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05-30-2011, 01:50 PM
Ancient Aliens
Michael Robles
Monday, May 30, 2011 at 10:23am

Something to think about. Ancient Egyptian Pyramids like Giza as well as other massive sculptures cannot be duplicated right now with our technology. The top Architects have said they cannot recreate the Sphinx. The only way to get such precision shapes in Granite are with top of the line industry level drills. Stonemasons have said they can't make duplicates with their own hands. Each block used for The Great Pyramid of Giza weighed up to 80 tons or 160,000 pounds. The strongest tractor or crane in the world cannot lift that much. The wheel was not even invented or in use at that time. So the question is... how did men move stones that big up to 500 miles from rock quarries?

Current dating methods actually point to the possibility that maybe the true age of Giza and other great Pyramids is around 10,500 BC. BEFORE the Egyptians.

Some say the Egyptians did not build the pyramids and the age of the pyramids is older than we think. Throughout history, there have been references to "sky gods" and flying machines. Many people think there is a possibility that the builders of the pyramids either had help from extraterrestrial beings or were at least helped by them. It is inconceivable mere muscle power could have transported those huge stones and lifted them hundreds of feet in the air. Some say they stones were placed on huge wooden rollers, but there are not many trees in Egypt.

Certain facts point to external influences. One fact is the pyramid is exactly lined up with magnetic north, but the Egyptians did not have compasses for this. Another factor is that it supposedly took hundreds of thousands of workers to build it and that many people were not available at that time. Also, there is mention of the pyramid in early hieroglyphic writings that predate the time we assume it was built.

Early writings also mention beings coming from the sky. Egyptians were very good about keeping records of everything they did, from wars to construction, but there are no writings about them building the pyramids.

05-30-2011, 01:54 PM
fvck aliens and pyramids and all that shit. Stay kushed

05-30-2011, 02:00 PM
Couple extra facts.

If you take the perimeter of the pyramid and divide it by two times the height, you get a number that is exactly equivalent to the number pi (3.14159...) up to the fifteenth digit. The chances of this phenomenon happening by sheer chance is remarkably small. Did the ancient Egyptians know what the number pi was? Not likely, seeing as it was a number not calculated accurately to the fourth digit until the 6th century, and the pyramids calculate it to the fifteenth.

Even though the sides of the base of the pyramid are some 757 feet long, it still forms an almost perfect square? Every angle in the base is exactly 90 degrees. In fact, the sides have a difference in length of something like two centimeters, which is an incredibly small amount.

A group of modern scientists attempted to build a pyramid next to the real one using modern technologies, and after 100 days, succeeded in building one about 1/40 of the size of the real one.

05-30-2011, 02:05 PM
Per cracked:

The architects of millennia past actually had some pretty damn spiffy techniques for moving enormous objects from one place to another, and none of them involved just throwing as many Jews at the project as possible.

For one, the Egyptians actually used independent contractors just like the Empire did when they built the Second Death Star. Researchers have found that small teams of professional laborers could have done much more with a little ingenuity than hundreds of thousands of peons, no matter how hard you whipped them. It's very probable that they simply put the rocks on barges and towed them along the Nile to their destination.

But how did they stack them so high, you ask? Well, fortunately, the Pyramids happened to have a pyramidal shape, which was ideally-suited for a system of ramps. That's right, it was an astounding coincidence that the shape of the building happened to also be the easiest possible way to move the stones up that building.

Where is this 'proof' the nutjob who wrote that article rants on about? Who are these 'scientists'?

05-30-2011, 02:07 PM
Interesting read, though I can already tell it's not from a credible source. The person who typed it-- I'm guessing it was you, OP? -- used poor grammar.
This isn't English class, though, so let me get the article's info itself.
Aliens building the pyramids? . . . It seems plausible. Seriously, I've always wondered how the hell the Egyptians built those damn things...

05-30-2011, 02:11 PM
Interesting read, though I can already tell it's not from a credible source. The person who typed it-- I'm guessing it was you, OP? -- used poor grammar.
This isn't English class, though, so let me get the article's info itself.
Aliens building the pyramids? . . . It seems plausible. Seriously, I've always wondered how the hell the Egyptians built those damn things...

My bad I didn't proof read it too much. Just wrote it up real quick. Didn't think that would be an issue with the terrible grammer that flies around ISH on a regular basis.

05-30-2011, 02:16 PM
They probably used an interior spiral ramp (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jean-Pierre_Houdin)
Another link (http://www.3ds.com/introduction/)

05-30-2011, 02:21 PM
Per cracked:

Where is this 'proof' the nutjob who wrote that article rants on about? Who are these 'scientists'?

The problem with these theories are that the dates are off. The modern Nile was formed around 10,000 BC. Recent dating methods point to the Pyramids NOT being built by Egyptians due to dating showing that they are likely around 10,500 years old or older.

For example here is one example of a logical source/science on why this may be.

"10,500 BC is when Orion's belt in the sky aligns with the Pyramids at the lowest point possible on the horizon, and also, at that point it is a perfect 45 degree angle. It is the first time in the precessional cycle that Orion is visible above the Horizon, and it is also the the first time the constellation of Leo is visible in the horizon. In any given year, the peak point that Orion reaches while traveling through it's orbits and ecliptic, is when it is due south. 10,500BC is the "first time" it is visible traveling an ecliptic and it is the lowest and shortest path possible in any year. It is the only year the Giza Plateau matches the sky exactly."



Don't tell me Astronomy isn't a valid science either because it obviously is.

05-30-2011, 02:25 PM
The problem with these theories are that the dates are off. The modern Nile was formed around 10,000 BC. Recent dating methods point to the Pyramids NOT being built by Egyptians due to dating showing that they are likely around 10,500 years old or older.

For example here is one example of a logical source/science on why this may be.

"10,500 BC is when Orion's belt in the sky aligns with the Pyramids at the lowest point possible on the horizon, and also, at that point it is a perfect 45 degree angle. It is the first time in the precessional cycle that Orion is visible above the Horizon, and it is also the the first time the constellation of Leo is visible in the horizon. In any given year, the peak point that Orion reaches while traveling through it's orbits and ecliptic, is when it is due south. 10,500BC is the "first time" it is visible traveling an ecliptic and it is the lowest and shortest path possible in any year. It is the only year the Giza Plateau matches the sky exactly."



