View Full Version : Post your workout routine and diet

09-09-2011, 01:25 AM
I'm trying to find a decent workout routine to do but it's tricky and I don't know what the hell I should do. Please help by posting your routines, as well as your diets and foods that you avoid.

09-09-2011, 01:35 AM
i do p90x

09-09-2011, 01:36 AM
i do p90x

90% of ish does, they only eat to prevent themselves from getting a 8pack

09-09-2011, 01:48 AM
im 230lbs, so i try to get in at least 250g of protein on my workout days, which is 5 times a week.

if you're a beginner, maybe start by doing a full body routine with a lot of compound lifts, 3 or 4 times a week. that way you'll gain strength quickly.

09-09-2011, 01:57 AM
im 230lbs, so i try to get in at least 250g of protein on my workout days, which is 5 times a week.

if you're a beginner, maybe start by doing a full body routine with a lot of compound lifts, 3 or 4 times a week. that way you'll gain strength quickly.

I have strength. I'm trying to get rid of my belly fat, tone my chest, and bulk up my arms. What kind of routine should I do? Also, what should I eat?

Bless Mathews
09-09-2011, 01:58 AM
Mon and Wed, I f.u.c.k baby mama #1 for about 40 minutes usually eat some sort of chicken , starch, and vegetable dinner, (she likes to cook) Tuesday's and Thursday's I **** baby mama #2 for about 20 minutes (much more vigorous though, she Likes pain and verocity) usually bring over some sort of fast food, she iS not picky at, lazy, don't like to cook and Fri, sat, sun I f.u.c.k baby mama #3 and my current "spoogie" for a good hour, hour and a half at least two of the days. We go out a lot to eat. Azteca, California pizza kitchen, red lobster, olive garden, terryaki joints, etc. Like I typed, she is my current spoogie and mother of my Lil dudes.

Besides that, I walk from my front door to my car, run around with my first and second round kids on our days. Every two three weeks I gotta make sure my 454's are gonna come out top notch. That's a work out.

09-09-2011, 02:01 AM
If you want legit workout routines.....I mean like the ones that work and are effective, I suggest you ask the people on bodybuilding forum, not here.

09-09-2011, 02:02 AM
I have strength. I'm trying to get rid of my belly fat, tone my chest, and bulk up my arms. What kind of routine should I do? Also, what should I eat?

give me an estimation as to what you do for bench, squats and deadlifts. also whats your height and weight?

09-09-2011, 02:07 AM
I have strength. I'm trying to get rid of my belly fat, tone my chest, and bulk up my arms. What kind of routine should I do? Also, what should I eat?
Typical novice avoiding leg workouts......but one workout would obviously be the bench press.

09-09-2011, 03:36 AM
Lift weights 3x per week. Run 2-3x per week, and I'd do it more if I had the time.

Diet = IIFYM. Get 1 gram of protein per LBM and eat whatever the **** I want to. Great for college.

09-09-2011, 03:41 AM
I have strength. I'm trying to get rid of my belly fat, tone my chest, and bulk up my arms. What kind of routine should I do? Also, what should I eat?

Getting lean comes down to diet more than training. Cut out all the soda and juice. Cut out all the junk food, refined carbs. Eat most of your starches post-workout. Eat at least a serving of fruit and/or veggies with each meal. Make sure you have a source of protein with each meal.

You can increase your cardio as well (interval training preferably). Don't neglect your leg training either (cardio doesn't count for that). You won't be able to bulk up your arms while getting a 6 pack either, unless you're using steroids or you're a total newb to training.

09-09-2011, 03:53 AM
I have strength. I'm trying to get rid of my belly fat, tone my chest, and bulk up my arms. What kind of routine should I do? Also, what should I eat?

i find it hard to believe you have good compound lift numbers yet want to bulk up your arms and tone your chest. one thing i noticed when i started deadlifting was a huge increase in my forearms. and bench has always been helpful for tricep development.

if you need something carbonated to drink and can't go without try mineral water instead of regular water. its not bad for you especially if you're going to be cutting a lot of salt out of your diet.

09-09-2011, 06:03 AM
Go see a trainer at the gym. He will make the best workout and diet for your need and your body

09-09-2011, 08:53 AM
There are only 2 reasons to lift, either you are bulking or cutting; since you have some belly fat you should probably cut first. If you dont know what that means..its eating at a calorie deficit while lifting at your max and eating enough protein so you lose minimal muscle..After youre as lean as you want to be, start bulking, lift heavier,eat a 500 calorie surplus if you want to clean bulk, eat more if you want to dirty bulk..if you clean bulk youll gain mostly muscle and hardly any fat, if you dirty bulk youll gain fat and muscle, of course.. for routines youre better off going to 4chan.org/fit/, my routine would not be good for you since youre newer to lifting

like other people said diet is most important,for cutting diet i eat a lot of cottage cheese,tuna,whey (Amazon is best, you can buy in bulk and choose the free shipping option), eggs,broccoli, salmon, whole wheat bread....just pretty much high protein,moderate fats, low carb...low carb but not too low because you will be miserable and want to suicide.

and on a cut i take an EC stack, it helps burn more fat but i mainly take it because its an appetite suppressant.

09-09-2011, 10:00 AM
u wanna lose weight u can do if for free or u can pay 90 dollars for p90x they both work, check the internet for nutrition and do a lot of cardio

09-09-2011, 10:09 AM
There are only 2 reasons to lift, either you are bulking or cutting; since you have some belly fat you should probably cut first. If you dont know what that means..its eating at a calorie deficit while lifting at your max and eating enough protein so you lose minimal muscle..After youre as lean as you want to be, start bulking, lift heavier,eat a 500 calorie surplus if you want to clean bulk, eat more if you want to dirty bulk..if you clean bulk youll gain mostly muscle and hardly any fat, if you dirty bulk youll gain fat and muscle, of course.. for routines youre better off going to 4chan.org/fit/, my routine would not be good for you since youre newer to lifting

like other people said diet is most important,for cutting diet i eat a lot of cottage cheese,tuna,whey (Amazon is best, you can buy in bulk and choose the free shipping option), eggs,broccoli, salmon, whole wheat bread....just pretty much high protein,moderate fats, low carb...low carb but not too low because you will be miserable and want to suicide.

and on a cut i take an EC stack, it helps burn more fat but i mainly take it because its an appetite suppressant.


09-09-2011, 10:34 AM
There are only 2 reasons to lift, either you are bulking or cutting; since you have some belly fat you should probably cut first. If you dont know what that means..its eating at a calorie deficit while lifting at your max and eating enough protein so you lose minimal muscle..After youre as lean as you want to be, start bulking, lift heavier,eat a 500 calorie surplus if you want to clean bulk, eat more if you want to dirty bulk..if you clean bulk youll gain mostly muscle and hardly any fat, if you dirty bulk youll gain fat and muscle, of course.. for routines youre better off going to 4chan.org/fit/, my routine would not be good for you since youre newer to lifting

like other people said diet is most important,for cutting diet i eat a lot of cottage cheese,tuna,whey (Amazon is best, you can buy in bulk and choose the free shipping option), eggs,broccoli, salmon, whole wheat bread....just pretty much high protein,moderate fats, low carb...low carb but not too low because you will be miserable and want to suicide.

and on a cut i take an EC stack, it helps burn more fat but i mainly take it because its an appetite suppressant.

amazon is a terrible place to buy supplements

09-09-2011, 10:48 AM
Right now i am aiming to burn as much fat as possible but while building muscle at the same time..... goal is a ripped but muscular body (low body fat%)... so i try to mix alot of different cardio and ofcourse do strengthtraining to maintain muscle growth and avoid muscles being burned in the process.... diet is any high protein, low calorie food...

