View Full Version : To: Clippersfan86

09-28-2011, 05:03 PM
Dear Clippersfan86, I like the clippers. I really do..
but you are hyping your team way too much, Eric Gordon and Blake will be gone before they reach their prime. Your next draft pick will too.

Only way they can keep Blake is if they let go of Eric Gordon,Kaman,Aminu, that 12' Draft Pick, and trade them quick for established players ready for a ring such as Deron Williams,Danny Granger,Andre Iguodala,Chris Paul,Rudy Gay,Joe Johnson,Brandon Roy,Gerald Wallace,Andrew Bogut and Marc Gasol.

Bold: High Chance of Acquiring
Red: Low Chance Of Acquiring

The reason why you can't hang on to talented young players like Eric Gordon to build around Blake? They will be gone as soon as they get a chance and they aren't getting better than the Bulls,Heat,Knicks,and Thunder any time soon.

If you can package Gordon over to Portland for Brandon Roy and Gerald Wallace then turn Kaman and that 12' pick in to a Top Center like Bogut and some very good role players... The Clippers can contend. If they sit around and hope their talent develops before their contract runs out, you won't contend. Simple as that.

You might think of

Mo Williams/Eric Bledsoe
Eric Gordon/Randy Foye
Tashaun Prince/Al Farouq Aminu
Blake Griffin/Craig Smith
Andre Drummond/DeAndre Jordan

as a good roster...but it won't win a championship in the next 5-10 years..

A real contending roster would be

Allen Iverson/Mo Williams/Eric Bledsoe
Brandon Roy/Delonte West/James Posey
Gerald Wallace/Trevor Ariza
Blake Griffin/Paul Milsap
Andrew Bogut/DeAndre Jordan

That is how you build around Blake and ONLY Blake and make him stay. Allen Iverson would do wonders with your team and if Blake Griffin could bring Baron Davis back to life what do you think he could do with Allen Iverson?

Very unselfish team with lots of defense surrounding their offense and a deep bench, thats how you do it.

Sincerely, LosBulls

PS.*You already tried the same with Elton Brand and Odom, it didn't work*

09-28-2011, 05:05 PM
Dear Clippersfan86, I like the clippers. I really do..
but you are hyping your team way too much, Eric Gordon and Blake will be gone before they reach their prime. Your next draft pick will too.

Only way they can keep Blake is if they let go of Eric Gordon,Kaman,Aminu, that 12' Draft Pick, and trade them quick for established players ready for a ring such as Deron Williams,Danny Granger,Andre Iguodala,Chris Paul,Rudy Gay,Joe Johnson,Brandon Roy,Gerald Wallace,Andrew Bogut and Marc Gasol.

Bold: High Chance of Acquiring
Red: Low Chance Of Acquiring

The reason why you can't hang on to talented young players like Eric Gordon to build around Blake? They will be gone as soon as they get a chance and they aren't getting better than the Bulls,Heat,Knicks,and Thunder any time soon.

If you can package Gordon over to Portland for Brandon Roy and Gerald Wallace then turn Kaman and that 12' pick in to a Top Center like Bogut and some very good role players... The Clippers can contend. If they sit around and hope their talent develops before their contract runs out, you won't contend. Simple as that.

You might think of

Mo Williams/Eric Bledsoe
Eric Gordon/Randy Foye
Tashaun Prince/Al Farouq Aminu
Blake Griffin/Craig Smith
Andre Drummond/DeAndre Jordan

as a good roster...but it won't win a championship in the next 5-10 years..

A real contending roster would be

Allen Iverson/Mo Williams/Eric Bledsoe
Brandon Roy/Delonte West/James Posey
Gerald Wallace/Trevor Ariza
Blake Griffin/Paul Milsap
Andrew Bogut/DeAndre Jordan

That is how you build around Blake and ONLY Blake and make him stay. Allen Iverson would do wonders with your team and if Blake Griffin could bring Baron Davis back to life what do you think he could do with Allen Iverson?

Very unselfish team with lots of defense surrounding their offense and a deep bench, thats how you do it.

Sincerely, LosBulls

PS.*You already tried the same with Elton Brand and Odom, it didn't work*

Not sure why you're making a thread like this about me when we haven't even really talked but needless to say I disagree and I'm sure you know I would. Nobody is saying the Clippers are title favorites. Just that IF they keep this talent and our young guys keep improving they can be contenders. Thank you for your concern for me and my team though :cheers: .