Look bro, sites like "mysticalblaze" or "indigosociety" are not valid sources. I mean look at this shit: http://www.mysticalblaze.com/

The problem for your theory is:
Pyramids are all linked with clear historical events. So what gives? Is everything thousands of scientists and historians have learned about Egypt over the course of centuries a big lie? It sounds like a reach.

05-30-2011, 02:32 PM
Look bro, sites like "mysticalblaze" or "indigosociety" are not valid sources. I mean look at this shit: http://www.mysticalblaze.com/

The problem for your theory is:
Pyramids are all linked with clear historical events. So what gives? Is everything thousands of scientists and historians have learned about Egypt over the course of centuries a big lie? It sounds like a reach.

Hey I'm not saying those sites are Discovery Channel reputable or anything. I'm saying the specific articles and reasoning ARE indeed logical and valid. The article I posted is broken down by Astrology and mathematics which you haven't refuted. Ancient civilizations were known for their use of Astrology so why would this not be valid? Dating alone suggesting that Egyptians may not have built it is enough to punch a hole in your theory. In 10,500 BC the Nile didn't run the same route it does now. So the Barge theory doesn't work.

"Many legends passed down from ancient civilizations mention the Pyramid as a repository of sorts to protect the knowledge of a highly advanced civilization from "a flood." This is significant, and there are records that indicate that before the limestone surface of the Pyramids was stripped away, there was a water line that reached to about halfway up the Great Pyramid - about 240 feet - strongly suggesting that the Pyramids were built before the great flood - which occurred around 10,000 B.C.

Inside, when the Great Pyramid was first opened, there were thick salt deposits along the walls to about halfway up. Though some of this salt is attributable to natural weeping by the rocks, some is also consistent chemically with sea salt - another strong piece of evidence for the Pyramids being in existence before the Great Flood. Indeed, modern studies indicate that 10,000 B.C. was a time of massive geomagnetic, climactic and geologic changes, and it is also the time frame that Plato uses to describe the destruction of the great civilization of Atlantis - assumedly from the same catastrophic events.

There is some evidence astronomically that coincides with the 10,000 - 12,000 B.C. timeline for the construction of the Pyramids. It has long been strongly suspected that the Pyramids have an integral connection to the night sky, and to the constellation Orion in particular. The three Pyramids are not in perfect, straight alignment as one might expect, but are slightly askew.

This configuration is strongly suggestive of three stars in Orion's belt, though their orientation is different. However, if you turn the clock back by about 10,500 years, suddenly the orientation and alignment becomes perfect (see comparison below). This is strong evidence in support of the Pyramids being built during this time in ancient history rather than the classical timeframe given to us by mainstream Egyptologists."

05-30-2011, 02:45 PM
now I know we ain't talking bout Ancient Aliens without having a photo of this guy


Come on playa

05-30-2011, 02:46 PM
BTW before this turns into a debate.. I wanted to say that is NOT my intention. I was bored and researching and figured I'd share for anyone interested in things like this. I don't mind a debate or backing up what I write... but I'd prefer this page not turn into a debate that goes in circles. Just intended as some food for thought. I'm open minded to the idea that it's a lost technology NOT given by Aliens that allowed these constructions but to say it's all been explained is a complete lie. It's on par with saying the entirety of the world's oceans have been discovered or are well known. Reality is there are MANY mysteries about the construction of the pyramids, especially Giza. All we have to this point is theory, no verified facts.

05-30-2011, 02:47 PM
now I know we ain't talking bout Ancient Aliens without having a photo of this guy


Come on playa

Hahaha.... Dude I love that show. It's actually one of the things that got me into the research of Ancient Aliens and Sumerian culture. Previously I was just into modern Alien research. That guy is so awesome and enthusiastic.

05-30-2011, 02:48 PM
The problem with all these shows is they say lots of facts which may or may not be true. "DO YOU KNOW THAT THE PYRMAID IS PERFECTLY POINTING TO THE STAR OF ORION WHICH COULD ONLY BE KNOWN IF THE BUILDERS WERE ALIENS?" Statements which i have no idea if the first part, where it's pointing is true, or the second part, you could only know it a certain way, if that is true. The whole show is like that. If you believe all these statements blindly, then the show is amazing. When you realize not one thing is said that can possibly be verified (or no one besides the people who want this to be true have said is verified) then it's much less interesting.

05-30-2011, 02:53 PM
The problem with all these shows is they say lots of facts which may or may not be true. "DO YOU KNOW THAT THE PYRMAID IS PERFECTLY POINTING TO THE STAR OF ORION WHICH COULD ONLY BE KNOWN IF THE BUILDERS WERE ALIENS?" Statements which i have no idea if the first part, where it's pointing is true, or the second part, you could only know it a certain way, if that is true. The whole show is like that. If you believe all these statements blindly, then the show is amazing. When you realize not one thing is said that can possibly be verified (or no one besides the people who want this to be true have said is verified) then it's much less interesting.

The proper way to discover the truth and advance science is to listen, test it and form your own theories and opinions which is what I do. I don't hear these things and instantly use them as my word. I research it until I find the theory that makes the most sense to me. If there are a million holes in a theory obviously I don't believe it.

Patrick Chewing
05-30-2011, 02:55 PM
Hahaha.... Dude I love that show. It's actually one of the things that got me into the research of Ancient Aliens and Sumerian culture. Previously I was just into modern Alien research. That guy is so awesome and enthusiastic.

Giorgio Tsoukalos. One of my favorite programs on TV today. I love when they have marathons of it. If anything, the show is interesting and does inspire you to open up your mind a bit on all the endless possibilities in this grand universe.

Reading Chariots Of The Gods also helps

05-30-2011, 02:59 PM
Giorgio Tsoukalos. One of my favorite programs on TV today. I love when they have marathons of it. If anything, the show is interesting and does inspire you to open up your mind a bit on all the endless possibilities in this grand universe.

Reading Chariots Of The Gods also helps

Definitely. Michio Kaku is also great for opening your mind with his Physics and Wormhole theory, String theory and all that. Hey just checked and Ancient Aliens is on Netflix right now if anyone is interested.

I've been into paranormal research for a long time. I'm trying to build up resources to start an actual group but people should really give things a shot. Think about all of the things science said was impossible throughout time that has been wrong. Like how no vehicle can break the speed of sound. Which we did. Hell at one point it was theorized we would never be able to make a vehicle go faster than 50 MPH. Why do some people have such a hard time realizing that there are no limits with Science. Most theories and laws of science will eventually be broken.

It's the same in sports. Almost all records will be broken. Many things said to be impossible before have been achieved.

