View Full Version : IYHO: A guide to ROSE in 4 easy steps

elementally morale
04-17-2011, 09:11 AM
This is all in your HUMBLE opinion, so all the knowitalls shoud use and show some restraint, thank you. Here is a random question: What do you think of Derrick Rose?

The way it goes (or should go)

I'd like to keep this thread as clean and tidy as possible, so I advise everyone to take the following steps when answering the original question. (It can become a nice poll BTW, if we have enough answers.) So here it goes:

Name your team (i.e.: the team[s] you are rooting for)

Tell us the year you started watching basketball on the regular

Choose answers from the lists below. ONE answer per each question, not several answers.

Explain in more than 50 but less than 250 words.



I root for the:

I started watching the NBA in:


1. Derrick Rose:
a) doesn't get enough credit
b) is overhyped
c) is in his place as far as the media is concerned

2. Rose should:
a) learn how to shoot
b) play even more to his strengths
c) pass more
d) do exactly what he does, not fixing what ain't broken

3. All things considered (individual play, teamplay, leadership, etc.) I rank Rose as follows:
a) best player in the NBA
b) a top 3 player
c) a top 5 player
d) top 10
e) not top 10

4. Rose:
a) will become better with age as he learns the game
b) will be about this good overall for like a decade just with better shooting but worse athleticism, etc.
c) this is the best version of Rose right about now you'll ever see
d) is a one-hit wonder and was never as good as having been given credit for anyway

5. It is:
a) a joy watching Rose play
b) too much individual play for my liking when watching Rose play
c) disturbing watching Rose play
d) alright watching him play but not that special to be honest
e) OK watching him play until I hear the talking heads and fans talk about it

6. With Rose, the Buls this post-season will:
a) win it all
b) lose in the Finals
c) lose in ECF
d) lose in the 2nd round
e) lose to Indiana eventually

7. Doing this whole thing (i.e.: participating in this thread) was:
a) excellent, a good thread on the topic at last
b) good, but I saw better
c) didn't like it but I was bored so I thought why not
d) I have no idea at all as to why I did it
e) didn't read, LOL


04-17-2011, 09:31 AM
Good luck with this one.

elementally morale
04-17-2011, 09:34 AM
Good luck with this one.

I've been around for 9+ years, so I don't have the highest of expectations, LOL
Still, I'm giving ourselves a chance as always. It's not that I have too much to lose.

04-17-2011, 09:40 AM
Yeah, but on this site Derrick Rose is more hated than lebron and kobe combimed, mutilplied by a million.

04-17-2011, 09:41 AM
I root for the Lakers.

I started watching basketball regularly in 1998.


Now the explanation. Derrick Rose is an excellent player. He can take anybody off the dribble, his jumpshot, even though inconsistent, is not bad. Chicago has set up good pieces around him and I really believe this team will make the NBA finals. But I have a few problems. I don't know if it's a matter of Thibbs coaching or Rose's mentality, but I don't see much plays for Derrick Rose, besides the isolation, PnR and basically that's it. Yes, it works, so maybe the Bulls should keep it. But I've grown up with the understanding that the game is supposed to be played while moving and that's moving off-ball. I'm from Europe, so it's not really to my liking watching a ton of isolation plays(can't watch a Hawks game for more than a quarter) and I'd really like to see Rose dealing in different spots on the floor, not only top of key iso's.

04-17-2011, 09:43 AM
I root for the: Knicks.

I started watching the NBA in: 1992


1. Derrick Rose: is in his place as far as the media is concerned

2. Rose should: do exactly what he does, not fixing what ain't broken

3. All things considered (individual play, teamplay, leadership, etc.) I rank Rose as follows: a top 5 player

4. Rose: will become better with age as he learns the game

5. It is: too much individual play for my liking when watching Rose play

6. With Rose, the Bulls this post-season will:
I don't know but they won't win it all

7. Doing this whole thing (i.e.: participating in this thread) was: I have no idea at all as to why I did it

I need to see how he fares in the playoffs with this team and next year with a possibly improved roster to place him in the top 3.