09-28-2011, 05:07 PM
Not sure why you're making a thread like this about me when we haven't even really talked but needless to say I disagree and I'm sure you know I would. Nobody is saying the Clippers are title favorites. Just that IF they keep this talent and our young guys keep improving they can be contenders. Thank you for your concern for me and my team though :cheers: .
I'm trying not to post during the lockout so I just lurk, my point is there is no "IF" they keep their talent, they will run as soon as they get a chance from the Clippers. I'll bump this in a couple years.

09-28-2011, 05:11 PM
I'm trying not to post during the lockout so I just lurk, my point is there is no "IF" they keep their talent, they will run as soon as they get a chance from the Clippers. I'll bump this in a couple years.

Do you want them to run? Why are you negative about it? I understand our franchise has always been bad but you don't think as fans we deserve a break? Or that things can change? You think when something is bad it can never be turned around? Our players and front office can feel things changing and so can I. Be positive LosBulls :cheers: .

09-28-2011, 05:13 PM
Do you want them to run? Why are you negative about it? I understand our franchise has always been bad but you don't think as fans we deserve a break? Or that things can change? You think when something is bad it can never be turned around? Our players and front office can feel things changing and so can I. Be positive LosBulls :cheers: .
Lol I don't want them to run, its obvious they want out. If they offered me 100mil to be on the Clippers with Chris Kaman and Mo Williams or 100mil to go join the Celtics with Rondo and have Doc Rivers coach me, it is obvious which team I will pick.

09-28-2011, 05:17 PM
Lol I don't want them to run, its obvious they want out. If they offered me 100mil to be on the Clippers with Chris Kaman and Mo Williams or 100mil to go join the Celtics with Rondo and have Doc Rivers coach me, it is obvious which team I will pick.

I highly doubt that. You think a player would choose an older team on the way out with 1 young star... over a team with 2 legit, young franchise superstars? Or choose Boston over LA in general for their families and the weather etc? Boston is arguably the greatest place to play as an NBA player and Doc is an excellent coach. Players want their own legacy though... and they are going to factor in teammates, talent, future, location and all that before they do the team logo.

I know you're just trolling me here but you do realize the Clippers can match the deals of these players right? Eric Gordon and Blake Griffin are here for at least another 6+ years. You're a fool if you don't think we are matching their contracts or offering them 6 year deals ourselves (assuming 6 years is still max, probably won't be).

I'm not about to stress over what Blake Griffin is going to do in 6 years... because that would be stupid. If the team is winning and has turned the ship around and he's happy with his teammates.. why would he leave? To go to a Boston team that will be rebuilding with Doc Rivers gone by then?

09-28-2011, 05:30 PM
The Cavs weren't a good team. LeBron was a good team. :oldlol:

Touche... touche. But seriously I just don't get it. People make it seem like I'm some blind homer who says Blake Griffin is better than prime Shaq or something. I may be way too optimistic about my team and exaggerate.... but a lot of what I have said is true and has come true. For example early in the season when Blake was averaging 17 and 10... I said by season end he would be at 22+ ppg, 11+ rpg and 3+ apg. People criticized me for that and called me a homer.. saying guys like Malone, Barkley etc didn't hit those numbers till their third years etc.

Then I told people the Clippers were actually a good team despite their record and bad start.. and they slayed every giant (division leader) in the NBA and had a super hot stretch of a little over a month. People need to realize... I'm a Clippers fan. If I was pessimistic like a lot of you... I would of committed suicide a long time ago probably from all the stress. As a Clippers fan you gotta be optimistic as hell and have tough skin or you won't survive.

09-28-2011, 05:39 PM
to: clippersfan86 you are seriously overrating blake griffin and the clippers.

09-28-2011, 05:42 PM
to: clippersfan86 you are seriously overrating blake griffin and the clippers.

Only time will tell if I'm right :cheers: . That's the great thing about sports right? You knew D Rose would be a great player correct? I bet if you told people before last season Rose was going to win 2011 MVP they would of laughed at you. Also if you said Bulls would have the best record in the entire NBA same response. Now you see how sports work my friend. Gotta have faith in a team and put your neck out there for them. Can't always play it safe.

I'd rather go with my gut instinct and be vindicated or let down later about it than just wait and see what happens. It makes sports more enjoyable that way.

