View Full Version : Rob Kardashian To Kim Kardashian! "I Think You're A Whore & You Should Shut Up"

Theoo's Daddy
09-06-2011, 01:56 PM
(Kris Humphries Want To beat up Rob)

http://hw-static.worldstarhiphop.com/videos/wplayer/NAPP2b.swf?skin=http://hw-static.worldstarhiphop.com/videos/wplayer/wshh1h.swf&thumbnailURL=http://hw-static.worldstarhiphop.com/u/pic/2011/8/05/jythtrgerfeewfew.jpg&file=http://hw-videos.worldstarhiphop.com/u/vid/2011/8/05/krobkajduyvdnedjkdbedbewebtfdg3fh4fjebdewtfgf43ff4 3.flv&vl=wshhB8asxmyp28psA9q3&autostart=false&volume=1

Is He Ill
09-06-2011, 02:04 PM
She has no room to talk, the only reason she is famous is because of her a$$ and a sextape. He seems like the only sane one out of them.

Patrick Chewing
09-06-2011, 02:07 PM
Gotta side with Rob on this one. Kris has no room or place to open his mouth yet.

09-06-2011, 02:11 PM
(Kris Humphries Want To beat up Rob)

http://hw-static.worldstarhiphop.com/videos/wplayer/NAPP2b.swf?skin=http://hw-static.worldstarhiphop.com/videos/wplayer/wshh1h.swf&thumbnailURL=http://hw-static.worldstarhiphop.com/u/pic/2011/8/05/jythtrgerfeewfew.jpg&file=http://hw-videos.worldstarhiphop.com/u/vid/2011/8/05/krobkajduyvdnedjkdbedbewebtfdg3fh4fjebdewtfgf43ff4 3.flv&vl=wshhB8asxmyp28psA9q3&autostart=false&volume=1

why did you post this shit?

09-06-2011, 02:15 PM
rob got bigger last I saw he was modelling on that show :lol

09-06-2011, 02:36 PM
isn't rob a grown ass man still wearing earrings?

but seriously what's the condition of kim's skin problem thing?

09-06-2011, 02:44 PM
Kris Humphries :facepalm :facepalm :facepalm :facepalm :facepalm

09-06-2011, 03:05 PM
i f'in hate their brother Rob. this kid acts like he's the shit, and he's such a judgemental dikk. he completely lives off of his sisters fame and their family money where he's a do nothing bum which is fine, but he's got this ego like he's some star. he got into it with Odom's best friend from his childhood who was also a bum leeching off of Lamar which is cool, but this fgt Rob isn't the one that should be judging Lamar's boy. he tried to become some agent taking over this girl group his mom didn't have time for, and he came in all cocky where they basically laughed at him. he's basically the embodiment of all of his sisters ego's combined with no talent at all and he's such a lazy prick on top of that. that whole family is so spoiled tho.

Kris Humphries is one of them frankenstein types. he talks sort of slow, real deep voice, and clearly doesn't think much. dude didn't even know Kim was married before, gets mad at her for being materialistic acting like he wasn't trying to marry some materialistic girl, and he probably doesn't even know she had a sex tape out. i don't even know why i watch this show since everyone is real annoying, but i love seeing people vacationing in paradise places, or living large i guess :confusedshrug:

09-06-2011, 03:05 PM
isn't rob a grown ass man still wearing earrings?

but seriously what's the condition of kim's skin problem thing?


09-06-2011, 04:11 PM
kris needs to fall back. he sounds stupid.

09-06-2011, 04:43 PM
increadible, you people stomach this? idle, useless rich people crying about how they are really rich and havent done anything with their life? and instead of just wallowing in wealth and doing what they want they should of had a career.... people actually watch this? im not even sure who comes off worse that useless piece of human garbage kim or her moronic brother, kris humphries also looks bad.....:applause:

09-06-2011, 04:46 PM
It's funny Rob and the other 2 sisters wouldn't be shit if it wasn't for Kim. Kim wouldn't be shit if it wasn't for Ray J. Ray J wouldn't be shit if it wasn't for Brandy.

