View Full Version : Illuminati, NWO?

03-23-2011, 09:16 AM
How real is it?

If you think about it, it definitely has some truth to it.

The question is what is their purpose? How much of an effect do they have in the world and the natural progression of mankind? Exactly who are they, what is their purpose, and how much power do they have?

A rational person like me could never believe in "the devil" or stuff like that. But I'm pretty sure that secret societies do exist, question is how important they actually are?

If you are a person that lives in the US, does not know world history very well, and cannot understand or notice the signs that show proof of the existence of the Illuminati, I understand that you may find it hard to believe.

But the fact remains that evil people are very real, we all have come in contact with a bad or evil person in our lifetime, what makes you think they can't be at the top? We all know what the nice guys never win.

Also there are just so many things that have happened and are happening that cannot be rationally explained as anything other than conspiracies.

I may be overreacting about the wickedness of their purpose or their power, but shadow governments do exists. They always have.

03-23-2011, 09:25 AM
The question is what is their purpose? How much of an effect do they have in the world and the natural progression of mankind? Exactly who are they, what is their purpose, and how much power do they have?


03-23-2011, 09:53 AM
I doubt Hulk Hogan has that much power in the real world.

03-23-2011, 10:26 AM

Doesn't say anything about their purpose, I know their purpose is total control, but for what?? What are they trying to accomplish ? They are already extremely powerful, they must have a deeper agenda because of their desire of total control.

These people are simply nuts, they worship something and they have some kind of a master plan.

03-23-2011, 10:40 AM
These people are simply nuts, they worship something and they have some kind of a master plan.

Sometimes I really wonder if these people are even human.

The Rabbit Hole goes too deep... Don't go down it.


Bill Cooper can give you the long version. (if you have time... watch it)

03-23-2011, 11:04 AM
Sometimes I really wonder if these people are even human.

The Rabbit Hole goes too deep... Don't go down it.


Bill Cooper can give you the long version. (if you have time... watch it)

They are the "enlightened" , obviously the establishment has some technology which is totally unknown to the public.

03-23-2011, 11:16 AM
They are the "enlightened" , obviously the establishment has some technology which is totally unknown to the public.

The research you can do on this subject is endless...

I'd like to hear what you think their purpose is.

03-23-2011, 12:14 PM
The research you can do on this subject is endless...

I'd like to hear what you think their purpose is.
That interview is extremely interesting.

I was in English class (not my first language) and there was a topic about technology and there was a question in the book "Which of the following will be accomplished by the year 2050" or something like that, and one of the things listed was "Cure for AIDS". So the teacher asked me what do I think will the cure for AIDS be invented by the year 2050. I said that the cure probably exists already because AIDS is man made disease, everybody in class looked at me like I'm crazy and ridiculous.

03-23-2011, 12:16 PM
yes, all the world's most powerful people are totally in agreement in this massive conspiracy all the while keeping it under wraps.

they also want to take all their potential customers and turn them into slaves, destroying their ability to earn in the process.

these out of work sci-fi writers that premise all this BS have you fools wide open.

03-23-2011, 12:21 PM
yes, all the world's most powerful people are totally in agreement in this massive conspiracy all the while keeping it under wraps.

they also want to take all their potential customers and turn them into slaves, destroying their ability to earn in the process.

these out of work sci-fi writers that premise all this BS have you fools wide open.

You need to learn history and actually research this, instead of being sarcastic and ignorant.
Do you really think these people care about money? Lol, money is just a means for control, money is to enslave us. They are actually planning to abolish physical cash completely and in the future all your money will be on a chip that they control.
Its comfortable but dangerous.

"Those who would give up Essential Liberty
to purchase a little Temporary Safety,
deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." -Benjamin Franklin

03-23-2011, 12:25 PM
You need to learn history and actually research this, instead of being sarcastic and ignorant.
Do you really think these people care about money? Lol, money is just a means for control, money is to enslave us. They are actually planning to abolish physical cash completely and in the future all your money will be on a chip that they control.
Its comfortable but dangerous.

"Those who would give up Essential Liberty
to purchase a little Temporary Safety,
deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." -Benjamin Franklin

getting rid of money gets rid of countefeit money and illegal exchanges, it gives authorities more control of all transactions.

the idea that these people are all in cahoots, when in reality it is hard to get two of them to agree or work together on ANYTHING, is just laughable.

Sorry, it is a crock of shit, and if you believe it, just take comfort in the fact that you will one day realize what a moron you were.

03-23-2011, 12:31 PM
getting rid of money gets rid of countefeit money and illegal exchanges, it gives authorities more control of all transactions.

the idea that these people are all in cahoots, when in reality it is hard to get two of them to agree or work together on ANYTHING, is just laughable.

Sorry, it is a crock of shit, and if you believe it, just take comfort in the fact that you will one day realize what a moron you were.

And how is this a good thing?

The people I'm talking about aren't the government or public figures at all, these people are not in the media, they are the shadow government.

As I said before, you need to research into it and understand that you are living in fantasy land, and you will be the one realizing what a moron you were.

03-23-2011, 12:38 PM
And how is this a good thing?

The people I'm talking about aren't the government or public figures at all, these people are not in the media, they are the shadow government.

As I said before, you need to research into it and understand that you are living in fantasy land, and you will be the one realizing what a moron you were.

its not a good thing, and people will likely not let it happen, a society with zero subversion or deviance is an unhealthy society.

you keep saying I should 'research' but watching fictional videos on youtube and reading BS websites that are put together by failed writers and comedians (Glenn Beck and Alex Jones two examples of the latter) is NOT research, it is a form of infotainment, a kind of fantasy world parallel to science fiction that has no basis in reality. It is like an episode of Law and Order, it just draws loose parallels from real events. It is a cash cow and a new medium for creative people to cash in on, and you are their target audience.

I travel to different countries, do international business and all the shit they espouse in these infotainment videos have no basis in reality, they might make sense to a student whose mind is ripe and keen to uncover new truths or a basement dwelling never-left-middle-America type who has an irrational distrust of authority, but it doesn't hold water, it just doesn't.

03-23-2011, 01:11 PM

this is all that matters now.

03-23-2011, 01:16 PM
Do lobbyists exist? Yes they do. They are unknown to the public and are responsible for every major political decision, as long as it brings them profit. Hmm... sounds like the Illuminati.

"The first stage of fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of State and corporate power" - Benito Mussolini (originator of fascism)

Oh wait isn't that happening now? Nah it must be the boogie man.

03-23-2011, 01:25 PM
its not a good thing, and people will likely not let it happen, a society with zero subversion or deviance is an unhealthy society.

you keep saying I should 'research' but watching fictional videos on youtube and reading BS websites that are put together by failed writers and comedians (Glenn Beck and Alex Jones two examples of the latter) is NOT research, it is a form of infotainment, a kind of fantasy world parallel to science fiction that has no basis in reality. It is like an episode of Law and Order, it just draws loose parallels from real events. It is a cash cow and a new medium for creative people to cash in on, and you are their target audience.

I travel to different countries, do international business and all the shit they espouse in these infotainment videos have no basis in reality, they might make sense to a student whose mind is ripe and keen to uncover new truths or a basement dwelling never-left-middle-America type who has an irrational distrust of authority, but it doesn't hold water, it just doesn't.

Come on man, 9/11 was an inside job, Get the **** real, you seem like an intelligent person and therefor I don't understand why you have chosen to bury your head into the sand...

And 9/11 is just the tip of the iceberg.

03-23-2011, 01:30 PM
Do lobbyists exist? Yes they do. They are unknown to the public and are responsible for every major political decision, as long as it brings them profit. Hmm... sounds like the Illuminati.

"The first stage of fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of State and corporate power" - Benito Mussolini (originator of fascism)

Oh wait isn't that happening now? Nah it must be the boogie man.

Wait wait are you telling me that all this handsigns thrown by rappers, star ballers and actors... all boil down to... lobbying?
One of the most commonly known and accepted practices in the functioning of society?

