View Full Version : Man, this Durant interview is making me want to kill myself.

05-24-2011, 12:41 AM
So depressing. Never seen/heard a player so dejected. I feel bad for the guy.

strike first
05-24-2011, 12:43 AM
dirk just shat on his confidence

05-24-2011, 12:43 AM

Theoo's Daddy
05-24-2011, 12:43 AM
the lord jesus christ got his back though.

05-24-2011, 12:44 AM
It's more sad because Durant is actually a good guy. I kind of hate the Thunder right now (or more Perkins and Harden), but he's the kind of guy you want to succeed.

05-24-2011, 12:44 AM
That shot of the OKC bench during the timeout after Kidd's made 3-pt shot in OT spoke volumes. The crowd, the team... a more experienced team would still believe they had a shot to win the game even at that point, but you could see they were just completely deflated.

Another year under their belt and they'll be back.

05-24-2011, 12:45 AM
Don't have a link, I'm just watching it on ESPN.

05-24-2011, 12:46 AM
U could barely hear him he was mumbling and quiet in his responses.. He knows they are going home after Weds..

05-24-2011, 12:46 AM
I guess the rapture occurred in only OKC.

Theoo's Daddy
05-24-2011, 12:47 AM
westbrook been ****ing around, dude will feel the heat when their season is over.

05-24-2011, 12:47 AM
mad depressing... but theyll be back. this is a learning experience, it was gonna be a near impossible series for them to win anyway. cant say i am happy they choked away a 15 pt lead with 5 mins to go on their homecourt, but they need more dudes that can create their own shots at the end of games. westbrook has so much pressure on him to make the right play at the end of these games, and hes not making them. good thing you arent born clutch, you learn with experience and hes got a lot of this postseason, as has durant.

05-24-2011, 12:47 AM
Even though I troll on him, that shit was hard to watch man. Almost every great player has to go through this in the playoffs, lebron went through it, jordan went through it etc..

05-24-2011, 12:48 AM
Not inspiring. I wouldn't be surprised if he completely lays an egg in game 5 after that initial reaction.

Not what you want from your leader, though I can't blame him. I would want to kill myself after that choke job.

05-24-2011, 12:49 AM
Eh this series will help him in the long run. It will stick with him for a long time.

05-24-2011, 12:49 AM
Why is he so depressed? His team did a nice job making it to the conference finals, and stole one win in Dallas. Its definitely a successful season, they just aint good enough to be in NBA finals.

05-24-2011, 12:49 AM
Link It

05-24-2011, 12:53 AM
Why is he so depressed? His team did a nice job making it to the conference finals, and stole one win in Dallas. Its definitely a successful season, they just aint good enough to be in NBA finals.

Because they just blew a 15 point lead, could of stole one in dallas and upset the mavs by winning one at home! he knows they wont win in dallas now after that loss and the momentum of dallas now

05-24-2011, 12:55 AM
dirk just shat on his confidence


05-24-2011, 12:58 AM
mavs by 40 in game 5. durant goes into hiding never to be seen again

05-24-2011, 12:59 AM
http://www.nba.com/live1/ --> Dirk on right now

05-24-2011, 01:24 AM

05-24-2011, 01:25 AM

So sad, but so, so good. :cheers:

05-24-2011, 01:27 AM
Why is he so depressed? His team did a nice job making it to the conference finals, and stole one win in Dallas. Its definitely a successful season, they just aint good enough to be in NBA finals.
What? What a stupid question...

Any team leader would feel the exact same way after a performance like that.

05-24-2011, 01:28 AM
I don't get it though. What does Snoopy have to do with anything? It's not like I have an aversion to memes either, that one just doesn't make any sense.

I guess the rapture occurred in only OKC.
26 other NBA cities have already stopped playing basketball for this season though.

05-24-2011, 01:29 AM
I don't get it though. What does Snoopy have to do with anything? It's not like I have an aversion to memes either, that one just doesn't make any sense.

26 other NBA cities have already stopped playing basketball for this season though.

Charlie Brown is usually very depressed and tends to lose in gut wrenching ways.

Durant was super depressed after a game where his heart was just ripped out.

Patrick Chewing
05-24-2011, 01:30 AM
He and Perk need to cheer up


05-24-2011, 01:30 AM
I don't get it though. What does Snoopy have to do with anything? It's not like I have an aversion to memes either, that one just doesn't make any sense.

