View Full Version : Name Every Great Player's Weakness

04-03-2011, 11:59 PM
There's weaknesses in great players in the NBA. Some fans talk about them like they have no weaknesses. Some mention a weakness in their game that might not be the true. Like for example I remember people said Michael Jordan was a ball hogger. But he really is not. He's passing out to teammates and averaging about 4/5 APG. Same thing example with Kobe. Name all weaknesses of the great player's you know and watched. Players from the past and present. I'll start...

Michael Jordan - 3 Point shooting.

LeBron James - Needs to work on his jump shot, no post game and no foot work.

Dwyane Wade - Needs to work on his jump shot.

Kobe Bryant - Shot selection is not that great.

Magic Johnson - Scoring and not a good defender.

Larry Bird - No post game.

Shaquille O'Neal - Free throw shooting and bad work ethic.

Tim Duncan - Free throw shooting.

Kevin Garnett - 3 Point shooting and free throw shooting.

Derrick Rose - Shot selection is not that great and no post game.

Dwight Howard - Free throw shooting and not many post moves.

Hakeem Olajuwon - Not a good free throw shooter.

Karl Malone - Not a good shot blocker and no foot work.

Charles Barkley - 3 Point shooting and free throw shooting.

Clyde Drexler - His defense needed a little work.

Dirk Nowitzki - No defense.

Steve Nash - No defense.

Allen Iverson - Shot selection is bad and a bad defender.

David Robinson - Not a good free throw shooter.

Reggie Miller - No defense.

Vince Carter - No heart and no defense.

Tracy McGrady - No heart and bad work ethic.

Jason Kidd - Needs to work on his jump shot.

Kevin Durant - Not enough body strength and not a very good passer.

Gary Payton - Not a good free throw shooter, not a good shot blocker and rebounding.

Carmelo Anthony - No defense and not a good passer.

Paul Pierce - He's slow and can't play defense.

Pau Gasol - He's soft.

Chris Paul - Rebounding and no post game.

04-04-2011, 12:00 AM
Adam Morrison - Everything.

04-04-2011, 12:02 AM
AI wasnt a bad defender. Later on in his career he wasnt very good. Overall? Hardly bad.

04-04-2011, 12:03 AM
Brandon Roy: Knees, but before that he lacked the killer instinct to elevate his game to a new level. Poor defense.

04-04-2011, 12:04 AM

04-04-2011, 12:04 AM
Scottie Pippen - Has a bad post game.

04-04-2011, 12:05 AM
Nate Robinson, Earl Boykins, Aaron Brooks = no post game

04-04-2011, 12:09 AM
LeBron and D-Wade - Both lack killer instinct.

04-04-2011, 12:11 AM
There's weaknesses in great players in the NBA. Some fans talk about them like they have no weaknesses. Some mention a weakness in their game that might not be the true. Like for example I remember people said Michael Jordan was a ball hogger. But he really is not. He's passing out to teammates and averaging about 4/5 APG. Same thing example with Kobe. Name all weaknesses of the great player's you know and watched. Players from the past and present. I'll start...

Michael Jordan - 3 Point shooting.

LeBron James - Needs to work on his jump shot, no post game and no foot work.

Dwyane Wade - Needs to work on his jump shot.

Kobe Bryant - Shot selection is not that great.

Magic Johnson - Scoring and not a good defender.

Larry Bird - No post game.

Shaquille O'Neal - Free throw shooting.

Tim Duncan - Free throw shooting.

Kevin Garnett - 3 Point shooting and free throw shooting.

Derrick Rose - Shot selection is not that great and no post game.

Dwight Howard - Free throw shooting and not many post moves.

Hakeem Olajuwon - Not a good free throw shooter.

Karl Malone - Not a good shot blocker and no foot work.

Charles Barkley - 3 Point shooting and free throw shooting.

Clyde Drexler - His defense needed a little work.

Dirk Nowitzki - No defense.

Steve Nash - No defense.

Allen Iverson - Shot selection is bad and a bad defender.

David Robinson - Not a good free throw shooter.

Reggie Miller - No defense.

Vince Carter - No heart and no defense.

Tracy McGrady - No heart.

Jason Kidd - Needs to work on his jump shot.

Kevin Durant - Not enough body strength and not a very good passer.

Gary Payton - Not a good free throw shooter, not a good shot blocker and rebounding.

Carmelo Anthony - No defense and not a good passer.

Paul Pierce - He's slow and can't play defense.

Pau Gasol - He's soft.

Chris Paul - Rebounding and no post game.

Disagree with a few of those, but overall good. Good thread idea too.

Jordan could shoot threes mid-career just fine. He was shooting 37% for like a 6 year span mid career. His weakness would be that he wasn't taller, and that he stupidly retired when he could've won at least 1 of those 2 years he was retired in,

I disagree about KG. I don't think he needs 3pt shooting, and I think he's a good FT shooter. KG's weakness is the lack of a real post game, and his failure to utilize his size and length enough on the defensive end.

Kobe has more problems than just his poor shot selection. His failure to trust his teammates in late game situations has led to more losses than wins. He also plays selective defense at times. D Wade and LeBron are also guilty of that. Most star perimeter players are. So that's not really a Kobe thing only.

Barkley's biggest weakness was his height.

Melo's biggest weakness is his defense, his lack of mental toughness, and he is probably the most guilty selective defender I can think of.

Dirk's overall defense has improved, I think it's actually good now. Of course, his individual post defense still sucks. So there's that.

Chris Paul's weakness is his injury-proneness.

Durant: Relies way too much on calls to be an efficient scorer.

David Robinson: Lack of a really good low post game hurt his playoff career.

Tim Duncan: Was never a really great athlete. His teammates being injury prone has probably been his biggest weakness.

Magic: Shit defense, I agree.

T-Mac: his knees

04-04-2011, 12:11 AM
LeBron and D-Wade - Both lack killer instinct.
Wade lacks killer instinct? Give the guy the ball and a 2nd option and then you could just shut your mouth.

04-04-2011, 12:12 AM
Pippen was not weak in the low post. he had underrated low post moves.

97 bulls
04-04-2011, 12:24 AM
Jordan was a solid 3pt shooter. That wasn't a weakness. He just wasn't great at it.

Pippen was a damn good post player. But his ft shooting was poor.

Drexler couldn't dribble

Wilt fts

Russell scoring and fts

Kobe shot selection and IQ

Shaq fts and work ethic

Kareem lack of winning

Magic defense

Bird on the ball defense

James lack offensive skills

I could go on but ill just respond to other people posts

04-04-2011, 12:26 AM
Jordan was a solid 3pt shooter. That wasn't a weakness. He just wasn't great at it.

Pippen was a damn good post player. But his ft shooting was poor.

