View Full Version : Racism in America?

03-27-2011, 03:30 AM
This is from my observations, but why are you white Americans letting yourself get shitted on? You control the country, and yet you have created double standards against yourself...
If a white person is racist against a black its a huge deal but if a black is racist against whites its okay...
And whites are letting it happen like its np, you have no self respect at all.
Blacks are the ones who are also committing most of the crime...

Look I'm not racist, I'm just calling it how it seems for me.
Sad part is, black americans aren't even fully black, they all have white in them.

LT Ice Cream
03-27-2011, 03:42 AM
Because enslaving a whole race of people in this country created a wound that may never heal. Now white people have to deal with some of the backlash. It is what it is.
At the same time, you're blowing things out of proportion. It's not like this kind of stuff happens all day, every day. And its not like it really affects your life so calm down.
Just be happy that black and people and white people can get along nowadays. It's not perfect, but I feel that racism is declining in America.

03-27-2011, 03:47 AM
*maniacal laughter followed by a realization that I look like a tranny, have no friends, majored in a phony subject and have unresolved daddy issues*

Gotdamn :eek: :eek:

03-27-2011, 03:47 AM
Louis CK - Being White (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TG4f9zR5yzY&feature=related)

03-27-2011, 03:50 AM
At last the crackers are getting whats coming to them. My goal is to be a house cracker, While you white people are working I'll be calling you racist and support taxing you more. The only religion will be white guilt

At last my way of thinking will RULE THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*maniacal laughter followed by a realization that I look like a tranny, have no friends, majored in a phony subject and have unresolved daddy issues*

Dude.. you're not funny. Keep your down syndrome to yourself, nobody cares.

03-27-2011, 03:53 AM
Because enslaving a whole race of people in this country created a wound that may never heal. Now white people have to deal with some of the backlash. It is what it is.
At the same time, you're blowing things out of proportion. It's not like this kind of stuff happens all day, every day. And its not like it really affects your life so calm down.
Just be happy that black and people and white people can get along nowadays. It's not perfect, but I feel that racism is declining in America.

My post is bashing whites more than blacks because white americans have created double standards against themselves, which is really sad...

Don't even play the "enslave" card, todays black americans have nothing to do with it, and neither do whites, its not like "one race enslaved another" and now we feel sorry for you, its just capitalism, whites have enslaved whites more than blacks.
In todays american all people are born into the same circumstances, its like saying if your father who dies before you were born was a criminal than you have to pay for his debts. Actually its way worse than that because an average white person has a lot less common with a slavemaster from 18th century than someone with his dad.

If white people didn't teach you history in school you wouldn't even know that this shit existed. My countrymen were enslaved for over 800 years but I don't feel like the average German or Russian or Swede has anything to do with it, and we aren't even getting compensated for it like black americans are. You never thought this was possible right? A completely white country, enslaved for 800 years by other white countries, thats way worse than the black americans had it.

Anyway yea, I'm not trying to stir racism I'm just calling it how it is, a white dude can't move freely around in every neighbourhood because of the fear of uneducated black racists robbing him.

03-27-2011, 04:00 AM
Completely forgot.


03-27-2011, 04:00 AM
Just look at the chaos in Africa, black people have no civilization ...

03-27-2011, 04:02 AM
Completely forgot.


This is all you can say for retort, which is really sad for you but makes me feel good because I automatically have won the argument when the personal attacks come in.

03-27-2011, 04:02 AM
This is all you can say for retort, which is really sad for you but makes me feel good because I automatically have won the argument when the personal attacks come in.

Nah, you still a phagoot b.

Go take some german dick or something, no homo.

03-27-2011, 04:04 AM
Nah, you still a phagoot b.

Go take some german dick or something, no homo.

I'd rather be a ******* than an idiot like you :banana:

LT Ice Cream
03-27-2011, 04:06 AM
Why are you pointing a finger at me like I'm an "uneducated black man" who has robbed you at some point?
White people cannot say or do racist things because they are the dominant race in America and also have a notorious history of being unusually racist towards minorities.
You are putting things how you see it, and I am putting things how I see it.
I don't have a problem with white people, a lot of my friends are white. But when you say most of the crimes committed are by black people, I have the right to say most of the vicious hate crimes are committed by white people. That's why it's way its taken way more seriously when white people make racial slurs etc.

Cowboy Thunder
03-27-2011, 04:07 AM
To the OP:

No one should even try to refute your claims, whole argument is a strawman.

03-27-2011, 04:07 AM
I'd rather be a ******* than an idiot like you :banana:

How was J

LT Ice Cream
03-27-2011, 04:08 AM
Just look at the chaos in Africa, black people have no civilization ...

Such mein weinerschnietzel.

03-27-2011, 04:10 AM
Just look at the chaos in Africa, black people have no civilization ...
:mad: uncalled for

03-27-2011, 04:13 AM
Why are you pointing a finger at me like I'm an "uneducated black man" who has robbed you at some point?
White people cannot say or do racist things because they are the dominant race in America and also have a notorious history of being unusually racist towards minorities.
You are putting things how you see it, and I am putting things how I see it.
I don't have a problem with white people, a lot of my friends are white. But when you say most of the crimes committed are by black people, I have the right to say most of the vicious hate crimes are committed by white people. That's why it's way its taken way more seriously when white people make racial slurs etc.
I wasn't pointing a finger at you, how did you figure that?
There are no black people in my country so I haven't been robbed by them, we only get nigerian scammers from time to time.

"notorious history of being unusally racist towards minorities" You gotta be kidding me, ITS CAPITALISM (has nothing to do with the average white guy) and first of all white people from Europe have spread civilization to everywhere, they aren't racist, yea I guess it wasn't polite to destroy these primitive civilizations but let me ask you this - would you rather live in Africa? You definitely wouldn't and you haven't ever been a slave either, you live in a dominantly white society and you share all the same priviledges or even more of them - you should be thankful of white people for that.

And how are most of the vicious hate crimes committed by white people when the statistics say otherwise? Man it's not even the statistics, its just how it is, black people can be racist in the open... You black people are exactly in the situation of a spoiled whiny teenage girl.

03-27-2011, 04:14 AM
:mad: uncalled for

Why? It is how it is.

LT Ice Cream
03-27-2011, 04:21 AM
Just saying something mean does not count as a vicious hate crime. Look at the KKK. White people tortured black people to death for fun sometimes. Thats why I'm saying white Americans have a history of vicious hate crimes. Thats why its taken more seriously when a white person makes a racist remark. And I honestly can't say that I would rather live in America over Africa. Both places have their strengths and drawbacks. Just because you see war and fighting on the news doesn't mean every place in Africa is like that. I've lived several months in Sierra Leone and there's a simplicity and peacefulness to life that I can't find anywhere in America. Sure, I might not have all the material goods that I can get here, but sometimes I feel I would be perfectly fine living without all of that.

03-27-2011, 04:22 AM
[QUOTE=NoName22]How was J

LT Ice Cream
03-27-2011, 04:24 AM
Don't know because I haven't ever been a slave, just as the black people in America have never been slaves.

You're another trolling bigot like the majority of fools with nothing better to do than write bullshit all over the internet.

03-27-2011, 04:25 AM
Just saying something mean does not count as a vicious hate crime. Look at the KKK. White people tortured black people to death for fun sometimes. Thats why I'm saying white Americans have a history of vicious hate crimes. Thats why its taken more seriously when a white person makes a racist remark. And I honestly can't say that I would rather live in America over Africa. Both places have their strengths and drawbacks. Just because you see war and fighting on the news doesn't mean every place in Africa is like that. I've lived several months in Sierra Leone and there's a simplicity and peacefulness to life that I can't find anywhere in America. Sure, I might not have all the material goods that I can get here, but sometimes I feel I would be perfectly fine living without all of that.
:roll: :roll: :roll:
Also wasn't Sierra Leone in a civil war just a few years ago? :oldlol:

What about the KKK? There are bloodz, crips, black panthers, etc ....

And dude nobody is holding you back, go live in Africa if you like it so much :hammerhead:

03-27-2011, 04:26 AM
You're another trolling bigot like the majority of fools with nothing better to do than write bullshit all over the internet.

I would rather say that the guy who asks me "How was J

LT Ice Cream
03-27-2011, 04:29 AM
:roll: :roll: :roll:
Also wasn't Sierra Leone in a civil war just a few years ago? :oldlol:

What about the KKK? There are bloodz, crips, black panthers, etc ....

And dude nobody is holding you back, go live in Africa if you like it so much :hammerhead:
yes it was in a civil war, but it's a really peaceful place now. the KKK was dedicated to hating on black people. the crips and bloods are not groups formed to hate white people.
And yes, I will consider living in Africa, it's just too bad someone like you knows nothing about it and cannot appreciate it. Your mind is empty and spacious, like the part of the brain that appreciates culture in a racist . . . oh I forgot, you are a racist.

03-27-2011, 04:33 AM
yes it was in a civil war, but it's a really peaceful place now. the KKK was dedicated to hating on black people. the crips and bloods are not groups formed to hate white people.
And yes, I will consider living in Africa, it's just too bad someone like you knows nothing about it and cannot appreciate it. Your mind is empty and spacious, like the part of the brain that appreciates culture in a racist . . . oh I forgot, you are a racist.
I'm not a racist, you are the racist here.

I just love the double standards in this forum :roll:

03-27-2011, 04:36 AM
Also why do black people call eachothers N1ggas all the time? But if a white person does, its a "bannable offense"

Thats double standards at its finest.

03-27-2011, 04:36 AM
[QUOTE=Slam91]I would rather say that the guy who asks me "How was J

03-27-2011, 04:39 AM
Don't lie, you enjoyed it. no homo ofc.
How did the whip up your ass feel like?

03-27-2011, 04:41 AM
Just look at this forum. There are 3-5 threads a week that are blatantly racist against white people here.

03-27-2011, 04:44 AM
Louis CK - Being White (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TG4f9zR5yzY&feature=related)
:roll: rep

03-27-2011, 04:45 AM
How did the whip up your ass feel like?

How would I know ? http://images.paraorkut.com/img/emoticons/images/s/sick-476.gif

03-27-2011, 04:47 AM
This is from my observations, but why are you white Americans letting yourself get shitted on? You control the country, and yet you have created double standards against yourself...
If a white person is racist against a black its a huge deal but if a black is racist against whites its okay...
And whites are letting it happen like its np, you have no self respect at all.
Blacks are the ones who are also committing most of the crime...

Look I'm not racist, I'm just calling it how it seems for me.
Sad part is, black americans aren't even fully black, they all have white in them.

I think you're right in many ways, but it's a complicated subject.

I'm a white American btw..

Some counters to what you say, followed by where I agree

1- Black people did have a horrible past over here.. and it wasn't that long ago. As a culture I think we're giving them time to get past that, and part of that is being angry at white people. When some generations have passed and wounds start to close.. I think the double standard will fade. In the last 50 years you can already see a huge improvement in black-white relations.

2- Blacks commit a lot of crime, but one thing you've got to understand, is that a disproportionate amount of them are in poverty. And poverty ='s crime. They're trapped in poverty for several reasons, but many of them are legitimately not their fault. Their families have been denied work and housing for centuries, just because of their race. They were segregated from white schools for most of their history, and forced to live together in crappy neighborhoods. Many speculate (and I'm one of them) that our own government ships drugs into those neighborhoods.

And perhaps the most sadistic aspect of it, is how the White slave owners used to breed the slaves. They would only allow the strongest, yet dumbest, males to breed. Decades of that is going to take its toll on such a relatively small group of people.

3- White American's don't control the country. The very richest and most influential white Americans do. I grew up lower middle class, in upstate New York. How much power do you think I really have over things? That is something you hear from blacks a lot, especially comedians. "You guys run the country!" Like I have any more power than anyone else. It's rich Vs Poor when it comes to who owns the country, not black Vs white. It just so happens that most of the rich are white and most of the poor are black.

Does being white have some advantages over here? Yeah. Especially in the decades past. But it's not like any white guy can just call up the White House at any time and demand sh!t from the government. Ya know? lol

Now my agreements

1- I don't think what you said sounds racist at all.

2- As for American whites not having self-respect, I can see that in some ways.

Okay, this is going to sound racist as all hell, so to any black people reading.. give me a chance to elaborate after I make this statement:

To speak bluntly, there's many black people over here who are vicious, violent, and not very reasonable. A lot of white people do want to abolish this double standard, but speaking honestly about race is often met with threats, intimidation, etc. (On the flip side, a lot of black people want to abolish the double standard, but there's still a lot of racist whites who don't.)

You've got a lot of intimidation towards white people. A common social rule over here is that if a white person says the N word around the wrong black guy, he's liable to get beat up. Most people would say justifiably.

I think that's over the top, but what are you gonna do? Truth is, many of these guys are nuts-o. The ones from bad neighborhoods especially. A bunch of New York City black kids go to school up by me, in the local community college. You constantly hear/read about fights, stabbings, even attempted rapes going on over there in the dorms. It's terrible. And these guys aren't even from the GHETTO GHETTO. They're just from some bad neighborhoods in the city.

My town has been getting worse and worse. This white girl I knew in High School got murdered by some black dude she was messing around with a few years ago. She refused to have sex with him, and he stabbed her to death. From what I heard from a reliable source, he was bragging about it in prison. "Yeah, I stabbed that dumb b!tch in the eye, Ha Ha Ha"

Are all black people like that? Hell no. But like I said, a disproportionate number of black people are in poverty over here. Go listen to some hip-hop music, like really listen to the words.. it's disgusting. Glorifying murder, theft, drug dealing. That isn't all just made up non-sense... that's really how a lot of those ghettos are.

You get a reasonable black guy and white guy in a room together? They can talk about racial differences. In my High School, we had a lot of black guys. Some were more "ghetto" types, but most were reasonable people who had the same education and upbringing as me.

There's a flip side to this, and that's that some number of white people are still racist. It's not like all white people are just waiting for black people to come around. Especially in the south, plenty of white people couldn't care less if black people eventually rise out of the ghettos. They're just as unreasonable and uneducated.

