View Full Version : I have seen a vision... real talk. Kanye West is the Anti-Christ.

Legend of Josh
09-11-2011, 10:36 PM
I know it's silly... but in the next coming days ... all will see Amen.

09-11-2011, 10:49 PM

Jigga mans a far bigger case for an ANtichrist. How'z about a look at the On to the next one vid.

Sold his soul to the Rothschild ILluminati and conceived a child with the once good-hearted Christian Beyonce who turnt into a man-hating slut.

Kanye still preaches about Jesus Walks.

Rihanna and Lady Gaga could fit teh bill too.

Keep on the lookout.

We're warriors here, you and I. THe rest of the world gave up on God, but it is He to whom w were born and He to whom we will return. Through submission to him, we were granted freedom once upon a time ago. And now we are enslaved by subliminal messages, despicable people, crappy artificial food, and a crappy lifestyle.

We'll fight. We'll crush them. Or we'll die trying. For our future seed. Our sons. DOomsday too. The Illuminati, The Rothschild, they shall not survive.

09-11-2011, 10:53 PM

Legend of Josh
09-11-2011, 10:55 PM
I'm sorry J$...

It is what it is... LOJ, witnesseed the entire ordeal...


Legend of Josh
09-11-2011, 10:58 PM
In 2 years people will be in awe...

09-11-2011, 10:59 PM
I recently discovered a fairly good compilation of how arrogant and retarded Kanye is on YouTube. A lot of clips...


Legend of Josh
09-17-2011, 08:18 PM
Look at the date of my thread people...

Let's revisit the Watch The Throne album... opening track 'No Church In The Wild' ...

Peep Jay's opening verse... pay very close attention to the lyrics... listen to the very end of the verse.

What did you hear? Yeah, that's right.

... "Jesus was a carpenter, Yeeze (Kany-Yeeze) he laid beats, Hova for the Holy Ghost - get the hell up out your seats!" ...

Anti-Christ... anyone?


Connect the dots people... I put my hand on the great book itself, this is a Revelation given to me.

Wake up.

Legend of Josh
09-17-2011, 08:38 PM
What's the title of the album?

Watch the Throne... right?

Peep this...

Revelation 13:2-4 reads...

"The beast I saw resembled a leopard, but had feet like those of a bear and mouth like that of a lion. The dragon and gave the beast his power and his throne and great authority. One of the heads of the beast seemed to have a fatal wound, but the fatal wound had been healed. The whole world was astonished and followed the beast."

Like whoa... wake up people. Kanye's 'accident' where he came within seconds/inches of dying in the flames of that automobile accident (song supposedly dedicated to whom.... yeah) ... that 'fatal wound' ... but had 'been healed' ... and later the world would follow the beast.

There you have it. I know I troll here, but the Bible speaks of young men in the last days having visions as late prophets... and I know everyone thinks I'm a joke... but this is some real talk. Seriously. God showed me this revelation.

Don't say I didn't warn you. Tomorrow is Sunday folks... the end is near... wake up, go to church tomorrow, and praise the only real Father in this universe, God. He is the greatest. He is the only way. Love Him. He loves you. He loved you, first.

09-17-2011, 08:45 PM
that ni99a came out the closet on that Love Lockdown

Legend of Josh
09-17-2011, 08:47 PM
Let's read further... shall we?

Revelation 13:4-7...

"Men worshiped the dragon (Satan) because he had given authority to the beast (Kanye), and they also worshiped the beast and asked, "Who is like the beast? Who can make war against him?"

The beast was given the mouth (his voice of a generation, in the last days), to utter proud words and blasphemies" ... etc it goes on. Read people, read.

take a break... listen to the No Church In The Wild... "we formed a new religion, no sins as long as there's permission" etc etc etc through the entire album, and his entire existence if you want to get even more technical.

Proud words and blasphemies ... yeah, I think we get it by now, no? Proud, pride, Kanye... his devilish ego... and he's speaking blasphemy here. Wake up... alarms should be going off by now.

