View Full Version : Hardcore Pawn is the most racist show ever

Bless Mathews
07-27-2011, 03:51 AM
Man, this shit is crazy. So terrible.

Totally acted out. I heard they go get crackheads and pay em to start these beefs. Comedy.

I'd f..uck the s..hit out of ashley though. She's super sexxxy thick white girl.

07-27-2011, 08:40 AM
i watched like 5 of these in a marathon one day. i'm not surprised since the father comes across as one of those crooks trying to make a buck any way he can. it seems more real than Pawn Stars. that show seems more set up to me where they try to make it all educational. its so gay.

07-27-2011, 09:23 AM
is this the show on lifetime?

Patrick Chewing
07-27-2011, 09:42 AM
This show is so scripted it's just stupid.

Tru TV is more like Fake TV

07-27-2011, 09:42 AM
is this the show on lifetime?

it might be truTV or something. i can't remember...

Bless Mathews
07-27-2011, 12:03 PM
This show is so scripted it's just stupid.

Tru TV is more like Fake TV
Word. So fake. Like jerry springer. Makes my people look bad.

07-27-2011, 12:25 PM
Worse show out there. The show isn't even about pawning shit. Just about people coming in and screaming trying to start fights.

07-27-2011, 12:33 PM
Worse show out there. The show isn't even about pawning shit. Just about people coming in and screaming trying to start fights.

i don't know about that. to me it seems to have more realistic wheeling and dealing than Pawn Stars. at least they rip people off on this show, where as Pawn Stars is like this fake fair pawn shop :rolleyes:

it made me laugh when it had black couples fighting or dancing outside in their parking lot :lol

seriously i don't see how its so over the top. i bet you go into a popular pawn shop in the city and people act just as stupid.

07-27-2011, 12:42 PM
i don't know about that. to me it seems to have more realistic wheeling and dealing than Pawn Stars. at least they rip people off on this show, where as Pawn Stars is like this fake fair pawn shop :rolleyes:

it made me laugh when it had black couples fighting or dancing outside in their parking lot :lol

seriously i don't see how its so over the top. i bet you go into a popular pawn shop in the city and people act just as stupid.

I actually like Pawn Stars a whole lot more. Even though it's scripted, their items are way more interesting. I don't want to see people come in and trying to pawn their fake jewelry or their 1980's electronics trying to get like $100 for it when it's worth less than $5. Then they bitch and moan wondering why the employees won't take their crap.

07-27-2011, 01:37 PM
Isn't there some fake car repo show on the same channel?

07-27-2011, 01:42 PM
Isn't there some fake car repo show on the same channel?

thats Barkley's favorite show

Bless Mathews
07-27-2011, 02:26 PM
I love Pawn Stars, so I saw this show the other day and checked it out. I thought it was hilarious. I don't get what's racist about it.

Come on. Are you serious? They purposely pick black people to look desperate and drug addicts when I know for a fact there are a lot of crackhead white people on Detroit

07-27-2011, 02:33 PM
Come on. Are you serious? They purposely pick black people to look desperate and drug addicts when I know for a fact there are a lot of crackhead white people on Detroit

how many do u think vs crackhead black people?

i don't find it hard to believe at all, especially since i've seen that type of stuff, and not even just limited to the city. any poor area where there might be some convenience store where ghetto kids hang out in front of is crazy like that.

Bless Mathews
07-27-2011, 02:54 PM
They have shown crack head / crazy white people on the show. I just watched like 3 - 4 episodes the other night. LOL @ you getting sensitive like they are targeting strictly black people. Just from a sheer numbers perspective there will be more blacks coming in there to pawn stuff out, because Detroit is majority black than it is anything else. C'mon son ... there is no "man" out there with an agenda against you. Get over yourself. You're not special anymore.

And it's a PAWN SHOP ... in a crappy urban enviornment ... of course the people coming in to sell and pawn off items are going to look desperate.

Watch your fingers kid. Don't get personal with me boy.

It's my OPINION as a black male thay they go out of there way to portrait us in a negative way. It's obvious to anyone that they focus on that for their show. Why not show cool things that come into a pawn shop more?

Don't get personal with me boy

Patrick Chewing
07-27-2011, 03:00 PM
Isn't there some fake car repo show on the same channel?

That's the worst show out there. Which drives me insane considering the network it's on. Tru TV had all this advertising a couple years back about how it's not "reality" it's "actuality", but you can blatantly tell that every show is complete bullshit.

Do they still COPS on that channel? That's about the only thing that's real.

07-27-2011, 03:22 PM
That's the worst show out there. Which drives me insane considering the network it's on. Tru TV had all this advertising a couple years back about how it's not "reality" it's "actuality", but you can blatantly tell that every show is complete bullshit.

Do they still COPS on that channel? That's about the only thing that's real.

Tru TV is only good for Forensic Files.