03-27-2011, 04:48 AM
How would I know ? http://images.paraorkut.com/img/emoticons/images/s/sick-476.gif

yea and how would I know how did J

03-27-2011, 04:49 AM
[QUOTE=Slam91]yea and how would I know how did J

03-27-2011, 05:08 AM
3- White American's don't control the country. The very richest and most influential white Americans do. I grew up lower middle class, in upstate New York. How much power do you think I really have over things? That is something you hear from blacks a lot, especially comedians. "You guys run the country!" Like I have any more power than anyone else. It's rich Vs Poor when it comes to who owns the country, not black Vs white. It just so happens that most of the rich are white and most of the poor are black.

Yes that's what I'm saying, its capitalism. But blacks will hate on any white guy because they thinks its fun and its their right to do it.

I don't think white americans are racist towards black because of the color of their skin, that has nothing to do with it. I wouldn't give a shit if someone is green or red or blue....

It's about the behavior and attitude that the blacks have.

I know exactly how the blacks in America are, they are the same as Russians in Estonia, with the difference that Russians in Estonia aren't scared of hard work but these lazy ass n1ggers are.

Cowboy Thunder
03-27-2011, 05:10 AM
Wow. So much for being tact on the Internet. :facepalm

Slam91, I bet you eat a lot of hot pockets.

03-27-2011, 05:12 AM
Wow. So much for being tact on the Internet. :facepalm

Slam91, I bet you eat a lot of hot pockets.
Had to google that.

03-27-2011, 05:19 AM
Worry about your own country, God damn...

03-27-2011, 05:26 AM
Yes that's what I'm saying, its capitalism. But blacks will hate on any white guy because they thinks its fun and its their right to do it.

I don't think white americans are racist towards black because of the color of their skin, that has nothing to do with it. I wouldn't give a shit if someone is green or red or blue....

It's about the behavior and attitude that the blacks have.

I know exactly how the blacks in America are, they are the same as Russians in Estonia, with the difference that Russians in Estonia aren't scared of hard work but these lazy ass n1ggers are.

So white people are making an accurate judgment of black behavior when they're being racist.. but black people are racist because they think it's fun and their right to do it?

Come on man, use some common sense.

Some white people are racist because they are judging the behavior of *many* black people. That's understandable when you consider how out of control black people act in certain areas.

And there are black people who are racist themselves because they've seen a whole sh!t load of racism, and their older family members have seen even more. Police brutality, slanted 'justice' system, etc.

There's legit reasons for prejudice on both sides, IMO. The key is.. what causes the behavior that leads to prejudice? How do you reduce it?

I think you need to look at the situation deeper.

03-27-2011, 05:27 AM
Yes that's what I'm saying, its capitalism. But blacks will hate on any white guy because they thinks its fun and its their right to do it.

I don't think white americans are racist towards black because of the color of their skin, that has nothing to do with it. I wouldn't give a shit if someone is green or red or blue....

It's about the behavior and attitude that the blacks have.

I know exactly how the blacks in America are, they are the same as Russians in Estonia, with the difference that Russians in Estonia aren't scared of hard work but these lazy ass n1ggers are.

And btw.. rich people controlling the country isn't capitalism, it's corporatism.

03-27-2011, 05:28 AM
Louis CK - Being White (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TG4f9zR5yzY&feature=related)

:oldlol: :roll:

several funny lines in that short video.

03-27-2011, 05:35 AM
And btw.. rich people controlling the country isn't capitalism, it's corporatism.

Its both.

03-27-2011, 05:40 AM
Its both.

I'd say.. corporatism is a likely outcome of capitalism mixed with big government. Corporatism is like a sickness of capitalism. Just my opinion.

03-27-2011, 05:41 AM
:oldlol: :roll:

several funny lines in that short video.

Dude.. watch some of his other videos. I'm DYING. Every one has been good so far.

Can't believe I never watched this dude b4

He's dead now?? Ppl are saying RIP in the comments.

03-27-2011, 05:43 AM
I'd say.. corporatism is a likely outcome of capitalism mixed with big government. Corporatism is like a sickness of capitalism. Just my opinion.

03-27-2011, 05:59 AM
Dude.. watch some of his other videos. I'm DYING. Every one has been good so far.

Can't believe I never watched this dude b4

He's dead now?? Ppl are saying RIP in the comments.

Louis C K - Fun with a girl

Louis CK - Turning 40


03-27-2011, 06:04 AM

I have a lott of issues with that video.

1- There's no evidence of anything he says, at least not provided in this video. How does he know corporations commit murders overseas? And it seems to imply they kill government officials who want the corporations out of their home land. As a wise man once said.. "link, or it didn't happen."

2- While I agree that terrorists don't necessarily want to become terrorists, it's not because corporations are in their home land killing people. It's because our government is in their home land killing people. We've been bombing the middle east for years, in addition to propping up dictators and giving them weapons. When terrorists recruit new terrorists, they don't say "Don't you hate those damn Americans and their coca cola" They say, "American planes killed your Father."

(Also, radical muslims turn to terrorism because that's how they interpret their holy book. Can't leave that out)

3- We do have a form of mutant capitalism.. but it's not what this guy says it is. It's fascism. The problem isn't that corporations exist, or that they suck up resources from the Earth. It's that our government has grown too big, leaving it open to corruption. That's what we have. Corporations lobbying our government to get what they want. A small government can't really be corrupted, because they don't have much power. That's why I think capitalism and small government should go hand in hand.

Do business men do horrible things, even with small government? Of course. But it's a lot better than any of the alternatives. IMO

4- The video seems to support environmental awareness. This is one of my least favorite arguments made against capitalism, because most people who argue have pretentious views on environmentalism. They start their argument from the standpoint that corporations/humans are hurting the environment, it's just a matter of how much and what to do about it. As if that's just a given fact. I'd say it's very debatable how much we actually hurt the environment.

But even if it was 100% proven that corporations hurt the environment, so what? So we should be able to shut them down? How much harm do they have to cause before it's okay to shut them down? Is it okay to do a little harm? Or none at all.

Once you open that Pandora's box.. it's hard to close it.

03-27-2011, 06:07 AM
you know, whites and blacks are the ones that acts most alike, the ones that are uncivilized are the other races..........who are the most uncivilized and war loving people, where is there allways chaos?....thats right, the middle east and asia , the whole world is at war with these animals...
there are way too many immigrants from mexico, the middle east and asia in america and europe...why the fukk can

03-27-2011, 06:16 AM
[QUOTE=tomtucker]you know, whites and blacks are the ones that acts most alike, the ones that are uncivilized are the other races..........who are the most uncivilized and war loving people, where is there allways chaos?....thats right, the middle east and asia , the whole world is at war with these animals...
there are way too many immigrants from mexico, the middle east and asia in america and europe...why the fukk can

03-27-2011, 06:17 AM
[QUOTE=tomtucker]you know, whites and blacks are the ones that acts most alike, the ones that are uncivilized are the other races..........who are the most uncivilized and war loving people, where is there allways chaos?....thats right, the middle east and asia , the whole world is at war with these animals...
there are way too many immigrants from mexico, the middle east and asia in america and europe...why the fukk can

03-27-2011, 06:32 AM
Lol, so black people have more right to come to Europe than other immigrants? None of them have any rights and should just stay the **** away, we don't let these dirty lazy ass criminal people into our country. :rolleyes:

These blacks that come from Africa are stupid and poor and lazy.
Euhm no theyre not. When I lived back in Belgium Turkish and Black ppl were the hardest workers. African ppl find a job and work without the BS that white people give. I'm not saying all white and black ppl are the same but my observation is this. Those guys would take a cigarette break each 10 min.

I'm talking out experience.

You obviously are retarded/racist, and have no clue what is going on in the States. So stop writing bullsht about a country you only see in movies.
And no1 gives a shit about 'estonia'

03-27-2011, 08:22 AM
Euhm no theyre not. When I lived back in Belgium Turkish and Black ppl were the hardest workers. African ppl find a job and work without the BS that white people give. I'm not saying all white and black ppl are the same but my observation is this. Those guys would take a cigarette break each 10 min.

I'm talking out experience.

You obviously are retarded/racist, and have no clue what is going on in the States. 1So stop writing bullsht about a country you only see in movies.

2And no1 gives a shit about 'estonia'

Those parts really conflict with each other.
Dont act like there is only one country in the world.Germany once made a mistake like that, and they were the smarter one's.

03-27-2011, 09:09 AM
This is from my observations, but why are you white Americans letting yourself get shitted on? You control the country, and yet you have created double standards against yourself...
If a white person is racist against a black its a huge deal but if a black is racist against whites its okay...
And whites are letting it happen like its np, you have no self respect at all.
Blacks are the ones who are also committing most of the crime...

Look I'm not racist, I'm just calling it how it seems for me.
Sad part is, black americans aren't even fully black, they all have white in them.

This view combined with your no doubt conspiracies outlook has me thinking you haven't a clue as to how the world works. No wonder the USSR dominated your country for all those years.

That being said, why does bigotry exist between ethic Estonians and ethnic Russians, you guys are all white (in a weird Eastern Euro way anyways), why the f*ck can't you get along? Are you not a civilized race? Why the hell did the Russians run things for so long?

This picking of the scab of every American wound is tired and trite.

03-27-2011, 09:52 AM
I agree that whites in America put up with too much shit, I hear so many slave comments and whites have to bite their tongue as if it was their fault. Being of Croatian (formerly Yugoslavian) descent my people were killed in the streets during the war and sent to concentration camps for being slavs which is a lot worse than what black slaves had but you rarely hear anyone complain about that because people now weren't responsible for that. I don't go to Germany and Italy and make them feel uncomfortable for killing my people because they have nothing to do with it and we have moved on.

I don't understand why Americans are still putting up with that shit especially since there are still slaves all over the world (white and black) and the black slaves didn't just appear, they were sold by their own people.

03-27-2011, 10:08 AM
This is from my observations, but why are you white Americans letting yourself get shitted on? You control the country, and yet you have created double standards against yourself...
If a white person is racist against a black its a huge deal but if a black is racist against whites its okay...
And whites are letting it happen like its np, you have no self respect at all.
Blacks are the ones who are also committing most of the crime...

Look I'm not racist, I'm just calling it how it seems for me.
Sad part is, black americans aren't even fully black, they all have white in them.


we are very sensitive people.

03-27-2011, 10:08 AM
I agree that whites in America put up with too much shit, I hear so many slave comments and whites have to bite their tongue as if it was their fault. Being of Croatian (formerly Yugoslavian) descent my people were killed in the streets during the war and sent to concentration camps for being slavs which is a lot worse than what black slaves had but you rarely hear anyone complain about that because people now weren't responsible for that. I don't go to Germany and Italy and make them feel uncomfortable for killing my people because they have nothing to do with it and we have moved on.

I don't understand why Americans are still putting up with that shit especially since there are still slaves all over the world (white and black) and the black slaves didn't just appear, they were sold by their own people.
:applause: Exactly.

And why cant Estonians and Russians get along?
We kind of do, to an extent, but its the attitude of a percentage of Russian chauvinists living in here, they don't really recognize Estonia as independent and they refuse to learn the language and culture and therefor we Estonians have to speak Russian to speak with our occupants. Also they commit for 80% of the entire crime in Estonia even tho they make up only 1/3 of population. And of course to not stereotype, there are great Russian people also. My best friend is Russian actually.

And Izzo you are the clueless one here, completely clueless about all subjects I've discussed with you, you need to get real and stop being a bigot ignorant. I am talking facts and how things are and you are the one practicing bigotry here.

And my father is a 50 year old businessman who has traveled all over the world, and he shares the same world views with me, so it isn't only basement dwelling nerds who believe in the Illuminati.

03-27-2011, 10:15 AM
I agree that whites in America put up with too much shit, I hear so many slave comments and whites have to bite their tongue as if it was their fault. Being of Croatian (formerly Yugoslavian) descent my people were killed in the streets during the war and sent to concentration camps for being slavs which is a lot worse than what black slaves had but you rarely hear anyone complain about that because people now weren't responsible for that. I don't go to Germany and Italy and make them feel uncomfortable for killing my people because they have nothing to do with it and we have moved on.

I don't understand why Americans are still putting up with that shit especially since there are still slaves all over the world (white and black) and the black slaves didn't just appear, they were sold by their own people.

this is your 666th post btw,,,you may be Satan.:oldlol:

03-27-2011, 10:17 AM
this is your 666th post btw,,,you may be Satan.:oldlol:
So you believe in Satan also... :facepalm

03-27-2011, 10:20 AM
[QUOTE=tomtucker]you know, whites and blacks are the ones that acts most alike, the ones that are uncivilized are the other races..........who are the most uncivilized and war loving people, where is there allways chaos?....thats right, the middle east and asia , the whole world is at war with these animals...
there are way too many immigrants from mexico, the middle east and asia in america and europe...why the fukk can

03-27-2011, 10:21 AM
So you believe in Satan also... :facepalm

You really are a f*cking moron aren't you.

03-27-2011, 10:22 AM
You really are a f*cking moron aren't you.
Reply to my last post please.

You ****ing ********** moron, I honestly feel sorry for you that your world views are so ****ed up.

03-27-2011, 10:29 AM
Do you guys live in the U.S.? The way you all talk about the issue makes you seem uninformed. Maybe you all have this picture like black people just walk around bitching and complaining all day about slavery and sit and do nothing for themselves. That's not the case. No one is saying that white people now are responsible for what happened centuries ago. But do you really think being sent to concentration camps during a war is worse than being oppressed, raped and killed for centuries? I don't know man.

And no one is saying that only white people sold slaves, Africans did too but that doesn't negate the fact that white Europeans did as well. 2 wrongs don't make a right. The Africans who sold slaves are just as bad as the Europeans that did it.

My point is that while what happened all those years ago in America may not directly influence what happens to day as far as race relations, there is indirect causation. You can't deny it. If Greek and Roman civilizations that existed thousands and thousands of years ago can affect societies today, why can't something that happened hundreds of years ago influence it?
I quite doubt that since black women are way less attractive than white women.

And my countrymen were both enslaved for 800 years + sent to concentration camps in Siberia, We have been at war with every neighboring country over the centuries, while being overwhelmingly outnumbered each time.....And we still have to put up with our occupants, while also meeting all the EU requirements in all kinds of categories (Estonia has the smallest national debt in the EU) Nothing tops this, I am proud that my country is still existing after such a hard past. There are only 1 million of us.

oh the horror
03-27-2011, 10:37 AM
Whats with the whole "hundreds of years ago" thing?

There are people alive TODAY that were around when blacks werent allowed in "white schools" or allowed to play in white leagues, etc etc.