Legend of Josh
09-17-2011, 08:52 PM
I can't tell if this thread is serious or not.

Mad serious... real talk. LOJ joke a lot... but this is RL mind rape shit. Have you heard Watch The "Throne" yet...

Put it together folks... the signs are all there. Prepare, find your religion, find your God b/c the sand in the hourglass is on the verge of its conclusion.

God... God... God... Love Him. He loves you. He loved you, first.

Legend of Josh
09-17-2011, 09:19 PM
If God is real it's impossible for him to love us first. Think about it. Deeply.

What? You're how old, young chap? You need to stop pretending you think you know something when you're still growing in the mental departments and can't rise above some mega i-LL LOJ preaching.

You, kind young lad, should dig 'deeply' and arise to the conclusion God is your creator, ... He loved you, knew everything about you, and your entire existence even before your drunk father poked your easy to get in them panties mother and fast forward here you are some x number years later...

Come on man... stop letting your mind play tricks on you (that's Satan by the way) and you just letting it all happen and give in.

Stand up... be man, not a coward. Just say God, I give all to you... will you help me? If you're cereal and if your heart is in the right place, God will uplift you and 'Lift Off' ... there you go...

Stop being so arrogant and prideful you new young peoples... the messages in the radio, news, entertaint, world, etc are the real brain washing things... not LOJ been brain washed shit.

More like LOJ's brain been cleaned up ... a lot... LOL, a hella LOL, and now it's time to do my tang and reach out to the masses so they can see ... what?

The Truth... G... O... D...

Legend of Josh
09-17-2011, 09:30 PM
What... the fook.

Really. I'm the one who isn't 'deeply' thinking enough when I've already been to the bottoms of the sea and as high as the skys permit.

You on the other hand... are young... arrogant and prideful and on some 'yeah mang me the real deal yo!" type bullshit in your small pathetic social life.


In some coming years, I hope, all I can do is hope, only my words now might sink in and mind rape you later in the years to come on this while God is serious business shit.

... i've been in your shoes mang... give it some time... but in the mean while, step your integrity etc...

Legend of Josh
09-17-2011, 09:39 PM
(Side note... Swizz Beatz laid this track for this bullshit Illuminati, his soul shall burn in hell as wells... )

You want'2 peep further... you guys really ready for some real RL mega mind rape shit?

Track 8...

Welome to the jungle ... welcome to the jungle well... ?!

Pay attention you little ones. Listen closely...


Legend of Josh
09-17-2011, 09:40 PM
Welcome to the jungle... WELL!

Legend of Josh
09-17-2011, 09:41 PM
Welcome to the jungle... WELL!

Wake the fu*K up...

Bless Mathews
09-17-2011, 09:50 PM
Guns and roses bro.....

I seriously feel for you Joshua. Good luck bro.

09-17-2011, 10:29 PM

:oldlol: .... what a douchey cover

09-17-2011, 10:36 PM
Let me guess.....you watch hours of youtube videos on Kanye,Bill Gates, Rihanna, JayZ being in the illumanati. Christ isn't real therefore your whole belief is ruined. No antichrist is coming.

09-17-2011, 10:40 PM
How many of you are annoyed by this bitch? This little gimmick of his, is really retarded and pointless... if your tryna make a name for yourself, go **** wit GOBB and that I would pay to watch..

09-17-2011, 11:12 PM
How many of you are annoyed by this bitch? This little gimmick of his, is really retarded and pointless... if your tryna make a name for yourself, go **** wit GOBB and that I would pay to watch..


Theoo's Daddy
09-17-2011, 11:39 PM
:wtf: :wtf: :wtf: :wtf: :wtf: :wtf:

09-17-2011, 11:58 PM
If God is real it's impossible for him to love us first. Think about it. Deeply.

Is this a troll? Even in theory there is nothing impossible for God, disregarding the question whether he exists or not.

Legend of Josh
09-18-2011, 12:18 AM
:facepalm @ the masses.

some very sad... sad shit

In the coming years don't on that "OMG, LOJ was right all...."