Drexler couldn't dribble

Wilt fts

Russell scoring and fts

Kobe shot selection and IQ

Shaq fts and work ethic

Kareem lack of winning

Magic defense

Bird on the ball defense

James lack offensive skills

I could go on but ill just respond to other people posts
:wtf: :wtf: :wtf:

04-04-2011, 12:32 AM
Shaq: Doughnuts

04-04-2011, 12:33 AM

Michael Jordan - 3 Point shooting.

LeBron James - Needs to work on his jump shot, no post game and no foot work.

Dwyane Wade - Needs to work on his jump shot.

Kobe Bryant - Shot selection is not that great.

Magic Johnson - Scoring and not a good defender.

Larry Bird - No post game.

oh my god is this a joke?
Larry Bird KILLED everyone in the league from the post, and if he couldn't score he made unbelievable assists from the post, one of the best if not the best SF playing at the post.

04-04-2011, 12:39 AM
There's weaknesses in great players in the NBA. Some fans talk about them like they have no weaknesses. Some mention a weakness in their game that might not be the true. Like for example I remember people said Michael Jordan was a ball hogger. But he really is not. He's passing out to teammates and averaging about 4/5 APG. Same thing example with Kobe. Name all weaknesses of the great player's you know and watched. Players from the past and present. I'll start...

Michael Jordan - 3 Point shooting.

LeBron James - Needs to work on his jump shot, no post game and no foot work.

Dwyane Wade - Needs to work on his jump shot.

Kobe Bryant - Shot selection is not that great.

Magic Johnson - Scoring and not a good defender.

Larry Bird - No post game.

Shaquille O'Neal - Free throw shooting and bad work ethic.

Tim Duncan - Free throw shooting.

Kevin Garnett - 3 Point shooting and free throw shooting.

Derrick Rose - Shot selection is not that great and no post game.

Dwight Howard - Free throw shooting and not many post moves.

Hakeem Olajuwon - Not a good free throw shooter.

Karl Malone - Not a good shot blocker and no foot work.

Charles Barkley - 3 Point shooting and free throw shooting.

Clyde Drexler - His defense needed a little work.

Dirk Nowitzki - No defense.

Steve Nash - No defense.

Allen Iverson - Shot selection is bad and a bad defender.

David Robinson - Not a good free throw shooter.

Reggie Miller - No defense.

Vince Carter - No heart and no defense.

Tracy McGrady - No heart and bad work ethic.

Jason Kidd - Needs to work on his jump shot.

Kevin Durant - Not enough body strength and not a very good passer.

Gary Payton - Not a good free throw shooter, not a good shot blocker and rebounding.

Carmelo Anthony - No defense and not a good passer.

Paul Pierce - He's slow and can't play defense.

Pau Gasol - He's soft.

Chris Paul - Rebounding and no post game.


97 bulls
04-04-2011, 12:46 AM
:wtf: :wtf: :wtf:
Lol let me clarify. James is a great scorer. But to me he's limited in that he can only drive to finish or kick. There's no inbetween game. No post game either.

04-04-2011, 01:10 AM
Tyrone Bogues - height

Michael Jordan - Gambling

James Naismith - Seriously? Wooden Baskets?

Kobe Bryant - Underaged Latinas

Karl Malone - Sloppy seconds on Kobe's jailbait

Larry Bird - Bad Back

Shawn Kemp - Triple Bacon Whoppers with Cheese

Allen Iverson - Practice

LeBron James - Still Mad At Delonte

Charles Barkley - Bad Golf Swing

Dwyane Wade - Gets locked into hotel bedrooms and doesn't know how to use his phone.

David Lee - Does not know how to Wing Chun

Courtney Lee - Same

04-04-2011, 01:19 AM
Lol let me clarify. James is a great scorer. But to me he's limited in that he can only drive to finish or kick. There's no inbetween game. No post game either.

James improved his midrange and is 45% from there this year (compare it to 32% last year and 25% the year before from 10-15 feet).

And Lebron is 43% from 16-23 feet. Better than Kobe and Wade from there who are both 38% from that distance.

So LeBron is far from limited. He has the 2nd best FG% in the NBA since the allstar break at around 60% shooting with a crazy 66TS%

04-04-2011, 01:22 AM
Ummm..... Bird had a pretty beastly post game.

04-04-2011, 01:24 AM
There a few problems with this topic. And some of the "weaknesses" are akin to saying that Babe Ruth was a poor bunter (and I am just guessing BTW.)

First of all, though, MJ was NOT a good 3pt shooter, and in FACT, he was not even an AVERAGE 3pt shooter. He had five seasons in which he outshot the league average, in 15 years, and even in those he was far from the best. And in one of those, it was clearly a fluke. He went 16-32 in his late comeback in 17 games in the 94-95 season. Furthermore, if you subtract the years in which the NBA moved the line, Jordan's 3pt percentage dropped from a career .327 down to .288.

And, as great a post-season scorer and shooter MJ was, and he was the game's greatest post-season scorer...he had three straight Finals in which he shot .455, .427, and .415. So it was not like he didn't have any poor efforts in his Finals.

Secondly, Wilt and Shaq's "weakness" at the FT line. Take a look at where those two stand in all-time FT's MADE. Chamberlain currently ranks 14th, and Shaq is at 17th. Why is that important? Because those two guys forced teams and individual players into early foul trouble. And, how many "and-one's" did those two make in their careers. I'm sorry, but I will take Shaq's 18-39 Finals game over a 4-4 ANYTIME. And it goes without saying if you want to mention Wilt's 28-32 game (which was part of his 100 point effort.) Wilt MADE 2000 MORE FT's than Larry Bird for cryingoutloud...and in FACT, he had a season in which he MADE 835 FT's, which, BTW, is the second greatest season in NBA history (behind Jerry West's 840.) He averaged 432 FT's MADE per SEASON, which is nearly 100 more than Kareem's career average of 335 made per season. What is scarry though, is to think about how many MORE points the man would have scored in his career had he been a 70% percent shooter from the line.

And Bird may have had the least weaknesses, but his strengths were not as dominating in some categories, as other's. And IMO, his post-season numbers, while certainly very good, were dwarfed by several other "greats." And he was clearly not a great shooter in his post-season career, and was even worse in his Finals. And, BTW, his 3pt shooting in his post-season career was a non-factor. And if you want me to name a weakness for Bird...Michael Cooper, who was one of the main reasons why Bird shot as poorly as he did in his Finals.

And how about the STRENGTHS of the great players? Russell was the greatest defensive player in NBA history. And he was NOT a poor offensive player. A poor scorer or shooter does not have post-season Finals of 23.6 ppg, or a Finals in which he shot .702 from the field. Nor does a poor scorer have a 30-40 game seven in the Finals, either.