How long ago do you people think this occured?

http://cache4.asset-cache.net/xc/2664728.jpg?v=1&c=IWSAsset&k=2&d=45B0EB3381F7834D5166236897D672C82EA500CE7CAFF81D 03AA0CF64F13FC89

This wounds are deep. The country is STILL healing from them. To just suddenly act like people "should move on" isnt being fair.

The reality is....sure....people on the exterior have moved on, but the deep subconscious doesnt just let go that easily. Its a period of history that has sent shockwaves that are going to last for a few generations.

Some of you really are speaking on matters that you havent the slightest ideas about. Especially some fu*k that isnt living in this country.

03-27-2011, 10:40 AM
Reply to my last post please.

You ****ing ********** moron, I honestly feel sorry for you that your world views are so ****ed up.

u mad:oldlol:

see this little laughy head here ---->:oldlol:

that means I made a funny or what I said was in jest. that is why I put it at the end of my post.

ya dig?

(probably not, but who cares?)

for more info look here:


03-27-2011, 10:41 AM

I myself like snowbunnies but that isn't necessarily true. I've seen my share of horrifc white women and black women. Remember black women includes light skinned ones as well. Not just really dark ones.

And I'm sorry to hear what happened to your country. It's terrible. I'm not gonna argue about who's people had it worse. But like you said, you can be proud that your people made it through, just like black people

This is another problem, who do mixed black people think that they are black? They are mixed... All truly black people are very dark skinned, look at sub saharan Africa, there aren't any "light skinned brothas" They are all dark as night.

And about my country, I can honestly be very proud because we have always been the underdog against all odds, and we are actually a developed country now and the people are mostly intellectuals and friendly.

03-27-2011, 01:09 PM
Indians and Asians in America are good people. Whites need them way more than blacks tbqfh.
what about asians in the library ?.........:D

03-27-2011, 01:56 PM
This is from my observations, but why are you white Americans letting yourself get shitted on?

When racist groups, like the KKK, are still allowed to come together and attack colored people without any backlash, and when non-racist groups trying to make a difference in their communities, such as the Brown Barades, the Black Panthers, etc., are killed off by the CIA... Umm... Yeah, I don't think whites are being "shitted on." :rolleyes:

You control the country, and yet you have created double standards against yourself...

Seriously? Is this a serious statement?

If a white person is racist against a black its a huge deal but if a black is racist against whites its okay...

Who the **** said that it's okay? There are more non-racist colored people (from my observations as a mother****ing American, not some foreigner) than there are non-racist whites.

And whites are letting it happen like its np, you have no self respect at all.

WTF? Once again, there are groups like the KKK, Neo Nazis, Aryan Brotherhood, etc., who kill people of color and receive very limited backlash. Do some research before you make a claim like this.

Blacks are the ones who are also committing most of the crime...

Am I the only one noticing the black bashing going on in this post?
What you fail to realize is that those blacks who commit "most of the crime..." are living in impoverished communities. I guarantee if a white person was put in similar situations, it would be "kill or be killed" for them, too.
It's not a person's skin color that makes the difference. It's their community.

Look I'm not racist,

I'm pretty damn sure you are.

I'm just calling it how it seems for me.

Well, let me call it how it seems to me:

You're a *****.

Sad part is, black americans aren't even fully black, they all have white in them.

Oh, really? So you've met every single African-American in the United States, looked through their family history and noticed that each one has a great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandmother who was raped by a white slave owner? Is that what you're getting at here?

This is the most idiotic thread I've seen on this site. You need to take a Sociology class, bro.
The day you realize that white Americans still have it made is the day hell will actually exist, son. Get a life. Worry about whatever piece of shit village you're from, instead of what you think goes on in the United States.

P.S: I'm not African-American.

03-27-2011, 01:58 PM
what about asians in the library ?.........:D
Those are annoying but at least they're doing something useful and not out in the streets gangbanging like most black kids.

03-27-2011, 01:59 PM
Reply to my last post please.

You ****ing ********** moron, I honestly feel sorry for you that your world views are so ****ed up.

This is all you can say for retort, which is really sad for you but makes me feel good because I automatically have won the argument when the personal attacks come in.


03-27-2011, 02:07 PM
Still hasn't answered me.

How was J

03-27-2011, 02:52 PM
IMO the biggest issue in the black community is blaming others for their problems. This is a general problem in American society to be fair. It seems that every group is blaming others. Rich are blaming the government for high taxes, middle class is blaming the lower class for not paying enough taxes and paying for their social welfare programs, middle class blaming upper class for not paying enough taxes, whites blaming blacks for high crimes and dependency on social programs, blacks blaming whites for not their social ills, whites blaming mexicans for taking jobs......and you get the point.

The social and racial segregation gap in this country is huge. It's crazy how towns so close to each other can be so different.

03-27-2011, 03:04 PM
OP needs to worry about his own fukking country. You haven't been to America I bet, so of course you would say some absurd sh1t like this. Maybe because you see it in the media that some blacks love to clown white people and there isn't backlash. What you see on TV isn't racism, its called prejudice. I don't think you realize what racism is. You're talking about why white people get sh1tted on, how can they get sh1tted on if they run the damn country like you said.

Just stfu about sh1t that you don't know and keep to yourself in that cave they call Estonia, because you don't know anything about race affair fakkit.

03-27-2011, 03:04 PM
William Kunstler on racism and prejudice in the American legal system...

[QUOTE=William Kunstler]We are all racist. We are blind to the depth of our own prejudice, and that as long as there is prejudice, there can be no such thing as a fair trial. And that is the terrible myth of organized society, that everything that's done through the established system is legal

03-27-2011, 03:08 PM
Because enslaving a whole race of people in this country created a wound that may never heal. Now white people have to deal with some of the backlash. It is what it is.
At the same time, you're blowing things out of proportion. It's not like this kind of stuff happens all day, every day. And its not like it really affects your life so calm down.
Just be happy that black and people and white people can get along nowadays. It's not perfect, but I feel that racism is declining in America.
You know what's sad about that? Is slavery existed before America was ever thought of. I'm not condemning what America did back then or not in some instances is justice or right, but hell before America there were blacks owning black slaves in Africa.

03-27-2011, 03:11 PM
The south.

03-27-2011, 03:11 PM
Just look at this forum. There are 3-5 threads a week that are blatantly racist against white people here.
can you please post these threads?

03-27-2011, 03:47 PM
OP is a butt hurt white *******, he is mad cause he likes black cocks but wont get it as he lives in some shithole nobody knows/cares about.

03-27-2011, 03:52 PM
OP is a butt hurt white *******, he is mad cause he likes black cocks but wont get it as he lives in some shithole nobody knows/cares about.
naw....I think an "dirty and lazy" African immagrant (his own words) came to his country and fukked his girl Olga Kozgrov.

03-27-2011, 03:56 PM
doesn't anyone find it funny that the op hasn't posted any example. He doesn't have any because he's never been here.

03-27-2011, 04:11 PM
Why are you pointing a finger at me like I'm an "uneducated black man" who has robbed you at some point?
White people cannot say or do racist things because they are the dominant race in America and also have a notorious history of being unusually racist towards minorities.
You are putting things how you see it, and I am putting things how I see it.
I don't have a problem with white people, a lot of my friends are white. But when you say most of the crimes committed are by black people, I have the right to say most of the vicious hate crimes are committed by white people. That's why it's way its taken way more seriously when white people make racial slurs etc.
It is true most crime is committed by Africans though. I watched a complex documentary on Gangs and basically the reason why the black people are mostly criminals is because they were sent to jail for nothing crimes, like robbing a chocolate bar from a store. Then they were sent to jail, this being the man, for sometime, then the kids have no role model to look up to. This also means less money for the family, which is why they push drugs to sell. It is all because of how the civilization worked 15 years ago.

However, racism is going down a lot now. It is more just stereotypes, which time and time again, are being proven wrong. I see no racism in 10 years.

03-27-2011, 04:32 PM
I like how people conveniently forget that the only reason that blacks were enslaved in this country is because their own [black] people brought them here and sold them.

03-27-2011, 04:42 PM
most minorities are a bunch of gang bangers where as whites are not that insecure and don't need hang out with 20 homeboys to feel like they have power.

03-27-2011, 05:04 PM
I like how people conveniently forget that the only reason that blacks were enslaved in this country is because their own [black] people brought them here and sold them.

Why is it every other civilized country owns up to their bloody history except the US. The US loves to make excuses for their horrific acts and usually finds some way to blame their victims, :oldlol: . Those poor poor white people, being forced by the very intimidating Africans to treat other human beings worst than dogs. Africans are just heartless. :violin:

Even if you excuse slavery, what about after slavery? All the racism and segregation that came after. Whose fault was that? Did the newly free men deserve to be treated like THEY were the ones who had something to be ashamed of? While slavery and racism don't make up all the reason for what's wrong with black Americans today, it definitely has a lot to do with the current conflicts in black communities. More than those who say "move on" care to admit. Much more.

I really wanted to avoid posting in this thread and any like it, because they never go anywhere common sense is, but there is just so much ignorance. Things that aren't as simple as black and white.

03-27-2011, 05:12 PM

Why is it every other civilized country owns up to their bloody history except the US. The US loves to make excuses for their horrific acts and usually finds some way to blame their victims, :oldlol: . Those poor poor white people, being forced by the very intimidating Africans to treat other human beings worst than dogs. Africans are just heartless. :violin:

Even if you excuse slavery, what about after slavery? All the racism and segregation that came after. Whose fault was that? Did the newly free men deserve to be treated like THEY were the ones who had something to be ashamed of? While slavery and racism don't make up all the reason for what's wrong with black Americans today, it definitely has a lot to do with the current conflicts in black communities. More than those who say "move on" care to admit. Much more.

I really wanted to avoid posting in this thread and any like it, because they never go anywhere common sense is, but there is just so much ignorance. Things that aren't as simple as black and white.

I like how you completely ignore my post, even though you quoted it for some reason.

The fact of the matter is, blacks got to this country because their own black ancestors, SOLD them as slaves.

If it wasn't for slavery, they would either be dead, or still in Africa.

I don't have a problem with any races of people, I'm just stating a fact.

I'm 22 years old, and yes maybe blacks were treated wrong decades and decades ago, but Lincoln freed the slaves almost 150 years ago.

It is time to move on.

I personally have done nothing wrong to blacks or to any race of people.

So I do not feel ok for the fact that I'm paying the price.

03-27-2011, 05:17 PM
I like how you completely ignore my post, even though you quoted it for some reason.

The fact of the matter is, blacks got to this country because their own black ancestors, SOLD them as slaves.

If it wasn't for slavery, they would either be dead, or still in Africa.

I don't have a problem with any races of people, I'm just stating a fact.

I'm 22 years old, and yes maybe blacks were treated wrong decades and decades ago, but Lincoln freed the slaves almost 150 years ago.

It is time to move on.

I personally have done nothing wrong to blacks or to any race of people.

So I do not feel ok for the fact that I'm paying the price.

Like I said, ignorance.

03-27-2011, 05:18 PM
Like I said, ignorance.

What am I being ignorant of exactly?

03-27-2011, 05:23 PM
So I do not feel ok for the fact that I'm paying the price.

This is comical. Whites feeling like they are somehow victimized or forced to carry the burden of anyone but themselves is a flat out joke.

03-27-2011, 05:39 PM
What am I being ignorant of exactly?

You only see that africans selling africans. Yet ignore the fact that such actions have little to do with why the superior white race felt it was ok to dehumanize these people just because another person made it seem ok. These are so-called civilized adults who choose to build an entire country on the backs of other human beings, while denying them education, stripping them of their ancestry, and using them as nothing more than mules.

Then when they were forced to stop treating them in this manor, they resorted to other ways of denying these individuals, who did absolutely nothing wrong, basic human rights. You say Lincoln freed the slaves like that means a whole lot today, when freeing them didn't stop them from being treated like they were the ones who had enslaved Americans for five centuries.

And how does that reflect in today's America? Well up until about 50 years ago, black people still weren't on an equal playing field. Black people having equal rights (or even the right to have an advantage) is still a very new thing. As I said, slavery and racism aren't all the reasons for what's wrong with black Americans today, but when you come from a people whose only history is shame, sorrow, and violence, it's not that hard to see why many of them appear less than civilized.

Many white people don't get why they have to feel like their responsible for what happen anywhere from 50 years to 5 centuries ago. But whether you like it or not those are your ancestors, and America has never really done anything to bandage those wounds. This country has basically been using time to heal it.

03-27-2011, 05:42 PM
And btw.. rich people controlling the country isn't capitalism, it's corporatism.

I'd say.. corporatism is a likely outcome of capitalism mixed with big government. Corporatism is like a sickness of capitalism. Just my opinion.

this thread is gay... but I just wanted to correct something... Corporatism is fascism joe...

03-27-2011, 05:47 PM
Corporatism is fascism joe
no, it isn't.

03-27-2011, 05:52 PM
[quote]Fascism ( /ˈf

03-27-2011, 06:22 PM
This is from my observations, but why are you white Americans letting yourself get shitted on? You control the country, and yet you have created double standards against yourself...
If a white person is racist against a black its a huge deal but if a black is racist against whites its okay...
And whites are letting it happen like its np, you have no self respect at all.
Blacks are the ones who are also committing most of the crime...

Look I'm not racist, I'm just calling it how it seems for me.
Sad part is, black americans aren't even fully black, they all have white in them.

Raping slaves will definitely do that.

03-27-2011, 06:24 PM
[QUOTE=Nike_jumpman_23]I'm 22 years old, and yes maybe blacks were treated wrong decades and decades ago, but Lincoln freed the slaves almost 150 years ago.

It is time to move on.

Because Jim Crow and segregation just didnt exist up until the 1960's.:oldlol:

03-27-2011, 07:45 PM
this thread is gay... but I just wanted to correct something... Corporatism is fascism joe...

Not really.. fascism is always corporatism, but corporatism isn't always fascism. fascism is a

theory of economic corporatism involved the management of sectors of the economy via government or privately controlled organizations (corporations).

corporatism is a more general term encompassing fascism and other things.

But I think using corporatism in my previous post was misplaced. I was referring more to fascism and probably should have just left the word corporatism out of my post.

03-27-2011, 08:00 PM
Not really.. fascism is always corporatism, but corporatism isn't always fascism. fascism is a

corporatism is a more general term encompassing fascism and other things.

