View Full Version : The Bret Hart "Screwjob"

Tarik One
03-17-2011, 12:58 AM
Just looked at some old clips for the first time since it happened and remember actually believing he got hosed by Vince. Now I can totally understand why Vince did what he did. Bret was so arrogant and selfish about relinquishing the title because the match was in Canada (nowhere near his hometown either). Not to mention the fact that the WWF and WCW were at the peak of their ratings war. There was no way that Vince could allow him to take that belt down south and make a display considering the fact that the women's champ had previously thrown the belt in a garbage can on national tv.

Where do you stand?

03-17-2011, 01:05 AM
As a Canadian I just have this to say: "**** Shawn Michaels!":roll:

El Kabong
03-17-2011, 01:07 AM
Just looked at some old clips for the first time since it happened and remember actually believing he got hosed by Vince. Now I can totally understand why Vince did what he did. Bret was so arrogant and selfish about relinquishing the title because the match was in Canada (nowhere near his hometown either). Not to mention the fact that the WWF and WCW were at the peak of their ratings war. There was no way that Vince could allow him to take that belt down south and make a display considering the fact that the women's champ had previously thrown the belt in a garbage can on national tv.

Where do you stand?
I can understand both sides of the argument, but I've always though Bret Hart, as much as I like him was someone who always took himself way too seriously. It's wrestling, it's not "real".

Eric Bischoff wrote in his book that even if Bret Hart had agreed to show up with the belt (Which he never would have), he couldn't since they'd been sued before and still had pending lawsuits and Turner would never of allowed it to happen and by that point there wasn't any need since they were stomping the WWE in the ratings anyway. Bischoff said even if he could have called Vince and told him this, McMahon would have never believed him, so it was a no win situation for them to be in.

03-17-2011, 01:09 AM
I was a huge Bret Hart fan, he was my favorite ever since the original Hart foundation days. I absolutely despised Shawn Michaels because of Bret. I was very loyal to WWF and I hated WCW with a passion. The minute that match was over, I felt like Bret Hart was my worst enemy. Vince did the absolute right thing. And Bret was the biggest assshole for thinking he could leave the company without losing the title like so many others have done before him. I'll tell you though, that was one of my favorite matches of all-time. Did Shawn Michaels ever admit to being in on it? Bret Hart was an absolute dipsh1t if he thought Vince was going to let him go to WCW as the WWF World Champion.

03-17-2011, 01:16 AM

Vince tied Bret in a 20-years contract then regretted it when WWF had a financial trouble.
Do you know how much the 20 year contract was worth?

03-17-2011, 01:36 AM
Who gives a shit it's wrestling.

Patrick Chewing
03-17-2011, 01:50 AM
That was some of the best drama back then. I remember tuning in to Nitro that following Monday and watching Bischoff and the nWo all walking out with Canadian flags...

03-17-2011, 02:00 AM


03-17-2011, 03:16 AM
Who gives a shit it's wrestling.

03-17-2011, 03:19 AM
A for the OP's question, I see little problem with what Vince McMahon did.

If Bret Hart was professional he would have just went along with it and agree to lose to Michaels fair and square. But no, he was a selfish son of a b*tch with a huge ego.

If I was Bret Hart..sure I would have been pissed off but you have to put it all in perspective.

Cowboy Thunder
03-17-2011, 03:42 AM


that is one of my all time favorite videos :roll:

bada bing
03-17-2011, 11:15 AM
A for the OP's question, I see little problem with what Vince McMahon did.

If Bret Hart was professional he would have just went along with it and agree to lose to Michaels fair and square. But no, he was a selfish son of a b*tch with a huge ego.

If I was Bret Hart..sure I would have been pissed off but you have to put it all in perspective.

actually, Bret had said that he was willing to lose to anyone except Shawn Michaels. He said he would be okay with losing to stone cold or the undertaker. HBK was such an ass back in the day and did a lot against Bret that bret just refused. There were many instances where HBK was told to lose against bret but he refused.

Vince McMahon had signed a clause in the contract that allowed bret to leave on his terms. So legally it was all within bret hart's legal duty to do what he wanted and to refuse against losing to HBK. He did nothing wrong.

Vince should have just made it into a Stone cold vs bret match but he didn't. But i do believe that this was the start of the rise of WWE over WCW. Sending over a damaged Bret to WCW was the initial step. WCW was out for blood against WWE and I dont really blame Vince McMahon for not trusting Bret or Eric Bischoff. Its just a messed up situation and to think everything could have been avoided if it was made into a Bret Hart vs. Stone Cold at Wrestlemania.