Magic's defense was NOT horrible either. He was among the steals leaders, and he played more of a team defender, than an individual one. Furthermore, I would take his defensive "liabilities" anyday, when you consider that he was a complete mismatch at the other end for virtually every defender. He was too big and strong for the vast majority, and he was too explosive for the bigger defenders. And only someone who did not see him play would claim that he was not a scorer. My god, in his FIRST season, in a clinching game six Finals win on the road, all he did was score 42 points on 14-23 from the field, and 14-14 from the line. He had SEVERAL 20+ ppg seasons, as well. And how about his shooting? The man was a career .520 shooter from the floor, and had TWO seasons of .561 and .565, which are unheard of from a GUARD. And how about his passing and rebounding? He was arguably the greatest passer in NBA history, and he had SEASONS of nearly TEN rebounds per game (and post-seasons of 11.3 BTW.)

And I could go on for HOURS about Chamberlain's STRENGTH's. By far-and-away the greatest rebounder in the history of the game. And at his peak, his scoring was LIGHT YEARS ahead of EVERYONE else whoever played the game. Jeez, he averaged 40 ppg over the course of his first SEVEN SEASONS...COMBINED. He holds virtually every major scoring and rebounding record in NBA history. How about his shooting? NINE FG% titles, in 14 seasons, and the TWO highest in NBA history (and THREE of the top-5 all-time.) Here again, he was on one side of the galaxy in that department, while his peers were on the other. Passing? He is the ONLY center to ever lead the league in assists, and he also finished third in another season. Hell, at his peak, neither Bird nor MJ could match his assist marks. And defensively, he was VERY under-rated. Needless to say that he was probably only surpassed by Russell, and at his peak, he may very well have been Russell's equal. Furthermore, those that would know, like Harvey Pollack, have him as the greatest shot-blocker in NBA history. He supposedly had SEASONS of double-digit blocks, and there was a nationally televised game in which he recorded 23 blocks (and Pollack lost count at 25 in another one.) So, he only had ONE main weakness (unless you count Russell and the Celtic Dynasty)...and even in that area, he was among the all-time leaders in FT's MADE.

And you can probably make legitimate arguments for some of the other's on that original list, as well.

04-04-2011, 01:29 AM
- consistency of his freethrows: He tends to miss free throws in big game situations.

- consistency His jumper

- outside shooting

- his post-up game

- relies too much in his athletic powe

- his foot work

- his off-the-ball game

- his decision making

- No go-to move

- lack of clutchness

- lack of killer mentality

- his mentality in general (The 4C's Concentration, confidence, control and commitment)

[B]- travels anytime he touches the ball but that isn

04-04-2011, 01:36 AM
oh my god is this a joke?
Larry Bird KILLED everyone in the league from the post, and if he couldn't score he made unbelievable assists from the post, one of the best if not the best SF playing at the post.
If you ever look up Larry Bird on YouTube, you always see a link to this video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WoGmMx8Ejrw&feature=related)

If you search youtube for "larry bird low post" you find this video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T3eIW_ujmhE) from ISH's Fatal9,

From game 3 of 1986 ECF. Bird didn't take many shots, only 14, instead he picked apart the Bucks with his brilliant low post passing. Couple of his famous assists actually ended up coming from this game.

The problem with guarding Bird was if a team put a big player on it, he would take them outside and they usually weren't quick enough to stay with Bird, because
A. You couldn't give him room or he would just shoot without moving, often not even jumping on the shot.
B. He could go left or right and you had to be ready for the drive to either side. He if saw you leaning back like this, he would
C Step back on you and shoot.

If his shot was on, it was a long, long night for you. There were very few Big Men who could cover Larry Bird. So what's a team to do? You put a quicker guy on Bird who could cover his drives. This usually meant a smaller player. So Bird would post them up. Smaller players weren't strong enough to keep Bird from the basket, so it usually meant they were playing in a wide leg stance to keep a low strong center of gravity and Bird could pass right over them or they wouldn't be able to react in time if he stepped back. Look at the first video link, Bird in the low post required a double team. Late in the game, everyone knows the ball is going to Bird. Bird posts up Pippen. Back then it was illegal defense to double-team someone without the ball. Jordan double teams but he's too late and Bird hits the turnaround. Pippen, the original defender has no chance to challenge the shot is about 4-5 away when the shot goes up. The other video has plenty of clips of Bird running the offense out of the low post. He's not looking at the basket, keeps his head level and find the open man.

Bird's weakness was lateral movement against quicker players on defense. He compensated for this with quick hands, anticipation, positioning and strength, but the very quickest players could burn him.

One thing you may be confused about is Bird would post up 5 feet, 10 feet, 15 feet from the basket because he didn't need to be close to the basket to score, he just needed you on his back so he could get the ball.

04-04-2011, 01:42 AM
I'm pretty sure Garnett never needed a better 3 point shot. I hear his weakness is not having a hook shot.
Dwight has gotten more post moves and is not doing a bad job at them.
Pierce had a very quick first step in his prime and his defense was pretty average to above average throughout his career.
I don't see how Paul had rebounding as a weakness. He's been near the top of the rebounding leaders for point guards throughout his career.

04-04-2011, 01:43 AM
Shaq: Doughnuts

Goddammit! I was going to make the same joke for Charles Barkley.

04-04-2011, 01:47 AM
-garbage without getting 30 FTs a game
-prone to get shit on by joe johnson in the playoffs
-putting up empty stats against the celtics
-below average midrange game
-awful 3 point shooting
-injury prone
-sits out excessive amounts of time due to medial injuries
-the least clutch superstar in the league, even less clutch than lebron
-doesn't know how to play with other superstars, stands to the side and lets lebron make all the plays late in games

04-04-2011, 01:50 AM
-garbage without getting 30 FTs a game

Damn I'm getting beat bad tonight. I was going to say something similar...

Dwayne Wade's weakness: A fairly called game.

04-04-2011, 01:50 AM
Damn I'm getting beat bad tonight. I was going to say something similar...

Dwayne Wade's weakness: A fairly called game.

:roll: :oldlol: :applause:

04-04-2011, 01:53 AM
Couple of examples, of what I'm talking about with where Larry Bird would post.

In the famous Dominque-Bird Playoff duel, check out 9:10 of this clip. Bird and Domique are both on fire, and everyone knows Bird is getting the ball, Bird and 'Nique fight for position on the box, then Nique fronts him, Bird finally gets post position, but by then he's out by the three point line. A guy like Kareem if you let him get you posted that far out, you've done your job, but Bird you still have a problem. Also check out the goofy, circus show from the low post at about 5:05

You know the famous story (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F6sLMupoQLQ) where there was a tie game and Bird told Xavier McDaniel he was getting the ball and where he was getting it. Bird starts at the low post, goes to the high post and ends up hitting the shot over two guys from about 17 feet. You could push Bird a little bit from the spot, but he would still get the two points.