But I think using corporatism in my previous post was misplaced. I was referring more to fascism and probably should have just left the word corporatism out of my post.


but the idea of corporatism and America as a constitutional republic are incompatible..

03-27-2011, 08:13 PM

but the idea of corporatism and America as a constitutional republic are incompatible..

How so? Care to elaborate?

I'm not saying I disagree or anything, I just don't know what you mean exactly

03-27-2011, 08:25 PM
How so? Care to elaborate?

I'm not saying I disagree or anything, I just don't know what you mean exactly

Corporatism is a fundamental overreach of free market capitalism in a society like this...

03-27-2011, 08:33 PM
Corporatism is a fundamental overreach of free market capitalism in a society like this...

I agree. what is 'this' that you say our society is?

Like I said before, I think corporatism or fascism are common "sicknesses" of capitalism. If you don't keep capitalism healthy, you'll end up with those.

What I think are the "unhealthy habits" that can lead to these sicknesses.. big government is the main one. To me, big government is like eating candy and junk food in a capitalist society. Eventually you're going to get sick with corruption and potential fascism. Small government to me is the healthy way to run a capitalist society. If government is small, there's not much that can be corrupted.

Will it be perfect? No. But that will be the most free and healthy society that humans have the current capacity to operate. IMO.

Eat Like A Bosh
03-27-2011, 08:54 PM
Racism in America example:

03-28-2011, 02:49 AM
I agree that whites in America put up with too much shit, I hear so many slave comments and whites have to bite their tongue as if it was their fault. Being of Croatian (formerly Yugoslavian) descent my people were killed in the streets during the war and sent to concentration camps for being slavs which is a lot worse than what black slaves had but you rarely hear anyone complain about that because people now weren't responsible for that. I don't go to Germany and Italy and make them feel uncomfortable for killing my people because they have nothing to do with it and we have moved on.

I don't understand why Americans are still putting up with that shit especially since there are still slaves all over the world (white and black) and the black slaves didn't just appear, they were sold by their own people.

It's because the people that have power want whites to be downgraded in US society. Therefore there has been constant effort made to promote blacks and to empower them, and now the same is being done with Mexicans.

The powers that be want the white race to be done away with. With that being said a lot of white people are extremely racist against blacks and others. Just go to the south of the US.

I think the difference is clear though. In the US being black and being racist against whites is normal behavior and no one questions it. In fact if a white person takes issue with it they "deserve an ass beating or a rape or stabbing" or whatever.

If white people do anything slightly racist towards a black person it makes the national news.

Blacks and now Mexicans are generally to stupid to even know that they are just pawns of the elite. Whites are generally too stupid to know it also.

This forum is a perfect example of this. There are endless racist threads and comments in this forum on a weekly basis against white people. There is non-stop black supremacist BS posted here.

Endless racism like, "blacks are superior to whites". "Blacks are more athletic than whites". "White people can't play basketball." "White people are all slow, weak and stiff." On and on...........

No matter how many times you send a complaint about this to mods here NOTHING is ever done about it. In fact if you send too many complaints they start deleting your posts complaining about the racism.

On the other hand, say anything racist against blacks here and you will see it deleted instantly.

I don;t know if the site mods are all blacks or not. But it does not matter what race they are. They are typical of the standard in the US that racism against white people by blacks is now considered the cultural norm and standard.

Say something racist in a stand up "comedy routine" against white people and it is considered "funny". Say something racist towards a black, Jew, Mexican and see what happens to you.

This is clearly a concentrated and intentional reverse racism in the US. Again, many white people are racist in the US also. In the South especially there are whole towns full of white bigots and KKK.

But look at the difference. US media calls that racism. Look at the NBA,since this is a basketball site. NBA commentators on TV regularly make comments like, "Euros are soft", "NBA players are all taller, bigger, stronger, faster, and more athletic than players in Europe."

And you see this same racist bull shit repeated in these forums almost endlessly. And a gang mentality to attack anyone that points it out. Just imagine if someone dared to say on TV, "Black American players are all stupider than European players."

People in the US and in this forum would go insane. Just go to a basketball court in the US as a white guy. The endless racist comments you will hear from blacks is ridiculous. Whatever these types of black people may think they are "entitled to" or they are "owed" they are sure not. No one that is racist and ignorant like that is owed or entitled to anything.

They are just racist bigots, same as white bigots. Again, the difference is that people consider blacks being racist against whites as normal and acceptable.

This forum is full of racist comments against white people and no one even cares. News flash. Black people are not stronger, faster, more athletic, etc. and all this other freaking bull shit racism crap that people say. If you say that or think it you are a RACIST scum bag. PERIOD.

But that is considered acceptable and fine in US culture now. Racism is wrong period. It should not be OK just if it is a minority doing it towards whites.

03-28-2011, 02:53 AM
It's because the people that have power want whites to be downgraded in US society. Therefore there has been constant effort made to promote blacks and to empower them, and now the same is being done with Mexicans.

The powers that be want the white race to be done away with.


the people with power in the US are... um... mostly whites.

Why would they want to be downgraded?

oh wait.... is this Lakas?

yea, you talking out your ass again.

03-28-2011, 03:00 AM
[QUOTE=Mr. I'm So Rad]

This is another problem, who do mixed black people think that they are black? They are mixed... All truly black people are very dark skinned, look at sub saharan Africa, there aren't any "light skinned brothas" They are all dark as night.

And about my country, I can honestly be very proud because we have always been the underdog against all odds, and we are actually a developed country now and the people are mostly intellectuals and friendly.

Again, the racism in the US is so out of control because the media and the elites want it that way. US President Barack Obama is 50% white, 45% Arabic, and 5% black.

This man that is 5% (1/20) black is universally considered "the first black President." White people and black people think of him as a "black man." 5% black does not make him a black man. But that is how racism works in the US. The elites want it that way so the retarded masses fall for this crap.

Another good one is Halle Berry. That chick is flat out racist as hell. If a white person made similar comments they might get shot but its' no big deal if she says it.

It sounds really hard for people outside the US to understand it. Yes, believe it or not, in the US having anyone in your line that was black makes you "black". People in the US are so uneducated that they don't even seem to grasp how incredibly stupid and racist that is.

Same thing with a lot of white people. There are a lot of racist white people who claim they are "pure blood" and you even see these people at skin head rallies that clearly are NOT pure white people. There are very few pure white people in the US. VERY few. 90% of whites in the US are not Nordic type, nor are they one of the Nordic sub types.

In fact, usually the most racist types of white people by demographic percentages, like rednecks for example, are nothing close to being pure white, even though they claim things like "white power", and "pure white brotherhood" and all that other crap. Most of these people don't even have pure white skull shapes and sure the hell are not close to being pure whites.

Basically, the average American is just retarded.

03-28-2011, 03:04 AM
OP needs to worry about his own fukking country. You haven't been to America I bet, so of course you would say some absurd sh1t like this. Maybe because you see it in the media that some blacks love to clown white people and there isn't backlash. What you see on TV isn't racism, its called prejudice. I don't think you realize what racism is. You're talking about why white people get sh1tted on, how can they get sh1tted on if they run the damn country like you said.

Just stfu about sh1t that you don't know and keep to yourself in that cave they call Estonia, because you don't know anything about race affair fakkit.

First of all it is racism. Secondly, whites don't run the US. You are extremely naive and ignorant. That is the problem. Most people in the US of all races are uneducated, naive, and ignorant.

03-28-2011, 03:08 AM
First of all it is racism. Secondly, whites don't run the US. You are extremely naive and ignorant. That is the problem. Most people in the US of all races are uneducated, naive, and ignorant.

:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

ok who runs this country then?

03-28-2011, 03:13 AM

Why is it every other civilized country owns up to their bloody history except the US. The US loves to make excuses for their horrific acts and usually finds some way to blame their victims, :oldlol: . Those poor poor white people, being forced by the very intimidating Africans to treat other human beings worst than dogs. Africans are just heartless. :violin:

Even if you excuse slavery, what about after slavery? All the racism and segregation that came after. Whose fault was that? Did the newly free men deserve to be treated like THEY were the ones who had something to be ashamed of? While slavery and racism don't make up all the reason for what's wrong with black Americans today, it definitely has a lot to do with the current conflicts in black communities. More than those who say "move on" care to admit. Much more.

I really wanted to avoid posting in this thread and any like it, because they never go anywhere common sense is, but there is just so much ignorance. Things that aren't as simple as black and white.

This is typical bull shit. Native Americans were abused 100 times worse than blacks ever were by the white man. They generally don't feel the need to have a racist attitude towards white people.

Make whatever excuses you want. Blacks being racist against whites now is mostly unjustified. Again, there are a lot of racist white people still. Just listen to Beck or Limbaugh. But the fact remains that most black people now in the US are going out of their way to be racist towards white people for no reason.

And the real racism against blacks that is out there is done by the elites of society, not the average white man. The average white man is worthless in the elite's eyes as well. In this thread you have people claiming that "white people run the country (US)". That's absolutely ridiculous because the fact is they don't run shit, especially any white that isn't super rich.

All this bitching about slavery by black people is getting really old. As others are pointing out here, many races have endured worse and they don't endlessly ***** about it. Besides the point remains that none of us were even alive then.

The mere fact that so many people openly accept and believe things they are told by schools and the media when they don't know the truth because they were not alive then is downright pathetic. Of course a lot of bad things have happened to blacks. I mean hell the south is still racist.

But don't believe everything you are told. You don't know the real reasons for this stuff and you are living with your head in the sand.

03-28-2011, 03:16 AM
This is typical bull shit. Native Americans were abused 100 times worse than blacks ever were by the white man. They don't feel the need to have a racist attitude towards white people.


you sure as shit dont know any Native Americans with a statement like that.

03-28-2011, 03:18 AM

Again, the racism in the US is so out of control because the media and the elites want it that way. US President Baracj Obama is 50% white, 45% Arabic, and 5% black.

This man that is 5% (1/20) black is universally considered "the first black President." White people and black people think of him as a "black man." 5% black does not make him a black man. But that is how racism works in the US. The elites want it that way so the retarded massed fall for this crap.

Another good one is Halle Berry. That chick is flat out racist as hell. If a white person made similar comments they might get shot but its' no big deal if she says it.

It sounds really hard for people outside the US to understand it. Yes, believe it or not, in the US having anyone in your line that was black makes you "black". People in the US are so uneducated that they don't even seem to grasp how incredibly stupid and racist that is.

Same thing with a lot of white people. There are a lot of racist white people who claim they are "pure blood" and you even see these people at skin head rallies that clearly are NOT pure white people. There are very few pure white people in the US. VERY few. 90% of whites in the US are not Nordic type, nor are they one of the Nordic sub types.

In fact, usually the most racist types of white people by demographic percentages, like rednecks for example, are nothing close to being pure white, even though they claim things like "white power", and "pure white brotherhood" and all that other crap. Most of these people don't even have pure white skulls shapes and sure the hell are not close to being pure whites.

Basically, the average American is just retarded.

Where do you get the 45% arabic? Have you seen Obama's dad? How many Arabs do you think are in Kenya? Are you referring to Islam and confusing that with ethnicity?

03-28-2011, 03:22 AM
Many white people don't get why they have to feel like their responsible for what happen anywhere from 50 years to 5 centuries ago. But whether you like it or not those are your ancestors, and America has never really done anything to bandage those wounds. This country has basically been using time to heal it.

This is the perfect example of this reverse racism. This black supremacist bull shit that is fed by the US media as a system of control and to keep the masses ignorant.

White people in the US now.........................hardly any of them have an ancestor that owned blacks. But you make it sound like all white people now had an "ancestor" that owned blacks. Complete bull shit. You are uneducated and the real elites of society just laugh at you.

And another thing...............most of those racist redneck white people and the "soccer moms in Kansas" didn't own shit. They were share croppers and just one step above slaves. The KKK is just a bunch of sick psychos and is no different from any other thug group. But do you actually think that most of those people owned slaves? Get a clue please.

The real slave owners are the same people now that are filling your mind with all this revisionist history bull shit. But are you interested to know that? No. It's like all this black cares and black history month propaganda. TNT is unreal with their bull shit during NBA games on Martin Luther King day.

The elites of society are the ones that were behind the slave trade and are still doing it now. The average white guy had and has nothing to do with it.

03-28-2011, 03:25 AM
Not really.. fascism is always corporatism, but corporatism isn't always fascism. fascism is a

corporatism is a more general term encompassing fascism and other things.

But I think using corporatism in my previous post was misplaced. I was referring more to fascism and probably should have just left the word corporatism out of my post.

USA is a 100% pure fascist country. Fascism is an economic system where the government is set up as a welfare state and extension of large corporations and the elite power brokers that control them.

The USA is 100% pure fascist country. It used to be a plutocracy and it is now a fascist state.

03-28-2011, 03:33 AM

the people with power in the US are... um... mostly whites.

Why would they want to be downgraded?

oh wait.... is this Lakas?

yea, you talking out your ass again.

You are an idiot.

03-28-2011, 03:33 AM
Any ethnicities on the face of the eart will have some prejudice thoughts against another race or religon.

03-28-2011, 03:35 AM
You are an idiot.

who is running the US NoLinks?

and where did you get that Obama is 45% Arab from?

03-28-2011, 03:37 AM
:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

ok who runs this country then?

Who the hell do you think?

03-28-2011, 03:37 AM
USA is a 100% pure fascist country. Fascism is an economic system where the government is set up as a welfare state and extension of large corporations and the elite power brokers that control them.

The USA is 100% pure fascist country. It used to be a plutocracy and it is now a fascist state.

Have any links to back this up or are we suppose to just go on your word.

03-28-2011, 03:39 AM
Who the hell do you think?

you already told me I am wrong.

so who runs this country?

and where did you get that Obama is 45% Arab?

03-28-2011, 03:44 AM

you sure as shit dont know any Native Americans with a statement like that.

Native Americans may hate "the white man" for what he did in a logical way and with legit reasoning. Blacks feeling superior to whites and the need to bash them and be racist against them as some kind of payback is not the same thing.

Native Americans have the reason to feel hatred, but that is not the same thing as this reverse racism by blacks against whites.

Like I said, this forum is a perfect example. "Whites are all slow, unathletic, stiffs, that are soft, weak, and can't jump." Typical statements in this forum. That is racism and makes you just as pathetic as any white bigot out there.

Try to spin it however you want to, but you don't fool anyone with a brain.