03-17-2011, 11:20 AM
Shawn Michaels was an even bigger a*shole in this, going along with Vince... self-righteous, holier-than-thou prick. Typical reborn Christians.. hypocrites yay!

03-17-2011, 11:21 AM
HBK is the only reason I watched Wrestling in the 21st century.
Bret was an exceptional wrestler, possibly the best ever (in terms of technique) however to this day I still say Shawn Michael is the most complete wrestler; he had it all, high flying moves, charisma, mic skills etc.

Guy was a great heel and a great face; had some of the most epic matches in the history of the sport.

03-17-2011, 11:25 AM
Shawn Michaels was an even bigger a*shole in this, going along with Vince... self-righteous, holier-than-thou prick. Typical reborn Christians.. hypocrites yay!

Because Bret Hart wasn't a self-righteous douche bag?
Do you guys even have a clue about WWF back in the 20th century?
Do you know how obnoxious and demanding the HART family was toward Vince? They were treated like royalty and always stayed together in the locker room. Being absolute divas every single show; look at the way Bret Hart talks about Vince, Shawn & WWF FIFTEEN years later.

Still like a little ****ing kid who didn't get the Xbox 360 he wanted for Christmas; grow the **** up, you're almost 50 years old.

That night in Montreal was a sad display; but Bret Hart stole the show afterward by acting like a little child.

In the documentary, HBK already admitted to being real selfish and immature back in the day; he has grown as a man & matured, no reason to hate on a man who admitted to his mistakes.

03-17-2011, 11:32 AM
Who gives a shit it's wrestling.

don't you study trees?

03-17-2011, 11:53 AM
In the documentary, HBK already admitted to being real selfish and immature back in the day; he has grown as a man & matured, no reason to hate on a man who admitted to his mistakes.
Yeah, no reason to hate on the practicing Christian who takes 10k cash for 15 minute sessions of photo- and autographs. :bowdown:

03-17-2011, 12:02 PM
A for the OP's question, I see little problem with what Vince McMahon did.

If Bret Hart was professional he would have just went along with it and agree to lose to Michaels fair and square. But no, he was a selfish son of a b*tch with a huge ego.

If I was Bret Hart..sure I would have been pissed off but you have to put it all in perspective.

Hart agreed to lose the title the next monday on raw. He didn't want to lose it in his home country. I see no problem with that, his last moment in WWF is losing in his own house? thats a slap in the face to not only Hart, but a lot of Canadian fans who loved Hart like people love Jordan, or Ali.

But McMahon wanted to bully him, and did just that until he got decked afterwards. Got little ill will towards Michaels, he got his title, but Vince lied to Bret to his face and then stabbed him in the back after begging him to sign a 20 year/20million dollar deal.

03-17-2011, 01:32 PM
Hart agreed to lose the title the next monday on raw. He didn't want to lose it in his home country. I see no problem with that, his last moment in WWF is losing in his own house? thats a slap in the face to not only Hart, but a lot of Canadian fans who loved Hart like people love Jordan, or Ali.

But McMahon wanted to bully him, and did just that until he got decked afterwards. Got little ill will towards Michaels, he got his title, but Vince lied to Bret to his face and then stabbed him in the back after begging him to sign a 20 year/20million dollar deal.
Losing it on the PPV to the #1 enemy he had was better for the WWE. Losing the title on Raw to a lesser guy and then going off to WCW the next day and saying it was a fluke, al least Shawn never beat me, etc. was not in the best interests of the WWE. I never get how people sided with heart trying to **** over the WWE to protect the ego of his wrestling personality.

03-17-2011, 03:22 PM
Yeah, no reason to hate on the practicing Christian who takes 10k cash for 15 minute sessions of photo- and autographs. :bowdown:

So Christians can't be savvy business people? :rolleyes:
Or you're suggesting it's "greed"?

How much goodwill do you think WWE gets from these sessions? More interest from the fans translates into revenues. He gets this much because the company he works for is a multi-billion dollar organizations; and HBK has been one of the poster boys for the company for over two decades.

WWF is an entertainment sport; autograph sessions are a big part of the business strategy. It's not like the NBA where it's usually mandatory or a requirement for basketball players to talk to the media before games and after games; one of the key marketing strategies for WWF is autograph sessions, and it should cost them money.