26 other NBA cities have already stopped playing basketball for this season though.

You've never seen that Charlie Brown thing mocked before?

Example: http://arrestedcharlie.ytmnd.com/

05-24-2011, 01:33 AM
Oh. I figured it would have to do with Charlie Brown which I was never into so wouldn't get the reference. I was more of a Calvin and Hobbes guy.

05-24-2011, 01:33 AM
Oh. I figured it would have to do with Charlie Brown which I was never into so wouldn't get the reference. I was more of a Calvin and Hobbes guy.

Word. :cheers:

05-24-2011, 01:35 AM
Oh. I figured it would have to do with Charlie Brown which I was never into so wouldn't get the reference. I was more of a Calvin and Hobbes guy.

ahh I see.

CB is also known for simply sighing at his bad luck.


05-24-2011, 01:36 AM
It's more sad because Durant is actually a good guy. I kind of hate the Thunder right now (or more Perkins and Harden), but he's the kind of guy you want to succeed.

Stern does try to help him succeed look at his numbers

05-24-2011, 01:51 AM
**** this shit man...

05-24-2011, 02:10 AM
I'm encouraged. He obviously cares and wants to win. I'll take that over superstars who seem to be jovial and not care during losses everyday. Only thing that is critical is I hope he still talks to Coach K, Doug Collins, Nate McMillan, etc. during the summers because there is nothing he is going to learn from Brooks but hopefully they can show him some things like how to get open better, better hold his position, etc. that will help him going forward. Remember, he's only 22

05-24-2011, 02:11 AM
They're young. Just look at their roster... they'll be very competitive for a while.

05-24-2011, 02:20 AM

You guys call yourselves fans yet you don't know where to go to see postgame videos? Go to nba.com


05-24-2011, 02:29 AM
There is bad blood now between Durant and Westbrook and Westbrook's got to go. Trade him for Monta who knows the game better than Westbrook, has a more mature temperment, and can play the point and still be a scoring fool. Westbrook can return to shooting guard or wherever. I don't care. Along with the Perkins trade, the guy's hurt this team. Perkins is old and slow and Thunder get outscored bad during his minutes on the floor. Team doesn't have the same heart, camaraderie, or spirit since Jeff Green and Kristic left. Westbrook threatens Stephon Marbury for league's most divisive influence. In fact Marbury never ruined a team which got to the Conference Finals so I hand the most significant divisive influence award to Westbrook.

05-24-2011, 02:32 AM
At some point during these playoffs Westbrook decided he wasn't taking a back seat to Derrick Rose and turned into a headcase. It's done. Nothing can change it. Dude's got to go. It's KD's team.

05-24-2011, 02:35 AM
No there isn't. We just have shitty offensive sets that always break down or fail to develop and then Russ has to go 1 on 1 because the shotclock is on his back

05-24-2011, 02:37 AM
Head up KD, atleast you didn't quit

05-24-2011, 02:38 AM
I'm encouraged. He obviously cares and wants to win. I'll take that over superstars who seem to be jovial and not care during losses everyday. Only thing that is critical is I hope he still talks to Coach K, Doug Collins, Nate McMillan, etc. during the summers because there is nothing he is going to learn from Brooks but hopefully they can show him some things like how to get open better, better hold his position, etc. that will help him going forward. Remember, he's only 22

Agree future is bright for him. I can tell he genuinely took all of this on his shoulders. Young fella needs to remember he's got a long ways to go and the same advice he gave Blake Griffin applies to him. Which is every young player takes their beatings in this league. For him it's paying his playoff dues and going from round 1 of the playoffs one year to conference finals in a competitive series the next is a HUGE leap!

I know in his current state he won't see it this way but OKC has had one hell of a season. I didn't expect them to get this far so soon and KD did a good job for the most part of stepping up in the playoffs besides being passive late in games occasionally, though I'm not sure that's all his fault. I will say this game Westbrook was getting him the ball quite a bit and his shots just weren't falling.

I really am starting to doubt if Westbrook is the right player to build around after Kevin.