03-28-2011, 03:45 AM

Where do you get the 45% arabic? Have you seen Obama's dad? How many Arabs do you think are in Kenya? Are you referring to Islam and confusing that with ethnicity?

I am talking about the genetics. He is 5% black genetically.

It is racist when black people make the claim he is "the first black President" as a way of some kind of pride and that he is theirs.

It is racist when white people make the same claim only in a way to hate on him and go against him because they can't stand the thought of a "black man" as President.

The guy is 5% black. It just shows how ridiculously stupid the average American is, as well as racist, both ways.

03-28-2011, 03:47 AM
Native Americans may hate "the white man" for what he did in a logical way and with legit reasoning. Blacks feeling superior to whites and the need to bash them and be racist against them as some kind of payback is not the same thing.

Native Americans have the reason to feel hatred, but that is not the same thing as this reverse racism by blacks against whites.

Like I said, this forum is a perfect example. "Whites are all slow, unathletic, stiffs, that are soft, weak, and can't jump." Typical statements in this forum. That is racism and makes you just as pathetic as any white bigot out there.

Try to spin it however you want to, but you don't fool anyone with a brain.

like I said, you CLEARLY don't know any Native Americans.

and :roll: at you saying their racism would be different than black racism after saying racism is racism and wrong no matter what.

once again, who really runs this country of not white people and where did you get that Obama is 45% Arab?

What genetics are you even talking about?

His dad was born in a village in Kenya! The dude is straight up African. How the hell is he 45% Arab?

03-28-2011, 03:51 AM
This is typical bull shit. Native Americans were abused 100 times worse than blacks ever were by the white man. They don't feel the need to have a racist attitude towards white people.

Maybe because most of the Native Americans in the United States have been wiped out or are currently living on reservations, which are hardly 1% of the land that their ancestors once owned. Ever think about that?

Make whatever excuses you want. Blacks being racist against whites now is mostly unjustified. Again, there are a lot of racist white people still. Just listen to Beck or Limbaugh. But the fact remains that most black people now in the US are going out of their way to be racist towards white people for no reason.

I like how you're saying "most black people," as though you know that the majority of blacks are walking around, going out of their way to disturb the peaceful whites.

And the real racism against blacks that is out there is done by the elites of society, not the average white man. The average white man is worthless in the elite's eyes as well. In this thread you have people claiming that "white people run the country (US)". That's absolutely ridiculous because the fact is they don't run shit, especially any white that isn't super rich.

Take a Sociology class.
Did you know that a white person with $38k yearly income still has more value than a person of color with a $76k yearly income?
How do I know this? Well, I took a Sociology class.

All this bitching about slavery by black people is getting really old. As others are pointing out here, many races have endured worse and they don't endlessly ***** about it. Besides the point remains that none of us were even alive then.

There are still blacks, Hispanics, Asians, Native Americans, etc., living today who suffered through Jim Crow laws from several decades ago. I wonder how those poor colored people will ever be able to relive their childhoods/youthful past now...? I mean, they went their entire lives being told that they're inferior to whites.
Do you seriously think society has changed that much? Do you seriously think that if a person by the name of DeJuan Thompson were to apply at a job where a person by the name of Bob Anderson had applied, that DeJuan Thompson would even be considered for the position?
Do you seriously think that if a person by the name of Muhammad Al-Jazeer were to buy plane tickets alongside Kevin Henderson, that Muhammad Al-Jazeer wouldn't be the first one to be ushered off the plane for a cavity search?

The mere fact that so many people openly accept and believe things they are told by schools and the media when they don't know the truth because they were not alive then is downright pathetic. Of course a lot of bad things have happened to blacks. I mean hell the south is still racist.

So I'm guessing your school taught you that Abraham Lincoln was actually a racist, and that Mr. Honest Abe didn't honestly want to free blacks to give them equal rights as whites, right? He wanted blacks sent back to Africa.
Did the media let you know that pretty much every president up until Abe Lincoln was practically a slave owner?
Did the schools and media also collectively acquaint you with entire essays, books, etc., written by men, such as Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and many other "finding fathers" of a stolen land about white superiority against people of color?
I learned all that by studying history, taking classes, such as the aforementioned Sociology class, which isn't offered at any high school I know of, and if it is, it will be a watered down course; I learned what I know through my own experiences as a person of color.
I've had cops pull me over for no apparent reason, other than maybe I'm a brown dude driving a nice sports car.
I've had my belongings searched for no other reason than an apparent worry that a brown dude might be carrying a concealed weapon.
You haven't lived through what I've lived through.
And you never will.
So stop. You're making a fool of yourself. Obviously, there are some douchebags on this site who actually agree with the awful points you're trying to make.
I can understand that the constant bickering from people of color about whites having more rights can get annoying.
But if you can't deal with reality, I suggest you pop a few pills and take yourself into another reality because this one is a bit too real for you, son.

But don't believe everything you are told. You don't know the real reasons for this stuff and you are living with your head in the sand.

I don't believe everything I'm told, which is why I refused to believe Abraham Lincoln was trying to save future generations of African-Americans from suffering.
I don't believe everything I'm told, which is why I still laugh when I hear white people complain, "The Mexicans are taking our jobs!"
I don't believe everything I'm told, which is why I don't pledge my allegiance to the flag of the United States of America.
I don't believe everything I'm told, and if that's hard to believe, I guess I haven't told you enough times yet.

03-28-2011, 03:51 AM
African Americans are bigger and faster and more athletic on average...

They were bred that way by whites...

They are also bigger and faster and stronger than Africans are...on average

That doesn't mean whites are weak or anything...just on average they are less athletic

03-28-2011, 03:51 AM
who is running the US NoLinks?

and where did you get that Obama is 45% Arab from?

Dallas........no surprise there.

03-28-2011, 03:52 AM

I am talking about the genetics. He is 5% black genetically.

It is racist when black people make the claim he is "the first black President" as a way of some kind of pride and that he is theirs.

It is racist when white people make the same claim only in a way to hate on him and go against him because they can't stand the though of a "black man" as President.

The guy is 5% black. It just shows how ridiculously stupid the average American is, as well as racist, both ways.

His father is African. How is he 5% black? He is not Arabic man. Where do you get your information from? He is half black and half white. Half African Kenyan/half Anglo American if you want to call it that.

03-28-2011, 03:53 AM
Need some proof that whites have it all good in America?

How about you hear a white guy explain it to you?

Tim Wise-- click here! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w-ABYIkI2aA)

03-28-2011, 03:55 AM
Dallas........no surprise there.
What's wrong with Dallas?

Would love to hear this ignorance...

03-28-2011, 03:55 AM
Have any links to back this up or are we suppose to just go on your word.

The US was always a plutocracy. It then became a fascist state. If you don't know that already no "link" in the world will open your eyes to reality because you are either too stupid, or too brainwashed, or more likely both to be able to grasp truth and reality.

Even a lot of the dumbest people around know the US was a plutocracy and is now a fascist state. Of course the ones that don't know it, are usually the fascists themselves. In order to be a true fascist member of a true society, the main requirement is to not know that you are a fascist.

You obviously fit the criteria.

03-28-2011, 03:56 AM
What's wrong with Dallas?

Would love to hear this ignorance...

Nothing unusual is necessarily wrong with Dallas itself. Two different issues, which you clearly are not smart enough to understand.

03-28-2011, 03:57 AM
Dallas........no surprise there.


that means what exactly?

never mind you have no idea what my education history has been :oldlol:

you ripping on racism which is really just a form of bigotry and then you say something like that?

:lol nice hypocrisy bruh.

one more time

who really runs the country and where did you get that Obama is 45% Arab?

03-28-2011, 03:59 AM
like I said, you CLEARLY don't know any Native Americans.

and :roll: at you saying their racism would be different than black racism after saying racism is racism and wrong no matter what.

once again, who really runs this country of not white people and where did you get that Obama is 45% Arab?

What genetics are you even talking about?

His dad was born in a village in Kenya! The dude is straight up African. How the hell is he 45% Arab?

You clearly don't know anything about anything.

03-28-2011, 03:59 AM
The US was always a plutocracy. It then became a fascist state. If you don't know that already no "link" in the world will open your eyes to reality because you are either too stupid, or too brainwashed, or more likely both to be able to grasp truth and reality.

Even a lot of the dumbest people around know the US was a plutocracy and is now a fascist state. Of course the ones that don't know it, are usually the fascists themselves. In order to be a true fascist member of a true society, the main requirement is to not know that you are a fascist.

You obviously fit the criteria.

Typical. Can't back it up with anything outside of your belief and when asked to back it up the typical 'Well if you don't believe me you're just too stupid to get it and you're a sheep!' If it is so obvious it would be rather easy to back up your statements.

03-28-2011, 04:00 AM
African Americans are bigger and faster and more athletic on average...

They were bred that way by whites...

They are also bigger and faster and stronger than Africans are...on average

That doesn't mean whites are weak or anything...just on average they are less athletic

That is racist bull shit. And you are a racist. PERIOD.

03-28-2011, 04:00 AM
Nothing unusual is necessarily wrong with Dallas itself. Too different issues, which you clearly are not smart enough to understand.
let me rephrase since you are slow and amazingly ignorant...

Why was it no suprise that he was from Dallas?

03-28-2011, 04:02 AM
You clearly don't know anything about anything.

I know that you don't know a single Native American, that you can't answer simple questions, that you contradict yourself and that you pull stats right out of your ass all the time.

One more time, who runs the country if not white people and where did you get that Obama is 45% Arab?

also, please explain the Dallas comment. Otherwise I will be forced to assume you are just a hypocritical bigot who hates Americans.

03-28-2011, 04:03 AM
That is racist bull shit. And you are a racist. PERIOD.
It's not bs....you are just uneducated

African Americans were selectively bred...bigger...stronger...etc

03-28-2011, 04:05 AM
There is a huge physical difference between African Americans and Africans...

They don't even look the same...

03-28-2011, 04:05 AM
Maybe because most of the Native Americans in the United States have been wiped out or are currently living on reservations, which are hardly 1% of the land that their ancestors once owned. Ever think about that?

I like how you're saying "most black people," as though you know that the majority of blacks are walking around, going out of their way to disturb the peaceful whites.

Take a Sociology class.
Did you know that a white person with $38k yearly income still has more value than a person of color with a $76k yearly income?
How do I know this? Well, I took a Sociology class.

There are still blacks, Hispanics, Asians, Native Americans, etc., living today who suffered through Jim Crow laws from several decades ago. I wonder how those poor colored people will ever be able to relive their childhoods/youthful past now...? I mean, they went their entire lives being told that they're inferior to whites.
Do you seriously think society has changed that much? Do you seriously think that if a person by the name of DeJuan Thompson were to apply at a job where a person by the name of Bob Anderson had applied, that DeJuan Thompson would even be considered for the position?
Do you seriously think that if a person by the name of Muhammad Al-Jazeer were to buy plane tickets alongside Kevin Henderson, that Muhammad Al-Jazeer wouldn't be the first one to be ushered off the plane for a cavity search?

So I'm guessing your school taught you that Abraham Lincoln was actually a racist, and that Mr. Honest Abe didn't honestly want to free blacks to give them equal rights as whites, right? He wanted blacks sent back to Africa.
Did the media let you know that pretty much every president up until Abe Lincoln was practically a slave owner?
Did the schools and media also collectively acquaint you with entire essays, books, etc., written by men, such as Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and many other "finding fathers" of a stolen land about white superiority against people of color?
I learned all that by studying history, taking classes, such as the aforementioned Sociology class, which isn't offered at any high school I know of, and if it is, it will be a watered down course; I learned what I know through my own experiences as a person of color.
I've had cops pull me over for no apparent reason, other than maybe I'm a brown dude driving a nice sports car.
I've had my belongings searched for no other reason than an apparent worry that a brown dude might be carrying a concealed weapon.
You haven't lived through what I've lived through.
And you never will.
So stop. You're making a fool of yourself. Obviously, there are some douchebags on this site who actually agree with the awful points you're trying to make.
I can understand that the constant bickering from people of color about whites having more rights can get annoying.
But if you can't deal with reality, I suggest you pop a few pills and take yourself into another reality because this one is a bit too real for you, son.

I don't believe everything I'm told, which is why I refused to believe Abraham Lincoln was trying to save future generations of African-Americans from suffering.
I don't believe everything I'm told, which is why I still laugh when I hear white people complain, "The Mexicans are taking our jobs!"
I don't believe everything I'm told, which is why I don't pledge my allegiance to the flag of the United States of America.
I don't believe everything I'm told, and if that's hard to believe, I guess I haven't told you enough times yet.

If you don't believe everything you are told then why are you arguing about this? The average black person today does not have any reason to be racist against white people, just like the average white person has no reason to be racist against blacks.

Anyone that is either way is just a bigot. Being pissed off about something that may or may not have happened decades before you were born is seriously pathetic. Especially if the best argument you have is a difference in wages.

Really? So I guess men should be rounded up by women then since women's wages are suppressed. But wait.........men have a harder time getting a job. Oh yeah, whatever we can fix it with some affirmative action.

Never mind that most of the workers are useless anyway, which is the real reason why so many jobs can be outsourced without any worry. Sociology? Yeah, the science of making people that are retarded believe in whatever they are told. Very fitting.

03-28-2011, 04:06 AM

His father is African. How is he 5% black? He is not Arabic man. Where do you get your information from? He is half black and half white. Half African Kenyan/half Anglo American if you want to call it that.

Yeah sure he is. Right.

03-28-2011, 04:07 AM
Typical. Can't back it up with anything outside of your belief and when asked to back it up the typical 'Well if you don't believe me you're just too stupid to get it and you're a sheep!' If it is so obvious it would be rather easy to back up your statements.

I'm not saying I agree with this guy, because I don't, but I like the point he made: if you don't know things are messed up, no link will help you. I find that's true in a lot of cases. You can provide someone with a link and all the facts.. but they interpret them differently than you do. Like they see things the way the media and the politicians tell the story.. it's like the information flies right over their head.

I'm not saying you're one of those people IcanzIIravor.. because from your posts you seem smart. Just saying.

I've previously thought of the "no link can help you" phenomenon in terms of Nazi Germany. I'm sure a fragment of people realized how out of hand Hitler was getting. Yet, the majority just went along with it. I'm sure that minority tried reaching out to the majority, to explain to them that what Germany was doing was wrong. Why didn't they listen?