03-17-2011, 03:57 PM
Losing it on the PPV to the #1 enemy he had was better for the WWE. Losing the title on Raw to a lesser guy and then going off to WCW the next day and saying it was a fluke, al least Shawn never beat me, etc. was not in the best interests of the WWE. I never get how people sided with heart trying to **** over the WWE to protect the ego of his wrestling personality.

Then why did McMahon lie about it? Just tell Hart the truth and lay down the law saying Michaels is winning it on PPV or forfeit. Why tell Hart its all good?

But then to not only have Hart lose in Canada, but to have him lose with his own move used against him?

It would have been Michaels coming out and challenging Hart to a rematch on Raw, and Michaels win. The PPV was gonna get ratings anyway, so another title bout on Raw would have been better for WWF anyway.

Hew was trying to not lose on his home soil, thats it, if it was in Alaska or Australia, Hart would have agreed to lose. Its okay for McMahon to sign him to a 20 year deal and then ask Hart to tear up the deal to help WWF, but it is wrong for Hart to want his last WWF moment in his home to come out victorious?

Im a Hart fan, was my fav wrestler even when he was the bad guy in WCW so my view is a bit favored towards Hart. But I still think he got jobbed by WWF

03-17-2011, 04:27 PM
So Christians can't be savvy business people? :rolleyes:
Or you're suggesting it's "greed"?

How much goodwill do you think WWE gets from these sessions? More interest from the fans translates into revenues. He gets this much because the company he works for is a multi-billion dollar organizations; and HBK has been one of the poster boys for the company for over two decades.

WWF is an entertainment sport; autograph sessions are a big part of the business strategy. It's not like the NBA where it's usually mandatory or a requirement for basketball players to talk to the media before games and after games; one of the key marketing strategies for WWF is autograph sessions, and it should cost them money.
Suggesting greed? It obviously IS greed.

rivers to gates
03-17-2011, 05:32 PM
Just looked at some old clips for the first time since it happened and remember actually believing he got hosed by Vince. Now I can totally understand why Vince did what he did. Bret was so arrogant and selfish about relinquishing the title because the match was in Canada (nowhere near his hometown either). Not to mention the fact that the WWF and WCW were at the peak of their ratings war. There was no way that Vince could allow him to take that belt down south and make a display considering the fact that the women's champ had previously thrown the belt in a garbage can on national tv.

Where do you stand?

Most overrated wrestler of all time.

He wasn't worth the contract he was signed to and he did a poor job of holding the WWF up in the mid 90's because their TV ratings were in the crapper.

03-17-2011, 06:38 PM
So Christians can't be savvy business people? :rolleyes:
Or you're suggesting it's "greed"?

How much goodwill do you think WWE gets from these sessions? More interest from the fans translates into revenues. He gets this much because the company he works for is a multi-billion dollar organizations; and HBK has been one of the poster boys for the company for over two decades.

WWF is an entertainment sport; autograph sessions are a big part of the business strategy. It's not like the NBA where it's usually mandatory or a requirement for basketball players to talk to the media before games and after games; one of the key marketing strategies for WWF is autograph sessions, and it should cost them money.

Little known fact.

Jesus was set to return in 2006 but nobody was willing to pay the exorbitant appearance fee.

03-17-2011, 06:44 PM
wait a minute..............

we are talking about wrestling here right............. acting..... fakeness......


11-26-2013, 10:04 PM
Bret was being a little prima-donna Vince needed a solution, and HHH gave him one that was... Best for business.

04-14-2015, 07:32 AM
I am a huge fan of Bret Hart, but Vince Mcmahon did the right thing. He just protected his business. And He don't want another Alundra Blayze situation.

As a Bret hart fan it sucks that he was under utilized in WCW. The Montreal Screwjob created some of the best story lines in WWF History. And it turned Vince Mcmahon into one of the best heels of all time.


04-14-2015, 10:34 AM
Vince didn't want to pay Bret his massive contract.

I also heard that he wanted to get rid of him because Bret wasn't on board with all the "attitude era" stuff that was being unleashed.

04-14-2015, 01:34 PM
I don't blame Bret, if I was world champ I'd refuse to lose in my home country too.

04-14-2015, 01:43 PM
Him and Chris Binwah 2 of the most boring wrestlers ever.