BEAST Griffin
05-30-2011, 03:09 PM
The one thing that seems strange is that the biggest and best Pyramids were built early on. One would think they would get bigger and better over time. But they got worse.

05-30-2011, 03:14 PM
The one thing that seems strange is that the biggest and best Pyramids were built early on. One would think they would get bigger and better over time. But they got worse.

Like I was saying in the OP.... Modern architects and engineers have said they honestly don't believe with current technology they could build another Giza replicate with the same level of quality to last thousands of years. That alone is amazing. More basic tools and technologies built something we can't? It's nuts to think that the 150 ton Granite stones used in some of Egypt's structures cannot be lifted by anything we have today. I think mathematically I read it would take 50 of the world's strongest cranes to lift stones that big.

The guy debating with me on the last page says Barges got the stones across the river to the location but even if that is true.. how did they get them 400+ feet into the air and set them down in the perfect place to within 1 hundredth of an inch or w/e precision was required? The reality is.. there are no solid, factual answers, only mystery.

05-30-2011, 03:24 PM
Like I was saying in the OP.... Modern architects and engineers have said they honestly don't believe with current technology they could build another Giza replicate with the same level of quality to last thousands of years. That alone is amazing. More basic tools and technologies built something we can't? It's nuts to think that the 150 ton Granite stones used in some of Egypt's structures cannot be lifted by anything we have today. I think mathematically I read it would take 50 of the world's strongest cranes to lift stones that big.

The guy debating with me on the last page says Barges got the stones across the river to the location but even if that is true.. how did they get them 400+ feet into the air and set them down in the perfect place to within 1 hundredth of an inch or w/e precision was required? The reality is.. there are no solid, factual answers, only mystery.

There are modern theories backed by factual data that explain lots of things. You just haven't heard about them.

BEAST Griffin
05-30-2011, 03:26 PM
Like I was saying in the OP.... Modern architects and engineers have said they honestly don't believe with current technology they could build another Giza replicate with the same level of quality to last thousands of years. That alone is amazing. More basic tools and technologies built something we can't? It's nuts to think that the 150 ton Granite stones used in some of Egypt's structures cannot be lifted by anything we have today. I think mathematically I read it would take 500 of the world's strongest cranes to lift stones that big.

The guy debating with me on the last page says Barges got the stones across the river to the location but even if that is true.. how did they get them 400+ feet into the air and set them down in the perfect place to within 1 hundredth of an inch or w/e precision was required? The reality is.. there are no solid, factual answers, only mystery.

I think the Egyptians found the pyramids and claimed them as their own. I think they even tried to replicate them but failed. That's why the oldest pyramids are the best pyramids. Whether it was Aliens who built those pyramids or another civilization is another question.

05-30-2011, 03:30 PM
There are modern theories backed by factual data that explain lots of things. You just haven't heard about them.

VERY good and compelling video. Thank you. I'm researching his theories and other things as we speak. Now read this writing which mentions flaws in this theory. The reason it's called a THEORY is because it hasn't been established as fact. Though you presented a very valid, interesting take on it... my opinion that it's all still a mystery is true. Houdin's theory has very good evidence but like every theory has flaws.


05-30-2011, 03:31 PM
There are modern theories backed by factual data that explain lots of things. You just haven't heard about them.

good video, interesting theory

05-30-2011, 03:41 PM
VERY good and compelling video. Thank you. I'm researching his theories and other things as we speak. Now read this writing which mentions flaws in this theory. The reason it's called a THEORY is because it hasn't been established as fact. Though you presented a very valid, interesting take on it... my opinion that it's all still a mystery stands.


What that link says about mr. Houdin finding no evidence of a interior ramp is false. Of course, egyptian authorities don't let one just go to the pyramid and start pulling blocks out to see if it's hollow, so it has to be done with indirect methods. If I remember right, in the documentary I saw they took gravimetric satellite pictures of the pyramid, and they showed a low density area forming a internal spiral pattern. Anyway, I don't think his theory is perfect, but it makes a lot of sense to me. I can't say I completely understood the points that guy in your link was trying to make, but I suppose mr. Houdin's theory is not perfect itself.

05-30-2011, 03:42 PM
"Houdin debunked"

Not sure how valid this is because I'm not a world class Architect..... but this is another article claiming his theory is a hoax.


05-30-2011, 03:42 PM
good video, interesting theory
Yeah there's a very good documentary on it, I think it was National Geographic's, but I'm not completely sure because it was 5 minutes in when I caught it.

05-30-2011, 03:45 PM
What that link says about mr. Houdin finding no evidence of a interior ramp is false. Of course, egyptian authorities let one just go to the pyramid and start pulling blocks out to see if it's hollow, so it has to be done with indirect methods. If I remember right, in the documentary I saw they took gravimetric satellite pictures of the pyramid, and they showed a low density area forming a internal spiral pattern. Anyway, I don't think his theory is perfect, but it makes a lot of sense to me. I can't say I completely understood the points that guy in your link was trying to make, but I suppose mr. Houdin's theory is not perfect itself.

This is why I love scientific theory. It gets us thinking.... debating and challenging our minds. I love when we make breakthroughs that are proven as fact. I hope these things get solved in our life time.

05-30-2011, 03:46 PM
"Houdin debunked"

Not sure how valid this is because I'm not a world class Architect..... but this is another article claiming his theory is a hoax.

Well yeah, I guess we laymen lack the knowledge to tell right from wrong in this case.

05-30-2011, 03:49 PM
I don't know if I believe this or not but I like the theory that humanity was at the level once before but an extinction level type event happened and humanity had to start all over again. The pyramids, the ancient Chinese map with all the continents including Antarctica and some of these ancient cities they're finding off the coast of places like Japan make me want to believe it.

I love the Ancient Alien show (season 3 coming soon:rockon: ) but there are some stuff on the show that are too far fetched.Like the Hollow Earth theory come on now.Iam glad they didnt take too much time on that segment but it just wasnt needed.

05-30-2011, 03:51 PM

I love the Ancient Alien show (season 3 coming soon:rockon: ) but there are some stuff on the show that are too far fetched.Like the Hollow Earth theory come on now.Iam glad they didnt take too much time on that segment but it just wasnt needed.

I thought the Earth being hollow was common knowledge :confusedshrug: ? Where would reptilians live otherwise?

05-30-2011, 03:51 PM
I've seen every episode of AA multiple times. It's a great show, but don't let yourself get carried away.

