View Full Version : Lebron: "Who cares about what fans say; I'm rich and they're not."

Mr. Jabbar
06-13-2011, 02:24 AM
That was basically all what his post-game conference was about.

Is this guy trying HARD to be the most hated athlete EVER? or does EVERYTHING he says just backfires to this fool?

06-13-2011, 02:26 AM
LeBron is the type a guy who only cares about money and not basketball.

06-13-2011, 02:26 AM
LeBron is the type a guy who only cares about money and not basketball.

if that was the case, he wouldnt go to the heat

06-13-2011, 02:27 AM
Not once did he directly mention money

Q. Does it bother you that so many people are happy to see you fail?

LeBRON JAMES: Absolutely not. Because at the end of the day, all the people that was rooting on me to fail, at the end of the day they have to wake up tomorrow and have the same life that they had before they woke up today. They have the same personal problems they had today. I'm going to continue to live the way I want to live and continue to do the things that I want to do with me and my family and be happy with that.
They can get a few days or a few months or whatever the case may be on being happy about not only myself, but the Miami Heat not accomplishing their goal, but they have to get back to the real world at some point.

06-13-2011, 02:27 AM
Who the hell wants the life of a hated choker?

06-13-2011, 02:28 AM
LeBron is the type a guy who only cares about money and not basketball.
I hate LeBron, but that is false. If he didn't care about basketball he would have just went to NY because that was the city that he would have made the most money out of it. Although if you ask me, NY was probably the best city for him to play in and realistically win a title.

06-13-2011, 02:28 AM
I can't stand LeBron most of the time, but I have to say...a lot who he is was "created". What do you expect from someone who has been given the world and a half since before he ever played an NBA game? And apart from those comments, he was pretty respectful and complementary of Dallas.

06-13-2011, 02:28 AM
Who the hell wants the life of a hated choker?

Id trade lives.

06-13-2011, 02:29 AM
yeah we poor so who cares?...time to get back to reality and go back to work....at least my Girl aint looking for **** because I can't finish...

GTFO Lebronze.....

06-13-2011, 02:29 AM
more overdramatized hate for lebron. ridiculous.

06-13-2011, 02:30 AM
it did come off ike that...

"at the end of the day they have to wake up to their shitty lives, and I AM KING JAMES!!!!"

F*CK YOU B*TCH...:lol

Ne 1
06-13-2011, 02:30 AM
if that was the case, he wouldnt go to the heat

Because he wants the glory of winning a championship, but didn't wanna have to work hard to get it. That's why he tried to take a short cut by going to Miami.

06-13-2011, 02:30 AM
That was basically all what his post-game conference was about.

Is this guy trying HARD to be the most hated athlete EVER? or does EVERYTHING he says just backfires to this fool?

He doesn't do it intentionally. It's just his immaturity and ignorance coming out. His PR team must be :facepalm when this $hit happens :lol

06-13-2011, 02:30 AM
I can't stand LeBron most of the time, but I have to say...a lot who he is was "created". What do you expect from someone who has been given the world and a half since before he ever played an NBA game? And apart from those comments, he was pretty respectful and complementary of Dallas.
Very true. The guy has been having his nuts ride since he was a freshman in high school. You can't really blame him for not knowing any better. The media has created a monster out of him.

06-13-2011, 02:36 AM
Like death and taxes, it'll get to him somehow, someday, somewhere.

Lebron is Judas. He'll wander the earth, his sack full of silver, listening to the never ending voices howling after him like some demonic pension.

06-13-2011, 02:39 AM
Yeah, i'd take his life over mine. Why? Because as OP stated (and as he indirectly stated in his interview), he's rich and we're not.

06-13-2011, 02:40 AM
Lebron James is a teenage boy in a man's world (not physically, of course)
I give the guy a lot of slack for the simple reason that he is still a child.
Maybe one day he will wake the **** up and say, "ya know, I'm one of the greatest athletes to ever live. I guess I will go apeshit on the league and destroy everyone in sight."

sadly, he is not getting any younger. I fear we have seen the best of Lebron James.

06-13-2011, 02:40 AM


06-13-2011, 02:41 AM
LeBron is the type a guy who only cares about money and not basketball.
His goal is to be a billionaire, not an NBA champion (seriously, he's said this the moment he's been in the league).

06-13-2011, 02:43 AM
Yeah, i'd take his life over mine. Why? Because as OP stated (and as he indirectly stated in his interview), he's rich and we're not.

I wouldn't trade my life for any man's life...