04-14-2015, 02:35 PM
Who gives a shit it's wrestling.

Why post in this thread then?
If you come back to view the thread and reply to me, it speaks to your ego. You're actually searching or replies to your own comments.

04-14-2015, 04:06 PM
One of my favorite memories of the sport.

04-14-2015, 04:06 PM
Chris Binwah


04-14-2015, 04:30 PM
Him and Chris Binwah 2 of the most boring wrestlers ever.


04-14-2015, 04:43 PM
The Hart family wasn't based in Montreal. Bret's argument is the equivalent of a New Yorker not wanting to drop the belt in Chicago because "it's in my home country".

04-14-2015, 04:53 PM
On the mic.

04-14-2015, 05:02 PM
On the mic.

Bret's mic work as a heel was pretty decent.

As a face, he was sugar-free vanilla-lite.

04-14-2015, 09:14 PM
To this day I believe this is the biggest work in wwe history used to introduce the greatest heel in wwe history, mr McMahon.

04-14-2015, 09:16 PM
Bret's mic work as a heel was pretty decent.



11-09-2015, 09:33 AM
Today is the 18th anniversary of the Montreal Screw job. I am watching the whole match again.

11-09-2015, 10:15 AM
I was a huge Bret Hart fan, he was my favorite ever since the original Hart foundation days. I absolutely despised Shawn Michaels because of Bret. I was very loyal to WWF and I hated WCW with a passion. The minute that match was over, I felt like Bret Hart was my worst enemy. Vince did the absolute right thing. And Bret was the biggest assshole for thinking he could leave the company without losing the title like so many others have done before him. I'll tell you though, that was one of my favorite matches of all-time. Did Shawn Michaels ever admit to being in on it? Bret Hart was an absolute dipsh1t if he thought Vince was going to let him go to WCW as the WWF World Champion.

1) Bret agreed to lose the belt the next night on Monday Night Raw in Ottawa.
2) HBK did know what Vince wanted but he desperately tried to convince him not to go through with it.
3) There was also no official plan laid out for Shawn. He even said "I had no idea how this is going to go down; it would have to be a fast count or some sort of submission attempt."

I don't get why HBK gets the blame and never did.
He didn't come up to Vince and suggest nothing, he was an employee. He was a superstar making great money, why the hell would he jeopardize his career for some guy that was LEAVING the company anyways.

Think about that.
The reason most side with Bret Hart is because he's a hot head, arrogant guy. Everyone always wanted to hear his side of the story and blame everything on HBK.

In fact, both Bret & Shawn are cool now.
It's funny how so many WWE fans sided with a wrestler that was leaving them to go to a rival company during the peaks years of their rating wars.

Mr Feeny
11-09-2015, 12:18 PM
1) Bret agreed to lose the belt the next night on Monday Night Raw in Ottawa.
2) HBK did know what Vince wanted but he desperately tried to convince him not to go through with it.
3) There was also no official plan laid out for Shawn. He even said "I had no idea how this is going to go down; it would have to be a fast count or some sort of submission attempt."

I don't get why HBK gets the blame and never did.
He didn't come up to Vince and suggest nothing, he was an employee. He was a superstar making great money, why the hell would he jeopardize his career for some guy that was LEAVING the company anyways.

Think about that.
The reason most side with Bret Hart is because he's a hot head, arrogant guy. Everyone always wanted to hear his side of the story and blame everything on HBK.

In fact, both Bret & Shawn are cool now.
It's funny how so many WWE fans sided with a wrestler that was leaving them to go to a rival company during the peaks years of their rating wars.

Not quite. Bret did NOT agree to wrestle or lose the next night on raw. The conversation with Vince was recorded and broadcasted on Paul Jay's documentary. Bret has admitted as much in the 1 honour interview with Shawn that was conducted by JR.
Bret, to be fair, wanted to drop the belt to anyone in a house show leading up to Survivor Series. Vince, understandably refused as it would have hurt the hyped main event on the ppv of Shawn vs Bret.

Instead, Bret suggests handing the belt over on raw after refusing to put over Shawn, and Vince just plays along and assures him that they'll do that. For the Survivor series finish, Bret suggests a shmazz and Vince plays him like a fiddle, nodding and not letting on that he had a plan to take the belt off of Bret.