09-28-2011, 05:56 PM
If you can package Gordon over to Portland for Brandon Roy and Gerald Wallace

Cocaine's a hell of a drug.

09-28-2011, 06:00 PM
Whoa, there is blind hatred towards Clippersfan86 around these parts :lol

wtf? I don't get it, he doesn't go around trolling, he doesn't "overrate" his players. Its not like he's saying Kaman or DJ are the 2nd best centers in the league? The guys he hypes are legit hype-worthy (Griff, EJ) now if he makes a thread about Al Faruq becoming James Worthy you might have a case.

But EJ + Filler for Crash and BRoy is laughable. The Clips are on the right track, don't blow it up too soon, both guys and girls hate that. But the Bogut idea is pretty smooth, but LA aint moving that pick, and Milwaukee aint moving Bogut.

And iirc, last year the Bulls fans did the same shit, shot off at the mouth on how great they were gonna be. Let other teams fans have that same enthusiasm

09-28-2011, 06:00 PM
Cocaine's a hell of a drug.


09-28-2011, 06:02 PM
Whoa, there is blind hatred towards Clippersfan86 around these parts :lol

wtf? I don't get it, he doesn't go around trolling, he doesn't "overrate" his players. Its not like he's saying Kaman or DJ are the 2nd best centers in the league? The guys he hypes are legit hype-worthy (Griff, EJ) now if he makes a thread about Al Faruq becoming James Worthy you might have a case.

But EJ + Filler for Crash and BRoy is laughable. The Clips are on the right track, don't blow it up too soon, both guys and girls hate that. But the Bogut idea is pretty smooth, but LA aint moving that pick, and Milwaukee aint moving Bogut.

And iirc, last year the Bulls fans did the same shit, shot off at the mouth on how great they were gonna be. Let other teams fans have that same enthusiasm

:cheers: :D . My man Crown. I think in general I'm being viewed as less of a troll and more of a diehard Clippers fan as time goes on, so it's all good. Some of the people on this board I used to go to battle with now respect me and I respect them as well. I think I just rub some people the wrong way with my fire and brimstone basketball approach at times. I'm a passionate dude lol.

09-28-2011, 06:07 PM
EJ's gonna be a Pacer so it's moot.

No I don't know how it'll happen but it will because I said so.

09-28-2011, 06:10 PM
EJ's gonna be a Pacer so it's moot.

No I don't know how it'll happen but it will because I said so.

He won't be for at least another 5-6 years. After that It won't surprise me. He always talks about how he misses and loves Indiana.

09-28-2011, 06:17 PM
He won't be for at least another 5-6 years. After that It won't surprise me. He always talks about how he misses and loves Indiana.All depends on how drastically they change restricted free agency and Bird rights and all that. If it's big time, maybe after his rookie deal's up. Close to the way it is now, yeah, don't see it happening until he's a true FA.

09-28-2011, 06:20 PM
All depends on how drastically they change restricted free agency and Bird rights and all that. If it's big time, maybe after his rookie deal's up. Close to the way it is now, yeah, don't see it happening until he's a true FA.

If they do away with restricted free agency system and how it works now everyone will cry foul. I think it will stay though.

Bosnian Sajo
09-28-2011, 06:29 PM
clippersfan is a ***? I think hes one of the better posters in the NBA forum, most of everyone else is a troll.

09-28-2011, 06:33 PM
I'd like to see somebody like Ariza end up with the Clippers. They seem pretty enthralled with him in New Orleans so it's fairly unlikely, plus the Clippers are going to have a hard enough time resigning some of the young pieces they've got, but I think he gained some valuable experience with the Lakers and would work out well as one of the closest things they'd have to a veteran with some experience on the big stage (and yes, I'm purposely opting to not acknowledge Mo Williams).

Also, I can't believe people are calling Clippersfan a troll and taking issue with his emphatic support of his team. He does it in a way that doesn't step on other peoples toes and he genuinely understands the inner workings of what he discusses. If he was spouting off nonsense like 'LA CLIPPERS 2012 WORLD CHAMPS' and posting 'U MAD' pics in every thread I'd understand but he's actually levelheaded. Get off that Haterade, OP.

09-28-2011, 06:36 PM
I'd like to see somebody like Ariza end up with the Clippers. They seem pretty enthralled with him in New Orleans so it's fairly unlikely, plus the Clippers are going to have a hard enough time resigning some of the young pieces they've got, but I think he gained some valuable experience with the Lakers and would work out well as one of the closest things they'd have to a veteran with some experience on the big stage (and yes, I'm purposely opting to not acknowledge Mo Williams).