I am disappointed... I wished I could be throwing some handsign and secretly worship Satan.
Well not "secretly", since they all seem to be perfectly happy when they publicly throw that handsign.
They must be very stupid to unveil the sign of a secret conspiracy before our eyes.
But wait, this is a complicated world-wide secret conspiration of evil unkown... stars?... (unknown?)... er, no--- lobbyists who agree (all lobbies agree with each other? wow)... no they must be aliens in disguise... who are so smart to control our minds but at the same time so stupid to make themselves so openly recognisable by means of a handsign that looks like a p_ssy.

I'm confused.

03-23-2011, 01:32 PM
Wait wait are you telling me that all this handsigns thrown by rappers, star ballers and actors... all boil down to... lobbying?
One of the most commonly known and accepted practices in the functioning of society?

I am disappointed... I wished I could be throwing some handsign and secretly worship Satan.
Well not "secretly", since they all seem to be perfectly happy when they publicly throw that handsign.
They must be very stupid to unveil the sign of a secret conspiracy before our eyes.
But wait, this is a complicated world-wide secret conspiration of evil unkown... stars?... (unknown?)... er, no--- lobbyists who agree (all lobbies agree with each other? wow)... no they must be aliens in disguise... who are so smart to control our minds but at the same time so stupid to make themselves so openly recognisable by means of a handsign that looks like a p_ssy.

I'm confused.
I doubt that most of these stars throwing the pyramid sign even know the significance of it.

03-23-2011, 01:36 PM
Marketing ploy.

03-23-2011, 01:40 PM
I doubt that most of these stars throwing the pyramid sign even know the significance of it.

So why do they throw it?
Are they told to do so by the smart evil guys?
Or... why wouldn't the smart evil guys tell them "hey dudes, let's keep this thing secret ok? Just keep the pyramid sign for yourselves"?

03-23-2011, 01:47 PM
So why do they throw it?
Are they told to do so by the smart evil guys?
Or... why wouldn't the smart evil guys tell them "hey dudes, let's keep this thing secret ok? Just keep the pyramid sign for yourselves"?
They probably just think its cool. And yeah they may be told by someone to do it, Don't forget the all seeing eye is on the ****ing dollar.

03-23-2011, 01:47 PM
http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/20440_1371891858086_1255449009_31065811_4082264_n. jpg
Politicians should all be decked out like Nascar drivers, then there would be less questions.

http://a1.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash1/22355_104880686204857_100000487788374_123574_59802 03_n.jpg
Group photo.

03-23-2011, 01:50 PM
They probably just think its cool. And yeah they may be told by someone to do it, Don't forget the all seeing eye is on the ****ing dollar.

Aw I forgot that too... They are so smart to print the sign of their evil secret plot on the most common piece of paper of the Western world.
If these are the smart guys to be scared of... I'm not so scared.

Thanks for the warning anyways. :cheers:

03-23-2011, 01:57 PM
Aw I forgot that too... They are so smart to print the sign of their evil secret plot on the most common piece of paper of the Western world.
If these are the smart guys to be scared of... I'm not so scared.

Thanks for the warning anyways. :cheers:

People do not know the significance of the pyramid on the dollar. And for the artists throwing the pyramid sign it may only mean money because it is on the dollar.

To be honest with you, I don't think the people putting the pyramid everywhere are part of it, they are probably rebelling against it. Especially the musicians, mainstream music industry is so controlled by them and the artist don't actually like it but theres nothing they can do about it or they might even get killed. Eminem is the perfect example, Don't you think that "Like Toy Soldiers" and Proof's actual death are strangely related?

03-23-2011, 02:03 PM
riddler is the kid that parents don't like having their children associate with. in this case, ish needs too stop associating with riddler and all these paranoid knucleheads. do real research, i.e. your school's library/databases...not youtube videos. mmkay?

03-23-2011, 02:05 PM
People do not know the significance of the pyramid on the dollar. And for the artists throwing the pyramid sign it may only mean money because it is on the dollar.

To be honest with you, I don't think the people putting the pyramid everywhere are part of it, they are probably rebelling against it. Especially the musicians, mainstream music industry is so controlled by them and the artist don't actually like it but theres nothing they can do about it or they might even get killed. Eminem is the perfect example, Don't you think that "Like Toy Soldiers" and Proof's actual death are strangely related?

Let's assume they are related (I don't even know that song nor Proof to be honest, but ok let's assume you are right).
Do you seriously think that a world-wide evil organisation of business magnates and bankers (or aliens with unknown technologies) trying to take over the world gives a sh!t about rappers feuds? Seriously, Rappers?

03-23-2011, 02:08 PM
riddler is the kid that parents don't like having their children associate with. in this case, ish needs too stop associating with riddler and all these paranoid knucleheads. do real research, i.e. your school's library/databases...not youtube videos. mmkay?

Are you joking? School libraries/databases are obviously controlled by Them.
There is no way out.

03-23-2011, 02:12 PM
Let's assume they are related (I don't even know that song nor Proof to be honest, but ok let's assume you are right).
Do you seriously think that a world-wide evil organisation of business magnates and bankers (or aliens with unknown technologies) trying to take over the world gives a sh!t about rappers feuds? Seriously, Rappers?

Dude I can't explain everything, that's the point, there is just so much unexplainable that wouldn't be there unless there wasn't a shadow government.

And yea socials engineering works at all levels, so its just a part of the master plan.

03-23-2011, 02:27 PM
Dude I can't explain everything, that's the point, there is just so much unexplainable that wouldn't be there unless there wasn't a shadow government.

That's exactly what people thought when they couldn't explain the sky and the stars unless it was some solid vault with some holes that let light shine through.

That was quite some time ago though.

Also, what FACT is unexplainable here?
The only unexplainable thing is the relation between a supposed evil conspiracy and the death of a rapper.
That relation is not a fact. Is something you guys fantasize about.

You guys theorise something and cannot even explain it.

03-23-2011, 03:06 PM
That's exactly what people thought when they couldn't explain the sky and the stars unless it was some solid vault with some holes that let light shine through.

That was quite some time ago though.

Also, what FACT is unexplainable here?
The only unexplainable thing is the relation between a supposed evil conspiracy and the death of a rapper.
That relation is not a fact. Is something you guys fantasize about.

You guys theorise something and cannot even explain it.

Dude thats the least of the concerns...

And no I don't fantasize, in fact I fantasize a lot less than you because you are an American, and probably believe in the flying spaghetti monster, I am a total rationalist and believe that everything works by the laws of nature and physics.

That said, shadow governments and their power exist.

What concerns me is the complete nuttiness of the people of the secret societies. They seem to worship something and have some kind of a master plan which they are carrying out.

Legend of Josh
03-23-2011, 03:48 PM
That's exactly what people thought when they couldn't explain the sky and the stars unless it was some solid vault with some holes that let light shine through.

That was quite some time ago though.

Also, what FACT is unexplainable here?
The only unexplainable thing is the relation between a supposed evil conspiracy and the death of a rapper.
That relation is not a fact. Is something you guys fantasize about.

You guys theorise something and cannot even explain it.

There's obviously two sides to the coin though. Yes, many people almost blindless believe in this conspiracy stuff without clear and rational thinking, but the term 'sheep' is just as valid and just as many (if not more) people turn a blind eye or push any remotely close thought into the back of their minds or out of it completely.

The bottom line here: people either ask too many questions or not enough/no questions. There should be a happy medium. If nothing else, it's clear as day at a minimum something just doesn't feel right lately. There's some type of eerie presence or aura about something that isn't right. Almost a sense like animals and their enigmatic ability to know when something is about to go down even though we humans are completely oblivious to it.

03-23-2011, 03:49 PM
The only trust to it is that there really are groups such as the Free Masons.

But that is about it.

There is no radical extent like a lot of people believe, that insist the entire US government is corrupt, and all the world's most powerful bankers are secretly running the entire world.

That is BS.

03-23-2011, 03:55 PM
Wealthy men do get together and conspire...to what degree can be debated

Certainly not to the extreme degree doomsday would have you think but perhaps more extreme than those arguing with him believe...

oh the horror
03-23-2011, 04:14 PM
Look at people out there man, they fight with eachother over the release of a new gadget, they stuff their faces with horrible foods, and our greed is staggering. I honestly believe that there are higher powers at work, that keep people docile, dumb, and dull like this on purpose.