I will admit that I don't believe humans, or at least the humans history claims, built the Pyramids. There are just too many holes in the theories they teach you in text books.

05-30-2011, 03:52 PM
LOL. This all goes back to my love of the show X-Files as a kid. You can watch seasons 1-9 on Netflix now.

05-30-2011, 03:53 PM
LOL. This all goes back to my love of the show X-Files as a kid. You can watch seasons 1-9 on Netflix now.
I used to love X-files back then too, but it just didn't age well. I tried to get into it again last year and it was often facepalm worthy.

05-30-2011, 03:53 PM
I thought the Earth being hollow was common knowledge :confusedshrug: ? Where would reptilians live otherwise?
Everyone knows they have underwater bases.Duh!

05-30-2011, 03:53 PM
I've seen every episode of AA multiple times. It's a great show, but don't let yourself get carried away.

I will admit that I don't believe humans, or at least the humans history claims, built the Pyramids. There are just too many holes in the theories they teach you in text books.

Like how in textbooks they taught me Christopher Columbus discovered America? Not telling me that European settlers slaughtered natives who had already been there for hundreds of years or w/e?

05-30-2011, 03:55 PM
The funny part of the Pyramids to me, is the writing on the walls. You mean to tell me that a society capable of building these Pyramids, an architectual feat that would take even current day humans decades to build, would enter the Pyramid after it's done, and start drawing stick figure horses and shit on the wall?!?

I find it more likely that the Pyramids were discovered, and because they were unable to be explained, the natives worshiped them, and buried their kings/queens there.

05-30-2011, 03:55 PM
I used to love X-files back then too, but it just didn't age well. I tried to get into it again last year and it was often facepalm worthy.

If you need motivation to keep going how about Gillian Anderson. I had such a big crush on her growing up. Fair skinned... redhead with ice blue eyes and huge pouty lips. :D.

05-30-2011, 03:59 PM
The funny part of the Pyramids to me, is the writing on the walls. You mean to tell me that a society capable of building these Pyramids, an architectual feat that would take even current day humans decades to build, would enter the Pyramid after it's done, and start drawing stick figure horses and shit on the wall?!?

I find it more likely that the Pyramids were discovered, and because they were unable to be explained, the natives worshiped them, and buried their kings/queens there.

Are you talking about hieroglyphs, or some other drawings I'm not aware of. If it's the former, what did you expect them to draw on the walls? Manga?

05-30-2011, 04:00 PM
If you need motivation to keep going how about Gillian Anderson. I had such a big crush on her growing up. Fair skinned... redhead with ice blue eyes and huge pouty lips. :D.
Lol, I bet all of us who used to watch it back in the day had a crush on her. So much sexual tension going on between her and Mulder. Some years later I saw a nude (or was it topless) pic of her and I was sorely disappointed.

05-30-2011, 04:02 PM
Lol, I bet all of us who use to watch it back in the day had a crush on her. So much sexual tension going on between her and Mulder. Some years later I saw a nude (or was it topless) pic of her and I was sorely disappointed.

Haha... googling that pic now.

05-30-2011, 04:05 PM


She's smoking hot here.

Just I just saw her sex scene in movie Straightheads... I don't think she's lacking too much in the curves department. I had to close it before I got distracted too much.

05-30-2011, 04:08 PM


She's smoking hot here.
Yeah, that one's pretty good. It doesn't even look like her. The one I saw was at the beach, I think. Not very good, really.

05-30-2011, 04:38 PM
Are you talking about hieroglyphs, or some other drawings I'm not aware of. If it's the former, what did you expect them to draw on the walls? Manga?

I'm talking about a society that people claim had advanced knowledge of physics, mathematics, and architecture... who apparently spent thousands of years building what is still considered today a wonder of the World... and when they were done, they decided to draw stuff like this all over the walls.


05-30-2011, 04:40 PM
The funny part of the Pyramids to me, is the writing on the walls. You mean to tell me that a society capable of building these Pyramids, an architectual feat that would take even current day humans decades to build, would enter the Pyramid after it's done, and start drawing stick figure horses and shit on the wall?!?

I find it more likely that the Pyramids were discovered, and because they were unable to be explained, the natives worshiped them, and buried their kings/queens there.

Replicating Giza would not take current day humans decades to build. Seriously.

We could build the Empire State Building in under a year, 80 years ago. And it's over three times as tall as Giza, but it would take us decades to build Giza? No, just...no.

05-30-2011, 04:45 PM
Replicating Giza would not take current day humans decades to build. Seriously.

We could build the Empire State Building in under a year, 80 years ago. And it's over three times as tall as Giza, but it would take us decades to build Giza? No, just...no.

We also don't use 2-3 ton blocks... let alone 2.5 million of them. No offense but that's a terrible example you gave. Construction now doesn't use blocks.. let alone MASSIVE ones like that.

05-30-2011, 04:47 PM
Replicating Giza would not take current day humans decades to build. Seriously.

We could build the Empire State Building in under a year, 80 years ago. And it's over three times as tall as Giza, but it would take us decades to build Giza? No, just...no.

Do some research on the Pyramids. They were built from 2.5 ton stones made from material not even native to the land. Building the Empire State building is a cake walk compared to trying to replicate the Egyptian Pyramids.

05-30-2011, 04:53 PM
The proper way to discover the truth and advance science is to listen, test it and form your own theories and opinions which is what I do. I don't hear these things and instantly use them as my word. I research it until I find the theory that makes the most sense to me. If there are a million holes in a theory obviously I don't believe it.
my point is the basic facts they are using as proof i have no way to verify as being true. If i told you i can prove aliens came to my house because the radiation levels at my house contain radiation only found on zeta 5. So, aliens must have visited. THe problem is you can't verify waht i said, any of it. OH, a leading ufologist agrees with all i said after testing the radiation levels.

What is in the show sounds better than how i said it but you get the point. when they say the two pyramids on different sides of the earth are at exactly the same point, etc. - i have no way to know if they are pulling facts out of their ass.

05-30-2011, 04:57 PM
Do some research on the Pyramids. They were built from 2.5 ton stones made from material not even native to the land. Building the Empire State building is a cake walk compared to trying to replicate the Egyptian Pyramids.

The Empire State is an exponentially more sophisticated building than the pyramids.

And what do you mean the stone is not native to the land? They have found the limestone quarries where the pyramid blocks come from, right across the river.