09-06-2011, 04:49 PM
Why would annoy that is not insanely stupid watch this show? I couldn't even finish watching that clip, so damn retarded. :facepalm

09-06-2011, 05:01 PM
It's funny Rob and the other 2 sisters wouldn't be shit if it wasn't for Kim. Kim wouldn't be shit if it wasn't for Ray J. Ray J wouldn't be shit if it wasn't for Brandy.

well they do run a successful clothing store, even if they don't really seem to run it more than hire help that watches over it while they go eat and vacation. not to mention Khloe married Odom so she's paid now with tons of benefits, and Kim just married Kris even tho she got her own money. even the other sisters husband seems to have a lot of money even tho he's a prick but seems like he inherited a lot since he talked about going to school in a limo.

not to mention Bruce Jenner is pretty famous even if he's corny. and their father was a O.J. lawyer :confusedshrug:

09-06-2011, 05:04 PM
well they do run a successful clothing store, even if they don't really seem to run it more than hire help that watches over it while they go eat and vacation. not to mention Khloe married Odom so she's paid now with tons of benefits, and Kim just married Kris even tho she got her own money. even the other sisters husband seems to have a lot of money even tho he's a prick but seems like he inherited a lot since he talked about going to school in a limo.

not to mention Bruce Jenner is pretty famous even if he's corny. and their father was a O.J. lawyer :confusedshrug:

But I doubt Kim would've met Kris if it wasn't for the exposure from the sex tape. Khloe wouldn't have met Lamar if it wasn't for becoming popular because of her sister being a ho.

As for the clothing store, come on, you know they have no business degrees or training in fashion. They hire designers and people to run the store and just put their name on it.

09-06-2011, 05:16 PM
But I doubt Kim would've met Kris if it wasn't for the exposure from the sex tape. Khloe wouldn't have met Lamar if it wasn't for becoming popular because of her sister being a ho.

As for the clothing store, come on, you know they have no business degrees or training in fashion. They hire designers and people to run the store and just put their name on it.
actually Kim K was a personal stylist to Paris Hilton which is how she got into the party scene and hoe'd here way to stardom, I say good for them for marketing a name, Kris Jenner basically prostituted here entire family. But I guess if thats how you got to make a buck these days beats wellfare.

09-06-2011, 05:19 PM
actually Kim K was a personal stylist to Paris Hilton which is how she got into the party scene and hoe'd here way to stardom, I say good for them for marketing a name, Kris Jenner basically prostituted here entire family. But I guess if thats how you got to make a buck these days beats wellfare.

Oh, I thought they were just friends. So Kim might actually have some talent?! I guess anything's possible.

09-06-2011, 05:20 PM
Why would annoy that is not insanely stupid watch this show? I couldn't even finish watching that clip, so damn retarded. :facepalm
Couldnt finish your first sentence.

09-06-2011, 05:20 PM
But I doubt Kim would've met Kris if it wasn't for the exposure from the sex tape. Khloe wouldn't have met Lamar if it wasn't for becoming popular because of her sister being a ho.

As for the clothing store, come on, you know they have no business degrees or training in fashion. They hire designers and people to run the store and just put their name on it.

i think their clothing store started from Kim buying clothes from somewhere and them marking it up and reselling it with her marketing. then the oldest sister took over. i could be wrong tho. i know there was a episode where Kim mentioned something about that. Kim is like Paris Hilton to me where they're both famous for no real reason than paparazzi, and thing is Paris is done for, her fame is long gone and she can barely make a buck off it still, while Kim has sort of took over but even Kim's fame isn't going to last much longer. i think Kris Humphries is a dumbass. he doesn't have a clue who he married and its pretty funny to watch him realize stuff about her you'd think everyone already knew(like her being materialistic or sex tape).

i'll give Khloe some credit since she has a pretty strong personality and did a radio show where she can take charge, but Odom's a dumbass too.

the show is fake in parts tho, in fact CNN had a clip of where the producer was setting the oldest sister and her husband up with something with walkie talkie's. i don't think its all scripted tho, especially some of the fights/arguments they get into.

09-06-2011, 05:24 PM
i think their clothing store started from Kim buying clothes from somewhere and them marking it up and reselling it with her marketing. then the oldest sister took over. i could be wrong tho. i know there was a episode where Kim mentioned something about that. Kim is like Paris Hilton to me where they're both famous for no real reason than paparazzi, and thing is Paris is done for, her fame is long gone and she can barely make a buck off it still, while Kim has sort of took over but even Kim's fame isn't going to last much longer. i think Kris Humphries is a dumbass. he doesn't have a clue who he married and its pretty funny to watch him realize stuff about her you'd think everyone already knew(like her being materialistic or sex tape).

i'll give Khloe some credit since she has a pretty strong personality and did a radio show where she can take charge, but Odom's a dumbass too.

the show is fake in parts tho, in fact CNN had a clip of where the producer was setting the oldest sister and her husband up with something with walkie talkie's. i don't think its all scripted tho, especially some of the fights/arguments they get into.


