View Full Version : Do you think MJ was a pedophile?

08-29-2011, 07:50 AM
Yes or no. Let's make a tally on ISH until midnight on MJ's birthday.

I vote no. Probably did some inappropriate $hit like share his bed only cuz he's a big kid at heart who doesn't know the difference, but never really crossed the line. He had issues and was creepy, but was not a sexual predator like Premeditated

I vote no.

No -2

Go Getter
08-29-2011, 07:55 AM

I saw the interview he had after one of the allegations. The guy asked him does he think it's weird for a grown ass man to sleep in the bed with kids that aren't his own and MJ said "no, I fnid nothing wrong with it."

Even if he didn't find anything wrong with it he knwe the reporter was trying to paint him as a pedophile and he just kept up that innocent act with the light voice and clueless demeanor.

I honestly think he had a problem but he had money and popular music so people make excuses for him.

08-29-2011, 08:05 AM

I saw the interview he had after one of the allegations. The guy asked him does he think it's weird for a grown ass man to sleep in the bed with kids that aren't his own and MJ said "no, I fnid nothing wrong with it."

Even if he didn't find anything wrong with it he knwe the reporter was trying to paint him as a pedophile and he just kept up that innocent act with the light voice and clueless demeanor.

I honestly think he had a problem but he had money and popular music so people make excuses for him.

That's where you wrong. MJ honestly thought he was doing nothing wrong. He thought it was love and nurturing. Obviously in society today that's not socially acceptable. And that documentary/interview by bashir was straight up yellow journalism at it's finest! If you don't see it you're an effin moron. Furthermore, what you saw of MJ, the innocent demeanor and whatnot, that's him at the end of the day. He's an abused sensitive big kid at heart who grew up differently, who compensated in adulthood to get that aspect of his life back. Also, a guy of his stature is surrounded by snakes and manipulators, i can understand why he turned to kids or embraced that cartoony lifestyle to escape from his reality which wasn't all that pretty.

First accusation. MJ paid him off because he wanted it to go away and he HAD the money. I think MJ did some inappropriate stuff, and he was advised to settle out of court to avoid an ugly trial, but nothing sexual or with premeditation.

Second accusation. Innocent of all charges.

Media took this $hit and ran with it. It spiraled out of control along with his physical image and how bizarre his personality wise, so people out of ignorance just believe he's a pedophile.

08-29-2011, 08:17 AM
Don't believe it at all

Accuser Lying On Oath

Jordan Chandler Admits his dad made him lie for money

08-29-2011, 08:19 AM
^i'll take that as a no then. No one agrees with that troll gogetter...as usual

08-29-2011, 08:21 AM
yes or no fool?

08-29-2011, 08:26 AM
Ending your post with "probably" is not a definitive YES you dumb azz.

Judge: Jury do you have a verdict?
Jury: uhhh he probably did it errr...
Judge: :facepalm

08-29-2011, 08:58 AM


08-29-2011, 09:02 AM
Jordan? No

08-29-2011, 09:30 AM
Yeah Michael Jackson was a pedophile. Don't spout that stupid "he didn't know any better" crap. Every grown person knows that you don't sleep with someone else's little kids in your bed, even retards.

08-29-2011, 09:39 AM
Yeah Michael Jackson was a pedophile. Don't spout that stupid "he didn't know any better" crap. Every grown person knows that you don't sleep with someone else's little kids in your bed, even retards.


take a psychology course captain naive.

08-29-2011, 09:42 AM
Jordan? No
I honestly was a little confused at first reading the initial post in this thread. When I hear MJ on a basketball sight, I'm not thinking Jackson.

08-29-2011, 09:51 AM
Are you implying that MJ was not mentally fit and that it somehow pardons him?

Where did I say that? i already said he had issues in my first post you idiot.

Connect the dots on your own. Here i'll help you with some key key terms

Childhood/lack of---parental abuse---spotlight/business/money---plastic surgery---sensitivity---overcompensation---defense mechanisms

Picture that as a circle going left and right.

:facepalm eff it. You idiots have tunnel vision.

08-29-2011, 10:32 AM
I don't know. The things that trouble me the most are not what others said honestly, but what he said.

08-29-2011, 10:45 AM

take a psychology course captain naive.