I am proud to be me, wouldn't want to be anyone else

06-13-2011, 02:47 AM
He didn't say that. All he was saying is that he's happy with his life, and that all the people who were hating on him and the Heat (myself included) can go back to dealing with their own lives now.

06-13-2011, 02:48 AM
Lebron James is a teenage boy in a man's world (not physically, of course)
I give the guy a lot of slack for the simple reason that he is still a child.
Maybe one day he will wake the **** up and say, "ya know, I'm one of the greatest athletes to ever live. I guess I will go apeshit on the league and destroy everyone in sight."

sadly, he is not getting any younger. I fear we have seen the best of Lebron James.
The thing about it is, no matter who wants to admit it or not, basketball doesn't seem to be his biggest motivation in life. He wants to be popular, famous and most of all rich. If you look at the guys who win rings, usually you know they love the game of basketball above almost anything else...

Just think about this list:

Dirk, Kobe, KG, Tim Duncan, Shaq, D-Wade, etc....

Lebron's name, talent wise, belongs right there on that list, somewhere near the top in fact. But those are guys who lay it all on the line, guys who at least during the season put basketball and winning above all else. Something that Lebron seemingly doesn't have a desire for. He wants to win, but he also wants it to be glamorous, and winning is just a small piece to the puzzle for him rather than his be all end all. And he pretty much said it himself. He's gonna be happy with his friends and fam in the off-season.

06-13-2011, 02:49 AM

I wouldn't trade my life for any man's life...

I am proud to be me, wouldn't want to be anyone else

oh please, if you could be yourself, and also be a millionaire and one of the best Basketball players in the world, you would take it in a heartbeat.

My dream is to be a pro bball player, always has been. I'm perfectly happy with my life, but if I could be in LeBrons shoes? Sign me up.

06-13-2011, 02:50 AM
The thing about it is, no matter who wants to admit it or not, basketball doesn't seem to be his biggest motivation in life. He wants to be popular, famous and most of all rich.

Ya, that's why he took less money to share the glory with another superstar.

06-13-2011, 02:51 AM
oh please, if you could be yourself, and also be a millionaire and one of the best Basketball players in the world, you would take it in a heartbeat.

My dream is to be a pro bball player, always has been. I'm perfectly happy with my life, but if I could be in LeBrons shoes? Sign me up.
wait, am I myself or Bron?

if I could trade my life for Brons I will reject it...I PROMISE you that...

my life is my life...I don't want another man's life...I want my own

06-13-2011, 02:52 AM
He didn't say that. All he was saying is that he's happy with his life, and that all the people who were hating on him and the Heat (myself included) can go back to dealing with their own lives now.
If u can't see why or how that was said in a pretentious bitter way then i have no idea how to help understand that he was pretty much saying he's better then everyone else who isn't rich

06-13-2011, 02:52 AM
oh please, if you could be yourself, and also be a millionaire and one of the best Basketball players in the world, you would take it in a heartbeat.

My dream is to be a pro bball player, always has been. I'm perfectly happy with my life, but if I could be in LeBrons shoes? Sign me up.
Exactly. I didn't mean that I wish I was Lebron James the person, specifically. If I could be me, but have his money and power and position, no question i'd take it.

06-13-2011, 02:55 AM
Ya, that's why he took less money to share the glory with another superstar.
That's a big myth. People always talk about him taking less money, but with the tax situation in Florida, it's not as huge of a discount as it's being made out to be. Not only that, his NBA salary isn't even the biggest part of his earned income over the course of the year. And he didn't just make a decision to share the glory, it was just as much to have someone to share the burden so that he didn't have to do it "alone" as he claimed to be doing it prior to joining team Diva.

06-13-2011, 03:02 AM
Ya, that's why he took less money to share the glory with another superstar.

Haha what the hell. He didn't take less money to share the glory. He took less money for the easier route to a title. If he wanted to share the glory he could just praise his team more in the media.

06-13-2011, 03:06 AM
Haha what the hell. He didn't take less money to share the glory. He took less money for the easier route to a title. If he wanted to share the glory he could just praise his team more in the media.
:oldlol: Yeah this.. And just for the record as recorded by forbes...

Bron's earnings in 2009-2010 were at 40M (Cleveland)
Bron's earnings in 2010-2011 are at 48M, just below Kobe's 53M

06-13-2011, 03:07 AM

I wouldn't trade my life for any man's life...