ErhnamDjinn was right. I just googled Kim and found out she was the stylist for Brandy and that's how she met Ray J. So apparently she can do something .

Seriously though, Kris is a dumbass. He was blinded by the booty. How do you marry a girl with a sex tape? Then when you have kids with her, the kids will find out their mom was a whore and will be harassed in school for it.

09-06-2011, 05:27 PM
Couldnt finish your first sentence. :oldlol: Wow, wtf happened to me.

09-06-2011, 05:28 PM
You tell your kids that most women are bitches and whores, and hope they'll understand? :confusedshrug:

What if you have a daughter? :lol

09-06-2011, 05:33 PM
What if you have a daughter? :lol

dont scare me brehhh

09-06-2011, 05:46 PM
You tell her if she's gonna be a whore, she best be whoring herself to some rich ass doctor or lawyer. :D

thats exactly what their mom is like. she gets all happy/giddy when she finds our her daughters are marrying men with money, and she treats her oldest daughters husband in law that isn't famous like shit. he sort of deserves it but u can tell their mom is that gold digging type of bitch. even worse is she treats Bruce Jenner like shit, its almost like she doesn't even love him much more than a marriage out of convenience, and she even treats the daughters her and Jenner had like second rate kids next to Kim, Khloe, Khortney. i mean how insulted would u be if your wife actually thought about changing her name away from your last name and back to her old one because its more recognized? even worse theres talk she might get some talk show job...i can't stand their mom. that typical all in your biz, gold digging superficial snobby ass mom.

09-06-2011, 06:03 PM
It's funny Rob and the other 2 sisters wouldn't be shit if it wasn't for Kim. Kim wouldn't be shit if it wasn't for Ray J. Ray J wouldn't be shit if it wasn't for Brandy.
true to the T

Take Your Lumps
09-06-2011, 06:52 PM

09-06-2011, 07:00 PM
Kim had some fame before Ray J and her tape...most people don't know that but it is true...

I can remember people passing photos of her around the office before the tape came out..."look at this chick's ass!!!"

the sex tape was a big deal cause it was Kim Kardashian, that chick with the killer ass

she would be famous regardless of Ray or that tape...I'm sure of it...she's rich and smokin and a camera whore, she's getting fame one way or another...

09-06-2011, 07:15 PM
i f'in hate their brother Rob. this kid acts like he's the shit, and he's such a judgemental dikk. he completely lives off of his sisters fame and their family money where he's a do nothing bum which is fine, but he's got this ego like he's some star. he got into it with Odom's best friend from his childhood who was also a bum leeching off of Lamar which is cool, but this fgt Rob isn't the one that should be judging Lamar's boy. he tried to become some agent taking over this girl group his mom didn't have time for, and he came in all cocky where they basically laughed at him. he's basically the embodiment of all of his sisters ego's combined with no talent at all and he's such a lazy prick on top of that. that whole family is so spoiled tho.

Kris Humphries is one of them frankenstein types. he talks sort of slow, real deep voice, and clearly doesn't think much. dude didn't even know Kim was married before, gets mad at her for being materialistic acting like he wasn't trying to marry some materialistic girl, and he probably doesn't even know she had a sex tape out. i don't even know why i watch this show since everyone is real annoying, but i love seeing people vacationing in paradise places, or living large i guess :confusedshrug:

You do know thats scripted? the fight with lamar's friend and rob.. everything about reality show is scripted... but still are you really serious about judging him based on the show? :roll: You only see 25% of em when they're on camera.

09-06-2011, 07:22 PM
Wow...Rob kinda remains me of myself. I'm a major f--king dick towards my family. I don't mean to be that way but I'm too comfortable with them that I end up talking like a truckdriver with them.

Remains me of myself? what?

09-06-2011, 07:23 PM
a chick sleeps with dudes and has a sex life that plays itself out in the media and she's a ho.

A dude talks about all his conquests and he gets a high five.

I just don't get the double standard. I don't expect a ton of girls to have 5 or less partners during their lifetime, and if you do, you obviously are stuck in 1940

Who gives a shit if you think she's a ho, you would wife that if given the opportunity.