04-17-2011, 09:55 AM
I root for the: Phoenix Suns and Orlando Magic (This Playoffs)

I started watching the NBA in: 1995


1. Derrick Rose:
c) is in his place as far as the media is concerned

2. Rose should:
b) play even more to his strengths

3. All things considered (individual play, teamplay, leadership, etc.) I rank Rose as follows:
c) a top 5 player

4. Rose:
a) will become better with age as he learns the game

5. It is:
a) a joy watching Rose play

6. With Rose, the Buls this post-season will:
c) lose in ECF

7. Doing this whole thing (i.e.: participating in this thread) was:
b) good, but I saw better

Explanation: IMO Rose and the Bulls overachieved this year so I don't have much expectations and definitely not championship expectations, as long as they reach the ECF I feel they have already accomplished a very successful season but if Bulls and Magic meet in the 2nd round I'm rooting for the Magic, my darkhorse pick. :D

elementally morale
04-17-2011, 10:11 AM
I root for the: Los Angeles Lakers

I started watching the NBA in: 1980


1. Derrick Rose:
a) doesn't get enough credit
b) is overhyped
c) is in his place as far as the media is concerned

2. Rose should:
a) learn how to shoot
b) play even more to his strengths
c) pass more
d) do exactly what he does, not fixing what ain't broken

3. All things considered (individual play, teamplay, leadership, etc.) I rank Rose as follows:
a) best player in the NBA
b) a top 3 player
c) a top 5 player
d) top 10
e) not top 10

4. Rose:
a) will become better with age as he learns the game
b) will be about this good overall for like a decade just with better shooting but worse athleticism, etc.
c) this is the best version of Rose right about now you'll ever see
d) is a one-hit wonder and was never as good as having been given credit for anyway

5. It is:
a) a joy watching Rose play
b) too much individual play for my liking when watching Rose play
c) disturbing watching Rose play
d) alright watching him play but not that special to be honest
e) OK watching him play until I hear the talking heads and fans talk about it

6. With Rose, the Buls this post-season will:
a) win it all
b) lose in the Finals
c) lose in ECF
d) lose in the 2nd round
e) lose to Indiana eventually

7. Doing this whole thing (i.e.: participating in this thread) was:
a) excellent, a good thread on the topic at last
b) good, but I saw better
c) didn't like it but I was bored so I thought why not
d) I have no idea at all as to why I did it
e) didn't read, LOL

Explanation: Rose is good and entertaining for like 15 minutes each game. After a while, I get bored watching virtually the same thing happening over and over again. I'm not saying he is one-dimensional, just that I value oter things for entertainment purposes. He is a very good player and seems to be a good leader though, but I'm not a fan of the Bulls, so negatives tend to outweight the positives for me.

I said top 10 player, but I can see him being top 5 after this post-season. He doesn't make my top 5 list as of now, yet I would have voted him on the MVP ballot, had I had a say.

I think he is a bit overrated as of now, but he seems to be the kinf of person that wil ljustify it over the next years. He will get a lot better, and I can see him battling Blake Griffin for the best player in the league title in less than 3 years.

04-17-2011, 10:11 AM
1. Derrick Rose:

b) is overhyped

2. Rose should:

d) do exactly what he does, not fixing what ain't broken

3. All things considered (individual play, teamplay, leadership, etc.) I rank Rose as follows:
d) top 10

4. Rose:
a) will become better with age as he learns the game

5. It is:
a) a joy watching Rose play

6. With Rose, the Buls this post-season will:

c) lose in ECF

7. Doing this whole thing (i.e.: participating in this thread) was:
a) excellent, a good thread on the topic at last

Explanation: I think that Rose is a little overhyped, at least on ISH, but i am from europe so i don't know how american media thinks about rose
but he is a great player top10 at worst and he will maybe crack top5 next year if he continues to get better, he also deserves the MVP award
i think that the bulls will lose in the ECF when they meet Boston but if they meet Miami they will advance to the finals but they won't beat the Lakers

04-17-2011, 10:17 AM
I root for the Miami Heat

I started watching the NBA in 1995


1. Derrick Rose:
a) doesn't get enough credit
b) is overhyped
c) is in his place as far as the media is concerned

2. Rose should:
a) learn how to shoot
b) play even more to his strengths
c) pass more
d) do exactly what he does, not fixing what ain't broken