Also, I can't believe people are calling Clippersfan a troll and taking issue with his emphatic support of his team. He does it in a way that doesn't step on other peoples toes and he genuinely understands the inner workings of what he discusses. If he was spouting off nonsense like 'LA CLIPPERS 2012 WORLD CHAMPS' and posting 'U MAD' pics in every thread I'd understand but he's actually levelheaded. Get off that Haterade, OP.

:cheers: . Hey how do you think Ariza and DJ would get along lol?


Watch after the dunk what Ariza does to DJ.

09-28-2011, 06:37 PM
Clippersfan86 got me hooked on using the Clippers in 2k haha

09-28-2011, 06:37 PM
:cheers: . Hey how do you think Ariza and DJ would get along lol?


Watch after the dunk what Ariza does to DJ.

Damn, that was filthy. I'm sure Ariza would be singing a different tune if he had a guy like DJ on the receiving end of lob passes though, hah

09-28-2011, 06:38 PM
Clippersfan86 got me hooked on using the Clippers in 2k haha

:oldlol: . Good man. Now I just need to convert you to being a full fledged Clippers fan.

09-28-2011, 06:39 PM
Damn, that was filthy. I'm sure Ariza would be singing a different tune if he had a guy like DJ on the receiving end of lob passes though, hah

:lol . I've always wanted a guy like Ariza, Deng, Prince btw. Lengthy, do everything kind of SF's who can hit shots. I hope we can at least get AK47 or Prince this offseason if we resolve the CBA issue. I've been wanting Ariza for a while but like you said NO seems to covet him.

09-28-2011, 06:41 PM
I have more respect for real clippers fans than I do for most any other kind of fan out there. No front running from a Clippers fan. But still...I cant wish a team Sterling owns well. Hes just not someone I want to see holding up the trophy. Ever. From what I read hes an asshole, a racist, and is generally hated by everyone who isnt one of his old rich friends.

Get Ari Gold to buy the team...id wish them well. But I dont want them to prosper while Sterling is around.

09-28-2011, 06:42 PM
I have more respect for real clippers fans than I do for most any other kind of fan out there. No front running from a Clippers fan. But still...I cant wish a team Sterling owns well. Hes just not someone I want to see holding up the trophy. Ever. From what I read hes an asshole, a racist, and is generally hated by everyone who isnt one of his old rich friends.

Get Ari Gold to buy the team...id wish them well. But I dont want them to prosper while Sterling is around.

Fair enough. Good news is Sterling is like 80 years old now... so I doubt he owns it another decade. The day he sells... I will take every single one of you out for wings and pizza if you live close enough to come to my area.

09-28-2011, 06:44 PM
What's the story with the Clippers post-Sterling? Is that even a discussion? Kids or a spouse that'd take over or anything like that?

09-28-2011, 06:48 PM
What's the story with the Clippers post-Sterling? Is that even a discussion? Kids or a spouse that'd take over or anything like that?

Sterling is all about money. From what I know he doesn't have a big family, not basketball savvy family. So he's likely to sell it to the highest bidder PERIOD. He's not going to share it with family like Buss. A few high profile people have offered to buy the team but he turned them down.

09-28-2011, 06:58 PM
:lol . I've always wanted a guy like Ariza, Deng, Prince btw. Lengthy, do everything kind of SF's who can hit shots. I hope we can at least get AK47 or Prince this offseason if we resolve the CBA issue. I've been wanting Ariza for a while but like you said NO seems to covet him.

Depending on the front offices willingness to spend, as well as the looming financial restraints that will likely exist once the lockout ends, you'd likely have a great shot at Prince. No way he chooses to stick around and resign with Detroit. Speaking of veteran poise... that dude is dripping with it.

To be honest, I think AK47 ends up out east if the Jazz don't coax him into staying by throwing more big money his way. If he wasn't looking for the same type of cash he made the last few years in Utah, I see him ending end up in Milwaukee this season for something like 3 years/$24 million.

09-28-2011, 07:00 PM
Depending on the front offices willingness to spend, as well as the looming financial restraints that will likely exist once the lockout ends, you'd likely have a great shot at Prince. No way he chooses to stick around and resign with Detroit. Speaking of veteran poise... that dude is dripping with it.