Eat Like A Bosh
09-18-2011, 12:21 AM

Legend of Josh
09-18-2011, 03:29 AM


Legend of Josh
09-19-2011, 08:16 PM
Let us never DELETE this thread. It holds high importance. This is true. Why can't people see the forest for the trees?! ... this isn't some DoomsDayDallas or DallasDoomsDay (sorry can't remember) bullshit.

This is the real shit. I know Dooms gonna hate me for this, b/c he wants all that "hey I told you all so! ... yep I said it first!" type shit.

.. OK folk can that shit for a minute.


This is REAL TALK people.

Listen up...

Listen to this track No Church In The Wild... listen to it... over and over.. and over... and over... and over... again... please do this. Do it for your own sake. Please.


JayZ was cherry picked from the you know who back in mid 90's ... that was the start... the beginning... these guys know what they're doing... b/c behind it all is the supernatural force... let's just throw it out there, yes Satan and his in these last days has supernatural ability to do what he wants...

Peep this...

Satan... hand picked JayZ ... before Jay even knew what was going down. Satan could already seen the chess pieces being moves ahead years from now... that Kayne fu*ker would come along soon enough... and eventually Satan (the dragon... if you read your Bible Revelations) will give these powers unto him... (Kanye) as the AntiChrist... and yes there's also who... the 'False Prophet' ... for the moment we'll him Jay Z ... well fu*k I'll go ahead and put it all out there... Jay Z is just that... the False Prophet it speaks of in the Bible.

They form the trinity (unholy). Peep that opening verse No Chruch in the Wild... it clearly puts it right in front of us... and yes most dont see it and/or catch it but LOJ got this shit on lock... seen it a mile away... ('cause the G.O.D. got my back like that) He showed me this shit and now I'm trying to show it to you all.

This is no troll shit... listen to it... listen... again... and again... and over again...

God help us.


Go Getter
09-19-2011, 08:25 PM
So couldn't this mystery God of yours just give them both massive heart attacks or have a brick fall off a high building and kill them?

I never understood how God, the most powerful entity ever, could be challenged by one of his former minions.

Why doesn't God just ride down in a chariot of righteousness and kill the devil for being an asshole?

Legend of Josh
09-19-2011, 08:31 PM
So couldn't this mystery God of yours just give them both massive heart attacks or have a brick fall off a high building and kill them?

I never understood how God, the most powerful entity ever, could be challenged by one of his former minions.

Why doesn't God just ride down in a chariot of righteousness and kill the devil for being an asshole?

God... being who He is... is fair. God also had faith in US! all of us! so He set forth the rules and the rules can't be altered or changed, already set in motion. What is unfolding now is what we're living here today my brother... day by day... is a new chapter, and we inch closer and closer to the end of times... and it's coming, soon.

It's all part of the blueprint (ironically) that God want's to show us that there is love and hope in this world, and that all you have to do is believe... that's all. Just say, God, you loved ME. Intead of there is no god, I dont believe in you, go away.


PRIDE PRIDE PRIDE... Lucifer anyone? Let's not go down that path. Eve, yeah that bit*h fell for it too.. PRIDE... THINKING we dont need God....


we don't need God?


He is our one and only Father.

Love Him.

He loved us first.

Go Getter
09-19-2011, 08:34 PM
It all seems like a fairy tale to me.

So josh, do you think you'll be one of the 144,00 who get to join God or will you be down here with us hethens fighting an army of demons?

Me? I don't believe in any of that I feel in my heart that being a good person is enough to ensure a happy afterlife.

I'm not joining up with any group, gang, or faction.

religion is the most divisive force in the world...Jesus would not like us warring over religion he'd want us to love each other.

I can better do that without religion.

Legend of Josh
09-19-2011, 08:35 PM
Sept 11th...


Same date Blueprint dropped. Blueprint... watch for the clues... 'blueprint' people... let's think about this... hummmmmmmmmmm ... produced by whom?