05-30-2011, 05:06 PM
I think the Egyptians found the pyramids and claimed them as their own. I think they even tried to replicate them but failed. That's why the oldest pyramids are the best pyramids. Whether it was Aliens who built those pyramids or another civilization is another question.

nah the oldest pyramid are the step pyramids and the meidum pyramid which was renovated from a step pyramid. And the oldest real pyramid is the Dashur pyramid which was architecturally faulted hence it's weird looking.

My point here is that there's a documented history of works leading up to the Giza pyramid showing development in pyramid building

The argument that pyramids are alien seem to be mostly that the Egyptians were too stupid to have done it. But given how advanced their civilization was in term of social order I think that's overstated

05-30-2011, 05:07 PM
The Empire State is an exponentially more sophisticated building than the pyramids.

And what do you mean the stone is not native to the land? They have found the limestone quarries where the pyramid blocks come from, right across the river.

Wrong. 500 miles away are the quarries most are believed to have pulled from. Besides sophistication of a structure DOES NOT mean it's more difficult, just more detail oriented. What would you rather do? Make a building in phases with efficient technology or transport 2.5 million blocks each weighing 2-3 tons with less sophisticated tools to work ethic? Give me the first one.

05-30-2011, 05:08 PM
I'm talking about a society that people claim had advanced knowledge of physics, mathematics, and architecture... who apparently spent thousands of years building what is still considered today a wonder of the World... and when they were done, they decided to draw stuff like this all over the walls.


I'm sorry but I still don't see your point. What's wrong with those drawings?

pete's montreux
05-30-2011, 05:12 PM
There's evidence through erosion on the Sphinx it much, much older than previously thought.

And I think me and Anti Hero talked about something like this before, there's evidence being discovered all the time that supports the idea that there has been multiple world civilizations that were wiped out, and we've just been "starting over".

I heard a very compelling podcast a few months ago that talked about it. I'll try to find it.

05-30-2011, 05:12 PM
my point is the basic facts they are using as proof i have no way to verify as being true. If i told you i can prove aliens came to my house because the radiation levels at my house contain radiation only found on zeta 5. So, aliens must have visited. THe problem is you can't verify waht i said, any of it. OH, a leading ufologist agrees with all i said after testing the radiation levels.

What is in the show sounds better than how i said it but you get the point. when they say the two pyramids on different sides of the earth are at exactly the same point, etc. - i have no way to know if they are pulling facts out of their ass.
The thing is through out the whole episode they never once say that what they are saying is fact.Through out the whole series they always say according to Ancient Astronuats Theorists this is what what happened.They emphasize on the words words Theorists and Theory.

Also i agree with you on throwing out some of those "facts" they should always have someone on the show that will debunk that kind of stuff or tell it differently.Like for instance that example you gave about the 2 pyramids they should put out a sceintist to prove it.

pete's montreux
05-30-2011, 05:13 PM
I'm sorry but I still don't see your point. What's wrong with those drawings?

The fact that the man is actively raping the animal in the ass and there's a look of complete content on all their faces?

05-30-2011, 05:17 PM
Wrong. 500 miles away are the quarries most are believed to have pulled from. Besides sophistication of a structure DOES NOT mean it's more difficult, just more detail oriented. What would you rather do? Make a building in phases with efficient technology or transport 2.5 million blocks each weighing 2-3 tons with less sophisticated tools to work ethic? Give me the first one.

here is a sourced text that states that the limestone quarries for Giza lie a couple hundred meters south of......Giza.


05-30-2011, 05:18 PM
There's evidence through erosion on the Sphinx it much, much older than previously thought.

And I think me and Anti Hero talked about something like this before, there's evidence being discovered all the time that supports the idea that there has been multiple world civilizations that were wiped out, and we've just been "starting over".

I heard a very compelling podcast a few months ago that talked about it. I'll try to find it.

definitely post the podcast if you can find it. I was reading about this:


I definitely think there are a lot of lost civilizations which may have been more advanced than what people realize. I think as deep sea excavations get better we should see more remnants of those places

05-30-2011, 05:22 PM
The thing is through out the whole episode they never once say that what they are saying is fact.Through out the whole series they always say according to Ancient Astronuats Theorists this is what what happened.They emphasize on the words words Theorists and Theory.

Also i agree with you on throwing out some of those "facts" they should always have someone on the show that will debunk that kind of stuff or tell it differently.Like for instance that example you gave about the 2 pyramids they should put out a sceintist to prove it.
Exactly. They throw out a million things that may you say WOW but the only people agreeing with it, discussing it are people who have a vested interest in it being true. Doesn't mean it's not true, but makes it hard to accept 100% without some skepticism.

05-30-2011, 05:24 PM
And why do people consider the Empire State Building more sophisticated than the Pyramids?

You realize that if Humans were wiped from the planet, that within 20,000 years (a blink in regards to the history of the planet), any evidence of the Empire State building would be completely wiped from the Earth?

You know what would still be standing though?

05-30-2011, 05:26 PM
And why do people consider the Empire State Building more sophisticated than the Pyramids?

You realize that if Humans were wiped from the planet, that within 20,000 years (a blink in regards to the history of the planet), any evidence of the Empire State building would be completely wiped from the Earth?

You know what would still be standing though?

05-30-2011, 05:28 PM
And why do people consider the Empire State Building more sophisticated than the Pyramids?

You realize that if Humans were wiped from the planet, that within 20,000 years (a blink in regards to the history of the planet), any evidence of the Empire State building would be completely wiped from the Earth?

You know what would still be standing though?

Yeah because how robust something is has anything to do with how sophisticated something is.

Anyway, I don't at all mind all the theorizing on how the pyramids were built. But the far-out "Aliens must have done it" conclusion without a simmer of evidence? It's just so thin.

pete's montreux
05-30-2011, 05:30 PM
definitely post the podcast if you can find it. I was reading about this:


I definitely think there are a lot of lost civilizations which may have been more advanced than what people realize. I think as deep sea excavations get better we should see more remnants of those places

I'm looking now. I still have the podcasts on my PC, but I don't know which one it is. I'll have to listen to quite a few, so it may take a while.

05-30-2011, 05:32 PM
I'm sorry but I still don't see your point. What's wrong with those drawings?

After we finished building Mt. Rushmore (a joke compared to the pyramids) did someone go in and draw a picture of a guy mowing the lawn?

From a common sense standpoint, very little regarding the building of the Pyramids makes any sense. That's why, in my opinion, it's far more likely that the people we claim built the Pyramids, actually just found the Pyramids.