A typical day starts off =

1. Wake up, drink water, then get out and Run immediately... your body burns the most fat in the morning, preferably on a empty stomach. (Bruce Lee tip!)
2. Come back, eat breakfast (oatmeal), 20 g 100% Whey Protein shake.
3. Lunch (anything with high protein & low calories, vegetables etc.)
4. 1 hour before training 20 g 100% whey protein shake.
5. Train/Workout (see downstairs)...
6. After the training i take 20 g 100% whey protein again...
7. Eat another healthy meal, Omega 3.
8. Rest and snack a bit of healthy fat (nuts)
9. Eat another healthy meal
10. Sleep....... make sure i sleep at least 8 hours... rest is very important!!

Before every workout i do a 20-30 min. of Cardio warmup (bicycle, incline treadmill etc.)...

ABS workout, 2-3 times a week, mixed up anyday, I do many different routines, latest one has been:
3 x Crunches
3 x Hanging knee raises
3 x Reverse Incline Crunch/Knee Raise
3 x Power Wheel Rollout
(no specific reps... everything is "until failure")

Mondays - Chest
Tuesdays - Back
Wednesdays - Shoulders
Thursdays - Biceps + Triceps
Fridays - Legs

Its all four or five 4 x 8 rep routines per musclegroup basically.... i interchange alot and "switch the days" & routines to surprise the muscles... very important!

I make sure i train in such a way that i can only train 1 musclegroup per week.... it takes at least 48 hours for a musclegroup to recover completely & recharge (if u have trained correctly, which means hard & well enough).... so its possible to train the same musclegroup 2 times a week.... but that will **** up your workout routine because of the other musclegroups you must train............ 1 musclegroup per week is best... so make sure you kill that musclegroup thoroughly!

Heavy Weights + Low Reps = Success...

Saturday - Hardcore Cardio (around 60 min. or more, 75-80% HeartRate)
Sunday - Rest or Hardcore Cardio again... that is the question...



09-09-2011, 11:03 AM
1. Wake up, drink water, then get out and Run immediately... your body burns the most fat in the morning,

I make sure i train in such a way that i can only train 1 musclegroup per week.... it takes at least 48 hours for a musclegroup to recover completely & recharge

I've bolded the broscience for you, the 'facts' that are impossible to prove as they aren't backed by any type of legit research or clinical study.

09-09-2011, 11:04 AM
I've bolded the broscience for you, the 'facts' that are impossible to prove as they aren't backed by any type of legit research or clinical study.

I believe in what Bruce Lee said....

and i did get results.... thats more than a fact for me...

as far as how long it takes to recover from a session of resistance training.. depends totally on the intensity that you use....

09-09-2011, 11:05 AM
I believe in what Bruce Lee said....

and i did get results.... thats more than a fact for me...


they aren't facts

09-09-2011, 11:18 AM
"High Intensity

Your muscles may not recover for three to four days or longer after high-intensity anaerobic exercise. This may include heavy weightlifting with four to six repetitions or fewer per exercise set. This type of workout results in myofibril failure, or the failure of muscle tissues that support strength and power. The primary recovery nutrients for this kind of exercise are dietary proteins. Proteins supply enzymes and raw material for repairing damaged muscle tissue and support muscular growth. Include carbohydrates in your meals also, to help with muscle repair."

Read more: http://www.livestrong.com/article/356973-how-long-does-a-muscle-take-to-recover-after-anaerobic-exercise/#ixzz1XT8DntlG

ask any pro bodybuilder.... you should train a musclegroup in such a way you can do it maximum 1-2 times per week if you want max musclegrowth...... if you can train your Chest 2+++ times a week....... your workout routine absolutely sux...

Try this:

3 x explosive pushups until failure (warmup)
4 x 8 - Bench Press
4 x 8 - Nautilus Press
4 x 8 - Incline Press
4 x 8 - Pec Deck
4 x 8 - Barbell Bench Press

with 8 reps... i ofcourse mean the heaviest weight you can lift maximum 8 times...

Thats a perfect super intense FULL chest workout.... Do that one day...... i can guarantee you.... you wont be able to train your Chest for the week.....

09-09-2011, 11:25 AM

they aren't facts

It helps with fat loss because after the night of no food, the body has no source of energy left to burn other than fat reserves.........

you dont need any rocket science project to know why it works....

All the researches basically say:

The reason you burn more fat during a fasted state is because 1. low insulin levels 2. high glucagon levels triggering hormone sensitive lipase to begin breaking down triglycerides to FFA and glycerol to be utilized for energy to the body.

Your body has 2 goals during a fasted state, to feed the brain (priority number 1) and to create enough energy for the rest of the body. The brain is getting glucose from liver glycogen, and gluconeogenesis from glycerol and alanine (alanine coming from muscle protein due to rising cortisol levels promoting muscle breakdown)....

And the reason you do not have low muscle glycogen is because it wouldn't make any sense for the body to use it, mainly because muscles have very few glucagon receptors and that you are already getting glucose from multiple sources........

So all the medical/workout whatever books i have here say.....

It does work................ now.... you refusing to believe it... because you are to lazy to do it... is your own problem...

09-09-2011, 11:51 AM
It helps with fat loss because after the night of no food, the body has no source of energy left to burn other than fat reserves.........

you dont need any rocket science project to know why it works....

All the researches basically say:

The reason you burn more fat during a fasted state is because 1. low insulin levels 2. high glucagon levels triggering hormone sensitive lipase to begin breaking down triglycerides to FFA and glycerol to be utilized for energy to the body.

Your body has 2 goals during a fasted state, to feed the brain (priority number 1) and to create enough energy for the rest of the body. The brain is getting glucose from liver glycogen, and gluconeogenesis from glycerol and alanine (alanine coming from muscle protein due to rising cortisol levels promoting muscle breakdown)....

And the reason you do not have low muscle glycogen is because it wouldn't make any sense for the body to use it, mainly because muscles have very few glucagon receptors and that you are already getting glucose from multiple sources........

So all the medical/workout whatever books i have here say.....

It does work................ now.... you refusing to believe it... because you are to lazy to do it... is your own problem...

medical/workout books, eh?

The first part is bolded because you have no idea what you're talking about. What about muscle? A much more readily available source of energy than fat.

Glad you did all of that work. None of it has been proven. What has been proven is that nutrient timing is broscience and fasted training is no better than training training.


Carbohydrate during exercise spares liver glycogen, which is among the most critical factors for anticatabolism during hypocaloric & other conditions of metabolic stress. This protective hepatic effect is absent in fasted cardio.

...and unlike your amazingly legit Livestrong article, these references are linked.

09-09-2011, 12:17 PM
medical/workout books, eh?

The first part is bolded because you have no idea what you're talking about. What about muscle? A much more readily available source of energy than fat.

Glad you did all of that work. None of it has been proven. What has been proven is that nutrient timing is broscience and fasted training is no better than training training.


...and unlike your amazingly legit Livestrong article, these references are linked.
I'm pretty sure fat is a more readily available source than muscle. The Krebs cycle is more likely to substitute lipid chains and triglycerides in for carbohydrate derivatives than it will amino acid chains. Other than that, yeah, I'm not sure how much I'd listen to pauk:oldlol: :oldlol: . Though, some people are idiots in the NBA forum but relatively normal in the OTC lounge, so who knows.

I do my own thing and it works really well, but it may not work for another person, so there's no real universal fact for working out. People are too busy conducting clinical stuff on other stuff (diseases, drugs, etc.) to spend time on this stuff I guess. It would be idealistic, but I think we'd all prefer one small step towards cancer research than a bunch of studies on the best way to get huge.

Styles p
09-09-2011, 12:36 PM
diet: anything i want to eat
routine: 200 pushups a day, 100 crunches and 50 pull ups

09-09-2011, 01:26 PM
I'm pretty sure fat is a more readily available source than muscle. The Krebs cycle is more likely to substitute lipid chains and triglycerides in for carbohydrate derivatives than it will amino acid chains. Other than that, yeah, I'm not sure how much I'd listen to pauk:oldlol: :oldlol: . Though, some people are idiots in the NBA forum but relatively normal in the OTC lounge, so who knows.

readily available would be a poor choice of wordage on my part lol

09-09-2011, 01:42 PM

What other reasons are there, besides to gain muscle/strength or get leaner?