I am proud to be me, wouldn't want to be anyone else
:applause: :applause:

06-13-2011, 03:09 AM
wait, am I myself or Bron?

if I could trade my life for Brons I will reject it...I PROMISE you that...

my life is my life...I don't want another man's life...I want my own
yeah and that hairline isn't too nice either:confusedshrug:

06-13-2011, 03:10 AM
azz, I took it that way too!lol

06-13-2011, 03:11 AM
yeah and that hairline isn't too nice either:confusedshrug:
oh, and there is also the fact that he is an epic douchebag that no one likes...:oldlol:

06-13-2011, 03:11 AM
Who the hell wants the life of a hated choker?

I'd almost guarantee that anybody here would. Fame, Fortune, Livin' the high life. Gotta be better than sittin at home posting random hate on an internet forum. Well done Mavs :applause: but I know I'd switch lives with LeBron in a heartbeat and if you say you wouldn't then there's something seriously wrong with you ( or your actually Dirk, and not just the sweat on his nuts) , if I was LeBron all the Hate in the world wouldn't phase me one bit.

Samurai Swoosh
06-13-2011, 03:11 AM
LOL ... great end to the NBA season. I'm done with ISH for awhile. Have a kick ass summer, fellas.


06-13-2011, 03:12 AM
Who the hell wants the life of a hated choker?

In a heart beat.

06-13-2011, 03:13 AM
Not only that, his NBA salary isn't even the biggest part of his earned income over the course of the year.

And he could've made millions more if he signed with New York if all he cared about was money and his image.

06-13-2011, 03:14 AM
Trade lives and be Lebron? No. the situations, however? sure, why not.

06-13-2011, 03:15 AM
He doesn't do it intentionally. It's just his immaturity and ignorance coming out. His PR team must be :facepalm when this $hit happens :lol
This :pimp: Lebron was treated like demigod when he was raised, no father figure to keep him in check. What we see is yet another sad case of rich immature athlete, who thinks Earth circles around him.

06-13-2011, 03:18 AM
And he could've made millions more if he signed with New York if all he cared about was money and his image.
And received 100X more scrutiny because NY is a far less forgiving city. Everyone knows that. NY and Philly are places you gotta have real thick skin to play for.

06-13-2011, 03:24 AM
Earlier this year, I bought a LeBron James' Miami Heat jersey, not because I was bandwagoning-- FWIW, I'm a Lakers' fan for life-- but because I still appreciated the dude's game... And there was the added bonus of the jersey being relatively cheap for such a sick looking clothing article, imo.
I honestly regret even showing any support for this MFer. I won't hate. He's a talented basketball player, but put virtually anyone else in his shoes and you'd probably get a ring out of that 6'8" body of his.
What a waste of talent this guy is.
What he said in his press conference interview was not only offensive to me as a basketball fan but also as a human being. WTF does he mean that I'll wake up and have the same problems, while he's living out his income with his family?
For those of you saying that LeBron is truly a basketball player first and money hungry bastard second, am I the only one who recalls Queen James saying he wants to become the first billionaire in NBA history? I don't have a link proving it, but I am positive that most of you must recall this punk saying that a few years ago.
Even while this dumbass was choking away in the 4th quarter of this entire series, and even as I rooted for Dallas (not because I hate the Heat, instead because I wanted to be able to say the Lakers were swept by the 2011 champs, not chokers), I insisted to my friends and family that LeBron isn't as bad of a dude as he's been made out to be this entire 2010-2011 season. I looked past "The Decision," past the comment about the Heat winning 7 titles, past him comparing his team of ring chasers with the Beetles as far as fame goes, and definitely past all the ignorant comments he made throughout the entire regular and post seasons.
I've never been a die-hard LeBron James fan. I just respected the guy's hustle, his drive to succeed, and his overall ability.
His press conference after the loss to the 2011 champions (congrats, Mavs! You guys deserved it!) was the last straw, though.
The next time LeBron's name gets mentioned around me, I'll let my displeasure of this ugly ass, underacheiving, stardom-seeking, annoying MFer be known to everyone.

**** YOU, LeBRON.

Money doesn't buy you happiness, and you can attest to this, too:
Money doesn't buy you rings either.

Dirk's 1 ring > 0 from LeBron, sucka.