People are generally lead into being "enlightened" and educated. Wtf do we learn in school while growing up? Bias history lessons, and pottery classes or what?

I think when you scratch away some of the layers, and take a look at how things are ran in this country, and around the world, its hard NOT to see something between the lines in terms of how people are going.

I believe there are systems set in place, to keep people afraid, constantly in fear over a new "threat" over the horizon, to keep people greedy, to keep people glossy eyed.

I also believe that they set it up to make it appear that anyone that questions to way of life, is seen as a "conspiracy nut" and generally whacko.

And while this may hold true for some....I honestly do not thing ALL conspiracy theorists are "nutty" at all. There is some truth, and some merit to this, and if people arent buying into it, its time that they start doing research for themselves, and connecting the dots along the way. Its a hard pill to swallow.

Its kind of like the scene in the Matrix, where they keep people alive, and asleep to use them as "batteries" for themselves. In our system...they keep people alive, and suck us dry of our money, and our resources, and labor, etc. I believe people are A LOT more self sufficient than we give ourselves credit for.

03-23-2011, 04:18 PM
Very nice post, I agree with everything you said. Its all about keeping the people's attention on trivial bullshit that doesn't matter.

oh the horror
03-23-2011, 04:23 PM
Very nice post, I agree with everything you said. Its all about keeping the people's attention on trivial bullshit that doesn't matter.

Bro, its been BLATANTLY obvious to me over the last several years especially. Mayyyyybe its because im older now, and more aware of the world around me, or mayyyyybe its because its getting worse, I cant say, but I will tell you that one only has to take a look at our media.

HEAVILY BIAS media, often giving false information, or sensationalizing a story, often exaggerating things? Wtf is that about? It "sells" sure....but wtf?

The media will release stories about often "disasterous" situations that "could" occur, keeping people in a state of hysteria and panic. They blow mediocre events out of proportion to sell it to the people, and keep them afraid. Fear disables people. Its hard to focus when you arent trained to do so in the face of irrational fear of whats to come.

The media now is riding high on celeb gossip and which gadget is going to be released. OMGZ IPHONE 4, AND THE IPAD 2 ALREADY?


Legend of Josh
03-23-2011, 04:28 PM
Yep, well said horror. To the poster claiming that the wealthy are not the ones who control the world, who do you thinks been running the world the past 6k years?


Oh yeah, that's right, the wealthy. Nothing has ever changed. Nothing will ever change. Money rules the world, always have, and always will.

It's all about special interests, which all boils down to money and power.

Every so often you get someone in power who really has a real opportunity to make a difference - for the better - such as JFK for example, but honestly, there's no question in my mind he had secrets as well.

When it comes to higher government, hell even with small government, my advice is trust no body. Shit, we can't even really trust ourselves sometimes, so how in the hell are we going to blindly trust our world leaders?

You don't. Here's a good idea. Trust God. Trust in Him only, because at the end of it all, He's the only one you really can trust.

03-23-2011, 04:32 PM
Bro, its been BLATANTLY obvious to me over the last several years especially. Mayyyyybe its because im older now, and more aware of the world around me, or mayyyyybe its because its getting worse, I cant say, but I will tell you that one only has to take a look at our media.

HEAVILY BIAS media, often giving false information, or sensationalizing a story, often exaggerating things? Wtf is that about? It "sells" sure....but wtf?

The media will release stories about often "disasterous" situations that "could" occur, keeping people in a state of hysteria and panic. They blow mediocre events out of proportion to sell it to the people, and keep them afraid. Fear disables people. Its hard to focus when you arent trained to do so in the face of irrational fear of whats to come.

The media now is riding high on celeb gossip and which gadget is going to be released. OMGZ IPHONE 4, AND THE IPAD 2 ALREADY?

Once again hit the nail on the head. Check out Media Control by Chomsky, he explains it pretty well in that book. Its right up the alley of what you're talking about. People won't realize whats happening until it truly hits home, thats the sad truth.

03-23-2011, 04:33 PM
The only trust to it is that there really are groups such as the Free Masons.

But that is about it.

There is no radical extent like a lot of people believe, that insist the entire US government is corrupt, and all the world's most powerful bankers are secretly running the entire world.

That is BS.
good post. there, happy?

03-23-2011, 04:36 PM
good post. there, happy?

If you're being sincere, then yes.

03-23-2011, 04:38 PM
If you're being sincere, then yes.
oh, I am. Clearly there is a freemason society (and every president has been one IIRC), but are they a secret society with world domination plans? No, its a good ol boys club for those in power.

oh the horror
03-23-2011, 04:39 PM
Once again hit the nail on the head. Check out Media Control by Chomsky, he explains it pretty well in that book. Its right up the alley of what you're talking about. People won't realize whats happening until it truly hits home, thats the sad truth.

This is 10 bucks on ebay with free shipping. Im on it.

03-23-2011, 04:46 PM
oh, I am. Clearly there is a freemason society (and every president has been one IIRC), but are they a secret society with world domination plans? No, its a good ol boys club for those in power.

Yeah I read a little bit about that.

I even knew a guy who was a member.

I asked him about it, and that's when he started telling me about it.

I think he had to wait until I actually asked to give me info because I think that's a rule or something.

But the conclusion ended up being that I'm an atheist, and one of the main requirements is that you have to believe in a higher being, in which I obviously do not.

03-23-2011, 04:49 PM
I think its a very relative subject.

Do I believe in them? its not about believing or not, its about realizing that the world and how it works is muuuuuch more complicated than a couple of conspiracy theories tell.

Just check the streets on any given day, its full of different individuals with different circumstances and different lifes, its not all about Illuminati vs Truthers and then the rest are sheeple. That couldnt be more far from reality.

Ive never liked the term "sheeple", it is pure ego and pure hipocrisy. Its basicly putting yourself above others just because of the fact you know two meaningless shit you read on google. I know what im talking about, cause like ive said many times, ive been a deep believer of this conspiracy network bs.

Which doesnt mean I dont believe or think some events in history have been orchestrated under a conspiracy, but hell, that doesnt mean every single event in life is a conspiracy. Just check the people floating around this "truther networks". I talked with one once who claimed to be in contact with aliens and stuff, he claimed they mind-controlled him because he was more special than other humans, but somehow when asked for evidence he never provided tangible evidence, he always tried to manipulate words to make you look as the sheeple and the liar. He was sooo special and shit, but somehow he was 30 years old, unemployed, living in his moms basement and didnt even knew about the French Revolution. How freakin ironic.

Beware of this false prophets, if you think all the people involved in the truth movement are good, kind and enlightened you couldnt be more wrong and gullible. Many of them have a similar mentality than those of "cult-sect abusive leaders". They are narcissists, mentally ill and absolutely hate when somebody disagree with them.

Some people in the movement are really honest and looking for answers, but after realizing in first hand all the BS and hipocrisy around it...psch, it has turned me somehow sceptic and more mature.

03-23-2011, 04:49 PM
This is 10 bucks on ebay with free shipping. Im on it.
Right on. Short book with a lot of info, just the way I like it haha

03-23-2011, 04:52 PM
I think its a very relative subject.

Do I believe in them? its not about believing or not, its about realizing that the world and how it works is muuuuuch more complicated than a couple of conspiracy theories tell.

Just check the streets on any given day, its full of different individuals with different circumstances and different lifes, its not all about Illuminati vs Truthers and then the rest are sheeple. That couldnt be more far from reality.

Ive never liked the term "sheeple", it is pure ego and pure hipocrisy. Its basicly putting yourself above others just because of the fact you know two meaningless shit you read on google. I know what im talking about, cause like ive said many times, ive been a deep believer of this conspiracy network bs.

Which doesnt mean I dont believe or think some events in history have been orchestrated under a conspiracy, but hell, that doesnt mean every single event in life is a conspiracy. Just check the people floating around this "truther networks". I talked with one once who claimed to be in contact with aliens and stuff, he claimed they mind-controlled him because he was more special than other humans, but somehow when asked for evidence he never provided tangible evidence, he always tried to manipulate words to make you look as the sheeple and the liar. He was sooo special and shit, but somehow he was 30 years old, unemployed, living in his moms basement and didnt even knew about the French Revolution. How freakin ironic.