04-04-2011, 02:00 AM
I'm pretty sure Garnett never needed a better 3 point shot. I hear his weakness is not having a hook shot.
Dwight has gotten more post moves and is not doing a bad job at them.
Pierce had a very quick first step in his prime and his defense was pretty average to above average throughout his career.
I don't see how Paul had rebounding as a weakness. He's been near the top of the rebounding leaders for point guards throughout his career.
KG's biggest weakness was probably just that he settled for Jumpers and fadeaways to much. He was great at them, but he was so quick that there really wasn't a reason for him to take them.

04-04-2011, 02:02 AM
Wow. Great thread. Great posts. Is this really ISH?

04-04-2011, 02:29 AM
Michael Jordan - 3 Point shooting

LeBron James - Freethrows

Dwyane Wade - Needs to work on his perimeter jump shot & Freethrows.

Kobe Bryant - Shot selection, Passing, Rebounding is not that great

Magic Johnson - Scoring and not a good defender.

Larry Bird - defense......

Shaquille O'Neal - Free throw shooting, jumpshooting, ballhandling and bad work ethic.

Tim Duncan - Free throw shooting, ballhandling, jumpshooting.

Kevin Garnett - 3 Point shooting and free throw shooting, ballhandling.

Derrick Rose - Shot selection is not that great and no post game, defense

Dwight Howard - Free throw shooting and not many post moves, ballhandling, passing

Hakeem Olajuwon - Not a good free throw shooter, ballhandling, passing

Karl Malone - Not a good shot blocker and no foot work, ballhandling, passing and could work on defense

Charles Barkley - 3 Point shooting and free throw shooting.

Clyde Drexler - His defense needed a little work.

Dirk Nowitzki - No defense.

Steve Nash - No defense.

Allen Iverson - Shot selection is bad and a bad defender.

David Robinson - Not a good free throw shooter, ballhandler, passer

Reggie Miller - No defense.

Vince Carter - No heart and no defense.

Tracy McGrady - No heart and bad work ethic.

Jason Kidd - Needs to work on his jump shot, scoring ability

Kevin Durant - Not enough body strength and not a very good passer or defender.

Gary Payton - Not a good free throw shooter, not a good shot blocker and rebounding.

Carmelo Anthony - No defense and not a good passer and could work on defense.

Paul Pierce - He's slow and can't play defense.

Pau Gasol - He's soft, ballhandling

Chris Paul - Rebounding and no post game.

04-04-2011, 02:32 AM
Chris Paul - Rebounding and no post game.

Really ?

04-04-2011, 02:32 AM
Samaki Walker - Could only carry Kobe to one ring before Kobe got pissed he was the #1 option on the team and forced him out.

04-04-2011, 02:34 AM
have you people stopped watching lebron in 2005 or something? no post game? WTF! :eek:


04-04-2011, 02:44 AM
seriously... u can find "weakness" in anybody......... this is just stupid.. i mean... for example :

compared to dwight/love anybodys weakness is rebounding

compared to nash/kidd/lebron anybodys weakness is court vision

compared to nash/cp3/rondo/kidd/lebron anybodys weakness is passing ability

compared to lebron/kobe/wade/durant anybodys weakness is scoring ability

compared to dwight/battier/lebron/artest anybodys weakness is defense

compared to cp3/crawford anybodys weakness is ballhandling

compared to lebron/dwight/griffin anybodys weakness is athleticism

compared to lebron/wade/kobe/allen anybodys weakness is clutch

compared to lebron/wade/kobe anybodys weakness is leadership

compared to dwight howard/ming/Garnett anybodys weakness is post playing

compared to ray allen... anybody is a bad shooter

AND SO ON.................

04-04-2011, 02:47 AM
Are we talking weakness in terms of it took away from his overall effectivity? For example, MJ was not a great 3 point shooter, he was average to decent. But it didn't take anything away from his game because he was so devastating anywhere within that line that he never needed it. It's like saying that Chris Paul needs a post game.

Shaq is a classic example of weakness taking away from effectivity. His FT shooting often left him out of crunch time situations and cost Lakers more than a few games.

04-04-2011, 03:00 AM
LeBron james - No Fundamentals, no post game, and NO HEART
Kobe Bryant - Bad shot Selection
Steve Nash - No defense
Kevin Durant - No Muscle
Rose - Poor shot selection
Chris Paul - Needs too many screens
Deron Williams - Takes to many off balance shots
Rondo - No shot what soever
Wade - range shooting
Michael Jordan - no range, no competition

04-04-2011, 03:05 AM
have you people stopped watching lebron in 2005 or something? no post game? WTF! :eek:


seriously... u can find "weakness" in anybody......... this is just stupid.. i mean... for example :

compared to dwight/love anybodys weakness is rebounding

compared to nash/kidd/lebron anybodys weakness is court vision

compared to nash/cp3/rondo/kidd/lebron anybodys weakness is passing ability

compared to lebron/kobe/wade/durant anybodys weakness is scoring ability

compared to dwight/battier/lebron/artest anybodys weakness is defense

compared to cp3/crawford anybodys weakness is ballhandling

compared to lebron/dwight/griffin anybodys weakness is athleticism

compared to lebron/wade/kobe/allen anybodys weakness is clutch

compared to lebron/wade/kobe anybodys weakness is leadership

compared to dwight howard/ming/Garnett anybodys weakness is post playing

compared to ray allen... anybody is a bad shooter

AND SO ON.................
:roll: :roll: :roll:

04-04-2011, 03:11 AM
Michael Jordan - 3 Point shooting.

LeBron James - Needs to work on his jump shot, no post game and no foot work.

Dwyane Wade - Needs to work on his jump shot.

Kobe Bryant - Shot selection is not that great.

Magic Johnson - Scoring and not a good defender.

Larry Bird - No post game.

Shaquille O'Neal - Free throw shooting and bad work ethic.

Tim Duncan - Free throw shooting.

Kevin Garnett - 3 Point shooting and free throw shooting.
Why does a PF need 3 point shooting?

Derrick Rose - Shot selection is not that great and no post game.

Dwight Howard - Free throw shooting and not many post moves.

Hakeem Olajuwon - Not a good free throw shooter.

Karl Malone - Not a good shot blocker and no foot work.
How about defense in general?

Charles Barkley - 3 Point shooting and free throw shooting.

Clyde Drexler - His defense needed a little work.

Dirk Nowitzki - No defense.

Steve Nash - No defense.

Allen Iverson - Shot selection is bad and a bad defender.

David Robinson - Not a good free throw shooter.

Reggie Miller - No defense.

Vince Carter - No heart and no defense.
inconsistent effort and attitude

Tracy McGrady - No heart and bad work ethic.

