM
You seriously don't need to lose weight. What would benefit you a lot is to get in the gym and work on your strength. You can gain some muscle, keep the same weight or go up a few pounds, and lose fat. I am assuming here you are a strength training beginner (am I right?).

This will all translate positively to your game. You add in some explosive work in addition to your strength training and you'll find yourself running faster and jumping higher even.

e.g. Start of with a strength training program like starting strength. You'll get much stronger in a few months. The program incorporate power cleans which will help you with translating that strength into explosiveness. If power cleans are hard to learn, you can switch them with some jump squats for similar benefits. After a while, you can add some plyometric or specific speed work.

The same concepts that apply to improving your vertical jump will also apply to your general game when it comes to athleticism IMO. Check out this guide to improve vertical jump (http://www.improve-vertical.org/improve-vertical/improve-vertical-beginners-guide-vertical-jumping-training/) for more details.

Mike Pauza
04-09-2012, 11:38 AM
New response to an old thread...

If you're not in shape doing BOTH will greatly improve your athleticism!!!
I have them both and do them with my son for basketball. IMO, neither system is perfect for BB, but both are pretty awesome and work as advertised for general fitness.


04-09-2012, 01:51 PM
Definitely hit the weights. I'm 5'9 or 5'10 and weigh about 185 and feel I'm in pretty good shape. I've been doing Insanity The Asylum for a few weeks now and it is great for athletes. I've been lifting weights for about 12 years though so I have a pretty good base to work with. I'll probably do a month of the Asylum then a month of heavy lifting to keep the muscles strong.

05-30-2012, 01:56 PM
Yeah, hitting the weights would be the first thing you want to do. You can do it in P90X as a guide if you want. You'd just have to lift heavy with less reps, 1-2 sets probably since you're probably fairly weak. You still have to bench press and leg press, you can do dumbbell bench presses if you can't afford the gym or don't have a barbell and bench. I'm not sure what you can do about the leg press, but you can always google to see if there's a cheaper alternative to buying a gym membership. Invest in a protein powder, take it every morning, after every workout and at night. You'll want to get big before you slim down. Slimming down and then working to get big isn't what you want to do because you'll slim down, then have to bulk up for strength, then slim down again. If you start lifting now, you will bulk up, then slim down. It just makes sense time-wise. Athletes go through many stages of bulking and slimming though as they want different things out of their body.