Taken plenty. Maybe you should try it out. What exactly is wrong with my answer? He was a pedophile. I don't care if he had a ****ed up upbringing, that doesn't make it right.

08-29-2011, 11:26 AM
didnt the kid who originally accused him in 93 say he made it all up once he died?

08-29-2011, 11:38 AM
he was probably a pedophile in an innocent way that he didn't even know he was a pedophile... if that makes any fking sense. lol

code green
08-29-2011, 11:42 AM

take a psychology course captain naive.

why ask the question if you're just going to jump down everyone's throat who disagrees with your opinion?

08-29-2011, 12:14 PM
No. I followed at trial. You could tell that kid was coached on what to say. He couldn't keep his story straight. Weird, yes. Pedo, no. He didn't have a childhood so he spent s lot of his life trying to relive it. Also said that kids dont have an alterior motive. They didn't want things from him like money or fame, that just wanted to hang out. Being MJ, I'm sure it was hard to find real friends and not hanger ons and yes men.

08-29-2011, 01:03 PM
A 40 year old man with little boys sleeping in his bedroom, who makes an effort to talk like a bitch, and all the rest?

Wouldnt surprise me. Only so many times can you be accused of doing foul shit to kids and have me look the other way or look for reasons it isnt true. And really that number is one.

He got past the one....

08-29-2011, 01:41 PM
I think he was.

Like Money Mike said, you can't go ten years of people saying the same shit about you and it all can't be a lie. Whitney Houston, was a crack head, he denied it for years until she finally came clean. Ricky Martin, people were saying he could be gay for a decade, he is now out of the closet. The Juice murdered two people and got away with it, then he tried to say "If I did it...." bla bla

Mike Jackson liked little boys, and not in a way anyone would like to accept.

Great music, but **** him

08-29-2011, 01:57 PM

MJ was a pedophile in the same way a lot of those priests and the like are pedophiles. He probably was just a regular fellow with homosexual feelings first, but due to all the years of repressing sexuality and an unnatural lifestyle it transformed into pedophilia.

08-29-2011, 02:00 PM
Not sure if OP made this thread to gather honest opinions or just so he could call everyone an idiot. lol

08-29-2011, 02:08 PM
He believes his highschool level psychology is actually intelligent, to the point that he had to explain himself and call others naive. The irony was too much for me to respond on.

High school? :lol Try uni as you Canadians say it. And what's the irony? Please point it out. Lol you got issues ya cracker

08-29-2011, 02:10 PM

08-29-2011, 02:12 PM
Not sure if OP made this thread to gather honest opinions or just so he could call everyone an idiot. lol

Not everyone in this thread is an idiot, i take it back..

08-29-2011, 08:09 PM

I saw the interview he had after one of the allegations. The guy asked him does he think it's weird for a grown ass man to sleep in the bed with kids that aren't his own and MJ said "no, I fnid nothing wrong with it."

Im not saying that MJ did or didn't, but thats not enough to form a conclusion to say he did it. It could just mean he is naive and insulated. Yeah he is a grown man true, but he was very eccentric. But, just because he was eccentric doesn't mean he's a pedophile.

08-29-2011, 08:25 PM
definatly not, he was toally A sexual. i dont think he was even inclined that way.

08-29-2011, 08:58 PM
yea but not wit my nikka macaulay culkin

08-29-2011, 10:54 PM
Didn't want to comment on my boys birthday but oh well.

Only Mike, God and those two boys know what did or didn't happen. The court papers show that it didn't happen.

Yeah Mike is my favorite artist, but homie had problems. His problem was tryin to be a kid when he's a grown man. Michael has been befriending young kids since he was a kid himself in the Jackson 5. He treated Berry Gordy's young son like his little brother (Rockwell.) So he was either a pedo way back than or he never was ...



What we do know is only 2 young boys, his sister La Toya (who was being pimped out by her now ex-husband Jack Gordon) and Gene Simmons (who said he's never seen any women goin to and from Mike's hotel room) are the only people who Michael had known say he did anything with children.

Hell Paul McCartney who hated Michael's guts after MJ bought the Beatles catalog in 1985 never said anything about Mike in a negative light.

All the people who MJ had relationships with before the allegations still had relationships with him afterwards. Lionel Richie would bring his kids over to Neverland, the Kardashian's when they were children, Mitch Kupchek's family, Aretha Franklin's kids. Compare that to OJ before and after the bronco chase ... nothin.

