View Full Version : Occupy Wall Street

09-20-2011, 03:22 AM
Thousands or Hundreds are apparently protesting in front of wall street since 17th of September in hopes of raising consciousness of the general public and turn their attention to these corporate giants as being responsible for the big wealth inequality and high unemployment rate in the US.

I thought this was going to be a big but the media seems to be downplaying the events transpiring in NYC. Are protests like these regular and not news worthy? Do they think that covering the protests might entice more people to join the so called revolution? Or are there simply not enough people for it to be news worthy? What do ISH folks think about this?


09-20-2011, 03:50 AM
Idk how people come to the conclusion that the economy is all wall streets fault. Or that it's the fault of big business in general.

Big business (banks esp.) made a bunch of huge mistakes. But these people overlook the governments role in encouraging and facilitating these mistakes.

Another bothersome thing. A lot of folks in these anti-business crowds are also:

1) Fans of the bailouts
2) The types who complain about jobs leaving America

But it was the bailouts that kept these crappy, immoral corporations in business. And it's the many regulations they beg for that cause companies to leave.

As far as the wealth inequality.. just because some rich people are getting richer, doesn't mean the poor have to get poorer. It's just a fallacy of thinking. We as a populace aren't poorer because the rich are richer. We're poorer because of bad government policy, that has been in place for many many decades.

If you are sad about the wealth disparity, look no further than money printing as your number one enemy. Something we do a whole lot of.

09-20-2011, 04:26 AM
Idk how people come to the conclusion that the economy is all wall streets fault. Or that it's the fault of big business in general.

Big business (banks esp.) made a bunch of huge mistakes. But these people overlook the governments role in encouraging and facilitating these mistakes.

Another bothersome thing. A lot of folks in these anti-business crowds are also:

1) Fans of the bailouts
2) The types who complain about jobs leaving America

But it was the bailouts that kept these crappy, immoral corporations in business. And it's the many regulations they beg for that cause companies to leave.

As far as the wealth inequality.. just because some rich people are getting richer, doesn't mean the poor have to get poorer. It's just a fallacy of thinking. We as a populace aren't poorer because the rich are richer. We're poorer because of bad government policy, that has been in place for many many decades.

If you are sad about the wealth disparity, look no further than money printing as your number one enemy. Something we do a whole lot of.

While i dont know the ultimate purpose of the protests, I believe the protests are not necessarily anti business and most of them are sensible enough to understand the implications of the bailouts and are thus against it. At least that's how I see it.

As for what you said regarding wealth inequality, I agree that the FED should stop printing the money since that is part of the reason why there has been a big discrepancy in the distribution of wealth; but when most of the money in circulation is in the hands of a very small percentage of the population then the premise "the poor will get poorer" is deemed to be true regardless of whether or not it's a result of bad government policy.

09-20-2011, 09:49 AM
it was the bailouts that kept our economy from collapsing. all some of u do is criticize without being realistic. you want everything to fail and to start all over again but have no f'in clue how horrible yours and everyones life would change in that situation. its too bad it'd be already too late if we actually did what a lot of u wanted. same with not raising the debt ceiling stupidity. a lot of ya'll yap just to nay say and criticize while your solutions are f'in retarded. same with the Ron Paul idiots that think we can just press reset by letting everything fail and starting over....like it all happens overnight :facepalm

anyways Wall Street is a fukked up industry because no amount of regulation can stop the gross salaries, insider information, and abusing their positions to manipulate finances into personal profits. so long as there are publicly traded companies and the stock market being the center of our financial investing, they will always have more money to play that enables it all. meanwhile we're stuck in a catch22 regulating them vs jobs/company growth. its the investors thats the enabler tho, myself included, but that isn't going to change. the sad thing is they pay a lot less taxes based on investment gains income than the rest of us do based on our jobs income and the Republicans are protecting them from higher taxing, and its only those making a ridiculous amount like top 1% from investments. its unbelievable to me how so many idiots protect them and act like its so wrong to make them pay more, especially when they pretend to be average people themselves. its retarded actually but so many of those on the right are retarded in so many ways :facepalm :blah

09-20-2011, 01:35 PM
While i dont know the ultimate purpose of the protests, I believe the protests are not necessarily anti business and most of them are sensible enough to understand the implications of the bailouts and are thus against it. At least that's how I see it.

As for what you said regarding wealth inequality, I agree that the FED should stop printing the money since that is part of the reason why there has been a big discrepancy in the distribution of wealth; but when most of the money in circulation is in the hands of a very small percentage of the population then the premise "the poor will get poorer" is deemed to be true regardless of whether or not it's a result of bad government policy.

Good points. I think when you print money, the average every day guy is going to to just keep using that devalued money. But the super rich are meanwhile investing their money in stronger/better currencies, stocks, and commodities.

09-25-2011, 10:20 PM
I made a thread about this days ago:


Also this happened yesterday. Female Protesters were penned and maced:


Ouch.. that mustve burned bad. These type of things has been going on for days. Dozens of arrests are being made on a daily basis and still the american mainstream media is downplaying the events transpiring in that area. The blatant disregard is appalling. Regardless of whether or not you agree with the protesters cause; You got to admit there is something fundamentally wrong happening here.
Sorry, didn't see your thread. Glad someone is paying attention. In the immortal words of Gil Scoot-Heron - "The revolution will not be televised."

Day eight update (https://occupywallst.org/article/A-Message-From-Occupied-Wall-Street-Day-Eight/)

09-25-2011, 10:28 PM
one day i will join them and raise hell .. first i need financial independence

09-25-2011, 10:51 PM
I never understood this. Why protest wall street? They don't write laws. They don't take bribes and campaign cash when they are in positions of high power. They never took an oath of office to protect the constitution. They don't get paid by taxpayer money. They don't print tons of the currency in an effort to create inflation and hurt your purchasing power while giving the currency to foreign banks and institutions. But yeah, let's take it to wall street! That will solve all the problems! :oldlol:

Seems dumb and a waste to protest a symptom of the problem, not the problem itself.

If you want real change you focus on the administration, congress, and the federal reserve.