To be honest, I think AK47 ends up out east if the Jazz don't coax him into staying by throwing more big money his way. If he wasn't looking for the same type of cash he made the last few years in Utah, I see him ending end up in Milwaukee this season for something like 3 years/$18 million.

He'd be a great fit in Milwaukee actually.

Brandon Jennings
Stephen Jackson
Drew Gooden
Andrew Bogut

Not a bad lineup at all.

09-28-2011, 07:36 PM
Clippersfan86 is not a troll...just the biggest homer on this board. And that's far worse.

09-28-2011, 07:38 PM
Clippersfan86 is not a troll...just the biggest homer on this board. And that's far worse.

Clearly I'm inside your head if you feel that way and we've rarely posted in the same threads. :violin:

09-28-2011, 08:28 PM
:oldlol: . Good man. Now I just need to convert you to being a full fledged Clippers fan.

I'm already a fan :cheers: But the Bulls will always be #1 for me

09-28-2011, 08:35 PM
I'm already a fan :cheers: But the Bulls will always be #1 for me

That's cool. I have a lot of buddies who are Bulls and Celtics fans first, Clippers fans second.

09-28-2011, 08:41 PM
Clearly I'm inside your head if you feel that way and we've rarely posted in the same threads. :violin:


You being the biggest homer here is inside my head? Wtf? That's your problem, not mine.

As for not posting in your threads...there's a pretty obvious reason.

09-28-2011, 08:43 PM

You being the biggest homer here is inside my head? Wtf? That's your problem, not mine.

As for not posting in your threads...there's a pretty obvious reason.

Yea because all threads I post in on ISH are "my threads". I'm saying I've rarely seen you post in general and you're labeling the "Biggest Homer on ISH". Clearly you have me on your mind if that's your first thought about me.

09-28-2011, 08:46 PM
Clippersfan is cool, and how is he a homer if he talks about way more than just his team?

09-28-2011, 08:52 PM
Clippersfan is cool, and how is he a homer if he talks about way more than just his team?
He's a homer because he makes so many threads about the Clippers, which involve overhyping the team to trade scenarios that heavily favor the Clippers. It gets annoying to non-Clipper fans, but at least he's much more tolerable than a good chunk of this forum's members.

09-28-2011, 08:59 PM
He's a homer because he makes so many threads about the Clippers, which involve overhyping the team to trade scenarios that heavily favor the Clippers. It gets annoying to non-Clipper fans, but at least he's much more tolerable than a good chunk of this forum's members.

I'd say I make a Clippers thread every 4 or 5 days. How is that unreasonable considering the kind of junk threads people post? I admit during the season when the Clippers were on fire and Blake was dominating I went a bit crazy... but now that the first Blake Show season is out of the way I'll probably calm down a bit. Any time your team gets a rookie or player of this caliber you're likely to go overboard with excitement.

BTW I've made like 2 trade proposal threads in my entire time here... I don't think I make threads with trade scenarios heavily favoring the Clippers.

09-28-2011, 09:09 PM
I'd say I make a Clippers thread every 4 or 5 days. How is that unreasonable considering the kind of junk threads people post? I admit during the season when the Clippers were on fire and Blake was dominating I went a bit crazy... but now that the first Blake Show season is out of the way I'll probably calm down a bit. Any time your team gets a rookie or player of this caliber you're likely to go overboard with excitement.

BTW I've made like 2 trade proposal threads in my entire time here... I don't think I make threads with trade scenarios heavily favoring the Clippers.
I never said it's unreasonable for you to do that.

I remember you made a trade scenario of Mo Williams, Ryan Gomes, and a future pick for Rajon Rondo and Jeff Green. I think it was something along the lines of that.

09-28-2011, 09:20 PM
I never said it's unreasonable for you to do that.

I remember you made a trade scenario of Mo Williams, Ryan Gomes, and a future pick for Rajon Rondo and Jeff Green. I think it was something along the lines of that.

Fair enough but don't forget the pick was the 2012 Minny pick which is VERY coveted around the league. You mean to tell me Boston wouldn't at least consider getting a quality PG, good role player and possible franchise player in the 2012 draft for Rajon and Green? It was just a rough drafted trade idea. Mo Williams is about as valuable as Green and you're basically trading Rondo for a superstar in the 2012 draft (assuming the players live up to the hype). This is one of the deepest drafts ever and it's very likely to be a top 5 pick.