05-30-2011, 05:36 PM
Yeah because how robust something is has anything to do with how sophisticated something is.

Anyway, I don't at all mind all the theorizing on how the pyramids were built. But the far-out "Aliens must have done it" conclusion without a simmer of evidence? It's just so thin.

I never claimed Aliens built the Pyramids. I just claimed that the people who the History books claim built them, didn't.

And check out a show called something like "Life After People". It should be on youtube. It shows how quickly and easily any trace of humans would be erased from the planet... and how the only identifiable human creations would be made of stone. that means all our books, computers, roads, and buildings would be COMPLETELY erased from the planet.

05-30-2011, 05:38 PM
After we finished building Mt. Rushmore (a joke compared to the pyramids) did someone go in and draw a picture of a guy mowing the lawn?

From a common sense standpoint, very little regarding the building of the Pyramids makes any sense. That's why, in my opinion, it's far more likely that the people we claim built the Pyramids, actually just found the Pyramids.
Mount Rushmore isn't a religious or ceremonial building like the pyramids are, and modern society and culture is far from how it was 3k years ago. But we did do that, if you think about it. After we finished building the European gothic cathedrals (a joke compared to the pyramids) someone went in and drew religious pictures on the walls and ceilings, as well as portraits of how life was back then. I'm sure there are countless other examples.

05-30-2011, 05:49 PM
My bad I didn't proof read it too much. Just wrote it up real quick. Didn't think that would be an issue with the terrible grammer that flies around ISH on a regular basis.

My bad, man. I didn't know you wrote that yourself. I thought you were sharing an article by someone else, which is why I even mentioned the grammatical errors. I could honestly care less how you spell or use your punctuations. I assumed it was from an actual website and that's why it bothered me that there were a few misspellings here and there.

05-30-2011, 06:11 PM
I never claimed Aliens built the Pyramids. I just claimed that the people who the History books claim built them, didn't.

And check out a show called something like "Life After People". It should be on youtube. It shows how quickly and easily any trace of humans would be erased from the planet... and how the only identifiable human creations would be made of stone. that means all our books, computers, roads, and buildings would be COMPLETELY erased from the planet.
mr plastic bag though - not so easily :no:

05-30-2011, 06:17 PM
I find a lot of assumptions in this that would be very hard to prove. You can't just say they didn't have the man power without some strong evidence. How would any of us really know? None of us were there at the time. We assume they didn't have a hundred thousand men.

Are the pyramids really lined up perfectly with magnetic north? Or are the actually just really close to magnetic north? These are the kind of things that end up being stated as fact, but could really be just perpetuated lies.

Also I really doubt that we don't have anything on earth that can move 160,000 thousand pounds. The hydraulics that we have today are extremely powerful.

Hell how do we know the pyramids were built from the ground up for certain? We don't really know anything for sure about that time. Which is why we are even going as far to say that aliens had a hand in building these things.

I've worked at a dam before, they lift entire ships by filling a chamber with water. As the water level gets higher, whatever object is floating on the surface does as well.

pete's montreux
05-30-2011, 06:19 PM
nah the oldest pyramid are the step pyramids and the meidum pyramid which was renovated from a step pyramid. And the oldest real pyramid is the Dashur pyramid which was architecturally faulted hence it's weird looking.

My point here is that there's a documented history of works leading up to the Giza pyramid showing development in pyramid building

The argument that pyramids are alien seem to be mostly that the Egyptians were too stupid to have done it. But given how advanced their civilization was in term of social order I think that's overstated

The podcast I'm talking about is called Mysterious Universe. It basically covers everything paranormal related. Anything you can think of, they cover it on a monthly basis. It's really a great show that everyone in this thread should check out at least once. The really great thing about the show to me is that it never gets stale. Every week it seems the theme is different from the last with familiarity sprinkled in between.


I still haven't found the episode I spoke of earlier, but they cover this subject all the time, and I'm listening to one now where they've gone over underwater "worlds", several underwater cities are talked about with an emphasis on Yonaguni. If you don't feel like listening to the entire show, it starts at around 40 minutes, give or take.


But, go to their podcast through iTunes and check out the descriptions and you'll see what I'm talking about. Different stuff every episode.

05-30-2011, 06:21 PM
I'm talking about a society that people claim had advanced knowledge of physics, mathematics, and architecture... who apparently spent thousands of years building what is still considered today a wonder of the World... and when they were done, they decided to draw stuff like this all over the walls.


I'm talking about a society that people claim had advanced knowledge of physics, mathematics, and architecture... and when they were done, they decided to draw stuff like this all over the walls.


pete's montreux
05-30-2011, 07:40 PM
Found it!


Forbidden Archeologist Michael Cremo joins us this week to discuss the ancient origins of human beings on this planet and why the accepted theory of our past and origins could be fundamentally incorrect.
- human footprints found in 3.7 million year old ash
- human remains w/ weaponry found in 50 million year old rock
- copper coin branded on both sides with unknown language found in 200,000+ year old rock formation--193,000 years before the first coins were allegedly used
- polished, mirror like stones in 2 mile deep coal mine estimated to be over 300 million years old

Also says Darwin's theory of evolution is wrong, Sterkfontein (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sterkfontein) caves are all lies,

An abridged version of his book (http://www.demonoid.me/files/details/2450285/7273225/). A Short documentary which I have not watched yet (http://www.demonoid.me/files/details/1851156/8727870/).

I wrote this post as I was listening to the episode, so It's ugly.

05-30-2011, 07:53 PM
Found it!


- human footprints found in 3.7 million year old ash
- human remains w/ weaponry found in 50 million year old rock
- copper coin branded on both sides with unknown language found in 200,000+ year old rock formation--193,000 years before the first coins were allegedly used
- polished, mirror like stones in 2 mile deep coal mine estimated to be over 300 million years old

Also says Darwin's theory of evolution is wrong, Sterkfontein (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sterkfontein) caves are all lies,

An abridged version of his book (http://www.demonoid.me/files/details/2450285/7273225/). A Short documentary which I have not watched yet (http://www.demonoid.me/files/details/1851156/8727870/).

I wrote this post as I was listening to the episode, so It's ugly.

The only thing out of that list I've ever heard of is the 3.7 million old australopithecus footprint.

pete's montreux
05-30-2011, 08:01 PM
The only thing out of that list I've ever heard of is the 3.7 million old australopithecus footprint.

That segment is about 45 minutes long, not too bad if you wanna check it out.