09-09-2011, 01:45 PM
amazon is a terrible place to buy supplements

Not for protein which is the only thing i buy from there, you can find 5 lb tubs of Gold Standard for 35$ and get free shipping

or you can go to Wal-Mart and pay 20$ for their low quality,terrible tasting 2lb tub

or go to GNC and pay 40$ for a 2lb tub

or find another website where theyre cheap...then cost 40$ for shipping.

09-09-2011, 01:49 PM
Not for protein which is the only thing i buy from there, you can find 5 lb tubs of Gold Standard for 35$ and get free shipping

or you can go to Wal-Mart and pay 20$ for their low quality,terrible tasting 2lb tub

or go to GNC and pay 40$ for a 2lb tub

or find another website where theyre cheap...then cost 40$ for shipping.

I don't consider gold standard to be protein. I'd rather eat dirt than drink that stuff, they haven't even disclosed their refining methods, they have terrible customer service and for my money, I'm willing to bet it's primarily cheap, low-quality ion-exchange.

09-09-2011, 01:53 PM
I don't consider gold standard to be protein. I'd rather eat dirt than drink that stuff, they haven't even disclosed their refining methods, they have terrible customer service and for my money, I'm willing to bet it's primarily cheap, low-quality ion-exchange.

Yes, nobody listen to the experts or what most bodybuilders recommend, listen to this guy.

"Gold Standard 100% Whey

09-09-2011, 01:56 PM
Yes, nobody listen to the experts or what most bodybuilders recommend, listen to this guy.

"Gold Standard 100% Whey™ has won the Supplement Of The Year and Protein Powder Of The Year awards for 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010! Since the very beginning, Optimum Nutrition has raised the standard by which all other whey protein supplements are judged"

Lol, plenty of experts recommend plenty of things. They usually get paid for it too. I'm fully aware of what the most popular product is. That doesn't make it the best, man.

I'm curious to hear how many proteins you have tried. I know I have tried more and probably have been in contacts with more customer service reps than you as well..

...and I can't believe you'd bring up the laughing stock that is the selection process for those awards.

09-09-2011, 02:01 PM
I do some kettlebell training with some push up and pull ups.

Diet, I eat a bit of everything and try to stay clear junk foods.

I'm 5'8 and 178lbs. 32 inch waist.

09-09-2011, 02:02 PM
Lol, plenty of experts recommend plenty of things. They usually get paid for it too. I'm fully aware of what the most popular product is. That doesn't make it the best, man.

I'm curious to hear how many proteins you have tried. Cause more often than not it's the ON lapriders who have only tried ON.

Ive tried pretty much every protein powder and every NO supplement..So what, youre like a hipster for workout supplements? I dont give a sh*t if plutonium is in it, as long as it works.

-mixes smoothly
-tastes good
-great Nutrition facts...assuming theyre real :confusedshrug:
-everyone has recommended it as the best protein for years

laughing stock awards? what are your reasons for saying that? and do you have any proof for what youre about to say?

09-09-2011, 02:10 PM
Ive tried pretty much every protein powder and every NO supplement..So what, youre like a hipster for workout supplements? I dont give a sh*t if plutonium is in it, as long as it works.

-mixes smoothly
-tastes good
-great Nutrition facts...assuming theyre real :confusedshrug:
-everyone has recommended it as the best protein for years

Hipster? Sure.

You chose myofusion, trutein, allmax, dymatize, UP all over ON?

Any protein I've listed mixes smoothly, tastes infinitely better than ON, have disclosed their refining process, have great customer service for handling things like returns and exchanges, and are still on par price wise with ON.

and for you to say 'great nutrition facts' is just retarded. All protein products that are basic whey proteins will be approximately 110 to 150 calories and anywhere from 20-25 grams of protein. There isn't much variance to products who speaking in terms of calories, can't change much.

As for the supplement awards it's based on popular choice and anyone on the BB.com forum will tell you it's a joke. Just because the VMAs chose lil wayne as the best artist of the year doesn't mean he is. Stop buying into the popular option and question what you're putting into your body on a daily basis.

09-09-2011, 02:19 PM
Hipster? Sure.

You chose myofusion, trutein, allmax, dymatize, UP all over ON?

Any protein I've listed mixes smoothly, tastes infinitely better than ON, have disclosed their refining process, have great customer service for handling things like returns and exchanges, and are still on par price wise with ON.

and for you to say 'great nutrition facts' is just retarded. All protein products that are basic whey proteins will be approximately 110 to 150 calories and anywhere from 20-25 grams of protein. There isn't much variance to products who speaking in terms of calories, can't change much.

As for the supplement awards it's based on popular choice and anyone on the BB.com forum will tell you it's a joke. Just because the VMAs chose lil wayne as the best artist of the year doesn't mean he is. Stop buying into the popular option and question what you're putting into your body on a daily basis.


-18 grams of protein

pick 1

you just said all products are basically the same, so why are you saying Gold Standard is so bad? I guess theyre all bad

bb.com is the joke dude...please tell me you dont take a place full of scrawny/obese guys with fake pictures seriously

then you tell me to go to bb.com and everyone there will tell me the awards are a joke..right after telling me not to listen to popular opinion....
anyways, if you want we can have a contest, post and compare our bodies in the near future, no homo...of course we'd have to make a sign or something to prove its us

09-09-2011, 02:22 PM

-18 grams of protein

pick 1

bb.com is the joke dude...please tell me you dont take a place full of scrawny/obese guys with fake pictures seriously

anyways, if you want we can have a contest, post and compare our bodies in the near future, no homo...of course we'd have to make a sign or something to prove its us

The serving size is based on weight man. 4 calories per gram doesn't change much. Of course if you use a tablespoon of whey it will be less protein.

Could you possibly tell me what a high heat refining environment does to whey protein?

BB.com's forum section is no joke. Alan Aragon, Layne Norton, and plenty of MDs and head researchers have debates and discussions there daily. Go ahead and ask them what they think of ON protein. You'll have your unbiased, unshilled opinion.

09-09-2011, 02:27 PM
What other reasons are there, besides to gain muscle/strength or get leaner?

you can gain strength without gaining weight...Not everyone lifts weight to be bigger or lose weight. Some people just want to be faster, stronger, jump higher, etc.

09-09-2011, 02:34 PM
Looks like we have a lot of body builders here. I'm going to start working out I'm out of shape. I don't have weights, how do you guys suggest me working out? Push ups, Sit ups?

09-09-2011, 02:42 PM
Looks like we have a lot of body builders here. I'm going to start working out I'm out of shape. I don't have weights, how do you guys suggest me working out? Push ups, Sit ups?

Get a gym membership for like $20-30 a month. You can only go so far doing bodyweight exercises.

But for now i would do a circuit of pushups - pullups - squats/lunges
Do as many reps as you can on pushups and pullups and about 20-30 reps on squats lunges. I would do the whole circuit 5 times with 2 minutes break in between each circuit.

And then you can do some running and crunches on different days

LBJ 23
09-09-2011, 02:58 PM
Looks like we have a lot of body builders here. I'm going to start working out I'm out of shape. I don't have weights, how do you guys suggest me working out? Push ups, Sit ups?

For home workouts I recommend following this guy videos. He demonstrates a lot of pretty good and practical home exercises.


09-09-2011, 03:01 PM
Looks like we have a lot of body builders here. I'm going to start working out I'm out of shape. I don't have weights, how do you guys suggest me working out? Push ups, Sit ups?
Pretty much and do some running too. Cardio is underrated.