Mr. Jabbar
06-13-2011, 03:36 AM
Earlier this year, I bought a LeBron James' Miami Heat jersey, not because I was bandwagoning-- FWIW, I'm a Lakers' fan for life-- but because I still appreciated the dude's game... And there was the added bonus of the jersey being relatively cheap for such a sick looking clothing article, imo.
I honestly regret even showing any support for this MFer. I won't hate. He's a talented basketball player, but put virtually anyone else in his shoes and you'd probably get a ring out of that 6'8" body of his.
What a waste of talent this guy is.
What he said in his press conference interview was not only offensive to me as a basketball fan but also as a human being. WTF does he mean that I'll wake up and have the same problems, while he's living out his income with his family?
For those of you saying that LeBron is truly a basketball player first and money hungry bastard second, am I the only one who recalls Queen James saying he wants to become the first billionaire in NBA history? I don't have a link proving it, but I am positive that most of you must recall this punk saying that a few years ago.
Even while this dumbass was choking away in the 4th quarter of this entire series, and even as I rooted for Dallas (not because I hate the Heat, instead because I wanted to be able to say the Lakers were swept by the 2011 champs, not chokers), I insisted to my friends and family that LeBron isn't as bad of a dude as he's been made out to be this entire 2010-2011 season. I looked past "The Decision," past the comment about the Heat winning 7 titles, past him comparing his team of ring chasers with the Beetles as far as fame goes, and definitely past all the ignorant comments he made throughout the entire regular and post seasons.
I've never been a die-hard LeBron James fan. I just respected the guy's hustle, his drive to succeed, and his overall ability.
His press conference after the loss to the 2011 champions (congrats, Mavs! You guys deserved it!) was the last straw, though.
The next time LeBron's name gets mentioned around me, I'll let my displeasure of this ugly ass, underacheiving, stardom-seeking, annoying MFer be known to everyone.

**** YOU, LeBRON.

Money doesn't buy you happiness, and you can attest to this, too:
Money doesn't buy you rings either.

Dirk's 1 ring > 0 from LeBron, sucka.


LeQuit just took a big pee on every fan on that post-game speech. You'll have to dig deep in to find a Lebron fan after all that he has pulled after the decission...

06-13-2011, 03:41 AM
wait, am I myself or Bron?

if I could trade my life for Brons I will reject it...I PROMISE you that...

my life is my life...I don't want another man's life...I want my own

agree with you. i dont want to have my girl taking my coworkers junk in her snatch. :banana: my mom being a whore and God knows what else.

i really like my life, with my job, woman, family, everything. Lebronze can keep his overrated, egomaniac self.

06-13-2011, 03:44 AM
They need to put a muzzle on this asshole. What a dick.

06-13-2011, 03:44 AM
inb4 lebron loses half his fanbase

o wait ...

06-13-2011, 03:47 AM
agree with you. i dont want to have my girl taking my coworkers junk in her snatch. :banana: my mom being a whore and God knows what else.

i really like my life, with my job, woman, family, everything. Lebronze can keep his overrated, egomaniac self.


I got a good wife kid family and great job doing what I love to do. Don't have the millions Bron Bron does and I'm happy that if I f*ck up my performance at work isn't for all to see to say. Man this guy is a tool. God don;t like ugly LeBron.

Soothing Layup
06-13-2011, 03:53 AM
Q: Why do you refer to yourself as King James?

A: Cuz i'm a king, plain and simple. Even ask d-wade, i'm a straight up baller. If it wasn't for my receding hairline and the fear my headband might fall off and expose it I would go all out every night, maybe next year i'm going to have to pull out the super glue.

cant believe he really said that.

06-13-2011, 04:11 AM
To be honest, I don't get what all the fuss is about over what he said. It's true is it not? No matter how much joy or pleasure some people may get out of his failures, at some point its going to be done and over with and they are going to have to get on with their real lives - I'd be more disturbed if they didn't feel they had to - if Lebron and the Heat's failures really were their LIFE.

For me, as much as I wanted to see the Mavs win, the Heat to fail and Lebron especially to play poorly, I'm only going to get satisfaction out of that for a limited amount of time before I think about going back to regular life, school, work, whatever, the things that matter. He is completely right in that he will wake up everyday and continue to live his life and enjoy his family, why wouldn't he? And everyone else will eventually have to do the same, including some of you. However, I should be reluctant to say you will have to, because this forum is to some of the posters here their life, so they would be directly insulted by Lebrons comments since it is directed at them.

06-13-2011, 05:11 AM
Not once did he directly mention money

Q. Does it bother you that so many people are happy to see you fail?

LeBRON JAMES: Absolutely not. Because at the end of the day, all the people that was rooting on me to fail, at the end of the day they have to wake up tomorrow and have the same life that they had before they woke up today. They have the same personal problems they had today. I'm going to continue to live the way I want to live and continue to do the things that I want to do with me and my family and be happy with that.
They can get a few days or a few months or whatever the case may be on being happy about not only myself, but the Miami Heat not accomplishing their goal, but they have to get back to the real world at some point.

This is exactly why I hate LeBron. He's clearly hurt and his answer solidifies that. He's getting personal and pretending like every person that dislikes him have "issues" or personal problems. There aren't millionaires out there who enjoy this game and simply dislike your personality, eh LeBron?