07-27-2011, 03:25 PM
That's the worst show out there. Which drives me insane considering the network it's on. Tru TV had all this advertising a couple years back about how it's not "reality" it's "actuality", but you can blatantly tell that every show is complete bullshit.

Do they still COPS on that channel? That's about the only thing that's real.

its actually pretty funny, or was funny early on. i remember telling people to flick to it when it first aired and we were all laughing our ass off at it here.

like i said its Barkley's favorite tv show :pimp:

Bless Mathews
07-27-2011, 03:26 PM
Ohhh, internet threats. "what yo' fingas, boy"


"Awww the man is trying to hold me down"

None of this is scripted. Stop it. Stop crying. It's 2011, no one needs to potray blacks in a negative light.

All of this is reality. You walk into a pawn shop in an urban enviornment, especially one in Detroit ... of course you're going to see trashy, desperate, strung out, ignorant, stupid people.

That's what the "pawn" industry PREYS upon, dude.uu

And yes, a majority of them just so happen to be black. I know you're sensitive to it because the vast majority of the blacks on the show end up looking stupid, ridiculous, etc.

But it's reality.

Same thing with "48 hours" ... blacks killing people for $5 dollars owed to them. Just stupid stuff. But it's the reality of the situation.

They do show cool things that come into the Pawn Shop ... but the difference is compared to say "Pawn Stars" is they are in Las Vegas. A variety of people come in there with cool things. It's a melting pot out there.

"Hardcore Pawn" takes place off 8 Mile Rd. in Detroit. As someone who has lived in Michigan, it shouldn't be suprising seeing the stuff you do watching the show.

But they still show cool things being brought into the shop. I've seen a program from a MLK ceremony, a spy camera from a early US Air Force Reconissance Jet, etc.

If you don't think that show is acted out, I am wasting no more time with you. Good lord.

07-27-2011, 03:33 PM
On the subject of crime shows, "the first 48" is probably one of the best shows I've seen. Gets pretty intense sometimes though.

07-27-2011, 03:42 PM
On the subject of crime shows, "the first 48" is probably one of the best shows I've seen. Gets pretty intense sometimes though.

yeah i get real into that sometimes. i've learned a lot from that show, like play dumb and just keep saying "i don't know" if you're being interrogated. it pisses the detectives off and they think you're too smart to trick :lol

07-27-2011, 03:50 PM
Some white kid did that in Texas. They were like "man, this kid is SO smart" ... :oldlol:

the kid ended up being acquited too. Then I've seen them literally coherse black kids and mexicans into acting out exactly what they did in front of cameras. Not just in words. Literally acted it out.


yeah i was laughing when i saw that, think we're talking about the same episode. those detectives got all kinds of schemes trying to get you to talk, and its funny to see it from their side, and how mad they get when they know they can't get anything :lol

07-27-2011, 04:02 PM
The cops aren't that smart ... especially that officer in Texas. And I think you know who I am talking about. He's clearly the dumbest one on that show, but I will refrain from mentioning it before people get sensitive. Then you see the people who get shook and tell them EVERYTHING.



so true

07-27-2011, 04:24 PM
Have all these quoted posts been deleted? I don't see them anywhere but in the quotes...?

Legend of Josh
07-27-2011, 05:24 PM
I'm a fan of the show. I record it every time I see it on. It's actually really solid entertainment. Sure, some of the shit that goes on could be staged, wouldn't surprise me, but there's no doubt the majority of that show is what really goes on in that store day-in day-out.

It's genius really. You're not paying any actors. The owner, son, daughter, employees and even the customers are simply doing their normal day-to-day and on TV to boot. Even the name of the show 'Hardcore' Pawn (surely was derived from hardcore porn) is genius.

LOL @ OP talking about wanting to bang Ashley the whale.

Final note: show is not racist.

Bless Mathews
07-27-2011, 06:38 PM
I'm a fan of the show. I record it every time I see it on. It's actually really solid entertainment. Sure, some of the shit that goes on could be staged, wouldn't surprise me, but there's no doubt the majority of that show is what really goes on in that store day-in day-out.

It's genius really. You're not paying any actors. The owner, son, daughter, employees and even the customers are simply doing their normal day-to-day and on TV to boot. Even the name of the show 'Hardcore' Pawn (surely was derived from hardcore porn) is genius.

LOL @ OP talking about wanting to bang Ashley the whale.

Final note: show is not racist.

Ashley is a sexy curvy woman. It's too bad you like skinny no curve having model types that look like 13 year old boys-

Samurai Swoosh
07-27-2011, 06:41 PM
It's too bad you like skinny no curve having model types that look like 13 year old boys-
Wait because he doesn't find the one over weight b1tchy chick from the show sexy that means he likes skinny girls with no curves, who like 13 year old boys?


Or he just doesn't like lumpy, out of shape girls who don't take care of themselves?

I think its the latter.

But hey, beauty is subjective.