09-28-2011, 09:46 PM
Fair enough but don't forget the pick was the 2012 Minny pick which is VERY coveted around the league. You mean to tell me Boston wouldn't at least consider getting a quality PG, good role player and possible franchise player in the 2012 draft for Rajon and Green? It was just a rough drafted trade idea. Mo Williams is about as valuable as Green and you're basically trading Rondo for a superstar in the 2012 draft (assuming the players live up to the hype). This is one of the deepest drafts ever and it's very likely to be a top 5 pick.
It's tempting, but like I stated in that thread, it's a bad idea to gamble like that before the draft positions are even known. The Celtics would end up with no solid building blocks, just potential unknowns. Avery Bradley doesn't know his role while Moore and Johnson are unproven. That would lead to growing a team, which rarely ever works out as planned compared to keeping one star and building around him.

09-28-2011, 09:48 PM
It's tempting, but like I stated in that thread, it's a bad idea to gamble like that before the draft positions are even known. The Celtics would end up with no solid building blocks, just potential unknowns. Avery Bradley doesn't know his role while Moore and Johnson are unproven. That would lead to growing a team, which rarely ever works out as planned compared to keeping one star and building around him.

You probably forgot but I agreed. I was saying that trade would only be valid close to the deadline and if the Wolves were a top 3 worst team in the league. If the Celtics did the trade early in the season then hell yes it's a stupid trade and lopsided in favor of the Clippers.

09-28-2011, 09:54 PM
Boston wouldn't trade Rondo for anything less than Dwight or CP3. Ainge has a perma-boner for him and has big plans for him with whatever influx of talent the team gets post-Big 3 era.

09-28-2011, 10:12 PM
You probably forgot but I agreed. I was saying that trade would only be valid close to the deadline and if the Wolves were a top 3 worst team in the league. If the Celtics did the trade early in the season then hell yes it's a stupid trade and lopsided in favor of the Clippers.
I honestly don't see the trade happening unless Rondo has a career turning injury. Before the Big 3 era, Ainge tried to raise a young team through draft picks. He was pretty close to being run out of Boston by the fans.

Boston wouldn't trade Rondo for anything less than Dwight or CP3. Ainge has a perma-boner for him and has big plans for him with whatever influx of talent the team gets post-Big 3 era.
Except after the ''08 championship when he poked around, trying to see if he could get Rip, Prince, and Stuckey for Rondo and Allen.

09-28-2011, 10:18 PM
I honestly don't see the trade happening unless Rondo has a career turning injury. Before the Big 3 era, Ainge tried to raise a young team through draft picks. He was pretty close to being run out of Boston by the fans.

Except after the ''08 championship when he poked around, trying to see if he could get Rip, Prince, and Stuckey for Rondo and Allen.

I think it goes without saying that Rondo's value has increased just a tad since then, so bringing that up is pretty pointless. We're talking now, not 3+ years ago.

His performance in the 2009 Playoffs alone bolstered his worth to the team, never mind his hustle in the 2010 post-season.

09-29-2011, 04:23 AM
Yea because all threads I post in on ISH are "my threads". I'm saying I've rarely seen you post in general and you're labeling the "Biggest Homer on ISH". Clearly you have me on your mind if that's your first thought about me.

actually, maybe you are both...

anyways, no you arent on my mind, but its hard to avoid your constant homering-up the clips on this board. yes, you are a HUGE homer. and like i said, its your problem. not mine.

and really...you arent denying that you are a clips homer, are you? i thought it was pretty clear you wanted everyone to know. :confusedshrug:

09-29-2011, 04:29 AM
Hold on. InsidePoops is blasting people for being too big a fan of their team now?

09-29-2011, 04:39 AM
Hold on. InsidePoops is blasting people for being too big a fan of their team now?

nothing wrong with being a fan (im a huge fan like pretty much everyone here for any of the 30 teams). but it would be nice if he stopped shoving his love for the clips down everyones throats every second. you dont see suns fans making 100 posts talking about how great they are and their players. same for bucks fans, magic fans, jazz fans, etc...pretty much only him.

at least make one mega-clippers thread and put all of it in there (its the same post over and over anyways) or put them all in the clips forum.

we all get it...you are a clips mega homer/their biggest fan ever. no need to remind us every day. :oldlol:

09-29-2011, 12:42 PM
nothing wrong with being a fan (im a huge fan like pretty much everyone here for any of the 30 teams). but it would be nice if he stopped shoving his love for the clips down everyones throats every second. you dont see suns fans making 100 posts talking about how great they are and their players. same for bucks fans, magic fans, jazz fans, etc...pretty much only him.

at least make one mega-clippers thread and put all of it in there (its the same post over and over anyways) or put them all in the clips forum.

we all get it...you are a clips mega homer/their biggest fan ever. no need to remind us every day. :oldlol:

I never claim to be a mega homer/biggest fan ever. Besides... Me making a Clippers thread every few days isn't going to kill anyone. You'll share my enthusiasm soon enough when the Clips finally start turning the corner. 90 percent of my threads this summer are non Clippers threads. Especially because I post in the Video Game and OTC sections.

With the 5 daily Kobe, Lebron, Wade, Jordan, Miami Heat etc threads I don't see why I annoy you so much. :confusedshrug: . Either way reality is when you have 500 people... some aren't going to like you and I accept that. :cheers:

BTW I wouldn't really call myself a homer to answer your question. I think in general I get carried away and jump the gun sometimes and tend to see the players in the absolute most positive way (even if they don't deserve it)... but if somebody brings logic and reasoning to a debate on my team I'm willing to listen and even admit I'm wrong or exaggerating. By ISH definition I can't be a homer or troll. If I was either... I'd never admit I was wrong, or tell people I was being an as* (both of which I've said multiple times). A homer often times is blind to all reasoning and facts and rarely knows about their team as much as I do.

09-29-2011, 12:47 PM
Whoa, there is blind hatred towards Clippersfan86 around these parts :lol

wtf? I don't get it, he doesn't go around trolling, he doesn't "overrate" his players. Its not like he's saying Kaman or DJ are the 2nd best centers in the league? The guys he hypes are legit hype-worthy (Griff, EJ) now if he makes a thread about Al Faruq becoming James Worthy you might have a case.

And iirc, last year the Bulls fans did the same shit, shot off at the mouth on how great they were gonna be. Let other teams fans have that same enthusiasm
Well Said. Cippersfan86 gets a bit overly enthusiastic but what's wrong with that? Not sure why there needs to be a thread like this.

09-29-2011, 02:55 PM
I used to be cool wit Clippersfan to. Times change

09-29-2011, 03:41 PM
I used to be cool wit Clippersfan to. Times change

I don't have a problem with anyone. I let sh** go. I didn't like when you and Beasley randomly started going into every thread I was in and calling me a "*******" and all that crap.

01-26-2012, 05:28 AM
I predicted this.


01-26-2012, 05:30 AM
Not sure why you're making a thread like this about me when we haven't even really talked but needless to say I disagree and I'm sure you know I would. Nobody is saying the Clippers are title favorites. Just that IF they keep this talent and our young guys keep improving they can be contenders. Thank you for your concern for me and my team though :cheers: .


01-26-2012, 05:32 AM
EJ's gonna be a Pacer so it's moot.

No I don't know how it'll happen but it will because I said so.
Damn this dude with a prediction too.

01-27-2012, 11:44 AM
The clown is just mad cuz he can no longer hide like a little b***h behind the Rep button, negging people simply cuz they disagree with him. More often than not, if you read the so called debates he gets into, he gets his a** whopped, hence the pathetic b***hlike behavior. Then turns right around and tries to call other people trolls, pretty much saying that's supposedly the sort of thing good posters do on a discussion forum. Hide like a little b**** behind the scenes, talking ish instead of saying what you have to say on the forum so everybody can see. Which tells you right then and there, that him and people just like him only come on forums like these to not only be the bada**es they can't be in the real world. But also to desperately look for the attention they clearly aren't getting somewhere else. Oh, and the equally pathetic temper tantrums and immature insults they throw at you for disagreeing with them simply further prove my point.:facepalm

01-27-2012, 01:34 PM
I predicted this.


What did you predict?

You said Blake would "be gone as soon as he gets a chance" and listed CP3 as a "Low Chance Of Acquiring" :lol

01-27-2012, 01:39 PM
What did you predict?

You said Blake would "be gone as soon as he gets a chance" and listed CP3 as a "Low Chance Of Acquiring" :lol

:roll: . Also he proves I denied the Clippers are title contenders now. People have been putting words in my mouth saying the Clippers are going to the finals this year etc. Thanks for the bump man!

Am I the only poster in ISH history who has had 3 or 4 threads with my name in title of people wanting to take shots at me randomly? It's crazy...