05-24-2011, 02:39 AM

05-24-2011, 02:41 AM
There is bad blood now between Durant and Westbrook and Westbrook's got to go. Trade him for Monta who knows the game better than Westbrook, has a more mature temperment, and can play the point and still be a scoring fool. Westbrook can return to shooting guard or wherever. I don't care. Along with the Perkins trade, the guy's hurt this team. Perkins is old and slow and Thunder get outscored bad during his minutes on the floor. Team doesn't have the same heart, camaraderie, or spirit since Jeff Green and Kristic left. Westbrook threatens Stephon Marbury for league's most divisive influence. In fact Marbury never ruined a team which got to the Conference Finals so I hand the most significant divisive influence award to Westbrook.


You've got to be kidding me.


05-24-2011, 02:49 AM
Agree future is bright for him. I can tell he genuinely took all of this on his shoulders. Young fella needs to remember he's got a long ways to go and the same advice he gave Blake Griffin applies to him. Which is every young player takes their beatings in this league. For him it's paying his playoff dues and going from round 1 of the playoffs one year to conference finals in a competitive series the next is a HUGE leap!

I know in his current state he won't see it this way but OKC has had one hell of a season. I didn't expect them to get this far so soon and KD did a good job for the most part of stepping up in the playoffs besides being passive late in games occasionally, though I'm not sure that's all his fault. I will say this game Westbrook was getting him the ball quite a bit and his shots just weren't falling.

I really am starting to doubt if Westbrook is the right player to build around after Kevin.
lol at the Blake Griffin reference

05-24-2011, 02:50 AM
lol at the Blake Griffin reference

It's advice Durant gave and applies :confusedshrug:. Inexperienced playoff team taking their lickings. Glad you ignored the other 99.6 percent of my post though.

05-24-2011, 03:02 AM
Even if OKC loses this series, which I highly anticipate at this point, I think they have no reason to hang their heads low. Last year, this same team, albeit with a few different teammates, such as Jeff Green, were eliminated in the first round last season. The season prior to 2009-2010? They didn't even make the playoffs.
In two years, they went from a very limited wins team to reaching the WCF. I truly see a bright future for Durant and co.

05-24-2011, 04:49 AM
Everyone always talks up how bright the Thunders future is with their young talent, but they're ignoring how the team has zero post scoring. Perkins was supposed to be this great asset to complete the team. Him being a real center, but the guys a one dimensional scrub. Its why he always plays less then 30 minutes. Send him out with pieces for Marc Gasol and hope you can get away with a steal.

I don't blame Durant. He is what he is, too big to guard his jumper but too weak inside and too slow to slash thats not his fault. I hope he doesn't buy into the hype that he has to be superman and win the game himself. Regardless its hard for me to not sympathize more with Dirk.

05-24-2011, 04:55 AM
Everyone always talks up how bright the Thunders future is with their young talent, but they're ignoring how the team has zero post scoring. Perkins was supposed to be this great asset to complete the team. Him being a real center, but the guys a one dimensional scrub. Its why he always plays less then 30 minutes. Send him out with pieces for Marc Gasol and hope you can get away with a steal.

I don't blame Durant. He is what he is, too big to guard his jumper but too weak inside and too slow to slash thats not his fault. I hope he doesn't buy into the hype that he has to be superman and win the game himself. Regardless its hard for me to not sympathize more with Dirk.

It has been mentioned. I said myself that the reason a team like Memphis is better going forward is because of the inside/out aspect. We've all seen that a jumpshooting, fastbreaking team can't win rings in this league. You need post presence offensively. Not to be a homer but in the thread a few months back about which teams have the brightest future... I used the Clippers as an example as well. Our 2 man game of Gordon/Griffin is an inside out combo. Then we are the 2nd best paint scoring team in the league. You NEED guys who can get it done inside and out. If you rely on Iso's on the perimeter and fastbreaks too much like OKC you're screwed when the game becomes a half court game.

So when OKC is creating fastbreaks with their defense and hitting their jumpers they are a VERY good team.. probably a top 3-5 team... but when their shots aren't falling and they aren't getting steals/blocks to generate the break.. they aren't even a top 10 team.