09-09-2011, 03:09 PM
Looks like we have a lot of body builders here. I'm going to start working out I'm out of shape. I don't have weights, how do you guys suggest me working out? Push ups, Sit ups?
Depends on how long you plan to work out for. If years, then I'd personally suggest a pair of adjustable dumbells you can get up to 50 pounds/hand for 45$. Buying two of those and a bench (not a complete bench press, just the bench) would cost maybe 140$ max. With just those you have an unlimited amount of exercises to do for every muscle in your body. Oh, I'd also suggest a pull up bar, which can be as low as 25$. With that, you're spending 165$, for a very long time. If you're planning to work out for only a few months, then gym membership might be better.

Gyms where I live cost about 40-50/month, so for me it makes more sense to spend money once (though relatively large amount) rather than paying on a monthly basis. Do you want to get toned, build mass, or a combination of both?

09-09-2011, 03:11 PM
The serving size is based on weight man. 4 calories per gram doesn't change much. Of course if you use a tablespoon of whey it will be less protein.

Could you possibly tell me what a high heat refining environment does to whey protein?

BB.com's forum section is no joke. Alan Aragon, Layne Norton, and plenty of MDs and head researchers have debates and discussions there daily. Go ahead and ask them what they think of ON protein. You'll have your unbiased, unshilled opinion.

No i dont, like Greg Valentino said "those who can,do, those who cant, teach"

Layne Norton is a f*cking joke..he calls himself natural then goes on a cycle of steroids, look up his videos, he yells g*y sh*t like "are you willing to sacrifice to win?!!?" right before he lifts...hes the joke of bodybuilding...

well you say people get paid to recommend Gold Standard, how would you know people dont get paid to not recommend it and suggest another brand?

im sure you do know a lot of things, but like i mentioned, we can compare bodies with proof signs, no homo:confusedshrug: we can make it a friendly competition, set a date

09-09-2011, 03:17 PM
you can gain strength without gaining weight...Not everyone lifts weight to be bigger or lose weight. Some people just want to be faster, stronger, jump higher, etc.

that can happen, like the very first month you start lifting...after that, no.

09-09-2011, 03:18 PM
diet: anything i want to eat
routine: 200 pushups a day, 100 crunches and 50 pull ups

and if youre black, with your superior genetics you probably have the body of a god:(

09-09-2011, 03:18 PM
Morn- Insanity(plyo usually)

Dumbbell bench 5x8
Incline DB bench 3x8
Cable flies 4x8
Bunch of diff tricep stuff
DB shoulder press 4x8
Shoulder flies 3x12

Upright rows 3x10
Pullups 5x10
Barbell rows
Ab ripper x


Calf raises

Fri - same as Monday

Weekends I try to either ball during the day, do the Tuesday lifts, or Insanity/run

Diet's pretty basic, kind of a clean bulk I guess. Protein/creatine. Nearly all the lifts are heavy

09-09-2011, 03:29 PM
that can happen, like the very first month you start lifting...after that, no.

Nope. I increased my deadlift by 70lbs in the last 6 months and i've been working out for the past 3 years now. I didnt gain weight whatsoever in that time frame neither.

Watch olympic lifters or even boxers who get stronger while maintaining the same weight. You can do that by improving your neuromuscular system's efficiency

09-09-2011, 03:36 PM
Nope. I increased my deadlift by 70lbs in the last 6 months and i've been working out for the past 3 years now. I didnt gain weight whatsoever in that time frame neither.

Watch olympic lifters or even boxers who get stronger while maintaining the same weight. You can do that by improving your neuromuscular system's efficiency

thats terrible progress...you can increase your deadlift by 100+ lbs just by using chalk

can you show me any 140 lb Olympic Lifters deadlifting 600 lbs using your magic technique?

thats probably because they cut first then bulk..subtract some fat add some muscle

09-09-2011, 03:43 PM
thats terrible progress...you can increase your deadlift by 100+ lbs just by using chalk

can you show me any 140 lb Olympic Lifters deadlifting 600 lbs using your magic technique?

thats probably because they cut first then bulk..subtract some fat add some muscle

09-09-2011, 03:52 PM
thats terrible progress...you can increase your deadlift by 100+ lbs just by using chalk

can you show me any 140 lb Olympic Lifters deadlifting 600 lbs using your magic technique?

thats probably because they cut first then bulk..subtract some fat add some muscle

not terrible at all considering that i didnt focus solely on deadlifts in that time frame and that i didnt use any drugs whatsoever. The only supplement i ever took was creatine. Also since it was during summer time the partying and all that kinda held me back a lil bit and there was periods of time where i stopped deadlifting for 4-5 weeks straight.

and no you cant increase your deadlift by 100lbs using chalk only unless you grip strength is weaker than a 10 year old girl.

Right now i can do 455lbs deadlift at 157lbs bodyweight and im pretty sure i can get to 500lbs by february while weighing about the same. There's no magic technique just hard work and motivation.

09-09-2011, 04:29 PM
1. Back and triceps

2. Chest and biceps

3. Shoulders and legs

I have a day of rest between workouts.

P.S. I started like a week ago...

09-09-2011, 04:45 PM
For those who are asking about my stats:

142 lbs
Age: 20

1 Rep Maxes:
Bench around 165 (135 for 7 reps)
Squat around 200 (I try to avoid it)
Bicep curl 75 (Both arms together)
Leg Press I don't know (I've repped 225)
I can do 16 chin ups/pull ups
I can do over 100 sit ups in a sitting
I can do around 30 push ups in a sitting

My core is terrible. I have a small gut that I usually suck in but I want that area flat so I don't have to. I play basketball for cardio.My arms are skinny as hell for some reason (I suspect it's my diet). So there you go. What should I do for diet and workout routine?

And I really don't care about toning my legs. I care infinitely more about upper body (don't judge me, but that's what people look at anyway)

09-09-2011, 04:52 PM
not terrible at all considering that i didnt focus solely on deadlifts in that time frame and that i didnt use any drugs whatsoever. The only supplement i ever took was creatine. Also since it was during summer time the partying and all that kinda held me back a lil bit and there was periods of time where i stopped deadlifting for 4-5 weeks straight.

and no you cant increase your deadlift by 100lbs using chalk only unless you grip strength is weaker than a 10 year old girl.

Right now i can do 455lbs deadlift at 157lbs bodyweight and im pretty sure i can get to 500lbs by february while weighing about the same. There's no magic technique just hard work and motivation.

creatine? that pretty much just adds water weight and makes you look bigger...weird considering you say you gained no weight:ohwell:

or you know...if you work out hard and your palms are sweaty

definitely possible, I just dont believe you.

please, explain the science behind constantly getting stronger while putting on no muscle.

09-09-2011, 04:55 PM
I really thought some troll would have already posted OP's pictures.

09-09-2011, 04:59 PM
Lol I liked how the fittest guy in this thread stated his stats and mentioned his waistline. Nothing more.

That kind of brevity is just sexy.

09-09-2011, 05:06 PM
creatine? that pretty much just adds water weight and makes you look bigger
lol have you ever taken it? Gives you a noticeable boost in strength

09-09-2011, 05:07 PM
lol have you ever taken it? Gives you a noticeable boost in strength
Doesn't creatine mess with your kidneys? :confusedshrug: I mean I drink protein shakes too but not creatine.

09-09-2011, 05:08 PM
Depends on how long you plan to work out for. If years, then I'd personally suggest a pair of adjustable dumbells you can get up to 50 pounds/hand for 45$. Buying two of those and a bench (not a complete bench press, just the bench) would cost maybe 140$ max. With just those you have an unlimited amount of exercises to do for every muscle in your body. Oh, I'd also suggest a pull up bar, which can be as low as 25$. With that, you're spending 165$, for a very long time. If you're planning to work out for only a few months, then gym membership might be better.