09-25-2011, 11:09 PM
I never understood this. Why protest wall street? They don't write laws. They don't take bribes and campaign cash when they are in positions of high power. They never took an oath of office to protect the constitution. They don't get paid by taxpayer money. They don't print tons of the currency in an effort to create inflation and hurt your purchasing power while giving the currency to foreign banks and institutions. But yeah, let's take it to wall street! That will solve all the problems! :oldlol:

Seems dumb and a waste to protest a symptom of the problem, not the problem itself.

If you want real change you focus on the administration, congress, and the federal reserve.

To my understanding the protests are not necessarily against wall street itself and the protesters are surely not expecting corporate elites to solve anything. It's more of garnering attention of the public and eventually the government itself. In hopes that the government will make the needed changes for the betterment of the country as a whole; Whether it be ending the bailouts or taxing the 1% more appropriately or something else.

But hey Im more of a spectator and know little about their cause since im not even american. I do know that the protests are an inevitable result of the big unemployment problem, deteriorating standard of living and a vanishing middle class of your country. Honestly im more concerned about how little media attention it gets. It's a slap in the face of democracy IMO.

09-30-2011, 12:51 PM
Any radiohead fans here living in NYC? Radiohead will be playing live free today in support of the occupy wall street movement. Cant really tell if it's legit though. I guess will find out later today.


10-02-2011, 10:18 PM

Sht got more real. :eek: Approximately seven hundred people got arrested in brooklyn bridge; and in the end of this video you could see a 13/14 year old child getting arrested for...being part of the crowd? The police officers are clearly just picking who to arrest here without any justification for the arrest aside from protesters being protesters. Just look at 2:18 of the video, the fella is just sitting and shouting there with his cellphone and he got arrested. The protesters werent even trying to block the traffic; the police trapped them to the bridge and thus impending traffic.

Is this the proper way to control a walking demonstration that is arguably peaceful? Are they just inciting hate and provoking the protesters to actually do something that demands legal repercussions so that they can impose their full power and eventually end the protest itself? For anyone who is following the events happening in wall street; you would know that seemingly unnecessary arrests and pepper spraying has been going on for weeks. Props to RT for covering the events.

10-02-2011, 10:43 PM

Sht got more real. :eek: Approximately seven hundred people got arrested in brooklyn bridge; and in the end of this video you could see a 13/14 year old child getting arrested for...being part of the crowd? The police officers are clearly just picking who to arrest here without any justification for the arrest aside from protesters being protesters. Just look at 2:18 of the video, the fella is just sitting and shouting there with his cellphone and he got arrested. The protesters werent even trying to block the traffic; the police trapped them to the bridge and thus impending traffic.

Is this the proper way to control a walking demonstration that is arguably peaceful? Are they just inciting hate and provoking the protesters to actually do something that demands legal repercussions so that they can impose their full power and eventually end the protest itself? For anyone who is following the events happening in wall street; you would know that seemingly unnecessary arrests and pepper spraying has been going on for weeks. Props to RT for covering the events.
I'm glad this stuff is getting views, its only gonna piss off more people thus making the protests even larger. I hear people comparing this uprising to Egypt, and I do agree they did take the peaceful strategy due to the success it brought Egypt. However you cant just mark that down as a victory. The military stepped in to protect Egyptians during their protests and now they appointed a military leader to take over rather than a civilian appointed leader. And it looks an awful lot similar to the Mubarak regime. And then if you look further back in history, the last 3 rulers for Egypt have been appointed by military so in retrospect the uprising didn't really do anything.

I can see the media taking the protesters side to calm American minds, and to give them hope of actual change. Maybe a fix here and there, however unless everything is taken apart the system will always stay in place. Its a very complicated situation, and people are very naive about things like this. The key is to never give up, always persist and always have an eye on what's happening.

10-02-2011, 10:49 PM

Holy $Hit.

Grand Villain
10-02-2011, 10:59 PM
If the Dallas Cowboys want a modern title... you must first replace the QB. Start from there... then build up.

10-02-2011, 11:02 PM
link (http://www.infowars.com/occupy-wall-street-protesters-call-totalitarian-government-re-election-of-obama/)

The movement being exposed...? I was surprised to find this, but it confirms a lot of my thoughts. Apparently most of the people are for a totalitarian forceful government. They are very supportive of Obama even with hypocrisies laid out to them. Michael Moore is also involved.. which is enough for me to realize what's going on. The same guy who thinks wealth is a national resource and we should take it, like a mob would. They want to get rid of wall street, and replace it with a much more dangerous solution.

These people are not for a country ruled by law, nor are they for a free country. This is what our founders feared and despised the most. I wonder if any of these people realize this?

10-02-2011, 11:06 PM
I'm glad this stuff is getting views, its only gonna piss off more people thus making the protests even larger. I hear people comparing this uprising to Egypt, and I do agree they did take the peaceful strategy due to the success it brought Egypt. However you cant just mark that down as a victory. The military stepped in to protect Egyptians during their protests and now they appointed a military leader to take over rather than a civilian appointed leader. And it looks an awful lot similar to the Mubarak regime. And then if you look further back in history, the last 3 rulers for Egypt have been appointed by military so in retrospect the uprising didn't really do anything.

I can see the media taking the protesters side to calm American minds, and to give them hope of actual change. Maybe a fix here and there, however unless everything is taken apart the system will always stay in place. Its a very complicated situation, and people are very naive about things like this. The key is to never give up, always persist and always have an eye on what's happening.

I can see the media doing that as well but not until the number of protesters rise to the point where they cant keep downplaying the civil unrest. This will probably keep going for a few months or so. The only possible way i can think of to instantly halt the demostrations is for obama to make a speech directly addressing the protests and their demands and promising change to appease the collective minds of the people.

10-02-2011, 11:08 PM
link (http://www.infowars.com/occupy-wall-street-protesters-call-totalitarian-government-re-election-of-obama/)

The movement being exposed...? I was surprised to find this, but it confirms a lot of my thoughts. Apparently most of the people are for a totalitarian forceful government. They are very supportive of Obama even with hypocrisies laid out to them. Michael Moore is also involved.. which is enough for me to realize what's going on. The same guy who thinks wealth is a national resource and we should take it, like a mob would. They want to get rid of wall street, and replace it with a much more dangerous solution.