Beware of this false prophets, if you think all the people involved in the truth movement are good, kind and enlightened you couldnt be more wrong and gullible. Many of them have a similar mentality than those of "cult-sect abusive leaders". They are narcissists, mentally ill and absolutely hate when somebody disagree with them.

Some people in the movement are really honest and looking for answers, but after realizing in first hand all the BS and hipocrisy around it...psch, it has turned me somehow sceptic and more mature.

Which movement are you referring to?

03-23-2011, 04:54 PM
Which movement are you referring to?

Truther websites (David Icke, Prison Planet...etc), Conspiracy manifestations on the street (about 9/11 or 3/11), New Age shit...etc.

Im not saying all the people in those places are liars and fakes, but I can assure you, there are plenty of deluded and dangerous individuals around there.

oh the horror
03-23-2011, 05:00 PM
Truther websites (David Icke, Prison Planet...etc), Conspiracy manifestations on the street (about 9/11 or 3/11), New Age shit...etc.

Im not saying all the people in those places are liars and fakes, but I can assure you, there are plenty of deluded and dangerous individuals around there.

Its really like any other subject areas, when dealing with sensitive information. You'll GET your whackjobs, weirdos, and bias people throwing around false nonsensical bullshit out there, but there are also a lot of people with some good hardcore heavy information. Its just about filtering out the good from the bad.

Unfortunately its the bad ones that ruin it, which bring the ridicule of people assuming all people that are out there researching information are these types:


03-23-2011, 05:03 PM
There are a lot of fishy things about 9/11, but to think the entire government was behind it as an excuse to go to war for oil is preposterous.

The White House couldn't even keep a B.J. secret but somehow they did this?


oh the horror
03-23-2011, 05:08 PM
There are a lot of fishy things about 9/11, but to think the entire government was behind it as an excuse to go to war for oil is preposterous.
The White House couldn't even keep a B.J. secret but somehow they did this?


While I dont know wtf is up with 9/11 nor do I want to get into a debate about that....I will say that our Government is certainly NOT above putting its own at risk for its own financial gain, or gain in power, or just testing out new weapons, and things of that sort. I have no doubts that it could care LESS about its people.

03-23-2011, 05:12 PM
While I dont know wtf is up with 9/11 nor do I want to get into a debate about that....I will say that our Government is certainly NOT above putting its own at risk for its own financial gain, or gain in power, or just testing out new weapons, and things of that sort. I have no doubts that it could care LESS about its people.

Oh I agree.

But I think murdering 3000 innocent US civilians is a bit more than what the US government would sacrifice.

Legend of Josh
03-23-2011, 05:41 PM
Oh I agree.

But I think murdering 3000 innocent US civilians is a bit more than what the US government would sacrifice.

You're using the term US government loosely. Perhaps not everyone within the US government, but only a select few. Enough to actually pull something such as 9/11 off and not leave enough of a trail that others could put all the dots together with concrete evidence.

People conspire on other people. It's been this way since the beginning of man. No one is exempt, especially those in powerful positions. In fact, those are the ones have the most to gain from deceiving others, so the temptation is greater for them as well.

I get the point about there being way too much conspiracy stuff out there for most of it to be true, but to tell yourself or others that our government(s) have the people's best interest at heart, is bullshit. Those in the world's highest positions are some of the world's most egotistic, cawk sucking to get to the top, yes-menish, self-centered bastards our planet has to offer.

You don't get to the top or even near the top unless special interest groups say you do. Even at that, it's all narrowed down to the point that either red or blue doesn't matter, win-win either way. So therefore, the 'people' can elect their leaders, and still doesn't make-a-fu*k anyway. Special interests always win, 100% of the time.

That's the truth. You can say the moon landing, 9/11, etc. type conspiracies are BS without legit proof, sure I can go there with ya, but to say special interests don't run shit (and I mean REALLY run almost everything type shit) is foolish. They do. Period.

03-23-2011, 05:46 PM
You're using the term US government loosely. Perhaps not everyone within the US government, but only a select few. Enough to actually pull something such as 9/11 off and not leave enough of a trail that others could put all the dots together with concrete evidence.

People conspire on other people. It's been this way since the beginning of man. No one is exempt, especially those in powerful positions. In fact, those are the ones have the most to gain from deceiving others, so the temptation is greater for them as well.

I get the point about there being way too much conspiracy stuff out there for most of it to be true, but to tell yourself or others that our government(s) have the people's best interest at heart, is bullshit. Those in the world's highest positions are some of the world's most egotistic, cawk sucking to get to the top, yes-menish, self-centered bastards our planet has to offer.

You don't get to the top or even near the top unless special interest groups say you do. Even at that, it's all narrowed down to the point that either red or blue doesn't matter, win-win either way. So therefore, the 'people' can elect their leaders, and still doesn't make-a-fu*k anyway. Special interests always win, 100% of the time.

That's the truth. You can say the moon landing, 9/11, etc. type conspiracies are BS without legit proof, sure I can go there with ya, but to say special interests don't run shit (and I mean REALLY run almost everything type shit) is foolish. They do. Period.

Well then do you have any suggestion as to who exactly in the government is pulling the strings?

Certain administrations? Senators? Congressmen?

03-23-2011, 06:10 PM
Oh I agree.

But I think murdering 3000 innocent US civilians is a bit more than what the US government would sacrifice.


How about the Gulf of Tonkin incident which led to the Vietnam War and the subsequent deaths of 50,000 brave American men?


Power and control over PEOPLE, RESOURCES and LAND. That's it. It doesn't need to be further complicated from this simplistic truth.

03-23-2011, 06:16 PM

How about the Gulf of Tonkin incident which led to the Vietnam War and the subsequent deaths of 50,000 brave American men?


Power and control over PEOPLE, RESOURCES and LAND. That's it. It doesn't need to be further complicated from this simplistic truth.

Apples to oranges.

03-23-2011, 06:48 PM
Wealthy men do get together and conspire...to what degree can be debated

But on what level?

(in Deion's voice)...


On what Level?

03-23-2011, 06:54 PM
But on what level?

(in Deion's voice)...


On what Level?
probably somewhere between what you think and what the masses think...

in the middle of the two extremes...somewhere

(not to the degree that the buildings were rigged)

03-23-2011, 07:13 PM
probably somewhere between what you think and what the masses think...

in the middle of the two extremes...somewhere

(not to the degree that the buildings were rigged)


You've seen this movie right?... could they be on that level?

03-23-2011, 07:30 PM

You've seen this movie right?... could they be on that level?
you know what...that's lol stuff right there, but in order for it go down like you think it would be similar to that movie, yes

That movie was ridiculous...

03-23-2011, 07:32 PM
Apples to oranges.

Sacrifice of American lives = Sacrifice of American lives


50,000 American lives > 3,000 American lives

Just kidding! Go back to sleep. Your government loves you very dearly and would never hurt you or put you in harms way.

03-23-2011, 07:34 PM
Sacrifice of American lives = Sacrifice of American lives


50,000 American lives > 3,000 American lives

Just kidding! Go back to sleep. Your government loves you very dearly and would never hurt you or put you in harms way.

They were killed in different ways.

Stop trolling.

03-23-2011, 08:37 PM
Dude thats the least of the concerans...

And no I don't fantasize, in fact I fantasize a lot less than you because you are an American, and probably believe in the flying spaghetti monster, I am a total rationalist and believe that everything works by the laws of nature and physics.

That said, shadow governments and their power exist.

What concerns me is the complete nuttiness of the people of the secret societies. They seem to worship something and have some kind of a master plan which they are carrying out.
Thank you for implying that my english is good but i'm actually Italian :D

03-23-2011, 09:08 PM
Wow there are some crazy people here on ISH. No there's no shadow government controlling the world and making people dumber. That's just stupid. People are smarter now than we have ever been in history. Just because humans by nature selfish jerks doesn't mean we're being made to be that way by some super-secret society.

It's kind of upsetting how much people just want to point fingers and play the blame game on mythical organizations like the Illuminati, rather than look in the mirror and try and do something about the actual problems themselves.


The thing about the Illuminati...it's fiction. It all started out as fiction books yet people are somehow convinced it's real.