Gyms where I live cost about 40-50/month, so for me it makes more sense to spend money once (though relatively large amount) rather than paying on a monthly basis. Do you want to get toned, build mass, or a combination of both?

Thanks guys. I'm new to working out basically. I tried before but I wasn't committed. I noticed my age & body's catching up with me. I'm planning on getting toned, gaining more weight to my body, and hopefully turn whatever I can into muscle. I want to get broad shoulders. Does anyone know how I can get wider more muscular shoulders?

09-09-2011, 05:16 PM
Doesn't creatine mess with your kidneys? :confusedshrug: I mean I drink protein shakes too but not creatine.

Only those with existing kidney problems should stay away from it. If you have healthy kidneys, it should be perfectly fine.

09-09-2011, 05:17 PM
For those who are asking about my stats:

142 lbs
Age: 20

1 Rep Maxes:
Bench around 165 (135 for 7 reps)
Squat around 200 (I try to avoid it)
Bicep curl 75 (Both arms together)
Leg Press I don't know (I've repped 225)
I can do 16 chin ups/pull ups
I can do over 100 sit ups in a sitting
I can do around 30 push ups in a sitting

My core is terrible. I have a small gut that I usually suck in but I want that area flat so I don't have to. I play basketball for cardio.My arms are skinny as hell for some reason (I suspect it's my diet). So there you go. What should I do for diet and workout routine?

And I really don't care about toning my legs. I care infinitely more about upper body (don't judge me, but that's what people look at anyway)

You won't be successful with your goals unless you start training your legs hard.

09-09-2011, 05:49 PM
Thanks guys. I'm new to working out basically. I tried before but I wasn't committed. I noticed my age & body's catching up with me. I'm planning on getting toned, gaining more weight to my body, and hopefully turn whatever I can into muscle. I want to get broad shoulders. Does anyone know how I can get wider more muscular shoulders?
Perfect, because I have no idea how well my workout works in the longterm :P. I've done a pretty similar thing the last couple of summers and in each one I had massive gains. For example, this summer in 6 weeks of working out my arms went from 13.5 inches to 15.7 inches. The summer previous I went from 21% to 13.5% body fat, but that took 84 days, just 12 weeks. The two workouts were different though.

The 84 day workout I got relatively ripped (13.5% body fat you'll see a 6 pack without flexing, but it'll be faint)

The 6 week workout was pretty much the same thing, except no ab workouts, and eating more (both more protein, but also more fat). I still went down in body fat percentage, but only to 14.5% and because I didn't do any ab workouts, nothing at all shows. This workout was really good for the shoulders though. In 6 weeks my shoulders got bigger than they did in 12 weeks last year. The 12 week workout though did also make me much bigger, but the 6 week one I got bigger much faster, sacrificing definition or "rippedness."

Let me know which one you'd prefer and I can PM you. Again, huge disclaimer, I don't know how effective these workouts are past 12 weeks. If you start to plateaue after then, there are other workouts you can do for sure.

09-09-2011, 06:56 PM
creatine? that pretty much just adds water weight and makes you look bigger...weird considering you say you gained no weight:ohwell:

or you know...if you work out hard and your palms are sweaty

definitely possible, I just dont believe you.

please, explain the science behind constantly getting stronger while putting on no muscle.

No, creatine doesnt just add water weight. Adding water weight is only a side effect and not even the main goal of the creatine.

and what dont you believe?

Also read this article: http://www.higher-faster-sports.com/GettingStronger.html
it explains how its possible to get stronger without gaining weight.

since you will probably be too lazy to read it all here's the most important point you need to know:

Increasing muscular motor unit recruitment

This involves training your body to use all of the "potential" muscle strength it has in a given task. Muscle fibers are grouped under motor units with each motor unit controlling a number of muscle cells or fibers. When a motor unit receives the signal from your nervous system to fire then all the muscle fibers under control of that motor unit also fire. So a muscle fiber or cell either fires all the way or not at all. Motor units are recruited on an "as needed" basis. When you lift a spoon to your mouth you signal your nervous system to "recruit" only a few motor units. When you curl a heavy weight you use a lot more. The more force required the more motor units you "turn on" and the more muscle cells you fire.

What's interesting is that the average person is only capable of recruiting around 50% of their available motor units or using 50% of their "potential" strength in a given task. With training you can increase this to upwards of 90%. That means when you go in the gym and lift a 1rm load even though you're straining as hard as you can you're most likely not using anywhere near all your potential strength to lift that weight.

Think of motor unit recruitment as being very similar to "relative strength", or strength per pound of bodyweight. Increasing relative strength means getting stronger without adding bulk. When you see someone who is "strong for their size" or a training technique that makes you "strong for your size" then know that that person has good motor unit recruitment abilities.

09-09-2011, 07:03 PM
iifym is pure genius.

09-09-2011, 07:30 PM
Doesn't creatine mess with your kidneys? :confusedshrug: I mean I drink protein shakes too but not creatine.
Should be fine as long as you drink enough water. I usually use it when I bulk for 2 months or so and then cycle off of it when I cut.

09-09-2011, 08:39 PM
lol have you ever taken it? Gives you a noticeable boost in strength

yes, NO products made it obsolete, same sh*t except without the water retention...good luck trying to be cut while on creatine

those 275 lb guys with huge muscles that are curling 15 lb dumbbells, theyre on creatine...look like a monster, lift like a girl

example: that Joey guy from that one season on Real World, lifts 10 lb dumbbells and lost at arm wrestling to like a 160 lb guy


09-09-2011, 08:43 PM
yes, NO products made it obsolete, same sh*t except without the water retention...good luck trying to be cut while on creatine

those 275 lb guys with huge muscles that are curling 15 lb dumbbells, theyre on creatine...look like a monster, lift like a girl

example: that Joey guy from that one season on Real World, lifts 10 lb dumbbells and lost at arm wrestling to like a 160 lb guy


NO products work in a totally different way than creatine. It hasn't made it obsolete at all.

09-09-2011, 08:43 PM
yes, NO products made it obsolete, same sh*t except without the water retention...good luck trying to be cut while on creatine

those 275 lb guys with huge muscles that are curling 15 lb dumbbells, theyre on creatine...look like a monster, lift like a girl

example: that Joey guy from that one season on Real World, lifts 10 lb dumbbells and lost at arm wrestling to like a 160 lb guy


You're delusional if you think that guy lifts 10 lb dumbbells.

09-09-2011, 08:57 PM
No, creatine doesnt just add water weight. Adding water weight is only a side effect and not even the main goal of the creatine.

and what dont you believe?

Also read this article: http://www.higher-faster-sports.com/GettingStronger.html
it explains how its possible to get stronger without gaining weight.

since you will probably be too lazy to read it all here's the most important point you need to know:

that only works for a certain amount of time...theres a reason the strongest guys in sports are the biggest...i dont see Desean Jackson or receivers his size running over anybody using your special technique...

09-09-2011, 08:58 PM
You're delusional if you think that guy lifts 10 lb dumbbells.

he does...i saw it on The Real World

he doesnt max out, he reps with it, which is still pathetic.

09-09-2011, 08:58 PM
Yeah i said in the other thread I started on creatine a few weeks ago and already added 7 pounds or so. Can't say if i've noticed an increase in strength or not cuz i don't really push the weight limits too much, but still i've noticed size increases.

09-09-2011, 09:00 PM
he does...i saw it on The Real World

he doesnt max out, he reps with it, which is still pathetic.

That doesn't mean it's because of creatine. Pretty much all bodybuilders/pro athletes use creatine.

09-09-2011, 09:00 PM
NO products work in a totally different way than creatine. It hasn't made it obsolete at all.

whatever makes you feel better,its not too late to stop wasting your money.

creatine is probably the least valuable supplement.

09-09-2011, 09:01 PM
That doesn't mean it's because of creatine. Pretty much all bodybuilders/pro athletes use creatine.

no, they use steroids and say they just use creatine, and other products of course.