Fans are the reason this clown makes so much money; they pay for his merchandise, tickets etc. They make it possible for guys like him to live comfortably and they have all the right to criticize.

Once again this idiot eats his own foot, glad he lost.
Not 1...Not 2...Not 3...Not 4...?
What, choking in the NBA finals James?

Punk ass bitch.
Good job Dirk & the Mavs, happy for them. Long overdue if you ask me.
I'm a lot more proud that they represent the NBA as the champions then Miami.

06-13-2011, 05:17 AM
I'd almost guarantee that anybody here would. Fame, Fortune, Livin' the high life. Gotta be better than sittin at home posting random hate on an internet forum. Well done Mavs :applause: but I know I'd switch lives with LeBron in a heartbeat and if you say you wouldn't then there's something seriously wrong with you ( or your actually Dirk, and not just the sweat on his nuts) , if I was LeBron all the Hate in the world wouldn't phase me one bit.

So you can't be successful and humbled? You have to pretend like anyone who simply dislikes you has issues? There is a reason billions of dollars are spent on media in this league; it gives the fans a closer look at the game.

LeBron sounded hurt and he basically attacked anyone who criticizes him.
Sometimes it's better to be politically correct then honest; makes you look less of a douche bag. This is the cockiest player in the league at this point who lacks mental toughness and sportsmanship. Sounds like a complete moron every-time I hear him speak; just a person I passionately dislike.
Not even talking about his game since he's obviously one of the greatest talents this league has ever showcased.

His persona is rubbing off on Wade too.

06-13-2011, 05:20 AM
Lebron may think he is a man comparing himself to other people but he is a joke compared to his own peers.

06-13-2011, 05:25 AM
i think i get what he was trying to say but he said it so smugly that he came off as a jerk. what do you expect though? i swear this guy has one quotable or something that can irritate people once a week. while guys like kobe can be overconfident and even come off as a bit ungrateful, they hardly take shots at the common man.

let's all return to our pathetic little lives, folks. lebron just continues to dig himself deeper sometimes. i'm convinced he lives in a bubble.

how about we have lebron james day tomorrow? everyone gets to leave work 12 minutes early.

it just comes off so badly: like even though you won't ever have millions like me, buy my overpriced nike shoes

06-13-2011, 05:25 AM
I dont want to dislike LeBron.

He was one of my favorite players at one point.

But I really did cringe when he said that. He may have not meant anything by it but just the way it came out of his mouth... it just sounded bad. It sounded petty and arrogant. He just does not know how to answer a question without inserting his foot.

06-13-2011, 06:42 AM
Charley Barkley says it he is loved. Lebron said it he gets killed.

Lebron needs to realize the media is looking for the any soundbit but its way too late. He is gonna get killed, hopefully he learns how to STFU and just deal with criticism.
Being honest or voicing your true opinion in these presser conference is never the good thing to do.

06-13-2011, 06:45 AM
in a follow up Lebron said he has a bigger dick than most people too. :facepalm

can't believe how weak this kid is deflecting legit criticisms of his game by ad hominem non sequisitors

06-13-2011, 06:47 AM
Ya, that's why he took less money to share the glory with another superstar.

He took an $800,000 pay cut to take the path of least resistance.

Next year he's making more than he made in his final contract year in Cleveland.

He's an overpaid loser, and a whiny one at that. There is literally no argument against this in existence so just deal with it next time you think this "he took a pay cut to win" has any kind of merit whatsoever.

06-13-2011, 06:48 AM
Charley Barkley says it he is loved. Lebron said it he gets killed.

A lot of it is how you say it. Barkley didn't give a shit and said what he wants, when he wants. LeBron is acting like a crybaby lashing out at people.

LeBron needs a God damn PR team with him at all times. The dude is straight up retarded, putting his foot in his mouth and making the absolute wrong statement every single time that there's a camera around.

06-13-2011, 06:52 AM
U mad lebron?

06-13-2011, 06:56 AM
Wow, I can't believe LeBrick said this. Man, he just created a new legion of haters.

How can any fans defend this?

What an idiot.

EDIT: I just noticed this wasn't an exact quote, but it came off like this.

06-13-2011, 06:59 AM
Not once did he directly mention money

Q. Does it bother you that so many people are happy to see you fail?

LeBRON JAMES: Absolutely not. Because at the end of the day, all the people that was rooting on me to fail, at the end of the day they have to wake up tomorrow and have the same life that they had before they woke up today. They have the same personal problems they had today. I'm going to continue to live the way I want to live and continue to do the things that I want to do with me and my family and be happy with that.
They can get a few days or a few months or whatever the case may be on being happy about not only myself, but the Miami Heat not accomplishing their goal, but they have to get back to the real world at some point.