Eric Bischoff, Jerry Brisco, Paul Herman and Vince Russo have all said that they would have done the exact same thing and taken the belt off of bret. The last 3, ino particular, have openly talked about how bret exhausted every possible option and have a modicum of sensibility when he vetoed every scenario they played out.

Triple H (who suggested the screwjob) has likewise stuck to his stance that it was the right thing to do and that he'd have done it he were in Vince's position. Asked about Bret, Triple h said " F**k him.if he won't do business. We'll do business for him"

Brisco's take was "I have to say that Bret hart was very unprofessional that night"

Russo "I'm telling you bro. I was there and Vince ran every possible scenario by him and Bret would shoot everything, and I mean everything down. He left Vince with no choice"

Herman (while smiling mischievously) "You think you're gonna take the belt and just walk out of Vince's company???? Naahh (grin and sardonic laughter) I would have done the exact same thing Vince did"

That's not to say any of them were right and Bret had it coming. I feel as though Bret was hard done by. But let's correct this myth once and for all. Bret did NOT offer to drop the belt on raw the next night. If he did, the screw job would not have taken place.

Mr Feeny
11-09-2015, 12:21 PM
1) Bret agreed to lose the belt the next night on Monday Night Raw in Ottawa.
2) HBK did know what Vince wanted but he desperately tried to convince him not to go through with it.
3) There was also no official plan laid out for Shawn. He even said "I had no idea how this is going to go down; it would have to be a fast count or some sort of submission attempt."

I don't get why HBK gets the blame and never did.
He didn't come up to Vince and suggest nothing, he was an employee. He was a superstar making great money, why the hell would he jeopardize his career for some guy that was LEAVING the company anyways.

Think about that.
The reason most side with Bret Hart is because he's a hot head, arrogant guy. Everyone always wanted to hear his side of the story and blame everything on HBK.

In fact, both Bret & Shawn are cool now.
It's funny how so many WWE fans sided with a wrestler that was leaving them to go to a rival company during the peaks years of their rating wars.

Again wrong. HBK has admitted on video (several times) that it was in fact their idea. Not Vince's. He claims that Triple H was the one to bring it up bt that he was thinking the same thing. When they suggested screwing Bret to Vince, Vince nodded in a way that let them know he was thinking of a similar plan but didn't want to be the one to bring it up. These are available on HBK'S "heartbreak and triumph" dvd and the 1 hour shoot interview with Bret.

11-09-2015, 12:39 PM
Are you guys really talking about a conspiracy in a 100% written 'act'? This is ridiculous. I never understood why people watched fights that were completely rigged to begin with. It's like watching basketball knowing stern had a fix and getting excited over rivalries that were completely synthetic. I understand not understanding the concept of 'real' in terms of entertainment when you're a kid, but as young adults i expect better.

11-09-2015, 01:15 PM
Again wrong. HBK has admitted on video (several times) that it was in fact their idea. Not Vince's. He claims that Triple H was the one to bring it up bt that he was thinking the same thing. When they suggested screwing Bret to Vince, Vince nodded in a way that let them know he was thinking of a similar plan but didn't want to be the one to bring it up. These are available on HBK'S "heartbreak and triumph" dvd and the 1 hour shoot interview with Bret.

Exactly the opposite was said on a video I just watched with Bret and HBK, sitting in the same room discussing that night.

It was all Vince's idea and HBK had no knowledge of what was to even take place in the ring. In that same video, I believe Jim Rose said that Bret Hart was willing to drop the belt the next night in Ottawa live on Monday Night Raw.

But it doesn't matter, I think Bret was wrong.
This is the same man that was LEAVING the company, to go to a RIVAL. HBK was WWE's biggest star at the time, why the **** would you reject losing the belt to HIM???

11-09-2015, 01:17 PM
Not quite. Bret did NOT agree to wrestle or lose the next night on raw. The conversation with Vince was recorded and broadcasted on Paul Jay's documentary. Bret has admitted as much in the 1 honour interview with Shawn that was conducted by JR.
Bret, to be fair, wanted to drop the belt to anyone in a house show leading up to Survivor Series. Vince, understandably refused as it would have hurt the hyped main event on the ppv of Shawn vs Bret.

Instead, Bret suggests handing the belt over on raw after refusing to put over Shawn, and Vince just plays along and assures him that they'll do that. For the Survivor series finish, Bret suggests a shmazz and Vince plays him like a fiddle, nodding and not letting on that he had a plan to take the belt off of Bret.