3. All things considered (individual play, teamplay, leadership, etc.) I rank Rose as follows:
a) best player in the NBA
b) a top 3 player
c) a top 5 player
d) top 10
e) not top 10

4. Rose:
a) will become better with age as he learns the game
b) will be about this good overall for like a decade just with better shooting but worse athleticism, etc.
c) this is the best version of Rose right about now you'll ever see
d) is a one-hit wonder and was never as good as having been given credit for anyway

5. It is:
a) a joy watching Rose play
b) too much individual play for my liking when watching Rose play
c) disturbing watching Rose play
d) alright watching him play but not that special to be honest
e) OK watching him play until I hear the talking heads and fans talk about it

6. With Rose, the Buls this post-season will:
a) win it all
b) lose in the Finals
c) lose in ECF
d) lose in the 2nd round
e) lose to Indiana eventually

7. Doing this whole thing (i.e.: participating in this thread) was:
a) excellent, a good thread on the topic at last
b) good, but I saw better
c) didn't like it but I was bored so I thought why not
d) I have no idea at all as to why I did it
e) didn't read, LOL

04-17-2011, 10:22 AM
I root for the Miami Heat

I started watching the NBA in 2010


1. Derrick Rose:
a) doesn't get enough credit
b) is overhyped
c) is in his place as far as the media is concerned

2. Rose should:
a) learn how to shoot
b) play even more to his strengths
c) pass more
d) do exactly what he does, not fixing what ain't broken

3. All things considered (individual play, teamplay, leadership, etc.) I rank Rose as follows:
a) best player in the NBA
b) a top 3 player
c) a top 5 player
d) top 10
e) not top 10

4. Rose:
a) will become better with age as he learns the game
b) will be about this good overall for like a decade just with better shooting but worse athleticism, etc.
c) this is the best version of Rose right about now you'll ever see
d) is a one-hit wonder and was never as good as having been given credit for anyway

5. It is:
a) a joy watching Rose play
b) too much individual play for my liking when watching Rose play
c) disturbing watching Rose play
d) alright watching him play but not that special to be honest
e) OK watching him play until I hear the talking heads and fans talk about it

6. With Rose, the Buls this post-season will:
a) win it all
b) lose in the Finals
c) lose in ECF
d) lose in the 2nd round
e) lose to Indiana eventually

7. Doing this whole thing (i.e.: participating in this thread) was:
a) excellent, a good thread on the topic at last
b) good, but I saw better
c) didn't like it but I was bored so I thought why not
d) I have no idea at all as to why I did it
e) didn't read, LOL

04-17-2011, 10:49 AM
[QUOTE=elementally morale]

I root for the: maimi heat

I started watching the NBA in: since 89


1. Derrick Rose:
a) doesn't get enough credit
b) is overhyped
c) is in his place as far as the media is concerned

2. Rose should:
a) learn how to shoot
b) play even more to his strengths
c) pass more
d) do exactly what he does, not fixing what ain't broken

3. All things considered (individual play, teamplay, leadership, etc.) I rank Rose as follows:
a) best player in the NBA
b) a top 3 player
c) a top 5 player
d) top 10
e) not top 10

4. Rose:
a) will become better with age as he learns the game
b) will be about this good overall for like a decade just with better shooting but worse athleticism, etc.
c) this is the best version of Rose right about now you'll ever see
d) is a one-hit wonder and was never as good as having been given credit for anyway

5. It is:
a) a joy watching Rose play
b) too much individual play for my liking when watching Rose play
c) disturbing watching Rose play
d) alright watching him play but not that special to be honest
e) OK watching him play until I hear the talking heads and fans talk about it

6. With Rose, the Buls this post-season will:
a) win it all
b) lose in the Finals
c) lose in ECF
d) lose in the 2nd round
e) lose to Indiana eventually

7. Doing this whole thing (i.e.: participating in this thread) was:
a) excellent, a good thread on the topic at last
b) good, but I saw better
c) didn't like it but I was bored so I thought why not
d) I have no idea at all as to why I did it
e) didn't read, LOL

Explanation:rose a vere nice playerti to the playoff and make very clutch :bowdown: :bowdown: but not that good to lebron lebron a better player much better but rose need to make a shooting better and to pass