09-09-2011, 09:05 PM
whatever makes you feel better,its not too late to stop wasting your money.

creatine is probably the least valuable supplement.


Read the research. There's been tons of studies on creatine and its benefits. Show me some on NO.

09-09-2011, 09:07 PM
no, they use steroids and say they just use creatine, and other products of course.

Right :rolleyes:. I have friends who used creatine and they got big increases in their lifts like 20 lbs in 3 weeks on their max bench.

09-09-2011, 09:07 PM
Yeah i said in the other thread I started on creatine a few weeks ago and already added 7 pounds or so. Can't say if i've noticed an increase in strength or not cuz i don't really push the weight limits too much, but still i've noticed size increases.

told you Reef, nothing but water weight.

why would you want bloated creatine muscles when you can have lean muscle with the same strength

09-09-2011, 09:10 PM
Right :rolleyes:. I have friends who used creatine and they got big increases in their lifts like 20 lbs in 3 weeks on their max bench.

thats not that much, you can do that with regular bulking...

09-09-2011, 09:10 PM
Will people stop listening and responding to that 808 guy? HE is clearly a troll and should never be taken seriously. He is nothing more than a thread killer.

09-09-2011, 09:11 PM
thats not that much, you can do that with regular bulking...

Not in 3 weeks when you are already an experienced lifter at a plateau.

09-09-2011, 09:15 PM
You won't be successful with your goals unless you start training your legs hard.

Mind telling me the reason?

09-09-2011, 09:15 PM
Will people stop listening and responding to that 808 guy? HE is clearly a troll and should never be taken seriously. He is nothing more than a thread killer.

are you serious?

please do tell me what i said that is trolling

that you have to put on muscle to get stronger?

are you retarded?

09-09-2011, 09:19 PM
Not in 3 weeks when you are already an experienced lifter at a plateau.

bulking= excess calories
bulking=excess energy

its not that hard and its not the creatine

and when you plateau you switch up the sets, super sets and pyramid sets and lower the weight slightly.

09-09-2011, 09:19 PM
are you serious?

please do tell me what i said that is trolling

that you have to put on muscle to get stronger?

are you retarded?
You are a moron in general, I have not read a single one of your posts in this thread except for the current one I am quoting......I am 99.9% sure you are wrong like the usual and more than likely trolling.

09-09-2011, 09:25 PM
You are a moron in general, I have not read a single one of your posts in this thread except for the current one I am quoting......I am 99.9% sure you are wrong like the usual and more than likely trolling.

hahaa pfft, that usually means, you read everything i said

like i said, set a date, anybody can compare bodies to mine no homo..ill make a proof sign and everything

i know all these people are just nerds that read this workout stuff somewhere and dont actually do it

anybody can go against me, you down?

Eat Like A Bosh
09-09-2011, 09:46 PM
Core lifts first then running, always. Afterwards, I make a protein mix for myself.

09-09-2011, 10:37 PM
that only works for a certain amount of time...theres a reason the strongest guys in sports are the biggest...i dont see Desean Jackson or receivers his size running over anybody using your special technique...

i dont know what special technique you are talking about...
and obviously everything has limits. Even bulking has its limits. You can't pack on muscle mass forever even if you juice.

And your Desean example is just stupid. Thats like me saying i dont see anyone deadlifting 3000lbs using your special bulking technique.

09-09-2011, 10:43 PM
Mind telling me the reason?

Your body usually(tries to) grow proportionally. After a certain point, it will be harder to add mass to your upper body if your legs are tiny. This is a theory.

Your legs are nearly half your body. If you train your legs, your weight and overall strength will increase drastically. Force = mass x acceleration. More force = lift heavier weight. Lift heavier weight = grow more. You will also be able to eat a lot more calories, fill out, and just grow faster overall.

There are certain movements(squats, deadlifts) that are whole body exercises, that will increase the thickness if your entire physique. You CAN NOT achieve the same overall thickness(3d look physique) without doing exercises that incorporate your legs. Deadlifts will add slabs of meat to your back and give you a thicker profile, and squats will give you a more powerful look, with a stronger base. Both will strengthen your hips immensely.

Finally, heavy compound movements/leg work stimulates your endocrine system(releases more HGH, etc.) a lot more than if you didn't do them. But it may also be harder on your central nervous system, so make sure to get adequate rest.

09-09-2011, 10:49 PM
i dont know what special technique you are talking about...
and obviously everything has limits. Even bulking has its limits. You can't pack on muscle mass forever even if you juice.

And your Desean example is just stupid. Thats like me saying i dont see anyone deadlifting 3000lbs using your special bulking technique.

yea, like i said, when you first start lifting you can increase your lifts without gaining muscle...you said in the past 6 months you increased by 70 lbs and expect to be dead lifting 500 lbs by February...so youre saying youre going to increase your deadlift by 115 lbs over about a year span, while taking creatine..and not gain a pound?:oldlol:

just stop it man

09-09-2011, 11:26 PM
Here are a couple of studies of creatine increasing strength. Educate yourself son.



NO is crap:

09-09-2011, 11:36 PM
Here are a couple of studies of creatine increasing strength. Educate yourself son.



NO is crap:

I dont give a sh*t what some b*tch scientist says, one day they say eggs are bad for you, the next day eggs are good for you and the same sh*t with artificial sweeteners...im going with what ive seen in real life gyms and sports, everyone that takes creatine is a chump, theyre all the types of guys that try to give advice but then when it comes to actual lifting theyre benching 175 lbs x5 while im benching 235 lbs x8

and im giggling at you thinking pro athletes are strong because of creatine

"Creatine use is widespread among professional and amateur athletes and has been acknowledged by well-known athletes such as Mark McGuire, Sammy Sosa, and John Elway"

lol yea, its the creatine!

09-09-2011, 11:58 PM
I dont give a sh*t what some b*tch scientist says, one day they say eggs are bad for you, the next day eggs are good for you and the same sh*t with artificial sweeteners...im going with what ive seen in real life gyms and sports, everyone that takes creatine is a chump, theyre all the types of guys that try to give advice but then when it comes to actual lifting theyre benching 175 lbs x5 while im benching 235 lbs x8

and im giggling at you thinking pro athletes are strong because of creatine

"Creatine use is widespread among professional and amateur athletes and has been acknowledged by well-known athletes such as Mark McGuire, Sammy Sosa, and John Elway"

lol yea, its the creatine!

OMGZ!! 235x8!! You are the strongest dude alive!! Fu.ck science Broseph!!

09-10-2011, 12:13 AM
OMGZ!! 235x8!! You are the strongest dude alive!! Fu.ck science Broseph!!

thanks Brozilla Firefox, creatine free, self taught no lessons


09-10-2011, 12:22 AM
thanks Brozilla Firefox, creatine free, self taught no lessons



09-10-2011, 12:29 AM
Maybe the only person who's legit about this, but I've been bodybuilding for about three years (lifted weights before then, but had to take a year off from the gym due to geographic issues) and have been serious about it for a year. Used to just do push/pull a/b day split every day, basically lifting six days a week and eating whatever i wanted and got shit results. Got serious about my diet this year (2000 calories, 200 grams protein, 100 to 200 carbs, 50 to 80 grams of fat, although I've also had a lot of success losing fat doing carb cycling) and got some kick ass results with the following six day split (each workout about an hour)

Saturday: Chest (flatback bench, incline bench, decline bench, flies, cable crossovers, maybe dips)
Sunday: Back (pull ups, lat pulldowns, seated rows, reverse flies, barbell shrugs, dumbell shrugs
Monday: Squats, leg presses, leg extensions, calf raises with a machine
Tuesday: Skull crushers, close grip benches, tricep pulldowns with a rope, barbell curls, concentration curls
Wednesday: Cardio
Thursday: Military presses, arnold presses, shoulder machine, shoulder flies
Friday: Leg routine from Monday

Rinse and repeat. I'm very serious about the workout and rarely if ever miss one (days that I do I'll combine the exercises I missed with another workout) and am pretty clean about my diet. I'm also about to start a, let's just say "supplement" cycle, too, so I might amp up the training a bit over the next month. Regardless of any chemical enhancements, the 6 day split has worked great and I highly recommend it to anyone trying to clean bulk (dirty bulking is pointless, just eat nutrient dense foods) and who's legitimately dedicated and is fine with going to the gym every day for years and years. The best thing about it is that it's really jacked up my shoulders.