These people are not for a country ruled by law, nor are they for a free country. This is what our founders feared and despised the most. I wonder if any of these people even realize it?
You should listen to Alex Jones more, dumbass conspiracy theorists take everything out of context. Most of those people are working 2-3 jobs and getting paid jack shit or are losing their homes, or cant find work after college and are being pressured to pay loans. This has nothing to do with totalitarian government, but has a lot to do with people being ripped off by corporate power.

The original motive for the protests was against "corporate personhood" which sounds stupid, but what it means is that corporations have the ability to sue and be sued, which in turn ****s over anyone trying to start a small business in competition with some corporation. If they cant be bought out, then they're sued and guess who wins that court case...

10-02-2011, 11:09 PM
I can see the media doing that as well but not until the number of protesters rise to the point where they cant keep downplaying the civil unrest. This will probably keep going for a few months or so. The only possible way i can think of to instantly halt the demostrations is for obama to make a speech directly addressing the protests and their demands and promising change to appease the collective minds of the people.
He already did that before he got elected, how did that turn out?

10-02-2011, 11:12 PM
link (http://www.infowars.com/occupy-wall-street-protesters-call-totalitarian-government-re-election-of-obama/)

The movement being exposed...? I was surprised to find this, but it confirms a lot of my thoughts. Apparently most of the people are for a totalitarian forceful government. They are very supportive of Obama even with hypocrisies laid out to them. Michael Moore is also involved.. which is enough for me to realize what's going on. The same guy who thinks wealth is a national resource and we should take it, like a mob would. They want to get rid of wall street, and replace it with a much more dangerous solution.

These people are not for a country ruled by law, nor are they for a free country. This is what our founders feared and despised the most. I wonder if any of these people realize this?

They don't think of it as a totalitarian forceful government. They think it's a government that's allowed to use force against "bad people," and that will fix all of our problems. They don't realize that the government will use its force against all of us, for its own means.

They are arrogant people who are unflinchingly certain that they know how to fix the country. They are so sure they're correct, they believe we should all be forced to abide by their suggestions. At gunpoint.

Of course, they don't want to hold the gun.. they want the government to.

10-02-2011, 11:15 PM
You should listen to Alex Jones more, dumbass conspiracy theorists take everything out of context. Most of those people are working 2-3 jobs and getting paid jack shit or are losing their homes, or cant find work after college and are being pressured to pay loans. This has nothing to do with totalitarian government, but has a lot to do with people being ripped off by corporate power.

The original motive for the protests was against "corporate personhood" which sounds stupid, but what it means is that corporations have the ability to sue and be sued, which in turn ****s over anyone trying to start a small business in competition with some corporation. If they cant be bought out, then they're sued and guess who wins that court case...

Why would corporations want high unemployment? Why would corporations not want college educated people to work for them?

Just think for a second. The goal of a corporation is to make money. If it could afford to hire people, who it believes will improve their business.. why wouldn't they?

Why did corporations used to hire Americans but now they don't? Is it a conspiracy? Have corporations all decided they don't want American workers just to piss us off?

10-02-2011, 11:16 PM
You should listen to Alex Jones more, dumbass conspiracy theorists take everything out of context. Most of those people are working 2-3 jobs and getting paid jack shit or are losing their homes, or cant find work after college and are being pressured to pay loans. This has nothing to do with totalitarian government, but has a lot to do with people being ripped off by corporate power.

The original motive for the protests was against "corporate personhood" which sounds stupid, but what it means is that corporations have the ability to sue and be sued, which in turn ****s over anyone trying to start a small business in competition with some corporation. If they cant be bought out, then they're sued and guess who wins that court case...

Yet they support Obama, whose campaign is bankrolled by wall street? Whose cabinet is filled with wall street buddies? You don't see anything wrong with that? I normally don't go to that site, which is why I said i was surprised I found it.

Just because an article is from a site you don't like doesn't mean it can't have valid points. The article makes some good points.

10-02-2011, 11:26 PM
I have yet to hear anything intelligent to come out of The Occupy Wall Street protest. If you make bad financial decisions, like take out student loans(I did this), or run up credit card debt(I didn't), you have to deal with the consequences. The my life is hard mini-essays I've been reading strikes me as whining. Life can be tough, that's just the way it is.

10-02-2011, 11:30 PM
Can't find a job out of college? Your fault for getting a worthless degree. Not the corporations.

Bunch of morons out there. Protesting at the wrong place.

10-02-2011, 11:32 PM
Why would corporations want high unemployment? Why would corporations not want college educated people to work for them?

Just think for a second. The goal of a corporation is to make money. If it could afford to hire people, who it believes will improve their business.. why wouldn't they?

Why did corporations used to hire Americans but now they don't? Is it a conspiracy? Have corporations all decided they don't want American workers just to piss us off?
Most corporations hire cheap out of country labor, such as China, Cambodia, Chile etc. They got people working in factories for 7 cents an hour, why would they want to overpay American workers to do the same job?

10-02-2011, 11:34 PM
Yet they support Obama, whose campaign is bankrolled by wall street? Whose cabinet is filled with wall street buddies? You don't see anything wrong with that? I normally don't go to that site, which is why I said i was surprised I found it.

Just because an article is from a site you don't like doesn't mean it can't have valid points. The article makes some good points.
Outside of this article, I have not heard anything about protesters supporting Obama. The statement in itself is contradictory. Why would they come out to oppose a corrupt government yet support the person that runs it?

Grand Villain
10-02-2011, 11:36 PM
Can't find a job out of college? Your fault for getting a worthless degree. Not the corporations.

Bunch of morons out there. Protesting at the wrong place.

Part of what you say is true... but dude... you cant deny the 'system' is fu*ked up. Yes, it is. Let's not even debate.

10-02-2011, 11:49 PM
Most corporations hire cheap out of country labor, such as China, Cambodia, Chile etc. They got people working in factories for 7 cents an hour, why would they want to overpay American workers to do the same job?

It's more than the cost of hiring an employee. If you're an American business, and you want to hire someone in China, that costs more than 7 cents an hour. You have to open up a new building. Pay rent. Utilities. The hiring process.