05-30-2011, 08:03 PM
That segment is about 45 minutes long, not too bad if you wanna check it out.
I've bookmarked it for later. Does the guy sound legit or is he one of those kooks who make a living out of saying weird stuff on radio shows?

pete's montreux
05-30-2011, 08:08 PM
I've bookmarked it for later. Does the guy sound legit or is he one of those kooks who make a living out of saying weird stuff on radio shows?

As far as I know, his work is based on fact. He's been researching for about 30 years. He does make offer some theories, though. One of which is that humans don't evolve, we DE-evolve. Instead of evolving from apes, we de-evolve from incredibly high states of consciousness.

That doesn't seem too crazy to me, but he comes off very articulate and has undeniable evidence that humans have existed for hundreds of millions of years. He really slams the scientific community, too.

05-30-2011, 08:11 PM
Does this mean the Hyborian Age really happened?

05-30-2011, 08:13 PM
As far as I know, his work is based on fact. He's been researching for about 30 years. He does make offer some theories, though. One of which is that humans don't evolve, we DE-evolve. Instead of evolving from apes, we de-evolve from incredibly high states of consciousness.

That doesn't seem too crazy to me, but he comes off very articulate and has undeniable evidence that humans have existed for hundreds of millions of years. He really slams the scientific community, too.
Well that sounds good enough. I hate it when you start listening to a guy posing as a scientist and he ends up talking about aliens and reptilians and crazy stuff like that.

05-30-2011, 08:26 PM
lol god is an alien

05-30-2011, 08:30 PM
After we finished building Mt. Rushmore (a joke compared to the pyramids) did someone go in and draw a picture of a guy mowing the lawn?

From a common sense standpoint, very little regarding the building of the Pyramids makes any sense. That's why, in my opinion, it's far more likely that the people we claim built the Pyramids, actually just found the Pyramids.

Common sense according to who? You're one of the few people in the world who has this viewpoint.

pete's montreux
05-30-2011, 09:19 PM
Found it!


- human footprints found in 3.7 million year old ash
- human remains w/ weaponry found in 50 million year old rock
- copper coin branded on both sides with unknown language found in 200,000+ year old rock formation--193,000 years before the first coins were allegedly used
- polished, mirror like stones in 2 mile deep coal mine estimated to be over 300 million years old

Also says Darwin's theory of evolution is wrong, Sterkfontein (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sterkfontein) caves are all lies,

An abridged version of his book (http://www.demonoid.me/files/details/2450285/7273225/). A Short documentary which I have not watched yet (http://www.demonoid.me/files/details/1851156/8727870/).

I wrote this post as I was listening to the episode, so It's ugly.

I'm 20 pages into the book and they've already mentioned twice as many discoveries than listed above.

The authors are basically saying that when Darwin published his theories on evolution, that the scientific community, immediately and unequivocally adopted it as the basis of evolution without question, and systematically began to suppress any evidence otherwise, legitimate or not. Very interesting stuff.

05-31-2011, 12:13 AM
good find pete. why is that archaeologist "forbidden" ? sounds too "coincidental":violin:

05-31-2011, 12:43 AM
I'm 20 pages into the book and they've already mentioned twice as many discoveries than listed above.

The authors are basically saying that when Darwin published his theories on evolution, that the scientific community, immediately and unequivocally adopted it as the basis of evolution without question, and systematically began to suppress any evidence otherwise, legitimate or not. Very interesting stuff.

This definitely happens! On a smaller scale think about how we were all taught in our generation that Columbus discovered America as I said earlier, rather than Europeans showed up and slaughtered natives. Gave Influenza blankets to natives. History is mostly a lie. Each country teaches world history with different facts and stories. I think in life you need to do your own research, test it and trust your gut feelings. Certain things just click in your mind mind, making sense and some don't.

I don't like the fact that schools basically teach what's socially acceptable to the average American. Nobody is taught the truth. It's like you need to figure it all out for yourself. Like Darwinism has some pretty massive holes in the theory... yet they teach it because it's more logical than Creationism etc. Who has the right to really make those decisions for you?

For example in 01' when the Humane Genome project "unlocked" the sequence pretty much the entire group of scientists came to the conclusion that the intricacies of the Human Gene's made them believers in intelligent design/creationism. More than a handful of them no longer believed in Big Bang Theory.. or straight evolution. Too much precision to be random. Not saying everyone should agree but I wish education took a more neutral... open minded stance.

05-31-2011, 01:03 AM
I wanted to thank all of you though for keeping this discussion and at times debate.. respectful and logical. I love seeing threads not overrun by trolls and pricks. I think I need to keep starting off the wall threads that repel them :lol. I've had a lot of fun sharing and receiving knowledge and other POV's from you guys.

05-31-2011, 02:09 AM
I'm talking about a society that people claim had advanced knowledge of physics, mathematics, and architecture... and when they were done, they decided to draw stuff like this all over the walls.


You're making my argument for me. The people who tagged that wall didn't own it, or build it...

05-31-2011, 10:11 AM
I'm 20 pages into the book and they've already mentioned twice as many discoveries than listed above.

The authors are basically saying that when Darwin published his theories on evolution, that the scientific community, immediately and unequivocally adopted it as the basis of evolution without question, and systematically began to suppress any evidence otherwise, legitimate or not. Very interesting stuff.

thx for the link man. gonna listen now. I might check the rest of their podcasts too. I like paranormal stuff quite a bit, I'm naturally skpetical but fun to read and listen.

05-31-2011, 02:50 PM

Well first, what kind of animal is that?? A goat cow?

pete's montreux
05-31-2011, 02:52 PM
thx for the link man. gonna listen now. I might check the rest of their podcasts too. I like paranormal stuff quite a bit, I'm naturally skpetical but fun to read and listen.

Let me know what you thought.

06-01-2011, 11:29 AM
Let me know what you thought.

That was a pretty good podcast.

I find it's kind of interesting that a lot of these alternative theory guys are family members of or were infact intelligence/military agents themselves before becoming proponents of these theories. The guy who wrote behold pale horse is an example. the guy talking in the podcast says his father was an intelligence officer.

his talk about the censoring of certain scientific dissidents has also being brought up by people who don't believe in man made global warming. I think there's some truth to it. A lot of scientists collaborate and in fact are taught by other dogmatic scientists and that can definitely contribute to certain false consensus.

His actual evidence seem to definitely have basis. LIke I doubt he just made up the whole thing about illinois excavation. I have started reading about human antiquity more since. And I have heard too much about remote viewing training to just dismiss that.