I suspect the "no link can help you" phenomenon may have something to do with it.

Just letting my thoughts wander, hope this post makes sense to anyone who may be reading..

03-28-2011, 04:08 AM

that means what exactly?

never mind you have no idea what my education history has been :oldlol:

you ripping on racism which is really just a form of bigotry and then you say something like that?

:lol nice hypocrisy bruh.

one more time

who really runs the country and where did you get that Obama is 45% Arab?

You are an ignorant and a racist. It is obvious.

03-28-2011, 04:09 AM
Typical. Can't back it up with anything outside of your belief and when asked to back it up the typical 'Well if you don't believe me you're just too stupid to get it and you're a sheep!' If it is so obvious it would be rather easy to back up your statements.

You can't explain things based in actual truth to sheeple. That is why I am not explaining it to you. You are not worth the time.

03-28-2011, 04:12 AM
let me rephrase since you are slow and amazingly ignorant...

Why was it no suprise that he was from Dallas?

I was referring to him, not Dallas. And I am the slow one?

03-28-2011, 04:12 AM
You are an ignorant and a racist. It is obvious.

:roll: :roll: :roll:

so b/c you can't answer my questions I am now a racist?

what did I even say that is racist?


again, who runs the country?

where did you get that Obama is 45% Arab?

and how does

Dallas........no surprise there.


I was referring to him, not Dallas. And I am the slow one?


03-28-2011, 04:14 AM
I was referring to him, not Dallas. And I am the slow one?

Why was it no surprise he was from Dallas?

Is it really that hard?

03-28-2011, 04:16 AM
I'm not saying I agree with this guy, because I don't, but I like the point he made: if you don't know things are messed up, no link will help you. I find that's true in a lot of cases. You can provide someone with a link and all the facts.. but they interpret them differently than you do. Like they see things the way the media and the politicians tell the story.. it's like the information flies right over their head.

I'm not saying you're one of those people IcanzIIravor.. because from your posts you seem smart. Just saying.

I've previously thought of the "no link can help you" phenomenon in terms of Nazi Germany. I'm sure a fragment of people realized how out of hand Hitler was getting. Yet, the majority just went along with it. I'm sure that minority tried reaching out to the majority, to explain to them that what Germany was doing was wrong. Why didn't they listen?

I suspect the "no link can help you" phenomenon may have something to do with it.

Just letting my thoughts wander, hope this post makes sense to anyone who may be reading..

Joe, that is a cop out. If I told you Aliens secretly ran the world and if you doubted it me it meant you where ignorant and one of the sheep what would you think? Isn't the burden of proof squarely on the person making the statement or has the nature of debate changed since I came out here? There is no bigger cop out on a message board than some fool refusing to provide links and proof and instead going with the lame 'You're too stupid' line to avoid backing up his statement.

03-28-2011, 04:16 AM
I know that you don't know a single Native American, that you can't answer simple questions, that you contradict yourself and that you pull stats right out of your ass all the time.

One more time, who runs the country if not white people and where did you get that Obama is 45% Arab?

also, please explain the Dallas comment. Otherwise I will be forced to assume you are just a hypocritical bigot who hates Americans.

I don't give a damn what the hell you think about me. The truth is that you are full of it and you either don't know the truth or are intentionally lying about it. And as far as hating Americans..nope. But the typical Ugly Americans like you?

I don't hate them, I just don't consider them to be relevant. You have you own fantasy land that you live in. Your own delusional fairy tale. Fine. Believe whatever the hell you want to.

But it's really comical that the people like you actually think the people that live in the true reality care what you think or say. It's like you actually think that you matter.

03-28-2011, 04:17 AM
It's not bs....you are just uneducated

African Americans were selectively bred...bigger...stronger...etc

What I know is that you are a racist.

03-28-2011, 04:18 AM
You can't explain things based in actual truth to sheeple. That is why I am not explaining it to you. You are not worth the time.

Yes, asking for proof makes one a sheeple. We should just take your word for it. Isn't that the very definition of sheeple? Refusing to ask questions, but just blindly going on the word of someone? If I was talking out my ass I guess I'd go that route too. By the way is Obama still only 5% African? I suppose it was wrong of me to question you on that too and I showed my ignorance yet again.

03-28-2011, 04:18 AM
I don't give a damn what the hell you think about me. The truth is that you are full of it and you either don't know the truth or are intentionally lying about it. And as far as hating Americans..nope. But the typical Ugly Americans like you?

I don't hate them, I just don't consider them to be relevant. You have you own fantasy land that you live in. Your own delusional fairy tale. Fine. Believe whatever the hell you want to.

But it's really comical that the people like you actually think the people that live in the true reality care what you think or say. It's like you actually think that you matter.

now I'm an ugly American? :oldlol:

how did i get that label?

b/c I am asking simple questions?

I'll ask again

who runs the USA?

where did you get that Obama is 45% Arab?

what did you mean by the Dallas comment?

why is it so hard for you to answer these questions?

03-28-2011, 04:19 AM
There is a huge physical difference between African Americans and Africans...

They don't even look the same...

Yes genius. As was already explained to you by others in this thread, that is because blacks in the US are partly white.

03-28-2011, 04:20 AM
Yes genius. As was already explained to you by others in this thread, that is because blacks in the US are partly white.
They are bigger and stronger on average cause they were bred by whites...

03-28-2011, 04:25 AM
:roll: :roll: :roll:

so b/c you can't answer my questions I am now a racist?

what did I even say that is racist?


again, who runs the country?

where did you get that Obama is 45% Arab?

and how does



I've read many of your posts man. Yes, you are a racist clown.

03-28-2011, 04:26 AM

Why was it no surprise he was from Dallas?

Is it really that hard?

Do you not understand the HE in the sentence? That is what is wrong with Dallas. It is no surprise that people like HIM and obviously people like YOU have Dallas in their location.

Nothing about Dallas itself, just the racist morons that live there.

03-28-2011, 04:28 AM
Joe, that is a cop out. If I told you Aliens secretly ran the world and if you doubted it me it meant you where ignorant and one of the sheep what would you think? Isn't the burden of proof squarely on the person making the statement or has the nature of debate changed since I came out here? There is no bigger cop out on a message board than some fool refusing to provide links and proof and instead going with the lame 'You're too stupid' line to avoid backing up his statement.

The burden of proof is on you. The US is a fascist state. This is a fact. Therefore the burden of proof is on YOU to try to "prove" that it is not. Not for you to tell others to "prove" that it actually is what it actually is.

If you can't grasp this, then you are simply hopeless.

If you can prove to me that the US is not a fascist state, in other words somehow trick me into believing something that isn't true, then kudos to you. Give it your best shot.

But playing the, "prove to me that the truth is the truth" game won't work. YOU have to prove it.

The fact is the fact. The truth is the truth. Your position is just fantasy and delusions. So actually, the burden of proof is all on you. It's your problem if you are unable to comprehend such simple concepts as that.

03-28-2011, 04:30 AM
I've read many of your posts man. Yes, you are a racist clown.

please post some of my racist comments. :lol

they must be numerous since you claim it.

and one more time

who runs this country?

where did you get that Obama is 45% Arab?

and :roll: :roll: :roll: at

Do you not understand the HE in the sentence? That is what is wrong with Dallas. It is no surprise that people like HIM and obviously people like YOU have Dallas in their location.

Nothing about Dallas itself, just the racist morons that live there.

so.... you are saying that Dallas is full of racists? So you are bigoted towards the people of Dallas who you assume are likely to be racist?


The burden of proof is on you. The US is a fascist state. This is a fact. Therefore the burden of proof is on YOU to try to "prove" that it is not. Not for you to tell others to "prove" that is actually is what it actually is.

If you can't grasp this, then you are simply hopeless.


I can just see Lakas turning in a paper to a teacher. The teacher says, um, can you please tell me where you got this information from?


what have you even given us that proves you are correct with anything you have said?

By your reasoning I could walk up to a person and say they anything I want and when they deny it, I can just say, PROVE IT FOOL THE BURDEN IS ON YOU!

03-28-2011, 04:30 AM
European men smell bad and need a dentist...

03-28-2011, 04:32 AM
Yes, asking for proof makes one a sheeple. We should just take your word for it. Isn't that the very definition of sheeple? Refusing to ask questions, but just blindly going on the word of someone? If I was talking out my ass I guess I'd go that route too. By the way is Obama still only 5% African? I suppose it was wrong of me to question you on that too and I showed my ignorance yet again.

You expect everyone to take your word for all the bull shit you are posting. What the hell makes you special?

03-28-2011, 04:32 AM
Joe, that is a cop out. If I told you Aliens secretly ran the world and if you doubted it me it meant you where ignorant and one of the sheep what would you think? Isn't the burden of proof squarely on the person making the statement or has the nature of debate changed since I came out here? There is no bigger cop out on a message board than some fool refusing to provide links and proof and instead going with the lame 'You're too stupid' line to avoid backing up his statement.

Nahhh I get you. When I'm wearing those shoes, I make it a point to provide links, especially if someone asks me to. But I do understand the frustration of people not caring about what you say, no matter what sort of information you provide. I'm not just talking about what goes on on ISH, but in life in general. It makes you want to say, "you know what? some people are just going to believe what they want to believe. It doesn't matter what proof I give them."

Not to make it a personal issue.. but I remember when I made that post about the Libya war being unconstitutional, because Obama didn't get a declaration of war from Congress. Some people argued that it was a conflict and not a war, which I found ridiculous but at least it was an arguable position. But a lot of other people were just disregarding my whole point. They called me unpractical. They argued that other Presidents had done the same thing. That we got permission from the UN, so it was justified. They'd say anything to avoid admitting that it was an unconstitutional act.

In this specific case, I think the poster isn't providing factual information, period. Especially about Obama only being 5% black. BUT... just as a general idea, I do find some truth in the "What's The Point of Giving You a Link?" theory.

03-28-2011, 04:32 AM
The burden of proof is on you. The US is a fascist state. This is a fact. Therefore the burden of proof is on YOU to try to "prove" that it is not. Not for you to tell others to "prove" that is actually is what it actually is.

If you can't grasp this, then you are simply hopeless.

You're an idiot.

You made a statement that the US is a fascist state.

I asked for a link or proof of this.

How the **** is it then on me to prove you wrong when the burden of proof is on you? This is debate 101 stuff. You made the statement. If I say Karl Malone is the better power forward when compared to Tim Duncan how is the burden on someone who asks me why? The burden would be on me to follow up my statement with proof. The fact that you don't know this is stunning.

03-28-2011, 04:33 AM
now I'm an ugly American? :oldlol:

how did i get that label?

b/c I am asking simple questions?

I'll ask again

who runs the USA?

where did you get that Obama is 45% Arab?

what did you mean by the Dallas comment?

why is it so hard for you to answer these questions?

Sorry, but I am putting you on my ignore list.

03-28-2011, 04:34 AM
They are bigger and stronger on average cause they were bred by whites...

You are just a racist. I'm done discussing this with you.

03-28-2011, 04:35 AM
You expect everyone to take your word for all the bull shit you are posting. What the hell makes you special?

Well it's pretty ****ing easy to prove Obama's dad is an African Kenyan who impregnated an Anglo American, thus meaning Obama is 50% white and 50% African. The fact that you think that is debatable is further proof of your idiocy. How you figured he has Arabic blood in him is a mystery this board will ponder for all time.

03-28-2011, 04:36 AM
Sorry, but I am putting you on my ignore list.

once again, why can you not answer my questions?

who runs the country and where did you get that Obama is 45% Arab?

Why can't you answer two simple questions?

03-28-2011, 04:40 AM
Nahhh I get you. When I'm wearing those shoes, I make it a point to provide links, especially if someone asks me to. But I do understand the frustration of people not caring about what you say, no matter what sort of information you provide. I'm not just talking about what goes on on ISH, but in life in general. It makes you want to say, "you know what? some people are just going to believe what they want to believe. It doesn't matter what proof I give them."

Not to make it a personal issue.. but I remember when I made that post about the Libya war being unconstitutional, because Obama didn't get a declaration of war from Congress. Some people argued that it was a conflict and not a war, which I found ridiculous but at least it was an arguable position. But a lot of other people were just disregarding my whole point. They called me unpractical. They argued that other Presidents had done the same thing. That we got permission from the UN, so it was justified. They'd say anything to avoid admitting that it was an unconstitutional act.

In this specific case, I think the poster isn't providing factual information, period. Especially about Obama only being 5% black. BUT... just as a general idea, I do find some truth in the "What's The Point of Giving You a Link?" theory.

I understand the frustration, but you don't debate the nuts. You debate the people who want a genuine discussion, otherwise what is the point? Sure, there will be people who disagree no matter what, but if you have researched the subject and based your knowledge off said research then what is the reluctance in posting said research? I know you back your discussions up with research and understanding, which I respect. I do not respect someone who makes a statement and then when asked to simply back it up, declare that someone is a fool for not taking their word for it. Nope I don't respect such a person at all. Arrogance and ignorance are two things that should not be tolerated in a serious discussion.

03-28-2011, 04:44 AM
You're an idiot.

You made a statement that the US is a fascist state.

I asked for a link or proof of this.

How the **** is it then on me to prove you wrong when the burden of proof is on you? This is debate 101 stuff. You made the statement. If I say Karl Malone is the better power forward when compared to Tim Duncan how is the burden on someone who asks me why? The burden would be on me to follow up my statement with proof. The fact that you don't know this is stunning.

One more time. The US IS a fascist state. This is a FACT. Do you know what a fact is? Are you familiar with that term? By definition, the US is a fascist state. That is the system by which the US is operated under politically, militarily, and economically. There is nothing to debate or argue about. This is a fact. Again...........are you not aware of the concept of facts? Or is it that you simply don't know what fascism is? Or do you have no knowledge of the USA at all nor anything about it?

If you want to argue otherwise with the facts and claim it is not a fascist state, then the burden of proof is on YOU. Because you are the one that is trying to claim the US is something other than what it actually is.

There is no other way to explain it to you. If you still can't figure it out then I won't bother discussing it with you any further because you are just trying to derail the point here that the OP made, which is generally true whether some people here want to admit or not.

That's it. So either start trying to convince me that the US is not a fascist state - start trying to manipulate me, spin and twist the facts and try to coerce, trick, and brainwash me into believing falsehoods and myths (like the US isn't a fascist state) and then whatever......we can go from there.

