View Full Version : What happened to AND1?

High Roller
03-20-2011, 12:34 AM
I remember how big the Mixtape Tour was in 2003, they took over NBA arenas and literally filled them more than the home NBA team did. Streetball was at it's peak, and guys like Hot Sauce, Professor, AO etc. were unquestionably more popular than legitimate NBA All-Stars.

Then, over the years, the fans slowly dwindled until they could barely fill outdoor courts with people. I haven't checked, but I'd guess it's still running, obviously catering to less people though.

So my question is, what happened? Did everyone realise all of a sudden that streetball was just silly tricks? Did the moves and dunks get too repetitive?

I mean, I really like AND1, went to the Tour they had in Australia, and even though I think the NBA is obviously much better, higher level, clearly more important etc., I still don't understand what happened to the popularity of streetball.

03-20-2011, 12:36 AM
I remember Hot Sauce.

He did a backflip dunk.


03-20-2011, 12:40 AM
cuz all the shitty kids on the playground were copying all the moves and tried to use them in organized ball and failing. When everyone realized how useless it was, it became a joke and no one respect and1 handles anymore. It was a fad like pokemon cards except ppl got over it way quicker

03-20-2011, 12:44 AM
I remember Hot Sauce.

He did a backflip dunk.


03-20-2011, 12:47 AM
still around, just not as And 1. The name brand "And 1" folded recently (sold the company to US Sports who thought it'd be a good idea to stop making good, expensive shoes and clothes and focus on the 50$ price range).

As for how and why the tour died, Alimoe, AO, and all of them were mad because they weren't really getting much of the money the tour was generating. They were making like 50k a yr while And 1 was banking in millions (remember when you had to buy an And 1 shoe to get the tape?) so they split and tried to start their own tour called Ball 4 Real but it didn't do so well and guys egos started getting in the way so everyone split again and were doing their own things solo.

To this day, that's pretty much what they do. There's "And 1 Live" tour coming soon which is some of the same guys, but they all have individual careers, individual agents, and book appearances and games off that. Sometimes you get a bunch of them in the same game but technically you're not allowed to call it "And 1" anymore.

Actually, I have a game with them on April we're putting on to raise money for the Army. Lineup tentatively is me (yea I'm going to be running on their team as of now), AO, Spyda, 1/2 Man, ILLBRB, Jonsey (TFB), Kenny Dobbs (TFB), Myree Remix Bowder (TFB), Larriques Cunningham (TFB/ Lee University, YT search him), and Baby Shack.

03-20-2011, 12:49 AM
damn i got rick rolledd

03-20-2011, 12:56 AM
i used to love streetball, but after not watching it in awhile i was on youtube, and then i realized why i don't watch it any more. They literally do not play defense. It's more of like a showcase of tricks with the ball than it is actual basketball. Like in some of the videos the defender literally doesn't move, he just watches the guy do his tricks. Yeah, the game is obviously more offensively oriented, but there literally is no competition to it because the defenders really almost work with the offensive player to put on a show.

03-20-2011, 01:00 AM

03-20-2011, 01:07 AM
the harlem globetrotters beat them to it