For American businesses, it would be much more cost efficient to hire people here. It's the regulatory environment that stops them from hiring. Being forced to deal with bureaucracies and lawsuits. All the power the employee has, especially to sue. Excess taxes. The extra costs add up.

And this affects MANY businesses, not just banking and such. I just listened to a radio show where a small business owner was being interviewed. He opened up a business in New Jersey, to hire live-in caretakers to look after the elderly. It was a great business, and there was clearly demand for it. But he was put out of business by the regulations in New Jersey. He couldn't make a profit while dealing with the regulations.

The next business he's starting? A business that counsels new business owners on how to deal with the regulations in their state, and what to expect from the bureaucrats. No lie.

Small business owners talk about this stuff all the time. Listen to them for a change.

10-02-2011, 11:51 PM
Outside of this article, I have not heard anything about protesters supporting Obama. The statement in itself is contradictory. Why would they come out to oppose a corrupt government yet support the person that runs it?

Some of the biggest names there are obama supporters- Susan Sarandon, Michael Moore, and some big unions. I'm on the other side of the country so I don't know for sure, but from what I am reading, the evidence points more to that. Feel free to post anything that says the opposite.

10-02-2011, 11:56 PM
It's more than the cost of hiring an employee. If you're an American business, and you want to hire someone in China, that costs more than 7 cents an hour. You have to open up a new building. Pay rent. Utilities. The hiring process.

For American businesses, it would be much more cost efficient to hire people here. It's the regulatory environment that stops them from hiring. Being forced to deal with bureaucracies and lawsuits. All the power the employee has, especially to sue. Excess taxes. The extra costs add up.

And this affects MANY businesses, not just banking and such. I just listened to a radio show where a small business owner was being interviewed. He opened up a business in New Jersey, to hire live-in caretakers to look after the elderly. It was a great business, and there was clearly demand for it. But he was put out of business by the regulations in New Jersey. He couldn't make a profit while dealing with the regulations.

Small business owners talk about this stuff all the time. Listen to them for a change.
Well who said they don't hire illegals in America for pennies? Why do you think prisons are so overcrowded? Its all about cheap labor. Its all made possible because we invade countries and monopolize their resources (including our own in the 1800s or so) so people can no longer feed themselves. So they rely on American exports for food, which is why you hear all this crap about how America feeds all these 3rd world countries. No one really thinks about why these countries are starving in the first place.

10-02-2011, 11:57 PM
Some of the biggest names there are obama supporters- Susan Sarandon, Michael Moore, and some big unions. I'm on the other side of the country so I don't know for sure, but from what I am reading, the evidence points more to that. Feel free to post anything that says the opposite.
Celebs don't count. Immortal Technique also rolled through, you think he's an Obama supporter? :oldlol:

10-03-2011, 12:06 AM
Well who said they don't hire illegals in America for pennies? Why do you think prisons are so overcrowded? Its all about cheap labor. Its all made possible because we invade countries and monopolize their resources (including our own in the 1800s or so) so people can no longer feed themselves. So they rely on American exports for food, which is why you hear all this crap about how America feeds all these 3rd world countries. No one really thinks about why these countries are starving in the first place.

Why is it suddenly about wages? Why is it that in the past, companies paid Americans great wages, and still made profits? What, suddenly they just realized they can get cheap labor overseas?

You're missing the point. Companies would loveee to pay Americans good wages. Because if they were, that means they're earning huge profits as well.

The problem is, they're not earning huge profits. Companies are finding it harder and harder to make profits in America.

Why is that? It's the regulations. It's the taxation.

It's gotten so bad, it's actually more cost-effective for them to open buildings in foreign places, pay extra rent, extra utilities, and the wage of a foreign worker.. instead of just hiring in America.

10-03-2011, 12:08 AM
Shouldn't they be protesting at the White House..the government is the big problem.

10-03-2011, 12:08 AM
Why is it suddenly about wages? Why is it that in the past, companies paid Americans great wages, and still made profits? What, suddenly they just realized they can get cheap labor overseas?

You're missing the point. Companies would loveee to pay Americans good wages. Because if they were, that means they're earning huge profits as well.

The problem is, they're not earning huge profits. Companies are finding it harder and harder to make profits in America.

Why is that? It's the regulations. It's the taxation.

It's gotten so bad, it's actually more cost-effective for them to open buildings in foreign places, pay extra rent, extra utilities, and the wage of a foreign worker.. instead of just hiring in America.
Elaborate please.

10-03-2011, 12:21 AM
Celebs don't count. Immortal Technique also rolled through, you think he's an Obama supporter? :oldlol:

Again, I am going by what I am reading. For the most part, when these people are interviewed, they are parroting the exact same stance and rhetoric that Obama goes by (tax the rich etc.). And the fact that they are at wall street and not at the white house says something. I am looking at some of the big unions there, and they all have stances that back Obama. Of course not 100% of the people are, but from what I read it is strongly pointing in that direction.


10-03-2011, 12:24 AM
Elaborate please.

Our companies are regulated out of the ass. One of the biggest problems is, we give too much power to employees.

If an employee thinks he's been discriminated against... he can sue.
If he thinks he's been sexually harassed... he can sue.
If he thinks he's been underpaid... he can sue.

This makes employers very hesitant to hire in America, because they don't want to open themselves up to lawsuits. In many cases, employers look for ways NOT to hire people, because hiring someone could result in a costly lawsuit.

And remember, it doesn't even matter if the employee loses the claim. Just going to court is so costly for a company, it makes hiring a very scary proposition.

Of course there are other regulations that vary from industry to industry.

The health care industry is extremely regulated. Hospitals are forced by government law to have up-to-date technology. If they think it's more cost effective to keep an older machine, instead of buying a pricey new one... tough shit.

Just an example:

Health Information Technology Standards

How often have you sat in a doctor's office, writing your health information on yet another set of paper forms? Waited for lab results to be sent to your doctor? Hand-carried X-rays from one office to another?

Electronic health records (EHRs) save everyone time and money. They reduce the chance of medical error. And when information can be securely shared, electronically, it impacts every step in the health care process.


Even gas stations don't escape the regulations.

Charlie Thomas is worried that he may be forced to shut down his Satellite Beach, Fla., gas station in part because a state law requires all stations to install tanks to pump gas with at least 10% ethanol by year's end.