I am happier than anyone that they lost, but this is a great answer.

06-13-2011, 07:01 AM
Thats not what Lebron said or meant at all, but i guess haters see/hear what they want to see/hear.

06-13-2011, 07:10 AM
Eh, overthinking the quote. Basically, I took it as, "haters are going to hate, but I'm going to still be me." Really had no issue with anything he said in the press conference.

06-13-2011, 07:11 AM
Thats not what Lebron said or meant at all, but i guess haters see/hear what they want to see/hear.

the thread title is misleading but i stick by my guns...it comes off as disingenuous, arrogant and out of touch. from a guy who gets a crap ton of money (the majority from ads and company revenue), it's just not a good move.

nike shoes and most athletic shoes are overpriced. it's a nice novelty (and some are very nice) but no one is gonna look at those materials and say, 'ya, this all adds up to $95-$120'.

are people/media gonna overblow it? no doubt but it's still a trend that is hard to deny. lebron's ego/arrogance has been on display for years.

06-13-2011, 07:11 AM
Thats not what Lebron said or meant at all, but i guess haters see/hear what they want to see/hear.

go sit down.

Doctor Rivers
06-13-2011, 07:24 AM
Thats not what Lebron said or meant at all, but i guess haters see/hear what they want to see/hear.

Same with the dickriders such as yourself

06-13-2011, 07:33 AM
Honestly, how can anyone like the guy. LOL @ him thinking everyone who is criticizing him has a terrible life. I almost came around to rooting for him this year but he's the same arrogant douche/quitter/punk he's always been.

06-13-2011, 07:35 AM
All this is very true. LeBron has been spoiled to death since he was 15 years old, he doesn't know how to act like a man instead of a boy. A lot of that is probably associated with growing up without a father (I don't mean this in a cold way). LeBron's problem his entire NBA career has been cracking under pressure. When it is in his head that he HAS to win, he cannot do it. He has to get rid of that somehow. Play like he does in the regular season. And like a lot of people have said, LeBron is much better suited as the clear cut star, he is not one to share the spotlight. I think a straight up trade for Dwight would be best for both Orlando and Miami.

Eat Like A Bosh
06-13-2011, 07:40 AM
That was basically all what his post-game conference was about.

Is this guy trying HARD to be the most hated athlete EVER? or does EVERYTHING he says just backfires to this fool?

Q. Does it bother you that so many people are happy to see you fail?

LeBRON JAMES: Absolutely not. Because at the end of the day, all the people that was rooting on me to fail, at the end of the day they have to wake up tomorrow and have the same life that they had before they woke up today. They have the same personal problems they had today. I'm going to continue to live the way I want to live and continue to do the things that I want to do with me and my family and be happy with that.
They can get a few days or a few months or whatever the case may be on being happy about not only myself, but the Miami Heat not accomplishing their goal, but they have to get back to the real world at some point.

06-13-2011, 07:42 AM
to finish up, lebron may feel surrounded by the media but i do think he should just ignore it. comments like this just don't help. don't be reactionary. i'm not one for sob stories...it's not like i'm wishing for lebron to fail. it would kind of suck to see one of the most athletic players fall short, get defensive...and just not progress. i mean, i don't want to see a larger version of VC. but i do think lebron's approach to the game (his mindset, confidence, motivation) is what will ultimately make his legacy. he may have to offend some people along the way but it's not like i'm against players showing their ish on the court. that's what i care about. i wasn't a big terry fan but he's showed up in these playoffs, especially in the finals

Eat Like A Bosh
06-13-2011, 08:15 AM
That was basically all what his post-game conference was about.

Is this guy trying HARD to be the most hated athlete EVER? or does EVERYTHING he says just backfires to this fool?

Q. Does it bother you that so many people are happy to see you fail?

LeBRON JAMES: Absolutely not. Because at the end of the day, all the people that was rooting on me to fail, at the end of the day they have to wake up tomorrow and have the same life that they had before they woke up today. They have the same personal problems they had today. I'm going to continue to live the way I want to live and continue to do the things that I want to do with me and my family and be happy with that.
They can get a few days or a few months or whatever the case may be on being happy about not only myself, but the Miami Heat not accomplishing their goal, but they have to get back to the real world at some point.