09-10-2011, 12:31 AM
I dont give a sh*t what some b*tch scientist says, one day they say eggs are bad for you, the next day eggs are good for you and the same sh*t with artificial sweeteners...im going with what ive seen in real life gyms and sports, everyone that takes creatine is a chump, theyre all the types of guys that try to give advice but then when it comes to actual lifting theyre benching 175 lbs x5 while im benching 235 lbs x8

and im giggling at you thinking pro athletes are strong because of creatine

"Creatine use is widespread among professional and amateur athletes and has been acknowledged by well-known athletes such as Mark McGuire, Sammy Sosa, and John Elway"

lol yea, its the creatine!

Creatine's good, I've had good experiences with it and am cynical enough to diss it if it was pointless. Main thing was it made my chest look huge and made me retain water. Totally agree about pro athletes, those guys are strong because they're freaks of nature and more often than not are on a lot of designer steroids.

09-10-2011, 12:44 AM
Finally started working out again after being lazy (and busy) for a few months. Usually play ball for about 2hrs, great cardio. Then I head to the gym. Routine usually goes:

Bicep curls 35 or 40 lbs, 12x3

Bench press machine, do drop sets (start at 210 or 235 lbs, do 8 reps, immediately drop the weight by 30 lbs, do another 8 reps, drop by 30 again, another 8) 3 reps of that

Chest Fly, 150 lbs 12x3

Pull Ups and dips, 15x2 each

Bent Over row, 70 lbs 12x2 each arm

Dumbell shrugs, 70 lbs each hand, 8x2

And if I'm feeling ambitious, might do some bent over rows with the 70 lbs 8x2 and then finish with the seated row machine 210 lbs 8x3.

Then I take a 1/2 hr walk around my neighborhood if the weather's nice and sometimes if it isn't to keep the blood flowing.

Go home, do 20x3 set of push ups mixed in with 300 crunches/ab workouts.

Hop in the shower.

been doing this 2-3 times/week the last 3 weeks or so. Going to be busy again starting next week, might be lax for a while.

09-10-2011, 01:29 AM
Maybe the only person who's legit about this, but I've been bodybuilding for about three years (lifted weights before then, but had to take a year off from the gym due to geographic issues) and have been serious about it for a year. Used to just do push/pull a/b day split every day, basically lifting six days a week and eating whatever i wanted and got shit results. Got serious about my diet this year (2000 calories, 200 grams protein, 100 to 200 carbs, 50 to 80 grams of fat, although I've also had a lot of success losing fat doing carb cycling) and got some kick ass results with the following six day split (each workout about an hour)

Saturday: Chest (flatback bench, incline bench, decline bench, flies, cable crossovers, maybe dips)
Sunday: Back (pull ups, lat pulldowns, seated rows, reverse flies, barbell shrugs, dumbell shrugs
Monday: Squats, leg presses, leg extensions, calf raises with a machine
Tuesday: Skull crushers, close grip benches, tricep pulldowns with a rope, barbell curls, concentration curls
Wednesday: Cardio
Thursday: Military presses, arnold presses, shoulder machine, shoulder flies
Friday: Leg routine from Monday

Rinse and repeat. I'm very serious about the workout and rarely if ever miss one (days that I do I'll combine the exercises I missed with another workout) and am pretty clean about my diet. I'm also about to start a, let's just say "supplement" cycle, too, so I might amp up the training a bit over the next month. Regardless of any chemical enhancements, the 6 day split has worked great and I highly recommend it to anyone trying to clean bulk (dirty bulking is pointless, just eat nutrient dense foods) and who's legitimately dedicated and is fine with going to the gym every day for years and years. The best thing about it is that it's really jacked up my shoulders.

Your back day seems pretty soft, no deadlifts or barbell/dumbbell rows. Also seems like you aren't getting any direct hamstring work in either.

09-10-2011, 01:46 AM
OMGZ!! 235x8!! You are the strongest dude alive!! Fu.ck science Broseph!!

at least hes honest. id honestly say that would be a lot more than most of the board.

09-10-2011, 07:20 AM
I'm working on an 8 week chest workout and I revolved my regular workout around that. This is what the chest workout looks like. There is chest day 1 which I do on Sundays and there's chest day B that I do on wednesdays. Chest day A consists of...

Wk 1-2: Bench Press 4x6 80% bench max and 3x10 Reverse Bench*
Wk 3-4: Bench Press 4x4 85% Bench max and 3x10 Reverse Bench
Wk 5-6: Bench Press 4x3 90% Bench Max and 3x10 Reverse Bench
Wk 7-8: Bench Press 4x2 95% Bench Max and 3x10 reverse bench

Chest day B(same for each week)
- Incline Bench Press: 4x15
- Flat Bench Flyes: 4x15
- 30 degree incline pull-overs: 3x20
- Cable Crossovers: 3x20
- Decline Pushups: 3xMax

Weekly Workout
-Sunday: Chest Day A, Abs
-Monday: Back and Bi's
-Tuesday: Cardio
-Wednesday: Chest Day B, Tri's
-Thursday: Quads, Hamstrings
-Friday: Shoulders and Calves
-Saturday: Off

*The Reverse Bench. Don't get it confused with the Reverse Grip Bench. It's a regular bench Press that you do at the squat rack(which is why I do it on sundays because the gym isn't packed). I'm sure this makes me worse than the "squat rack curler" that was explained in the Gym Pet Peeves thread. With reverse bench, you take a flat bench to the squat rack and set the safeties so when you rest the bar on it, it's about a half an inch above your chest when you are laying down. You load the bar with weight. You start from the down position and lift upwards, then come down, rest the bar on the safeties let go and re-grip and lift again without using momentum. It's basically doing deadlifts in a bench press position.

09-10-2011, 07:21 AM
thanks Brozilla Firefox, creatine free, self taught no lessons


What's sad, he's probably stronger than the majority of the "bodybuilders" on ISH.

09-10-2011, 08:18 AM
yea, like i said, when you first start lifting you can increase your lifts without gaining muscle...you said in the past 6 months you increased by 70 lbs and expect to be dead lifting 500 lbs by February...so youre saying youre going to increase your deadlift by 115 lbs over about a year span, while taking creatine..and not gain a pound?:oldlol:

just stop it man

the difference is that i didnt just started lifting...like i said i've been lifting for over 3 years now so you attribute this to beginner gains.

And yes i excpect to deadlift 500lbs while gaining 2-3lbs max. Im not trying to gain weight as it is right now so i dont eat as much as i can. And i have boxing classes 3 times a week, play basketball another 2-3 times a week and lift weight 2 to 3 times a week too so i burn alot of calories. Add that to the fact im not a person that pack on mass easily too.

09-10-2011, 10:04 AM
the difference is that i didnt just started lifting...like i said i've been lifting for over 3 years now so you attribute this to beginner gains.

And yes i excpect to deadlift 500lbs while gaining 2-3lbs max. Im not trying to gain weight as it is right now so i dont eat as much as i can. And i have boxing classes 3 times a week, play basketball another 2-3 times a week and lift weight 2 to 3 times a week too so i burn alot of calories. Add that to the fact im not a person that pack on mass easily too.

were you the one that said you have a 450lbs deadlift at 160lbs or something?

thats ridiculous. thats in the territory of rugby and nfl players, who are all 240lbs plus.