A combination of environmental rules, mandatory equipment replacement, the down economy, increased competition from big-box stores and rising credit-card fees is putting the squeeze on independent gas station owners such as Thomas. "I don't know what the future is going to bring me," says Thomas, who has owned and operated his gas station and repair shop for 20 years.


For many stock brokers, you can only advise your clients to buy government approved stocks. If you think one stock is better than another, but it's not government approved, you're not even allowed to mention it to your client.

Pretty much, think of an industry.. then go to google and type in "That Industry + Regulations." You're bound to find something.

10-03-2011, 12:25 AM
Again, I am going by what I am reading. For the most part, when these people are interviewed, they are parroting the exact same stance and rhetoric that Obama goes by (tax the rich etc.). And the fact that they are at wall street and not at the white house says something. I am looking at some of the big unions there, and they all have stances that back Obama. Of course not 100% are, but from what I read it is strongly pointing in that direction.

That may be true man, but Obama's words pretty much always contradict his actions. I agree that taxing the rich will bring money back into the economy. Did you know that Eisenhower had the wealthiest people paying 91% taxes? I think people had jobs back then, I may be wrong.

10-03-2011, 12:30 AM
I see what you're saying now Joe, that makes sense. But that also goes both ways, since corporations can buy out small businesses, its very difficult for them to thrive. If they refuse to sell out its an easy law suit for them to win to gain their profits. And small businesses tend to not be as regulated as well. It goes a lot deeper than regulations, but that is a big part of it I agree with that.

10-03-2011, 12:43 AM
I see what you're saying now Joe, that makes sense. But that also goes both ways, since corporations can buy out small businesses, its very difficult for them to thrive. If they refuse to sell out its an easy law suit for them to win to gain their profits. And small businesses tend to not be as regulated as well. It goes a lot deeper than regulations, but that is a big part of it I agree with that.

Its always good to talk to an open minded person. :cheers:

10-03-2011, 12:45 AM
Its always good to talk to an open minded person. :cheers:
Appreciate the info :cheers:

Grand Villain
10-03-2011, 03:04 AM
Thousands or Hundreds are apparently protesting in front of wall street since 17th of September in hopes of raising consciousness of the general public and turn their attention to these corporate giants as being responsible for the big wealth inequality and high unemployment rate in the US.

I thought this was going to be a big but the media seems to be downplaying the events transpiring in NYC. Are protests like these regular and not news worthy? Do they think that covering the protests might entice more people to join the so called revolution? Or are there simply not enough people for it to be news worthy? What do ISH folks think about this?


Yep... the media giants ignoring it is disgusting ... to say the least.


Someone at the top pulling strings... errrrrr yeperrrs seems so. Otherwise, why would it not be all over the screen?

You seeing news outlets having the most doo doo boring yaw yawn stories yet on some RL ish like what's going down in Wall Street oh no, can't play that reeeeelz oh no ... can't let the mass public see what is really going down.

Well, praise God for these here interwebs... for now... oh that's right, sooner or later this will be taken away or censored too...


All of our rights are being stripped left and right... all in the name of 'security' and fighting 'terrorism' ...


Yeah OK...

Oh, and when shit hits the fan here very soon... DO NOT... I REPEAT DO NOT... accept the mark of the you know what.

shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhh

it's super top secret stuff. just be quiet.... like that one fu*k from CMR said, can't think of dude's name??? he was hot there for a min dough... oh well, doesn't matter.

just shhhhhhhhhhhhh, be quiet.

10-03-2011, 08:46 PM
Part of what you say is true... but dude... you cant deny the 'system' is fu*ked up. Yes, it is. Let's not even debate.

Yeah, I can't deny that but some people are just morons out there.

10-03-2011, 09:37 PM
link (http://www.infowars.com/occupy-wall-street-protesters-call-totalitarian-government-re-election-of-obama/)
lol, that black chick was horrific

"the uhh, government is fully privatized... it's really a global issue"


10-03-2011, 10:14 PM
lol, that black chick was horrific

"the uhh, government is fully privatized... it's really a global issue"

Wow I just watched that, those people are morons. "Uhh make the system accommodate us, but **** who they run over in the process." And that article said this was at Wall Street when clearly the video was shot at the 'occupy DC' rally. Yet another example of infowars spinning shit out of context. At least provide the correct location assholes. I still support the Wall Street movement, because it exposes how our civil liberties have been taken away and the police brutality that comes along with it. When this comes to Philly I plan on attending to gain a better perspective of the kind of people that are there.

Adam Kokesh is the man, dude fought in Iraq and is extremely informed on what is going on. I can listen to him interview those brain dead college kids all day.

Sonic R
10-03-2011, 10:17 PM
anybody see this?

JP Morgan Chase "donates" 4.6 million to NYPD? (http://www.addictinginfo.org/2011/10/03/jpmorgan-chase-buys-nypd-for-4-6-million/)

Grand Villain
10-03-2011, 11:43 PM
anybody see this?

JP Morgan Chase "donates" 4.6 million to NYPD? (http://www.addictinginfo.org/2011/10/03/jpmorgan-chase-buys-nypd-for-4-6-million/)

tell tail sign...

Dont be shocked to see a 'volunteer' police force in the coming days.

oh the horror
10-04-2011, 12:30 AM

The thousands of indefatigable Wall Street protestors, risking their eyes and recording equipment against Wall Street

10-04-2011, 12:33 AM
[QUOTE=oh the horror]http://www.addictinginfo.org/2011/10/01/semper-fi-marines-coming-to-protect-protesters-on-wall-street/

The thousands of indefatigable Wall Street protestors, risking their eyes and recording equipment against Wall Street

Grand Villain
10-04-2011, 12:46 AM
It's just like dude said in Law Abidingz Citizen teh temple will fall down on thy heads.

Yes it will... in due time. What goes around, comes right back around. Bank on that.

oh the horror
10-04-2011, 12:48 AM
It's just like dude said in Law Abidingz Citizen teh temple will fall down on thy heads.

Yes it will... in due time. What goes around, comes right back around. Bank on that.

You smoke too much weed bro.

Grand Villain
10-04-2011, 12:50 AM
You smoke too much weed bro.