03-23-2011, 09:20 PM
Wow there are some crazy people here on ISH. No there's no shadow government controlling the world and making people dumber. That's just stupid. People are smarter now than we have ever been in history. Just because humans by nature selfish jerks doesn't mean we're being made to be that way by some super-secret society.

It's kind of upsetting how much people just want to point fingers and play the blame game on mythical organizations like the Illuminati, rather than look in the mirror and try and do something about the actual problems themselves.


The thing about the Illuminati...it's fiction. It all started out as fiction books yet people are somehow convinced it's real.

I completely agree.

I think the main reason people buy into this stupid stuff is because obviously there are many more jhumans on planet earth right now than there has ever been.

So obviously there are a lot more dumb people than there ever have been.

But if you look at the top 20-40% of the world's population intelligence wise, they are far superior than any humans at any time in history.


03-23-2011, 09:22 PM
I completely agree.

I think the main reason people buy into this stupid stuff is because obviously there are many more jhumans on planet earth right now than there has ever been.

So obviously there are a lot more dumb people than there ever have been.

But if you look at the top 20-40% of the world's population intelligence wise, they are far superior than any humans at any time in history.

So who's running the Earth? Is it Obama?

03-23-2011, 09:29 PM
So who's running the Earth? Is it Obama?

What do you mean who is running the earth?

03-23-2011, 09:32 PM
Who controls all the decisions being made that influence us and the people of the world? Who do those decisions benefit, and how much say does the general public actually have in those decision? Say the situation in Libya for example, was there a vote to go to war? Did congress approve of it? Explain how shit goes down.

03-23-2011, 09:34 PM
Who controls all the decisions being made that influence us and the people of the world? Who do those decisions benefit, and how much say does the general public actually have in those decision? Say the situation in Libya for example, was there a vote to go to war? Did congress approve of it? Explain how shit goes down.

Most of the reason things are the way they are for us in the US happened in the 18th century.

I really don't understand how exactly you want me to answer your question.

Legend of Josh
03-23-2011, 10:43 PM
Wow there are some crazy people here on ISH. No there's no shadow government controlling the world and making people dumber. That's just stupid. People are smarter now than we have ever been in history. Just because humans by nature selfish jerks doesn't mean we're being made to be that way by some super-secret society.

It's kind of upsetting how much people just want to point fingers and play the blame game on mythical organizations like the Illuminati, rather than look in the mirror and try and do something about the actual problems themselves.


The thing about the Illuminati...it's fiction. It all started out as fiction books yet people are somehow convinced it's real.

Whatever helps you sheep, I mean sleep better at night. I agree the lack of 'proof' is something to take note of, but to simply believe it's all 100% bullshit and fiction is way more ignorant than someone who ponders the possibility there could be something to this and asks questions.

I'd rather be the fool who believed something such as the illuminati did exist and turned out it didn't than vise versa. Think about that for a second. It's an important ? and deserves attention.

03-23-2011, 10:59 PM
The world revolves around money.

And most people don't realize that money is basically a man-made, fictional form of wealth.

Money was basically created out of a scam.

But regardless, the world revolves around money, and people will do whatever it takes since in today's modern world, money is power, and power is what everyone wants.

03-24-2011, 01:00 AM
Whatever helps you sheep, I mean sleep better at night. I agree the lack of 'proof' is something to take note of, but to simply believe it's all 100% bullshit and fiction is way more ignorant than someone who ponders the possibility there could be something to this and asks questions.

I'd rather be the fool who believed something such as the illuminati did exist and turned out it didn't than vise versa. Think about that for a second. It's an important ? and deserves attention.

I think the lack of proof is more than something to "take note of." I'm not a "sheep," I've been reading/researching about this stuff for a long time. I now take this stuff as seriously as I do David 'Reptilians are running the world!' Icke. Only believed by lazy jaded people who want to blame all their problems on something else.

03-24-2011, 01:04 AM
Who controls all the decisions being made that influence us and the people of the world? Who do those decisions benefit, and how much say does the general public actually have in those decision? Say the situation in Libya for example, was there a vote to go to war? Did congress approve of it? Explain how shit goes down.

The United Nations voted to go into Libya. As citizens we elect officials to make those choices for us. If you'd like to input more effort besides voting every so often, I'd suggest becoming a lobbyist, politician, or public speaker of some sorts.

03-24-2011, 01:08 AM
Wow there are some crazy people here on ISH. No there's no shadow government controlling the world and making people dumber. That's just stupid. People are smarter now than we have ever been in history. Just because humans by nature selfish jerks doesn't mean we're being made to be that way by some super-secret society.

It's kind of upsetting how much people just want to point fingers and play the blame game on mythical organizations like the Illuminati, rather than look in the mirror and try and do something about the actual problems themselves.


The thing about the Illuminati...it's fiction. It all started out as fiction books yet people are somehow convinced it's real.

great post

they are clueless people who read fiction on the internet and think it is the uncovered truth.

03-24-2011, 01:13 AM
The United Nations voted to go into Libya. As citizens we elect officials to make those choices for us. If you'd like to input more effort besides voting every so often, I'd suggest becoming a lobbyist, politician, or public speaker of some sorts.
So UN overrides congress and the constitution? How about we get real, my broke ass will never become a lobbyist nor a politician. I love how these kids think that getting into office is as easy as posting on the internet.

03-24-2011, 01:20 AM
great post

they are clueless people who read fiction on the internet and think it is the uncovered truth.

That was the dumbest f*cking post I've ever read.

It's Fiction because people have written books about it?


Our President's have been trying to warn us many times... maybe you need
to listen their speeches again:

JFK Blows The Whistle on Secret Societies!

Eisenhower warns us of the military industrial complex.

and you want to tell me it's all bull$hit? I'll take the Presidents word over yours.

Legend of Josh
03-24-2011, 01:29 AM
The world revolves around money.

And most people don't realize that money is basically a man-made, fictional form of wealth.

Money was basically created out of a scam.

But regardless, the world revolves around money, and people will do whatever it takes since in today's modern world, money is power, and power is what everyone wants.

OK ... So after reading you post do you think 9/11 can't be an inside job?

You contradict yourself, majorly, so what's the real deal? I think you post without really thinking things through. I'm curious and please be honest, how old are you? Just curious ...

03-24-2011, 01:32 AM
OK ... So after reading you post do you think 9/11 can't be an inside job?

You contradict yourself, majorly, so what's the real deal? I think you post without really thinking things through. I'm curious and please be honest, how old are you? Just curious ...

I'm 22 years old.

How am I being contrite?

Legend of Josh
03-24-2011, 01:40 AM
The United Nations voted to go into Libya. As citizens we elect officials to make those choices for us. If you'd like to input more effort besides voting every so often, I'd suggest becoming a lobbyist, politician, or public speaker of some sorts.

Yeah bc it's simply that easy to change the world. The only real chance we have to save the world from all the bullshit is to rally together; power in numbers and ask questions.

I'm sick and tired of people saying 'well then you become president and do something about it' ... the system is already designed to fail. A logical and real 'people's champ' individual would NEVER make it into an office of REAL power (ie: president) ... local level ok if you're lucky.

You ain't gettin any into any real position of power unless you're already in or have agreed to make the special interests happy. A real 'I will fight for the people no matter what!' president doesnt exist. Never has really.

Only way you can win. Gotta rep that blue or red, and not talking cribs n bloods. A real independent will never have a real shot. The electoral college already in place for that very possibility. Those on top have and will continue to implement measures to keep in control who they want in control.

oh the horror
03-24-2011, 02:55 AM
Wow there are some crazy people here on ISH. No there's no shadow government controlling the world and making people dumber. That's just stupid. People are smarter now than we have ever been in history.

What, by your definition, makes people "smarter now than they've ever been?"

I'd argue, that while information is more readily available, people flat out do not even care.

We have more people out there, that could tell you about American Idol, but havent a CLUE about world events currently going on around them.

You know why? Because American Idol news, and breaking news about Charlie Sheen is POUNDED into people's collective minds throughout a day, through various news sources. They DO NOT do that with important events, and actual news.

Why do you suppose news outlets often hand out FALSE INFORMATION PURPOSELY? Why all of these "doom and gloom" stories in the media? All you have to do is watch how popular media has morphed over the last 20 years to even get an idea.