Good stuff. Am gonna check out some of their other episodes

pete's montreux
06-01-2011, 11:54 AM
That was a pretty good podcast.

I find it's kind of interesting that a lot of these alternative theory guys are family members of or were infact intelligence/military agents themselves before becoming proponents of these theories. The guy who wrote behold pale horse is an example. the guy talking in the podcast says his father was an intelligence officer.

his talk about the censoring of certain scientific dissidents has also being brought up by people who don't believe in man made global warming. I think there's some truth to it. A lot of scientists collaborate and in fact are taught by other dogmatic scientists and that can definitely contribute to certain false consensus.

His actual evidence seem to definitely have basis. LIke I doubt he just made up the whole thing about illinois excavation. I have started reading about human antiquity more since. And I have heard too much about remote viewing training to just dismiss that.

Good stuff. Am gonna check out some of their other episodes

Definitely check out the book if you want more stuff like Illinois.

04-08-2012, 08:06 PM
This is actually a very good and informative show. It reminds me of the Sighting TV Series back in the 1990's.

04-08-2012, 08:07 PM
Holy crap... was this really nearly a year ago? Damn time flies by....

04-08-2012, 08:23 PM
Even though the sides of the base of the pyramid are some 757 feet long, it still forms an almost perfect square? Every angle in the base is exactly 90 degrees. In fact, the sides have a difference in length of something like two centimeters, which is an incredibly small amount.

my god! it is like they must have had some kind of plan.. a kind of "building plan" if you will.

04-09-2012, 07:45 AM
I'm open minded to the idea that it's a lost technology NOT given by Aliens that allowed these constructions but to say it's all been explained is a complete lie

Well, you're thinking about this completely backwards, then.

You're open minded to the fact that the most likely explanation (ie - not Aliens) is true? A rational mind would think that humans built the thing, but be open minded to the idea that maybe some other civilization built it.

Not to single you out, but I find this is a big problem with many people and access to the internet (or maybe I just notice it now because I interact with more people on the internet now than, say 5 years ago). People SEEM to jump to the most extreme position and take it as fact, then have to be talked back into rationality. (see: Aliens built the pyramids!, 9/11 was a conspiracy!, etc. etc.).

04-09-2012, 08:36 AM
now I know we ain't talking bout Ancient Aliens without having a photo of this guy


Come on playa

What's the story behind this dude? I've seen his pic everywhere, but where's the video to go with it?

What the f*ck is his name?

04-09-2012, 08:46 AM
What's the story behind this dude? I've seen his pic everywhere, but where's the video to go with it?

What the f*ck is his name?

Don't tell me you have NEVER seen the Ancient Aliens series? It's a TV show.

04-09-2012, 08:57 AM
I think the problem with shows like this is the people giving us the "facts" are the same people telling us the connection of the facts. I honestly doubt a lot of the facts. :confusedshrug:

04-09-2012, 10:13 AM
Don't tell me you have NEVER seen the Ancient Aliens series? It's a TV show.

I've only seen a few parts.... but I've never seen that guy with the funny hair.... where's a video?

04-09-2012, 10:14 AM
Egypt's pyramids true history


04-09-2012, 10:21 AM
Never saw this thread. Nice bump and interesting POVs from everyone

04-09-2012, 10:34 AM
I think the problem with shows like this is the people giving us the "facts" are the same people telling us the connection of the facts. I honestly doubt a lot of the facts. :confusedshrug:

Yeah, I like the show but I hate how sometimes they straight up lie. Like saying it would have been impossible for the Egyptians to move the stone blocks for the pyramids. This dude right here moved a 20,000 stone block in his backyard by himself using sticks and stones (literally, he doesn't use pulleys or metal levers or anything).


04-09-2012, 11:24 AM
Yeah, I like the show but I hate how sometimes they straight up lie. Like saying it would have been impossible for the Egyptians to move the stone blocks for the pyramids. This dude right here moved a 20,000 stone block in his backyard by himself using sticks and stones (literally, he doesn't use pulleys or metal levers or anything).

they use the word exactly. impossible, etc. a lot. there are ABSOLUTELY NO ROUGH EDGES ON THIS ROCK. IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO DO THIS. Says who? Says you? The person who wants me to believe in aliens?

I honestly think this stuff is more compelling when it's not hammered over the head like they do.

04-09-2012, 12:30 PM
That guy is a BOSS. BTW wtf... did you guys know Giorgio is only 34?

04-09-2012, 12:31 PM
I've only seen a few parts.... but I've never seen that guy with the funny hair.... where's a video?


One clip.

Nick Young
04-09-2012, 12:41 PM
my god! it is like they must have had some kind of plan.. a kind of "building plan" if you will.
You mean they had a blueprint before they started building? Surely you jest!

04-09-2012, 05:55 PM
my god! it is like they must have had some kind of plan.. a kind of "building plan" if you will.

Timmy D for MVP
04-10-2012, 03:23 AM
My problem is that in order to entertain this sort of idea one must doubt the ability of mankind to accomplish these feats.

But then look back throughout written history at what we've accomplished through sheer willpower, ingenuity, and creativity. Unless you then assume the alien help continues throughout written history to this day.

Take Your Lumps
04-10-2012, 09:38 AM
This is actually a very good and informative show.


09-11-2013, 03:11 PM
a colleague asked me the other day to watch a history channel-style presentation on the building of the pyramids. and then after watching that rubbish, i agreed to discuss it afterwards. :facepalm


09-12-2013, 12:34 AM
Nobody remembers The Gheyliens here dhue they

09-12-2013, 04:12 AM
when people can't understand why or how, they like to think that aliens or gods were involved. that must be the only logical explanation to everything for them.

well, i believe in a set of "maybe's" too...

maybe ancient people were simply smarter and possessed greater knowledge than some of you dumb asses.

09-13-2013, 12:50 AM
...maybe ancient people were simply smarter and possessed greater knowledge than some of you dumb asses.
yup... people consistently underestimate these folks IMO. they seem to think that without calculus and electricity, the best anyone could do was pretty much make sharper swords and bigger catapults.

but these peoples that we call 'ancient' were the EXACT SAME SPECIES AS US. they shared our enormous adaptable brains and had much more time and need to focus on clever engineering and clever solutions.

also, getting the patterns of the sun, the moon and the seasons right was of crucial, crucial importance to them. very often it was the difference between a civilisation flourishing and going extinct.

you wanna know why there were such astounding astrologers and mathematicians? that's a big reason why right there!