Yeah... or maybe I'm just too damn rational for you dudes who pledge in the fake system and live by it.

riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiihght... yeah, you damn right.

oh the horror
10-04-2011, 12:51 AM

The movement is growing.

10-04-2011, 02:06 AM
its coming to austin on the 6th.. ill be there hopefully.. ill take pix for ISH and maybe do some trolling

Grand Villain
10-04-2011, 08:12 AM
How many points will Wall Street drop today??? Then tomorrow, jump right back up, only to fall down again, and again... but back ^ now!

Bullsheet fake insider shit going down, and no one wants to admit such or even think such a thing could or would or even possibly happen.

Yeah I mean... we as a people are nice, friendly, honest, humble good working Americans who just... DO RIGHT.



The very temple they built, will fall on they heads. Unfortunately, first, teh real people in the everyday world have to go through the pain and suffering so those living in a God less world and only care about material things can sleep better and keep on livin' the good life...


Well, jokes on you snakes and fookgetz b/c karma, universal balance or just plain old GOD is real. What goes around, will certainly come back around. It is not fairy tale toof ferry garbage blah blah ba ba talk.

It's real. Very real. Your time will come, beechez.

10-04-2011, 08:37 AM
I'm telling you guys there's potential to make some serious coin here. These protesters are gonna need a reliable weed connection.

Ass Dan
10-04-2011, 09:15 AM
Schooled and tooled:


10-04-2011, 12:26 PM

Seriously CNN?

The second highest rated comment pretty much mirrors part of my initial reaction. But seriously is this the best coverage they can do on the issue at hand? Why not ask why they are there in the first place? Different people will have different reasons for joining the demonstration; since they are supposedly representing the 99% of 300 million plus americans, ofcourse their demands and ideas to solve the economic problem facing america will not be one and the same. A handful of people in the crowd does not represent majority. Worse of all siding with the unnecessary macing of 3 women doing nothing? Seriously, that smirk is really annoying. Why is CNN even doing this kinds of segments anyway? All they have to do is deliver unbiased, non-condescending, non-judgmental news and people will watch them religiously.

10-04-2011, 12:37 PM
They took an oath to defend the constitution.. so they are going to protest against business people, along with a group who mostly demands higher taxes on the rich. Priceless.

I didn't know protesting business people was against the constitution?

10-04-2011, 02:25 PM
I didn't know protesting business people was against the constitution?

drunk post with drunk logic. lol...

what i THOUGHT they were saying, was they were going to protect the constitution by protesting against wall street. which to me didn't make sense, because we're built on the idea of business people creating jobs, things like that. Entrepreneurship.

But what they meant was, they are going to protect the constitution by standing up to cops who are attacking protesters.

So ya.

10-04-2011, 02:37 PM
A buddy of mine is there and just posted on Facebook that he wants people to contribute to his paypal so he can stay a few more days. Really???

10-04-2011, 02:54 PM
A buddy of mine is there and just posted on Facebook that he wants people to contribute to his paypal so he can stay a few more days. Really???
He probably needs more weed. I guess an anti capitalism protest is a great way to make some extra cash.

10-06-2011, 04:33 AM

10-06-2011, 07:58 AM
It's the White House that enables these people in Wall Street. Protest at the White House..stop making everyday people miserable. I bet most of these people protesting have no real idea of what their protesting about. All of this garbage is planned..even the stuff in the Middle East.

10-06-2011, 12:53 PM
If the Occupy Wall Street movement was focusing on radical campaign finance reform, and lobbying reform, I think they'd be one to something.

If their demands were that the Government should fund Congressional and Presidential contests past the primary stage, and disallow the use of contributions or your own funds, I'd be behind that (though they may need a Constitutional Amendment for that). If they wanted to ban lobbying activities directed at the the Government, I'd be behind that. If they even just wanted to ban contributions by any entity other than an individual (so no corporate, union, PAC, or special interest contributions), I'd be behind that too.

So far, that's not their focus. So far, their focus seems to be on righting the inherent unfairness of life, demanding more handouts, and eating the rich. And that's not going to solve any problems. They'd just get a different set of corporations and wealthy people influencing Government - or often even the same set of corporations and wealthy people doing it.

10-08-2011, 01:31 AM
Tits on Wall Street. :roll:




First Post BTW.

10-08-2011, 02:10 AM
If the Occupy Wall Street movement was focusing on radical campaign finance reform, and lobbying reform, I think they'd be one to something.

If their demands were that the Government should fund Congressional and Presidential contests past the primary stage, and disallow the use of contributions or your own funds, I'd be behind that (though they may need a Constitutional Amendment for that). If they wanted to ban lobbying activities directed at the the Government, I'd be behind that. If they even just wanted to ban contributions by any entity other than an individual (so no corporate, union, PAC, or special interest contributions), I'd be behind that too.

So far, that's not their focus. So far, their focus seems to be on righting the inherent unfairness of life, demanding more handouts, and eating the rich. And that's not going to solve any problems. They'd just get a different set of corporations and wealthy people influencing Government - or often even the same set of corporations and wealthy people doing it.

I think this post has some good sense in it.

I want to comment on your second paragraph. About how candidates should be funded.

It was in the constitution that people should be able to contribute to candidates, and I think for good reason. If not, only the rich would have a chance at being elected.. or people who are getting money under the table (from corporations most likely).

I don't think stopping corporate lobbying will work. I think that will just make more of this stuff happen under the table. Or the CEO will personally give money. And if there's a limit on how much he could give.. he could give money to one of his friends, and have HIM donate it. There's loopholes, in other words.

To me, the true cure to this problem.. is just not letting the government have as much power/influence. If the government has very little power, why would a corporation bother lobbying them?

What say you?

10-08-2011, 02:09 PM
I think this post has some good sense in it.

I want to comment on your second paragraph. About how candidates should be funded.

It was in the constitution that people should be able to contribute to candidates, and I think for good reason. If not, only the rich would have a chance at being elected.. or people who are getting money under the table (from corporations most likely).

I don't think stopping corporate lobbying will work. I think that will just make more of this stuff happen under the table. Or the CEO will personally give money. And if there's a limit on how much he could give.. he could give money to one of his friends, and have HIM donate it. There's loopholes, in other words.