03-24-2011, 04:05 AM
One thing is for sure, the "conspiracy theorists" are more and more lately, and more people are waking up, compare to like 10 years ago, the % of people who ask questions has multiplied many times, and you can see it in this thread too, half the people dare to ask questions and the other half bury their heads in the sand like before.

03-24-2011, 04:25 AM
Just think how did Hitler, Stalin and other assholes like that come to power? And yet still nobody like that could ever come to power in the US? Germany is one of the major countries of the western world....

It's still the same people who put Hitler and Stalin to power and created wars who are still in power, the bankers.

I mean really, George Bush as the president of the most powerful country is just ridiculous isn't it? There are tens of millions of people who would make a better president, and out of those tens of millions, I'm pretty sure some wanted to be the president, but they never had the chance because only the NWO candidates can become president.

oh the horror
03-24-2011, 05:12 AM
And even then, who the fu*k is the president anyway?

Really though, look at it like this.....this last election with Obama should be a fu*king PRIME example at just how much the presidency matters in this country.

People ALL thought Obama ('the black guy') would come in, and bring forth all of that "change" and be the new hope for THE PEOPLE out there...you know...the little man, the working guy, the Joe Blow....

But the truth is, which smacked everyone in the face, the PRESIDENT is just a figure-head...a talking face, a bobblehead put forth to give people the illusion that they have some kind of a say in the direction of our country.

This man came into office and shit is RUNNING DAMN NEAR THE SAME AS ITS ALWAYS BEEN, if not worse for some people out there.

So really, which president really changes direction from the general shit blueprint that the country has been running on for the last few centuries?

03-24-2011, 05:21 AM

lebron doing some weird ass hand signs...fast forward to 1:20

03-24-2011, 05:49 AM
Dudes, the existence of lobbying activities is far from secret. They have always existed and are commonly accepted as one of the main drivers of political decision-making especially in the Usa.

How can you jump from this to thinking that there is a secret evil group of Satan worshippers who plot to control people's minds?

And this thing about "being sheep" needs to stop.
We go by actual facts and would like to see even one only bit of proof of your fairy tales.
You guys follow the word of youtube videos made by teenagers, of books written by people who hold no academical / scientifical/ whatsoever title to write about what they write.
You never see no real proof of what these enchanters tell you and still keep wasting your time after their suggestions.
Who is the sheep??

Man, this is seriously like going back to hunting witches... Wake up dudes, the world has evolved in the meantime.

It's natural to be uncomfortable with authority. It is natural to blame some invented, evil Other for the failures of human kind.
Realise it and deal with it.
Stop wasting your time after the fairy tales of enchanters and if you really care about society and your fellow men, go and make some charity.

oh the horror
03-24-2011, 06:03 AM
Dudes, the existence of lobbying activities is far from secret. They have always existed and are commonly accepted as one of the main drivers of political decision-making especially in the Usa.

How can you jump from this to thinking that there is a secret evil group of Satan worshippers who plot to control people's minds?

And this thing about "being sheep" needs to stop.
We go by actual facts and would like to see even one only bit of proof of your fairy tales.
You guys follow the word of youtube videos made by teenagers, of books written by people who hold no academical / scientifical/ whatsoever title to write about what they write.
You never see no real proof of what these enchanters tell you and still keep wasting your time after their suggestions.
Who is the sheep??

Man, this is seriously like going back to hunting witches... Wake up dudes, the world has evolved in the meantime.

It's natural to be uncomfortable with authority. It is natural to blame some invented, evil Other for the failures of human kind.
Realise it and deal with it.
Stop wasting your time after the fairy tales of enchanters and if you really care about society and your fellow men, go and make some charity.

If I had to sit here, and pull out examples, links, sites, articles of how our government alone operates and has been operating throughout the years, I'd end up having to write you a fu*king college sized paper here on insidehoops.

To be honest, to even explain it, I would have to sit down for several days, and maybe put it in order for even myself of examples, and then back those thoughts of mine up with links, and various stories that anyone could find out there. Its just research really, and no...I dont mean YouTube.

And if the world is "evolving" then why are conspiracy theories more popular today than any other era? So LEGIONS upon LEGIONS of people are imagining these things, or what?

03-24-2011, 06:10 AM
If I had to sit here, and pull out examples, links, sites, articles of how our government alone operates and has been operating throughout the years, I'd end up having to write you a fu*king college sized paper here on insidehoops.

To be honest, to even explain it, I would have to sit down for several days, and maybe put it in order for even myself of examples, and then back those thoughts of mine up with links, and various stories that anyone could find out there. Its just research really, and no...I dont mean YouTube.

And if the world is "evolving" then why are conspiracy theories more popular today than any other era? So LEGIONS upon LEGIONS of people are imagining these things, or what?

That would be some serious research on lobbying activities.
Again, nothing from that would include alien technologies being hidden, rappers being murdered, earthquakes being created, people being brainwashed/poisoned via airplane trails :facepalm and all that BS that comes along with conspiracy theories.

These theories are popular today for the same reason why Justin Beibers and Rebecca Blacks happen today more than before. Because the internet makes it way easier to spread them.

Legend of Josh
03-24-2011, 07:47 AM
One thing is for sure: there are some really sick and twisted people in this world. Dare I even say 'evil'? ...

OMG ... don't say that! Not in America! Not in the Wesrern world. Not in an advanced civilization where 'the people' are truly in control.

There's no way any president or those close to such a respectful figure could be someone simply greedy and power hungry beyond measure. Come on guys, they can't be self-centered enough to the point they turn into a 'monster' sick enough to wage a war(s) based on their own evil and personal historic glory. NO WAY!

Maybe in those crazy African jungles you have someone in power missing a few screws with an anxious trigger finger pointed right at the 'red button' - maybe in North Korea. Maybe in the middle east or some nutjob in one of them Latin American places.

Not in America though.

Come on guys, like horror said the lists you could compile of people in power in our short era of written history goes on and on. There have been some sick, twisted, EVIL bastards that came into positions of real world-threatening power over a very short period of time.

There's well documented proof of their existence! Now all a sudden everything is A OK, nothing to worry about guys. We have Fox News and the trusty media to keep us informed of everything. If something went down, the whole world would get an instant text message alert. Everything is fine people.

Why are we even asking ?'s... it's not like our rights and freedoms are being stripped from right our under us. If we have to give our rights up here and there, what's the big deal? I mean, especially when there's WMD's in that evil POS country Iraq. Theyre dirty cave dwelling dumbasses anyway, who gives a shit if we destroy their POS country women and children included. If thousands of US troops have to die in order to spread democracy, then that's ok, right?

I mean, yeah, it's not like it has anything whatsoever to do with resources. Nothing at all, right guys? I mean, we're in those other even more so shitty African nations where civil war and local disputes are much more commonplace, right? Where the internal deaths, conflicts, quality of life, fresh water, disease, etc going down 24/7 365... We are there too helping them, right guys? Oh wait, if there' inadequate resources, what's the point? The people there? Who cares! Theyre savages!

No I'm just trippin' folks. We send a few UN troops and set up an embassy here and there and it's all good. We never see anything on the news about some shitty African country with no resources, i wonder why? That little thing called humanity doesn't mean shit today. The only thing that matters is worldly conflict is if it has something worthwhile in CHING! CHING! matters. That's what matters, dolla dolla bills y'all $$$

Human life? Sorry, more important matters at hand. The Western world is so damn wealthy; wealthy enough that not a single individual on the face this planet should go a night without a decent meal. Shelter, clean water... etc. Thats all good though. We aiiight; we got this. We're only making ourselves trillions of dollars in debt, killing soldiers in bullshit matters in places in the world we really have no fu*king business being in anyway. Yet we're up in that bit*h like 'yeah we represent! USA up in this bit*h!'

All so the wealthy can stay wealthy, all the while everyone else getting shitted on basically. This 'evil' fu*k everybody else it's all about me! dictatorship assholes in high level power positions have been at it since the dawn of civilization, and if anything it's worse now than every before.

