View Full Version : Criticize my shooting form

09-17-2011, 09:37 PM

What can I do to improve my shooting form? Does it look nice ? When I first saw it, I was actually disgusted. haha, I thought it would look nicer.

09-18-2011, 01:34 AM
LMAO Wonderland. Those ****ing rims are so cheap nobody ever does good. I'm gonna go in a couple weeks so I'll film myself and we can compare our forms. Overall your form is decent but it doesn't look like you have a quick shot, you seem to need to take a while to properly grip the ball and then release and even then your release isn't fast. Keep at it though and it'll improve.

09-18-2011, 04:06 AM
haha they are cheap.. my highest score was 7 or 8. the ones in the US have regular rims which is kinda cheap.

Take Your Lumps
09-18-2011, 12:00 PM
You're not squaring up and are allowing your right side to get in front of you. Force yourself to fully to face the basket and not "aim" with the right side of your body if that makes sense. Aim with your right arm, not your body.

I think you're also holding the ball a bit too high at the start of the shooting motion (around your chest). Try bringing it down closer to your midsection.

There's something weird going on with that release. It's good that you're bending your wrist but something looks off and it's probably affecting the trajectory...you'd probably have to get a closer look and slow it down to see.

09-18-2011, 12:58 PM
I think you're also holding the ball a bit too high at the start of the shooting motion (around your chest). Try bringing it down closer to your midsection.

That was the first thing that popped out to me. Your shooting motion begins very high and I'd have to think that'd adversely affect the rest of your mechanics.

Also, I can't say for sure, but it looked like there were times where your shooting arm did not fully extend on the follow through. As in, it'd still be a little bent at the elbow.

09-18-2011, 02:24 PM
You gotta use your legs more, you have no lift and then you just throw it up.

09-19-2011, 07:53 AM
Jump straight up. Every shot you take on that clip, you end up jumping forward. You are probably jumping forward because you don't have much motion in your arms as you shoot and the power has to come from somewhere. As previous posters have suggested: bring the ball down more with your arms. This will give the ball greater momentum as it leaves and than you won't need the forward jump.

09-19-2011, 07:25 PM
Jump straight up. Every shot you take on that clip, you end up jumping forward. You are probably jumping forward because you don't have much motion in your arms as you shoot and the power has to come from somewhere. As previous posters have suggested: bring the ball down more with your arms. This will give the ball greater momentum as it leaves and than you won't need the forward jump.

Your shot will always be inconsistent with that forward drift. Have to learn to go straight up.

09-19-2011, 09:53 PM
Like many said, you need to jump straight up. You are jumping forward on your shot too much. Your release is weird too.

09-21-2011, 09:42 AM
Is this really how you shoot in-game? Coz I think there's a tendency to be more lax with your shot when you're in something like this as opposed to really practicing it or in a game. Overall though, yeah, like everyone said, your shot looks pretty good. :cheers: Some points to look at though:

1) Use your legs. It seems as if you're depending on your arms to propel the ball on your shot too much. Being dependent on your arms can force your arms to push the ball out of direction and can also make your shoulder pretty sore or feeling funky after. Here's a little trick always helped me when I needed to get my shot back on track. Think of the shot a a current, travelling from your feet to the tip of your shooting hand. It helps me keep aware that I have to get my power from my legs as that's where it starts, then the current will just flow up smoothly til release.

2) Quicken your release. By slowing your release, you're actually killing the power you get from your legs. Like I said earlier, just imagine the current, flowing smoothly, from your feet to your tip of your shooting hand.

3) (Contrary to what Lumps said) That open stance (when the shooting side is *slightly* turned towards the goal) you have is instinctive for anyone when you tell them to shoot. Look at all the pros too. If you see their jump shot, their front side is not completely facing the basket. Their body is angled, which helps your aim actually. It aligns pretty much everything. Keep it.

Keep it up though man. :cheers:

09-23-2011, 11:01 PM
the biggest problem i see is that at the top of your shot you completely pause right when the ball is above your head. it's good to get the ball above your head but try to make it a fluid motion. if you completely stop when the ball is above your head you lose all the momentum you had when you were raising the ball above your head which makes you have less control

10-30-2011, 06:33 AM
Shot looks unstable, as others have said make the shot fluid by not pausing at the top of ur head.. Make it a one motion shot, it will make ur shot quicker and make ur shot look stable.

10-30-2011, 04:10 PM
damn Wonderland yeah those rims ****ing suck

10-30-2011, 07:39 PM
You need to start over and shoot from 8 feet with one hand, then develop something from there.

11-27-2011, 06:43 AM
Extend your followthrough, you want to shoot the ball towards the basket. The way you shoot now makes it harder to control the direction it goes. Try to make your shot smoother also. Right now when you shoot you bring it up to your head, wait half a second and then you shoot it, which is all the time a defender needs to block it.

11-27-2011, 07:58 PM
quit playing/10

11-27-2011, 09:24 PM
Always try to release the ball at the highest point of your jump.

11-28-2011, 01:38 AM
i gotta post a new vid of my "fixed" shooting form.

12-15-2011, 08:23 PM
First thing I noticed is the way you hold the ball out in front of your chest before going into your motion. I feel like in a game situation that's going to make your shot easy to defend. You're making it like a set jumpshot, rather than one fluid motion.

Imagine having the ball in triple threat position, you should be able to take the ball from your hip to release in one fluid motion. Bringing it up in front of you like that with a hitch exposes the ball to your defender unnecessarily. I would key in on that and try to swipe the ball away from you every time, and it would also allow me to time your release for a block

A drill I like (which you'd need a friend for) is to catch passes above your head and go immediately into your shot, IE the ball never comes down below your shoulders. It might feel unnatural, but it will help you break that bad habit and make you focus on the mechanics of your elbow and wrist. The hitch is a comfort thing, so you have to become more comfortable with the ball in different places. You should be able to catch and shoot all in one fluid motion, and not need the ball in that one specific spot to feel comfortable.

12-15-2011, 10:51 PM
I personally thought the biggest thing you could work on was your follow through. You arm seems to stop slightly bent, try following through with your shooting arm all the way.

12-24-2011, 06:20 AM
First thing I noticed is the way you hold the ball out in front of your chest before going into your motion. I feel like in a game situation that's going to make your shot easy to defend. You're making it like a set jumpshot, rather than one fluid motion.

Imagine having the ball in triple threat position, you should be able to take the ball from your hip to release in one fluid motion. Bringing it up in front of you like that with a hitch exposes the ball to your defender unnecessarily. I would key in on that and try to swipe the ball away from you every time, and it would also allow me to time your release for a block

A drill I like (which you'd need a friend for) is to catch passes above your head and go immediately into your shot, IE the ball never comes down below your shoulders. It might feel unnatural, but it will help you break that bad habit and make you focus on the mechanics of your elbow and wrist. The hitch is a comfort thing, so you have to become more comfortable with the ball in different places. You should be able to catch and shoot all in one fluid motion, and not need the ball in that one specific spot to feel comfortable.

Not dipping the ball before shooting is hard, unless you are really strong or near to the basket. But yea unnecessary dipping could make it easier to contest since it takes longer to take your shot. What I suggest is just be ready, feet set, legs bent and just spring up once you catch the ball.