To me, the true cure to this problem.. is just not letting the government have as much power/influence. If the government has very little power, why would a corporation bother lobbying them?

What say you?

So that way the rich can rape us directly? The government can protect the people against the plutocracy, just not the way it is currently run.

10-08-2011, 11:16 PM
In Less than a Minute Alan Grayson Explains Occupy Wall Street to the 1% (http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=yhrwmJcsfT0)

10-08-2011, 11:28 PM
So that way the rich can rape us directly? The government can protect the people against the plutocracy, just not the way it is currently run.

So how do you suppose they protect us?

10-09-2011, 01:13 AM
If the Occupy Wall Street movement was focusing on radical campaign finance reform, and lobbying reform, I think they'd be one to something.

If their demands were that the Government should fund Congressional and Presidential contests past the primary stage, and disallow the use of contributions or your own funds, I'd be behind that (though they may need a Constitutional Amendment for that). If they wanted to ban lobbying activities directed at the the Government, I'd be behind that. If they even just wanted to ban contributions by any entity other than an individual (so no corporate, union, PAC, or special interest contributions), I'd be behind that too.

So far, that's not their focus. So far, their focus seems to be on righting the inherent unfairness of life, demanding more handouts, and eating the rich. And that's not going to solve any problems. They'd just get a different set of corporations and wealthy people influencing Government - or often even the same set of corporations and wealthy people doing it.
more or less. these people haven't been around that long, so it isn't exactly surprising that they've yet to refine their message. but yeah, it is mostly empty rhetoric and whining at this point. the odd informed guy here or there.

those examples are pretty extreme though. ban lobbying and interest groups? they have a horrible public image, but that doesn't mean the majority of them don't represent causes that need and warrant representation. a handful of them represent the biggest industries in the country and they're behind most of the string pulling. but organization into groups and lobbies and unions is important for our development as a society. the government has to interact with groups that represent that various interests of a society, otherwise it'd be completely out of touch. but the additional problem is when the interest groups themselves lose touch with the people and the causes they represent. based on the discrepancy between polling data and public policy on the most important issues, that's happened to a troublesome degree in the US. the interest groups aren't doing their jobs, basically.

and you can say the same thing about corporate election funding. we don't want to outright get rid of this stuff, what we need to do is open up the process for all eyes to see, untangle some of the ridiculous near-money laundering schemes that go on, and then upon reviewing the evidence, put caps on how much any given entity can donate. that should be the goal.

American elections cost way too much anyways. the campaigns those guys run really are publicity stunts more than anything else. and for what, 18 months? crazy. that shit is made for tv and has a lot of entertainment value, which is why it costs so much. but because profits can be derived via speeches and donations and events and debates, big business is readily willing to prop up the shitshow. so the goal shouldn't be to stop donating in the first place, it should be to shorten the length of campaign season to an intensive six months split between the primaries and the general election, series of debates, public information campaigns mandated for the departments... etc, etc, etc.

that's all what should happen. suffice to say it won't.

10-09-2011, 02:28 AM
I find it hilarious that politicians and the like are trying to side with the protesters. From Obama to pelosi to Bernanke and all. Oh, we feel so much sympathy for you guys... sympathy? WTF, that's what you are feeling? how about GUILT????? No one feels guilty? Because their hands were all over this too. If a killer kills someone and feels sympathy for them, does it make it any better? What a joke. Do they even know that they are part of the problem? Probably not. Do they think these protesters are just going to look over them so they can keep doing what they are doing, which is passing shitty laws and filling the pockets of all their wall street buddies with taxpayer money?

Bunch of warhawks too. Have no problem sending troops to 10+ years of war when they never saw combat in their lives... and their kids not in the military either.

Modern day politicians are cowards of the worst type.

10-09-2011, 10:48 AM
So how do you suppose they protect us?

They have protected us through regulation in the past, but today regulation is lax become the government and corporations have become too cozy with each other. The solution is to eliminate government and business liaisons. End lobbying, which gives corporations a greater advantage than regular citizens in influencing policymaking. Campaign funding should be reformed, with stricter donation limits for individuals and groups and steeper penalties for exceeding them.

10-09-2011, 11:24 AM
They have protected us through regulation in the past, but today regulation is lax become the government and corporations have become too cozy with each other. The solution is to eliminate government and business liaisons. End lobbying, which gives corporations a greater advantage than regular citizens in influencing policymaking. Campaign funding should be reformed, with stricter donation limits for individuals and groups and steeper penalties for exceeding them.

Do you really think restrictions on lobbying will prevent corruption?

There's a bunch of ways to give money. You can produce commercials for a politician. Pay television companies to show up at their rallies, which you also fund. Give money to your friends to donate. Pay to have "Vote For X" signs put up all over the country.

And that's only legal ways. What's to stop a CEO from setting up an offshore bank account, and giving their chosen politician the PIN?

When you've got big business and big government.. the business will find a way to use that government to its advantage. It's natural and logical for them to do so. Who doesn't want an edge? As sickening as it is to think of it that way, it's true. If you have the ability to have laws written that favor you, 99% of people are going to pursue it. Laws that put your competitors out of business, laws that give you subsidies. If a politician has the power to write such laws, businesses will find a way to have them written. Fact.

So if you accept that big business and big government can't co-exist.. you have to ask yourself this: which do we get rid of? Maybe you think they can co-exist. I don't see it.

10-09-2011, 12:47 PM
Do you really think restrictions on lobbying will prevent corruption?

There's a bunch of ways to give money. You can produce commercials for a politician. Pay television companies to show up at their rallies, which you also fund. Give money to your friends to donate. Pay to have "Vote For X" signs put up all over the country.

And that's only legal ways. What's to stop a CEO from setting up an offshore bank account, and giving their chosen politician the PIN?

When you've got big business and big government.. the business will find a way to use that government to its advantage. It's natural and logical for them to do so. Who doesn't want an edge? As sickening as it is to think of it that way, it's true. If you have the ability to have laws written that favor you, 99% of people are going to pursue it. Laws that put your competitors out of business, laws that give you subsidies. If a politician has the power to write such laws, businesses will find a way to have them written. Fact.