Jason Kidd - Needs to work on his jump shot.

Kevin Durant - Not enough body strength and not a very good passer.

Gary Payton - Not a good free throw shooter, not a good shot blocker and rebounding.
shot-blocking? wtf?

Carmelo Anthony - No defense and not a good passer.

Paul Pierce - He's slow and can't play defense.

Pau Gasol - He's soft.
cuz you heard someone say that?

Chris Paul - Rebounding and no post game.
tiny PGs dont usually have or require these skills

some weird statements.

Tha Catalyst
04-04-2011, 07:25 AM
seriously... u can find "weakness" in anybody......... this is just stupid.. i mean... for example :

compared to dwight/love anybodys weakness is rebounding

compared to nash/kidd/lebron anybodys weakness is court vision

compared to nash/cp3/rondo/kidd/lebron anybodys weakness is passing ability

compared to lebron/kobe/wade/durant anybodys weakness is scoring ability

compared to dwight/battier/lebron/artest anybodys weakness is defense

compared to cp3/crawford anybodys weakness is ballhandling

compared to lebron/dwight/griffin anybodys weakness is athleticism

compared to lebron/wade/kobe/allen anybodys weakness is clutch

compared to lebron/wade/kobe anybodys weakness is leadership

compared to dwight howard/ming/Garnett anybodys weakness is post playing

compared to ray allen... anybody is a bad shooter

AND SO ON.................
No, just no.

Eat Like A Bosh
04-04-2011, 10:58 AM
There's weaknesses in great players in the NBA. Some fans talk about them like they have no weaknesses. Some mention a weakness in their game that might not be the true. Like for example I remember people said Michael Jordan was a ball hogger. But he really is not. He's passing out to teammates and averaging about 4/5 APG. Same thing example with Kobe. Name all weaknesses of the great player's you know and watched. Players from the past and present. I'll start...

Michael Jordan - 3 Point shooting.

LeBron James - Needs to work on his jump shot, no post game and no foot work.

Dwyane Wade - Needs to work on his jump shot.

Kobe Bryant - Shot selection is not that great.

Magic Johnson - Scoring and not a good defender.

Larry Bird - No post game.

Shaquille O'Neal - Free throw shooting and bad work ethic.

Tim Duncan - Free throw shooting.

Kevin Garnett - 3 Point shooting and free throw shooting.

Derrick Rose - Shot selection is not that great and no post game.

Dwight Howard - Free throw shooting and not many post moves.

Hakeem Olajuwon - Not a good free throw shooter.

Karl Malone - Not a good shot blocker and no foot work.

Charles Barkley - 3 Point shooting and free throw shooting.

Clyde Drexler - His defense needed a little work.

Dirk Nowitzki - No defense.

Steve Nash - No defense.

Allen Iverson - Shot selection is bad and a bad defender.

David Robinson - Not a good free throw shooter.

Reggie Miller - No defense.

Vince Carter - No heart and no defense.

Tracy McGrady - No heart and bad work ethic.

Jason Kidd - Needs to work on his jump shot.

Kevin Durant - Not enough body strength and not a very good passer.

Gary Payton - Not a good free throw shooter, not a good shot blocker and rebounding.

Carmelo Anthony - No defense and not a good passer.

Paul Pierce - He's slow and can't play defense.

Pau Gasol - He's soft.

Chris Paul - Rebounding and no post game.
CP3's a point guard, PGs don't post up anyways!
LeBron - Mental
I can conclude many other weaknesses of the above players.

04-04-2011, 11:04 AM
Dwyane Wade - Too good a player for ppl to realize.

04-04-2011, 11:11 AM

Magic wasnt a good scorer?

Dwight is currently one of the best post players in the NBA.

and why the hell 3 point shooting is a weakness for a PF? If thats KG's weakness then u better add that to Shaq, Duncans, McHale, ect.

MJ was a good 3 point shooter BTW

04-04-2011, 11:17 AM
Chris Paul is probrably the best rebounding 6 foot player in history but he's not a good rebounder :oldlol:

04-04-2011, 11:24 AM
I disagree about KG. I don't think he needs 3pt shooting, and I think he's a good FT shooter. KG's weakness is the lack of a real post game, and his failure to utilize his size and length enough on the defensive end.

KG has a great post game, very hakeem-esque honestly. And KG is one of the best if not the best paint protector in the league. He uses his quickness and length VERY well

04-04-2011, 11:33 AM
Why does the point guard have to post up?

I mean, Being at point is a different role than forward/center - I mean thats what forward and centers are for to protect the middle or work on the middle.

I really dis agree with you saying MJ - bad at 3 point shooting, cuz 1st of all its not like he needs to shoot 3pts all the time, hes just not great at it.

I disagree with you saying Lebron having no footwork - this dude has a great footwork , he has a great footwork so much that the refs dont even realize hes traveling 70% of the time :lol ya feel me?

Kevin Garnett - oh boy, No 3pts? Hes a forward.

Allen Iverson - Shot selection is bad and a bad defender.

He can guard but a different type of defender - hes more one of those guards where he estimates you and gambles for a steal or try to contaminate you.

AI's defending skill set is questionable though.

For Center's - Its really obvious most of the American player cant shoot FT..
I mean Arvidas Sabonis was a great Ft shooter IMO .. to summarize europeans is good at shooting in general.

You cant say Steve nash has no defense - hes just an average defender.

Jason Kidd - Needs to work on his jump shot. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?

iight, ima stop there.. I just wanna ask you this, HOW OLD ARE YOU?

code green
04-04-2011, 11:39 AM
if you're going to put anything for pierce, it's his inability to differentiate between a good shot and a bad shot.

04-04-2011, 11:49 AM
Why does the point guard have to post up?

I mean, Being at point is a different role than forward/center - I mean thats what forward and centers are for to protect the middle or work on the middle.

I really dis agree with you saying MJ - bad at 3 point shooting, cuz 1st of all its not like he needs to shoot 3pts all the time, hes just not great at it.

I disagree with you saying Lebron having no footwork - this dude has a great footwork , he has a great footwork so much that the refs dont even realize hes traveling 70% of the time :lol ya feel me?

Kevin Garnett - oh boy, No 3pts? Hes a forward.

Allen Iverson - Shot selection is bad and a bad defender.

He can guard but a different type of defender - hes more one of those guards where he estimates you and gambles for a steal or try to contaminate you.

AI's defending skill set is questionable though.

For Center's - Its really obvious most of the American player cant shoot FT..
I mean Arvidas Sabonis was a great Ft shooter IMO .. to summarize europeans is good at shooting in general.

You cant say Steve nash has no defense - hes just an average defender.

Jason Kidd - Needs to work on his jump shot. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?

iight, ima stop there.. I just wanna ask you this, HOW OLD ARE YOU?