01-27-2012, 01:42 PM
What did you predict?

You said Blake would "be gone as soon as he gets a chance" and listed CP3 as a "Low Chance Of Acquiring" :lol
Clippers managed to keep Blake by acquiring CP3 after Stern nixed the trade that was gonna send CP3 to Lakers so he was right on both accounts.

01-27-2012, 01:47 PM
Clippers managed to keep Blake by acquiring CP3 after Stern nixed the trade that was gonna send CP3 to Lakers so he was right on both accounts.

He never predicted a CP3 trade.

He listed a bunch of players that could possibly have been acquired, labeled DWill and CP3 as "Low Chance Of Acquiring" and made it sound like all of the talented players on the Clippers were champing at the bit to leave the team.

I don't see any correct predictions.

01-27-2012, 01:50 PM
He never predicted a CP3 trade.

He listed a bunch of players that could possibly have been acquired, labeled DWill and CP3 as "Low Chance Of Acquiring" and made it sound like all of the talented players on the Clippers were champing at the bit to leave the team.

I don't see any correct predictions.
Dont you get it? He was right in saying Clippers did not have a high chance to land CP3, Paul was going to be traded to Lakers before Stern's epic stunt.

01-27-2012, 01:50 PM
It's funny that months later, Clippersfan86 is still getting made fun of on this site, with people still telling him he's over-hyping that team. :oldlol: I guess some people just never learn.

01-27-2012, 01:54 PM
It's funny that months later, Clippersfan86 is still getting made fun of on this site, with people still telling him he's over-hyping that team. :oldlol: I guess some people just never learn.

Him writing 10 paragraphs about how the Clippers are going to screw up again has nothing to do with me "overhyping". The hilarious thing is this bump actually makes him stupid. The Clippers are in the best shape in franchise history and he predicted none of this. In fact I don't count a single accurate prediction.


01-27-2012, 01:56 PM
Dont you get it? He was right in saying Clippers did not have a high chance to land CP3, Paul was going to be traded to Lakers before Stern's epic stunt.

I'm sure lots of people thought it was unlikely that the Clippers would land Paul. But they did.

I don't see any correct predictions here.

BGriffin's Dad
01-27-2012, 01:58 PM
LOL @ the OP... "i predicted this!"

Allen Iverson would do wonders with your team

Chris Paul - Low Chance Of Acquiring

The reason why you can't hang on to talented young players? They will be gone as soon as they get a chance

01-27-2012, 02:22 PM
you joined jan 2011 but you have 12'000 posts.
ARE YOU ****ING KIDDING ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:eek: :eek: :eek:

01-27-2012, 02:28 PM
you joined jan 2011 but you have 12'000 posts.
ARE YOU ****ING KIDDING ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:eek: :eek: :eek:

I'm going for the record. Once I hit 50,000 you will bow down.

01-27-2012, 02:37 PM
you joined jan 2011 but you have 12'000 posts.
ARE YOU ****ING KIDDING ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:eek: :eek: :eek:

01-27-2012, 03:33 PM
Him writing 10 paragraphs about how the Clippers are going to screw up again has nothing to do with me "overhyping". The hilarious thing is this bump actually makes him stupid. The Clippers are in the best shape in franchise history and he predicted none of this. In fact I don't count a single accurate prediction.


you are right. clippers are in the best shape the franchise has ever seen. thats not saying much tho considering you have 3 winning seasons out of like 50? lmao

01-27-2012, 04:41 PM
you are right. clippers are in the best shape the franchise has ever seen. thats not saying much tho considering you have 3 winning seasons out of like 50? lmao

Juice, let me make a Clippers avatar for you.

01-27-2012, 04:55 PM
:roll: . Also he proves I denied the Clippers are title contenders now. People have been putting words in my mouth saying the Clippers are going to the finals this year etc. Thanks for the bump man!

Am I the only poster in ISH history who has had 3 or 4 threads with my name in title of people wanting to take shots at me randomly? It's crazy...

It's because he's man-crushing HARD on you. Better wear a chastity belt to keep him away from your pecker.

01-27-2012, 05:05 PM
you joined jan 2011 but you have 12'000 posts.
ARE YOU ****ING KIDDING ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:eek: :eek: :eek:

:eek: :wtf: :roll: :facepalm

All Net
01-27-2012, 05:22 PM
I think this thread has run his course