09-06-2011, 07:24 PM
Couldnt finish your first sentence.
Me too... im like :wtf:

09-06-2011, 07:32 PM
You don't self-evaluate your own behavior and personality? Rob's behavior towards his family remains me of my own.
Oh... you meant Reminds. lol

09-06-2011, 07:35 PM
You do know thats scripted? the fight with lamar's friend and rob.. everything about reality show is scripted... but still are you really serious about judging him based on the show? :roll: You only see 25% of em when they're on camera.

can u prove it? its ez to pretend everything is scripted, since its the same heads acting like all reality tv is so fake here but they're ignorant, since all of it isn't. its ez to pretend everything is fake when u don't watch it. parts of it is on some reality shows, and some way more than others, but i know there are certain things that definitely aren't scripted(like a lot of the housewives shit, or most of the JS fights). now i don't know if the jaime vs rob stuff was scripted, it very well could've been, but i have my doubts since they went as low as Jaime being a do nothing alcoholic portraying him real bad, and then Lamar basically carrying him out of the shower or some shit. hell it very well could've been knowing how fake these people are, but a lot of it HAS to be real. like that dude Scott Dissick can't be completely acting, and a lot of them can't be acting most of the time since they can't be that good of actors. its the same reason why i think a lot of JS can't be scripted since they're deers in headlights if u see them doing commercials.

and wtf are u judging them from? RL or some shit? i mean i don't need to know Kris Humphries to see his character, even Odom, u can just get a feel for how they are in their personas, and i just don't think that part is nearly as fake/scripted as u want to imply.

09-06-2011, 07:36 PM
a chick sleeps with dudes and has a sex life that plays itself out in the media and she's a ho.

A dude talks about all his conquests and he gets a high five.

I just don't get the double standard. I don't expect a ton of girls to have 5 or less partners during their lifetime, and if you do, you obviously are stuck in 1940

Who gives a shit if you think she's a ho, you would wife that if given the opportunity.

Hell no. She's only good for a fu.ck. You can't make a ho a housewife. Call me crazy but I want to marry a woman that doesn't have a sex tape and is not a shallow, materialistic moron.

09-06-2011, 07:38 PM
Kim K > Your Current/Future Wife..

09-06-2011, 07:39 PM
a chick sleeps with dudes and has a sex life that plays itself out in the media and she's a ho.

A dude talks about all his conquests and he gets a high five.

I just don't get the double standard. I don't expect a ton of girls to have 5 or less partners during their lifetime, and if you do, you obviously are stuck in 1940

Who gives a shit if you think she's a ho, you would wife that if given the opportunity.
yeah truth is if Kim's a whore then so is damn near every female I know...people have sex

It sucks that her sex life is public for everyone to see though, that would bother most men I think...at least when guys marry their wife who is just as much of a whore that stuff is somewhat private...

09-06-2011, 07:40 PM
Are people really having a debate over the Kardashians? Wow has otc gone downhill

09-06-2011, 07:40 PM
a chick sleeps with dudes and has a sex life that plays itself out in the media and she's a ho.

A dude talks about all his conquests and he gets a high five.

I just don't get the double standard. I don't expect a ton of girls to have 5 or less partners during their lifetime, and if you do, you obviously are stuck in 1940

Who gives a shit if you think she's a ho, you would wife that if given the opportunity.

i'd be shocked if Kim K. isn't sloppy as hell in 10 years. that ass can't stay tight forever, and at some point its goig to be badonkadonk.

09-06-2011, 07:41 PM
Are people really having a debate over the Kardashians? Wow has otc gone downhill
Kim is serious shit

09-06-2011, 07:41 PM
Are people really having a debate over the Kardashians? Wow has otc gone downhill

apparently u don't read OTC too often....

09-06-2011, 07:41 PM
can u prove it? its ez to pretend everything is scripted, since its the same heads acting like all reality tv is so fake here but they're ignorant, since all of it isn't. its ez to pretend everything is fake when u don't watch it. parts of it is on some reality shows, and some way more than others, but i know there are certain things that definitely aren't scripted(like a lot of the housewives shit, or most of the JS fights). now i don't know if the jaime vs rob stuff was scripted, it very well could've been, but i have my doubts since they went as low as Jaime being a do nothing alcoholic portraying him real bad, and then Lamar basically carrying him out of the shower or some shit. hell it very well could've been knowing how fake these people are, but a lot of it HAS to be real. like that dude Scott Dissick can't be completely acting, and a lot of them can't be acting most of the time since they can't be that good of actors. its the same reason why i think a lot of JS can't be scripted since they're deers in headlights if u see them doing commercials.

and wtf are u judging them from? RL or some shit? i mean i don't need to know Kris Humphries to see his character, even Odom, u can just get a feel for how they are in their personas, and i just don't think that part is nearly as fake/scripted as u want to imply.