If Steve Nash is an average defender Stoudemire is DPOY

And what about Kidd,you think he has a great jumpshot or what,how old are you actually?

04-04-2011, 11:56 AM
Some of OP's choices for weaknesses were just baffling. There has never and neve will be a 6'10 PG, who is dominant passer, scorer, rebounder and unbeatable post game. Seriously, Chris Paul a bad rebounder and no post game. That's like saying shaq lacked a 3 pt shot. So what?

D Will- Takes too many threes, can overdribble in transition, often becomes careless in late game situations.

Durant- Has no post game to talk about, if he ain't hitting his shots he's just a chucker and not really a part of the team's offense/

KG - too unselfish (passes up a lot of open shots)

04-04-2011, 12:28 PM
There's weaknesses in great players in the NBA. Some fans talk about them like they have no weaknesses. Some mention a weakness in their game that might not be the true. Like for example I remember people said Michael Jordan was a ball hogger. But he really is not. He's passing out to teammates and averaging about 4/5 APG. Same thing example with Kobe. Name all weaknesses of the great player's you know and watched. Players from the past and present. I'll start...

Michael Jordan - 3 Point shooting. Average 3 point shooter. One of most complete player.

LeBron James - Needs to work on his jump shot, no post game and no foot work. True.Needs foot work not only of offense but defense too.other than that he is one of most complete player.

Dwyane Wade - Needs to work on his jump shot. True.He needs longer range.Other than that one of the most complete player.

Kobe Bryant - Shot selection is not that great. Bad shot selection, bad decision maker.One of the most complete player.

Magic Johnson - Scoring and not a good defender. Not scoring but shooting.Average defender.other than these one of the most complete player.

Larry Bird - No post game. Besides Athleticism one of the most complete player.

Shaquille O'Neal - Free throw shooting and bad work ethic. Free throw,only can score around rim.Pick and roll defense is terrible.

Tim Duncan - Free throw shooting. He has everything you can ask for PF and Center. one of most complete Center and Power Forward.

Kevin Garnett - 3 Point shooting and free throw shooting. Garnett is quite good shooter for his size. He doesn't have any major weakness. One of most complete player ever.

Derrick Rose - Shot selection is not that great and no post game. True.Post game isn't weakness due to his size.

Dwight Howard - Free throw shooting and not many post moves.True.

Hakeem Olajuwon - Not a good free throw shooter. %71 for a big man good enough. He didn't have any major weakness. Probably one of most complete player ever.

Karl Malone - Not a good shot blocker and no foot work. Malone was average blocker and his foot work was fine.He was forcing jumpers more than drive in rim.

Charles Barkley - 3 Point shooting and free throw shooting. He had nice 3 point shooting for PF. Height and lack of focus on defense his weakness.

Clyde Drexler - His defense needed a little work. His defense was really good.He got no major weakness.

Dirk Nowitzki - No defense. average defender and rebounder for his size.

Steve Nash - No defense. strenght and athleticism

Allen Iverson - Shot selection is bad and a bad defender. not bad defender at all.In his prime years he was really good defender for his size.shot selection maybe. Size and strenght was his weakness

David Robinson - Not a good free throw shooter. %73 is pretty good for a big man. He didn't have any major weakness except wasn't agressive enough sometimes..

Reggie Miller - No defense. Strenght

Vince Carter - No heart and no defense. Too laid back.

Tracy McGrady - No heart and bad work ethic. Injury prone.

Jason Kidd - Needs to work on his jump shot. Agreed but he can't work on shot much at this age.

Kevin Durant - Not enough body strength and not a very good passer. Not a good defender for such size.

Gary Payton - Not a good free throw shooter, not a good shot blocker and rebounding. you can't expect him to block or rebound much with that size, one of most complete player

Carmelo Anthony - No defense and not a good passer. True, also not agressive enough

Paul Pierce - He's slow and can't play defense. Slightly slow, one of most complete players.

Pau Gasol - He's soft. True.Lack of heart against tougher players.

Chris Paul - Rebounding and no post game. He is a good rebounder for his size, you can't expect him to post with such size

Couple of other players...
Scottie Pippen:Average shooter and free throw shooter.one of the most complete player.
Dennis Rodman:Bad shooter, sucks at free throw.
Wilt : Bad shooter,sucks at free throw.
Kareem : Strenght for his size and agresiveness.
Dr.J : Jumper & range.

My opinions, of course.

04-04-2011, 12:34 PM
jordan- ballhog, chucker, below average 3 point shooting, average handles, unnecessary moves (rather make spectacular play that the safe one), horrible teammate, cant win without pippen and baseball

04-04-2011, 12:41 PM
jordan- ballhog, chucker, below average 3 point shooting, average handles, unnecessary moves (rather make spectacular play that the safe one), horrible teammate, cant win without pippen and baseball


04-04-2011, 09:18 PM
Couple of other players...
Scottie Pippen:Average shooter and free throw shooter.one of the most complete player.
Dennis Rodman:Bad shooter, sucks at free throw.
Wilt : Bad shooter,sucks at free throw.
Kareem : Strenght for his size and agresiveness.
Dr.J : Jumper & range.

My opinions, of course.

You obviously did not see Wilt in the first half of his career.


[Carl Braun said] "He [Wilt] disorganizes you under the basket the same way [as Bill Russell, on defense]. With Wilt, of course, there's that offense on top of it, which is better than Russell's. He hit on all those jumpers."
"Yes, Wilt hit on those jumpers...Wilt did come into the league with a good touch from the outside, which made his early scoring that much more significant. He wasn't just dunking the ball then."

--Red Holzman. A View from the Bench. P.70

Of course, his poor shooting also led to NINE FG% titles, and the two highest FG% seasons in NBA history (and three of the top-5)...as well as averaging 40 ppg over the course of his first SEVEN seasons...COMBINED.

04-04-2011, 09:57 PM
You obviously did not see Wilt in the first half of his career.


Of course, his poor shooting also led to NINE FG% titles, and the two highest FG% seasons in NBA history (and three of the top-5)...as well as averaging 40 ppg over the course of his first SEVEN seasons...COMBINED.

I ment mid range J.Shaq & rodman had FG% leading too.

04-04-2011, 10:01 PM
I ment mid range J.Shaq & rodman had FG% leading too.

I wish YouTube hadn't removed the footage, but at one time there was a pretty good one illustrating Chamberlain's range and variety of shots. He had a bank shot that would have rivaled Duncan's, along with a JUMP shot from up to about 15 ft, and even a sweeping HOOK shot. In that footage he was leading a near coast-to-coast fastbreak in which he fed a behind-the-back pass to a streaking teammate for a layup.