Is there some sick and evil devil worshiping shot going down by the real people in control behind the curtain? Have no real idea really. IMO, letting the rest of literally suffer and die for the personal gain of a small few is just as sickening. That's evil. Special interest > humanity. Thats no my opinion, that's just the way shit is. Always has been, always will be.

Why should I care though; hell it's all probably some internet hoax. I mean, just because there' all this information on the web, what the hell does that matter? All I need to worry about is what the news tells me to worry about. All I have to do is listen and trust in my leaders of the free world unconditionally... after all they're our leaders! TRUST TRUST TRUST! NEVER ASK ?'s! Conspiracy nuts all wear tinfoil on their noggin' and swear on the Bible that 9/11 was an inside job and the world is going to end in Dec. 2012! They're not patriotic by asking ?'s! They're just ignorant and don't really give a shit our nation's outcome. They just jerk off reading the newest CT hypothesis.

Jasi ... not taking a stab at you personally but you write your posts as if it's a 'we VS them' thing. A lot of this conspiracy stuff does get way out of line but to just ignore all of it like there's just absolutely no possible reason to even entertain the idea much less actually knowledge yourself on such matters is just as shallow minded as the gullible truth seeker type.

There's no doubt people conspire against one another. The smallest of levels, and the highest as well. I can appreciate your (and others like you) to defend the genuine goodness and integrity of our world leaders and the intelligent people of this world who still 'know' much less believe there's still hope for humanity and that everything is just fine. IMO, that's great in terms of faith in our leaders, etc - even more faith than your average conspiracy whacko.

All I'm saying is that there are things going on that the vast majority of folks have absolutely zero about. There are secret meetings, conversations, hidden agendas, highly secret level type agendas to further advance the next generation(s) of the elite class to continue the same continuous cycle that's been going on for hundreds if not thousands of years now.

The 'everyone is ok' position takes more faith than the
'we're all doomed one.'. That is obviously open for debate which is what their entire thread is about, but we should all learn to close the gap from both sides so we can all be better and more quality informed and not so much quantity informed (Dooms LOL). It's ok to ask questions and want answers.

03-24-2011, 08:04 AM
Jasi ... not taking a stab at you personally but you write your posts as if it's a 'we VS them' thing. A lot of this conspiracy stuff does get way out of line but to just ignore all of it like there's just absolutely no possible reason to even entertain the idea much less actually knowledge yourself on such matters is just as shallow minded as the gullible truth seeker type.

My "We vs Them" overtone was just in reply to those who keep saying "you are sheeple", "you bury your head in the sand" etc.

There's no doubt people conspire against one another. The smallest of levels, and the highest as well. I can appreciate your (and others like you) to defend the genuine goodness and integrity of our world leaders and the intelligent people of this world who still 'know' much less believe there's still hope for humanity and that everything is just fine. IMO, that's great in terms of faith in our leaders, etc - even more faith than your average conspiracy whacko.

When have I done that?
I don't think people are good on average, let alone most of our world leaders.

What I've said is that believing in the existence of some sort of secret evil organisation that controls everything is very, very, very ingenuous.
Nor do I think that "everyone is ok".
There's plenty of problems in this world, and conspiracy theories are of no help in solving them.

03-24-2011, 09:52 AM

This is what I believe in , the "pyramid" system.

Legend of Josh
03-24-2011, 09:56 AM
If the 'conspiracy theory movement' (for lack of a better term) helps motivate the people to hold our governments more accountable and away from hidden agendas / special interests then wouldn't that to some extent serve as a positive purpose?

It seems more and more people are paying closer attention, gaining knowledge (yes I will admit a lof which is misinformed/biased knowledge), and doing more about keeping our government in check and doing whatever can possibly be done to salvage our rights and taking new and in some cases extreme measures to preserve what the free world really should be, and that's exactly it, a free world.

Granted, we don't need douchbags getting involved and creating ill-advised additional attention for foolish cases or just to have an excuse to talk shit about something they themselves are quite ignorant to. That would only further divide us, which is exactly what 'they' want. There's power in numbers, but also dangerous levels of tension for the wrong non-progressive causes (senseless riots and such).

I believe when some real shit starts to go down, it'll be America's (the free world's) moment of truth if you will. How we unite or how we fail to unite if such chaos were to commence would be one those definite make or break ordeals.

You have to think if a one world government were to exist, practically all rights would have to be redesigned and newly implemented for it be successful in the first place. Before new rights or laws can take effect, old ones must be abolished (which has been happening little by little without most even realizing paying much attention. As long as we're well fed by McDonalds and watching Jersey Shore and partying when it's Superbowl time who really gives a shit about rights? The next generation will probably have much of a clue.

"rights? what are those grandpa?! Yeah yeah! Tell us again pawpaw!"

LOL - so I'm obviously being a bit extreme but the way we're being dumbed down (and it's only getting worse and worse) is that really so far
from it being the truth?

03-24-2011, 11:12 AM
People now are smarter than they have ever been.

Mostly because of money, evolution, and technology.

Ass Dan
03-24-2011, 12:42 PM
These assholes in power are stooges for big money interests. Carlisle Group, Halliburton, banks, big oil, they are the ones dictating what goes down politically.
This whole small government movement is all a move to put more money in their pockets. Once the public gets hip to the fact that we waste all our tax dollars on army, some f*ckwads like Blackwater will come along and say we can do it cheaper, free enterprise, privatize it, boom, smash cut to another 1/4 century down the road and almost all government services are being run by Illuminati cronies.
Third party is the only way to go, why do you think these fakks fight it so hard? Semi-nig or the old racist, it didn't matter who we elected in 2008, they were the same fakkin asshole.

These Illuminati fakkers will rob us blind and we are too dumb to care. We'll lap it up: "Woo Hoo 'Merica number one!" "I hate big government, I hate taxes!" Fakkin sad ass fakkin country we live in.

03-24-2011, 12:48 PM
What factual evidence of there being a secret Illuminati in charge of everything?

03-24-2011, 01:13 PM
What factual evidence of there being a secret Illuminati in charge of everything?
Don't know what you consider factual evidence, but you should check out what is the Bohemian Grove, this is some really weird shit.

03-24-2011, 01:20 PM
Don't know what you consider factual evidence, but you should check out what is the Bohemian Grove, this is some really weird shit.

I wasn't meaning to be dismissive, I am open minded, I'm just not gullible.

I looked it up, it sounds a little strange.

But it doesn't seem like anything too crazy.

Is it not just a place where powerful people go to have meetings?

03-24-2011, 01:21 PM
I wasn't meaning to be dismissive, I am open minded, I'm just not gullible.

I looked it up, it sounds a little strange.

But it doesn't seem like anything too crazy.

Is it not just a place where powerful people go to have meetings?

And have gay sex

03-24-2011, 01:22 PM
And have gay sex

What's wrong with that?

03-24-2011, 01:25 PM
What's wrong with that?

Cuz what I've heard its like a place where they have satanic rituals and just have crazy gay sex with eachother...

I'm not a homophobe, this is just not normal for the most powerful people in the world to get together and have gay orgies.

03-24-2011, 02:15 PM
Cuz what I've heard its like a place where they have satanic rituals and just have crazy gay sex with eachother...

I'm not a homophobe, this is just not normal for the most powerful people in the world to get together and have gay orgies.

I suppose.

Legend of Josh
03-24-2011, 02:40 PM
I heard they circle jerk in small groups of six around a circular table, and in the middle is three teenage boys age range from 18-20. Their heads are inserted through three holes in the middle of the table, each sitting indian style below. The members squirt and blast their shots into the boys faces and moufz as they hold their moufz open and licking for the hot jizz as it comes rainbowing down.

You're right... some weird and sick twisted shit. I heard Powerglove is one of them.

Ass Dan
03-24-2011, 03:19 PM
You're right... some weird and sick twisted shit. I heard Powerglove is one of them.

Yeah,they made him 'helicopter' in the middle of the circle jerk and now he is scared at airports!:roll:

LoJ is runnin this piece! :applause: :bowdown:

03-27-2011, 11:09 AM

This is definitely weird :wtf:

Look at the clock when it turns from 11:59 to 12:00
And 81 is Japan area code.