Or keep trying to make excuses for the reverse racism.

Otherwise, STFU.

03-28-2011, 04:45 AM
Well it's pretty ****ing easy to prove Obama's dad is an African Kenyan who impregnated an Anglo American, thus meaning Obama is 50% white and 50% African. The fact that you think that is debatable is further proof of your idiocy. How you figured he has Arabic blood in him is a mystery this board will ponder for all time.

Yeah............gee no way possible to figure out what his genetics are.

03-28-2011, 04:46 AM
I understand the frustration, but you don't debate the nuts. You debate the people who want a genuine discussion, otherwise what is the point? Sure, there will be people who disagree no matter what, but if you have researched the subject and based your knowledge off said research then what is the reluctance in posting said research? I know you back your discussions up with research and understanding, which I respect. I do not respect someone who makes a statement and then when asked to simply back it up, declare that someone is a fool for not taking their word for it. Nope I don't respect such a person at all. Arrogance and ignorance are two things that should not be tolerated in a serious discussion.

Yes, not the nuts, like you.

03-28-2011, 04:49 AM
Yeah............gee no way possible to figure out what his genetics are.

and you got that he was 45% Arab from where?

oh yea, and who runs the country again?

03-28-2011, 04:50 AM
One more time. The US IS a fascist state. This is a FACT. Do you know what a fact is? Are you familiar with that term? By definition, the US is a fascist state. That is the system by which the US is operated under politically, militarily, and economically. There is nothing to debate or argue about. This is a fact. Again...........are you not aware of the concept of facts? Or is that you simply don't know what fascism is? Or do you have no knowledge of the USA at all or anything about it?

If you want to argue otherwise with the facts and claim it is not a fascist state, then the burden of proof is on YOU. Because you are the one that is trying to claim the US is something other than what it actually is.

There is no other way to explain it to you. If you still can't figure it out then I won't bother discussing it with you any further because you are just trying to derail the point here that the OP made, which is generally true whether some people here want to admit or not.

That's it. So either start trying to convince me that the US is not a fascist state - start trying to manipulate me, spin and twist the facts and try to coerce, trick, and brainwash me into believing falsehoods and myths (like the US isn't a fascist state) and then whatever......we can go from there.

Otherwise STFU.

Since it is a fact it would be easy for you to provide proof via credible links. You got through college with this nonsense? You never had to show proof on any of your papers where you got the information from? Hell even in grade school and high school you have to do that. I guess European schools do it differently.

03-28-2011, 04:51 AM
Yeah............gee no way possible to figure out what his genetics are.

Where did you get he was 45% Arabic? Pull it out of a magic hat?

03-28-2011, 04:53 AM
Yes, not the nuts, like you.

You haven't provided any proof idiot. You obviously didn't comprehend what I wrote. If I called you an animal ****er would the burden be on you to prove that you don't **** animals or would the burden be on me to prove you did? I want you to think hard for once.

03-28-2011, 04:54 AM

I see you hate everything about the USA, not only on a basketball-level related.

Honestly, you are one of the most pathetic posters ive encountered in my time here.

"US is a fascist state"

Go to Iran or North Korea to live if you think you`re so fukin Che Guevara made.

Is He Ill
03-28-2011, 07:50 AM
The burden of proof is on you. The US is a fascist state. This is a fact. Therefore the burden of proof is on YOU to try to "prove" that it is not. Not for you to tell others to "prove" that it actually is what it actually is.

If you can't grasp this, then you are simply hopeless.

If you can prove to me that the US is not a fascist state, in other words somehow trick me into believing something that isn't true, then kudos to you. Give it your best shot.

But playing the, "prove to me that the truth is the truth" game won't work. YOU have to prove it.

The fact is the fact. The truth is the truth. Your position is just fantasy and delusions. So actually, the burden of proof is all on you. It's your problem if you are unable to comprehend such simple concepts as that.

:facepalm Matter of fact, just look up the definition champ, it's well known that a person must prove their statement in order for it to be considered true. I mean if I said unicorns exist, do you have to disprove them? How is that even possible if no such creator even exists? Yes, the government lies to us, so what? This happens everywhere. We are so bad and selfish that we never lend a helping hand right? I mean just recently, we didn't do a damn thing to assist Japan or Chile? GTFOH you ignorant moron.

03-28-2011, 11:44 AM
lets be honest the thread starter and that EuroleagueFakkit both have never came in contact with a black person to say most black people are racist towards white. Or maybe they have and they don't know what to say to a black person when they see them. So both these girls come in here to let out their frustration.

Most black people aren't racist. I know its hard for you to believe but that's the fact. I think I would know about it than you. You both have no idea what racism it. When i mad a thread about me being shock i got beat by a whiteboy in basketball, it was just me ignorantly stereotyping. Just like how some white people say blacks can't swim, or just like alot of people saying Chinese can't drive. Everyone does it to everyone.

You and threadstarter probably saw a bunch of youtube videos of a group of Hebrew Israelites and made up your decision that, that is how most of us feel. Most black people don't focus on things like this, we have other things to worry about. We don't walk around all angry ice grilling towards the white man.

Like I said, Slam61 still hasn't posted a non youtube idea or example that hasn't been talked about. His b1tch probably got her walls bounced by a nikka. He's :(

03-28-2011, 12:45 PM
This is one of the worst threads I've ever seen on here.

03-28-2011, 01:13 PM
lets be honest the thread starter and that EuroleagueFakkit both have never came in contact with a black person to say most black people are racist towards white. Or maybe they have and they don't know what to say to a black person when they see them. So both these girls come in here to let out their frustration.

I have made my observations from information that I gather from here and elsewhere, I have never come to contact with American blacks.

Most black people aren't racist. I know its hard for you to believe but that's the fact. I think I would know about it than you. You both have no idea what racism it. When i mad a thread about me being shock i got beat by a whiteboy in basketball, it was just me ignorantly stereotyping. Just like how some white people say blacks can't swim, or just like alot of people saying Chinese can't drive. Everyone does it to everyone.

I think a lot of blacks are slightly biased against whites, not exactly racist.
BTW - Learn to type ****ing idiot, English isn't my first language and even I speak it better than you.

You and threadstarter probably saw a bunch of youtube videos of a group of Hebrew Israelites and made up your decision that, that is how most of us feel. Most black people don't focus on things like this, we have other things to worry about. We don't walk around all angry ice grilling towards the white man.

What? :wtf:
Black Americans have no reason to hate on the white man, white man is the reason you are living in a first world country and enjoying all the luxuries of modern society, *****.

Like I said, Slam61 still hasn't posted a non youtube idea or example that hasn't been talked about. His b1tch probably got her walls bounced by a nikka. He's :(

At least type my name correctly *****, and you don't know shit about real white men, those who live in Europe, American whites are ****ing *******s and embarrassing the whole white race. Ofcourse there are a lot of cool white dudes in America too, but the average white guy in America is a ****ing *******, so are blacks and everybody else who lives in that abomination of a country, most americans are simply *******s, black or white or whatever, the American society has completely pussyfied (maybe not pussyfied, but taken away your self respects) and dumbed you.

03-28-2011, 01:25 PM
This is one of the worst threads I've ever seen on here.
Feeling insecure about something? GTFO then.

03-28-2011, 01:28 PM
This is all that needs to be said:

03-28-2011, 08:32 PM
What? :wtf:
Black Americans have no reason to hate on the white man, white man is the reason you are living in a first world country and enjoying all the luxuries of modern society, *****.

:oldlol: well thats one way to look at it

At least type my name correctly *****, and you don't know shit about real white men, those who live in Europe, American whites are ****ing *******s and embarrassing the whole white race. Ofcourse there are a lot of cool white dudes in America too, but the average white guy in America is a ****ing *******, so are blacks and everybody else who lives in that abomination of a country, most americans are simply *******s, black or white or whatever, the American society has completely pussyfied (maybe not pussyfied, but taken away your self respects) and dumbed you.

Ahh, and there it is. You yourself are a clear bigot. Congrats.

03-28-2011, 08:39 PM

03-28-2011, 08:39 PM


03-28-2011, 09:44 PM
This is one of the worst threads I've ever seen on here.
And that really is saying something. I completely agree.

03-29-2011, 01:02 AM
Slam91 :facepalm :oldlol: :facepalm :oldlol: :rolleyes:

You haven't a clue.

03-29-2011, 01:19 AM
holy shit...

is this real?...it looks real

was he sleeping with that dude's wife?...and tried to hide by hanging out the window like a f*ckin movie?...is that what is happening here?

03-29-2011, 03:05 AM
I have made my observations from information that I gather from here and elsewhere, I have never come to contact with American blacks.

I think a lot of blacks are slightly biased against whites, not exactly racist.
BTW - Learn to type ****ing idiot, English isn't my first language and even I speak it better than you.

What? :wtf:
Black Americans have no reason to hate on the white man, white man is the reason you are living in a first world country and enjoying all the luxuries of modern society, *****.

At least type my name correctly *****, and you don't know shit about real white men, those who live in Europe, American whites are ****ing *******s and embarrassing the whole white race. Ofcourse there are a lot of cool white dudes in America too, but the average white guy in America is a ****ing *******, so are blacks and everybody else who lives in that abomination of a country, most americans are simply *******s, black or white or whatever, the American society has completely pussyfied (maybe not pussyfied, but taken away your self respects) and dumbed you.
Well there you go. Now you can STFU. You got all your info from youtube, but yet have never spoken to a black person a day in your life. You're accusing a group of people of the thing you're doing right now. Self ether is not a good look Vladimir. Yeah America is the biggest fakkits and yet your peace of sh1t country wouldn't dare fukk with US(see what i did there). Stay in your rat sh1t country and don't fukk with the big boys. You're so worried about America, and yet no mawfukka know where the fukk Estonia is nor care. Your country is irrelevant and brings absolutely nothing to this world. If we want we can colonize that peace of sh1t country of yours.

You :rant

main while we're over here eating steaks and shrimps.

03-29-2011, 03:18 AM
I don't really get why America is singled out as a slave nation. We certainly weren't the first or last ones to enslave people from Africa.

I'm not justifying the act of slavery. I just think it's interesting when people talk about America being full or racists, and then they reference slavery like America is the only place it took place.

I'm born and raised in California, and while I will admit there will always be racists people, there are FAR MORE people of every race that get along with each other on a daily basis with no problems.

If anything, I think the more interesting argument is about Class-ism in America; poor white people and poor black people are the same... poor.

03-29-2011, 04:17 AM
This is one of the worst threads I've ever seen on here.
I lol'ed at how retarded euroleague is. Holy crap

03-29-2011, 04:25 AM
holy shit...

is this real?...it looks real

was he sleeping with that dude's wife?...and tried to hide by hanging out the window like a f*ckin movie?...is that what is happening here?

That picture does look real... and it's frightening to look at.

03-29-2011, 04:37 AM
USA is a 100% pure fascist country. Fascism is an economic system where the government is set up as a welfare state and extension of large corporations and the elite power brokers that control them.

The USA is 100% pure fascist country. It used to be a plutocracy and it is now a fascist state.

nooooooo im being brain washed with his use of repetition nooooo

03-29-2011, 05:26 AM
1. OP is a moron/troll or both. Saying he's not racist that saying that the blacks in his country are a bunch of lazy n-words. Admitting he got all his information from ISH. REALLY ISH. LMFAO.

2. Seen Euroleague for quite some time posting on this forum and noticed that his go-to move when someone disagrees with him is that they're racist.

The following is Euroleague's reaction to logic:

ISH member: 2 + 2 =4
EL: No it's not.
ISH member: Yes it is.
EL: No it's not.
ISH: Care to prove me wrong?
EL: You are not worth the truth. 2 + 2 /= 4. That is a fact.
ISH: Why?
EL: Because I said so.
ISH: Wow... moron.

03-29-2011, 08:28 AM
holy shit...

is this real?...it looks real

was he sleeping with that dude's wife?...and tried to hide by hanging out the window like a f*ckin movie?...is that what is happening here?

Nah. There is a popular internet meme in Russia were someone posts a weird situation and other people act out the idea and post a picture of it. That's were most of these "In Russia" pics come from.

03-29-2011, 08:49 AM
Nah. There is a popular internet meme in Russia were someone posts a weird situation and other people act out the idea and post a picture of it. That's were most of these "In Russia" pics come from.

real or not, this one cracked me up


03-29-2011, 09:27 AM
Nah. There is a popular internet meme in Russia were someone posts a weird situation and other people act out the idea and post a picture of it. That's were most of these "In Russia" pics come from.

:oldlol: Really? How do you know this?
That sounds pretty cool. Haha

03-29-2011, 10:34 AM
Well there you go. Now you can STFU. You got all your info from youtube, but yet have never spoken to a black person a day in your life. You're accusing a group of people of the thing you're doing right now. Self ether is not a good look Vladimir. Yeah America is the biggest fakkits and yet your peace of sh1t country wouldn't dare fukk with US(see what i did there). Stay in your rat sh1t country and don't fukk with the big boys. You're so worried about America, and yet no mawfukka know where the fukk Estonia is nor care. Your country is irrelevant and brings absolutely nothing to this world. If we want we can colonize that peace of sh1t country of yours.

You :rant

main while we're over here eating stakes and shrimps.

From all kinds of media in my lifetime, I live in the American media zone actually... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xFVdvXGIT34
and ISH is racist against whites.

I have spoken to a black person a few times, not american tho.
And I'm not racist, I'm just calling it how it is - there are double standards against white people in America, if an equally educated black person and white person apply for a job, the black person is going to get it.

The rest of your post is retarded garbage. And mind your language please :no:

03-29-2011, 10:36 AM
:oldlol: Really? How do you know this?
That sounds pretty cool. Haha

03-29-2011, 10:39 AM
1. OP is a moron/troll or both. Saying he's not racist that saying that the blacks in his country are a bunch of lazy n-words. Admitting he got all his information from ISH. REALLY ISH. LMFAO.

I am not a racist, I would respect an educated and unbiased black man just as any other educated man. I just hate these worthless n1ggers that are in large numbers in America.

But this is irrelevant, what I really hate is muslim immigrants in Europe, 99% of these people are worthless shitheads and a disease to Europe.

So therefor Europe isn't much different from America in a sense that the ethnic groups in control have created double standards against themselves, and it is easier to discriminate the majorities than the minorities... These minorities are spitting on our culture and I won't take it.