You simply can't go by his poor FT shooting. BTW, Bruce Bowen not only had a season in which his 3pt percentage was higher than his FG%...it was also higher than his FT%!

T-bomb 25
04-04-2011, 10:34 PM
oh my god is this a joke?
Larry Bird KILLED everyone in the league from the post, and if he couldn't score he made unbelievable assists from the post, one of the best if not the best SF playing at the post.^This if anything Bird didnt have a weakness outside of slightly below average athletsim in his prime he had decent ups and speed but he played with a bad back for atleast 5 years...but thats all besides Jordan the most complete player to lace up sneakers....

04-04-2011, 10:45 PM
oh my god is this a joke?
Larry Bird KILLED everyone in the league from the post, and if he couldn't score he made unbelievable assists from the post, one of the best if not the best SF playing at the post.

Dude be racist.

04-04-2011, 10:49 PM
If Steve Nash is an average defender Stoudemire is DPOY

Stoudamire is even worse in D compared to Nash, come on.

04-04-2011, 10:52 PM
saying bird didn't have a post game is just stupid

I'm Seriously
04-05-2011, 01:14 AM
Chris Paul averages 4.6 RPG for his career.(and has two seasons of averaging 5+ RPG, and has never had a season where he averaged under 4 RPG.
There's no way you can justify that being a weakness for someone who's 6-0...... in fact, thats ridiculous for someones who's 6-0.

04-06-2011, 07:31 AM
If Steve Nash is an average defender Stoudemire is DPOY

And what about Kidd,you think he has a great jumpshot or what,how old are you actually?


Think again - steve is an average defender; how could say he sucks at defending.

And for kidd - Hes just great at spot-up's...

And for you - learn your lesson and shut the **** up.

04-06-2011, 09:54 AM

:oldlol: yeah, same thing

04-06-2011, 10:01 AM
Some of the comments in this thread are so damn stupid about what players need to improve. I'm still waiting for someone to say "Shaq needed to improve his three point shooting as well as freethrows." :roll:


"Mugsy Bogues was a scrub in rebounding. He needed to improve that." as an extreme example of what I'm seeing.

04-06-2011, 11:46 AM
Derrick Rose plays point guard. Why does he need a post game again? He get's to the rack with ease. Oh and Jordan improved his 3 point shooting to be quite impressive in his last few seasons with the Bulls.

04-06-2011, 06:00 PM
Derrick Rose plays point guard. Why does he need a post game again? He get's to the rack with ease. Oh and Jordan improved his 3 point shooting to be quite impressive in his last few seasons with the Bulls.

Thats what im sayin! people dont ****in get it.. EACH POSITIONS HAVE DIFFERENT ROLE ON THE TEAM!

So for example (mentioning these players since there the one who gets really talked about.)
while kobe avg's 20-30ppg and 3-5apg, in the other hand lebron avg 30ppg and 9rpg - thats because they both play in a different system and a different position, so you cant really compare them both.. Maybe lebron's decision making is still questionable but :oldlol: :oldlol: But sometimes lebron does run the point.

Though, You can compare them with there Physical Abilities such as Vertical Leap? IQ?

Mr. Jabbar
04-06-2011, 06:03 PM
Luke Walton: you name it

04-06-2011, 06:06 PM
This thread sucks.

04-06-2011, 07:29 PM
OP plays too much 2k11.

04-06-2011, 07:30 PM
Nate Robinson, Earl Boykins, Aaron Brooks = no post game
:roll: :roll: :roll:

04-06-2011, 07:38 PM
a lot of players have one major weakness:
they want to show that they are versatile and try to prove they have no weakness!

04-06-2011, 07:41 PM
Derrick Rose - Shot selection is not that great and no post game.

shot selection will likely become better with experience... he's only in his 3rd year at 22 after all. and I don't really think post-game helps a PG all that much, last I can recall that had a post-up move was Jamal Tinsley

04-06-2011, 08:14 PM
shot selection will likely become better with experience... he's only in his 3rd year at 22 after all. and I don't really think post-game helps a PG all that much, last I can recall that had a post-up move was Jamal Tinsley

mark jackson
sam cassell
gary payton

once your speed goes, gotta make use of your fat ol' behind.

04-06-2011, 08:22 PM
It's not a weakness if it can't be exploited. You couldn't exploit MJ's 3pt shooting cause he'll hang 40 on you while shooting 55%. You couldn't stop him from penetrating early in his career and you couldn't stop him from posting up later on. His mentality was different than perimeter players today. If you gave MJ a 20 ft jumpshot, he'll take the 18 footer. If you gave him an 18 foot jump shot, he'll take the 15. If you gave him the 15, he'll take the 10...etc.

Who cares that he didn't shoot from halfcourt? His focus was on taking a better shot than the defense wanted him to take. Settling for 3 pt shots just to prove he could do it was not a part of the plan. That's what the 3pt shooting contest was for. Even if he played today, he would never let the defense off the hook and settle for such a low percentage shot regularly. Especially since it's so easy to get into the lane nowadays.

Eat Like A Bosh
04-06-2011, 08:30 PM
Saying CP3 sucks at rebounding is ridiculous. Chris Paul averages 4.6 Boards in his career, and averaged over 5 twice, over 4 4 times, and never averaged below 4. That's very impressive for a Point Guard that's only 6' nothing.

He rebounds really well for his size. Don't think it's a weakness.

Indian guy
04-06-2011, 08:37 PM
LeBron - No first step

Eat Like A Bosh
04-06-2011, 08:48 PM
LeBron - No first step
LeBron, bad post game for a guy his size.

04-06-2011, 08:59 PM
What's John Stockton weakness?

04-06-2011, 09:02 PM
LMAO @ scoring being an issue for Magic:roll: and he was fine at guarding guys at or near his size. Anyone 6-9 will have trouble with small PG's.

04-06-2011, 10:56 PM
It's not a weakness if it can't be exploited. You couldn't exploit MJ's 3pt shooting cause he'll hang 40 on you while shooting 55%. You couldn't stop him from penetrating early in his career and you couldn't stop him from posting up later on. His mentality was different than perimeter players today. If you gave MJ a 20 ft jumpshot, he'll take the 18 footer. If you gave him an 18 foot jump shot, he'll take the 15. If you gave him the 15, he'll take the 10...etc.

Who cares that he didn't shoot from halfcourt? His focus was on taking a better shot than the defense wanted him to take. Settling for 3 pt shots just to prove he could do it was not a part of the plan. That's what the 3pt shooting contest was for. Even if he played today, he would never let the defense off the hook and settle for such a low percentage shot regularly. Especially since it's so easy to get into the lane nowadays.

I agree with much of this. Jordan was NOT a good, or even an average 3pt shooter, BUT that was not a weakness. Wilt and Shaq and were not very good FT shooters, but they POUNDED opposing centers AND teams, from the FT line. Russell was a very under-rated offensive player who could put up a 30 point game in the Finals.