Oh yeah.... Kanye... So Kanye produced the blueprint... all that shit came from Satan... some on the dates aren't flag enough for you?!

wake the fu*k up.....

Go Getter
09-19-2011, 08:36 PM
Sept 11th...


Same date Blueprint dropped. Blueprint... watch for the clues... 'blueprint' people... let's think about this... hummmmmmmmmmm ... produced by whom?

Oh yeah.... Kanye... So Kanye produced the blueprint... all that shit came from Satan... some on the dates aren't flag enough for you?!

wake the fu*k up.....

It's called a coincidence.

"KRS made an album called Blueprint first"

Is KRS a demon as well?

Legend of Josh
09-19-2011, 08:42 PM
9/11 is Satan's blueprint to bring down everything...

Let's see.. what happened on 9/11... things came down... right?

Yep... the whole world stood still... Satan sitting there chillin' seein this shit...


This is the blueprint to downfall of man... and the beginning to the end of times.

09/11/2001 was the start date...


all the signs are there

focus on the whole 'blueprint' thing... this is the blueprint... blueprint to what? The blueprint to show everyone that sometime soon, very soon! that Satan! is coming! ... and soon! .. the blueprint is the foundation... so 9/11 set in motion... here we are 10 years later... and yep... thing in place now.... come on folks... the signs are all over the place.



Legend of Josh
09-19-2011, 09:01 PM
It's called a coincidence.

"KRS made an album called Blueprint first"

Is KRS a demon as well?


Legend of Josh
09-19-2011, 09:05 PM
It's called a coincidence.

"KRS made an album called Blueprint first"

Is KRS a demon as well?

These are the last days my brother... so after you read that... you going to feel more comfy...

Legend of Josh
09-19-2011, 09:32 PM
.. so peep this ... here it is what 9:26 pm ... 2011 and God has given me this vision... i know i know... yall wont believe ... whateva... God knows you each every one of you... He Loves you so much... yes He does....

Grand Villain
10-01-2011, 08:21 AM
real talk....

10-01-2011, 09:36 AM
Let's read further... shall we?

Revelation 13:4-7...

"Men worshiped the dragon (Satan) because he had given authority to the beast (Kanye), and they also worshiped the beast and asked, "Who is like the beast? Who can make war against him?"

The beast was given the mouth (his voice of a generation, in the last days), to utter proud words and blasphemies" ... etc it goes on. Read people, read.

take a break... listen to the No Church In The Wild... "we formed a new religion, no sins as long as there's permission" etc etc etc through the entire album, and his entire existence if you want to get even more technical.

Proud words and blasphemies ... yeah, I think we get it by now, no? Proud, pride, Kanye... his devilish ego... and he's speaking blasphemy here. Wake up... alarms should be going off by now.
no wonder you got your dumb ass fired. WTF man, you are off the deep end.

Grand Villain
10-01-2011, 12:53 PM
no wonder you got your dumb ass fired. WTF man, you are off the deep end.

Yeah mang... LOJ off in the deep end. In 2012, when the riots begin you'll be thinking back and doing the whole :facepalm to yo'self 'cause LOJ don't joke around about RL ish... and this entire thread is just that, RL ish.'

Thanks for the bump though...

Is He Ill
10-01-2011, 01:41 PM
Either you are as crazy as one can get or trolling at a very high level. I can't tell.

Horde of Temujin
10-01-2011, 05:03 PM
I like fishsticks

Legend of Josh
11-17-2011, 03:30 AM
... LOL but what if it holds true...?

11-17-2011, 03:42 AM
On behalf of Mr. West,

Legend of Josh
04-25-2013, 06:37 AM
Wow ... none of this shit even came close to happening.


I'm such a ****ing moron. None of this came to pass.



Patrick Chewing
04-25-2013, 06:43 AM
He is a having a baby with the biggest slut in America. Their combined intelligence is lower than their unborn baby who Kanye is considering naming North.

Yes, he is the Anti-Christ. But.....you were still smoking some f'ed up shit that day lol