Alonzo Magic
04-17-2011, 10:50 AM
I root for the: Miami Heat

I started watching the NBA in:1997


1. Derrick Rose:
b) is overhyped

2. Rose should:
d) do exactly what he does, not fixing what ain't broken.

3. All things considered (individual play, teamplay, leadership, etc.) I rank Rose as follows:
d) a top 10 player

4. Rose:
a) will become better with age as he learns the game

5. It is:
a) a joy watching Rose play

6. With Rose, the Buls this post-season will:
c) lose in ECF

7. Doing this whole thing (i.e.: participating in this thread) was:
b) good, but I saw better


His team has been undervalued this season, he wouldn't be my MVP but I wouldn't necessarily deny him of that accolade. He's a breathtaking athlete and the best player in the league at getting to the rim. Really needs to improve his D, criminal that he isnt dominating on that end with his physical gifts.

04-17-2011, 12:04 PM

I root for the: cavaliers

I started watching the NBA in: 2007


1. Derrick Rose:
a) doesn't get enough credit
b) is overhyped
c) is in his place as far as the media is concerned

2. Rose should:
a) learn how to shoot
b) play even more to his strengths
c) pass more
d) do exactly what he does, not fixing what ain't broken

3. All things considered (individual play, teamplay, leadership, etc.) I rank Rose as follows:
a) best player in the NBA
b) a top 3 player
c) a top 5 player
d) top 10
e) not top 10

4. Rose:
a) will become better with age as he learns the game
b) will be about this good overall for like a decade just with better shooting but worse athleticism, etc.
c) this is the best version of Rose right about now you'll ever see
d) is a one-hit wonder and was never as good as having been given credit for anyway

5. It is:
a) a joy watching Rose play
b) too much individual play for my liking when watching Rose play
c) disturbing watching Rose play
d) alright watching him play but not that special to be honest
e) OK watching him play until I hear the talking heads and fans talk about it

6. With Rose, the Buls this post-season will:
a) win it all
b) lose in the Finals
c) lose in ECF
d) lose in the 2nd round
e) lose to Indiana eventually

7. Doing this whole thing (i.e.: participating in this thread) was:
a) excellent, a good thread on the topic at last
b) good, but I saw better
c) didn't like it but I was bored so I thought why not
d) I have no idea at all as to why I did it
e) didn't read, LOL


rose is a great player, and the best young leader in the nba. he plays selflessly, seems very humble, and is focused on a title. his defense could stand to improve a bit, and he doesnt have great court vision, but he has decent court vision and is a willing passer. he can get into the lane almost whenever he wants, and finishes as well as any pg ever. i see him peaking as the best/second best player in the nba at some stage. i dont think his stats will ever go much higher than they are right now tho. 27ppg, 9apg, 4 rpg; absolute max. the bulls should compete for a title for the next decade with him at the helm. (this is probably way more than 250 words)

edit: howard was mvp imo

elementally morale
04-17-2011, 12:31 PM
It's a pity we don't have more replies, because the poll would give us some ridiculous results. It has already started but too few answers so far to draw any kind of trend yet.

04-17-2011, 12:43 PM
I root for the: New York Knicks

I started watching the NBA in: 1979


1. Derrick Rose:
a) doesn't get enough credit
b) is overhyped
c) is in his place as far as the media is concerned

2. Rose should:
a) learn how to shoot
b) play even more to his strengths
c) pass more
d) do exactly what he does, not fixing what ain't broken

3. All things considered (individual play, teamplay, leadership, etc.) I rank Rose as follows:
a) best player in the NBA
b) a top 3 player
c) a top 5 player
d) top 10
e) not top 10

4. Rose:
a) will become better with age as he learns the game
b) will be about this good overall for like a decade just with better shooting but worse athleticism, etc.
c) this is the best version of Rose right about now you'll ever see
d) is a one-hit wonder and was never as good as having been given credit for anyway

5. It is:
a) a joy watching Rose play
b) too much individual play for my liking when watching Rose play
c) disturbing watching Rose play
d) alright watching him play but not that special to be honest
e) OK watching him play until I hear the talking heads and fans talk about it

6. With Rose, the Buls this post-season will:
a) win it all
b) lose in the Finals
c) lose in ECF
d) lose in the 2nd round
e) lose to Indiana eventually

7. Doing this whole thing (i.e.: participating in this thread) was:
a) excellent, a good thread on the topic at last
b) good, but I saw better
c) didn't like it but I was bored so I thought why not
d) I have no idea at all as to why I did it
e) didn't read, LOL

Explanation: Even though I do not think the Bulls will win it all this season, I do think they Rose will be the first star PG to win it all, as the teams best player since Isiah.