Eric Bischoff, Jerry Brisco, Paul Herman and Vince Russo have all said that they would have done the exact same thing and taken the belt off of bret. The last 3, ino particular, have openly talked about how bret exhausted every possible option and have a modicum of sensibility when he vetoed every scenario they played out.

Triple H (who suggested the screwjob) has likewise stuck to his stance that it was the right thing to do and that he'd have done it he were in Vince's position. Asked about Bret, Triple h said " F**k him.if he won't do business. We'll do business for him"

Brisco's take was "I have to say that Bret hart was very unprofessional that night"

Russo "I'm telling you bro. I was there and Vince ran every possible scenario by him and Bret would shoot everything, and I mean everything down. He left Vince with no choice"

Herman (while smiling mischievously) "You think you're gonna take the belt and just walk out of Vince's company???? Naahh (grin and sardonic laughter) I would have done the exact same thing Vince did"

That's not to say any of them were right and Bret had it coming. I feel as though Bret was hard done by. But let's correct this myth once and for all. Bret did NOT offer to drop the belt on raw the next night. If he did, the screw job would not have taken place.

Vince wanted Shawn to have the belt, not Bret Hart losing the belt to someone else on Monday Night Raw.

Vince was pushing Shawn to be the poster boy of his company, plain and simple. Those same reasons were given in the video I just watched; a video that claims things you says aren't right. :oldlol:

Mr Feeny
11-10-2015, 09:00 AM
Exactly the opposite was said on a video I just watched with Bret and HBK, sitting in the same room discussing that night.

It was all Vince's idea and HBK had no knowledge of what was to even take place in the ring. In that same video, I believe Jim Rose said that Bret Hart was willing to drop the belt the next night in Ottawa live on Monday Night Raw.

But it doesn't matter, I think Bret was wrong.
This is the same man that was LEAVING the company, to go to a RIVAL. HBK was WWE's biggest star at the time, why the **** would you reject losing the belt to HIM???

Well get a copy of Shawn's heartbreak and triumph documentary and the one hour shoot. He admits on both of them that he came up with it. TRIPLE H, likewise, has openly stated both on Shawn's dvd and on confidential that they came up with it
But carry on with your garbage. You obviously know what they don't.

Mr Feeny
11-10-2015, 09:03 AM
Vince wanted Shawn to have the belt, not Bret Hart losing the belt to someone else on Monday Night Raw.

Vince was pushing Shawn to be the poster boy of his company, plain and simple. Those same reasons were given in the video I just watched; a video that claims things you says aren't right. :oldlol:

What the HECK are you talking about? Nowhere did I say that Vince's number one plan was to give the belt to someone other than Shawn. I'm TEACHING you that Vince wanted Shawn to take the belt and the opportunity presented itself for a screwjob.
Grab a book and learn your stuff. And better yet stop making up viewpoints which don't exist. Because I sure as hell didn't say that garbage.

Get a copy of Shawn's dvd. He himself says everything I said he did. If you're too poor or cheap, then stream it.
If you can't, then stop embarrassing yourself and keep quiet. It would be better.

Nor was Vince pushing for Shawn to be his poster boy. Any wrestling fan who was alive back then knows that Vince already did that in 96. The fact that you don't shows your age. Shawn was scheduled to take the belt for one reason and that was to pass the torch to Austin and make Austin the nextstar of the company.

It's crazy how little your know about wrestling.

11-10-2015, 10:35 AM
What the HECK are you talking about? Nowhere did I say that Vince's number one plan was to give the belt to someone other than Shawn. I'm TEACHING you that Vince wanted Shawn to take the belt and the opportunity presented itself for a screwjob.
Grab a book and learn your stuff. And better yet stop making up viewpoints which don't exist. Because I sure as hell didn't say that garbage.

Get a copy of Shawn's dvd. He himself says everything I said he did. If you're too poor or cheap, then stream it.
If you can't, then stop embarrassing yourself and keep quiet. It would be better.

Nor was Vince pushing for Shawn to be his poster boy. Any wrestling fan who was alive back then knows that Vince already did that in 96. The fact that you don't shows your age. Shawn was scheduled to take the belt for one reason and that was to pass the torch to Austin and make Austin the nextstar of the company.

It's crazy how little your know about wrestling.

I'll take that as a compliment.
You just wrote a novel about nothing you moron. You say Shawn claimed everything you said in his DVD; yet I just watched a brief 3 minute video with HBK & Bret in the same room talking about that night.