Two think out of all these people who have been to Neverland, only two reports have surfaced in 20+ years of existence?

When it comes down to it, no one knows. Not Janet, Tito, Quincy Jones, Chris Tucker, Brooke Shields.

08-29-2011, 11:09 PM
Knowing what he did to a young Stackhouse in '96, maybe he was. :D

08-30-2011, 12:33 AM
I thought this was about Jordan...

Patrick Chewing
08-30-2011, 12:35 AM
He was and always will be a freak. Who knows what his true intentions were, but I think he was never in touch with reality from a young age.

08-30-2011, 03:31 AM
It's possible, but I'm giving MJ the benefit of the doubt.

I think he had issues because of his childhood abuse, and I don't think he saw the world clearly i.e. he didn't understand that a grown man sleeping in the same bed as a child isn't acceptable in society.

However, I don't think he was having sex with children at his house. If he really wanted to sleep with kids, he could have easily just done it in another country without any risk of imprisonment.

08-30-2011, 11:09 PM
I think he was.

Like Money Mike said, you can't go ten years of people saying the same shit about you and it all can't be a lie. Whitney Houston, was a crack head, he denied it for years until she finally came clean. Ricky Martin, people were saying he could be gay for a decade, he is now out of the closet. The Juice murdered two people and got away with it, then he tried to say "If I did it...." bla bla

Mike Jackson liked little boys, and not in a way anyone would like to accept.

Great music, but **** him

Quoted for truth.

08-30-2011, 11:56 PM
Quoted for truth.
Quoting a Katt Williams quote, lol.

Horde of Temujin
07-31-2013, 02:15 PM
I thinks its a shame that this man is celebrated as a hero. Dude was a pedophile.

07-31-2013, 02:28 PM
He was obviously attracted to little kids. Did he cross that line and actually molest them? Idk.

07-31-2013, 02:29 PM
Thought this thread would be about Michael Jordan :oldlol:

07-31-2013, 02:35 PM
Could care less. His music was that good

07-31-2013, 02:50 PM
I don't know about pedophilia. But it seems like he was a great father to his kids. I saw some videos of him with his kids..it's kind of heart breaking. Those kids lost a good father that loved them.

07-31-2013, 03:06 PM
he clearly was

07-31-2013, 03:11 PM
MJ could have been clubbing a baby seal on his album cover for all I care. The man is by far the greatest singer/entertainer ever.

07-31-2013, 04:39 PM
Pedophilia is often a misnomer, especially in the case of MJ. I think Michael Jackson would've been termed more appropriately a hebephile, and I actually believe there's a more specific term for it since his particular preference was pubescent males. All of his victims were about 13 years old or so, at the beginning of puberty. Pedophilia is the exclusive sexual attraction to prepubescent children.

And yes, I think he did have that sexual perversion. Hearing him speak about sleeping with children, made it sound like he felt that it should be ok to do what he does. And anyone that has odd sexual preferences, feels shame and would like to be accepted for how they feel. I think it's part of what drove him to be such a great performer, similar to how homosexuals often times excel in the performing arts in an effort to gain acceptance from others who would otherwise see them as perverts.

I don't think he was evil or a predator. He just happened to have a sexual preference which is not acceptable in most societies.

07-31-2013, 04:41 PM
Thought this thread would be about Michael Jordan :oldlol:
Same here :lol Basketball fans before anything.

07-31-2013, 05:02 PM
Read the reports on him being a monster? Looks like Latoya was dead right:

"I cannot and will not be a silent collaborator in his crimes against young children ... Forget about the superstar, forget about the icon. If he was any other 35-year-old man who was sleeping with little boys, you wouldn't like this guy".[27] She also claimed that checks had been made out to several boys and that Jackson's own physical abuse as a child had turned him into an abuser.

She tried to tell people 20 years ago.

07-31-2013, 05:14 PM
Read the reports on him being a monster? Looks like Latoya was dead right:

She tried to tell people 20 years ago.

Yeah she was right, but I believe she was fame seeking as well. If it were my brother I definitely wouldn't come out to the media and speak against him.

07-31-2013, 05:17 PM
Its not like he actually had sex with any of these kids.