06-13-2011, 08:49 AM
Bron is a balding ugly mofo with permanent dark black scars near his eyes. Who would wanna be him? :roll:

06-13-2011, 09:05 AM
I'd rather be poor little me living in the real world instead of a self absorbed douche living in a fantasy world of his own.

06-13-2011, 09:08 AM

06-13-2011, 09:12 AM
That is not what he said.

Please, no need to twist words to instigate.

06-13-2011, 09:13 AM
I'd rather be poor little me living in the real world instead of a self absorbed douche living in a fantasy world of his own.


06-13-2011, 09:17 AM
Eh, overthinking the quote. Basically, I took it as, "haters are going to hate, but I'm going to still be me." Really had no issue with anything he said in the press conference.
Neither did I but i don't get why he said it. Why not just say "We couldn't get it done, congratulations to Dallas and right now all i can do is work harder and try to bring a title back to Miami next year".

He's not very eloquent at all, why he'd feel the need to address haters in this way is beyond me. What's the pct chance it sounds like he wants it to?

06-13-2011, 09:20 AM
The reason this statement comes of so douchey is because what he is pointing is a simple fact that everyone knows. No shit Lebron, you are a multimillionaire athlete that gets to play sports for a living. He just failed at what his whole life is about and instead of worrying about that, he is concerned about the haters. He doesn't want to deal with his own reality. Everyone is living vicariously through you LeBron, you pathetic bastard, you do your job, and no one has any problem with you. You owe it to the fans to perform, to deliver. IT IS YOUR LIFE. No shit everyone hates you, you keep letting people down.

Mr. Jabbar
06-13-2011, 12:36 PM
This douche woke up today; still ringless and still most hated athlete ever. life goes on for him aswell :oldlol:

06-13-2011, 12:45 PM
lol @ *******s saying they would want to be another man :oldlol:

06-13-2011, 12:51 PM
I hate LeBron, but that is false. If he didn't care about basketball he would have just went to NY because that was the city that he would have made the most money out of it. Although if you ask me, NY was probably the best city for him to play in and realistically win a title.
lol @ retards on this forum.

Miami was by far the best shot Lebron was or is going to have in winning a title. No other team can offer him Wade and Bosh, with Wade practically carrying him in the backcourt. Hell Mario chalmers played better than Lebron in the backcourt :lol.

Before the start of the season people were saying 72-10 and all this other stupid crap. Realistically the heat could have won 65+ and upwards and could have beaten the Mavs in 4 or 5 but instead Lebron choked down the stretch like he always does and cost the Mavs essentially 2-3 games they could have easily won.

The Ownage
06-13-2011, 12:54 PM
Damn Lebron mad. What a sucker :oldlol:

Hey Nash, Carmelo > Lebron. Don't ever try to say otherwise ever again.


06-13-2011, 12:55 PM
Honestly, how can anyone like the guy. LOL @ him thinking everyone who is criticizing him has a terrible life. I almost came around to rooting for him this year but he's the same arrogant douche/quitter/punk he's always been.

So only people with terrible lifes have problems? Only poor people have problems?

06-13-2011, 12:55 PM
LBJ needs to work on his post game.

06-13-2011, 12:57 PM
what's even more funny is that he s put all that pressure/scrutinity on himself -the very same pressure that makes him fail when it matters-... all by himself. Dude should just stfu for a whole year.

06-13-2011, 12:59 PM
lol @ *******s saying they would want to be another man :oldlol:
you must be very young...

06-13-2011, 01:09 PM
lebron should just keep his mouth shut...

El Seano
06-13-2011, 01:34 PM
I think what Lebron fails to realize is we all aren't talking about money here, we aren't hating on his money. We are hating on his basketball ability and at the moment the guy has the exact same number of NBA Championships to his name as all of us, so he needs to shut the **** up.

06-13-2011, 01:38 PM
It's all getting to him. All the hate THAT HE CAUSED is getting to him.
Sorry LeBron but you made this bed now sleep in it.
He is in his own world. He right now is surrounded by his entourage of yes men and that's where his arrogance and ignorance starts and ends.

Remember before the Finals LeBron said something about that they have one more series of the hate they had to deal with and next year will be new.
REALITY CHECK LEBRON this was not a one year deal. He will be hating for life and losing big games and disappearing in the 4th doesn't help your cause. What also doesn't help is his comment after the game. Somebody needs to get this kid a muzzle. LeBron is doing himself no good in the PR department what so ever.

Any how all the hate he receives I'm sorry it is vindicated. Now go live in your mansion as West f*cks your Mom and Lewis f*cks your girl. We all hate you.

06-13-2011, 01:46 PM
he needs to work on not shrinking when the pressure hits him

LBJ needs to work on his post game.