Rose is that good, but the team is not at all.

04-17-2011, 12:57 PM
rose is a great player, and the best young leader in the nba. he plays selflessly, seems very humble, and is focused on a title. his defense could stand to improve a bit, and he doesnt have great court vision, but he has decent court vision and is a willing passer. he can get into the lane almost whenever he wants, and finishes as well as any pg ever. i see him peaking as the best/second best player in the nba at some stage. i dont think his stats will ever go much higher than they are right now tho. 27ppg, 9apg, 4 rpg; absolute max. the bulls should compete for a title for the next decade with him at the helm. (this is probably way more than 250 words)

edit: howard was mvp imo
nope he does have great court vision

04-17-2011, 02:11 PM
I root for the: San Antonio Spurs

I started watching the NBA in: 1999


1. Derrick Rose:
a) doesn't get enough credit
b) is overhyped
c) is in his place as far as the media is concerned

2. Rose should:
a) learn how to shoot
b) play even more to his strengths
c) pass more
d) do exactly what he does, not fixing what ain't broken

3. All things considered (individual play, teamplay, leadership, etc.) I rank Rose as follows:
a) best player in the NBA
b) a top 3 player
c) a top 5 player
d) top 10
e) not top 10

4. Rose:
a) will become better with age as he learns the game
b) will be about this good overall for like a decade just with better shooting but worse athleticism, etc.
c) this is the best version of Rose right about now you'll ever see
d) is a one-hit wonder and was never as good as having been given credit for anyway

5. It is:
a) a joy watching Rose play
b) too much individual play for my liking when watching Rose play
c) disturbing watching Rose play
d) alright watching him play but not that special to be honest
e) OK watching him play until I hear the talking heads and fans talk about it

6. With Rose, the Buls this post-season will:
a) win it all
b) lose in the Finals
c) lose in ECF
d) lose in the 2nd round
e) lose to Indiana eventually

7. Doing this whole thing (i.e.: participating in this thread) was:
a) excellent, a good thread on the topic at last
b) good, but I saw better
c) didn't like it but I was bored so I thought why not
d) I have no idea at all as to why I did it
e) didn't read, LOL

Derrick Rose is a rising star. In his third year he is already arguably the best PG in the NBA. His athleticism is unworldly, his defense is highlight worthy. He is quiet but is somehow also a great team leader. At times he completely carries his team on offense with his ability to get inside, get the foul called and make the layup. He is a decent midrange shooter, should work on his longrange game. Great playmaker at times. Excellent in the 4th quarter. Right now I think there are only 4 players who are better than him.

No order:

Lebron James
Dwyane Wade
Dwight Howard
Kobe Bryant

04-17-2011, 02:29 PM
I root for the: Raptors

I started watching the NBA in: 1997


1. Derrick Rose:
a) doesn't get enough credit
b) is overhyped
c) is in his place as far as the media is concerned

2. Rose should:
a) learn how to shoot or stay within his range.
b) play even more to his strengths
c) pass more
d) do exactly what he does, not fixing what ain't broken

3. All things considered (individual play, teamplay, leadership, etc.) I rank Rose as follows:
a) best player in the NBA
b) a top 3 player
c) a top 5 player
d) top 10
e) not top 10

4. Rose:
a) will become better with age as he learns the game
b) will be about this good overall for like a decade just with better shooting but worse athleticism, etc.
c) this is the best version of Rose right about now you'll ever see
d) is a one-hit wonder and was never as good as having been given credit for anyway

5. It is:
a) a joy watching Rose play
b) too much individual play for my liking when watching Rose play
c) disturbing watching Rose play
d) alright watching him play but not that special to be honest
e) OK watching him play until I hear the talking heads and fans talk about it

6. With Rose, the Buls this post-season will:
a) win it all
b) lose in the Finals
c) lose in ECF
d) lose in the 2nd round
e) lose to Indiana eventually

7. Doing this whole thing (i.e.: participating in this thread) was:
a) excellent, a good thread on the topic at last
b) good, but I saw better
c) didn't like it but I was bored so I thought why not
d) I have no idea at all as to why I did it
e) didn't read, LOL

Explanation: Has started to earn the hype within the last month or so, impressed with him actually finally playing like an elite player lately.