03-29-2011, 10:55 AM
From all kinds of media in my lifetime, I live in the American media zone actually... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xFVdvXGIT34
and ISH is racist against whites.

I have spoken to a black person a few times, not american tho.
And I'm not racist, I'm just calling it how it is - there are double standards against white people in America, if an equally educated black person and white person apply for a job, the black person is going to get it.

The rest of your post is retarded garbage. And mind your language please :no:
you keep saying you're not a racist but in your previous posts, you've called African immigrants dirty and lazy(fyi, Africans have the highest level of education in the US) and you've called black Americans bum.

Anyways, you and Euroleague have already been own in this thread plenty of times by the Dallas posters. You've contradicted yourself so many times. I don't even know why i'm taking this thread seriously.

03-29-2011, 11:02 AM
you keep saying you're not a racist but in your previous posts, you've called African immigrants dirty and lazy(fyi, Africans have the highest level of education in the US) and you've called black Americans bum.

Anyways, you and Euroleague have already been own in this thread plenty of times by the Dallas posters. You've contradicted yourself so many times. I don't even know why i'm taking this thread seriously.

I'm talking about African Muslim immigrants in Europe.
And I haven't used the word "bum" in any of my posts.

I don't care about the color of skin of a person, I won't discriminate because of that.

And I haven't "been own" in this thread in any shape or form, you are an idiot, go back to playing Runescape or WoW or whatever kids like you like to play.

03-29-2011, 11:09 AM
:roll: :roll:

03-29-2011, 11:12 AM
I'm talking about African Muslim immigrants in Europe.
And I haven't used the word "bum" in any of my posts.

I don't care about the color of skin of a person, I won't discriminate because of that.

And I haven't "been own" in this thread in any shape or form, you are an idiot, go back to playing Runescape or WoW or whatever kids like you like to play.

The bolded part is racist...i dont know if you are just trolling or if you are really this stupid and cant see the racism in your post.

''Racism is the belief that the genetic factors which constitute race, ethnicity, or nationality are a primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that ethnic differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race.[1''

03-29-2011, 11:15 AM
:oldlol: Really? How do you know this?
That sounds pretty cool. Haha

There was some article on cracked.com

See different versions of the picture previously posted in this thread:

Here the article (it's number 6):

03-29-2011, 12:10 PM
bla bla bla ...

Look I'm not racist, another bla bla's
U r Estonian, post Communism East European. so its almost 80% that u r a already a racist.

03-29-2011, 01:05 PM
The bolded part is racist...i dont know if you are just trolling or if you are really this stupid and cant see the racism in your post.

''Racism is the belief that the genetic factors which constitute race, ethnicity, or nationality are a primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that ethnic differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race.[1''

Stfu ******, I'm calling it as it is, they are uneducated and poor, that's what I am saying.
Also these nigerian bastards only come here to rip off others, gotta say tho, whoever gets ripped by these nigerians is a complete imbecile.

They should just not come here, that's what I'm saying, they bring no new values to our culture and we simply don't need them, that doesn't mean that I would hate them, live on in Africa and good luck to you.

03-29-2011, 01:06 PM
U r Estonian, post Communism East European. so its almost 80% that u r a already a racist.

That is actually the most ignorant, stupid and racist post in this entire thread, and you managed it in only two "well written" sentences, I'm impressed, congratz. :applause: :facepalm

03-29-2011, 01:34 PM
Funny how y'all so sensitive, and calling me a racist when clearly I am not a racist. :confusedshrug:

This is the double standards right there, there are posts bashing whites everywhere.

03-29-2011, 01:45 PM
Funny how y'all so sensitive, and calling me a racist when clearly I am not a racist. :confusedshrug:

This is the double standards right there, there are posts bashing whites everywhere.
breh, you are are racist and very ignorant. You have absolutely no idea how about American culture. I bet you think all of Africa is a sh1thole just because you read some National Geographic article.
The first thing you think of when you see a black person are synonyms for "slave" "dirty" "African" "spears" "bum".

03-29-2011, 01:49 PM
this is thread should have been thrown in the trash bin days ago..... its pathetic..

some clown makes a thread about a place and a group of people that he knows nothing about :oldlol:

then he argues with those same people when they try to correct him.

:facepalm this is one of the worst threads ever made here.. and that is saying alot ...

03-29-2011, 01:50 PM
breh, you are are racist and very ignorant. You have absolutely no idea how about American culture. I bet you think all of Africa is a sh1thole just because you read some National Geographic article.
The first thing you think of when you see a black person are synonyms for "slave" "dirty" "African" "spears" "bum".

No I'm not. And I have a very clear idea about American "culture" so to speak...
And ,....umm....... Africa is third world, the entire continent of it. What do you think then? That its like the western world? Gosh, I don't know why I even bother replying to people from dumbfackistan.

And you can even read my thoughts now.... ? :lol
I don't have prejudices, I would have a chat with a person and if he seems intelligent to me I have no problem against them.

03-29-2011, 01:51 PM
this is thread should have been thrown in the trash bin days ago..... its pathetic..

some clown makes a thread about a place and a group of people that he knows nothing about :oldlol:

then he argues with those same people when they try to correct him.

:facepalm this is one of the worst threads ever made here.. and that is saying alot ...

Your post should be thrown in the trash bin since you aren't contributing to this thread in any way, how about you reply to my OP and explain the situation to me better? Oh wait.. you probably can't since you are a dumb****. :lol

03-29-2011, 01:55 PM
Funny how y'all so sensitive, and calling me a racist when clearly I am not a racist. :confusedshrug:

This is the double standards right there, there are posts bashing whites everywhere.
please quote a single white bashing post for me.

03-29-2011, 01:56 PM
Your post should be thrown in the trash bin since you aren't contributing to this thread in any way, how about you reply to my OP and explain the situation to me better? Oh wait.. you probably can't since you are a dumb****. :lol

but you arent a racist right? :oldlol:

everyone sees through you... you've argued with everyone in here because no-one buys your bullsh*t ... deal with it

Only good advice I can give you is to kill yourself now and make the world a better place for us all...

its a win-win

03-29-2011, 01:59 PM
but you arent a racist right? :oldlol:

everyone sees through you... you've argued with everyone in here because no-one buys your bullsh*t ... deal with it

Only good advice I can give you is to kill yourself now and make the world a better place for us all...

its a win-win
I'm not.

And I haven't argued with everyone, I got a few intelligent replies earlier in this thread. And I'm not surprised at all that the black people in this forum are sensitive, it just reflects the entire American culture.

Oh yeah man, obviously I'm gonna kill myself because you told me to do so :lol, not everyone is as sensitive as you guys....:facepalm

03-29-2011, 02:02 PM
please quote a single white bashing post for me.
You obviously don't even read these forums do you? :rolleyes:

03-29-2011, 02:03 PM
You obviously don't even read these forums do you? :rolleyes:
nope, Im new here. and I'm a sensitive black 12 year old remember?

Eat Like A Bosh
03-29-2011, 02:03 PM
You can't stop racism completely, some people are just racist.

03-29-2011, 02:03 PM
Oh yeah man, obviously I'm gonna kill myself because you told me to do so :lol, not everyone is as sensitive as you guys....:facepalm

you are obviously not worth anything :confusedshrug: I mean why not do one good thing in your life...

think of the good side.. :oldlol: no more threads like this.. no more getting clowned everyday

I mean, if you would rather continue to make an ass of yourself, I'll be glad to laugh at you, but other than that? you are wasting space and time...

remember... you gone = win-win

03-29-2011, 02:04 PM
nope, Im new here. and I'm a sensitive black 12 year old remember?
Yea that explains it.

03-29-2011, 02:08 PM
you are obviously not worth anything :confusedshrug: I mean why not do one good thing in your life...

think of the good side.. :oldlol: no more threads like this.. no more getting clowned everyday

I mean, if you would rather continue to make an ass of yourself, I'll be glad to laugh at you, but other than that? you are wasting space and time...

remember... you gone = win-win

And what are you worth? I live for myself not to be "worth" something, I'm not labor , unlike some ....

And I'm pretty sure that you guys are the ones getting clowned, and pretty badly TBH, a bunch of blackies getting clowned by a white european guy. I would be proud of myself, but then I realized that it isn't right to make fun of retarded people, so now I'm just sad for you guys for being dumb****s :(

And believe me bro, I'm the one getting a laugh here, at your expense. :roll:

03-29-2011, 02:16 PM
And what are you worth? I live for myself not to be "worth" something, I'm not labor , unlike some ....

And I'm pretty sure that you guys are the ones getting clowned, and pretty badly TBH, a bunch of blackies getting clowned by a white european guy. I would be proud of myself, but then I realized that it isn't right to make fun of retarded people, so now I'm just sad for you guys for being dumb****s :(

And believe me bro, I'm the one getting a laugh here, at your expense. :roll:


you are a waste of human flesh.... We all can see it... Even someone as dumb as you knows it too...

like I said... do something good for a change :oldlol: take yourself outta here...

you'd be a hero (even though you wouldnt be around to celebrate with us)

take one for the team "BRO" :cheers: we are all waiting

03-29-2011, 02:51 PM
I think these two pictures adequately sum up the OP.

In the first, he thinks hes a bad ass killing it in the race (thread), but everyone else thinks hes covered in shit.


and the second one just demonstrates how confused he really is.

03-29-2011, 03:32 PM
I think these two pictures adequately sum up the OP.

In the first, he thinks hes a bad ass killing it in the race (thread), but everyone else thinks hes covered in shit.


and the second one just demonstrates how confused he really is.:oldlol:

Is He Ill
03-29-2011, 03:47 PM
What the hell is that though all over his shorts?

03-29-2011, 04:00 PM
What the hell is that though all over his shorts?

It is shit...

EDIT: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CVWJJmS8p2M&oref=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.ca%2Fsearch%3Fhl%3Den %26source%3Dhp%26q%3Dmarathon%2Brunner%2Bshits%2Bh imself%2Bduring%2Brace%26aq%3D3v%26aqi%3Dg1g-v4g-m2%26aql%3D%26oq%3Dmarathon%2Brunner%2Bshi&has_verified=1

03-29-2011, 04:03 PM
Oh and slam91 you seriously have problems.

You are the same guy that admitted to being 22 years old and having a 14 year old girlfriend on your last account...

03-29-2011, 04:14 PM
Oh and slam91 you seriously have problems.

You are the same guy that admitted to being 22 years old and having a 14 year old girlfriend on your last account...


It seems you are the one that has some problems...? :confusedshrug:

03-29-2011, 04:17 PM

It seems you are the one that has some problems...? :confusedshrug:

yeah Vegeta...act like you dont know what im talkin about. The fact that you deny it makes it even more funny because it means you are ashamed of it. :lol

03-29-2011, 04:21 PM
yeah Vegeta...act like you dont know what im talkin about. The fact that you deny it makes it even more funny because it means you are ashamed of it. :lol
Vegeta?? :lol You some kind of DBZ fan or something? :lol

First of all from my name you could figure my age as well. But I guess that thought never occurred to you...

My previous account was Slam13 (joined 2008), and it got banned due to sensitive black people bitching and whining and just getting owned badly.

03-29-2011, 04:29 PM
Vegeta?? :lol You some kind of DBZ fan or something? :lol

First of all from my name you could figure my age as well. But I guess that thought never occurred to you...

My previous account was Slam13 (joined 2008), and it got banned due to sensitive black people bitching and whining and just getting owned badly.
Soooo thats not racist riiiiiight?

03-29-2011, 04:30 PM
Vegeta?? :lol You some kind of DBZ fan or something? :lol

First of all from my name you could figure my age as well. But I guess that thought never occurred to you...

My previous account was Slam13 (joined 2008), and it got banned due to sensitive black people bitching and whining and just getting owned badly.

Suuure....I dont have the time right now to look for it but you were making the same posts on this account that you were making on your Vegeta account before it got banned.

03-29-2011, 04:35 PM
if i hate racists, does that make me a racistist?

03-29-2011, 04:38 PM
if i hate racists, does that make me a racistist?

Racist isnt a race so no.

03-29-2011, 04:41 PM
Racist isnt a race so no.

So I'm not a racist, and I'm definitely not "Vegeta" :lol

Maybe there are simply more people who share my world views? I don't know who this Vegeta is but if he was making same posts then it seems so...

Please look up the posts you are talking about, it would be fun to know what you are referring to.

03-29-2011, 04:53 PM
So I'm not a racist, and I'm definitely not "Vegeta" :lol

Maybe there are simply more people who share my world views? I don't know who this Vegeta is but if he was making same posts then it seems so...

Please look up the posts you are talking about, it would be fun to know what you are referring to.

this forum doesnt have a search function so its hard to look up for specific posts by a poster.

But Vegeta was just like you...bashing other races (Africans and Blacks specifically) and then claiming hes not racist :rolleyes:

EDIT: he was banned at the end of december 2010 and you created yours in january 2011. Weird coincidence isnt it?

03-29-2011, 04:58 PM
this forum doesnt have a search function so its hard to look up for specific posts by a poster.

But Vegeta was just like you...bashing other races (Africans and Blacks specifically) and then claiming hes not racist :rolleyes:

I'm not a racist. You answered that question yourself, when the other guy asked does hating racists make you a racists. It doesn't.

I was just saying there are double standards and a larger % of black people are racist than the % of white racists.

How can I be a fan of black athletes if I was racist? Doesn't make sense.

What drove me to make this thread is simply the double standard I see in this forum and from other places as well, I'm just stating facts, its more "acceptable" for a black man to be racist against whites than vice versa, and I have a problem with that, with the double standards.

03-29-2011, 04:59 PM
EDIT: he was banned at the end of december 2010 and you created yours in january 2011. Weird coincidence isnt it?
Is it? Honestly I don't know who this Vegeta guy is, but you can believe whatever you like.

03-29-2011, 05:09 PM
Actually I think you are the racist here, making the other thread of "mexican vs angri white racist".... dude thats blatantly racist.

03-29-2011, 05:10 PM
Is it? Honestly I don't know who this Vegeta guy is, but you can believe whatever you like.

Actually i was mistaken. He was banned in the middle of january 2011.

Here's one of his (your) post (post #11).


03-29-2011, 05:16 PM
Actually i was mistaken. He was banned in the middle of january 2011.

Here's one of his (your) post (post #11).


It's not me. I'm not into anime.