So if you accept that big business and big government can't co-exist.. you have to ask yourself this: which do we get rid of? Maybe you think they can co-exist. I don't see it.

Big government is the lesser of two evils, and it even has some capacity to do good. Limit the government's (regulatory) power more and you get more subprime loans and BP oil-spills.

10-09-2011, 01:31 PM
Big government is the lesser of two evils, and it even has some capacity to do good. Limit the government's (regulatory) power more and you get more subprime loans and BP oil-spills.

History begs to differ. I can pick out the three worst governments/rulers in history and you give me the three worst companies/corporations in history and I guarantee you that the three I pick will be much more horrific in scale then whatever three you choose. I will even restrict my picks to the last 200 years to give you an advantage. Want to play?

10-09-2011, 02:48 PM
History begs to differ. I can pick out the three worst governments/rulers in history and you give me the three worst companies/corporations in history and I guarantee you that the three I pick will be much more horrific in scale then whatever three you choose. I will even restrict my picks to the last 200 years to give you an advantage. Want to play?

Okay... I meant big government within an American scope, seeing as how we have term limits and somewhat of a democracy.

10-09-2011, 06:13 PM
Big government is the lesser of two evils, and it even has some capacity to do good. Limit the government's (regulatory) power more and you get more subprime loans and BP oil-spills.

Uh, yeah the government was in bed with BP. So there goes that theory.

And the BP spill and government regulation are completely unrelated. Making something out of nothing.

10-09-2011, 07:47 PM
Uh, yeah the government was in bed with BP. So there goes that theory.

And the BP spill and government regulation are completely unrelated. Making something out of nothing.

I was under the impression BP vigorously lobbied for deregulation.

10-10-2011, 01:43 AM

[quote]It remains to be seen whether the Occupy Wall Street protests will change America

10-10-2011, 09:52 AM

Anti-American? Everything I've seen from Cain leads me to believe he is a high horse riding doucher.

10-10-2011, 09:54 AM
Anti-American? Everything I've seen from Cain leads me to believe he is a high horse riding doucher.

And Godfather's pizza sucks ass.

10-10-2011, 10:01 AM

10-10-2011, 10:06 AM
And Godfather's pizza sucks ass.

Never ate it.

This guy is a bigot so he fits in with a lot of republicans.. He thinks gay's are gay by choice... Yeah, people just want to be hated and ridiculed. He is against gay marriage and he is a divider just like so many others. If you see some of his rants it's liberal this and liberal that. blah blah blah. This guy seems like a staunch extremist.

10-10-2011, 10:13 AM
he's not really a bigot... err, okay, he's probably a bigot. Cain isn't different enough from Bachmann and Perry to bother holding three separate conversations about them. they're all panderers and rhetoricians who either don't believe what they're saying or, more often than not, flat out don't know what they're saying. they're total unelectable idiots.

hell the only difference between them is probably what people base their vote on over anything else... chick, negro, all american fullback with a drawl. check, check, check. now where's the cripple, we need him to get the freaks on our side?

10-10-2011, 10:20 AM
I have yet to hear anything intelligent to come out of The Occupy Wall Street protest. If you make bad financial decisions, like take out student loans(I did this), or run up credit card debt(I didn't), you have to deal with the consequences. The my life is hard mini-essays I've been reading strikes me as whining. Life can be tough, that's just the way it is.

Totally agree.

10-10-2011, 02:01 PM
I'm STILL waiting for a unified message as to what this movement wants. You know, when people marched for civil rights, they made it very clear what they wanted - passage of the Civil Rights Act. When the Tea Partiers marched, they made it clear what they wanted - lower taxes and less spending from Government. So what the heck, specifically, do these protestors want?

10-14-2011, 11:27 PM
The guitarist of one of my favorite bands of all time, rage against the machines, also a well spoken political activist and apparently a harvard pol sci graduate, Tom Morello played some songs in zuccotti park yesterday. Here is an interview he did with RT were he tackled and answers some issues regarding Occupy Wall Street and what his personal opinions are:


lol at the number 1 rated comment: "Sad we have to watch Russian news to get unbiased reporting." :D

Here he is singing worldwide rebel song with the crowd:


Also a few days ago the protesters had a little fun with faux news. Instead allowing fox to present them on the teli as a bunch of unemployed, unamerican hippies with no clear, unified message they choose to boo them out of the park, shouting fox new lie! Which we all know is unequivocally true:



10-15-2011, 02:14 PM
I AM NOT MOVING - Short Film - Occupy Wall Street

rivers to gates
10-15-2011, 06:55 PM
These protesters are dumb. Don't they understand that they're basically begging for Communism?

10-15-2011, 06:57 PM


Mr. Grieves
10-16-2011, 12:16 AM

Cop hits a women out of nowhere at the protests, then goes in for seconds.

I hope these escalate or sh*t will never change. The people hold the power not the 1%.

Flagrant 2
10-16-2011, 12:17 AM

Cop hits a women out of nowhere at the protests, then goes in for seconds.

I hope these escalate or sh*t will never change
We just posted the same link in separate threads at the EXACT SAME TIME


10-16-2011, 08:30 AM

Cop hits a women out of nowhere at the protests, then goes in for seconds.

I hope these escalate or sh*t will never change. The people hold the power not the 1%.

I wouldn't say that's out of no where... I mean, its out of no where in this shout, but there seems to be something happening off camera.

If there another angle from the 10,000 other cameras that I can see in this shot?

10-16-2011, 08:30 AM

Cop hits a women out of nowhere at the protests, then goes in for seconds.

I hope these escalate or sh*t will never change. The people hold the power not the 1%.

I wouldn't say that's out of no where... I mean, its out of no where in this shot, but there seems to be something happening off camera.

Is there another angle from the 10,000 other cameras that I can see in this shot?

10-16-2011, 02:01 PM
Jon Stewart calling out the major tv network stations for basically ignoring the protests at first and are now at the "making fun at the protesters" phase.


How about that, the gandhi quote appears to be evidently true so far. The hannity part cracked me up. :lol

10-26-2011, 06:24 AM
According to Reddit, tear gas is being used at Occupy Oakland to beat back the protesters who are trying to reclaim their previous position.