Everything I've already told you came from Shawn's mouth dumbass.

I'll leave this useless conversation at that.

Mr Feeny
11-10-2015, 03:09 PM
I'll take that as a compliment.
You just wrote a novel about nothing you moron. You say Shawn claimed everything you said in his DVD; yet I just watched a brief 3 minute video with HBK & Bret in the same room talking about that night.

Everything I've already told you came from Shawn's mouth dumbass.

I'll leave this useless conversation at that.

Ofcourse you'll leave. You resorted to add hominems and are now running away because you have no clue what you're talking about.

I'll repeat myself for the last time. Get Shawn's dvd, 2003 confidential, aand the one hour shoot. If you had watched any of these you'd know what you're talking about. Unfortunately you don't.

If you're too cheap or poor to buy them, stream them. Regards.

11-10-2015, 04:00 PM
Ofcourse you'll leave. You resorted to add hominems and are now running away because you have no clue what you're talking about.

I'll repeat myself for the last time. Get Shawn's dvd, 2003 confidential, aand the one hour shoot. If you had watched any of these you'd know what you're talking about. Unfortunately you don't.

If you're too cheap or poor to buy them, stream them. Regards.

You are an adult wrestling fan


11-10-2015, 04:03 PM
Bret Hart left the WWE to help Vince/WWE and Vince lied/screwed him over still...smh

11-10-2015, 04:19 PM
Bret Hart left the WWE to help Vince/WWE and Vince lied/screwed him over still...smh
It may be a bless for Vince too because of that dumb 20-year contract he made with Bret.

11-10-2015, 04:35 PM
very interesting

Mr Feeny
11-11-2015, 02:48 AM
You are an adult wrestling fan


Yes, I'm embarrassed to be one at times. I admit that. It could be cringe-worthy.

Nick Young
11-11-2015, 03:12 AM
It was all a work. check out the shawn and brett documentary on the network where they both talk about it.

Mr Feeny
11-11-2015, 04:11 AM
It was all a work. check out the shawn and brett documentary on the network where they both talk about it.It's there but they never admitted it's work. Lol
Bret blamed WWF for Owens death for a lengthy period of time. He went into litigation with Martha on the grounds of negligence but later admitted both in his book and his dvd that he blames himself at times for not being there. Moreover he blamed Mcmahon. If he hadn't screwed me, Bret reasoned, I'd still have been there and that ridiculous blue blazer gimmick wouldn't have happened. He's convinced that Mcmahon couldn't have done any further that to Owen had he been there. And THAT is why the screw job hurt him more than anything. Guilt - rightly or wrongly - as well as the embarrassment suffered that night in Montreal.

His ex wife Julie has said that "Bret's fire died that night. He was never the same person again. At home, in the ring, the spark died that night". She put up with Bret for a a few years before realising that montreal had completely broken him. There was no going back. He was damaged. And she divorced him.

Bret still cries when it comes up, as he did with JR and Shawn in the one hour shoot. That night was the darkest night of his life and I'm not sure how some of you can even begin to doubt the legitimacy of what went down. His entire life went downhill. His wrestling career was never the same and Bischoff blames the screwjob on that and says that he got a damaged hitman. His private life (marriage with Julie, relationships with Diana and Davey) went into the toilet in the aftermath.

10-08-2022, 01:31 AM
25 years ago. I think it was a work shoot. I heard a rumor that once his WCW Contract is up Bret was going to returned in the WWF.

The Montreal Screwjob was Triple H's idea according to Shawn Michaels. The Heartbreak Kid revealed in his book that The Game was the first one to pitch it but his involvement in it has been kept low-key for a long time. The storyline is easily one of the most famous ones in the history of wrestling, let alone WWE.

Patrick Chewing
10-08-2022, 10:54 AM
All these years later I finally realize it was a work. When you watch the video, it makes no sense for Vince to come running out like that if it was real. He would have just instructed them to ring the bell from his command station in the back. Every time I watch that video, the lingering question that always remains is why did Vince have to come out from the back for that??

And in reality, it was Goldberg who ****ed that whole angle up. A healthy Bret Hart returning to the WWE would have been monumental, but Goldberg had to turn Bret's brain into mush.

Look at the kind of pop Bret would have received had he come back to face either McMahon or Shawn Michaels:


10-09-2022, 12:34 AM
The golden days of wrestling.