03-27-2011, 11:24 AM

This is definitely weird :wtf:

Look at the clock when it turns from 11:59 to 12:00
And 81 is Japan area code.

you do realize I've been preaching the "Hollywood conspiracy" here in the OTC for awhile now.

It's really sad that people think it's too outrageous of an conspiracy.


my latest thread dealing with the hollywood phenomenon.

03-27-2011, 12:52 PM

This is definitely weird :wtf:

Look at the clock when it turns from 11:59 to 12:00
And 81 is Japan area code.




OH $HITTTT!!!!!!!

03-27-2011, 01:16 PM



OH $HITTTT!!!!!!!

Yea and look at the video itself, they predicted the BP oil disaster.

03-27-2011, 01:28 PM
Yea and look at the video itself, they predicted the BP oil disaster.

Have you ever looked into the hollywood 9/11 foreshadowing?

03-27-2011, 02:13 PM
If there was a secret society controlling everything behind the scenes, why would they let Hollywood constantly make movies suggesting so?

03-27-2011, 03:10 PM
If there was a secret society controlling everything behind the scenes, why would they let Hollywood constantly make movies suggesting so?

For fun, I suppose. Or maybe these hints are meant for specific people.

03-27-2011, 04:35 PM
For fun, I suppose. Or maybe these hints are meant for specific people.


If there really was a secret group of people controlling EVERYTHING, they would not allow for movies to be made, for youtube videos to be in existence, for books to be released, etc. that suggest their exact presence..

That is common sense.

03-27-2011, 05:37 PM
Just think how did Hitler, Stalin and other assholes like that come to power? And yet still nobody like that could ever come to power in the US? Germany is one of the major countries of the western world....

It's still the same people who put Hitler and Stalin to power and created wars who are still in power, the bankers.

I mean really, George Bush as the president of the most powerful country is just ridiculous isn't it? There are tens of millions of people who would make a better president, and out of those tens of millions, I'm pretty sure some wanted to be the president, but they never had the chance because only the NWO candidates can become president.

I hope you understand the irony of you mentioning Hitler's rise to power. Well, I know for a fact that you don't but it's still epically ironic and hilarious.

Because Hitler actually did rise to power because of the NWO. Not in the way you think though. He did it by convincing the grossly uneducated and paranoid people (much like yourself) of a conspiracy that was pretty damn similar to all the current NWO myths.

03-28-2011, 03:59 PM
Let's just cut all the bullshit okay?

I don't know or care what you wanna call these bastards, call it Illuminati or corporatocracy or whatever, the fact is that we are being deceived by the people who are in power, and we are being deceived BIGTIME. Just look at this Izzo guy, clueless as a puppy....

I'm ****ing tired of this worthless bullshit that we as people discuss every single day and never focus on the real issues, the INVISIBLE ENEMY is out there, we need to honestly do something about this shit.

Society as a whole has a "I don't give a shit" attitude about politics and this is why there is so much corruption. American people actually believe in the good will of their leaders, its just so sad, I want to see some changes in the world but all I see is people worrying about unimportant shit all the time and they don't even wanna hear anything about the real issues.

03-28-2011, 04:02 PM

If there really was a secret group of people controlling EVERYTHING, they would not allow for movies to be made, for youtube videos to be in existence, for books to be released, etc. that suggest their exact presence..

That is common sense.

They are secret enough and this poses no threat to them. The ****ing pyramid is on the mother****ing dollar ffs.
They can destroy anyone who poses a threat to them anyway....

Look man they are even keeping Alex Jones alive,... that is kind of strange actually, how is this guy still moving around freely?

03-29-2011, 10:44 AM
I just wish that people had true freedom of expression and weren't afraid to use it, but obviously we don't because you don't see the media talking about the system being all wrong...and then there are these people who are either scared or stupid but have chosen to bury their heads in the sand, like this clueless Izzo guy.
We are being enslaved and dumbed down and evolution of the human species is in stagnation.

People only see the cracks in the system and try to fix them, never realizing that something might be wrong with the system itself.

03-29-2011, 11:20 AM
I just wish that people had true freedom of expression and weren't afraid to use it, but obviously we don't because you don't see the media talking about the system being all wrong...and then there are these people who are either scared or stupid but have chosen to bury their heads in the sand, like this clueless Izzo guy.
We are being enslaved and dumbed down and evolution of the human species is in stagnation.

People only see the cracks in the system and try to fix them, never realizing that something might be wrong with the system itself.

yet another member of the gang of butthurt trolls going at me with their alt accounts.

you guys just can't get me off your mind.

03-29-2011, 01:44 PM
yet another member of the gang of butthurt trolls going at me with their alt accounts.

you guys just can't get me off your mind.
:lol You are even more clueless than I thought you are.
Maybe you are just a troll tho, which makes more sense since all that comes out of your mouth is clearly retarded.

03-29-2011, 02:46 PM
:lol You are even more clueless than I thought you are.
Maybe you are just a troll tho, which makes more sense since all that comes out of your mouth is clearly retarded.

yeah, remind me again which one of us thinks the lizard people are controlling humanity in an effort to eventually enslave us...

do you have so little self-reflection that it isn't apparent to you yet that EVERYONE here has owned you EVERYTIME you post?

you're without a doubt the single most worthless poster to ever grace these pages, and that is no easy task.

03-29-2011, 04:17 PM
yeah, remind me again which one of us thinks the lizard people are controlling humanity in an effort to eventually enslave us...

do you have so little self-reflection that it isn't apparent to you yet that EVERYONE here has owned you EVERYTIME you post?

you're without a doubt the single most worthless poster to ever grace these pages, and that is no easy task.

Get lost of this thread please, you are not contributing anything, if you want to bury your head in the sand and pretend that everything is just is fine and dandy than it is your choice, you are ridiculing the subject but whatever. You even believe terrorist did 9/11 so that just shows how stupid you are.

11-30-2013, 08:25 PM
Look at people out there man, they fight with eachother over the release of a new gadget, they stuff their faces with horrible foods, and our greed is staggering. I honestly believe that there are higher powers at work, that keep people docile, dumb, and dull like this on purpose.

People are generally lead into being "enlightened" and educated. Wtf do we learn in school while growing up? Bias history lessons, and pottery classes or what?

I think when you scratch away some of the layers, and take a look at how things are ran in this country, and around the world, its hard NOT to see something between the lines in terms of how people are going.

I believe there are systems set in place, to keep people afraid, constantly in fear over a new "threat" over the horizon, to keep people greedy, to keep people glossy eyed.

I also believe that they set it up to make it appear that anyone that questions to way of life, is seen as a "conspiracy nut" and generally whacko.

And while this may hold true for some....I honestly do not thing ALL conspiracy theorists are "nutty" at all. There is some truth, and some merit to this, and if people arent buying into it, its time that they start doing research for themselves, and connecting the dots along the way. Its a hard pill to swallow.

Its kind of like the scene in the Matrix, where they keep people alive, and asleep to use them as "batteries" for themselves. In our system...they keep people alive, and suck us dry of our money, and our resources, and labor, etc. I believe people are A LOT more self sufficient than we give ourselves credit for.

This is a great post. I've been thinking about some of these matters lately as it relates to America today, and the world as a whole. The future of society and the nuanced, complicated degradation of

What lead me to looking into the Illuminati and all the powerful, household names in entertainment (especially the music industry) was that I was wondering why Katt Williams fell off his rocker so I wanted to watch some of his interviews and get some insight as to whether it was just pressure/drugs or if was something about the entertainment industry.

U gotta admit, the links between some of the entertainers that conspiracy theorists claim to be Illuminati pawns with imagery and symbolism is kinda odd. The way certain people rise to fame and become well known to all age groups, maybe are being controlled by management/agencies without their own knowing. I'm not saying that some of the extremists aren't delusional about placing meaning to every little outfit and frame of a video but some of it seems too apparent to be coincidental.

I think that the spiritual warfare waging on Earth is more accessible and visible than ever before due to technology and portable being almost omnipresent. I don't even necessarily believe that artists linked to Illuminati are willingly or knowingly projecting the mission of these secret societies but their causes are centuries old.

The crazy thing is that I love entertainment and music/films are my favorite venues of output from man. However, it is pretty ignorant to overlook the dark and even sinister methodology that is well documented within both industries.