06-13-2011, 02:44 PM
It's all getting to him. All the hate THAT HE CAUSED is getting to him.
Sorry LeBron but you made this bed now sleep in it.
He is in his own world. He right now is surrounded by his entourage of yes men and that's where his arrogance and ignorance starts and ends.

Remember before the Finals LeBron said something about that they have one more series of the hate they had to deal with and next year will be new.
REALITY CHECK LEBRON this was not a one year deal. He will be hating for life and losing big games and disappearing in the 4th doesn't help your cause. What also doesn't help is his comment after the game. Somebody needs to get this kid a muzzle. LeBron is doing himself no good in the PR department what so ever.

Any how all the hate he receives I'm sorry it is vindicated. Now go live in your mansion as West f*cks your Mom and Lewis f*cks your girl. We all hate you.

06-13-2011, 02:52 PM
All this is very true. LeBron has been spoiled to death since he was 15 years old, he doesn't know how to act like a man instead of a boy. A lot of that is probably associated with growing up without a father (I don't mean this in a cold way). LeBron's problem his entire NBA career has been cracking under pressure. When it is in his head that he HAS to win, he cannot do it. He has to get rid of that somehow. Play like he does in the regular season. And like a lot of people have said, LeBron is much better suited as the clear cut star, he is not one to share the spotlight. I think a straight up trade for Dwight would be best for both Orlando and Miami.
The ****? He was homeless at times and didnt have a father, he's had a harder life than most of us here.

06-13-2011, 02:58 PM
The ****? He was homeless at times and didnt have a father, he's had a harder life than most of us here.
Dude, Lebron has been treated like a god since he was like 13 and people realized he could play ball. You know that right? SI did an article on him. I mean a straight up star from the time he was little. Why do you think his personality is like that? He has been told he is god like for years and years even prior to the NBA.

06-13-2011, 03:04 PM
Dude, Lebron has been treated like a god since he was like 13 and people realized he could play ball. You know that right? SI did an article on him. I mean a straight up star from the time he was little. Why do you think his personality is like that? He has been told he is god like for years and years even prior to the NBA.

Who calls a person without a father or a stable home for the majority of their childhood, spoiled? Yeah,the whole treated like a god thing is probably why he's an asshole,I agree with that. I'm not gonna call him spoiled because he got new shoes from adidas, was on magazine covers and had fans, that doesnt negate the fact that he had it tough and focused on ball to get where he is.

06-13-2011, 03:06 PM
What I think is most interesting is that he seems to honestly think that people who aren't fans of his must have depressing and/or miserable lives. As if life without being a Lebron fan is inherently empty.

06-13-2011, 03:17 PM

06-13-2011, 03:19 PM
:roll: :roll: :roll:

Deshawn. Dude must be on another level right now, he's been waiting like six years to beat lebron in a series. I love his competitiveness.

06-13-2011, 03:20 PM
Who calls a person without a father or a stable home for the majority of their childhood, spoiled? Yeah,the whole treated like a god thing is probably why he's an asshole,I agree with that. I'm not gonna call him spoiled because he got new shoes from adidas, was on magazine covers and had fans, that doesnt negate the fact that he had it tough and focused on ball to get where he is.
He's been spoiled since the time people realized he could play ball. This "poor Lebron gets criticized so much" makes me laugh, he does get criticized a lot, in the media, for ONE year. Before that he had basically 10 years of being told he was going to become the greatest player ever. I'd call that spoiled, regardless of what occured before.

06-13-2011, 03:26 PM
gtfo. he went to miami in part for the lifestyle and would have melted down even faster under the lights of ny. people in miami don't give a crap about basketball. he should have gone to okc where his mom would have been safe from delonte, his girl would be safe from rashard and his stepdad would be safe from bosh.

if that was the case, he wouldnt go to the heat

06-13-2011, 04:10 PM
lol you can't put something in quotes....unless it's a quote :oldlol:

Ban OP. Thanks.

06-13-2011, 04:12 PM
it is funny
the refs were trying to make a game 7 and they missed fts.

thats why he mad

06-13-2011, 04:13 PM
looks like OP broke the law

06-13-2011, 04:13 PM
if that was the case, he wouldnt go to the heat
Miami is a bigger market than Cleveland.

06-13-2011, 04:17 PM
I'm gonna hate Lebron until he matures and stop being so arrogant. Or just win a title to prove his words.

06-13-2011, 04:45 PM
if that was the case, he wouldnt go to the heat

Florida has no income tax.

His financial "sacrifice" in going to the Heat is not all that much as his handlers want you to think it is.