04-17-2011, 03:13 PM
nope he does have great court vision

i would definetly disagree. he finds the open man, but rarely makes great passes that i dont see coming

04-17-2011, 05:36 PM
I'll do this since I REALLY don't feel like studying.

I root for the:

1. Bulls
2. Daylight
3. Nuggets

I started watching the NBA in:

Erm...1998 I guess. Though I watched it on and off over the years (mostly playoffs) until about 2006 or so.


1. Derrick Rose:
a) doesn't get enough credit
b) is overhyped
c) is in his place as far as the media is concerned (though this changed from 'a' to 'c' very recently)

2. Rose should:
a) learn how to shoot
b) play even more to his strengths
c) pass more (I only say this because his passing IQ isn't as good as it should be, but he's getting there)
d) do exactly what he does, not fixing what ain't broken

3. All things considered (individual play, teamplay, leadership, etc.) I rank Rose as follows:
a) best player in the NBA
b) a top 3 player (top 5 around AS break, he's elevated his game since)
c) a top 5 player
d) top 10
e) not top 10

4. Rose:
a) will become better with age as he learns the game (I think he'll become a better leader, defender, and passer as time goes on. He's a very quick learner).
b) will be about this good overall for like a decade just with better shooting but worse athleticism, etc.
c) this is the best version of Rose right about now you'll ever see
d) is a one-hit wonder and was never as good as having been given credit for anyway

5. It is:
a) a joy watching Rose play (I was a fan pretty much right away after we drafted him)
b) too much individual play for my liking when watching Rose play
c) disturbing watching Rose play
d) alright watching him play but not that special to be honest
e) OK watching him play until I hear the talking heads and fans talk about it

6. With Rose, the Buls this post-season will:
a) win it all
b) lose in the Finals
c) lose in ECF (anything less than ECF will be a disappointment, but I don't see them winning it all this year)
d) lose in the 2nd round
e) lose to Indiana eventually

7. Doing this whole thing (i.e.: participating in this thread) was:
a) excellent, a good thread on the topic at last
b) good, but I saw better
c) didn't like it but I was bored so I thought why not
d) I have no idea at all as to why I did it
e) didn't read, LOL


My explanation is with my choices.

01-17-2016, 12:56 PM
I root for the Miami Heat

I started watching the NBA in 1995


1. Derrick Rose:
a) doesn't get enough credit
b) is overhyped
c) is in his place as far as the media is concerned

2. Rose should:
a) learn how to shoot
b) play even more to his strengths
c) pass more
d) do exactly what he does, not fixing what ain't broken

3. All things considered (individual play, teamplay, leadership, etc.) I rank Rose as follows:
a) best player in the NBA
b) a top 3 player
c) a top 5 player
d) top 10
e) not top 10

4. Rose:
a) will become better with age as he learns the game
b) will be about this good overall for like a decade just with better shooting but worse athleticism, etc.
c) this is the best version of Rose right about now you'll ever see
d) is a one-hit wonder and was never as good as having been given credit for anyway

5. It is:
a) a joy watching Rose play
b) too much individual play for my liking when watching Rose play
c) disturbing watching Rose play
d) alright watching him play but not that special to be honest
e) OK watching him play until I hear the talking heads and fans talk about it

6. With Rose, the Buls this post-season will:
a) win it all
b) lose in the Finals
c) lose in ECF
d) lose in the 2nd round
e) lose to Indiana eventually

7. Doing this whole thing (i.e.: participating in this thread) was:
a) excellent, a good thread on the topic at last
b) good, but I saw better
c) didn't like it but I was bored so I thought why not
d) I have no idea at all as to why I did it
e) didn't read, LOL

:applause: :applause: http://www.reactiongifs.com/wp-content/gallery/yes/yesjacknicholson.gif