I would write back with a paragraph too, but I dont feel like it..

But all I got to say right now is.. you got a lot of shit to learn.

09-06-2011, 07:43 PM
Ok.. Godzuki watch reality shows too much.

You better study for the test tomorrow nigguh!

09-06-2011, 07:44 PM
I would write back with a paragraph too, but I dont feel like it..

But all I got to say right now is.. you got a lot of shit to learn.

maybe, maybe not. i like my reality shows tho, and i'd rather not know they're scripted even if they are....

most other tv sux unless its a HBO series. thats what trips me out about people always hating on them never bringing up the boring shit they watch.

09-06-2011, 07:51 PM
on a side note i gotta give props to ISH for this tracfone ad for triple minutes for life on a lg800g phone. best prepaid phone deal i've seen :applause:

09-06-2011, 08:00 PM
I'm thinking this whole thing is probably going to end up poorly for Humphries.

09-06-2011, 09:53 PM
If I was Rob, Kris would've gotten a punch straight to the throat............

09-06-2011, 09:55 PM
i'd give kris about 6 months

oh the horror
09-06-2011, 10:06 PM
Kim K > Your Current/Future Wife..

Please, Kim would be working at McDonalds if it wasnt for her father. The Kardashians are BUMS with money.

09-06-2011, 10:39 PM
Kris is a *** for doing that shyt... ***** is acting like he's a boss.

09-06-2011, 11:36 PM
What I learned from this video: Kris Humphries is an even bigger f@g than I suspected.

09-07-2011, 12:08 AM
What I learned from this video: Kris Humphries is an even bigger f@g than I suspected.

are you drunk your posts are quite unusual tonight


09-08-2011, 03:22 AM
I'd be shocked if Kris is still bullshitting around with these people after six months. Divorce on the way. There's just no way you can deal with all that shit on a daily basis. Especially when basketball comes back and you're on the road six days of the week and you come home to this shit? My God Kris, what have you gotten yourself into....

09-08-2011, 03:49 AM
I'd be shocked if Kris is still bullshitting around with these people after six months. Divorce on the way. There's just no way you can deal with all that shit on a daily basis. Especially when basketball comes back and you're on the road six days of the week and you come home to this shit? My God Kris, what have you gotten yourself into....
I just now watched that vid for the first time and to be honest it seemed almost completely harmless to me...even like it was scripted, it's not like that was a life changing event for Kris to the point he can't play bball anymore...lol

and it's not like Rob is the first brother to call his sister a whore...

marraige is stupid drama like that period...

09-08-2011, 04:21 AM
It's funny Rob and the other 2 sisters wouldn't be shit if it wasn't for Kim. Kim wouldn't be shit if it wasn't for Ray J. Ray J wouldn't be shit if it wasn't for Brandy.This too.

09-08-2011, 06:40 AM
Kim K :bowdown:

09-08-2011, 08:46 AM
I'd be shocked if Kris is still bullshitting around with these people after six months. Divorce on the way. There's just no way you can deal with all that shit on a daily basis. Especially when basketball comes back and you're on the road six days of the week and you come home to this shit? My God Kris, what have you gotten yourself into....

its easier since they're not seeing each other much. Kim is a work a holic too which i can respect. she's not as much of a lazy do nothing as people think altho she did get famous with 0 talent, but the way people hate on her is a little misleading. her other sisters are lazy do nothings tho.

they're basically a whole family of gold diggers where it starts with the mom.

09-08-2011, 08:56 AM
Rob speaking the truth

09-08-2011, 11:55 AM
It's funny Rob and the other 2 sisters wouldn't be shit if it wasn't for Kim. Kim wouldn't be shit if it wasn't for Ray J. Ray J wouldn't be shit if it wasn't for Brandy.

And Brandy wouldn't be shit if it wasn't for Moesha

09-08-2011, 12:43 PM
And Brandy wouldn't be shit if it wasn't for Moesha

You're kidding right?

09-08-2011, 01:43 PM
You're kidding right?


yea, I know Moesha was a fictional character and Brady had already blown up before that.