09-10-2011, 10:17 AM
were you the one that said you have a 450lbs deadlift at 160lbs or something?

thats ridiculous. thats in the territory of rugby and nfl players, who are all 240lbs plus.

yea i am.

is it actually? im not a big follower of NFL or rugby so i wouldnt know. All i know is that most of them are beasts when it comes to bench press. Im pretty sure i saw some of them bench press 225lbs for 20+ reps

09-10-2011, 10:55 AM
yea i am.

is it actually? im not a big follower of NFL or rugby so i wouldnt know. All i know is that most of them are beasts when it comes to bench press. Im pretty sure i saw some of them bench press 225lbs for 20+ reps

most of the bigger guys in rugby are deadlifting 440-500lbs.

same goes for the nfl guys in the 230lbs range.

impressive strength on your part. you must be crazy explosive on the basketball court.

09-10-2011, 11:28 AM
Just want to point out one of the larger misconceptions before it becomes fact for any of you out there. Creatine's water retention is not like most gym rats call it (useless weight, fat weight etc.). It is intracellular and intramuscular. Basically saying that it's more 'water' in your muscles AKA more lean mass. Also, the gain in water weight in most studies show a difference in TBW (total body water) approximately a liter or so. So at most, depending on your body weight maybe 5 lbs. Extracellular creatine (supplemental) crosses the cell membrane as Cr which is an osmolyte, but is then attached to a phosphate group and trapped intracellularly as PCr (phosphocreatine). This goes on until maximum PCr concentration is achieved (which is approximately 3-5g per day).

Now a lot of people will recommend loading. Recently it has been discovered that ingesting 15-20g of creatine for supplementation in the initial phase is not necessary and probably wasting your creatine. Based on your body weight, the most you may need could be as low as 2g (I'd still probably shoot for 3g).

As you can see most of that relatively-low loading dose of 10g is going right to the toilet.

and just to reinforce my stance on loading and why it's not necessary:

In conclusion, creatine (if taken consistently at a 3-5g dose) can have a marked increase in both total muscle creatine and thereby 'strength'. It is safe, most studies showing vague or adverse affects are usually done on unhealthy, non-athletic people taking ridiculously large doses. However no research suggests you WILL get kidney stones, or you WILL become fat and puffy. Hope this helps.

this is a really good, and understandable read:

09-10-2011, 01:05 PM
creatine is something ive never taken, mainly due to the fact i was scared i would put on size, look bigger, but not get much stronger.

is that 3 grams estimation per day? or how often should i take the 3g?

09-10-2011, 01:07 PM
creatine is something ive never taken, mainly due to the fact i was scared i would put on size, look bigger, but not get much stronger.

is that 3 grams estimation per day? or how often should i take the 3g?

it's proven effective for strength gains, moderate ones at that especially in terms of lifting. In terms of size, you may see a little dose-dependent puffiness or size but no more than 5lbs at most

daily 3g intake is a safe bet once you've reached maximum PCr levels, which AFAIK should take about 2 weeks of consistent intake of 3g

09-10-2011, 01:17 PM
so a month on and then a month off is the way to go essentially? is it okay to mix in with my whey protein and take it together before my workout?

09-10-2011, 01:25 PM
so a month on and then a month off is the way to go essentially? is it okay to mix in with my whey protein and take it together before my workout?

there is no evidence to suggest that cycling off creatine is of any benefit and with PCr levels declining it will only make max PCr harder to attain thus giving you the full benefit for maybe only 2 weeks out of the month

most intelligent people who cycle (if they do at all) do it maybe 6 months on 1 month off. Or they cease taking it whenever they want to look their absolute leanest.

When to take or with what is not an issue, you will receive the benefits of saturation based on consistent use and timing is not a factor. Similar to nutrient timing. Overall consumption is a more important factor than 'when'.

09-10-2011, 02:19 PM
Get a gym membership for like $20-30 a month. You can only go so far doing bodyweight exercises.

But for now i would do a circuit of pushups - pullups - squats/lunges
Do as many reps as you can on pushups and pullups and about 20-30 reps on squats lunges. I would do the whole circuit 5 times with 2 minutes break in between each circuit.

And then you can do some running and crunches on different days

Considering I'm new to this, what's Squats lunges? I'm doing pushups & Situps daily now.

09-10-2011, 02:27 PM
Considering I'm new to this, what's Squats lunges? I'm doing pushups & Situps daily now.

I remember my first cross-court squats and lunges for basketball. After a day or two the DOMS kicked in and it felt like someone injected fire into my buttcheeks and quads. They still make me sore. There's plenty of vids on youtube man.


09-10-2011, 02:35 PM
I remember my first cross-court squats and lunges for basketball. After a day or two the DOMS kicked in and it felt like someone injected fire into my buttcheeks and quads. They still make me sore. There's plenty of vids on youtube man.


Thanks. Looks pretty basic what helps if I do that? My legs?

Edit: God dam just did three reps of 20 of it that shit could burn lmao

09-10-2011, 06:14 PM
Creatine's not for everyone. I fully endorse the product, though. After a week or so my lifts increased by like 20%, although a lot of those "gains" were because of the extra water weight I carried (probably like 5-8 pounds).

09-10-2011, 07:13 PM
Creatine's not for everyone. I fully endorse the product, though. After a week or so my lifts increased by like 20%, although a lot of those "gains" were because of the extra water weight I carried (probably like 5-8 pounds).

I'd have to assume you were taking too large of a dose. Keep in mind, I said dose-dependent puffiness. Most products suggest up to 20g at a time for useless 'loading' phases.

A 3g effective dosage will likely elicit intramuscular water weight gains, but even in the most extreme cases, could I deduce that creatine would be the cause of more than 5lbs of weight gain.

What product were you taking?
How much, how often?
Did you increase your fluid intake?

09-10-2011, 07:41 PM
most of the bigger guys in rugby are deadlifting 440-500lbs.

same goes for the nfl guys in the 230lbs range.

impressive strength on your part. you must be crazy explosive on the basketball court.

I believe him. Especially if he has long arms, a short torso and big hammies/glutes (which black people often have)

I deadlift for 1 year and got in mid-high 300's.. Weigh 161.

It's all about training the lift to progressive load. Low reps, heavy weight. Chest up, bar above the middle of the foot, lats pulled down to your pockets, hips back, toes curled up and violently tug that shit while seeing your foot smash through the floor below.

Good work pistons. And oh yes does it make jumping feel great.

09-10-2011, 11:54 PM
I believe him. Especially if he has long arms, a short torso and big hammies/glutes (which black people often have)

I deadlift for 1 year and got in mid-high 300's.. Weigh 161.

It's all about training the lift to progressive load. Low reps, heavy weight. Chest up, bar above the middle of the foot, lats pulled down to your pockets, hips back, toes curled up and violently tug that shit while seeing your foot smash through the floor below.

Good work pistons. And oh yes does it make jumping feel great.

thanks. you were on point with everything here!
and yeah my jump definately increased by alot eversince i started squatting and deadlifting heavy weight. I haven't measured my vert lately but im pretty confident its close to 40 inches

09-11-2011, 12:00 AM
buckets of KFC and 12oz curls followed by the occasional 40oz curl.

09-11-2011, 12:08 AM
I'd have to assume you were taking too large of a dose. Keep in mind, I said dose-dependent puffiness. Most products suggest up to 20g at a time for useless 'loading' phases.

A 3g effective dosage will likely elicit intramuscular water weight gains, but even in the most extreme cases, could I deduce that creatine would be the cause of more than 5lbs of weight gain.

What product were you taking?
How much, how often?
Did you increase your fluid intake?

Nah, it's just the way my body responds to creatine. I never did a loading phase. I just took 2.5 grams per day. And of course I upped my fluid intake. I drink around 1.5-2 gallons a day as it is.

Micronized creatine.