LMAO @ scoring being an issue for Magic and he was fine at guarding guys at or near his size. Anyone 6-9 will have trouble with small PG's.

Another ridiculous myth. Magic was a decent defender whose size created defensive problems for most guards, and whose size allowed him to outrebound opposing centers and PF's. Not only that, but that same size, along with his explosiveness in the open court, was a HUGE mis-match for opposing guards at the OTHER end. And only a complete idiot would claim that he had a problem scoring. He could routinely throw up a 30+ point game, and he had incredible efficiency for a guard in the process. My god, a career .520 shooter, who had seasons of .561 and .565 shooting.

This notion that the greats had "weaknesses" is really not worth mentioning. And the "strengths" of guys like MJ, Russell, Magic, and Wilt were OVERWHELMING.

04-06-2011, 11:24 PM
I agree with much of this. Jordan was NOT a good, or even an average 3pt shooter, BUT that was not a weakness. Wilt and Shaq and were not very good FT shooters, but they POUNDED opposing centers AND teams, from the FT line. Russell was a very under-rated offensive player who could put up a 30 point game in the Finals.

Another ridiculous myth. Magic was a decent defender whose size created defensive problems for most guards, and whose size allowed him to outrebound opposing centers and PF's. Not only that, but that same size, along with his explosiveness in the open court, was a HUGE mis-match for opposing guards at the OTHER end. And only a complete idiot would claim that he had a problem scoring. He could routinely throw up a 30+ point game, and he had incredible efficiency for a guard in the process. My god, a career .520 shooter, who had seasons of .561 and .565 shooting.

This notion that the greats had "weaknesses" is really not worth mentioning. And the "strengths" of guys like MJ, Russell, Magic, and Wilt were OVERWHELMING.

Too many video games. It's all about "skills" now, even if the player can't hit the side of the barn 5 out of 10 times.

04-06-2011, 11:46 PM
There's weaknesses in great players in the NBA. Some fans talk about them like they have no weaknesses. Some mention a weakness in their game that might not be the true. Like for example I remember people said Michael Jordan was a ball hogger. But he really is not. He's passing out to teammates and averaging about 4/5 APG. Same thing example with Kobe. Name all weaknesses of the great player's you know and watched. Players from the past and present. I'll start...

Michael Jordan - 3 Point shooting.

LeBron James - Needs to work on his jump shot, no post game and no foot work.

Dwyane Wade - Needs to work on his jump shot.

Kobe Bryant - Shot selection is not that great.

Magic Johnson - Scoring and not a good defender.

Larry Bird - No post game.

Shaquille O'Neal - Free throw shooting and bad work ethic.

Tim Duncan - Free throw shooting.

Kevin Garnett - 3 Point shooting and free throw shooting.

Derrick Rose - Shot selection is not that great and no post game.

Dwight Howard - Free throw shooting and not many post moves.

Hakeem Olajuwon - Not a good free throw shooter.

Karl Malone - Not a good shot blocker and no foot work.

Charles Barkley - 3 Point shooting and free throw shooting.

Clyde Drexler - His defense needed a little work.

Dirk Nowitzki - No defense.

Steve Nash - No defense.

Allen Iverson - Shot selection is bad and a bad defender.

David Robinson - Not a good free throw shooter.

Reggie Miller - No defense.

Vince Carter - No heart and no defense.

Tracy McGrady - No heart and bad work ethic.

Jason Kidd - Needs to work on his jump shot.

Kevin Durant - Not enough body strength and not a very good passer.

Gary Payton - Not a good free throw shooter, not a good shot blocker and rebounding.

Carmelo Anthony - No defense and not a good passer.

Paul Pierce - He's slow and can't play defense.

Pau Gasol - He's soft.

Chris Paul - Rebounding and no post game.


started watching basketball in 1996 I see...

04-07-2011, 05:23 AM
What's John Stockton weakness?

Athleticism.But he was good enough to keep up with athletic players , in his prime.I can't say same for later years.Decline of his limited athleticism became major problem for againts quick guards like iverson on defense. Also for taller guards like Ron Harper on offense. But in prime, it wasn't serious problem, he could cover it up with BBIQ.

04-07-2011, 01:53 PM
Dwight= his eyes are to close to each other= no peripheral vision= 1.5 assists per game:oldlol:
:roll: :applause: HES A CENTER YOU DUMB ASS! :applause: :roll:

04-07-2011, 02:17 PM
Has nobody yet said.....

Kobe: White girl raping

04-07-2011, 02:30 PM
Has nobody yet said.....

Kobe: White girl raping

What bothers you most?

The fact she claimed she was raped or the fact that she was white?

04-07-2011, 03:02 PM
What bothers you most?

The fact she claimed she was raped or the fact that she was white?

The fact that Kobe stans can't fathom the idea that maybe Kobe was guilty.

04-07-2011, 03:03 PM
Best one is Payton's weakness of "poor shot blocker".....:roll:

Really, because we all know PGs are known to be great shot blockers.

04-07-2011, 03:07 PM
lol @ putting Jordan's weakness as 3-pointers even though he had the record for most 3s in a finals game and still hold sthe record for most 3s in a half of a finals game. He simply didn't want the shooting 3-pointers mentality. It's what seperated him from the reggie miller's and ray allens of the world. Not saying those aren't great players in their own right but Jordan to me will be the most complete basketball of all time he literally had no weaknesses.

04-07-2011, 03:20 PM
Originally Posted by KevinNYC
What bothers you most?

The fact she claimed she was raped or the fact that she was white?

The fact that Kobe stans can't fathom the idea that maybe Kobe was guilty.I didn't pay too much attention at the time, but I recently looked into this given that people here still talk ab out it. His accuser doesn't seem too reliable, given how she admitting making false statements to the police and wouldn't testify at the trial. Also she seemed to have mental issues given that she was hospitalized as a danger to herself. It seemed to be a case of consensual sex that turned to regret.

Kobe doesn't come off as a prince during this episode, but I don't think he's a rapist, epecially since she was OK with the criminal charges being dropped and she settled the civil suit for no money, just an apology and no admission of guilt. Do you actually think he is guilty or is it just fun to say because you hate Kobe's fans?

The DA was absolutely correct in dropping the charges because this woman's credibility would have fallen apart. She either would have had to admit lying several times to the police or perjure herself. She herself told the state investigator that the police officer who took her statement seemed like he didn't believe her.

So do you really think Kobe is a rapist. Or do you have no problem making false accusations?

Ne 1
04-07-2011, 03:36 PM
Kobe- Has a tendency to take questionable shots. His shotting percentages would be higher if he toke less of those off balance and circus shots. Also struggles at making in game "adjustments".