05-24-2011, 05:38 AM
It has been mentioned. I said myself that the reason a team like Memphis is better going forward is because of the inside/out aspect. We've all seen that a jumpshooting, fastbreaking team can't win rings in this league. You need post presence offensively. Not to be a homer but in the thread a few months back about which teams have the brightest future... I used the Clippers as an example as well. Our 2 man game of Gordon/Griffin is an inside out combo. Then we are the 2nd best paint scoring team in the league. You NEED guys who can get it done inside and out. If you rely on Iso's on the perimeter and fastbreaks too much like OKC you're screwed when the game becomes a half court game.

So when OKC is creating fastbreaks with their defense and hitting their jumpers they are a VERY good team.. probably a top 3-5 team... but when their shots aren't falling and they aren't getting steals/blocks to generate the break.. they aren't even a top 10 team.

Couldn't have said it better myself. I see a lot of their stagnant offense blamed on Westbrook, or on the players not trying or whatever. We've just seen that even if Russ was making better plays and driving like Rose he would still struggle. Its just the nature of the game when a team plays without a post threat.

05-24-2011, 09:17 AM
**** this shit man...

chokelahoma city blunder

05-24-2011, 10:02 AM
There's no movement cause this team won't play for ball hog Westbrook. With the playoffs, Westbrook decided he wasn't taking a back seat to Rose. The team is stagnant when he's out there cause they know he's ****ed up. Check out the movement, the energy in the last quarter game 2 with Westbrook on the bench the whole quarter. The team came alive knowing there'd be movement. Thunder have been jacked up since Westbrook forgot it's KD's team and he ain't in KD's ballpark as a player or in temrs of basketball IQ. The only game they've won was when Westbrook sat. Dude's got to go. There's bad blood now.

05-24-2011, 10:11 AM
Thunder Half court offense is below average. won't cut it when defenses tighten up in the playoffs.... Yes, they need a post presence (durant?).

05-24-2011, 11:10 AM
chokelahoma city blunder
This guy right here is something else :rolleyes:

05-24-2011, 11:27 AM
I remember when Skip bashed Aaron Rodgers for doing the championship belt celebration because he hadnt won anything yet.. Of course since hes a KD stan/OKC fan he doesnt say anything when KD does it, but if Bron would be doing it he'd have a problem

05-24-2011, 12:17 PM
Westbrook is the new Marbury. Stephen with all his divisive behavior never had the chance to ruin a team which got to the Conference Finals so Westbrook gets the award for most significant divisive player of all time.

05-24-2011, 12:47 PM
Who is the bigger biitch? Westbrook or Marbury. I'd say Westbrook cause Marbury was just small time. He never ruined a team this good, a team that got to the conference finals.

Eat Like A Bosh
05-24-2011, 12:47 PM
There is bad blood now between Durant and Westbrook and Westbrook's got to go. Trade him for Monta who knows the game better than Westbrook, has a more mature temperment, and can play the point and still be a scoring fool. Westbrook can return to shooting guard or wherever. I don't care. Along with the Perkins trade, the guy's hurt this team. Perkins is old and slow and Thunder get outscored bad during his minutes on the floor. Team doesn't have the same heart, camaraderie, or spirit since Jeff Green and Kristic left. Westbrook threatens Stephon Marbury for league's most divisive influence. In fact Marbury never ruined a team which got to the Conference Finals so I hand the most significant divisive influence award to Westbrook.
Trade Westbrook for Monta? Lmao! :lol
That's almost as bad!
Shipping out Westbrook for Steph Curry + Filler + Picks is a much better choice. Steph Curry is a guard with a pass first mentality, as well as being a very deadly 3 point shooter. Would compliment Durant much better.

05-24-2011, 12:49 PM
Trade Westbrook for Monta? Lmao! :lol
That's almost as bad!
Shipping out Westbrook for Steph Curry + Filler + Picks is a much better choice. Steph Curry is a guard with a pass first mentality, as well as being a very deadly 3 point shooter. Would compliment Durant much better.

You make good points, but lots of dudes don't realize Monta has matured a lot. He's a genuine team leader now.

05-24-2011, 12:58 PM
. I feel bad for the guy.


yeah i feel real bad for him

05-24-2011, 02:13 PM

The post game interview

Mr. Jabbar
05-24-2011, 02:14 PM
Some1 make a gif of Dirk with Durants bleeding ripped heart in his hand, ala mortal kombat.

05-24-2011, 06:55 PM

I'm 23 years old and what is this?

No but seriously I think Charlie brown must be a bit beyond my generation because I don't get this meme.